起力 26650锂电池 规格书
![起力 26650锂电池 规格书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/176492d09ec3d5bbfd0a7472.png)
1 适用范围
品符合:Q/WT----企业标准的各项要求(标准部分引用:UL1642、GB/T18287-2013 蜂窝电话用锂离子电池
总规范以及 IEC61960-1:2000 便携式锂电池和蓄电池组国家标准)。
搁置 20 小时后,以 0.2CA 电流恒流放电到终 放电时间不少于
3 低 温 放 电 止电压,测量放电时间。然后将电池在环境温 180 分钟。
度 25±5℃的条件下搁置 2 小时,然后目测电 电 池 外 观 无 变
标准充电⑴结束后,将电池放入 55±2℃的高
⑵ 标准放电:在环境温度:25±5℃条件下,对电池以 0.2CA 恒流放电至终止电压(2.75V)。 ⑶ 标准测试环境:
温度:20-30℃ 相对湿度:25%~85%RH 大气压力:86kPa~106kPa。 4.2 电化学性能:
序号 项目
标准充电⑴结束后,放置 1 小时。在 25±5℃
起力 26650 锂电池规格书
Force 26650 lithium battery specification
高质量足容 26650 锂电池(耐用型)
电池型号: 26650 锂电池 规格:5000mah/3.7V
电话:18565809788 严先生 QQ:546249791
不起火,不爆炸,不漏 液(允许电池变形)。
锂电池规格书(完整版)实用资料(可以直接使用,可编辑完整版实用资料,欢迎下载)1.产品应用范围4.测试条件6机械特性10聚合物可充电电池操作指示及注意事项10.3保护电路模块附录1:电池产品电性能曲线图聚合物电池规格书页次:11 of 13 附录 2:电池产品放电曲线图产品型号:PL503759 文件版本:A2 文件编号:PL5037593V71300G3J-20 日期:2006-08-18Discharge Characteristics on Temperature 120% 110% 100% 90% 80% C a p a c i t y% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Temperature/ ℃ Cycle-life Characteristics 120 110 100 Discharge Capacity /% 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 Charge (CC/CV: 1C 5A--4.2V--0.05C 5A cutoff Discharge (CC: 1C 5A--2.75V cutoff 25 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Cycle Number /Cycle聚合物电池规格书页次:12 of 13 产品型号:PL503759 文件版本:A2 文件编号:PL5037593V71300G3J-20 日期:2006-08-18 1 Outline 综述 manufactured By WWEE GROUP LIMITED. Contents 内容 This specification is suitable a One-serial-cell Lithium Battery Protection circuit 2 Application scope 应用范围 (1 Lithium-ion rechargeable battery packs 聚合物可充电电池; (2 Lithium polymer battery packs 聚合物聚合物可充电电池. 3 Electrical characteristics 电气特性 Item 项目 Symbol 符号Content 详细内容 Over charge detection voltage 过充电检测电压 Over charge detection delay time 过充电检测延迟时间 Over charge release voltage 过充电解除电压Over discharge detection voltage 过放电检测电压 Over discharge detection delay time 过放电检测延迟时间 Topt=25℃ Criterion 标准 4.28±0.05V 1.2s 4.10±0.05V3.0V±0.1V 144ms VDET1 Over charge Protection 过充保护 tVDET1 VREL1 VDET2 Over discharge protection 过放保护 tVDET2 Over current detection voltage 150±20mV 过电流检测电压 Over current detection current 2±0.5A IDP 过电流保护电流 Over current protection Detection delay time 过流保护 9ms tVDET3 检测延迟时间 Release condition Cut load 保护解除条件断开负载 Detection condition Exterior short circuit 保护条件外部电路短路 Detection delay time Short protection 320us TSHORT 检测延迟时间短路保护 Release condition Cut short circuit 保护解除条件断开短路电路Interior resistance Main loop electrify resistance VC=4.2V,RDS≤120mΩ RDS 内阻主回路通态电阻Current consumption Current consume in normal operation 3.0μA Type 6.0μA Max IDD 消耗电流通常工作时消耗电流静态电流 Current consume at power down <0.1μA IPWN Static current 休眠时消耗电流注:以上测试环境均为 25±5℃所测出的值,非常温下可能有所不同,该电路的工作温度范围为-40--85℃,具体测试VDET3 条件要求及测试电路要求请参照保护 IC 之规格书要求.精卓儀器設備製造規格單一、品名:鹽水噴霧試驗機二、型號:F~60三、規格說明:1、内箱尺寸:600*450*400*mm (W*D*H*)2、外箱尺寸:1075*630*1185*mm(W*D*H*)3、电源:220V 单相1.5KW 50HZ4、試驗機箱體採用台湾台塑集团南亚牌淺灰色PVC板,厚度5mm,耐用溫度85℃。
锂离子电池产品规格书 MLP502030 250mAh 3.7V说明书
![锂离子电池产品规格书 MLP502030 250mAh 3.7V说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/597d8390b8f3f90f76c66137ee06eff9aef84993.png)
History of specification规格书修订记录Date Contents Remarks 2018-05-12First issue A0Content/目录1.Scope/适用范围Page42.Cell Specification/电芯规格说明Page4/53.Battery/Cell performance test Criteria/电池性能标准Page6 3.1Appearance inspection by visual/外观目测Page6 3.2Environmental test condition/外界环境条件Page6 3.3Electrical characteristics/电气特性Page6 3.4Mechanical characteristics/机械特性Page73.5Safety performance/安全性能Page7/84.Cell initial Dimensions/电芯初始尺寸Page84.2Picture of assembled battery组合电池图5.Protection Circuit保护电路5.1PCM parameter PCM参数6.Circuit topology Drawing and PIN Explanation电路布线图和焊盘说明6.1PCM BOM保护板物料清单6.2Assembled cell parameters包装后电芯组参数附录Page9 Page9 Page9 Page10 Page10 Page101.Scope/适用范围The specification shall be applied to Li-ion Polymer rechargeable battery pack of MLP502030 250mAh3.7V,which is manufactured.本规格书适用于公司生产的MLP502030250mAh3.7V可充电聚合物锂离子电池.2.Cell Specification/电芯产品规格No.Item项目Specification性能1Rated Capacity额定容量250mAh,0.2C discharging2Minimum Capacity最小容量250mAh,0.2C discharging3Normal Voltage标称电压3.70V4O.C.V出厂电压 3.80-4.2V5Charge Ending Voltage充电截止电压4.20±0.03V6Discharge Ending Voltage放电截止电压3.0V7Standard charging method标准充电方式0.5C constant current charge to 4.2V,then constantvoltage4.2V charge till charged current declines to≤0.01C,0℃~45℃8Charge current充电电流Standard charge:0.2CRapid charge:1.0C9charging Time充电时间Standard charge:5.5~6.5hRapid charge:1.5~2.5h10Max.Charging Current最大充电电流1.0C(5℃~+45℃)11Standard dischargingCurrent标准放电电流0.2C constant current discharge to3.0V.10℃~+60℃12Max.Discharging Current最大放电电流1.0C(10℃~+60℃)13Operating environment工作环境Charging:0℃-45℃,65%±25%RHDischarging:10℃-60℃,65%±25%RH14Cell Impedance单电芯内阻<140mohm,(4.2V AC1KHz measured)15Dimension of Single Cell单电芯尺寸Thickness Max5.0mmWidth Max20.5mmHeight Max30.5mm3.Picture of single cell 单体电芯图Fig.(1)The Dimension of Single Cell图(1)单体电池尺寸图厚度T 宽度W 长度L L1W1E 5.0±0.120.0±0.530.0±0.56.5±1.52.0-3.07.0±1.5UNIT 单位:MM4.Picture of assembled battery组合电池图Fig.(2)The Dimension of Assembled Battery图(2)组合电池外形尺寸图厚度T 宽度W 长度L 线径Ø线型插头型号5.0±0.120.0±1.033.0±1.00.9UL1007/24#XH2.54-2P备注:UNIT 单位:MM5.产品规格及电气参数Product Specification and Electrical Parameters序号Item项目Specification性能1Assembled Mode组合方式1P2Normal Capacity标称容量≥250mAh,0.2C discharging3Normal Voltage标称电压3.7V4Impedance成品内阻<240mohm,(100%charge AC1KHz measured)5Assembly Dimension装配尺寸Thickness Max5.1mmWidth Max21.0mmHeight Max33.0mm4.Battery/Cell performance test Criteria/电池性能标准4.1Appearance inspection by visual/外观目测There shall be no such defect as rust,leakage,which may adversely affect commercial value of battery.电池外观应没有锈渍、污渍、漏液等影响商业价值的缺陷存在。
SMD 5.1KΩ±5%
SMD 10mΩ±5%
SMD 51Ω±5%
SMD 0.22μF
30.0μA Max
零 V 充电
向0 V电池充电(电芯电压最小1.7V)
4 Parts list主要元件清单
Batteryprotection IC
Silicon MOSFET
SMD 510Ω±5%
SMD 10KΩ±5%
锂离子电池规格书型号:BL-5c标称: 1000mAh修订履历1、目的对深圳市好远通电子有限公司出品的可充锂离子电池的产品规格、测试方法进行规范,避免因测试条件、方法的不同引起误差。
2、产品类别和产品型号2.1 类别:锂离子可充电池2.2 产品型号高务电池BL-5C/1000mAh3、产品基本特性4、特性4.1电性能4.2 安全性能4.3 环境适应性温度:25±2℃,相对湿度:45±20%(除非另外要求)6、产品责任书消费者必须严格遵守深圳市好远通电子有限公司规格书和文件后面的注示使用电池,由于误用会引起电池过热,发生火灾或爆炸,对于没有按照规格书进行操作所造成的任何意外事故,深圳市慧通天下科技股份有限公司不负任何责任。
比克电池 锂离子电池规格书说明书
![比克电池 锂离子电池规格书说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1b0ccdad80c758f5f61fb7360b4c2e3f56272570.png)
Contents 目录1Preface 前言2Definition 定义Nominal capacity 标称容量Standard charge method 标准充电方式Standard discharge method 标准放电方式3Cell type and dimension电芯型号及尺寸Description and model 电芯说明及型号Cell dimension 电芯尺寸4Cell characteristics电芯特性5Technical requirements技术要求Cell usage conditions 电芯使用环境Cell testing conditions 电芯实验环境Requirement of the testing equipment 测量仪表要求Electrochemical characteristics 电化学特性Environmental characteristics and safety characteristics 环境适应性能与安全性能6Package picture 包装图片7Shipment 出货8Warranty 质量保证9Storage and Shipment Requirement 存储及运输要求10Warning and cautions in handling the lithium-ion cell 电芯使用时警告事项及注意事项11The restriction of the use of hazardous substances 有害物质控制要求12Contact information 联系方式13Version history 修订履历1preface 前言2This specification describes the type and dimension, performance, technical characteristics, warning and caution of the lithium ion rechargeable cell. The specification only applies to N18650CL-29 cell supplied by Zhengzhou BAK Battery Co., Ltd.本标准描述了圆柱型锂离子电芯的外型尺寸、特性、技术要求及注意事项。
比克动力电池 H18650CQ 锂离子电芯规格书说明书
![比克动力电池 H18650CQ 锂离子电芯规格书说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/24130066492fb4daa58da0116c175f0e7cd119de.png)
锂离子电芯规格书SpecificationForLithium-ion Rechargeable Cell电芯型号: H18650CQCell Type : H18650CQContents 目录1Preface 前言2Definition 定义2.1Standard charge method 标准充电方式2.2Standard discharge method 标准放电方式2.3Rate discharge method 倍率放电方式2.4Nominal capacity 标称容量3Cell type and dimension 电芯型号及尺寸3.1Description and type 电芯说明及型号3.2Cell dimension电芯尺寸4Cell characteristics 电芯特性5Technical requirements 技术要求5.1Cell usage conditions 电芯使用环境5.2Cell testing conditions 电芯实验环境5.3Requirement of the testing equipment测量仪表要求5.4 Electrochemical characteristics 电化学特性5.5 Environmental characteristics and safety characteristics 环境适应性能与安全性能6Package picture 包装图片7Shipment 出货8Warranty 质量保证9Storage and shipment requirement 存储及运输要求10Warning and cautions in handling the lithium-ion cell 电芯使用时警告事项及注意事项11The restriction of the use of hazardous substances 有害物质控制要求12Contact information 联系方式13Version history 修订履历1Preface 前言This specification describes the type, dimension, performance, technical characteristics, warnings and cautions of the lithium-ion rechargeable cell. The specification only applies to H18650CQ fresh cells supplied by Shenzhen BAK Power Battery Co., Ltd and Zhengzhou BAK Battery Co., Ltd.本标准描述了圆柱型锂离子电芯的型号、尺寸、特性、技术要求及注意事项。
锂电池规格书1. 引言本规格书旨在为锂电池的设计、生产和使用提供准确的技术规范和操作指南。
2. 锂电池的基本参数2.1 电池类型锂电池的常见类型包括锂离子电池、锂聚合物电池和锂硫电池等。
2.2 额定电压锂电池的额定电压通常为3.6V或3.7V,部分特殊类型的锂电池额定电压会有所变化。
2.3 容量锂电池的容量表示电池存储的电荷量,常用单位为毫安时(mAh)或安时(Ah)。
2.4 充电和放电电流锂电池的充电电流和放电电流是指在充电和放电过程中的电流大小。
3. 锂电池的电化学特性3.1 极性锂电池的正极和负极通过电解质隔离,正极一般由锂化合物(如LiCoO2)制成,负极一般由碳材料制成。
3.2 开路电压锂电池在没有外部电路连接时的电压称为开路电压,一般在3.6V至3.8V之间。
3.3 充放电特性锂电池的充放电特性包括电压曲线、容量衰减曲线和内阻曲线等。
4. 锂电池的安全要求4.1 过充保护过充保护是指在锂电池充电过程中,当电池电压超过一定阈值时,自动切断充电电流,防止电池过充。
4.2 过放保护过放保护是指在锂电池放电过程中,当电池电压降到一定阈值时,自动切断放电电流,防止电池过放。
4.3 过流保护过流保护是指在锂电池充放电过程中,当电池电流超过一定阈值时,自动切断充放电电流,防止电池发生过流。
4.4 温度保护温度保护是指在锂电池工作过程中,当电池温度超过一定阈值时,自动降低充放电电流或切断电流,防止电池过热。
5. 锂电池的环境要求5.1 工作温度范围锂电池的工作温度范围对电池性能和寿命有重要影响。
美孚威电池(深圳)有限公司MAFOO NEW ENERGY (SHENZHEN) CO., LTD美孚威电池(深圳)有限公司E-BIKE POWER BATTER SPECIFICATIONSE-BIKE 动力电池规格书Type(型号) : DC028-MN电压容量: 36V08AhEdition(版次): A/1Document No(文件编号):MF-EMOTOR-0028Issuing Date(发行日期):12-10-01MAFOO NEW ENERGY (SHENZHEN)CO., LTD美孚威电池(深圳)有限公司province地址:广东省深圳市宝安区龙华工业西路上塘商业大厦501Tel:0086-0755-********电话:0086-0755-********Fax: 0086-0755-********传真:0086-0755-********Email:****************邮箱:****************Website: 网址:Specifications amendment record规格书修订记录1.0 Battery group specifications 电池组特性电池组外型图: 内部连接示意图3.0N piles with series figure电池联接示意图:4.0 feature curve for single cell 单只电芯性能特征曲线5.0 battery performance电池性能5.1 electric characteristics 电性能D i s c h a r g e _C a p a c i t y (A h )Remark :Cycle life graph 备注:循环寿命图HPPF70173248 20AH-XHDischarge_Capacity(Ah), vs. Cycle_Index25 24 23 22 21 20 19 1817 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 0100200300400500600700C yc le_Index5.2 safety characteristics 安全性能5.3 Adaptation to Environment Characteristic 环境适应性能Note: The definitions of some nomenclatures of this specification(1) standard charge: 0.3C5A charge at 20℃±5℃to the limit voltage, then changeto charge with constant voltage till the current less than or equal to 0.02C5A.(2) Residual Capacity: The first discharge capacity after being tested by the specificprocedure.(3) Standard cycle: charge at 0.3C, then rest for 60min, discharge at 0.3C5A to the cut-offvoltage.(4) Recovery Capacity: The discharge capacity by implementing charge-discharge cyclerepeatedly after being tested by the specific procedure.(5) All batteries tested above are within a month unless there are other regulatons.备注:以上标准中的一些术语的定义:(1)标准充电:在环境温度20℃±5℃的条件下,以0.3C5A 充电,当电池端电压达到充电限制电压时,改为恒压充电,直到充电电流小于或等于0.02C5A 后停止充电(2)剩余容量:电池经过特定的检测程序后的首次放电容量。
Lithium ion Battery Pack Specification锂电池组规格书MODEL/型号: INR18650-14.8V30AHSN: GEB INR18650 4S12PPrepared By/Date 编制/日期Checked By/Date审核/日期Approved By/Date批准/日期21/09/04 张平21/09/04程建波21/09/04周腾飞Customer Approval 客户批准Signature确认Date日期Company Name:公司名称:Company Stamp:客户印章:--- 保密文件 ---Amendment Records (修正记录)Edition (版本)Description(记述)Prepared by(编制)Approved by(批准)Date(日期)A0 First Edition 2022-11-041.Scope(适用范围)This specification is applied to the reference battery in this Specification that manufactured by General Electronics Technology Co., Ltd.本说明书适用于本书中所提及的深圳市中美通用科技有限公司制造的电池。
2.Adopted Standard(引用标准)National Standard CQC1126-2017 “technical specification for lithium-ion battery pack used in solar street lamps” of CQC.中国质量认证中心CQC1126-2017《太阳能路灯用锂离子电池组技术规范》。
3.Product Specification(产品技术规格)Table 1 (表1)No.(序号) Item(项目)Parameter(参数) Remark(备注)1 Nominal Voltage(标称电压)14.8V 单节3.7V2 Rated Capacity(额定容量)Typical(标称容量)30500mAh Standard discharge(0.3C) afterStandard charge(0.2C)(0.2C标准充电后0.3C标准放电)Minimum(最小容量)30000mAh3 Charging Voltage(充电电压) 16.8V4 Charging Mode(充电方式)C.C/C.V.(恒流/恒压方式)Constant Current/Constant Voltage(恒流/恒压)5 Voltage at end ofDischarge(放电终止电压)11.2V Discharge Cut-off Voltage(放电截止电压)6 Rated Charge Current(额定充电电流)≤6ACharging Current 6A(充电电流6A)7 Maximum ContinuousCharge Current(最大持续充电电流)≤10ANot more then 1 hours(不超过1小时)8 Internal Impedance(内阻)<150mΩ9 Rated Discharge Current(额定放电电流)≤8ADischarging Current 8A(放电电流8A)10 Maximum ContinuousDischarge Current(最大持续放电电流)≤10ANot more then 1 hours(不超过1小时)11 Overcharge Voltage(过充电保护电压)4.25±0.025V /Cell(可调)Single string voltage(单串电压)12 Over Discharge Cut OffVoltage(过放电保护电压)2.7±0.08V /Cell(可调)Single string voltage(单串电压)Continuous the table 1 (续表1)13 Over Current(过流保护)60±5A(瞬间最大过流保护)5ms—30ms14 Short Circuit(短路保护)Detection condition(保护条件)Exterior short circuit(外部电路短路)Release condition(保护解除条件)Cut short circuit(断开短路电路)15 Operating ConsumptionCurrent of PCB(保护板工作消耗电流)≤30μASingle string of cell(单串电池)16 Cell balance Current(均衡电流)50±5mA17 Bleed Start Point(均衡开启电压)4.15±0.025V18 BMS Size(保护板尺寸)60*33*10mm19 Operation TemperatureRange(工作温度范围)Charge(充电): -20~60℃60±25%R.H.Bare Cell(电池储存湿度范围)Discharge(放电): -20~60℃20 Storage TemperatureRange(储存温度范围)Less than 1 year: -20~25℃(小于一年:-20~25℃)60±25%R.H.at the shipment state(出货状态时的湿度范围)less than 3 months: -20~40℃(小于3个月:-20~40℃)Less than 7 day : -20~65℃(小于7天:-20~65℃)21 The battery packDimension(电池组尺寸)Length/长度:197±3MMInitial Dimension(初始尺寸)Width/宽度: 88±3MMHigh/高度:70±3MM22 Cells(电芯)18650-2500mah Li(NiCoMn)O2(三元锂)23 Connection Type(组合方式)4S12P(4串12并)Cells Without Plastic Bracket(内部不带电芯支架)24 Weight(重量)≤2.4Kg25 Waterproof grade(防水等级)/26Cycle Life(循环寿命)Carry Out 500 cycle(循环500次)Higher than 80% of the InitialCapacities of the Cells(剩余电量大于初始容量的80%)3.Performance And Test Conditions (电池性能及测试条件)3.1 Standard Test Conditions(标准测试条件)Test should be conducted with new batteries within one week after shipment from our factory and the cells shall not be cycled more than five times before the test. Unless otherwise specified, test and measurement shall be done under temperature of 23±3℃and relative humidity of 45~85%. If it is judged that the test results are not affected by such conditions, the tests may be conducted at temperature 15~30℃and humidity 25~85%RH.测试必须使用出厂时间不超过一个星期的新电池,且未进行过五次以上的充放电循环。
深圳市XXXXXX股份有限公司Li BATTERY SPECIFICATION锂离子电池规格书SHENZHEN MOTTCELL NEW ENERGY TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTDTel:+86-755-XXXXXXXFax:+86-755-XXXXXXX.S cope(使用范围)13.Product Specification(产品技术规格)4.Performance And Test Conditions(电池性能及测试条件)●Standard Test Conditions(标准测试条件)test and measurement shall be done under temperature of 25±5℃ and relative humidity of 45~48%. 测试会在温度25±5℃,相对湿度在45-85%的条件下进行。
●Measuring Instrument or Apparatus(测量器具及设备)①Dimension Measuring Instrument(尺寸测量器具)The dimension measurement shall be implemented by instruments with equal or more precision scale of 0.1mm.尺寸测量器具的精度等级应不小于0.1mm。
②Voltmeter(伏特计)Standard class specified in the national standard or more sensitive class having inner impedance more than 10kΩ/V.按照国家标准指定规格等级或采用灵敏度更高的,测量电压时内阻不应小于10kΩ/V。
③Ammeter(安培计)Standard class specified in the national standard or more sensitive class. Total external resistance includi ng ammeter and wire is less than 0.01Ω.按照国家标准指定规格等级或采用灵敏度更高的,包括电流表及电线在内的总外阻应小于0.01Ω。
力兴 cr-p2 锂锰柱式电池 技术规格书说明书
![力兴 cr-p2 锂锰柱式电池 技术规格书说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/891092fac67da26925c52cc58bd63186bdeb924c.png)
武 汉 力 兴( 火 炬 ) 电 源 有 限 公 司1.目的1.1对武汉力兴(火炬)电源有限公司出品的锂电池的产品规格、测试方法进行规范,避免因测试条件、方法的不同引起偏差。
2. 产品类别和产品型号表1类别型号锂锰柱式电池CR-P23.产品基本特性表2序号项目特性1 标称容量* 1500 mAh2 放电容量(10mA放电终止电压4.0V)1400±100 mAh3 标称电压6V4 工作温度范围 -40~+85℃5 最大脉冲电流3500 mA6 最大连续放电电流1500mA7 结构及成分二氧化锰正极、锂负极、有机电液、隔膜及钢外壳等8 重量参考值38 g* 标称容量:数值是在10mA、20±2℃,截止电压为4.0V的条件下测得的。
(所测得的容量值会随着放电电流、温度以及截止电压的不同而变化)4.外形示意图及尺寸4.1外形示意图如下a)外形尺寸表3电池型号 长度L( mm ) 宽度W ( mm ) 高度H( mm )CR-P2 32.5-35.0 18.5-19.8 34.5-36.05.外观外观整洁,标志清晰,无漏液,正负极标识正确,壳底和防爆盖表面无变形、锈迹、污点。
6.性能及测试方法6.1电性能表4序号项目测试条件常温一年内性能常温存储一年后性能1 开路电压室温低温高温20±2℃-20±2℃60±2℃≥6.0V≥6.0V≥6.0V≥6.0V≥6.0V≥6.0V2 工作电压室温低温高温放电负载:20Ω20±2℃-20±2℃60±2℃≥5.4V≥5.1V≥5.5V≥5.3V≥5.0V≥5.4V3 工作寿命室温低温高温放电电流:10mA终止电压:4.0V20±2℃-20±2℃60±2℃≥1300mAh≥950mAh≥1250 mAh≥1250 mAh≥900mAh≥1200 mAh4室温容量快速检测放电电流:50mA终止电压:4.0V≥1150 mAh ≥1100 mAh6.2性能检验6.2.1每项试验的样品数为6组。
锂离子电芯规格书SpecificationForLithium-ion Rechargeable Cell电芯型号:HDCF26650-4000mAh-3.2V Cell Type :HDCF26650-4000mAh-3.2V地址:山东省枣庄市台儿庄区台儿庄经济开发区广进路Address:Guangjin road,taierzhuang economic development zone,taierzhuang district,zaozhuang city,shandong provinceTel/Fax :+86-************编制/Designed 审核/Checked 批准/Approved 日期/Effective DateContents目录1Preface前言2Definition定义2.1Rated capacity and minimum capacity标称容量与最小容量2.2Standard charge method标准充电方式2.3Standard discharge method标准放电方式3Cell type,bar code电芯型号,喷码3.1Description and model电芯说明及型号3.2Cell bar code and explanation电芯喷码及说明4Characteristics电池性能4.1Cell specification电芯特性4.2Cell dimensions电芯尺寸5Technical requirements技术要求5.1Cell storage conditions电芯存储环境5.2Cell testing conditions电芯测试条件5.3Requirement of the testing equipment测量仪表要求5.4Electronic performance电性能5.5Safety characteristics安全性能5.6Environmental characteristic s环境适应性能6The restriction of the use of hazardous substances有害物质控制要求7Contact information联系方式8Version history变更记录Warning and cautions in handling the lithium-ion cell电芯使用时警告事项及注意事项1Preface 前言This specification describes the type and dimensions ,performance,technical characteristics,warning and caution of the lithium ion rechargeable cell.The specification only applies to 26650cell supplied by Haidi Power Technology Co.,Ltd.本标准描述了圆柱型锂离子电芯的外型尺寸、特性、技术要求及注意事项。
充电器规格书Specification of Battery Charger型号:ES2406S29.2V/6A 锂电池充电器(全铝外壳)29.2V / 6A Li Iron/Li Polymer BATTERY CHARGER1.概述General此型号2406S 155×90×50mm的铝质外壳充电器能在输出29.2Vdc/6A的情况下工作,具有反接保护功能。
Battery Charger 2406S 155×90×50mm can work normally under 29.2Vdc/6A and with reverse polarity protection.2.主要参数最大输出功率Max.output power 输入电压Inputvoltage最高输出电压Output voltage误差范围Combinedregulation输出电流Output current误差范围Combinedregulation180W 220Vac 29.2V+/-0.2Vdc +/-0.2V 6A +/-0.2A 3.环境条件序号No. 项目Item技术参数Technical specification备注Remark1 湿度Humidity 5~95% 带包装With package2 海拔Altitude ≤3000m正常工作Work normally4.技术特征Electrical characteristics4.1 输入特征:序号No.项目Item 技术参数Technical specification 备注Remark1额定输入电压Rated input voltage220Vac220Vac2电压输入范围Input voltage range180-240Vac3频率AC input voltage frequency50~60 Hz4.2 输出特征和充电模式:序号No.项目Item技术参数Technical specification备注Remark1恒流CC(constant current)≤29.2Vdc, 6A2恒压CV(constant voltage)29.2Vdc, 6A↓3 浮充Float stage 无20%CC4效率Power efficiency≥90%输入电压=220Vac, 额定负载Vin=110/220Vac,rated load 4.3 保护特征:序号No. 项目Item技术参数Technical specification备注Remark1过压保护Over voltageprotection是Yes2限压保护Software overvoltage protection充电器设置的最大输出电压不会超过电池的最大充电电压。
3.6V/5.0Ah 锂离子电芯规格书Specification for 3.6V/5.0Ah Lithium-ion Rechargeable Cell电芯型号: 21700-5000mAhCell type: 21700-5000mAhContents 目录1 Preface 前言2 Cell type,Barcode,Color 电芯型号、喷码、颜色2.1 Description and model 电芯说明及型号2.2 Cell barcode 电芯喷码2.3 Cell color电芯套膜颜色3 Nominal Specification标准规格4 Technical requirements技术要求4.1 Cell testing conditions电芯测试条件4.2 Requirement of the testing equipment测量仪表要求4.3 Standard charge 标准充电4.4 Standard discharge 标准放电4.5 Characteristics电池性能4.6 Safety characteristics安全性能4.7 Package schematic diagram 包装示意图5 Cell safety criterion 电芯安全准则5.1 Design and usage of chargers and battery packs充电器和电池组设计及使用注意事项5.2 Safety regulations安全守则6 The restriction for the use of hazardous substances有害物质控制要求7 Contact information联系方式8 Version change record修改记录Note: Jiangxi Far East Battery co., LTD. Hereinafter referred to as Far East Battery(FEB)注:江西远东电池有限公司以下简称远东电池(FEB);1Preface 前言This specification describes the type, dimensions, performance, technical characteristics, warning and caution of the lithium ion rechargeable cell. The specification only applies to 21700 cell supplied by Jiangxi Far East Battery co. LTD.本标准描述了圆柱型锂离子电芯的外型尺寸、特性、技术要求及注意事项,本标准适用于江西远东电池有限公司生产的圆柱型21700锂离子电芯。
Polymer 锂离子电池产品规格说明书
![Polymer 锂离子电池产品规格说明书](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/74bc5e78a9114431b90d6c85ec3a87c241288a42.png)
Specification Approval Sheet Name:Polymer Lithium-Ion BatteryModel: CELLEVIA BATTERIES LP573450SPEC:3.7V/ 980mAhNumber: 573450Specification Modification RecordsContent1.Scope:This specification describes the Product Specification of chargeable Polymer Lithium-IonBattery produced by Cellevia.Any copies are invalid without our company’s approval2.Model :3.Cell parameters Index:3.2 Parameters of batterythe temperature.4.Electronic Characteristics test and inspection:4.1 Standard testing environmentUnless special stated, tests should be done within one month of delivery and thecharging-recharging times is less than 5 times. The following is test conditions: Ambient Temperature: 25℃±0.5℃Ambient Humidity: 65 ±20%4.2 The requirement of measure instrument(1) The measure instrument is passed tested by qualified institute.(2) The accuracy of the size instrument is not more than 0.01mm.(3) The accuracy of multimeter is not less than 0.5%. while measure the voltage, theinternal resistance mustn’t less than 10KΩ.(4) The principal of the internal resistance is 1KHz LCR, the accuracy is 0.2%.(5) The internal resistance is changeable, it varies according to the temperature and thecharging mode. And it is relevant to the PTC and the length and the Capacity of the drawing line.(6) The current accuracy of the battery test system is more than ±0.1%,isobaricallyaccuracy is ±0.5%, timer accuracy is less than ±0.1%.(7) The accuracy of the temperature meter is less than ±0.5℃.4.3 Visual inspectionAny visual inspection defects will affect the electronic characteristics, such as cracks,leakage, and flaw, are not inexistence.Notes: The Max. voltage while charging is not more than 4.25V.The Max.protective voltage designed on PCB board should not more than4.3V.5. Storage and others5.1 Long Period StorageIf the cell has been stored for 3 month, it should be transfer to a dry and cool environment. Storage Voltage is between 3.6V and 3.9V and the storage conditions as Item matters that this specification does not cover should be conferred between theSpecification Approval sheet6.Drawing6.1 Assembly diagram(not in scale)Model:L573450! Danger●Strictly prohibits heat or throw cell into fire.●Strictly prohibits throw and wet cell in liquid such as water, gasoline or drink etc.●Strictly prohibits use leave cell close to fire or inside of a car where temperature may be above60°C. Also do not charge / discharge in such conditions.●Strictly prohibits put batteries in your pockets or a bag together with metal objects such asnecklaces. Hairpins,coins, or screws. Do not store or transportation batteries with such objects.●Strictly prohibits short circuit the (+) and (-) terminals with other metals.●Do not place Cell in a device with the (+) and (-) in the wrong way around.●Strictly prohibits pierce Cell with a sharp object such as a needle.●Strictly prohibits disassemble or modify the cell.●Strictly prohibits welding a cell directly.●Do not use a Cell with serious scar or deformation.●Thoroughly read the user’s manual before use, inaccurate handling of lithium ion rechargeablecell may cause leakage, heat, smoke, an explosion, or fire, capacity decreasing.! Warning●Strictly prohibits put cell into a microwave oven, dryer, or high-pressure container.●Strictly prohibits use cell with dry cells and other primary batteries, or new and old battery orbatteries of a different package, type, or brand.●Stop charging the Cell if charging is not completed within the specified time.●Stop using the Cell if abnormal heat, odor, discoloration, deformation or abnormal condition isdetected during use, charge, or storage.●Keep away from fire immediately when leakage or foul odor is detected.●If liquid leaks onto your skin or clothes, wash well with fresh water immediately.●If liquid leaking from the Cell gets into your eyes, do not rub your eyes. Wash them well with cleanedible oil and go to see a doctor immediately.! Caution●Before using the Cell, be sure to read the user’s manual and cautions on handling thoroughly.●Charging with specific charger according to product specification. Charge with CC/CV method.Strictly prohibits revered charging. Connect cell reverse will not charge the cel. At the sametime, it will reduce the charge-discharge characteristics and safety characteristics, this will leadto product heat and leakage.●Store batteries out of reach of children so that they are not accidentally swallowed.●If younger children use the Cell, their guardians should explain the proper handling.●Before using the Cell, be sure to read the user’s manual and cautions on handling thoroughly.●Batteries have life cycles. If the time that the Cell powers equipment becomes much shorter thanusual, the Cell life is at an end. Replace the Cell with a new same one.●When not using Cell for an extended period, remove it from the equipment and store in aplace with low humidity and low temperature.●While the Cell pack is charged, used and stored, keep it away from objects or materials with staticelectric charges.●If the terminals of the Cell become dirty, wipe with a dry clothe before using the Cell.●Storage the cells in storage temperature range as the specifications, After full discharged, wesuggest that charging to 3.9~4.0V with no using for a long time.●Do not exceed these ranges of the following temperature ranges.Charge temperature range : 0 °C to 45 °C;Discharge temperature range : -20 °C to 60 °C.(When using equipment)Handling Precaution and GuidelineFor LIP (Lithium-Ion Polymer) Rechargeable BatteriesPrefaceThis document of ‘Handling Precautions and Guideline LIP Rechargeable Batteries’shall be applied to the battery cells manufactured by CELLEVIA.Note (1): The customer is requested to contact CELLEVIA in advance, if and when the customer needs other applications of operating conditions than those described in this document. Additional experimentation may be required to verify performance and safety under such condition.Note (2): CELLEVIA will take no responsibility for any accident when the cell is used under other condition.Note (3): CELLEVIA will inform, in a written form, the customer of improvement(s) regarding proper use and handling of the cell, if it is deemed necessary.1. Charging 1.1ChargingCurrent:Charging current should be less than maximum charge current specified in theSpecification Approval Sheet.1.2 Charging Voltage:Charging voltage should be less than the maximum nominal voltage 4.2V, andthe charging voltage upper limited is 4.30V(single pack).1.3 Charging Temperature:The cell should be charged within the range specified in this Specification ApprovalSheet.1.4 Notes:Since charging with constant current or constant voltage, reverse charging isprohibited. In case of the cell is connected improperly, the cell cannot be charged.Simultaneously, the reverse charging may cause damaging to the cell whichmay lead to degradation of cell performance and damage the cell safety, andcould cause heat generation or leakage.2. Discharging Current:The cell shall be discharged at less than the maximum discharge current specified in the Specification Approval Sheet. High discharging current may reduce the discharging capacity significantly or cause over-heat.3. Discharging TemperatureDischarging Temperature should be within the range specified in this Specification Approval Sheet.4.Over-DischargeOver-discharging will cause cell low-performance and function loss. The cell would be in a over-discharged state by its self-discharge characteristic. In order to prevent over-discharging, the cell shall be charged periodically to maintain between 3.6V and 3.9V.5. Protective Circuit Module5.1 The cell / battery pack shall be with a PCM that can protect cell / battery packproperly. PCM shall have functions of(1) Overcharging prevention(2) Over-discharging prevention(3) Over current prevention to maintain safety and prevent significant deteriorationof cell performance. The over current can occur by external short circuit.5.2 Overcharging ProtectionOvercharging prevention function shall stop charging if any cell of the battery packreaches 4.30V.5.3 Over-discharging protectionOver-discharging protection function shall monitor the voltage of every cell in the pack, and work to avoid further drop in the cell voltage of 2.75V or less.6. StorageCells should be stored in proper temperature specified in Specification ApprovalSheet.7. AppearanceIt shall be free from any defects such as remarkable scratches, breaks, cracks,discoloration, leakage or deformation .8. Notice△!8.1 Handling of cells:Avoid any short-circuit, it will caused the pole hot and lost electronic functions.Soft packing is very damaged by sharp edge parts such as needles and knives.Avoid cells touch with sharp edge part, when handling and storage.Beside the poles is the sealed edge. Don’t bend or fold dealing edge, for it is a sensitive part.Don’t open the folding edge on both sides of the cells.Don’t bend the tabs, for the tabs are not so stubborn.Avoid mechanical shock to the cells.Don’t put the cells into the heater, washing machine or high-voltage container.Don’t use the charger without any safety guarantee, and recommend you use specified charger.You should immediately stop charging, as cell is overheating, delivery any smell, changed color, distortion etc.Before Children use batteries, adults should explain the usage first.Before use batteries, please read the handling guideline carefully and fully understand.Away from the static-electronic field, while using, charging and storing cells.Don’t put the cells together with metal conductors such as chains, barrette, bolt into the pocket or stored them together.Don’t use metal conductor to shortcut the positive and negative poles.Don’t mis-assemble the positive pole with the negative one.8.2 Notice for Designing Battery Pack8.2.1 Package DesignBattery pack should have sufficient strength and battery should be protected from mechanical shock.No sharp edge components should be inside the pack containing the battery.The overcharge threshold voltage should not be exceed 4.30V (single pack)The over-discharge threshold voltage should not be lower than 2.75V (single pack)The PCM should have short protection built inside.8.3 Notice for Assembling Battery Pack8.3.2 Tab connectionUltrasonic welding or spot welding is recommended to connect battery with PCM or other parts.If apply manual solder method to connect tab with PCM, below notice is very important to ensure battery performance. The solder iron should be temperature controlled and ESDsafe. Soldering temperature should not exceed 350℃. Soldering time should not be longer than 3 seconds . Keep battery tab cold down before next time soldering. Directly heat cell body is strictly prohibited. Battery shouldbe damaged by heat above approx. 60℃.8.3.3 Cell fixingThe battery should be fixed to the battery pack by its large surface area.No sharp edge at the assembling position.No cell movement in the battery pack should be allowed.9.Others9.1 The disassembling may generate internal shout circuit in the cell, which may causegassing, firing, or other problem.9.2 Prohibition of dumping of cells into fireNever incinerate or dispose the cells in fire, for these may cause firing of the cells.9.3 The cells should never be soaked with liquids such as water, drinks or oil.9.4 Prohibit using the cells mixed with different manufactories. Prohibit using new cellsmixed with old ones.▲Special Notice: If the cell isn’t used for a long time, Please Keep the cells in half-charged state, which is keeping them unfully charged or incompletely discharged. Recharge the cells and use half of the power after 2-3months. Store the cells in cool and dry place. It will protect the cell from damage effectively and long-term.10. StatementIf our specifications material, product process or product control system has changed, the information will be transmitted to consumer by way of written with quality and reliability data.。
LithiumTitanateBatterySpecification1.Scope使用范围Thisspecificationdescribesthebasicperformance,technicalrequirement,testingmethod,wa rningandcautionoflithiumtitanatebatterypack.Thespecificationonlyappliestothebattery packsmadebyBetterEnergySavingTechnologyCo.,Ltd.本标准规定了钛酸锂电池组的基本性能、技术要求测试方法及注意事项;本标准只适用于天津普兰能源科技有限公司所生产的钛酸锂电池组;2.ProductModel产品型号IFR18650-20S5P18650-1500mAh3.ProductSpecification产品技术规格4.BatteryPerformanceTestCriterion电池性能测试规范4.1Appearance外观Thereshallbenosuchdefectssuchasscratch,flaw,crack,rustandleakage,whic hmayadverselyaffectcommercialvalueofbattery.电池外观应没有划痕、破裂、污迹、生锈、漏液等影响市场的缺陷存在;4.2MeasurementApparatus测量仪器1DimensionMeasuringInstrument尺寸测量器具Thedimensionmeasurementshallbeimplementedbyinstrumentswithequalormore precisionscaleof0.1mm.尺寸测量器具的精度等级应不小于0.1mm;2Voltmeter电压表Standardclassspecifiedinthenationalstandardormoresensitiveclass.Thein nerimpedanceis morethan10kΩ/V.国家标准或采用灵敏度更高的,内阻不小于10kΩ/V;3Ammeter电流表Standardclassspecifiedinthenationalstandardormoresensitiveclass.Total externalresistanceincludingammeterandwireislessthan0.01Ω.国家标准或采用灵敏度更高的,包括电流表及电线在内的总内阻应小于0.01Ω; 4ImpedanceMeter阻抗计ImpedanceshallbemeasuredbyasinusoidalalternatingcurrentmethodAC1kHzLC Rmeter.采用正弦交流法测试阻抗AC1kHzLCRmeter4.3TestingCondition测试条件Temperature25±5℃;Relativehumidity:60±20%;Atmospherepressure:86~106Kpa温度:25±5℃;相对湿度:60±20%;大气压强:86~106Kpa4.4Batterytestrequirements电池测试要求Standardcharge:underenvironmenttemperatureas25±5℃,chargingas15Awhenthevoltageofthebatteryreachthelimitedpoint,thenc hangetoconstantvoltagechargingtillthechargingcurrentlessorequalto0.05 C.Thelongestchargingtimeshouldbelessthan40min.标准充电:在环境温度25±5℃下,以15A充电,电池端电压达到充电限制电压时,改为恒压充电,直到充电电流小于或等于0.05C,最长充电时长不大于40min; 5.HazardWarning危险警告1Forbidshort-circuitbatteries禁止电池短路Donottouchtheplusandminuscontactswithmetals.Donotputthebatterywithmet alelementtogetherineitherstorageormovement.Ifthebatteryisshort-circui t,itcarriesmagnifiedcurrent,whichwillcausedamageandmakethebatteryheat ,smoke,distortorburning.不要让电池的正负极用金属连接,也不要将电池与金属片放在一起存储和移动,如果电池被短路,将会有超大电流通过,将会损坏电池,造成电池发热、冒烟、变形或燃烧;2Forbiddisassemblingbatteries禁止拆装电池Thebatteryhasprotectivecomponentandcircuitinternallytoavoiddanger.Mis handlingsuchasimproperdisassemblywilldestroyitsprotectivefunctionandm akeitheat,smoke,distortorburning.电池内部具有保护结构和保护电路可以避免发生危险;不合适的拆装会破坏保护功能,将会造成电池发热、冒烟、变形或燃烧;3Forbidheatingandburningthebattery严禁加热和焚烧电池Ifheatingorburningthebattery,itwillcausedtheisolatedelementinthebatte rydissolved,protectionfunctionstoppedortheelectrodeburning,overheat,w hichwillmakethebatteryheat,smoke,distortorburning.加热和焚烧电池将会造成电池隔离物的融化、安全功能丧失或电解质燃烧,过热就会使电池发热、冒烟、变形或燃烧;4Avoidusingthebatteryneartheheat避免在热源附近使用电池Donotusethebatterynearthefireandstove,orover60℃,andoverheatingwillca usethebatteryinternalshort-circuitandmakeitheat,smoke,distortorburnin g.不要在火源、烤炉附近或超过60℃的环境中使用电池,过热将会导致电池内部短路,使电池发热、冒烟、变形或燃烧;5Forbidbathingthebattery禁止弄湿电池Donotdampenthebattery,orevenimmerseitinthewater,whichwillcauseinterna lprotectioncircuitandloseitsfunctionorcauseabnormalchemicalreactions, whichwillleadtoheating,smoking,distortionorburning.不要弄湿电池,更不能将电池投入水中,否则会造成内部保护电路和功能丧失及发生不正常的化学反应,电池有可能发热、冒烟、变形或燃烧;6Forbiddamagingbattery禁止破坏电池Donotallowdamagingthebatterywiththemetalsgouged,forgedordroppedetc.,o therwise,itwillcauseover-heated,distort,smoke,orburning.禁止用金属凿入电池、捶打或摔打电池或其他方法破坏电池,否则会造成电池发热、变形、冒烟或燃烧;7Forbiddirectlyweldingonbattery禁止在电池主体上焊接Over-heatedwillcausetheisolatedelementdissolvedinthebatteryandlosepro tectivefunctionitscyclelife,evenwillcauseover-heat,distort,smokeorbur ning.过热将会造成电池隔离物的熔化、安全保护功能丧失,甚至将引起发热、冒烟或燃烧;6.ProductRenderings产品效果图图1产品效果图图2产品尺寸图图3VH-2P端子实物图7电池管理系统BMS主要功能1电池故障分析与报警信号输出BMS设置了系统自诊断功能,系统上电后对电压、温度、通讯、存储器、内部通讯等部件进行检测,并提供相应的故障代码及等级;过充报警触点输出:过充任何单体电池电压上升到预设阈值以上;过放报警触点输出:过放总电压低于设定值;单体电池电压低于设定值;信号报警,当出现以下情况时模块通过CAN总线将报警信号发送至显示屏,显示屏显示报警信息:单体电池过高;单体电池过低;电池组总电压过高;电池组总电压过低;电池容量过低;电池容量过高;单体电池温度过高;通信异常;电池管理系统异常等;2充电管理功能BMS与充电机采用CAN通讯,根据确定的充电管理协议由BMS对充电机进行充电控制;3电池组工作电流检测通过分流器检测电池组的充放电电流,在电流异常超过阈值时,通过CAN总线发送故障数据,采集误差小于1%30A以下误差小于1A;4电池组SOC的估算通过分流器对电流采样,完成电流的测量,包括SOC计量和SOC故障等级报警,SOC计算误差小于10%;5电池单体电压检测功能BMS能准确、实时测量每个单体电池的电压,电压采集精度±5mV,平均采样周期50ms,从而精确及时监控电池在使用过程中的状态及变化,有效地防止电池的不正当使用;单体电压测量回路在待机或休眠模式下,漏电不超12μA;6电池温度检测BMS能够准确、同步的测量各个电池的温度值,测量误差±2℃-40℃~+85℃;7电池均衡功能在充电过程中,可以按照协定的均衡管理控制策略对电芯进行均衡管理功能,进而减少电池在使用过程的不一致性,提高整组电池的使用性能;均衡电流100mA;表2BMS主要技术参数。
2、技术参数项目参数产品型号13110216体系LMO/LTO标称容量16Ah标称电压 2.4V单体电量38.4Wh(0.038度电)外形尺寸110mm*13.1mm*216mm重量650g±10工作电压充电截止电压 2.7V 放电截止电压 1.5V标准充放电电流充电电流1C(16A)放电电流1C(16A)最大充电电流5C(80A)最大放电电流10C(160A)循环寿命≥20000次(0.2C,25℃工况)工作温度-30℃-55℃(特殊温度要求可定制)3、外形图4、电极图5、成组结构方式6、特性曲线常温充放电曲线55℃高温放电曲线-20℃低温放电曲线不同倍率放电曲线循环寿命曲线2.4V/26Ah钛酸锂电池规格书1、适用范围本产品主要用于电动轿车、电动巴士、电动叉车、特种装置等高功率动力应用领域;光伏/风力发电储能系统、通信基站、家用/工业UPS、储能电站、电网调频等储能领域;以及军工、船舶运输、航空航天等领域。
2、技术参数项目参数型号32115170体系LMO/LTO标称容量26Ah标称电压 2.4V单体电量62.4Wh(0.062度电)外形尺寸115.5mm*32.6mm*170mm重量1080g±10工作电压充电截止电压 2.7V 放电截止电压 1.5V标准充放电电流充电电流1C(26A)放电电流1C(26A)最大充电电流4C(100A)最大放电电流7C(180A)循环寿命≥20000次(0.2C,25℃工况)工作温度-30℃-55℃(特殊温度要求可定制)3、外形图4、电极图5、成组结构方式6、特性曲线常温充放电曲线55℃高温放电曲线-20℃低温放电曲线不同倍率放电曲线循环寿命曲线2.2V/1.35Ah钛酸锂电池规格书1.适用范围本产品主要用于电动轿车、电动巴士、电动叉车、特种装置等高功率动力应用领域;光伏/风力发电储能系统、通信基站、家用/工业UPS、储能电站、电网调频等储能领域;以及军工、船舶运输、航空航天等领域。
锂电池规格书41922(总12页) -本页仅作为预览文档封面,使用时请删除本页-储能型磷酸铁锂电池规格书STORAGE LiFePO4 BATTERY SPECIFICATIONS客户名称(Customer):产品型号(Type): CF12V80Ah发行日期(Issuing Date):1. 适用范围(Product Scope)本规格书描述了锂离子二次电池的技术要求、测量方法、运输、储存及注意事项。
This Specification describes the requirements of the lithium ion rechargeable battery supplied by2. 电池组特性 (Battery Group Specifications)单只电芯曲线图feature curve for single cellManagement system管理系统Single cell over-charge cut-off voltage单只过压保护值Charge Working voltage过压释放值Single cell under-discharge cut-offvoltage单只欠压保护值Discharge working voltage欠压释放值Conditions of over-charge and under-discharge voltage recovery过、欠压恢复条件With the high-point voltage reaching the workingvoltage 极限电压达到释放值Over-charge cut-off current 过流保护值80AShort-circuit protection 短路保护Own this ability 具备此功能Condition for the recovery of over-current and short-circuit protection过流\短路保护恢复条件Cut the circuit to automatic recovery断开负载自动恢复3. 技术要求(Technical Requirements)测试条件(除特别规定) Testing Conditions (unless otherwise specified) 温度Temperature: 15~35℃相对湿度Relative Humidity: 45%~75%大气压Atmospheric pressure: 86~106Kpa充放电性能 (Electrical Characteristics)环境性能 (Environmental Characteristic)机械性能 (Mechanical characteristics)安全性能 (Safe Characteristic)After standard charge,the battery located in afume hood is to be short-circuited by connectingthe positive and negative terminals with anexternal l oad of less than 50 mΩ till the batterycase temperature has returned to near ambienttemperature.将标准充电后的电池置于通风橱中,短路其正负极(线路总电阻不大于50m),实验过程中监视电池温度变化,当电池温度下降到接近初始室温时,结束实验4 电池组基本性能 (Basic Characteristics of Battery)<400 m5 电池组保护功能要求 (Battery Required Protection Functions)To insure the safety, charger and the protection circuit shall be satisfied the items below. As safety device, please use in combination with the temperature fuse. The standard charge method is CC/CV (constant current/constant voltage)为确保安全,充电器和保护电路应符合以下要求。
4000mAh 7.4V 8.4V聚合物锂电池规格书与使用注意事项
![4000mAh 7.4V 8.4V聚合物锂电池规格书与使用注意事项](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/84f709df26fff705cc170ae6.png)
2、引用标准GB/T18287-2000 中华人民共和国蜂窝电话用锂离子电池总规范;3、电芯说明4、电气特性189g±1g4.5环境温度4.5.1充电温度:0~45℃4.5.2放电温度:-20~50℃4.5.3存储:3个月内存储在温度:-20℃~45℃,相对湿度:45%~75%,大气压力:70~106Kpa;3个月上存储在温度:5℃~35℃,相对湿度:45%~75%,大气压力:70~106Kpa。
4.6保用期限1年5、标准条件下的电气特性及其试验方法和判定规则5.1标准测试条件温度 20℃±5%相对湿度 60±15%大气压力86~106Kpa5.2测试仪表要求电压表要求:测量电压的仪表准确度不低于0.5级内阻不小于10KΩ/V。
A放电容量5.4.1 0.2C5试验方法:电池按规定充电方式标准充电后,搁置一段时间(0.5h~1.0h),在20℃±5℃以0.2CA电流放电至终止电压6.0V5判定标准;上述试验可以重复循环5次,当循环过程中有一次电池放电时间不小于300分钟,试验时取该次放电容量。
5.4.2 2000mA放电容量试验方法:电池按规定充电方式快速充电后,搁置一段时间(0.5h~1.0h),在20℃±5℃的以 2000mA电流放电至终止电压6.0V判定标准;电池放电时间不小于110分钟。
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储能型磷酸铁锂电池规格书STORAGE LiFePO4 BATTERY SPECIFICATIONS客户名称(Customer):产品型号(Type):CF12V80Ah发行日期(Issuing Date):1. 适用范围(Product Scope)本规格书描述了锂离子二次电池的技术要求、测量方法、运输、储存及注意事项。
This Specification describes the requirements of the lithium ion rechargeable battery supplied by2. 电池组特性(Battery Group Specifications)单只电芯曲线图feature curve for single cell3. 技术要求 (Technical Requirements)Management system 管理系统Single cell over-charge cut-off voltage单只过压保护值3.9V Charge Working voltage 过压释放值 3.8V Single cell under-discharge cut-offvoltage 单只欠压保护值2.3V Discharge working voltage 欠压释放值2.7VConditions of over-charge and under-discharge voltage recovery过、欠压恢复条件With the high-point voltage reaching the workingvoltage 极限电压达到释放值Over-charge cut-off current 过流保护值80AShort-circuit protection 短路保护 Own this ability 具备此功能Condition for the recovery of over-current and short-circuit protection过流\短路保护恢复条件Cut the circuit to automatic recovery断开负载自动恢复3.1测试条件(除特别规定) Testing Conditions (unless otherwise specified)温度Temperature: 15~35℃相对湿度Relative Humidity: 45%~75%大气压Atmospheric pressure:86~106Kpa3.2充放电性能(Electrical Characteristics)3.3环境性能(Environmental Characteristic)3.4机械性能(Mechanical characteristics)3.5安全性能(Safe Characteristic)4 电池组基本性能(Basic Characteristics of Battery)5 电池组保护功能要求 (Battery Required Protection Functions)To insure the safety, charger and the protection circuit shall be satisfied the items below. As safety device, please use in combinationwith the temperature fuse. The standard charge method is CC/CV (constant current/constant voltage)为确保安全,充电器和保护电路应符合以下要求。
标准充电方法为CC/CV(恒流/恒压)5.1 参数(product Specification)6 保质期限及产品责任WARRANTY PERIOD & PRODUCT LIABILITYWarranty period of this product is 24 months from manufacturing code.保质期是从出厂日期(喷码)开始起二十四个月.CHINENG is not responsible for the troubles caused by mishandling of the battery which is clearly against the instructions in this specification.池能公司对因没有按本规格书规定操作而导致的意外不负责任When CHINENG finds any new facts which require modification of this document, we will inform you again.一旦池能公司发现本规格书有新的修改细节,我们将再告知。
7 包装电池上的标示INDICATIONS ON BATTERY PACKThe following warnings should be indicated on the battery packs.以下警告应注明在包装后的电池上•Use a specified charger.使用规定的充电器•Do not throw the battery into fire, or heat.不要将电池投入火中或加热•Do not short-circuit the battery terminals不要将电池两端短路•Do not disassemble the battery.不要将电池分解拆散8 电池使用时警告事项及注意事项WARNINGS AND CAUTIONS IN HANDLING THE Lithium-ion BATTERY To prevent a possibility of the battery from leaking, heating or explosion please observe the following precautions:为防止电池可能发生泄漏,发热、爆炸,请注意以下预防措施:WARNINGS!1. Do not immerse the battery in water or seawater, and keep the battery in a cool drysurrounding if it stands by.严禁将电池浸入海水或水中,保存不用时,应放置于阴凉干燥的环境中2. Do not use or leave the battery near a heat source as fire or heater禁止将电池在热高温源旁,如火、加热器等使用和留置3. When recharging, use the battery charger specifically for that purpose充电时请选用锂离子电池专用充电器4. Do not reverse the positive (+) and negative (-) terminals严禁颠倒正负极使用电池5. Do not connect the battery to an electrical outlet严禁将电池直接接入电源插座6. Do not discard the battery in fire or heat it禁止将电池丢于火或加热器中7. Do not short-circuit the battery by directly connecting the positive (+) and negative (-)terminal with metal objects such as wire.禁止用金属直接连接电池正负极短路8. Do not transport or store the battery together with metal objects such as necklaces,hairpins etc.禁止将电池与金属,如发夹、项链等一起运输或贮存9. Do not strike or throw the battery禁止敲击或抛掷、踩踏电池等10. Do not directly solder the battery and pierce the battery with a nail or other sharpobject.禁止直接焊接电池和用钉子或其它利器刺穿电池CAUTIONS!1. Do not use or leave the battery at very high temperature (for example, at strong direct sunlight orin a vehicle in extremely hot weather). Otherwise, it can overheat or fire or its performance will be degenerated and its service life will be decreased.禁止在高温下(炙热的阳光下或很热的汽车中)使用或放置电池,否则可能会引起电池过热、起火或功能失效、寿命减短2. Do not use it in a location where static electricity is great, otherwise, the safety devices may bedamaged, causing hidden trouble of safety.禁止在强静电和强磁场的地方使用,否则易破坏电池安全保护装置,带来不安全的隐患3. If the battery leaks, and the electrolyte get into the eyes. Do not rub eyes, instead, rinse the eyeswith clean running water, and immediately seek medical attention. Otherwise, it may injure eyes or cause a loss of sight.如果电池发生泄露,电解液进入眼睛,请不要揉擦,应用清水冲洗眼睛,并立即送医院治疗,否则会伤害眼睛4. If the battery gives off an odor, generates heat, becomes discolored or deformed, or in any wayappear abnormal during use, recharging or storage, immediately remove it from the device or battery charger and stop using it.如果电池发出异味,发热、变色、变形或使用、贮存,充电过程中出现任何异常,立即将电池从装置或充电器中移离并停用5. In case the battery terminals are dirty, clean the terminals with a dry cloth before use. Otherwisepower failure or charge failure may occur due to the poor connection with the instrument.如果电极弄脏,使用前应用干布抹净,否则可能会导致接触不良功能失效6. Be aware discarded batteries may cause fire, tape the battery terminals to insulate them废弃之电池应用绝缘纸包住电极,以防起火、爆炸外形图Appearance Drawing:1 Bare Battery电芯IFP8081230 1 Checked GGX Date 05-AUG-10 NO Name Description Qty Prepared LY Date 05-AUG-10外形图 Appearance Drawing : Bare Battery 4P8S IFP8081230Length: ≤260mm Width: ≤168mm High th: ≤132mmDimension of 4S8PIFP80812304S8P IFP8081230外形尺寸Approved YSJ Date 05-AUG-10 1 Bare Battery电芯IFP8081230 32 Checked GGX Date 05-AUG-10 NO Name Description Qty Prepared LY Date 05-AUG-10。