bad guy歌词中英文完整版下载,bad guy原唱歌词中文翻译Billie Eilish

bad guy什么意思中文翻译你们想知道bad guy什么意思吗?下面店铺为大家带来bad guy 什么意思,欢迎大家一起学习!bad guy的意思n. (多指小说或电影中的)反角,坏人,恶人;变形复数: bad guysbad guy的双语例句1. At the end of the film the bad guy gets shot.这坏蛋在影片结尾时被击毙。
2. The bad guy is very dark.那个坏人很阴险.3. He cheerfully blows away any bad guy stupid enough to get in his line of fire.他兴高采烈地将蠢到撞上他枪口的坏家伙全都干掉。
4. No genius, not a bad guy, but the attacks are hurting and stiffening him.不是天才, 人也不坏, 但是四面八方的攻击伤了他的感情,使他横下了心.5. Let's just stop this mad , psychotic, terrorist bad guy before he detonates a nuke on wilshire boulevard, all right?好在这个疯子引爆个核弹之前抓住他好吗 ?6. You will not a bad guy due to a sole mistake.你不会因为一个错误而成为不合格的人.7. What if I'm not the hero? What if I'm the bad guy?如果我不是英雄呢 ?要是我是个坏蛋呢 ?8. People don't like to play the part of the Bad guy.人们不喜欢扮演坏人的角色.9. Police in Kansas City chased down a bad guy Monday.坎萨斯城(KansasCity)警察周一逮到一个坏蛋.10. Real - life Campbell Aird is no bad guy, but he is part machine.现实生活坎贝尔.埃尔德不是一个坏人, 但是他身体有一部分是机器.11. On the bad guys? - No. There's just one bad guy I'm after.关于那些坏家伙么 ? - 不.我在找一个坏家伙.12. Star Wars featured a bad guy who was part man, part machine.《星球大战》中描述了一个半人半机器的坏蛋.13. Bad book is worse than bad guy because it can't repent.坏书比坏人更坏,因为它不会悔改.14. This man is ill intentioned, he looks like a bad guy.这个人心路不正, 一看就知道不是个好人.15. What if I'm not a superhero? What if I'm the bad guy?要是我不是超级英雄呢 ?要暮光之城1电影是我是个坏蛋呢 ? bad guy的英语例句"It sounds like I was the bad guy here, " Garcia told the PGA Tour's official website.Was Lamar Odom a bad guy because he smoked pot and missed some classes?Even Handsome Jack, bad guy though he may be, evolves and changes throughout the game.CNN: SHARE THISSo in order to have a good parenting partnership families should play good guy bad guy?"Saddam Hussein was more than just another bad guy, " said Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz.But the Nest founders are cool, so Honeywell clearly must be the bad guy.If you are a good guy, how can you be such a bad guy?Gunton's so obviously the bad guy, he oughta be wearing ablack cowboy hat.Maybe yes, maybe no, but it makes a convenient bad guy for our day to day workings.When you're in the mirror maybe you are good guy, maybe here you are bad guy, God knows.All the right elements are in place: the lovable outlaw, the repugnant bad guy, the forbidden love affair.At one point (you) were viewed as a hero and in other times (you) were the 'bad guy.That's something like black and white, are you good guy or bad guy?I'm in black, you're in white, the good guy and the bad guy.It held a bad guy and is going away like a viking ship.There is no snarling here, no caricatured bad guy defanged by broad strokes.。
Bad (中英文歌词)

Bad 真棒Your butt is mine 我清楚你的一切Gonna tell you right 我要教训你一顿Just show your face in broad daylight快在众人面前显露你的真样I’m telling you 我要告诉你On how I feel 我的感觉Gonna Hurt Your Mind 这会伤害你Don’t shoot to kill 别气得发狂Come on 来吧Come on 来吧Lay it on me 都算在我头上All right 怎么样?I’m giving you 等我On count of three 数到三To show your stuff 你就得表现给我看Or let it be 要么就滚蛋I’m telling you 我告诉你Just watch your mouth 说话要留神I know your game 我了解你的把戏What you’re about 你的为人Well they say the sky’s the limit 他们说天空有极限And to me that’s really true 对此我确信无疑But my friend you have seen nothing 但我的朋友你什么都还没看见Just wait till I get through 干脆等待我成功的消息Because I’m bad, I’m bad 因为我棒,我棒,我真棒Come on(Bad, bad, really, really bad)You know I’m bad, I’m bad(Bad, bad, really, really bad)You know it 你清楚You know I’m bad, I’m badCome on, you know 你了解(Bad, bad, really, really bad)And the whole world 整个世界必须Has to answer right now 马上给出答案Just to tell you once again 再提醒你一次Who’s bad 谁才是真棒?The word is out 话已出口You’re doin’ wrong 你正在做错事Gonna lock you up 得治治你Before too long 趁不太晚Your lying eyes 你撒谎的眼睛Gonna tell you right 暴露了你自己So listen up 所以听仔细Don’t make a fight 别气得来打一仗Your talk is cheap 你的话语不值钱You’re not a man 你不是一个男子汉Your throwing stones to hide your hands做事不敢认还在装蒜Well they say the sky’s the limit 他们说天空有极限And to me that’s really true 对此我确信无疑But my friend you have seen nothin’ 但我的朋友你什么都还没看见Just wait till I get through 干脆等待我成功的消息Because I’m bad, I’m bad 因为我棒,我棒,我真棒Come on(Bad, bad, really, really bad)You know I’m bad, I’m bad(Bad, bad, really, really bad)You know it 你清楚You know I’m bad, I’m badCome on, you know 你了解(Bad, bad, really, really bad)And the whole world 整个世界必须Has to answer right now 马上给出答案Just to tell you once again 再提醒你一次Who’s bad 谁才是真棒?We could change the world tomorrow 我们明天可以让世界改观This could be a better place 一切都将会不一样If you don’t like what I’m sayin’ 但如果你不喜欢我的言谈Then won’t you slap my face 为什么却不敢来向我挑战Because I’m bad 因为我棒,我棒,我真棒。

2019年taylor,swift《Bad,Blood》中英文歌词篇一:TaylorSwift-LoveStory中英文歌词WewerebothyoungwhenIfirstsawyou当我第一次看见你的时候,我们都还年轻Iclosemyeyesandtheflashbackstarts我闭上眼睛,一幕幕往事又在脑海中重现I'mstandingthereonabalconyinsummerair 我站在阳台上,空气里,浓浓的,是夏天的味道Seethelights,seetheparty,theballgowns看见灯火,看见热闹的舞会,华丽的盛装Seeyoumakeyourwaythroughthecrowd看见你费劲地从人群中挤出来Andsayhello,littledidIknowThatyouwereRomeo对我打招呼,呵,至少让我知道了你的名字叫“罗密欧”Youwerethrowingpebbles你(对着我家的窗户)扔小石子儿AndmydaddysaidstayawayfromJuliet我爸爸气急败坏地叫你离我远一点AndIwascryingonthestaircase(可是这时)我却蜷坐在楼梯间里偷偷地抹眼泪Beggingyoupleasedon'tgo在心底里祈求你不要离开AndIsaid我说Romeo,takemesomewherewecanbealone罗密欧,带我走吧,一起去到一个我们可以相依相偎的地方I'llbewaiting,allthere'slefttodoisrun我一直在等待(这一天),只有逃离才能让我们摆脱束缚You'llbetheprinceandI'llbetheprincess(到那时)我们就可以像王子和公主一样(快乐地在一起)It'salovestory,baby,justsayyes这是多么美好的爱情故事呀,亲爱的,答应我吧SoIsneakouttothegardentoseeyou于是,我偷偷摸摸地溜到小花园去见你Wekeepquiet'causewe'redeadiftheyknew我们压抑着声息,被他们发现我们就完蛋了Socloseyoureyes,那么,闭上你的双眼escapethistownforalittlewhile逃避这个喧嚣的尘世,即使只有如此短暂的一刻Oh,oh,oh'CauseyouwereRomeo,正因为你的出现Iwasascarletletter我的生命才有了如此鲜艳的光彩AndmydaddysaidstayawayfromJuliet我爸爸气急败坏地叫你离我远一点Butyouwereeverythingtome但我又怎么能够承受没有你的痛苦Iwasbeggingyoupleasedon'tgo于是,我无时无刻不在祈求你不要离开AndIsaid我说,Romeo,takemesomewherewecanbealone罗密欧,带我走吧,一起去到一个我们可以相依相偎的地方I'llbewaiting,allthere'slefttodoisrun我一直在等待(这一天),只有逃离才能让我们摆脱束缚You'llbetheprinceandI'llbetheprincess(到那时)我们就可以像王子和公主一样(快乐地在一起)It'salovestory,baby,justsayyes这是多么美好的爱情故事呀,亲爱的,答应我吧Romeo,saveme,罗密欧,拯救我痛苦的灵魂吧they'retryingtotellmehowtofeel他们总在试图左右我的思想Thisloveisdifficult,butit'sreal我们的爱情面对着重重的困难,却无比的忠诚坚贞Don'tbeafraid,we'llmakeitoutofthismess不要害怕,(我相信)我们终究会冲破困境It'salovestory,baby,justsayyes这就是我们的爱情,亲爱的,请答应我Igottiredofwaiting,我厌倦了似乎无穷无尽的等待wonderingifyouwereeveringaround渐渐开始怀疑你是否会如期出现在我面前Myfaithinyouwasfading曾经坚定的信念,也渐渐开始动摇WhenImetyouontheoutskirtsoftown当我再一次在小镇的郊外与你相会AndIsaid我说,Romeosaveme,I'vebeenfeelingsoalone罗密欧,救救我,我再也无法承受这孤独的煎熬Ikeepwaitingforyoubutyounevere我一直在等着你,而你却沓然无踪Isthisinmyhead,Idon'tknowwhattothink我脑子里乱糟糟的,一片空白,又像是一团浆糊Heknelttothegroundandhepulledoutaring 梦中的他此时正虔诚地跪在我的面前,呈出手中的戒指Andsaid他说,Marryme,Juliet,you'llneverhavetobealone嫁给我吧,茱丽叶,你再也不会感受到孤独……Iloveyouandthat'sallIreallyknow我只知道,我爱你Italkedtoyourdad,我与你的父亲交谈,you'llpickoutawhitedress而你正在为我挑选嫁衣It'salovestory,baby,justsayyes这就是我们的爱情故事,亲爱的,请答应我Oh,oh,oh,oh噢,我不禁又想起了,WewerebothyoungwhenIfirstsawyou我第一次看见你的时候,那时,我们还年轻篇二:Taylorswift1989巡演歌词全中英对照weletonewyorkWalkingthroughacrowdThevillageisaglowKaleidosc opeofloudheartbeatsUndercoatsEverybodyherewantedsomethingmo reSearchingforasoundwehadn'theardbeforeAnditsaidWeletoNewYo rkIt'sbeenwaitingforyouWeletoNewYorkWeletoNewYorkWeletoNewY orkIt'sbeenwaitingforyouWeletoNewYorkWeletoNewYorIt'sanewso undtrackIcoulddancetothisbeat,beatForevermoreThelightsaresobrightButtheyneverblindme,meWeletoNewYorkIt'sbeenwaitingforyouWel etoNewYorkWeletoNewYorkWhenwefirstdroppedourbagsOnapartmentfloorsTook ourbrokenheartsPuttheminadrawerEverybodyherewassomeoneelseb eforeAndyoucanwantwhoyouwantBoysandboysandgirlsandgirls(rep eatchors)LikeanygreatloveItkeepsyouguessingLikeanyrealloveIt'severchangingLikeanytrueloveItdrivesyoucrazyButyouknowyou wouldn'tchangeAnything,anything,anything...newromanticsWe'reallbored,we'realsotiredofeverythingWewaitfor,trainsthatjustaren'tingWeshowoff,ourdifferentscarletlettersTrustme,mineisbetterWe'resoyoung,butwe'reontheroadtoruinWeplaydumb,butweknowexactlywhatwe'redoingWecrytears,ofmasca rainthebathroomHoney,lifeisjustaclassroomCausebabyIcouldbuildacastleOutofallthebrickstheythrewatme AndeverydayislikeabattleButeverynightwithusislikeadream Baby,we'rethenewromanticsComeon,ealongwithmeHeartbreakisthenationalanthem WesingitproudlyWe'retoobusydancingTogetknockedoffourfeetBabywe'rethenewromanticsThebestpeopleinlifearefreeWe'reallhere,thelightsandboysareblindingWehangback,it'salli nthetimingIt'spoker,hecan'tseeitinmyfaceButI'mabouttoplaymyaceWeneedlove,butallwewantisdangerWeteamup,andswitchsideslikearecordchangerTherumours,areterr ibleandcruelButhoney,mostofthemaretrue(repeatchors)PleasetakemyhandandPleasetakemedancingAndpleaseleavemestrandedIt'ssoromantic(repeatchors)blackspaceNicetomeetyou,whereyoubeen? Icouldshowyouincrediblethings Magic,madness,heaven,sinSawyouthereandIthoughtOhmyGod,lookatthatfaceYoulooklikemynextmistakeLove'sagame,wannaplay?Newmoney,suitandtieIcanreadyoulikeamagazineAin'titfunny,rumorsflyAndIknowyouheardaboutmeSohey,let'sbefriendsI'mdyingtoseehowthisoneendsGrabyourpassportandmyhandIcanmakethebadguysgoodforaweekendSoit'sgonnabeforever.Orit'sgonnagodowninflamesYoucantellmewhenit'sover.IfthehighwasworththepainGotalongli stofex-lovers.They'lltellyouI'minsane'CauseyouknowIlovetheplayers.Andyoulovethegame'Causewe'reyoungandwe'rereckless.We'lltakethiswaytoofarIt'l lleaveyoubreathless.OrwithanastyscarGotalonglistofex-lovers.They'lltellyouI'minsane篇三:Mine-TaylorSwift歌词(中英文对照-左右)MineTaylorSwiftOh-oh-ohOh-oh-ohYouwereincollegeworkingparttimewaitingtables.你在大学时期半工半读Leftasmalltownneverlookedback.毅然决然离开老家Iwasaflightriskwithafearoffalling.我忐忑的心不知所措Wonderingwhywebotherwithloveifitneverlasts.心想若不能长久又何必相爱Isaycanyoubelieveit?我说“你能相信吗”Aswe’relyingonthecouch.我们相偎在沙发ThemomentIcouldseeit.那一刻我看见了Yes,yesIcanseeitnow.我看见未来Doyourememberweweresittingtherebythewater?你记得我们并肩坐在海边吗?Youputyourarmaroundmeforthefirsttime.你张开双臂第一次把我抱住Youmadearebelofacarelessman’scarefuldaughter.你让一个破碎家庭的女儿有了转变Youarethebestthingthat’severbeenmine.你是这个世界上我的最爱Flashforwardandwe’retakingontheworldtogether.时间快转我们开始一起生活Andthere’sadrawerofmythingsatyourplace.你家的抽屉有我的东西YoulearnmysecretsandyoufigureoutwhyI’mguarded.你知道我的秘密看穿我的武装Yousaywe’llnevermakemyparents’mistakes.你说上一代的错我们绝不再犯Butwegotbillstopay,wegotnothingfiguredout.但我们面对帐单不知如何是好Whenitwashardtotake.当一切无法承受时Yes,yes,thisiswhatIthoughtabout.我不禁回想起Doyourememberweweresittingtherebythewater?你记得我们并肩坐在海边吗?Youputyourarmaroundmeforthefirsttime.你张开双臂第一次把我抱住Youmadearebelofacarelessman’scarefuldaughter.你让一个破碎家庭的女儿有了转变Youarethebestthingthat’severbeenmine.你是这个世界上我的最爱Doyourememberallthecitylightsonthewater?你记得水面上美丽的亮光吗Yousawmestarttobelieveforthefirsttime.你看见我第一次学会相信Youmadearebelofacarelessman’scarefuldaughter.你让一个破碎家庭的女儿有了转变Youarethebestthingthat’severbeenmine.你是这个世界上我的最爱AndIrememberthatfight,2:30am.我记得凌晨2:30的争吵Aseverythingwasslippingrightoutofourhands.每件事都开始失控变了样Iranoutcryingandyoufollowedmeoutintothestreet.我哭著跑走你紧追在后Bracedmyselfforthegoodbye.我忍著悲伤说要分手Causethat’sallI’veeverknown.因为我不知道该怎麼办Thenyoutookmebysurprise.然后你出乎我意料之外YousaidI’llneverleaveyoualone.你说“我永远不会离开你”YousaidIrememberhowwefeltsittingbythewater.你说:“我记得我们并肩坐在海边AndeverytimeIlookatyou,it’slikethefirsttime.每一次看你都像一见钟情Ifellinlovewithacarelessman’scarefuldaughter.我爱上一个破碎家庭长大的女儿Sheisthebestthingthat’severbeenmine.她是这个世界上我的最爱”Holdon,makeitlast.加油直到最后Holdon,neverturnback.加油不要放弃Youmadearebelofacarelessman’scarefuldaughter.你让一个破碎家庭的女儿有了转变Youarethebestthingthat’severbeenmine.你是这个世界上我的最爱Yes,yesdoyoubelieveit?YesYes.你能相信吗Yes,yeswe’regonnamakeitnowYesYes.我们一定能做到Yes,yesIcanseeitYesYes.我看见了 Icanseeitnow.我看见未来。
《Migos-Bad and Boujee》CHANGAN版歌词带翻译完整版

作词 : 无作曲 : 无You know, young rich niggasYou know somethin', we ain't really never had no old money We got a whole lotta new money though, hahHeyRaindrop (Drip), drop-top (Drop-top)Smokin' on cookie in the hotbox (Cookie)****in' on your bitch, she a thot, thot (Thot)Cookin' up dope in the crockpot (Pot)We came from nothin' to somethin', nigga (Hey)I don't trust nobody, grip the trigger (Nobody)Call up the gang and they come and get ya (Gang)Cry me a river, give you a tissue (Hey)My bitch is bad and bougie (Bad)Cookin' up dope with a Uzi (Blaow)My niggas is savage, ruthless (Savage)We got 30s and hundred-rounds too (Grrah)My bitch is bad and bougie (Bad)Cookin' up dope with a Uzi (Dope)My niggas is savage, ruthless (Hey)We got 30s and hundred-rounds too (Glah)My bitch is bad and bougie (Bad)Cookin' up dope with a Uzi (Dope)My niggas is savage, ruthless (Hey)We got 30s and hundred-rounds too (Glah)Offset, woo, woo, woo, woo, wooRackaids on rackaids (Racks), got back-ends on back-ends I'm ridin' around in a coupe (Coupe)I take your bih right from you (You)Bitch, I'm a dog, roof (Grr)Beat the ho walls loose (Hey)Hop in the frog, whoo (Skrrt)I tell that bih to come comfort me (Comfort me)I swear these niggas is under me (Hey)They hate and the devil keep jumpin' me (Jumpin' me)Bankrolls on me keep me company (Cash)Ayy, we do the most (Most)Yeah, pull up in Ghosts (Woo)Yeah, my diamond's a choker (Glah)Holdin' the fire with no holster (Blaow)Rick the Ruler, diamonds cooler (Cooler)This a Rollie, not a Muller (Hey)Dabbin' on 'em like the usual (Dab)Magic with the brick, do voodoo (Magic)Courtside with a bad bitch (Bitch)Then I send the bitch through Uber (Go)I'm young and rich and plus I'm bougie (Hey)I'm not stupid so I keep the Uzi (Rrah)Rackaids on rackaids, got back-ends on back-ends So my money makin' my back ache (Aagh)You niggas got a low Act rate (Act)We from the Nawf, yeah, Dat Way (Nawf)Fat Cookie blunt in the ashtray (Cookie)Two bitches, just national smash day (Smash)Hop in the Lamb', have a drag race (Skrrt)I let them birds take a bath, bae (Brr)Raindrop (Drip), drop-top (Drop-top)Smokin' on cookie in the hotbox (Cookie)****in' on your bitch, she a thot, thot (Thot) Cookin' up dope in the crockpot (Pot)We came from nothin' to somethin', nigga (Hey) I don't trust nobody, grip the trigger (Nobody)Call up the gang and they come and get ya (Gang)Cry me a river, give you a tissue (Hey)My bitch is bad and bougie (Bad)Cookin' up dope with a Uzi (Blaow)My niggas is savage, ruthless (Savage)We got 30s and hundred-rounds too (Grrah)My bitch is bad and bougie (Bad)Cookin' up dope with a Uzi (Dope)My niggas is savage, ruthless (Hey)We got 30s and hundred-rounds too (Glah)Pour a four, I'm droppin' muddy, outer space, Kid Cudi (Drank)Introduce me to your bitch as wifey and we know she sluttin'Broke a brick down, Nutty Buddy, now that nigga duckin' (Phew)Don't move too fast, I might shoot ya (Huh?)Draco bad and bougie (Draco)I'm always hangin' with shooters (Brrah)Might be posted somewhere secluded (Private)Still be playin' with pots and pans, call me Quavo Ratatouille (Cook it up)Run with that sack, call me Boobie (Run with it)When I'm on stage, show me boobies (Ayy)Ice on my neck, I'm the coolest (Ice)Hop out the suicide with the Uzi (Pew-pew-pew)I pull up, I pull up, I pull upI hop out with all of the drugs and the good luck (Skrrt) I'm cookin', I'm cookin', I'm whippin'I'm whippin' until it rock up, let it lock up (Lock up)I gave her ten racksI told her go shoppin' and spend it all at the pop up (Ten) These bitches, they **** and suck dickAnd they bustin' for Instagram, get your clout upUh, yeah, that way (Yeah)Float on the track like a Segway (Go)Yeah, that way (Dat way)I used to trap by the Subway (Trappin', trappin')Yeah, that way (Go)Young nigga trap with the AK (Rrah, uh)Yeah, that way (Yeah)Big dyke ho, get the door, Macy Gray (Hey)Raindrop (Drip), drop-top (Drop-top)Smokin' on cookie in the hotbox (Cookie)****in' on your bitch, she a thot, thot (Thot)Cookin' up dope in the crockpot (Pot)We came from nothin' to somethin', nigga (Hey)I don't trust nobody, grip the trigger (Nobody)Call up the gang and they come and get ya (Gang)Cry me a river, give you a tissue (Hey)My bitch is bad and bougie (Bad)You know, young rich niggasYou know somethin', we ain't really never had no old money We got a whole lotta new money though, hah。
歌词bad guy Eminem

歌词Bad Guy - EminemIt‟s like I'm in the dirt, digging up old hurtTried everything to get my mind off you, it won‟t workAll it takes is one song on the radio you‟re right back on it Reminding me all over again how you fucking just brushed me off And left me so burned, spent a lot of time trying to soul search Maybe I needed to grow up a little firstWell, looks like I hit a growth spurtBut I am coming for closureDon‟t suppose an explanation I‟m owed forThe way that you turned your back on meJust when I may have needed you mostOh, you thought it was overYou can just close the chapterAnd go about your life, like it was nothingYou ruined mine, but you seem to be doing fineI‟d never recovered but tonight I betcha that whatcha'bout to go through‟s to ugher than anything I have sufferedCan‟t think of a better way to define poetic justiceCan I hold grudges, mind is saying: "let it go, fuck this"Heart is saying: "I will once I bury this bitch aliveHide the shovel and then drive off in the sunset"I flee the scene like it was my last rideYou see right throughOh, you had me pegged the first timeYou can't see the truthBut it's easier to justifyWhat's bad is goodAnd I hate to be the bad guyI just hate to be the bad guyAnd to think I used to think you was the shit, bitchTo think it was you at one time I worshipped, shitThink you can hurt people and just keep getting away with it? Not this time, you better go and get sewing kit, bitchFinish this stitch so you can reap what you sow, nitwitThought some time had past and I forget it, forget it!You left our family in shamblesYou expect me to just get over him? Pretend he never existedMaybe gone, but he's not forgottenAnd don't think cause he's been out the pictures so longThat I've stopped the plottin' and still ain't coming to get yaYou're wrong and that shit was rottenAnd the way you played him, same shit you did to meHave you any idea that shit I've gone through?Feelings I harbor, all this pain of resentment I hold on toNot once you called to ask me how I'm doingLetters, you don't respond to 'emFuck it, I'm coming to see youAnd gee who better to talk to than you?The cause to my problemsMy life is garbage and I'm 'bout to take it out on youPoof, then I'm goneI flee the scene like it was my last rideYou see right throughOh, you had me pegged the first timeYou can't see the truthBut it's easier to justifyWhat's bad is goodAnd I hate to be the bad guyI just hate to be the bad guyI've been driving around your side of the townLike 9 frickin' hours and 45 minutes nowFinally I found your new address, park in your driveFeel like I been waiting on this moment all of my lifeAnd it's now arrived, and my mouth is full of salivaMy knife is out and I'm ducking on the side of your houseSee, it's sad it came to this pointSuch a disappointment I had to make this appointment to come and see ya But ain't here for ya empathy, I don't need your apologyOr your friendship of sympathy, it's revenge that I seekSo I sneak vengefully and treat your bedroom windowLike I reach my full potential, I peekedContinue to peep, still bent lowKeep tapping the glass lightly then start to crescendoSneak all the way 'round to the back porchMan, door handles unlocked, shouldn't be that easy to do thisYou don't plan for intruders before hand?Surprised to see me? Cat got your tongue?Gag, chloroform rag, gag almost half of a lungLike you picked up an axe up and then swungStick to the core plan, drag to the back of a trunkBy one of your fans, irony spectacular, huh?Now who's a faggot, you punk?And here's your Bronco hat, you can have that shit back as they suckIt's just me, you and the music now, SlimI hope you hear it we are in a car right nowWait, here comes my favorite lyricI'm the bad guy who makes fun of people that dieAnd hey, here's a sequel to my Mathers LPJust to try to get people to buyHow's this for publicity stunt? This should be funLast album now cause after this you'll be officially doneEminem killed by EminemMatthew Mitchell, bitch, I even have your initialsI initially was gonna bury you next to my brother, but fuck itSince you love your city so muchI figured, what the fuck the best place you could be buried alive is right hereTwo more exits, town is quite nearI hope we don't get stopped, no license I fearThat sirens I hear? Guess 90 on the freeway wasn't the brightest ideaAs cops appear in my driver side mirror(Help, police!!)Hope foxtrot gets an aerial shot of your burialNew plan StanSlim, chauvinist pig drove in this big, lincoln town carWell gotta go, almost at the bridge, haha big bro it's for youSlim, this is for him and Frank Ocean, hope you can swim good!Now say you hate homos again!I also represent anyone on the end of the jokes youI'm the nightmare you fell asleep in and woke up still inI'm your karma closing in with each stroke of a penPerfect time to have some remorse to show for your sinNo, it's hopeless, I'm the denial that you're hopelessly inWhen they say all of this is approaching its end, but you refuse to believe that It's over, here we go all over againBacks to the wall, I‟m stackingYeah …cause I‟m talking a lot of shit but I‟m backing it all upBut in my head there‟s a voice in the back and it hollasAfter the track is demolishedI am your lack of a conscienceI‟m the ringing in your earsI‟m the polyps on the back of your tonsilsEating your vocal chords after your concertsI‟m your time that‟s almost up that you haven‟t acknowledgedGrab for some water but I‟m that pill that‟s to o jagged to swallowI‟m the bullies you hate that you becameWith every faggot you slaughteredComing back on you every woman you insultWith the double-standards you have when it comes to your daughtersI represent everything you take for granted…Cause Marshall Mather‟s the rapper‟s persona‟s have a facade and have you…Cause after all the glitz and the glam no more fans that are calling your name Matthew and Stan‟s just symbolic of you not knowing what you had until it‟s gone Cameras are offwhen it happens to all of them?I‟m hindsight to say, “I told you so!”Foreshadows of all , things that are to followI‟n the future that‟s to show you what‟s happening tomorrowIf you don‟t stop after they call you theBiggest laughing stock of rap who can‟t call it quitsWhen it‟s time to walk awayI‟m ever guilt tripThe baggage you hadBut as you gather up all your possessionsIf you have anything you have left to sayUnless it makes an impact don‟t botherSo before you rest your caseBetter make sure you‟re packi ng a wallop。
少女时代bad girl中文歌词+罗马拼音+日文歌词+中文译音

少女时代bad girl中文歌词+罗马拼音+日文歌词+中文译音日文歌词:Oh oh oh oh oh×3完璧なbad girlよOh oh oh oh oh×3完璧なbad girlよワタシのsecret知っていたならアナタはそうきっと惊くんじゃない?どんな时代も辉くmy style他の谁にもマネ出来ないわこの秘密教えてあげる(教えてあげる)ほら魅せてあげるalrightもう觉悟できてる?(もう觉悟できてる?)すぐ虏になる虏になるOh oh oh oh oh×3完璧なbad girlよOh oh oh oh oh×3完璧なbad girlよso tell me whatchu wanna do?想像以上のfeeling间违いないでしょ?ワタシだけのrule普通じゃイヤなの难しくないわ素直なだけ转载来自※悔らないでよただついて来てこの秘密教えてあげる(教えてあげる)ほら魅せてあげるalrightもう觉悟できてる?(もう觉悟できてる?)すぐ虏になる虏になるOh oh oh oh oh×3完璧なbad girlよOh oh oh oh oh×3完璧なbad girlよso tell me whatchu wanna do?この秘密ワタシのsecret知っていたならアナタはそうきっと教えてあげる(教えてあげる)ほら魅せてあげるalrightもう觉悟できてる?(もう觉悟できてる?)すぐ虏になる虏になるOh oh oh oh oh×3完璧なbad girlよOh oh oh oh oh×3完璧なbad girlよ中文歌词:B A D G I RLO h o h o h o h o h完美的b a d g i rl*2如果明白我的秘密你一定会惊讶的吧?在任何时代都闪耀发光的m y s t yle 可是任何别人都无法模仿得来的这个秘密告诉你吧(告诉你吧)瞧我让你著迷a l rig h t准备好了吗?(准备好了吗?)立刻将你捕获(立刻将你捕获)O h o h oh o h oh完美的ba d gi rl *2S o t el l me w ha t u wa nn a do?这是超乎想像的fe e li ng,不是吗?这是唯我独行的ru l e 绝不甘平庸并不难懂只要坦诚不要小看跟我来吧这个秘密告诉你吧(告诉你吧)瞧我让你著迷al ri g ht准备好了吗?(准备好了吗?)立刻将你捕获(立刻将你捕获)O h o h oh o h oh完美的ba d gi rl *2S o t el l me w ha t u wa nn a do?b o y wh at u w an na t o do?如果明白我的秘密你一定会惊讶的吧?这个秘密告诉你吧(告诉你吧)瞧我让你著迷al ri g ht准备好了吗?(准备好了吗?)立刻将你捕获(立刻将你捕获)O h o h oh o h oh完美的ba d gi rl *2中文译音:O h o h o h o h o h×3看配k i那b a d gi r l看配k i那b a d gi r l 哟哇他西NO se c re t西忒衣他那啦啊那他哇搜k i头哦兜喽困家乃兜那及哒衣某卡噶呀苦m y st yl e后卡N O哒类你某吗内得k i那衣哇扣N O你米滋哦西诶忒啊给路【哦西诶忒啊给路】后啦米塞忒啊给路a l ri g h t某卡苦够得k i忒路【某卡苦够得ki忒路】苏股头里扣你那路头里扣你那路O h o h o h o h o h×3看配k i那b a d gi r l 哟看配k i那b a d gi r l 哟s o t e l l m e wh a t ch u wa n n a d o?搜走衣就NO f e e l in g吗气噶衣那衣得秀哇他西哒K NO如呼滋家衣呀那NO目滋卡西苦那衣哇苏那哦那哒K啊那兜啦那衣得哟他哒滋衣忒k i忒扣N O你米滋哦西诶忒啊给路【哦西诶忒啊给路】后啦米塞忒啊给路a l ri g h t某卡苦够得k i忒路【某卡苦够得ki忒路】苏股头里扣你那路头里扣你那路O h o h o h o h o h×3看配k i那b a d gi r l 哟看配k i那b a d gi r l 哟s o t e l l m e wh a t ch u wa n n a d o?B o y wa n t yo u wa n n a t o d os o t e l l m e wh a t ch u wa n n a d o?H O W h a t yo u wa n n a t h e b o y wh a t yo u wa n n a wh a t T e l l m e wh a t yo u wa n t哇他西NO se c re t西忒衣他那啦啊那他哇搜k i头哦西诶忒啊给路【哦西诶忒啊给路】后啦米塞忒啊给路a l ri g h t某卡苦够得k i忒路【某卡苦够得ki忒路】苏股头里扣你那路头里扣你那路O h o h o h o h o h×3头那里撒塞啊给路看配k i那b a d gi r l 哟O h o h o h o h o h×3I wi ll b y sm a l lI wi ll b y go a l l ri g h t你扣及那路看配k i那b a d gi r l 哟【搜走衣就NO f ee l in g吗气噶衣那衣得秀】扣啦米塞忒啊给路看配k i那b a d gi r l 哟【目滋卡西苦那衣哇苏那哦那哒K】看配k i那b a d gi r l中文+罗马拼音:Oh oh oh oh oh ×3完璧な bad girl よkan pe ki na bad girl yoワタシの secret 知っていたならwo ta si no secret si te i ta na raアナタはそうきっと惊くんじゃない?a na ta wa so u ki to o do ro kun jia na iどんな时代も辉く my styledon na ji da i mo ka ga ya ku my style他の谁にもマネ出来ないわho ka no da re ni mo ma ne xiu ta i na i waこの秘密教えてあげるko no ni mi tsu o si e te a ge ru(教えてあげる)o si e te a ge ruほら魅せてあげる alrightho ra mi se te a ge ru alrightもう覚悟できてる?mo u ka ku go de ki te ru(もう覚悟できてる?)mo u ka ku go de ki te ruすぐ虏になる虏になるsu gu to ri ko ni na ru to ri ko ni na ruOh oh oh oh oh ×3完璧な bad girl よkan pe ki na bad girl yoso tell me whatchu wanna do?想像以上の feeling 间违いないでしょ?so u zo u i jio no feeling ma qi ga i na i de xioワタシだけの rule 普通じゃイヤなの难しくないわwa ta si da ke no rule hu tsu jia i ya na no mu zi ka si ku na i wa素直なだけsu na o na da ke悔らないでよただついて来てku i a ra na i de yo ta da tsu i te ki teこの秘密教えてあげるko no ni mi tsu o si e te a ge ru(教えてあげる)o si e te a ge ruほら魅せてあげる alrightho ra mi se te a ge ru alrightもう覚悟できてる?mo u ka ku go de ki te ru(もう覚悟できてる?)mo u ka ku go de ki te ruすぐ虏になる虏になるsu gu to ri ko ni na ru to ri ko ni na ru Oh oh oh oh oh ×3完璧な bad girl よkan pe ki na bad girl yoso tell me whatchu wanna do?この秘密ko no hi mi tsuアナタはそうきっとa na ta wa so u ki to教えてあげるo si e te a ge ru(教えてあげる)o si e te a ge ruほら魅せてあげる alrightho ra mi se te a ge ru alrightもう覚悟できてる?mo u ka ku go de ki te ru(もう覚悟できてる?)mo u ka ku go de ki te ruすぐ虏になる虏になるsu gu to ri ko ni na ru to ri ko ni na ru Oh oh oh oh oh ×3完璧な bad girl よ。
《Bad Blood》中英双语歌词(英语学习)

《Bad Blood》中英双语歌词(英语学习)《Bad Blood》翻译为“敌对”,是由是美国女歌手泰勒·斯威夫特演唱歌曲,收录于她的第五张录音室专辑《1989》,混音版与肯德里克·拉马尔合作,作为专辑的第四支单曲发行于2019年5月17日,美国时间5月28日问鼎公告牌百强单曲榜并居榜首一周。
其中“嫌疑人”之一的凯蒂·佩里反应最大,在泰勒的访问出街当天,凯蒂就在社交网站留言,她警告粉丝:“大家要小心披着羊皮的Regina George(《贱女孩》中的一位奸角的名字,是位貌美如花、心如蛇蝎的校花)……”凯蒂似乎在暗示泰勒就是她心目中的Regina George。
Cause baby now we got bad blood既然我们现在互生敌意You know it used to be mad love你知道的那样的爱失去了理智So take a look at what you*ve done看看你所做的吧Cause baby now we got bad blood既然我们现在互生敌意Hey!Now we got problems And I don*t think we can solve them 嘿我们的爱已有杂质并且已无力重返You made a really deep cut你打开了一个深的伤口And baby now we got bad blood既然我们现在互生敌意Hey!Did you have to do this嘿你还要这么做吗I was thinking that you could be trusted我曾想过你能够被信赖Did you have to ruin what was shining now it*s all rusted你还得拆毁那美丽的回忆但它已锈迹斑斑吗Did you have to hit me where I*m weak baby I couldn*t breathe 你还要伤害我吗亲爱的我已太脆弱难以呼吸I rubbed it in so deep我已被伤到深处Salt in the wound like you*re laughing right at me 你笑对我的时候就像在伤口上撒盐Oh, it*s so sad to think about the good times哦回忆我们过往的美好是如此凄凉You and I你和我Cause baby now we got bad blood既然我们现在互生敌意You know it used to be mad love你知道的那样的爱失去了理智So take a look at what you*ve done 看看你所做的吧Cause baby now we got bad blood 既然我们现在互生敌意Hey!Now we got problems嘿我们之间存在问题And I don*t think we can solve them 我不认为我们可以解决这些问题You made a really deep cut这些伤痛它一直在持续And baby now we got bad blood亲爱的我们之间存在了隔阂Hey!Did you think we*d be fine嘿你以为我们还会和好如初吗Still got scars on my back from your knife我背上的刀痕依旧发疼So don*t think it*s in the past所以不要自以为那发生在过去These kind of wounds they last and they last now 这些伤痛它一直在持续Did you think it all through你以为它能好得了吗All these things will catch up to you所有这些我承认的将扑上你And time can heal but this won*t时间可以愈合记忆但这些痛苦不可以So if you come in my way, just don*t所以你如果想经历我的一切最好不好Oh, it*s so sad to think about the good times 哦回忆我们过往的美好是如此凄凉You and I你和我Cause baby now we got bad blood既然我们现在互生敌意You know it used to be mad love你知道的那样的爱失去了理智So take a look at what you*ve done 看看你所做的吧Cause baby now we got bad blood 既然我们现在互生敌意Hey!Now we got problems嘿我们之间存在问题And I don*t think we can solve them 我不认为我们可以解决这些问题You made a really deep cut这些伤痛它一直在持续And baby now we got bad blood亲爱的我们之间存在了隔阂Hey!Band-aids don*t fix bullet holes 嘿!创可贴不能治愈子弹穿孔You say sorry just for show你说的抱歉只是在演戏You live like that, you live with ghosts 你一直都这样像个魔鬼Band-aids don*t fix bullet holes创可贴不能治愈子弹穿孔You say sorry just for show你说的抱歉只是在演戏You live like that, you live with ghosts 你一直都这样像个魔鬼If you love like that blood runs如若这样我的心仍旧在滴血Cause baby now we got bad blood既然我们现在互生敌意You know it used to be mad love你知道的那样的爱失去了理智So take a look at what you*ve done看看你所做的吧Cause baby now we got bad blood既然我们现在互生敌意Hey!Now we got problems And I don*t think we can solve them 嘿我们的爱已有杂质并且已无力重返You made a really deep cut你打开了一个深的伤口And baby now we got bad blood既然我们现在互生敌意Cause baby now we got bad blood既然我们现在互生敌意You know it used to be mad love你知道的那样的爱失去了理智So take a look at what you*ve done看看你所做的吧Cause baby now we got bad blood既然我们现在互生敌意Now we got problems And I don*t think we can solve them 我们的爱已有杂质并且已无力重返You made a really deep cut你打开了一个深的伤口And baby now we got bad blood 既然我们现在互生敌意。
bad guy歌词中文翻译

Bad Guy歌词中文翻译1. 歌曲简介Bad Guy是美国女歌手比莉·艾利什(Billie Eilish)的一首热门歌曲,收录于她的首张录音室专辑《当我们都沉睡在哪》(When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?)中。
Bad Guy风格独特,充满了比莉·艾利什标志性的暗黑主义和反叛情绪。
2. 歌词分析Bad Guy的歌词充满了比莉·艾利什的嚣张和自傲,用一种冷嘲热讽的方式表达了对世界的不满和对自由的追求。
以下是Bad Guy歌词的中文翻译:•“White shirt now red, my bloody nose”(白色衬衫,红色鼻血):比莉用这句话描绘了一个血腥的画面,突出了她自己与众不同的形象,也暗示了她受伤的过去。
•“Sleepin’, you’re on your tippy toes”(你睡着时,你竖起脚尖):这句歌词表达了比莉对那些虚伪、装出一副完美形象的人的不满。
•“Creepin’ around like no one knows”(偷偷摸摸地到处鬼鬼祟祟):这句歌词表达了比莉对那些喜欢隐藏真实本性的人的痛恨。
•“Got nothin’ in my brain”(我脑袋里什么都没有):这句歌词勾勒了一个与众不同、不被世人理解的形象,强调了比莉的自由个性。
•“My mommy likes to sing along with me”(我的妈妈喜欢和我一起唱):这句歌词揭示了比莉与母亲之间的亲密关系,也再次衬托出她与众不同的家庭背景。
•“But she won’t sing this song if she reads all the lyrics”(但如果她读了歌词,她就不会唱这首歌):这句歌词表达了比莉对于她作品中的争议内容的不在乎态度,她更愿意为自己而歌,不受他人干预。

big,bang,bad,boy音译歌词「BADBOY」作詞∶G-DRAGON作曲∶G-DRAGON/CHOICE37歌∶BIGBANGオレがひどすぎた夜の本当に別れるとは思わず「マジごめん」のひと事言えず最後までオレの悪い性格こんなに小さな事でケンカを一晩中泣きながら飛び出した君はSoonまた戻って来るんだろう明日になれば連絡来るだろうBabyできない不器用で尽くしたくってもうまくいかないEveryday&nightI'msomeancuzI'msorealI'msorry(butIcan'tchange) 君が愛すオレはSorryI'mabadboy離れたいなら行けばYou'reagoodgirl時間たつと知れば知るほど期待を裏切るBabydon'tleavemeIknowyoustillloveme 話す素直に今の想いYouaremylaylaylaylayladyMylaylaylaylaylady二人の世界真逆なのに君が笑ってくれた日々が唯一オレの幸せのかけらと思った忙しすぎて約束をのばし申し訳ない気持ちは届かないSoweseparatedtoもうただのFriends別れは惜しく二人の沈黙Babyできない不器用で尽くしたくってもうまくいかないEveryday&nightI'msomeancuzI'msorealI'msorry(butIcan'tchange)君が愛すオレはSorryI'mabadboy離れたいなら行けばYou'reagoodgirl時間たつと知れば知るほど期待を裏切るBabydon'tleavemeIknowyoustillloveme 話す素直に今の想いYouaremylaylaylaylayladyMylaylaylaylaylady何も言わないで強がっていたけど心は見つめないで本当は愛してるから会えなくなるのは辛すぎるOhbabyebacktomeyeahyeahyeah君が愛すオレはSorryI'mabadboy離れたいなら行けばYou'reagoodgirl時間たつと知れば知るほど期待を裏切る Babydon'tleavemeIknowyoustillloveme 話す素直に今の想いYouaremylaylaylaylayladyMylaylaylaylaylady君が愛すオレはSorryI'mabadboy離れたいなら行けばYou'reagoodgirl君が愛すオレはSorryI'mabadboy離れたいなら行けばYou'reagoodgirlBigbang音译歌词Blue:(第一副歌)扣——绿——嘎——够——,莫米恰——讲求——莫木惜得够,顾(林in)搜——顾,马瑞某——登了就——,I'msingingmyblues——唔——唔——,撒郎嫩木掠,怕蓝森普掠,开套(sei跟挖jor) I'msingingmyblues——(唔——唔——唔),色跟顾聊ruai,门聊包嫩,撒郎哦哦(诶哦),(志龙部分)嘎ten那努它len顾no挖那,为偶嘛你嘎——,no也跟搜都那。

badguy吉它谱《bad guy》是美国歌手比莉·艾利什(Billie Eilish)的一首流行歌曲,下面是该歌曲的吉他谱:[Intro]Em.[Verse 1]Em White shirt now red, my bloody nose.Bm Sleepin', you're on your tippy toes.C Creepin' around like no one knows.Bm Think you're so criminal.Em Bruises on both my knees for you.Bm Don't say thank you or please.C I do what I want when I'm wantin' to. Bm My soul? So cynical.[Pre-Chorus]Am So you're a tough guy.Bm Like it really rough guy.C Just can't get enough guy.D Chest always so puffed guy.Am I'm that bad type.Bm Make your mama sad type.C Make your girlfriend mad tight.D Might seduce your dad type.Am I'm the bad guy, duh.[Chorus]Em I'm the bad guy.[Verse 2]Em I like when you get mad.Bm I guess I'm pretty glad.C That you're alone.Bm You said she's scared of me?Em I mean, I don't see what she sees.Bm But maybe it's 'cause I'm wearing your cologne.[Pre-Chorus]Am I'm a bad guy.Bm I'm a bad guy.C Bad guy, bad guy.D I'm a bad-。
BigBang《bad boy》中文

BigBang《bad boy》中文歌词那一夜是我太过火未曾想你真的会走认错的话说不出口是我性格铸成大错成天因小事而不断争吵你哭着跑走我却扭开头总认为你明天就会回来明早你一定会先联络我baby 是我不好没出息的我总无法好好待你everyday & night l'm so meancuz l'm so real so l'm sorry(but l can't change)你心爱的我真的sorry i'm a bad boy离开也是为你好you ' re a good girl虽然随着时间流逝我只会让你更失望baby don't leave mel know you still love me别这样我承认我需要你my lay lay lay lay ladymy lay lay lay lay lady你说我和普通男人不同让你难过你至今仍然像是个少女那么稚嫩在每天爱微笑的你身边我心疲惫总用事务缠身的破借口推三阻四我怀着悲伤的歉意扭过头去梦中新娘如今已是普通朋友面对分离的你我只剩下沉默baby 是我不好没出息的我总无法好好待你everyday & night l'm so meancuz l'm so real so l'm sorry(but l can't change)你心爱的我真的sorry i'm a bad boy离开也是为你好you ' re a good girl虽然随着时间流逝我只会让你更失望baby don't leave mel know you still love me别这样我承认我需要你my lay lay lay lay ladymy lay lay lay lay lady无需再多言我表面强硬内心却相反不要抛下我你明知懂我的人只有你一个babyoh 亲爱的come back to me ye ye ye你心爱的我真的sorry i'm a bad boy离开也是为你好you ' re a good girl 虽然随着时间流逝我只会让你更失望baby don't leave mel know you still love me别这样我承认我需要你my lay lay lay lay ladymy lay lay lay lay lady你心爱的我真的sorry i'm a bad boysorry i'm a bad boysorry i'm a bad boy离开也是为你好you ' re a good girlyou ' re a good girlyou ' re a good girl你心爱的我真的sorry i'm a bad boysorry i'm a bad boysorry i'm a bad boy离开也是为你好you ' re a good girlyou ' re a good girlyou ' re a good girl。
Billie Eilish《bad guy》歌词

Billie Eilish《bad guy》歌词White shirt now red my bloody nose白色的衬衫现在血溅上了我的鼻尖Sleepin' you're on your tippy toes沉睡着你踮着你小心翼翼的脚尖Creepin' around like no one knows匍匐在我的四周仿佛无人知晓Think you're so criminal你是如此罪恶Bruises on both my knees for you为了你我的膝盖被淤伤布满Don't say thank you or please别再说那些客套话I do what I want when I'm wanting to当我想要的时候我会不顾一切My soul so cynical我的灵魂吗早已愤世嫉俗So you're a tough guy所以你一定是个硬汉Like it really rough guy就像电影里经典的硬汉Just can't get enough guy永远欲求不满的硬汉Chest always so puffed guy永远热血沸腾的硬汉I'm that bad type我是比较坏的那种Make your mama sad type让你的妈妈难过的那种Make your girlfriend mad type让你的女朋友生气的那种Might seduce your dad type会诱惑你爸爸的那种I'm the bad guy duh我正是故事的反派I'm the bad guy我就是那个坏蛋I like it when you take control我喜欢你掌握一切的模样Even if you know that you don't即使你知道你已占于下风Own me I'll let you play the role占有我我来让你做决裁者I'll be your animal我会成为你的宠物My mommy likes to sing along with me 我的妈妈喜欢和我一起唱歌But she won't sing this song但这首歌她绝不会唱If she reads all the lyrics如果她读过了这首歌的歌词She'll pity the men I know她也会可怜这个我认识的男人So you're a tough guy所以你一定是个硬汉Like it really rough guy就像电影里经典的硬汉Just can't get enough guy永远欲求不满的硬汉Chest always so puffed guy永远热血沸腾的硬汉I'm that bad type我是比较坏的那种Make your mama sad type让你的妈妈难过的那种Make your girlfriend mad type让你的女朋友生气的那种Might seduce your dad type会诱惑你爸爸的人I'm the bad guy duh我正是故事的反角I'm the bad guy duh我就是那个反角I'm only good at being' bad bad我唯一擅长的事情便是使坏I like when you get mad我喜欢你恼羞成怒的模样I guess I'm pretty glad that you're alone我猜你现在孤身一人这让我很开心You said she's scared of me你说她会害怕我吗I mean I don't see what she sees我的意思是我无法看到她的目之所及But maybe it's 'cause I'm wearing your cologne 但或许是因为我喷着你的古龙水吧I'm a bad guy我就是那个反派I'm a bad guy我是个坏人Bad guy bad guy坏人I'm a bad我是个坏蛋。
EMINEM Bad guy 歌词

But in my head there’s a voice in the back and it hollas After the track is demolished
‘Cause Marshall Mathers the rapper’s persona's half a facade
因为Marshall Mathers仅仅是 此rapper假象人格的二分之一
And Matthew and Stan’s just symbolic, of you not knowing what you had until it’s gone
I am your lack of a conscience我是你缺失的良知
I’m the ringing in your ears
I’m the polyps on the back of your tonsils我是你扁桃体后的息肉
Eating your vocal chords after your concerts
Tap into thoughts Blacker and darker than anything imaginable
Here goes a wild stab in the dark
As we pick up the last Mathers’ last art
bad girl歌词完整版下载,艾薇儿bad girl原唱歌词中文翻译Avril Lavigne

bad girl歌词完整版下载,bad girl原唱歌词中文翻译Avril Lavigne ========== bad girl歌词完整版如下============bad girl -Avril LavigneM: Just lay your head in daddy's lap把你的头躺到爸爸的大腿上You're a bad girl你是一个坏女孩Bad girl坏女孩One two three four一,二,三,四A: Hey, hey嘿, 嘿I'll let you walk all over me我要你闪我远远的Me我You know that I'm a little tease你也知道我鬼灵精怪Tease鬼灵精怪But I wanna play there please但我就是要这样玩Please拜托You know you know you know你知道,你知道,你知道I'm crazy我很疯狂I just wanna be your baby我只是想要成为你的宝贝You can **** me你可以和我缠绵You can play me可以玩弄我You can love and you can hate me 可以爱我,可以恨我Miss me, miss me想要我,想要我Now you wanna kiss me现在你想要亲吻我Choke me because I said so让我窒息吧,因为我说了算Stroke me and feed my ego让我震惊,满足我的自我I've been a bad girl我本就是一个坏女孩Don't you know你不明白吗Don't tell me what to do别告诉我该怎么做Come get it now or never要就上不要就拉倒I'll let you do whatever我会让你对我为所欲为I'll be your bad girl我要成为你的坏女孩Here we go快来吧One two three four一,二,三,四Miss me, miss me想要我,想要我Now you wanna kiss me现在你想要亲吻我M: You're a bad girl你是一个坏女孩A: Baby,宝贝You know I want a little taste宝贝,你知道我想要尝尝鲜Taste尝尝鲜So let me take you all the way所以让我来带领你奔腾吧Way奔腾吧You know you'll never be the same你就会知道你永远都不会有这样的体验Same同样的体验M: You f**king bad girl你这坏女孩A: One night今晚You won't forget the rest of your life你将永生难忘So come on over to the wild side所以快踏入这狂野之境Buckle up and系好你的安全带并且Baby, hold on tight宝贝,抓紧啰Miss me, miss me想要我,想要我Now you wanna kiss me现在你想要亲吻我We both know that我们都知道You love me 'cause I'm so bad 你爱我是因为我很坏Choke me because I said so让我窒息吧,因为我说了算Stroke me and feed my ego让我震惊,满足我的自我I've been a bad girl我本就是一个坏女孩Don't you know你不明白吗M: Don't tell me what to do 别告诉我该怎么做A: Come get it now or never 要就上不要就拉倒I'll let you do whatever 我会让你对我为所欲为I'll be your bad girl我要成为你的坏女孩Here we go快来吧M: One two three four一二三四A: I've got your bad girl我是你的坏女孩Choke me because I said so让我窒息吧,因为我说了算Stroke me and feed my ego让我震惊,满足我的自我I've been a bad girl我本就是一个坏女孩Don't you know你不明白吗M: Don't tell me what to do别告诉我该怎么做A: Come get it now or never要就上不要就拉倒I'll let you do whatever我会让你对我为所欲为I'll be your bad girl我要成为你的坏女孩Here we go快来吧M: One two three four一二三四Bad bad bad girl坏坏坏女孩Avril Lavigne - bad girlAvril Lavigne - bad girl作词:Avril Lavigne作曲:Tony Cottura、Bülent Aris、Avril Lavigne Abrokwa ========== bad girl歌词中文翻译结束End =======。

《badboy》音译歌词Ang Baby come backA YO choice drop it on me YEAH~YEAH~[GD] 为卡那把摸内噶闹木西没搜你压机加路走哪噶虫的摸拉搜内噶米亚内给麻辣妈理由鸟我扫~五里个噶气噶内扫个你都鸟我扫~慢动完带能捏楼都到特你了哈古外路苏西帮楼慢鸟苏飞车拿噶那出为了读V帮~气打气多啦哦给及内给米miang哭鸟吗讲要拉给要给气呀七米miang[DS] baby呢摸太闹木呢摸duai扫五都讲还就古西喷带加拉木对不day in night I'm so meancuz I'm so real I'm sorry(but I can't change)[GD] 你噶撒浪拉冷拉了sorry im a bad boy个了恰拉米豆那车噶有you re good girl西噶你噶苏罗个拉个木那苏罗西门麻辣妈个几马[YB] Baby dont leave meI know you still love me为给留苏几ki 啊妈里米噶皮有爱 my lay lay lay lay ladyMy lay lay lay lay lady[TOP] 普通男扎哇打那闹木 hing嘚噶够 yeah闹那几都所鸟噶气呢木要掉Man噶气无所住呢你嘎疼啦噶闹木噢掉八部大能听改楼要苏古你我波鸟米要喊那三森喊帮那股米读要波鸟奶攻送给深部一真姑娘亲故还有几枚亚西ong 普利得啦轻摸[VI] baby呢摸太闹木呢摸duai扫五都加还就古西喷带苦给样该we day in night I'm so meancuz I'm so real I'm sorry(but I can't change) [TOP] 你噶撒浪拉冷拉了sorry im a bad boy 个了恰拉米豆那插噶有you re good girl西噶你噶苏罗那安那努那苏罗西门麻辣妈个几马[YB] Baby dont leave meI know you still love me为给留苏几ki 啊妈里米噶皮有爱 my lay lay lay lay ladyMy lay lay lay lay lady[VI] 啊木吗啦奇吗[DS] 苦你卡冷桥哈几妈所根打啦[VI] 来波里骑马[DS] 还根冷罗吗肯哈里也还句撒浪[YB] 恩 up down girl(yeah)来来口以抢拉又baby(yo girl)Oh baby back to me ye ye ye[GD] 你噶撒浪拉冷拉了sorry im a bad boy个了恰拉米豆那车噶有you re good girl西噶你噶苏罗个拉个木那苏罗西门麻辣妈个几马[YB] Baby dont leave meI know you still love me为给留苏几ki 啊妈里米噶皮有爱 my lay lay lay lay ladyMy lay lay lay lay lady[GD] 你噶撒浪拉冷拉了sorry im a bad boy(sorry im a bad boy) 个了恰拉米豆那车噶有you re good girl(you are good girl)[GD] 你噶撒浪拉冷拉了sorry im a bad boy(sorry im a bad boy) 个了恰拉米豆那车噶有you re good girl(you re good girl) 《badboy》歌曲视频《badboy》的演唱者介绍BIGBANG,韩国男子演唱组合,由队长G-DRAGON(权志龙)、T.O.P(崔胜铉)、TAEYANG(董永培)、DAESUNG(姜大声)、SEUNGRI(李胜贤)五位成员组成。
bad guy什么意思中文翻译

bad guy什么意思中文翻译你们想知道bad guy什么意思吗?下面为大家带来bad guy什么意思,欢迎大家一起学习!bad guy的意思n. (多指小说或电影中的)反角,坏人,恶人;变形复数: bad guysbad guy的双语例句1. At the end of the film the bad guy gets shot.这坏蛋在影片结尾时被击毙。
2. The bad guy is very dark.那个坏人很阴险.3. He cheerfully blows away any bad guy stupid enough to get in his line of fire.他兴高采烈地将蠢到撞上他枪口的坏家伙全都干掉。
4. No genius, not a bad guy, but the attacks are hurting and stiffening him.不是天才, 人也不坏, 但是四面八方的攻击伤了他的感情,使他横下了心.5. Let's just stop this mad , psychotic, terrorist bad guy before he detonates a nuke on wilshire boulevard, all right?好在这个疯子引爆个核弹之前抓住他好吗?6. You will not a bad guy due to a sole mistake.你不会因为一个错误而成为不合格的人.7. What if I'm not the hero? What if I'm the bad guy?如果我不是英雄呢?要是我是个坏蛋呢?8. People don't like to play the part of the Bad guy.人们不喜欢扮演坏人的角色.9. Police in Kansas City chased down a bad guy Monday.坎萨斯城(KansasCity)警察周一逮到一个坏蛋.10. Real - life Campbell Aird is no bad guy, but he is part machine.现实生活坎贝尔.埃尔德不是一个坏人, 但是他身体有一部分是机器.11. On the bad guys? - No. There's just one bad guy I'm after.关于那些坏家伙么? - 不.我在找一个坏家伙.12. Star Wars featured a bad guy who was part man, part machine.《星球大战》中描述了一个半人半机器的坏蛋.13. Bad book is worse than bad guy because it can't repent.坏书比坏人更坏,因为它不会悔改.14. This man is ill intentioned, he looks like a bad guy.这个人心路不正, 一看就知道不是个好人.15. What if I'm not a superhero? What if I'm the bad guy?要是我不是超级英雄呢?要暮光之城1电影是我是个坏蛋呢?bad guy的英语例句"It sounds like I was the bad guy here, " Garcia told the PGA Tour's official website.Was Lamar Odom a bad guy because he smoked pot and missed some classes?Even Handsome Jack, bad guy though he may be, evolves and changes throughout the game.CNN: SHARE THISSo in order to have a good parenting partnership families should play good guy bad guy?"Saddam Hussein was more than just another bad guy, " said Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz.But the Nest founders are cool, so Honeywell clearly must be the bad guy.If you are a good guy, how can you be such a bad guy?Gunton's so obviously the bad guy, he oughta bewearing a black cowboy hat.Maybe yes, maybe no, but it makes a convenient bad guy for our day to day workings.When you're in the mirror maybe you are good guy, maybe here you are bad guy, God knows.All the right elements are in place: the lovable outlaw, the repugnant bad guy, the forbidden love affair.At one point (you) were viewed as a hero and in other times (you) were the 'bad guy.That's something like black and white, are you good guy or bad guy?I'm in black, you're in white, the good guy and the bad guy.It held a bad guy and is going away like a viking ship.There is no snarling here, no caricatured bad guy defanged by broad strokes.。

丹尼尔歌曲带翻译歌词Title: "Bad Guy" by Billie Eilish Translated Lyrics。
"Bad Guy" is a song by American singer Billie Eilish, released in 2019. The lyrics of the song, when translated to Chinese, tell a story of a person who is confident in their bad behavior and enjoys being the villain.The song starts with the line "White shirt now red, my bloody nose" which describes the physical appearance of the person. They have a white shirt on, but it is now stained with blood from their nose. This could suggest that the person has just been in a fight or altercation.The next line is "Sleeping, you're on your tippy toes" which suggests that the person is sneaking around or being quiet so as not to wake someone up. This could imply that they are doing something that they shouldn't be doing.The chorus of the song is where the person proclaimsthemselves as the "bad guy". They say "I'm the bad guy, duh" which suggests that they are proud of their bad behavior and don't care what others think of them. They also say "I like it when you take control, even if you know that you don't own me" which could suggest that the person enjoys being dominated or controlled by someone else.The next verse talks about the person's love for violence and destruction. They say "I'm that bad type, make your mama sad type, make your girlfriend mad tight, might seduce your dad type" which suggests that they enjoy causing trouble and upsetting people. They also say "I'm the bad guy, duh" again to reinforce their self-proclaimed title.The bridge of the song talks about the person's desire to be feared and respected. They say "I could be the one to take you home, one to whom you belong, one you need to hold when you're alone, I'm the bad guy" which suggests that they want to be seen as someone who is powerful and in control.Overall, the lyrics of "Bad Guy" paint a picture of a person who enjoys being the villain and causing trouble. They are confident in their bad behavior and don't care what others think of them. The song has become a popular anthem for those who embrace their inner "bad guy".。
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bad guy歌词完整版下载,bad guy原唱歌词中文翻译Billie Eilish ========== bad guy歌词完整版如下============
bad guy -Billie Eilish
White shirt now red my bloody nose
Sleepin' you're on your tippy toes
Creepin' around like no one knows
Think you're so criminal
Bruises on both my knees for you
Don't say thank you or please
I do what I want when I'm wanting to
My soul so cynical
So you're a tough guy
Like it really rough guy
Just can't get enough guy
Chest always so puffed guy
I'm that bad type
Make your mama sad type
Make your girlfriend mad type
Might seduce your dad type
I'm the bad guy duh
I'm the bad guy
I like it when you take control
Even if you know that you don't
Own me I'll let you play the role 占有我我来让你做决裁者
I'll be your animal
My mommy likes to sing along with me 我的妈妈喜欢和我一起唱歌
But she won't sing this song
If she reads all the lyrics
She'll pity the men I know
So you're a tough guy
Like it really rough guy
Just can't get enough guy
Chest always so puffed guy
I'm that bad type
Make your mama sad type
Make your girlfriend mad type
Might seduce your dad type
I'm the bad guy duh
I'm the bad guy duh
I'm only good at being' bad bad
I like when you get mad
I guess I'm pretty glad that you're alone
You said she's scared of me
I mean I don't see what she sees
But maybe it's 'cause I'm wearing your cologne 但或许是因为我喷着你的古龙水吧
I'm a bad guy
I'm a bad guy
Bad guy bad guy
I'm a bad
Billie Eilish - bad guy
Billie Eilish - bad guy
========== bad guy歌词中文翻译结束End =======。