



There is no doubt that the first leading role of Ice Age is the male mammoth(猛犸象). His name is Manny. He is always ready for helping others, and he is a typical gentlemen. However, sometimes he could be so stobborn, which makes his friends have nepisodes of the previous adventures, Manny, Sid and Diego confronted with new problems, an unknowing tyrannosaurus(暴 龙) came and went off with Sid. In order to find companions, Manny and Diego went into the Ice Age's "paradise" with other animals...
Ice & Snow World · Harbin, 2013
Thanks for your listening!
20000 years ago, the earth was entering an ice age. All kinds of animals began moving to the south. During the migration(迁徙), Sid, Manny and Diego met. They together protected a baby whose mother was swept away by the river. After a lot of difficulties, they successfully brought the baby to his father.


冰河世纪(Ice Age )是2002年美国动画电 影,由蓝天工作室制作 ,二十世纪福克斯发行 ,克里斯· 威巨和卡洛斯· 沙丹哈联合执导。
剑齿虎迪亚哥/迭戈 (Diego)
上到处都覆盖着冰川,当冬 季来临时,各种动物都为躲避严寒而南迁。 在这一危 急时刻,我们遇见了任何时代都不曾见过最怪异的群 体:一个说话很快、邋遢、幽默的树懒希德(Sid),一 头喜怒无常的长毛象曼尼(Manny),一只凶暴的剑齿虎 迪亚哥(Diego),这三只格格不入的动物出乎意料地, 而且是非常不情愿地走到了一起,只因为他们希望将 一名人类婴儿交还到他父母的身边。他们勇敢地面对 沸腾的熔岩坑、暗藏的冰穴、严寒的天气,以及一个 秘密,甚至是邪恶的阴谋。这三只史前动物不但要充 当小宝宝的保姆,还要历经冰河与冰山各种千惊万险 护送他回家。 这些“亚零度”的动物们成了这个世界 上最早的英雄!
05 上映时间:2006年
曼尼、希德和迭哥警觉到天气正在剧烈变热,巨大的 天然冰山已经开始融化,一旦冰墙垮坝,生活在山谷里的 动物就会面临洪水的灭顶之灾。动物们开始迁徙到山谷另 一端的寻找“诺亚方舟”避难,曼尼、希德和迭哥沿途经 历诸多危险,最终到达安全的彼岸。在旅途过程中,经常 逗嘴的三兄弟互相扶持,有难同当。同时,一直认为自己 是最后一头猛犸象的曼尼在旅途中遇到了艾丽(奎因· 拉提 法配音)——世界最后一头雌性猛犸象。第一次看到好兄 弟陷入情网,迪亚哥和希德也完全无能为力,帮不上忙。 其实曼尼也很头疼,美丽的埃丽从小被负鼠家族收养,浸 染了所有负鼠的习性,爬树,钻墙角等。而更夸张的是, 埃丽打从骨子里认为自己是一只负鼠,所以根本无法接受 曼尼。再加上与艾丽同行的一对活宝负鼠兄弟,个性鲜明 ,唧唧喳喳。吵的我们的长毛英雄在面对一筹莫展的爱情 和恶劣的天气条件下一时完全没有了对策。而偏偏这场破 冰之旅还万万少不了艾丽………

冰河世纪1 英文介绍

冰河世纪1 英文介绍

冰河世纪1 英文介绍English:"Ice Age is a 2002 computer-animated comedy film directed by Carlos Saldanha and Chris Wedge. The film is set during the ice age and follows a mammoth named Manny, a sloth named Sid, and a saber-toothed tiger named Diego as they join forces to return a human baby to its tribe. Along the way, they encounter numerous adventures and obstacles, including a group of vultures, a pack of wolves, and a tribe of rhinos. The film was well-received for its animation, humor, and heartwarming story, and went on to spawn multiple sequels, becoming a successful franchise."中文翻译:《冰河世纪1》是一部由卡洛斯·萨尔达纳和克里斯·韦奇执导的2002年计算机动画喜剧电影。





Oh, jeez. Yuck.
00:06:18,750 --> 00:06:24,410
I can't believe it. Fresh wild greens.Frank, where did you ever...?
00:03:54,260 --> 00:03:57,960
Why not call itthe Big Chill or the Nippy era?
00:03:58,030 --> 00:04:01,060
Bertie? Uncle Fungus?
00:05:41,080 --> 00:05:47,300
Where is everybody? Come on, guys,we're gonna miss the migration.
00:04:44,720 --> 00:04:46,780
Crazy mammoth.
00:04:53,590 --> 00:04:58,330
Do the world a favor.Move your issues off the road.
00:07:47,570 --> 00:07:52,860



冰河世纪英文单词English:The Ice Age, also known as the Last Glacial Period, was a long period of global cooling and glaciation that occurred during the Pleistocene Epoch. It is estimated to have begun around million years ago and ended around 11,700 years ago. During this time, massive ice sheets covered much of North America, Europe, and Asia, shaping the landscape and impacting the evolution of various species. The Ice Age was characterized by periodic advances and retreats of these ice sheets, creating a dynamic and ever-changing environment. It is believed that multiple factors, including changes in Earth's orbit and tilt, volcanic activity, and changes in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, contributed to the onset and duration of the Ice Age.中文翻译:冰河世纪,也被称为末次冰河时期,是一段全球变冷和冰川作用的长期时期,发生在更新世时期。




冰河世纪内容简介中英文双语Ice Age is a classic animated film that tells the story of a group of prehistoric animals trying to survive during a coming ice age. The film follows the adventures of Manny the mammoth, Sid the sloth, and Diego the saber-toothed tiger as they work together to return a human baby to its tribe.《冰河世纪》是一部经典的动画电影,讲述了一群史前动物在一场即将到来的冰河时代中努力求生存的故事。


The movie is not only entertaining but also carries valuable messages about friendship, loyalty, and the importance of working together. Each character has a unique personality that adds depth to the story, making it relatable and engaging for audiences of all ages.这部电影不仅富有娱乐性,而且传达了有关友谊、忠诚和团结合作的宝贵信息。


The animation in Ice Age is top-notch, with stunning visuals and attention to detail in the character designs and backgrounds. The filmmakers did an excellent job of creating a believable prehistoric world filled with diverse landscapes and creatures that feel alive.《冰河世纪》中的动画制作精良,视觉效果令人惊叹,角色设计和背景细节处理得体。



家人、伙伴们分开, 被迫以一块流冰开始 了海上漂流。
Movie rewie(电影简介)
Manny fought off the pirates
with everybody.
Mo withstood the temptation of sea monsters. 一起经受海怪诱惑
Movie rewie(电影简介)
After thousands of difficulty and obstacles, they finally reunited with their families and rebuilded their dwelling places. 经过千难险阻,他们终于与家人团聚并重建了自己的居所。
Movie rewie(电影简介) Because of sudden earthquake, Manny,sid and diego were forced to leave their families and friends, then began drifting at sea. 突如其来的大地震, 导致生活在冰川的希
Movie rewie(电影简介)
Scrat loves pinecone for whole his life. Chasing between he and pinecone caused a split of the earth, which splited into seven seas and five continents. 视松果为毕生所求的小松鼠奎特在与松果追逐中引发了地球板块分裂,原本相连 的地表分裂成五大洲七大洋。
Ice Age: Continental Drift 冰河世纪4:板块漂移


• 影片概述 • 作品赏析
• 影片简介 片 名:《汽车总动员》 英 文:Cars 编 剧:约翰·拉塞特 导 演:约翰·拉塞特 配 音:欧文·威尔森 保罗·纽曼
制 作:皮克斯 国 别:美国 片 长:约一百一十六分钟 时 间:二00六年六月九日 发 行:迪士尼 • 剧情简介 • 背景资料
摄 影:段孝萱 王世荣
作 曲:吴应炬 国 家:中国 时 间:一九六一年(上集)、一九六四年(下集) 出 品:上海美术电影制片厂 • 影片剧情 • 背景资料
• 在民族内容上的挖掘 • 中国神话题材 • 主题上的卓越提炼
• 在民族形式上的开拓
• 在美术设计方面
• 音乐伴奏方面 • 动作设计方面 •《大闹天宫》民族风格的确立 • 在总体把握中强调出一种可贵的创新意 识
目 录
影片概述 作品赏析 7 《红猪》赏析
作品赏析 12《美丽城三重奏》赏析 影片概述 作品赏析 13《青蛙的预言》赏析 影片概述 作品赏析 课程教学安排建议
2 《埃及王子》赏析 影片概述 作品赏析 3 《冰河世纪》赏析 影片概述 作品赏析 4 《海底总动员》赏析 影片概述 作品赏析 5 《圣诞夜惊魂》赏析 影片概述 作品赏析
国 家:日本 片 长:约九十分钟 日 期:一九九二年七月二十日 出 品:东宝电 • 剧情简介 • 背景资料 • 导演简介 • 关于票房及主要奖项
• 关于结构 • 结构方面 • 第一幕(开篇乐章) • 第二幕(发展乐章) • 第三幕(高潮和结尾乐章)

Ice age 冰河世纪 英文动画 电影赏析

Ice age 冰河世纪 英文动画 电影赏析
Did they eat Sid?
Who saved Sid?
what's the weather like? Can he make fire? Who has a house? Did he want Sid come in?
Who are they?
Are they happy? What is the baby doing? A.standing B.singing
Did tiger fall down?
Who saved tiger?
Where to go?
The baby can speak. The baby can stand. The baby can walk. The baby can sing. The baby can dance.
What are the baby doing? A.smiling B.cring
Why is he cring? A.He is cold. B.He is hungry.
What is it?
Whose watermelon is it ?
How many?
Who eats the melon?
Where is the baby?Women? Why are they in the river? Is the baby get saved? Is the mother get saved?
Who saved the baby?
Who want to eat th baby?
Who like the baby?
Ice age 冰河世纪 英文动画 电影赏析



Ice Age-Continental driftGoal!What was that? Ellie, did you hear that?I heard it, Manny. Whatever it is, it's miles away. Peaches, are you all right?Where is she?No teenager is ever up early.Easy warden, she's not on lockdown.You two were supposed to be responsible uncles! What? I didn't see Peaches sneak off maybe or minutesOr that she went with Louis to the falls.The falls? Where the delinquents go?Relax, it's just where the kids hang out.No, no, it's a gateway hangout.First it's the falls, then she's piercing her trunk...and the next thing you know, she's addicted to berries.Manny! You are overreacting.She's not going to be your little girl forever.I know. That's what worries me.Come on!Louis!Would you get your head out of the ground for once and tI'm a mole hog. My head's supposed to be underground.And my idea of fun isn't risking death so that you can meet some cute mammoth.Ethan isn't cute. He's hot.Besides, you can't spend your whole life playing it safe There's no reason to be mad.You know how I feel about you going to the falls. Especially alone.She's not alone, sir.You don't count, Weiner.Yes, there's my place, and you just put me in it, thank you.Come on, young lady.We're going home where I can keep an eye on you. So, should I just wait here, or...Yeah, you don't scare me, Mother Nature!There's nothing you can throw at me that I can't handle.I think we're almost there!We had better be! I just lost the steering.Has anyone seen Precious? It's her feeding time. Mom! Granny's talking about her dead pet again. Hey, paws up, everybody!Paws down, Uncle, please! That is nasty.Be careful, Milton, you're going to hurt somebody! Bad kitty!Rock!Okay, so tell me, when exactly will I be allowed to hang out with boys?When I'm dead, plus three days. Just to make sure I'm dead.Manny, are you okay? Get off... my face!That was fun. Now, who should I eat first?No, no, no!Uncle Fungus! Could that really be you?Sorry, Sorry.Mom, Dad!Marshall!- Hey! - Granny?This pumpkin's ripe for picking!My whole familia.See? He still hugs his parents.I never thought I'd see my little baby again. We've been searching everywhere for you.You have?I knew it, I knew it! Deep down, I knew I wasn't abandonThat's incorrect. We totally abandoned you.But we always missed you. Right?Yeah, yeah, yeah.And we just knew Sid would want to see his poor, dear Granny...before her time is up.I'll bury you all and dance on your graves.So frail.And she can't wait to spend time with you, Sid.Oh, yeah, Granny? Granny?Why don't you show her your cave? Yeah, she could use a nap.Boy, there's so much to tell you.A lot has happened since the last time I saw you.Not interested.But we fought dinosaurs in the Ice Age.It didn't make sense, but it sure was exciting.We got rid of the crazy bat! Let's go!Whoa, whoa, whoa! You can't just leave.Sid will be crushed.Sorry, cookie, things are breaking apart back home. So, we're headed inland. And Granny is just dead weight.- See you. - Mush, mush!And warn the community. She tends to wander! Well, that explains a lot about Sid.Mom, Dad, do you have Granny's teeth? She can't find them.Hey! Can you chew this thing for me?Guys'? Where is everyone?I'll handle this.Sid?Your family was wiped out by an asteroid. Sorry. What?Delinquent [dɪ'lɪŋkwənts](尤指青少年)有过失的人;未成年犯Gateway门;入口;途径pierce刺穿,戳穿;mole hog鼹鼠猪Deep down实际上;在心;Dinosaur n. 恐龙;过时、落伍的人或事物asteroid [ˈæstəˈrɔɪd]小星星What Diego is trying to say is...they left.They only wanted to find you so you could take care of Granny.Come on, what kind of sick family would ditch their Granny on someone?That's just crazy. That's just...That's just...my family.At least you still have Granny. Right, buddy?Yeah, Granny. Granny?Granny?Wow. For an old girl, she moves fast.Granny?Come out, come out wherever you are!Come on, Granny.Here, Granny, Granny. I have prunes for you!Just the way you like them!I don't want to see that.Oh, no.What if your dad finds out? I'm not as tough as I look! Wait, do you hear that?Go long!Cool!Hey, look, there's Ethan.Yeah, Ethan!You go, boy!That was nice.Yeah!See'? Fun, no danger.Check me out!- I'm sure he's fine. - I'm completely not fine!You did not just do that! That was crazy!Nice.Yeah!Isn't he perfect?Perfect. It's such a strong word. Maybe "adequate." Who are we stalking?Is it Ethan? I bet it's Ethan.Manny told us to keep an eye on you.Stupid, stupid, stupid.Okay, I'm going for it. Do I look okay?Louis?Okay doesn't even begin to cover it.Louis. You're the greatest friend ever!That's me.Hi, Ethan, my name's Peaches. What's yours'?What am I doing? Okay, just be cool, just be...No!Yeah. That's intense!This hurts so much!No! No! No!Gross. It's that weirdo who chills with possums! What just happened?Oh, no! Ethan, I am so sorry.Wow, you're even better-looking up close. Phenomenal. I mean...You have a twin sister? Am I interrupting something?- Dad! - Oh, boy. Okay...Sorry, if I just...You! Keep away from my daughter.- Dad... - And you, you're grounded!- But I didn't do... - Grounded!Loser alert.Seriously, that's embarrassing.What a freak.Peaches!Peaches, come on. Let's talk about this!How could you embarrass me in front of my friends? You deliberately went where you weren't supposed to!You can't control my life!I'm trying to protect you! That's what fathers do. Well... I wish you weren't my father.She's just upset, honey.Peaches! It's not the end of the world.Whoa. Excuse me.I don't think that was you.- What was that? - I don't know.Stay there.I'll come to you.- Ellie! - Manny!No!- Dad! - Peaches, get back!Hurry, Dad! Hurry!Manny!- Diego! - You never would have made it!Ellie, behind you!What's happening?Go to the land bridge! You'll be safe on the other side. No, Manny! No!I'll meet you there!Manny! No!Ellie, you have to get out of here! Go! Go now!- Mom! - Get back! Get back!Daddy!Stay alive!No matter how long it takes, I will find you!Mom, this is all my fault. If I had just listened... Peaches! This is not your fault, okay?What if I never see him again? And the last thing we did was fight.Hey, your father is the toughest, most stubborn mammoth I've ever met.He'll come back for us. That's a promise.Come on! Help me turn this thing around! Everyone, please, settle down. Don't panic!Wait, Mom, where's Louis? We have to find him. Okay, fast.They need me! We got to get back.Buddy, this thing's too big to turn. The current's pulling us out.prune [pru:nz] 梅干Intense 热情的,强烈的,紧张的;Weirdo古怪的人,奇怪的人You know, my mother once told me that bad news was just good news in disguise.Was this before she abandoned you?Yes, it was.But the point being that, even though things look bad...there's a rainbow around every corner...and nothing but smooth sailing ahead!Smooth sailing, Sid?Weiner! Weiner! Weiner!Louis where are you'? Come on, we have to go. Louis?Peaches!Louis, you have to jump.No! Go, save yourselves.We're not leaving without you.Oh, thank goodness.Jump!This is why I travel underground.Thanks for coming back.What do you mean? You don't leave a friend behind. Great, let's go.That wall is going to keep moving and crush us.We need to get to the land bridge.Any questions?Yes?When you drink water through your trunk, does it taste lNo.Well, sometimes. Let's move!Just keep your eye on the horizon.I can't find the horizon.Holy crab!Hold me.If I don't make it...find me a wife, and tell her I love her.We made it!Come on, ocean, is that the best you can do?Am I right, buddy?Hey, there really is a rainbow around every corner! Peaches!You okay?I'm just so worried about my dad.Listen, we're going to get to him.At this pace, we'll stay ahead of the wall...and we'll make it to the land bridge before you know it.We're all going to survive this.Okay, maybe they won't. But everyone else, totally fine.We're still heading away from home.Yeah, but we survived, and we still have each other. Things could be worse, right?For once, he's actually right.We made it through storms and tidal waves...and a vicious assortment of seafood.What more can they hit us with?Trying to make me get up if I don't want to get up. If I want to get up I'd get up.Hello?What the...?Dagnabbit, I'm trying to sleep!Granny'? You're alive!And can we say how thrilled we are to see you? Hey, fats, you want to get me out of here?Hey, come on.Pretend I'm a dessert, that should motivate you.I can't believe this. You slept through that storm?I slept through the comet that killed the unicorn s. Thanks for drawing my bath, Sidney.This is my first bath in decades.There's your proof.Quick! Somebody do something!- I got you, Granny. - Get off of me!Granny!What are you peeping Toms all looking at?A lady can't take a bath in peace? Eyeballing me like a rump roast.What's the life expectancy for a female sloth?She'll outlive us all, you know that, right?Yeah, the spiteful ones live the longest.How big is this ocean?Water, water, everywhereNor any drop to drinkWell, except maybe that drop.That's a little... salty.Precious! Mommy's calling you.Precious! Come here, sweetie.Hey, lady, have you seen Precious?If you mean the imaginary, or perhaps deceased, pet...that you keep searching for, no, I haven't.Guys, look.Where there's birds, there's land, right?Hey, buddy, come here.No, wait, wait! Come back.Come back!It's a huge bounty, mon capitaine.Four passengers. Ripe for the taking.One very smelly, and one very plump.In my ocean?What a terrible turn of events.I love a terrible turn of events.Am I hallucinating, or is that ice coming straight towards us?Yeah, yeah, it's coming. It sounds like there's animals Yippee! We're being rescued, we're being rescued!Vicious邪恶的,恶毒的;有恶意的;凶猛的;Assortment分类;搭配;种类Comet ['kɑːmət]彗星Unicorn (传说中的)独角兽Peep窥视Rump [鸟]尾部;[兽]臀部;Expectancy 期待;预期Spiteful 恶意的;怀恨的Plump 丰满的Hallucinate [hə'luːsɪneɪt] (使)产生幻觉I hear laughter.Must be a party cruise.Hey, they look fluffy.I get the big woolly one.Wow.Get ready to slice and dice, boys.- Knock it off, Squint. - Hey!Wait for Captain's orders.Ahoy, down there!How lucky are you?You know these waters are infested with pirates. Right, boys?Glad we found you before they did.Captain Gutt, here to help.You know, that's a nice monkey.Look, we don't want any trouble. We just need to get back to the continent.The continent? That pile of rubble?My family's there, so if you could just...Your family? That is so sweet.I hope you said goodbye, because there's no way back.Yes, there is. Don't you remember, Captain?You can sail to Switchback Cove and catch the current back from there.It's like a steel trap, this noggin is.Thank you, Mister Flynn.See? I knew there was a way home.There is no home!There is only here.And here, your ship belongs to me.Battle stations!Fly the colors!Now surrender your ship or face my fury.Or face your furry what?NOT "furry." Fury!Fire!Hit the mammoth, win a prize.Ding, ding, ding.Fire the starboard cannons.I love this job!Shira, fetch.Aye-aye, Captain.You almost made it.I don't fight girls.I can see why.Belly flop.Sid!Let's rumba, Tiny.Lights out, big fella.Manny!Hello.Hey, buddy.Welcome to the party.Let's see what kind of moves you got. Dance, little ScraDance your coconuts off!Happy dance. Look at him.Where's my bootie? Has anyone seen it?Dude, it's right behind you.Where? Where's my bootie?I can't see it.It's all I can see.This is a lovely vacation. Best I've ever had. Morning, sunshine.Let me be the first to extend the hand of friendship. That's your foot.Nothing gets by you, does it?What do you want?I bet you're feeling lost, scared, confused.Allow me to explain.Help me out, boys.Captain's going to sing a shanty!# Here you are on a boat You're adrift, you're afloat # # One might even say you're stuck ## Well, I don't want to gloat But I would like to note # # That you're in luck ## You've been saved by the ape That rules these waters ## So forget about Your wives and daughters ## First Mate introduce me to them, please #Aye-aye, Captain Gutt.# - He's the big and scary - Elegant yet hairy ## - Fear-inspiring - Years from retiring ## - Looting, stealing - Banana peeling ## Undisputed Master of the Seas #Oh, jeez.# - That's me - 'Tis he #Okay, okay.# I'm a primate pirate pioneer And these are my brave buccaneers# All of whom were once Lost souls like you ## It's true ## - He rescued us - He saved our butts ## For that we owe our lives to Gutt ## And assuming he doesn't kill you ## You will owe him, too #Kill them?Me? No, no.Well, at least not this very large, useful mammoth.Cruise巡航;漫游;游艇Fluffy毛绒绒的;woolly毛茸茸的;infest 猖獗steel trap极快的noggin 人头、脑子fury愤怒;狂暴;starboard 右舷flop笨重地摔bootie=booty 战利品;臀部shanty (水手唱的)劳动号子gloat 幸灾乐祸的Loot 掠夺Undisputed无可置辩的;无异议的;确实的Buccaneer [ˌbʌkə'nɪr]海盗;不择手段的投机者Hey, hands off.Anyway...# Here we are on a ship Moving at quite a clip ## Through the ever-shifting ice ## Come along on a trip ## - That's a hint - That's a tip ## That's good advice ## In a world that's going under To survive you must learn to plunder# Luckily that's my field of expertise #He's the best.# - He's a robbing, thieving - We really should be leaving# - Weapon throwing - We got to get going. ## - Sloth-slay ing - Wish we could be staying. ## Undisputed Uncontested ## - Monkey suited - Yeah, you guessed it ## Master of the seas #Oh, please.# - That's me - 'Tis he ## - It's who? - It's you ## Just testing, I knew. ## It's me #Good shanty, sir.Captain Gutt? Really?I have a little paunch, too, but I wouldn't name myself That's funny. You're a funny guy.But that's not how I got my name.These got me my name.- I don't get it. - No?Okay.Let me give you a visual aid.I just gently press here.And then your innards become your outards.I still don't get it.Look, as much as I'm tempted to join a monkey...the Easter Bunny and a giant bag of pudding...I'll pass.No one's going to stop me from getting back to my familyI'm going to lambada with your liver, buddy.Let me at him!That family is going to be the death of you.First mate, jettison the deadweight.Aye-aye, sir. Prepare the plank!Prepare the plank!Preparing the plank!What? You want me to walk into the water?I can't because I just ate less than minutes ago, and you know the rule.That's a myth.Okay, as long as it's safe.- Wait! - Thank goodness.Dump the wench, too.Ladies first.Such a nice boy.Why can't you be more like him, Sidney?Granny, no! Wait! Manny!Get me to the vine.Yeah, yeah, got it.You all got some ugly goldfish.Come on, a little more.No!Extinct that mammoth.Come on, Manny, kick his monkey butt!Look at you.Eleven tons of landlubber blubber.Hey, I'm not fat! I'm poufy.Too bad, Tubby. I could have used you.Ain't going to happen, Captain.I got you, Granny.Giddyap, let's go, let's go.Does anyone have floaties?No! No!My bounty!They sunk our battleship. What are we going to do? We're all going to drown.You're a sea creature, you idiot.Good point, sir.Should I fly the white, captain? No!Wait, what about Shira?Anyone else want to play "Captain"?Good.Now come on, blubber-brain. Swim.Hey! Gutt! Flynn! Anyone there?Here, grab hold.No, go away. I'd rather drown.Whatever the lady wants.I said I didn't need your help.You're welcome. So, care to join our scurvy crew? Two sloths, a mammoth and a saber?You guys are like the start of a bad joke.And we saved you.That makes you the punch line, kitty.Don't call me "kitty."Okay, I won't...Kitty.If they kiss, I'm going to puke.What? Wait, no.Are we there yet?plunder掠夺slay 杀害Uncontested无竞争的;无争论的Lambada兰巴达(巴西的一种贴身舞)Jettison抛弃;丢弃;Deadweight (船的最大)载重量;重货Plank厚板;支撑物;Wench少妇;女仆;乡下姑娘;荡妇Vine藤;蔓;攀爬植物Landlubber不谙航海的人;蹩脚的水手Blubber['blʌbər]肥胖Tubby 矮胖子Giddyap跑(对马的吆喝声)Scurvy下流的;卑鄙的punch line 妙语I don't think we're ever going to get there.Maybe we should rest for a few hours.Thank you.Night, Ellie.I miss you, Dad.Well, that's something you don't see every day. Ethan!Hi.I meant to do that.I've never seen a mammoth sleep like that.What? No, this just helps me think.It gets blood to the old noggin and away from the old...Okay, that's a little weird.So, how are you doing, you know, with all of this? Honestly, a little scared.Okay, a lot scared.Everything we knew is gone.Yeah, I was pretty scared, too.I mean, not scared, but, like, concerned.Do you want to walk with me tomorrow?Try and get our minds off all this stuff.You want to walk with me?You did almost flatten me this morning.So, I figure it can't really go worse than that, right? Yeah.Just one thing.It's totally no big deal, but you might want to lose the mole hogLouis? Yeah, sure, not a problem.Wow.Someone looks happy.Ethan's great, isn't he?Baby, I know you like this one...but just don't let anyone change who you are, okay?I know.You coming up?I think I'm going to sleep down here tonight.Okay.Night, baby.Night, Mom.Good night, Dad.Hey, chew this sandwich for me.Granny, why didn't our family want us? What's wrong with us?They think we're screw-ups and we can't do anything righIt's a rat!No! No!- Screw up. - Oh, Sid!We'll never make it home on this thing.Maybe you should have thought of that before you capsized our berg, genius.Yeah, trying to escape.- Wimp! - Whiner!- Crybaby! - Land!Yeah, land! Wait, what?Not her. There! Land!Everyone paddle. Paddle!Food! I missed you so much!Look at me, I've wasted away.Okay, snack time is over. We got to build a raft. Manny.Wow, Shira must really hate building rafts.Go get her. She can help us get back.Shira!Gotcha!Whoa!Let go of me.Where do you think you're going?Whoa!Switch back Cove.Switch back??It's the way home. Oh, no.You call this a ship you miserable runts?Yeah, you little runts. Get to work.Faster, you worthless, wormy sons of sorry excuses... for shark bait weevils!- What did he say? - I don't know.Now get this chunk of ice seaworthy by sundown... or I will keelhaul the lot of you!So what do you think?Two words, anger management.I'm talking about the current.Diego's right. We found the way home.Yeah, that's great. Too bad we don't have a ship. Sure we do. It's right there.Well, that's a flawless plan.You want to pirate a pirate ship from pirates.It pains me to say this, but...Guys. The trees have ears.Wait a minute, maybe we can help each other. Hey, little fellas. Hey, come on out.No, no, it's okay. We're not going to hurt you.How about you and us against the pirates, huh? You got no idea what I'm saying, do you?Okay, ship, me want.Yeah, nice try Jungle Jim.Go ahead make fun. He got it.Thank you.May I try?Yeah, knock yourself out.Okay, watch this.screw-up一团糟;混乱的状况;犯错误的人capsize倾覆(特指船);翻覆;弄翻Wimp懦弱的人;无能的人Whiner ['wainə]哀诉者;悲嗥者;啜泣者wasted away日渐衰弱;日益消瘦miserable ['mɪzrəbl]悲惨的;痛苦的;卑鄙的runt小家畜;家鸽之一种;小牛bait饵;诱饵weevil['wivl]象鼻虫seaworthy适于航海的;经得起航海的keelhaul ['kil,hɔl] 严责flawless完美的;无瑕疵的;无裂缝的Sick sloths sip broth, sick sloths sip broth.Ta-da!That, they got?Yup, they're in.Great, we'll free your buddies and we can all work toget…..to kick a little pirate booty.Easy, kitty. Water.You need it.I don't need anything from you.Fine, die of thirst. That will really show me.Wait.I'll take it.Thank you.You have a way of saying "thank you" that makes it sound like "drop dead."It's a gift.Well, you're pretty soft, for a saber.Excuse me, I am not soft.I happen to be a remorseless assassin.Diego-poo!Hey, I made you another coral necklace.He keeps losing them.Yeah, I think I'm starting to get why you're not in a pack.Listen, I chose to leave my pack, all right? Congratulations, warrior princess.So did I.Nothing, I just know how hard that is...walking away from everything you know.Oh, great, are we going to braid each other's fur now? Funny. Really funny.Can I tell you the difference between you and me?I wouldn't still be wearing that necklace?No, we both might have wanted out of pack life...but at least I didn't trade one pack for another.I got something more.Oh, yeah, what's that?- A herd. - What's the difference?We have each other's backs.Gutt has my back. I'm his first mate.Really? Because I don't see Gutt sending out any searchYou know, you won't beat him.Your big furry friend over there?He has no idea what he's up against.Yeah, but neither does Gutt.Unwind the bind s, don't let go until we're all on board.Okay, we need precision timing from everyone to get thatHalf-pint, you got your end covered, right?I'm going to take that as a "yes." Diego?I'll free his little friends.Sid and Granny?Untie the ship, sir!Right, unwind the vines, and don't let go until we're all on board. We're relying on you, Sid. You got that?Yes, sir. Totally focused, sir.Don't worry.It'll be easy since we don't have to guard Shira anymoreWe need to move, now.Squint, batten down the hatches.Raz, hoist the anchor.And, Gupta, fly the colors.We're setting sail for vengeance, lads.I love vengeance.Captain!Shira! Oh, what a relief!I thought we'd lost you.The mammoth. He washed ashore with me.What? He's here?Did you sink your fang s into him? Did he beg for his life?No, the saber took me down.You're a failure.I need warriors, and all I have are kitty cats and bunny And a seal and a kangaroo.You take the saber down, or you die trying.No excuses.Yes, Captain.Mr. Squint.Aye, sir.You're first mate now.Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of cool with me, Captain.Out of my way, saber. You answer to me now.Gutt, listen, he's coming for the...Grab your weapons, mates!Not the spoon, Flynn.Follow me!Yeah, let's do this.Let me at him! Yeah!Guys, that's not necessary, really.I love you, too, yeah.Get to the ship, don't screw up. Get to the ship, don't screw up.- Unwind the vines. - Don't let go.Unwind the vines.Don't let... Oh, yummo!Sid, no! It's a lotus berry.It will paralyze you.Oh, please. I know my berries.Don't...sip小口喝broth肉汤assassin刺客,暗杀者braid [bred]编织;编辫子Squint 斜眼batten在……钉扣板;hatch舱口;孵出vengeance复仇ashore在岸上fang 爪bunny兔子(特别是小兔子);可爱女郎swallow.See, I'm fine. If there's one thing I know, it's berries Uh-oh!Yeah, finally!Who's the Easter Bunny now?- It worked, he bought it! - Come on!No, no!It's been a diversion.I know, I'm having a blast.No, pinhead, they're stealing my ship.One thing, Sid. You couldn't do one thing?Look at you.Sid, can you hear me?Bye-bye.Say something, buddy.Let's get them!Let's go.The Ship!Come on, we've got to catch it before it hits open water!Sorry. All right, I'll hold you higher.Sorry. Sorry.Say adieu, mammoth!Adieu!Sorry, buddy.I'm coming, Sid.I got you! I got you! I got you!I'm coming for you, mammoth.Diego!Come on!Come on, move it!Why are you doing this?You don't understand. I don't have a choice.You don't have to live this way, Shira.You'll be safe with us.- We take care of each other. - Diego!I can't hold on much longer.Diego!Come with us.Come with me.What are you doing?I've got your back.So long, banana breath. Thanks for the ship!Oh, no, he's gone forever!Oh! There he is.Shore leave is over.Get your sorry carcasses on board now.Gutt, I can explain.When this ends...I'll have a tiger's skin hanging on my wall.I don't care whose.That mammoth has taken my ship...my bounty ...and now the loyalty of my crew.I will destroy him...and everything he loves.Wait for it. Wait for it.That was awesome. Can I ask you guys something?How are you both so happy?Doesn't it weigh on you that the world might be ending?Can I tell him our secret?Come here. Come here.We're very, very stupid.But, still, you're not a teensy bit concerned about...I don't know, say, imminent death?Beep.I'm going to go find Peaches.Guys, over here. Come on, it's a shortcut.You're going to love this.Come on, girls, let's have some fun.Wow!- This is so cool. - It's like we're upside down.That is amazing.Echo!Too bad your mole hog friend isn't here, huh'?You're not really friends with him, are you?Yeah, come clean, Peaches.Are you friends with that awkward little rodent or not?I mean...Louis and I, we've hung out or whatever.But, no, we're not really friends-friends.Not friends?Louis! I...Busted.Good to know.Louis, wait.He even runs away like a loser.Whoa, Peaches, don't stress. You're with us now. Yeah, stress is so stressful.Yeah, girl, if you're going to stress about something, s I know, right? This humidity, I can't stand it.Guys, we should get out of here.Are you kidding? This is epic!Go! Go! Go!Yeah!How sick was that?Yo, that was insane.Hey, Peach, loosen up! Have some fun.Fun, you call that fun? I'm out of here.Come on, do you really want to go back...to hanging with a weird mole hog freak and give all of this up?I mean, it's bad enough that your family is half possum and...Bad enough?There is nothing bad about being part of my family.I like hanging by my tail.Pinhead针头;微不足道的东西Carcass ['kɑrkəs]尸体;残骸Teensy很小的Imminent即将来临的Rodent 啮齿动物Busted 破产;完了。



Blue Sky研究技术小组提供了他们的 ssFootprint技术,这是一个Maya插件, 它可以让艺术家看到物体在屏幕上创建 打印过程的即时反馈消息。现在整个过 程从几天缩短到了几个小时。如果导演 觉得前端的部分太长或太尖,这时与其 选择后退或是重新模拟脚印的方法,还 不如使用Maya雕刻工具结合另外一个 R&D的插件雕刻出精细的外观。“对我 们而言,这真的是一个很实用的流程。 我们不需要再害怕进行脚印的制作。现 在每当我们在故事板中看到这项工作时 都会欣然接受。”
Garfield最初以特效技术总间的身 份在Blue Sky工作。他在《冰河世 纪》第一部的任务就是制作大量雪 的镜头。他们使用了一个比较冗长 的流程,运行NURBS来捕捉地面 上的交叉点和几何体,取得高质量 的灰白色纹理贴图然后将它们带到 Shake当中,添加细节再导出那个 版本,最后替换表面。整个设备要 运行几天。这是一个昂贵的过程。 “在这个画面中我们需要添加一百 个雪景贴图镜头,所以我们需要更 好的方法来完成这个部分。”
在这部电影当中他们充分发挥了Maya可压缩性流 体的优势,建立了所有的灰尘、雪粉、薄雾。并 使用了Blue Sky称之为SmaugVox,一个三维烟雾 系统,完成了所有薄雾怪兽的序列。“在完成这 项工作时,我们收获了两件事情,其一是在Maya 的流体系统中,我们可以运行模拟功能。我们创 建出了一系列的工具以将几何形和地面之间联系 起来,然后将它打包给FX小组,以让他们顺利看 到最后的效果,然后将密度和速度信息导出到目 标文件中以便我们可以将三维像素转入到专有的 软件当中。”
过去,Blue Sky使用了名 叫喷雾的体积测定技术, 它可以让用户在理想的区 域当中创建出球体,这样 FX小组就能够通过那个 形状来制作等值面及填充 噪点。“这项技术在过去 还是很不错的,但是它很 快就被新的技术取代了。 当这些球体相互分离时, 它们看起来就像棉花球一 样,我们不能在里面加入 太多的动作或是使用以前 的方法。”

英文动画片冰河世纪the ice age3.4

英文动画片冰河世纪the ice age3.4

25. I'll meet you there! 我们在那见面 26. Get back! Get back! -后退 后退 27. Stay alive! 好好活着 28. This is all my fault. 都是我的错

29. He'll come back for us. That's a promise. 他为了我们会回来的 他答应过的 30. Oh, thank goodness. 谢天谢地 31.
7. Sid would want to see his poor, dear Granny before her time is up. 希德很想念他那可怜的奶奶,想在她临终前 见上一面 8. Not interested. 真没意思(我不感兴趣) 9. Guys? Where is everyone? 伙计 我家人去哪了

10. I'll handle this. 让我来解决吧 11. Come out, come out wherever you are! 出来吧 快点出来吧 12. What if your dad finds out? 万一你老爸发现了怎么办 13. See? Fun, no danger. 看到了吗 有趣而且没危险

6. A playground for the junior. 给宝宝的乐园 7. It is amazing. 这太不可思议了 8. I made it myself. -曼尼 -我做的 9. I don't believe it. 我不敢相信

10. That's ridiculous. 太荒唐了 11. This place is for kids. 这是孩子乐园 12. There you are. You missed the big surprise. 你在这啊 你错过了个大惊喜

冰河世纪 英文作文

冰河世纪 英文作文

冰河世纪英文作文英文:The Ice Age, also known as the glacial period, was a time in Earth's history when the planet experienced long periods of cold climate and extensive ice sheets. This period lasted for millions of years and had a significant impact on the environment and the species that inhabited the Earth.During the Ice Age, large parts of the Earth were covered in ice and glaciers, and the climate was much colder than it is today. This had a profound effect on the landscape, shaping the Earth's surface and creating features such as fjords, moraines, and glacial valleys. In addition, the lower sea levels caused by the formation of ice sheets exposed land bridges, allowing for the migration of animals and early humans between continents.The Ice Age also had a major impact on the flora andfauna of the Earth. Many species of plants and animals were forced to adapt to the cold climate, leading to the evolution of new species and the extinction of others. For example, mammoths and woolly rhinoceroses were well adapted to the cold, harsh environment, but as the climate warmed at the end of the Ice Age, they were unable to survive and eventually went extinct.The Ice Age also had a significant impact on human societies. Early humans had to adapt to the changing climate by developing new technologies and strategies for hunting and gathering. For example, the use of fire and the development of tailored clothing helped early humans survive in the cold climate. Additionally, the changing landscape and availability of resources may have influenced the migration patterns of early human populations.Overall, the Ice Age was a transformative period in Earth's history, shaping the planet's landscape and influencing the evolution of life. It serves as a reminder of the Earth's dynamic and ever-changing nature, and the ability of life to adapt and thrive in even the mostchallenging environments.中文:冰河世纪,也被称为冰川时期,是地球历史上的一个时期,当时地球经历了长时间的寒冷气候和广泛的冰盖。

英语口语课ppt 第四纪冰河时代

英语口语课ppt 第四纪冰河时代

So, if all these ice melt, the global sea level will rise from 80 to 90 meters, many big cities in the world and lowlands will be submerged.
2.Global tectonic movement
The coldest part, when maMssoivre accurately, the ‘last ice age’ glaciers extended as far soruetfhers to the most recent of these as Britain, happened betwgeleancial episodes. 25,000 and 20,000 years ago; we call it the last glacial maximum.
பைடு நூலகம்ntroduction of "ice age" and the time of the last glaciation
What is an ice age?
• An ice age is a long interval of time when global temperatures are relatively cold and large areas of the Earth are covered by continental ice sheets and alpine glaciers. Within an ice age are multiple shorterterm periods of warmer temperatures when glaciers retreat and colder temperatures when glaciers advance .

Ice Age Script

Ice Age Script

Ice Age ScriptWhy not call it the Big Chill or the Nippy era?I'm just sayin', how do we know it's an ice age?Because of all the ice.Well, things just got a little chillier.Help. Help.Come on, kids, let's go. The traffic's movin'.But, but, but, Dad.No buts. You can play extinction later.OK. Come on, guys.So, where's Eddie?He said he was on the verge of an evolutionary breakthrough.Really?I'm flying.Some breakthrough.Look out. - You're going the wrong way.Crazy mammoth.Do the world a favor. Move your issues off the road.If my trunk was that small, I wouldn't draw attention to myself, pal.Give me a break. We've been waddlin' all day.Go ahead. Follow the crowd.It'll be quieter when you're gone.Come on. If he wants to freeze to death, let him.I'm up. I'm up.Rise and shine, everybody. Huh? Zak? Marshall?Bertie? Uncle Fungus?Where is everybody? Come on, guys, we're gonna miss the migration. They left without me. They do this every year.Why? Doesn't anyone love me?Isn't there anyone who cares about Sid the Sloth?All right, I'll just go by myself.Sick.Wide body, curb it next time.Oh, jeez. Yuck.I can't believe it. Fresh wild greens. Frank, where did you ever...?Go ahead. Dig in. - A dandelion.I thought the frost wiped 'em all out. - All but one.It makes me so... I wanna... Yuck.This has definitely not been my day. You know what I'm sayin', buddy? What a mess. You rhinos have tiny brains. Did you know that?It's just a fact. No offense. You probably didn't even know what I'm talkin' about.Yummo.A dandelion. Must be the last one of the season.- Carl. - Easy, Frank.He ruined our salad.My mistake. That was my mistake. Let me...No, no, seriously, let me take care of this. What is this?Pine cones. Oh, my goodness. They're my favorite.Delicious. That's good eating.But don't let me hog them all up. Here, you have some.Tasty, isn't it? "Bon app閠it."Now?Now.Just pretend that I'm not here. - I wanted to hit him at full speed.That's OK. We'll have some fun with him. - Don't let them impale me. I wanna live.Get off me. - Come on, you're makin' a scene.We'll just take our furry pi騛ta and go.If it's not them today, it's someone else tomorrow.Well, I'd rather it not be today. OK?We'll break your neck so you don't feel a thing.Wait a minute. I thought rhinos were vegetarians.- An excellent point. - Shut up.Who says we're gonna eat him after we kill him?I don't like animals that kill for pleasure.- Save it for a mammal that cares. - I'm a mammal that cares.OK, if either of you make it across that sinkhole in front of ya, you get the sloth.That's right, you losers. You take one step and you're dead.- You were bluffing, huh? - Yeah. Yeah, that was a bluff.Get him.A dandelion?We did it.- You have beautiful eyes. - Get off my face.Whoa, we make a great team. What do you say we head south together? Great. Jump on my back and relax the whole way. - Wow, really? - No.Wait, aren't you going south? The change of seasons, migration instincts. - Any of this a-ringin' a bell? - I guess not. Bye.OK, then. Thanks for the help. I can take it from here.You overgrown weasel. Wait till we get down there.That south thing is way overrated. The heat, the crowds - who needs it? Isn't this great? You and me, two bachelors knockin' about in the wild. No, you just want a bodyguard so you don't become somebody's side dish.You're a very shrewd mammal.OK, lead the way, Mr Big... Didn't get the name.- Manfred. - Manfred? Yuck.How about Manny the Moody Mammoth? Or Manny the Melancholy... Manny the...Stop following me.OK, so you've got issues. You won't even know I'm here. I'll just zip the lip. Look at the cute little baby, Diego.- Isn't it nice he'll be joining us for breakfast? - It wouldn't be breakfast without him.Especially since his daddy wiped out half our pack and wears our skin to keep warm.An eye for an eye, don't you think?Let's show him what happens when he messes with sabers.Alert the troops. We attack at dawn.And, Diego, bring me that baby alive.If I'm gonna enjoy my revenge, I want it to be fresh.Phew. I'm wiped out.- That's your shelter? - You're a big guy. You got a lotta wood.- I'm a little guy. - You got half a stick.But with my little stick and my highly evolved brain, I shall create fire. Fascinating.We'll see if brains triumph over brawn tonight. Now, won't we?Think I saw a spark.Any chance I could squeeze in there with you, Manny, ol' pal?Isn't there someone else you can annoy?Friends? Family? Poisonous reptiles?My family abandoned me. They just kinda migrated without me.You should see what they did last year.They woke up early and tied my hands and feetand they gagged me with a field mouse,covered their tracks, went through water so I'd lose their scent, and... who needs 'em, anyway?So what about you? You have family?OK, you're tired. I see. We'll talk more in the morning.Manfred? Manfred? Could you scooch over a drop?Come on. Nobody falls asleep that fast.Manny.There's Diego. Fall back.- Where's the baby? - I lost it over the falls.You lost it?- I want that baby, Diego. - I'll get it.You'd better, unless you want to serve as a replacement.We'll go up to Half Peak. Meet us there.It had better be alive.Can we trust you with that, Diego?Let's go.She picked a hair off my shoulder and says, "If you have an extra mating dance,at least pick a female with the same color pelt."I thought "Whoa. She's gonna go praying mantis on me."If you find a mate, you should be loyal. In your case, grateful.- Now get away from me. - I think mating for life is stupid.There's plenty of Sid to go around.Manny?Manny?Look at that. He's OK.She's gone.- Manny, are you forgetting something? - No.- But you just saved him. - I'm trying to get rid of the last thing I saved. But you can't leave him here.Look, there's smoke. That's his herd right up the hill.- We should return him. - Let's get this straight. There is no "we".There never was a "we". In fact, without me, there wouldn't even be a "you".- Just up the hill. - Listen very carefully: I'm not going.- Fine, be ajerk. I'll take care of him. - Yeah, that's good.You can't even take care of yourself. This, I gotta see.I'll return you. We don't need that meany-weeny mammoth, do we?No, we don't.You're an embarrassment to nature. Do you know that?This is cake. I'm fine, I'm fine.I'm gonna die.Manny.- That pink thing is mine. - No. Actually, that pink thing belongs to us. "Us"? You two are a bit of an odd couple.There is no "us".I see. Can't have one of your own, so you want to adopt.Look, I'm sorry to interrupt your snack, but we gotta go.The baby? Please. I was returning him to his herd.Oh, yeah. Nice try, bucktooth.- Callin' me a liar? - I didn't say that.You were thinkin' it.I don't like this cat. He reads minds.- Name's Diego, friend. - Manfred, and I'm not your friend.Fine, Manfred. If you're lookin' for the humans, you're wastin' your time. They left.Thanks for the advice. Now beat it.I'll help you bring it to its herd, but leave me alone after that.- OK. OK, deal. What's your problem? - You are my problem.I think you're stressed, so you eat too much. It's hard to get fat on a vegan diet.I'm not fat. It's all this fur. It makes me look poofy.All right, you have fat hair. But when you're ready to talk, I'm here.What are you doin'? Just drop it on the ledge.- We should make sure they found him. - Good idea.No, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait.Don't spear me.- This is a problem. - Now what?That's perfect.- I told you they were gone. - Look who it is.Don't you have some poor animal to disembowel?They couldn't be far. I mean, they went this way, or this way?You don't know much about tracking, do you?I'm a sloth. I see a tree, eat a leaf. That's my tracking.You didn't miss them by much.It's still green. They headed north two hours ago.It's still green. They headed north two hours ago.You don't need this aggravation.Give me the baby. I can track humans down a lot faster than you.And you're just a good citizen helpin' out?- I just know where the humans are going. - Glacier Pass.Everybody knows they have a settlement on the other side.Unless you know how to track, you'll never reach them before snow closes the pass.Which should be, like, tomorrow.So, you can give that baby to me, or go get lost in a blizzard. It's your choice.Here's your little bundle of joy. We're returning it to the humans.The big, bad tigey-wigey gets left behind. Poor tigey-wigey.Sid, tigey-wigey is gonna lead the way.Manny, can I talk to you for a second?No. The sooner we find the humans, the sooner I get rid of Mr Stinky Drool-Face,and the baby, too.You won't always have Jumbo around to protect you.And when that day comes, I suggest you watch your back, cos I'll be chewin' on it.躡er-tracker. Up front, where I can see you.Help me.You gotta make it stop. I can't take it anymore.- I've eaten things that complained less. - He won't stop squirming.- Watch its head. - Put it down.Jeez, "pick him up, put him down..."- Its nose is dry. - That means something's wrong with it.- Someone should lick it. Just in case. - I'll do it.- He's wearing one of those baby thingies. - So?So if he poops, where does it go?- Humans are disgusting. - OK, you. Check for poop.- Why am I the poop-checker? - Returning him was your idea,you're small and insignificant, and I'll pummel you if you don't.- Why else? - Now, Sid.I mean, my goodness. Look out. Coming through.- Watch out. - Stop wavin' that thing around.I'm gonna slip.It's clean. Got ya!Will you cut it out? Do that again. He likes it.It's makin' me feel better too.Here, you hold it.Turn him towards me.Where is the baby?There he is.Where is the baby?There he is.Stop it. You're scarin' him.- I bet he's hungry. - How about some milk?- I'd love some. - Not you. The baby.I ain't exactly lactating right now, pal.- You're a little low on the food chain to... - Enough.Enough, enough, enough.Food.I don't know, but I've been toldI don't know, but I've been toldEnd of the world be mighty coldEnd of the world be mighty coldPrepare for the Ice age!Protect the dodo way of life!Survival separates the dodos from the beasts!Protect the dodo way of life!Prepare for the Ice age!- Ice age? - I've heard of these crackpots.- Intruders. - Now, don't fall in.- If you do, you will definitely... - Intruders. Intruder......burn and die.Can we have our melon back? Junior's hungry and...No way. This is our private stockpile for the Ice age.Subarctic temperatures will force us underground for a billion years. So you got three melons?If you weren't smart enough to plan ahead, then doom on you. Doom on you. Doom on you. Doom on you.- Get away from me. - Doom on you.Oh, no. No.Retrieve the melon. Tae kwon dodos, attack.- The melon. - The melon, the melon, the melon...There goes our last female.- Got it, got it, got it. - Don't got it.The last melon.Sid. Now we gotta find more food.Right, more to the right. Right, right, right.- Look at that. Dinner and a show. - Left, left, left.Now to find a meal befitting a conquering hero.What ho? A foe? Come on, come on. You want a piece of me? Spoils worthy of such a noble...Bedtime, squirt.The triumphant return.Huh? Oh, that.I'm so full. How about a good-night kiss for your big buddy, Sid?- He's asleep. - I was talking to you.Fine, I'll tuck myself in.All right, good night.Will you stop it?All right, all right. I was trying to relax.Oy.- What the...? - Slice me. It'll be the last thing you ever do.- I'm workin' here, you waste of fur. - Frustrated, Diego?Tracking down helpless infants too difficult for you?- What are you two doin' here? - Soto's getting tired of waiting. Yeah, he said "Come back with the baby, or don't come back at all."I have a message for Soto.Tell him I'm bringing the baby.And tell him I'm bringing...a mammoth.- A mammoth? - Mammoths never travel alone.This one does, and I'm leading him to Half Peak.Look at all that meat. Let's get him.Not yet. We'll need the whole pack to bring this mammoth down.Get everyone ready.Now.- Where's the baby? - You lost it?Sid.It's so ugly. Positively adorable.Hello, pumpkin. Hello, little baldy bean.- Where'd you find it? - The poor kid, all alone in the wild.Sabers were closing in on him.- So I just snatched him. - So brave.Yeah, well, he needed me, and I only wish I had one of my own, too. Really? I find that attractive in a male.Alas. Who wouldn't want a family, I always say.- Where've you been hiding? - Yeah, well, you know...Cute kid, huh? So, as I was saying, ladies...Hey. Hi, Manny.What's the matter with you?Excuse me, ladies. You just keep marinating and I'll be right back. Sexy.He's not much to look at, but it's so hard to find a family guy.Tell me about it. All the sensitive ones get eaten.No, no, no. Manny, please, I'm begging you. I need him.- A good-lookin' guy like you? - You say that, but you don't mean it. No, seriously. Look at you. Those ladies, they don't stand a chance.- You have a cruel sense of humor. - Don't let me cramp your style.- Thanks, Manny. You're a pal. - Without Pinky.Manny, I need him.So, ladies, where were we?- Carl. - Easy, Frank.Pretty tail walks by, suddenly he moves like a cheetah. And that tiger... Yeah, Mr Great Tracker. Can't even find a sloth.What am I? The wet nurse? What are you lookin' at, bone bag?Look at you. You're gonna grow into a great predator.I don't think so. What have you got? You got a little patch of fur.No fangs, no claws.You're folds of skin wrapped in mush.What's so threatening about you?Does this look like a petting zoo to you? Huh?OK. All right, wise guy. You just earned a time-out.You think that's funny? How about this?You'll be a little snack for the owls.You're a brave little squirt, I'll give you that.Thank goodness. Thank goodness. No. A tiger.Help. Help.- Where's the baby? - Manfred has him.Just put me in your mouth. Come on. Hurry up. He got me.Help.- Get away from me. - It went this way.Over here.Carl. The tiger beat us to him.Wait a minute.He's dead all right.Carnivores have all the fun.Gosh, I hate breaking their hearts like that. But you know how it is.All right, thanks. You can put me down now.Manny. Manny.Guys, I thought we were in a hurry. And Diego, spit that out.You don't know where it's been.Boy. For a second there, I thought you were gonna eat me.- I don't eatjunk food. - Thought you were gonna...I thought you were gonna... Were you?Come on, wait up. Wait up. Come on, come on. Can you wait a second, please?Fellas.Thanks for waiting.Three, two, one...Sure is faithful.- Don't make me reach back. - He started it.I don't care who started it. I'll finish it.Modern architecture. It'll never last.Hiya, Manny.Hi, Diego.Hey, Sid.- You're lost. - No. I know exactly where we are.Ask him directions.- I don't need directions. - Fine, I'll ask him.Buddy. You see any humans go by here?I love this game. I love this game. OK, OK.Three words. First word. Stomp. No, no. Stamp, stamp.Let me try. Pack.Good one, Manny. Pack of long teeth and claws.Pack of wolves? Pack of...Pack of bears? Pack of fleas?Pack of whiskers? Pack of noses?- Pachyderm? - Pack of lies.Pack of troubles. Pack a wallop. Pack of birds.Pack of flying fish. Great news. I found a shortcut.- What do you mean, shortcut? - I mean faster than the long way around.I know what a shortcut is.Either we beat the humans to Glacier Pass or we take the long way and miss 'em.Through there? What do you take me for?This time tomorrow, you could be a free mammoth.Or a nanny. I never get tired of peekaboo.Guys. Guys. Check this out.Sid, the tiger found a shortcut.No, thanks. I choose life.Then I suggest you take the shortcut.- Are you threatening me? - Move, sloth!Way to go, tiger.Quick. Get inside.OK, I vote shortcut.Guys, stick together. It's easy to get lost in here.Guys?A fish.Will you keep up, please? Hard enough to keep track of one baby.I gotcha.Captain, iceberg ahead.Oh, no.Yeah. Who's up for round two?Tell the kid to be more careful.Look, look. Tigers.No, it's OK, it's OK. Look, the tigers are just playing tag with the antelope. - With their teeth. - Come on, Sid, let's play tag.You're it.Sure. OK, OK, OK, where are the sloths?You never see any sloths. Have you ever noticed?- Look, Manny, a mammoth. - Somebody pinch me.Hey, hey, this fat one looks just like you.And he's got a family.And he's happy. Look, he's playing with his kid.See? That's your problem. That's what mammoths are supposed to do. - Sid... - Find a she-mmoth, have baby mammoths...- Sid. - What?- Shut up. - But...Would you look at that.The tiger actually did it. There's Half Peak.Next stop, Glacier Pass.- How could I ever have doubted you? - Did you hear that, little fella? You're almost home.- My feet are sweating. - Do we need a news flash- every time your body does something? - Ignore him.Seriously. My feet are really hot.Tell me that was your stomach.I'm sure it was just thunder.From underground?Come on, keep up with me.I would if you were moving.- I wish I could jump like that. - Wish granted.- Come on, move faster. - Have you noticed the river of lava?Hold Pinky.Manny.Manny, Manny, Manny, you OK? Come on, come on, say something. Anything.What? What? I can't hear you.You're standing on my trunk.- You're OK. You're OK. - Why did you do that?You could have died, trying to save me.That's what you do in a herd.You look out for each other.Well, thanks.I don't know about you guys, but we are the weirdest herd I've ever seen.I can't wait to get my claws in that mammoth.No one touches the mammoth until I get that baby.First, I'll slice its hindquarters into sections.- I'll put the white meat in one pile and... - Knock it off. I'm starving. Next, the shoulders. Occasionally tough, but extremely juicy.- I told you to knock it off. - Save your energy.Mammoths don't go down easy.There's only one way to do it.First, you have to force it into a corner.Cut off its retreat. And when you three have it trapped,I'll go for the throat.Guys, we gotta get this kid outta the wind.- How much further? - Three miles.I'm beat. We'll get there in the morning.- What are you doin'? - I'm putting sloths on the map.Why don't you make it realistic and draw him lying down?And make him rounder.- Perfect. - I forgot how to laugh.I'm a genius.From now on you'll have to refer to me as Sid, Lord of the Flame.Lord of the Flame, your tail's on fire.Thank you. From now on, I'm gonna call you Diego.Lord of "Touch Me and You're Dead".I'm just kiddin', you little knucklehead.Lovebirds.Look at this.I don't believe it.Come here, you little biped. Come here, you little wormy-worm.Come to Uncle Sid.No, no, no, no, no, no. This way. This way.No, no, no. No, go to him.Go to him.OK.Good job. Keep practicin'.Look at that. Our little guy is growing up.All right, come on. Sleep time, lumpy.Look at that big pushover.You know, Diego, I've never had a friend who would risk his life for me. Yeah, Manny's... he's a good guy.Yeah, he is.Well, good night.Let's get you all cleaned up. What's your daddy gonna say if you go back all stinky?Let me just clean that up. That looks good. A little bit here.- You clean up nice, little fella. - I think he's starting to look like me. Diego, what do you think?- Maybe we shouldn't do this. - Why not?If we save him, he'll be a hunter. And who do you think he'll hunt? Maybe because we save him, he won't hunt us.Yeah, and maybe he'll grow fur and a long skinny neck and call you Mama. - What's your problem? - Nothing. Let's go. I'm freezing my tail off. Diego. You frozen back there?- Get down. - What?- Get down and follow me. - What's goin' on?At the bottom of Half Peak, there's an ambush waiting for you.- What? - What do you mean, "ambush"?- You set us up. - It was my job.- I was to get the baby, but then... - You brought us home for dinner.- That's it. You're out of the herd. - I'm sorry.No, you're not. Not yet.- Listen, I can help you. - Stay close, Sid. We can fight our way out. You can't. The pack's too strong. You have to trust me.Trust you? Why in the world would we trust you?Because I'm your only chance.Hello, ladies.- Look who decided to show up. - Diego, I was beginning to worry about you.No need to worry. In about two minutes you'll be satisfying your taste for revenge.Very nice.I see the sloth. And he's got the baby.Don't give away your positions until you see the mammoth. He's the one to surprise.You want to maul something, don't you?- I wanna maul. - Then what are you waiting for?No, I said wait for the mammoth.Backscratcher. Eat my powder!Loop-de-loop.Slalom! Slalom, baby!Sorry, fellas. He got a little frostbite.Get him.Surprise!OK, follow me. We'll pick up Sid and get outta here while we can.Come on, Diego, let's bring this mammoth down.There he is.That's right. Where's the baby?Survival of the fittest.I don't think so. Yeah.- What are you doing? - Leave the mammoth alone.Fine. I'll take you down first. We did it.We were some team, huh?Were? Come on, we're still a team.I'm sorry I set you up.You know me - I'm too lazy to hold a grudge.Knock it off, squirt.You gotta be strong.You have to take care of Manfred and Sid.Especially Sid.Come on, you can lick this. You're a tiger.Look, I'll carry you. Come on, what do you say?Come on, Diego, come on.Tell him he's going to be OK, Manny.Listen, you have to leave me here.If those humans get through the pass, you'll never catch them.You didn't have to do that.That's what you do in a herd.Don't forget about us.OK?We won't forget about you.Goodbye.Goodbye. Goodbye.- Sid... - Bye.Bye.That's right. Where's the baby?Come on, Sid, let's head south.Bye.Save your breath, Sid. You know humans can't talk.Diego? You're OK.- Nine lives, baby. - You're OK.You're OK.I could kiss ya.Welcome back, partner. Wanna lift?No thanks. I gotta save whatever dignity I've got left.You're hanging out with us. Dignity's got nothing to do with it. I'll take that lift.- Yeah, climb aboard. - Pick me up, buddy.Mush. Or not mush. Either way.This is gonna be the best migration ever.I'll show you my favorite watering holes. I turn brown when the fungus in my fur dries.- Attractive. - This whole Ice age thing is getting old.You know what I could go for? Global warming.- Keep dreamin'. - No, really...。


曼尼,希德和迭戈在另一个不可思议的冒险。冰河时代即将结束, 而动物喜欢他们的新世界:融化天堂水公园,喷泉和焦油坑。但当 曼尼,希德和迭戈发现,几英里的冰融化会淹没他们的山谷时候, 他们必须警告大家,想出办法逃避洪水。
Ice Age 3
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (恐龙的黎明)
Experienced two episodes of the previous adventures, the mammoth Manny, sloth Sid, saber-toothed tiger Diego confronted with new problems--an unknowing Tyrannosaurus came and went off with Sid. In order to find companions, Manny and Diego went into the Ice Age's "paradise" with other animals......
Ice Age 1
Ice Age1
20,000 years before, our planet is entering an ice age. All kinds of animals begin immigrating to the south, seeking more warm climates. Sid, a sloth who never stops talking is left behind sleeping while everyone else begins the journey to the south. Awaking, he meets Manny, a mammoth who travels to the north, and decides to follow him. When a humans camp is attacked by tigers, a woman takes her baby and jumps on a river. Before she drowns, the baby is rescued by Manny and Sid. The two animals decide to search for the father and return the baby to him. Diego, one of the tigers that attacked the humans, comes also claiming the baby. 两万年以前,地球正迈入冰河世纪,奇形怪状的动物们都涌向南方,希望能够找 到一个温暖的地方.希德,一只多舌树獭被抛在了队伍的后面因为在大家都在南迁 的时候他正在睡觉.当他醒来的时候她遇上了曼菲德,一只正向北方挺进的猛犸象, 于是决定跟随他.当一个人类的营地被一群剑齿虎攻击的时候,一个女人抱着孩子 跳进了河里.在她溺死之前那个孩子被曼菲德和希德就起来了.这两个家伙决定去 寻找孩子的爸爸然后归还给他.迭哥,攻击人类老虎中的一员,为了这孩子也加入 了他们的队伍.
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The Animated Film
作者: 学号:
Ice Age
Ice Age is a 2002 American computer-animated comedy-drama adventure film. The film was met with mostly positive reviews and was a box office success, starting a series with three sequels(续集).
Meanwhile, Scrat climbs up the glacier and at the top sticks the acorn he has into the ice. This forms a crack in the glacier, which widens into a fissure, diverting the flood and saving the animals.Scrat is then washed away.
Manfred, an agitated(焦虑的) mammoth
Sid, a clumsy Megalonyx (巨爪地懒 )
Diego,a strong
Smilodon ['smailədɔ]n (剑齿虎)
Ice Age: The Meltdown
In the opening sIcceeneA,gSec:rTath,ethMe eslatbdeorw-tnoothed squirrel climbs a glacier to bury his acorn, but accidentally opens a hole in it, causing water to spurt out.
The creatures of the Ice Age figure that the pleasant weather has caused the ice shelves to melt, and it is kept from destroying the valley only by the glaciers, which have formed a dam.A lone vulture warns the animals that a giant tree can act as a boat and save them if they make it to the end of the valley within three days time, and all soon set out to find it.
it into the ground, he causes a large crack in the ground
that extends for miles and miles and sets off a large avalanche(雪崩).
The animals are trying to avoid the ice age by migrating south.
The creatures of the Ice Age figure that the pleasant weather has caused the ice shelves to melt, and it is kept from destroying the valley only by the glaciers, which have formed a dam.A lone vulture warns the animals that a giant tree can act as a boat and save them if they make it to the end of the valley within three days time, and all soon set out to find it.
The epilogue(后记) shows Scrat having a near death experience after falling into the fissure. He enters a heaven full of acorns. Suddenly, he finds himself torn away. He unhappily wakes up, having been resuscitated by Sid, who he proceeds to viciously attack.
They encountersEllie, a female mammoth who believes she is an opossum (负鼠)and Crash and Eddie's sister. Sid invites her to tag along with the group to escape the flood, and she brings her brothers.
Ice Age: The Meltdown
Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs
Ice Age: Continental Drift.
The film begins with a saber-toothed (剑齿的)squirrel (known as Scrat) who is trying to find somewhere to store his prized acorn(橡子). Eventually, as he tries to stomp
When the flood comes, Manny saves Ellie from drowning as she is caught in a cave (due to falling rocks), while Diego overcomes his fear of water to save Sid. The other animals are at the mercy of the water currents.