

大学英语1 4基本要求

大学英语1 4基本要求

大学英语1 4基本要求大学英语1-4基本要求大学英语1一、教学性质和目的大学英语(1)是大学生必修的基础课和学位课程。


























(3)听力理解:能基本听懂日常生活用语和与职业相关的的一般性对话或陈述, 语速为每分钟120词左右。



College English Curriculum RequirementsWith With a a a view view view to to to keeping keeping keeping up up up with with with the the the new new new developments developments developments of of of higher higher higher education education education in in China, deepening teaching reform, improving teaching quality, and meeting the needs of of the the the country country country and and and society society society for for for qualified qualified qualified personnel personnel personnel in in in the the the new new new era, era, era, College College College English English Curriculum Curriculum Requirements Requirements Requirements (Requirements (Requirements (Requirements hereafter) hereafter) hereafter) has has has been been been drawn drawn drawn up up up to to to provide provide colleges colleges and and and universities universities universities with with with the the the guidelines guidelines guidelines for for for English English English instruction instruction instruction to to to non-English non-English major students.Because Because institutions institutions institutions of of of higher higher higher learning learning learning differ differ differ from from from each each each other other other in in in terms terms terms of of teaching teaching resources, resources, resources, students’ students’ students’ level level level of of of English English English upon upon upon entering entering entering college, college, college, and and and the the the social social demands they face, colleges and universities should formulate, in accordance with the Requirements and in the light of their specific circumstances, a scientific, systematic and and individualized individualized individualized College College College English English English syllabus syllabus syllabus to to to guide guide guide their their their own own own College College College English English teaching.I. Character and Objectives of College EnglishCollege English, an integral part of higher learning, is a required basic course for undergraduate students. Under the guidance of theories of foreign language teaching, College College English English English has has has as as as its its its main main main components components components knowledge knowledge knowledge and and and practical practical practical skills skills skills of of of the the English language, learning strategies and intercultural communication. It is a systematic whole, incorporating different teaching models and approaches.The objective of College English is to develop students’ ability to use English in a well-rounded way, especially in listening and speaking, so that in their future studies and careers as well as social interactions they will be able to communicate effectively, and at the same time enhance their ability to study independently and improve their general cultural awareness so as to meet the needs of China’s social development and international exchanges.Ⅱ.Teaching RequirementsAs China is a large country with conditions that vary from region to region and from college to college, the teaching of College English should follow the principle of providing different guidance for different groups of students and instructing them in accordance accordance with with with their their their aptitude aptitude aptitude so so so as as as to to to meet meet meet the the the specific specific specific needs needs needs of of of individualized individualized teaching.The The requirements requirements requirements for for for undergraduate undergraduate undergraduate College College College English English English teaching teaching teaching are are are set set set at at at three three levels, i.e., basic requirements, intermediate requirements, and advanced requirements. Non-English majors are required to attain to one of the three levels of requirements after after studying studying studying and and and practicing practicing practicing English English English at at at school. school. school. The The The basic basic basic requirements requirements requirements are are are the the minimum level that all non-English majors have to reach before graduation. Intermediate Intermediate and and and advanced advanced advanced requirements requirements requirements are are are recommended recommended recommended for for for those those those colleges colleges colleges and and universities universities which which which have have have more more more favorable favorable favorable conditions; conditions; conditions; they they they should should should select select select their their their levels levels according to the school’s status, types and education goals.Institutions Institutions of of of higher higher higher learning learning learning should should should set set set their their their own own own objectives objectives objectives in in in the the the light light light of of their their specific specific specific circumstances, circumstances, circumstances, strive strive strive to to to create create create favorable favorable favorable conditions, conditions, conditions, and and and enable enable enable those those students students who have who have a relatively higher English proficiency proficiency and stronger and stronger capacity capacity for for learning to meet the intermediate or advanced requirements.The three levels of requirements are set as follows:Basic Requirements:1. Listening: Students should be able to follow classroom instructions, everyday conversations, and lectures on general topics conducted in English. They should be be able able able to to to understand understand understand English English English radio radio radio and and and TV TV TV programs programs programs spoken spoken spoken at at at a a a speed speed speed of of about about 130 to 130 to 150 words per minute (wpm)~ grasping the main ideas and key points. points. They They They are are are expected expected expected to to to be be be able able able to to to employ employ employ basic basic basic listening listening listening strategies strategies strategies to to facilitate comprehension.2. Speaking: S tudents should be able to communicate in English in the course of Students should be able to communicate in English in the course of learning, to conduct discussions on a given theme, and to talk about everyday topics topics in in in English. English. English. They They They should should should be be be able able able to to to give, give, give, after after after some some some preparation, preparation, preparation, short short talks on familiar topics with clear articulation and basically correct pronunciation and intonation. They are are expected expected to to be be able able to to use use basic basic conversational strategies in dialogue.3. Reading: Students should generally be able to read English texts on general topics topics at at at a a a speed speed speed of of of 70 70 70 wpm. wpm. wpm. With With With longer longer longer yet yet yet less less less difficult difficult difficult texts, texts, texts, the the the reading reading speed should be 100 wpm. Students should be able to do skimming and scanning. With the help of dictionaries, they should be able to read textbooks in their areas of of specialty, specialty, specialty, and and and newspaper newspaper newspaper and and and magazine magazine magazine articles articles articles on on on familiar familiar familiar topics, topics, topics, grasping grasping the main ideas and understanding major facts and relevant details. They should be be able able able to to to understand understand understand texts texts texts of of of practical practical practical styles styles styles commonly commonly commonly used used used in in work work and and daily daily life. life. life. They They They are are are expected expected expected to to to be be be able able able to to to employ employ employ effective effective effective reading reading reading strategies strategies while reading.4. Writing: Students Students should should should be be be able able able to to to complete complete complete writing writing writing tasks tasks tasks for for for general general purposes, purposes, e.g., e.g., e.g., describing describing describing personal personal personal experiences, experiences, experiences, impressions, impressions, impressions, feelings, feelings, feelings, or or or some some events, and to undertake practical writing. They should be able to write within 30 minutes a short composition of no less than 120 words on a general topic, or an outline. The composition should be basically complete in content, clear in main idea, appropriate in diction and coherent in discourse. Students are expected to be able to have a command of basic writing strategies. 5. Translation: With the help of dictionaries, students should be able to translate essays on familiar topics from English into Chinese and vice versa. The speed of translation translation from from from English English English into into into Chinese Chinese Chinese should should should be be be about about about 300 300 300 English English English words words words per per hour whereas the speed of translation from Chinese into English should be around 250 250 Chinese Chinese Chinese characters characters characters per per per hour. hour. hour. The The The translation translation translation should should should be be be basically basically basically accurate, accurate, free from serious mistakes in comprehension or expression.6. Recommended Vocabulary:S tudents should acquire a total of 4,795 words Students should acquire a total of 4,795 words and 700 phrases (including those that are covered in high school English courses), among among which which which 2,000 2,000 2,000 are are are active active active words. words. words. (See (See (See Appendix Appendix Appendix III: III: III: College College College English English Vocabulary.) Students should not only be able to comprehend the active words but but be be be proficient proficient proficient in in in using using using them them them when when when expressing expressing expressing themselves themselves themselves in in in speaking speaking speaking or or writing.Intermediate Requirements:1. Listening: Students Students should should should generally generally generally be be be able able able to to to follow follow follow talks talks talks and and and lectures lectures lectures in in English, to understand longer English radio and TV programs on familiar topics spoken at a speed of around 150 to 180 wpm, grasping the main ideas, key points and relevant details. They should be able to understand, by and large, courses in their areas of specialty taught in English.2. Speaking: Students should be able to hold conversations in fairly fluent English. They should, by and large, be able to express their personal opinions, feelings and views, views, to to to state state facts facts and and and reasons, reasons, reasons, and and and to to to describe describe describe events events events with with with clear clear clear articulation articulation and basically correct pronunciation and intonation.3. Reading: S tudents should generally be able to read essays on general topics in Students should generally be able to read essays on general topics in popular popular newspapers newspapers newspapers and and and magazines magazines magazines published published published in in in English-speaking English-speaking English-speaking countries countries countries at at at a a speed speed of of of 70 70 70 to to to 90 90 90 wpm. wpm. wpm. With With With longer longer longer texts texts texts for for for fast fast fast reading, reading, reading, the the the reading reading reading speed speed should should be be be 120 120 120 wpm. wpm. wpm. Students Students Students should should should be be be able able able to to to skim skim skim or or or scan scan scan reading reading reading materials. materials. When When reading reading reading summary summary summary literature literature literature in in in their their their areas areas areas of of of specialty, specialty, specialty, students students students should should should be be able able to to to get get get a a a correct correct correct understanding understanding understanding of of of the the the main main main ideas, ideas, ideas, major major major facts facts facts and and and relevant relevant details.4. Writing: Students should be able to express, by and large, personal views on general general topics, topics, topics, compose compose compose English English English abstracts abstracts abstracts for for for theses theses theses in in in their their their own own own specialization, specialization, and and write write write short short short English English English papers papers papers on on on topics topics topics in in in their their their field. field. field. They They They should should should be be be able able able to to describe charts and graphs, and to complete within 30 minutes a short composition of no less than 160 words. The composition should be complete in content, clear in idea, well-organized in presentation and coherent in discourse.5. Translation: W ith the help of dictionaries, students should be able to translate With the help of dictionaries, students should be able to translate on on a a a selective selective selective basis basis basis English English English literature literature literature in in in their their their field, field, field, and and and to to to translate translate translate texts texts texts on on familiar topics in popular newspapers and magazines published in English speaking countries. The speed of translation from English into Chinese should be about 350 English words per hour, whereas the speed of translation from Chinese into into English English English should should should be be be around around around 300 300 300 Chinese Chinese Chinese characters characters characters per per per hour. hour. hour. The The The translation translation should read smoothly, convey the original meaning and be, in the main, free from mistakes in understanding or expression. Students are expected to be able to use appropriate translation techniques.6. Recommended Vocabulary: Students Students should should should acquire acquire acquire a a a total total total of of of 6,395 6,395 6,395 words words and 1,200 phrases (including those that are covered in high school English courses and the Basic Requirements), among which 2,200 are active words (including the active words that have been covered in the Basic Requirements). (See Appendix III: College English V ocabulary.) Advanced Requirements:I. Listening: Students should, by and large, be able to understand radio and TV programs programs produced produced produced in in in English-speaking English-speaking English-speaking countries countries countries and and and grasp grasp grasp the the the gist gist gist and and and key key points. points. They They They should should should be be be able able able to to to follow follow follow talks talks talks by by by people people people from from from English-speaking English-speaking countries countries given given given at at at normal normal normal speed, speed, speed, and and and to to to understand understand understand courses courses courses in in in their their their areas areas areas of of specialty and lectures in English.2. Speaking: Students should be able to conduct dialogues or discussions with a certain certain degree degree degree of of of fluency fluency fluency and and and accuracy accuracy accuracy on on on general general general or or or specialized specialized specialized topics, topics, topics, and and and to to make concise summaries of extended texts or speeches in fairly difficult language. They should be able to deliver papers at academic conferences and participate in discussions.3. Reading: Students should be able to read rather difficult texts, and understand their their main main main ideas ideas ideas and and and details. details. details. They They They should should should be be be able able able to to to read read read English English English articles articles articles in in newspapers and magazines published abroad, and to read English literature related to their areas of specialty without much difficulty.4. Writing: Students should be able to write brief reports and papers in their areas of of specialty, specialty, specialty, to to to express express express their their their opinions opinions opinions freely, freely, freely, and and and to to to write write write within within within 30 30 30 minutes minutes expository expository or or or argumentative argumentative argumentative essays essays essays of of of no no no less less less than than than 200 200 200 words words words on on on a a a given given given topic. topic. The The text text text should should should be be be characterized characterized characterized by by by clear clear clear expression expression expression of of of ideas, ideas, ideas, rich rich rich content, content, content, neat neat structure, and good logic.5. Translation: With the help of dictionaries, students should be able to translate into into Chinese Chinese Chinese fairly fairly fairly difficult difficult difficult English English English texts texts texts in in in literature literature literature related related related to to to their their their areas areas areas of of specialty and in newspapers and magazines published in English-speaking countries; they should also be able to translate Chinese introductory texts on the conditions of China or Chinese culture into English. The speed of translation from English into Chinese Chinese should should should be be be about about about 400 400 400 English English English words words words per per per hour hour whereas whereas the the the speed speed speed of of translation from Chinese into English should be around 350 Chinese characters per hour. The translation should convey the idea with accuracy and smoothness and be basically free from misinterpretation, omission and mistakes in expression.6. Recommended Vocabulary: Students should acquire a total of 7,675 words and 1,870 phrases (including those that are covered in high school English courses, the Basic Requirements and Intermediate Requirements), among which 2,360 are active words (including the active words that have been covered in the Basic Requirements and Intermediate Requirements). (See Appendix III: College English V ocabulary.)The The above-mentioned above-mentioned three three requirements requirements serve serve as as as reference reference reference standards standards standards for for colleges and universities in preparing their own College English teaching documents. They They could, could, could, in in in the light the light of their respective c ircumstances, make due adjustments circumstances, make due adjustments to the the specific specific specific requirements requirements requirements for for for listening, listening, listening, speaking, speaking, speaking, reading, reading, reading, writing writing writing and and and translation translation translation at at the three levels. In doing so they should place more emphasis on the cultivation and training of listening and speaking abilities.III. Course DesignTaking into account account the the the school’s school’s circumstances, colleges colleges and and and universities universities should should follow follow follow the the the guidelines guidelines guidelines of of of the the the Requirements Requirements Requirements and and and the the the goals goals goals of of of their their their College College English teaching in designing their College English course systems. A course system, which which is is is a a a combination combination combination of of of required required required and and and elective elective elective courses courses courses in in in comprehensive comprehensive comprehensive English, English, language language skills, skills, skills, English English English for for for practical practical practical uses, uses, uses, language language language and and and culture, culture, culture, and and and English English English of of specialty, should ensure that students at different levels receive adequate training and make improvement in their ability to use English.In designing College English courses, requirements for cultivating competence in in listening listening listening and and and speaking speaking speaking should should should be be be fully fully fully considered, considered, considered, and and and corresponding corresponding corresponding teaching teaching hours hours and and and credits credits credits should should should be be be adequately adequately adequately allocated. allocated. allocated. Moreover, Moreover, Moreover, the the the extensive extensive extensive use use use of of advanced advanced information information information technology technology technology should should should be be be encouraged, encouraged, encouraged, computer- computer- computer- and and and Web-based Web-based courses should be developed, and students should be provided with favorable environment and facilities for language learning.College College English English English is is is not not not only only only a a a language language language course course course that that that provides provides provides basic basic basic knowledge knowledge about English, but also a capacity enhancement course that helps students to broaden their horizons and learn about different cultures in the world. It not only serves as a tool, tool, but but but also also also has has has humanistic humanistic humanistic values. values. values. When When When designing designing designing College College College English English English courses, courses, therefore, it is necessary to take into full consideration the development of students’ cultural capacity and the teaching of knowledge about different cultures in the world.All All the the the courses, courses, courses, whether whether whether computer-based computer-based computer-based or or or classroom-based, classroom-based, classroom-based, should should should be be be fully fully individual-oriented, taking into account students with different starting points, so that students who start from lower levels will be well taken care of while students whose English English is is is better better better will will will find find find room room room for for for further further further development. development. development. College College College English English English course course design should help students to have a solid foundation in the English language while developing their ability to use English, especially their ability to listen and speak in English. English. It It It should should should ensure ensure ensure that that that students students students make make make steady steady steady progress progress progress in in in English English English proficiency proficiency throughout their undergraduate studies, and it should encourage students’ individualized individualized learning learning learning so so so as as as to to to meet meet meet the the the needs needs needs of of of their their their development development development in in in different different specialties.IV. Teaching Model In view of the marked increase in student enrolments and the relatively limited resources, resources, colleges colleges colleges and and and universities universities universities should should should remold remold remold the the the existing existing existing unitary unitary unitary teacher- teacher- centered pattern of language teaching by introducing computer- and classroom- based teaching models. The new model should be built on modern information technology, particularly network technology, so that English language teaching and learning will be, to a certain extent, free from the constraints of time or place and geared towards students’ students’ individualized individualized individualized and and and autonomous autonomous autonomous learning. learning. learning. The The The new new new model model model should should should combine combine the principles of practicality, knowledge and interest, facilitate mobilizing the initiative of both teachers and students, and attach particular importance to the central position position of of of students students students and and and the the the leading leading leading role role role of of of teachers teachers teachers in in in the the the teaching teaching teaching and and and learning learning process. This model should incorporate into it the strengths of the current model and give play to the advantages of traditional classroom teaching while fully employing modern information technology.Colleges Colleges and and and universities universities universities should should should explore explore explore and and and establish establish establish a a a Web-based Web-based Web-based listening listening and and speaking speaking speaking teaching teaching teaching model model model that that that suits suits suits their their their own own own needs needs needs in in in line line line with with with their their their own own conditions conditions and and and students’ students’ students’ English English English proficiency, proficiency, and and deliver deliver deliver listening listening listening and and and speaking speaking courses courses via via via the the the intranet intranet intranet or or or campus campus campus network. network. network. The The The teaching teaching teaching of of of reading, reading, reading, writing writing writing and and translation translation can can can be be be conducted conducted conducted either either either in in in the the the classroom classroom classroom or or or online. online. online. With With With regard regard regard to to computer- and Web-based courses, face-to-face coaching should be provided in order to guarantee the effects of learning.The network-based teaching system developed in an attempt to implement the new teaching model should cover the complete process of teaching, learning, feedback and management, including such modules as students’ learning and self-assessment, t e achers’ lectures, and online coaching, as well as the monitoring and eachers’ lectures, and online coaching, as well as the monitoring and management management of of of learning learning learning and and and coaching. coaching. coaching. It It It should should should be be be able able able to to to track track track down, down, down, record record record and and check the progress o f learning in of learning in a ddition addition addition to to teaching and coaching, and attain t o to to a a high level of interactivity, multimedia use and operability. Colleges and universities should adopt good teaching software and encourage teachers to make effective use of Web multimedia and other teaching resources.One One of of of the the the objectives objectives objectives of of of the the the reform reform reform of of of the the the teaching teaching teaching model model model is is is to to to promote promote promote the the development of individualized study methods and the autonomous learning ability on the the part part part of of of students. students. students. The The The new new new model model model should should should enable enable enable students students students to to to select select select materials materials materials and and methods suited to their individual needs, Obtain guidance in learning strategies, and gradually improve their autonomous learning ability.Changes Changes in in in the the the teaching teaching teaching model model model by by by no no no means means means call call call for for for changes changes changes in in in teaching teaching methods and approaches only, but, more importantly, consist of changes in teaching philosophy philosophy and and and practice, practice, practice, and and and in in in a a a shift shift shift from from from a a a teacher-centered teacher-centered teacher-centered pattern, pattern, pattern, in in in which which knowledge of the language and skills are imparted by the teacher in class only, to a student-centered student-centered pattern, pattern, pattern, in in in which which which the the the ability ability ability to to to use use use the the the language language language and and and the the the ability ability ability to to learn independently are cultivated in addition to language knowledge and skills, and also also to to to lifelong lifelong lifelong education, education, education, geared geared geared towards towards towards cultivating cultivating cultivating students’ students’ students’ lifelong lifelong lifelong learning learning ability.For the implementation of the new model, refer to Appendix 1: Computer- and Classroom-Based College English Teaching Model.Ⅴ. EvaluationEvaluation Evaluation is is is a key component in a key component in College English teaching. A comprehensive, objective, objective, scientific scientific scientific and and and accurate accurate accurate evaluation evaluation evaluation system system system is is is of of of vital vital vital importance importance importance to to to the the achievement of course goals. It not only helps teachers obtain feedback, improve the administration of teaching, and ensure teaching quality but also provides students with an an effective effective effective means means means to to to adjust adjust adjust their their their learning learning learning strategies strategies strategies and and and methods, methods, methods, improve improve improve their their learning efficiency and achieve the desired learning effects.The The evaluation evaluation evaluation of of of students’ students’ students’ learning learning learning consists consists consists of of of formative formative formative assessment assessment assessment and and summative assessmentFormative assessment refers to procedural and developmental assessment conducted conducted in in in the the the teaching teaching teaching process, process, process, i.e., i.e., i.e., tracking tracking tracking the the the teaching teaching teaching process, process, process, providing providing feedback and promoting an all-round development of the students, in accordance with the teaching objectives and by means of various evaluative methods. It facilitates the effective monitoring of students’ autonomous learning, and is particularly impor tant in in implementing implementing implementing the the the computer- computer- computer- and and and classroom-based classroom-based classroom-based teaching teaching teaching model. model. model. It It It includes includes 。






















三个层次的英语能力要求如下:一般要求:1. 听力理解能力:能听懂英语授课,能听懂日常英语谈话和一般性题材的讲座,能听懂语速较慢(每分钟130 ~150词)的英语广播和电视节目,能掌握其中心大意,抓住要点。




大学英语教学大纲福建农林大学金山学院目录大学英语一级课程 (2)大学英语二级课程 (9)大学英语三级课程 (16)大学英语四级课程 (23)《大学英语》一级课程(College English Band 1)一、简要说明:参照国家教育部制订的《大学英语课程教学要求》, 同时根据我校教学资源、学生入学水平以及所面临的社会需求等实际情况, 特制订本《大学英语教学大纲》,作为我校组织非英语专业本科、专升本学生英语教学的主要依据, 用于指导本校的大学英语教学。






























《大学英语(跨文化交际英语)》课程教学大纲CROSS-CULTURAL COMMUNICATION执笔者:吴勇审核人:易强编写日期:2017年10月二、课程简述《大学英语(跨文化交际英语)》课程是我校非英语专业本科基础阶段的公共基础课,属必修课程。














1)综合教程教学安排(每单元 课时) )综合教程教学安排(每单元6课时 课时) A) 教学计划 • 综合教程共8单元,本学期完成6个单元。 B) 课前预习 • a. 阅读综合教程相应单元的Passage A & B。 可以通过学生用书附带的光盘,边听边阅读。 • b. 通过预习,对课文所涉及的话题和课文内 容有大致了解,对课文中所要掌握词汇初步 接触。
C) 课堂教学 (Passage A& B)
D) 课后复习 • a. 通过阅读课文注释,逐步了解和领会关键词语 和句型的处理,培养自己对语言的感觉,其目的 在于培养学生的自学能力。 • b. 通过练习,巩固刚刚学习的语言知识。通过补 充练习,学会自我检测和自我评估,检查自己在 不同阶段的学习情况。
WarmWarm-up activities
• 1.tongue twister • An imagining manager is imaginging managing an imaginary menagerie • When a doctor doctors a doctor, the doctor doctors wants to doctor the doctor in the way he wants to doctor while the doctor being doctored wants to be doctored in the way he wants to be doctored
6、国际文化能力: 国际文化能力: • 能较好掌握各单元的文化沙龙提供的文化背景 及文化差异知识,并在课外进行适当的延伸阅 读,以更为全面、系统地了解英语国家的重要 文化特征。



《大学英语》(一)课程教学大纲课程名称:《大学英语》(一)课程代码:英文名称:College English I课程性质:通识课程学分/学时:4开课学期:大一秋季适用专业:全日制非英语专业本科生先修课程:高中英语后续课程:《大学英语》(二)等开课单位:课程负责人:大纲执笔人:大纲审核人:一、课程性质和教学目标课程性质:大学英语“一般要求”课程开设四个学期:第一学期大学英语(一)课程包括综合英语1和英语听说1。




具体要求:读:1)能正确朗读Text A,并能背诵有关规定的段落;2)教师应利用一定的课堂时间讲解和介绍快速阅读的方法和技巧,尤其是skimming和 scanning的阅读方法,指导学生课外完成《快速阅读》第一册,在阅读生词不超过总数3%的材料时,读速应达到每分钟80个词,阅读理解的准确率不应低于70%。


译:1)能正确翻译Text A和Text B中的有关句子(英译汉);2)能根据已学到的语言知识或所给的英语词汇,翻译句子或段落(汉译英)。

二、课程目标与毕业要求的对应关系三、课程教学内容及学时分配(含课程教学、自学、作业、讨论等内容和要求,指明重点内容和难点内容)(重点内容:★;难点内容:∆)第一单元成长1. 教学内容①师生交流;课程简介;学习方法指导②成长的喜悦和烦恼2. 教学要点和任务①帮助学生适应大学的英语学习②文化背景介绍★学习写英文祝贺信∆成长过程中的转折点第二单元友谊1. 教学内容①友谊的定义②友谊的重要性2. 教学要点和任务①文化背景介绍②课文重点词汇和结构★学习写私人信件∆如何保持友谊第三单元理解科学1. 教学内容①科学的定义②科学的利弊2. 教学要点和任务①文化背景介绍②课文重点词汇和结构★学习写说明文∆如何把握科学和技术的发展方向第四单元美国梦1. 教学内容①美国梦定义②美国梦的影响2. 教学要点和任务①文化背景介绍②课文重点词汇和结构★学习写记叙文∆美国梦和和中国梦的比较第五单元工作为了生存还是活着为了工作1. 教学内容①工作的定义②工作狂的弊端2. 教学要点和任务①文化背景介绍②课文重点词汇和结构★学习写慰问信∆如何平衡家庭生活、工作和娱乐教学任务:互动问答/看图说话/视频片段欣赏/小组讨论/备稿演讲/主题辩论等等第六单元浪漫1. 教学内容①情人节由来②真爱要义2. 教学要点和任务①文化背景介绍②课文重点词汇和结构★学习写邀请信∆情人节和七夕节比较第七单元动物智力1. 教学内容①动物有智力吗②动物智力举例2. 教学要点和任务①文化背景介绍②课文重点词汇和结构★写作中的举例法∆人和动物之间的沟通第八单元教育问题1. 教学内容①教育的根本目的是什么②教育的重要性2. 教学要点和任务①文化背景介绍②课文重点词汇和结构写作中的因果法中西教育体制比较四、教学方法1) 课堂讲解,师生互动;2)在教师指导下,以学生为中心,课内开展与所授课文有关的丰富的课堂活动;3)巧妙地纠正学生的语音语调和语用错误;4)指导学生收听课外英语调频节目;5)指导学生使用基于网络计算机英语学习系统,培养自主学习能力;6)加强积极词汇的训练;7)逐步培养学生灵活使用各种英语学习的策略。




























第 4 条具备厚实的课程知识积累,具有两年以上的教学经验且教学效果良好,热心全英语教学,对承担的全英语教学课程有清晰的定位和建设规划。














College English Curriculum Requirements With a view to keeping up with the new developments of higher education in China, deepening teaching reform, improving teaching quality, and meeting the needs of the country and society for qualified personnel in the new era, College English Curriculum Requirements (Requirements hereafter) has been drawn up to provide colleges and universities with the guidelines for English instruction to non-English major students.Because institutions of higher learning differ from each other in terms of teaching resources, students' level of English upon entering college, and the social demands they face, colleges and universities should formulate, in accordance with the Requirements and in the light of their specific circumstances, a scientific, systematic and individualized College English syllabus to guide their own College English teaching.I. Character and Objectives of College EnglishCollege English, an integral part of higher learning, is a required basic course for undergraduate students. Under the guidance of theories of foreign language teaching, College English has as its main components knowledge and practical skills of the English language, learning strategies and intercultural communication. It is a systematic whole, incorporating different teaching models and approaches.The objective of College English is to develop students' ability to use English in a well-rounded way, especially in listening and speaking, so that in their future studies and careersas well as social interactions they will be able to communicate effectively, and at the same time enhance their ability to study independently and improve their general cultural awareness so as to meet the needs of China's social development and international exchanges.Ⅱ.Teaching RequirementsAs China is a large country with conditions that vary from region to region and from collegeto college, the teaching of College English should follow the principle of providing different guidance for different groups of students and instructing them in accordance with their aptitude soas to meet the specific needs of individualized teaching.The requirements for undergraduate College English teaching are set at three levels, i.e., basic requirements, intermediate requirements, and advanced requirements. Non-English majors are required to attain to one of the three levels of requirements after studying and practicing English at school. The basic requirements are the minimum level that all non-English majors haveto reach before graduation. Intermediate and advanced requirements are recommended for those colleges and universities which have more favorable conditions; they should select their levels according to the school's status, types and education goals.Institutions of higher learning should set their own objectives in the light of their specific circumstances, strive to create favorable conditions, and enable those students who have a relatively higher English proficiency and stronger capacity for learning to meet the intermediate or advanced requirements.The three levels of requirements are set as follows:Basic Requirements:1. Listening:Students should be able to follow classroom instructions, everydayconversations, and lectures on general topics conducted in English. They should be able to understand English radio and TV programs spoken at a speed of about 130 to 150 words per minute (wpm)~ grasping the main ideas and key points. They are expected to be able to employ basic listening strategies to facilitate comprehension.2. Speaking: Students should be able to communicate in English in the course oflearning, to conduct discussions on a given theme, and to talk about everyday topics in English. They should be able to give, after some preparation, short talks on familiar topics with clear articulation and basically correct pronunciation and intonation. They are expected to be able to use basic conversational strategies in dialogue.3. Reading: Students should generally be able to read English texts on general topics at a speed of 70 wpm. With longer yet less difficult texts, the reading speed should be 100 wpm. Students should be able to do skimming and scanning. With the help of dictionaries, they should be able to read textbooks in their areas of specialty, and newspaper and magazine articles on familiar topics, grasping the main ideas and understanding major facts and relevant details. They should be able to understand texts of practical styles commonly used in work and daily life. They are expected to be able to employ effective reading strategies while reading.4. Writing:Students should be able to complete writing tasks for general purposes, e.g., describing personal experiences, impressions, feelings, or some events, and to undertake practical writing. They should be able to write within 30 minutes a short composition of noless than 120 words on a general topic, or an outline. The composition should be basically complete in content, clear in main idea, appropriate in diction and coherent in discourse. Students are expected to be able to have a command of basic writing strategies.5. Translation: With the help of dictionaries, students should be able to translate essays on familiar topics from English into Chinese and vice versa. The speed of translation from English into Chinese should be about 300 English words per hour whereas the speed of translation from Chinese into English should be around 250 Chinese characters per hour. The translation should be basically accurate, free from serious mistakes in comprehension or expression.6. Recommended Vocabulary: Students should acquire a total of 4,795 words and 700 phrases (including those that are covered in high school English courses), among which 2,000 are active words. (See Appendix III: College English V ocabulary.) Students should not only be able to comprehend the active words but be proficient in using them when expressing themselves in speaking or writing.Intermediate Requirements:1. Listening: Students should generally be able to follow talks and lectures in English, to understand longer English radio and TV programs on familiar topics spoken at a speed of around 150 to 180 wpm, grasping the main ideas, key points and relevant details. They should be able to understand, by and large, courses in their areas of specialty taught in English.2. Speaking: Students should be able to hold conversations in fairly fluent English. They should, by and large, be able to express their personal opinions, feelings and views, to statefacts and reasons, and to describe events with clear articulation and basically correct pronunciation and intonation.3. Reading: Students should generally be able to read essays on general topics in popular newspapers and magazines published in English-speaking countries at a speed of 70 to 90 wpm. With longer texts for fast reading, the reading speed should be 120 wpm. Students should be able to skim or scan reading materials. When reading summary literature in their areas of specialty, students should be able to get a correct understanding of the main ideas, major facts and relevant details.4. Writing: Students should be able to express, by and large, personal views on general topics, compose English abstracts for theses in their own specialization, and write short English papers on topics in their field. They should be able to describe charts and graphs, and to complete within 30 minutes a short composition of no less than 160 words. The composition should be complete in content, clear in idea, well-organized in presentation and coherent in discourse.5. Translation: With the help of dictionaries, students should be able to translate on a selective basis English literature in their field, and to translate texts on familiar topics in popular newspapers and magazines published in English speaking countries. The speed of translation from English into Chinese should be about 350 English words per hour, whereasthe speed of translation from Chinese into English should be around 300 Chinese charactersper hour. The translation should read smoothly, convey the original meaning and be, in the main, free from mistakes in understanding or expression. Students are expected to be able to use appropriate translation techniques.6. Recommended Vocabulary:Students should acquire a total of 6,395 words and 1,200 phrases (including those that are covered in high school English courses and the Basic Requirements), among which 2,200 are active words (including the active words that have been covered in the Basic Requirements). (See Appendix III: College English V ocabulary.) Advanced Requirements:I. Listening: Students should, by and large, be able to understand radio and TV programs produced in English-speaking countries and grasp the gist and key points. They should be able to follow talks by people from English-speaking countries given at normal speed, and to understand courses in their areas of specialty and lectures in English.2. Speaking: Students should be able to conduct dialogues or discussions with a certain degree of fluency and accuracy on general or specialized topics, and to make concise summaries of extended texts or speeches in fairly difficult language. They should be able to deliver papers at academic conferences and participate in discussions.3. Reading: Students should be able to read rather difficult texts, and understand their main ideas and details. They should be able to read English articles in newspapers and magazines published abroad, and to read English literature related to their areas of specialty without much difficulty.4. Writing: Students should be able to write brief reports and papers in their areas of specialty, to express their opinions freely, and to write within 30 minutes expository or argumentative essays of no less than 200 words on a given topic. The text should be characterized by clear expression of ideas, rich content, neat structure, and good logic.5. Translation: With the help of dictionaries, students should be able to translate into Chinesefairly difficult English texts in literature related to their areas of specialty and in newspapers and magazines published in English-speaking countries; they should also be able to translate Chinese introductory texts on the conditions of China or Chinese culture into English. The speed of translation from English into Chinese should be about 400 English words per hour whereas the speed of translation from Chinese into English should be around 350 Chinese characters per hour. The translation should convey the idea with accuracy and smoothness and be basically free from misinterpretation, omission and mistakes in expression.6. Recommended Vocabulary:Students should acquire a total of 7,675 words and 1,870phrases (including those that are covered in high school English courses, the Basic Requirements and Intermediate Requirements), among which 2,360 are active words (including the active words that have been covered in the Basic Requirements and Intermediate Requirements). (See Appendix III: College English V ocabulary.)The above-mentioned three requirements serve as reference standards for colleges and universities in preparing their own College English teaching documents. They could, in the lightof their respective circumstances, make due adjustments to the specific requirements for listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation at the three levels. In doing so they should place more emphasis on the cultivation and training of listening and speaking abilities.III. Course DesignTaking into account the school's circumstances, colleges and universities should follow the guidelines of the Requirements and the goals of their College English teaching in designing their College English course systems. A course system, which is a combination of required and elective courses in comprehensive English, language skills, English for practical uses, language and culture, and English of specialty, should ensure that students at different levels receive adequate training and make improvement in their ability to use English.In designing College English courses, requirements for cultivating competence in listeningand speaking should be fully considered, and corresponding teaching hours and credits should be adequately allocated. Moreover, the extensive use of advanced information technology should be encouraged, computer- and Web-based courses should be developed, and students should be provided with favorable environment and facilities for language learning.College English is not only a language course that provides basic knowledge about English, but also a capacity enhancement course that helps students to broaden their horizons and learn about different cultures in the world. It not only serves as a tool, but also has humanistic values. When designing College English courses, therefore, it is necessary to take into full considerationthe development of students' cultural capacity and the teaching of knowledge about different cultures in the world.All the courses, whether computer-based or classroom-based, should be fully individual-oriented, taking into account students with different starting points, so that students who start from lower levels will be well taken care of while students whose English is better willfind room for further development. College English course design should help students to have a solid foundation in the English language while developing their ability to use English, especiallytheir ability to listen and speak in English. It should ensure that students make steady progress inEnglish proficiency throughout their undergraduate studies, and it should encourage students' individualized learning so as to meet the needs of their development in different specialties.IV. Teaching ModelIn view of the marked increase in student enrolments and the relatively limited resources, colleges and universities should remold the existing unitary teacher- centered pattern of language teaching by introducing computer- and classroom- based teaching models. The new model should be built on modern information technology, particularly network technology, so that English language teaching and learning will be, to a certain extent, free from the constraints of time or place and geared towards students' individualized and autonomous learning. The new model should combine the principles of practicality, knowledge and interest, facilitate mobilizing the initiative of both teachers and students, and attach particular importance to the central position of students and the leading role of teachers in the teaching and learning process. This model should incorporate into it the strengths of the current model and give play to the advantages of traditional classroom teaching while fully employing modern information technology.Colleges and universities should explore and establish a Web-based listening and speaking teaching model that suits their own needs in line with their own conditions and students' English proficiency, and deliver listening and speaking courses via the intranet or campus network. The teaching of reading, writing and translation can be conducted either in the classroom or online.With regard to computer- and Web-based courses, face-to-face coaching should be provided in order to guarantee the effects of learning.The network-based teaching system developed in an attempt to implement the new teaching model should cover the complete process of teaching, learning, feedback and management, including such modules as students' learning and self-assessment, teachers' lectures, and online coaching, as well as the monitoring and management of learning and coaching. It should be able to track down, record and check the progress of learning in addition to teaching and coaching, and attain to a high level of interactivity, multimedia use and operability. Colleges and universities should adopt good teaching software and encourage teachers to make effective use of Web multimedia and other teaching resources.One of the objectives of the reform of the teaching model is to promote the development of individualized study methods and the autonomous learning ability on the part of students. The new model should enable students to select materials and methods suited to their individual needs, Obtain guidance in learning strategies, and gradually improve their autonomous learning ability.Changes in the teaching model by no means call for changes in teaching methods and approaches only, but, more importantly, consist of changes in teaching philosophy and practice, and in a shift from a teacher-centered pattern, in which knowledge of the language and skills are imparted by the teacher in class only, to a student-centered pattern, in which the ability to use the language and the ability to learn independently are cultivated in addition to language knowledgeand skills, and also to lifelong education, geared towards cultivating students' lifelong learning ability.For the implementation of the new model, refer to Appendix 1: Computer- and Classroom-Based College English Teaching Model.Ⅴ. EvaluationEvaluation is a key component in College English teaching. A comprehensive, objective, scientific and accurate evaluation system is of vital importance to the achievement of course goals.It not only helps teachers obtain feedback, improve the administration of teaching, and ensure teaching quality but also provides students with an effective means to adjust their learning strategies and methods, improve their learning efficiency and achieve the desired learning effects.The evaluation of students' learning consists of formative assessment and summative assessmentFormative assessment refers to procedural and developmental assessment conducted in the teaching process, i.e., tracking the teaching process, providing feedback and promoting an all-round development of the students, in accordance with the teaching objectives and by means of various evaluative methods. It facilitates the effective monitoring of students' autonomous learning, and is particularly important in implementing the computer- and classroom-based teaching model.It includes students' self-assessment, peer assessment, and assessment conducted by teachers and school administrators. Formative assessment takes such forms as keeping a record of students' in and outside of classroom activities and online self-learning data, keeping files on students' study results, and conducting interviews and holding meetings. This allows students' learning processesto be subjected to observation, evaluation and supervision, thus contributing to the enhancementof their learning efficiency. (See the recommended Self'-Assessment/ Peer Assessment Forms for Students' English Competence in Appendix Il.)Summative assessment i s conducted at the end of a teaching phase. It mainly consists of final tests and proficiency tests, designed to evaluate students' all-round ability to use English. These tests aim to assess n ot only students' competence in reading, writing and translation, but also their competence in listening and speaking.To make a summative assessment of teaching, colleges and universities may administer tests of their own, run tests at the intercollegiate or regional level, or let students take the national test after meeting the different standards set by the Requirements. Whatever form the tests may take, the focus should be on the assessment of students' ability to use English in communication, particularly their ability to listen and speak in English.Evaluation also includes that of the teachers, i.e., the assessment of their teaching processes and effects. This should not be merely based on students' test scores, but take into account teachers' attitudes, approaches, and methods; it should also consider the content and organizationof their courses, and the effects' of their teaching.Government education administrative offices at different levels and colleges and universities should regard the evaluation of College English teaching as an important part of the evaluation ofthe overall undergraduate education of the school.VI. Teaching AdministrationTeaching administration should cover the whole process of College English teaching. To ensure that the set teaching objectives can be achieved, efforts should be made to strengthen the guidance for and supervision of the teaching process. For this purpose, the following measures should be taken:1. A system for teaching and teaching administration documentation should be established. Documents of teaching include College English Curriculum of the colleges and universities concerned, as well as the documents stipulating the teaching objectives, course description,teaching arrangement, content of teaching, teaching progress, and methods of assessment for all the courses within the program. Documents of teaching administration include documents registering students' status and their academic credits, regulations of assessment, students' academic scores and records, analyses of exam papers, guidelines for teaching and records of teaching and research activities.2. The College English program should adapt itself to the overall credit system of the colleges and universities concerned and should account for 10% (around 16) of the total undergraduate credits. The credits students acquire via computer-based courses should be equally acknowledged once students pass the exams. It is suggested that these credits should account for no less than 30% of the total credits in College English learning.3. Faculty employment and management should be improved in order to guarantee a reasonable teacher-student ratio. In addition to classroom teaching, the hours spent on face-to-face coaching, instructions on network usage and on extracurricular activities should be counted in the teachers' teaching load.4. A system of faculty development should be established. The quality of teachers is the key to the improvement of the teaching quality, and to the development of the College English program. Colleges and universities should build a faculty team with a good structure of age, educational backgrounds and professional titles, lay emphasis on the training and development of College English teachers, encourage them to conduct teaching and research with a focus on the improvement of teaching quality, create conditions for them to carry out relevant activities in various forms, and promote effective cooperation among them, so that they can better adapt to the new teaching model. Meanwhile, opportunities should be created so that the teachers can enjoy sabbaticals and engage in advanced studies, thus ensuring sustainable improvement in their academic performance and methods of teaching.Appendix ⅠComputer- and Classroom-Based CollegeEnglish Teaching ModelThe new College English teaching model based on the computer and the classroom is designed to help Chinese students achieve the objectives set by the Requirements. The model places a premium on individualized teaching and independent learning and makes full use of the special function of computers in assisting learners with repeated language practice, especially with training in listening, and speaking abilities. While taking advantage of the teachers' lectures and coaching, students can be assisted by computers in choosing the appropriate content and methods of learning according to their specific needs, proficiency and schedules under the guidance of teachers, so that their all-round ability to use English can be improved and the best effects of learning achieved.To implement the computer-based English learning, the teacher's role of face-to-face coaching should be stressed. It could take the form of group work, focusing on checking students' independent learning, and providing due guidance and assistance for students. In principle, at least one hour of coaching should be offered after every 16 to 20 hours of student learning.1.Structure of the ModelInstructions:Teaching activities such as practice in English listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation can be conducted via either the computer or classroom teaching. The solid arrow indicates the main form of a certain environment of teaching, while the dotted arrow the supplementary form of a certain environment of teaching. Specifically, listening ability is trained mainly in a computer- and Web-based environment, supplemented by classroom teaching: writing and translation are trained mainly in the classroom, supplemented by a computer- and Web-based environment. Speaking and reading, on the other hand, are trained by both means. In the process of teaching, teachers serve as organizers of teaching activities, and teaching administration is implemented by the administrative office of teaching affaires, teachers, and teaching management software.Instructions:Freshmen take a computer-based placement test upon entering college to measure their respective starting levels, such as Grade 1, Grade 2 or Grade 3. After the teachers determine the grade and establish an account for all students based on their test results via the management system, students can start to study courses according to teachers' arrangement. After learning continues for a certain period of time (set by the universities and colleges), students can take the Web-based unit test designed by the teachers. Then students automatically enter the next unit if they pass the test. If they fail, students then return to the current unit and repeat the whole learning process. When they are ready (after studying a few units), students should receive tutoring. After individualized tutoring, teachers can check the students' online learning by means of either oral or written tests, and then decide whether the students can pass. If they pass, students can go on to the next stage; if they fail, the students should be required by teachers to go back to a certain unit and re-study it until they pass.Appendix ⅡSelf-Assessment/Peer Assessment Form for Students' English Competence Instructions:1. The Self-Assessment/Peer Assessment Form for Students' English Competencespecifies and lists various linguistic skills covered in the Basic Requirements, Intermediate Requirements and Advanced Requirements. It can help teachers better understand teaching requirements at different levels, thus adding direct relevance to teaching. In addition, teachers can either supplement or modify related skills according to the school's College English syllabus.2. Teachers can introduce to students the skills listed in the Self-Assessment/PeerAssessment Form at the beginning of their teaching, in order to acquaint them with the teaching requirements.3. Teachers should require students to do self-assessment and peer assessment atregular intervals, and in doing so, help them to know about their own mastery of linguistic skills and regulate their learning behaviors on a timely basis.4. Students are expected to assess their own or their classmates' English competencein the "Assessment" column on the right of the form, giving a tick (√) to what they are able to achieve. Then based on the results of self-assessment or peer assessment, and with reference to the directions given below, students can arrange for learning at the next stage.。



《大学英语1》课程教学大纲一、基本信息课程编号:08A09010课程名称:大学英语1英文名称:College English I课程类型: ■通识必修课□通识核心课□通识选修课□学科基础课□专业基础课□专业必修课□专业选修课□实践环节总学时:48 讲课学时:48 实验学时:0学分:3适用对象:非英语专业一年级学生课程负责人:刘英杰梁爱民二、课程的性质与作用《大学英语1》的教学目的是培养学生具备综合应用英语的能力,培养学生具有较强的阅读能力和一定的听、说、写、译能力,使他们能用英语交流信息。














《大学英语1》课程教学大纲英文名称:New College English ( Second Edition)课程编号:06110040课程类别:必修总学时数:256(理论学时:实验或实践学时:)学分:16开课单位:衢州学院适用专业:本校非英语专业一年级本科生一、课程的性质、目的和任务1.课程性质大学英语课程是大学生的一门必修的基础课程。



二、课程教学内容及教学要求Unit One Growing Up1.教学内容1)Listening Task2) Text A Writing for Myself3) Text B The Scholarship Jacket4) Comprehensive Language Practice2.重点、难点重点:Comprehension of Text A难点:Master the words, expressions and sentence structures in Text A3.教学基本要求1) grasp the main idea ( the essence of writing is to write what one enjoys writing) and structure of Text A ( narration in Chronological sequence);2) appreciate the narrative skills demonstrated in Text A ( selection of details, repetition, coherence);3)master the key language points and learn how to use them in context;4)understand the cultural background related to the content;5)express themselves more freely on the theme of Growing up after doing aseries of theme-related reading, listening , speaking and writing activities;6)write a letter of congratulations in an appropriate way.Unit Two Friendship1.教学内容1)Listening Task2) Text A All the Cabbie Had Was a letter3) Text B Never Let a Friend Down4) Comprehensive Language Practice2.重点、难点重点:Comprehension of Text A难点:Master the words, expressions and sentence structures in Text A3.教学基本要求1) grasp the main idea (never delay expressing your true feelings to a friend ) and structure of Text A (developing a story around a letter);2) appreciate the narrative skills demonstrated in Text A ( spoken English is much more informal than written English);3) master the key language points and learn how to use them in context;4)understand the cultural background related to the content;5)express themselves more freely on the theme of Friendship after doing aseries of theme-related reading, listening , speaking and writing activities;6)write a personal letter in an appropriate way.Unit Three Understanding Science1.教学内容1)Listening Task2) Text A Public Attitudes Toward Science3) Text B How to Make Sense Out of Science4) Comprehensive Language Practice2.重点、难点重点:Comprehension of Text A难点:Master the words, expressions and sentence structures in Text A3.教学基本要求1) grasp the main idea (to ensure the survival of human civilization, measures must be taken to help the public understand science ) and structure of Text A ( introducing a topic, developing the topic with supporting details, drawing a conclusion);2) appreciate the narrative skills demonstrated in Text A (Text A, Unit 1) and expository writing (Text A, Unit 3);3) master the key language points and learn how to use them in context;4) understand the cultural background related to the content;5) express themselves more freely on the theme of Understanding Science after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening , speaking and writing activities;6) write an expository essay about how science changes our liveUnit Four The American Dream1.教学内容1)Listening Task2) Text A Tony Trivisonno’s American Dream3) Text B With His Own Two Hands4) Comprehensive Language Practice2.重点、难点重点:Comprehension of Text A难点:Master the words, expressions and sentence structures in Text A3.教学基本要求1) grasp the main idea Tony Trivisonno realized his American Dream through his own efforts) and structure of Text A (one part telling the story of Tony’s life and the other giving the author’s comments on it );2) learn to describe a person by his/her characteristic features, together with supporting details which demonstrate the features;3) master the key language points and learn how to use them in context;4) understand the cultural background related to the content;5) express themselves more freely on the theme of The American Dream after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening , speaking and writing activities;6) write a narrative in the third person singular about the story of Tony Trivisonno. Unit Five Work to Live or Live to Work1.教学内容1)Listening Task2) Text A The Company Man3) Text B You Might Be a Workaholic If …4) Comprehensive Language Practice2.重点、难点重点:Comprehension of Text A难点:Master the words, expressions and sentence structures in Text A3.教学基本要求1) grasp the main idea (the author tries to define a typical workaholic in the American corporate world with the story of Phil ) and structure of Text A;2) appreciate the narrative skills demonstrated in Text A (to set the tone of irony by choice of words, selection of details, use of quotation marks, etc.)3) master the key language points and learn how to use them in context;4) understand the cultural background related to the content;5) express themselves more freely on the theme of Work to Live or Live to Work after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening , speaking and writing activities;6) write a letter of sympathy or condolence in an appropriate wayUnit Six Romance1.教学内容1)Listening Task2) Text A A V alentine Story3) Text B The Wallet4) Comprehensive Language Practice2.重点、难点重点:Comprehension of Text A难点:Master the words, expressions and sentence structures in Text A3.教学基本要求1) grasp the main idea (the way one reacts to unattractive people reveals one’s true character) and structure of Text A2) appreciate the narrative skills demonstrated in Text A (switching between tenses ,change of narrators), some rhetorical devices (simile and metaphor) and the use of informal language in conversations3) master the key language points and learn how to use them in context;4) understand the cultural background related to the content;5) express themselves more freely on the theme of Romance after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening , speaking and writing activities;6) write a letter of invitation and acknowledgement in an appropriate wayUnit Seven Animal Intelligence1.教学内容1)Listening Task2) Text A What Animals Really Think3) Text B Do Animals Fall in love?4) Comprehensive Language Practice2.重点、难点重点:Comprehension of Text A难点:Master the words, expressions and sentence structures in Text A3.教学基本要求1) grasp the main idea (some animals seem capable of thinking when it is in their own interests to do so ) and structure of Text A ( introducing, 3 subheadings to give 3 supporting examples, conclusion);2) appreciate the importance of examples in exposition;3) master the key language points in Text A and learn how to use them in context;4) understand the cultural background related to the content;5) express themselves more freely on the theme of Animal Intelligence after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening , speaking and writing activities;6) write an essay about animal intelligence using relevant examples.Unit Eight Educational Problems1.教学内容1)Listening Task2) Text A A fable of the Lazy Teenager3) Text B Ditch the Calculator4) Comprehensive Language Practice2.重点、难点重点:Comprehension of Text A难点:Master the words, expressions and sentence structures in Text A3.教学基本要求1) grasp the main idea ( teenagers’ idleness and ignorance will seriously affect both themselves and society in general) and structure of Text A ( two parts-the author’s concern and his proposed remedy);2) learn how to write a cause-and-effect analysis;3) master the key language points and learn how to use them in context;4) understand the cultural background related to the content;5) express themselves more freely on the theme of Understanding Science after doing a series of theme-related reading, listening , speaking and writing activities;6) write an essay about the use of computers in schools using cause and effect.三、建议学时分配表四、课程考核方式与成绩评定1.考核方式:2.成绩评定:总评成绩构成:平时考核(20 )%;期中考核(20)%;期末考核(60 )%平时成绩构成:考勤考纪(10 )%;作业(10)%;实践环节()%五、建议教材及参考资料建议教材:×××主编,《×××》,××××出版社,××××年版1. 《全新版大学英语》(综合教程1)第二版李荫华主编,上海外语教育出版社,2010年版2. 《全新版大学英语》(听说教程1)第二版虞苏美主编,上海外语教育出版社,2010年版3. 《全新版大学英语》(快速阅读教程1册)第二版郭杰克主编,上海外语教育出版社,2010年版4. 《全新版大学英语》(综合教程1,一课一练)第二版李荫华主编,上海外语教育出版社,2010年版参考资料:1. 《全新版大学英语》(语法手册)第二版张成炜主编,上海外语教育出版社,2010年版2. 《大学英语四级模拟训练》权威出版社最新版本3. 《大学英语四级真题》权威出版社最新版本4. 《全新版大学英语》(综合教程1)第二版教师用书李荫华主编,上海外语教育出版社,2010年版5. 《全新版大学英语》(听说教程1)第二版教师用书虞苏美主编,上海外语教育出版社,2010年版六、大纲说明需要特殊表述的大纲中未尽事宜,如课程改革、整合情况等。

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College English Curriculum RequirementsWith a view to keeping up with the new developments of higher education in China, deepening teaching reform, improving teaching quality, and meeting the needs of the country and society for qualified personnel in the new era, College English Curriculum Requirements (Requirements hereafter) has been drawn up to provide colleges and universities with the guidelines for English instruction to non-English major students.Because institutions of higher learning differ from each other in terms of teaching resources, students' level of English upon entering college, and the social demands they face, colleges and universities should formulate, in accordance with the Requirements and in the light of their specific circumstances, a scientific, systematic and individualized College English syllabus to guide their own College English teaching.I. Character and Objectives of College EnglishCollege English, an integral part of higher learning, is a required basic course for undergraduate students. Under the guidance of theories of foreign language teaching, College English has as its main components knowledge and practical skills of the English language, learning strategies and intercultural communication. It is a systematic whole, incorporating different teaching models and approaches.The objective of College English is to develop students' ability to use English in a well-rounded way, especially in listening and speaking, so that in their future studies and careers as well as social interactions they will be able to communicate effectively, and at the same time enhance their ability to study independently and improve their general cultural awareness so as to meet the needs of China's social development and international exchanges.Ⅱ.Teaching RequirementsAs China is a large country with conditions that vary from region to region and from college to college, the teaching of College English should follow the principle of providing different guidance for different groups of students and instructing them in accordance with their aptitude so as to meet the specific needs of individualized teaching.The requirements for undergraduate College English teaching are set at three levels, i.e., basic requirements, intermediate requirements, and advanced requirements. Non-English majors are required to attain to one of the three levels of requirements after studying and practicing English at school. The basic requirements are the minimum level that all non-English majors have to reach before graduation. Intermediate and advanced requirements are recommended for those colleges and universities which have more favorable conditions; they should select their levels according to the school's status, types and education goals.Institutions of higher learning should set their own objectives in the light of their specific circumstances, strive to create favorable conditions, and enable those students who have a relatively higher English proficiency and stronger capacity for learning to meet the intermediate or advanced requirements.The three levels of requirements are set as follows:Basic Requirements:1. Listening:Students should be able to follow classroom instructions, everyday conversations, and lectures on general topics conducted in English. They should be able to understand English radio and TV programs spoken at a speed of about 130 to 150 words per minute (wpm)~ grasping the main ideas and key points. They are expected to be able to employ basic listening strategies to facilitate comprehension.2. Speaking: Students should be able to communicate in English in the course of learning, to conduct discussions on a given theme, and to talk about everyday topics in English. They should be able to give, after some preparation, short talks on familiar topics with clear articulation and basically correct pronunciation and intonation. They are expected to be able to use basic conversational strategies in dialogue.3. Reading: Students should generally be able to read English texts on general topics at a speed of 70 wpm. With longer yet less difficult texts, the reading speed should be 100 wpm. Students should be able to do skimming and scanning. With the help of dictionaries, they should be able to read textbooks in their areas of specialty, and newspaper and magazine articles on familiar topics, grasping the main ideas and understanding major facts and relevant details. They should be able to understand texts of practical styles commonly used in work and daily life. They are expected to be able to employ effective reading strategies while reading.4. Writing:Students should be able to complete writing tasks for general purposes, e.g., describing personal experiences, impressions, feelings, or some events, and to undertake practical writing. They should be able to write within 30 minutes a short composition of no less than 120 words on a general topic, or an outline. The composition should be basically complete in content, clear in main idea, appropriate in diction and coherent in discourse. Students are expected to be able to have a command of basic writing strategies.5. Translation: With the help of dictionaries, students should be able to translate essays on familiar topics from English into Chinese and vice versa. The speed of translation from English into Chinese should be about 300 English words per hour whereas the speed of translation from Chinese into English should be around 250 Chinese characters per hour. The translation should be basically accurate, free from serious mistakes in comprehension or expression.6. Recommended Vocabulary: Students should acquire a total of 4,795 words and 700 phrases (including those that are covered in high school English courses), among which 2,000 are active words. (See Appendix III: College English V ocabulary.) Students should not only be able to comprehend the active words but be proficient in using them when expressing themselves in speaking or writing.Intermediate Requirements:1. Listening: Students should generally be able to follow talks and lectures in English, to understand longer English radio and TV programs on familiar topics spoken at a speed of around 150 to 180 wpm, grasping the main ideas, key points and relevant details. They should be able to understand, by and large, courses in their areas of specialty taught in English.2. Speaking: Students should be able to hold conversations in fairly fluent English. They should, by and large, be able to express their personal opinions, feelings and views, to statefacts and reasons, and to describe events with clear articulation and basically correct pronunciation and intonation.3. Reading: Students should generally be able to read essays on general topics in popular newspapers and magazines published in English-speaking countries at a speed of 70 to 90 wpm. With longer texts for fast reading, the reading speed should be 120 wpm. Students should be able to skim or scan reading materials. When reading summary literature in their areas of specialty, students should be able to get a correct understanding of the main ideas, major facts and relevant details.4. Writing: Students should be able to express, by and large, personal views on general topics, compose English abstracts for theses in their own specialization, and write short English papers on topics in their field. They should be able to describe charts and graphs, and to complete within 30 minutes a short composition of no less than 160 words. The composition should be complete in content, clear in idea, well-organized in presentation and coherent in discourse.5. Translation: With the help of dictionaries, students should be able to translate on a selective basis English literature in their field, and to translate texts on familiar topics in popular newspapers and magazines published in English speaking countries. The speed of translation from English into Chinese should be about 350 English words per hour, whereas the speed of translation from Chinese into English should be around 300 Chinese characters per hour. The translation should read smoothly, convey the original meaning and be, in the main, free from mistakes in understanding or expression. Students are expected to be able to use appropriate translation techniques.6. Recommended Vocabulary:Students should acquire a total of 6,395 words and 1,200 phrases (including those that are covered in high school English courses and the Basic Requirements), among which 2,200 are active words (including the active words that have been covered in the Basic Requirements). (See Appendix III: College English V ocabulary.) Advanced Requirements:I. Listening: Students should, by and large, be able to understand radio and TV programs produced in English-speaking countries and grasp the gist and key points. They should be able to follow talks by people from English-speaking countries given at normal speed, and to understand courses in their areas of specialty and lectures in English.2. Speaking: Students should be able to conduct dialogues or discussions with a certain degree of fluency and accuracy on general or specialized topics, and to make concise summaries of extended texts or speeches in fairly difficult language. They should be able to deliver papers at academic conferences and participate in discussions.3. Reading: Students should be able to read rather difficult texts, and understand their main ideas and details. They should be able to read English articles in newspapers and magazines published abroad, and to read English literature related to their areas of specialty without much difficulty.4. Writing: Students should be able to write brief reports and papers in their areas of specialty, to express their opinions freely, and to write within 30 minutes expository or argumentative essays of no less than 200 words on a given topic. The text should be characterized by clear expression of ideas, rich content, neat structure, and good logic.5. Translation: With the help of dictionaries, students should be able to translate into Chinesefairly difficult English texts in literature related to their areas of specialty and in newspapers and magazines published in English-speaking countries; they should also be able to translate Chinese introductory texts on the conditions of China or Chinese culture into English. The speed of translation from English into Chinese should be about 400 English words per hour whereas the speed of translation from Chinese into English should be around 350 Chinese characters per hour. The translation should convey the idea with accuracy and smoothness and be basically free from misinterpretation, omission and mistakes in expression.6. Recommended Vocabulary:Students should acquire a total of 7,675 words and 1,870 phrases (including those that are covered in high school English courses, the Basic Requirements and Intermediate Requirements), among which 2,360 are active words (including the active words that have been covered in the Basic Requirements and Intermediate Requirements). (See Appendix III: College English V ocabulary.)The above-mentioned three requirements serve as reference standards for colleges and universities in preparing their own College English teaching documents. They could, in the light of their respective circumstances, make due adjustments to the specific requirements for listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation at the three levels. In doing so they should place more emphasis on the cultivation and training of listening and speaking abilities.III. Course DesignTaking into account the school's circumstances, colleges and universities should follow the guidelines of the Requirements and the goals of their College English teaching in designing their College English course systems. A course system, which is a combination of required and elective courses in comprehensive English, language skills, English for practical uses, language and culture, and English of specialty, should ensure that students at different levels receive adequate training and make improvement in their ability to use English.In designing College English courses, requirements for cultivating competence in listening and speaking should be fully considered, and corresponding teaching hours and credits should be adequately allocated. Moreover, the extensive use of advanced information technology should be encouraged, computer- and Web-based courses should be developed, and students should be provided with favorable environment and facilities for language learning.College English is not only a language course that provides basic knowledge about English, but also a capacity enhancement course that helps students to broaden their horizons and learn about different cultures in the world. It not only serves as a tool, but also has humanistic values. When designing College English courses, therefore, it is necessary to take into full consideration the development of students' cultural capacity and the teaching of knowledge about different cultures in the world.All the courses, whether computer-based or classroom-based, should be fully individual-oriented, taking into account students with different starting points, so that students who start from lower levels will be well taken care of while students whose English is better will find room for further development. College English course design should help students to have a solid foundation in the English language while developing their ability to use English, especially their ability to listen and speak in English. It should ensure that students make steady progress inEnglish proficiency throughout their undergraduate studies, and it should encourage students' individualized learning so as to meet the needs of their development in different specialties.IV. Teaching ModelIn view of the marked increase in student enrolments and the relatively limited resources, colleges and universities should remold the existing unitary teacher- centered pattern of language teaching by introducing computer- and classroom- based teaching models. The new model should be built on modern information technology, particularly network technology, so that English language teaching and learning will be, to a certain extent, free from the constraints of time or place and geared towards students' individualized and autonomous learning. The new model should combine the principles of practicality, knowledge and interest, facilitate mobilizing the initiative of both teachers and students, and attach particular importance to the central position of students and the leading role of teachers in the teaching and learning process. This model should incorporate into it the strengths of the current model and give play to the advantages of traditional classroom teaching while fully employing modern information technology.Colleges and universities should explore and establish a Web-based listening and speaking teaching model that suits their own needs in line with their own conditions and students' English proficiency, and deliver listening and speaking courses via the intranet or campus network. The teaching of reading, writing and translation can be conducted either in the classroom or online. With regard to computer- and Web-based courses, face-to-face coaching should be provided in order to guarantee the effects of learning.The network-based teaching system developed in an attempt to implement the new teaching model should cover the complete process of teaching, learning, feedback and management, including such modules as students' learning and self-assessment, teachers' lectures, and online coaching, as well as the monitoring and management of learning and coaching. It should be able to track down, record and check the progress of learning in addition to teaching and coaching, and attain to a high level of interactivity, multimedia use and operability. Colleges and universities should adopt good teaching software and encourage teachers to make effective use of Web multimedia and other teaching resources.One of the objectives of the reform of the teaching model is to promote the development of individualized study methods and the autonomous learning ability on the part of students. The new model should enable students to select materials and methods suited to their individual needs, Obtain guidance in learning strategies, and gradually improve their autonomous learning ability.Changes in the teaching model by no means call for changes in teaching methods and approaches only, but, more importantly, consist of changes in teaching philosophy and practice, and in a shift from a teacher-centered pattern, in which knowledge of the language and skills are imparted by the teacher in class only, to a student-centered pattern, in which the ability to use the language and the ability to learn independently are cultivated in addition to language knowledge and skills, and also to lifelong education, geared towards cultivating students' lifelong learning ability.For the implementation of the new model, refer to Appendix 1: Computer- and Classroom-Based College English Teaching Model.Ⅴ. EvaluationEvaluation is a key component in College English teaching. A comprehensive, objective, scientific and accurate evaluation system is of vital importance to the achievement of course goals. It not only helps teachers obtain feedback, improve the administration of teaching, and ensure teaching quality but also provides students with an effective means to adjust their learning strategies and methods, improve their learning efficiency and achieve the desired learning effects.The evaluation of students' learning consists of formative assessment and summative assessmentFormative assessment refers to procedural and developmental assessment conducted in the teaching process, i.e., tracking the teaching process, providing feedback and promoting an all-round development of the students, in accordance with the teaching objectives and by means of various evaluative methods. It facilitates the effective monitoring of students' autonomous learning, and is particularly important in implementing the computer- and classroom-based teaching model. It includes students' self-assessment, peer assessment, and assessment conducted by teachers and school administrators. Formative assessment takes such forms as keeping a record of students' in and outside of classroom activities and online self-learning data, keeping files on students' study results, and conducting interviews and holding meetings. This allows students' learning processes to be subjected to observation, evaluation and supervision, thus contributing to the enhancement of their learning efficiency. (See the recommended Self'-Assessment/ Peer Assessment Forms for Students' English Competence in Appendix Il.)Summative assessment is conducted at the end of a teaching phase. It mainly consists of final tests and proficiency tests, designed to evaluate students' all-round ability to use English. These tests aim to assess not only students' competence in reading, writing and translation, but also their competence in listening and speaking.To make a summative assessment of teaching, colleges and universities may administer tests of their own, run tests at the intercollegiate or regional level, or let students take the national test after meeting the different standards set by the Requirements. Whatever form the tests may take, the focus should be on the assessment of students' ability to use English in communication, particularly their ability to listen and speak in English.Evaluation also includes that of the teachers, i.e., the assessment of their teaching processes and effects. This should not be merely based on students' test scores, but take into account teachers' attitudes, approaches, and methods; it should also consider the content and organization of their courses, and the effects' of their teaching.Government education administrative offices at different levels and colleges and universities should regard the evaluation of College English teaching as an important part of the evaluation of the overall undergraduate education of the school.VI. Teaching AdministrationTeaching administration should cover the whole process of College English teaching. To ensure that the set teaching objectives can be achieved, efforts should be made to strengthen the guidance for and supervision of the teaching process. For this purpose, the following measures should be taken:1. A system for teaching and teaching administration documentation should be established. Documents of teaching include College English Curriculum of the colleges and universities concerned, as well as the documents stipulating the teaching objectives, course description,teaching arrangement, content of teaching, teaching progress, and methods of assessment for all the courses within the program. Documents of teaching administration include documents registering students' status and their academic credits, regulations of assessment, students' academic scores and records, analyses of exam papers, guidelines for teaching and records of teaching and research activities.2. The College English program should adapt itself to the overall credit system of the colleges and universities concerned and should account for 10% (around 16) of the total undergraduate credits. The credits students acquire via computer-based courses should be equally acknowledged once students pass the exams. It is suggested that these credits should account for no less than 30% of the total credits in College English learning.3. Faculty employment and management should be improved in order to guarantee a reasonable teacher-student ratio. In addition to classroom teaching, the hours spent on face-to-face coaching, instructions on network usage and on extracurricular activities should be counted in the teachers' teaching load.4. A system of faculty development should be established. The quality of teachers is the key to the improvement of the teaching quality, and to the development of the College English program. Colleges and universities should build a faculty team with a good structure of age, educational backgrounds and professional titles, lay emphasis on the training and development of College English teachers, encourage them to conduct teaching and research with a focus on the improvement of teaching quality, create conditions for them to carry out relevant activities in various forms, and promote effective cooperation among them, so that they can better adapt to the new teaching model. Meanwhile, opportunities should be created so that the teachers can enjoy sabbaticals and engage in advanced studies, thus ensuring sustainable improvement in their academic performance and methods of teaching.Appendix ⅠComputer- and Classroom-Based CollegeEnglish Teaching ModelThe new College English teaching model based on the computer and the classroom is designed to help Chinese students achieve the objectives set by the Requirements. The model places a premium on individualized teaching and independent learning and makes full use of the special function of computers in assisting learners with repeated language practice, especially with training in listening, and speaking abilities. While taking advantage of the teachers' lectures and coaching, students can be assisted by computers in choosing the appropriate content and methods of learning according to their specific needs, proficiency and schedules under the guidance of teachers, so that their all-round ability to use English can be improved and the best effects of learning achieved.To implement the computer-based English learning, the teacher's role of face-to-face coaching should be stressed. It could take the form of group work, focusing on checking students' independent learning, and providing due guidance and assistance for students. In principle, at least one hour of coaching should be offered after every 16 to 20 hours of student learning.1.Structure of the ModelInstructions:Teaching activities such as practice in English listening, speaking, reading, writing and translation can be conducted via either the computer or classroom teaching. The solid arrow indicates the main form of a certain environment of teaching, while the dotted arrow the supplementary form of a certain environment of teaching. Specifically, listening ability is trained mainly in a computer- and Web-based environment, supplemented by classroom teaching: writing and translation are trained mainly in the classroom, supplemented by a computer- and Web-based environment. Speaking and reading, on the other hand, are trained by both means. In the process of teaching, teachers serve as organizers of teaching activities, and teaching administration is implemented by the administrative office of teaching affaires, teachers, and teaching management software.Instructions:Freshmen take a computer-based placement test upon entering college to measure their respective starting levels, such as Grade 1, Grade 2 or Grade 3. After the teachers determine the grade and establish an account for all students based on their test results via the management system, students can start to study courses according to teachers' arrangement. After learning continues for a certain period of time (set by the universities and colleges), students can take the Web-based unit test designed by the teachers. Then students automatically enter the next unit if they pass the test. If they fail, students then return to the current unit and repeat the whole learning process. When they are ready (after studying a few units), students should receive tutoring. After individualized tutoring, teachers can check the students' online learning by means of either oral or written tests, and then decide whether the students can pass. If they pass, students can go on to the next stage; if they fail, the students should be required by teachers to go back to a certain unit and re-study it until they pass.Appendix ⅡSelf-Assessment/Peer Assessment Form for Students' English Competence Instructions:1. The Self-Assessment/Peer Assessment Form for Students' English Competencespecifies and lists various linguistic skills covered in the Basic Requirements, Intermediate Requirements and Advanced Requirements. It can help teachers better understand teaching requirements at different levels, thus adding direct relevance to teaching. In addition, teachers can either supplement or modify related skills according to the school's College English syllabus.2. Teachers can introduce to students the skills listed in the Self-Assessment/PeerAssessment Form at the beginning of their teaching, in order to acquaint them with the teaching requirements.3. Teachers should require students to do self-assessment and peer assessment atregular intervals, and in doing so, help them to know about their own mastery of linguistic skills and regulate their learning behaviors on a timely basis.4. Students are expected to assess their own or their classmates' English competencein the "Assessment" column on the right of the form, giving a tick (√) to what they are able to achieve. Then based on the results of self-assessment or peer assessment, and with reference to the directions given below, students can arrange for learning at the next stage.。
