最新笔译期末复习资料 英文版本资料




笔译期末复习资料Unit 4 conversion转换法1.I have no intension of wearying you with this matter. 2.It was only my capacity for hard work that saved me from early dismissal. 3.The The two two two leaders leaders leaders had had had a a a serious serious serious and and and frank frank frank exchange exchange exchange of of of views views views on on on Sino-U.S. Sino-U.S. relations and world affairs. 4.The basilica is a conglomeration of contrary styles and periods. 5.In In the the the exchange exchange exchange of of of cultures cultures cultures throughout throughout throughout the the the world, world, world, the the the study study study of of of foreign foreign languages is a must. 6.The thought of him always fills me with strength. (adverbial clause of time) 7.Urgent business prevented me from calling on you. 8.A day’s exploration convinced him that this was not the spot.9.A wet day brings out colorful light mackintoshes. Unit 5 addition增补法1.It is a part, and a very important part, of the air defense of our country. 2.Since gaining our independence, we have made every effort to overcome the servitude of our past. 3.The frequency, wavelength, and speed of sound are closely related. 4.The chief effects of electric currents are the magnetic, heating and chemical effects. 5. This This report report report summed summed summed up up up the the the new new new achievements achievements achievements made made made in in in electron electron electron tubes, tubes, semiconductors and components. 6. The spirit of peaceful coexistence must embody the idea that states cannot be left to struggle on single-handed. 7. Theory is something, but practice is everything. 8. The whole square was alive with singing and rejoicing. 9. He has in his vision the totality of every world problem, political, economic, human human……10. I t’s a bit fishy that she should have given away a villa like that.Unit 6 Omission省略法 1. Water passes from a liquid to solid state when it freezes. 2. You should keep calm even when you are in danger. 3. She covered her face with her hands as if to protect her eyes. 4. Turning on his face, he rested his chin on his hands. 5. Never get on or off the bus before it comes to a standstill. 6. Practically all substances expand when heated and contract when cooled. 7. As she turned the corner she had a new idea which made her stop dead. 8. It is ten to one that we will over-fulfil our production quota. 9. From 4℃ on down, water will decreasein density and increase in volume as it gets colder. 10. T here are a number of peculiarities about the surface features of the earth. 11. H e went out and shut the door gently behind him. unit 7 repetition 重复法2. 2. The The The use use use of of of atomic atomic atomic weapons weapons weapons is is is a a a clear clear clear violation violation violation of of of international international international law, law, in particular of the Geneva Convention; 3. Aerostatics is the study of how an object is supported in the air by buoyancy, that is, its ability to float in the air as a boat floats on water. 1. Despite his versatility of talent and shiftiness of purpose, this man has in his whole lifetime been wedded to the most fossilized routine. ; 2. 2. The The The solid solid solid friendship friendship friendship between between between our our our two two two countries countries countries took took took shape shape shape during during during our our protected struggles against colonialism, hegemonism, and outmoded relationships. 5. 5. Reading Reading Reading exerci exerci exercises ses ses one’s one’s one’s eyes; eyes; eyes; speaking, speaking, speaking, one’s one’s one’s tongue; tongue; tongue; while while while writing, writing, writing, one’s one’s mind.; 6. 6. Thales Thales Thales thought thought thought water water water was was was the the the beginning beginning beginning of of of everything; everything; everything; Anaximenes, Anaximenes, Anaximenes, air; air; Heraclitus, fire. 1. Radar is a newly developed technique by which people can see things beyond the visibility of them. ; 3. 3. W e W e have have have advocated advocated advocated the the the principle principle principle of of of peaceful peaceful peaceful co-existence, co-existence, co-existence, which which which is is is now now growing more and more popular among the nations of Asia and Africa. 19. He walked down the line shaking hands with each other and mumbling a few words that were inaudible.; 21. Walking up and down the empty room, he stopped here and there to touch or look. unit 8 Inversion 倒置法12. S he had such a kindly, smiling, tender, gentle, generous heart of her own.; 13. S he was an intelligent, attractive and somewhat temperamental daughter of a well-to-do doctor in Haddington. 14. T hen one can see the oval face of a handsome young woman with deep darkeyes and l ong long heavy clinging tresses.  tresses. 15. B ernard Shaw was a well-known English playwright, who wrote many plays .; 16. A ir is a mixture of gases, of which oxygen forms 21 percent by volume.17. J ohn, who was sick yesterday , did not come to class.; 18. I n n a a a dispute dispute dispute between between between two two two states states with which one is friendly , , try try try not not not to to to get get involved.; 19. W e e maintain that no peace situation is permanent maintain that no peace situation is permanent which does not take into account the legitimate wishes of the majority of the people of any country.20. S he was s o so worried that she could hardly eat her supper.; 21. N ow that I think of it , we were wrong in turning down her proposal. unit 9 Negation 反译法22. S he did not l eave the letter here on purpose for you to read.; leave the letter here on purpose for you to read.; 23. Y ou cannot politely turn down the invitation to the conference. 24. U nder no circumstances would we give up our principles.  would we give up our principles. 25. H e was grown into quite another creature from what he was.; 26. O ur work is still a long way from perfection.; perfection.; 27. I have read your articles. I expected to meet an older man. 28. A ll of the atoms of an element do not have exactly the same mass.; 29. E verything is not good, but equally everything is not bad. 30. I t is not to be denied that no sacrifice is too great to avert a catastrophe. to avert a catastrophe. 31. W hen I think of all the waste, words fail me. unit 10 Division拆译法 1. They relentlessly tear at the flowers they see. 2. I shall be glad of your company on the journey. 3. 3. The The The time time time could could could have have have been been been more more more profitably profitably profitably spent spent spent in in in making making making a a a detailed detailed investigation. (= if the time had been spent in making a detailed investigation, it could have been more profitable.) 4. They tried vainly to blame us for the break down in the truce talks. 5. Any comment on it should appropriately come from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. 6. 6. Statistically Statistically Statistically significant significant significant correlation correlation correlation exists exists exists between between between vitamin vitamin vitamin deficiency deficiency deficiency and and disease. 7. 7. His His His article article article is is is a a a well-written well-written well-written composition composition composition with with with good good good organization organization organization and and and fine fine style. 8. In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colours. 9. The difficulty of attainment increases the value of the object. 10. 10. Electronic Electronic Electronic computers, computers, computers, which which which have have have many many many advantages, advantages, advantages, cannot cannot cannot do do do creative creative work and replace man. 11. Food which is kept too long decays because it is attacked by yeasts, moulds and bacteria. 12. There is an emergency exit in the roof of the car through which passengers can escape. unit 11 Condensation 缩译法1. 1. When When When we we we praise praise praise the the the Chinese Chinese Chinese leadership leadership leadership and and and the the the people, people, people, we we we are are are not not not merely merely being polite. 2. Before the night was far advanced, they began to move against the enemy. 3. The chances are that the new machine will arrive tomorrow. 4. 4. The The The imitation, imitation, imitation, or or or make-believe, make-believe, make-believe, of of of life life life which which which poetry poetry poetry offers offers offers constitutes constitutes constitutes an an ordered whole. 5. One “Take this” is better than two “I’ll give you”.unit 12 Translation of Passive Voice 被动式译法1. Gases are frequently regarded as compressible, liquids as incompressible. 2. Many elements in nature are found to be mixtures of different isotopes. unit 13 Translation of Long Sentences 长句译法1. From the standpoint of the developing countries, the next decade should see a a greatly greatly greatly accelerated accelerated accelerated program program program for for for scien fic scien fic scien fic and and and technological technological technological co-opera on, co-opera on, aimed at wide-spread dissemina on of technology for mee ng the basic needs of man, such as nutri on, shelter, communica ons, health and sanita on. 2. The tendency of a body to continue in motion is clear to one who observes that that an an an automobile automobile automobile or or or a a a train train train moves moves moves for for for some some some distance distance distance even even even when when when brakes brakes brakes are are used to check this motion. 3. 3. There There There is is is no no no more more more difference, difference, difference, but but but there there there is is is just just just the the the same same same kind kind kind of of of difference, difference, between between the the the mental mental mental operations operations operations of of of a a a man man man of of of science science science and and and those those those of of of an an an ordinary ordinary person as there is between the operations and methods of a baker or of a butcher who who weighs weighs weighs out out out his his his goods goods goods in in in common common common scales scales scales and and and the the the operations operations operations of of of a a a chemist chemist who who performs performs performs a a a difficult difficult difficult and and and complex complex complex analysis analysis analysis by by by means means means of of of his his his balance balance balance and and finely graduated weights. 。



直译与意译●直译所谓直译(literal translation),就是在译入语语法能力所允许的范围内,尽可能贴近原文内容与形式的翻译方法。


译例评析【1】Whether or not vegetarianism should be advocated for adults, it is definitely unstisfactory for growing children.译文:无论在成人当中是否应该提倡素食习惯,但这却绝对不能满足正在成长发育的孩子们的需要。

【2】But I hated Sakamoto, and I had a feeling he’d surely lead us both to our ancestors.译文:但是我恨坂本,并预感到他肯定会领着咱们去见祖先。

【3】Hitler was armed to the teethwhen he launched the Second World War, but ina few years, he was completely defeated.译文:希特勒在发动第二次世界大战时是武装到牙齿的,可是不过几年,就被彻底击败了。

注:有人认为直译就是逐字翻译(word-for-word translation),这实质上是一种误会。


例如下面杜甫《登高》诗的英译为例:风急天高猿啸哀Wind keen sky high apes scream mourning渚清沙白鸟飞回Islet pure sand white birds fly revolving无边落木萧萧下Without limit falling trees bleakly shed不尽长江滚滚来No exhaustble long river rolling-rolling come万里悲秋常作客Myriad-li melancholy autumn constantly be traveler百年多病独登台Hundred-years much sickness alone ascend terrace艰难困苦繁双鬓Difficulties bitter-regrets proliferate frosty temples潦倒新停浊酒杯Despondent newly stop muddy wine cups总之,我们切不可把直译理解为逐字译。

笔译期末复习资料 英文版本

笔译期末复习资料 英文版本

笔译期末复习资料Unit 4 conversion转换法1.I have no intension of wearying you with this matter.2.It was only my capacity for hard work that saved me from early dismissal.3.The two leaders had a serious and frank exchange of views on Sino-U.S.relations and world affairs.4.The basilica is a conglomeration of contrary styles and periods.5.In the exchange of cultures throughout the world, the study of foreignlanguages is a must.6.The thought of him always fills me with strength. (adverbial clause of time)7.Urgent business prevented me from calling on you.8.A day’s exploration convinced him that this was not the spot.9.A wet day brings out colorful light mackintoshes.Unit 5 addition 增补法1.It is a part, and a very important part, of the air defense of our country.2.Since gaining our independence, we have made every effort to overcome theservitude of our past.3.The frequency, wavelength, and speed of sound are closely related.4.The chief effects of electric currents are the magnetic, heating and chemicaleffects.5.This report summed up the new achievements made in electron tubes,semiconductors and components.6.The spirit of peaceful coexistence must embody the idea that states cannot beleft to struggle on single-handed.7.Theory is something, but practice is everything.8.The whole square was alive with singing and rejoicing.9.He has in his vision the totality of every world problem, political, economic,human…10.I t’s a bit fishy that sh e should have given away a villa like that.Unit 6 Omission 省略法1.Water passes from a liquid to solid state when it freezes.2.You should keep calm even when you are in danger.3.She covered her face with her hands as if to protect her eyes.4.Turning on his face, he rested his chin on his hands.5.Never get on or off the bus before it comes to a standstill.6.Practically all substances expand when heated and contract when cooled.7.As she turned the corner she had a new idea which made her stop dead.8.It is ten to one that we will over-fulfil our production quota.9.From 4℃on down, water will decrease in density and increase in volume asit gets colder.10.T here are a number of peculiarities about the surface features of the earth.11.H e went out and shut the door gently behind him.unit 7 repetition 重复法2. The use of atomic weapons is a clear violation of international law, in particular of the Geneva Convention;3. Aerostatics is the study of how an object is supported in the air by buoyancy, that is, its ability to float in the air as a boat floats on water.1. Despite his versatility of talent and shiftiness of purpose, this man has in his whole lifetime been wedded to the most fossilized routine. ;2. The solid friendship between our two countries took shape during our protected struggles against colonialism, hegemonism, and outmoded relationships.5. Reading exercises one’s eyes; speaking, one’s tongue; while writing, one’s mind.;6. Thales thought water was the beginning of everything; Anaximenes, air; Heraclitus, fire.1. Radar is a newly developed technique by which people can see things beyond the visibility of them. ;3. We have advocated the principle of peaceful co-existence, which is now growing more and more popular among the nations of Asia and Africa.19. He walked down the line shaking hands with each other and mumbling a few words that were inaudible.;21. Walking up and down the empty room, he stopped here and there to touch or look.unit 8 Inversion 倒置法12.S he had such a kindly, smiling, tender, gentle, generous heart of her own.;13.S he was an intelligent, attractive and somewhat temperamental daughter of awell-to-do doctor in Haddington.14.T hen one can see the oval face of a handsome young woman with deep darkeyes and long heavy clinging tresses.15.B ernard Shaw was a well-known English playwright, who wrote many plays.;16.A ir is a mixture of gases, of which oxygen forms 21 percent by volume.17.J ohn, who was sick yesterday, did not come to class.;18.I n a dispute between two states with which one is friendly, try not to getinvolved.;19.W e maintain that no peace situation is permanent which does not take intoaccount the legitimate wishes of the majority of the people of any country.20.S he was so worried that she could hardly eat her supper.;21.N ow that I think of it, we were wrong in turning down her proposal.unit 9 Negation 反译法22.S he did not leave the letter here on purpose for you to read.;23.Y ou cannot politely turn down the invitation to the conference.24.U nder no circumstances would we give up our principles.25.H e was grown into quite another creature from what he was.;26.O ur work is still a long way from perfection.;27.I have read your articles. I expected to meet an older man.28.A ll of the atoms of an element do not have exactly the same mass.;29.E verything is not good, but equally everything is not bad.30.I t is not to be denied that no sacrifice is too great to avert a catastrophe.31.W hen I think of all the waste, words fail me.unit 10 Division 拆译法1. They relentlessly tear at the flowers they see.2. I shall be glad of your company on the journey.3. The time could have been more profitably spent in making a detailed investigation. (= if the time had been spent in making a detailed investigation, it could have been more profitable.)4. They tried vainly to blame us for the break down in the truce talks.5. Any comment on it should appropriately come from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.6. Statistically significant correlation exists between vitamin deficiency and disease.7. His article is a well-written composition with good organization and fine style.8. In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colours.9. The difficulty of attainment increases the value of the object.10. Electronic computers, which have many advantages, cannot do creative work and replace man.11. Food which is kept too long decays because it is attacked by yeasts, moulds and bacteria.12. There is an emergency exit in the roof of the car through which passengers can escape.unit 11 Condensation 缩译法1. When we praise the Chinese leadership and the people, we are not merely being polite.2. Before the night was far advanced, they began to move against the enemy.3. The chances are that the new machine will arrive tomorrow.4. The imitation, or make-believe, of life which poetry offers constitutes an ordered whole.5. One “Take this” is better than two “I’ll give you”.unit 12 Translation of Passive Voice 被动式译法1. Gases are frequently regarded as compressible, liquids as incompressible.2. Many elements in nature are found to be mixtures of different isotopes.unit 13 Translation of Long Sentences 长句译法1. From the standpoint of the developing countries, the next decade should seea greatly accelerated program for scientific and technological co-operation, aimed at wide-spread dissemination of technology for meeting the basic needs of man, such as nutrition, shelter, communications, health and sanitation.2. The tendency of a body to continue in motion is clear to one who observes that an automobile or a train moves for some distance even when brakes are used to check this motion.3. There is no more difference, but there is just the same kind of difference, between the mental operations of a man of science and those of an ordinary person as there is between the operations and methods of a baker or of a butcher who weighs out his goods in common scales and the operations of a chemist who performs a difficult and complex analysis by means of his balance and finely graduated weights.。












































笔译1.文化翻译的三种方式:1)Domestication: substituting. Transform characteristic ingredients into one kind of culture to some contents which people are familiar with in another kind. It is to use the words and expressions that have the same frequency of use with the source words and expressions but generally we use some words and expressions with certain cultural color to translate the primitive words and expressions. 轻如鸿毛:as light as a feather;火上浇油:add fuel to the flames.2)Foreignization: grafting. A kind of translation that transmits information of one culture and language maintaining its original appearance to another culture and language.例:go to law for a sheep, you lose a cow.为一只羊打官司,却损失了一头牛。

An ivory tower. 象牙塔3) Compensation: combining. 三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮:three cobblers with their wits combined would equal Zhege Liang, the ancient master mind.2.understanding of translating in lithe of information theory.Translating is a domain of liberal arts and the Information theory:is a science.Translating consists in the reproduction in the receptor language of the message of the source language . Information, a term with many meanings depending on context, is as a rule closely related to such concepts as message, meaning, knowledge and so on .Information’sStandard is Reliability and Validity while Translation’s Standard is Faithfulness; Expressiveness; Elegance.In short , Translating is a system where the information flows from the source languge to the target language. Translating is to convey the information in the source language into the target language, rather than just to change the languages. The information to be conveyed includes: linguistic, formal, cultural, stylistic, etc.American characterThe hurrying about in pursuit of wealth ~ How this trait leads to immoralityThe serious manner of Americans ~ Their underlying kindnessInformality in social situations ~ Physical appearanceActive: for anyone who has been to the US, one thing he cannot fail to notice about Americans is their orientation to action. Americans seem to be always busy doing something.Ambitious: Americans advance in their careers and are driven by motivations. The American hold such belief that one is what one does, which propels the Americans and gives the culture its quality of drivenness, and Americans have a recurrent need to prove themselves and thereby attain an identity through success and achievement.Optimistic: the optimism holds that trying to do something about a condition or problem will almost invariably bring success in solving it, which seem to be specifically American.。





A. 语内翻译B. 语际翻译C. 符际翻译D. 以上选项都正确2. 下面哪个选项是错误的?_________。

A. dry goods:纺织品B.white goods:白色的货物C.white wine:白葡萄酒D.toilet water:花露水3. “This is a special offer and is not subject to our usual discounts” 请问下面哪个译文最合适?________。

A. 这是特殊报盘,不以我方通常折扣为条件。

B. 这是特惠报盘,我方通常折扣不适应于此盘。

C. 此系特惠报盘,不另加我方通常折扣。

D. 这是特殊报盘,不局限于我们通常折扣。







A.尤金.奈达B.泰特勒C.许渊冲D.鲁迅6. 下面哪个配对是错误的?_____。

A.赤脚医生:barefoot doctor B.纸老虎:paper tigerC.to show one’s cards:摊牌D.大海捞针:look for a needle in seaD B C D C D7.哪句话的描述是正确的?______。



I never had much in seeing you. There was no love lost between us, at any time, I think.我向来不大想看到你,我觉得咱们俩之间从来不曾有过好感。

We grumble a little now and then. But there's no love lost between us.我们虽然偶尔会相互抱怨,但是彼此之间仍然是相爱的。

It is possible that they never imagined that any considerable amount of public opinion would be rallied in their favor.他们可能决没有想到竟会有这么多舆论支持他们。

He wanted to learn , to know, to teach.他渴望博学广闻,喜欢追根穷源,并且好为人师。

Such people are always passive in that at the critical moment they stand still and have to be given a hard shove in the back before they take a step forward.这种人老是被动,在紧要的关头老是止步不前,老是需要别人在他的背上击一猛掌,才肯向前跨进一步。


It has been a fine, golden autumn, a lovely farewell to those who would lose their youth, and some of them their lives, before the leaves turned again in a peacetimeThe May Fourth Movement of 1919 saw the beginnings of the “New Redology”, represented, by scholars such as Hu Shi and Yu Ping-bo.1919年“五四”运动以后,开始了“新红学”时代,代表人物有胡适、余平伯这样一些学者。



1. Today the electronic computer is widely used in solving mathematical problems having to do with weather forecasting and putting satellites into orbit.译文:今天, 电子计算机广泛地运用于解决一些数学问题, 这些问题与天气预报、把卫星送入轨道有关。

2. No reference books are to be taken out of the reading-room without permission译文:本阅览室的任何参考书都不得擅自带出。

3. Youth is not a time of life; it is a state of mind. It is the freshness of the deep springs of life.译文:青春不是人生的一个阶段,而是一种心境。


4. The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of the information media.译文:因为距离远,又缺乏交通工具,农村社会是与外界隔绝的。


5. You can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.译文:骗人一夕一事易,欺众一生一世难。

6. Care should be taken at all times to protect these sophisticated instruments from dust and damp.译文:应当始终注意保护这些精密仪器,不使其沾染灰尘,不让他们受潮。



笔译复习材料句子练习1、据报道估计,今年国内游客将增加到19亿人次,比去年激增10%;总收入将达到9500 亿人民币(约合139()亿美元),比去年增长8%o (教材P357)According to report estimates, the number of domestic tourists this year will increase by a robust 10 percent to 1.9 billion persons, and total revenue will gain 8 percent to reach 950 billion Yuan ($139billion)2、茶庄印制的产品简介更详细地介绍了各种茶的特色和功效,印有中、英、FI三个版本,务求令世界各地的人都可认识到屮国茶文化的精髓。

(教材P86)Our shop' s catalogues introduce the features and effects of all kinds of tea in detail・ We provide the catalogues in three versions: Chinese, English, and Japanese, so as to make the essence of the Chinese tea culture known to the world・3、我公司是东南亚地区最大的高尔夫设备销售代理商之一。


Our company is one of the largest sales agents for golf equipment in south east Asia, Any information about our crcdibil让y, please ask the First Commercial Bank in Hong Kong4^ Form the discouragement of his mining failure, Mark Twain began digging his way to regional fame as a newspaper reporter and humorist. The instant riches of a mining strike would not be his in the reporting trade, but for making money, his pen would prove mightier than his pickax・自从他因淘金失败而感到心灰意冷z后,马克?吐温便开始努力博取作为一名报社记者和幽默作家的地区性声望。



1. 英译汉Just as Darwin discovered the law of development of organic nature so Marx discovered the law of development of human history, the simple fact , hitherto concealed by an overgrowth of ideology, that mankind must first of all eat, drink, have shelter and clothing before it can pursue politics, science, art, religion, etc; that, therefore the production of the immediate material means of subsistence and consequently the degree of economic development attained by a given people during a given epoch form the foundation upon which the state institutions, the legal conceptions, art, and even the ideas on religion, of the people concerned have been evolved, and in the light of which they must, therefore, be explained, instead of vice versa, as had hitherto been the case.英译汉:正如达尔文发现有机自然界的发展规律一样,马克思发现了人类历史的发展规律,即历来繁茂芜杂的意识形态所掩盖着的一个简单事实:人们首先要吃、要喝、要穿、要住,然后才能从事政治、科学、艺术、宗教等等;所以,生产直接与生活有关部门的物质用品,会为一个民族或一个时代带来一定的经济发展,这两者又构成了国家制度、法律观念、艺术以及宗教思想的基础。



商务英语口笔译期末复习短语翻译arrival time 抵达时间avail oneself of 利用buffet reception 冷餐招待会business card/namecard 名片business contact 业务联系chamber of commerce商会common knowledge常识conclude a transaction达成协议cooperative venture合作企业corperation image 公司形象credit standing 信誉情况departure/take-off time 起飞时间deputy manager 副经理enlarge the business scope 扩大业务范围financial standing 财政情况home and abroad 国内外joint venture 合资企业learn with pleasure 欣悉make an appointment with 与(某人)约定make sb. acquaintance 结识某人multi-national corporation 跨国公司on behalf of 代表on therecommendation of 由..介绍regular customer 老客户sales manager 销售经理set up an appointment with 与(某人)约定the latest catalogue 最新目录trade relation 贸易关系waiting hall 候机大厅adjourn/close the meeting 散会ask for the floor 要求发言business negotiation 商务谈判closing speech 闭幕词counter-offer 还盘draft resolution 决议草案,提案first/preliminary draft 草案初稿firm offer 实盘from my point of view/in my opinion 以我的观点give the floor to 同意..发言items on the agenda 议程项目lodge a claim 提出索赔make/deliver a speech 做报告make an inquiry 询价move an amendment 提出修正案non-firm offer 虚盘on our part 我方operative part 生效部分place on the agenda 列入议程present price 现/市价procurement price 收购价raise an objection 提出异议reach an understanding 达成谅解rules of procedure 议事规则summary record 摘要记录take the floor/address the meeting 发言terminate the contract 中止合同tough negotiator 难对付的谈判者trade fair 商品交易会unit price 单价win-win strategy 双赢战略associated company 联营公司balance sheet 资产负债表Board of Directors 董事会business ethics 商业道德business philosophy 经营理念business plan 商务计划buy out 收购全部或大部分股权CEO:Chief ExecutiveOfficer 首席执行官company law 公司法corporate finances 公司财务corporate governance 公司监管crisis management 危机管理current assets 流动资产day-to-day management 日常管理economies of scale 规模经济Executive Director 执行董事external environment 外部环境feasibility study 可行性研究fixed assets 固定资产gross profit 毛利gross yield 毛收益holding company 控股公司HQ:hearquarter 总部intangible assets 无形资产internal environment 内部环境joint venture 合资企业joint ventures and alliances 合资与联盟listed company 上市公司management hierarchy 管理等级制度management skill 管理技巧managerial decision 管理决策MBO:management by objectives 目标管理net profit 净利润operation chart 经营(管理)表parent company 母公司parents and sisters company 母公司和姐妹公司personal assets 个人资产PLC:public limited company 公共股份有限公司private company 私人公司Purchasing Manager 采购经理quality assurance 质量保证raw material 原材料retained profit 留存利润ROI:return on investment 投资回报scientific management 科学管理self actualization 自我(价值)实现small and medium-sized enterprise 中小型企业sole trader 独资经营者state-owned enterprise 国有企业strategy committee 战略委员会take over 接管tangible assets 有形资产TQC:total quality control 全面质量控制trade association 贸易联盟单句翻译1.你可以在样本室里拿到这本最新的目录册。



期末考试翻译句子部分复习资料一.断句译法1. 耳朵是用来听声音的器官,鼻子用来闻气味,舌头用来尝滋味。

The ear is the organ that is used for hearing. The nose is used for smelling. The tongue is used for tasting.2. 要想着美好的事情,要沉浸在过去的快乐中,并满怀感激之情。

Dwell on the good. Be consumed by past joys and obsessed with gratitude.3. 一般而言,富人的确要比穷人幸福,但尽管金钱可以增加幸福,这种效应却持续不了多久。

It is true that the rich are happier, on average, than the poor. But while money boosts happiness, the effect doesn't last.4. 关于能量,有这么一条基本的知识:相似频率的能量会互相吸引。

Here is a basic fact about energy. It is attracted to energy ofa similar frequency.5. 爱美之心人皆有之,注重外表美也并没有犯什么条款,问题是凡事都要有度,超出尺度行事的人便好比买椟还珠。

Everyone loves beauty, and caring about one's physical beauty is not wrong. However, there is always a limit. Those who go beyond the limit will miss the real essence of beauty.6. 20世纪上半叶的上海,曾经是中国工业、贸易、金融和商业中心,吸引过不少外来投资者,一度成为冒险家的乐园。



句子翻译:1.Age had weakened him, but his mind remained strong.他虽然年迈体衰,但脑力仍然健旺。

2. “… you are old enough to know better.” Mum said to her daughter.妈妈对女儿说:“你都老大不小啦,该懂事一些了。

”2.This hospital expenses made inroads on my savings.这些住院费用耗掉了我大部分积蓄4.It would be one setback too many for him.他可再也经不住什么挫折了.5. When it came to reading, they were as good as blind.一拿起书本,他们可都成了睁眼瞎了.6.The lights in the hall dazzled me.大厅的灯亮得我睁不开眼睛.7.You can trust him completely, he eats no fish.你完全可以相信他,他是个诚实的人。

8.小康水平A relatively comfortable standard of living9. 争取运动成绩与精神文明双丰收For better records and sportsmanship10.The thick carpet killed the sound of my footsteps.我走在厚厚的地毯上,一点声音也没有.11.Care and kindness surrounded us the moment we stepped into thecountry.一踏上这个国家的土地上,我们就处处受到了关怀和款待12.Excitement deprived me of all my power of utterance.我兴奋得什么话也说不出来.13. The forty years brought almost ten million migrants to America. 近40年中,近一千万移民移居美国.14. Their language was unrestrained by any motive of prudence.他们几乎爱讲什么就讲什么,都没有顾及到什么谨慎不谨慎的问题.15. Nothing that has been done cannot be done better.直译:没有什么已被做过的事情不能被做得更好.意译:任何事情都有改进的余地.16. Words don’t always mean what they seem to mean.直译:文字语言并不总是它表面的含义.意译:话语常有弦外之音.17. March 1990 found me working in a small construction firm.直译:1990年发现我在一家小型建筑公司工作.意译:1990年,我在一家小型建筑公司工作。



In-Class Translation Exercises(I)(I)We can nowhere find a better type of a perfectly free creature than in the common house-fly. Nor free only, but brave. There is no courtesy in him; he does not care whether it is king or clown whom he teases; and in every step of his swift mechanical march, and in every pause of his resolute observation, there is one and the same expression of perfect egotism, perfect independence and self-confidence, and conviction of the world's having been made for flies.Strike at him with your hand, and to him, the aspect of the matter is, what to you it would be if an acre of red clay, ten feet thick, tore itself up from the ground and came crashing down with an aim. He steps out of the way of your hand, and alights on the back of it. Y ou cannot terrify him, nor govern him, nor persuade him, nor convince him.我们无论在什么地方都找不到象普通家蝇那样一种绝对自由的生物了。

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笔译期末复习资料Unit 4 conversion转换法1.I have no intension of wearying you with this matter.2.It was only my capacity for hard work that saved me from early dismissal.3.The two leaders had a serious and frank exchange of views on Sino-U.S.relations and world affairs.4.The basilica is a conglomeration of contrary styles and periods.5.In the exchange of cultures throughout the world, the study of foreignlanguages is a must.6.The thought of him always fills me with strength. (adverbial clause of time)7.Urgent business prevented me from calling on you.8.A day’s exploration convinced him that this was not the spot.9.A wet day brings out colorful light mackintoshes.Unit 5 addition 增补法1.It is a part, and a very important part, of the air defense of our country.2.Since gaining our independence, we have made every effort to overcome theservitude of our past.3.The frequency, wavelength, and speed of sound are closely related.4.The chief effects of electric currents are the magnetic, heating and chemicaleffects.5.This report summed up the new achievements made in electron tubes,semiconductors and components.6.The spirit of peaceful coexistence must embody the idea that states cannot beleft to struggle on single-handed.7.Theory is something, but practice is everything.8.The whole square was alive with singing and rejoicing.9.He has in his vision the totality of every world problem, political, economic,human…10.I t’s a bit fishy that she should have given away a villa like that.Unit 6 Omission 省略法1.Water passes from a liquid to solid state when it freezes.2.You should keep calm even when you are in danger.3.She covered her face with her hands as if to protect her eyes.4.Turning on his face, he rested his chin on his hands.5.Never get on or off the bus before it comes to a standstill.6.Practically all substances expand when heated and contract when cooled.7.As she turned the corner she had a new idea which made her stop dead.8.It is ten to one that we will over-fulfil our production quota.9.From 4℃on down, water will decrease in density and increase in volume asit gets colder.10.T here are a number of peculiarities about the surface features of the earth.11.H e went out and shut the door gently behind him.unit 7 repetition 重复法2. The use of atomic weapons is a clear violation of international law, in particular of the Geneva Convention;3. Aerostatics is the study of how an object is supported in the air by buoyancy, that is, its ability to float in the air as a boat floats on water.1. Despite his versatility of talent and shiftiness of purpose, this man has in his whole lifetime been wedded to the most fossilized routine. ;2. The solid friendship between our two countries took shape during our protected struggles against colonialism, hegemonism, and outmoded relationships.5. Reading exerci ses one’s eyes; speaking, one’s tongue; while writing, one’s mind.;6. Thales thought water was the beginning of everything; Anaximenes, air; Heraclitus, fire.1. Radar is a newly developed technique by which people can see things beyond the visibility of them. ;3. We have advocated the principle of peaceful co-existence, which is now growing more and more popular among the nations of Asia and Africa.19. He walked down the line shaking hands with each other and mumbling a few words that were inaudible.;21. Walking up and down the empty room, he stopped here and there to touch or look.unit 8 Inversion 倒置法12.S he had such a kindly, smiling, tender, gentle, generous heart of her own.;13.S he was an intelligent, attractive and somewhat temperamental daughter of awell-to-do doctor in Haddington.14.T hen one can see the oval face of a handsome young woman with deep darkeyes and long heavy clinging tresses.15.B ernard Shaw was a well-known English playwright, who wrote many plays.;16.A ir is a mixture of gases, of which oxygen forms 21 percent by volume.17.J ohn, who was sick yesterday, did not come to class.;18.I n a dispute between two states with which one is friendly, try not to getinvolved.;19.W e maintain that no peace situation is permanent which does not take intoaccount the legitimate wishes of the majority of the people of any country.20.S he was so worried that she could hardly eat her supper.;21.N ow that I think of it, we were wrong in turning down her proposal.unit 9 Negation 反译法22.S he did not leave the letter here on purpose for you to read.;23.Y ou cannot politely turn down the invitation to the conference.24.U nder no circumstances would we give up our principles.25.H e was grown into quite another creature from what he was.;26.O ur work is still a long way from perfection.;27.I have read your articles. I expected to meet an older man.28.A ll of the atoms of an element do not have exactly the same mass.;29.E verything is not good, but equally everything is not bad.30.I t is not to be denied that no sacrifice is too great to avert a catastrophe.31.W hen I think of all the waste, words fail me.unit 10 Division 拆译法1. They relentlessly tear at the flowers they see.2. I shall be glad of your company on the journey.3. The time could have been more profitably spent in making a detailed investigation. (= if the time had been spent in making a detailed investigation, it could have been more profitable.)4. They tried vainly to blame us for the break down in the truce talks.5. Any comment on it should appropriately come from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.6. Statistically significant correlation exists between vitamin deficiency and disease.7. His article is a well-written composition with good organization and fine style.8. In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colours.9. The difficulty of attainment increases the value of the object.10. Electronic computers, which have many advantages, cannot do creative work and replace man.11. Food which is kept too long decays because it is attacked by yeasts, moulds and bacteria.12. There is an emergency exit in the roof of the car through which passengers can escape.unit 11 Condensation 缩译法1. When we praise the Chinese leadership and the people, we are not merely being polite.2. Before the night was far advanced, they began to move against the enemy.3. The chances are that the new machine will arrive tomorrow.4. The imitation, or make-believe, of life which poetry offers constitutes an ordered whole.5. One “Take this” is better than two “I’ll give you”.unit 12 Translation of Passive Voice 被动式译法1. Gases are frequently regarded as compressible, liquids as incompressible.2. Many elements in nature are found to be mixtures of different isotopes.unit 13 Translation of Long Sentences 长句译法1. From the standpoint of the developing countries, the next decade should seea greatly accelerated program for scientific and technological co-operation, aimed at wide-spread dissemination of technology for meeting the basic needs of man, such as nutrition, shelter, communications, health and sanitation.2. The tendency of a body to continue in motion is clear to one who observes that an automobile or a train moves for some distance even when brakes are used to check this motion.3. There is no more difference, but there is just the same kind of difference, between the mental operations of a man of science and those of an ordinary person as there is between the operations and methods of a baker or of a butcher who weighs out his goods in common scales and the operations of a chemist who performs a difficult and complex analysis by means of his balance and finely graduated weights.。
