
CHAPTER 171. As illustrated in figure 17.2, the waste generation rates of people are directly related to their economic condition.Nation with high standards of living and productivity tend to have more municipal solid waste per person than less-developed countries.3.1)The remaining numbers of landfills in US are declining as some small, poorly run landfills areclosed as they fail to meet regulations. Others are closed due to full capacity. Therefore, new, modern landfills are in urgent need, especially in metropolitan cities(LA, NY, Toronto).However, it is difficult to find a geologically suitable site and building new ones often receive local opposition.2)What’s more, a modern landfill is becoming increasingly more complex and expensive, and itis sometimes no more cost effective compared to incineration. Experts also suggest that unless further steps are taken to detoxify landfilled materials, they will place burden on upcoming generations to address future impacts.3)Landfills may present long-term threats to groundwater and surface water that arehydrologically connected. Leachate is of particular concern, if the landfill system is not properly sealed, the rain or connected water source may leak through buried trash, dissolving and carrying hazardous materials with it, and pose the major threat to the current and future quality of groundwater.4)There is a problem about the air pollution too. Methane produced by decomposing wasteshould be collected and treated, and they can be used to produce heat or to generate electricity, or they might enter atmosphere and become a kind of greenhouse gas.5.1)Design changes to soft drink bottles and milk jugs can keep out more than one hundredmillion kg of plastic out of the waste stream per year.2)Manufacturing processes have been changed in many industries to reduce the amount ofwaste produced. This kind of change could be done by paying more attention to incidence like leaks, spills and accidents.3)Purchasing decisions can significantly reduce the amount of waste produced. Choosing topurchase things that have reduced packaging waste, not only could this reduce the amount of waste , but also might it encourage the producer to use less in packaging.4)Using materials in such a way that waste is not generated is an important means of curbingwaste. Using less-hazardous alternatives and sharing products that contains hazardous chemicals, following the label directions and using the smallest amount necessary are way to reduce waste or its toxicity5)Reusing items is a way to reduce waste at the source because it delays or prevents the entryof reused items into the waste collection and disposal system.7.Several kinds of program have contributed to the increase in recycling rate.Container laws and mandatory recycling laws in many states provide an incentive to recycle andcurbside recycling make it convenient to recycle. A prominent RecycleBank is a recent program of success.9.1)Electronic waste is a growing problem worldwide as obselete or broken computers andother electronic equipments are discarded. A major problem is the toxic heavy metals used as components, as estimations of 70 percent of heavy metals in US landfills come from discarded electronics, while e-waste account for 2 percent of total trash by volume.2)The amount of e-waste is expected to grow rapidly as people in developing countriespurchase a large number of cellphones and other electronics.3)Much of e-waste is exported to developing countries and laborers use crude techniquesincluding smashing, melting and adding acid or burning plastic coating, which often occur in open space where they release toxins into environment and endanger the health of workers.ndfill gas contain sufficient amount of methane, and can be utilized to generate electricity through the following steps:1)Anaerobic decomposition, as the bacteria feed on organic waste and produce methane andcarbon dioxide.2)Accessing the gas. Drill well into the landfill and insert perforated pipes filled with gravel andsealed on top, which allow gas to be collected from deep down the waste. After vacuumed out the gas, it will be piped to a nearby compression facility where it is dehydrated, filtered and pressurized.3)Becoming electricity. Processed methane gas is piped to an electricity-generating facility andworks as fuel to spin turbine/engine to produce current.4)Back to source. Landfill gas in utility transmission lines will be delivered to businesses orhomes where garbage collection starts or piped directly to where it may be needed as fuel.CHAPTER 181.There are several kinds by classifications of DOT:1)Explosives,which cause a rapid release of gas and heat;2)Gases that may be flammable, nonflammable or toxic;3)Oxidizing substances and organic peroxides;4)Poisonous materials and infectious materials;5)Radioactive materials;6)Corrosives.3.The EPA defines hazardous waste as those with four characteristics:Ignitability, corrosiveness, reactivity and toxicity.It has also compiled a list of hazardous wastes.5.The uranium miners are exposed to radioactive gases, while those who smoke tobacco and thusexposed to toxins in tobacco smoke have unusually high incidences of lung cancer. It is apparent that the radioactive gases in uranium mines interact synergistically with carcinogens found in tobacco smoke.7.It is hard to determine appropriate exposure limits as nearly all substances are toxic in sufficiently high doses.Typically the regulatory agency will determine the level of exposure at which none of the test animals is affected( threshold level) and then set the human exposure level lower to allow for a safety margin. The safety margin is important because threshold levels vary significantly among species and even members of the same species.9.Hazardous wastes enter the environment in several ways:1)Many molecules that evaporate readily are vented directly into the atmosphere. Many kindsof solvents used in paints and other industrial processes fall into such category.2)Other materials escape from faulty piping and valves, but they are often called fugitiveemissions.3)Uncontrolled or improper incineration of hazardous wastes whether on land or at sea, cancontaminate the atmosphere and the surrounding environment.11.CERCLA was enacted in 1980 to deal with financing the cleanup of large uncontrolled hazardous-waste sites. It has several key objectives:1)To develop a comprehensive program to set priorities for cleaning up the worst existinghazardous-waste sites.2)To make responsible parties pay for those cleanups whenever possible.3)To set up a 1.6 billion dollars Hazardous Waste Trust Fund to support the identification andcleanup of abandoned hazardous-waste sites.4)To advance scientific and technological capabilities in all aspects of hazardous-wastemanagement, treatment and disposal.13.The National Priorities List are those hazardous-waste sites which require urgent attention by Superfund. It included 11000 in the initial evaluation of 40000 sites, while the number fluctuated as new sites are added and sites removed when they are cleaned up or deleted from the list.15.Metal Mining accounted for 31 percent of all toxic waste, which are deposited primarily on surface of land. Electric utilities (power generation) are responsible for 24 percent of releases, most of which into the atmosphere. chemical and metal processing industries are also significant sources.17.Prevent accidental spills, leaks from pipes and valves and loss from broken containers,etc. Other measures include:1)Changing a process so that a hazardous solvent is replaced with water.2)Using a waste produced in a process in another aspect of the process to reduce the amountof waste produced.3)Using a still to clean solvents so that they can used repeatedly4)Allowing water to evaporate from waste can reduce the total amount of waste produced,thus concentrating the hazardous material.19.1)Neutralization of dangerous acids and bases by reacting them with one another can convertthem to non-hazardous materials.2)Biodegradation of organic materials by microorganisms can convert hazardous chemicals toinnocuous substances, Such as in sewage treatment plants3)Air stripping is used to remove volatile chemical from water. Steam stripping works on thesame principle while the high temperature can force out chemicals that ordinary air can not.The volatile compounds can be captured or reused or disposed of.4)Carbon absorption tanks contain specifically activated particles of carbon to treat hazardouschemicals in gaseous and liquid waste. Carbon combines chemically with waste or catch hazardous particles like a fine wire mesh catches grains of sand.Contaminated carbon must then be disposed of or cleaned and reused.5)Precipitation involves adding special materials to a liquid waste. These bind to hazardouschemicals and cause them to precipitate out of the liquid and form large particles called floc.Floc that settles can be seperated as sludge; floc that remain suspended can be filtered and the concentrated waste can be sent to a hazardous-waste landfill.21.The Basel Convention was established in response to the debate over controlling hazardous-waste movements between countries in 1989. There is particular concern about rich, industrialized countries exporting such wastes to developing countries lacking administrative and technological resources to safely dispose of or recycle the waste.Its main objective is to minimize the generation of hazardous wastes and to control and reduce their transboundary movements to protect human health and the environment.23.Transuranic nuclear waste is highly radioactive waste that contains large numbers of atoms larger than uranium with half-lives greater than 20 years. Most of these come from processes involved in the production of nuclear weapons. As the clean-up of former nuclear weapons sites in US take place, transuranic waste is transported to the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant near Calsbad, New Mexico, for storage. (WIIP)25. Low-level radioactive waste can come from a variety of sources, in nuclear power facilities, hospitals and research institutions. Examples include radioactive materials used in medical field. Protective clothing worn by persons who work with radioactive materials, contaminated cleaning materials and other uses of radioactive isotopes.。

环境科学概论课后答案【篇一:环境科学概论思考题】____________,自然环境和人工环境之间存在着________________________流动,构成一个环境科学研究的复杂体系2绿色交通(green transport)是指:采用____________________、适合都市环境的运输工具,来完成社会经济活动的一种交通概念。
一般绿色工具(green modes)包括徒步、自行车、________________________等。

杨志峰环境科学概论第2版复习知识点总结课后答案第⼀篇环境与环境问题第1章绪论1.1 复习笔记【知识框架】【重点难点归纳】⼀、环境及类型1.环境的概念(1)概念①环境是指与体系有关的周围客观事物的总和,体系是指被研究的对象,即中⼼事物。
图1-1 ⼈与环境关系图2. 环境的类型(见图1-2)3. 环境的特性(见表1-1)图1-2 环境类型图表1-1 环境的特性特性具体内容整体性环境中各部分联系紧密、相互制约,各个要素相互依存、相互影响区域性不同时空尺度下区⽣态环境特征变化很⼤,不同国家和地区的⽂化、经济和社会具有明显的差异性相对稳定性环境系统具有⼀定抗⼲扰的⾃我调节能⼒,只要⼲扰强度不超过⼆、环境科学及其发展1.环境科学的形成与发展阶段(见表1-2)表1-2 环境科学的形成与发展阶段2.环境科学研究对象(见表1-3)表1-3 环境科学研究对象3.环境科学的任务①探讨⼈类社会持续发展对环境的影响及其环境质量的变化规律,了解全球环境变化的历史、演化机理、环境结构及基本特性等,从⽽为改善环境和创造新环境提供科学依据。

环境工程原理第二版课后答案文件排版存档编号:[UYTR-OUPT28-KBNTL98-UYNN208]第I 篇 习题解答第一章 绪论简要概述环境学科的发展历史及其学科体系。
图1-1 环境学科体系简要阐述环境工程学的主要任务及其学科体系。
环境学科体系环境科学环境工程学环境生态学环境规划与管理图1-2 环境工程学的学科体系去除水中的悬浮物,有哪些可能的方法,它们的技术原理是什么解:去除水中悬浮物的方法主要有:沉淀、离心分离、气浮、过滤(砂滤等)、过滤(筛网过滤)、反渗透、膜分离、蒸发浓缩等。
空气中挥发性有机物(VOCs )的去除有哪些可能的技术,它们的技术原理是什么解:去除空气中挥发性有机物(VOCs )的主要技术有:物理吸收法、化学吸收法、吸附法、催化氧化法、生物法、燃烧法等。

CHAPTER 11 three ways that humans directly alter ecosystems.1)In the past, prehistoric men used human-induced fire to capture game animals or clean landfor agriculture, thus destroying climax communities. The harvesting of tropical forests today works in the same way.2)The conversion of natural land into agricultural land and even urban land in cities , whichcontinues today, has greatly undermined the biodiversity.3)The overexploitation of fishery resources, coupled with the introduction of exotic species,have spawned a series of problems that alter the local water environment.2.Why is the impact of humans greater today than at any time in the past?As the technology advanced, the ability of people to modify their surroundings has increased significantly, the agricultural revolution and modern agricultural technologies, for example, have efficiently turned large parts of the earth into agricultural land.The growing number of human population contributed to the draining of natural resources, as well as the extinctions of many species.3. Describe three factors that influence the genetic diversity of a population.Several things can influence the genetic diversity of a population.1)Mutations are changes in the genetic information of an organism, which introduce newgenetic information into a population by modifying genes that are already present. The DDT-tolerance of insects and the evolution of human resistance to antibiotic medication are such examples.2)Migration of individuals of a species from one place to another is also an important way. Itresults in the reduction of genetic information in the former population and the addition in the new population. This can have a significant effect on both populations if the migrating individual possess rare characteristics.3)Sexual reproduction is another process that influence genetic diversity. Rather than creatingnew genetic information, it tends to generate new genetic combinations when genetic information from two individuals mixes during fertilization, forming a unique individual, which may have a combination to out-compete its peer by being more successful in producing offspring, thus influence the genetic diversity.5.What are the major causes of loss of biodiversity in marine ecosystems?1)Habitat loss is a problem in marine ecosystems, as much of the harvest is restricted toshallow parts of the ocean where bottom dwelling fish can be easily harvested. It involved the use of trawls which are nets that can be dragged along the bottom. The trawls can disturb the sea floor and create conditions that make it harder for the fish population to recover. It captures various other species (25%) that are not commercially valuable and often left dead on board. Their removal further alter the ecological nature of the seafloor. 2)Overexploitation has driven some species to extinction and threaten many others.Organisms can be harvested for various reasons, food, ornaments or other aesthetic uses, and uncrupulous people often poach the already endangered species for quick profit. It isalso common in marine fisheries, and efforts are made to develop aquaculture methods and market new fish species which levitate the problem.3)Climate change has a great effect on the survival of species with limited physiologicaltolerance, such as corals in oceans and amphibians. The warming of water are leading to the declining of coral reefs.7.What is desertification? What causes it?Desertification is the process of converting arid and semiarid land to desert because of improper use by humans.Rangelands are too dry to support crops and grazing of domesticated animals is the only viable solution. But in areas where human population pressure is great, overgrazing is seemingly unavoidable, as people graze too many animals and cut down more trees for firewood. These would expose soil to wind erosion and lead to loss in soil fertility. Cutting down legumes that fix nitrogen would worsen the case. The land would gradually turn into a desert-like ecosystem.9.List six techniques utilized by wildlife managers.Habitat management are modifications to the habitat to enhance their survival and reproduction. The first step is to understand the habitat need of target species, and identify the critical habitat requirements of it. Then, they can alter the habitat and improve the success of the species. Population assessment and management also requires careful planning and the techniques involved included:Population census to keep the numbers of animals in check.Regulating hunting seasons, i.e. In fall so as to take the surplus animals, can ensure adequate and sustainable reproduction of animals.Artificially introduction of certain species when their population is below the desired number or extinct from the local area.Refuges for waterfowls can be built to provide resting places, food and protection from hunting. Transboundary parks can accommodate the movements of migratory animals across different countries.11.What is extinction? Why does it occur?Extinction is the death of a species, the elimination of all individuals of a particular kind. Extinction is a natural and common process through out the evolution, yet human activity has sped up its rate by a factor of 1000-10000. Some species with low population density and low reproductive rate, in specialized niche are prone to extinction. As technology advanced, human populations grew, we have increasingly huge influence on our surroundings. Consequently, many species have gone extinct.15.List three actions that be taken to prevent extinctions.IUCN lists over 19000 species as threatened with extinction in the Red List of Threatened Species, this can encourage countries to protect the related species and to build natural reserves.The Convention on Biological Diversity are adopted by many countries to preserve the biological diversity.The Endangered Species Act demands all government agencies to do whatever necessary to preserve the endangered species and the following amendment in 1978 saw the “god squad”to exempt some projects from the Act.16.Describe the role of the red list of threatened species in species preservation.IUCN is a highly visible international preservation organization, but has very little power to effect change. It generally seeks to protect species in danger by encouraging countries to complete inventories of plants and animals within their borders and encourage the training of plant and animal biologists within countries involved and the establishment of preservers to protect species in danger of extinction.CHAPTER 121. List three reasons why land-use planning is necessary.1)In modern world, significant amounts of land is covered with buildings, streets and otherproducts of society. But in many cases, cities are established before there is an understanding of the challenges presented by the location, when these cities grew and technology and society changed, the shortcomings of the location become apparent.Therefore, we should understand that each piece of land has its specific qualities based on its location and physical make-up.2)The land should be considered a nonrenewable resource nowadays as the land and theresources it supports(soil, vegetation and watersheds, etc) are not being created today. We need to plot carefully about the use of it. Once it is converted from natural ecosystems or agriculture to intensive human use, it is generally unavailable for other purposes.3)As the human population continues to boom, competition for the use of land wouldundoubtedly increase and systematic land-use planning would be important. Furthermore, as the population becomes more urbanized and cities grow, urban planning becomes critical.3. List three factors that encourage people to move from rural farms to cities in 1800s.4)First, the Industrial Revolution led to improvements in agriculture that required less farmlabor at the same time industrial jobs became available in the city, leading to the rural-to-urban migration.5)Then, the second factor that affected the growth of cities was the influx of immigrants fromEurope. They settled in towns and cities.6) A third reason for the growth was that they offered a greater variety of cultural, social, andartistic opportunities than did rural communities.Thus they were attractive for cultural as well as economic reasons.5.List three physical and three social consequences of urban sprawl.Physical:1)The automobile based society in US can cause serious traffic congestion for those who workin cities but live in the suburbs.2)The new housing or commercial development in suburbs would require the municipalservices to be extended to such areas, which is way more costly than supplying services to areas already in the city. The same is of energy costs because of low energy efficiency.3)Air pollution is also significant due to the reliance on automobiles as primary method oftransportation, and the infrastructure that support automobile travel is impervious to water, and the runoff are channeled directly into local water sources, bringing pollutants(oil, coolant and rubber pieces) into local streams.Social:1)The death of central city occurred as more people move to the suburbs and quality ofservices in urban center drops which starts a downward spiral of decay. This can deprive the remaining residents of basic services. It has a particular hard hit on the poor and elderly.2)Open fields, parks boulevards and similar land uses allow people to visually escape from thecongestion of the city. However, the urban sprawl have deprived a lot of land that could have been used as open space.3)Unpleasant odors, disagreeable tastes, annoying sounds and offensive sights are aggravating,and may be deemed harmful from an aesthetic point of view. Yet this are often the case of unplanned development in suburbs.7.What is a megapolis?As suburbs continued to grow, cities began to merge, and it became difficult to tell were one city ended and another began. This type of growth led to the development of regional cities. Although their cities maintain their individual names, they are really just part of one large urban area called a megalopolis.9.State three consequences of the dominance of the automobile as a means of transport in urban areas.1)The reliance on the automobile has required the constant building of new highways andaccording to DOT it costs 1 trillion per year on maintaining and building new ones.2)The average person in US travels about 260 kilometers per week in car and a person inmetropolitan area spends more than 40 hours per year stuck in traffic delays.3)It is hard to divert funding to establish mass transit besides the dispersed nature of suburbs.11.What characteristics of suburbs contribute to high infrastructure and high energy costs.1)Infrastructure include all physical, social and economic elements needed to support thepopulation, and it is often costly to extend it to the newly developed suburbs as everything need to be built from scratch.2)Energy costs are high due to low energy efficiency, and there are several reasons for this: Firstly, the automobiles are the least energy-efficient means of transporting people. Secondly, the separation of blocks of home from business and shopping areas require greater distance driven to meet basic needs.Thirdly, congested traffic routes result in hours being spent in stop-and-go traffic and wasting much fuel.Finally, the single-family homes require more energy for heating and cooling than multifamilydwellings.13. What land uses are suitable on floodplains?Floodplains are low areas near rivers that are subject to periodic floods, and it is often used for residential or commercial purposes due to its flat character. But flood-control structures need to be built which have detrimental downstream effects and could pose threats during floods.A better use of floodplains is for open space or recreation or agriculture.15. Why is a understanding of the geology and resources base of an area important in land use planning?1)The geologic status of an area must be considered in land-use decisions to prevent possibledisasters and hazards(i.e. Near volcanoes or earthquake-prone faults) or the lack of water, which will inevitably worsen as cities grow. To understand to resource base can lead to wise planning.2)Some land has unique features that should be preserved because of their special value tosociety( Grand Canyon and Yellowstone, etc) and should take precedence over other uses.17.What role do state and regional planning, purchasing of land, and use restrictions play in implementing land-use plans?1)State and regional planning is often more effective than local land-use planning since manyimportant geographic, geological and habitat characteristics cross local political boundaries.2)In addition, a regional approach is likely to prevent duplication of facilities and lead togreater efficiency.3)State or regional planning bodies are also more likely to have the financial resources to hireprofessional planners to assist in the planning process.4)Purchasing of land is the easiest way to protect them, and many environment organizationsopt to purchase lands with special historic, scenic or environmental value. In some cases, the landowners may sell the right to develop the land or place restrictions on the future uses of land.5)Many kinds of l and-use restrictions involve some form of zoning, that designates specificareas within a community for certain kinds of land use. But it has both positive and negative impacts on good land-use planning. Sometimes it help in preserving important historic or cultural sites while in many ways it also contributed to the segregation found in urban sprawl.19.List ten common smart growth principles.The smart growth approach has the following guidelines:1)Preserve open space. Farmland, natural beauty and critical environmental areas.2)Direct development toward existing urban areas, which encourages the reuse of abandonedor poorly used urban space.3)Take advantage of compact building design, so more people can be housed, and a smallercarbon footprint can be achieved. It can also reduce the need to develop new land4)Create a range of housing opportunities and choices, to accommodate people with differentlifestyles, desires and income levels.5)Foster distinctive, attractive communities with a strong sense of place. Pay attention to thedesign of buildings and their relationship with open space and cultural attractions to createa pleasing urban setting.6)Mix land uses, so that people need not drive somewhere to fulfill their basic needs.7)Create walkable neighborhoods, provide pedestrian walks to separate vehicle traffic frompedestrians.8)Provide a variety of transportation choices.9)Encourage community and stakeholder collaboration in development decisions.10)Make development decisions predictable, fair and cost-effective.21.Give examples of conflict over the use of federally owned property.One of the major conflict is between those who prefer to use motorized vehicles and those who prefer to use muscle power over the outdoor recreation activities. They both paid taxes and wish the land can be used as they wish.Conflicts also arise between business interests and recreational users of public lands. The grazing and skiing are hard to reconciliate, and as the regulatory agencies are often understaffed, the ranchers tend to overgraze the land.A particular sensitive issue is the designation of certain areas as wilderness areas. Many people argue it’s unfair because they are paying tax but their access to the wilderness is restricted. While others fear too many people would destroy the charm and unique character.。

环境学概论第一周作业1.Environmental problems are complex and interrelated.Within the ecosystem every component seems to be interconnected and interacted with each other as illustrated in the Darwin's theory of the relation between the production of seeds in red clover and numbers of catsEnvironmental problems often involve social, ethical, political and economic issues. It 'snot easy to achieve acceptable solutions to environmental issues; an environmental decision that is supportable from an economic point of view may not be plausible from the political perspective. As the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone manifested, the solution has an ethical side and influence not only natural but also economic and social realms. What's more, environmental problems do not necessarily coincide with political boundaries, thus require the collaboration of multiple states or even nations.It's gettin more complicated as the globalization accelerates and the scale of environmental problems expands and requires better governance to ensure sustainable developments.2.The ecosystem approach is the comprehensive and integrated management of human activities, based on the scientific knowledge about ecosystem and its dynamics, and achievesustainable use of ecosystem goods and services and maintenance of ecosystem integrity.It is the right approach because an ecosystem involves not only all organisms but also the abiotic environment, and they form a complex network of interrelationships. Only by thinking systematically, can we understand the dynamics of the ecosystem and take the right action which satisfies human needs while preserving health of the ecosystem.3.The security consists of economic, political, cultural, social andenvironmental aspects.Urbanization and human migration can put great pressure on environment, leading to land degradation and eutrophication, which destroyed the aquatic ecosystem. These would affect the economic and environmental security.The environmental change also threatens environmental resources and caused social instability or even conflicts and wars, thus posing a threat to social and political security.4.Defining human well-being is difficult due to differing views onits definition.first is the resources that people possess, including money and other assets. Such view implies weak sustainability, in which the environment can contribute to development merely by promoting economic growth.second is how people feel about their lives. It means people value the environment for its traditional or cultural aspects.third is what people are able to be and to do. The impacts that the environment have on human well-being are regarded as multidimensional.Above all, human well-being and the quality of the environment are strongly interrelated, and the impact is prominent in various ecosystem services, including provisioning services, regulating services cultural services and supporting services.5.There is difference in how social, political and environmental decisions are made. Most social and political decisions are made with respect to political jurisdictions, while environmental problems do not necessarily coincide with these artificial political boundaries. The problem between Mexico and United States showed that tackling the environmental problem often requires thinking on a ecosystem level instead of as a single nation.There shouldn't be a difference as the economic and political decisions are supposed to adjust to environmental needs and emphasize the environmental concerns. In fact, there should be integrated decision-making that takes in all the above factors, which gives us the best solution.6.The disease has a close relationship with the environment. According to WHO, almost a quarter of all diseases are caused byenvironmental exposure. Environmental risks including pollution, hazards in the workplace, UV radiation, noise and climate and ecosystem change could lead to many diseases, such as malaria, cancer, diarrhea and emerging diseases. Typically, the lack of clean water and sanitation in poor countries and the unhealthy diet and lifestyle in rich countries are both related to diseases.7.Environment is everything that affects an organism during its lifetime. Examples are like a fishpond to a fish or the grassland to a cricket.Ecosystem is a region in which the organisms and the physical environment form an interacting unit, for example the wetlands in Chongming Island.8.In resolving environmental conflicts, we need to take the ecosystem approach, call for better governance, involve related political jurisdictions to arrive at the best available compromise-- the sustainable development strategies.9.Smog is the most severe problem nowadays. There are meteorological, industrial, geographical as well as economical factors.The pollutants are mainly emitted by big factories burning fuel, and then dispersed into atmosphere. Once the weather gets moist and windless, smog is easily formed. Besides, the booming traffic emissions and burning of straws also play an important role in the smog. Specifically, the many high buildings and skyscrapers in Shanghai has curbed the effective diffusion of PM 2.5 particles.However, this is almost inevitable since shutting down big companies that emit pollutants or stopping the traffic growth will do harm to the economy of China.Solving smog would require new and clean energy sources be developed and applied as well as substitute the former techniques with more eco-friendly, although costly techniques. Therefore, there should be more financial aids and policy supports from our governments.。

(1)冷藏或冷冻方法(2)加入化学试剂保存法加入生物抑制剂、调节pH、加入氧化剂或还原剂如:在测定氨氮、硝酸盐氮、化学需氧量的水样中加入HgCl2,可抑制生物的氧化还原作用;测定氰化物或挥发酚的水样中加入NaOH 溶液调pH至12,使之生成稳定的酚盐。

0-2 试分析人类与环境的关系。

环境科学-交叉学科课后critivethinkingquestions答题要点 (1)

第一篇交叉学科篇综合讨论题1. Imagine you are an environmentalist in your area who is interested in local environmental issues. What kinds of issues might these be?1. 假如你是你所居住区域的环境专家。
2. Considering environmental ethics issues in the year 2025.At the rate consumers, corporations, and governments are responding to environmental concerns, what quality- of- life consequences do you project for the year 2025? How will your health, lifestyle, income, employment, and community be affected?2. 考虑2025年的环境伦理学话题。
随着消费者、企业、政府都在承担环境责任,那么到2025年你的生活质量会受到那些影响?你的健康、生活方式、收入、工作和社区都会发生哪些变化?答案要点:请区别本题中生活质量和现有的用GDP来衡量的生活水平(living standard),随着环境责任的增加和资源的枯竭,建立节约型社会是趋势所然。
第二篇生态学篇综合讨论题1. What is the significance of studying the structure and function of ecosystem on environmental protection?1. 研究生态系统的结构和功能对环保有何意义?答案要点:主要根据物质循环、能量流动等特点进行分析。

环境科学 交叉关系学科 课后题答案 第十五章

CHAPTER 151.Describe the hydrologic cycle.The cycling of water through the environment follows a simple pattern. Moisture in the atmosphere condenses into droplets that fall to the Earth as rain or snow, supplying all living things with its life-sustaining properties Water, flowing over the Earth as surface water or through the soil as groundwater, return to the oceans, where it evaporates back into the atmosphere to begin the cycle again.2.Distinguish between withdrawal and consumption of water.Water withdrawals are measurements of the amount of water taken from a source. This water may be used temporarily and then returned to its source and used again.Water that is incorporated into a product or lost to the atmosphere through evaporation or evapotranspiration cannot be reused in the same geographic area and is said to be consumed.3.What are the similarities between domestic and industrial water use?They are both utilizing water by withdrawing it, yet only a small portion is devoted water consumption, unlike in-stream use, they discharge pollutants and nutrients into the water and water sewage treatment is needed to return the water to former state.4.How is land use related to water quality and quantity? Can you provide local examples? Various land uses have different effects on water quality and quantity.Agricultural use consume a lot of water(500 billion leters per day) in irrigation and it is often necessary to transport water through great distances.Industrial use is mainly limited to cooling water, which affects water temperature and increase the metabolisms of organisms if directly discharged.5.What is biochemical oxygen demand? How is it related to water quality?The amount of oxygen required to decay a certain amount of organic matter is called the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). Dissolved organic matter is a significant water pollution problem. As the microorganisms naturally present in water break down the organic matter, they use up available dissolved oxygen from the water.Measuring the BOC of a body of water is one way to determine how polluted it is.6.How can the addition of nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates result in a reduction of the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water?Additional nutrients in the form of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds from fertilizer, sewage, detergents, and animal waste increase the rate of growth of aquatic plants and algae. However, phosphates and nitrates are generally present in very limited amounts in unpolluted freshwater, and therefore, are a limiting factor on the growth of aquatic plants and algae.Thus, when phosphates or nitrates are added to the surface water, they act as a fertilizer and promote the growth of undesirable algae populations. When these organic matter decays, oxygen levels decrease, and fish and other aquatic species die.7.Differentiate between point and non-point sources of water pollution.1)When a source of pollution can be readily identified because it has a definite source andplace where it enters the water, it is said to come from a point source.2)Diffuse pollutants, such as from agricultural land and urban paved surfaces, acid rain, andrunoff, are said to come from nonpoint sources.8.How are most industrial wastes disposed of? How has this changed over the past 25 years? Historically, the industrial wastes are discharged into the watercourse, leading to serious problems of pollution.Over the past 25 years, laws have been past in most industrialized nations that severly restrict industrial discharge of wastes into water courses, and require pretreatment at the site of industry or else in wastewater treatment plant.9.What is thermal pollution? How can it be controlled?Thermal pollution is the degradation of water quality by any process that changes ambient water temperature. It occurs when an industry removes water from a source, uses the water for cooling purposes, and then returns the heated water to its source.1)One method is to construct a large shallow pond. Hot water is pumped into one end of thepond, and cooler water is removed from the other end. The heat is dissipated from the pond into the atmosphere and substrate.2) A second method is to use a cooling tower. In a cooling tower, the heated water is sprayedinto the air and cooled by evaporation.3)The third method of cooling, the dry tower, doesn’t release water into the atmosphere. Inthis method, heated water is pumped through tubes, and the heat is released into the air.10.Describe primary, secondary, and tertiary sewage treatment.1)Primary sewage treatment is a physical process that removes larger particles by filteringwater through large screens and then allowing smaller particles to settle in ponds or lagoons.2)Secondary sewage treatment is a biological process that holds the wastewater until theorganic material has been degraded by the bacteria and other microorganisms.3)Tertiary sewage treatment is to remove inorganic nutrients left like phosphorus and nitrogenthat could increase aquatic plant growth.11.What are the types of wastes associated with agriculture?1)Excessive use of fertilizer, dissolved nutrients, pesticides can contaminate groundwater.2)The exposure of land to erosion results in increases amounts of sediment.3)Animal feedlots carries excess salt and the use of agricultural chemicals results incontamination of sediments and aquatic organisms.12.Why is stormwater management more of a problem in an urban area than in a rural area? Metropolitan areas must deal with great volumes of excess water during storms, known as stormwater. Because urban areas are paved and little rainwater can be absorbed into the grounds, managing stormwater is a significant problem. Cities often have severe local flooding because thewater is channeled along streets to storm sewers.If such sewers are overloaded or blocked with debris, the water cannot excape and flooding occurs, while if the water is diverted to the wastewater treatment plant, which is not elaborately designed and can not take such load of water, can force them to discharge the wasterwater altogether into the water source, causing local pollution.13.Define groundwater mining.Groundwater mining means that water is removed from an aquifer faster than it is replaced. When this practice continues for a long time, the water table eventually declines. In aquifers with little or no recharge, virtually any withdrawal constitutes mining, and sustained withdrawals will eventually exhaust the supply.14.How does irrigation increase salinity?An increase in salinity is caused by growing salt concentration in soil. The principal is that as water evaporates from soil or plants extract the water they need, the salts present in all natural water become concentrated, especially in hot, dry areas that have high rates of evaporation.15.What are the three major water services provided by metropolitan areas?1)Water supply for human and industrial needs.2)Wastewater collection and treatment.3)Storm water collection and management.。

1.Biotic potential is the ability of each species to produce offspring; it is directly dependent on the number of individuals, especially females, of reproductive age. A high biotic potential would guarantee enough offspring to sustain or increase the population of the given species.3. Populations have an inherent tendency to increase in size. Population growth is determined by the combined effects of birthrate and death rate, as well as emigration, immigration, sex ratio, and age distribution.5. A death phase occurs when there is a decline in population size. This occurs as the result of disease, increased predation, low food supply, toxins accumulating in the ecosystem, and some other limiting factors.7. Birthrate is defined as the number of individuals born into a population, whereas population growth is the result of birthrate and immigration minus death rate and emigration, or the total net increase in the population size.9.Intrinsic factors: crowded living conditions.Extrinsic factors: predators, loss of a food source, lack of sunlight, or accidents of nature. Density-dependent factors are those that become more effective as the density of the population increases. For example, the larger a population becomes, the more likely it is that predators will have a chance to catch some of the individuals.Density-independent factors are population-controlling influences that do not relate to the density of the population such as a sudden rainstorm.11. As the human population increases, some species would decline in population as they are hunted down for food. As human beings continue to alter the condition of environment, destroying habitats for those species which live in them. On the other hand, some invasion species may find another habitat and prosper.13. Demographic transition is the hypothesis that economies proceed through a series of stages, resulting in stable populations and high economic development. As a country develops technologically, it automatically experiences a drop in death rate and then birthrate, and population goes stable.The model is based on the historical, social, and economic development of Europe and North America.15. Ecological footprint is a measure of the land area required to provide the resources and absorb the wastes of a population. China has the need to import many materials needed, and much more investments into controlling the pollution caused by unbalanced and unsustainable developments which enlarge the ecological footprint of us. Thus, our ecological footprint is larger than those in Africa.17. The education level of women is strongly correlated with the total fertility rate andeconomic well-being of a population.In many male-dominated, the traditional role of women is to marry and raise children, thus leading to high fertility rate. This is most acute in poor countries, in which women are usually poorly educated, do not have disposable income, and depend on their husband's income. They are more likely to have children they do not want because they cannot afford or understand birth control and because they view children as workers and caregivers. In developed world, parents would make the decision about having children in the economic sense, thus having less fertility rates.19. People who live in overpopulated countries use plants as their main source of food because they cannot afford the 90-percent energy loss that occurs when plants are fed to animals. The same amount of grain can support ten times more people at the herbivore level than at the carnivore level.21. Children are valued as workers and provide an income for their family.Women have little choice for vocation, rather than giving birth to and raising children. Cultures and religions encourage large families, due to lack of adequate social welfare and social security.。

CHAPTER TWO1.The rate, scale and complexity of interactions between people and environment have seen unprecedented increases・ We are beginning to realize our interrelatedness with our environment, as the environmentai changes becomes obvious due to technology advanee and the public awareness increased in the importance of natural environment. Therefore a new ethic is called for to meet the challenges・2.1 deally, the laws of a particular n ation or community should match the ethical commitments of those living there, but it may take a long period of struggle and debate in reality, as the abolition of slavery, women's equality with men.However, not every ethically right action has a support!ng law・ In case of environmental issues, sometimes is appropriate is legislate something, like emission of pollutants, while sometimes action should be left up to the personal ethical commitment, which is determined by certain social/economic pressures and works better on the in dividual level.3.Anthropocentrism (human centered ethic) is the view that all environmental responsibility is derived from human interests alone.Biocentrism (life-centered ethic) is that all forms of life have an inherent right to exist・Ecocentrism maintains the environment deserves direct moral con sideratio n, in stead of what is merely derived from human/animal interests・ The environment itself has moral worth・4.The development approach assumes that human race is and should be master of nature and that the Earth and its resources exist solely for our benefit and pleasure .It thinks highly of huma n creativity and ingenuity and holds that continual economic growth is a moral ideal for society.The preservationist approach strives to keep large portions of nature in tact because nature is regarded to have in trinsic value apart from human uses・ Nature is not a resource but a refuge from economic activity.The conservationist approach strikes the balanee between unrestrained development and preservationism. Conservationists tend to consider a wide range of long-term human goods in their about environmental management.5.Environ mental justice is a critical comp orient of environmen tai protection. It is closely related to civil rights, and no group of people, including racial, ethnic or socioeconomic groups, should bear a disproporti on ate share of the negative environmen tai consequences resulting from various programs or policies・ EJ signifies that the participants of environment movement has shift from middle-class and affluent white people in America to minorities and indigenous people.6.Corporations are designed to operate at a profit, and in order to maximize its profit margin, corporation tends to cutin vestments in deali ng with waste disposal and polluti on. In this way, corporate behavior don't take public and environmental well-being into considerations, often violating the environmental ethics ・Some companies may publicly address their concerns for environment to the purpose of social marketing(called greenwashing). But they actually make no attempt to lower the environmental impact of its production.7.In dividuals, as shareholders can dema nd the directors of corporation to run it ethically. As executives, they can wield massive corporate power and guide the corporation to adopt a better environ mental approach. Whats more, the ethic of consumption can also affect the corporate behaviors・8.By choosing food that is produced locally, low in food chain and grown with least chemical fertilizers and pesticides・ Buying durable consumer and reusing products・ Conserving energy etc・9.Global environmentai ethics address the widening gap between rich and poor countries, and call for them to set aside politicald iff ere nces to promote global actio n on environme nt. It also conv ince every one of us that we have an obligati on to minimize the harm we cause to ecological systems and the Earth・10.Yes・Triple bottom line is a green business concept, which allows executives to gauge on three fronts .It is more comprehe nsive as it not only takes economic costs but also environmental costs into con sideration and helps companies survive ・ State laws will be established to grant tax breaks to businesses that comply with green business concept・ More complex and stringent envir on mental and public safety dema nds will continue toin flue nee corporate decisi ons. Triple bottom line may become the compulsory rule・CHAPTER THREE1.An environmental risk assessment could provide an orderly, clearly stated and consistent way to deal with scientific issuesl)whether a risk exists, 2)the magnitude of the risk and 3)the consequences of the negative outcome when accepting the risk・It can also state the uncertai nty associated with alter native approaches to deali ng with envir on mental issues, which helps institutions decide research priorities and plan in the way that protects environment and bureaus to set regulatory priorities and support regulatory action.Some tools are used to calculate the risks which is often hard to attain: estimations based on past experienee or establish model for novel risk by laboratory studies (experimenting on other species e.g. rabbits) or computer stimulations・2.economic costs and ben efits en vironmental costs and ben efitsFour steps to take: identification of the project to be evaluated; determination of all impacts, favorable and unfavorable, present and future, on all of society; determi nation of the value of those impacts, by direct market values or indirect price estimates; calculation of the net benefits, which is the total value of positive impacts minus the total value of negative impacts・3.Some doubt if everything can be analyzed from an economic point of view, they fear if the economic value becomes the onlycriteria, many noneconomic values such as beauty and cleanliness cannot be justified if they are not assigned to economic value・But difficulties exist when assigning specific value to environmental resources, while cultural and socioeconomic d iff ere nces could cause the less developed country to opt for more jobs than less pollution.Moreover, it is crucial to decide during the process which pref ere nces are most important, but sometimes it is n eglected when cost is spread over a large population and when it concerned the benefits and costs for future generations.4.According to its definition, sustainable development reflects the objectives of economic development and environmental stewardship. It is composed of five characteristics: renewability, substituti on, in terdependence, adaptability and in stitutio nal commitment ・While debates go over whether economic growth must be sacrificed in order to prevent further deterioration of environment, we should transform the approach to economic policy, and promote the transfer of modern and environmentally sound technology to developing countries・Another obstacle is the disparities of rich and poor people in a nation as well as rich and poor nations. Therefore, developed nations should act as pioneers: invest in related research and apply new techniques which promote sustainable development・5.Firstly, the logging operation may remove so many trees from hillside that runoff destroys streams and cause mudslides, but the cost is transferred to the public・Secondly, industries that no longer exist left thousands of hazardous waste sites, and the responsibility of cleanup fell on the government and the taxpayers・Strip mining is typical for the variety of external environmental costs.6.Pollution-prevention costs, one part of pollution control costs, are those incurred in private sector or by government to entirely or partially prevent the pollution that would otherwise result from production orconsumption.7.Whe n every one shares ownership of a resource, there is a strong tendency to overexploit and misuse that resource・ The common property resource has literally no owner, and if you do not use it, some one else would, therefore, eve n though every one knows the eventual result, they all choose to make use of it as much as possible ・The ecosphere is one big commons stocked with air, water and irreplaceable mineral resources, and each nation attempts to exploit and extract as much from "commons" as possible regardless of other nations・Another example is the shared fishing in Great Lakes region. Commercial fisheries, recreational fishers, Native American tribal fishing and regulatory agencies have tried hard to halt theoverexploitation of fishery resources. Worse still, the fishing zones are often not designed from an ecosystem approach・On an in dividual level, people are fully aware of air pollution, yet they continue to drive automobiles and don't mind switching to bigger cars or purchasing more cars.8.Debt-for-nature exchanges are an innovative mechanism for addressing the debt issue while encouraging investment in conservation and sustainable development・It works like this: the conservation organization buys the debt from the creditor at a discount; although the creditor receives only partial payment of the initial loan, some return is better than a total loss; the debtor country has the debt removed and is relieved of the huge burden of paying interest on the debt; in exchange, the conservation organization requires the debtor country to spend money on appropriate conservation and sustainable development projects.9.Subsidies in elude consumer rebates for purchases of environmentally friendly goods, loans for businesses planning to implement environmental products・Government can pay farmers to encourage them to permanently take highly erodable land from production and reduce the erosion and build up sediment in local streams・ The same is with purchasing fishermen's fishing boats. However, some agricultural subsidies may distort the price of food and lead to overproduction.Market-based instruments in elude information programs (example: information tags on electric appliances that inform thepublic about the energy efficiency of the product) tradable emission permits, emission fees and taxes (the pollution tax system in China that imposes noncomplianee fees on discharge that exceed standards and assesses fines and other charges on violations of regulations)deposit-refund programs and performanee bonds.Life cycle analysis is to assess the environmental effects during all stages in product chain: acquisition of raw material, manufacturing processes, transportation, consumer use, disposal. Its extension is extended product responsibility, and the Responsible Care program is one of the best examples・10.People are often willing to accept risk from familiar death causes such as car accidents and flu than those dramatic and sensational causes・ They tend to accept voluntary risks like drin king alcohol than in voluntary ones like nuclear weapons, familiar technologies like dams than newer ones like genetic engineering ・11.Renewable resources in elude soil, vegetation, animals, air and water. Non renewable resources include iron ore, fossil fuels and mountainous landscapes・12」t is because environmental costs may not be recognized immediately, as in the Colorado River dam shows, the ecosystem has a complex system of interrelationships and the damage on environment can take a relative long time to accumulate and become eminent on certain levels or indicators・13.A "take back" means taking the product back for disposal to the place it was manufactured and force the company to think hard and be envir on me ntally responsible for producti on.14.SBLRBRA is the law that provided incentives for small businesses to develop brownfields, which are perceived to have envir on mental liabilities .It provided liability protection, funding and tax incentives to encourage small businesses to revitalize the brownfields ・15.It is because they weigh the risks with the costs to eliminate those risks, and make decisions based on their distinet financial status ・ Sometimes they even have basic d iff ere nee in defi ning the risk and therefore they tolerate difference levels of risks・16.It is a streamlined decision-making process for implementing corrective action in a consistent manner to protect ecological resources in chemical release sites .It provides a framework for sites that do not or cannot comply with regulatory programs or to form an integrated approach when various regulatory programs apply.17.Perception plays an important role in our understanding of envir on mental health and safety issues ・The asbestos fear shows that the risk estimates are often different between experts and public・ The people perceive the risk with different criteria and arrive at their own conclusion, yet they do not trust experts to make decisions alone.Governments need to decide whether to focus on where there is the most impact on human well-being or deal with the problemspeople are most worried about・ People, on the other hand, should be supplied with more data to enable them to make more informed judgments. We should be wise and careful when forming our perception of risks as it may influence the research priorities or standards for regulation.18.DfE (Design for Environment) means a product is designed with a con sideration of the envir onmen tai impacts or aspects that will result from manufacturing it. It means doing cost-benefit analysis prior to production so that the company can make rational decisions as to the environmental liabilities during itsmanufacturing. By doing so, the product would be more environmentally sound and cost effective, causing the least impact on our environment.19.The conventional way is to develop regulations that prohibit certain behaviors, called "command and control" program, but granting subsidies, giving liability protect!on and grants for small businesses, and several other market-based instruments (including emission fees and taxes) are also developed and used nowadays・ The latter methods use the economic lever and encourage the individuals and companies to make sustainable use of natural resources at a lower cost・20.No, almost all human・induced environmental issues are connected to the human society as well as economics, however, exceptions exist. People may liter a place simply by ritual or norm and the envir on mental issue has no thing to do with econo mics ・21.The divers Hied flora that shaped the Ian dscape; The Chongming wetlands that purifies the flowing water.22.Yes. The compa ny opt for an envir on me nt・friendly developi ng strategy and renovate its manufacturing processes・。

环境生态学课后题整理BY 周晓杰第一章:绪论1.生态学:是研究生物与周围环境和无机环境相互关系及机理的科学。
它包括4 个层次的内容;1)生物在其历史条件下的适应;2)种群的形成与发展规律;3)生物群落(生态系统) 的形成与发展规律:4)生态系统的结构与功能.2。
环境生态学:研究人为干扰下,生态系统内的变化机理、规律和对人类的反效应,寻求受损生态系统恢复、重建和保护对策的科学,即运用生态学理论,阐明人与环境间的相互作用及解决环境问题的生态途径.为什么说生态系统生态学是生态学研究的主流?20 世纪60 年代后,由于出现全球人[ ]。
限制因子:生物的生存和繁殖依赖于各种生态因子的综合作用,但是其中必有- 一种或少数儿种因予是限制生物生存和繁殖的关键因子,这些关键因子就是限制因子。
4.利比希最小因子定律: 植物的生长取于最小量的那种营养物质5。
谢尔福德耐性定律:一种生物能够生存和繁殖,要依赖一种综合环境的全部因子的存在,只要其中— -项因子的量或质不足或过多,超过了耐性限度,则使该物种不能生存,甚至灭绝; 外延为耐性定律:对于具体的生物,各种生态因子都存在着- 一个生物学的上限和下限(又称阈值),它们之间的幅度就是该种生物对某一生态因子的耐性限度,其中包括最适区,适宜区和高低死亡限(见耐受曲线).6。

1. Renewable energy are continuously being produced or continuously available. However, the cost to exploit renewable energy sources is higher than that of exploiting fossil fuels.2. 13%3. The burning of biomass and waste accounts for over 75 percent of all renewable energy consumed.4. Certain industries, such as lumber mills, paper mills, and plants that process sugar from sugarcane typically burn wastes to provide energy for their operations.5。
Europe has much less available land and have placed restrictions on landfills. Thus, these countries have a much higher rate of burning of solid waste。
Ethanol can be produced by fermenting sugars。
The sugars can be obtained directly from plants or may be produced by converting starch or cellulose of plants to sugars。
Typically,sugar or starch is extracted from the biomass crop by crushing and mixing with water and yeast and then keeping the mixture warm in fermenters。

际 商务英语等级考试和高级国际贸易业务员的资格证书;参加由微软公司举
手”,并拿 到了Microsoft Office Specialist Expert的证书……大学生活在段
竞赛中获得二等奖;在 2008年美国大学生数学建模竞赛中获得一等奖;在
“隔行如隔山”; 科学家也要与伦理道德问题做斗争; 科学中正常的争论或辩论是科学文明进 步的表现;
6 认识到物质已固、液和气态 存在,其存在形态取决于分子 动能的大小;
7 认识到能量既不能产生,也 不能消失,但是,能量可以由 一种形式转化为另一种形式, 有的能量转化为用途较少的形 式;
8 了解能量具有不同的品质。
复验证、可证伪、自身没有矛盾。 科学是运用范畴、定理、定律等思维形式反映现实世界各种现 象的本质和规律的知识体系,是社会意识形态之一。科学是人 类智慧结晶的分门别类的学问。科学就是讲求证据,逻辑严密 的人类认知。
会长,并 带领着他们团队先后在国内、国际的数学建模大赛中取得了优异的

第I 篇 习题解答第一章 绪论1.1简要概述环境学科的发展历史及其学科体系。
图1-1 环境学科体系1.2 简要阐述环境工程学的主要任务及其学科体系。
图1-2 环境工程学的学科体系环境工程学 环境净化与污染控制技术及原理生态修复与构建技术及原理清洁生产理论及技术原理环境规划管理与环境系统工程环境工程监测与环境质量评价水质净化与水污染控制工程空气净化与大气污染控制工程固体废弃物处理处置与管理物理性污染控制工程 土壤净化与污染控制技术 废物资源化技术环境学科体系环境科学环境工程学环境生态学环境规划与管理1.3 去除水中的悬浮物,有哪些可能的方法,它们的技术原理是什么?解:去除水中悬浮物的方法主要有:沉淀、离心分离、气浮、过滤(砂滤等)、过滤(筛网过滤)、反渗透、膜分离、蒸发浓缩等。
1.4 空气中挥发性有机物(VOCs)的去除有哪些可能的技术,它们的技术原理是什么?解:去除空气中挥发性有机物(VOCs)的主要技术有:物理吸收法、化学吸收法、吸附法、催化氧化法、生物法、燃烧法等。

Chapter 1:1.According to the textbook, how old is planet Earth地球的寿命?4.5 billion years2. What is the factor as important as population in determining the environmental impact of humans? 环境影响人类的因素population‟s level of consumption 人口消耗水平3. How many humans were living at the beginning of the 21st century? 21世纪人口数6.6billion4. How do moderately developed countries most differ from highly developed countries? 一般的发达国家和水平较高的发达国家的区别Moderately developed countries with medium level of industrialization and per person incomes lower than those of highly developed countries. 工业化程度和人均收入5. List three examples of nonrenewable resources. 不可恢复资源coal , oil, natural gas. 煤炭、石油、天然气6. What are highly developed countries characterized by? 高度发达国家的特点complex industrialized bases, low rate of population growth, and high per person income. 复杂的工业基础,低人口增长,高人均收入7. What is the environmental significance of the process of “consumption”?consumption is intimately connected to a country‟s economic growth消费与经济增长相关, the expansion in output of a nation‟s goods and services.国家商品输出的膨胀率8. In the United States ecological footprint 生态足迹of each person is about 10 hectares公顷. The Earth presently has 11.4 billion hectares of productive land and water. If everyone in the world lived at the same level of consumption as the average American about how many earths would we need to survive according to the ecological footprint analysis? 59. List some unsustainable examples of human activities or behaviors. 非持续人类活动行为1. using nonrenewable resources as if they were present in unlimited supplies.适用不可恢复资源并认为其取之不尽2. using renewable such as fresh water and forests faster than they are replenished naturally.可恢复资源入不敷出10. What is the definition of environmental sustainability环境的可持续性?the ability to meet humanity‟s current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.满足当今需求,并为未来需求提供保证11. What is the term that best describes the interdisciplinary各学科间的study of h umanity…s relationship with other organisms and the non-living physical environment?联系人类与生物或非生命的物理环境间的关系environmental science.环境科学12. What one central problem in environmental science links all other problems together? 环境科学连接众多问题的中心问题是什么ecological 生态学13. New Orleans新奥尔良has been (subsiding) sinking下沉for many years. Part of the reason is that the city was built on unconsolidated sediment疏松的沉淀物. What is another reason that wetland scientists believe is responsible for subsidence?湿地科学家认为的另一个主要原因groundwater, oil, and natural gas are removed, the land compacts, lowering the city. 地下水、石油、天然气的使用及土地的紧缩14. What does an ecological footprint measure生态足迹测量了什么?the average amount of productive land and ocean needed to supply that person with food ,energy, water ,housing, transportation, and waste disposal.生产土地和人类对海洋的需求供给(食物摄取、能量、水、住房、运输、废物处理)的平均值15. What does the phrase “Environmental sustainability” imply环境持续性暗示什么?the environment will function indefintely without going into a decline from the stress that human society imposes利用on natural system. 环境的不确定性16. Define environmental sustainability定义环境可持续性. Discuss three reasons why experts in environmental science think that the human population is not operating sustainable. 人口不能操控可持续性the ability to meet humanity‟s current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. (a) population growth and increasing consumption per person,人口增长、人均消费增长(b) a decline of vitallife-support ecosystems保障生命的生态系统减小, (c) global atmospheric changes 全球大气情况改变Chapter 2:1.What does the “Tragedy of the Commons” refer to? 通常的灾难Our inability to solve complex environment problems is the result of a struggle between short-term individual welfare and long-term environmental sustainability. 无力处理短期个人福利和长期环境持续发展之间的问题2. List three examples of modern-day commons.(中间层次)the atmosphere, water, wildlife. 大气、水、野生动物3. What is the definition of sustainable development? 可持续发展economic growth that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. 经济的增长不会影响下一代的需求4. List some examples of sustainable consumption. 可持续消耗repairable, recyclable product, use bicycles. 可修复、可循环、无污染产品5. List some examples of voluntary simplicity.自愿简朴car sharing. 搭顺路车. Global sustainable development depends on eradication of poverty in the developing world, What is the consequence of this? 全球持续发展依赖于根除贫困,其结果表现为poor people in developing countries increase their consumption of certain essential resources. 发展中国家的贫困人口增加必需品资源的消费7. If economic decisions are to be sustainable, what will they have to consider? 课持续的金融决定需要考虑什么the right of people living today, and the right of future generations. 当今和后代的正确定向8. What is deep ecology worldview? 深层生态学世界观a worldview, based on harmony with nature, a spiritual respect for life, and the belief that humans and all other species have an equal worth. 基于和谐自然、尊重生命、和众生平等的态度9. According to the Western Worldview, what is humanity ethically obligated to? 基于西方世界观,人们的理论上的义务responsible for managing natural resources to benefit human society. 管理自然资源造福社会10. What rights does environmental justice provide? 环境所提供的权利every citizen to adequate protection from environment hazards. 躯体公民在在自然灾害下被充分保护的权利11. What is carrying capacity? 承载力the maximum population that can be sustained by a given environment of by the world as a whole. 世界有限环境所能承受的最大人口12. What is a serious shortcoming of the Western Worldview? 西方世界观的缺点anthropocentric and emphasizes the importance of humans as the overriding concern in the grand scheme of things. 重要事物中,强调人类的重要性,人类中心论13. What is the best way to get rid of squatter communities like this one in Jakarta, Indonesia?驱除developed a busway with dedicated bus lines that reduce commuter times. 建立专用公交车线以减少上下班拥堵时间Chapter 3:1. What species 物种became the symbol 象征for the conflict 冲突between environmentalists环保人士and loggers 伐木工in the Pacific Northwest? Owl 猫头鹰2. What is the best definition of conservation保护的最佳定义?Conservation involves sustainability具有持续性—that is, using resources without inflicting excessive environmental damage不造成过多伤害的使用资源, so that the resources are available not only for current needs but also for the needs offuture generations. 为当今和后代考虑。
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CHAPTER TWO1. The rate, scale and complexity of interactions between people and environment have seen unprecedented increases. We are beginning to realize our interrelatedness with our environment, as the environmental changes becomes obvious due to technology advance and the public awareness increased in the importance of natural environment. Therefore a new ethic is called for to meet the challenges.2.Ideally, the laws of a particular nation or community should match the ethical commitments of those living there, but it may take a long period of struggle and debate in reality, as the abolition of slavery, women’s equality with men.However, not every ethically right action has a supporting law. In case of environmental issues, sometimes is appropriate is legislate something, like emission of pollutants, while sometimes action should be left up to the personal ethical commitment, which is determined by certain social/economic pressures and works better on the individual level.3. Anthropocentrism (human centered ethic) is the view that all environmental responsibility is derived from human interests alone.Biocentrism (life-centered ethic) is that all forms of life have an inherent right to exist.Ecocentrism maintains the environment deserves direct moral consideration, instead of what is merely derived fromhuman/animal interests. The environment itself has moral worth.4.Thedevelopment approach assumes that human race is and should be master of nature and that the Earth and its resources exist solely for our benefit and pleasure. It thinks highly of human creativity and ingenuity and holds that continual economic growth is a moral ideal for society.The preservationist approach strives to keep large portions of nature intact because nature is regarded to have intrinsic value apart from human uses. Nature is not a resource but a refuge from economic activity.The conservationist approach strikes the balance between unrestrained development andpreservationism. Conservationists tend to consider a wide range of long-term human goods in their about environmental management.5. Environmental justice is a critical component of environmental protection.It is closely related to civil rights, and no group of people, including racial, ethnic or socioeconomic groups, should bear a disproportionate share of the negative environmental consequences resulting from various programs or policies. EJ signifies that the participants of environment movement has shift from middle-class and affluent white people in America to minorities and indigenous people.6.Corporations are designed to operate at a profit, and in order to maximize its profit margin, corporation tends to cut investments in dealing with waste disposal and pollution. In this way, corporate behavior don’t take public and environmental well-being into considerations, often violating the environmental ethics.Some companies may publicly address their concerns for environment to the purpose of social marketing(called greenwashing). But they actually make no attempt to lower the environmental impact of its production.7. Individuals, as shareholders can demand the directors of corporation to run it ethically. As executives,they can wield massive corporate power and guide the corporation to adopt a better environmental approach.Whats more, the ethic of consumption can also affect the corporate behaviors.8. By choosing food that is produced locally, low in food chain and grown with least chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Buying durable consumer and reusing products. Conserving energy etc.9. Global environmental ethics address the widening gap between rich and poor countries, and call for them to set aside political differences to promote global action on environment. It also convince everyone of us that we have an obligation to minimize the harm we cause to ecological systems and the Earth.10. Yes.Triple bottom line is a green business concept, which allows executives to gauge on three fronts. It is more comprehensive as it not only takes economic costs but also environmental costs into consideration and helps companies survive. State laws will be established to grant tax breaks to businesses that comply with green business concept. More complex and stringent environmental and public safety demands will continue toinfluence corporate decisions. Triple bottom line may become the compulsory rule.CHAPTER THREE1.An environmental risk assessment could provide an orderly, clearly stated and consistent way to deal with scientific issues 1)whether a risk exists, 2)the magnitude of the risk and 3)the consequences of the negative outcome when accepting the risk.It can also state the uncertainty associated with alternative approaches to dealing with environmental issues, which helps institutions decide research priorities and plan in the way that protects environment and bureaus to set regulatory priorities and support regulatory action.Some tools are used to calculate the risks which is often hard to attain: estimations based on past experience or establish model for novel risk by laboratory studies (experimenting on other species e.g. rabbits) or computer stimulations.2. economic costs and benefits environmental costs and benefitsFour steps to take: identification of the project to be evaluated; determination of all impacts, favorable and unfavorable, present and future, on all of society; determination of the value of those impacts, by direct market values or indirect price estimates; calculation of the net benefits, which is the total value of positive impacts minus the total value of negative impacts.3. Some doubt if everything can be analyzed from an economic point of view, they fear if the economic value becomes the onlycriteria, many noneconomic values such as beauty and cleanlinesscannot be justified if they are not assigned to economic value.But difficulties exist when assigning specific value to environmental resources, while cultural and socioeconomic differences could cause the less developed country to opt for more jobs than less pollution.Moreover, it is crucial to decide during the process which preferences are most important, but sometimes it is neglected when cost is spread over a large population and when it concerned the benefits and costs for future generations.4.According to its definition, sustainable development reflects the objectives of economic development and environmental stewardship. It is composed of five characteristics: renewability, substitution, interdependence, adaptability and institutional commitment.While debates go over whether economic growth must be sacrificed in order to prevent further deterioration of environment, we should transform the approach to economic policy, and promote the transfer of modern and environmentally sound technology to developing countries.Another obstacle is the disparities of rich and poor people in a nation as well as rich and poor nations. Therefore, developed nations should act as pioneers: invest in related research and apply new techniques which promote sustainable development.5.Firstly, the logging operation may remove so many trees from hillside that runoff destroys streams and cause mudslides, but the cost is transferred to the public.Secondly, industries that no longer exist left thousands of hazardous waste sites, and the responsibility of cleanup fell on the government and the taxpayers.Strip mining is typical for the variety of external environmental costs.6. Pollution-prevention costs, one part of pollution control costs, are those incurred in private sector or by government toentirely or partially prevent the pollution that would otherwise result from production or consumption.7. When everyone shares ownership of a resource, there is a strong tendency to overexploit and misuse that resource. The common property resource has literally no owner, and if you do not use it, someone else would, therefore, even though everyone knows the eventual result, they all choose to make use of it as much as possible.The ecosphere is one big commons stocked with air, water and irreplaceable mineral resources, and each nation attempts to exploit and extract as much from “commons” as possible regardless of other nations.Another example is the shared fishing in Great Lakes region. Commercial fisheries, recreational fishers, Native American tribal fishing and regulatory agencies have tried hard to halt theoverexploitation of fishery resources. Worse still, the fishing zones are often not designed from an ecosystem approach.On an individual level, people are fully aware of air pollution, yet they continue to drive automobiles and don’t mind switching to bigger cars or purchasing more cars.8. Debt-for-nature exchanges are an innovative mechanism for addressing the debt issue while encouraging investment in conservation and sustainable development.It works like this: the conservation organization buys the debt from the creditor at a discount; although the creditor receives only partial payment of the initial loan, some return is better than a total loss; the debtor country has the debt removed and is relieved of the huge burden of paying interest on the debt; in exchange, the conservation organization requires the debtor country to spend money on appropriate conservation and sustainable development projects.9. Subsidies include consumer rebates for purchases of environmentally friendly goods, loans for businesses planning to implement environmental products.Government can pay farmers to encourage them to permanently take highly erodable land from production and reduce the erosion and build up sediment in local streams. The same is with purchasing fishermen’s fishing boats. However, some agricultural subsidies may distort the price of food and lead to overproduction.Market-based instruments include information programs (example: information tags on electric appliances that inform thepublic about the energy efficiency of the product) tradable emission permits, emission fees and taxes (the pollution tax system in China that imposes noncompliance fees on discharge that exceed standards and assesses fines and other charges on violations of regulations)deposit-refund programs and performance bonds.Life cycle analysis is to assess the environmental effects during all stages in product chain: acquisition of raw material, manufacturing processes, transportation, consumer use, disposal. Its extension is extended product responsibility, and the Responsible Care program is one of the best examples.10. People are often willing to accept risk from familiar death causes such as car accidents and flu than those dramatic and sensational causes. They tend to accept voluntary risks like drinking alcohol than involuntary ones like nuclear weapons, familiar technologies like dams than newer ones like genetic engineering.11. Renewable resources include soil, vegetation, animals, air and water. Nonrenewable resources include iron ore, fossil fuels and mountainous landscapes.12.It is because environmental costs may not be recognized immediately, as in the Colorado River dam shows, the ecosystem has a complex system of interrelationships and the damage on environment can take a relative long time to accumulate and become eminent on certain levels or indicators.13. A “take back” means taking the product back for disposal to the place it was manufactured and force the company to think hard and be environmentally responsible for production.14. SBLRBRA is the law that provided incentives for small businesses to develop brownfields, which are perceived to have environmental liabilities. It provided liability protection, funding and tax incentives to encourage small businesses to revitalize the brownfields.15. It is because they weigh the risks with the costs to eliminate those risks, and make decisions based on their distinct financial status. Sometimes they even have basic difference in defining the risk and therefore they tolerate difference levels of risks.16. It is a streamlined decision-making process for implementing corrective action in a consistent manner to protect ecological resources in chemical release sites. It provides a framework for sites that do not or cannot comply with regulatory programs or to form an integrated approach when various regulatory programs apply.17. Perception plays an important role in our understanding of environmental health and safety issues.The asbestos fear shows that the risk estimates are often different between experts and public. The people perceive the risk with different criteria and arrive at their own conclusion, yet they do not trust experts to make decisions alone.Governments need to decide whether to focus on where there is the most impact on human well-being or deal with the problemspeople are most worried about. People, on the other hand, should be supplied with more data to enable them to make more informed judgments. We should be wise and careful when forming our perception of risks as it may influence the research priorities or standards for regulation.18.DfE (Design for Environment) means a product is designed witha consideration of the environmental impacts or aspects that will result from manufacturing it. It means doing cost-benefit analysis prior to production so that the company can make rational decisions as to the environmental liabilities during its manufacturing. By doing so, the product would be more environmentally sound and cost effective, causing the least impact on our environment.19.The conventional way is to develop regulations that prohibit certain behaviors, called “command and control” program, but granting subsidies, giving liability protection and grants for small businesses, and several other market-based instruments (including emission fees and taxes) are also developed and used nowadays. The latter methods use the economic lever and encourage the individuals and companies to make sustainable use of natural resources at a lower cost.20. No, almost all human-induced environmental issues are connected to the human society as well as economics, however, exceptions exist. People may liter a place simply by ritual or norm and the environmental issue has nothing to do with economics.21. The diversified flora that shaped the landscape; TheChongming wetlands that purifies the flowing water.22. Yes. The company opt for an environment-friendly developing strategy and renovate its manufacturing processes.。