
2. The name, number and expiry date on yourpcareydmitecnatrd
3. The way you choose to buy the goods you want
4. When you can pay some time after you buy, but at no extra cost
What’s B2B?
Business to business or B2B refers to electronic commerce between businesses rather than between a business and a consumer(B2C).
B2B businesses often deal with hundreds or even thousands of other businesses, either as customers or suppliers. Carrying out these transactions electronically provides vast competitive advantages over traditional methods.
1.What was good about e-toys? It offers a good service.
2. What problems did e-toys have? The real reason for the failure of e-toys
was that it ran out of money and therefore went into liquidation.
Text: Virtual Pocket Money
体验商务英语2 Selling Online共42页

Five business benefits of E-Commerce
If you are selling products online, you need to remember this basic rule of e-commerce, which IBM has so concisely summed up in one of its latest as campaigns.
What’s E-commerce?
By connecting to a standardized network we can find information, buy and sell quickly and easily, with lower process and administration cost.
1 we offer a _____to customers who buy in bulk. A refund B discount C delivery
Warming -up Questions:
Do you do shopping online? What kind of goods do you usually buy online? Have you ever met any problems when you do
What’s B2B?
Business to business or B2B refers to electronic cБайду номын сангаасmmerce between businesses rather than between a business and a consumer(B2C).
Unit Selling online 体验商务英语综合教程

Online shopping
Know who you’re dealing with. Anyone can set up shop online under almost any name. Confirm the online seller’s physical address and phone number in case you have questions or problems. If you get an email or pop-up message while you’re browsing that asks for financial information, don’t reply or click on the link in the message. Legitimate companies don’t ask for this information via email.
Unit 2 Selling online
Bad ideas don’t get better online.
----IBM advertisement
Starting up (online shopping)
Vocabulary (Online Shopping)
The Internet is an exciting tool that puts vast information at your fingertips. With a click of a mouse, it lets you buy an airline ticket, book a hotel, send flowers to a friend, or purchase your favorite stock. Good deals, convenience and choices abound on the Internet. But before you use all the Internet has to offer, be "cyber" smart and make your online experience safe.

Listening (online selling vs. high street selling)
Language Review (must, need to, Have to, should)
Skills (reaching agreements)
Case Study (negotiate & e-mail)
Online shopping websites
Bad ideas don’t get better online.
----IBM advertisemeline shopping)
Vocabulary (Online Shopping)
Reading (Virtual Pocket
Online shopping
Check out the terms of the deal, like refund policies and delivery dates. Can you return the item for a full refund if you’re not satisfied? If you return it, find out who pays the shipping costs or restocking fees, and when you will receive your order. Sellers are required to ship items as promised or within 30 days after the order date if no specific date is promised.
Know exactly what you’re buying. Read the seller’s description of the product closely, especially the fine print. Words like “refurbished,” “vintage,” or “close-out” may indicate that the product is in less-than-mint condition, while name-brand items with “too good to be true” prices could be counterfeits.

● Telecommunications / Media ● Vehicle manufacturing ● IT / Electronics ● Engineering ● Construction ● Pharmaceutical ● Energy ● Airline ● Other
Can you match the types of business in the box to the pictures?
2.1.2. Listen to the first part of a talk about ACT Systems
Corporation and complete the following fact sheet.
ACT Systems Corporation
Headquarters in __S_a_n_F_r_an_c_is_c_o_ Specializes in __m_e_c_h_a_ni_ca_l_t_es_t_in_g_&__si_m_u_la_ti_o_n_e_q_ui_p_m_e_n_t __ Factories located in ___U_S, Britain , ___F_r_a_nc,e___G_e_r_many
1) When it was started or founded and who its founder was. 2)What is the company’s line of business? 3)What products it makes or what services it provides. 4)Its sales figures. 5) Its structure. 6)How many people work for it: how many employees it has. 7)Where its headquarters are: where it is based. 8)Whether it does business overseas. 9)Where its factories or plants are located (if it’s a manufacturing company). 10)How many branches or retail outlets( shops) it has (if it’s a retail organization). 11)Whether it sells business-to-business, or whether it’s a retail organization selling to
商务综合英语课件Unit 2

d Read the article again and find examples of the following types
of expressions.
expressions that show a tendency:
tends to be, may be, show a tendency, generally like, can be, are likely to be, have a tendency to be while, though, on the other hand
f Listen to a talk about what makes a good salesperson. Number
the points in the order they are mentioned.
Script Key
1. be a good listener _________ 5 2. pick up on a person’s personality traits _________ 1 3. like people and recognize their needs and wants _________ 4 4. create an emotional link with the customer _________ 2 5. sell products that you like _________ 6 6. recognize indecisiveness and help customers to make a decision _________ 3
Lesson 3 Sales have increased by 20%
Lesson 4 Dealing with the customer Lesson 5 Dealing with complaints Lesson 6 Buying and selling on the Internet
Unit-2-Selling-online 体验商务英语综合教程2(课堂PPT)

Online shopping
Know who you’re dealing with. Anyone can set up shop online under almost any name. Confirm the online seller’s physical address and phone number in case you have questions or problems. If you get an email or pop-up message while you’re browsing that asks for financial information, don’t reply or click on the link in the message. Legitimate companies don’t ask for this information via email.
Know exactly what you’re buying. Read the seller’s description of the product closely, especially the fine print. Words like “refurbished,” “vintage,” or “close-out” may indicate that the product is in less-than-mint condition, while name-brand items with “too good to be true” prices could be counterfeits.
Reading (Virtual Pocket
Listening (online selling vs. high street selling)
Unit 2 Selling Online-audio scripts

Unit 2 Selling online2.1 (I = Interviewer, IT = Indira Thambiah)I Argos sells goods in its high-street stores and online.How do you run these operations successfully side by side?IT The key to our success is that we treat the customer asa single individual, and we don't treat customers asonline customers or store customers. Our experienceshows that customers will sometimes buy online, sometimes order on the telephone and sometimes gointo the stores to pick up goods. So we need to understand what our customers want at any one timeor what our customers want depending on the productthat they're buying, and serve those customers in themost appropriate way. In terms of our operation, our operations are fully integrated. The prices that weshow on the website are identical to the prices that you would pay in the store. You can call up a call centreand enquire about an order that you, you placedthrough any channel, whether that's the store, thewebsite or the telephone. And if you buy somethingfrom the website and you don't like what you've got,you can return that item to a store. So running a multichannel operation is the key to our success. We don'trun operations side by side; we run a truly integratedmulti-channel offer.2.2 (I = Interviewer, IT = Indira Thambiah)I What do you think are the keys to success in online selling?IT I think the, the most important thing is to understandthat customers use websites for lots of differentreasons. Some people are coming to a website toactually buy something on that day; um, other people,uh, and a lot of people, are coming to a website toacquire information either about a product, um, orabout the retailer, um, and the key to selling online isto understand or recognise what the customer wantswhen they're on your website and try and provide that information. So the keys for us are providing goodimages and good information –technical informationon all of the products that we sell; being very clearabout the price of the product and any promotionsthat are running alongside those products; being veryclear to the customer about what the delivery optionsare for each individual product; and then, allowingthem to find all of that information and then buy once they're ready.2.3 (IT = Indira Thambiah)IT The key is to understand that not everybody wants to buy from a website, um, and for us, a lot of our customers will, will research products online and then go to the store to pick that product up. Um, and so it's about understanding that customers online behavevery similarly to customers on the high street: they come and browse, and then they think about it, andthen they come back and buy. And again it's goingback to understanding that customers are people,they're not online customers or store customers, they're just customers, um, and that they will want to do different things at different times. Um, so the key's making a site that is easy to navigate, easy to find, um, and easy to transact with. And if you can get those key things right, then customers will keep coming back to you.2.4 (M = Michelle, D = Designer)M Let's talk about the time for setting up the website. We want it in a month's time. That's the end of July.D It's a bit early. I was hoping to have two months to do the job. If I finish in one month, will you agree to reduce the number of pages?M Yes, that's no problem. Just do the best you can. Our priority is to have the website up and running as soonas possible.D OK then, agreed.2.5 (M = Michelle, D = Designer)M Now about payment. You want to charge us 50 dollars an hour. That works out at 400 dollars a day, I believe.D Yes, that's the normal fee for the job.M Well, we'd prefer to pay you a fixed amount for the work. We can offer you $6,000.D I see. Do you mind if I ask you why you want to pay that way?M Well, you see, that way we can control the cost of the project. If we pay you per hour, the cost could become high. It could get out of control. This way, we know where we stand.D I see. $6,000. Mmm, that could be all right, I suppose, as long as I get some money in advance. How about paying me half when I start the work and half at the end?M Yes, I think we could arrange that. OK. I agree to that.2.6 (M = Michelle, D = Designer)D Now, the design of the website. Will we have book covers on it?M Absolutely. I'd like to display a large number of book covers on every page. They'd really attract people's attention. What do you think?D It's a bit too much, I'd say. A lot of pictures take too long to download. I'd prefer one big image. How about that?M Mmm, I don't know. People like to see the book covers. It draws them into the website, believe me.D Maybe you're right. How about two covers per page, then?M OK, that sounds reasonable. Now, what else do we need to discuss before you get started?。

Online shopping
Know who you’re dealing with. Anyone can set up shop online under almost any name. Confirm the online seller’s physical address and phone number in case you have questions or problems. If you get an email or pop-up message while you’re browsing that asks for financial information, don’t reply or click on the link in the message. Legitimate companies don’t ask for this information via email.
Skills (reaching agreements)
Case Study (negotiate & e-mail)
Starting up A Do you enjoy shopping? Do you shop online?
B Which of the following goods do you think are suitable to be bought online?
Keep a paper trail. Print and save records of your online transactions, including the product description and price, the online receipt, and copies of every email you send or receive from the seller. Read your credit card statements as you receive them and be on the lookout for unauthorized charges.
体验商务英语market leader 第二册Unit Selling online

This quotation means a bad business idea will not work any better just because it is being used as the basis for selling via the Internet. The technology will not, in itself, make up for any deficiencies.
Starting up (online shopping)
Vocabulary (Online Shopping)
Reading (Virtual Pocket
Me selling vs. high street selling)
Language Review (must, need to, Have to, should)
The Internet is an exciting tool that puts vast information at your fingertips. With a click of a mouse, it lets you buy an airline ticket, book a hotel, send flowers to a friend, or purchase your favorite stock. Good deals, convenience and choices abound on the Internet. But before you use all the Internet has to offer, be "cyber" smart and make your online experience safe.

Online shopping websites
Starting up
Why do some people prefer not to buy goods and services online?
You may find that goods are not suitable when they arrive or get things you did not order.
Keep a paper trail. Print and save records of your online transactions, including the product description and price, the online receipt, and copies of every email you send or receive from the seller. Read your credit card statements as you receive them and be on the lookout for unauthorized charges.
Unit 2 Selling online
This quotation means a bad business idea will not work any better just because it is being used as the basis for selling via the Internet. The technology will not, in itself, make up for any deficiencies.
The Internet is an exciting tool that puts vast information at your fingertips. With a click of a mouse, it lets you buy an airline ticket, book a hotel, send flowers to a friend, or purchase your favorite stock. Good deals, convenience and choices abound on the Internet. But before you use all the Internet has to offer, be "cyber" smart and make your online experience safe.
Unit2 Selling online

Unit2 Selling online1 E-commerce: Electronic commerce is the paperless exchange ofbusiness information using electronic datainterchange (EDI), e-mail, electronic bulletinboards, fax transmissions, and electronic fundstransfer. It refers to Internet shopping, online stockand bond transactions, the downloading and sellingof soft merchandise (software, documents, graphics,music, etc.), and business-to-business transactions.2 chain n a series of connected metal rings, used for pulling orfastening things; a length of chain used for aparticular purpose 链子,锁链e.g. a heavy gold chain around her neck 她脖子上的粗金项链/ a bicycle chain 自行车链条n a series of connected things or people 一系列,一连串(人/事)e.g. a chain of events 一连串事件/ mountain/island chains 山脉/岛群form a human chain 排成一条长龙n a group of shops/ stores or hotels owned by thesame company 连锁商店e.g supermarket chain 连锁超市/ chain store 连锁商店/chain-smoker 一支接一支的吸烟者3 account n an arrangement that sb has with a bank etc. to keepmoney there, take some out, etc. 账户e.g open/close an account 开立/结清账户savingcertificate 定期存款单passbook/ bankbook/ deposit book 存折current/checking account 活期存款账户jointaccount 联合账户fixed deposit by installments零存整取saving account/ fixed deposit 定期存款overdrawn account 透支账户to run up/ pay off overdraft 透支严重/付清透支account executive 客户经理n a written record of money that is owed to a businessand of money that has been paid by it. 账目e.g. to do the accounts 记账the accounts department会计部门n an arrangement with a shop/ store or business to paybills for goods or services at a later time, forexample, in regular amounts every month 赊销账e.g We have accounts with most of our suppliers 我们与大多数供应商都实行赊购制。
体验商务英语第二册Unit 2 Selling online

You may have security problems with using credit cards and find yourself paying for things you did not buy.
You may enjoy shopping in real shops. You may like the feeling of walking in the supermarket with a shopping cart.
Vocabulary B Make phrases that match definitions 1 – 7.
credit card
cooling off
money back
method of
out of
Online shopping
Check out the terms of the deal, like refund policies and delivery dates. Can you return the item for a full refund if you’re not satisfied? If you return it, find out who pays the shipping costs or restocking fees, and when you will receive your order. Sellers are required to ship items as promised or within 30 days after the order date if no specific date is promised.

Before ordering: good website, easy, quick, lots of, information, low prices
After ordering: delivery service, customer service
Answer the questions
A Credit card /cooling off Money back / method of
B Guarantee /stock
Interest-free /out of after sales
period /credit
1. The time when you can change your mind adnedtcaailnsc/eslearnviocreder
2. The name, number and expiry date on yourpcareydmitecnatrd
3. The way you choose to buy the goods you want
4. When you can pay some time after you buy, but at no extra cost
Customers satisfaction, quality, reliability of goods, etc. are just as important.
Customers want value for money in the same way (but may want even more value for money, in other words, low prices for the same goods, when buying online.)
电子商务行业英语课件Unit 2

Think about it
• Facing a frightening unemployment rate, what should we do?
Read Passage 1 and find out the answer to the question.
1. Listen carefully and answer the following question:
What are the tips to convince someone effectively ?
(1) Have a clear understanding of your own opinion. (2) Talk with the person politely. (3) Establish mutual respect. (4) Practice active listening.
with 120G hard disk and 2 GB RAM. It's 6,500 Yuan. Would you like to purchase it now? • Customer: Is there _a_n_y__d_i_s_c_o_u_n_t_o_n__th_i_s_l_a_p_t_o_p_____? • Alex: Sorry, it's already very cheap. Hmm, __le_t_'s__m_a_k_e__it__6_0_0_0_Y_u_a_n____ if you buy it now. We'll also include a laptop bag and a mouse for you. • Customer: Thanks. _H_o_w__l_o_n_g_i_s_t_h_i_s_u_n_d_e_r__w_a_r_ra_n__ty__? • Alex: One year. The maintenance store location and _t_e_le_p_h_o_n_e__n_u_m__b_e_rs are on the warranty card. • Customer: Alright, I'll take this one.

Global reach
Cost reduction
Discuss the questions
Some goods and services may be more suitable for selling online, for example: holidays and travel, where no physical delivery of goods is involved.
Some security problems may appear with using credit cards. So some people actually enjoy shopping in real shops.
Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.
By implementing E-Commerce, you save money, are online 24hr a day, 7days a week, no traffic jams, shopping crowds, carrying overloaded heavy shopping bags etc, just more business, the easy way.
do shopping online? What problems are they? What are the advantages and disadvantages
of doing shopping online?
IBM advertisement
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Online shopping
Check out the terms of the deal, like refund policies and delivery dates. Can you return the item for a full refund if you’re not satisfied? If you return it, find out who pays the shipping costs or restocking fees, and when you will receive your order. Sellers are required to ship items as promised or within 30 days after the order date if no specific date is promised.
Vocabulary B Make phrases that match definitions 1 – 7.
Shopping Online
credit card
cooling off
money back
method of
Keep a paper trail. Print and save records of your online transactions, including the product description and price, the online receipt, and copies of every email you send or receive from the seller. Read your credit card statements as you receive them and be on the lookout for unauthorized charges.
• You set up the online book-selling company which became . What do you need to create a successful online business?
• SM: Well, there’s really, erm, two big questions here, and it relates to sales and to profits. So, if I deal with the sales first, to be a successful online business you really need to,er, achieve lots of sales and for that there’s many things you need to
The Internet is an exciting tool that puts vast information at your fingertips. With a click of a mouse, it lets you buy an airline ticket, book a hotel, send flowers to a friend, or purchase your favorite stock. Good deals, convenience and choices abound on the Internet. But before you use all the Internet has to offer, be "cyber" smart and make your online experience safe.
You may have security problems with using credit cards and find yourself paying for things you did not buy.
You may enjoy shopping in real shops. You may like the feeling of walking in the supermarket with a shopping cart.
out of
after sales
1 the time when you can change your mind and cancel an order 2 the name, number and expiry date on your credit card 3 the way you choose to buy the goods you want 4 when you can pay some time after you buy, but at no extra cost 5 when the goods you require are not available 6 a promise to give your money back if you are not happy 7 the help you get from a company when you start to use their product
Skills (reaching agreements)
Case Study (negotiate & e-mail)
Starting up A Do you enjoy shopping? Do you shop online?
B Which of the following goods do you think are suitable to be bought online?
Online shopping websites
Starting up
Why do some people prefer not to buy goods and services online?
You may find that goods are not suitable when they arrive or get things you did not order.
should be easy and quick to use and provide lots of information about product and good because customers want value for money
Know exactly what you’re buying. Read the seller’s description of the product closely, especially the fine print. Words like “refurbished,” “vintage,” or “close-out” may indicate that the product is in less-than-mint condition, while name-brand items with “too good to be true” prices could be counterfeits.
Selling online
What does a successful online business need to do in order to achieve lots of sales and do a fantastic job for customers so that they tell each other and keep coming back?
Unit 2 Selling online
This quotation means a bad business idea will not work any better just because it is being used as the basis for selling via the Internet. The technology will not, in itself, make up for any deficiencies.
Online shopping
Know who you’re dealing with. Anyone can set up shop online under almost any name. Confirm the online seller’s physical address and phone number in case you have questions or problems. If you get an email or pop-up message while you’re browsing that asks for financial information, don’t reply or click on the link in the message. Legitimate companies don’t ask for this information via email.
Delivery service: should be fast and reliable
Customer service: when things go wrong, it’s important
to have an excellent customer service team to deal with enquiries on the phone or by e-mail
Know what it will cost. Check out websites that offer price comparisons and then, compare “apples to apples.” Factor shipping and handling — along with your needs and budget — into the total cost of the order. Do not send cash under any circumstances.