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—I like that green skirt.

—Me too. And I like those pants.

—What else are they wearing?

—They are wearing......

单词:Clothes, hat, skirt, pants, dress.




3.请在10 分钟内完成试讲


Teaching Objectivist

(1))Knowledge Objective: Ss can master the words “clothes, hat, skirt, pants, dress” Ss can master the sentence structures “What are they wearing? They are wearing...”

(2))Ability Objectives: Students will have a basic concept of different clothes and use the words and sentences to discuss their favorite clothes.

(3)Emotional Objectives: Students can cultivate their interest in learning English.

Teaching important point & Teaching difficult point:

How to make students master and use the new words and structures in their daily life.

Teaching Methods:

Communication teaching method, task-based teaching method, audio-lingual teaching method.

Teaching procedure:Step1 Warming up


2.Let’s listen to a song “Ten little Indians” together.

Step2 Presentation

Show some pictures with the new words, and ask the Ss “What color is he\she wearing?” to review our last class, and lead the student repeat the words after teacher. And try to find how to use “be doing” by their own way.

Step3 Speaking

Design some question based on the students dressing to practice the new tense.

Step4 Explanation the text

—I like that green skirt.

—Me too. And I like those pants.

—What else are they wearing?

—They are wearing......

Listen and repeat, pay attention to the pronunciation.Group work. Read the dialogue aloud in groups.

Act out. Ask some groups to act out it.Step5 Dialogue time

Work with your partner and make a new conversation.

Step6 Summary

Review Crammer point wit. Class

Step8 Homework:

Listen to the tape and read the dialogue. Make up a dialogue. (编对话)

Blackboard Design

Unit5 My clothes

What color is he\she warning? Blue\red\yellow

what are you warning today? Hat\dress\skirt\pants.

What else are they wearing? —They are wearing.....





(1) 适当的板书

(2) 全英授课

(3) 体现师生互动

The past tense

I.Teaching objectives:

1.Knowledge objectives: review the past tense , and master the rules and irregular verbs. Student can describes what happened in the past, able to understand stories that are described in the past.Talk about your past life experiences and feelings.can read and describe past articles, a nd can consult the reference book to prepare for completing the task.write short stories about yourself and your classmates' life experiences. Write short stories in the p ast.

2.Ability objective:Student can imporve the ability to understand and use language.

3.Emotional objective: Through the course, students can improve their interest in English learning.actively participate in learning activities through various games, and be good at cooperating with others.by describing what we have done in the past, expressing our own opinions, guiding students to focus on the people, things and other life in nature that we share with us.

II.Difficulties Points:

The general past tense of regular verbs and irregular verbs A variety of sentence patterns in the past

To describe the past,make up stories in the past

III.Preparation before class

Multimedia courseware and voice animation of the past tense

IV.Teaching Procedure

Step 1. Warm-up

Greet the class as usual , Introduce the teaching aims and the teaching ways.

Step 2. Enjoy the movie

a.Watch the movie carefully,Find out the answers to the questions

b.Watch it again, pay attention to the tense and the form of the verbs, try to retell the story

c.Review the rules of the regular verbs and some and some imregulars verbs Step 3. Game---Snowball

a.give them an example:A:TV

B: TV show

C: an interesting TV show

D: I watched an interesting TV show.

E: I watched an interesting TV show last night.

F: I watched an interesting TV show last night with my mother .



Choose one word to do like the example, which group can finish first.

c.Read the sentence Step 4. Practice
