
课文释义Lesson 1 返校说一说奇奇:很高兴再次见到你。
Lesson 2 它太短了说一说小鸡:妈妈,这是什么?]母鸡:给你的红裙子。
Lesson 3 这么多动物说一说东东:船上真好玩啊!汤姆:喔!有这么多动物啊!奇奇:瞧!一头大猪。
奇Lesson 4 我的洋娃娃在哪?说一说伊芙:我的洋娃娃在哪?我找不到了。
Lesson 5 我们赛跑吧说一说东东:多好的天气啊!伊芙:在阳光下玩很愉快。
一、二、跑!伊芙:加油!加油!快!快!快Lesson 6 复习演一演狐狸外婆狐狸:我是一只狐狸,我好饿啊。
鸭鸭和小鸡:哈哈!哈哈!Lesson 7 请吃块蛋糕说一说凯特:你好,奇奇。

Let’s learn
Let’s chant
Let’s talk
Let’s talk
Let’s sing
Say and recite

科普版小学英语课文三年级下册天天练发音Lesson 1 I am a cat.Lesson 2 Are you Mr Dog?Lesson 3 Nice to meet you.Lesson 4 What's your name?Lesson 5 How old are you?Lesson 6 RevisionLesson 7 Is it a bird?Lesson 8 What's this?Lesson 9 What colour is the cap?Lesson 10 How are you?Lesson 11 How do you do?Lesson 12 Revision科普版小学英语(三年级起点)三年级下册(2012年11月第1版) Lesson 1 I can help you.Lesson 2 It's too short.Lesson 3 Is that a pig?Lesson 4 Where is my doll?Lesson 5 Let's run a raceLesson 6 RevisionLesson 7 can you make cakes?Lesson 8 Who is he?Lesson 9 I have a kiteLesson 10 It's coldLesson 11 Have some cokeLesson 12 Revision科普版小学英语(三年级起点)四年级上册(2013年07月第1版) Lesson 1 WE CAN DANCELesson 2 WHAT'S ON THE DESK?Lesson 3 IS THIS YOUR BAG?Lesson 4 IS HE YOUR BROTHER?Lesson 5 WHAT CAN YOU SEE?Lesson 6 REVISIONLesson 7 IS SHE A DOCTOR OR A NURSE?Lesson 8 WHAT'S THE TIME?Lesson 9 HOW MANY HORSES CAN YOU SEE?Lesson 10 WHERE IS MY DOG?Lesson 11 WHAT'S THIS IN ENGLISH?Lesson 12 REVISION科普版小学英语(三年级起点)四年级下册(2014年01月第1版) Lesson 1 Whose watch is it?Lesson 2 What colour are the trousers?Lesson 3 They are in Class ThreeLesson 4 Where are you from?Lesson 5 What are these?Lesson 6 RevisionLesson 7 Let's go swimming, OK?Lesson 8 Do you have a ruler?Lesson 9 I like summerLesson 10 Are you washing your face?Lesson 11 What are you doing?Lesson 12 Revision科普版小学英语(三年级起点)五年级上册(2014年06月第1版)Lesson 1 What is she doing?Lesson 2 Don't be late next time!Lesson 3 A computer has a keyboardLesson 4 Does Jim like swimming?Lesson 5 What does he like?Lesson 6 RevisionLesson 7 What would you like?Lesson 8 Would you like some potatoes?Lesson 9 How many cakes do you want?Lesson 10 There is a horse under the tree.Lesson 11 There isn't any bread in the fridge.Lesson 12 Revision科普版小学英语(三年级起点)五年级下册(2015年01月第1版) Lesson 1 May I speak to Mary?Lesson 2 We mustn't cross the street nowLesson 3 How many pupils are there?Lesson 4 Where do you live?Lesson 5 What do you do?Lesson 6 RevisionLesson 7 It's seven thirty-fiveLesson 8 What day is it today?Lesson 9 Do you always have lunch at twelve? Lesson 10 Does she always comes before six thirty? Lesson 11 When do you usually get up?Lesson 12 Revision。

第一课我可以帮你Let’s talk奇奇:你好,李老师!很高兴再次见到你。
Let’s learn我英语学得不太好。
Let’s chant回到学校。
Let’s act—你好!—你好!—见到你很高兴。
第二课它太短了Let’s talk小鸡:妈妈,这是什么?母鸡:它是条连衣裙。
Let’s learn它是一件长裙。
Ask and answer—你的裙子是什么颜色的?—它是红色的。
第三课那是一头猪吗?Let’s talk汤姆:船上真好玩啊!露露:哇!这么多动物啊!奇奇:那是一头大猪吗?伊芙:不,那不是猪。
Let’s learn—这(那)一头熊吗?—是的,它是。
Let’s make and act—我是一头熊。
Let’s sing老麦克唐纳有一个农场老麦克唐纳有一个农场,EIEIO。
2)……一些鸭子……,呱呱地叫3)……一些猪……,哼哼地叫4)……一些小鸡……,唧唧地叫第四课我的洋娃娃在哪儿?Let’s talk伊芙:我的洋娃娃在哪儿?汤姆:在你床上吗?伊芙:没有。

科普版小学英语三年级下册课文Lesson 1 I CAN HELP YOU--Hello, Miss Li, Glad to meet you again. --Me too.--Hi, Eve, How are you? --I’m OK,Thank you,and you?--Not bad, thanks.--I am not good at English. --I can help you.--Thank you. --That’s OK.Lesson 2 IT’S TOO SHORT--What’s this, mom? --It’s a dress, it’s for you.--Thank you, But it’s too short.--Too short? Then,Let’s make a skirt.--Oh, a nice skirt,But mom it’s too short.--Too short? Then,Let’s make a vest.--A vest? Oh,a nice vest. I like it.Lesson 3 IS THAT A PIG?--How nice on a ship! --Wow, so many animals!--Is that a big pig? --No,it isn’t a pig, it’s an elephant. --Look, is that a frog? --A frog? Where?--There! --No,it’s not a frog, it’s a fish. --Oh,sorry. Lesson 4 WHERE IS MY DOLL?-- Where is my doll? --Is it on your bed? --No.--Look, it’s in the box. --Oh, yes, thank you.--I can’t see Miss Fox, Where is she?--Is she with Mr. Dog? --No.--Look, she is with Mr. Frog. --Oh,yes.Lesson5 Let’s run a race.--What a fun day! --It’s fun in the sun, Let’s play a game.--OK! --Let’s run a race. --OK.--One,two,run! --Come on, come on, run,run,run. Lesson 6 REVISION--This is Lucy, this is Qiqi. --Nice to meet you, Lucy.--Nice to meet you, Qiqi.--I’m not good at English. --I can help you. --Thank you. --Mom, where is my red dress? --In the box.--Oh,yes, thank you. Is this my dress,mom? --Yes.--It’s too short. --Oh, Let’s make a skirt. --Wow, How nice!Grandma Fox--I am a fox. I’m hungry. Oh,it’s a hut. Little Chick is in it.--Open the door, Little Chick. --Who is it?-- It’s me. Grandma. --Oh,Grandma. Please wait. Let me open the door. --Shh! It’s not Grandma. It’s a bad fox.--A bad fox? Oh,yes, it is. --Open the door, Open the door. --We can’t let him in. --But how? --Wait, I can help you. --Hello, Mrs. Hen! I’m Mr. Dog. Let me open the door.--Dog? Oh,no,Goodbye. --Ha-ha!Lesson7 CAN YOU MAKE CAKES?--Hello, Kate, What’s on the table? --Some cakes.--Oh,How nice! --Please have one. --Thank you.--Can you make cakes? --No, I can’t.But my mom can.--Can she make buns? --Yes, she can make buns and noodles. Lesson 8 WHO IS HE?--Hello,Eve. --Hello,Qiqi.--That boy looks like you,Who is he?--He is Steve,we are brother and sister.--Hello,Tom.Who is he? --He is my little brother.--Hi,What’s your name? --My name is Pete.--How old are you? --I’m three.Lesson 9 I HAVE A KITE--Look, I have a kite. --Wow, How nice! Can you fly it?--Yes, I can. -- I have a new bike. --Great! Let’s ride it. --But we can’t. --Why? --Look,it’s a toy bike.--Ha--Ha!Lesson 10 IT’S COLD--Oh,it’s so cold, Are you cold? --Yes, I’m cold, mom.--Then let’s go home. --OK.--Oh, your nose is red. Are you still cold, Tom?--Yes,mom. --Then let’s me close the door.--Thank you, mom.Lesson 11 HAVE SOME COKE--Hello,Eve,come in ,please. --Happy birthday, Tom.--Thank you. --This is my mom, this is Eve.--How do you do,Eve? --How do you do,Mrs. Black?--Have a pear. --No,thanks. --Have some coke, please. --Thank you.Lesson 12 REVISION--Hi, Tom, I have a new bike. --Can you ride it?--Yes, I can.Let’s ride it, OK?--Is it cold today? --No,it’s warm. --Great.--Please come in,Kate. --Thank you.--Have a cake,please. --No,thanks.--Then have some coke. --Thank you.--Who is he? --He is my brother, Pete.--He looks like you. --Yes.Eve’s birthday--It’s Eve’s birthday. --Let me get some apples for her. --Let me get some pears. --Let me get some bananas.--Happy birthday, Eve. --Some bananas for you.--Some pears for you. --Some apples for you.--Thank you. --Oh, what a big cake!--Wow, so many candles! --One, two, three...Seven candles. --Are you seven, Eve? --Yes, I am.--Let’s sing “Happy Birthday”. --Yes, let’s.--Let’s have the cake! --Thank you.。

三年级英语下册科普版课文科普课文一:ButterfliesButterflies are insects that belong to the order Lepidoptera. They have a pair of large, colorful wings that are covered with tiny scales. These scales give butterflies their unique patterns and colors. Butterflies go through a process called metamorphosis, which consists of four stages: egg, caterpillar, chrysalis, and adult.The life cycle of a butterfly starts when a female butterfly lays her eggs on the leaves of plants. These eggs are very small and usually round in shape. Once the eggs hatch, tiny caterpillars emerge. Caterpillars have long bodies and many legs. They spend most of their time eating leaves and growing bigger.After a period of time, the caterpillar forms a chrysalis around itself. Inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar undergoes a transformation. Its body changes and rearranges, eventually turning into a butterfly. This process is known as metamorphosis. It takes several weeks for the butterfly to emerge from the chrysalis as a fully-grown adult.Butterflies are known for their vibrant colors and beautiful patterns. These colors and patterns serve different purposes. Some butterflies use their colors to attract mates, while others use them to camouflage themselves from predators. Butterflies also have a proboscis, which is a long tube-like structure used for drinking nectar from flowers.Butterflies can be found in various habitats around the world, including gardens, forests, and meadows. They play an important role in pollination, asthey transfer pollen from one flower to another, helping plants to reproduce. Additionally, butterflies are indicators of a healthy ecosystem. Their presence signifies a balanced environment with abundant food and suitable conditions for other organisms.In conclusion, butterflies are fascinating insects that undergo a remarkable transformation during their life cycle. Their unique patterns and colors, as well as their vital role in pollination, make them important creatures in the natural world.科普课文二:The Solar SystemThe solar system is a collection of planets, moons, asteroids, and other celestial objects that orbit around the Sun. It is located in the Milky Way galaxy, which is just one of billions of galaxies in the universe.The Sun, a giant ball of hot gas, is at the center of the solar system. It provides heat and light to all the planets and other objects. The eight planets in the solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. These planets vary in size, composition, and distance from the Sun.Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and has a rocky surface. Venus is often called Earth's twin because of its similar size and composition, but it has a thick atmosphere that traps heat and makes it the hottest planet in the solar system. Earth is our home planet and the only known planet to support life. Mars is often called the "Red Planet" because of its reddish appearance, caused by iron oxide on its surface.Beyond Mars, the solar system holds the gas giants: Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter is the largest planet and has a thick atmosphere with distinctive bands and storms, including the Great Red Spot. Saturn is known for its majestic rings made up of ice particles and dust. Uranus and Neptune, classified as ice giants, are located farther from the Sun and have bluish hues due to the presence of methane in their atmospheres.In addition to the planets, the solar system contains numerous moons orbiting around them. Earth has one moon, while Jupiter and Saturn have the largest numbers of moons. These moons come in various sizes and shapes and often have unique features, such as volcanoes and icy surfaces.Aside from the planets and moons, the solar system also includes asteroids and comets. Asteroids are rocky objects that are smaller than planets and orbit the Sun. Comets are icy bodies that typically have a "tail" when they approach the inner solar system due to the heat from the Sun.In conclusion, the solar system is a vast and diverse collection of objects, with the Sun at its center. Understanding the solar system helps us appreciate the beauty and complexity of our universe.。

(完整)科普版小学英语三年级下册课文原文科普版小学英语三年级下册课文Lesson 1 I CAN HELP YOU--Hello, Miss Li, Glad to meet you again. --Me too.--Hi, Eve, How are you? --I’m OK,Thank you,and you?--Not bad, thanks.--I am not good at English. --I can help you.--Thank you. --That’s OK.Lesson 2 IT’S TOO SHORT--What’s this, mom? --It’s a dress, it’s for you.--Thank you, But it’s too short.--Too short? Then,Let’s make a skirt.--Oh, a nice skirt,But mom it’s too sho rt.--Too short? Then,Let’s make a vest.--A vest? Oh,a nice vest. I like it.Lesson 3 IS THAT A PIG?--How nice on a ship! --Wow, so many animals!--Is that a big pig? --No,it isn’t a pig, it’s an elephant. --Look, is that a frog? --A frog? Where?--There! --No,it’s not a frog, it’s a fish. --Oh,sorry. Lesson 4 WHERE IS MY DOLL?-- Where is my doll? --Is it on your bed? --No.--Look, it’s in the box. --Oh, yes, thank you.--I can’t see Miss Fox, Where is she?--Is she with Mr. Dog? --No.--Look, she is with Mr. Frog. --Oh,yes.Lesson5 Let’s run a race.--What a fun day! --It’s fun in the sun, Let’s play a game. --OK! --Let’s run a race. --OK.--One,two,run! --Come on, come on, run,run,run.Lesson 6 REVISION--This is Lucy, this is Qiqi. --Nice to meet you, Lucy.--Nice to meet you, Qiqi.--I’m not good at English. --I can help you. --Thank you. --Mom, where is my red dress? --In the box.--Oh,yes, thank you. Is this my dress,mom? --Yes.--It’s too short. --Oh, Let’s make a skirt. --Wow, How nice! Grandma Fox--I am a fox. I’m hungry. Oh,it’s a hut. Little Chick is in it.--Open the door, Little Chick. --Who is it?-- It’s me. Grandma. --Oh,Grandma. Please wait. Let me open the door. --Shh! It’s not Grandma. It’s a bad fox.--A bad fox? Oh,yes, it is. --Open the door, Open the door. --We can’t let him in. --But how? --Wait, I can help you. --Hello, Mrs. Hen! I’m Mr. Dog. Let me open the door.--Dog? Oh,no,Goodbye. --Ha-ha!Lesson7 CAN YOU MAKE CAKES?--Hello, Kate, What’s on the table? --Some cakes.--Oh,How nice! --Please have one. --Thank you.--Can you make cakes? --No, I can’t.But my mom can.--Can she make buns? --Yes, she can make buns and noodles. Lesson 8 WHO IS HE?--Hello,Eve. --Hello,Qiqi.--That boy looks like you,Who is he?--He is Steve,we are brother and sister.--Hello,Tom.Who is he? --He is my little brother.--Hi,What’s your name? --My name is Pete.--How old are you? --I’m three.Lesson 9 I HAVE A KITE--Look, I have a kite. --Wow, How nice! Can you fly it?--Yes, I can. -- I have a new bike. --Great! Let’s ride it. --But we can’t. --Why? --Look,it’s a toy bike.--Ha--Ha!Lesson 10 IT’S COLD--Oh,it’s so cold, Are you cold? --Yes, I’m cold, mom.--Then let’s go home. --OK.--Oh, your nose is red. Are you still cold, Tom?--Yes,mom. --Then let’s me close the door.--Thank you, mom.Lesson 11 HAVE SOME COKE--Hello,Eve,come in ,please. --Happy birthday, Tom.--Thank you. --This is my mom, this is Eve.--How do you do,Eve? --How do you do,Mrs. Black?--Have a pear. --No,thanks. --Have some coke, please. --Thank you.Lesson 12 REVISION--Hi, Tom, I have a new bike. --Can you ride it?--Yes, I can.Let’s ride it, OK?--Is it cold today? --No,it’s warm. --Great.--Please come in,Kate. --Thank you.--Have a cake,please. --No,thanks.--Then have some coke. --Thank you.--Who is he? --He is my brother, Pete.--He looks like you. --Yes.Eve’s birthday--It’s Eve’s birthday. --Let me get some apples for her. --Let me get some pears. --Let me get some bananas.--Happy birthday, Eve. --Some bananas for you.--Some pears for you. --Some apples for you.--Thank you. --Oh, what a big cake!--Wow, so many candles! --One, two, three...Seven candles. --Are you seven, Eve? --Yes, I am.--Let’s sing “Happy Birthday”. --Yes, let’s.--Let’s have the cake! --Thank you.。
科普版-英语-三下-(科普版)3B Lesson11 have some coke 课文注释

11. have some coke
1. How are you? 和 How do you do? 都是见面时的问候语,但两者的具体使用有区别。
“How are you ?”“你好吗?”为疑问句,用于熟人之间互相询问对方的身体状况;How do you do? 在形式上为疑问句,末尾也是问号,但它并不表示疑问,意为“你好!”,用于初次见面经别人介绍认识的两个人之间。
对“How are you?”的回答一般是I’m fine. Thank you. And you? 对方再回答I’m fine. Thanks.而对How do you do?的回答仍是 How do you do? 例如:
A: How are you?
B: I’m fine. Thank you. And you?
A: I’m fine, too.
Kate: Miss Gao, this is my father. Father, this is Miss Gao.
Miss Gao: How do you do?
Father: How do you do?。

dress [dres] 连衣裙,女服
but [bʌt] 但是
short [ʃɔ:t] 短的,矮的
then [ðen]那么
let [let] 让
us [ʌs] 我们(宾格)
make [meik] 做
skirt [skə:t] 女裙
like [leik] 喜欢;像
vest [vest] 背心
let\'s = let us 让我们课文翻译
Lesson 2
Let\'s talk说一说
What\'s this, Mum?妈妈,这是什么?
It\'s a dress.它是一条连衣裙。
It\'s for you.是给你的。
Thank you, but it\'s too short.谢谢您但是它太短了Too short?太短?
Then let\'s make a skirt.那么,我们做一条短裙吧Oh, a nice skirt.噢,一条漂亮的短裙。
But Mum, it\'s too short.可是妈妈,它太短了。
Too short?太短?
Then let\'s make a vest.那我们做一件背心吧。
A vest?一件背心?
Oh, it\'s a nice vest.噢,一件漂亮的背心。
I like it.我很喜欢它。
Let\'s learn学一学。

make 和 like 两词可直接告诉词义。
这 11 个词全部学过后,教师逐个出示这些单词的卡片,让学生读并说出中
文。 B.导入对话:用实物图片导入法导入。因为本课的 Let's
talk 的四小段是一个整体,因此先要将全篇整个讲一遍。方法是教师准备一
教学内容: 1.Let ’s talk 2.生词 again, bad
1.能听懂,会说,会认,会拼读 bad,at,help,me,hi
2.听懂会说,并用来对话,交际用语 Glad to see you. Me too. How are
you? Not bad. 教学重点:
教学难点: Let's talk 的前两个情景要求能用来会话
教学易混点: e 在开音节与闭音节中的读音
教学方法: 表演法与情景教学法相结合
教具准备: 录音机,单词卡片,剪刀,彩纸
教学过程: 一.复习检查: A、复习单词:复习已学过的含[æ]音的单词。师举 bad,bag 等单词的卡
片,让学生拼读并说出中文。或者教师读英文,让学生拼写出来并写出中文意思。 B、三分钟自由对话:叫若干对同座的同学站起来,用以前学过的对话内容
hing at a time and All things in their being are good for somethin
教学内容: 1. 20 个辅音字母。 2.Let’s chant 和 Let’s read.
教学目标: 1.会用对话内容 2.能拼读含这些字母的闭音节单词。
教学重点: 20 个辅音字母。

科普版三年级 | 下册
Too short? Then let’s make a vest.
科普版三年级 | 下册
A vest? Oh, it’s a nice vest. I like it.
Let’s learn
科普版三年级 | 下册
It’s a dress. It’s long. It’s a skirt. It’s short. It’s a vest. It’s short.
Not bad, thanks.
I’m OK, thank you, and you?
Байду номын сангаас
I am not good at English.
科普版三年级 | 下册
I can help you.
Thank you.
That’s OK.
Let’s learn
I am not good at English.
科普版三年级 | 下册
It’s a coat. It’s long. It’s a shirt. It’s old. It’s a T-shirt. It’s new.
Ask and answer
科普版三年级 | 下册
-- What colour is your dress? -- It’s red. -- Is it old? -- Yes, it is. / No, it’s new.
Let’s talk
What’s this, Mum?
科普版三年级 | 下册
It’s a dress. It’s for you.
Thank you, but it’s too short.
科普版三年级 | 下册
Too short? Then let’s make a skirt.
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--Hello, Miss Li, Glad to meet you again. --Me too.
--Hi, Eve, How are you? --I’m OK,Thank you,and you?
--Not bad, thanks.
--I am not good at English. --I can help you.
--Thank you. --That’s OK.
--What’s this, mom? --It’s a dress, it’s for you.
--Thank you, But it’s too short.
--Too short? Then,Let’s make a skirt.
--Oh, a nice skirt,But mom it’s too short.
--Too short? Then,Let’s make a vest.
--A vest? Oh,a nice vest. I like it.
Lesson 3 IS THAT A PIG?
--How nice on a ship! --Wow, so many animals!
--Is that a big pig? --No,it isn’t a pig, it’s an elephant. --Look, is that a frog? --A frog? Where?
--There! --No,it’s not a frog, it’s a fish. --Oh,sorry. Lesson 4 WHERE IS MY DOLL?
-- Where is my doll? --Is it on your bed? --No.
--Look, it’s in the box. --Oh, yes, thank you.
--I can’t see Miss Fox, Where is she?
--Is she with Mr. Dog? --No.
--Look, she is with Mr. Frog. --Oh,yes.
Lesson5 Let’s run a race.
--What a fun day! --It’s fun in the sun, Let’s play a game.
--OK! --Let’s run a race. --OK.
--One,two,run! --Come on, come on, run,run,run.
--This is Lucy, this is Qiqi. --Nice to meet you, Lucy.
--Nice to meet you, Qiqi.
--I’m not good at English. --I can help you. --Thank you. --Mom, where is my red dress? --In the box.
--Oh,yes, thank you. Is this my dress,mom? --Yes.
--It’s too short. --Oh, Let’s make a skirt. --Wow, How nice!
Grandma Fox
--I am a fox. I’m hungry. Oh,it’s a hut. Little Chick is in it.
--Open the door, Little Chick. --Who is it?
-- It’s me. Grandma. --Oh,Grandma. Please wait. Let me open the door. --Shh! It’s not Grandma. It’s a bad fox.
--A bad fox? Oh,yes, it is. --Open the door, Open the door. --We can’t let him in. --But how? --Wait, I can help you. --Hello, Mrs. Hen! I’m Mr. Dog. Let me open the door.
--Dog? Oh,no,Goodbye. --Ha-ha!
--Hello, Kate, What’s on the table? --Some cakes.
--Oh,How nice! --Please have one. --Thank you.
--Can you make cakes? --No, I can’t.But my mom can.
--Can she make buns? --Yes, she can make buns and noodles. Lesson 8 WHO IS HE?
--Hello,Eve. --Hello,Qiqi.
--That boy looks like you,Who is he?
--He is Steve,we are brother and sister.
--Hello,Tom.Who is he? --He is my little brother.
--Hi,What’s your name? --My name is Pete.
--How old are you? --I’m three.
Lesson 9 I HAVE A KITE
--Look, I have a kite. --Wow, How nice! Can you fly it?
--Yes, I can. -- I have a new bike. --Great! Let’s ride it. --But we can’t. --Why? --Look,it’s a toy bike.
Lesson 10 IT’S COLD
--Oh,it’s so cold, Are you cold? --Yes, I’m cold, mom.
--Then let’s go home. --OK.
--Oh, your nose is red. Are you still cold, Tom?
--Yes,mom. --Then let’s me close the door.
--Thank you, mom.
--Hello,Eve,come in ,please. --Happy birthday, Tom.
--Thank you. --This is my mom, this is Eve.
--How do you do,Eve? --How do you do,Mrs. Black?
--Have a pear. --No,thanks. --Have some coke, please. --Thank you.
Lesson 12 REVISION
--Hi, Tom, I have a new bike. --Can you ride it?
--Yes, I can.Let’s ride it, OK?
--Is it cold today? --No,it’s warm. --Great.
--Please come in,Kate. --Thank you.
--Have a cake,please. --No,thanks.
--Then have some coke. --Thank you.
--Who is he? --He is my brother, Pete.
--He looks like you. --Yes.
Eve’s birthday
--It’s Eve’s birthday. --Let me get some apples for her. --Let me get some pears. --Let me get some bananas.
--Happy birthday, Eve. --Some bananas for you.
--Some pears for you. --Some apples for you.
--Thank you. --Oh, what a big cake!
--Wow, so many candles! --One, two, three...Seven candles. --Are you seven, Eve? --Yes, I am.
--Let’s sing “Happy Birthday”. --Yes, let’s.
--Let’s have the cake! --Thank you.。