

Mechanical Engineering TrainingGrindingName:Student NO.:Date:1. Introduction to GrindingGrinding is an abrasive machining process that uses a grinding wheel as the cutting tool.A wide variety of machines are used for grinding:(1) Hand-cranked knife-sharpening stones (grindstones)(2) Handheld power tools such as angle grinders and die grinders(3) Various kinds of expensive industrial machine tools called grinding machines(4) Bench grinders often found in residential garages and basementsGrinding practice is a large and diverse area of manufacturing and toolmaking. It can produce very fine finishes and very accurate dimensions; yet in mass production contexts it can also rough out large volumes of metal quite rapidly. It is usually better suited to the machining of very hard materials than is "regular" machining (that is, cutting larger chips with cutting tools such as tool bits or milling cutters), and until recent decades it was the only practical way to machine such materials as hardened steels. Compared to "regular" machining, it is usually better suited to taking very shallow cuts, such as reducing a shaft’s d iameter by half a thousandth of an inch or 12.7 μm.Grinding is a subset of cutting, as grinding is a true metal-cutting process. Each grain of abrasive functions as a microscopic single-point cutting edge, and shears a tiny chip that is analogous to what would conventionally be called a "cut" chip (turning, milling, drilling, tapping, etc.). However, among people who work in the machining fields, the term cutting is often understood to refer to the macroscopic cutting operations, and grinding is often mentally categorized as a "separate" process. This is why the terms are usually used in contradistinction in shop-floor practice, even though, strictly speaking, grinding is a subset of cutting.In this training course, considering the availability of required equipment in the training center, we will focus on the training of metal casting methods.2. Types of Grinding ProcessSelecting which of the following grinding operations to be used is determined by the size, shape, features and the desired production rate.Surface GrindingSurface grinding uses a rotating abrasive wheel to remove material, creating a flat surface. The tolerances that are normally achieved with grinding are ± 2 × 10−4 inches for grinding a flat material, and ± 3 × 10−4 inches for a parallel surface (in metric units: 5 μm for flat material and 8 μm for parallel surface).The surface grinder is composed of an abrasive wheel, a workholding device known as a chuck, either electromagnetic or vacuum, and a reciprocating table.Typical workpiece materials include cast iron and steel. These two materials do not tend to clog the grinding wheel while being processed. Other materials are aluminum, stainless steel, brass and some plastics. The photo of a surface grinding machine is shown in Figure 1. The machine you are going to use in this training course is the surface grinding machine. You will learn about the working principles of the machine and manipulate the machine to grind a workpiece according to a technical drawing.Figure 1 Surface grinding machineCylindrical GrindingCylindrical grinding (also called center-type grinding) is used to grind the cylindrical surfaces and shoulders of the workpiece. The workpiece is mounted on centers and rotated by a devise known as a drive dog or center driver. The abrasive wheel and the workpiece are rotated by separate motors and at different speeds. The table can be adjusted to produce tapers. The wheel head can be swiveled.The five types of cylindrical grinding are: outside diameter (OD) grinding, inside diameter (ID) grinding, plunge grinding, creep feed grinding, and centerless grinding.A cylindrical grinder has a grinding (abrasive) wheel, two centers that hold the workpiece, and a chuck, grinding dog, or other mechanism to drive the work. Most cylindrical grinding machines include a swivel to allow for the forming of tapered pieces. The wheel and workpiece move parallel to one another in both the radial and longitudinal directions. The abrasive wheel can have many shapes. Standard disk shaped wheels can be used to create a tapered or straight workpiece geometry while formed wheels are used to create a shaped workpiece. The process using a formed wheel creates less vibration than using a regular disk shaped wheel.Tolerances for cylindrical grinding are held within five ten-thousandths of an inch (+/- 0.0005) (metric: +/- 13 um) for diameter and one ten-thousandth of an inch (+/- 0.0001) (metric: 2.5 um) for roundness. Precision work can reach tolerances as high as fifty millionths of an inch (+/- 0.00005) (metric: 1.3 um) for diameter and ten millionths (+/- 0.00001) (metric: 0.25 um) for roundness. Surface finishes can range from 2 to 125 micro-inches (metric: 50 nm to 3 um), with typical finishes ranging from 8-32 micro-inches. (metric: 0.2 um to 0.8 um)Figure 2 shows a cylindrical grinding machine.Figure 2 Cylindrical grinding machine3. Working Principle of the Surface Grinding MachineFigure 3 Structure of a surface grinding machineAs can be seen in Figure 3, the surface grinding machine consists of a table with a fixture to guide and hold the work piece, and a power-driven grinding wheel spinning at the required speed. The speed is determined by the wheel’s diameter and manufacturer’s rating. The grinding wheel can travel across a fixed work piece, or the work piece can be moved while the grind wheel stays in a fixed position. The work piece is usually firmlyfixed on the table through electromagnetic power to make sure it won’t move under the rotatory force of the grinding wheel. So when we say the work piece moves, we actually mean the table that fixes the work piece moves.Fine control of the grinding head or table position is possible using a vernier calibrated hand wheel. From Figure 3, we can see there are three hand wheels, in which the Longitudinal Feed Hand Wheel controls the longitudinal movement of the table, the Cross Feed Hand Wheel controls the horizontal movement of the table while the Vertical Feed Hand Wheel controls the vertical movement of the grinding head. With the hand wheels, we can precisely control the amount of material to be removed and finally meet the technical requirement.Figure 4 The grinding processAs can be seen form Figure 4, the Grinding machine removes material from the surface of the workpiece by abrasion, which can generate substantial amounts of heat. To cool the work piece so that it does not overheat and go outside its tolerance, grinding machines incorporate a coolant. The coolant also benefits the machinist as the heat generated may cause burns. During the grinding process, the coolant is continuously supplied to the grinding wheel where it contacts the workpiece to remove the heat.4. Grinding WheelA grinding wheel is an expendable wheel that is composed of an abrasive compound used for various grinding (abrasive cutting) and abrasive machining operations. The wheels are generally made from a matrix of coarse particles pressed and bonded together to form a solid, circular shape. Various profiles and cross sections are available depending on the intended usage for the wheel. They may also be made from a solid steel or aluminum disc with particles bonded to the surface. Figure 5 shows the photo of a grinding wheel that is used in the surface grinding machine.Figure 5 Grinding wheelThe manufacture of these wheels is a precise and tightly controlled process, due not only to the inherent safety risks of a spinning disc, but also the composition and uniformity required to prevent that disc from exploding due to the high stresses produced on rotation.Common materials for manufacturing grinding wheels include: Aluminum Oxide, Silicon Carbide, Ceramic, Diamond and Cubic Boron Nitride. Grinding wheels with diamond or Cubic Boron Nitride (CBN) grains are called super-abrasives. Grinding wheels with Aluminum Oxide (corundum), Silicon Carbide or Ceramic grains are called conventional abrasives.5. Use of the MicrometerIn the training practice, you are supposed to grind the workpiece according to a technical drawing where size and tolerance of the finished workpiece are specified. Your finished workpiece must conform to all the specifications in the technical drawing. Therefore, in order to check if the workpiece is qualified, you have to learn about the use of the micrometer.A micrometer, sometimes known as a micrometer screw gauge, is a device incorporating a calibrated screw widely used for precise measurement of components in mechanical engineering and machining as well as most mechanical trades. Micrometers are usually, but not always, in the form of calipers (opposing ends joined by a frame), which is why micrometer caliper is another common name. The spindle is a very accurately machined screw and the object to be measured is placed between the spindle and the anvil. The spindle is moved by turning the ratchet knob or thimble until the object to be measured is lightly touched by both the spindle and the anvil. Figure 6 shows a micrometer.Figure 6 The micrometerBut how to read the micrometer? Let us see an example in Figure 7.Figure 7 Micrometer thimble reading 5.78mmThe spindle of an ordinary metric micrometer has 2 threads per millimeter, and thus one complete revolution moves the spindle through a distance of 0.5 millimeter. The longitudinal line on the frame is graduated with 1 millimeter divisions and 0.5 millimeter subdivisions. The thimble has 50 graduations, each being 0.01 millimeter (one-hundredth of a millimeter). Thus, the reading is given by the number of millimeter divisions visible on the scale of the sleeve plus the particular division on the thimble which coincides with the axial line on the sleeve.Suppose that the thimble were screwed out so that graduation 5, and one additional 0.5 subdivision were visible (as shown in Figure 7), and that graduation 28 on the thimble coincided with the axial line on the sleeve. The reading then would be 5.00 + 0.5 + 0.28 = 5.78 mm.6. Training PracticeIn this training course, you are supposed to grind the workpiece according to a technical drawing. The drawing will be given to you in class, so before you start working, first read the drawing carefully and make sure you have understood all the specifications on the drawing. Then following the guidance of the teacher, you can manipulate the grinding machine. When you have finished, use the micrometer to check if the workpiece meets the specifications, if not, you have to repeat the process until the specifications are all met.7. Safety Rules(1) The grinding wheel rotates in a very high speed, so do not try to use your hands totouch the wheel or workpiece when the machine is running.(2) Sparks may occur when the grinding machine is working, so you shall stay awayfrom the end of the machine to avoid being burnt.(3) After the workpiece is finished, do not try to pick it up with bare hand. Gloves areneeded in case you get your fingers injured by the heat from the workpiece.。

Laser Cutting Tutorial Laser Tutorial Overview and Aims How to use this Tutorial A brief explanation about Clicking A brief explanation about Selection This Tutorial is designed to give the newcomer to cncKad a quick and easy start with the program, while teaching the use of some of the most common commands. The exercises are set out so that the user may work with the program in conjunction with this book. The exercises are of varying difficulty, each one designed to teach the new user a different aspect of the program. For instance, there are exercises that teach various drafting techniques, while others teach more about utilizing laser cutting technology. Each exercise is accompanied by detailed steps that allow a new user to create and learn everything from the easiest to the most complicated procedures within the program.Having completed the exercises in this book you will be able to successfully draw and cut your own sheet metal parts, using many of the cncKad commands. You will be able to take the geometry and cuts and create a working NC program that can be sent to your machine.This Tutorial should be used in conjunction with the cncKad Drafting & Nesting Manual and the cncKad Laser Manual . Working with these manuals will give you the ultimate reference and teaching ser Cutting Tutorial Laser Cutting Tutorial> Laser Tutorial Overview and Aims > How to use this TutorialHow to use this TutorialThe first page of each chapter shows the part we will create during the exercise.Throughout the exercise you will find tips that will help you create the draft and then cut it. These tips will be denoted by the sign, e.g.:This book is written for work in conjunction with version 8.5 of cncKad . If you have theDOS version of cncKad please refer to the appropriate books. If you have a differentversion of cncKad Windows, while most of the exercises and commands are compatible,you may find slight discrepancies between the commands and the procedures as listedhere and your software. If this is the case, please consult the user manual that came withyour copy of the program or the update pamphlet.The Shapes commands are quick and easy methods for building differentcontours that are typical to the sheet metal industries.Laser Cutting Tutorial > Laser Tutorial Overview and Aims > How to use this Tutorial Laser Cutting Tutorial > Laser Tutorial Overview and Aims > A brief explanation about ClickingA brief explanation about ClickingWhen working with cncKad , it is important to remember that the basic unit of drafting isthe Entity. An Entity can be a line, an arc, a circle or a point. As you create parts, you willneed to choose a specific Entity or CAM to manipulate.When you click your mouse to choose a specific Entity, it is imperative you remember thatcncKad uses the following process to interpret your action:The following example illustrates this interpretation process:LineA has been cut; if you wish to manipulate this processing (e.g. change Cutting Speed), you can click on points1 or 2, but NOT on 3, 4 or 5.Each entity can be associated only with one process. If you want to place more processes on the line, you should split it into few ser Cutting Tutorial > Laser Tutorial Overview and Aims > A brief explanation about Clicking Laser Cutting Tutorial > Laser Tutorial Overview and Aims > A brief explanation about Selection A brief explanation about SelectionThere are two modes of selection:1. Which Entityhas been chosen?2. Which Endpoint of the entity has been chosen (lines and arcs have 2 Endpoints)?3. Which Side of the Entity has been chosen?When selecting a processing definition, you must still select the Entityassociated with this definition.•Pre-selection –this can be done in two ways:o by mouse –first select the Entities, then perform the command. Holding Ctrlkey you can select a few Entities at a time. Clicking Esc ape key deselects yourchoice.o by window –there are two options of pre-selecting entities by window and theydepend on the side to which you drag the window:to the right side –the dragged window is solid. Only Entities fully fallinginside window's frame will be affected by the command you will choose toapply to those entities.to the left side –the dragged window is dashed. All Entities that fall withinLaser Cutting Tutorial > Laser Tutorial Overview and Aims > A brief explanation about SelectionLaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and CuttingOverviewWhat you will learn in this exercise:TipsThe aim of this first exercise is to give you the ability to open a new file in cncKad , createa basic drawing, place cuts on the drawing and simulate the NC code created from thegeometry.In this exercise we will be creating the following part:Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and CuttingLaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Overview > What you will learn in this exercise:the frame of the window will be affected.•Post-selection –first choose the command and then select the Entities you wantthe command to apply to.What you will learn in this exercise:Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Overview > What you will learn in this exercise:Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Overview > TipsTipsLaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Overview > TipsLaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Creating a New PartCreating a New Part1. Opening a new part file.2. Selecting the active machine for a workstation.3. Placing shapes and holes on the part.4. Creating inner rectangle.5. Creating fillets.6. Running geometry checks.7. Saving a part.8. Adding laser cuts.9. Defining the sheet size.10. Generating NC code.11. Simulating the NC.•When the new drawing is opened a rectangle is created –this will be the basis for drawing the part.•The bottom left corner of the draft is placed at coordinate position X=0, Y=0.•You can position the shapes and circles using absolute coordinates.•You can use Help Linesto find a position on the part.1. Double click on the cncKad icon to open the program.2. From the File Menu (at the top of the screen) select the New => New Part option,or click the New Part buttonfrom the Standard toolbar . The following dialogwill be displayed.The procedure for opening new files in cncKad is the same as for opening anynew file in Windows programs -press the Ctrl+N combination on yourLaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Creating a New PartLaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Selecting the Active Machine ModelSelecting the Active Machine ModelIt often happens that a workstation supports more than one machine model, for exampleone (or more) for laser cutting and one (or more) for punching.Before beginning to draft the part, we should make sure that we are working on a lasercutting machine.To select the machine model that will be the active one:Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Selecting the Active Machine ModelKeyboard.3. In the File Name box type “Exer1”instead of “Part1”. You can do this by double-clicking on the name "Part1" and then typing-in the new name. When you are done,click on the Save button.4.The following dialog will now be displayed:Remember that you define the size of the part when you open a new part andnot the size of the sheet.If you make a mistake while typing the values –use the Backspace key toerase the value and retype it, and the Tab key to move between fields.5. This dialog allows you to define the part Size, sheet Material and Thickness. InPart Size , set the X size to 300 and Y size to 200.6. Select a material from the dropdown list and define the thickness as 1mm. Leaveall the rest of the options at their defaults. For the time being we will not fill out theUser Data options, so just click on the OKbutton to confirm your part definitions.The User Data tab allows the user to associate certain information with thepart, for instance –Order Number, Drawing Name, Revisions, and Notes. Thisinformation can then be inserted in the Report File .7.A white rectangle of the defined size will appear on the screen.1. On the State Bar , at the left side of the cncKad window, click on the Machine button .2. A list will open with the models that are installed on this workstation, with the active one marked by a check mark:3. To change the active machine, simply click on the one you want.Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Positioning Holes with Help LinesPositioning Holes with Help LinesIn this stage we will be placing holes on the drawing and positioning them by snappingthem to intersections of the Help Lines, which will enable us the exact positioning of the holes.Help Lines are always displayed as green lines that cross the entire extent ofthe screen.Any position can be located by entering the absolute coordinate, butsometimes it is easier to use Help Lines to find the position.1. From the Help Lines Toolbar–click the ParallelHelp Line at Distance button –.2. In the dialog that appears define a distance of 50 and click on the OK button.3. Position the Help Line by clicking the mouse on the inner side of the left verticalline.4. Repeat this for the right vertical line.5. Press the Space bar and redefine the parallel distance as 30. Click the OK buttonto close the dialog.6. Click the bottom horizontal line on its inner side, and then click the top horizontalline on its inner side. The result should be as shown below:7. From the Shapes Toolbar–select theDraw Circle button . The following dialog box will be displayed:8. Define a diameter of 15 and click on the Apply button.9. The dialog will disappear and you will be able to move the circle with the cursor.Click on the Snap=Auto button on the top left side of the screen. A menu willappear, from this menu select the Snap Intersection option (or press F7 key).You can define any snap position as the default by clicking on the Snapbutton at the top left of the screen, and selecting the snap position from themenu i.e. Endpoint, Center, Intersection etc.Unless defined otherwise the line will automatically "snap" to the nearest snappoint. This can be an endpoint of a line, a center of a circle or a line and anintersection between two entities.10. Position the cursor near the intersection of the help lines and click the mouse. TheLaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Positioning Holes with Help LinesLaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Creating the Inner RectangleCreating the Inner RectangleIn this stage we will be creating a rectangle by using the help lines to define the rectangle corners. We will then draw a line by snapping to the intersections of the help lines. Thereare also other methods for creating rectangles –for instance you could use the Shapesoptions.circle will snap to the intersection. Repeat this for the other three holes.11. From the Delete toolbar –click the Delete Help Lines button –.12. The Select Option Toolbar –will open. Clickthe "A " icon (or the press the letter A your keyboard) and press Enter to confirmthe selection.13. Press Esc key and clean the screen by clicking on the Redraw button –(or press F2). The part should appear as shown below:The Shapes commands allow you to build certain shapes parametrically, i.e.you define the dimensions and orientation of the shapes, and to place them onthe drawing.There are eleven types of shapes available (from the Shapes toolbar or fromthe Draw menu => Shapes )-oRectangle oOval oSingle-D oDouble-D oTrapeze (Connector)oBolt Hole oBanana Shape oEllipse oPunched Sheet oTriangle o Polygon1. From the Help Lines toolbar click on the Vertical Help Line icon .2. Click the cursor on the bottom horizontal line, near the middle of the line. A green,vertical help line will be placed through the midpoint of this line.3.From the same toolbar click on the Horizontal Help Line button .4. Now click the left vertical line near the midpoint. The part should now be similar tothe drawing shown below.5. From the Help Lines Toolbar select the Parallel Help Line at Distance button .The distance dialog box will appear, enter a value of 100 and click on the OKbutton.6. Click the vertical help line on either its left or right side. A new help line will beplaced 100mm from the original vertical help line.7. Click the other side of the (vertical) center help line. There should now be threevertical help lines with a 100mm distance between each of them.8. Click on the Parallel Help Line by Distance button again and reenter the value as50. Click the OK button, and click the horizontal help line once on each side. Nowthe part should be as on the picture shown below.9. From the Shapes Toolbar–select theLine, Auto Snap button –.The Line, Auto Snap command automatically snaps the cursor to the nearestSnap position. There is no need to place the cursor exactly at the desiredposition. The start and endpoint of the lines will be placed at the closestsnapping positions.The Line, Auto Snap option is a quick and accurate way of snapping tointersections created by the help lines.10. With the aid of the cursor click the four intersections of the help lines, as shownbelow, and then click the first one again (to close the rectangle).11. Click the right mouse button –this is the Esc ape button and closes the command.12. From the Delete Toolbar click on the Delete Help Lines button –. Click the ALaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Creating the Inner RectangleLaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Filleting Contours Filleting ContoursIn this stage we will be placing fillet radii on the outer and inner contours.Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting> Filleting ContoursLaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Geometry Checks icon from the Select Option Toolbar and then press Enter to delete all the helplines.13. Click on the Redraw button from the Zoom Toolbar to clean the screen.The screen can be redrawn any time by using the Redraw button.Use the Zooming commands to enlarge a portion of the drawing to enableaccurate work.1. From the Edit Toolbar –click the Fillet button .The following menu will appear:The Fillet menu gives you the options of creating one single fillet on a corner,or of creating the same fillet radius on every corner making up a closedcontour, or of creating fillet radiuses on every corner of the part.2. Select the second option –the Contour command.3. Click the inner rectangle on one of its lines. When asked if "OK to fillet selectedcontour ", click the Yes button.4. The Radius Definition dialog will be displayed. Define a radius of 10 and click theOK button. The inner contour will be filleted on all four corners.5. Click the outer contour. The contour will be highlighted and you will be asked againif this is the correct contour, click on the Yes button. Define a radius of 20 and clickon the OK button. The outer contour will be filleted.6. The part should now be as shown below:Geometry ChecksWe will now check the part for any errors or problems.It is important to execute these checks before entering the cutting stage, so that cncKadwill be able to recognize the part correctly.These checks not only verify the legality of the existing geometry, but also repair it, ifneeded –you can choose to delete duplicate entities (e.g. Circles placed on top of eachother), join all the breaks in the geometry, examine the part to see if all the contours areconnected properly.Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Geometry ChecksLaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Saving the PartSaving the PartIt is important to save your part after each important change you make, so that you will not loose a lot of work if there is a problem. To do this, select the Save buttonfrom the File toolbar .If you want to change the part’s name select Save As from the File Menu . The followingdialog will appear:Type-in a new name for the file and click the Save button. The dialog will disappear andthe part will be saved under the new name.1. From the View menu (at the top of the screen) select the Check option, or click theCheck button .2. The dialog, as shown below, will be displayed. Make sure that the options are setas shown:3. Press the OK button, to execute the checks. If there are any gaps in contoursbigger than 1mm, the examination process will stop, a red X will be placed at thatposition and you will be allowed to press Enter to continue with the checks.Gaps in the contours that are smaller than 1mm will be repaired automatically.The size of the repaired gap can be set by editing the Connect Tolerancefield.You can also do this by pressing the Ctrl+S key combination on yourKeyboard.This dialog is displayed only the first time that you save the part, or when you use theSave As command.Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Saving the PartLaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting> Cutting the PartCutting the PartThe part’s drawing is now complete, and it is time to cut it.To cut the part we will use the AutoCut option.Click the AutoCut button on the Common Toolbar , and the following dialog will open:At this point we will not go into all the options this dialog offers –simply click the Runbutton.The part will be cut automatically (as you will see from the addition of the yellow cuttinglines), and the following message will appear:Confirm by clicking OK and view your part:The cuts will be presented on the drawing as yellow lines, placed to one sideof the contour (white) lines.The dotted lines are the Rapid Tool Path . You can turn this feature on and offfrom the View menu , or by pressing the Alt+B keyboard combination.The Entry into a cut is marked with the circular piercing graphic:Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Cutting the PartLaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Defining the Sheet SizeDefining the Sheet SizeWe will now define the size of the sheet, the number of parts that fit on it and the offsets of the actual parts from the sheet’s edges.1. Click the Set Sheet and Clamps button from the Common toolbar (you canalso access this dialog from the CAM menu).2. The following dialog will appear. Go to the Sheet tab and define the Sheet Sizeand the Offsets as shown below:When defining a sheet size, cncKad will attempt to fit in as many part copiesas possible. These copies are called "multiple parts". The amount of parts thatfit on the sheet is displayed in the Number of Parts fields, below the SheetSize definition fields.3. Click on the Part tab and note the Distance Between Parts section; here you candefine the distances of each part from the next.It is important to separate the parts enough to allow for the Entry and Exitcuts of the parts’outer contours.4. Confirm the new definitions by clicking the OK button. Your sheet should now looklike this:Remember to Save your work periodically.Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Defining the Sheet Size Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Generating the NC Code Generating the NC CodeIt is now time to convert the part’s drawing and cutting definitions into NC code.Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Generating the NC CodeLaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Simulating the NC Program Simulating the NC ProgramRunning the SimulationAfter the Post Processor finishes, the Simulation is opened in a separate window from the drawing, presenting the preview of the processed sheet and the code generated:1. Click the button in the Common Toolbar , or open the File menu and selectthe Post Process option.2. The User Data dialog will open; at this point we will ignore it. Click the Next buttoncontinue.3. This dialog shows you for which machine this NC code is being generated (whichpost processor is being used).4. This dialog deals with Laser Optimization . You can leave the definitions as theyare, or set different ordering for the cuts. For now, accept the defaults and click theNext button.5. This dialog enables you to add Tool Functions to your cuts. Again, click the Nextbutton to skip it.6. This dialog is the Post Processor Options . Here you can define the name anddirectory for the NC file, whether or not to create a Report file and various otheroptions. For now accept the defaults and click the Finish button.7. The Post Processor will start and when it finishes you will receive a summary suchas the following:8. Click the OK button and the Simulation will be loaded.Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Simulating the NC ProgramLaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Simulating the NC Program > Running the SimulationRunning the SimulationThe simulation’s running and speed are controlled by the Execute toolbar:•To run the simulation, simply click the Run button .• To Pause or Stop it, use the and buttons.• To adjust the speed, use the slider .You can also run the NC code line after line:1. Click the Line button on the left side of screen so that it shows Line=ON.2. Click the Run button to move from one line to the next one.3. To exit the simulation –from the File menu select the Exit option.Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > Simulating the NC Program > Running the SimulationLaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > SummarySummaryIn this exercise we created a simple part, used the AutoCut feature to process it, defineda sheet size and created multiple parts, generated NC code for it and run this code in theSimulation.You might want to create a few parts on your own and process them to gain someconfidence before continuing to the next exercise, which will be more advanced.Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 1 –Basic Drafting and Cutting > SummaryLaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 2 –Setting Cuts ManuallyOverviewWhat you will learn in this exercise:In this exercise we will use the part we created in the former exercise to see how we canmanually set the cuts on our part.Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 2 –Setting Cuts ManuallyLaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 2 –Setting Cuts Manually > Overview > What you will learn in this exercise:What you will learn in this exercise:Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 2 –Setting Cuts Manually > Overview > What you will learn in this exercise:Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 2 –Setting Cuts Manually > Saving a File Under a New Name Saving a File Under a New Name Because we will now make changes to the part, it is good procedure to save it under a new name:1.Adding Dimensions 2. Stretching 3. Setting AutoCut definitions 4. Editing individual cuts 1.Select Save As from the File Menu . The following dialog will appear:2. Type-in “Exer2”in the File name field and click the Save button.The dialog will close and the part will be saved under the new name.Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 2 –Setting Cuts Manually > Saving a File Under a New NameLaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 2 –Setting Cuts Manually > Adding a DimensionAdding a DimensionAmong the other drafting tools, cncKad enables you to add dimensions on your part:1. From the Dimension toolbar–, select the AddDimension button.2. The Add Dimension/Text dialog will open. Define the parameters as presentedbellow and click OK :3. Click on the part’s left side and then on its right side. A Dimension line will bedrawn on the cursor, moving as it moves.4. Move the cursor above the part and click. The Dimension will positioned and itssize shown:Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 2 –Setting Cuts Manually > Adding a DimensionLaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 2 –Setting Cuts Manually > Stretching the PartStretching the PartIt often happens that you want to resize a part, or a section of it:1. From the Transform Toolbar–, select the StretchEntities button .Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 2 –Setting Cuts Manually > Stretching the PartLaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 2 –Setting Cuts Manually > Deleting Existing Cuts on the PartDeleting Existing Cuts on the PartAs you can see all the cuts have been removed from the ser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 2 –Setting Cuts Manually > Deleting Existing Cuts on the Part2. The cursor will change to a cross with a W letter. This indicates that you need toselect a window to perform the Stretch. Click positions 1 and 2as shown below:3. When the rectangle is similar to the drawing –click the left mouse button again.The entities that are to be stretched or moved should be colored blue.Entities that are entirely inside the Stretching window will be moved, notresized –note the two round holes.4. Now the Stretch dialog will open. Set dX value of 50 and click OK:5.The part will be resized as below:Note that the cutting definitions have been updated, and also that the Dimension now shows the new size.1. From the Delete toolbar , click the Delete CAMs button.2. Click the A icon (or press the letter A on the Keyboard) and press Enter .3. From the Zoom toolbar , click the Zoom Part button(or press F5).Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 2 –Setting Cuts Manually > Setting AutoCut DefinitionsSetting AutoCut DefinitionsWe will now add new cuts, using manual definitions.Laser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 2 –Setting Cuts Manually > Setting AutoCut DefinitionsLaser Cutting Tutorial > Exercise 2 –Setting Cuts Manually > Setting Individual Cuts Setting Individual Cuts We will now see how to change the cutting definitions for an individual cut.The changes we make here are reserved for specialized cases –usually thestandard setting should be used.1. Click the AutoCut button on the Common toolbar , and the AutoCut willopen.2. Un-check the Use Technology table for Entry and Exit option, and Approach andExit sections will be un-grayed:3. For the Approach and the Exit , set the Geo-Type and Length parameters asabove, click the Run button, and the part will be cut with the new definitions.4. Using the Zoom Window buttonzoom to the inner rectangle, to the sectionwith the Entry and the Exit: Note that the Entry (marked with the piercing) is much longer and steeper than theExit, as per our definitions.When you set the AutoCut Approach /Exit definitions, you do it for the entirepart –zoom-in to other contours on the part to see this.1. From the CAM toolbar, click the Edit CAM button.。
Laser cutting激光切割

About cutting processCutting is a manufacturing process used to separate materials. Laser cutting is often used in industrial manufacturing areas for cutting sheet metal and piping. It uses a computer controlled high output laser to do the cutting. Plasma cutting uses a torch which blows an inert gas at high speed through a nozzle which when held close enough to the parts creates an arc and melts the material. Water jet cutting uses extremely high pressure and velocity water to cut into metals. A torch is used in oxyfuel cutting to heat the metal; oxygen is then blown into the part causing the metal that it combines itself with to leave the cut as slag. Electric discharge (EDM) is also known as spark machining or spark eroding. EDM removes material by rapid arc discharges between the electrode of the cutter and the work-piece which has to be a conductor.切割是一种将材料分离的技术。



激光切割英文专业词汇English:Laser cutting, also known as laser beam cutting, is a technology that uses a laser to cut materials. It works by directing the output of a high-power laser, by computer, at the material to be cut. The material then either melts, burns, vaporizes away, or is blown awayby a jet of gas, leaving an edge with a high-quality surface finish. Laser cutting can be used for a variety of materials such as metal, plastic, wood, rubber, and ceramics. It is commonly used in industrial manufacturing applications, as well as in small businesses and hobbyists. The advantages of laser cutting include high precision, speed, versatility, and the ability to cut complex shapes without the need for tooling. However, the process can be relatively expensive due to the high initial cost of the equipment and maintenance.Translated content:激光切割,也称为激光束切割,是一种利用激光切割材料的技术。

三、课程教学目标与达成途径表1课程教学目标与其支撑的毕业要求指标点课程类型总学时为学时数□理论课(含上机、实验学时)总学时为周数实习□课程设计□毕业设计课程编码7253741总学时2周学分2课程名称金工实习课程英文名称Engineering Training 适用专业机械电子工程(智能制造与智能装备)先修课程(7314901)机械制图与CAD(1)开课部门机械与材料工程学院工程训练中心使学生了解制造业和先进制造在国民经济中的地位和作用,了解机械制造从图纸到产品的工艺流程及生产过程,了解机械制造常用标准、规范、工程术语、主要技术文件等,了解相关法律法规和产业政策,理解工程技术的社会价值和工程师的社会责任感。

Mechanical Engineering Training Electrical Discharge MachiningName:Student NO.:Date:1. Introduction to Electrical Discharge MachiningElectric discharge machining (EDM), sometimes colloquially also referred to as spark machining, spark eroding, burning, die sinking, wire burning or wire erosion, is a manufacturing process whereby a desired shape is obtained using electrical discharges (sparks). Material is removed from the workpiece by a series of rapidly recurring current discharges between two electrodes, separated by a dielectric liquid and subject to an electric voltage. One of the electrodes is called the tool-electrode, or simply the "tool" or "electrode", while the other is called the workpiece-electrode, or "workpiece".When the distance between the two electrodes is reduced, the intensity of the electric field in the volume between the electrodes becomes greater than the strength of the dielectric (at least in some point(s)), which breaks, allowing current to flow between the two electrodes. This phenomenon is the same as the breakdown of a capacitor (condenser). As a result, material is removed from both electrodes. Once the current stops, new liquid dielectric is usually conveyed into the inter-electrode volume, enabling the solid particles (debris) to be carried away and the insulating properties of the dielectric to be restored. Adding new liquid dielectric in the inter-electrode volume is commonly referred to as "flushing". Also, after a current flow, the difference of potential between the electrodes is restored to what it was before the breakdown, so that a new liquid dielectric breakdown can occur.2. Types of Electrical Discharge MachiningSinker EDMSinker EDM, also called cavity type EDM or volume EDM, consists of an electrode and workpiece submerged in an insulating liquid such as, more typically, oil or, less frequently, other dielectric fluids. The electrode and workpiece are connected to a suitable power supply. The power supply generates an electrical potential between the two parts. As the electrode approaches the workpiece, dielectric breakdown occurs in the fluid, forming a plasma channel, and a small spark jumps.Figure 1 Sinker EDM machineThese sparks usually strike one at a time because it is very unlikely that different locations in the inter-electrode space have the identical local electrical characteristics which would enable a spark to occur simultaneously in all such locations. These sparkshappen in huge numbers at seemingly random locations between the electrode and the workpiece. As the base metal is eroded, and the spark gap subsequently increased, the electrode is lowered automatically by the machine so that the process can continue uninterrupted. Several hundred thousand sparks occur per second, with the actual duty cycle carefully controlled by the setup parameters. These controlling cycles are sometimes known as "on time" and "off time", which are more formally defined in the following.The on time setting determines the length or duration of the spark. Hence, a longer on time produces a deeper cavity for that spark and all subsequent sparks for that cycle, creating a rougher finish on the workpiece. The reverse is true for a shorter on time. Off time is the period of time that one spark is replaced by another. A longer off time, for example, allows the flushing of dielectric fluid through a nozzle to clean out the eroded debris, thereby avoiding a short circuit. These settings can be maintained in microseconds. The typical part geometry is a complex 3D shape, often with small or odd shaped angles. Vertical, orbital, vectorial, directional, helical, conical, rotational, spin and indexing machining cycles are also used. Figure 1 shows the photo of a sinker EDM machine. Wire EDMFigure 2 Wire cutting processAs is shown in Figure 2, in wire electrical discharge machining (WEDM), also known as wire-cut EDM and wire cutting, a thin single-strand metal wire, usually brass, is fed through the workpiece, submerged in a tank of dielectric fluid, typically deionized water. Wire-cut EDM is typically used to cut plates as thick as 300mm and to make punches, tools, and dies from hard metals that are difficult to machine with other methods. The wire, which is constantly fed from a spool, is held between upper and lower diamond guides. The guides, usually CNC-controlled, move in the x–y plane.On most machines, the upper guide can also move independently in the z–u–v axis, giving rise to the ability to cut tapered and transitioning shapes (circle on the bottom, square at the top for example). The upper guide can control axis movements in x–y–u–v–i–j–k–l–. This allows the wire-cut EDM to be programmed to cut very intricate and delicate shapes. The upper and lower diamond guides are usually accurate to 0.004 mm, and can have a cutting path or kerf as small as 0.021 mm using Ø 0.02 mm wire, though the average cutting kerf that achieves the best economic cost and machining time is 0.335 mm using Ø 0.25 brass wire. The reason that the cutting width is greater than the width of the wire is because sparking occurs from the sides of the wire to the work piece, causing erosion. This "overcut" is necessary, for many applications it is adequatelypredictable and therefore can be compensated for.The wire-cut process uses water as its dielectric fluid, controlling its resistivity and other electrical properties with filters and de-ionizer units. The water flushes the cut debris away from the cutting zone. Flushing is an important factor in determining the maximum feed rate for a given material thickness.Figure 3 Wiring cutting EDM machineFigure 3 shows a typical Wire Cutting EDM machine. Wire-cutting EDM is the focus of this training course.3. Applications of EDMPrototype productionThe EDM process is most widely used by the mold-making tool and die industries, but is becoming a common method of making prototype and production parts, especially in the aerospace, automobile and electronics industries in which production quantities are relatively low. In sinker EDM, a graphite, copper tungsten or pure copper electrode is machined into the desired (negative) shape and fed into the workpiece on the end of a vertical ram.Coinage die makingFor the creation of dies for producing jewelry and badges, or blanking and piercing (through use of a pancake die) by the coinage (stamping) process, the positive master may be made from sterling silver, since the master is significantly eroded and is used only once. The resultant negative die is then hardened and used in a drop hammer to produce stamped flats from cutout sheet blanks of bronze, silver, or low proof gold alloy. For badges these flats may be further shaped to a curved surface by another die. This type of EDM is usually performed submerged in an oil-based dielectric. The finished object may be further refined by hard or soft enameling and/or electroplated with pure gold or nickel. Softer materials such as silver may be hand engraved as a refinement.Coinage die makingSmall hole drilling EDM is used in a variety of applications.On wire-cut EDM machines, small hole drilling EDM is used to make a through hole in a workpiece in through which to thread the wire for the wire-cut EDM operation. A separate EDM head specifically for small hole drilling is mounted on a wire-cut machine and allows large hardened plates to have finished parts eroded from them as needed and without pre-drilling.Small hole EDM is used to drill rows of holes into the leading and trailing edges ofturbine blades used in jet engines. Gas flow through these small holes allows the engines to use higher temperatures than otherwise possible. The high-temperature, very hard, single crystal alloys employed in these blades makes conventional machining of these holes with high aspect ratio extremely difficult, if not impossible.4. Advantages and Disadvantages of EDMAdvantages of EDM include machining of:∙Complex shapes that would otherwise be difficult to produce with conventional cutting tools.∙Extremely hard material to very close tolerances.∙Very small work pieces where conventional cutting tools may damage the part from excess cutting tool pressure.∙There is no direct contact between tool and work piece. Therefore delicate sections and weak materials can be machined without any distortion.∙ A good surface finish can be obtained.∙very fine holes can be drilled.Disadvantages of EDM include:∙The slow rate of material removal.∙Potential fire hazard associated with use of combustible oil based dielectrics.∙The additional time and cost used for creating electrodes for ram/sinker EDM.∙Reproducing sharp corners on the workpiece is difficult due to electrode wear.∙Specific power consumption is very high.∙Power consumption is high.∙"Overcut" is formed.∙Excessive tool wear occurs during machining.∙Electrically non-conductive materials can be machined only with specific set-up of the process.[27]5. Training Practice with Wire EDMIn this training course, you are supposed to use a software called CAXA Manufacturing Engineer® to design a drawing yourself, generate the G-code for the drawing and import the G-code to the wire cutting EDM machine to cut the drawing on a steel sheet.The computer room is on the third floor of the training center, where you can use the software. The software is in Chinese, but don’t worry, the teacher and TA there will tell you how to use the functions in English. Once you have completed your drawing, you will have to upload it on the server so that you can download it on the computer where the wire cutting EDM machine is. After the training, you can take the finished workpiece away as a souvenir.In designing the drawing, there are some rules to follow. The lines or curves you draw must be continuous, without any break points, crosses or discontinuities. The distance between two lines or curves should be more than 0.2mm to allow the wire to pass through.6. Safety Rules(1) Stay away from the machine when it is working to avoid being injured by the sparks.(2) Wait until the workpiece cools down before you take it out from the machine.(3) Always remember to setup the protective cover before you start the machine.。
Lesson 27 metal-cutting process 金属切削加工 机械专业专业英语教学

Lesson 27 metal-cutting process 金属切削加工
A plane containing the directions of the primary motion and the feed motion is defined as the working plane(工作 平面), since it contains the motions responsible for the cutting action.
Lesson 27 metal-cutting process 金属切削加工
Feed The feed motion f is provided to the tool or the workpiece and, when added to the primary motion, leads to a repeated or continuous chip removal and the creation of the desired machined surface. The motion may proceed by steps or continuously. The feed speed vf is defined as the instantaneous velocity of the feed motion relative to the workpiece (at a selected point on the cutting edge).
Lesson 27 metal-cutting process 金属切削加工
Metal-cutting processes are extensively used in the manufacturing industry. They are characterized by the fact that the size of the original workpiece is sufficiently large that the final geometry can be circumscribed(外接)by it, and that the unwanted material is removed as chips, particles, and so on. The chips(去屑)are a necessary means(必要手段)to obtain the desired tolerances, and surfaces. The amount of scrap may vary from a few percent to 70%~80% of the volume of the original work material.

激光切割英文专业词汇Laser Cutting: A Technical Overview.Laser cutting is an advanced manufacturing process that utilizes high-powered laser beams to precision-cut materials, ranging from metals to non-metals. This technology has revolutionized the way we work with materials, offering unprecedented precision, speed, and efficiency. In this article, we will delve into the basicsof laser cutting, its applications, advantages, and challenges.Basics of Laser Cutting.The core of laser cutting lies in the laser beam itself.A laser beam is a concentrated stream of photons thattravel in a single direction with great coherence. Whenthis beam interacts with matter, it can either reflect, refract, or absorb, depending on the material's properties. In laser cutting, the beam is focused to a very fine point,creating intense heat at the material's surface. This heat melts, vaporizes, or burns the material, allowing for a clean and precise cut.The laser cutting process typically involves three stages: pre-processing, cutting, and post-processing. Pre-processing involves preparing the material for cutting, which may include marking, clamping, or positioning. The cutting stage is where the actual cutting occurs. The laser beam is guided by a precision control system to trace the desired path, cutting through the material. Post-processing involves cleaning, cooling, and finishing the cut piece to meet the desired specifications.Applications of Laser Cutting.Laser cutting finds applications across various industries due to its precision and adaptability. Here are some of the primary industries that benefit from laser cutting:1. Automotive Industry: Laser cutting is widely used inthe automotive industry for precision cutting of sheet metal, steel, and aluminum. It enables the production of complex parts with tight tolerances, such as engine components, chassis, and body panels.2. Aerospace Industry: In the aerospace industry, laser cutting is crucial for creating lightweight and strong components. It is used to cut high-performance materials like titanium, composites, and alloys, enabling the production of aircraft and spacecraft parts.3. Electronics Industry: Laser cutting is used in the electronics industry to cut precise patterns in materials like copper, stainless steel, and plastics. This is essential for creating components like circuit boards, sensors, and connectors.4. Jewelry Industry: Laser cutting offers an efficient way to create intricate designs in precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum. It allows jewelers to create unique and complex designs with exceptional precision.5. General Fabrication: Laser cutting is also widely used in general fabrication shops for cutting a wide range of materials, including wood, acrylic, glass, and even some plastics.Advantages of Laser Cutting.Laser cutting offers several advantages overtraditional cutting methods:1. Precision and Accuracy: Laser cutting provides exceptional precision and accuracy, with the ability to cut complex shapes and tight tolerances. This ensures that parts fit together perfectly, reducing assembly time and errors.2. Speed and Efficiency: Laser cutting is much faster than many traditional cutting methods, such as sawing or punching. This increased speed translates into higher production rates and reduced operational costs.3. Clean and Smooth Edges: Laser cutting produces cleanand smooth edges, reducing the need for secondary operations like deburring or finishing. This saves time and money and enhances the overall quality of the cut piece.4. Material Flexibility: Laser cutting can be used on a wide range of materials, from metals to non-metals. This flexibility allows manufacturers to work with a variety of materials without changing tools or equipment.5. Reduced Waste: Laser cutting enables precise material utilization, minimizing waste and maximizing material yield. This is especially beneficial for expensive materials where every scrap counts.Challenges and Limitations of Laser Cutting.While laser cutting offers many advantages, it also has some challenges and limitations:1. High Initial Investment: Laser cutting equipment can be quite expensive, making it a significant investment for small or medium-sized businesses. However, the long-termbenefits of increased efficiency and precision oftenjustify the cost.2. Operational Costs: While laser cutting is fast and efficient, it does require a skilled operator to programand monitor the cutting process. Additionally, maintenance and repairs can be costly, especially for high-powered industrial lasers.3. Material Considerations: Although laser cutting can be used on a wide range of materials, some materials maynot be suitable for laser cutting due to their reflectivity, thermal conductivity, or chemical properties.4. Safety Considerations: Laser cutting generates intense heat and bright light, which can pose safetyhazards to operators and nearby personnel. Proper safety measures, including protective eyewear and shields, must be taken to mitigate these risks.Conclusion.Laser cutting is an advanced manufacturing process that offers unprecedented precision, speed, and efficiency. Its adaptability to a wide range of materials and industries makes it a valuable tool for modern manufacturing. While it has some challenges and limitations, the benefits of laser cutting far outweigh the costs, making it a viable optionfor businesses seeking to improve their manufacturing processes. As technology continues to advance, we canexpect laser cutting to become even more precise, efficient, and cost-effective, further revolutionizing the manufacturing landscape.。

二、实习目的1. 掌握激光雕刻的基本原理和操作方法;2. 熟悉激光雕刻设备的使用和维护;3. 提高自己的动手能力和创新意识;4. 了解激光雕刻在各个领域的应用。
三、实习内容1. 激光雕刻基本原理激光雕刻是利用高功率密度的激光束对材料进行局部加热,使材料表面迅速熔化、蒸发或燃烧,从而实现雕刻、切割、打标等加工工艺。
2. 激光雕刻设备激光雕刻设备主要包括激光发生器、光路系统、加工平台、控制系统等。
3. 激光雕刻操作方法(1)软件设计:根据加工需求,利用CAD/CAM软件进行图形设计,生成加工路径;(2)参数设置:根据加工材料、设备性能等因素,设置激光功率、扫描速度、焦点位置等参数;(3)设备调试:检查设备各部件是否正常,调整激光束聚焦位置,确保加工精度;(4)加工操作:启动设备,按照设计好的路径进行激光雕刻。
四、实习成果1. 成功完成了激光雕刻实践操作,掌握了激光雕刻的基本原理和操作方法;2. 熟悉了激光雕刻设备的使用和维护,提高了自己的动手能力;3. 创新意识得到提高,在实习过程中,尝试了多种加工方案,优化了加工效果;4. 深入了解了激光雕刻在机械制造、航空航天、电子等领域的应用。

二、实习目的1. 了解激光加工的基本原理和特点。
2. 掌握激光加工设备的基本操作方法。
3. 熟悉激光加工在机械制造中的应用。
4. 提高自己的动手能力和工程实践能力。
三、实习内容1. 激光加工基本原理激光加工是一种利用高能量密度的激光束对材料进行切割、焊接、打标、热处理等加工的方法。
2. 激光加工设备操作本次实习中,我主要学习了激光切割设备的操作。
操作步骤如下:① 开启激光器,预热至正常工作温度。
② 调节激光功率、切割速度等参数。
③ 将工件放置在工作台上,调整工件位置。
④ 启动控制系统,开始激光切割。
3. 激光加工应用激光加工在机械制造、航空航天、汽车制造、电子等行业中具有广泛的应用。

二、实习内容1. 激光雕刻基本原理实习过程中,我首先学习了激光雕刻的基本原理。
2. 激光雕刻设备操作在实习过程中,我学习了激光雕刻设备的操作。
3. 激光雕刻材料及工艺实习过程中,我了解了激光雕刻的常用材料,如金属、木材、石材等。
4. 激光雕刻实例分析为了更好地掌握激光雕刻技术,我参与了多个激光雕刻实例的制作。
三、实习心得1. 激光雕刻技术的优势通过实习,我深刻认识到激光雕刻技术的优势。
2. 实践操作的重要性实习过程中,我深刻体会到实践操作的重要性。
3. 安全意识实习过程中,我时刻牢记安全意识。
机械工程专业英语Unit 7

Unit 7 Metal Cutting 金属切割
➢ importance of metal cutting 金属切割的重要性 ➢ Introduction of a typical cutting tool 典型切割刀具的介绍 ➢ Chip Formation 切屑形成 ➢ Shear zone 剪切区 ➢ Cutting Tool Materials 切割刀具材料 ➢ Surface Finish 表面光洁度 ➢ Cutting Fluids 切割液
Chip formation in metal cutting could be broadly categorized into
three types (Fig.7.3). 金属切削中的切屑形成可以宽泛地分成三个类型(图
❖ Discontinuous chip 间断切屑 ❖ Continuous chip 连续切屑 ❖ Continuous chip with BUE (Built up edge) 带切屑瘤的连续切屑
❖ In USA, more than $100 billions are spent annually on machining and related operations. 在美国,每年花在机加工及其相关作业上的 费用都多于千亿美元。

二、实习内容在实习过程中,我们主要学习了以下几个方面的内容:1. 激光加工原理:激光加工是利用高能量密度的激光束对材料进行局部照射,使材料迅速熔化、蒸发、燃烧或者改变其物理、化学性质,从而达到切割、焊接、打标、雕刻等目的的一种加工方法。
2. 激光加工设备:实习过程中,我们接触到了多种激光加工设备,如激光切割机、激光焊接机、激光打标机等。
3. 激光加工工艺:我们学习了激光切割、激光焊接、激光打标等工艺,并了解了不同工艺在实际生产中的应用场景。
4. 安全防护:激光加工过程中,对人体和设备都有一定的危害。
三、实习收获通过实习,我们对激光加工技术有了更深入的了解,收获如下:1. 理论知识:我们学习了激光加工的基本原理、设备结构和工艺特点,为今后在实际工作中应用激光加工技术打下了基础。
2. 操作技能:在实习过程中,我们亲自操作了激光加工设备,掌握了设备的使用方法和操作技巧,提高了我们的实际操作能力。
3. 安全意识:实习过程中,我们深刻认识到激光加工安全的重要性,学会了如何正确佩戴防护装备,确保自身和设备的安全。
4. 团队合作:在实习过程中,我们与同学们共同完成任务,学会了协作、沟通和解决问题,提高了我们的团队协作能力。

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Mechanical Engineering TrainingLaser CuttingName:Student NO.:Date:1. Introduction to Laser CuttingLaser cutting is a technology that uses a laser to cut materials, and is typically used for industrial manufacturing applications, but is also starting to be used by schools, small businesses, and hobbyists. Laser cutting works by directing the output of a high-power laser most commonly through optics. The laser optics and CNC (computer numerical control) are used to direct the material or the laser beam generated. A typical commercial laser for cutting materials would involve a motion control system to follow a CNC or G-code of the pattern to be cut onto the material. The focused laser beam directed at the material, which then either melts, burns, vaporizes away, or is blown away by a jet of gas, leaving an edge with a high-quality surface finish. Industrial laser cutters are used to cut flat-sheet material as well as structural and piping materials.In 1965, the first production laser cutting machine was used to drill holes in diamond dies. This machine was made by the Western Electric Engineering Research Center. In 1967, the British pioneered laser-assisted oxygen jet cutting for metals. In the early 1970s, this technology was put into production to cut titanium for aerospace applications. At the same time CO2 lasers were adapted to cut non-metals, such as textiles, because, at the time, CO2 lasers were not powerful enough to overcome the thermal conductivity of metals.2. Working Principle of Laser Cutting ProcessFigure 1 Structure of a laser cutterFigure 1 shows the structure of a laser cutter. Inside the cutter, generation of the laser beam involves stimulating a lasing material by electrical discharges or lamps within a closed container. As the lasing material is stimulated, the beam is reflected internally bymeans of a partial mirror, until it achieves sufficient energy to escape as a stream of monochromatic coherent light. Mirrors or fiber optics are typically used to direct the coherent light to a lens, which focuses the light at the work zone. The narrowest part of the focused beam is generally less than 0.0125 inches (0.32 mm) in diameter. Depending upon material thickness, kerf widths as small as 0.004 inches (0.10 mm) are possible. In order to be able to start cutting from somewhere else than the edge, a pierce is done before every cut. Piercing usually involves a high-power pulsed laser beam which slowly makes a hole in the material, taking around 5–15 seconds for 0.5-inch-thick (13 mm) stainless steel, for example.The movement of the cutter is controlled by a CNC device through G-code commands. The G-code can be manually programmed or be automatically generated with certain CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) software. In this training course, you are supposed to use a software called CAXA to design a drawing yourself, generate the G-code for the drawing and import the G-code to the laser cutting machine to cut the drawing on a wood sheet.3. Advantages of Laser CuttingAdvantages of laser cutting over mechanical cutting include easier workholding and reduced contamination of workpiece (since there is no cutting edge which can become contaminated by the material or contaminate the material). Precision may be better, since the laser beam does not wear during the process. There is also a reduced chance of warping the material that is being cut, as laser systems have a small heat-affected zone. Some materials are also very difficult or impossible to cut by more traditional means.4. Types of Lasers Used in Laser CuttingThere are three main types of lasers used in laser cutting. The CO2 laser is suited for cutting, boring, and engraving. The neodymium (Nd) and neodymium yttrium-aluminium-garnet (Nd-YAG) lasers are identical in style and differ only in application. Nd is used for boring and where high energy but low repetition are required. The Nd-YAG laser is used where very high power is needed and for boring and engraving. Both CO2 and Nd/ Nd-YAG lasers can be used for welding.5. Laser Cutting MethodsThere are many different methods in cutting using lasers, with different types used to cut different material. Some of the methods are vaporization, melt and blow, melt blow and burn, thermal stress cracking, scribing, cold cutting and burning stabilized laser cutting. Vaporization cuttingIn vaporization cutting the focused beam heats the surface of the material to boiling point and generates a keyhole. The keyhole leads to a sudden increase in absorptivity quickly deepening the hole. As the hole deepens and the material boils, vapor generated erodes the molten walls blowing ejecta out and further enlarging the hole. Non melting material such as wood, carbon and thermoset plastics are usually cut by this method. Melt and blowMelt and blow or fusion cutting uses high-pressure gas to blow molten material fromthe cutting area, greatly decreasing the power requirement. First the material is heated to melting point then a gas jet blows the molten material out of the kerf avoiding the need to raise the temperature of the material any further. Materials cut with this process are usually metals.Thermal stress crackingBrittle materials are particularly sensitive to thermal fracture, a feature exploited in thermal stress cracking. A beam is focused on the surface causing localized heating and thermal expansion. This results in a crack that can then be guided by moving the beam. The crack can be moved in order of m/s. It is usually used in cutting of glass.Stealth dicing of silicon wafersThe separation of microelectronic chips as prepared in semiconductor device fabrication from silicon wafers may be performed by the so-called stealth dicing process, which operates with a pulsed Nd:YAG laser, the wavelength of which (1064 nm) is well adopted to the electronic band gap of silicon (1.11 eV or 1117 nm). gReactive cuttingAlso called "burning stabilized laser gas cutting", "flame cutting". Reactive cutting is like oxygen torch cutting but with a laser beam as the ignition source. Mostly used for cutting carbon steel in thicknesses over 1 mm. This process can be used to cut very thick steel plates with relatively little laser power.6. Training PracticesIn this training course, you are supposed to use a software called CAXA to design a drawing yourself, generate the G-code for the drawing and import the G-code to the laser cutting machine to cut the drawing on a wood sheet.The computer room is on the third floor of the training center, where you can use the software. The software is in Chinese, but don’t worry, the teacher and TA there will tell you how to use the functions in English. Once you have completed your drawing, you will have to upload it on the server so that you can download it on the computer where the laser cutting machine is. After the training, you can take the finished workpiece away as a souvenir.7. Safety RulesOne thing you have to pay attention to in this training course is that, do not put any part of your body in the laser cutting machine when it is still working. The powerful laser may burn the skin and cause injury.。