
GLOSSARYAbrasion 磨损Abrasive cleaning磨洗,研磨去污Acceleration加速度Accumulator存储器,储能器Acid 酸Acidity 酸度,酸性Active restraint(指安全带等需要乘客动手使用的)主动保护装置Actuator 执行器A/D converter模/数转换器Adaptive learning 自适应学习Additive 添加剂Adhesion 附着力,附着性Adhesive 附着的,附着力Aeration (空气以微小的气泡状态混入液力系统工作液中的)混气现象Aerodynamics 空气动力学Air bag system 安全气囊系统Air-conditioning 空调Air-conditioning clutch空调(系统的压缩机)离合器Air-conditioning compressor 空调压缩机Air ducts 空气通道Air filter 空气滤清器Air gap 气隙,(火花塞)跳火间隙,间隙Air injection 空气喷射Air Injection Reactor (AIR) 空气喷射反应净化系统All-wheel drive (AWD) 全轮驱动Alternating current 交流电流,交流电Alternator 交流发电机Ambient temperature 环境温度,车外温度American wire gauge (AWG) 美国线规Ammeter 安培计,电流表Ampere 安培Ampere-hour (AH) rating(蓄电池)安培小时容量Amplifier (电压或电流的)放大器Amplify 放大Amplitude 振幅,幅度Anaerobic 厌氧的,厌气的Analog 模拟,类似物Anodize 阳极电镀Antifreeze 防冻剂Antiknock Index (AKI) (车用汽油的)抗爆指数Antilock brake system (ABS) 防抱死制动系统Antiseize compounds 防咬合剂Antisway bar 稳定杆Aqueous 水的,含水的,多水的Aramid fibers芳族聚酸胺纤维,芳香尼龙纤维Aspect ratio (汽车轮胎的)高宽比Asymmetric 不均匀的,不平衡的Asynchronous motor 异步电动机,异步马达Automatic transmission fluid (A TF) 自动变速器液Atkinson cycle 阿特金斯循环Air-fuel ratio (A/F) sensor 空燃比传感器Alignment 调整使…在一条直线上Alloy 合金Automotive aftermarket 汽车配件市场Average responding平均值响应Axial 轴的,轴向的Axial load 轴向载荷Axial play 轴向运动Back pressure (汽车排气系统的)背压Backlash (由于松动等原因造成齿轮等机械系统的)间隙,背隙Ball bearing 球轴承Ball joint球节,球形连接Barometric pressure 大气压力Battery 蓄电池Battery cable (连接启动机或者搭铁的)蓄电池电缆Battery cell 蓄电池单元,单格电池Baud rate 波特率Bottom dead center (BDC) 下止点Bead 轮胎胎圈(轮胎安装在轮辋上的部分)Bearing 轴承Bearing clearance 轴承间隙Bearing crush 轴承压紧量Bearing race 滚动轴承座(圈)Bearing spread 轴承过盈量Bell housing 钟形壳(如离合器壳)Belleville spring 膜片弹簧,蝶形弹簧Belt alternator starter (BAS) 带式发电启动机Bias 偏差Binary code 二进制代码Biodiesel fuels 生物柴油燃料Bit (二进制)位,比特Blowby 窜气Body-over-frame 车身-车架式结构Atmospheric pressure 大气压力Atom 原子Atomization 雾化Bore 缸径Brake band 制动带Brake drum 制动鼓Brake fade 制动器(效能)衰退Brake fluid 制动液Brake pads 制动块,制动摩擦衬块Brake rotor 制动盘Brake shoe 制动蹄British thermal unit (BTU) 英国热量单位Before top dead center (BTDC) 上止点前Bump steer 颠簸转向Burnish 抛光,磨光Byte 字节CAFE standards美国汽车制造厂平均油耗标准Caliper 制动钳Camber车轮外倾,车轮外倾角Camshaft 凸轮轴Controller Area Network (CAN) Bus 控制器局域网总线Candlepower 烛光Capacitor 电容器Carbon dioxide (CO2) 二氧化碳Carbon monoxide (CO) 一氧化碳Carburizing 渗碳剂Case harden 表面硬化Caster主销后倾(角)Catalyst 催化剂Catalytic converter 三元催化转化器Caustic 腐蚀性Center link 中心拉杆Center of gravity 重心Bolt diameter 螺栓直径Bolt head 螺帽Boot 橡胶防尘罩Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) 氟氯化碳Chamfer 斜面Chamfering 倒角,切角Charcoal canister 活性炭灌Chassis ground 底盘搭铁Check valve 单向阀,止回阀Chemical cleaning 化学清洗Clamping diode钳位(压)二极管Closed loop 闭环Clutch 离合器Clutch disc 离合器盘Clutch fork 离合器拨叉Clutch release bearing 离合器分离轴承Coefficient of friction 摩擦系数Coil pack 线圈组件Cold cranking 低温启动,冷启动Collector 集电极Combination valve 组合阀Combustion 燃烧Combustion chamber 燃烧室Compound 混合物,化合物Compression 压缩Compression ratio 压缩比Compression stroke 压缩冲程Concentric 同中心的Condensation 冷凝,浓缩Condense使冷凝Condenser 冷凝器Conduction 传导Conductor 导体,导线Connecting rod 连杆Centrifugal force 离心力Centripetal force 向心力Cetane 十六烷Control arms控制臂Convection 对流,对流传热Coolant 冷却液Cords(轮胎的)帘线Core 散热器芯Core plug(缸体水套上的)防裂塞片Counterweight 平衡重Crank pin 曲轴连杆轴颈Crank throw 曲柄半径Crankshaft 曲轴Crimp 折叠,卷边Crude oil 原油,石油Curb weight 整车质量Current 电流CV joint 等速万向节Cylinder 汽缸Cylinder head 汽缸盖Dampen 减震,阻尼Dead axle 非传动轴,非驱动桥Deceleration 减速(度)Deck 汽缸体的上表面Deflection 偏转Deflection angle (液力变矩器油液的)偏转角Density 密度Department of Transportation(DOT)美国运输部Desiccant 干燥剂Detergent 清洗剂Detonation 爆燃,爆震Diagnosis 诊断Dial caliper 游标卡尺Dial indicator 千分表Continuously variable transmission (CVT) 无极变速器Contraction收缩Differential 差速器Diffusion 扩散Digital 数字的,数字式的Dilution 稀释Diode 二极管Direct current (DC) 直流,直流电Direct drive 直接驱动,直接传动Direct ignition system (DIS) 直接点火系Direct injection 直接喷射,直喷Directional stability 方向稳定性Disc brakes 盘式制动器Discharge line(空调压缩机的)输出管Displacement (发动机的)排量Distributor 分电器Distributor ignition (DI) system 分电器式点火系统Dome 圆顶(如活塞顶的形状)Dowel 定位销Drive member (行星齿轮机构的)输入齿轮Driveability 操作性能,驾驶性能Drive shaft 传动轴Dry sump 干式油底壳Dual overhead camshaft (DOHC) 双凸轮轴顶置Duo-servo 双向伺服Duty cycle 占空比Dwell time (凸轮轮廓的)同心部分(即随动件相应静止的时间)Dynamic 动力(学)的Dynamic pressure 动压力(当液力流动时的压力)Dynamometer 测功机Eccentric 偏心的Efficiency 效率Diaphragm 膜片Dielectric 绝缘体Diesel fuel 柴油机燃料,柴油Electrochemical degradation (ECD) 电化学降解Electrode 电极Electrolysis 电解Electrolyte 电解液Electromagnet 电磁铁Electromagnetic induction 电磁感应Electromagnetism 电磁学Electromechanical 电动机械的Electromotive force (EMF) 电动势Electronic 电子的Electronic fuel injection (EFI) 电控燃油喷射Element 元素Embedability 压入能力,嵌入性Emitter (晶体管)发射极End play 轴向间隙Energy 能量Engine block 发动机汽缸体,机体Engine efficiency 发动机效率Equilibrium 平衡Ethanol 乙醇,酒精Evacuate 抽成真空Evaporate 蒸发,挥发Evaporation蒸发,挥发Evaporator 蒸发器Exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) 废气再循环Exhaust manifold 排气歧管Exhaust valve 排气门Expansion 膨胀Expansion tank 膨胀箱Expansion valve (空调系统的)膨胀阀Fail-safe circuit 故障安全电路EI 电子点火Elasticity 弹性,弹性变形Electrochemical 电化学的Ferrous metal 含铁金属Field coil 励磁线圈Final drive 主减速器Firing order 点火顺序Flange 法兰Flexible fuel vehicles (FFV) 多用燃料汽车Fluid 流体,流动性Flux density 通量密度Flux field 磁场Flywheel 飞轮Foot-pound 英尺-磅(=·m)Force 力Forge 铸造Forward bias 正向偏压Free play(转向盘的)自由间隙,自由行程Free travel(离合器踏板的)自由行程Frequency 频率Friction 摩擦,摩擦力Fuel cell stack 燃料电池组Fuel pressure regulator 燃油压力调节器Fuel pump 燃油泵Fuel rail 油轨Fulcrum 杠杆的支点Full-floating 全浮式Fuse 熔断器Fusible link 熔断丝Galling wear 表面磨损Gasket 垫圈Gateway 网关Gear 齿轮,挡位,装置,齿轮传动机构Gear pitch 锥齿轮Fan clutch 风扇离合器Fatigue 疲劳Feedback 反馈Glitches短时脉冲波形干扰Grade markings 等级标记Graphite 石墨Grease 润滑脂Greenhouse gas 温室气体Ground 搭铁,接地Gum 胶状沉积物Haldex clutch哈尔德克斯离合器Half shaft 半轴Hall effect 霍尔效应Hand tap 手用丝锥Hardening淬火Hard spots 硬点Hazardous waste 有害废物Head gasket 汽缸垫Heat 热,热量Heat range (火花塞的)热值Heat shield 隔热板Heat sink 散热装置Heat treating 热处理Heater control valve 加热器控制阀Heater core加热器芯Helical gear斜齿圆柱齿轮,斜齿轮Heptane庚烷Hertz (Hz) 赫兹High-intensity discharge (HID) headlamps 高亮度气体放电大灯High tension 高(电)压Hone珩磨Horsepower 马力Hot spot 预热面,预热区(发动机进气歧管与排气Gear ratio 传动比,齿数比Generator 发电机Glaze 光滑面,光滑层Hydrocarbons 碳氢化合物Hydrofluorocarbon (HFC) 氢氟碳化合物,氢氟烃Hypoid gears 准双曲面齿轮Idler pulley 惰轮Ignitability 可燃性Ignition coil 点火线圈Ignition system 点火系统Ignition timing 点火正时Impedance 阻抗Impeller 泵轮Impermeable 不渗透的Included angle 车轮与主销的夹角(主销内倾角与车轮外倾角之和)Induction (电磁)感应Inductive reluctance磁阻Inertia 惯性,惯量Inertia switch 惯性开关Insert bearing 滑动轴承Installed spring height弹簧装配后的高度,装配高度Insulated gate bipolar transistor (IGBT) 绝缘栅双极晶体管Insulator 绝缘体Intake valve 进气阀Integral 整体,总体Integrated circuit 集成电路Integrated motor assist (IMA) system 集成式电动机助推系统Intercooler 中冷器Inverter 变换器(将交流电转变为直流电或将直流电转变为交流电)Isooctane 异辛烷歧管之间的相互接触区,以便利用废气热量促进进气歧管内的燃油进一步气化。

车辆工程 汽车专业英语课件-汽车基础知识部分 - Chapter 5 Braking System

鼓式制动器 盘式制动器 制动蹄 制动鼓 轮缸 摩擦衬片 制动钳 制动液 单向阀
Chapter 5 Braking Systems
5.1 Overview of Braking Systems
The braking system is very important to a car. If your brakes don’t work properly, the result can be disastrous. Brakes are actually energy conversion devices, which convert the kinetic energy of the vehicle into thermal energy.
Chapter 5 Braking Systems
学习目标 难点重点
1.掌握制动系统的基本组成、类型、ABS系统 主要零件的英文名称
1.重点是英文专业术语记忆 2.难点是生词偏多、ABS控制原理原理
Chapter 5 Braking Systems
n.卡钳,测径器;v. 用卡钳测量
['mæɡnitaiz] vt. 吸引;使磁化vi. 磁化;受磁
n. 缓凝剂;减速器;阻滞剂;迟 缩剂
adj. 液压的;水力的;水力学的
n. 隔间;区划;卧车上的小客房 vt. 分隔;划分
2 .Disc Brake The main parts of a disc brake include the brake cylinder, the brake disc and the brake calipers. The disc brake is a lot like the brakes on a bicycle. Bicycle brakes have a caliper, which squeezes the brake pads against the wheel. In a disc brake, the brake pads squeeze the rotor instead of the wheel, and the force is transmitted hydraulically instead of through a cable. Friction between the pads and the disc slows the disc down (Fig. 5-4 and 5-5).

Unit 1 Automobile Basicsspare wheel 备胎lubricate 润滑(名词是lubrication )gearbox 变速箱frame 车架transmission 变速器hood 发动机罩(=bonnet )→ decklid = trunklid 行李箱盖chassis chassis ['ʃæsi]['ʃæsi]底盘crankshaft 曲轴carburetor carburetor [,kɑːbjʊ'retə][,kɑːbjʊ'retə]化油器spark plug 火花塞clutch 离合器driveshaft 传动轴drive train 传动链petroleum petroleum [pə'trolɪəm][pə'trolɪəm]石油propane 丙烷gasohol 酒精混合燃料Unit 2 Bodies bracket 支架labyrinth labyrinth ['læbərɪnθ]['læbərɪnθ]迷宫cross-member 横梁interposition 干涉steering wheel 方向盘three-box car 三厢车hinge 铰链bumper 保险杠windshield 挡风玻璃windshield wiper 雨刮器interior trim 内饰instrument panel = dashboard 仪表盘safety belt 安全带unibody 承载式车身rubber bush 橡胶衬套vibration 振动ancillary 辅助的stress 应力fender 翼子板curb weight 整备质量intake duct 进气道fatigue 疲劳demist 除雾loudspeaker 扬声器Unit 3 Engines sprocket 链齿轮cylinder 汽缸connecting rod 连杆valve 气门camshaft 凸轮轴lifter 挺杆rocker arm 摇臂valve train 配气机构Unit 4 Fuel System clamp 夹具fuel rail 油轨intake manifold 进气歧管exhaust manifold 排气歧管throttle 节气门squirt 喷射hothouse 温室Unit 5 Electric System circuit 电路coil 线圈ignition 点火alternator 发电机ammeter 安培计voltage regulator 稳压器insulation 绝缘distributor 分电器transistor 晶体管fuse 保险relay 继电器headlights 大灯dome light 顶灯fog lamp 雾灯dash 仪表板halogen 卤素filament 灯丝LED(Light Emitting Diodes)发光二极管Unit 6 Cooling and Lubricating Systems wear 磨损contamination 污染coolant 冷却液radiator 散热器thermostat 节温器grill 格栅,进风口centrifugal force 离心力centripetal force 向心力boiling point 沸点overflow tube 溢流管wax 蜡oil filter 机油滤清器oil pan 油底壳oil galleries 油孔sealing 密封nozzle 喷嘴meshing gear 啮合齿轮bearing 轴承horsepower 马力Unit 7 Exhaust and Emission Control System header pipe 集气管three-way catalytic converter 三元催化转化器三元催化转化器catalyst 催化剂muffler 消音器hanger 挂钩heat shield 隔热板heavy-duty 耐用的,重负荷的fume 烟hydrocarbon 碳氢化合物evaporate 蒸发(名词后缀是-ion)additive 添加剂coupling 连接器gasket 垫圈odorless 无味的positive crankcase ventilation 曲轴箱强制通风曲轴箱强制通风grove 沟槽oil dipstick 油尺vacuum valve 真空阀charcoal canister 活性炭阀idle speed 怠速EGR(Exhaust Gas Recirculation)废气再循环platinum 铂palladium 钯rhodium 铑ceramic 陶瓷的honeycomb 蜂窝状Unit 8 Suspension System, Steering System and Brake System passenger cars/vehicles 乘用车commercial cars/vehicles 商用车bump 路面凸起alignment 校准steering knuckle 转向节swivel 旋转spring 弹簧(sprite 雪碧)ball joint 球型接头shock absorber = damper 减震器bounce 谈起bushing 衬套non-independent suspension 非独立悬架recirculating call steering systems 循环球式转向器rack-and-pinion steering systems 齿轮齿条式转向器齿轮齿条式转向器lorry 货车(也有卡车的意思)truck 卡车worm gear 涡轮蜗杆机构steering linkage 转向连杆steering column 柱pitman arm 转向摇臂track rod 转向横拉杆idler arm 随动臂sleeve 衬套master cylinder 制动主缸lever 杠杆brake booster 制动助力器engine compartment 发动机舱housing 外壳,壳体malfunction 故障,失灵cable 线缆caliper 卡钳brake pads 摩擦片hub 轮毂squeeze 压缩brake shoe 制动蹄Unit 9 Drive Trains and Axlesdrive axles 驱动桥MT(Manual Transmission)手动变速器AT(Automatic Transmission)自动变速器CVT(Continuously Variable Transmission)无级变速器stationary 静态的release bearing 分离轴承clutch fork 离合器拨叉pressure plate 压盘tension 张力hydraulic circuit 液压回路throw-out bearing = release bearing 分离轴承torque converter 液力变矩器friction 摩擦synchronizer 同步器shift linkage 换挡连杆机构turbine 涡轮stator 导轮planet gears 行星齿轮planet gear carrier 行星架行星架ring gear 齿圈slip yoke 滑动叉differential 差速器axle housing 桥壳unsprung weight 簧下质量sprung weight 簧上质量Unit 10 Safety, Security and Navigation Systems occupant = passenger乘员buckle 安全带插扣impact 碰撞regulatory 法规nylon 尼龙stiffness 刚度abrasion 磨损kinetic 运动学的inertia 惯性trigger 触发器resister 电阻GPS(Global Positioning System)全球定位系统补充:assembly line装配线stabilizer bar横向稳定杆cylinder block 气缸体cast iron/aluminium 铸铁/铝turbocharge 涡轮增压supercharge 机械增压exhaust pipe 排气管displacement排量compression ratio压缩比valve overlap 气门重叠thrust washer 止推垫圈ductile iron 球墨铸铁constant velocity joint 等速万向节等速万向节SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle )运动型多功能车)运动型多功能车常见品牌:Toyota 丰田Honda 本田Nissan 日产Mazda 马自达Lexus 雷克萨斯Suzuki 铃木Mitsubishi 三菱General Motors 通用Cadillac 凯迪拉克Lincoln 林肯Ford 福特Chrysler 克莱斯勒Corvette 克尔维特Mercedes Mercedes [mə'sidi:z][mə'sidi:z][mə'sidi:z] Benz 梅赛德斯-奔驰Volkswagen 大众Audi 奥迪Rolls Royce 劳斯莱斯Bentley 宾利Ferrari 法拉利Maserati 玛莎拉蒂Aston Martin 阿斯顿马丁Jaguar 捷豹Porsche 保时捷Lamborghini 兰博基尼Koenigsegg 柯尼塞格Bugatti 布加迪Pagani 帕加尼Alfa Romeo 阿尔法罗密欧Volvo 沃尔沃Lotus 莲花a m n d A l t h g sb i e o f rRenault 雷诺Hyundai 现代Peugeot 标志Opel 欧宝Fiat 菲亚特Skoda 斯柯达Citroen 雪铁龙Dodge 道奇。

['flaiwi:l] [spriŋ] ['ɔpəreit] ['mekənizəm] [trænz'mi∫ən] [tɔ:k]
n.飞轮 n.弹簧 vt.操作,控制,使运行 n.(机械)结构,机械装置 n.变速器 n.扭转力;转矩
Chapter 3 Power Train 3.1 Clutches
Chapter 3 Power Train 3.2 Manuel Transmission
3.2.1 Text
1.Transmission Gear Ratios
The modern manual transmission can provide the driver with up to six forward gear ratios. The reduction gears provide gear ratios of approximately 3.5:1 (stated as 3.5 to 1) for the lowest gear, to about 1.5:1 for the highest. The direct drive gear has a 1:1 gear ratio. The overdrive gears have a gear ratio of about 0.7:1.
[ə'prɔksimə tli]
['bɛəriŋ] n.[机]轴承,支座
[ֽtræ ns'æ k sl]

汽车工程专业英语全文翻译一当今的汽车一般都由15000 多个分散、独立且相互配合的零部件组成。
Body:车身Engine:发动机Brakes:制动器Power train :传动系Steering:转向系Electrical:电器及电子设备Suspension:悬架Layout of a passenger car:乘用车总布置:商用车总布置Layout of a commercialvehicle1.1 车身汽车车身是由车窗、车门、发动机罩和行李箱盖焊接在金属板外壳发动机发动机作为动力装置。
在车辆应用中,汽缸数一般是2-6 缸,汽缸中心线与水平面垂直。
解决这个问题的办法就是采用V 形(汽缸呈两列布置,且两列气缸之间夹角为V 形)发动机。
1.4 电气系统电气系统为起动机、点火系统、照明灯具、取暖器提供电能。
1.4.1 充电充电系统为所有汽车电子元件提供电能。
蓄电池为起动提供电能 ,然后发动机工作,交流发电机就为所有的电子元件提供电能。
1.4.2 起动起动系统包括:蓄电池、电缆、起动机、飞轮和换向器。

车辆工程专业英语复习资料1.The four-stroke spark-ignition engine cycle consists:induction stroke (intake stoke), compression stroke, power stroke, exhaust stroke.(四冲程点燃式发动机行程包括:进气行程,压缩行程,作工行程,排气行程。
)2.内燃机:internal combustion engine 外燃机:externalcombustion engine3.The lower the gear ratio selected, the higher the torquetransmitted.(选择的齿轮齿数越少,传递的扭矩越大)4.Different gear 差速器drive shaft 传动轴 final drive 主减速器 universal joints 万向节 steering box 转向器5.These parts can be grouped into four major categories:Body ,Engine, Chassis and electrical system.(这些部件可组成四个主要部分:车身、发动机、底盘和电路系统)6.the purpose of the complete suspension system is to isolatethe vehicle body form road shocks and vibrations,which will otherwise be transferred to the passengers and load.(整个悬架系统的目的是分离车身来自路面的冲击和振动,否则会被传递给乘客和货物。
)7.tube tires 有内胎轮胎 drum brakes鼓式制动器 discbrakes盘式制动器8.most modern lighe vehicles have either disc brakes on thefront wheels and drum brakes on the rear or disc brakes on all 4 wheels大多数现代光车是前轮采用盘式制动鼓上的所有4个车轮后面或盘式制动器制动器9.the electrical system supplies electricity for thestarter,ignition,lights and heater电气系统为起动机、点火系统、照明灯具、取暖器提供电能10.the sparks must be supplied at the right time and theysufficient energy over a range of conditions to ignite the charges火花必须在正确的时间提供足够的能量,他们在一系列的条件下点燃的指控11.distributor分电器 spark plug 火花塞12.Energy is used to produce power. The chemical energy infuel is converted to heat by the burning of the fuel at a controlled rate.(能量是用来产生动力的,燃料中的化学能通过控制其比例进行燃烧可转化成热能。

UNIT 1 AUTOMOTIVE BASICSBody:车身chassis:底盘stream-lined:流线wind resistance:风阻Frame:车架the power train:传动系统the drive train:驱动系a unitized body:承载式车身unibody:整体式汽车车身suspension system:悬架系统steering system:转向系统braking system(制动系统)suspension system:悬架系统shock absorber:减振器control arm:控制臂、导向机构steering gears:转向器steering wheel:转向盘idler arm:随动臂tie rods:横拉杆power steering:动力转向Power booster:助力器master cylinder:制动主缸Disc brake:盘式制动drum brake:鼓式制动Brake pedal:制动踏板brake system:制动系统stopping power:制动力Hydraulic brakes:液压制动brake pedal:制动踏板brake fluid:制动液brake lines:制动管路cylinders:轮缸brake shoes:制动蹄drum:制动鼓disc brake:盘式制动器pliers:老虎钳squeeze:挤进,握紧;夹紧rotating disc:旋转制动盘Drum brake:鼓式制动器gasoline-burning piston engine:活塞式汽油发动机Diesel-fuel burning engines:柴油发动机Fuel system:供给系统exhaust system:排气系统Cooling system:冷却系统lubrication system:润滑系统ignition system:点火系统electric spark:电火花air-fuel mixture:可燃混合气cylinder:汽缸ignition switch:点火开关current:电流storage battery:蓄电池ignition coil:点火线圈Distributor:分电器spark plug:火花塞compression ignition engines:压燃式发动机charging circuit:充电电路regulator:电压调节器alternator (or generator):发电机mechanical energy:机械能electrical energy:电能maximum voltage:最大电压fuel system:燃料供给系统fuel pump:燃油泵Filter:滤清器carburetor:化油器fuel injection system:燃油喷射系统combustible mixture:可燃混合气manifold:进气管exhaust system:排气系统carbon monoxide:一氧化碳hydrocarbons(碳氢化合物)oxides of nitrogen:氮氧化合物emission control system:排放控制系统cooling system:冷却系统combustion chamber:燃烧室coolant:冷却液Radiator:散热器water pump:水泵hollow:空的、空洞的block:汽缸体head:汽缸盖Defroster:(除冰(或霜)装置)lubrication system:润滑系统lubricant:润滑剂piston rings:活塞环cylinder walls:汽缸壁oil filter:机油滤清器Transmission:变速器wheel bearings:车轮轴承differential:差速器steering linkage:转向链接机构power train:传动系统transmission:变速器shift lever:变速杆clutch:离合器Transmission:变速器torque:转矩Differential:差速器drive /propeller shaft:传动轴universal joints:万向节axle movement:轴向运动flexible universal joints:活动万向节Differential:差速器UNIT 2 AUTOMOTIVE ENGINEinternal combustion engine:内燃机liquefied petroleum gas(LPG):液化石油气Compressed natural gas(CNG):压缩天然气drive shaft:驱动轴rear-wheel-drive arrangement:后轮驱动布置形式front-wheel-drive arrangement:前轮驱动布置形式drive wheels:驱动轮mid-engine arrangement:发动机中置Pistons:活塞reciprocate:往复spark ignition engine:火花点燃式发动机compression ignition(CI) engine:压燃式发动机electric ignition system:电子点火系统spark plug:火花塞ignite:点燃cylinders:气缸combustion:燃烧compression-ignition engine:压燃式发动机diesel engine:柴油机Spray:喷入heavy-duty trucks:重型货车spark-ignition engine:火花点燃式发动机fuel system:燃料供给系统ignition system:点火系统lubricating system:润滑系统cooling system:冷却系统fuel system:燃料供给系统combustible mixture:可燃混合物air/fuel mixture:空气燃料混合气ignition system:点火系统spark plug:火花塞air/fuel mixture:可燃混合气lubricating oil:润滑油lubricating system:润滑系统oil pan:油底壳oil pump:机油泵reservoir:贮存器; 油箱exhaust gas:排气cooling system:冷却系统exhaust system:排气系统emission-control system:排放控制系统starting system:启动系统Crank:转动曲柄starting motor:启动马达internal combustion engine:内燃机chemical energy:化学能heat energy:热能mechanical energy:机械能air/fuel ratio:空燃比Diesel engines:柴油机intake:进气connecting rod:连杆crankshaft:曲轴reciprocating movement/back and forth movement/up and down movement(往复运动)rotary motion/ turning motion:(旋转运动)crankshaft:曲轴Efficiency:效率potential energy:潜能mechanical energy:机械能overall efficiency:总效率compression ratio:压缩比air/fuel ratio:空燃比uppermost position/(TDC, top dead center:上止点lowest position/BDC, bottom dead center:下止点stroke:行程four stroke-cycle Gasoline Engine:intake stroke:进气行程compression stroke:压缩行程power stroke:作功行程exhaust stroke:排气行程revolution:转、圈crankshaft:曲轴camshaft:凸轮轴Crankshaft:曲轴connecting rod:连杆intake valve:进气门camshaft:凸轮轴pressure difference:压力差air/fuel mixture:空气/燃料混合气compression ratio:压缩比TDC:上止点exhaust valve:排气门exhaust gases:废气starter motor:启动马达ignition key:点火钥匙start position:启动位置Flywheel:飞轮UNIT 3 AUTOMOTIVE LUBRICATION SYSTEM(汽车润滑系统)3.1 Lubrication Principles 润滑原理Friction:摩擦primary job:基本任务Residual oil:残留的机油Lubricant:滑润剂hydrodynamic:液力的oil adhesion:机油粘度sliding friction:滑动摩擦Pressure-Lubrication System压力润滑系统oil pan:油底壳block:汽缸体oil pump:油泵drain plug:放油螺塞oil-pan gasket:油底壳垫圈Passageway:油道oil filter:机油滤清器Crankcase:曲轴箱tube:管filter screen:滤网gear-type:齿轮泵rotor-type:转子泵full-flow filtering system:全流式滤清器pressure-relief valve:安全阀bypass valve:旁通阀camshaft(凸轮轴)main bearing:主轴承camshaft bearing:凸轮轴轴承Foam inhibitor:泡沫抑制剂UNIT 4 THE COOLING SYSTEM(冷却系统)exhaust system:排气系统cylinder wall:汽缸壁piston:活塞cylinder head:汽缸盖oil film:油膜fuel mileage:燃油经济性exhaust emissions:废气排放liquid cooling:水冷air cooling:风冷water jacket:水套thermostat:节温器water pump:水泵radiator:散热器radiator cap:散热器盖cooling fan:冷却风扇hoses:软管expansion tank:膨胀水箱overflow tank:溢流水箱4.1 Water Pump(水泵)centrifugal pump:离心泵centrifugal force:离心力4.2 Water Jacket(水套)hot spot:热点valve seat:气门座valve guide:气门导管cylinder wall:汽缸壁combustion chamber:燃烧室4.3 Radiator(散热器)heat exchanger:热交换器4.4 Pressure Cap(散热器盖)boiling point:沸点pressure release valve:减压阀, 安全阀overflow tube:溢流管overflow tank:溢流箱4.5 Thermostat(节温器)4.6 Fancooling fan:冷却风扇constant temperature:常温thermostatic switchUNIT 5 FUEL INJECTION SYSTEMFuel injection system:燃油喷射系统purely mechanical:纯机械的electronic fuel injection system:电子燃油喷射系统feedback control:反馈控制emission:排放solenoid valve:电磁阀injector:喷油器best power:最佳动力性best emission:最佳排放性best economy:最佳经济性rich condition:浓(混合气)工况lean condition:稀(混合气)工况5.3 Fuel System(燃油系统)fuel rail:油轨regulator:压力调节器return line:回油管fuel manifold:燃油歧管intake manifold:进气歧管5.4 Air Metering and Measurement 空气计量butterfly valve:传统碟形阀throttle body assembly:节气门体总成Mass Airflow:质量流量Speed Density:速度密度spring loaded flap:翼片potentiometer:电位计heated wire:加热电阻丝voltage signal:电压信号5.5 Most EFI systems measure the same basic 6 input大多数EFI系统检测6个基本输入(信号)RPM(转速) ignition coil:点火线圈magnetic sensor:磁脉冲传感器Hall effect sensor:霍尔效应传感器Manifold Pressure (进气歧管压力) Throttle Position (节气门位置)Water Temperature injector pulse width:喷油器脉冲宽度Air Temperature5.6 Oxygen Sensor(氧传感器)closed loop systems:闭环系统oxygen content:氧含量air/fuel ratio:空燃比open loop mode:开环模式UNIT 6 EXHAUST SYSTEMexhaust system:排气系统Exhaust gas:废气combustion chamber:燃烧室muffler:消声器catalytic converter:催化转换器6.2 The Muffler(消声器)backpressure:背压exhaust valve:排气门6.3 The Exhaust Manifold and Headerexhaust manifold:排气歧管cylinder head:气缸盖intake manifold:进气歧管UNIT 7 THE IGNITION SYSTEM(点火系统)breaker point type ignition system:触点型点火系统electronic ignition system:电子点火系统distributorless ignition system:无分电器点火系统)timing of the spark plug firing:火花塞点火次序spark plug gap:火花塞间隙7.1 Point-Type Ignition System(触点型点火系统)electrical circuit:电路primary circuit:初级回路secondary circuit:次级回路breaker point:触点ignition switch:点火开关secondary winding:次级线圈high-tension lead:高压导线distributor:分电器coil:点火线圈distributor cap:分电器盖distributor rotor:分火头controlling element:控制元件primary current:初级电流Distributor:配电器7.2 Electronic Ignition Systems(电子点火系统)electronic control module:电子控制模块7.3 Distributorless Ignition Systems (DIS) (无分电器点火系统)spark timing:点火正时Ignition Control Unit (ICU):点火控制单元Engine Control Unit (ECU):发动机控制单元firing order:点火顺序Top Dead Center (TDC):上止点UNIT 8 CLUTCHdrive line/drive train:传动系统Clutch:离合器transmission:变速器drive shaft:传动轴final drive assembly:主减速器总成clutch disc:离合器片pressure plate:压盘pressure plate cover:离合器盖friction mechanism:摩擦机构engine torque:发动机扭矩gear ratio:传动比clutch pedal:离合器踏板driven member:从动件transmission input shaft:变速器输入轴driving members:主动件crankshaft:曲轴torsional shock:扭转振动starter motor:启动马达splined hub:花键毂spline:花键transmission input shaft:变速器输入轴diaphragm spring:膜片弹簧centrifugal force:离心力release bearing:分离轴承disengagement mechanism:分离机构hydraulic system:液压系统hydraulic mechanism:液压机构clutch master cylinder:离合器主缸hydraulic fluid:制动液clutch release cylinder:离合器分离缸UNIT 9 AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION(自动变速器)fluid coupling(液力偶合器)torque converter(变矩器rear wheel drive(后轮驱动)front wheel drive(前轮驱动).drive shaft(驱动轴)final drive(主减速器)rear axle(后轴)rear wheels(后轮)transaxle(驱动桥)Front axles(前桥)planetary gear sets(行星齿轮组)hydraulic system(液力系统)Planetary gear sets(行星齿轮组)sun gear(太阳轮)ring gear(齿圈)planet gears(行星轮)constant mesh(常啮合common carrier(行星架)input shaft(输入轴)output shaft(输出轴)9.2 Clutch pack(离合器组)clutch drum(离合器鼓)friction material(摩擦材料)9.3 One-Way Clutch(单向离合器)"sprag" clutch(超越离合器)neutral(空挡)9.4 Bands(制动带)9.5 Torque Converter(液力变矩器)(见阅读材料)UNIT 10 THE DIFFERENTIAL(差速器)unlimited-slip, differential:不防滑差速器10.1 The Main Gears(主减速器)bevel gear:锥齿轮axle shaft:半轴final drive assembly:主减速器总成gear reduction:减速drive wheel:驱动轮drive shaft:传动轴spiral bevel gear:螺旋锥齿轮center line(centerline):中心线10.2 The Differential System(差速系统)axle shaft:半轴side gear:半轴齿轮UNIT 11 BRAKE SYSTEM(制动系统)kinetic energy:惯性能量momentum:动量thermal energy (heat):热能master cylinder:主缸brake pedal:制动踏板mechanical pressure:机械压力hydraulic pressure:液体压力brake line:制动管brake hose:制动软管slave cylinder:轮缸Brake fluid:制动液Shoe:制动蹄pad:制动块drums:制动鼓rotor:制动盘disk brake:盘式制动器drum brakes:鼓式制动器caliper:制动嵌brake shoe:制动蹄friction lining:摩擦衬片friction surface:摩擦表面emergency brake:紧急制动Power brake booster:动力制动助力器master cylinder:制动主缸brake pedal:制动踏板hydraulic actuator:液压传动机构wheel speed sensor:车轮速度传感器UNIT 14 ABS AND TCS14.1 Braking System Fundamentals,master cylinder:主缸wheel cylinders:轮缸caliper pistons:制动钳活塞rolling energy:旋转能量14.2 Antilock Braking Systems(防抱死制动系统)retarding force:制动力percent slip滑移率braking effectiveness:制动效能wheel speed sensors (WSS):车轮速度传感器Reading material-Torque Converter-术语Torque Converter(液力变矩器)manual transmission:自动变速器automatic transmission:自动变速器brake pedal:制动踏板gas pedal:加速踏板 1. Pump(泵轮).2. Turbine(涡轮).3. Stator(导轮).4. Transmission fluid(传动液).Freewheel:自由轮lockup clutch:锁止离合器。

汽车变速器的设计外文文献翻译、中英文翻译、外文翻译A manual n。
also known as a standard n。
It consistsof gears。
roller bearings。
and gear selectors。
The main clutch assembly is used to engage and disengage the engine from XXX gears are used to select the desired。
and the sector fork moves gears from one to another using the gearshift knob。
Synchros are used to slow the gear to a。
before it is XXX。
The counter shaft holds the gears in place and against the main input and output shaft。
Unlike automatic ns。
as there isno XXX。
Note: XXX "n Shifter" was deleted as it had no XXX.)XXX have four to six forward gears and one reverse gear。
some cars may have up to eight forward gears。
while semi trucks XXX by the number of forward gears。
such as a 5-speed standard n.The n of a standard n includes three shafts: the input shaft。

附录ATruck Main Reduction Gear The imported technology in steyr 1970s at international level of the early 80s. For the imported technology, steyr heavy CARDS industry of China was up the vacancy of Chinese heavy vehicles, steyr technology group began to absorb, fusion, localization, independent research and development and innovation, etc. In 1986, sinotruk technology development center, successively established after three drawings, organizational culture the digestion and absorption and understood. These drawings of cultural production plan and guarantee the requirements of vehicle, batch steyr technology to quickly radiation of 10 provinces in light of the relevant scientific research units, and will play in domestic advanced steyr heavy-duty vehicle product platform. Since the 1970s, however, since in almost all other automotive supplier technology,'s GKN fundamentally changed its way, in order to adapt to the current conditions, they in the 1980s and 1990s production purpose is to provide complete installation, including the wheel brake, and all of the design and integration, specific design, as well as the car market.For off-road operation, the duty cycles may be entirely different in both torsional and beam loading-denpending on the application. For example, some types of vehicle spend a considerable proportion of their running time at high torque in low gear. In most circumstances, the terrain may be such that the tyres tend to slip more readily than on tarmac; in others, however, for example in fairly firm sandy screes, it may allow tyres to bite into it, and thus lead to torsional fatigue loading significantly greater than on smooth roads. Vertical and lateral loading, too, may be much more severe, though this dose depend to a major extent on speeds. Shock loading can also affect braking and acceleration torques though, again, such effects are speed-dependent.Heavy and general reducer industry products categories include all kinds of gear reducer, planetary gear reducer, the worm and alizarin also includes a special device, such as the growth of devices, including meat device, and flexible transmission device of various composite transmission device etc. Product service involved in metallurgy, non-ferrous, coal, building materials, ship, water conservancy, electric power, engineering machinery andpetrochemical industries. Heavy and general reducer industry manufacturers also coexist in various forms, such as foreign enterprises, sino-foreign joint ventures, state-owned enterprises, share-holding enterprise and individual enterprise, has large scale to hundreds of millions of yuan, annual small to millions of dollars. Good living conditions, and the product quality control system, perfect the enterprise has more than 100, and the whole industry 2005 sales of approximately 200 million yuan, the sales of foreign-funded enterprises accounted for about one fourth.Domestic reducer of key enterprises industry products, specifications and parameters are covered in recent years, the product quality has reached international advanced level, industrial countries similar products can undertake for national economic sectors provides complete responsibility of transmission device, part of our products are exported to Europe and southeast Asia. The speed reducer is used to reduce the speed increases from transmission torque, and rotating torque changes direction, the differential transmission to half axle. The main reducer is mainly based on structure form, reducer gear types and different forms. The main gear reducer of spiral bevel gears and hypoid gear, cylindrical gears and worm and worm wheel etc .Pair of level host reduction gear is compared with single stage , the gap may be 7 ~12 transmission ratio , i0 each other at the same time in swear to be away from a field 12. But the dimension , mass are without exception bigger , cost is higher. It applies to middle, heavy type freight train , go-anywhere vehicle and motor bus mainly go ahead.Dyadic overall pair of level host reduction gear has the various structure scheme: First order is a cone gear wheel , the second stage is a column gear wheel; First order is a cone gear wheel , the second stage is epicyclic gear; First order is epicyclic gear , the second stage is a cone gear wheel; First order is a column gear wheel , the second stage is a cone gear wheel.Horizontal , askew, face and droop over to the three kinds to first order for the cone gear wheel , the second stage are that pair of column gear wheel level betokens reduction gear, but has direction arrangement scheme.Direction level arrangement can use the assembly drooping over to outline dimension diminution , reducing the automobile quality heart altitude thereby, makes the direction dimension increase by but , that the use on long distance between shafts automobile but appropriate diminution transmission shaft length, is harmful for short distance betweenshafts automobile's to put arrangement together but, may make a transmission shaft short , leads to a universal transmission shaft intersection angle enlarge. Droop over to arranging a messenger to drive the bridge direction dimension diminution, may diminish a universal transmission shaft intersection angle, since but host reduction gear shell fixes superjacent in bridge shell , make not only droop over enhance to outline dimension, and have reduced bridge shell stiffness , have been harmful for gear wheel to work. This arrangement but easy to be versed in style driving a bridge arrangement. Arranging bridge shell stiffness and improving to the transmission shaft is slanting to arrangement advantageous.When assigning a transmission ratio in pair of level host reduction gear having the cone gear wheel and the column gear wheel, the column gear wheel is 1.4 ~ like the ratio auxiliary and boring subsidiary gear wheel transmission ratio 2.0, and the cone gear wheel is 1.7 ~ like subsidiary transmission ratio 3.3, such axial loading may diminish a cone when the gear wheel is engaged and effect loading on the driven cone gear wheel and the column gear wheel, may make the active cone gear wheel tooth number appropriate increasing by at the same time , make whose supporting axis neck dimension appropriate enlarge, To improve whose supporting stiffness, improve falling-in stationarity and the job reliability.For modern axles, choice of gear lubricant can be critical. In cars operating at high speeds on motorways, axle oil temperature can ultimately rise even higher than 130℃,so venting of the casing is important. In principle, the oil in the base of the casting is swept around over the crownwheel and then forwards through the two bearings that carry the pinion. Consequently, both the shapes and dimensions of the clearances between the crownwheel and casing can be critical, and adequate drainage has to be provided for the oil to flow, through channels cored in the pinion bearing housings, back to the base of the casing.Within the gear carrier unit, taper roller bearings are employed almost universally for carrying the input pinion. They have a large load capacity within a small envelope, and can be preloaded for accurate and stable positioning of the gears. For pinion flange seals where resistance to high temperatures at relatively high speeds is essential, polyarcylate may be specified, but the abrasive conditions Viton is generally preferred.That the cone gear wheel tooth goes over width face to face can not enhance gear wheel intensity and life-span , is able to lead to tooth ditch unexpected turn of events small end because of cone gear wheel gear teeth on the contrary narrow the cutting knife the topof the head face width arousing is too narrow and the point of a knife round angle is too small. Like this , not only, have diminished the tooth radical circle radius , have enlarged strain all together, life time having reduced a cutter. Besides , when assembling, have location deviation or wait for cause since fabrication , heat treatment are deformable, loading concentrates minor in gear teeth end when making a gear wheel work , is able to arouse gear teeth holding untimely damage and weary loss for a short time. That besides, the tooth goes over width face to face also is able to arouse assembling space diminution. The flank of a tooth is too narrow but , the gear teeth outside abrasion resistance meeting reduces.For the running-in improving the new gear wheel, prevent the person from dying in working to Model T wear appear on initial stage , bruising , gluing together or barking, cone gear wheel bonderizing being 0.005 ~ 0.020 mm in heat treatment and finish machining aftercrop, thickness handles or the copper facing , the tin plating handle. The ball carrying out strain on the flank of a tooth gushing is sold at reduced prices , may improve 25%'s gear wheel life-span. To the high speed gear wheel sliding, may be in progress a sulfur oozing handling to improve abrasion resistance. Rub a factor but notable sulfur queen lessening oozes, even if lubricating condition is relatively poor , also, can prevent the flank of a tooth bruise from facing , barks to die and glue together.附录B重型车主减速器我国引进的斯太尔技术在当时处于国际20世纪70年代末80年代初的水平。

附录A 英文文献Final drive\DifferentialAll vehicles have some type of drive axle/differential assembly incorporated into the driveline. Whether it is front, rear or four wheel drive, differentials are necessary for the smooth application of engine power to the road.PowerflowThe drive axle must transmit power through a 90°angle. The flow of power in conventional front engine/rear wheel drive vehicles moves from the engine to the drive axle in approximately a straight line. However, at the drive axle, the power must be turned at right angles (from the line of the driveshaft) and directed to the drive wheels.This is accomplished by a pinion drive gear,which turns a circular ring gear. The ring gear is attached to a differential housing, containing a set of smaller gears that are splined to the inner end of each axle shaft. As the housing is rotated, the internal differential gears turn the axle shafts, which are also attached to the drive wheels.Fig 1 Drive axleRear-wheel driveRear-wheel-drive vehicles are mostly trucks, very large sedans and many sports car and coupe models. The typical rear wheel drive vehicle uses a front mounted engine and transmission assemblies with a driveshaft coupling the transmission to the rear drive axle. Drive in through the layout of the bridge, the bridge drive shaft arranged vertically in the same vertical plane, and not the drive axle shaft, respectively, in their own sub-actuator with a direct connection, but the actuator is located at the front or the back of the adjacent shaft of the two bridges is arranged in series. Vehicle before and after the two ends of the driving force of the drive axle, is the sub-actuator and the transmission through the middle of the bridge. The advantage is not only a reduction of the number of drive shaft, and raise the driving axle of the common parts of each other, and to simplify the structure, reduces the volume and quality.Fig 2 Rear-wheel-drive axleSome vehicles do not follow this typical example. Such as the older Porsche or Volkswagen vehicles which were rear engine, rear drive. These vehicles use a rear mounted transaxle with halfshafts connected to the drive wheels. Also, some vehicles were produced with a front engine, rear transaxle setup with a driveshaft connecting the engine to the transaxle, and halfshafts linking the transaxle to the drive wheels.Differential operationIn order to remove the wheel around in the kinematics due to the lack of co-ordination about the wheel diameter arising from a different or the same rolling radius of wheel travel required, inter-wheel motor vehicles are equipped with about differential, the latter to ensure that the car driver Bridge on both sides of the wheel when in range with a trip to the characteristics of rotating at different speeds to meet the requirements of the vehicle kinematics.Fig 3 Principle of differentialThe accompanying illustration has been provided to help understand how this occurs.1.The drive pinion, which is turned by the driveshaft, turns the ring gear.2.The ring gear, which is attached to the differential case, turns the case.3.The pinion shaft, located in a bore in the differential case, is at right angles to the axle shafts and turns with the case.4.The differential pinion (drive) gears are mounted on the pinion shaft and rotate with the shaft .5.Differential side gears (driven gears) are meshed with the pinion gears and turn with the differential housing and ring gear as a unit.6.The side gears are splined to the inner ends of the axle shafts and rotate the shafts as the housing turns.7.When both wheels have equal traction, the pinion gears do not rotate on the pinion shaft, since the input force of the pinion gears is divided equally between the two side gears.8.When it is necessary to turn a corner, the differential gearing becomes effective and allows the axle shafts to rotate at different speeds .Open-wheel differential on each general use the same amount of torque. To determine the size of the wheel torque to bear two factors: equipment and friction. In dry conditions, when a lot of friction, the wheel bearing torque by engine size and gear restrictions are hours in the friction (such as driving on ice), is restricted to a maximum torque, so that vehicles will not spin round. So even if the car can produce more torque, but also need to have sufficient traction to transfer torque to the ground. If you increase the throttle after the wheels slip, it will only make the wheels spin faster.Fig 4 Conventional differentialLimited-slip and locking differential operationFig 5 Limited-slip differentialDifferential settlement of a car in the uneven road surface and steering wheel-driven speedat about the different requirements; but is followed by the existence of differential in the side car wheel skid can not be effective when the power transmission, that is, the wheel slip can not produce the driving force, rather than spin the wheel and does not have enough torque. Good non-slip differential settlement of the car wheels skid on the side of the power transmission when the issue, that is, locking differential, so that no longer serve a useful differential right and left sides of the wheel can be the same torque.Limited-slip and locking differential operation can be divided into two major categories:(1) mandatory locking type in ordinary differential locking enforcement agencies to increase, when the side of the wheel skid occurs, the driver can be electric, pneumatic or mechanical means to manipulate the locking body meshing sets of DIP Shell will be with the axle differential lock into one, thus the temporary loss of differential role. Relatively simple structure in this way, but it must be operated by the driver, and good roads to stop locking and restore the role of differential.(2) self-locking differential installed in the oil viscosity or friction clutch coupling, when the side of the wheel skid occurs when both sides of the axle speed difference there, coupling or clutch friction resistance on the automatic, to make certain the other side of the wheel drive torque and the car continued to travel. When there is no speed difference on both sides of the wheel, the frictional resistance disappeared, the role of automatic restoration of differentials. More complicated structure in this way, but do not require drivers to operate. Has been increasingly applied in the car. About non-slip differential, not only used for the differential between the wheels, but also for all-wheel drive vehicle inter-axle differential/.Gear ratioThe drive axle of a vehicle is said to have a certain axle ratio. This number (usually a whole number and a decimal fraction) is actually a comparison of the number of gear teeth on the ring gear and the pinion gear. For example, a 4.11 rear means that theoretically, there are 4.11 teeth on the ring gear for each tooth on the pinion gear or, put another way, the driveshaft must turn 4.11 times to turn the wheels once. The role of the final drive is to reduce the speed from the drive shaft, thereby increasing the torque. Lord of the reduction ratio reducer, a driving force for car performance and fuel economy have a greater impact. In general, the more reduction ratio the greater the acceleration and climbing ability, and relatively poor fuel economy. However, if it is too large, it can not play the full power of the engine to achieve the proper speed. The main reduction ratio is more Smaller ,the speed is higher, fuel economy is better, but the acceleration and climbing ability will be poor.附录B 文献翻译主减速器和差速器所有的汽车都装有不同类型的主减速器和差速器来驱动汽车行驶。

TRANSMISSIONManual transmission is one of the most common transmission, referredto as MT. Its basic structure in a single sentence is a central axis, twoinput shaft, namely, the axial and axial oart, they constituted the transmission of the subject, and, of course, a reverse axis. Manual transmission gear transmission and manual, contain can in axial sliding gears, through different meshing gears to change gear of torsional purpose.The typical structure and principle of the manual transmission.Input shaft also says, it's in front of the spline shaft directly withclutch platen, thus the spline set by the engine relay of torque. The firstshaft gear meshing gears, often with oart as input shaft, and the gear on oart will turn. Also called shaft, because even more solid shaft of gear. The output shaft, and the second shaft position have the drive shaftgear, may at any time and under the influence of the control devices and the corresponding oart gear, thus changing the speed and torque itself. The output shaft is associated with tail spline shaft torque transmissionshaft, through to drive to gear reducer.Predictably, transmission gear drive forward path is: input shaftgear - oart gnaws gnaws gear - because the second shaft gear - corresponding corresponding gear. Pour on the axle gear can also controldevice, by moving axis in the strike, and the output shaft gear and oart gear, in the opposite direction.Most cars have five forward and reverse gear, each one has certain ratio,the majority of gear transmission more than 1, 4 gears transmission is 1, called directly, and ratio is less than 1 of article 5 gear shift accelerated called. The output axis gear in the mesh position, can acceptpower transmission.Due to the gearbox output shaft to input shaft and the speed of theirgear rotating, transform an "synchronization problem". Two rotating speeddifferent meshing gears forcibly inevitable impact and collision damage gear. Therefore, the old transmission shift to use "two feet clutch" method, ShengDang in neutral position shift to stay for a while, in the space location on the door, in order to reduce gear speed. But this operation is more complex, difficult to grasp accurately. Thereforedesigners to create "synchronizer", through the synchronizer will makethe meshing gears reach speed and smooth.Currently the synchronous transmission adopts is inertial synchronizer, it mainly consists of joints, synchronizer lock ring etc,it is characteristic of the friction effect on achieving synchronization.Mating, synchronizer and mating locking ring gear tooth circle have chamfering (locking horns), the synchronizer lock ring inside surface ofgear engagement ring and the friction surface contact. The lock horns with cone when designing the proper choice, has been made to the surface friction of meshing gears with gear synchronous, also can rapid producesa locking function, prevent the synchronous before meshing gears. When synchronous lock ring of gear engagement with surface contact surface, the outer circle in friction torque under the action of gear speed rapiddecrease (increase) or to synchronous speed equal, both locking ring spunconcurrent, relative to lock ring gear synchronous speed is zero, thus inertia moment also disappear, then in force, driven by the junction of unimpeded with synchronous lock ring gear engagement, and further to engagement with the engagement ring gear tooth and complete shift process.functional (1) change ratio, meet different driving conditions for tractionengine, the need to work in the favorable conditions and meet the speed may request. In a wide range of vehicle speed changing the size and automobile driving wheel on the size of the torque. Due to the differentdemands, automobile driving conditions of vehicle speed and torque can drive in a broad range of change. For example, in high speed can be reachedon 100km/h, while in the urban district, speed in 50km/h. In the empty flat roads, road, very little resistanceWhen When carrying carrying carrying uphill, uphill, uphill, driving driving driving resistance resistance resistance was was was great. great. great. And And And the thecharacteristics of automobile engine speed range is lesser, and torque changes more cannot meet the actual conditions range. (2) drive backward, to satisfy the need to drive car backwards. Realizing the backing, engine crankshaft are generally only to a direction,and sometimes need to back, so, often used in the transmission of reverseto realize the car drive backward.(3) in power, interruption, idle running engine starting, auto shift or need to stop the dynamic output, interrupted to transfer the power ofthe drive wheels.(4), when the clutch engagement realize gap, gearbox can not power output. For example, can ensure drivers in engine flameout loosen the clutch when leaving drivers seat.constituteBy continuously variable transmission gearbox and speed control twoparts. The main function of the variable transmission torque and speed is the change of numerical and direction, The main function of theoperation is controlled transmission mechanism, realize thetransformation of transmission ratio, shift to speed torque. Principle,Mechanical transmission main application of the principle of geartransmission velocity. Say simply, there are a number of differenttransmission gearbox group of gear pair of vehicle, and behavior, is alsoshifting gears trunk by manipulating institutions make different gearpair work. As in low-speed, ratio of gear pair work, and in high-speed, let ratio of small gear pair work.Classification,1, according to the change of transmission, transmission way, there can be divided into grade level and synthetical three.(a) : several levels of transmission ratio, can choose the fixed by gear. And can be divided into: gear axis of ordinary gear transmission and fixed gear planetary gear (part) of planetary gear transmission axisof rotation.b) stepless type transmission: ratio can be continuous variation within a certain range, commonly, mechanical and electric hydraulic typeetc.(c) comprehensive type transmission by a class type, transmission andstepless type transmission, the ratio of the maximum and minimum values can be in between the scope for several section stepless change.2, press control can be divided into compulsory manipulation, transmission, automatic control and semi-automatic control 3 kinds.(a) mandatory manipulation of transmission by direct manipulation, change gear shift lever drivers.(b) automatic control type transmission ratio of choice and change: the shift is automatic. Drivers simply manipulate accelerated pedal, transmission can according to the engine speed and load control signal signal actuator, realize the transformation of gear.(c) semi-automatic control type transmission can be divided into twokinds: one kind is part of gear, automatic shift gears, manual (mandatory)shift, Another kind is selected by button in mining under gear clutch pedalor accelerated release pedal, the executing agency to shift. Transmission of maintenance1 transmission gears maintenanceTransmission gears are always changing speed, load, gear toothsurface by bluntThe impact of load, which struck gear tooth surface (especially) damage. Common injuries are:(1) gear transmission is worn gear under normal working conditions, shows the wear uniform angled tooth gear, long wear along the directionTooth thickness shouldof the tooth should not exceed 30 percent longer,not exceed usd, Gear tooth surface area of not less than two-thirds, Running gear mesh clearance shall be commonly used, 0.15-0.26 mm to 0.8 mm limit, Gear engagement between 0.10-0.15 mm, should use limit for 0.60mm. Available batches or soft metal rivalries. If more than clearance method for measuring the pairs, should be replaced.due to fail togear clearance is mainly(2) gear teeth,broken toothmeet the requirements, gear meshing parts or work under great impact load.If you are not greater than 2mm edge of gear oil can smile ShiXiuafter-grinding continue to use, If the scope or have more than three pairs,should smile.(3) often mesh surface of the helical gear often wear face due. 10-0.30mm, in order to ensure that the axial clearance, if tooth gear good operation within the wear, can repair tank, but the amount of grinding grinding should not exceed. 50.(4) often meshing gears shaft neck, needle roller bearing and wear into seat hole hole meshing gears seat with needle bearings and shaft neckwith clearance should be 0.01 - three 0.08 mm, otherwise must be changed.2 the overhaul. Transmission shellGearbox shell is transmissions, to ensure the basis of each part of the transmission is correct position, work under load. Common injuries are:(1) the abrasion of shell bearing hole hole wear will destroy its bearing assembly relation with the bearing, the direct impact of input, output shaft transmission position relative to the hole. Bearing seat with0-0.03 mm clearance shall be used for the maximum limit, should be replacedor 0.10 mm) shell or pile hole repair.(2) shell threaded holes repair note oil ROM plug hole, dumping screwhole threads connecting bolts damage and between shellThreaded hole, can take damage with screw repair.3 transmission shaft of maintenanceTransmission in the process of operation, each bearing the torsionalmoment of change, and bending moment, JianChi part is under pressure, impact and sliding friction etc. Various axial load of common injuries are:(1) the shaft neck and neck too worn wear axis gear axis will not onlyoffset, and can bring the change gear clearance, when making noisetransmission shaft neck. Also make coordination relationship with bearingdamage, may cause ablation. So roller bearings in a place with no more than 0.02 axis wear mm needle bearing shaft neck wear with place, otherwisethan 0.07 mm landscape change or chrome.side of thein stress and more seriouswear JianChi wear(2) JianChispline. JianChi with check, when more than 0.25 or and wear with more thanusd keyway apprentice, gear engagement mm, combining with the gear with JianChi weeks, according to the mm apprentice woodruff key and shaft neckkeyways apprentice to JianChi 0.08 mm over there when the keyway weeks, or should be repaired or replaced shaft.(3) transmission shaft bending thimble resist transmission shaft withmaintenance on both ends of the roof, using pinhole batches of shaft radial micrometers, check the deviation should be less than 0.10 mm) pressure correction repair.4 synchronizer overhaulA. lock ring type inertial synchronizer ring maintenance: lock hornscone a about six degrees - 7 degrees, in use, cone Angle deformation ofrapid synchronous, and not be change in time. B. B. locking locking locking pin pin pin type type type inertial inertial inertial synchronizer: synchronizer: synchronizer: locking locking locking pin pin pin type type synchronizer major damage for cone rim wear, when, cone-disk cone rim on the thread of groove depth 0.40 mm wear to 010mm deep, should be replaced.If the cone rim are scratching, face to face, but two turning machining, must not be more than 1mm should be replaced.变速器手动变速器是最常见的变速器,简称MT MT。

Locomotive 机车freight wagon货车passenger coach 客车multiple units动车组metro car 地铁车辆light rail轻轨railway service cars 铁路服务车Rail铁轨standard gauge标准轨距narrow gauge, broad gauge窄轨,宽轨Trackbed 道床Sleeper,枕木Crosstie 枕木 Ballast, subballast,道砟,底部道砟fastener紧固件Turnout道岔Derail(derailment)脱轨Crossing 平交道口colliery: 煤矿quarry:采石场flanged steel wheels:有凸缘钢轮copper ore:铜矿speak of:谈到,提及backbone:骨干bulk freight:散装货物mass commutation traffic: 大规模通勤运输short haul: 短途运输Merchandise traffic:货物运输Depreciation:(反-appreciation),减值,折旧,贬值Settling:沉降,沉积bulk freight:散装货物Subgrade: 地基,路基Soil stratum: 地层Embankment:堤坝Trim off:修剪Organic topsoil: 有机表层土Civil engineering: 土木工程Earthwork: 土方,土方工程Gravity wall:重力墙Drainage: 排水系统,排水装置Real estate:房地产,不动产Crane:起重机Tamper:捣固机Trolley:台车,手推车,电车Headway:进展,向目标前进Chapter 2 The TrainCoach, carriage,客车Monorail单轨Refrigerator wagon冷藏车High-speed railways高速铁路Maglev磁悬浮Open-topped wagon敞顶车Cog railway嵌齿铁路Rubber-tired underground橡胶轮地铁Siding旁轨,支线Freight train货运列车Passenger train旅客列车Heavy freight重载货运Sleeping car卧铺车Dining car餐车Run-around track调车线Inter-city train城际列车Local train管内列车,慢车Elctric traction电力牵引Stopper慢车Double-decked passenger train双层旅客列车Motor car (trailer car)动力车(拖车)Container集装箱车Tanker罐车Driving cab司机室TOFC平板拖车Box wagon棚车Coupler车钩Maintenance of way 道路维护Long-distance train长途列车Channel Tunnel海峡隧道parcel: package 包裹Travelling post offices:移动邮局Centrifugal force:离心力pram:婴儿车Wheelchair:轮椅Conurbation:有卫星城市的大都市elevated structure :高架结构Accelerate (decelerate): 加速(减速)Tram, trolley, streetcar:有轨电车Flexibility:机动,灵活Low loder:低架拖车Sneak into:偷偷地摸进Stow away:偷乘,搭白车Fatality:disasterKit:工具包,装备earn one‘s keep:值得雇用, 挣饭吃Show up:揭露,露出Dead end terminal:闭塞终端Buffer stop:止冲器Crossover:转辙轨Locomotive escape:机车折返Phase out:逐步淘汰,逐步停止Intensive service:auxiliary equipment:辅助设备, 备用设备, 附属设备Heavy maintenance:大修Whilst:时时,同时,whilePush-pull:推挽Interval service:Keep at forefront of:保持在……最前沿train loading:列车运载量Train capacity:列车运载能力Density of passengers:乘客密度Load factor:上座率Patronage:保护,光顾,赞助High degree of standardisation:高度标准化Headstock, end sill, pilot:end beamBellmouth:钟形口,喇叭口Line up:整队,排列Semipermanent coupler:半永久车钩Be bolted together:螺栓连接Cushioning:减震,缓冲Uncoupling:解钩,拆开(反,coupling)Buckeye, Knuckle and Janney coupler: 詹式车钩Coupler knuckle (jaw):钩舌Coupler head:钩头Hinge pin:折页销Fully automatic coupler:全自动车钩Disengage:脱离pneumatical:风力的,空气的Keep in good working order:保持正常运转状态Drawgear:牵引装置Bolt:螺栓Pedal:踏板Funicular: 索道Coupler alignment bar:车钩调直杆Pushbutton:按钮Shock absorber:减震器Multicore cable:多芯电缆Chapter 7 Railway Cars(1)Baggage行列车Coach客车Combine合造车Dome圆顶车 Lounge游乐车Dinner餐车Observation瞭望车Sleeper, sleeping car, Pullman卧铺车RPO铁路邮政车Housing car封闭车Autorack, auto carrier汽车运输车Boxcar, or van棚车Refrigerator car, reefer冷藏车Stock car牲畜车Open top car敞车Gondola敞车 Hopper漏斗车Ballast car砟车Flat car平车Depressed-center flat car凹底平车 Piggyback car背负式车Schnabel car钳夹车Tank car罐车Caboose守车Snow plow除雪犁Dynamometer car动力检测(试验)车Encompasss: 包围,环绕,构成,包括Listed in alphabetic order: 按字母顺序排列lining:衬里,衬套,内层,lined withContamination:污染,玷污Corrosive action:腐蚀作用Stainless steel:不锈钢Glass enamel:玻璃釉彩,搪瓷Pocket for stake: 柱插口Tie-down point:栓柱Manual brake equipment: 手制动Air brake equipment: 空气制动primary underframe: 主车架,主底架Cumbersome : 笨重的Intermodal shipping: 联合运输Tonnage:吨位log:木材,原木Lumber:木材Slope down:向下斜Scrap metal: 金属屑,废金属Aggregate:粒料,总计,聚集Wood chip:木屑,木片Drop end:落端门Shovel:铲Perishable freight:易腐货物spoiling: 变坏,损毁Insulation:绝缘层,保温层Keep out:Cooling system:冷却系统Cold brine:冷盐水Waterproof:防水的Airtight:密封的,气密的Warehouse:仓库,库房Breakage:破坏,破损Barrel:桶Drum:鼓型圆桶safety valve:安全阀Chapter 8 Railway Cars(2)For more information see/wiki/Passenger_car_(rail)Tilting train摆式列车Head-end equipment车端设备Branch line支线Air-conditioned hard seat car空调硬座车seating capacity定员Length between truck pivot centers车辆定距tare weight空重Clearance 间隙Wheelbase轴距Gauge轨距Constructional speed构造速度Wheel diameter车轮直径Stanhope:轻便马车en route:在途中Streamlined:流线型的Ornate:装饰的, 华丽的, (文体)绚丽的to date:到此为止Aluminum steel:铝钢,含铝钢evolve into:发展[进化]成Fluted:有凹槽的Conveyance:运输Row upon row:一排排,一行行carry-on:手提行李,手提的Aisle:走廊Partitioned into:分割,分隔开efficiency apartment:有小厨房和卫生设备的小套公寓房间,公寓小套间Interior:内部Galley:厨房Recede:后退,倒退,变得模糊Fell out of use: 开始不用,渐废Vantage:优势,有利情况Roofline:屋顶轮廓线Dumbwaiter:楼上楼下送饭菜的小升降机,可移动的上菜架或上菜桌Aluminum of high strength alloy:高强度铝合金pane:长方块, 尤指窗格, 窗格玻璃, 边, 面,方框Vestibule:门廊, 前厅Chapter 9 BogieRide comfort乘坐舒适性Irregularity轨道不平顺Wheel tread车轮踏面Suspension悬挂系统Tread gradient踏面锥度Flange轮缘Running performance运行品质Articulated bogies铰接式转向架Lower center of gravity低重心Swing hanger摇枕吊Bolster bogie摇枕转向架Bolsterless bogie无摇枕转向架Wheelset hunting轮对蛇行Anti-yaw damper抗蛇行减震器Suspension gear悬挂装置JR日本铁路Bogie frame构架Lateral damper横向减震器Traction transfer device牵引装置 Brake equipment制动装置Axle bearing and axle box轴箱轴承及轴箱Axle spring轴箱弹簧Brake disk制动盘Traction motor牵引电机Gear box齿轮箱,减速箱Wheelset轮对Traction force牵引力Air spring, air bag空气弹簧Side beam侧梁Coil spring圆弹簧Cross beam横梁Press welding压力焊Bearing轴承Support rigidity支撑刚度Pedestal swing spring type导框式定位Play,游间,游隙,摆动量Leaf spring板弹簧 IS typeIS拉板式定位Bending strength弯曲强度Unsprung mass(weight)Non-sprung mass簧下质量Axle beam type转臂式定位Cylindrical roller bearing圆柱滚子轴承Ball bearing球轴承Overhaul大修Nose suspension device轴悬,臂式悬挂装置Cardan driving device 万向轴驱动Torque converter变扭器Wheel tread brake踏面制动Disc brake盘型制动Brake shoe闸瓦Frictional heat摩擦热Brake pad制动闸片Motor braking动力制动Quill drive 空心轴驱动 Hollow shaft空心轴Gearwheel, driven gear从动齿轮Pinion, driving gear主动齿轮Electric locomotive电力机车Rail head轨头Reprofile镟修Wheel/rail interface轮轨关系Lubricant润滑物Flatted wheel车轮擦伤 Bogie transom转向架横梁Brake cylinder制动缸Parking brake停车制动 Heavy duty brake重载制动Frame mounted motor架悬式电机Lifting lug吊耳Gearbox齿轮箱Compressed air压缩空气WSP(wheel slide protection)车轮防滑装置Speed sensor速度传感器Pendulum (titling) bogie摆式转向架Service life使用寿命Design concept设计理念Running speed运行速度Maximum speed最大速度Lateral force横向力Transition curve过渡曲线Circular curve圆曲线Self-steering bogie自导向转向架Running stability 运行平稳性Forced steering bogie迫导向转向架Obscurity:隐蔽,偏僻,含糊Abrasion:磨耗In terms of:according toIn comparison to: 对比Be sensitive to:对……敏感Rotational resistance: 回转阻尼Harmonic:谐波, 和声, 谐函数Isolate …from…:隔离Be commercialized for: 商业化,商品化Welding technology: 焊接技术General structure:一般结构Rolled steel:钢材,轧制钢Seamless steel pipe: 无缝钢管Critical component:关键部件Corrugated wheel: 波形辐板车轮Susceptible to:易受影响的Mass imbalance:动量不平衡Resonance:共振Put into service:投入运营,交付使用Right angle cardan driving device:直角万向轴驱动装置Impede:stopForged steel:锻钢Porcupine:豪猪Rubber bushed links:用橡胶衬里的连杆Gearwheel:大齿轮In relation to: with regard to,关于,涉及,与……比较Degree of coning:锥度Squealing noise:尖啸Flange or rail greasing:轮缘或轨道油脂Slippage: 滑动Weled steel box format:焊接箱型结构Press against: 压向Neutral section:分相区Leading bogie:导向架Chapter 10 Vehicle SuspensionVehicle suspension车辆悬挂系统Cushion system缓冲系统Laminated steel spring板弹簧Axle load轴重Carrying load载重 Spring hanger弹簧吊Spring lank弹簧托板Swing link吊杆Side frame侧架,侧梁Side bearer (bearing)旁承Center bearing下心盘Equalizer bar suspension均衡梁式悬挂系统Commonwealth bogie均衡梁式转向架Levelling valve高度调节阀Solid rubber suspension pack橡胶堆悬挂系统Parlance:idiom,谈话,说法,用法Take the form of leaf steel spring: 采用板弹簧型式Securing strap:保护带,安全带Be left out for simplicity: 为简便起见,不显示(去掉)……End on:从一端看,从端面看,一端向前地Rivete:铆钉,固定Side view:侧视图Simplified diagram:简图Sideways movement:侧面运动Reversal:逆转Durability:耐久性, 耐用性; 坚固Axle box yoke:轴箱轭Rubber Chevron:V型橡胶Boarding and alighting:上车,落下Intermittent gentle hissing:断断续续的轻微的咝咝声Alight from:走下来,下车Chapter 11 BrakingKinetic energy动能Air brakes or pneumatic brakes空气制动Brake pipe列车管,制动管Compressor空气压缩机Main reservoir主风缸Driver’s brake valve司机阀Equalising reservoir均衡风缸Feed valve给气阀;进给阀Angle cock截断塞门,折角塞门Hose橡胶软管(制动软管)Auxiliary reservoir辅助风缸Triple valve三通阀Brake cylinder制动缸Brake block闸瓦Relay valve延迟阀Fail safe 失效安全F riction material摩擦材料Composition material复合材料Brake rigging制动装置 Rate of application制动倍率Slide valve滑阀Graduating valve递动阀,节制阀Regulating valve调整阀,调节阀Propagation rate制动波速Distributor分配阀Diaphragm,膜片Throttle节流阀slack action列车冲动E-P brake电空制动Dynamic braking动力制动Rheostatic braking电阻制动Regenerative braking再生制动Psi:Pounds per square inch磅/平方英尺Replenished:补充Trigger:打开,激发,引起Distributor:分配阀Sophisticated:复杂的Choke:阻气门Inshot:跃升装置; 跃升time lapse:时滞, 时延Elusive:令人困惑的; 油滑的; 难记忆的Spur:踢马剌, 剌激物, 刺激Essential ingredient:关键因素Thyristor:闸流晶体管; 半导体开关元件; 可控硅; 硅可控整流器Circuitry:电路, 线路Resistor:电阻器Power electronic:电力电子Chapter 12 Depots and WorkshopsSliding door滑动门,塞拉门Routine examination常规检查Consumable易损易耗件Maintenance regime维修体制Existing railway既有铁路Maintenance management维修管理Interchangeability互换性Operating pattern运行模式Converging聚集,会合Marshalling编组Electrified railway电气化铁路current collection equipment吸流装置Audit审计Performance indicator绩效指标maintenance standard维修标准Common sense: 常识Revisit:再访, 重游, 重临Draw on:戴上, 吸收, 利用, 引诱, 向...提取, 招来, 临近Rectify:矫正, 调整Progressively adverse effect on:日益增加的反作用Morale:士气,民心Upholstery:室内装潢Clomatic condition:天气条件Of equal importanceChore:家务杂事Contractual:契约的Good access to components:零部件的易接近性Superfluous:多余的, 过剩的, 过量的Watertight:不漏水的, 水密的Thwarted:反对; 阻挠, 挫败, 妨碍Overlook:俯瞰, 耸出, 远眺, 没注意到Refitting:整修, 改装premise:房产; 房屋Planning stage:计划阶段Termini:目的地, 界标,terminus 的复数Converging:集中,收敛,会聚Proximity:接近, 亲近Jack:插孔, 插座, 起重器, 千斤顶, 男人Inspection pit:检查坑Walkway:走道, 人行道Wheel turning facility:车轮加工设备Constructed wash roadDe-icing arrangement:防止结冰, 装以除冰装置, 除冰Fire alarm:火灾报警Chapter 13 Developing Maglev TrainsMagnetic field磁场Maglev磁悬浮Propulsion推进Levitation 悬浮Guidance导向Attractive force吸引力Ferromagnetic 电磁铁的Magnetic repulsion磁力推进Superconducting magnet超导磁体Linear motor线性电机Magnetizing rail磁化轨道Payload weight负载Dynamic load动载荷Electrodynamic suspension, EDS电力悬浮Electromagnetic suspension, EMS电磁悬浮No consensus exists on:Levitate: (使)轻轻浮起, (使)飘浮空中Cryogenics:低温学Linear synchronous motor: LSM同步直线电机Linear induction motor:LIM直线感应电机Gas turbine:燃气涡轮Turboprop:涡轮螺旋桨发动机Concurrently:同时发生的事件,并发的, 协作的, 一致的Availability crisis:Metropolitan:大城市Turbulence:骚乱, 动荡, (液体或气体的)紊乱HSGT,high-speed Ground Transportation ACT:FRA: Federal Railroad Administration 联邦铁路管理局[美]Chapter 14 Power Supply of Electric TractionPower supply供电 Electric traction system电力牵引系统 Overhead wire接触网Power transmission电力传输Third rail第三轨Collector受流器Pantograph受电弓 Return circuit回路 Substation配电站Earthing protection接地保护Signalling circuit信号电路Catenary接触网Dropper吊线Electric arc电弧Mast柱子Booster transformer, BT吸流变流器Return wire回流线Track magnet轨道磁铁Neutral section分相区Communication cable通信线缆Pigtail引线Diaper:尿布In parallel with:与...平行, 与...同时, 与...并联Microprocessor: 微处理器Grip with:掌握,理解Electrolysis: 电解Insulated:绝缘的,insulation, insulatorManhole: (锅炉, 下水道供人出入检修用的)人孔, 检修孔At one’s peril:由某人自担风险Take precautions to do:采取防范措施Aggravate:使恶化, 加重Stitching:用U字钉钉箱, 缝纫Sag:松弛, 下陷, 下垂, (物价)下跌, 漂流Evacuate:疏散, 撤出, 排泄Visual intrusion:视觉障碍,妨碍Chapter 15 The Light Rail Transition CBI英国工业联合会Urban transport policy城市交通政策Urban sprawl城市扩张Light rail轻轨Road transport路面交通Steep gradient大坡道sharp curve小半径曲线Criteria标准Congested urban area:拥挤的城市区域House of Commons Transport Committee:上议院交通委员会Congested:拥挤的Pedestrians:步行者Cyclists:骑脚踏车的人Public transport user;公共交通使用者Motorists:乘汽车者AMA:Association of Metropolitan AuthoritiesIntractable:难处理的Down-marketed:价廉质次的, 低档市场的Park and ride:停车换乘Pollutant:污染物质Resurgence:复苏Overambitious:野心太大的Tyne:泰恩河Underutilized:为充分利用的Newcastle:纽卡斯尔。

附录Drive axle powertrain at the end of their basic function is to increase the transmission came from the drive shaft or torque, and a reasonable distribution of power to the left and right wheel, in addition to acting on the road and under the frame or body legislation between the vertical, longitudinal and lateral force. General from the main drive axle reducer, differential, gear wheels and drive axle housings and other components.The design of the Drive axle:Drive axle should be designed to meet the basic requirements are as follows:1. Select the main reduction ratio should be able to ensure the car has the best power and fuel economy.2. Smaller size, to ensure that the necessary ground clearance.3. Gear and other pieces of the work of a smooth transmission,and small noise.4. In a variety of speed and load with a high transmission efficiency.5. In ensuring adequate strength and stiffness conditions, should strive for the quality of small, especially under the mass-spring should be as small as possible in order to improve vehicle ride comfort.6. And suspension movement-oriented coordination of steering drive axle, but also with the coordination of steering movement.7. The structure of simple, good processing, manufacturing, easy disassembly, to facilitate adjustment.Drive axle classificationAt non-drive axle disconnect disconnect-style-type with two broad categories.1. Non-disconnect-type drive axleNon-disconnect-type drive axle also known as integrated drive axle, the axle casing and the main shaft reducer with shell shell and connected to a rigid beam, which on both sides of the axle and wheel related to swing through the flexible connected with the frame components. It consists of drive axle housing 1, the mainreducer, differential and axle components.2. disconnect-type drive axle.Drive the use of independent suspension bridge, that is the main reducer shell fixed on the vehicle chassis, on both sides of the axle and wheel in the horizontal plane as opposed to relative movement of the body is referred to as drive off the bridge.In order to match with independent suspension, the main reducer shell fixed at the frame (or body), the drive axle housing sub connected through the hinge, or in addition to the main reducer shell outside the shell is no longer driven to other parts of the bridge. Wheel in order to meet the needs of independent jump up and down, between the differential and the wheel axle of the above connection between the use of universal joints.Drive axle componentsDriven mainly by the main bridge reducer, differential, axle and drive axle housings and other components.1. Main reducer assemblyUsed to change the main drive reducer general direction, to reduce speed and increase torque, and ensure there is sufficient car drivers and the appropriate speed skin. More types of the main reducer, a single-stage, dual-class, two-speed, such as Wheel Speed Reducer.1) single-stage main reducerReduction gear by a slowdown in the realization of the devices, called single-stage reducer. Its structure is simple, light weight, such as Dongfeng BQl090 type light and medium-sized trucks on a wide range of applications.2) two-stage main reducerLarger number of heavy-duty trucks, require a larger reduction ratio, the main use of a single-stage reducer drive, moving from gear to be larger in diameter will affect the drive axle of the ground clearance, so the use of two slowdown. Often referred to as two-stage reducer. There are two sets of two-stage reduction gear reducer, speed the realization of the two by twisting.In order to enhance the meshing gear pair taper and strength of a smooth, slow down the first-class pair of spiral bevel gear is. Gears 2 is inclined gear teeth due to prop.Take the initiative to rotate bevel gear, gear driven rotary driven round silver, thus completing a slowdown. Active second stage cylindrical gear reducer and the driven bevel gear coaxial with the rotation, and drive gear driven rotating cylinder, a second-class speed. Due to the driven gear mounted on the cylindrical shell on the differential, so that when the driven gear rotating cylinder, through the differential and drive axle that is, the rotation of the wheels.2. DifferentialDifferential is designed to connect the axle around, on both sides of the wheels can rotate at different angular torque transfer at the same time. To ensure the normal scroll wheel. Some multi-bridge-driven cars, in the sub-actuator type or in the transmission through the shaft is also equipped with a differential, known as the bridge between the differential. Its role is to turn in the car or on uneven road surface, so that drive wheels before and after the differential between the role.At present, China-made cars and other types of vehicles in the basic use of symmetric ordinary differential bevel gear. Symmetric by the planetary bevel gear differential gear, axle gears, planetary gear axis (cross-axis or a direct-axis) and the differential composition of the shell and so on.At present the majority of planetary gear-type motor vehicles using differential and ordinary differential bevel gear cone by two or four planet gears, planetary gear shaft, the two cone axle differential gear, and about the composition of the shell and so on.3.Auto semi-axleAxle is the differential torque and then came to the wheels, drive wheels spin, promote the solid axle car. As a result of the installation of wheel structure, and the forces of the axle are also different. Therefore, divided into full-floating axle, semi-floating, 3 / 4, three types of floating.1) full-floating axleGenerally large and medium-sized used car floating the whole structure. Axle with the inner end of the spline axle with the differential gear connected to the outer end of the axle forging a flange with bolts and wheel hub to connect. Wheel away from the more distant of two tapered roller bearings for the text on the axle casing. Rear axle shell casing pressure and one pair to form the drive axle housing. Supporting the use of such forms, axle and axle housing no direct link so that only bear the drive axle torque without bearing any moment, the axle referred to as "full-floating" axle. The so-called "floating", meaning not subject to bending load axle.Full-floating axle, the outer end flange plate for one made with the axis. But there are also a number of trucks to make a separate flange parts, and by nested spline outer end in the axle. Thus, at both ends of the axle spline, you can use for the first.2) semi-floating axleSemi-floating axle with the inner end of the same floating, not subject to bending and torsion. Away from direct client support through a bearing in the axle of the inner shell. This approach will support the outer end axle bearing moment. Therefore, this short-sleeve in addition to transfer torque, but also to sustain the local moment, it is known as the semi-floating axle. This structure is mainly used in small passenger cars.License Hongqi CA7560 icon for the type of drive axle limousine. Axle from the inner end of its moment, out client has to bear all the moment, so called semi-floating bearing.3) 3 / 4 floating axle3 /4 floating axle is affected by the degree of bending between the short semi-floating and full floating between. At present the application of this type halfshaft few pickup truck only on individual applications such as Warsaw, M20 vehicles.4. Automobile axle housing:1) the overall shell-style bridgeBridge shell due to the overall strength and stiffness performance, ease of main reducer installation, adjustment and maintenance, and are widely used. Integral axlehousing due to different manufacturing methods can be divided into the overall foundry type, pressed into the middle of casting steel pipe and welded steel plate, such as stamping.2) sub-type drive axle housingSub-type axle housing will generally be divided into two sections, from two sections of a connecting bolt. Sub-type axle housing casting and processing easier.附录驱动桥处于动力传动系的末端,其基本功能是增大由传动轴或变速器传来的转矩,并将动力合理的分配给左、右驱动轮,另外还承受作用于路面和车架或车身之间的垂直立、纵向力和横向力。

汽车主减速器外文文献翻译、中英文翻译、外文翻译XXX Final DriveA final drive is an essential component of a power XXX primary n is to change the n of the power transmitted by the drive shaft by 90 degrees to the driving axles。
it provides a fixedn een the speed of the drive shaft and the axle that drives the wheels.The final drive is XXX power from the engine to the wheels。
allowing the vehicle to move。
It is composed of several XXX tothe wheels。
The final drive。
determines the number of ns the wheels make for each n of the engine.There are two types of final drives: the live axle and the independent XXX to the wheels。
while the independent XXX tothe wheels through a series of CV joints and half-shafts.In n。
the final drive is a XXX of power from the engine to the wheels。
It is essential to maintain and service the final drive XXX.The gear。

coach 长途汽车
cog-type belt 齿型带
coil spring 螺旋弹簧
communication layer 通信层
commuter 市郊上下班交通的
companion 成对
compartment 车厢
compensate for 补偿,偿还
inertia 惯性,惯量
inherent 固有的,内在的
initiate 开始 发起
injection 喷射
inlet valve 进气阀
inline engine 直列发动机
instantaneous 瞬间的,即刻的,即时的
intake manifold 进气总管
intake stroke 进气行程
cylinder head 汽缸盖
cylinder sleeve 汽缸套
cylinder wall 汽缸壁
dampen 阻尼 缓震
damper 阻尼器
deficiency 缺乏,不足
density 密度
deposit 沉淀,堆积
detonation 爆燃,爆炸,爆炸声
deviate from 背离,偏离,脱离,改变
ignition 点燃;点火
impart 给予
implement 实现,贯彻,执行
impulse 脉冲
impurity 杂质
in conjunction with 连同,和。。。在一起
in place 在适当的位置
in proportion to 与、、成反比
in the presence of在、、、前面

bore 孔、镗孔、缸径 bored /boring 镗孔的 boring cutter 镗刀 align bored 同心镗
bolt 螺栓; nut 螺母 ;thread 螺纹 screw 螺钉;cap screw 有帽螺钉 press fit 过盈配合、紧配合 loose fit 间隙配合、松配合
3.2 Manual Transmission
drive line 动力传动系统 transmission=gearing box 变速器 gearing 档位 gear shift mechanism 换挡机构 input shaft 输入轴 output shaft 输出轴 countershaft 中间轴 main gearing 主变速器 auxiliary gearing 副变速器 reverse 反转,倒档 overdrive gearing 超速档 idler shaft 惰轮轴 neutral 空档
3.4.2 Drive Shaft
2.1.5 Valve
valve 气门 valve guide 气门导管 valve seat 气门座 valve stem 气门杆 valve lifter 气门挺柱 valve clearance 气门间隙 spring retainer 弹簧支座 heat capacity 热容量、比热 heat resistance metal 耐热钢 bearing journal 轴颈 timing gear 正时齿轮
3.4.1 Axles
heavy-duty truck 重型载货汽车 driving axle 驱动桥 steering axle 转向桥 trailer axle 拖车桥 axle shafts=axles 驱动桥半轴 differential carrier assembly 差速器总成 differential case 差速器壳体 rear axle assembly 后桥总成 double reduction axle双级减速驱动桥 semi-floating type axle 半浮式车桥 fully floating type axle 全浮式车桥 differential spider 差速器十字轴 differential pinion gear 差速器行星齿轮

button 中心球和座 centering ball and seat 球笼式万向节 rzeppa universal joint 钟形壳 outer race 星型套 inner race 保持架 cage 可轴向移动的球笼式万向节 plunging constant velocity joint 筒形壳 cylinder outer race 柱形滚道星形套 inner race withcylinder ball grooves 偏心保持架 non-concentric cage 滚动花键球笼式万向节 ball spline rzeppa universal joint 外壳 outer housing 内壳体 inner housing 球叉式万向节 weiss universal joint 球叉 ball yoke 定心钢球 centering ball 三球销万向节 tripod universal joint 三柱槽壳 housing 三销架 spider 双联万向节 double cardan universal joint 凸块式万向节 tracta universal joint 凸块叉 fork yoke 榫槽凸块
单向离合器换档 freewheel shfit 人工换档 manual shfit 自动换档 automaitc shfit 抑制换档 inhibited shift 超限换档 overrun shift 强制换档 forced shift 换档点 shift point 叶片转位 blade angle shift 换档滞后 shift hysteresis 换档循环 shift schedule 换档规律 process of power shift 动力换档过程 timing 换档定时 property of automatic shift 换档品质 property of automatic shft 换档元件 engaging element 换档机构 gearshift 操纵杆 control lever 变速杆 stick shift(gear shift lever) (副变速器)变速杆 range selector 变速叉 shifting fork (gear shift fork) 分动箱控制杆 transfer gear shift fork 变速踏板 gear shift pedal 变速轨(拨叉道轨) shift rail 直接变速 direct change(direct control) 方向盘式变速 column shift (handle change) 按钮控制 finger-tip control 槽导变速 gate change 空档位置 neutral position 直接驱动 direct drive 高速档 top gear(high gear) 低速档 bottom gear(low speed gear) 第一档 first gear 第二档 second gear 超速档 overdirve gear 经济档 economic gear 倒档 reverse gear 爬行档 creeper gear 驱动特性 drive performance 反拖特性 coast performance 定输入扭矩特性 constant input torque performance 全油门特性 full throttle performance 寄生损失特性 no load (parasitic losses)performance 原始特性 primary characteristic 响应特性 response characteristic

车辆工程专业英语词汇汽车工程专业英语词汇1. Engine - 引擎2. Transmission - 变速器3. Suspension - 悬架系统4. Brake - 制动器5. Chassis - 底盘6. Exhaust - 排气系统7. Fuel injection - 燃油喷射系统8. Steering - 转向系统9. Ignition - 点火系统10. Hybrid - 混合动力11. Battery - 电池12. Alternator - 发电机13. Turbocharger - 涡轮增压器14. Radiator - 散热器15. Cylinder - 汽缸16. Piston - 活塞17. Crankshaft - 曲轴18. Camshaft - 凸轮轴19. Valve - 气门20. Timing belt - 正时皮带21. Clutch - 离合器22. Differential - 差速器23. ABS (Anti-lock Braking System) - 防抱死制动系统24. ECU (Engine Control Unit) - 发动机控制单元25. OBD (On-board Diagnostics) - 车载诊断系统26. CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission) - 连续可变传动系统27. DSG (Direct-Shift Gearbox) - 双离合器变速器28. Traction control - 牵引力控制系统29. ESC (Electronic Stability Control) - 电子稳定控制系统30. Airbag - 安全气囊。
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本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译外文题目:AUTOMOTIWE FINAL DRIVE译文题目:汽车主减速器学生姓名:专业:车辆工程指导教师姓名:评阅日期:AUTOMOTIWE FINAL DRIVEFINAL DRIVEA final drive is that part of a power transmission system between the drive shaft and the differential. Its function is to change the direction of the power transmitted by the drive shaft through 90 degrees to the driving axles. At the same time. it provides a fixed reduction between the speed of the drive shaft and the axle driving the wheels.The reduction or gear ratio of the final drive is determined by dividing the number of teeth on the ring gear by the number of teeth on the pinion gear. In passenger vehicles, this speed reduction varies from about 3:1 to 5:1. In trucks it varies from about 5:1 to 11:1. To calculate rear axle ratio, count the number of teeth on each gear. Then divide the number of pinion teeth into the number of ring gear teeth. For example, if the pinion gear has 10 teeth and the ring gear has 30 (30 divided by 10), the rear axle ratio would be 3:1. Manufacturers install a rear axle ratio that provides a compromise between performance and economy. The average passenger car ratio is 3.50:1.The higher axle ratio, 4.11:1 for instance, would increase acceleration and pulling power but would decrease fuel economy. The engine would have to run at a higher rpm to maintain an equal cruising speed.The lower axle ratio. 3:1, would reduce acceleration and pulling power but would increase fuel mileage. The engine would run at a lower rpm while maintaining the same speed.The major components of the final drive include the pinion gear, connected to the drive shaft, and a bevel gear or ring gear that is bolted or riveted to the differential carrier. To maintain accurate and proper alignment and tooth contact, the ring gear and differential assembly are mounted in bearings. The bevel drive pinion is supported by two tapered roller bearings, mounted in the differential carrier. This pinionshaft is straddle mounted. meaning that a bearing is located on each side of the pinion shaft teeth. Oil seals prevent the loss of lubricant from the housing where the pinion shaft and axle shafts protrude. As a mechanic, you will encounter the final drive gears in the spiral bevel and hypoid design.Spiral Bevel GearSpiral bevel gears have curved gear teeth with the pinion and ring gear on the same center line. This type of final drive is used extensively in truck and occasionally in older automobiles. This design allows for constant contact between the ring gear and pinion. It also necessitates the use of heavy grade lubricants.Hypoid GearThe hypoid gear final drive is an improvement or variation of the spiral bevel design and is commonly used in light and medium trucks and all domestic rear- wheel drive automobiles. Hypoid gears have replaced spiral bevel gears because they lower the hump in the floor of the vehicle and improve gear-meshing action. As you can see in figure 5-13, the pinion meshes with the ring gear below the center line and is at a slight angle (less than 90 degrees).Figure 5-13.—Types of final drives.This angle and the use of heavier (larger) teeth permit an increased amount of power to be transmitted while the size of the ring gear and housing remain constant. The tooth design is similar to the spiral bevel but includes some of the characteristics of the worm gear. This permits the reduced drive angle. The hypoid gear teeth have a more pronounced curve and steeper angle, resulting in larger tooth areas and more teeth to be in contact at the same time. With more than one gear tooth in contact, a hypoid design increases gear life and reduces gear noise. The wiping action of the teeth causes heavy tooth pressure that requires the use of heavy grade lubricants.Double-Reduction Final DriveIn the final drives shown in figure 5-13, there is a single fixed gear reduction. This is the only gear reduction in most automobiles and light- and some medium-duty trucks between the drive shaft and the wheels.Double-reduction final drives are used for heavy- duty trucks. With this arrangement (fig. 5-14) it is not necessary to have a large ring gear to get the necessary gear reduction. The first gear reduction is obtained through a pinion and ring gear as the single fixed gear reduction final drive. Referring to figure 5-14, notice that the secondary pinion is mounted on the primary ring gear shaft. The second gear reduction is the result of the secondary pinion which is rigidly attached to the primary ring gear, driving a large helical gear which is attached to the differential case. Double-reduction final drives may be found on military design vehicles, such as the 5-ton truck. Many commercially designed vehicles of this size use a single- or double-reduction final drive with provisions for two speeds to be incorporatedFigure 5-14.—Double-reduction final driveTwo-Speed Final DriveThe two-speed or dual-ratio final drive is used to supplement the gearing of the other drive train components and is used in vehicles with a single drive axle (fig. 5-15). The operator can select the range or speed of this axle with a button on the shifting lever of the transmission or by a lever through linkageThe two-speed final drive doubles the number of gear ratios available for driving the vehicle under various load and roadconditions. For example, a vehicle with a two-speed unit and a five-speed transmission, ten different forward speeds are available. This unit provides a gear ratio high enough to permit pulling a heavy load up steep grades and a low ratio to permit the vehicle to run at high speeds with a light load or no loadThe conventional spiral bevel pinion and ring gear drives the two-speed unit, but a planetary gear train is placed between the differential drive ring gear and the differential case. The internal gear of the planetary gear train is bolted rigidly to the bevel drive gear. A ring on which the planetary gears are pivoted is bolted to the differential case. A member, consisting of the sun gear and a dog clutch, slides on one of the axle shafts and is controlled through a button or lever accessible to the operator When in high range, the sun gear meshes with the internal teeth on the ring carrying the planetary gears and disengages the dog clutch from the left bearing adjusting ring, which is rigidly held in the differential carrier. In this position, the planetary gear train is locked together. There is no relative motion between the differential case and the gears in the planetary drive train. The differential case is driven directly by the differential ring gear, the same as in the conventional single fixed gear final drive.When shifted into low range, the sun gear is slid out of mesh with the ring carrying the planetary gears. The dog clutch makes a rigid connection with the left bearing adjusting ring. Because the sun gear is integral with the dog clutch, it is also locked to the bearing adjusting rings and remains stationary. The internal gear rotates the planetary gears around the stationary sun gear, and the differential case is driven by the ring on which the planetary gears are pivoted. This action produces the gear reduction, or low speed, of the axleDIFFERENTIAL ACTIONThe rear wheels of a vehicle do not always turn at the same speed. When the vehicle is turning or when tire diameters differ slightly, the rear wheels must rotate at different speeds.If there were a solid connection between each axle and the differential case, the tires would tend to slide, squeal, and wear whenever the operator turned the steering wheel of the vehicle. A differential is designed to prevent this problem.Driving Straight AheadWhen a vehicle is driving straight ahead, the ring gear, the differential case, the differential pinion gears, and the differential side gears turn as a unit. The two differential pinion gears do NOT rotate on the pinion shaft, because they exert equal force on the side gears. As a result, the side gears turn at the same speed as the ring gear, causing both rear wheels to turn at the same speed.Turning CornersWhen the vehicle begins to round a curve, the differential pinion gears rotate on the pinion shaft. This occurs because the pinion gears must walk around the slower turning differential side gear. Therefore, the pinion gears carry additional rotary motion to the faster turning outer wheel on the turn..Differential speed is considered to be 100 percent. The rotating action of the pinion gears carries 90 percent of this speed to the slowing mover inner wheel and sends 110 percent of the speed to the faster rotating outer wheel. This action allows the vehicle to make the turn without sliding or squealing the wheels.Figure 5-15.—Two speed final drive汽车主减速器主减速器主减速器是在传动轴和差速器之间的一个动力传动系统的组成部分。