netapp存储多路径软件入门手册英文版AIX Host Utilities 6.0 QuickCommandReference




NetApp存储设备配置说明修改记录目录1编写目的 (1)2专业名词和缩略语 (2)3组网方式和环境介绍 (3)4安装配置方法 (3)4.1N ET A PP硬件安装 (3)4.2设备初始化和系统设定 (4)4.2.1设备初始化 (4)4.2.2系统设定 (4)4.3操作系统安装 (6)4.3.1注册现有系统的cifs服务,将操作系统文件上传至FAS存储系统 (6)4.4应用配置 (8)4.4.1系统参数配置 (8)4.4.2注册需要使用的服务 (10)4.4.3创建一个卷并输出空间 (12)4.4.4创建一个Qtree并实施quota限制 (17)4.4.5配置autosupport (19)4.4.6配置snapshot策略及数据恢复方法 (19)4.4.7磁盘故障的数据恢复方法 (19)4.4.8配置Cluster (19)1 编写目的编写本文档的目的在于详细地说明NetApp FAS存储系统的安装、配置以及常用命令的介绍和可靠性维护、故障检查与恢复的方法,便于开发、测试、用服和工程维护人员安装、使用和维护NetApp FAS存储系统存储系统。

2 专业名词和缩略语3 组网方式和环境介绍NetAppFAS3240AESX ServerSWITCHESX Server图3.1 NetApp FAS存储系统组网结构NetApp FAS存储系统存储设备以NAS存储方式使用,通过万兆交换机与主机相连接。

4 安装配置方法4.1 NetApp硬件安装存储设备硬件的安装主要是各盘柜间线缆的连接、磁盘安装、盘柜上架、上电等,以上操作多由NetApp技术支持工程师完成。

使用存储设备随机携带的“DB-9 to RJ-45”转接线将FAS存储系统的CONSOLE端口和安装了WINDOWS操作系统的主机串口相连,在WINDOWS主机上安装SecureCRT软件,新建一个serial协议的连接,其中port参数根据所连接的是COM1还是COM2来进行选择,其余参数参考图4.1所示,通过串口连接登录到FAS存储系统。



2. 系统基本维护指南.......................................................... 5
2.1. 2.2. 2.3. 2.4. 2.5. 2.6. 2.7. 2.8. 2.9. 2.10. 2.11. 2.12. 2.13. 2.14. 2.15. 2.16. 2.17. 2.18.
Shanghai PKIT Confidential源自11上海帕科网络科技有限公司
Netapp 存储系统维护手册
Shanghai PKIT Confidential
Netapp 存储系统维护手册
2.6. 停机及重新启动
从Filer - Shut Down and Reboot项目中可以执行停机以及重新启动,同时还可 以设定等待时间。对于NetApp产品,强烈建议通过这种方式停机并关闭电源, 否则可能会导致NVRAM电池电量过度消耗,进而影响下次系统的正常启动。 针对cluster系统(如FAS2040A FAS3140A等)在关机前一定先要将cluster功能 禁用:telnet到任意一控制器执行命令:cf disable;再按以下操作对每控制器进 关机操作。在开机后.同样telnet到任意一控制器执行命令:cf enable ;开启cluster 功能。注意:再关系统电源时先关控制器再关磁盘柜。开机顺序相反。.
进入管理界面...........................................................................................................5 系统基本信息...........................................................................................................8 系统LOG信息 ..........................................................................................................9 配置Autosupport.....................................................................................................10 设置时区、时间和日期 ......................................................................................... 11 停机及重新启动.....................................................................................................13 管理及创建卷.........................................................................................................13 管理及创建Qtree .................................................................................................... 21 磁盘配额.................................................................................................................25 SnapShot的配置和管理 .........................................................................................36 CIFS的相关信息 ....................................................................................................38 CIFS共享 ................................................................................................................41 启用home directory功能 ........................................................................................44 ISCSI连接Windows................................................................................................45 网络端口的管理.....................................................................................................55 其他网络参数.........................................................................................................57 更改root用户密码 ..................................................................................................60 系统实时状态监控.................................................................................................61



NetApp存储系统安装、配置和维护手册网存文档信息本安装和维护手册为 XXX 定制,为NetApp标准文档之补充。

目录1作业规划步骤 (1)2配置步骤 (3)2.1设置磁盘归属,创建ROOT卷 (3)2.2检查并更新各部件的firmware系统版本 (15)2.3检查并更新存储操作系统版本 (19)2.4输入软件许可 (23)2.5执行SETUP进行初始化设置 (23)2.6调整ROOT卷的大小 (29)2.7配置VLAN (29)2.8修改HOSTS文件 (31)2.9修改/etc/rc文件 (32)2.10配置AutoSupport服务 (33)2.11配置SSH (34)2.12配置SNMP (35)2.13配置NTP (36)2.14配置MTA (37)2.15配置IPspace (37)2.16配置MultiStore (37)2.17配置CIFS (41)2.18配置ISCSI (44)2.19配置FCP (45)2.20配置NFS (46)2.21配置重复数据删除 (47)2.22配置Snaprestore (48)2.23容灾实现Snapmirror (52)3日常维护 (55)3.1正常开关机 (55)3.2维护手段 (55)3.2.1Filerview 图形管理接口 (55)3.2.2命令行(CLI) (57)3.3空间管理:Aggr, Volume和lun的介绍 (57)3.4常用命令基本应用 (58)3.5日常系统检查 (58)3.5.1目测 (58)3.5.2例行系统检查 (58)3.6autosupport功能简介和配置 (59)4故障处理流程 (61)Page II4.1支持方式 (61)4.1.1NetApp on the web (NOW) site和服务 (61)4.1.2GSC( Global Support Center 全球支持中心) (61)4.2案例开立流程 (62)4.3损坏部件更换流程 (62)Page III1 作业规划步骤Page 22 配置步骤配置参数表2.1 设置磁盘归属,创建ROOT卷Page 3Page 4Page 5Page 6Page 7Page 8Page 9Page 10Page 11Page 12Page 13Page 142.2 检查并更新各部件的firmware系统版本Page 15Page 16Page 17Page 182.3 检查并更新存储操作系统版本Page 19Page 20Page 21Page 222.4 输入软件许可使用license add XXXXXXX命令添加许可,全部输入后,使用license命令进行检查。



NetApp磁盘阵列安装手册目录目 录 (1)一、磁盘阵列的系统安装 (2)1.1初始化磁盘阵列 (2)1.2输入 license序列号 (8)1.3配置 CIFS (9)1.4在机头中安装阵列操作系统 (11)二、磁盘阵列的SSL 安全认证配置 (13)2.1通过浏览器来管理磁盘阵列 (13)2.2配置 SSL安全认证 (15)三、磁盘阵列的空间配置和分配 (18)3.1在 aggr0中添加新的磁盘 (18)3.2消除磁盘 Aggregate的快照预留空间 (22)3.3缩小卷 vol0的磁盘空间 (22)3.4创建新的 Volume (27)3.5消除 Volume的快照预留空间 (31)3.6在新建卷上的参数修改 (33)3.7在 IBM主机上安装 NetApp磁盘路径管理软件 (34)3.8创建 LUN存储单元 (36)3.8.1开启 FCP功能 (36)3.8.2创建一个 Qtree (38)3.8.3创建一个 Lun存储单元 (39)3.8.4在主机上使用 LUN来存储数据 (44)1一、 磁盘阵列的系统安装1.1初始化磁盘阵列NetApp FAS3020C是NetApp产品中一款有双机头的磁盘阵列,需要先在每个机头中安装好操作系统,才能正常使用。

安装步骤如下:11,通过笔记本电脑或其它Windows平台PC机的串口,连接到机头上的串口上;22,通过超级终端,以默认值连接来进行操作;操作过程如下:CFE version 3.0.0 based on Broadcom CFE: 1.0.40Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002,2003 Broadcom Corporation.Portions Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Network Appliance, Inc.CPU type 0xF29: 2800MHzTotal memory: 0x80000000 bytes (2048MB)CFE> bye输入bye 后,开始启动;CFE version 3.0.0 based on Broadcom CFE: 1.0.40Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002,2003 Broadcom Corporation.Portions Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Network Appliance, Inc.CPU type 0xF29: 2800MHzTotal memory: 0x80000000 bytes (2048MB)Starting AUTOBOOT press any key to abort...Loading: 0x200000/24732624 0x19963d0/33360796 0x3966f70/1995456 Entry at 0x00200000 Starting program at 0x00200000Press CTRL-C for special boot menu提示按CTRL-C后弹出启动菜单;Special boot options menu will be available.Mon Mar 20 07:54:25 GMT [cf.nm.nicTransitionUp:info]: Interconnect link 0 is UPNetApp Release 7.0.3: Fri Dec 2 06:00:21 PST 2005Copyright (c) 1992-2005 Network Appliance, Inc.Starting boot on Mon Mar 20 07:54:14 GMT 2006(1) Normal boot.(2) Boot without /etc/rc.(3) Change password.(4) Initialize all disks.(4a) Same as option 4, but create a flexible root volume.(5) Maintenance mode boot.Selection (1-5)?4a这里选择4a,初始化所有的磁盘,并且创建一个root卷,此卷将用于操作系统的安装;Zero disks and install a new file system? y选择y,确认将所有的磁盘零化,并且安装新的文件系统;This will erase all the data on the disks, are you sure? Y选择y,确认将删除磁盘上的所有数据;Zeroing disks takes about 80 minutes. .................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................................... ..................................................................Mon Mar 20 09:15:30 GMT []: Disk 0a.23 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA01] S/N [3KR16HQC00007617E7VE] : disk zeroing complete...............Mon Mar 20 09:15:34 GMT []: Disk 0a.18 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA01] S/N [3KR18YGC000076187JGK] : disk zeroing complete ....................Mon Mar 20 09:15:40 GMT []: Disk 0a.20 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA01] S/N [3KR18MYR0000761769S1] : disk zeroing complete .............Mon Mar 20 09:15:43 GMT []: Disk 0a.22 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA01] S/N [3KR18QV900007617LZY3] : disk zeroing complete ..................Mon Mar 20 09:15:48 GMT []: Disk 0a.16 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA01] S/N [3KR18PE1000076187KXZ] : disk zeroing complete ...............Mon Mar 20 09:15:52 GMT []: Disk 0a.21 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA01] S/N [3KR17PT300007617M1P2] : disk zeroing complete .................................................................................................................................................................... ...............Mon Mar 20 09:16:42 GMT []: Disk 0a.17 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA01] S/N [3KR18Y6700007617695Y] : disk zeroing complete .................................................................................................................................................................... .............Mon Mar 20 09:18:44 GMT []: Disk 0a.19 Shelf ? Bay ? [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA01] S/N [3KR1911Z0000761769R8] : disk zeroing completeMon Mar 20 09:18:45 GMT [raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of Disk /aggr0/plex0/rg0/0a.18 Shelf 1 Bay 2 [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA01] S/N [3KR18YGC000076187JGK] to aggregate aggr0 has completed successfullyMon Mar 20 09:18:45 GMT [raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of Disk /aggr0/plex0/rg0/0a.17 Shelf 1 Bay 1 [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA01] S/N [3KR18Y6700007617695Y] to aggregate aggr0 has completed successfullyMon Mar 20 09:18:45 GMT [raid.vol.disk.add.done:notice]: Addition of Disk /aggr0/plex0/rg0/0a.16 Shelf 1 Bay 0 [NETAPP X276_S10K7288F10 NA01] S/N [3KR18PE1000076187KXZ] to aggregate aggr0 has completed successfullyMon Mar 20 09:18:45 GMT [wafl.vol.add:notice]: Aggregate aggr0 has been added to the system. Mon Mar 20 09:18:46 GMT [fmmbx_instanceWorke:info]: no mailbox instance on primary side Mon Mar 20 09:18:47 GMT [fmmbx_instanceWorke:info]: Disk 0a.18 is a primary mailbox disk Mon Mar 20 09:18:47 GMT [fmmbx_instanceWorke:info]: Disk 0a.17 is a primary mailbox diskMon Mar 20 09:18:47 GMT [fmmbx_instanceWorke:info]: normal mailbox instance on primary side Mon Mar 20 09:18:47 GMT [fmmbx_instanceWorke:info]: Disk 0b.18 is a backup mailbox disk Mon Mar 20 09:18:47 GMT [fmmbx_instanceWorke:info]: Disk 0b.17 is a backup mailbox disk Mon Mar 20 09:18:47 GMT [fmmbx_instanceWorke:info]: normal mailbox instance on backup side Mon Mar 20 09:18:48 GMT [lun.metafile.dirCreateFailed:error]: Couldn't create vdisk metafile directory /vol/vol0/vdisk.DBG: Set filer.serialnum to: 1071155ifconfig e0a mediatype autoConfiguring onboard ethernet e0a.Contacting DHCP server.Ctrl-C to skip DHCP search ...Mon Mar 20 09:18:48 GMT [rc:info]: Contacting DHCP serverMon Mar 20 09:18:52 GMT [rc:info]: DHCP config failedConfiguring e0a using DHCP failed.NetApp Release 7.0.3: Fri Dec 2 06:00:21 PST 2005System ID: 010******* (); partner ID: <unknown> ()System Serial Number: 1071155 ()System Rev: E0slot 0: System BoardProcessors: 1Memory Size: 2048 MBslot 0: Dual 10/100/1000 Ethernet Controller VIe0a MAC Address: 00:a0:98:03:88:13 (auto-unknown-cfg_down)e0c MAC Address: 00:a0:98:03:88:10 (auto-unknown-cfg_down)e0d MAC Address: 00:a0:98:03:88:11 (auto-unknown-cfg_down)slot 0: FC Host Adapter 0a8 Disks: 2176.0GB1 shelf with ESH2slot 0: FC Host Adapter 0b8 Disks: 2176.0GB1 shelf with ESH2slot 0: Fibre Channel Target Host Adapter 0cslot 0: Fibre Channel Target Host Adapter 0dslot 0: SCSI Host Adapter 0eslot 0: NetApp ATA/IDE Adapter 0f (0x000001f0)0f.0 245MBslot 3: NVRAMMemory Size: 512 MBPlease enter the new hostname []: headb输入这个机头的主机名,这里举例为headb;Do you want to configure virtual network interfaces? [n]: y问是否要配置虚拟网卡,如果要创建的话,输入y;Number of virtual interfaces to configure? [0] 1输入要配置几块虚拟网卡,如配置1块虚拟网卡,就输入1;Name of virtual interface #1 []: vif1输入虚拟网卡的名称,这里举例为vif1;Is vif1 a single [s] or multi [m] virtual interface? [m] s选择虚拟网卡的类型是single还是multi,这里选择s;Number of links for vif1? [0] 2虚拟网卡所包含真实网卡的数量,如果用两块网卡绑定成一块虚拟网卡就输入2;Name of link #1 for vif1 []: e0a输入用于绑定的真实网卡的设备名,可以从阵列设备后面的网络接口上看到;Name of link #2 for vif1 []: e0b输入用于绑定的真实网卡的设备名,可以从阵列设备后面的网络接口上看到;Please enter the IP address for Network Interface vif1 []:输入虚拟网卡的IP地址;Please enter the netmask for Network Interface vif1 []:输入虚拟网卡的掩码,默认就直接回车;Should virtual interface vif1 take over a partner virtual interface during failover? [n]: y是否允许虚拟网卡在故障时切换到另一个机头上,输入y;The clustered failover software is not yet licensed. To enablenetwork failover, you should run the 'license' command forclustered failover.会提示说没有输入Clustered failover功能的license,需要输入才能实现网络切换功能;Please enter the partner virtual interface name to be taken over by vif1 []: vif1输入另一个机头上的会被切换过来的虚拟网卡的名字;Please enter media type for vif1 {100tx-fd, tp-fd, 100tx, tp, auto (10/100/1000)} [auto]:输入虚拟网卡的类型,一般是自适应,选默认auto;Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0c []:输入网卡e0c的IP地址,不设置就直接回车;Should interface e0c take over a partner IP address during failover? [n]: n是否允许网卡e0c在故障时切换到另一个机头上,这里不配置就输入n;Please enter the IP address for Network Interface e0d []:输入网卡e0d的IP地址,不设置就直接回车;Should interface e0d take over a partner IP address during failover? [n]: n是否允许网卡e0d在故障时切换到另一个机头上,这里不配置就输入n;Would you like to continue setup through the web interface? [n]: n问是否通过web方式来进行继续的安装,输入n,不需要;Please enter the name or IP address of the default gateway:输入默认网关的名字和IP地址,无须输入就直接回车;The administration host is given root access to the filer's/etc files for system administration. To allow /etc root accessto all NFS clients enter RETURN below.Please enter the name or IP address of the administration host:输入超级管理主机的主机名或IP地址,没有就直接回车;Where is the filer located? []: nanjing问磁盘阵列设备的位置,可以随便写,比如南京,就输入nanjing;Do you want to run DNS resolver? [n]:是否配置DNS,输入n,不配置;Do you want to run NIS client? [n]:是否配置NIS,输入n,不配置;This system will send event messages and weekly reports to Network Appliance Technical Support. To disable this feature, enter "options off" within 24 hours. Enabling Autosupport can significantly speed problem determination and resolution should a problem occur on your system. For further information on Autosupport, please see: /autosupport/ Press the return key to continue.提示说,阵列系统默认的自动发送事件日志和周报告功能是打开的,如果需要关闭,请输入options off。



N e t A p p存储用户手册work Information Technology Company.2020YEARNetApp存储用户指南针对本次项目使用的NetApp存储设备,在运行维护及日常管理过程中,命令行及SystemManager软件实现日常管理功能。

3NetAppSystem Manager(推荐使用)在日常维护过程中,我们推荐使用NetApp厂商提供的System Manager工具。


3.1 System Manager软件安装■ Windows或Linux操作系统图形界面■ Adobe Flash Player11或更高版本■ Java 7Update1或更高版本通过安装包:进行默认安装即可。

3.2 System Manager 使用与配置3.2.1 寻找控制器主机点击Add添加要管理的存储IP地址,并确认SNMP community值为public,协议与主机对应。

3.2.2 确认寻找到存储HA模式会直接发现2台设备,status状态up。

3.2.3 登录存储控制器双击要管理的存储控制器,进入登录界面,输入用户名密码后sign in。

3.2.4 控制器状态信息页面登录存储控制器成功后的初始界面,可以看到存储的当前状态3.2.5 卷管理点击storage下拉菜单,选择volumes,可以对卷进行管理。 新建卷点击create可以创建新卷,在弹出界面输入卷名,并choose新卷所属aggregate,填写卷所需使用空间大小后确定。 配置卷鼠标右键点击需要配置的卷,选择“Resize”可以选择在线更改卷空间大小。



AIX 6.1快速入门指南说明书

AIX 6.1快速入门指南说明书

AIX Installation Quick Start GuideVersion 6.1Quick Start GuideThis guide gets you started with a typical installation for the AIX Version 6.1operating system.Product overviewUse these steps to install the Base Operating System (BOS)for AIX ®from physical DVD media.The steps guide you through a new installation,also called an overwrite installation.Prepare for a new and complete overwrite:v Ensure that you have at least 2GB of memory and a minimum of 5GB of physical disk space.For additional release information,see the AIX Release Notes that correspond to the level of your AIX operating system.v Ensure that your hardware installation is complete,including all external devices.See the documentation that is provided with your system unit for installation instructions.v Verify that your system is set to boot from the device in which the installation media is loaded.See the hardware documentation that accompanied your system for instructions about setting the boot device.v If your system must communicate with other systems and access their resources,make sure that you have the following information before you proceed with the installation:–Network interface–Host name–IP address–Network mask–Name server–Domain name–GatewayFollow these steps to prepare your system for installation:1.Insert the AIX Volume 1media into the media device.2.Shut down your system.If your system is running,turn it off by following these steps:v Log in as the root user.v Type the following command:shutdown -Fv If your system does not automatically turn off,place the power switch in the Off (0)position.Do not turn on the system unit until instructed to do so in Step 4:Booting from your installation media.3.Ensure that all external devices attached to the system (such as CD-ROM drives,tape drives,DVD drives,and terminals)are turned on.You must turn on the external devices first so that the system unit can identify each peripheral device during the startup (boot)process.If you have not set up your ASCII terminal,set the communications,keyboard,and display e the followingcriteria and your terminal reference documentation to set the communications,keyboard,and display options.The following settings are typical,but your terminal might have different option names and settings than these options: Communication Options:Options SettingsLine speed(baud rate)9600Word Length(bits per character)8Parity no(none)Number of stop bits1Interface RS-232C(or RS-422A)Line control IPRTSKeyboard and display options:Options SettingsScreen normalRow and Column24x80Scroll jumpAuto LF(line feed)offLine Wrap onForcing Insert line(or both)Tab fieldOperating Mode echoTurnaround Character CREnter returnReturn new lineNew Line CRSend pageInsert Character spaceFollow this procedure for booting from your installation media:1.Turn on the system unit power switch.2.When the system beeps twice,press5on your ASCII terminal.The word keyboard is shown when the beeps occur.3.If you have more than one console,each one might display a panel that directs you to press a key to identify yoursystem console.A different key is specified for each console that is displayed on this panel.If this panel opens,press the specified key only on the console that you want to use for the installation.(The system console is the keyboard and display device that is used for installation and system administration.)4.Select the language that you prefer to use during installation,and press Enter.1.Display the installation settings before you install the BOS,by typing2in the Choice field to select2Change/Show2.Verify the default installation settings from the Overwrite Installation and Settings panel.3.If the installation and system settings are correct,type0in the Choice field and press Enter.Confirm that theselections on the installation summary panel are correct,and press Enter to begin the BOS installation.The system automatically reboots after the system installation is complete.Go to Step9:Finishing the BOS installation.If your installation settings are not correct,or you want to change the installation settings,go to Step6.Changing the installation settings.To change the installation settings,complete the following steps:1.2.When the Change Method of Installation panel is displayed,type1New and Complete Overwrite Installation and pressEnter.When the Change Disk(s)Where You Want to Install panel is displayed,you can change the destination disk for the3.If the default settings shown are correct,type0in the Choice field and press Enter.To change the destination disk,complete the following steps:a.Type the number for each disk where you want to install the BOS in the Choice field and press Enter.Do not pressEnter a final time until you have finished selecting all disks.If you need to deselect a disk,type its number asecond time and press Enter.b.To finish selecting disks,type0in the Choice field and press Enter.The Installation and Settings panel is displayedwith the selected disks listed under System Settings.1.Type2(Primary Language Environment Settings)in the Choice field on the Installation and Settings panel.2.Select the appropriate set of cultural convention,language,and keyboard options.Most of the options are apredefined combination;however,you can define your own combination of options.3.To select a predefined Primary Language Environment,type the corresponding number in the Choice field and pressEnter.To configure your own Primary Language Environment,complete the following steps:a.Select More Choices.b.Page through the choices and select the Create Your Own Combination option.c.On the Set Primary Cultural Convention panel,type the corresponding number in the Choice field and press Enter.d.On the Set Primary Language panel,type the number in the Choice field that corresponds to your choice for theprimary language and press Enter.e.On the Set Keyboard panel,type the number in the Choice field that corresponds to the keyboard that is attachedto the system and press Enter.To verify your BOS installation settings:1.2.Press Enter to begin the BOS installation.installed.The system automatically reboots.The Installation Assistant guides you through the configuration tasks. Related informationFor more information,see the following resources:v For additional release information,see the AIX Release Notes that corresponds to your level of the AIX operatingsystem.v For late-breaking information,which might include information about the configuration process and installed software, see the readme files.v For more detailed installation notes,see the Installation and migration topic collection in the IBM®AIX6.1Information Center(/infocenter/aix/v6r1/index.jsp).AIX Version6.1Licensed Materials-Property of IBM.©Copyright IBM Corp.2012,ernment Users Restricted Rights-Use,duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.IBM,the IBM logo,and are trademarks or registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corp.,registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.Other product and service names might be trademarks of IBM or other companies.A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at“Copyright and trademark information”(/legal/copytrade.shtml).Document Number:SA23-2248-04Printed in USA。



Netapp存储映射到AIX操作系统操作手册Netapp存储属于中高端的存储系统,它的FAS6220系统属于常见的带有FC和NAS功能的综合性存储,今天记录并讲解如何在AIX系统安装并操作NetAPP的多路径软件和lun磁盘的识别,查看;步骤如下;1,解压软件包tar.zZcat ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1.tar.Z |tar -xvf -2, 安装:installp +参数+路径+fileset先安装MPIO,然后安装santools_kit[tsm2:/tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1/MPIO#]installp -aXYd /tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1/MPIO NetApp.MPIO_Host_Utilities_Kit+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+Pre-installation Verification...+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+Verifying selections...doneVerifying requisites...doneResults...SUCCESSES---------Filesets listed in this section passed pre-installation verificationand will be installed.Selected Filesets-----------------NetApp.MPIO_Host_Utilities_Kit.config # NetApp MPIO PCM Host Utilities Kit Path Config ToolNetApp.MPIO_Host_Utilities_Kit.fcp # NetApp MPIO PCM Host Utiliti... NetApp.MPIO_Host_Utilities_Kit.iscsi # NetApp MPIO PCM Host Utilities Kit iSCSI Disk ODM StanzasNetApp.MPIO_Host_Utilities_Kit.pcmodm # NetApp MPIO PCM Host Utilities Kit PCM Friend ODM Stanzas<< End of Success Section >>+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+BUILDDATE Verification ...+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+Verifying build dates...doneFILESET STATISTICS------------------4 Selected to be installed, of which:4 Passed pre-installation verification----4 Total to be installed0503-409 installp: bosboot verification starting...installp: bosboot verification completed.+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+Installing Software...+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+installp: APPL YING software for:NetApp.MPIO_Host_Utilities_Kit.pcmodm . . . . << Copyright notice for NetApp.MPIO_Host_Utilities_Kit >> . . . . . . . Copyright (c) 2003-2010 NetApp, Inc.. . . . . << End of copyright notice for NetApp.MPIO_Host_Utilities_Kit >>. . . .sysck: 3001-036 WARNING: File/opt/NetApp/MPIO_Host_Utilities_Kit/NOTICE.PDFis also owned by fileset NetApp.MPIO_Host_Utilities_Kit.iscsi. sysck: 3001-036 WARNING: File/opt/NetApp/MPIO_Host_Utilities_Kit/NOTICE.TXTis also owned by fileset NetApp.MPIO_Host_Utilities_Kit.iscsi. Finished processing all filesets. (Total time: 6 secs).0503-409 installp: bosboot verification starting...installp: bosboot verification completed.0503-408 installp: bosboot process starting...bosboot: Boot image is 42972 512 byte blocks.0503-292 This update will not fully take effect until after asystem reboot.* * * A T T E N T I O N * * *System boot image has been updated. You should reboot thesystem as soon as possible to properly integrate the changesand to avoid disruption of current functionality.installp: bosboot process completed.+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+Summaries:+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+Installation Summary--------------------Name Level Part Event Result-------------------------------------------------------------------------------NetApp.MPIO_Host_Utilities_ USR APPL Y SUCCESS NetApp.MPIO_Host_Utilities_ USR APPL Y SUCCESS NetApp.MPIO_Host_Utilities_ USR APPL Y SUCCESS NetApp.MPIO_Host_Utilities_ USR APPL Y SUCCESS [tsm2:/tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1/MPIO#]lslpp -l |grep -i netappNetApp.MPIO_Host_Utilities_Kit.config5.1.0.0 COMMITTED NetApp MPIO PCM Host Utilities NetApp.MPIO_Host_Utilities_Kit.fcp5.1.0.0 COMMITTED NetApp MPIO PCM Host Utilities NetApp.MPIO_Host_Utilities_Kit.iscsi5.1.0.0 COMMITTED NetApp MPIO PCM Host Utilities NetApp.MPIO_Host_Utilities_Kit.pcmodm5.1.0.0 COMMITTED NetApp MPIO PCM Host Utilities [tsm2:/tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1/MPIO#]cd ..[tsm2:/tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1#]pwd/tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1[tsm2:/tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1#]lsMPIO SAN SAN_Tool_Kit[tsm2:/tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1#]cd *it[tsm2:/tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1/SAN_Tool_Kit#]pwd/tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1/SAN_Tool_Kit[tsm2:/tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1/SAN_Tool_Kit#]installp -aXYd /tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1/MPIO NetApp.MPIO_Host_Utilities_Kit[tsm2:/tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1/SAN_Tool_Kit#]installp -aXYd /tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1/SAN_Tool_Kit[tsm2:/tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1/SAN_Tool_Kit#]lsNetApp.SAN_toolkit[tsm2:/tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1/SAN_Tool_Kit#]installp -aXYd /tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1/SAN_Tool_Kit NetApp.SAN_toolkit+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+Pre-installation Verification...+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+Verifying selections...doneVerifying requisites...doneResults...SUCCESSES---------Filesets listed in this section passed pre-installation verificationand will be installed.Selected Filesets-----------------NetApp.SAN_toolkit.sanlun # NetApp SAN Toolkit sanlun << End of Success Section >>+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+BUILDDATE Verification ...+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+Verifying build dates...doneFILESET STATISTICS------------------1 Selected to be installed, of which:1 Passed pre-installation verification----1 Total to be installed+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+Installing Software...+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+installp: APPL YING software for:NetApp.SAN_toolkit.sanlun . . . . << Copyright notice for NetApp.SAN_toolkit >> . . . . . . .Copyright (c) 2003-2010 NetApp, Inc.. . . . . << End of copyright notice for NetApp.SAN_toolkit >>. . . .Finished processing all filesets. (Total time: 1 secs).+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+Summaries:+-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+Installation Summary--------------------Name Level Part Event Result-------------------------------------------------------------------------------NetApp.SAN_toolkit.sanlun USR APPL Y SUCCESS [tsm2:/tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1/SAN_Tool_Kit#][tsm2:/tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1/SAN_Tool_Kit#][tsm2:/tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1/SAN_Tool_Kit#][tsm2:/tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1/SAN_Tool_Kit#][tsm2:/tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1/SAN_Tool_Kit#][tsm2:/tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1/SAN_Tool_Kit#]which sanlun/usr/bin/sanlun[tsm2:/tmp/ntap_aix_host_utilities_5.1/SAN_Tool_Kit#]cd /opt/NetApp[tsm2:/opt/NetApp#]lsMPIO_Host_Utilities_Kit santools[tsm2:/opt/NetApp#]cd santools[tsm2:/opt/NetApp/santools#]lsNOTICE.PDF NOTICE.TXT bin man[tsm2:/opt/NetApp/santools#]cd bin[tsm2:/opt/NetApp/santools/bin#]lssan_version sanlun[tsm2:/opt/NetApp/santools/bin#]sanlun lun showno controller LUNs available[tsm2:/opt/NetApp/santools/bin#][tsm2:/opt/NetApp/santools/bin#][tsm2:/opt/NetApp/santools/bin#]cfgmgr -v #存储那边配置好,映射好后,AIX开始扫描cfgmgr is running in phase 2[tsm2:/opt/NetApp/santools/bin#][tsm2:/opt/NetApp/santools/bin#][tsm2:/opt/NetApp/santools/bin#]lspvhdisk0 00c59412a7d7466a rootvg activehdisk1 00c3afa442c5c5f6 rootvg activehdisk2 none Nonehdisk3 none Nonehdisk4 none Nonehdisk5 none Nonehdisk6 none Nonehdisk7 none Nonehdisk8 none Nonehdisk9 none Nonehdisk10 none Nonehdisk11 none None[tsm2:/opt/NetApp/santools/bin#]用sanlun 命令查看其实还需要设置磁盘属性,要看netapp的官方文档设置deep ,queue_depth等;[tsm2:/opt/NetApp/santools/bin#]sanlun lun showcontroller: lun-pathname device filename adapter protocol lun size lun stateFAS6220-2A: /vol/lun1_aix_tsm_vol/aix_tsm_06 hdisk10 fcs0 FCP 500.1g (536952700928) GOODFAS6220-2A: /vol/lun1_aix_tsm_vol/aix_tsm_07 hdisk11 fcs0 FCP 500.1g (536952700928) GOODFAS6220-2A: /vol/lun1_aix_tsm_vol/aix_tsm_00 hdisk4 fcs0 FCP 500.1g (536952700928) GOODFAS6220-2A: /vol/lun1_aix_tsm_vol/aix_tsm_01 hdisk5 fcs0 FCP 500.1g (536952700928) GOODFAS6220-2A: /vol/lun1_aix_tsm_vol/aix_tsm_02 hdisk6 fcs0 FCP 500.1g (536952700928) GOODFAS6220-2A: /vol/lun1_aix_tsm_vol/aix_tsm_03 hdisk7 fcs0 FCP 500.1g (536952700928) GOODFAS6220-2A: /vol/lun1_aix_tsm_vol/aix_tsm_04 hdisk8 fcs0 FCP 500.1g (536952700928) GOODFAS6220-2A: /vol/lun1_aix_tsm_vol/aix_tsm_05 hdisk9 fcs0 FCP 500.1g (536952700928) GOOD[tsm2:/opt/NetApp/santools/bin#]lsdev -Cc diskhdisk0 Available 01-08-00 SAS Disk Drivehdisk1 Available 01-08-00 SAS Disk Drivehdisk2 Available 01-08-00 SAS Disk Drivehdisk3 Available 01-08-00 SAS Disk Drivehdisk4 Available 05-00-02 MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Diskhdisk5 Available 05-00-02 MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Diskhdisk6 Available 05-00-02 MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Diskhdisk7 Available 05-00-02 MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Diskhdisk8 Available 05-00-02 MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Diskhdisk9 Available 05-00-02 MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Diskhdisk10 Available 05-00-02 MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Diskhdisk11 Available 05-00-02 MPIO NetApp FCP Default PCM Disk[tsm2:/opt/NetApp/santools/bin#]sanlun lun show -p # -p 参数查看多路径状态ONTAP_PATH: FAS6220-2A:/vol/lun1_aix_tsm_vol/aix_tsm_05LUN: 5LUN Size: 500.1g (536952700928)Host Device: hdisk9LUN State: GOODController_CF_State: Cluster EnabledController Partner: FAS6220-2BMultipath Provider: AIX NativeMultipathing Algorithm: round_robin--------- ----------- ------ ------ ----------- ----------MPIO Controller AIX Controller AIX MPIO path path MPIO host target HBA path status type path HBA port priority--------- ----------- ------ ------ ----------- ----------Enabled primary path0 fcs0 0a 1 Enabled secondary path1 fcs0 0a 1 Enabled primary path2 fcs0 1c 1 Enabled secondary path3 fcs0 1a 1 Enabled primary path4 fcs2 0b 1 Enabled secondary path5 fcs2 0b 1 Enabled primary path6 fcs2 1a 1 Enabled secondary path7 fcs2 1c 1ONTAP_PATH: FAS6220-2A:/vol/lun1_aix_tsm_vol/aix_tsm_04 LUN: 4LUN Size: 500.1g (536952700928)Host Device: hdisk8LUN State: GOODController_CF_State: Cluster EnabledController Partner: FAS6220-2BMultipath Provider: AIX NativeMultipathing Algorithm: round_robin--------- ----------- ------ ------ ----------- ----------MPIO Controller AIX Controller AIX MPIO path path MPIO host target HBA path status type path HBA port priority--------- ----------- ------ ------ ----------- ----------Enabled primary path0 fcs0 0a 1 Enabled secondary path1 fcs0 0a 1 Enabled primary path2 fcs0 1c 1 Enabled secondary path3 fcs0 1a 1 Enabled primary path4 fcs2 0b 1 Enabled secondary path5 fcs2 0b 1 Enabled primary path6 fcs2 1a 1 Enabled secondary path7 fcs2 1c 1ONTAP_PATH: FAS6220-2A:/vol/lun1_aix_tsm_vol/aix_tsm_03 LUN: 3LUN Size: 500.1g (536952700928)Host Device: hdisk7LUN State: GOODController_CF_State: Cluster EnabledController Partner: FAS6220-2BMultipath Provider: AIX NativeMultipathing Algorithm: round_robin--------- ----------- ------ ------ ----------- ----------MPIO Controller AIX Controller AIX MPIO path path MPIO host target HBA path status type path HBA port priority--------- ----------- ------ ------ ----------- ----------Enabled primary path0 fcs0 0a 1 Enabled secondary path1 fcs0 0a 1 Enabled primary path2 fcs0 1c 1 Enabled secondary path3 fcs0 1a 1 Enabled primary path4 fcs2 0b 1 Enabled secondary path5 fcs2 0b 1 Enabled primary path6 fcs2 1a 1 Enabled secondary path7 fcs2 1c 1ONTAP_PATH: FAS6220-2A:/vol/lun1_aix_tsm_vol/aix_tsm_02 LUN: 2LUN Size: 500.1g (536952700928)Host Device: hdisk6LUN State: GOODController_CF_State: Cluster EnabledController Partner: FAS6220-2BMultipath Provider: AIX NativeMultipathing Algorithm: round_robin--------- ----------- ------ ------ ----------- ----------MPIO Controller AIX Controller AIX MPIO path path MPIO host target HBA path status type path HBA port priority--------- ----------- ------ ------ ----------- ----------Enabled primary path0 fcs0 0a 1 Enabled secondary path1 fcs0 0a 1 Enabled primary path2 fcs0 1c 1 Enabled secondary path3 fcs0 1a 1 Enabled primary path4 fcs2 0b 1 Enabled secondary path5 fcs2 0b 1 Enabled primary path6 fcs2 1a 1 Enabled secondary path7 fcs2 1c 1ONTAP_PATH: FAS6220-2A:/vol/lun1_aix_tsm_vol/aix_tsm_01 LUN: 1LUN Size: 500.1g (536952700928)Host Device: hdisk5LUN State: GOODController_CF_State: Cluster EnabledController Partner: FAS6220-2BMultipath Provider: AIX NativeMultipathing Algorithm: round_robin--------- ----------- ------ ------ ----------- ----------MPIO Controller AIX Controller AIX MPIO path path MPIO host target HBA path status type path HBA port priority--------- ----------- ------ ------ ----------- ----------Enabled primary path0 fcs0 0a 1 Enabled secondary path1 fcs0 0a 1 Enabled primary path2 fcs0 1c 1 Enabled secondary path3 fcs0 1a 1 Enabled primary path4 fcs2 0b 1 Enabled secondary path5 fcs2 0b 1 Enabled primary path6 fcs2 1a 1 Enabled secondary path7 fcs2 1c 1ONTAP_PATH: FAS6220-2A:/vol/lun1_aix_tsm_vol/aix_tsm_00 LUN: 0LUN Size: 500.1g (536952700928)Host Device: hdisk4LUN State: GOODController_CF_State: Cluster EnabledController Partner: FAS6220-2BMultipath Provider: AIX NativeMultipathing Algorithm: round_robin--------- ----------- ------ ------ ----------- ----------MPIO Controller AIX Controller AIX MPIO path path MPIO host target HBA path status type path HBA port priority--------- ----------- ------ ------ ----------- ----------Enabled primary path0 fcs0 0a 1 Enabled secondary path1 fcs0 0a 1 Enabled primary path2 fcs0 1c 1 Enabled secondary path3 fcs0 1a 1 Enabled primary path4 fcs2 0b 1Enabled secondary path5 fcs2 0b 1 Enabled primary path6 fcs2 1a 1 Enabled secondary path7 fcs2 1c 1ONTAP_PATH: FAS6220-2A:/vol/lun1_aix_tsm_vol/aix_tsm_07 LUN: 7LUN Size: 500.1g (536952700928)Host Device: hdisk11LUN State: GOODController_CF_State: Cluster EnabledController Partner: FAS6220-2BMultipath Provider: AIX NativeMultipathing Algorithm: round_robin--------- ----------- ------ ------ ----------- ----------MPIO Controller AIX Controller AIX MPIO path path MPIO host target HBA path status type path HBA port priority--------- ----------- ------ ------ ----------- ----------Enabled primary path0 fcs0 0a 1 Enabled secondary path1 fcs0 0a 1 Enabled primary path2 fcs0 1c 1 Enabled secondary path3 fcs0 1a 1 Enabled primary path4 fcs2 0b 1 Enabled secondary path5 fcs2 0b 1 Enabled primary path6 fcs2 1a 1 Enabled secondary path7 fcs2 1c 1ONTAP_PATH: FAS6220-2A:/vol/lun1_aix_tsm_vol/aix_tsm_06 LUN: 6LUN Size: 500.1g (536952700928)Host Device: hdisk10LUN State: GOODController_CF_State: Cluster EnabledController Partner: FAS6220-2BMultipath Provider: AIX NativeMultipathing Algorithm: round_robin--------- ----------- ------ ------ ----------- ----------MPIO Controller AIX Controller AIX MPIO path path MPIO host target HBA path status type path HBA port priority--------- ----------- ------ ------ ----------- ----------Enabled primary path0 fcs0 0a 1Enabled secondary path1 fcs0 0a 1 Enabled primary path2 fcs0 1c 1 Enabled secondary path3 fcs0 1a 1 Enabled primary path4 fcs2 0b 1 Enabled secondary path5 fcs2 0b 1 Enabled primary path6 fcs2 1a 1 Enabled secondary path7 fcs2 1c 1[tsm2:/opt/NetApp/santools/bin#][tsm2:/opt/NetApp/santools/bin#]。



N e t A p p存储系统配置手册2011NetAppAll rights reserved本文档包含NetApp公司的商业及技术机密。


目录1配置指南 (2)1.1NetApp Filer快速入门 (2)1.2开关机 (2)1.2.1开机顺序: (2)1.2.2关机顺序: (2)2NetApp FAS3050/F3050C 系列 (3)2.1机架指示灯 (4)3设备管理 (7)3.1FILERVIEW 图形管理接口 (7)3.2命令行管理接口(CLI) (10)3.3空间管理:Aggr, V olume和qtree的介绍 (10)3.3.1命令行 (11)3.3.2图形界面 (11)3.3.3Qtree security styles的意义 (13)3.4NFS exports (13)3.4.1命令行 (14)3.4.2图形界面 (14)3.5CIFS Shares (15)3.5.1命令行 (15)3.5.2图形界面 (16)3.5.3用windows 2003或windows 2008管理 (17)3.6Snapshot 管理 (17)3.7Lun create (18)3.7.1命令行 (18)3.7.2图形界面 (19)3.8NetApp Filer常用命令 (21)1 配置指南1.1 NetApp Filer快速入门本指南是为初次使用NetApp存储系统的人员编写的,详细的系统描述和管理命令参见随机手册,在线帮助及/. 特别请您访问NOW (NetApp On the Web) site (), 您可从上面获得几乎所有得产品支持信息,如:电子版手册,知识库,软件下载,等等。

1.2 开关机1.2.1 开机顺序:1、先按照磁盘架编号顺序加电磁盘架的双电源;2、10秒钟后加电控制器。

1.2.2 关机顺序:1、确认所有连接的应用程序已经关闭;2、通过串口或TELNET登陆到系统。




2.存储加电顺序,先shelf,1分钟后给控制器加电3.控制器加电后因为没有根卷,会提示错误,并不断重启,看到提示按ctrl-c,看到类似菜单:(1) Normal boot.(2) Boot without /etc/rc.(3) Change password.(4) Assign ownership and initialize disks for root volume.(4a) Same as option 4, but create a flexible root volume.(5) Maintenance mode boot.如果没有类似菜单,而是进入了loader>,用boot_ontap重启,看到提示在按ctrl-c4.assign磁盘,先用disk list命令查看是否识别所有磁盘。

5.disk assign all6,这时可以把其他sas线连上7.assign磁盘后用reboot命令重启,或halt后进入loader>然后boot_ontap重启,看到提示按ctrl-c,进入菜单,8版本的菜单有了细微变化,可能是选4或5进行磁盘零化,过程中要自动重启2次,零化过程要半天时间。


9.第一次初始化配置不能间断,如果配错,继续配置就行,配置结束后可以看到提示符>,输入setup可以重新开始,中间可以用ctrl-c中断,重来10.setup结束后提示reboot生效,reboot即可11启动后要升级,我比较习惯用http方式,上传文件稍慢,方法:software get install 802_q_image.tgzdownloadreboot12,重启后version检查是否成功13,添加license ,进入此链接/eservice/ ON&button.findbynumber=Go%21&execQuery=Y&sessionInfo=false&moduleName=PROTOCOL输入sn,获得license,用命令license add XXXXX来添加,有些license有顺序,即添加了这个后才能添加那个,所以要用license命令检查是否添加成功14,划分aggr,并检验划分前准备的参数:raid_size——每个raid的磁盘数量;raid类型——raid_dp还是raid4;64位还是32位;哪些磁盘加入哪个aggr已xx州这个项目A控制器为例,默认的raid_size为23,最大为28,首先修改aggr0 的raid_size为24,命令:aggr options aggr0 raidsize 24向aggr0添加磁盘,默认已经有3块盘,所以再添加21块盘,命令:aggr add aggr0 21 创建aggr1,64位,raid_size为24 类型为raid_dp,共69块磁盘:aggr create aggr1 -B 64 -r 24 -t raid_dp 69创建或添加盘的时候可能会有提示,问是否创建新的raid,答ysysconfig -r和sysconfig -v检验配置是否正确15。



NetApp 与AIX系统连接时MPIO的配置方法与注意事项目录1. AIX上MPIO介绍 (1)2. NetApp与AIX连接的MPIO要求 (1)3. dotpaths工具与ALUA的选择 (2)4. 如何安装NetApp AIX Host Utility 5.1 (3)5. 如何删除NetApp AIX Host Utility 5.1 (4)6. 对中行天津分行这次搬迁的MPIO完善建议 (4)1.AIX上MPIO介绍MPIO也叫做多路径IO模块,是指在主机端的操作系统与底层存储端连接时,AIX有多于1条路径(光纤或以太)从底层存储到达主机操作系统。


AIX自带MPIO模块,不需要安装MPIO 软件。

但是在配合NetApp设备使用时,需要安装NetApp Host Utility以便从AIX 端控制管理存储端的LUN和进行路径管理。

App与AIX连接的MPIO要求NetApp存储与AIX连接时,必须安装NetApp提供的免费工具包:Host Utility。



本文的其余部分都是以5.1版本举例介绍如何使用Host Utility。



管理多路径,有两种方法,第一:在AIX端手工运行Host Utility工具包中提供的dotpaths工具设置路径权限。

第二:AIX和NetApp存储都满足最低版本要求以后,在存储端开启ALUA(Asymmetric Logic Unit Access,非对称逻辑单元访问)支持。




Confidential1目录 NETAPP GLOBAL SERVICESFAS 系列存储日常维护手册Prepared for:Prepared by:NetApp, SZ © 2013 NetApp. All rights reserved. Specifications are subject to change without notice.NetApp, the NetApp logo, Go further faster, FlexVol, FlexClone, RAID-DP, SnapVault, and NetApp, Inc.495 East Java DriveSunnyvale, CA 94089 USA Telephone: +1 (408) 822-6000Fax: +1 (408) 822-4501Support telephone: +1 (888) 4-NETAPP1 目标 (4)2硬件设备说明 (5)2.1 NetApp FAS3200系列 (5)2.2 机架/电源/磁盘 (8)3 设备管理 (11)3.1System Manager 图形管理接口 (11)3.2命令行(CLI) (13)3.3设备正常开关机顺序 (15)4 NETAPP 设备日常操作 (16)4.1 System Manager 图形界面操作 (16)4.1.1登陆方式 (16)4.1.2 创建存储池(Aggregate) (18)4.1.3 创建灵活卷(Flex Volume) (22)4.1.4 创建NAS 共享(CIFS/NFS) (24)4.1.5 Snapshot配置管理 (33)4.1.6 目录配额配置管理 (36)4.1.7 创建SAN 共享(如果没有FCP或ISCSI的license,无法使用) (40)4.2 CLI 命令行操作 (52)4.2.1登陆方式 (52)4.2.2 创建存储池(Aggregate) (52)4.2.3 创建灵活卷(Flex Volume) (54)4.2.4 创建NAS共享(CIFS/NFS) (56)4.2.5 Snapshot 配置管理 (57)4.2.6 目录配额配置管理 (59)4.2.7 创建SAN 共享 (60)5 NETAPP设备日常维护 (65)5.1 目测 (65)5.2 硬件状态检查 (65)5.3检查网络是否正常 (65)5.4检查Cluster状态是否正常 (66)5.5检查卷容量是否正常 (66)5.6 Inode数量检查 (66)5.7 性能检查 (67)5.8日志文件检查 (67)5.9 收集autosupport信息 (67)5.10常用命令 (67)6故障报修流程 (70)6.1 支持方式 (70)6.2GSC( Global Support Center 全球支持中心) (70)6.3案例开立流程 (71)6.4损坏部件更换流程 (71)1 目标NetApp 解决方案能够助客户有效地简化运作,同时最大限度地降低风险,为那些不断经历变化的企业提供更高的性能和可扩展性。

AIX 或 VIOS 多路径选择指南说明书

AIX 或 VIOS 多路径选择指南说明书

Guide to selecting a multipathing path control module for AIX or VIOSSkill Level:IntroductoryMichael Browne(*************.com)IBM Distinguished Engineer and Master InventorIBM08Feb2011This guide will assist a client in making the decision on identifying and deciding on which path control module to use in their AIX environment.The major functions for path control or multipathing are discussed and compared.IntroductionWhen determining the path control module to use for AIX and VIOS multi-path I/O supported devices,there are two choices the system administrator and storage administrator can make.One choice is the SDDPCM(Subsystem Device Path Control Module),and the other choice is the AIX default MPIOPCM(Multipathing Input/Output Path Control Module.)The SDDPCM product is provided by most IBM storage products for subsequent installation on the various server operating systems that the device supports.The AIX and VIOS default MPIO(AIXPCM)is provided as an integrated part of the base VIOS POWERVM firmware and AIX operating system product distribution.In this document,the term SDDPCM is used to refer to the Subsystem Device Path Control Module,and AIXPCM is used for both the AIX and VIOS default MPIO module.The term PCM is used when path control modules are being discussed generically.From a high level viewpoint,the SDDPCM provides many common functions and interfaces across various operating systems as an additional downloadable software entity for most IBM storage devices.The AIXPCM is a fully integrated component indeveloperWorks®/developerWorks the AIX and VIOS licensed program product and provides integrated device supportfor the AIX/VIOS environment.This allows existing AIX/VIOS device and upper levelcommands to be used regardless of the storage device.Both IBM and somenon-IBM storage devices are supported.Depending on your environment and mix ofvendor products and server/storage support alignment responsibilities,one PCMover the other may be a better choice for you.This article provides an understanding of the capabilities of them both.Operating system integration and product considerationsThe AIXPCM is included as part of the base AIX and VIOS licensed program producton the IBM System p platform.This enables a tighter integration of software levels interms of coexistence of various software and device firmware levels,as there is oneless part to integrate in the environment.The AIXPCM update levels are providedand are updated and migrated as a mainline part of all the normal AIX and VIOSservice strategy and upgrade/migration paths.Thus,by simply upgrading eitherVIOS or AIX,the AIXPCM is automatically updated to the appropriate level withoutthe need to install any additional modules or filesets.The SDDPCM is an add-on software entity and has its own update strategy andprocess for obtaining fixes.The customer must manage coexistence levels betweenboth the mix of devices,operating system levels and VIOS levels.SDDPCM is not alicensed program product.The customer also has additional responsibilities inperforming operating system migrations in an SDDPCM environment.The AIXPCM provides full fileset level APAR tracking,AIX software Vital ProductDatabase command support,and formal PTFs as part of the AIX and VIOS licensedprogram products.SDDPCM provides a list of items fixed in the software entityrelease documentation,full replacement file sets,and additional scripts.Supported devicesThe SDDPCM software entity is provided for specific IBM devices and is referencedby the particular device support statement.The supported devices differ betweenAIX and POWERVM VIOS,as well.AIXPCM supports all devices that the AIX operating system and VIOS POWERVMfirmware support,including selected third-party devices.Path selection algorithm optionsBoth PCMs provide Fail Over and Round Robin algorithms.The SDDPCM provides additional algorithms called Load Balancing and LoadBalancing Port.These algorithms take into account load statistics based on the/developerWorks developerWorks®number of currently outstanding I/O operations of the server adapters in selectingthe next path for an I/O operation.In the case of Load Balancing and in the case ofLoad Balancing Port,it also incorporates target port I/O statistics,as well.While AIXPCM doesn’t offer a"load balancing"attribute,load balancing using theAIXPCM can be accomplished through a"round_robin"algorithm,combined withuser-customizable path priorities.The default option for SDDPCM is Load Balance.The default option for AIXPCM isFail Over.SDDPCM allows for dynamic selection of path selection algorithm options,while theAIXPCM requires each hdisk be reconfigured for a new path selection algorithm totake affect.Dynamic path configuration capabilitiesBoth PCMs provide for the ability to add paths to a device dynamically,dynamicallyremove or replace physical adapters,and support AIX and VIOS fibre channeldynamic device tracking.Both PCMs provide an automated means of reclaiming failed paths of openeddevices via kernel processes.In addition,SDDPCM provides a health checkdaemon to provide an automated method of reclaiming failed paths to a closeddevice.AIXPCM has a path health checker built into its functionality to reclaim failedpaths automatically.Both PCMs provide user-customizable health check intervals.Clustered license program product supportBoth PCMs provide support of POWERHA and GPFS clustered software products.Device reservation policyBoth PCMs provide the same device reservation policy capabilities.SAN boot support,dump device and paging supportBoth PCMs support booting from SAN.Upon installation of AIX,the AIXPCM will bethe PCM for the boot devices.If SDDPCM is desired to be used for the boot device,another restart of the system is required after installation of the SDDPCM software.If NIM installation is used and the SDDPCM software is included in the NIMrepository environment,then the second restart is not required.Both PCMs allow for any MPIO device to be used as a paging device and a dumpdevice.Persistent reserve utilitiesdeveloperWorks®/developerWorks The SDDPCM provides a robust set of persistent reserve utilities for examining andmanaging persistent reserves on devices.Enhanced device utilities for SDDPCM supported devicesThe SDDPCM provides enhanced utilities(pcmpath commands)to show mappingsfrom adapters,paths,devices,as well as performance and error statistics than canbe useful in SAN management for those supported devices.Performance and error statistics when using the AIXPCM are gathered via standardperformance monitoring tools which ship with AIX,such as iostat and fcstat.ConclusionThis guide described the relevant features of the AIXPCM and the SDDPCM pathcontrol modules in a compare and contrast fashion.Reading this guide and usingthe provided product documentation for both of these path control modules allows asystem administrator the ability to make an informed decision on which multipathingsolution to use in their environment./developerWorks developerWorks®ResourcesLearn•See the IBM System Storage Multipath Subsystem Device Driver User’s Guide to learn how to install and configure the IBM System Storage MultipathSubsystem Device Driver Path Control Module(SDDPCM).•The AIX Version6.1Operating System and Device Management Guideprovides users and system administrators with device driver information.•The System Storage Interoperation Center(SSIC)provides detailedinteroperability and interoperation matrix information.Discuss•Follow developerWorks on Twitter.•Get involved in the My developerWorks community.•Participate in the AIX and UNIX®forums:•AIX Forum•AIX Forum for developers•Cluster Systems Management•Performance Tools Forum•Virtualization Forum•More AIX and UNIX ForumsAbout the authorMichael BrowneMichael Browne is an IBM chief test engineer responsible for testing allserver and storage platforms.Some of his areas of expertise are insystems design,SAN implementation,systems management andsystems testing.。




3NetAppSystem Manager(推荐使用)在日常维护过程中,我们推荐使用NetApp厂商提供的System Manager工具。


3.1 System Manager软件安装■Windows或Linux操作系统图形界面■Adobe Flash Player11或更高版本■Java 7Update1或更高版本通过安装包:进行默认安装即可。

3.2 System Manager 使用与配置3.2.1 寻找控制器主机点击Add添加要管理的存储IP地址,并确认SNMP community值为public,协议与主机对应。

3.2.2 确认寻找到存储HA模式会直接发现2台设备,status状态up。

3.2.3 登录存储控制器双击要管理的存储控制器,进入登录界面,输入用户名密码后sign in。

3.2.4 控制器状态信息页面登录存储控制器成功后的初始界面,可以看到存储的当前状态3.2.5 卷管理点击storage下拉菜单,选择volumes,可以对卷进行管理。 新建卷点击create可以创建新卷,在弹出界面输入卷名,并choose新卷所属aggregate,填写卷所需使用空间大小后确定。 配置卷鼠标右键点击需要配置的卷,选择“Resize”可以选择在线更改卷空间大小。




NetApp 存储安装实施手册

NetApp 存储安装实施手册
点击physical选项,在没有任何设置的硬盘上点击右键,选择Hot Spare
View/Change Current Hot spare coverage-改变热备盘的状态,设置某块热备盘从属于哪个volume groupAutomatically assign dribe-自动做热备盘(自动做多个热备盘,每个柜子做一个)
本文主要介绍如何Netapp E系列存储,如何利用SANTricity工具创建卷与卷组、如何配置卷的映射、如何保存和加载配置信息,最后简要介绍一下其它附加功能。在配置磁盘阵列的时候,首先确定合适的数据保护策略,以及这些存储容量如何被组织分配使用。这一章将介绍一些基本的卷和卷组的概念和配置方法,对一些更细节的描述,可以查看相应的帮助文件。
利用Script Editor完成对磁盘阵列的各种管理任务;

如何在AIX 系统上安装iscsi Host Utilities 软件

如何在AIX 系统上安装iscsi Host Utilities 软件

如何在AIX 系统上安装iscsi Host Utilities 软件包一、什么是 iSCSI?连接到一个TCP/IP网络的直接寻址的存储库,通过块I/O SCSI指令对其进行访问。




图例如下:二、IBM Nseries 与iSCSIIBM Nseries storage system能够同时满足NAS、iSCSI的存储需求,能将快速的数据访问方式与极低的维护需求集于一身,提供了功能强大的数据存储解决方案。

IBM Nseries storage system存储产品在同一设备中集成了存储和存储处理功能,有助于实现价格合理的网络部署。

支持多种协议的IBM Nseries storage system存储产品能够非常方便地集成到现有的IT 环境中,为带有NAS、iSCSI或两相混合的环境的组织提供统一的存储系统,使得为规模各异或人员配置各异的所有站点实现企业级的存储系统成为一个现实目标。

三、通过ISCSI协议实现AIX 主机与IBM Nseries系统连接如果想通过ISCSI 协议实现AIX 主机与IBM Nseries系统连接,IBM Nseries需要配置ISCSI 协议许可;AIX主机端需要配置ISCSI卡或安装iscsi Host Utilities 软件包(下载地址请见文档后备注),用以太网卡实现ISCSI 功能。

本文档主要介绍在AIX主机上安装iscsi Host Utilities 软件包步骤:●初始iscsi Host Utilities 软件包的安装方法:可以使用AIX System Management Interface Tool (SMIT) 或 installp 命令进行host setting 和SAN Toolkit 软件包安装。



文档信息本安装和维护手册为##X定制,为NetApp标准文档之补充.1作业规划步骤12配置步骤32.1设置磁盘归属,创建ROOT卷32.2检查并更新各部件的firmware系统版本152.3检查并更新存储操作系统版本192.4输入软件许可232.5执行SETUP进行初始化设置232.6调整ROOT卷的大小282.7配置VLAN292.8修改HOSTS文件302.9修改/etc/rc文件312.10配置AutoSupport服务332.11配置SSH342.12配置SNMP352.13配置NTP352.14配置MTA362.15配置IPspace362.16配置MultiStore362.17配置CIFS412.18配置ISCSI432.19配置FCP442.20配置NFS452.21配置重复数据删除462.22配置Snaprestore472.23容灾实现Snapmirror513日常维护543.1正常开关机54Page I3.2维护手段543.2.1Filerview 图形管理接口543.2.2命令行<CLI>543.3空间管理:Aggr, Volume和lun的介绍553.4常用命令基本应用553.5日常系统检查553.5.1目测553.5.2例行系统检查553.6autosupport功能简介和配置564故障处理流程584.1支持方式584.1.1NetApp on the web <NOW> site和服务584.1.2GSC< Global Support Center 全球支持中心>58 4.2案例开立流程584.3损坏部件更换流程591 作业规划步骤Page 12 配置步骤配置参数表2.1 设置磁盘归属,创建ROOT卷2.2 检查并更新各部件的firmware系统版本2.3 检查并更新存储操作系统版本2.4 输入软件许可使用license add ######X命令添加许可,全部输入后,使用license命令进行检查.鉴于许可的##性,此处不截屏日志.2.5 执行SETUP进行初始化设置2.6 调整ROOT卷的大小2.7 配置VLAN2.8 修改HOSTS文件2.9 修改/etc/rc文件2.10 配置AutoSupport服务2.11 配置SSH2.12 配置SNMP2.13 配置NTP2.14 配置MTA2.15 配置IPspace2.16 配置MultiStore2.17 配置CIFS2.18 配置ISCSI2.19 配置FCP2.20 配置NFS2.21 配置重复数据删除2.22 配置Snaprestore。

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Creates a new initiator group (“-f” for fcp; “-i” for iSCSI). Optionally specify the initiator node names (node…) or add them using the igroup add command. Adds a node to a specified initiator group. Displays the nodes in the specified initiator group. Omit initiator_group to see all igroups. Interactive LUN creation. Combines the lun create , igroup create, igroup add , and lun map command functions. Manual LUN creation. Enter size as integer bytes with one of the following suffixes: m (megabytes), g (gigabytes), or t (terabytes). Makes that LUN accessible to initiators in that igroup. Provide a LUN ID or take the default (the lowest available value). Displays general (-v), mapping (-m), or clone (-c) information about all or a specified subset of LUN(s). Clones a LUN. Creates (writable) LUN storage at this LUN path. Destroys the specified LUNs and all their data. Use -f if LUN is in use. Moves a LUN to a new path in the same volume. Enables and disables block-protocol access to a LUN Displays block access statistics for the specified LUN. Use -z to clear statistics; -o for extended stats; and -a to display stats for all LUNs. Turns off scheduled snapshots for a volume containing LUNs. Strongly recommended to enable use of space reservations.
vserver {fcp} show vserver fcp initiator show
Displays current status of the FC targets. Displays details of FC initiators. Interactive Vserver, volume, LUN, and igroup creation. Manual LUN creation. Enter size as an integer with one of the following suffixes: m (megabytes), g (gigabytes), or t (terabytes). Manual initiator group creation. Use the optional port set to limit which initiator ports access LUNs mapped to this igroup.
lun modify -vserver name -volume vol_name -lun lun_name -state {online | offline} lun delete -vserver name -volume vol_name -lun lun_name
Makes the specified LUN accessible to initiators in the specified igroup. Specify optional LUN ID or take default of lowest available value. Displays the initiators in all igroups or in the specified initiator group or for the specified Vserver. Lists LUNs. Use -instance to display more details. Add parameters to filter the list; run man lun show for available parameters. Enables or disables block-protocol access to the specified LUN.
NetApp AIX Host Utilities 6.0 Quick Command Reference Clustered Data ONTAP® Service management commands
system license show vserver fcp create -vserver name -status-admin up vserver {fcp} start -vserver name vserver {fcp} stop -vserver name
Verifies the FCP licenses are installed on the cluster. Enables FC on the specified Vserver. Starts the FC service on the specified Vserver. Stops the FC service on the specified Vserver. Creates a data LIF for FC. You must create a data LIF in each Vserver on each node to enable failover.
LUN and igroup management commands
vserver setup lun create -vserver name -volume vol_name -lun lun_name -size size -ostype type -space-reserve {enabled | disabled} igroup create -vserver name -igroup igroup_name -protocol {fcp | mixed} – ostype aix -initiator list [-portset portset_name] lun map -vserver name -volume vol_name -lun lun_name -igroup igroup_name [-lun-id integer ] lun igroup show [-vserver name ] [ -igroup igroup_name] lun show [-instance] [ parameters ]
Deletes the specified LUN and all its data.
General notes
Clustered Data ONTAP support for AIX host utilities requires Data ONTAP 8.2 and later.
Data ONTAP operating in 7-Mode Management commands
Verifies status of LIFs. Creates a port set that you can add to an igroup to limit which LIFs can be used to access LUNs mapped to that igroup.
Target status andgroup create { -f | -i } [ -t aix ] initiator_group [ node ... ] igroup add initiator_group node igroup show lun setup lun create -s size [ -t aix ] [ -o noreserve ] lun_path lun map lun_path initiator_group [ lun_id ] lun show [ -v | -m | -c ] [ all | mapped | offline | online | unmapped | -g initiator_group lun_path ] lun clone start lun_clone_path lun create -b snapshot-lun-path lun_path lun destroy [-f ] lun_path… lun move lun_path to_lun_path lun online |offline lun_path lun stats [ -z | -k ] [ lun_path ] vol options vol_name nosnap on [-v ] [ initiator_group ]
Space reservations are on by default at the LUN level unless you include the –o noreserve option to the lun create command. Space Reservations can be set on the qtree, file, or LUN level o qtree level: qtree reservation qtree_path [enable|disable] o LUN level: lun set reservation lun_path [enable|disable] Turn off scheduled snapshots: snap sched vol_name 0 0 0 or vol options vol_name nosnap on Set the snap reserve on the volume containing LUNs to 0: snap reserve volx 00 FC service management commands fcp config [ adapter [ up | down ] Configures the FC target adapters on the filer. Note: For the [ partner { adapter | None } | -partner ] NearStore family it is required to put the ports into loop mode. [ mediatype { ptp | auto | loop } ] ] fcp show adapter [ -v ] [ adapter ] Displays target adapter information. fcp show cdmode Displays the storage system cfmode. fcp show initiator [ -v ] [ adapter ] Displays information about initiators connected. fcp start | stop Starts and stops the FC service. fcp status Displays status of FC service. iSCSI service management commands