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- 10 – 20 International - - - - - - - science - policy interface 科学-政策互动层面- - - - - - assessments 10至20 个国际评估 500 MEAs (Rio, biodiversity, norms 标准 - IPBES 生物多样性和 chemicals, regional seas) 生态系统服务政府间科 500个多边环境协议(里约,生 学政策平台 物多样性,化学品,区域海) - - - - - - - - - - - - - implementation 实施- - - - - - - - - - - GEOSS 全球综合地 球观测系统 - Eye on Earth - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - review 回顾- - - - - - - - - - - - - - Summit 2011 2011年 Implementation gap: – 关注地球峰会 RIO+20 capacity building
Sino-Norwegian Competence Building Project on Environmental Management 2011 - Biodiversity Training Program
Expanding human activities 人类活动扩大 ... amidst widespread poverty 处于大范围的贫 困中 Adaptive institutions 适 应性组织
Unprecedented environmental change 前所未有的环境变化
Risk to HUMAN WELL-BEING 给人 类福祉带来威胁 ... especially for the poor and vulnerable尤其对贫 困人口和脆弱人群造 成威胁
Impacts environmental services and stress 影响环Байду номын сангаас服务和压力
Sino-Norwegian Competence Building Project on Environmental Management 2011 - Biodiversity Training Program From UNEP (1972) to 44 EMG members Environmental Governance in the UN 从联合国环境规划署(1972 联合国的环境治理 年)到44个联合国环境管理小 Principle institutional elements 主要的机构要素 组成员 Intergovernmental bodies 政府间机构 Secretariats 秘书处 Funds 资金机制 Inter-agency … UN biodiversity coordinating agenda bodies 机构间协 (UN env. strategy) 调机制 联合国生稳定性议程 (联合国环境策略)
• Lack of capacity esp in developing countries 能力缺乏,尤其是发展 中国家能力不足
Sino-Norwegian Competence Building Project on Environmental Management 2011 - Biodiversity Training Program
Sino-Norwegian Competence Building Project on Environmental Management 2011 - Biodiversity Training Program
International obligations, guidelines and experiences – CBD 国际责任,指南和经验——《生物多样
• Inadequate mainstreaming of biodiversity into sectoral policies and strategies has hampered progress in addressing the underlying drivers of biodiversity loss 没有将生物多样性恰当地纳入部门政策和战 略,已经对消除导致生物多样性丧失的根本性驱动因素造成了阻碍
Sino-Norwegian Competence Building Project on Environmental Management 2011 - Biodiversity Training Program
CBD COP 2010 2010年《生物多样 性公约》第十次缔约方大会
The Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 (5 strategic goals), including the Aichi biodiversity targets (20 targets). 《2011—2020年生物多样性战 略计划》(5个战略目标),包括爱知生物多样性目 标(20个具体目标) A common framework for implementation of many obligations (see for instance http://www.tematea.org) 一个履行多项义务的共同实施框架(可参考以下网址: http://www.tematea.org ) Member states have now embarked on the development of national and regional targets, using the Strategic Plan and its Aichi targets as a flexible framework. Efforts also include the review, revision and update of NBSAPs 成员国现在需要使用《战略 计划》和爱知目标这一灵活的框架制定国家和区域目标。同时还要审阅,修订和更新 《国家生物多样性战略与行动计划》(NBSAP)。
Core functions 主要功能
Sino-Norwegian Competence Building Project on Environmental Management 2011 - Biodiversity Training Program
Loss of biodiversity continue because: 由于如下原因,生物多样 性仍在继续丧失: • Drivers and pressures leading to loss are increasing 导致生物多样