The romantic age (1815-1865)Romanticism: It is aassociated with imagination and creation of individuality. Romantic writers attach importance to the portrayal of figures of distinctive charactersOne of the characteristics: it took a predominantly philosophical toneI. BackgroundA. At the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, romanticism occurred and developed in Europe.B. American Puritanism清教Puritanism is the practices and beliefs of the Puritans. The Puritans were originally members of a division of the Protestant Church. As the word itself hints, Puritans wanted to purify their religious beliefs and practices. They are a group of highly religious and serious people. They are Self-disciplined, sobriety, hard work, thrift, piety without any earthly joy and extravagancy.C. American was striving for争取political, economic, and cultural independence from Britain, radical 彻底的changes took place: Development of industrialism, great immigration, westward expansion, etc. The buoyant令人鼓舞的mood of the nation called for a new literary expression, and romanticism answered the call.D. The European influence.II. Features of the romantic literature.1.Expressiveness:Wordsworth华滋华斯: ―all good poetry is the spontaneous overflow洋溢of powerful feeling‖The romanticists held that the writers should express their emotions, feelings, impressions. 印象, instinct直觉, intuition直觉, or their beliefs in their works instead of the imitation模仿of the classical writers.2. Imagination3. Worship崇拜of nature4. Simplicity简单: turned to the humble低下的people and the everyday life,adopted the everyday languageRomanticism的特点:frequently shared certain general characteristics, moral enthusiasm, faith in the value of individualism and intuitive perception, and a presumption that he natural world was a source of corruption.浪漫主义之间大多是相通的,都注重道德,强调个人主义价值观和直觉感受,并且认为自然是美的源头,人类社会是腐败之源。
美国文学复习整理一、殖民主义时期的文学(colonial settlements)&理性和革命时期文学(revolutionary period)(文艺复兴时期)1.清教主义的shaping influence2.代表人物“T he Tenth Muse”第一位移民诗人2. Philip Freneau 菲利普·佛瑞诺有宗教隐喻,关注本土地貌、人文.写印第安人故事。
美国诗歌之父 father of American poetry代表作《野金银花》The Wild Honey Suckle3。
Thomas Jefferson 托马斯·杰弗逊起草了独立宣言 The Declaration of Independence 17764.Thomas Paine 托马斯·佩因拥护独立宣言代表作:《常识》Common Sense《理性时代》The Age of Reason5.Jonathan Edwards乔纳森·埃德沃兹大觉醒运动的代表人物 the Great Awakening6.Benjamin Franklin 本杰明·富兰克林代表作:《自传》The Autobiography《穷理查德历书》Poor Richard's Almanac美国梦的代表二.浪漫主义时期的文学(American Romanticism)早期浪漫主义(Early Romantic Period)1.背景:1> 时间:18世纪末到内战爆发前夕(1861)2> 条件:○1国家的快速发展,大量移民和工业化发展错误!小说的发展,期刊杂志(periodical)出现错误!受英国文学的影响2.浪漫主义的基本特征1>Stressing emotion rather than reason2>Stressing freedom and individuality3>Idealism rather than materialism4>Writing about nature, medieval legends(中世纪传说)and with supernaturalelements。
American Literature 美国文学汇总
![American Literature 美国文学汇总](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2856e30ba6c30c2259019e50.png)
The American Scholar
2 speeches made Emerson famous: The American Scholar and The Divinity School Address
5. Henry David Thoreau
a transcendentalist
The Mississippi valley and the West became his
major theme. his language: vernacular, spoken, simple, direct Twain’s humor is remarkable. his real name: Samuel Langhorne Clemens The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Monikins
The American Democrat
3. William Cullen Bryant
the American earliest naturalist poet
“the American Wordsworth” Thanatopsis (his greatest poem) The Embargo (his first verse) The Flood of Year
Black Cat
This period is called “the American Renaissance”. It started with the publication of Washington Irving’s The Sketch Book and ended with Whitman’s Leaves of Grass. the Puritan influence over American Romanticism The most clearly defined Romantic literary movement in this period is New England
reasoning and revolution代表作家:1、Benjamin Franklin 本杰明·富兰克林 1706-17901)"Poor Richard's Almanac" 穷人查理德的年鉴annual collection of proverbs 流行谚语集It soon became the most popular book of its kind, largely because of Franklin's shrewd humor, and first spread his reputation2) Founded the Junto, a club for informal discussion of scientific, economic and political ideas. 建立了一个秘密俱乐部,讨论的主题是政治、经济和科学等时事方面的问题3)established America's first circulating library, founded the college--University of Pennsylvania. 建立了美国第一个可租借的图书馆,还创办了一所大学——就是现在的宾夕法尼亚大学。
4)first applied the terms "positive" and "negative" to electrical charges.5)As a representative of the Colonies, he tried in vain to counsel the British toward policies that would let America grow and flourish in association with England. He conducted the difficulty negotiations with France that brought financial and military support for America in the war. 作为殖民地的代表,他不断建议英国改变政策,使美国可以和英国一起发展、繁荣。
第一部分殖民主义时期the colonial period1.Hard work, thrift, piety and sobriety were the Puritan values that dominated much of the earliest Americanwriting.代表人物: cotton mather 科顿.马瑟Jonathan Edwards 乔纳森.爱德华兹Anne brandstreet 安妮.布雷斯特里特殖民时期第一位诗人,《最近在北美出现的第十位缪斯》第二部分理性和革命时期文学reasoning and revolution1、Benjamin Franklin 本杰明.弗兰克林代表作:Poor Richard’s Almanac穷人理查德的年鉴annual collection of proverbs 流行谚语集Autobiography 自传 18世纪美国唯一流传至今的自传2、Thomas Paine 托马斯.潘恩Rights of man 人的权利The age of reason 理性时代American Crisis《美国危机》, signed “Common Sense”.署名为“常识”3、Philip Freneau 菲利浦.弗瑞诺the most outstanding writer of the post-Revolutionary period(18th century). 是革命战争后期(18世纪)最杰出的作家。
the “Father of American Poetry”美国诗歌之父poet of American revolution4、Thomas Jefferson 托马斯.杰弗逊drafted the Declaration of Independence. 起草了独立宣言第三部分浪漫主义文学/Romanticismtranscendentalism超验主义:1、Ralf Waldo Emerson拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生be responsible for bringing Transcendentalism to New England, 是把超验主义引入新英格兰的先驱。
美国文学史总结从第二次世界大战后到新世纪,美国文学还有一个值得一提的发展现象——通俗文学(Popular Literature)日益受到重视,过去以低级杂志(pulps)为阵地的通俗小说有了平装本和精装本,进了图书馆和大学。
这些传统型和创新型的小说,很多都进入了《纽约时报》的“畅销书排行榜”(New York Times Best Sellers)。
50年代,历史西部小说(Historical Western)占据了通俗文学的主导地位,随后现代犯罪小说(Modern Crime Fiction)迅速崛起,在60年代末和70年代初压倒了其他一切通俗小说。
70、80年代是美国通俗小说大发展时期,诞生了诸如甜蜜野蛮小说(Sweet-Savage Romance)、高科技惊险小说(High-Technical Thriller)之类的新型通俗小说。
此外,传统的女性言情小说(Women's Fiction)、科幻小说(Science Fiction)和恐怖小说(Horror Fiction)也出现有力回潮。
90年代,社会暴露小说(Social Expose Fiction)逐渐成为美国通俗文学领域的主导力量,如此格局一直维持到世纪末。
像马里奥·普佐(Mario Puzo)的《教父》(The Godfather)、斯蒂芬·金(Stephen King)的系列恐怖小说、迈克尔·克莱顿(Michael Crichton)的《侏罗纪公园》(Jurassic Park)和《失落的世界》(The Lost World)、玛格丽特·杜鲁门(Margaret Truman)的“谋杀案”系列政治暴露小说等,都是我国读者较为熟悉的美国通俗文学作品。
American Literature---A General reviewA general thread of American literature•I. American Literature of Colonial Period•(1607—1765)•II. American Literature of Revolutionary Period (1765—1800)•III. The Age of Romanticism (1800—1865)•IV. The Age of Realism (1865—1918)•V. American Modernism (1918—1945)•VI. Contemporary Literature (1945-- )Ⅰ.Literature of colonial period (1607-1765)• 1.Terms:•Puritanism: origin, doctrines, relationship with American literatureOrigin: grow out of religious controversy, out of an urge for religious freedom anddetermination, out of fleeing from religious and political oppression and persecution, out of human thirst for great economic opportunity, for land, and for adventure.Doctrines: stress predestination, original sin, total depravity, and limited atonementfrom God‟s graceWay of life: stress hard work, thrift, piety, and sobrietyRelationship with American literature: expression of the puritan idealism, puritanoptimism impact on American literature, a literature of discovery.• 2. writers:•Anne Bradstreet:安妮. 布拉德斯特里特the first American woman writer; PuritanismWorks:The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in American《最近在美国出现的第十位缪斯》II Revolutionary Period (1765—1800)•Terms:•EnlightenmentThey assumed that people were naturally good and that a harmonious universeproclaimed the beneficence of God. They are not interested in theology but in man‟s own nature.•Important figures:Jonathan Edwards: 乔纳森. 爱德华兹神学家,leader of the Great Awakening, 美国哲学思想的开拓者The Personal NarrativeBenjamin Franklin:self-made, reflection of American dream, epitome of the EnlightmentFounding father of the United States of AmericaThe AutobiographyIII. The Age of Romanticism (1800—1865)•Terms:•RomanticismTime: turn of the 18th and 19thHistory background: Industrial Revolution, French RevolutionRomantics stress individual and creative function of imagination. It place individual at the very centre of all life and all experience and at the centre of art.Characteristics:(1) A rebellion against the objectivity of rationalism,(2) The feelings, intuitions, and emotions are more important than reasonand common sense.(3) Stress the relationship between man and nature.(4) Emphasize individualism, placing the individual against the group, againstauthority, the very centre of all life and all experience and at the centre of art.(5) Affirm the inner life of the self, and want each person to be free to develop andexpress his own inner thoughts.(6) Cherish strong interest in the past, especially the medieval(7) Attracted by the wild, the irregular, the indefinite, the remote, the mysterious,and the strange.(8) Interested in variety•TranscendentalismTime: appear after 1830, mid-19thMeaning: marked the maturity of American Romanticism and the AmericanRenaissance and the first American intellectual movement. It laid emphasis on spirit and individual nature.(Whatever belongs to the class of intuitive thought, idealism as it appears )---by Emerson Major concepts:(1)Stress the power of intuition(2)Place spirit first and matter second(3)Take nature as symbolic of spirit or God(4)Emphasize the significance of the individual and believe that individual is themost important element in the society and that the ideal kind of individual isself-reliant and unselfish.(5)Envision religion as an emotional communication between an individual souland the universal Oversoul.(6)Commerce is degrading and a life spent in business is a wasted of life.Early periodFireside poets (炉边诗人): William Cullen Bryant, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow and James Russell Lowell. First put American poetry on an equal footing with British poetryPoets:William Cullen Bryant 威廉.柯伦.布莱恩特The first distinctive lyric poet. 第一位享有盛誉的抒情诗人The American WordsworthWorks:To a waterfowl 《致水鸟》Thanatopsis 《死亡观》Song of Marion’s Men《马里恩的人类之歌》Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 亨利.沃兹沃斯.朗费罗He was among the first of American writers to use native theme. Longfellow‟s works are highly spiritual. He emphasizes the mysteries of birth, death and love. His poems are filled with melody and charm of meter.Works: A Psalm of Life 《人生赞礼》:most famous workThe Song of Hiawatha 《海华沙之歌》fiction writers:Washington Irving 华盛顿.欧文Irving has called the father of American literature(美国文学之父). He is the f irst American writer of imaginative literature to gain international fame. (美国第一位享誉国际的作家) .Irving‟s works are characterized by a strong sense of humor, which gives an impetus to the growth and popularity of American indigenous humor.Works: A History of New Y ork from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty《纽约外传》a great success and win him reputationThe Sketch Book《见闻札记》Win him an international fameMark the beginning of American RomanticismIt‟s a collection of essays, including:Rip V an winkle《瑞普. 凡. 温克尔》, most famousThe Legend of Sleepy Hollow《睡谷的传说》James Fennimore Cooper 詹姆斯.费尼莫尔.库珀He was the first author to write about western, of sea novel, border novel, and series novels, romantic writer with rationalism.美国民族文学奠基人之一,第一位描述西进运动的作家,开创边疆传奇小说Works:Leatherstocking Tales《皮袜子故事集》about the frontier life of American settlersIncluding:The Pioneers 《拓荒者》The Last of the Mohicans 《最后的莫希干人》, most excellentThe Prairie 《草原》The Pathfinder 《探路者》The Deerslayer 《杀鹿者》•Transcendentalists:•Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803--1882) 拉尔夫.沃尔多.爱默生Nature《论自然》: It …s regarded as “the manifesto of AmericanTranscendentalism”. In this work, Emerson put forward that behind everyphenomenon of the nature there was the spirit of the nature.•Henry David Thoreau (1817--1862) P45 亨利.大卫. 梭罗Walden《瓦尔登湖》, a great transcendentalism workCivil Disobedience《论公民之不服从》A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers《在康科德河和梅里麦克河上的一周》•High romantics:•Emily Dickinson 埃米莉.迪金森女诗人P63Her poems are characterized by the abundant use of dashes(破折号) and otherpunctuations and capitalization and original imagery, precise diction andfragmentary pattern.Theme: love, nature, friendship, death, and immortalityWorks: I’m Nobody《我是无名之辈》To Make a prairie《要描绘一片草原》Success Is Counted Sweetest《最美妙的胜利感觉》•Edgar Allan Poe 埃德加.爱伦. 坡P10He has been held among the greatest poets;The first American professional writer;The first writer of detective story.Works: The Raven《乌鸦》The Fall of the House of Usher《厄舍古厦的倒塌》The Cask of Amontillado《阿芒提拉多的酒桶》Annabel Lee《安娜贝尔. 李》The Poetic Principle《诗歌原理》Sonnet--- To Science《致科学》To Helen《致海伦》诗歌:美丽女子的死亡•Walt Whitman 沃尔特.惠特曼P60A great democratic poet; father of free verseThoughts: equality& democracy; dignity; the joy of common man; openness, freedom, individualism.Works: Leave of Grass《草叶集》, mark the birth of truly American poetry Praised as “democratic Bible”(共和圣经);“American Epic”(美国史诗)Including:One’s Self I Sing《我歌唱自我》Song of Myself《自我之歌》O Captain! My Captain! 《噢,船长! 我的船长!》•Nathaniel Hawthorne 纳撒尼尔.霍桑P26 First great American writer of fiction; a master of symbolismCentral subject: human soulWorks:The Scarlet Letter《红字》, establish him as the leading American nativenovelist of 19th century.The House of the Seven Gables《带七个尖角阁的房子》Twice- Told Tales《路人皆知的故事》Mosses from an Old Manse 《古宅青苔》The Blithedale Romance《福谷传奇》•Herman Melville 赫尔曼.梅尔维尔美国浪漫主义时期成就最高的小说家,擅长描写航海奇遇和异域风情Works: Moby Dick 《白鲸》, a Shakespeare tragedy of man fighting againstoverwhelming odds in an indifferent and even hostile universe.IV. The Age of Realism (1865—1918)•Terms:•RealismTime: the approach of realist fiction occurring at the latter part of 19th centuryRealism came as a reaction against the lie of romanticism and sentimentalism. Itturned from an emphasis on the strange toward a faithful rendering of the ordinary,a slice of life as it is really lived. It‟s based on the accurate, unromanticizedobservation of human experiences. It insists on precise description, authentic action and dialogue, moral honesty, and a democratic openness in subject and style.Major features:(1)familiar aspects of contemporary life and everyday scenes are represented in astraightforward or matter-of-fact manner(2)in realist fiction characters from all society levels are examined in depth(3)open ending(4)focus on commonness of the lives of the common peole(5)emphasize objective and offer an objective view of human nature and humanexperience(6)presents moral vision•Local colorismTime: popular after civil warLocal colorism, namely, regionalism stresses fidelity to a particular geographical section and a faithful representation of its habits, speech, manners, history, folklore, or belief.Basic features:(1)Presents locale which is distinguished from the outside world(2)Describes the exotic and the pictureseque(3)Glorifies the past(4)Attempts to show things as they are(5)Stresses the influence of setting on character•NaturalismTime: in the late 19thAmerican Naturalism is evolved from realism when the author‟s tone on writing becomes less serious and less sympathetic but more ironic and more pessimistic.It is no more than a gloomy philosophical approach to reality, or to human existence.Major features:(1)Humans are controlled by laws of heredity and environment(2)The universe is cold, godless, indifferent and hostile to human desires(3)They look at the violent, sensational, sordid, unpleasant, and ugly aspects of life•writers:•William Dean Howell 威廉.迪恩. 霍威尔斯The champion of realism,描写美国中产阶级生活Centre and circumference of realism in AmericaWorks: Criticism and Fiction《批评与小说》V enetian life《威尼斯生活》The Rise of Silas Lapham《塞拉斯.拉帕姆的发迹》•Henry James 亨利.詹姆斯•美国与欧洲文化的比较,新与旧、逝去年代与即将来临的新时代的连贯性。
Puritan values (creeds):
▶ Hard work, thrift, piety, sobriety, simple tastes. ▶ Puritans are more practical, tougher, and to be ever ready for any misfortune and tragic failure. ▶ They are optimistic.
What is literature? Writings that are valued as works of art, esp. fiction, drama and poetry. Forms (genres) of literature? Poetry, novel (fiction), drama, prose, essay, epic, elegy, short story, journalism, sermon, (auto) biography, travel accounts, novelette, etc.
1. Benjamin Franklin (1706-1790) (1) Works
• The Autobiography • Poor Richard’s Almanack
(2) Life
He was born into a poor candle-maker’s family. He had very little education. He learned in school only for two years, but he was a voracious reader. At 12, he was apprenticed to his elder halfbrother, a printer. At 16, he began to publish essays under the pseudonym “Silence Do good” . At 17, he ran away to Philadelphia to make his own fortune. He set himself up as an independent printer and publisher. In 1727 he founded the Junto club.
John Winthrop
John Winthrop:《新英格兰历史》“The History of New England”. 1630年登上“阿贝亚”(Arbella)to Massachusetts并开始写日记keep a journal
其还是美国第一位主要作家the first major writer非凡表达能力,简洁明了,有点幽默,还是一位讽 刺天才as an author he had power of expression, simplicity, a subtle humor. He was also sarcastic.
美国早期文学主要为the narratives and journals of these settlements采用in diaries and in journals(日记和日志),他们写关于the land with dense forests and deep-blue lakes and rich soil.
Edward Taylor
清教徒诗人中最杰出的一位the best of the Puritan poets 他的作品遵循了十七世纪中期一些杰出诗人风格和形式his work followed they
style and forms of the leading English poets of the mid-seventeenth century。 他大部分作品关于宗教的,大部分诗歌直接以赞美诗为基础进行创作的most of
ⅠColonial America(17th century)殖民主义时期文学1.In 1492, Christopher Columbus discovered America and he mistook the native people onthe new continent for Indians.Character of colonial literature:a.content: religious, politicalb.form: diary, journal, letters, travel books, sermons, history (personalliterature)c.Style: simple. direct, concised.out of humble originsEarly in the 17th century, the English settlements in Virginia and Massachusetts began the main stream of what we recognize as the American national history.The earliest settlers in America included Dutch, Swedes, Germans, French, Spaniards, Italians and Portuguese.The first permanent English settlement in North America was established at Jamestown, Virginia in 1607(北美弗吉尼亚詹姆斯顿)2.Captain Town Smith, the first American writer3.Puritan Thoughts: hard work, thrift(节俭), piety(虔诚), sobriety(节制), 这些也成了早期美国作品主导思想.典型的清教徒:John Cotton & Roger William, John Cotton was called “the Patriarch of New England(新英格兰教父)”清教徒采用的文学体裁:narratives(日记) and journals(游记)清教徒在美国的写作内容:1)Their voyage to the new land2)Adapting themselves to unfamiliar climates and crops3)About dealing with Indians4)Guide to the new land, endless bounty, invitation to bold spirit4.Private literature: theological, moral, historical, political5.The work of two writers, Anne Bradstreet and Edward Taylor, rose to the level of realpoetry. Anne Bradstreet is one of the most interesting of the early poets, 英国最早移民到美国的诗人. The best of the Puritan poets was Edward Taylor.ⅡReason and Revolution(18th century)理性和革命时期文学1.The War for Independence (1776-1783) ended in the formation of a Federative bourgeoisdemocratic republic - the United States of America.2.Bourgeois Enlightenment3.Benjamin Franklin: Poor Richard’s Almanac(穷人理查德的年鉴), an annual collection ofproverbs.The Autobiography, 18世纪美国唯一流传至今的自传⏹The Autobiography is, first of all, a Puritan document. It is Puritan because it is a recordof self-examination and self-improvement. The Puritans, as a type, were very much given to self-analysis.⏹The Autobiography shows Franklin was spokesman for the new order of 18th-centuryEnlightenment, and that he represented in America all its ideas, that man is basically good and free, by nature endowed by God with certain inalienable rights of liberty and the pursuit of happiness.⏹It is the pattern of Puritan simplicity, directness, and concision. The plainness of its style,the homeliness of imagery, the simplicity of diction, syntax and expression are some of the obvious features we cannot mistake.⏹Tone: OptimismThe American dream began with the settlement of the American continent –the Promised Land – the Garden of Eden – optimistic about the future4.Thomas Paine: The American Crisis, 极大恢复士气5.Thomas Jefferson:The Declaration of Independence6.Philip Freneau, Father of American Poetry: The Indian Burring Ground(印第安人的坟地)The Wild Honey Suckle(野忍冬花)⏹The poem is an indication of the poet’s dedication to American subjectmatter and the natural scenes on the new continent.⏹Here in this poem Freneau deals with the themes of loveliness and thetransience of life.⏹This poem, well within the melancholy genre, consists of the poet’s pensivemusings on the flower’s story.⏹The first two stanzas picture the advantages of the flower’s country retreat.⏹The next two stanzas unite the theme of the seasons with the thought that allmust die. Death and decay, as well as creation, are so common, so much a part of the universal law.ⅢRomanticism(end of the 18th century——Civil War)浪漫主义文学1.Washington Irving, Father of American literature: Sketch Book(见闻札记, the firstmodern short stories and the first great American juvenile literature, a collection of essays, sketches, and tales)2.James Fenimore Cooper: The Leatherstocking Tales(皮袜子故事集, the AmericanNational Epic) contains of The Deerslayer(杀鹿者), The Last of the Mohicans(最后的莫希干人), The Pathfinder(探路人), The Pioneers(拓荒者), and The Prairie(大草原).3.Edgar Allan Poe: The Raven(乌鸦), Annabel Lee(安娜贝尔·李), The Fall of the House ofUsher(鄂榭府崩溃记)To Helen○Edgar Allan Poe wrote “To Helen” as a reflection on the beauty of Mrs. Jane Stith Stanard, of Richmond, Va., who died in 1824. She was the mother of one of Poe’s school classmates, Robert Stanard. When Robert invited Edgar, then 14, to his home (at 19th and East Grace Streets in Richmond) in 1823, Poe was greatly taken with the 27-year-old woman, who is said to have urged him to write poetry. He was later to write that she was his first real love.○ 1 stanza⏹Helen: An allusion to Helen of Troy in Greek mythology.⏹Nicean: Of or from Nicea (also spelled Nicaea), a city in ancient Bithynia (nowpart of present-day Turkey) near the site of the Trojan War.⏹Barks: small sailing vessels.⏹End rhyme: A, B, A,B, B.○ 2 stanza⏹wont: accustomed to⏹Naiad: Naiads were minor nature goddesses in Greek and Romanmythology. They inhabited and presided over rivers, lakes, streams, and fountains.⏹Naiad airs: Peaceful, gentle breezes or qualities⏹The glory that . . .Rome: These last two lines, beginning with the glorythat was, are among the most frequently quoted lines in world literature.⏹End rhyme: A, B, A, B, A.Half rhyme: Face and Greece○ 3 stanza⏹Psyche: In Greek and Roman mythology, Psyche was a beautifulprincess dear to the god of love, Eros (Cupid), who would visit her in a darkened room ina palace. One night she used an agate lamp to discover his identity. Later, at the urging ofEros, Zeus gave her the gift of immortality. Eros then married her.⏹End rhyme: A, B, B, A, B.⏹from the regions which are Holy Land: from ancient Greece and Rome;from the memory Poe had of Mrs. Stanard○Theme■Beauty, as Poe uses the word in the poem, appears to refer to the woman's soul as well as her body. On the one hand, he represents her as Helen of Troy–the quintessence of physical beauty–at the beginning of the poem. On the other, he represents her as Psyche–the quintessence of soulful beauty–at the end of the poem. In Greek, psyche means soul.4.Transcendentalism(超验主义):❖19th-century movement of writers and philosophers in New England who were loosely bound together by adherence to an idealistic system of thought based on a belief in the essential unity of all creation, the innate goodness of man, and the supremacy of insight over logic and experience for the revelation of the deepest truths. In their religious quest, the Transcendentalists rejected the conventions of 18th-century thought; and what began in dissatisfaction with Unitarianism developed into a repudiation of the whole established order.❖Representative figures: some 30 men and a couple of women such as Emerson, Thoreau, Bronson Alcott, and Margaret Fuller, most of them teachers or clergymen, radicals against rigid rationalism of Unitarianism.❖Time: 1836-1855❖Essence: “Transcendentalism is idealism” in essence❖Major Features:A.Emphasis on spirit;B.The importance of the individual as the most important element ofsociety;C.N ature as symbolic of the Spirit or GodRalph Waldo Emerson, Father of American Essay, Essayist, poet, philosopher, orator, critic : Nature(the Bible and manifesto(宣言) of the New England Transcendentalism), Self-relianceHenry David Thoreau(The Prophet(提倡者) of Non-Violence Movement, he wasEmerson’s truest disciple, who put into practice many of Emerson’s theories): Walden5.Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter⑴女主角honest, calmly face fault 诚实,坦然的面对罪过。
美国文学笔记整理完整版1607-1776北美殖民时期Colonial Settlements约翰·史密斯美国文学史上第一个作家John Smith A Ture Relation of Virginia《关于费吉尼亚的真实叙述》(美国文学第一本书)乔纳森·爱德华兹清教徒主义作家(Puritanism)Jonathan Edwards1776-1783独立革命时期Revolution of Independence (启蒙运动)本杰明·富兰克林Poor Richard’s Almanac穷查理历书;Benjamin Franklin The Way to Wealth致富之道;1706-1790 The Autobiography自传(记录作者从穷到成功的经历,“美国梦”反映,体现启蒙倡导的理性主义和有序、教育的观点)托马斯·潘恩美国独立之父the father of American revolutionThomas Paine Common Sense常识(独立战争宣传册revolutionary pamphlets)1737-1809American Crisis美国危机(鼓励人民抵抗英军,共16小册)Rights of Man人的权利(支持法国革命)The Age of Reason理性时代(基督给他名誉带来的影响)菲利普·弗伦诺独立诗人a poet of the American Revolution,美国诗歌之父Philip Freneau The Rising Glory of America蒸蒸日上的美洲1752-1832 The British Prison Ship英国囚船The Wild Honey suckle野生的金银花The Indian Burying Ground印第安人殡葬地To the Memory of the Brave Americans纪念美国勇士--同类诗中最佳托马斯·杰斐逊独立宣言Declaration of IndependenceThomas Jefferson18世纪末-19世纪中后浪漫主义时期Romanticism1. 早期浪漫主义华盛顿·欧文美国文学之父father of American Literature(为美国文学第一次赢得世界声誉)Washington Irving 以笔记小说和历史传厅闻名,humor1783-1859 The Sketch Book见闻札记(标志浪漫主义开始)A History of New York纽约史---美国人写的第一部诙谐文学杰作;----The Legend of Sleepy Hollow睡谷的传说---成为美国第1个获国际声誉作家-----Rip Van Winkle里普·万·温克尔(李伯大梦)The Alhambra阿尔罕伯拉詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀frontier novel边疆传奇小说sea novelJames Fenimore Cooper The Spy间谍(独立战争间谍对抗英国)1789-1851 The Pilot领航者(sea novel)Leatherstocking Tales皮袜子五步曲(frontier novel)The Pioneer拓荒者(the first true romance of the frontier in American literatureThe Last of Mohicans最后的莫希干人(主角:Natty Bumppo 纳蒂班波)The Prairie大草原The Pathfinder探路者The Deerslayer杀鹿者2. 超验主义New England Transcendentalism拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生Nature论自然-----新英格兰超验主义者的宣言书manifesto Ralf Waldo Emerson The American Scholar论美国学者;1803-1882 Self-reliance论自立The Transcendentalist超验主义者Representative Men代表人物School Address神学院演说Days日子-首开自由诗之先河free verse亨利·大卫·梭罗Walden瓦尔登湖Henry David Thoreau A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers在康科德河和梅里麦克河上的一周1817-1862 Civil Disobedience论公民之不服从纳撒尼尔·霍桑subject: human soul first great American writer of fiction 象征主义大师Nathaniel Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter红字1804-1864 Twice-told Tales尽人皆知的故事Mosses from an Old Manse古屋青苔The House of the Seven Gables有七个尖角阁的房子The Marble Faun玉石雕像The Blithedale Romance福谷传奇Young Goodman Brown年轻的布朗The Birthmark胎记赫尔曼·迈尔维尔擅长航海奇遇和异域风情Herman Melville Moby Dick/The White Whale白鲸(first American prose epic史诗)1819-1891 Typee泰比Omoo奥穆Mardi玛地White Jacket白外衣Pierre皮尔埃; Billy Budd比利·巴德沃尔特·惠特曼Father of free verse自由诗之父Walt Whitman Leaves of Grass草叶集(the birth of truly American poetry and the endof romanticism)(共和圣经Democratic Bible美国史诗American Epic)1819-1892 Song of Myself自我之歌Democratic Vistas民主的前景埃米莉·迪金森她的诗大量破折号dash,主题love, nature, death, immortality; 语言plain, brevity, directEmily Dickinson This is My Letter to the World这是我给世界的一封信1830-1886I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died我死时听到一只苍蝇叫Because I could not Stop for Death因为我不能等待死神I’m Nobody. Who Are You?我是无名小卒。
美国文学史总结Part I The Literature of Colonial America(殖民地时期的文学)Chapter 1→John Smith 约翰.史密斯1. A True Relation of Such Occurrences and Accidents of Note as Hath Happened inVirginia Since the First Planting of That Colony 《自殖民地第一次在弗吉尼亚垦荒以来发生的各种事件的真实介绍》(1608)2. A Map of Virginia with a Description of the Country 《弗吉尼亚地图,附:一个乡村的描述》(1612)3.The General History of Virginia, New England, and the Summer Isles 《弗吉尼亚通史》(1624)Chapter 2→William Bradford (威廉.布拉德福德)→Of Plymouth Plantation 《普利茅斯开发史》(1826)→John Winthrop (约翰.温思罗普)→The History of New England from 1630 to 1649 《新英格兰史》(1856)Chapter 3→John Cotton (约翰.科登)→Roger Williams (罗杰.威廉姆斯)→ A Key into the Language of America 《开启美国语言的钥匙》/《美国新英格兰地区土著居民语言指南》Chapter 4→Anne Bradstreet(安妮.布雷兹特里特)(女性作家)→The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America 《在美洲诞生的第十位缪斯》→Edward Taylor (爱德华.泰勒)(女性作家)→Psalms 《诗篇》Part II The Literature of Reason and Revolution(理性和革命时期文学)Chapter 5→Benjamin Franklin (本杰明.富兰克林)1.Poor Richard ’s Almanac 《穷理查德年鉴》(1732-1758,1729年正式出版)2.The Declaration of Independence 《独立宣言》(Franklin & Jefferson 杰弗逊)3.The Autobiography 《自传》4.Collect Works 《作品选集》Chapter 6→Thomas Paine (托马斯.佩因)1.The Case of the Officers of the Excise 《收税官的案子》(1772)(his first pamphlet)mon Sense 《常识》(1776)3.The America Crisis 《美国危机》(1776-1883)(a series of sixteen pamphlets)(signed“Common Sense” )4.Rights of Man 《人权》(I 1791年, II 1792年)5.The Age of Reason 《理性时代》6.Agrarian Justice 《土地公平》(his last important treatise 他最后一部重要著作)Chapter 7→Thomas Jefferson (托马斯.杰弗逊)The Declaration of Independence 《独立宣言》(Benjamin Franklin & Jefferson 杰弗1.该集子并不是按写作顺序来安排的,而是按事件发展的先后顺序重新编排,即:TheDeerslayer(《杀鹿者》);The Last of the Mohicans《最后的莫希干人》;The Pathfinder 《探路人》;The Pioneers《拓荒者》;The Prairie《大草原》}Chapter 11→William Cullen Bryant (威廉.卡伦.布莱恩特)1.Thanatopsis《死亡思考/死之思考》(1817)2.To a Waterfowl《致水鸟》(is perhaps the peak of his work 是其巅峰之作)Chapter 12→Edgar Allan Poe (埃德加.艾伦.坡)1.MS. Found in a Bottle 《金瓶子城的方德先生》2.The Fall of the House of Usher《鄂榭府崩溃记》3.Tales Of the Grotesque and Arabesque《述异集》(1840)4.The Raven《乌鸦》(1845)5.To Helen《给海伦》6.Annabel Lee《安娜贝尔.李》Chapter 13→Ralph Waldo Emerson(拉尔夫.沃尔多.爱默生)1.Nature《论自然》(1836)2.Two speeches(正真让他功成名就的是两次演讲):The American Scholar《美国学者》(a great statements 一篇优秀的论说文)& Divinity School Address《神学院致辞》3.Poem《诗集》(1847)4.Essay《随笔录》5.Representative Men《代表》(1850)6.English Traits《英国人》(1856)7.Nature《论自然》8.Self-Reliance《论自助》Chapter 14→Henry David Thoreau(亨利.戴维.梭罗)1.Walden《沃尔登》(1854)Chapter 15→Nathaniel Hawthorne (纳撒尼尔.霍桑)1.The House of the Seven Gables《七个尖角阁的房子》2.Mosses from an Old Manse《古厦青苔》(1846)3.The Scarlet Letter 《红字》(1850)The Scarlet Letter is the introductory chapter of The Scarlet Letter. 《海关》是《红字》的前言。
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Three themes: 1. the idea of myself 2.the identification of myself and others 3.the writer’s relationship with the elements of nature universe vitality of a new nation and vastness of land.4. Give an summary and analysis of Chapter 3 of the Great Gatsby.The Entire story takes place in one summer in 1922. The novel describes the life and death of Jay Gatsby, as seen through the eyes of a narrator who does not share the some point of view as the fashionable people around him. The narrator learns that Gatsby became rich by breaking the law. Gatsby pretends to be a well-educated war hero, which he is not, yet the narrator portrays him as being far more noble than the rich, cruel, stupid people among whom he and Gatsby live. Gatsby's character is purified by a deep, unselfish love for Daisy, a beaufitul, silly woman who, earlier, married a rich husband instead of Gatsby and moved into high society. Gatsby has never lost his love for her and in an era when divorce has become easy, he tried to win her back by becoming extravagantly rich himself. He does not succeed, and in the end he is killed almost by accident because of his determination to shield Daisy from disgrace. None of Gatsby's upper class friends come to his funeral. The narrator is so disgusted that he leaves New York and returns to his original home in the provinces.The Chapter 3, describes one of Gatsby's fabulous parties at his expensive, rented estate near New York; it is the first such party that the narrator has attended. There is a passage which begins with a description of the elaborate preparations, which he watches from the house next door, and continues with his observations as one of the guests. He evokes a vivid atmosphere of contradiction; the party is crowded yet empty of warmth or friendship, the charm and sweetness of youth is spoiled by triviality and tawdriness, the splended house and garden have been purchased not for enjoyment but for the purpose of making an impression.2.How to understand the image of Gatsby?1.A romantic dreamer: time can be fixed, the past can be repeated , youth beauty and love canbe recaptured.2.Symbol for the whole American expense: the corruption of his dream by youth and beauty as its goal is the corruption of American idealism.How to understand the image of daisy:1.“A beautiful little fool”:Beautiful enchanting hollow.2.” “A member of secret society ”:society of establish wealthThemes:1. The declines of the American dream in the 1920s 2.The hollowness of the upper class First- person, reason: contact with all the characters in the novel. He is intimate enough to weave all the characters skillfully into a unity in the novel. He is a reliable narrator.Function:1.leads compactness and unity to the novel since the reader is confined to what Nick can experience and hear.2.With hold the information and let it revealed gradually thus.2. Give an comment on Ezra Pound's In the Station of the Metro.The excellent image in this short poem is not a decration. It is central to the poem's meaning. In fact, it is the poem's meaning.The"Metro" is the underground railway of Paris. In this brief poem, Pound uses the fewest possible words to convey an accurate image, according to the principles of the "Imagists".He tries to render exactly his observation of human faces seen in an underground railway station. He sees the faces, turned variously toward light and darkness, like flower petals which are half absorbed by, half resisting, the wet, dark texture of a bough.The word "apparition", with its double meaning, binds the two aspects of the observation together:1)apparition meaning "appearance",in the sense of something which appears, or shows up; something which can be clearly observed.2)apparition meaning something which seems real but perhaps is not real; somthing ghostly which cannot be clearly observed.3. Give an comment on Robert Frost's The Road Not Taken.This poem is written in classic five-line stanza, with the rhyme scheme a-b-a-a-b and conversational rhythm. The peom seems to be about the poet, walking in the woods in autumn, choosing which road he should follow on his walk. In reality, it concerns the important decisions which one must make in life, when one must give up one desirable thing in order to possess another. Then, whatever the outcome, one must accept the consequences of one's choice for it is not possible to go back and have another chance to choose differently.In the poem, the poet hesitates for a long time, wondering which road to take, because they are both pretty. In the end, he follows the one which seems to have fewer travelers on it. Synbolically, he choose to follow an unusual, solitary life; perhaps he was speaking of his choice to become a poet rather than some commoner profession. But he always remembers the road which he might have taken, and which would have given him a different kind of life.3." Because I Could Not Stop for Death" The poem begins with a leisurely image. At first, the protagonist feels totally at ease and the usually frightening death is described as if a familiar friend, gentle and polite. Continuingly, the poem is developed upon a basic metaphor that life is a journey. It was truly rather old a comparison, but Dickinson enriched it with her creativity and imagination: "School, where Children strove" --childhood; "Fieldsof Gazing Grain"--maturity; and "Setting Sun"--old age. Then “the Dews drew quivering and chill-” makes the protagon ist feel terribly cold, which may mean that they are getting nearer and nearer to the tomb. But at last, his companions, Immortality and Death, finally desert him and leave him alone to go toward Eternity. So it seems that though death cheats him and at the same time deserts him, the experience of death itself is not painful. Emily Dickinson’s poems just explain this kind of essence of life, which then lead you to a world of imagination and thinking.威廉福克纳写作技巧:Faulkner was known for his experimental style with meticulous attention to diction and cadence. In contrast to the minimalist understatement of his contemporary Ernest Hemingway, Faulkner made frequent use of "stream of consciousness" in his writing, and wrote often highly emotional, subtle, cerebral, complex, and sometimes Gothic or grotesque stories of a wide variety of characters including former slaves or descendants of slaves, poor white, agrarian, or working-class Southerners, and Southern aristocrats.写作手法包括“意识流Stream of Consciousness”、“哥特手法Gothic approach”、“象征主义Symbolism”nonlinear chronological order shifting narrating voice 南方情结south complex 幽默手法Humorous .Although Faulkncr's story is always regarded as difficult to read for its overlapping circles and disordered chronologies. the orders and narrations of Faulkner's works are what people will experience in real life.T herefore, the same as the real life full of enigma and mystery, debates and discussions on Miss Emily's "confusing" story will never end.5. Romanticism (or the Romantic Era) was an artistic, literary and intellectual movement that originated in the second half of the 18th century in Europe, and gained strength in reaction to the Industrial Revolution.[1] In part, it was a revolt against aristocratic social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment and a reaction against the scientific rationalization of nature.[2] It was embodied most strongly in the visual arts, music, and literature, but had a major impact onB卷A rose for Emily献给艾米丽一朵玫瑰is one of Faulkner’s most widely read in the American . The setting of the story is the American South. The theme of the story is universal, transcending the boundaries of time and space. It’s a short story tells about love, death, honor, pride, change, and loss."Compassion and Forgiveness" is anther major theme that we can find in almost any Faulkner story. At first, it might not be apparent in this case. We almost have to be told that these sentiments are behind "A Rose for Emily" before we can see them. The story can seem downright cruel, the characters wholly unsympathetic, and the plot gross. When we begin to see the magnitude of the tragedy, and its impact on multiple generations, we understand the story is a call for understanding. The story seems to argue that forgiveness, compassion, and understanding can only come by facing the facts of the past and the present, which are tangled up together in an tight knot. Faulkner is both mercilessly subtle, and painfully blunt in this story, but we can feel the spirit of compassion rushing through.威廉福克纳写作技巧:写作手法包括“意识流Stream of Consciousness”、“哥特手法Gothic approach”、“象征主义Symbolism”nonlinear chronological order shifting narrating voice 南方情结south complex 幽默手法Humorous .Although Faulkncr's story is always regarded as difficult to read for its overlapping circles and disordered chronologies. the orders and narrations of Faulkner's works are what people will experience in real life.T herefore, the same as the real life full of enigma and mystery, debates and discussions on Miss Emily's "confusing" story will never end.4.What is the theme of Dickinson's poem?爱美丽迪金森Dickinson's poems are usually based on her own experiences,her sorrows and joys. They are short; many of them are based on a single image or symbol. Emily was an energetic and outgoing woman while attending the Academy and Seminary.But within her little lyrics Dickinson addresses those issues that concern the whole human beings, which include religion, death, immortality, love and nature3. Why do you think Emerson called his first philosophical work "Nature" rather than anything else?To Emerson's Transcendental eyes, the physical world was vitalistic and evolutionary. Nature was, to him as to his Puritan forebears, emblematic of God. It mediates between man and God, and its voice leads to higher truth. "Nature is the vehicle of thought", and "particular natural facts are symbols of particular spiritual facts". Thus Emerson's world was one of multiple significance; everything bears a second sense and an ulterior sense. In a word,"Nature is the symbol of spirit". That is probably why he called his first philosophical work Nature rather than anything else. The sensual man, Emerson feels, conforms thoughts to things, and man's power to connect his thought with its proper symbol depends upon the simplicity and purity of his character: " The lover of nature is he... who has retained the spirit of infancy even into the era of manhood". To him nature is a whole-some moral influence on man and his character.Imagism意象主义was a movement in early 20th-century Anglo-American poetry that favored precision of imagery, and clear, sharp language. The Imagists rejected the sentiment and artifice typical of much Romantic and Victorian poetry. This was in contrastto their contemporaries, the Georgian poets, who were by and large content to work within that tradition. Group publication of work under the Imagist name appearing between 1914 and 1917 featured writing by many of the most significant figures in modernist poetry in English, as well as a number of other Modernist figures prominent in fields other than poetry.2.What's the difference between Henry James' realism and Mark Twain's realism?Although James and Twain both worked for realism, there were obvious differences between them. In thematic terms, James wrote mostly of the upper reaches of American society, whereas Mark Twain dealt largely with the lower strata of society. Technically, James pursued the Psychological realism, but Mark Twain's contribution to the development of realism and to American literature as a whole was partly through his theories of Local Colorism in American fiction, and partly through his colloquial style.Henry James believed that reality lies in the impressions made by life on the spectator, and not in any facts of which the spectator is unaware, such realism is therefore merely the obligation that the artist assumes to represent life as he sees it, which may not be the same life as it "really" is. James shifted the ground of realistic art from the outer to the inner world.Mark Twain preferred to replresent social life through portraits of local places which he knew best. He drew heavily from his own rich fund of knowledge of people and places. He confined himself to the life with which he was familiar. By quoting from his own experience, Mark Twain managed to transform into art the freedom and humor, in short, the finest elements of western culture.。
(完整word版)整理 美国文学史作家作品(word文档良心出品)
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The Nature of True Virtue(1765)
Images or Shadows of Divine Things
8.Ann Bradstreet(1612-1672)
The first American woman poet
The History of New England(two volumes, 1825, 1826; 1630 ---1649 indiary)
Model of Christian Charity(sermon)
4.John Cotton(1584-1652)
The most eminent and admired minister in the first generation of New England Puritans.
5.Philip Freneau(1752-1832)
Poet of the American Revolution (18thcentury)
The first American-born poet; Father of American poetry
Established the National Gazette in Philadelphia in 1791 with Thomas Jefferson’s support
Emily Dickinson
The Age of Realism
William Dean Howells
Henry James
Mark Twain
Stephen Crane
Benjamin Frank Norris
大学英专课程《美国文学》的总结美国文学-Alice总结和整理American LiteratureI, American Literary in Colony (殖民地时期的美国文学)John Smith, who was the first American writer. (John Smith 是美国的第一位作家)II, American Literary of American Revolution and Enlightenment (美国独立战争和启蒙运动时的文学)1,Benjamin Franklin(1706-1790) 本杰明·富兰克林He was one of the most important American thinkers during the revolutionary period. Franklin was also well known as a scientist, natural philosopher, statesman and literary man, one of the members of the committee to draft The Declaration of Independence.富兰克林是美国独立战争时期杰出的思想家之一。
His works are,Poor Richard?s Almanack《穷查理历书》The Way to Wealth《致富之道》The Autobiography《自传》2,Thomas Paine 托马斯·潘恩Thomas Paine was a literary man and statesman in American revolution.托马斯·潘恩是美国独立革命时期的散文家和政治家、Common Sense 《常识》The Case of the Officers of Excise《税务员问题》American Crisis《美国危机》Rights of Man《人的权利》Downfall of Despotism《专制体制的崩溃》The Age of Reason《理性时代》3,Philip Freneau(1752-1832) 菲利普·弗伦诺Freneau was educated in Princeton, he was the Poet of the American Revolution and the Father of American Poetry.弗伦诺毕业于普林斯顿大学,是革命战争时期的美国诗人,被称为“美国诗歌之父”。
I.Benjamin Franklin1.works(1)Autobiography 自传(2)Poor Richard’s Almanac 穷理查德年鉴2.contribution(1)He helped found the Pennsylvania Hospital and the AmericanPhilosophical Society.(2)He was called “the new Prometheus who had stolen fire(electricity in this case) from h eaven”.(3)Everything seems to meet in this one man –“Jack of all trades”.Herman Melville thus described him “master of each andmastered by none”.II.Thomas Paine1.works(1)Common Sense(2)American CrisisIII.Thomas Jefferson1.works(1)The declaration of IndependenceIV.Philip Freneau1.works(1)The wild honey suckle(2)The Indian Burying Ground(3)To a Caty-Did2.contribution(1)Poet of the American Revolution(2)Father of American poetry(3)Transitional role of neoclassicism and RomanticismEnlightenment(1)It was an intellectual movement and it originated in Europe in17th C and come to American in 18th C.(2)It stressed the power of human reason, the important ofscientific methods and discoveries.(3)It contributed to freezing American from the limitations ofPuritanism and stimulating.(4)Emphasized independent democratic nation.American Romanticism1.American romanticism is a literary movement swept thoughwestern Europe.2.Emphasized freedom and individualism, like to write sth aboutmoral enthusiasm.3.Interest in medieval literature4.Show love of nature, emphasized mystery and supernatural.I.Washington Irving1.several names attached to Irving(1)first American writer win international fame(2)the messenger sent from the new world to the old world(3)father of American history, write history and biography asliterary entertainment2.works(1)First novel <A History of New York> 纽约外史won him widepopularity(2)<The Sketch Book> 见闻札记 won international fame(3)The Sketch Book :the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, Rip VanWinkle.II.James Fenimore Cooper1.several names attached to Irvingthe first important American novelist began his literary career on dare.2.worksLeatherstocking TaleIII.William cullen BryantThe first American to gain stature of a major poet.1.Thanatopsis” 死亡随想曲2.To the Waterfowl 致水鸟most perfect brief poem in thelanguage.IV.Edgar Allan Poe1.works(1)the fall of the house of Usher(2)to Helen(3)Annabel Lee2.contribution(1)a master of the horror tale(2)first important critics(3)a start of the detective storyTranscendentalism.超验主义1.It is a philosophical and literary movement that flourished inNew England.2.Emphasized intuition, the spirit or the oversoul ,3.Emphasized individualism4.For transcendentalists, nature is a symbol of the spirit or God5.they believe in self-trust and self-reliance6.They appreciated the dignity of manual labor7.represent writer: Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry DavidThoreauV.Ralph Waldo Emerson1.works:Nature: Bible of American transcendentalism.2.one of his statement was in The American ScholarVI.Henry David ThoreauWalden 瓦尔登湖VII.Nathaniel HawthorneThe Scarlet Letter 红字Hester Prynne 3A:adultery able angel VIII.Herman MelvilleMoby DickIX.Henry Wadsworth LongfellowA Psalm of Life:stresses the importance of a full and sincere activity in making the most of life’s brief span, rather than succumbing to moods of vain regret and dejection.Realism:a literary movement in Europe and the United States in the last half of the last half of the 19th, early year of 20th. The attempt in literary and art to represent life as it really is, without sentimentalizing or idealizing it. It described Everyday life and speech of ordinary people. Represent writer: William Dean ,Mark Twain ,Henry James.I.Walt WhitmanLeave of grassFree words 自由体II.Emily DickinsonI died for beauty-but was scarceBecause I could not stop for deat hIII.Mark TwainSamuel Langhorne Clemens1.works:The Adventures of Tom SawyerThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn2.contribute:(1)The true father of all the national literature.(2)Lincoln of our literature.(3)The fountainhead of all modern literature.(4)His writing style: colloquial language dialects, local color,sentence simple brief, sometimes ungrammatical; humor, socialcritic.IV.O. HenryWilliam Sidney Porter1.works:(1)The Cop and the Anthem(2)The Four Million(3)The Gift of the Magi(4) A Municipal Report(5)An Unfinished Story(6)Phoebe(7)The Furnished Room(8) A Lickpenny LoverNaturalism:(1)I t was an outgrowth and extreme form of realism.(2)I t is sometimes defined as the technique of portraying ascientifically accurate, detached picture of life, includingeverything and selecting nothing.(3)I t conveyed that social conditions, heredity and environmenthad inescapable force in shaping human character.(4)I ts characteristics: pessimism, determinism, objectivity.V.Henry JamesHe defined the American literature in the international context.Works:(1)The Portrait of A Lady(2)The Bostonians(3)The Wings of the Dove,(4)Daisy MillerVI.Jack London(1)The Sea Wolf(2)The Iron Heel(3)The Call of the Wild(4)Martin EdenVII.White Fang(1)Sister Carrie(2)Trilogy of Desire 欲望三部曲:The Financier , The Titan, The StoicThe topic: identification of potency with moneyVIII.Ezra Pound(1)Hugh Selwyn Mauberley(2)The Cantos :A Pact, In a Station of the MetroIX.Robert Frost(1) A Boy’s Will(2)North of Boston(3)Mountain interval(4)New Hampshire(5) A Further Range(6) A Witness Tree(7)Steeple Bush(8)In the Clearing(9)The Road Not Taken(10)Stopping by Woods on a Snowy EveningX.Thomas Stearns Eliot ---T.S Eliot(1)The Hollow Man(2)The Waste land(3)The Love Son of J. Alfred PrufrockXI. F. Scott FitzgeraldThe Great Gatsby,Tender Is the NightXII.Ernest HemingwayA farewell to Arms,For Whom the Bell TollsThe Old Man and the SeaXIII.John SteinbeckThe Grapes of Wrath:earn him a Pulitzer Prize in 1940 and Nobel Prize for Literature in 1962 XIV.William FaulknerA rose of Emily: get Nobel Prize for Literature。
PartⅤTwentieth-Century Literature二十世纪文学Modernism:began in the late 19th century and the theory of psycho-analysis as its theoretical base. Ezra Pound and T.S.Eliot replaced the logical exposition of thoughts with fragmentary images and complex allusionsModernist writing is cosmopolitan, and often expresses a sense of urban cultural dislocation混乱, along with an awareness of new psychological theories. Its favored techniques of juxtaposition并置and multiple point of view challenge the reader to reestablish a coherence of meaning from fragmentary forms.4、现代主义的标志:T. S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land”, the most significant Americanpoem of the twentieth century, helped to establish a modern tradition ofliterature rich with learning and allusive引用典故的thought.8. In general terms, much serious literature written from 1912 onwards attempted to convey a vision of social breakdown and moral decay and the writer’s task was to develop techniques that could represent a break with the past. Thus, the defining formal characteristics of the modernistic works are discontinuity and fragmentation.总之,1912年以后许多严肃文学都力图表达社会崩溃,道德沦丧的观点,作家也使用新技巧,告别老传统。
美国文学总结Colonial 1607-1765 and Revolutionary 1765-18c末Period (17世纪-18世纪末)一、Colonial writers1. John Smith (约翰·史密斯) “ the first autho r” in American literatureA True Relation of Virginia 关于佛吉尼亚的真实叙述“ the first book” in American literature2. William Bradford the first governor of Plymouth 普利茅斯3. John Winthrop A Model of Christian Charity 基督教之爱清教徒主义作家Anne Bradstreet The Tenth Muse Lately Sprung Up in America 最近在美洲出现的第十位缪斯Jonathan Edwards The Freedom of the Will The Great Doctrine of Original Sin defendedThe Nature of True Virtue二、启蒙时期和独立战争时期1. Benjamin Franklin 启蒙运动代表人物one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America Poor Richard’s Almanac ( 格言历书) 代表作:The Autobiography 早期美国梦的反映2. Roger Williams Puritanical dissenter 清教反对者3. Thomas Paine the Father of American Revolution美国独立之父The Common Sense the greatest of the Revolutionary pamphletsThe Age of Reason The Rights of Man支持了法国革命The American Crisis鼓励殖民地抵抗英国军队4.Philip Freneau 菲利普·弗伦诺the Father of American Poetry美国诗歌之父a poet of theAmerican Revolution革命诗人The Rising Glory of America美洲光辉的兴起The Wild Honey Suckle 野金银花The Indian Burying Ground印第安人的殡葬地首次创造the Noble Savage 高贵的野蛮人5.Thomas Jefferson 美第三任总统Agrarians 重农主义代表人物Declaration of Independence````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ````````````````````````````````````````` American Romanticism (提倡个人主义) 美国的文艺复兴18世纪末---19世纪中后期一、早期浪漫主义1. Washington Irving华盛顿·欧文the Father of American Literature美国文学之父indigenous humour The Sketch Book marked the beginning标志美国浪漫主义的开始第一个赢得国际声誉包括:The Legend of Sleepy Hollow睡谷传说Rip Van Winkle The Alhambra等7部A History of New York from the Beginning of the World to the End of the Dutch Dynasty纽约外史诙谐杰作2. James Fennimore Cooper 费尼莫尔·库伯西进运动边疆小说Leatherstocking Tale皮袜子故事集5部曲about the frontier life of American settlers包括:The Pioneers拓荒者The Last of Mohicans最后的莫西干人(Natty Bumpoo班波)、The Prairie草原The Pathfinder探路者The Deerslayer杀鹿者The Spy 间谍The Pilot 领航者二、超验主义作家1. Ralph Waldo Emerson New England TranscendentalismNature论自然the manifesto of American Transcendentalism 超验主义宣言超验主义理论的圣经The American Scholar美国学者指出美学者应创造自己的文学风格,不应盲从Self-Reliance论自立2.Henry David Thoreau亨利·大卫·梭罗Walden瓦尔登湖超验主义作品Civil Disobedience论公民之不服从Nathaniel Hawthorne 霍桑human soul symbolism象征主义大师The Scarlet Letter红字代表作Twice-told Tales尽人皆知的故事Mosses from an Old Manse古屋青苔The House of the Seven Gables有七个尖角阁的房子The Blithedale Romance福谷传奇The Marble Faun玉石雕像Young Goodman Brown年轻的古德曼·布朗Herman Melville赫尔曼·梅尔维尔Moby Dick白鲸Typee泰比Omoo欧穆诗人1. Walt Whitman沃尔特·惠特曼the father of Free VerseLeaves of Grass草叶集(标志浪漫主义截止) American Epic美国史诗Democratic Bible共和圣经Song of Myself自我之歌O Captain!My Captain2.Emily Dickinson 迪金森美国女诗人Because I Could Not Stop for Death因为我不能等待死神I’m Nobody. Who Are You我是无名小卒,你是谁This Is My Letter to the World I Heard a Fly Buzz When I Died埃德加·爱伦·坡Edgar Allan Poe 短篇小说大师first writer of detective story侦探小说The Raven乌鸦The Fall of the House of Usher厄舍古屋的倒塌The Poetic Principle诗歌原理The Philosophy of Composition 创作哲学Murders in the Rue Morgue莫各街谋杀案三、炉边诗人1. William Cullen Bryant 布莱恩特To a Waterfowl致水鸟Thanatopsis死亡随想The Yellow Violet黄色的堇香花2.Henry Wadsworth Longfellow 朗佛罗native themesA Psalm of Life人生礼赞The Song of Hiawatha海华沙之歌Evangeline伊凡吉林````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ````````````````````````````````````````` Realistic Period 现实主义时期19世纪中期----20世纪初诱因American industrialization 马克·吐温→The Gilded Age镀金年代Gold Rush淘金热Harriet Beecher Stowe哈丽特·比彻·斯托废奴主义者Uncle Tom’s Cabin汤姆叔叔的小屋一、现实主义作家1. William Dean Howells霍威尔斯The Rise of Silas Lapham塞拉斯·拉帕姆的发迹A Modern Instance一个现代的例证A Hazard of New Fortunes新财富的危害2. Henry James亨利·詹姆斯世态小说novel of mannersThe Potrait of a Lady贵妇人的肖像Daisy Miller黛西·米勒The Ambassadors大使The Wings of the Dove鸽翼The Golden Bowl金碗Art of Fiction and Other Essays小说艺术二、乡土文学作家Local Literature1. Mark Twain马克·吐温(Samuel Longhorne Clemens) critic colloquial style localismThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn哈克贝利?费恩历险记现代美国文学起源The Adventures of Tom Sawyer汤姆?索亚历险记Life on the Mississippi密西西比河上The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County加拉维拉县有名的跳蛙The Innocent’s Abroad傻瓜出国记The Gilded Age镀金时代The Prince and the Pauper王子与贫儿The;A Connecticut Yankee in Kin g Arthur’s Court亚瑟王宫中的美国佬The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg败坏哈德莱堡的人Roughing It苦行记2. Hamlin Garland哈姆林·加兰德Main Traveled Road大路条条三、自然主义作家Naturalism自然主义1. Stephen Crane斯蒂芬?克莱恩Magie: A Girl of the Streets 街头女郎梅姬The Red Badge of Courage红色英勇勋章The Open Boat海上扁舟2. Frank Norris弗兰克·诺里斯The Octopus章鱼3. Theodore Dreise r西奥多·德莱塞An American Tragedy美国的悲剧(被称为美国最伟大的小说)Sister Carrie嘉莉姐妹Jennie Gerhardt珍妮姑娘The Genius天才Trilogy of Desire欲望三部曲(The Financer金融家The Titan 巨人The Stoic斯多葛)4. Edwin Arlington Robinson鲁宾逊The Man Against the Sky 衬托着天空的人5. Jack London杰克·伦敦Marti Eden马丁·伊登The Son of the Wolf狼之子The Sea-wolf海狼The Call of the Wild野性的呼唤White Fang 白獠牙The People of the Abyss深渊中的人们The Iron Heel铁蹄What Life Means to Me生命对我意味着什么Love of Life热爱生命The Mexican墨西哥人Under the Deck Awings在甲板的天蓬下The Law of Life 生活的法则6. Upton Sinclair厄普顿·辛克莱尔The Jungle屠场(揭发黑幕运动的代表作家)Oil石油Spring and Harvest春天与收获;O.Henry (William Sidney Porter) the father of the modern short story美国现代短篇小说之父The Cop and the Anthem警察与赞美诗The Gift of Magi麦琪的礼物The Last Leaf最后一片叶子````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` ````````````````````````````````````````` American Modernism 现代主义时期一、二战前诗歌1. Ezra Pound艾兹拉·庞德The father of modern American poetry美国现代诗歌创始人Imagism意象主义The father of Imagist poetry意象派诗歌之父Cathay华夏集(英译中国诗) The Cantos诗章In a Station of the Metro地铁站里 A Pact协约2. Robert Frost罗伯特·弗罗斯特New England poetA Boy’s Wish少年心愿North of Boston波士顿之北Mending Wall修墙Fire and Ice火与冰Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening雪夜林边小驻After Apple-picking摘苹果之后The Road Not taken未选择的道路West-running Brook西流的溪流New Hampshire新罕布什尔3. Wallace Stevens华莱士·史蒂文斯Harmonium风琴The Man With the Blue Guitar弹蓝吉他的人Sunday Morning星期天早晨The Auroras of Autumn秋天的晨曦Collected Poems诗集二、二战前小说1. Francis Scott Fitzgerald弗朗西斯·斯科特·菲茨杰拉德表现一战后年轻一代美国梦的破灭The Great Gatsby了不起的盖茨比The Side of Paradise人间天堂Tender is the Night夜色温柔The Beautiful and the Damned美丽的和该死的Tales of the Jazz爵士时代的故事Flappers and Philosophers姑娘们和哲学家们The Last Tycoon 最后的巨头The Crack-up崩溃2. Ernest Hemingway海明威(“迷惘的一代”的代表人物) 老人与海获Pulitzer Prize和Noble Prize The Sun Also Rises太阳照样升起Farewell to Arms永别了,武器For Whom the Bell Tolls丧钟为谁而鸣In Our Time在我们的年代里The Torrents of Spring春潮Men Without Women没有女人的男人Death in the Afternoon死在午后3. Sinclair Lewis辛克莱·刘易斯(美国第一个获诺贝尔奖) Main Street大街Babbitt巴比特4. William Faulkner福克纳Soldiers’ Pay兵饷The Sound and the Fury喧嚣与骚动As I lay dying在我弥留之际Light in August八月之光Absalom, Absolam押沙龙,押沙龙The Hamlet村子Go Down, Moses去吧,摩西 A Rose for Emily给艾米丽小姐的玫瑰5. John Steinbeck约翰·斯坦贝克The Grapes of Wrath愤怒的葡萄Tortilla Flat煎饼房In Dubious Battle胜负未定The Pearl珍珠Of Mice and Men 鼠和人The Moon is Down月亮下去了6. Sherwood Anderson舍伍德·安德森The Triumph of the Egg 鸡蛋的胜利三、二战前戏剧Eugene O’neil 尤金·奥尼尔Beyond the Horizon天边外The Iceman Cometh送冰的人来了The Long Days Journey Into Night长夜漫漫路迢迢The Hairy Ape毛猿Desire under the Elms榆树下的欲望Pearl S. Buck 赛珍珠The Good Earth大地四、二战后1945后The Beat Generation垮掉的一代Black Humor黑色幽默1. Ralph Ellison拉尔夫·埃里森Invisible Man隐形人2. Saul Bellow索尔·贝娄Dangling Man晃来晃去/挂起来的人Seize the Day勿失良机3. J D Salinger杰罗姆·大卫·塞林格The Cather in the Rye麦田守望者4. John Updike Rabbit Series 兔子系列5. Joseph Heller 约瑟夫·海勒Catch-22第22条军规黑色幽默代表作6. Arthur Miller阿瑟·米勒剧作家The Death of a Salesman推销员之死7. Tennessee Williams 田纳西·威廉姆斯A Streetcar Named Desire欲望号街车8. Allen Ginsberg 艾伦·金斯堡Howl嚎叫9. Edward Albee爱德华·阿尔比The Zoo Story动物园的故事Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf10. Jack Kerouac 杰克·克鲁亚克On the Road在路上11. William Styron 威廉·斯泰伦Sophie’s Choice苏菲的选择。
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美国文学一、单选(10/20’)二、True or false(10/10’)三、填空(15/15’)四、根据一段作品内容节选,写出该作品的作品名及作家(5/10’)五、简答(5/25’)六、文学评论(20’)简答题:1.欧文的重要地位是什么?Washington Irving(1)first American writer(2)the messenger sent from the new world to the old world(3)father of American literature2.超验主义American TranscendentalismI.Background: four sources1.Unitarianism(1)Fatherhood of God(2)Brotherhood of men(3)Leadership of Jesus(4)Salvation by character (perfection of one’s character)(5)Continued progress of mankind(6)Divinity of mankind(7)Depravity of mankind2.Romantic IdealismCenter of the world is spirit, absolute spirit (Kant)3.Oriental mysticismCenter of the world is “oversoul”4.PuritanismEloquent expression in transcendentalismII.Appearance1836, “Nature” by EmersonIII.Features1.spirit/oversoul2.importance of individualism3.nature – symbol of spirit/Godgarment of the oversoul4.focus in intuition (irrationalism and subconsciousness)IV.Influence1.It served as an ethical guide to life for a young nation and brought about the idea thathuman can be perfected by nature. It stressed religious tolerance, called to throw offshackles of customs and traditions and go forward to the development of a new anddistinctly American culture.2.It advocated idealism that was great needed in a rapidly expanded economy whereopportunity often be came opportunism, and the desire to “get on” obscured the moralnecessity for rising to spiritual height.3.It helped to create the first American renaissance – one of the most prolific period inAmerican literature.V.Ralph Waldo Emerson1.works(1)Nature(2)Two essays: The American Scholar, The Poet2.point of view(1)One major element of his philosophy is his firm belief in the transcendence of the“oversoul”.(2)He regards nature as the purest, and the most sanctifying moral influence on man,and advocated a direct intuition of a spiritual and immanent God in nature.(3)If man depends upon himself, cultivates himself and brings out the divine inhimself, he can hope to become better and even perfect. This is what Emersonmeans by “the infinitude of man”.(4)Everyone should understand that he makes himself by making his world, and thathe makes the world by making himself.3.aesthetic ideas(1)He is a complete man, an eternal man.(2)True poetry and true art should ennoble.(3)The poet should express his thought in symbols.(4)As to theme, Emerson called upon American authors to celebrate America whichwas to him a lone poem in itself.VI.Henry David Thoreau1.works(1) A Week on the Concord and Merrimack River(2)Walden(3) A Plea for John Brown (an essay)2.point of view(1)He did not like the way a materialistic America was developing and wasvehemently outspoken on the point.(2)He hated the human injustice as represented by the slavery system.(3)Like Emerson, but more than him, Thoreau saw nature as a genuine restorative,healthy influence on man’s spiritual well-being.(4)He has faith in the inner virtue and inward, spiritual grace of man.(5)He was very critical of modern civilization.(6)“Simplicity…simplify!”(7)He was sorely disgusted with “the inundations of the dirty institutions of men’sodd-fellow society”.(8)He has calm trust in the future and his ardent belief in a new generation of men.3.清教主义(Puritanism)1.features of Puritanism(1)Predestination: God decided everything before things occurred.(2)Original sin: Human beings were born to be evil, and this original sin can be passeddown from generation to generation.(3)Total depravity(4)Limited atonement: Only the “elect” can be saved.2.Influence(1) A group of good qualities –hard work, thrift, piety, sobriety (serious andthoughtful) influenced American literature.(2)It led to the everlasting myth. All literature is based on a myth – garden of Eden.(3)Symbolism: the American puritan’s metaphorical mode of perception was chieflyinstrumental in calling into being a literary symbolism which is distinctly American.(4)With regard to their writing, the style is fresh, simple and direct; the rhetoric isplain and honest, not without a touch of nobility often traceable to the directinfluence of the Bible.4.欧亨利短篇小说特点(第二册P53)●their wit,●Wordplay●warm characterization●Clever twist endings, "O. Henry ending."●witty narration5. Henry James(美国人的命运)???(1)Aesthetic ideasa.The aim of novel: represent lifemon, even ugly side of lifec.Social function of artd.Avoiding omniscient point of view(2)Point of viewa.Psychological analysis, forefather of stream of consciousnessb.Psychological realismc.Highly-refined language(3)Style –“stylist”nguage: highly-refined, polished, insightful, accurateb.Vocabulary: largec.Construction: complicated, intricate二、称号性评价(John Smith)约翰·史密斯------美国文学史上第一个作家(Thomas Paine)托马斯·潘恩------美国独立之父the father of American revolution (Philip Freneau-1752-1832)菲利普·弗伦诺-- a poet of the American Revolution,美国诗歌之父(Washington Irving-1783-1859)华盛顿·欧文-------美国文学之父,美国短篇小说之父Nathaniel Hawthorne 纳撒尼尔·霍桑-----human soul first great American writer of fiction 象征主义大师Walt Whitman 沃尔特·惠特曼--------Father of free verse自由诗之父Edgar Allan Poe 埃德加·爱伦·坡-------侦探小说之父炉边诗人Fireside PoetsHenry Wadsworth Longfellow 亨利·沃兹沃思·朗费the first poet to write the narrative poems Ezra Pound 埃兹拉·庞德诗人,美国意象派诗歌的创始人。