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I 満分:】00分 考试时间:70分钟】


二.听录音.选出你听到的单词或(5分) 1 1 ( )1. A. coat B. crayon C. camera □.school 1 ( )2. A. firework B. firecracker C. firefighter D. festival & 1 ( )3. A. all day B. all the week C. all year round D. at all 1 1 ( )4. A. October

B.December C ・ Sepiember D. November 1 (

)5. A. have a toothache

B. have a fever

C. have a cold

D. have breakfast



)1. A. Where do you want to go?

B. What do you want to buy?

C. What will you do there?

D. Why do you like it?


)2. A. They invent this flying machine.

B. They build this flying machine ・

C. They draw this flying machine ・

D. They clean this flying machine ・


)3. A. Which pair of trousers does Mary like?

B. Which pair of shorts does Mary like?

C. Which pair of shoes does Mary like?

D. Which pair of socks does Mary like?

五n ■级英i,,期人蘭量监测试題 第I 页(兀6风》

一.听单呵.迓出与划线都分相同晉素的选项。念两!§• (

)I. A. farm (6分)

B. warm B. Kitty )3.A. house

B. young )4.A.dump)ing B. build )5. A. goal

B. board

)6. A. wear B.near

)4. A. I have a cold. I should drink a lot of water.

B. I have a fever. I should take some medicine. C ・ I have a headache. I should have a good rest. D ・ I have a toothache. I should see a doctor. )5. A. Now the children can play in his garden.

B. Now the children can not play in his garden. C ・ Now the children can nol play in his home ・ D. Now the children can nol see his garden ・ )6. A. Because it is too big.

B. Because I like this big one.

C. Because it is not big.

D ・ Because we want a paper pig.

四、听录音.用仁2. 3. 4. 5、6给下列图片排序。念两遍,(6分〉

)4. A. She will 5tay !br 2 dayb.

C. She is eating ・ )5. A. Which food do you like?

B. Which dress do you like?

C. What colour do you like?

D. How many books do you buy?


)6. A. What are you going to do?

B. Where will they stay?

C. What is he going to do?

年级英冶 期人炊园监担认逖 第2贞贝)

D. Where will you go?

A. llhl

五. 听录音.选择正确问答句,并将其编号填左括号内・念两遍,(6分) (

)1. A. I will be a teacher.

C. I like teaching.

B. I am a teacher.

D. 1 can teach you English. )2. A. The Double Ninth Festival.

C. The Mid-Autumn Festival.

B. Spring Festival. D. Halloween. )3. A. 1 like the yellow one.

C. 1 like dresses.

B. Yes J hke ・ D. I like the yellow T-shirt. B ・ She is joing to Sanya.

D. She should take a rest.

