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As we all know that the 21st century is the science age,many magical scientific experiments are drawing our attention,while the cloning technology is the most popular topic.

The cloning refers to a means of raising up seed by combining the gender cell together.Although the cloning technology can breed new varieties,such as the people's organ,which can make a great contribution to humanbeings.However,the disaster brought by it is endless.

In fact,no matter how excellent the cloning technology is,failures can not be avoided,thus has alreasy been accepted among the researchers.As we can see,the cloning species are always of low survival rate like the sheep Dolly.In the 277 embryo fusion,only one survived,namely the success rate is only 0.36%.Besides,among large numbers of the cloning calves,most of them died for the heart anomaly or the uremia,and part of them have different degree of physiological defect and immunologic deficiency.However,at present,many scientists start the human beings' cloning.Many strange babies are born due to the failure of the cloning,which is disappointing to us.Thus is the clue of the human beings' cloning,undoubtedly,it seriously trample the lives.In addition,the human cloning really succeed,condusion must be brought to the law.The cloning people don't have the curators,which means that they are onlt the result of the scientists' research.The cloning people are exhaustive orphans,no one will take care of them.Therefore,it's cruel to the cloning people.

I believe that noone want to see thus happen,those crazy scientists destroy each cloning people's lives,undoubedly,it's a crime instead of a research.And noone will suppotr the research by killing the people.What's worse,thus research will bring more serious disasters and crime to humanbeings,which is also the improvement leading us going to the doom.
