
英语中女性语言的风格特色English is a gender-neutral language in that most grammar terms do not reflect any gender or sex differences. For example, a he, she, or they are used to refer to a person’s gender. However, there are certain ways of speaking that are typically associated with women, a style of communication known as “feminine language.”The use of feminine language is especially prevalent in English, as it is often used to express emotion and to emphasize certain points or topics. Unlike masculine language, which tends to be simpler and more direct, feminine language often utilizes poetic flourishes, flowery description, and euphemisms. Examples of feminine language can be found in literature and everyday conversation.In literature, feminine language often features descriptive elements and metaphors. For example, rather than saying “a person”, a woman might use the phrase “a lovely lady” to add emphasis and express more emotion. Similarly, literature written by women often includes morevivid descriptio ns, such as calling a sunrise “magenta streaks” instead of “the sky turning pink.”In everyday conversations, a woman might also use feminine language to express her ideas. For instance, instead of just saying “I don’t agree with that”, a woman might say “I simply cannot fathom why such a thing would be done” to show her emotions more clearly. Additionally, women often use metaphors and other descriptors in conversations to explain complex ideas in a concise way.Aside from literature and conversation, feminine language can also be found in other mediums such as music and television. Popular songs often use feminine language to express the emotions of the singer. Similarly, female characters on television often use poetic language and flowery descriptors to express their feelings. This can be seen in shows such as Sex and the City and Gilmore Girls, where the female characters often use double entendres and other euphemisms to express themselves.In conclusion, feminine language is an important part of English as it is often used to express emotion, emphasize certain points and ideas, and explain complex concepts. While some people may argue that the use of feminine language undermines the power of the speaker, it is nonetheless an essential form of communication in both literature and everyday life. Thus, it is important to understand and be able to recognize when feminine language is used in English.。

female用法 -回复

例如,我们可以说"Jane is a female",意思是简是一个女性。
例如,我们可以说"female cat",意思是一只母猫。
例如,我们可以说"She femaled after the operation",意思是她在手术后变成了女性。
例如,我们可以说"female and male teachers",意思是女性和男性教师。
例如,我们可以说"female doctors",而不是"women doctors"。
最新-英语性别语言特征分析 精品

女性语言文体特征 - female language(英文)

1 Contents ………………...…………………………………...…………… Abstract ………………………………………..……….….……….… 1. Introduction………………………………….…...…………….…..1 2.The Characteristics of Female Language……….………….………..2 2.1 Pronunciation and Intonation ………….….……..……...2 2.2 V ocabulary …………………………….……..……..…..4 2.3 Grammar……………………………………………….6 2.4 Conversation Topics………………………….……..……8 3. The Interpretation of the Female Language Characteristics…………………………………...10 3.1 Physiological and Psychological Factors ………....……10 3.2 Cultural Factors………………………………….…....11 3.3 Social Factors……………………….…………..….....12 3.4 Educational Factors……………………………….…..12 4. The Developments and Changes of Female Language………………………………..………...…15 4.1 Degradation of Sexual Discriminationin Language...... 15 4.2 Social Effect of Female Language (16)4.3 Changes in Women's Style of Speech………………..…195. The Reasons for the Changes in Female Language (24)6. Conclusion………………………………………….………………..27 o men. Through )2 Bibliography …………………………………………………………....28 Acknowledgements3 1Introduction The existence and development of language are intended to meet theneeds of communication in society. People in different social groups havetheir own special languages. In the English-speaking countries, we candiscover that female language always shows some interesting andexternal features of the language consciously or unconsciously in thecourse of language communication. With the rise of feminism and thecontinuous improvement of female social status, a great of changes havetaken place in female language. These changes are closely linked with the development of society. So the research of female language is a subjectvery worthy to be studied. This paper attempts to discuss thecharacteristics and some new changes of female language and analyzesthe reason of this phenomenon from the social, cultural and educational,etc. aspects. 15 4.1 DegradationP4 2The Characteristics of Female Language Female language has its own features. The following part will focuson pronunciation, intonation, vocabulary, grammar and topics to make abrief analysis. 2.1 Pronunciation and Intonation2.1.1 Pronunciation Phonological differences between men and women have beennoticed in varieties of languages. Women’s pronunciation sounds moreaccurate than men’s. In English-speaking countries, women’spronunciation is closer to Standard English Pronunciation than men's.When we read ―-ing‖, generally women can pronounce the accurate backnasal consonant /iη/. But a considerable number of men become more accustomed to pronounce front nasal consonant /in/. In Australia, theEnglish with Australian-accented is not usually considered StandardEnglish. After investigation, researchers come to the conclusion thatwomen are far less often than men when they speak the nonstandardEnglish. The reason is that more women pay attention to the accuracy of pronunciation than men, which is an important mark of their identity andculture for women. In the northeast Asian language, Yukaghir, women ot of changes and5 have /ts/ and /dz/ where men have /tj/ and /dj/. In Bengali men oftensubstitute /l/ for /n/ but women do not do this. Likewise, in a Siberian language, Chukchi, men, but not women, often drop /n/ and /t/ when theyoccur between vowels, e.g. female nitvaqenat and male nitvaqeat. 2.1.2 Intonation Generally speaking, women’s intonation is higher than men’s, whichis caused by physiological factors in fact. Women’s vocal cords arelonger than men, so their pronunciation frequency is higher. However,people often consider the high pitch is connected with women'scowardice and unsteady emotion. The range of intonation variety is large,which is another distinctive feature. Women are good at using the various intonations to express their feelings. Lakoff says that women may answera question with a statement that employs the rising intonation patternusually associated with a question rather than the falling intonationassociated with making a firm statement. And women are usually inclinedto be tactful and gentle and often use low rising intonation at the end of sentences, which seems to show that they lack of confidence and seek theopinions of the others. In contrast, men usually like using high fallingintonation at the end of the sentences, so their intonation sounds resoluteand affirmative. For example, when speaking the following sentence, menand women may u se different intonations. I wish you’d try it. be further discussed a`6 Men: . - .﹨. Women: . - . / . Men usually speak ending with a high falling intonation and their tonesare strongly firm. However, women will use the low rising intonation toend their speech and their tone is more moderate than men’s. Besides,women used to answer questions with rising intonation to express thattheir views is not a verdict and they are willing to listen to other's views.Such as: Husband: ―when will dinner be ready?‖Wife: ―oh …around six o’clock?‖The wife is the only one to know the answer. But she used an intonationwith consulting meaning —"Will that do?‖Of course, we can not get ridof her uncertain possibility. 2.2 V ocabulary Special feminine vocabulary in English that man may not, dare notand will not use. Women like talking about things exaggeratedly, so theylike using the exaggerated adjectives and adverbs and other words toemphasize the point. 2.2.1 Extravagant Adjectives Women in United States and Britain like using some exaggeratedadjectives frequently, like ―adorable, divine, gorgeous, charming, and r identity andcul7 lovely‖and so on. But men seldom use these words. ―What a divineidea!‖It’s manifestly out of a female’s mouth. But men will say ―what a terrific idea!‖2.2.2 Intensified Adverbs Such as―so, much, quite, terribly‖, etc. women use these wordsmore frequently than men. For example, women would say, ―It was so interesting!‖, ―It was terribly cold!‖But men often use ―very, really‖to intensify their tones. 2.2.3 Accurate Colour Words Women are good at portraying color accurately in comparison withthe men. Furthermore, they can use some unusual color vocabulary suchas ―mauve, magenta, beige, and lavender‖and so on. When facing a light purple skirt, woman cannot help sp eaking, ―It’s a beautiful lavenderskirt!‖2.2.4 Interjection Interjections used by women are more cautious and implicit thanmen. When using cursing words, women are usually more cautious andimplicit. Some filthy words or phrases such as ―God damn it!‖, ―Damn‖,―Fuck you!‖, ―Fuck you Charley!‖, ―Shit‖etc. often appear in men’s speech. In contrast, women often use ―Oh, dear!‖, ―Oh, God!‖, ―God bless me!‖, ―My God!‖, ―Great God!‖, ―God‖etc. to express their anger sing high falling d8 or surprise. For instance, men and women have different reactions whenthey face the scene of putting peanut butter in a wrong place. Female: ―oh dear. You’ve put the peanut butter in the refrigerator again. ‖Male: ―shit, you’ve put the peanut b utter in the refrigerator again.‖From thesetwo sentences we can see that men and women also felt unhappy about putting peanut butter in the refrigerator again, but theexpressions they used are different. The men used the rude word ―shit‖,but the woman used ―oh dear‖to express her dissatisfaction. This justshows the graceful feature of female language.2.2.5 Diminutives English women will sometimes say ―birdie‖instead of "bird" and―bookie‖instead of ―book‖. Otherwise, they use ―dearie, sweetie, auntie‖and other words to express affection frequently. But men rarely use thesewords.2.3 Grammar So far, there is not a rule that some specific grammar structuresbelong to women used only. But some analyses of language materialsshowed that women often use the following structures:2.3.1 Tag Question Women prefer to express their views or ideas by using tag questions,because it contains some intense consulting meanings and can avoid too t the end of the sez9 direct and absolute. For instance, when facing an article, husband wouldsay, ―This is better!‖but wife will say, ―This is better, isn’t it?‖or ―This is better, don’t you think so?‖Tag questions have three functions. First, itcan testify the reliability of information. For example, ―She is coming,isn’t she?‖Second, it can weaken the speech stone such as ―That waspretty silly, wasn’t it?‖or ―Open the door for me, could you?‖Maybe, the speaker doesn’t want to prove something but considers listener’s dignity.And women think this way can ease their own tones and requires. Third,neither the first nor the second, they only give a signal to listeners inorder to promote conversations. It is equal to ―It’s your turn to speak‖.For example, ―Quiet a nice room to sit in actually, isn’t it?‖Holmse 1984 made an investigation of using the tag questions. The result showed thatthe total of men and women using tag questions are roughly equal.However, about the second and third expressions, women used them considerably more than men. It suggested that women pay attention touphold the listener’s dignity and their tones are more euphemistic. Thisembodies ―cooperativeness‖of communication. 2.3.2 Modulation Modulation is a very polite and courteous sentence structure such as―I like, I suppose, well, you know‖, etc. women often use such uncertain structure to express their opinions. This suggested that they do not want10 to impose their views on others person, only a tentative views or suggestions. 2.3.3 Past Tense Women prefer to use past tense when they ask for help. They would say, ―I was wondering if you could possibly do me a favor.‖This becausepeople are accustomed to put the present tense together with the things of expressing present. But using the past tense, sometimes, can confuse thetimes and express the euphemistic and polite tones. 2.3.4 Embedded Imperatives When using imperative sentences, men like using more clear andsimple imperative sentences to express orders or make decisions. Butwomen prefer to use embedded imperative sentence and othereuphemistic sentence structures to request somebody do something. SuchasMale: ―Br ing that here!‖Female: ―Could you bring that here?‖2.4 Conversation Topics People always tend to choose the interesting topics they like. Dueto different division of work in society, the scope of activities of men andwomen are different. Generally speaking, when men talk to men, thecontent categories of their topics often focus on politics, sports, he listener’s dignit 11 automobiles, business, legal matters, taxes, stocks, aggression,competition, teasing and so on. On the other hand, when women talk towomen, their topics are about home, families, social life, life-style, lifetrouble, feelings, books, clothes, food and drink, cooking, sewing,affiliation with other etc. (Spolsky,2000) The above, the author discusses the characteristics of female languagewhich are different from men’s. But different languages mirror different societies, so these characteristics of female language should be related tonot only physiological factor but also the contemporary social and cultural,etc. factors.ereuphemiY12 3The Interpretation of the Female Language Characteristics Language is a product of human history, but also a socialphenomenon. It is a real reflection of different social cultures, customs,human sense and cultural consciousness. There are many reasons offorming these characteristics of female language. As follows: 3.1Physiological and Psychological Factors Some features of female language are related to their physiologicalch aracteristics. For example, women’s intonation is higher than men andthey are easy to understand the exact form of the language and so on. Toobtain the same right as men, women are struggling with the traditional discriminations. A sense of social roles leads to a language consciousness inevitably, so they do their best to use more of the standard andprestigious speech patterns in their own community. Comparing men,women are closer to the standard style and refined accent of language andtheir language must influence their children, so women are the pioneers inthe community of using standard style language. Otherwise, thepsychological tendency of improving their status makes them apt tomaster the standard language. In addition, the language style used bywomen is more euphemistic, restrained, and hesitant than men. From this13 point, we can believe that it is not only a reflection of lacking confidence,but also a symbol of feminine politeness and kindness.3.2 Cultural Factors From the points of society and culture, girls are taught to be gentleand quiet from children. Women’s role identity and their role behaviorwere formed in the process of socialization. The so-called socializationprocess is a progress in which everyone should study their culturesaround their community groups to keep pace with the developing society.Growing up in this culture, girls accept the behavior and thecommunication styles consciously or unconsciously, which has become apart of their personality characteristics. In western cultural traditions, women are unable to escape the samefate as oriental woman. In ―Bible‖, there are some depictions of women.Eve derived from a rib of Adam. There are two purposes of creating Evefor God. The first is to accompany with Adam in case of loneliness; thesecond is to give birth to the children of Adam. This also suggested thatwomen are the appendage of men since Genesis. As a tool for giving birthto children, women have to be controlled and be in a subordinate status. Traditional culture suppressed the development of women'sself-consciousness. As a result, their capabilities of independence andself-awareness became weaker and weaker. Women must take advantage ertain structure to ex14 of the communication network if they want to achieve the purpose ofphysical and mental needs. So, psychologically speaking, they aresensitive and their independent capabilities are very weak. And in theirspeech, their languages are very polite, indirect, modest and veiled.3.3 Social Factors On the one hand, the social position of women has been less securedtha n men’s since class society came into being. Women were oftenregarded as an appendage of men. For instance, girls are taught to begentle and cultivated from children. In order not to be looked down upon,women do their best to use very standard language. On the other hand,men’s and women’s different social roles and fields of activities are themajor containing factors in performance. In many countries men are ratedsocially by their occupation, income and other abilities while women’scapacities are underrated or denied. It seems natural that women’s duty isto be the wife and mother who supports and nurtures others. In gettingalong with people and being educated, more and more women are awareof their importance and strive to make their own language approximate to standard language.Traditional culture su15 3.4 Educational FactorsEducational factor is also an important reason of forming these characteristics. The following will focus on composition of membershipin educational field, way of education and educated level and majors tomake a brief analysis. 3.4.1 Composition of Membership in Educational Field Some linguists believed the differences of language between menand women derived from the influence of more and more female teachersin schools. Whatever in kindergartens, primary schools and secondaryschools, female teachers has an absolute advantage. Therefore, female teachers’ words and deeds will have a direct impact on the public. Female students will take teachers as their models and inherit the characteristicsof the language, whether intentionally or not.3.4.2 Way of Education Boys contact with guns, automobiles, and other toys symbolizingstrength and power from children. But girls were related to some dollsand other toys symbolizing gentle and kind features. From shooting game,boys were implied to be a brave and strong man. It is his role in society;girls in the game were implied to receive the traditional female role. Thus,these deep-rooted concepts influence women and their languagegeneration by generation. 3.4.3 Educated Level and Majors now‖, etc. women oftenW16 Educated level is an important influence of the different languagebetween men and women. For example, in the traditional Jewishcommunity of United States, men accept longer Jewish education thanwomen. So their Jewish and Hebrew languages are superior to women.But women were asked to accept some secular education. (张爱玲,1995)In Arab countries, the different languages between men and women aredue to the differences of accepting education. In our previous traditional education, the phenomenon of son preference is particularly serious. Sothe different language between men and women is also obvious.Wherever in the world, men learning science are more than womenobviously. This is also a reason of differences in language between menand women. Otherwise, there are many other explanations need us to discover. With the rise of the feminist movement and the continuous improvementof women’s social status, the characteristics of female language will alsohave a great of changes.ing game,boys w17 4The Changes and Developments of Female Language With the changes of times and the rapid development of modernsociety, some tremendous changes have taken place in every aspect ofwomen such as social status, outlook on life and values, etc. Of course,their language should change also. Now, the author will analyzes somechanges and developments briefly from women’s speech style,degradation of sexual discrimination and social effects of femalelanguage and so on. 4.1 Degradation of Sexual Discrimination With the advanc ement of women’s status and the rise of women'sliberation movement, the vocabulary and grammar of English haveemerged.4.1.1 The Word ―man‖Women want to change people's minds about the role of women insociety by change language such as, the concentration of the word ―men‖. Now, ―humankind‖is instead of ―man‖and ―mankind‖gradually. What’smore, there is a rule in British law: in the advertisement of recruitingworkers, people are not allowed to speak ―salesman‖or ―draftsman‖. The same as ―guard‖is instead of ―watchman‖and ―firefighter‖is instead of 18 ―fireman‖. In addition, there are many similar words, such as―chairperson, spokesperson, businessperson‖, etc. 4.1.2 The Disappearance of Some Negative Suffix Negative suffix is often regarded as a discrimination against women. This is a discourtesy calling black women Negress or calling Jewish women Jewess. Female writers like to be called ―author‖or ―poet‖and now ―authoress, poetess‖tend to disappear gradually. The word ―actress‖which has been used for a long times is replaced by ―actor‖some times.E.g. ―She is an actor.‖Of course, it’s difficult to abandon the negative suffix—―-ess‖, but we need work hard. 4.1.3 Grammar The contemporary feminist movement has affected grammar. At thepast time, the person pronoun ―he, him, his‖may be used to refer to menand women. So people can say ―Everyone must do his best.‖But now wecan say, ―Everyone must do one’s best.‖too and even ―Everyone must do their best.‖though it doesn’t meet the standard of syntax.4.2 Social Effect of Female Language In recent years, it's amazing that more and more people have donethe research of the female language. Many scholars studying the language consider that the feature of female language is the symbol, which denotesthat women are lack of social rights. However, there are some other women oftenW19 surveys concerning communication are contrary to the right's opinion.This is testified through making observations on the effect of femalelanguage and its social adaptability. It has once made a study showed that compared to men, who areusing their dominating language, women using the female language areable to better take on the assignment of persuading others. Someresearchers chosen a number of students, divided into groups of two. Thefirst group is a girl versus three boys who have different views, and theother group is one boy versus three girls also holding different minds. By observing and studying, it’s found that during debating, the first group iseasier to reverse their views than the second one. Girls attributed theirsuccess to take the attitude of accepting and understanding when theytried to persuade boys who were in defensive state. And when girlsdiscussed in a group, they paid attention to listen and put questions,which can form an atmosphere of friendly consulting. At the same time,girls were good at listening and accepting other’s views. In the field of communication, participants who are more capable ininterpersonal communication all have their own specific some skills, suchas:a. Sending information through contact by eyes, realization and definitehints of body language and other ways can show your interest andreply when you are listening to other person. of times and the rapid d20 b. Positive insight is a good method to judge others' communication hints. c. Self-exchange, personal sharing, understanding and acceptance of otherpeople's feeling are effectual ways to success. d. You should avoid snap judgment or negative evaluations. e. Putting forward your views explicitly can prevent other person from making various possible explanations on your opinions. Comparing the characteristics of the female language with theconcepts and techniques of successful social intercourse, we will findfemale language had oceans of unique features of establishing excellent relationship. When inspecting some important communication field insocial life, we will find unexpectedly that the female language is used fora long time not by women but by men, such as in labor negotiations,diplomatic and legislative activities even in campus and so on.Researchers also found that using female language ingeniously is aneffective avenue of gaining success in communication. Even in dealingwith ethnic, national and inter-regional issues, approach often taken bythe government is through regulation and compromise to seek a solutionof these problems. This language problem-solving mode is very close tothe female language communication mode. Some said,―Women are diplomats by nature.‖From this we can seewomen’s ability of providing a comfortable environment for conversation.They are good at promoting a harmonious speaking situation. In recent the differences of accep21 years, in the fields of public relations and foreign affairs, the femalelanguage's skills have been widely and rapidly popularized.4.3 Changes in Style of Speech Women will take into account their identities, social status and theirspeech patterns being gifted by society unconsciously when usinglanguage. Gradually, they formed their own speech style. But with therapid advance of society, women’s speech styles have a lot of changes.The following, the author will take the Chinese women for examples todiscuss some change s of women’s speech style. 4.3.1 Amount of Speech The application of language is related to the occasion ofconversation, which influences the amounts and forms of language. In the occasion of informal communication, the most contents of female speechare chat or gossip, in order to keep social relationship. Besides, theamounts of their speech are more than men’s and the form is casual orarbitrary such as discussion and argument, etc. On the contrary, in theformal occasion, the amounts of wome n’s speech are fewer than usual. Atthis time, they usually use standard language and their speech style isshort and brief. What’s more, they very pay attention to their speech anddignity but in the informal occasion they don’t. 4.3.2 Topics and Sp eech Style n seewomen’s ability22 Topics can affect the content and vocabulary of conversationdirectly. Women will show different speech style when discussingdifferent topics. We know, women like using some euphemistic, indirectand vague words such as ―should be?‖, ―I think it is‖, ―I don't dare to say‖and so on. Because using these words can weaken powerful stones andachieve the purpose of keeping a harmonious interpersonal relationship. However, the weight of topics can change the words they use. If facing an important topic, women's words will became standard, concise anddefinite. For example, at a negotiating table, women's words are asdefinite, direct as men's such as ―Concession is impossible!‖, ―We willnever give in‖, ―the decision can not be changed absolutely!‖With regard to topics discussed by women, there are a lot of changes.With the influence and impact of modern society, female topics were nolonger confined to the lives and affection and so on. Now their topics are changing diverse and various such as political affairs, economy,employment, development, latest news, etc. which are all included in the women’s topics. 4.3.3 Sentence Patterns and Tones Generally specking, the differences of language are related to theoccasion and individual. The most sentence patterns of female languageare questions and the tones are indirect and kind. Gaining these featuresare due to the purpose of female language. But when speakers are in recent ation. In recent23 different status or relationships, they will change their tones, sentence patterns, and words. Chambers put forward a view that ―Generallyspeaking, in a certain language environment, the different application ofspeech patterns is based on speaker’s d ifferent social power on the certain level.‖From this point, roles relationship is more important than genderwhen women choose language patterns. Women with a high status canform a powerful speech style, such as the conversations between femaleboss and her staff. 4.3.4 Other Changes In addition, there are some other changes in women's language. Intones and intonations, Chinese women tend to use low intonation. Their applications of cadence are reduced on the certain level and the rhythm is changing smooth but the frequency of using falling intonation isincreasing. Besides, the uses of tag questions and rising intonations arechanging fewer and fewer. In the communication within the scope ofcertain groups, women pay attention to the amount of speech and theirtones change absolutely. What’s more, the topics of discussing changefrom narrow to wide. These changes indicate that the speech style offemale language is tending to the men's to a certain extent, exactlyspeaking, ―neutra l trend‖. Because these changes abandoned somefeatures of original female language style and add some males’. Thus abrand new comprehensive style –―neutral style‖is coming into being. are in recent ation. In recent24 What's more, the style was already widely disseminated and accepted bymost women gladly in modern society. Of course, these changes alsocontain other aspects, such as women's clothes, make-up, communicationand individual behavior, and so on. In vocabulary, a large amount ofapplications of vulgar words and taboo have already broken thetraditional restraints about language, such as "Fuck you!", "damn" and soon. In addition, the extensive use of prevail words is a bright spot offemale language also. In the control of conversation, women tend tocontrol the topics discussed in the language communication frequently,。

当代丹麦语言学家叶斯柏森从语言学角度研究性别语言,并于1922年在他的Language: its Nature, development and Origin一书中用一章“The Women”专门讨论女性语言特色。
1975年,Lakoff在Women’s P l ace in Language中提出女性语言的说法,并阐述女性语言不同于男性的特点。

浅论英语中的女性言语特色 (中学英语教学论文)金清中学张奎从性别的角度研究和考察言语的特征一直是语言学,尤其是社会语言学关注的焦点。
一、女性词汇的特点正如法国存在主义女作家西蒙娜德波娃(Siman de Pauvaus)在被誉为西方妇女《圣经》的《第二性---女人》一书中指出,:“从古到今妇女身份低于男人,成为仅次于男人的第二性,并不是由于天生的女性特征,而是长期以来以男子为中心的社会力量和传统势力造成的。
如host—hostess, hero—heroine, prince—princess, heir—heiress 等等,只有社会地位低下所构成的词才直接用来表示女性:nurse, servant, secretary, 而要表示男护士、男佣人、男秘书则用male nurse, male servant, male secretary。
则在该词前面加上woman, female或madam: woman astronaut, woman doctor, female engineer, madam chairman。

英语语言中女性地位体现及语言特点分析吴倩倩【摘要】英语语言文化中存在着男女性别的差异,这种差异表现在语音、语义、语法等各个方面.本文分析了英语语言中的女性语言现象,和女性语言的特点,以及这些女性语言特点的形成因素和形成原因.通过分析加深了我们对英语语言的文化底蕴和文化背景的了解与掌握.【期刊名称】赤峰学院学报(自然科学版)【年(卷),期】2013(029)007【总页数】3【关键词】英语;女性地位;语言特点女性语言(women's language)在上世纪七十年代中期受到欧美国家的语言学家和社会学家的重视与研究,语言学家通过研究发现不同的社会群体拥有的独特的语言现象同样适用于男人和女人这两种人类性别差异群体上,男性和女性在语言上的使用同样有各自的语言特点,而女性语言这种由于性别而造成的语言差异在英语语言中受到了广泛的重视.1 英语语言女性的受歧视现象分析“性别歧视”自古有之,在母系社会里,男性普遍受到歧视,在后历史时代的社会里,由于男女的生理差异,男人更因较强的力量和体力在社会更加容易生存因此女性受到一定的歧视.在英语语言中,可以通过英语单词的构成和称谓、语义以及句式结构等分析女性受歧视的现象.1.1 从单词构成分析女性受歧视现象英语中,许多特指男性的词汇都是固定的词汇,而特指女性的词汇往往用男性词汇后添加一定的后缀或前缀来构成,这种语法现象被称为语法不对等性.通过一些简单的实例:男人:Male,女人:Female;男主人:host,女主人:hostess;男演员:actor,女演员:actress.这些单词折射出了欧美国家古代造词者对男性和女性之间的理解,认为女性是男性的依附和附庸,并没有将女性作为独立的个体和平等的主体对待.1.2 从人际称谓分析女性受歧视现象在英语中,女性下属通常称呼上司为sir、Mr等尊称,而不可以用比较随意的用darling等亲昵的词来称呼上司,而上司却可以随便地用一些比较亲昵的称呼和昵称称呼女性下属,如sweetie、sugar等,甚至女性上司习惯上都不能用昵称称呼男下属[1].这种人际称谓虽然只是英语语言中的一个很小的习惯,但这个微不足道的称谓习惯却保留了英美社会中女性地位不如男性的事实,是女性受到的尊重少于男性的一个体现.西方的女性在结婚之前的姓通常随父亲,结婚后则随丈夫姓.英文中一个很小的用法透露了西方女性一直不受尊重的地位.英文语法中男人无论婚前还是婚后都称呼为“man”,而针对女性婚前叫“miss”婚后则为“mrs”.美国前国务卿希拉里作为一名在美国政坛有甚远影响力的女性,同时也是一名女权主义者,同样免不了在姓氏问题上受到传统的女性歧视待遇,希拉里在结婚之前叫“Hilary Rodhamon”,结婚后则跟随其丈夫克林顿姓,改名为“Hilary Clinton”.传统的西方文化中,女性出嫁后就变成了丈夫的私有物品,即使是在姓氏上,这种不平等的待遇在当今社会已经大为改观,但语言从自古形成的,不像法律可以与时俱进,因此英语语言中的人机称谓充分反映了女性受歧视的现象.1.3 从英语语义中分析女性受歧视现象从英语的语义的发展趋势看,女性名词通常引申出贬义的含义,而褒义词中大多数从男性名词发展而来.例如英文中常用男性词汇中的“king”-国王,表示有统治力的、强大的人,例如著名的NBA球星詹姆斯就被称之为“The king”,表示赞扬其高超的球技和在球场的统治力的表现.而女性词中的词汇“queen”本意是王后,而王后在特定的语境中被赋予“母猫”的含义.此外男性词汇“master”-男主人也是典型的褒义词,通常被升华为“圣明的上帝”等含义.再譬如“Bachelor(单身未婚男青年)”“Spinster(单身未婚女青年)”,同样都指到了适婚年龄仍未结婚的男女青年,但内涵却不一样了,前者暗含诚实、独立和性解放,而后者却延伸出了丑陋、无能、不性感的贬义[2].英语中许多词汇的本意是没有褒义和贬义之别的,但随着社会的发展和历史上女性地位不如男性的事实,语义进化成为对女性的轻视之意.表示男人的词汇是“man”,表示女人的词汇是“women”,“man”在历史的进化中一直是褒义,甚至形容某人做的事情很伟大很骄傲时会说某人的作法很“man”.而“women”在某种特定的情境下却变成了“妓女”这种极具讽刺的含义.此外“governor”表示男性统治者、州长等含义,而相同的性别区分词“governess”确意义大变,变成了“女家庭教师”,或许历史演化中认为女人能够担任州长是不可能的,女性如果一定要管理某人的话,哪只能是小学生.2 英语语言文化汇总中女性语言的特点2.1 英语语音层面的语言特征英语中的语言发音是存在男女区别的,具体表现在女性的语音发音更加规范和标准,音准和音调比男性的发音更加标准.男女发音的标准程度有别或许与男女的生理结构包括舌头的长短、柔韧程度有关,更与男性和女性对英语语言发音的重视程度有关.音准的男女差别表明自古以来,女人由于长期处于劣势地位,与男性对话过程中,通常用规范的语言和音调向男性上司或丈夫等人表示尊敬.语言学家通过大量的案例分析和语言材料的研究发现,女性英语语言使用者在交流会话中通常更多地采用疑问句和升调,表示征求男性主导社会的询问和意见,这种语调从深层次的角度反映了女性缺乏自信和对自己地位的不肯定心态,长期的历史演化形成了今天的女性音调.同时女性的英语发音通常与女性的温柔和柔弱有关,所以语音发音更加客气和温柔,这些都体现了女性在社会中的地位[3].2.2 英语词汇层面的语言特征女性在日常生活中对有关服装、美容、色彩、穿着等方面的词汇的使用频率较高,由于男性和女性在日常生活中所关心的内容和事物不同,因此女性和男性更擅长的词汇的使用也不尽相同.女性通常能够用较精确的词汇来形容和表达对服装、色彩的特点,而男性在词汇的应用领域上更倾向于政治、体育、生意等等.女性使用的词汇在意义上的特点还往往带有浓烈的感情色彩,通常使用表示情感或形容某件事物的形容词、动词或感叹词,带有一定的夸张性,但夸张性不足的男性词汇则表达得更加粗俗和大胆.例如在表示对某事表示惊讶的时候,女性通常会说“Oh my dear!”,而男性则通常会用“God damn it”等粗俗的词语.2.3 英语语言句法层面的特征在英语语言中,男性和女性在句法的使用上也存在一定的差异,女性对句法结构的使用和把握更加严谨和谨慎,而男性则表现的比较随意或强调意义更强烈.女性通常使用标准的语法句式外,还更倾向于使用询问的句法形式,表达女性对其它人的意见的征求和对自己意见的不肯定心里.女性通常对自身的诉求表达不够充分和肯定,自信心不强,因此表达出来的句法也显得不是那么有攻击性,而显得十分礼貌和温柔.例如在表达对某一个电影的评价时,女性通常会说“The movie is wonderful,isn't it?”,这种带疑问句的句式即使对自己的评价表示自信心不足,给自己留有余地,同时也显得语言没有攻击性.而同样的问题,男性通常表达为“The movie is wonderful!”的充分肯定的句式.2.4 英语语言结构的其它特征在英语语言中,女性的语言除了发音、词汇、句法层面都有区别于男性的特征外,在话语量、语言组织策略、语言交流目的上都与男性语言有所区别.女性的话语量呈现出在正式场合话语量较少,在非正式场合话语量较多的特征.这与历史中女性在正式场合话语权较少有关,而当非正式场合,女性为了维护人际关系和融洽交谈氛围,则表现的话语量较多.同时女性的语言组织策略通常都比较内敛和低调,男性则在语言组织上表现出意图独揽风骚和话语权的目的.女性的交流目的通常是为了建立相互之间的和谐关系以及良好的交际氛围,因此交流目的缺乏攻击性,不在乎交流所获取的信息,而在乎通过交流和语言沟通的过程获得良好的交流氛围和和谐的沟通环境.3 英语语言中女性语言形成的因素英语语言中产生的女性语言特点是多方面多层次的原因,既有历史原因也有习惯原因,同时社会的分工和文化底蕴以及各个社会的不同阶段的特点促进了女性语言因素的形成.3.1 生理特点决定了女性的社会地位女性的生理特点,包括力量相对男性较弱、运动能力相对男性较差等等因素导致女性在远古时代的畜牧、捕猎等社会活动中创造社会价值的能力不如男性.在古文明时代,女性在战争和争斗十分频繁的社会形态中,由于运动能力、力量和身体素质上的差距,更是沦为男人的战利品和附属品,因此社会地位较低.现代社会中虽然我们一直强调和倡导男女平等,但由于女性的生理特点,导致女性在现代社会中能够胜任和承受的职业范围和工作能力较男性差,因而女性的社会地位无论从理论还是实际上都属于弱势群体.不可避免地女性在进行语言交流的过程中,必然有其语言特点,可以说女性的生理特点决定了女性的社会地位,女性的社会地位决定了女性的语言特点[4].3.2 男女分工不同形成的女性语言特点自古以来,男女的分工就有所不同,通常男性占据家庭的主导地位,女性则在家庭中成为家庭的依附者,养家糊口和主导家庭的大事通常由男性决定.因而女性为了争取自身的地位和平等,力求通过语言的表达获得家庭和社会的认同,并通过使用标准得体的英语来争取自身的平等地位.3.3 社会文化因素形成女性特点使用标准的语言和发音通常被视为有教养的表现,女性在长期的历史发展中,为了体现自身的社会价值和争取平等的地位,不得不对自己活女儿等的发音和语言表达提出苛刻的要求,以为自己塑造有教养、有知识以及礼貌谦恭、温柔雅致的女性形象.同时社会文化中要求女性在成长的过程中应当养成温文尔雅的女性形象,女孩自小接受与自身性格相适应的语言交易,耳濡目染地形成了女性惯有的语言表达和交流方式.4 女性语言特点的成因分析女性语言特征的形成于长期以来的女性社会地位和女性在社会中所承担的角色有关.从更长远的历史来看,女性更多地在社会中承担低于男性地位的社会角色,女性在社会中受到的待遇也远远不及男性.因此女性对语言的敏感程度更深,更深刻地意识到通过语言的表达来为自己争取或获得更好的社会地位和更平等的对待.同时由于在英语社会中,男女成员的有区别的社会身份和语言教育及培养模式使女性养成了使用标准、规范和更有品味的语言形式,并时刻端正自身的言行,体现出有教养和有文化.因此学者认为,女性语言特征的形成与长期形成的男女不平等观念和传统思想等所引起的女性普遍的自卑心理等已经固化的意识有密切的关系,这是很有道理的[5].5 结语总之,在英语语言中,女性的语言特点所表现出来的文明特征是带有深刻的历史印记的语言现象,也是语言在历史发展中的必然.语言变异是语言本身的固有特性,女性语言所表现出来的特点也是社会现象的真实反映.了解英语语言中的女性语言特点有助于我们从更深刻的文化背景了解和掌握英语语言.参考文献:〔1〕程婷立,等.从《艾玛》看女性英语词汇使用特征[J].文教资料,2009(11).〔2〕许珂.女性英语学习者疑问话语语用分析——基于口语语料库的研究 [J].安阳工学院学报,2009(05).〔3〕汪清洁.论英语中性别语言的差异性[J].河南理工大学学报(社会科学版),2006(7).〔4〕袁蕊蕊.英语中的女性语言分析[J].辽宁农业职业技术学院学报,2010(1).〔5〕邹长虹.论女性英语的语言特色[J].湖北成人教育学院学报,2010(16).【文献来源】https:///academic-journal-cn_journal-chifeng-university-natural-science-edition_thesis/0201248870910.html。

1. 护肤品广告广泛使用的修辞手法在这些广告中,我们可以发现大量出现的修辞手法。
最常用的有以下几种:譬喻:明澄剔透,柔滑如丝(shiseido资生堂);绽放百合般的纯白光彩(Guerlain 娇兰);绽放瓷白美肌(lancome 兰寇)。


How tremendously interesting It’s so unbelievably cheap 这样的句子经常受到女性的青睐 其中的 absolutely tremendously 和 unbelievably 就是这类的副 词 有些副词 像 awfully pretty terribly nice quite so perfectly 是经常挂在女性嘴边的
5 避免使用诅咒语 女性使用感叹词时比男性更加谨慎 含蓄而且比 较温和有礼 尽量避免使用粗俗的词语如 damn hell shit.她们经常使用 Oh dear My God-ness Good heavens Dear me 来表达她们的惊讶 像 Oh dear the TV set has broken 和 Dear me Do you always get up so late It’s one o’clock. 这样的句子经常出自女性 之口 至于像 I’ll be damned there is a friend of mine 这样的句子则通常是男性说的 女性总是 采用比较含 蓄而温和的方式来表达她们的强烈感情
3 使用小词 女性喜欢广泛使用一些小词 如果一位妇女在她 的语言中大量地使用 birdie pantie dearie sweetie 等词 则被视为是很自然的事 然而 如果一位男子尤其是 一位成人男子在公众场合使用此类词 那将会被耻笑
4 使用色彩词汇 爱美是女人的天性 因而女性对这个多彩的世界 观察得细致入微 她们普遍地具有特殊的能力 比如 知道哪种布料 什么颜色适合什么样的人 所以女性 知道更多的不同布料的名称 而且她们所掌握的描写 色彩的词汇要比男性多得多 像 beige lavender mauve azure turquoise taupe 等 男性是极少说的 而且大多数男性也不知道这些词汇

比如,Flannery(1946)发现Montana地区Gros Ventre 部落的男性和女性在发音方面有很大的不同,凡是女性使用/k/的时候男性都使用/d/。
在20世纪70年代初期,语言学家、心理学家和交际研究者都注意到了男性和女性语言的差别,于是出现了所谓“女性语言”(woman’s languange)(Lakeoff,1973)、“女性语域” (the female register)(Crosby&Nyquist,1977)、“性别语言”(genderlect)(Kramer,1974)和“与性别相关的语言”(gender-related language)(Mulac et al,1986)等专门指称这种现象的术语。
语言学界对于语言与性别研究的重视始于Robin Lakeoff, 她在1973年提出的“女性语言”以及在1975年出版的《语言与女性的位置》一书激发了语言学家对这个问题的兴趣。

【 关键词 】 女性语体 ; 特点 ; 成因
所以 两性 之间存在差别 , 这一点几乎毫无争议 。 很 多研究者都说 , 女. 陛 用顺从的礼貌的语 言形式 。由于女性的生活是 以家庭为 中心 的, 才能够使她们得到 的语言和男性的不 同。由于男女性别角色和性别身份的存在 , 社会心 她们在社会上没有地位 。只有正确 的优雅的语言 , 理因素的影响 . 以及 人们的传统价值观 的制约 。 男女 的语 言文化形成 更高 的社会尊严 了一定的差 别。女性的言语通常是 以男性的言语为标准而被评价的 。 2 . 2社会分工的不同 本文试图通过对英语 中女性语体特征的介绍 . 来分析女性语言特点产 在早期 人类社会里 .人们 主要 是为了维持生存 而从 事各种各样 生的原因。 的劳动 长 期以来社会对男女 的分工都是“ 男 主外 , 女主 内” 。 男性在 外 面工作 . 主要 从事狩 猎 、 捕捞. 女性 只限 于在家 庭里 , 主要 从事农 1 . 女 性 语 体 的 特 征 饲养 和家务 。而 在现代社会 里 。 女性从 事的工作 主要是 教师 、 护 1 . 1 女性说话时比较委婉 、 谨慎 、 含蓄 , 尽量避免使 用粗俗 的词语 业 、 士、 文秘等 。 而在 经营管理 、 法律、 自 然科 学 、 技术 科学等领 域里工作 1 . 1 . 1 女性 更多地使用疑 问句 获博 士学位 的女性在 就业 时选 美 国加利福尼亚大学 教授 L a k o f , R. 指出 “ 女性语 言比男性语 的男性大 大多于女性 有人统计 过 . 从 事科技 工作 的大 多是男性 。虽 然在 言更礼 貌” 。“ 礼貌 ” 是顾及他人 面子的文明行为 , 讲究 “ 礼貌 ” 的人不 择教师职 业的仍是绝 大多数 . 越来 越多 的男性 参与 家务 , 但 女性 把 自己 的思想 、 观点 和要求强加 于人 。女性 比男性 更多地顾 及到 言 女性社 会地位 大大提 高 的今天 . 仍然承担 了大部分家 务劳动 。这种不 同的工 作环 语 对象 的感受 和体会 。因此 , 女 性经常使 用疑问句 来展现 她们 的谦 除 了社会 工作外 . 性 格兴趣 的不 同也 自 虚 和礼貌 。例 如 , “ He i s a n i c e ma n, i s n ’ t h e ? ” , “ S o y o u d o n ’ t r e a l l y 境势必会 对他们 的性 格兴趣 带来不 同的影响 , I l k e a n v 0 f o u r f o o d 。 d 0 v o u ? ”等这样 的句 子出 自于女性之 口。 使 用疑 问句可 以避免直接 的冲突 。 。一些语 言学家认为 女性语 言的这 个特 征展示 了女性 缺乏 自信没有权利 地位。然而另一些语 言学家认为女 性使用 附加疑 问句 是为 了防止主观臆 断 . 询 问其 他人 的观点鼓 励别 人表达 自己的观点 。另外 , 女性使用 附加疑问句来询 问别 人的意见 , 例如 : ’ s o p e n t h e w i n d 0 w。 s h a l l I ?她们 经常使用有 礼貌含 义的短 然会在 言语 上体现出来 2 - 3 教育的影响 社会文化也起了潜移 默化 的作用 。按照传统的观念 的解释 , 女性 只能在社会 中充当起“ 贤妻 良 母” 的功能角色 。 这就要求女性在 言语上 必须温文尔雅 、 彬彬有礼。如果她们 的言语行为背离社会 既定 的性别 原 型. 就会被视为无教养。女孩在这样一种文化 中成长 , 接受相应的文 也就形成 了相 应的表达思 语 ,像 t h a n k y o u , p l e a s e , y o u a l e s o k i n d , w o u l d y o u p l e a s e , w o u l d y o u 化影 响和交际方式与传统的女性 角色 暗示 . 想 的方式 。这一点也相应的体现在女性语言上 。 m i n d等等 的句子 3 . 结 语 1 . 1 . 2 女性讲话很 少使用诅咒 的词语 语 言不仅 仅是社会的产物. 它还能够反过来影响人 的思维 与精神 她们往往使 用委婉一点 的用语 来替代诸如 “ h e l l ” . “ d e v i l ” . “ w h a t 同时人类社会 又是由男性和女性组成 的 , 因此语 言与社 会紧 t h e d i c k e n s ”之类 的诅咒语 。如她们倾 向于使用 “ t h e o t h e r p l a c e ” , “ a 的构建 . 女性语体特征 的形成是与女性的社会地 位, 历史 因素 、 文化教 v e r y h o t p l a c e " 等短语来替代 “ h e 1 1 ” 。她们常用 “ e v e r ” 来加强疑 问代词 密相关 。 密不可分的 。随着时代的发展 , 科学的进步 , 女性 的语气 . 如“ w h o e v e r t o l d y o u t h a t ' . ? ” 或 “ w h o e v e r d o y o u m e n. a ? ' ” 而避免 育 因素等息息相关 。 使 用“ w h 0 t h e d e v i l ” 或" w h t a t h e d i c k e n s ” 之类用语 1 . 2 女性说话时对词语类型的选择较 为讲究 社会地位的提高 , 男、 女在社会职业上的接近 , 男女家庭 内部角色的变 化. 以及人们思想 观念的进步 . 逐渐 克服传统社会所遗 留下的性别偏 见与性别歧视 . 这 一切必然会推进男女互化的趋势。而女性语体也并 1 . 2 . 1 经常使用强势词语 每个人都可能使用一些女性语体或男性 强 势词语 出现频率高是女性英语的一个显著特征 。 女性有可能更 非绝对为女性所用。事 实上 , 只是男 、 女使用程度 的比例不 同。 随着时代的进步 , 社会 的发展 , 为经常地使用诸 如像 S O , m u c h , q u i t e , v a s t l y 。 这样的强势表达 。 有些副 语体 。 词, 像a w f u l l y , p r e t t y , t e r i r b l y , v a s t l y , n i c e , q u i t e , S O , p e f r e c t l y 是女性经常 女性文 化素养 、 道德修养 以及所受教 育程度 的提 高. 她们 言语交际 的 女性 话语交际风格越来越彰显其个性 。美 的东 使用的。在形容词的选择上 , 女性 常爱用一些夸张的形容词。例如, 女 文 明程度也不 断增强 . 给人以精神上 的享受 。 “ 美的东西值得追求 。 因 性 比男性更加喜欢使用下列字眼 : p r e t t y 。 c u t e 。 l o v e 。 有些形容词 已变为 西 能激发愉悦的情感 .

浅谈英语中的女性语言特点作者:许芳来源:《科技视界》 2014年第21期许芳(东北师范大学外国语学院,吉林长春 130000)【摘要】语言是为了满足社会交际的需要而产生和发展的。
对 Robin Lakoff 的《语言和女性的地位》一书中女性语言的特征作了详细的介绍。
【关键词】语言;Robin Lakoff;《语言和女性的地位》;女性语言0 引言语言与性别的突破性进展始于1975年Robin Lakoff出版的《语言和女性的地位》一书。
1 女性语言的特点在父权社会的长期控制下,女性被迫处于社会的边缘地位,她们无疑被认为是不重要的,女性所接受的教育也告诫她们忽视自身的重要性和价值。
”(Robin Lakoff, 1973: 46)《语言和女性的地位》一书从社会语言学的角度介绍了女性的语言,而这些女性语言的特征现在常常被认为是司空见惯的,它激励学者们跨越国界、阶级和种族使用不同的策略来研究语言和性别。

[作者简介]张艳双,女,河北唐山人,西安建筑科技大学文学院助教,硕士,研究方向:英语教学; 张富丽,女,山西太谷人,西安建筑科技大学文学院助教,研究方向:英语教学; 吴宇,西安建筑科技大学文学院助教,硕士,研究方向:英语教学。
Reflection on Characteristics ofW om en s Speech fro m the Perspective of SociolinguisticsZhang Y anshuang Zhang Fu li W u Y u(X i an University o f Architecture and Technology ,X i an,Shanxi ,710055)[A bstract] W o m en s language sho w s up i n all levels i n the soc i ety ,they are p l ay i ng im portant functions .F or the m ost part ,how ever ,w o m en s language has been ignored .In the U nited Sta tes duri ng the late 1960s and ear l y 1970s ,w o m en beg an to exam i ne and cr iti que socia l practices that supported gender d i scri m i nation i n consc i ousness -ra i s i ng g roups .It w ou l d be better to say that there are t w o conven tiona l sty les :one tends to predo m i nate i n m en s speech and the o t her i n w o m en s speech .So there is not a good way or a bad w ay t o defi ne m en s and w o m en s languages ,wh ich are i n d i spensab l e parts in the li ngu i stic stud ies .[K ey words] so cioli ngu istic ; wom en s language ; fe m i n i st; gender [中图分类号]H 313 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1672 8610(2010)05 0047 02I .IntroductionT he soc i o li ngu i stists think tha t l anguage is a soc ial pheno menon wh i ch has a close re l a ti ons h i p w it h t he society .Soc ial s ur roundi ngs and a ll k i nds o f re lati onshi ps are revea led i n language ;m eanwh il e ,they have g reat i n fluence on l anguag es .T he relation sh i p be t w een language and g ender has attrac ted consi derab l e at tention i n recent years ,large l y as a consequence o f public con cern ove r m ale and fe m ale equality .W o m en s speech has just been i gnored f o r a long ti m e ,whil e t here is now an a w areness of the w ay in wh i ch language can reflect and help t o m ainta i n socia l a ttitudes to w ard m en and w o m en .T his pape r re fl ected on w o m en s l anguag e fro m t he perspecti ve o f soc i o linguisti cs in ter m s o f the aspects o f the character i stics of w o m en s language ,and wom en s language revealed i n t he ir behav i ors .!.G ra mm atical Characteristics of W o m en s L anguage 2.1D ifferent uses of vocabularySevera l a reas o f g ramm ar and vocabulary have been c ited here .In Chi nese cu lture ,especia lly i n the f euda l soc iety ,peo p l e a l w ays regard ∀m en are super i o r t o w o m en #w hich i s deep-roo ted i n peop l e s though ts .W hen t hey are expressed i n lan guage ,usua ll y it is the men who are i n the first place and w o m en in the second ,for examp l e :男男女女;男女老少;男大当婚,女大当嫁;男女平等.W om en s language sho w s up i n all levels o f t he g ra mm ar of Eng lish .D ifferent cho ices and frequency of lex i ca l item can be f ound ;i n the sit uations in wh ich certa i n syn tactic ru l es are perfor m ed .Obv i ousl y ,no one cou l d force w o m en to use w ords ;t he so ciety should g i ve t hem the sam e oppo rt unityasm en to parti c i pate i n t he rea l dec i sions of life .2.2D ifferent uses of parti c les A part fro m spec ific l ex ica l ite m s li ke color na m es ,d iffe r ences bet w een the speech of wom en and tha t o fm en i n the use of particles t hat gra mm ar i ans o ften descr i be as ∀m ean i ng less #.By see i ng the fo ll ow i ng sentences ,we can consi der wh i ch i s spoken by a wom an .A:Oh dear ,you ve put t he peanu t butter i n the refri ge ra tor ag ain .B :Shit ,you ve pu t the peanut butter i n the refr i gerator aga i n .It is safe to pred i ct that peop l e w ou l d c lassify the first sen tence as part of ∀w o m en s language #,t he second as ∀m en s language #.It s true t ha t many self-respecti ng wom en are be com ing use sentences li ke B pub licly ,bu t th i s i s a re l atively re cent develop m ent .M aybe people w ill accept the use o f B f o r m en ;t hey w ill still disapprove of its use by wom en .It s of i nte r est to no te t hat m en s language is i ncreasi ng l y be i ng used by w o m en ,but women s l anguage i s no t be i ng adopted by m en .T he conventiona l soc i a l consc i ousness regards tha tw o m en should speak g entl y w ithout open i ng the ir m out h w ide ly .U sing nove l even rude w ords see m s to reveal m en s i ndependence and t he ir challeng i ng sp irit to t he i nherent socia l standard .H o w ever ,if w o m en speak like m en ,itw ill b reach wom en s such charac teris ti cs as g racefu,l m ell ow ,g entle ,etc .wh i ch a re accepted by m ost people .2.3D ifferent uses of nouns and pronouns∃47∃语文学刊%外语教育教学 2010年第5期Eng lish has rece i ved mo re d iscussi on t han any o t her lan guage ,larg ely because of the i m pact of ear l y Am er i can f em i n i s m.In gra mm ar ,the i ssue that has attracted mo st attenti on is the lack of a sex-neutra,l third person si ngu l a r pronoun i n Eng li sh ,espec iall y i n its use afte r i ndefi nite pronouns ,e .g .If any one w ants a copy ,he can have one .In t he plura l for m,there i s no prob le m for ∀t hey #is ava il able .Consequentl y ,t he co rre spond i ng sex -neu tra l nouns have appeared :hu m an be i ng o r peop l e ,chairperson .Considered fro m t he soc ioli ngu istic per spective ,these changes o f wo rds don t chang e the positi on of w o m en ,but it s i ndeed a k i nd o f progress i n l anguag e .&.W o m en s Language R evealed in their Behavior s 3.1N a m i ng conventions and for m s o f addressA n obv i ousw ay that g ender-d ifferentiated language use re fl ects soc i a l hierarch i es is through na m i ng conventions ,wh ich are o ften si m u ltaneous w ays of re ferri ng to people and address i ng them i n i nteracti on .For examp l e ,t here is on l y one for m of ad dress for m en ,M r .,regardless o f t he ir m arita l sta t us .H owever ,the m arita l sta t us o fw o m en w as distinguished by the addresses of M iss ∃for t he un m arried women and M rs .∃f o r t he m arr i ed w o m en ,wh i ch re fl ects the notion t hat w he t her or not a w o m an is in a heterosexua lm arr i age is her defi n i ng character istic .W o m en a re a lso m ore li ke l y t han m en to be addressed by the ir first na m es .W o m en o ften protest that ma le doctors ca ll the m by t he ir last na m es even on the fi rst consultation .M en ,ho w ever ,are m ore li ke ly to be addressed by a titl e pl us last nam e .It would break the rules o f address if wom en w ere to ca ll t he ir docto rs by the ir first na m es .In feudal soc iety of Ch i na ,w o m en even d i dn t have their na m es a fter m arriag e .Though now adays women don t change the ir na m es a fter m arr i age ,bu t ch ildren s na m es are a l w ays na m ed after the ir father but not t he ir m othe r .A nother ex amp l e o f the m a rking of women can be seen i n t he use o f titles such as lady /wom an /fema le doctor .In Ch i na ,t here are ad dress o f ∀女强人#but t here i s no address of ∀男强人#.3.2W om en and P oliteness Po liteness i s one pragma ti c do m a i n i n wh ich m any k i nds of soc i a l d ifferenti ations are m an ifest .P oliteness i s a spec ial way of treati ng people ,say i ng and do i ng thi ngs i n such a way as to take o t her person s fee li ngs i nto consi dera ti on .W o m en tend to be m ore po lite ,o r at least are perce i v ed as m ore po lite .W om en w ill tend to speak w ith reference o f the ru l es of po liteness ;othe r w isethey w ill be regarded t o be i m po lite .W hil e m en w ill tend tospeak w it h re ference to t he rules o f conversati on and straigh t factual co mmun ica ti on ,there is no si m ilar li m itati on to m en as to w o m en .W o m en w ou l d li ke to use m ore ∀e m pty #ad j ec ti ves (a dorab l e ,charm i ng ,nice)and tag questions t han men (e .g .T he w eathe r is rea ll y nice today ,isn t it ?).Such features a re proba b l y revea li ng t ha t wom an s speech sounds much m ore ∀po lite #than m en s .∋.Con clusi onIn concl usion ,t here i s no standard show i ng t hat m en s lan guages are better than women s ,bo th m en s and w o m en s lan guages are an i nd ispensab l e part of the li ngu i sti c stud i es .It is true t hat l anguag e is t he m irro r o f soc i ety ,w hich must take on so m e chang es w ith the deve l op m ent of the soc iety and needs the constant study by the li ngu i sts .D ue t o som e i nnate ,h isto rica,l and socia l reasons ,wom en s languages have for m ed the ir o w n characteristi cs in the aspects o f t he vo cabu l a ry ,parti c les ,nouns ,pronouns they use .F rom these character istics ,w e can have a better understandi ng why wom en s language i s mo re po lite than men s language .The i nfl uence o f g ender on l anguage w ill d iffer from culture to culture and it m ay interact w it h m any o t her so cial character i stics of speakers .T herefore ,to study the characteristi cs of women s language can m ake peop le have a bet ter understandi ng of the cult ures o f diff e rent countr i es .(References )[1]Crysta,l D.T he C a mbr i dge Encyclopedia o f Language [M ].Fore i gn L anguage T each i ng and R esearch P ress ,2002.[2]F ree m an ,R.&M cE lhi nny ,B .L anguage and G ender[C]//In M ckay ,S .L .,H ornberge r ,N.H.Soc i o li ngus ti c and L anguage T each i ng .Shanghai F oreign Language Educati on P ress ,2001.[3]Lakof,f nguag e and W o m en s P lace[M ].N e w Y ork :H arper &R ow,Pub lishe rs ,1975.[4]康卉等.英语语言性别差异的社会语言学初探[J].兰州大学学报(社会科学版),2009(36).[5]梁鲁晋.性别身份在英语广告中的建构[J].解放军外国语学院学报,2003(2).从社会语言学角度思考女性语言的特点张艳双 张富丽 吴宇(西安建筑科技大学文学院 西安 710055)[摘 要] 女性语言表现在社会生活的方方面面,发挥着重要的作用。

卷第 年
o u r n a
驻 马店师专学报
d i
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1 992
书 栋
说 话 人 为 了 在 高 度 复 杂 的 多 维 社 会 空 间 中确立 自 己 的位 置 就 要 对 语 言 形 式 进 行 选 择
有 语言风 格方 面的 (
也 有语 言 结 构 或 句 法 方 面 的
6 一1
他 们 共 同 构 成 女 性 语 言 的 整 体特 征
回 避 言 语 武 断 和 锐气十 足
语 言风 格 特征 表 现 为
女 性 说 话柔 和
免触 犯他 人
谨 防过 分 自信 的 流 露
ta g th
o n
u e s
ti ti
o n s
m in t
o r e
e n
t ha t

1.英语书面语语体特征及中国学生英语语体意识的培养 [J], 杨永芳
2.英语中女性语体特征与社会环境的关系 [J], 李素琼
3.英语书面语语体特征及中国学生英语语体意识的培养 [J], 杨永芳;
4.英语口头语和书面语的语体特征--兼论培养学生学会使用英语两种语体的教学原则 [J], 芮婷
5.英语法律文书语体特征概述——《英语语体调查》学习札记 [J], 潘庆云

【期刊名称】《邢台学院学报》【年(卷),期】2012(000)004【总页数】3页(P106-108)【关键词】女性语言;话语特征;两性言语交际;性别原型【作者】何柱【作者单位】云南财经大学外语外贸学院,云南昆明 650222【正文语种】中文【中图分类】H313自从20世纪60年代,性别言语和它形成的社会因素就成为很多语言学家研究的焦点。
比如使用I have to go powder my nose(我要去补妆)来代替I need to use the toilet (我要上厕所)。
比如面对紫红色的围墙,女性不禁会说This wall is mauve。
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1 Contents ………………...…………………………………...……………Abstract ………………………………………..……….….……….… 1. Introduction………………………………….…...…………….…..1 2.The Characteristics of Female Language……….………….………..2 2.1 Pronunciation and Intonation ………….….……..……...2 2.2 V ocabulary …………………………….……..……..…..4 2.3 Grammar……………………………………………….6 2.4 Conversation Topics………………………….……..……8 3. The Interpretation of the Female Language Characteristics…………………………………...10 3.1 Physiological and Psychological Factors ………....……10 3.2 Cultural Factors………………………………….…....11 3.3 Social Factors……………………….…………..….....12 3.4 Educational Factors……………………………….…..12 4. The Developments and Changes of Female Language………………………………..………...…15 4.1 Degradation of Sexual Discriminationin Language...... 15 4.2 Social Effect of Female Language (16)4.3 Changes in Women's Style of Speech………………..…195. The Reasons for the Changes in Female Language (24)6. Conclusion………………………………………….………………..27 o men. Through )2 Bibliography …………………………………………………………....28 Acknowledgements3 1Introduction The existence and development of language are intended to meet theneeds of communication in society. People in different social groups havetheir own special languages. In the English-speaking countries, we candiscover that female language always shows some interesting andexternal features of the language consciously or unconsciously in thecourse of language communication. With the rise of feminism and the continuous improvement of female social status, a great of changes havetaken place in female language. These changes are closely linked with the development of society. So the research of female language is a subjectvery worthy to be studied. This paper attempts to discuss thecharacteristics and some new changes of female language and analyzesthe reason of this phenomenon from the social, cultural and educational,etc. aspects. 15 4.1 DegradationP4 2The Characteristics of Female Language Female language has its own features. The following part will focuson pronunciation, intonation, vocabulary, grammar and topics to make abrief analysis. 2.1 Pronunciation and Intonation2.1.1 Pronunciation Phonological differences between men and women have been noticed in varieties of languages. Women’s pronunciation sounds moreaccurate than men’s. In English-speaking countries, women’spronunciation is closer to Standard English Pronunciation than men's.When we read ―-ing‖, generally women can pronounce the accurate backnasal consonant /iη/. But a considerable number of men become moreaccustomed to pronounce front nasal consonant /in/. In Australia, theEnglish with Australian-accented is not usually considered StandardEnglish. After investigation, researchers come to the conclusion thatwomen are far less often than men when they speak the nonstandardEnglish. The reason is that more women pay attention to the accuracy of pronunciation than men, which is an important mark of their identity andculture for women. In the northeast Asian language, Yukaghir, women ot of changes and5 have /ts/ and /dz/ where men have /tj/ and /dj/. In Bengali men oftensubstitute /l/ for /n/ but women do not do this. Likewise, in a Siberian language, Chukchi, men, but not women, often drop /n/ and /t/ when theyoccur between vowels, e.g. female nitvaqenat and male nitvaqeat. 2.1.2Intonation Generally speaking, women’s intonation is higher than men’s, which is caused by physiological factors in fact. Women’s vocal cords arelonger than men, so their pronunciation frequency is higher. However,people often consider the high pitch is connected with women'scowardice and unsteady emotion. The range of intonation variety is large,which is another distinctive feature. Women are good at using the various intonations to express their feelings. Lakoff says that women may answera question with a statement that employs the rising intonation patternusually associated with a question rather than the falling intonationassociated with making a firm statement. And women are usually inclinedto be tactful and gentle and often use low rising intonation at the end of sentences, which seems to show that they lack of confidence and seek the opinions of the others. In contrast, men usually like using high fallingintonation at the end of the sentences, so their intonation sounds resoluteand affirmative. For example, when speaking the following sentence, menand women may use different intonations. I wish you’d try it. be further discussed a`6 Men: . - .﹨. Women: . - . / . Men usually speak ending with a high falling intonation and their tonesare strongly firm. However, women will use the low rising intonation toend their speech and their tone is more moderate than men’s. Besides,women used to answer questions with rising intonation to express thattheir views is not a verdict and they are willing to listen to other's views.Such as: Husband: ―when will dinner be ready?‖Wife: ―oh …around six o’clock?‖ The wife is the only one to know the answer. But she used an intonationwith consulting meaning — "Will that do?‖ Of course, we can not get ridof her uncertain possibility. 2.2 Vocabulary Special feminine vocabulary in English that man may not, dare notand will not use. Women like talking about things exaggeratedly, so theylike using the exaggerated adjectives and adverbs and other words toemphasize the point. 2.2.1 Extravagant Adjectives Women in United States and Britain like using some exaggeratedadjectives frequently, like ―adorable, divine, gorgeous, charming, and r identity andcul7 lovely‖and so on. But men seldom use these words. ―What a divineidea!‖ It’s manifestly out of a female’s mouth. But men will say ―what aterrific idea!‖2.2.2 Intensified Adverbs Such as―so, much, quite, terribly‖, etc. women use these wordsmore frequently than men. For example, women would say, ―It was so interesting!‖, ―It was terribly cold!‖ But men often use ―very, really‖ tointensify their tones. 2.2.3 Accurate Colour Words Women are good at portraying color accurately in comparison withthe men. Furthermore, they can use some unusual color vocabulary suchas ―mauve, magenta, beige, and lavender‖ and so on. When facing a lightpurple skirt, woman cannot help speaking, ―It’s a beautiful lavenderskirt!‖2.2.4 Interjection Interjections used by women are more cautious and implicit thanmen. When using cursing words, women are usually more cautious andimplicit. Some filthy words or phrases such as ―God damn it!‖, ―Damn‖,―Fuck you!‖, ―Fuck you Charley!‖, ―Shit‖etc. often appear in men’sspeech. In contrast, women often use ―Oh, dear!‖, ―Oh, God!‖, ―Godbless me!‖, ―My God!‖, ―Great God!‖, ―God‖ etc. to express their anger sing high8 or surprise. For instance, men and women have different reactions whenthey face the scene of putting peanut butter in a wrong place. Female: ―oh dear. You’ve put the peanut butter in the refrigerator again. ‖Male: ―shit, you’ve put the peanut butter in the refrigerator again.‖ From these two sentences we can see that men and women also felt unhappy about putting peanut butter in the refrigerator again, but theexpressions they used are different. The men used the rude word ―shit‖,but the woman used ―oh dear‖ to express her dissatisfaction. This justshows the graceful feature of female language.2.2.5 Diminutives English women will sometimes say ―birdie‖ instead of "bird" and―bookie‖ instead of ―book‖. Otherwise, they use ―dearie, sweetie, auntie‖and other words to express affection frequently. But men rarely use thesewords.2.3 Grammar So far, there is not a rule that some specific grammar structures belong to women used only. But some analyses of language materialsshowed that women often use the following structures:2.3.1 Tag Question Women prefer to express their views or ideas by using tag questions,because it contains some intense consulting meanings and can avoid too t the end of the sez9 direct and absolute. For instance, when facing an article, husband wouldsay, ―This is better!‖ but wife will say, ―This is better, isn’t it?‖ or ―Thisis better, don’t you think so?‖ Tag questions have three functions. First, itcan testify the reliability of information. For example, ―She is coming,isn’t she?‖ Second, it can weaken the speech stone such as ―That waspretty silly, wasn’t it?‖ or ―Open the door for me, could you?‖ Maybe, thespeaker doesn’t want to prove something but considers listener’s dignity.And women think this way can ease their own tones and requires. Third,neither the first nor the second, they only give a signal to listeners inorder to promote conversations. It is equal to ―It’s your turn to speak‖.For example, ―Quiet a nice room to sit in actually, isn’t it?‖ Holmse 1984made an investigation of using the tag questions. The result showed thatthe total of men and women using tag questions are roughly equal.However, about the second and third expressions, women used themconsiderably more than men. It suggested that women pay attention touphold the listener’s dignity and their tones are more euphemistic. Thisembodies ―cooperativeness‖ of communication. 2.3.2 Modulation Modulation is a very polite and courteous sentence structure such as―I like, I suppose, well, you know‖, etc. women often use such uncertainstructure to express their opinions. This suggested that they do not want10 to impose their views on others person, only a tentative views orsuggestions. 2.3.3 Past Tense Women prefer to use past tense when they ask for help. They would say, ―I was wondering if you could possibly do me a favor.‖This becausepeople are accustomed to put the present tense together with the things of expressing present. But using the past tense, sometimes, can confuse thetimes and express the euphemistic and polite tones. 2.3.4 Embedded Imperatives When using imperative sentences, men like using more clear andsimple imperative sentences to express orders or make decisions. Butwomen prefer to use embedded imperative sentence and othereuphemistic sentence structures to request somebody do something. SuchasMale: ―Bring that here!‖Female: ―Could you bring that here?‖2.4 Conversation Topics People always tend to choose the interesting topics they like. Dueto different division of work in society, the scope of activities of men andwomen are different. Generally speaking, when men talk to men, thecontent categories of their topics often focus on politics, sports, he listener’s dignit 11 automobiles, business, legal matters, taxes, stocks, aggression,competition, teasing and so on. On the other hand, when women talk towomen, their topics are about home, families, social life, life-style, lifetrouble, feelings, books, clothes, food and drink, cooking, sewing,affiliation with other etc. (Spolsky,2000) The above, the author discusses the characteristics of female languagewhich are different from men’s. But different languages mirror different societies, so these characteristics of female language should be related tonot only physiological factor but also the contemporary social and cultural,etc. factors.ereuphemiY12 3The Interpretation of the Female Language Characteristics Language is a product of human history, but also a socialphenomenon. It is a real reflection of different social cultures, customs,human sense and cultural consciousness. There are many reasons offorming these characteristics of female language. As follows: 3.1Physiological and Psychological Factors Some features of female language are related to their physiologicalcharacteristics. For example, women’s intonation is higher than men andthey are easy to understand the exact form of the language and so on. Toobtain the same right as men, women are struggling with the traditional discriminations. A sense of social roles leads to a language consciousness inevitably, so they do their best to use more of the standard andprestigious speech patterns in their own community. Comparing men,women are closer to the standard style and refined accent of language andtheir language must influence their children, so women are the pioneers inthe community of using standard style language. Otherwise, thepsychological tendency of improving their status makes them apt tomaster the standard language. In addition, the language style used bywomen is more euphemistic, restrained, and hesitant than men. From this13 point, we can believe that it is not only a reflection of lacking confidence,but also a symbol of feminine politeness and kindness.3.2 Cultural Factors From the points of society and culture, girls are taught to be gentleand quiet from children. Women’s role identity and their role behaviorwere formed in the process of socialization. The so-called socializationprocess is a progress in which everyone should study their culturesaround their community groups to keep pace with the developing society. Growing up in this culture, girls accept the behavior and thecommunication styles consciously or unconsciously, which has become apart of their personality characteristics. In western cultural traditions, women areunable to escape the samefate as oriental woman. In ―Bible‖, there are some depictions of women.Eve derived from a rib of Adam. There are two purposes of creating Evefor God. The first is to accompany with Adam in case of loneliness; thesecond is to give birth to the children of Adam. This also suggested thatwomen are the appendage of men since Genesis. As a tool for giving birthto children, women have to be controlled and be in a subordinate status. Traditional culture suppressed the development of women'sself-consciousness. As a result, their capabilities of independence andself-awareness became weaker and weaker. Women must take advantage ertain structure to ex14 of the communication network if they want to achieve the purpose ofphysical and mental needs. So, psychologically speaking, they aresensitive and their independent capabilities are very weak. And in theirspeech, their languages are very polite, indirect, modest and veiled.3.3 Social Factors On the one hand, the social position of women has been less securedthan men’s since class society came into being. Women were oftenregarded as an appendage of men. For instance, girls are taught to begentle and cultivated from children. In order not to be looked down upon,women do their best to use very standard language. On the other hand,men’s and women’s different social roles and fields of activities are themajor containing factors in performance. In many countries men are ratedsocially by their occupation, income and other abilities while women’s capacities are underrated or denied. It seems natural that women’s duty isto be the wife and mother who supports and nurtures others. In gettingalong with people and being educated, more and more women are awareof their importance and strive to make their own language approximate to standard language.Traditional culture su15 3.4 Educational FactorsEducational factor is also an important reason of forming these characteristics. The following will focus on composition of membershipin educational field, way of education and educated level and majors tomake a brief analysis. 3.4.1 Composition of Membership in Educational Field Some linguists believed the differences of language between menand women derived from the influence of more and more female teachersin schools. Whatever in kindergartens, primary schools and secondaryschools, female teachers has an absolute advantage. Therefore, female teachers’ words and deeds will have a direct impact on the public. Female students will take teachers as their models and inherit the characteristicsof the language, whether intentionally or not.3.4.2 Way of Education Boys contact with guns, automobiles, and other toys symbolizingstrength and power from children. But girls were related to some dollsand other toys symbolizing gentle and kind features. From shooting game,boys were implied to be a brave and strong man. It is his role in society;girls in the game were implied to receive the traditional female role. Thus,these deep-rooted concepts influence women and their languagegeneration by generation. 3.4.3 Educated Level and Majors now‖, etc. women oftenW16 Educated level is an important influence of the different languagebetween men and women. For example, in the traditional Jewishcommunity of United States, men accept longer Jewish education thanwomen. So their Jewish and Hebrew languages are superior to women.But women were asked to accept some secular education. (张爱玲,1995)In Arab countries, the different languages between men and women aredue to the differences of accepting education. In our previous traditional education, the phenomenon of son preference is particularly serious. Sothe different language between men and women is also obvious.Wherever in the world, men learning science are more than womenobviously. This is also a reason of differences in language between menand women. Otherwise, there are many other explanations need us to discover. With the rise of the feminist movement and the continuous improvementof women’s social status, the characteristics of female language will alsohave a great of changes.ing game,boys w17 4The Changes and Developments of Female Language With the changes of times and the rapid development of modernsociety, some tremendous changes have taken place in every aspect ofwomen such as social status, outlook on life and values, etc. Of course,their language should change also. Now, the author will analyzes somechanges and developments briefly from women’s speech style,degradation of sexual discrimination and social effects of femalelanguage and so on. 4.1 Degradation of Sexual Discrimination With the advanc ement of women’s status and the rise of women'sliberation movement, the vocabulary and grammar of English haveemerged.4.1.1 The Word ―man‖ Women want to change people's minds about the role of women insociety by change language such as, the concentration of the word ―men‖.Now, ―humankind‖ is instead of ―man‖ and ―mankind‖ gradually. What’s more, there is a rule in British law: in the advertisement of recruitingworkers, people are not allowed to speak ―salesman‖ or ―draftsman‖. Thesame as ―guard‖ is instead of ―watchman‖ and ―firefighter‖ is instead of18 ―fireman‖. In addition, there are many similar words, such as―chairperson, spokesperson, businessperson‖, etc. 4.1.2 The Disappearance of Some Negative Suffix Negative suffix is often regarded as a discrimination against women. This is a discourtesy calling black women Negress or calling Jewish women Jewess. Female writers like to be called ―author‖ or ―poet‖ andnow ―authoress, poetess‖ tend to disappear gradually. The word ―actress‖which has been used for a long times is replaced by ―actor‖ some times.E.g. ―She is an actor.‖ Of course, it’s difficult to abandon the negativesuffix—―-ess‖, but we need work hard. 4.1.3 Grammar The contemporary feminist movement has affected grammar. At thepast time, the person pronoun ―he, him, his‖ may be used to refer to menand women. So people can say ―Everyone must do his best.‖ But now wecan say, ―Everyone must do one’s best.‖ too and even ―Everyone must dotheir best.‖ though it doesn’t meet the standard of syntax.4.2 Social Effect of Female Language In recent years, it's amazing that more and more people have donethe research of the female language. Many scholars studying the language consider that the feature of female language is the symbol, which denotesthat women are lack of social rights. However, there are some other women oftenW 19 surveys concerning communication are contrary to the right's opinion.This is testified through making observations on the effect of femalelanguage and its social adaptability. It has once made a study showed that compared to men, who areusing their dominating language, women using the female language areable to better take on the assignment of persuading others. Someresearchers chosen a number of students, divided into groups of two. Thefirst group is a girl versus three boys who have different views, and theother group is one boy versus three girls also holding different minds. By observing and studying, it’s found that during debating, the first group iseasier to reverse their views than the second one. Girls attributed theirsuccess to take the attitude of accepting and understanding when theytried to persuade boys who were in defensive state. And when girlsdiscussed in a group, they paid attention to listen and put questions,which can form an atmosphere of friendly consulting. At the same time,girls were good at listening and accepting other’s views. In the field ofcommunication, participants who are more capable ininterpersonal communication all have their own specific some skills, suchas:a. Sending information through contact by eyes, realization and definitehints of body language and other ways can show your interest andreply when you are listening to other person. of times and the rapid d20 b. Positive insight is a good method to judge others' communication hints. c. Self-exchange, personal sharing, understanding and acceptance of otherpeople's feeling are effectual ways to success. d. You should avoid snap judgment or negative evaluations. e. Putting forward your views explicitly can prevent other person from making various possible explanations on your opinions. Comparing the characteristics of the female language with theconcepts and techniques of successful social intercourse, we will findfemale language had oceans of unique features of establishing excellent relationship. When inspecting some important communication field insocial life, we will find unexpectedly that the female language is used fora long time not by women but by men, such as in labor negotiations,diplomatic and legislative activities even in campus and so on.Researchers also found that using female language ingeniously is aneffective avenue of gaining success in communication. Even in dealingwith ethnic, national and inter-regional issues, approach often taken bythe government is through regulation and compromise to seek a solutionof these problems. This language problem-solving mode is very close tothe female language communication mode. Some said,―Women are diplomats by nature.‖ From this we can seewomen’s ability of providing a comfortable environment for conversation.They are good at promoting a harmonious speaking situation. In recent the differences of accep21 years, in the fields of public relations and foreign affairs, the femalelanguage's skills have been widely and rapidly popularized.4.3 Changes in Style of Speech Women will take into account their identities, social status and theirspeech patterns being gifted by society unconsciously when usinglanguage. Gradually, they formed their own speech style. But with therapid advance of society, women’s speech styles have a lot of changes.The following, the author will take the Chinese women for examples todiscuss some changes of women’s speech style. 4.3.1 Amount of Speech The application of language is related to the occasion ofconversation, which influences the amounts and forms of language. In theoccasion of informal communication, the most contents of female speechare chat or gossip, in order to keep social relationship. Besides, theamounts of their speech are more than men’s and the form is casual orarbitrary such as discussion and argument, etc. On the contrary, in theformal occasion, the amounts of women’s speech are fewer than usual. Atthis time, they usually use standard language and their speech style isshort and brief. What’s more, they very pay attention to their speech anddignity but in the informal occasion they don’t. 4.3.2 Topics and Speech Style n seewomen’s ability。