



Mission Pro英国美声Clear系列音箱品牌:Mission Pro英国美声CL是一个2分音全频音箱,内置无源分频网络,可以在一个小型系统组合中提供一定带宽的频率响应和高效音频输出。








用途:○夜总会音响补声及效果增强○分散式扩声系统○Av系统的声音重放○教堂○会议厅特点:●5边形箱体,适于多种用途●体积小、声音重放效率高●44mm钛振动膜,真正的高频压缩驱动器●球形波导的HF有着70OΧ70O声音覆盖范围,并可以对有效排列的音箱阵列的频响一致性进行精确控制●18mmMDF结构,采用工业用丙烯酸质地的饰面层,坚固耐磨技术规格型号CL-10 CL-12 CL-15 CL-15B Cl-18B CL-28频率响应(+/-3dB) 65-20kHz 50-20kHz 45-20kHz 40-150kHz 35-150kHz70-20kHz灵敏度(1w@1m) 96dB 98dB 99dB 99dB 99dB 98dB使用功率120/240/480 250/500/1000 300/600/1200 250/500/1000 300/600/1200 200/400/800 最大SPL 123dB 128dB 130dB 129dB 131dB 127dB额定阻抗8欧8欧8欧8欧8欧8欧分频点 2.3kHz 2.3kHz 2.3kHz 150Hz 150Hz -箱体类型多角度梯形梯形梯形方形陷阱式饰面颜色黑色白色工业用丙烯酸涂料黑色和白色黑色和白色黑色和白色黑色白色工业用丙烯酸涂料黑色白色工业用丙烯酸涂料装配点及数量M8X16 M8X16 M8X16 M8X12 M8X12 M8X16接头SpeakonTMX2及带防护罩的接线端子SpeakonTMX2及阻抗带SpeakonTMX2及阻抗带SpeakonTMX2及阻抗带SpeakonTMX2及阻抗带SpeakonTMX2及阻抗带尺寸HXWXD(英寸)20x13.5x13 22.5x15x13 25x18x15.5 25x18x15.5 27.5x21x20 26.5x11.5x11 重量15.3kgs/33.5lbs 19.5kgs/43lbs 26.8kgs/59lbs 27.8kgs/61lbs 43kgs/95lbs 18.3kgs/40lbsMISSION PRO功率放大器●MISSION PRO公司积累了多年的专业功放和电子产品设计和生产经验,M系列功放更是MISSION PRO电子设备中的一颗璀璨明珠。




1. IEC 60268-2:这是国际电工委员会(IEC)制定的音频设备测试标准,其中包含了喀呖声测试的要求。


2. ANSI/CTA-2034:这是美国国家标准协会(ANSI)和消费技术协会(CTA)共同制定的标准,适用于电视、音频设备和其他消费电子产品的喀呖声测试。


3. ITU-R BS.1770:这是国际电信联盟(ITU)制定的音频质量评估标准,其中包含了喀呖声测试的要求。







改良临界功率压缩现象) 大尺寸音圈--- (改良临界功率压缩现象 改良临界功率压缩现象
• 对于许多品质不高的低频扬声器和超 低频扬声器来说,当它工作在最大标 称功率的临界点处时,它的长时间功率 处理能力将会被减低6-7dB之多,其原 因就是扬声器音圈缝隙不适合或者是 音圈尺寸过小。这种功率压缩的现象 不仅会影响到扬声器的声压级(SPL) 水平,而且还会降低到扬声器单元的品 质因数,严重影响功率处理能力和声 音特性。正因为这样,RCF所有的低 所有的低 频和超低频扬声器单元均设计为大尺 缝隙恰当的内/外音圈结构 外音圈结构,保证 寸﹑缝隙恰当的内 外音圈结构 保证 长期使用的可靠性和声音质量, 长期使用的可靠性和声音质量 从而 也延长了单元的寿命。 也延长了单元的寿命。
• 该系列产品适用于电教系统/会议公广/AV系统等等
• 无论是用于流动表演,还是用 于咖啡馆、主题音乐酒吧、零 售商店、剧院、直播现场、娱 乐场所或是运动场馆里固定安 装场合,用户都期望选用着有 高保真度和性价比的专业扬声 器。 RCF Acustica 系列扬声器就是 一个完美的代表作,可以满足所 有的这些需求。 ACUSTICA 系列无源音箱包括 以下四个子系列:

两分频无源音箱,频响54~20KHz,可旋转的CMD高音 号角覆盖角度90°X40°,指向性因数Q=10,灵敏度 99dB(1W@1m),最大声压级132dB,输入阻抗8欧 姆,RMS额定功率500W,峰值功率2000W,分频点 1200Hz. 12″低音单元,2″钕磁钢高音驱动器,LICC分频 器电路设计减少扬声器的相位失真,AMCDP有源场效 应管电路提供对高音驱动器的安全保护,可选两路电子 分频工作模式.




CLIO测量模式简介:MLS &Logchirp分析、Sinusoidal扫描、FFT三种不同测量方法,从三种不同的角度来显示频率响应、阻抗或其它参数等物理现象。


其它扩展测量功能:声压电平表符合IEC61672标准线性和失真电子设备非线性失真测试交互式L-C-R电桥元器件测量抖摆表时间和频率测量频率计数器最长序列码伪随机噪音与对数啁啾声激励信号MLS & LogChirp analysis正弦扫描信号Sinusoidal Sweeps快速傅里叶FFT、实时分析RTA和“Live” 传递功能强大并精确的后处理工具:Thiele & Small参数扬声器特性ISO3382声学参数厅堂声学特性指向性分析扬声器指向性彩色扩散图、极图或3D曲线图显示瀑布图声衰减3D和彩图显示测试界面展示MLS&LOGCHIRP分析瀑布图指向性快速傅里叶&实时频谱分析正弦波分析线性与失真抖晃分析多用表喇叭T&S参数多频信号发生器平均噪声功率分析硬件PB-4281介面卡和SC-01信号分析器组成高精密的双通道A/D D/A音频分析器和您的电脑联接。




可程控幻像供电可以直接接驳Audiomatica MIC-01、MIC-02或MIC-03与SC-02的输入端。



1.身体部位头 testa脑 il cervello 脸 la facia 脖颈子 lanuca颊 la guancia胡子la barba 小胡子ilbaffo下巴 ilmento眼球 ilglobo oculare眉毛 il sopracciglio眼皮 la palpebra前额 lafronte齿龈 la gengiva 虹膜 l'iride颚 la mascella上腭 ilpalato头骨 ilcranio太阳穴 latempia喉咙 latrachea舌头 lalingua扁桃腺 letonsille牙齿 il dente青春痘ibrufoli睫毛---laciglia眉毛---lasopraciglia鼻子---ilnaso耳朵---ilorecchio舌头---lalingua嘴唇---illabbro皮肤 la pelle颈 il collo喉 la laringe肩 la spalla腋窝 l'ascella臂 il braccio肘 il gomito手 la mano手腕 il polso手指 il dito拇指 ilpollice中指 ilmedio无名指l'anulare小手指 ilmignolo食指 l'indice指甲 l'unghia胸膛 iltorace /ilpetto心脏 il cuore乳房 il seno乳房头 ilcapezzolo腹部l'addome腰 la vita胃 lostomaco肚眼l'ombelico生殖器 igenitali男女的东西il cazzo, lafica臀 l'anca屁股 il culo膝盖 ilginocchio大腿 lagamba小腿 ilpolpaccio踝 la caviglia足 il piede脚后跟 ilcalcagno骨 l'osso脊骨 la spinadorsale肋骨 lacostola锁骨 laclavicola肌肉 ilmuscolo神经 il nervo动脉 l'arteria血管 la vena分类记忆身体器官1 运动器官脊椎 colonnavertebrale肋骨 coste胸骨 sterno2 消化器官apparatodigerente食道 esofago口腔 bocca牙 denti胃 stomaco肠 intestino小肠 intestinotenue (十二指肠duodeno, 空肠 digiune,回肠 ileo)大肠 intestinocrasso(盲肠cieco, 结肠colon, 直肠retto)腺 ghiandole肝 fegato胰 pancreas脾 milza肛门 ano3 呼吸系统apparato respiratorio 咽 faringe 喉 laringe 声带 cordevocali气管 trachea支气管 bronchi 肺 polmoni4 循环系统 apparato circolatorio 心脏 cuore 动脉 arteria 静脉 vena5 泌尿生殖系统apparato uro-genitale睾丸 testicolo副睾 epididimo阴囊 scroto卵巢 ovaie子宫 utero阴道 vagina阴户 vulva肾 rene膀胱 vescica尿道 uretra (尿urina)7 内分泌系统sistemaendocrino脑下垂体 ipofisi甲状腺 tiroide副甲状腺 paratiroidi肾上腺 ghiandole surrenali2.人的心理活动高兴的---contento(相近于英文happy)allegro(相近于英文cheerful)felice(相近于英文glad)难过的---triste生气的---arrabbiato愤怒的---irritato担忧的---preoccupato冷静的---tranquillo紧张的---nervoso放松的---rilassato兴奋的---eccitato着迷的---ossenssionato, fissato同情---simpatizzare喜欢---piacere讨厌---detestare可爱的---bello,piacevole可怜的---deplorabile害怕的---temere惊讶的---sorpreso尴尬的---imbarazzato满意的---soddisfato希望---sperare失望的---deluso,rattristato绝望的---disparato谦虚的---modesto骄傲的(贬)---fiero(褒)---orgoglioso友好的---amichevole热情好客的---ospitale劳累的,厌烦的---stanco认真的,严肃的,郑重的---serio认真的,仔细的---scrupoloso乐于助人的---servizievole感人的---commovente感动的---emozionato感激的,感谢的---grato感激---apprezzare怀旧的---nostalgia(觉得)无聊---annoiato(东西,事情)无聊---noioso3.表示家庭成员的词汇祖父nonno 爷爷nonnopaterno 外公 nonnomaterno祖母nonna 奶奶nonnapaterna 外婆nonnamaterna父亲padre 岳父suocero母亲madre 岳母suocera 叔叔 zio 阿姨 zia儿子figlio 女儿figlia堂/表兄弟 ilcugino兄弟fratello 小弟弟fratellino 弟弟 fratello minore 哥哥fratello maggiore / fratellone 堂/表姐妹 la cugina姐妹sorella 姐姐sorella maggiore 妹妹 sorella minore 小妹妹 sorellina 嫂子弟媳姑子姨子la cognata侄子 nipote小侄子nipotino妻子moglie 新娘sposa 夫人signora丈夫marito 新郎sposo爱人(可以叫小孩,也可以叫配偶、男(女)朋友)amore女婿 ilgenero孙子nipotino孙女nipotina亲戚 iparenti配偶il/lacompagno/a父母 Igenitori 继父 ilpadrigno 继母 lamadrigna孩子bambino 继子 ilfigliastro 继女 lafigliasra双胞胎 igemelli世代 lagenerazione5.人生大事---Gliavvenimentedella vitanascire---出生iniziare lascuola---上学fareamicizia---交友laurearsi---毕业trovare unlavoro---就业innamorarsi----恋爱sposarsi---结婚avere unbambino---生子ilmatrimonio---婚礼ilricevimento--婚礼il viaggio dinozze(laluna dimiele )蜜月andare inpensione---退休faretestamento--立遗嘱il divorzio---离婚il funerale---葬礼6.时间l'oral'una 一点钟le due 二点钟le tre 三点钟lequattro 四点钟lecinque 五点钟le sei 六点钟le sette 七点钟le otto 八点钟le nove 九点钟le dieci 十点钟le undici 十一点钟le dodici 十二点钟le cinque ecinque 五点零五分le tre edieci 三点十分le sei e unquarto 六点一刻le due e venti 二点二十分le sette e venticinque 七点二十五分le otto e mezza八点半le due meno venti 二点少20分(一点四十分)le dieci menoun quarto 十点少一刻(九点四十五分)le undicimeno dieci 十一点少十分(十点五十分)le dodicimeno cinque 十二点少五分(十一点五十五分)le otto ecinque 八点零五分le nove edieci 九点十分le quartto eunquarto 四点一刻le dieci eventi 十点二十分le dodici eventicinque十二点二十五分le cinque emezza 五点半le dodicimenoventi 十二点少二十分(十一点四十分)le otto menounquarto 八点少一刻(七点三刻)l'una menodieci 一点少十分(十二点五十分)le sette menocinque 七点少五分(六点五十五分)l'una e unquarto一点一刻le due emezza二点半le quattromeno unquarto 四点少一刻(三点三刻)le quattro eventi四点二十分Non primadelle nove 不早于上午九点Dopo le ottodi sera 晚八点以后Tra le tre e lequattro 在三点和四点之间Per quantotempo 多长时间Per due ore两个小时Dale diecialle undici 从十一点到十二点Fino allecinque 直到五点Da quando?从什么时候起Dale otto delmattino 从上午八点钟起Da mezz’ora已经半个小时了Versomezzogiorno将近中午Stamattina/stasera 今天上午/晚上Domattina/domain sera明天早晨/晚上La mattina(在)早晨il pomeriggio(在)下午。



建设工业(集团)有限责任公司技术中心报告(ZXPJ【2005】035BG)送签单位:检测评价处负责人:肖建伯报告主题:关于请意大利公司参加技术中心工艺规划的建议报告拟稿:李潞生电话:3726 2005年7月27日该公司的服务范围包括设备制造、维护保养、试验室功能咨询、规划设计和项目建设、试验设备的安装调试,一直到试验室及外围设备的试运转、正式使用等全过程。


20多年来该公司与世界上许多知名企业进行了卓有成效的合作,汽车行业有奔驰、宝马、大众、依维柯、标致、菲来达、现代、马自达、三菱、五十铃等,摩托车行业有YAMAHA、HONDA、SUZUKI 等企业,还为德国等多个欧洲标准认证中心规划设计和建设了试验室。




但与国际接轨还远远不够,意大利API .COM公司代表了国际一流水平,我们需要以国际一流水平作为标杆来规划新的迁建技术中心的检测中心。




AES High L/R AES Sub AES Low L/R AES high/low c
Yorkville UCS1 Yorkville CU15
可实现信号转换和 信号处理功能
XD8080矩阵处理器介绍 XD8080是一台8进8出的矩阵处理器。它不仅具有模拟输入输出接口,而 且具有AES/EBU数字输入输出接口。 XD8080每输入通道具有增益、相位、 650ms的延时、31段图示均衡、8段参量均衡、分频、压缩等功能;而输出 则有矩阵、增益、650ms的延时、8段参量均衡、分频、FIR分频、限幅等功 能。可用装有Xconsole的电脑对XD8080进行实时控制。
Yorkville AP2020
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上海万豪虹桥大酒店 上海万豪虹桥大酒店是一间享誉世界的 五星级酒店。该酒店经过详细的分析和 调查,挑选了加拿大天雅和Xilica作为 酒店音响扩声系统。
Xilica音频数字处理器主要有以源自四大系列产品: 1、XP系列音频矩阵处理器
波兰首都华沙庆典 在波兰首都华沙庆典从主扩声处理器到 备份处理器均采用加拿大Xilica公司生产 的音频处理器。









凯赛拉 CEL-63x 环境噪声测试仪 用户手册说明书

凯赛拉 CEL-63x 环境噪声测试仪 用户手册说明书

CEL-63x 环境噪声测试仪HB3336-01用户手册CASELLA MEASUREMENTRegent House,Wolseley Road,Kempston,Bedford,MK42 7JY,英国。

电话: +44 (0) 1234 844 100传真: +44 (0) 1234 841 490电子邮件:*******************网站:目录目录 (2)1介绍 (2)1.1本用户手册的结构 (4)1.2安全 (6)2性能 (8)3快速参考 (9)3.1打开仪器电源 (9)3.2使用控制键 (11)3.3设置时间和日期 (12)3.4校准仪器 (12)3.5运行仪器 (15)4详细说明 (23)4.1麦克风和前置放大器 (23)4.2用户控制键 (23)4.3屏幕组 (24)4.4测量视图 (45)4.5连接 (52)5技术规格 (54)5.1一般 (54)5.2标准 (54)5.3测量范围 (55)5.4RMS 频率加权 (55)5.5倍频和 1/3 倍频测量 (55)5.6峰值测量 (55)5.7RMS 检测器 (55)5.8背景噪音 (55)5.9频率响应 (55)5.10时间加权性 (55)5.11校正过滤器 (56)5.12参考方向 (56)5.13参考环境条件 (56)5.14工作环境条件 (56)5.15温度影响 (56)5.16湿度影响 (56)5.17储藏环境条件 (56)5.18麦克风 (57)5.19校准 (57)5.20电源 (57)5.21内部时钟 (57)5.22语言 (57)5.23电磁兼容性 (58)5.24交流电源射频场影响 (58)5.25三角架的安装 (58)5.26显示器 (58)5.27内存 (58)5.28连接性 (58)5.29可用数据组 (59)5.30物理特性 (62)6保养和维护 (63)7服务和保修安排 (64)7.1检查和测试 (64)7.2终身保修条件和条款 (64)7.3维修 (65)7.4用户服务 (66)8术语表 (67)9其他信息 (70)9.1声级校准器—声级修正 (73)9.2响应特性 (74)1介绍CEL-63x 系列设备属于噪声测试仪(其中―x‖为表示型号的数字—请参阅第 54页上的图 14)。

Logitech Rally 会议室视频通信系统产品参考指南说明书

Logitech Rally 会议室视频通信系统产品参考指南说明书

RALLY MIC POD PLACEMENT GUIDEIn this article we explain how you can optimize the microphone pickup for Logitech’s Rally family of products in rooms of varying sizes, with different table layouts. The article includes specific guidance about the optimal placement of external mics.TABLE OF CONTENTSCHOOSING THE RIGHT VIDEO CONFERENCING SYSTEM FOR EACH ROOMMIC PODS ON THE CEILING VS. MIC PODS ON THE TABLER ALLY BAR & RALLY BAR MINIS PEAKER MODES: DEFAULT VS. SPEAKER BOOST MODETYPICAL MIC POD CONFIGURATIONSM IC POD CONFIGURATIONS FOR SPEAKER BOOST MODERALLY PLUSA CCESSORIESCHOOSING THE RIGHT VIDEO CONFERENCING SYSTEM FOR EACH ROOMWhen deciding which camera system is best for a given room, it’s important to consider a numberof factors. A combination of camera zoom performance, speaker output volume, and mic pickup range can help guide the best choice. Below are general guidelines* to follow when deciding on which Rally device to place where.• R ally Bar Mini is ideal for small to medium sized rooms that generally seat 3 to 12 people, up to18’ x 20’ (5.5 x 6m or 33 m2).• R ally Bar is ideal for medium to large rooms that generally seat up to 20 people, up to 15’ x26’ (4.5 m x 8 m or 36 m2).• R ally Plus is optimized for larger rooms that generally seat up to 46 people, up to 28’ x 40’(8.5 m x 12 m or 102 m2).* For optimal performance, follow these guidelines or test the system in individual rooms.The Rally systems are quite flexible and, with additional mic pods, can accommodate rooms of larger sizes. The built-in microphones in Rally Bar and Rally Bar Mini both support a mic pickup range upto 23 ft (7 m). However, there are situations where a room would benefit from additional microphones such as U-shaped tables or especially long tables. For these situations, Rally Bar supports up to four Rally Mic Pods, and Rally Bar Mini supports up to three.* For larger rooms, Rally Plus supports up to seven Rally Mic Pods.* See “Accessories” below for recommended products when using external mic pods.MIC PODS IN THE CEILING VS. MIC PODS ON THE TABLEAfter deciding the appropriate Rally system and number of mic pods, you may also consider whether to mount mic pods on the table or on the ceiling. Both options – mounting on a table or mountingon the ceiling – provide comparable performance,as long as the mic pods are positioned and spaced relative to one another in the same configuration and the ceiling height is 10 ft or less. With higher ceilings, space the mic pods closer together. As room acoustics can vary, testing the configuration is recommended.In most rooms, satisfactory performance can be achieved with ceiling mounted mic pods. However, in situations with atypical HVAC systems or significantly higher ceilings, several Logitech Collaboration Partners offer ceiling mic solutions for these acoustically challenging environments.RALLY BAR & RALLY BAR MINIRally Bar and Rally Bar Mini are the latest video conferencing room solutions from Logitech. These two video bars can be run as standalone appliances or as USB video bars connected to virtually any PC or Mac. See /vc for more information. SPEAKER MODES: DEFAULT VS. SPEAKER BOOST MODEWhen external mic pods are connected to Rally Bar or Rally Bar Mini, they can function in one of two modes: the default speaker mode or Speaker Boost Mode.• I n the default setting, the camera’s internalmicrophones automatically work in concertwith the external mic pods.• I n Speaker Boost Mode, only the externalmic pods function. The camera’s internalmicrophones are turned off.Speaker Boost Mode has a couple advantages over the default setup. It’s louder, for one. By default, the camera’s speaker volume is set at an appropriate level for the echo canceler. Because Speaker Boost Mode turns the internal mics off, the speaker volume can be increased by 3 decibels (dB) without creating echo.The second advantage of Speaker Boost Mode is that voices in a video meeting will sound more consistent when they’re picked up using one type of microphone (external mic pods only) rather than two (external mic pods plus internal mics within the bar). Whether you choose to use Speaker Boost Modeor the default settings depends on the size and configuration of the room. In the rest of this article we will provide diagrams for rooms optimized withand without Speaker Boost Mode.TYPICAL MIC POD CONFIGURATIONSThis section provides examples of mic pod placement when using a Rally conference camera in a default setup—without Speaker Boost Mode.In the default setup, both external mic pods and internal mics are active. The internal mics pick up voices closer to the video bar, while the external mic pods pick up voices that are farther away.The diagram below is the most basic configuration for expanding the mic pickup range. The first mic pod should be mounted 12’ (3.7 m) from the video bar to ensure sufficient mic pod range overlap. Each mic pod has a pickup range of 15’ (4.6 m) diameter.Each additional mic pod should be spaced 8 ft (2.4 m) apart as this provides the best overlapping coverage. You’ll also find that this is the spacing defined by the mic pod cable length when using Rally Mic Pod Mounts.A common configuration where two mic pods are recommended is a triangle-shaped conference table. Here the mic pods are mounted on either side of the table. This provides mic coverage not only at the table, but also to those seated along the wall or writing on a whiteboard.For U-shaped tables or classroom configurations, three mic pods1 are ideal, providing excellent mic coverage. Here again, the two mic pods closest to the video bar should be spaced no more than 12 ft (3.7 m) from the camera. A viable option for U-shaped tables is to run the system in Speaker Boost Mode (see below).MIC POD CONFIGURATIONS FOR SPEAKER BOOST MODEThis section provides examples of mic pod placement when using a Rally conference camera in Speaker Boost Mode.When using Speaker Boost Mode, only the external mic pods are active. So, while similar in configuration to a typical setup, now one additional mic pod is used nearer the video bar to pick up voices near the front of the room.Two microphone layout:Another two microphone configuration is shown below. Again, a triangle-shaped table is used; however, in this case it’s only important to pick up the voices of those seated at the table.In a scenario where there are seats along the periphery of the room or whiteboards are commonly used, an alternate layout of the mic pods enhances coverage for those away from the table. In this case, a Rally Mic Pod Extension Cables is used between the first and second mic pods to allow greater spacing.Another common configuration is three mic pods on a longer table. Again, the mic pods are spaced 8 ft (2.4 m) apart.In a U-shaped table configuration, mic pods are biased towards the front of the room to ensure appropriate coverage for those seated nearest the front of the room and facing the camera. Again, the mic pods should be spaced no more than 8 ft (2.4 m) apart.RALLY PLUSDesigned for greater flexibility in larger rooms, Rally Plus supports up to seven mic pods and seven mic pod hubs. As Rally Plus uses only external mic pods, their placement replicates what’s described above with Rally Bar and Rally Bar Mini in Speaker Boost Mode. Again, mic pods should be spaced a maximum of 8 ft (2.4 m) apart and consideration should be given to where people will be in the room, either at the conference table or also seated along the walls.With up to seven mic pods, a variety of larger configurations can be supported, such as large U-shaped tables:Or V-shaped tables:Or even simply longer tables:ACCESSORIESThere are three accessory products we recommend for any installation using external mic pods:For more information about configuring any of the Rally conference cameras and sound systems, visitRally Mic Pod Extension Cable is a 10 meter, plenum- and ECA-ratedcable that allows mic pods to be placed farther away from the video bar.Up to two extension cables can be used with Rally Bar and Rally Bar Mini,and one can be used with Rally and Rally Plus.• W ith Rally Bar and Rally Bar Mini, the two extension cables can be placed anywhere in the sequence of mic pods and extension cables. • W ith Rally and Rally Plus the extension cable must be connected to the table hub.Rally Mic Pod Hub includes three connectors and a 9.5 ft (2.9 m)cable that provides installers the flexibility to customize microphoneplacement.Note: Rally Bar supports two Mic Pod Hubs and four Mic Pods. Rally BarMini supports two Mic Pod Hubs and three Mic Pods. With Rally and RallyPlus, seven Mic Pod Hubs and seven Mic Pods can be used.Rally Mic Pod Mount secures the mic pod in a desired location on thetable or ceiling while keeping the cables hidden. Available in graphite or white.1 Rally Bar supports four Rally Mic Pods; Rally Bar Mini supports three.© 2022 Logitech. Logitech, the Logitech logo and other Logitech marks are owned by Logitech and may be registered. All other trademarks are the properties of their respective owners. Logitech assumes no responsibility for any errors that may appear in this publication. Product, pricing and feature information contained herein is subject to change without notice.Contact your reseller or contact us at /vcsales Logitech Americas 7700 Gateway Blvd.Newark, CA 94560 USALogitech Europe S.A.EPFL - Quartier de l’Innovation Daniel Borel Innovation Center CH - 1015 Lausanne。











3.选择“New Project(新项目)”以创建一个新的测试项目。



步骤三:设置测试参数1.在左侧的“Measurements(测量)”窗格中,选择“Electroacoustics (电声学)”选项卡。

2.点击“Add New Measurement(添加新测量)”按钮,选择要测试的参数,例如音频频率响应、失真等。

3.根据测试需求,在右侧的“Measurement Properties(测量属性)”窗格中设置测量参数,例如测试音频频率范围、输入电平等。




2.在CLIO软件界面上方的工具栏中,点击“Start Measurement(开始测量)”按钮。




2.在右侧的“Measurement Properties(测量属性)”窗格中,可选择不同的展示方式,例如图形、列表等。

KLIPPEL 品质控制测试系统 说明书

KLIPPEL 品质控制测试系统 说明书

QC 品质控制测试系统 - 线上终端测试C3版本:2.0特点效益• 在物理门限下非常快速地测量 • 高精度扫描技術• 简单门限计算,合格/不合格分类 • 自動檢測 Golden Unit – 标准参考件 • 自行開發的獨有Rub & Buzz 异音測試 (Meta Hearing 技术)• 自动重复生产线环境噪声检测 • T/S 參数 (Re, fs, Qts) • 阻抗, 频率响应 • 极性, 平均电平 • 闸性脈冲响应• 總諧波失真THD, 2nd – 5th 次失真,多音 • 驱动和悬边测试 • 線圈位置 - 毫米 • 悬边不平衡 – 百分比 % • 測試数據輸出工具 • 生產指数 (Cpk, Ppk) • 不同的操作级别(操作员、 品质控制工程师、程序员) • 高级編程版本 • 揚声器配对功具 • 自動檢測功放增益 • 測試報告产生器• 通过数字接口方便整合到生产装配线 • 中、英文操作手册特定的配置可能不包括上面列的所有特点提供100%的产品测试 确保产品的一致性比人耳听觉测试更加可靠 简易的直接的操作 生产线噪声免疫在生产进程中可以无缝整合 与Klippel R&D 分析仪系统兼容灵活可靠的解决方法满足不同 公司的需求高级编程语言提供不同编程要求应用扬声器 、耳机 、微声器 整個音頻系统 线上终端测试来料检查内容:总览 (2)硬件...............................................................................................................................................3 - 4 QC 軟件 (标準版本)....................................................................................................................5 - 7 操作模式.. (8)Rub & Buzz 异音....................................................................................错误!未定义书签。

Focal 真二向小型扬声器系统说明书

Focal 真二向小型扬声器系统说明书

r t i fiedBird True 2-way compact loudspeakers Flexible "Cocotte" and "Tulipe" stands Wall, ceiling or table mountingPower BirdAmplifier system with integrated subwooferKleer ® wireless HD receiverAutoPowerHorizontal, vertical or wall mounting A true, ultra-compact audio system , this system 2.1 connects to classic audio/video sources (Blu-Ray,CD, DVD...) as well as the most recent ones thanks to wireless transmission from iPod®, iPhone®, iPad® ora computer. The Bird system is a bold statement of compact and designer quality Hifi, as it is very easy toinstall and user-friendly, and can produce totally stunning sound in rooms of 60m 2 and more.• 1 Power Bird subwoofer/amplifier• 2 Bird loudspeakers• Remote control• 2 stands “Cocotte” type and 2 stands “Tulipe” type for Bird• Polyfix wall-fixing system for Power Bird• 2 x 2.5m cables for loudspeakers• Grille for hidden cables Options • Wireless iTransmitter for iPod/iPhone /iPad • Wireless USB Transmitter for Mac and PC • Wireless iDock Transmitter and charger for iPod/iPhone /iPad• Floor stand for BirdAvailable in Diamond Black and Diamond White finishes BIRD ® 2.1 SYSTEM Specification sheetDesignation : Bird Pack 2.1 Black - Bird Pack 2.1 White / Reference : Black E0310 - White E0309The 2.1 Bird system needs no configuration or set-up as it will play right out of the box (cable and mounting accessories supplied). The audio/video sources can be connected to the TV set and the sound is then redirected towards the Power Bird. In this installation, you will hear the signal that corresponds to the image on the screen. Audio sources can also be directly connected to the Power Bird and there is no need to consult the screen.The iTransmitter can be connected to an iPod/iPhone or iPad tobenefit from a wireless transmission quality in CD format WAV orAIFF type. All other formats accepted by Apple® devices (mp3,AAC) are also supported as well as web radio, games or any otherapplications. No preparation, no handling necessary, simplyconnect and it instantly plays.The USB Transmitter allows a computer to wirelessly connectto the Power Bird and transforms it into an audio server. TheUSB Transmitter is compatible with all audio formats up to 16bits/44.1kHz (CD format), with all players and even Web radio.The iDock Transmitter integrates a transmitter in its base tocharge the device’s battery while it also transfers music withoutcables.B i r d c o n n e c t i o n d i a g r a m。



路径 命名
以BT26低音喇叭为例: 直流阻抗:7Ω(万用表电阻档测得) 有效振动质量:13g (音圈+音盆+防尘帽+弹波+胶量) 音盆折环直径:130mm(如下图)
步骤1:SIN模式测出待测品加载前的阻抗曲线,并保存 步骤2:SIN模式测出待测品加载后的阻抗曲线,并保存
始踪迫 许 过 前 入 新 放 始辑存 入入入
测 QC 测 外 最 测 当 调 所 新 当 当 脚 界 信
试脚试 部 后 试 前 入 有 的前前 本限息
本 完 触 测 个 产 QC 测 QC 文 文 文 文 文
轨后 发 试 数 品 报 量 脚本本 本本本
迹 QC



步骤5: 主画面打开电压表 , 功能栏中选SIN检查 输出电压,电压值在0.765V左右则Clio系统正常。
连接好测试卡、信号控制器、QC Box、麦克风、测试线
测频响SPL: 当麦克风接至QC Box 面板RCA插孔1时,选Input1
测阻抗IMP:选Imp Internal
管制范围为:40 – 500Hz ±1.5dB 500 – 3000Hz ±2.0dB

Quest CA-12系列声音级别计ibrator说明书

Quest CA-12系列声音级别计ibrator说明书

NOMINAL SOUND PRESSURE LEVELCA-12A: 114 dB (10 pascals)CA-12B: 110 dB (6.3 pascals)CA-12M: 94dB (1 pascal) Ref. 20 micropascals (20µN/m2)SOUND PRESSURE LEVEL ACCURACY: ± 0.4 dB at 20°C, 101.3 kilopascals (760 mm Hg), and RH of 65%. DISTORTION: Less than 1% within temperature and humidity operatingranges.TEMPERATURE RANGE:-10 to +50°C operating.-40 to +65°C storage with battery removed. TEMPERATURE SENSITIVITY: 0 to 0.01 dB/°C max. ref. 20°C.HUMIDITY SENSITIVITY: 5 to 95% relative humidity with less than 0.1 dB change in output.ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE SENSITIVITY: Approximately -.10 dB for each 1000 meters above sea level. See Figure 2. MAGNETIC FIELD SENSITIVITY:60 Hz, 80 A/m: + .01 dB max.400 Hz, 80 A/m: + .01 dB max.Maximum additional distortion is not more than 1%.POWER: Battery operated, 9 volt transistor battery, NEDA 1604 type. Battery will provide at least 50 hours of operation.SIZE AND WEIGHT: 10 cm (4 inches) long, 6 cm (2.4 inches) diameter, 340 grams (12 ounces).PRINCIPLES OF OPERATIONThe block diagram in Figure 1 depicts the basic operation of the instrument.The battery indicator continuously monitors the battery condition. When the indicator needle enters the red area during operation, the battery should be replaced.The precision 1 kHz oscillator is a wien-bridge type for high stability and low distortion. Automatic gain control (AGC) and temperature compensation are incorporated in the oscillator design. The oscillator AC output is precisely set at 1 V rms. The sound pressure level is then adjusted for the correct acoustical output. This method produces a very stable oscillator output over both decaying battery voltage and changing temperature.OPERATING PROCEDUREThe coupler cavity of the calibrator is designed to accept a 1-1/8 inch diameter microphone directly. The proper adaptor must be used for microphones that are smaller in diameter than the 1-1/8 inch coupler opening. See Table 1.1. If an adaptor is needed, carefully slide the adaptor onto the microphone.CAUTIONPull the adaptor onto the microphone by grasping thesides of the adaptor. Do not use the palm of the hand topush the adaptor onto the microphone as seriousdamage will possibly occur to the microphone dia-phragm due to pressure build-up!2. Slowly place the microphone (or microphone with adaptor) into the calibrator coupler.Rapid insertion or withdrawal of the microphone maydamage the microphone or the coupler transducerbecause of the rapid change of pressure on thediaphragms.3. Set the calibrator switch to "ON." Be sure that the "BATT." indicator enters the green area. If not, see BATTERY CHECK AND REPLACEMENT.4. Proceed to verify the test instrument accuracy by fol-lowing the calibration procedure specified in the instrument manual.NOTEIf the test location is more than 3000 feet (1 kilometer)above sea level, it is a good procedure to determine thecorrection for the calibrator output using the Alti-tude/Barometric Pressure Correction Chart in Figure 2.5. When calibration has been made, carefully remove the calibrator and turn it "OFF."ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE SENSITIVITYMost acoustic calibrators, including Quest calibrators, are affected by altitude and atmospheric pressure changes. The transducer diaphragm within the calibrator coupler creates a sound as it vibrates against the air. In general, when the air is thinner (at higher elevations), a lower sound pressure level is transmitted through the less dense air to the microphone diaphragm.By either using a barometer or knowing the elevation above sea level, output corrections can be made using theAltitude/Barometric Pressure Correction Chart in Figure 2.Different microphones have different air volumes between the grid and the diaphragm. They also have diaphragms of various compliance (stiffness). Because of these conditions, the generated sound pressure level at the microphone diaphragm may vary from the nominal level of the calibrator. A correction is thus necessary for some microphones.The sound pressure level values for some common instru-mentation microphones are listed in the Microphone Correction Chart, Table 1. These numbers are valid only when using any of the three Quest calibrators (with Quest microphone adaptors if needed) to perform calibration on the listed microphones.EXAMPLES OF CALIBRATOR USEExample 1. Assume that you are calibrating the Quest 155 Precision Sound Level Meter with a 1/2" microphone (7046 or 7047) at a barometric pressure of 530 mm Hg, corresponding to an elevation of approximately 10,000 feet (3,000 meters). From the Microphone Correction Chart, use Quest adaptor Part Number 58-928. If you are using a CA-12M calibrator, the sound pressure level imparted to the microphone is 94.0 dB at sea level. Then use the Altitude/Barometric Pressure Correction Chart to correct the 94.0 dB to 93.7 dB at 10,000 feet. This is the value that the sound level meter shall read.Example 2. Assume that you are calibrating a meter with a GR P5 microphone at Denver, Colorado with an elevation of 5,200 feet (1,600 meters). Using the Microphone CorrectionChart, the proper adaptor is Quest Part Number 58-929.If you are using a CA-12B calibrator, the sound pressure level imparted to the microphone is 110.2 dB at sea level. Then use the Altitude/Barometric Pressure Correction Chart to correct the 110.2 dB to 110.0 dB at 5,200 feet. This is the value that the sound level meter shall read.For most applications, the Altitude/Barometric Pressure correction can be omitted since the maximum change at 13,000 feet is only -0.3 dB. Also, when using all Quest micro- phones with their associated adaptors, the microphone cor-rection chart is not needed since the chart value exactly agrees with the dB output stated on the calibrator.Use of microphones other than those listed in Table 1 is not recommended and should be done with caution since calibration errors could exist.BATTERY CHECK AND REPLACEMENT Each calibrator has one 9-volt transistor battery as its power source.To test the battery, turn the switch to "ON." The "BATT." indicator should go into the GREEN area, meaning that the battery is good. If the indicator remains within the RED area, the battery must be replaced.To replace the battery, first be sure that the calibrator is turned to "OFF." Then remove the two screws on the face plate. Grasp the cylinder housing and gently pull it upward. The cylinder and face plate will come off together exposing the circuit and battery. Carefully unsnap the battery clip and pull out the weak battery. Slide a new battery into the holder with the smaller snap (+) towards the transducer (see Figure 3). Then snap the battery clip onto the battery. Carefully replace the cylinder and faceplate so as not to pinch any wires. Replace the two screws.CALIBRATION ADJUSTMENTSThe Quest Calibrator was calibrated at the Quest laboratory using a type L transfer microphone with calibration traceable to the U.S. National Bureau of Standards.A Quest calibrator is very stable; but since it is used to calibrate other equipment, it should be checked periodicallyagainst laboratory standards. It is recommended that the unit be sent back to the Quest laboratory at least once each year for recalibration, or whenever there is a question about its accuracy.The unit should be shipped in a well-padded container to avoid damage in shipping.Figure 3 depicts the calibrator with the cylinder removed. Control potentiometers are indicated for adjusting the oscillator voltage and the transducer output. THESE "POTS" ARE FOR PRECISE LABORATORY CALIBRATION ONLY, AND SHOULD NOT BE READJUSTED BY THE USER.Service PolicyThe Quest product you have purchased is one of the finest acoustic instruments available. It is backed by our full one year warranty which seeks complete customer satisfaction. This is your assurance that you can expect prompt courteous service for your equipment from the entire Quest service organization.Should your Quest equipment need to be returned for repair or recalibra-tion, please contact the Service Department at (800)245-0779 (USA) or Fax (262)567-4047 for a Return Authorization Number. The RA number is valid for 30 days, and must be shown on the shipping label and purchase order/cover letter. If you are unable to return instruments in that time call for a new RA number. Send it prepaid and properly packed in the original shipping carton directly to Quest Technologies, 1060 Corporate Center Drive, Oconomowoc, WI 53066 U.S.A.Repair or replacement work done under warranty will be performed free of charge, and the instrument will be returned to you prepaid. Your copy or a photocopy of the Quest Registration Card will serve as proof of warranty should the factory require this information.If for any reason you should find it necessary to contact the factory regarding service or shipping damage, please direct your calls or letters to the attention of the Service Manager, Quest Technologies, (262) 567-9157 or (800) 245-0779. Office hours are from 7 AM to 6 PM (Central Standard Time) Monday through Friday.For service or recalibration outside the U.S.A., please contact your local Quest Dealer or fax Quest U.S.A. at 1-262-567-4047.。

CL130 热电巧校准仪说明书

CL130 热电巧校准仪说明书

27 -58
81 2.0 3.6
27 736 81 1357 1.0 1.8
736 1768 1357 3214 0.5 0.9
27 -58
81 2.0 3.6
27 1179 81 2154 1.0 1.8
Accessories Model No.
Price Description
CL130-CASE CL-300-CABLE-(*)-2
Displacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, Pressure Reference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators, Pressure Transmitters, Strain Gauges, Torque Transducers, Valves
Polycarbonate, Permanently Static Dissipative, ESD Protection Enclosure with Boot: 173 H x 89 W x 33 mm D (6.8 x 3.5 x 1.3")
-168 -86 -270 -123 0.3 0.5 -86 346 -123 655 0.2 0.4
$895 Thermocouple calibrator



来自意大利的CLIO克利奥电声测试系统应用于电脑3D多媒体、数位音响、喇叭单体、音箱、耳机、麦克风、CD、VCD、DVD、扩音器、聆听音场、无响室、PC&Notebook、蜂鸣器、等等各种电声产品的工程品质检测与噪音分析!有CLIOLite、CLIOStd、CLIOQC三种版本满足您的需要,可以使您的PC转变成一台多功能且非常实用的电声测试系统! CLIO电声测试系统:--CLIO电声测试系统(Acoustical & Eleetrical Tests)是由意大利AUDIOMATICA 公司生产的.是音响产品设计和开发不可缺少的测试设备,该系统对计算机的配置要求不高,可在/98/2000/XP下进行。

--CLIO电声测试系统由硬件和软件两部分组成,软件最新版本为WIN 7.0,硬件是一片PCI插卡使用PCI插槽. --系统可以产生正弦波方波.猝发波,白噪音,粉红噪音,最长序列信号(MLS)等测试信号,可利用MLS,正弦波,1/3倍频程和FFT傅立叶分析等方法对波测音响产品的频率和时域响应进行分析,软件分为标准版,简易版,和品管版三种版本。

--CLIO 电声测试系统的简易版(CLIO Lite)可完成频响,二次.三次谐波失真,阻抗,扬声器,THIELE-SMALL参数.瞬时脉冲响应.电容.电感等12个项目内容的分析与测试。

--标准版(CLIO Standard)除了能完成简易版的全部测试项目外,还能作指向性极坐标.累积频谱衰减和残响等8个新项目内容进行分析测试。

--专业QC 版(CLIO QC)具备标准版的全部测试功能,还提供了传统纯音扫描信号与QC检测手段,可在线对音响产品的总谐波失真互调失真,声压级频响和阻抗特性等参数进行快速测试,并可对检测产品的不合格原因进行分析。

CLIO测试系统测试功能一览表:简易版(CLIO Lite)1~12项标准版(CLIO Standard)1~20项专业QC版(CLIO QC) 1~25项1 正弦波频率响应 2 二次、三次谐波失真(THD)曲线 3 喇叭阻抗(Impedance)曲线 4 喇叭Q(THIELE-SMALL)参数5 白噪音、粉红噪音等特定讯号(波形)产生器 6 VTVM(AC ture-rms voltsmeter)&噪音计(Sound Level Meter) 7 MLS频率响应8 暂态脉波(Impulse)响应9 能量/时间曲线(ETC) 10 即时1/3 OCTAVE分析(附IEC Standard A Curve) 11 双轨迹储存示波器(2 CH Digital Storage Oscilloscope) 12 电感与电容表(C&L Meter) 13 双轨迹FFT与总谐波失真(THD)分析14 指向性极坐标图(Polar Plot) 15 THD对应输出电压(LEVEL)或功率(POWER)特性图16 互调失真(IMD)vs.LEVEL(SMPTE,DIN,CCIF) 17 累积频谱衰减(瀑布图WATERFALL) 18 自动IASCA得分计算19 残响(RT60)分析20 即时Leq(IEC804)计算与时间记录21 提供传统纯音扫描信号与QC检测手段22 执行FFT(THD、IMD、Level、Noise、FrequencyResponse)QC检测23 执行MLS(Response)、极性(Polarity)、阻抗(Impedance)QC检测24 各项QC检测项目可任意定义,并按照程序自动测量,配合生产线自动化设备自动测试与GO/NG分类,效率最高!25 可在线对音响产品的总谐波失真互调失真,声压级频响和阻抗特性等参数进行快速测试,并可统计总测试数量及对检测产品的不良原因进行分析。



2.以上初步设置, 选择SPL电平, 选择好输出电平, 注意不要过大也不要过小, 大了易烧坏人工嘴切记一般输出-30dB左右就好.
3. 用标准话筒测试人工嘴的频响曲线,选择INPUT-1,测出曲线。

5. 再用待测话筒测试同一人工嘴的频响曲线, 选择INPUT-2,测出曲线白色这条,红色这条是标准曲线。

6.打开运算图标选择除法运算 , 打开MIC1文件按OK,
线,MIC.MPRO( (.MPRO是文件自动生成后,文件类型的扩展

Vive Audio LS2C 扬声器说明书

Vive Audio LS2C 扬声器说明书

User Guide020-103286-01Vive Audio LS2C SpeakerNOTICESCOPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARKSCopyright © 2020 Christie Digital Systems USA Inc. All rights reserved.All brand names and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks or trade names of their respective holders.GENERALEvery effort has been made to ensure accuracy, however in some cases changes in the products or availability could occur which may not be reflected in this document. Christie reserves the right to make changes to specifications at any time without notice. Performance specifications are typical, but may vary depending on conditions beyond Christie's control such as maintenance of the product in proper working conditions. Performance specifications are based on information available at the time of printing. Christie makes no warranty of any kind with regard to this material, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose. Christie will not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the performance or use of this material. Manufacturing facilities in Canada and China are ISO 9001 certified. Manufacturing facilities in Canada are also ISO 14001 certified.WARRANTYProducts are warranted under Christie’s standard limited warranty, the complete details of which are available by contacting your Christie dealer or Christie. In addition to the other limitations that may be specified in Christie’s standard limited warranty and, to the extent relevant or applicable to your product, the warranty does not cover:a.Problems or damage occurring during shipment, in either direction.b.Problems or damage caused by combination of a product with non-Christie equipment, such as distribution systems, cameras, DVD players, etc., or useof a product with any non-Christie interface device.c.Problems or damage caused by misuse, improper power source, accident, fire, flood, lightning, earthquake, or other natural disaster.d.Problems or damage caused by improper installation/alignment, or by equipment modification, if by other than Christie service personnel or a Christieauthorized repair service provider.e of third party product enclosures for environmental protection during outside use must be approved by Christie.f.Problems or damage caused by use of a product on a motion platform or other movable device where such product has not been designed, modified orapproved by Christie for such use.g.Except where the product is designed for outdoor use, problems or damage caused by use of the product outdoors unless such product is protected fromprecipitation or other adverse weather or environmental conditions and the ambient temperature is within the recommended ambient temperature set forth in the specifications for such product.h.Defects caused by normal wear and tear or otherwise due to normal aging of a product.The warranty does not apply to any product where the serial number has been removed or obliterated. The warranty also does not apply to any product sold by a reseller to an end user outside of the country where the reseller is located unless (i) Christie has an office in the country where the end user is located or (ii) the required international warranty fee has been paid.The warranty does not obligate Christie to provide any on site warranty service at the product site location.PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCEPreventative maintenance is an important part of the continued and proper operation of your product. Failure to perform maintenance as required, and in accordance with the maintenance schedule specified by Christie, will void the warranty.REGULATORYThe product has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference when the product is operated in a commercial environment. The product generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. Operation of the product in a residential area is likely to cause harmful interference in which case the user will be required to correct the interference at the user’s own expense. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipmentCAN ICES-3 (A) / NMB-3 (A)이기기는업무용(A급)으로전자파적합등록을한기기이오니판매자또는사용자는이점을주의하시기바라며, 가정외의지역에서사용하는것을목적으로합니다. ENVIRONMENTALThe product is designed and manufactured with high-quality materials and components that can be recycled and reused. This symboland electronic equipment, at their end-of-life, should be disposed of separately from regular waste. Please dispose of the product appropriately and according to local regulations. In the European Union, there are separate collection systems for used electrical and electronic products. Please help us to conserve the environment we live in!ContentIntroduction (4)Safety and warning guidelines (4)Installation safety (4)Operation safety (5)Maintenance safety (5)Product documentation (5)Related documentation (5)Permissible sound pressure level limits (6)Cleaning products (6)Installation (7)Connecting the speaker wires (7)Ceiling mounting the LS2C speaker (7)Wall mounting the LS2C speaker (8)Using the BKTW-LSXS bracket with Christie loudspeakers (8)Available safety cables (9)Troubleshooting (10)The speaker does not function (10)The speaker sound is degraded (10)There is audible noise from speaker (11)Technical support (11)LS2C speaker Specifications (12)Audio (12)Power requirements (12)Physical (13)Accessories (13)IntroductionThe Christie LS2C surround speaker is designed for auditoriums with up to approximately 300 seats. To create a surround system with bass management, bi-amp and pair it with S115 or S215 subwoofers. It may also be used for a range of other applications, where vertical coverage and maximum throw distance are appropriate.The speaker contains an internal passive crossover, allowing it to operate with a single channel amplifier. Multiple hardware attachment points on the speaker allow for multiple installation options. Safety and warning guidelinesRead all safety and warning guidelines before installing, operating, or maintaining the speakers.Installation safetyThe following guidelines apply when installing the speakers.Warning! If not avoided, the following could result in death or serious injury.•Before installation, inspect all components for cracks, deformations, corrosion, and missing or damaged parts that could reduce their installation strength.• A minimum of two people or appropriately rated lift equipment is required to safely lift, install, or move the product.•The supporting structure must safely support the combined load of the product, all attached hardware, and components following all local safety standards and regulations.•Always install all legally required safety straps or cables.•Install the minimum number of rigging wires required to suspend the speaker.•Observe load ratings and applicable local safety codes.•FIRE AND SHOCK HAZARD! Use only the attachments, accessories, tools, and replacement parts specified by Christie.Caution! If not avoided, the following could result in minor or moderate injury.•FIRE HAZARD! Do not install near any devices that produce heat such as amplifiers, radiators, heat registers, or stoves.•Christie products must be installed and serviced by Christie qualified technicians.Notice. If not avoided, the following could result in property damage.•Always turn off and disconnect the amplifiers from power before making audio connections or servicing a speaker.Operation safetyThe following guidelines apply when operating the speakers.Caution! If not avoided, the following could result in minor or moderate injury.•To prevent permanent hearing loss, ear protection (ear plugs, canal protectors, or ear muffs) must be worn when operating the amplification system.•Do not expose the product to moisture.•Do not place objects containing liquids on the product.Notice. If not avoided, the following could result in property damage.•Speakers exposed to extremely low temperatures must be allowed to warm for a minimum of one hour before playing them at typical application levels.Maintenance safetyThe following guidelines apply when maintaining the speakers.Caution! If not avoided, the following could result in minor or moderate injury.•Only clean the components with Christie approved products.Notice. If not avoided, the following could result in property damage.•Always turn off and disconnect the amplifiers from power before making audio connections or servicing a speaker.•Any changes to the product not approved by Christie will void the warranty.Product documentationFor installation, setup, and user information, see the product documentation available on the Christie website. Read all instructions before using or servicing this product.1.Access the documentation from the Christie website:•Go to this URL: http://bit.ly/374HaiA orhttps:///en-us/cinema/cinema-products/cinema-speakers/cinema-surround-speakers.•Scan the QR code using a QR code reader app on a smartphone or tablet.2.On the product page, select the model and switch to the Downloads tab.Related documentationAdditional information on this product is available in the following documents.•Vive Audio L2SC Speaker Product Safety Guide (P/N: 020-103285-XX)Permissible sound pressure level limitsExposure to extremely high noise levels may cause permanent hearing loss.Individuals vary considerably in their susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss, but nearly everyone will lose some hearing if exposed to intense noise for a sufficient length of time.Earplugs or protectors to the ear canals or over the ears must be worn when operating this amplification system to prevent permanent hearing loss, if exposure is in excess of the following permissible limits provided by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA):Cleaning productsClean the components with the following Christie approved products.•Clean, dry, microfiber clothInstallationTo install the speaker , complete the following procedures.Connecting the speaker wiresOnce the speaker is installed, connect the speaker wires to the amplifier.Notice. If not avoided, the following could result in property damage.•Always turn off and disconnect the amplifiers from power before making audio connections orservicing a speaker .1.Install the speaker according to the mounting instructions provided in this manual.2.Connect the speaker wire to the positive (A) and negative (B) terminals on the back of thespeaker .If creating crimped spade lug terminations, use a #8 spade lug (P/N: 145-159106-XX).APositive (+) connections B Negative (-) connections3.Connect the negative and positive speaker wires from the speaker to the corresponding terminals on the amplifier .4.Turn on the amplifier and verify that the speaker is receiving an input signal by playing a testsignal through the system.Ceiling mounting the LS2C speakerTo install the loudspeaker on the ceiling, use the appropriate bracket.1.Remove the four pre-installed M8 button head screws on the back of the loudspeaker .2.Attach the following bracket to the back of the loudspeaker using the four M8 button headscrews.•Ceiling mount MM-3RDX-18 (P/N: 111-683209-XX)3.Alternately, use a properly weight rated and sized U-bracket connected with the two M8mounting points located on the sides of the loudspeaker .4.Mount the loudspeaker to the ceiling using the manufacturer documentation provided with thebracket.Wall mounting the LS2C speakerUse a bracket to install the speaker on a wall.1.Remove the four pre-installed M8 button head screws on the back of the speaker.2.Attach one of the following brackets to the back of the speaker using the four M8 button headscrews.•Wall tilt bracket BKTW-LSxS (P/N: 145-179108-XX)•Wall mount bracket MM-024 (P/N: 111-681207-XX)3.Alternately, use a properly weight rated and sized U-bracket connected with the two M8mounting points located on the sides of the loudspeaker.4.Mount the speaker to the wall using the manufacturer documentation provided with thebracket.Using the BKTW-LSXS bracket with Christie loudspeakersThe -01 version of the BKT-LSXS bracket was designed for use with the LS Series surround loudspeakers. After a minor field modification is performed, the bracket can be safely used with this model.When installing Christie Vive Audio speakers and speaker mounting brackets, use a backup safety system such as a prefabricated safety cable.Warning! If not avoided, the following could result in death or serious injury.•Always install all legally required safety straps or cables.Use experienced certified professionals when installing mounting and rigging equipment. Improperly installed speakers can result in property damage, personal injury, death, or liability to the installer.To modify the BKT-LSXS to accept the larger M8 mounting bolts used for this model, using a suitable metal drill bit no larger than 9mm (23/64”), expand the four mounting holes.TroubleshootingFor assistance with common issues, refer to the following troubleshooting topics.If you cannot resolve your issue with the information provided, contact Christie Technical Support.The speaker does not functionThe speaker is connected to the amplifier, but is not producing any sound.Resolution•Verify that the speaker is receiving an input signal from the amplifier.•Verify that the circuit breaker for the main circuit to the amplifier is closed.•Verify that amplifier is powered on and attenuators or gain controls are at nominal settings.•If open, reset the circuit breaker. If the AC mains breaker continues to open, check the voltage and amperage of the circuit.•Verify that the speaker wires are correctly connected to the input terminals on the speaker and the terminals on the amplifier.The speaker sound is degradedThe speaker is receiving a signal and sound is being output, but it is distorted.Resolution•Visually inspect the speaker for deterioration or holes.•Ensure that the input signal to the amplifier is clean.•Verify that attenuators or gain controls on amplifies and any audio processors are at nominal settings.•Verify that the speaker wires from the speaker are securely connected to the terminals on the amplifier.•Verify that the speaker wires are correctly connected to the input terminals on the speaker.•Verify there are no loose or missing screws. Replace all screws you removed during installation.•Have an authorized dealer complete an audio test (for example, pink noise, frequency sweeps, and content and program material).TroubleshootingThere is audible noise from speakerThe speaker is producing audible noise when the amplifier driving it is powered on.Resolution•Mute channels, one at a time, to isolate the problem.•Verify that all line-level cables in the signal chain are in good condition.•Ensure that the input signal to the amplifier is clean.•Reroute audio cables away from AC power and lighting cables.•Verify the correct gain structuring of B chain, input levels, and output levels of source devices and amplifiers.Technical supportTechnical support for Christie products is available at:•North and South America: +1-800-221-8025 or ************************************•Europe, Middle East, and Africa: +44 (0) 1189 778111 or ********************************•Asia Pacific: +65 6877-8737 or ********************************LS2C speaker SpecificationsLearn about the product specifications. Due to continuing research, specifications are subject to change without notice.AudioLearn about the audio specifications.1 Measured at a distance of 1m in simulated free field conditions. Sensitivity is calculated based on the measured SPL response averaged in the 200 Hz-4 kHz range.2 Continuous power handling tested for 2 hours using IEC noise signal. IEC refers to IEC 60268-5standard. Maximum continuous SPL is calculated based on sensitivity and power handling.3 Averaged in 500 Hz -10 kHz range at -6dB.Power requirementsLearn about the power specifications.LS2C speaker SpecificationsPhysicalLearn about the physical specifications.AccessoriesThe following optional accessories are available to be used with the speakers.Christie Digital Systems Canada Inc.ph: 519 744 8005Christie Digital Systems USA, Inc.ph: 714 236 8610Corporate of fi cesUnited Kingdom ph: +44 (0) 118 977 8000Middle East ph: +971 (0) 503 6800Spain ph: +34 91 633 9990Singapore ph: +65 6877 8737Africa ph: +27 (0)11 510 0094Korea (Seoul)ph: +82 2 702 1601Japan (Tokyo)ph: 81 3 3599 7481India ph: +91 (080) 6708 9999Germany ph: +49 (0) 221 99512 0France ph: +33 (0) 1 41 21 44 04Russia ph: +36 (0) 1 47 48 100China (Shanghai)ph: +86 21 6030 0500China (Beijing)ph: +86 10 6561 0240Brazilph: +55 (11) 2548 4753Australia ph: +61 (0) 7 3624 4888Worldwide of fi ces Italy ph: +39 (0) 2 9902 1161Independant sales consultant of fi ces Mexico ph: +52 55 4744 1790United States (Arizona)ph: 602 943 5700Columbia ph: +57 (318) 447 3179。

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来自意大利的CLIO克利奥电声测试系统应用于电脑3D多媒体、数位音响、喇叭单体、音箱、耳机、麦克风、CD、VCD、DVD、扩音器、聆听音场、无响室、PC&Notebook、蜂鸣器、等等各种电声产品的工程品质检测与噪音分析!有CLIOLite、CLIOStd、CLIOQC三种版本满足您的需要,可以使您的PC转变成一台多功能且非常实用的电声测试系统! CLIO电声测试系统:--CLIO电声测试系统(Acoustical & Eleetrical Tests)是由意大利AUDIOMATICA 公司生产的.是音响产品设计和开发不可缺少的测试设备,该系统对计算机的配置要求不高,可在/98/2000/XP下进行。

--CLIO电声测试系统由硬件和软件两部分组成,软件最新版本为WIN 7.0,硬件是一片PCI插卡使用PCI插槽. --系统可以产生正弦波方波.猝发波,白噪音,粉红噪音,最长序列信号(MLS)等测试信号,可利用MLS,正弦波,1/3倍频程和FFT傅立叶分析等方法对波测音响产品的频率和时域响应进行分析,软件分为标准版,简易版,和品管版三种版本。

--CLIO 电声测试系统的简易版(CLIO Lite)可完成频响,二次.三次谐波失真,阻抗,扬声器,THIELE-SMALL参数.瞬时脉冲响应.电容.电感等12个项目内容的分析与测试。

--标准版(CLIO Standard)除了能完成简易版的全部测试项目外,还能作指向性极坐标.累积频谱衰减和残响等8个新项目内容进行分析测试。

--专业QC 版(CLIO QC)具备标准版的全部测试功能,还提供了传统纯音扫描信号与QC检测手段,可在线对音响产品的总谐波失真互调失真,声压级频响和阻抗特性等参数进行快速测试,并可对检测产品的不合格原因进行分析。

CLIO测试系统测试功能一览表:简易版(CLIO Lite)1~12项标准版(CLIO Standard)1~20项专业QC版(CLIO QC) 1~25项1 正弦波频率响应 2 二次、三次谐波失真(THD)曲线 3 喇叭阻抗(Impedance)曲线 4 喇叭Q(THIELE-SMALL)参数5 白噪音、粉红噪音等特定讯号(波形)产生器 6 VTVM(AC ture-rms voltsmeter)&噪音计(Sound Level Meter) 7 MLS频率响应8 暂态脉波(Impulse)响应9 能量/时间曲线(ETC) 10 即时1/3 OCTAVE分析(附IEC Standard A Curve) 11 双轨迹储存示波器(2 CH Digital Storage Oscilloscope) 12 电感与电容表(C&L Meter) 13 双轨迹FFT与总谐波失真(THD)分析14 指向性极坐标图(Polar Plot) 15 THD对应输出电压(LEVEL)或功率(POWER)特性图16 互调失真(IMD)vs.LEVEL(SMPTE,DIN,CCIF) 17 累积频谱衰减(瀑布图WATERFALL) 18 自动IASCA得分计算19 残响(RT60)分析20 即时Leq(IEC804)计算与时间记录21 提供传统纯音扫描信号与QC检测手段22 执行FFT(THD、IMD、Level、Noise、FrequencyResponse)QC检测23 执行MLS(Response)、极性(Polarity)、阻抗(Impedance)QC检测24 各项QC检测项目可任意定义,并按照程序自动测量,配合生产线自动化设备自动测试与GO/NG分类,效率最高!25 可在线对音响产品的总谐波失真互调失真,声压级频响和阻抗特性等参数进行快速测试,并可统计总测试数量及对检测产品的不良原因进行分析。

技术规格:信号发生器型式二声道16位Sigma-Delta D/A转换器频率响应10Hz~20KHz 频率精确度优于0.01% 频率分辨率0.01Hz 输出阻抗100 Ohms 最大输出位准12dBu(正弦波3.1 Vrms) 衰减+12 to -64dBu in 0.1 dBStep + mute THD+Noise 0.015% 分析仪型式二声道16位Sigma-Delta D/A转换器输入范围+30至-40dBV 输入阻抗64K Ohms Phantom 8.2V(5.6K Ohms麦克风输入阻) 标准麦克风MIC-01 型式极化电容式Condenser Electret 精确度±1dB,20Hz~10KHz ±2dB,10K~20KHz 最大位准130dBspl 平均灵敏度-35dBV/Pa(16mV/Pa) 尺寸长197/250mm 直径8mm 插卡型式PCI插卡标准配置包括:CLIO PCI插卡一张CLIO SC-01转换盒一个CLIO MODL4功放一台CLIO WINDOWS版软件一张CLIO MIC-01或MIC-02标准麦克风一支连接电缆一套1. 正弦波頻率響應( 同丹麥B&K2012 SSR Mode, 有效抑除背景噪音)2. 二、三、四、五次諧波失真( THD ) 曲線3. 喇叭阻抗( Impedance ) 曲線4. 喇叭Q ( THIELE-SMALL ) 參數5. 分頻器分頻點測試6.白噪音, 粉紅噪音等特定訊號波形產生器7. MLS 頻率響應( 同美國MLSSA 相同測試模式)8. 暫態脈波(Impluse ) 響應9. 即時1/3 OCTAVE 分析10. 示波器11. 電容、電阻、電感表( C 、R 、L Meter )12. FFT 傅利葉轉換13. 對應輸出電壓( LEVEL ) 與失真百分比(THD% )14. 內調變失真(IMD )15. 累積頻譜衰減( 瀑布圖WATERFALL )16. 可執行以下QC :( 每項檢測只需1 秒)17. 提供掃描信號、頻響曲線Frequency Respoonse, 二、三、四、五次諧波QC 檢測18. 執行MLS ( Response ),, 極性( Polarity ), 阻抗( Impedance ) QC 檢測19. 執行FFT (THD%, , Level, ) QC 檢測20. 分頻器QC 檢測21. 可任意定義上下限, 配合生產線自動測試與GO/NG 分類, 效率最高!22. 自動分類、儲存、統計與原因狀況分析DAAS ( Digital Audio Analyrer system )是德国ADM Engineering 公司专门针对音响厂家作为产品的设计、开发、质量控制,而开发的一套基于PC平台的数字音频测量分析系统。


*利用40kHz,24位,数字/仿真与仿真/数位转换,产生信号与执行测试*频率与阻抗测量频率可调节分辨率*频率与阻抗曲线相位计算与自动延迟修正*声学测量线除相位修正*群延时线除相位群延时计算*瞬态响应与累积频谱衰减(瀑布图)*频率响应曲线自由音场修正*任意内部信号频率的失真测量*外来信号的失真测量*失真与频率、电平评估*互调失真测量:Tim和Dim*Thiele small参数计算*最大频率分辨率0.1Hz*可与扬声器辅助设计软件Akabak、CALSOD和LEAP配套使用*RT60与窄带噪音*自动测试宏编辑,Go/No Go 判定*可驱动指向性测试转盘进行指向性测试软件:它利用16比特或24比特D/A和A/D转换器产生测试信号并进行计算、测试界面由图形曲线、标题栏与信息栏组成,简洁直观的测试功能图形化操作菜单提示使你的测量工作得心应手:硬件:DAAS32ProPCI 4比特2通道模/数、数/模转换公用插卡前后级控制盒(含功率放大MIC幻像电源与前置放大)麦克风(15 V或48V)DAAS4usbUSB接口前后级控制盒(含功率放大MIC幻像电源与前置放大)麦克风(15 V或48V)DAAS32 pro可通过选购QC Extension软件实现频率响应、极性、阻抗、谐波失真、摩擦&蜂音、平均灵敏度的在线品管功能,并且所有的测试结果可直接生成Excel报表进行质量分析。

技术参数adm 公司所生产的DAAS数字音频分析系统是一种基于PC的测试系统,支持DOS和WINDOWS操作系统。


------ DAAS (Digital Audio Analyser System) 系统,这套超级的高科技声学测试系统有着极为惊人的功能,测试范围包括无响室空间仿真,频率响应,瀑布频谱图,相位响应曲线,抗阻曲线,协波失真曲线,互调失真曲线,音压曲线,RT60,喇叭特性参数(Thiele Small 参数VAS 参数),测试电容电感值,数字贮存示波器,内建白/ 粉红噪音及低失真正弦波输出,MILLISA输出等功能,除了可用于扬声器测试,亦可广泛应用于耳机,麦克风等声学器材的研发与品管,DAAS 简化了测试程序,操作轻易,取代了所有传统的测试仪器,这套系统包含主程序和麦克风曲线校正参数,20Hz~20kHz 标准麦克风,前后级放大器及AD / DA 适配卡,超强的功能却有超值的价格。

其系列有DAAS4Pro,DAAS32Pro和DAAS4USB,利用16比特或24比特D/A和A/D 转换器产生测试信号并进行计算,测试界面由图形曲线,标题栏信息栏等组成,其简洁直观的强大测试功能还有:频率与阻抗曲线和声学测量线相位修正,瞬态响应与累积频谱衰减瀑布图,频率响应曲线自由音场修正,任意内部信号频率失真测量,失真与频率电平的评估,互调失真测量等等.美国MLSSA电声测试系统MLSSA是美国DRA LABS开发的一套功能强大,精确度高的测试系统。



在如此完善的精度保证下,将MLSSA 应用到现有的消音室,可取得与丹麦B&K仪器近乎一致的结果。

MLSSA具有完善的QC 全检功能,频响曲线及Small参数均可实现在线全检.能满足专业开发、生产及工程的应用。

*扬声器测试工业标准*粉红-MLS及白-MLS输出*频宽:1KHZ至40KHZ可调*扬声器测试*内置PASS/FAIL判断功能*带Thiele-Small 参数选件*IEC60268-16智能话音测试*ISO3382室内声学测试*环绕立体声均衡测MLSSA的扬声器测量功能是高档扬声器开发及生产不可或缺的测量工具:<无回响频率响应测试<累积频谱衰减图<能量-时间图<时域一致性及声场中心<扬声器指向性测量<扬声器阻抗测量<失真测量(含互调失真&谐波失真)<QC判别功能<Thiels-Small参数测量选项MLSSA2000母卡:<模拟粉红滤波器:±0.1dB最大误差<粉红-最长序列码和白-最长序列码信号输出<保护输出100mA信号源<可驱动长线和低阻抗负载<高精度阻抗测量<96KHz采样率<16MHz ISA插卡扬声器测试工业标准:>Thiele-small扬声器参数>革新的3-D曲线接合方法>高噪声免疫力>完整的DCR测量功能>完善的QC Pass/Fail功能>完善的统计分析功能>摩擦音检测>残余DCR修正功能工业用标准- 粉红-MLS及白-MLS输出- 可调频宽:1KHZ至40KHZ - 扬声器测试- 内置合格/失改判断功能- IEC60268-16智能话音测试- ISO3382测试- 环绕立体声均衡测试工业用标准自1987年始,MLSSA已倍受扬声器设计及生产厂家一致推崇为行内的工业标准,并广泛被教育界、专业音响师、试音室、汽车生产商、政府部门等用作环境测试之用。
