Fight Song战歌





下面小编整理了拜伦中英文诗集,希望大家喜欢!拜伦中英文诗集摘抄If Sometimes in the Haunts of Men倘若偶尔在繁嚣人境If sometimes in the haunts of men倘若偶尔在繁嚣人境,Thine image from my breast may fade,你音容暂从我心头隐退,The lonely hour presents again不久,你温柔娴静的幽影The semblance of thy gentle shade:又在我孤寂的时刻重回;And now that sad and silent hour如今,那黯然无语的时刻Thus much of thee can still restore,还能唤回你前尘历历,And sorrow unobserved may pour无人察见的哀思会诉说The plaint she dare not speak before.以前未敢倾吐的悲戚。

Oh, pardon that in crowds awhile恕我有时也不免虚耗I waste one thought I owe to thee,那本应专注于你的心意,And self-condemn'd, appear to smile,我责怪自己强颜欢笑,Unfaithful to thy memory!未能尽忠于对你的思忆。

Nor deem that memory less dear,似乎我不曾哀恸,那决非That then I seem not to repine;对往事旧情不知珍惜;I would not fools should overhear我不愿愚夫们听到我伤悲:One sigh that should be wholly thine. 向你,只向你吞声饮泣!If not the goblet pass unquaff'd,传杯把盏,我并不拒绝,It is not drain'd to banish care;却不是以此排遣忧伤;The cup must hold a deadlier draught, 杯中的毒素要更加酷烈,That brings a Lethe for despair.才能忘却心中的绝望。

Fight Song战歌

Fight Song战歌


女歌手Rachel Platten浑厚大气的音色声线,加上励志风格的歌词套路,难怪有网友评论说,这是欧美乐坛典型的“女权癌”代表作......背单词背得意志消沉?记语法记得昏昏欲睡?听听这首就对了。

•Fight Song战歌-Rachel Platten•Like a small boat on the ocean就如一叶扁舟穿行在海洋Sending big waves into motion再小的帆也能激起千层浪Like how a single word就如一个简单的字符Can make a heart open也能打开心门I might only have one match也许身上只有一根火柴But I can make an explosion但我也能尽情燃动•And all those things I didn't say那些未曾宣于口上的言语Wrecking balls inside my brain 已经冲破我思想的围墙I will scream them loud tonight 我将在今夜呼喊Can you hear my voice?你可否能听见我的声音?This time this is my fight song 这是属于我的战歌Take back my life song找回自我之歌Prove I'm alright song坚定自我之歌My powers turned on我已充满力量Starting right now I'll be strong 现在开始勇敢坚强I'll play my fight song我会唱着我的战歌And I don't really care不在乎其他人If nobody else believes相信与否A lot of fight left in me斗志昂扬•LosingfriendsandI'mchasingsleep朋友们都一个个离开了常年过着难以安眠的日子Everybody's worried about me每个人对我表示担忧In too deep they say I'm in too deep他们说我执念太深太过固执•And it's been two years已经离家两年了And I miss my home对家人的思念绵延不绝Butthere'safireburninginmybones但骨髓里的激情永远存在不会磨灭And I still believe yeah I still believe 我信念依存是的我仍斗志昂扬And all those things I didn't say那些未曾宣于口山的言语Wrecking balls inside my brain 已经冲破我思想的围墙I will scream them loud tonight 我将在今夜呼喊Can you hear my voice?你可否能听见我的声音?This time this is my fight song 这是属于我的战歌Take back my life song找回自我之歌Prove I'm alright song坚定自我之歌My powers turned on我已充满力量•Starting right now I'll be strong 现在开始勇敢坚强I'll play my fight song我会唱着我的战歌And I don't really care不在乎其他人If nobody else believes相信与否Cause I've still got因为我依然A lot of fight left In me斗志昂扬Like a small boat on the ocean就如一叶扁舟穿行在海洋Sending big waves into motion再小的帆也能激起千层浪Like how a single word就如一个简单的字符Can make a heart open也能打开心门I might only have one match也许身上只有一根火柴But I can make an explosion但我也能尽情燃动This is my fight song这是属于我的战歌Take back my life song找回自我之歌Prove I'm alright song坚定自我之歌My powers turned on我已充满力量Starting right now I'll be strong现在开始勇敢坚强I'll play my fight song我会唱着我的战歌And I don't really care不在乎其他人If nobody else believes相信与否Cause I've still got因为我依然A lot of fight left in me斗志昂扬Now I've still got a lot of fight left inme此刻我内心斗志昂扬。



五首超燃英文战歌1. 《Soldiers of the One》——Imagine Dragons:这是一首极富力量的歌曲,其歌词鼓动人心,激发斗志。

2. 《Fight as One》——Dua Lipa:这首歌以激昂的旋律和歌词为特色,呼吁团结一致,共同战斗。

3. 《Taking the World on Your Shoulders》——OK Go:这首歌以其令人振奋的旋律和歌词而闻名,表达了勇往直前、无所畏惧的精神。

You're feeling like a walking contradiction疑惑中矛盾Losing your footing脚跟不稳But you're still trying to hold on你还在努力坚持To the things that you're reaching for你还在努力追求You're feeling like you're on the outside你感觉被排除在外Watching the world go by看着世界在流逝But you're still trying to find a way你还在努力寻找方法To make your mark in this world在这个世界上留下你的印记(Chorus)合唱:You're taking the world on your shoulders 你肩负着整个世界And you're ready to carry it你准备承担它You're taking the world on your shoulders 你肩负着整个世界And you're ready to break it你准备去打破它(Verse 2)第2节You're feeling like you're all alone你感觉孤单无助In this game of life在这场人生的游戏里But you're still here, still breathing但你还在这里,还在呼吸And your heart's still beating strong你的心还在强烈跳动(Chorus)合唱:You're taking the world on your shoulders你肩负着整个世界And you're ready to carry it你准备承担它You're taking the world on your shoulders你肩负着整个世界And you're ready to break it你准备去打破它(Bridge)4. 《We Will Rock You》——Queen:这是一首经典的摇滚歌曲,以其简单的歌词和强大的节奏而闻名,能够激发人们的热情和斗志。

Fight-Song-Rachel-Platten 钢琴谱 五线谱

Fight-Song-Rachel-Platten 钢琴谱 五线谱

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俄亥俄州立大学(The Ohio State University at Columbus),简称OSU,坐落于美国俄亥俄州首府哥伦布市,是一所历史悠久的美国公立研究型大学,今为十大联盟Big Ten Conference成员,是一所美国一流的公立大学,被誉为“公立常春藤”大学之一。


根据国家科学基金会(National Science Foundation)的2007年报告指出,2006年的研究支出为6.52亿美元,在全美国公立大学中,排名第7;在所有公私立大学中,排名第11,私人企业赞助研究,全美排名第2。


《USNEW》2015年排名全美第52名,US NEWS世界排名34。

校歌俄亥俄州立大学俄亥俄礼赞立思辰留学介绍,俄亥俄州立大学的官方校歌为Carmen Ohio,即《俄亥俄礼赞》。



Oh! Come and sing Ohio‘s praise,[哦,一起来唱这首俄亥俄的赞歌]The song to Alma Mater raise;[这首祝福母校崛起的歌]While our hearts rebounding thrill,[虽然我们的心还在惊惶中颤抖]With joy which death alone can still.[但我们对母校的感情至死不渝]Summer’s heat or Winter‘s cold,[不论是夏天的炎热还是冬天的寒冷]The seasons pass, the years will roll;[四季轮转日月如梭]Time and change will surely show,[时光会流走,改变终会到来]How firm thy friendship O-H-I-O![而它们会证明你我之间的友谊有多么牢固,俄亥俄!]俄亥俄州立大学冲过赛场除了校歌以外,美国各大学都还有各自的战歌(Fight Song),主要是用于给学校的球队助威。



I am a warrior and this is my song
my eyes are steel and my gaze is long
目光似铁 视野无限
I am a warrior and this is my song
hope is a moment now long past, the shadow of death is the one I cast.
I am a soldier and I'm marching on
in the maw with the jaws and the razor teeth,
where the brimstone burns and the angel weeps
call to the gods if I cross your path and my silhouette hangs like a body bag
if death don't bring you fear, I swear, you'll fear these marchin' feet
Come to the nightmare, come to me, deep down in the dark where the devil be

fight song 歌词

fight song 歌词

Like a small boat on the ocean像是辽阔汪洋的一叶扁舟Sending big waves into motion也能掀起惊涛骇浪Like how a single word像是几句只言片语Can make a heart open就能敞开一扇心扉I might only have one match或许我只是划亮一支火柴But i can make an explosion却能爆发一阵绚烂光芒And all those things i didn't say 我曾未宣之于口的所有Wrecking balls inside my brain仍深藏于我的脑海I will scream them loud tonight 今夜我会呐喊出我压抑的所有Can you hear my voice这一次你是否能听到我的嘶声呐喊This time this is my fight song 这就是我的奋斗之歌Take back my life song唱响重燃生命斗志之曲Prove I am alright song向世界证明我顽强不屈之歌My powers turned on我的激情已被点燃Starting right now i'll be strong此刻开始征程我会顽强不屈I'll play my fight song我会唱响我的奋斗之歌And i don't really care我并不在乎If nobody else believes是否有人会相信我Cause i've still got只因生命还有A lot of fight left in me太多征程等着我去挑战Losing friends and i'm chasing sleep 众叛亲离我仍不舍追寻我的梦Everybody's worried about me所有人都担心我In too deep they say i'm in too deep 怕我太过沉迷说我沦陷太深And it's been two years已经有两年了And i miss my home我想念我的家There's a fire burning in my bones 欲火仍在我的心底燎燃Still believe yeah i still believe 我仍坚信没错我仍坚信And all those things i didn't say 我曾未宣之于口的所有Wrecking balls inside my brain仍深藏于我的脑海I will scream them loud tonight今夜我会呐喊出我压抑的所有Can you hear my voice这一次你是否能听到我的嘶声呐喊This time this is my fight song这就是我的奋斗之歌Take back my life song唱响重燃生命斗志之曲Prove i'm alright song向世界证明我顽强不屈之歌My powers turned on我的激情已被点燃Starting right now i'll be strong 此刻开始征程我会顽强不屈我会唱响我的奋斗之歌And i don't really care我并不在乎If nobody else believes是否有人会相信我Cause i've still got只因生命还有A lot of fight left in me太多征程等着我去挑战A lot of fight left in me有太多征程等着我去挑战Like a small boat on the ocean 像是辽阔汪洋的一叶扁舟Sending big waves into motion 也能掀起惊涛骇浪Like how a single word像是几句只言片语Can make a heart open就能敞开一扇心扉I might only have one match或许我只是划亮一支火柴But i can make an explosion却能爆发一阵绚烂光芒这就是我的奋斗之歌Take back my life song唱响重燃生命斗志之曲Prove i'm alright song向世界证明我顽强不屈之歌My powers turned on我的激情已被点燃Starting right now i'll be strong此刻开始征程我会顽强不屈I'll play my fight song我会唱响我的奋斗之歌And i don't really care我并不在乎If nobody else believes是否有人会相信我Cause i've still got只因生命还有A lot of fight left in me太多征程等着我去挑战Now i've still got a lot of fight left in me 生命还有太多征程等着我去挑战Like a small boat on the ocean像是辽阔汪洋的一叶扁舟Sending big waves into motion也能掀起惊涛骇浪Like how a single word像是几句只言片语Can make a heart open就能敞开一扇心扉I might only have one match或许我只是划亮一支火柴But i can make an explosion却能爆发一阵绚烂光芒This is my fight song这就是我的奋斗之歌Take back my life song唱响重燃生命斗志之曲Prove i'm alright song向世界证明我顽强不屈之歌My powers turned on我的激情已被点燃Starting right now i'll be strong 此刻开始征程我会顽强不屈I'll play my fight song我会唱响我的奋斗之歌And i don't really care我并不在乎If nobody else believes是否有人会相信我Cause i've still got只因生命还有A lot of fight left in me太多征程等着我去挑战Now i've still got a lot of fight left in me 生命还有太多征程等着我去挑战。



Fight Song - Rachel Platten Like a small boat on the oceanSending big waves into motionLike how a single wordCan make a heart openI might only have one matchBut i can make an explosionAnd all those things i didn't sayWrecking balls inside my brainI will scream them loud tonightCan you hear my voiceThis time this is my fight songTake back my life songProve i'm alright songMy powers turned onStarting right now i'll be strongI'll play my fight songAnd i don't really careIf nobody else believesCause i've still gotA lot of fight left in meLosing friends and i'm chasing sleepEverybody's worried about meIn too deep they say i'm in too deepAnd it's been two yearsAnd i miss my homeThere's a fire burning in my bonesStill believe yeah i still believeAnd all those things i didn't sayWrecking balls inside my brainI will scream them loud tonightCan you hear my voiceThis time this is my fight songTake back my life songProve i'm alright songMy powers turned onStarting right now i'll be strongI'll play my fight songAnd i don't really careIf nobody else believesCause i've still gotA lot of fight left in meA lot of fight left in meLike a small boat on the ocean Sending big waves into motionLike how a single wordCan make a heart openI might only have one matchBut i can make an explosionThis is my fight songTake back my life songProve i'm alright songMy powers turned onStarting right now i'll be strongI'll play my fight songAnd i don't really careIf nobody else believesCause i've still gotA lot of fight left in meNow i've still got a lot of fight left in me。



给正在奋斗的高三生的7首充满力量的英文歌01《Fight Song》歌词充满了力量,鼓舞着每位听者,并能够使听众的脑海中产生生动的画面。

Fight SongRachel Platten - Fight SongThis time this is my fight song这一次,唱响我的战歌Take back my life song找回自我之歌Prove i'm alright song坚定自我之歌My powers turned on我火力全开Starting right now i'll be strong现在开始,勇敢坚强I'll play my fight song我会唱响战歌And i don't really care我并不在乎If nobody else believes是否有人相信Cause i've still got因为我内心A lot of fight left in me依然斗志昂扬02《I Bilieve I Can Fly》即使周围的环境不断的变化,但是依然相信自己,相信自己的梦想,相信自己只要坚持就一定能够在自己的天地里飞翔!I Believe I Can FlyRonan Keating - Songs for My MotherIf I can see it如果我还能看见希望,Then I can be it我就能成为那个我想成为的人,If I just believe it我相信我能行,There's nothing to it那就没有什么不可以。

I believe I can fly我相信我能飞翔,I believe I can touch the sky我相信我能触到天空。

I think about it every night and day日日夜夜,我想象这一幕,Spread my wings and fly away展翅高飞……I believe I can soar我相信我能高飞,I see me running through that open door我看见我穿过那敞开的生命之门,I believe I can fly我相信我能飞翔03《Hero》我们都是自己的英雄,因为我们总是在克服着每天的挫折。


Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight ə
Can you hear my voice this time
This is my fight song Take back my life song Prove I'm alright song My power’s turned on Starting right now I’ll be strong I’ll play my fight song
Wrecking balls inside my brain I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice this time
This is my fight song Take back my life song Prove I'm alright song My power’s turned on Starting right now I’ll be strong I’ll play my fight song Aə nd I don’t really care if nobody else believes Cause I’ve still got a lot of fight left in me
fire: 此处是隐喻,指的是内心的渴望和热情。
Fight Song 战歌
Like a small boat on the ocean
Sending big waves into motion Like how a single word Cəan make a heart open I might only have one match But I caən make an explosion And all those things I didn’t say



10首战斗歌曲【实用版】目录1.战斗歌曲的概述2.10 首战斗歌曲的简介3.战斗歌曲在历史和文化中的地位和影响4.战斗歌曲的价值和意义正文【一、战斗歌曲的概述】战斗歌曲,是指那些鼓舞士气、激励斗志,带有强烈战斗性的歌曲。


【二、10 首战斗歌曲的简介】以下是十首著名的战斗歌曲:1.《义勇军进行曲》:中国的国歌,激励着人民为国家的独立和尊严而奋斗。
















店铺整理了关于拜伦英文诗歌,欢迎阅读!关于拜伦英文诗歌篇一Translation of the Famous Greek War Song希腊战歌Sons of the Greeks, arise!起来,希腊的儿男!The glorious hour's gone forth,光荣时刻已到来,And, worthy of such ties,要效法我们祖先,Display who gave us birth.不枉作英豪后代!Sons of Greeks! let us go起来,希腊的儿男!In arms against the foe,挥戈向敌人迎战,Till their hated blood shall flow让他们腥臭的血川In a river past our feet.像河水在脚下奔窜!Then manfully despising让我们傲然抗拒The Turkish tyrant's yoke,土耳其暴君的强权,Let your country see you rising,让祖国眼见她儿女And all her chains are broke.站起来,砸碎锁链!Brave shades of chiefs and sages,先王和先哲的英灵Behold the coming strife!来检阅这场决战!Hellenes of past ages,希腊的列祖列宗Oh, start again to life!听到号角的呼唤,At the sound of my trumpet, breaking 快从坟墓中苏生,Your sleep, oh, join with me!参加我们的战斗!And the seven-hill'd city seeking,要攻克七山之城,Fight, conquer, till we're free.夺回我们的自由!Sons of Greeks! let us go起来,希腊的儿男!In arms against the foe,挥戈向敌人迎战,Till their hated blood shall flow让他们腥臭的血川In a river past our feet.像河水在脚下奔窜!Sparta, Sparta, why in slumbers醒来吧,斯巴达!今天Lethargic dost thou lie?你怎能高卧不起?Awake, and join thy numbers同你的老伙伴雅典With Athens, old ally!快联合起来抗敌!Leonidas recalling,历代讴歌的主君That chief of ancient song,列奥尼达斯唤回,Who saved ye once from falling, 他曾拯救过你们,The terrible! the strong!何等刚强而可畏!Who made that bold diversion 扼守在温泉险关,In old Thermopylae,他英勇牵制敌寇,And warring with the Persian同波斯军队鏖战,To keep his country free;让祖国得保自由;With his three hundred waging 他率领三百勇士,The battle, long he stood,战斗中始终挺立,And like a lion raging,像威猛暴怒的雄狮,Expired in seas of blood.在滔滔血海中沉溺。


























1.Studying by Lil Yachty This song has a catchy beat that can keep you motivated while you work on your homework.2.Homework by Beck A fun and upbeat tune that can make the task of doing homeworka little more enjoyable.3.The Sound of Silence by Simon Garfunkel This classic song can provide a calm and peaceful atmosphere for concentration.4.Harder,Better,Faster,Stronger by Daft Punk The electronic beat can help you push through tough assignments.5.I Will Wait by Mumford Sons A song that can inspire patience and perseverance as you work through your homework.6.Study Break by Mac DeMarco A lighthearted track thats perfect for taking a short break from your studies.7.Brain by Beach House This dreamy indie track can help you relax and think more clearly.8.Do the Right Thing by Pharrell Williams A song that encourages you to focus and make good decisions with your work.9.Work Hard,Play Hard by Wiz Khalifa A reminder to balance your work and playtime effectively.10.Homework by Brand New A rock song that can provide a boost of energy to power through your assignments.11.The Long and Winding Road by The Beatles A song that can help you stay focused on the longterm goal of completing your homework.12.Aint No Rest for the Wicked by Cage the Elephant A track that can keep you moving forward,even when the work seems endless.13.Im Still Standing by Elton John A song that can inspire resilience and determination in the face of tough homework.14.Keep Your Head Up by Ben Howard A soothing melody that can help you stay positive and focused.15.Levels by Avicii An energetic dance track that can give you a burst of energy to tackle your homework.16.On Top of the World by Imagine Dragons A feelgood song that can help you stay optimistic while working.17.Eye of the Tiger by Survivor A classic motivational song that can give you the drive to conquer your homework.18.Believer by Imagine Dragons A song that can inspire you to believe in your ability to complete your assignments.19.Fight Song by Rachel Platten A powerful anthem that can help you find the strength to push through your work.20.Dont Stop Believin by Journey A timeless song that can keep you motivated and focused on your goals.。



1. 《战斗进行曲》- 是经典的军旅歌曲,旋律激昂,歌词鼓舞

2. 《我为祖国献石油》- 这首歌歌颂了石油工人为祖国付出的

3. 《再唱支山歌给党听》- 这首歌弘扬了山区人民对党的热爱,是激励学生向上的歌曲。

4. 《中国人民解放军军歌》- 这首歌是中国人民解放军的军歌,歌词表达了军人忠诚保家卫国的精神。

5. 《我的中国心》- 这首歌是经典的爱国歌曲,以激励和坚定

6. 《春天的故事》- 这首歌歌颂了中国人民的勤劳和智慧,是

7. 《信仰》- 这首歌以对信仰的执着讲述了追梦的力量,适合

8. 《青春修炼手册》- 这首歌以积极向上的态度鼓励年轻人追


Fight Song歌词

Fight Song歌词

Like a small boatOn the ocean就像在无垠大海上的小纸船Sending big wavesInto motion随著大风大浪浮浮沉沉Like how a single word一句简单的话Can make a heart open却能解开一个人的心结I might only have one match也许我只仅存一支火柴but I can make an explosion但那也足以发生爆炸And all those things I didn't say所有我未曾说过的事Wrecking balls inside my brain像是脑中重沉沉的铁球I will scream them loud tonight今晚我要放声尖叫Can you hear my voice this time这次你听见了没?This is my fight song这是我的战斗之歌Take back my life song我的自由之歌Prove I'm alright song我绝对没问题的My power's turned on我的力量已经开启Starting right now I'll be strong从现在起我要变得坚强I'll play my fight song我会唱著我的战斗之歌And I don't really care if nobody else believes 我不在乎有没有人相信'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me因为人生的路上还有许多仗要打呢Losing friends and I'm chasing sleep我失去了朋友,每天与睡眠时间赛跑Everybody's worried about me每个人都好担心我In too deep执迷不悟Say I'm in too deep都说我陷得太深And it's been two years两年过去I miss my home我很想家But there's a fire burning in my bones但现在有一把火正在我骨子里燃烧著And I still believe而我仍相信著And all those things I didn't say所有我未曾说过的事Wrecking balls inside my brain像是脑中重沉沉的铁球I will scream them loud tonight今晚我要放声尖叫Can you hear my voice this time这次你听见了没?This is my fight song这是我的战斗之歌Take back my life song我的自由之歌Prove I'm alright song我绝对没问题的My power's turned on我的力量已经开启Starting right now I'll be strong从现在起我要变得坚强I'll play my fight song我会唱著我的战斗之歌And I don't really care if nobody else believes 我不在乎有没有人相信'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me因为人生的路上还有许多仗要打呢Like a small boatOn the ocean就像在无垠大海上的小纸船Sending big wavesInto motion随著大风大浪浮浮沉沉Like how a single word一句简单的话Can make a heart open却能解开一个人的心结I might only have one match也许我只仅存一支火柴but I can make an explosion但那也足以发生爆炸This is my fight song这是我的战斗之歌Take back my life song我的自由之歌Prove I'm alright song我绝对没问题的My power's turned on我的力量已经开启Starting right now I'll be strong从现在起我要变得坚强I'll play my fight song我会唱著我的战斗之歌And I don't really care if nobody else believes 我不在乎有没有人相信'Cause I've still got a lot of fight left in me因为人生的路上还有许多仗要打呢。



初二英语歌词分析语法练习题20题(答案解析)1. In the song "Love Story" by Taylor Swift, "We were both young when I first saw you." Here, "were" is used because:A. It is a general truth in the presentB. It refers to a past eventC. It is a future predictionD. It is a command答案:B解析:在这个句子中,描述的是过去发生的事情,当我第一次见到你时我们都还年轻,这是过去的一个状态,所以要用一般过去时,were是be动词的一般过去式形式,表示过去的状态。

A选项一般现在时用于表示普遍真理、经常发生的动作等,不符合这里的语境;C 选项这里不是未来的预测;D选项不是命令的形式。

2. From the song "Baby" by Justin Bieber, "When I was 13, I had my first love." The underlined part "had" is:A. The simple present form of "have"B. The simple past form of "have"C. The present perfect form of "have"D. The future form of "have"答案:B解析:句中描述的是当我13岁的时候,这是过去的时间,had在这里是have的一般过去式,表示过去拥有,在过去某个特定时间发生的动作要用一般过去时。

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女歌手Rachel Platten浑厚大气的音色声线,加上励志风格的歌词套路,难怪有网友评论说,这是欧美乐坛典型的“女权癌”代表作......背单词背得意志消沉? 记语法记得昏昏欲睡? 听听这首就对了。

•Fight Song战歌
-Rachel Platten
•Like a small boat on the ocean
就如一叶扁舟穿行在海洋Sending big waves into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion
•And all those things I didn't say
那些未曾宣于口上的言语Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice?
This time this is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My powers turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care
If nobody else believes
Cause I've still got 因为我依然
A lot of fight left in me
•Losing friends and I'm chasing
Everybody's worried about me
In too deep they say I'm in too deep
•And it's been two years
And I miss my home
But there's a fire burning in my

And I still believe yeah I still believe
And all those things I didn't say
Wrecking balls inside my brain
I will scream them loud tonight
Can you hear my voice?
This time this is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My powers turned on
•Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care
If nobody else believes
Cause I've still got
A lot of fight left in me
A lot of fight left In me
Like a small boat on the ocean
Sending big waves into motion
Like how a single word
Can make a heart open
I might only have one match
But I can make an explosion
This is my fight song
Take back my life song
Prove I'm alright song
My powers turned on
Starting right now I'll be strong
I'll play my fight song
And I don't really care
If nobody else believes
Cause I've still got
A lot of fight left in me
Now I've still got a lot of fight left in
