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Chapter 1

1. Discuss the roles and activities of a company’s human resource management function讨论了的角色和行为的一个公司的人力资源管理中的作用

Strategic partner: data-based decision making战略伙伴:根据数据做出决策

Administration expert: legal compliance , contract administration , e-HRM & HR information systems专家:法律符合性的管理、合同管理、管理模块及人力资源信息系统

Employee advocate: counseling , developing teams就业提倡:咨询,开发员工队伍

Change agent: negotiations , communications , overcoming resistance to change变革代理人:谈判、通讯、克服对改变的抵抗Chapter 2

1.Describe the differences between strategy formulation and strategy implementation.描述战略制定和战略差异实施。

①strategy formulation: the process of deciding on a strategy direction by defining a company’s mission and goals , its external opportunities and threats , and its internal strenghs and weaknesses战略制定:一个通过定义一个公司的使命和目标、外部的机会和威胁以及内部的潜力和弱点决定战略方向的过程。

be made.while the strategy implementation makes the chosen strategy come to life in its day-to –day workings 在战略制定相


2. List components of the strategic management process列表组成的战略管理过程

①strategy formulation: the process of deciding on a strategy direction by defining a company’s mission and goals , its external opportunities and threats , and its internal strenghs and weaknesses战略制定:的过程的一个战略方向决定通过定义一个公司的使命和目标、外部的机会和威胁以及内部的潜力和弱点

②strategy implementation: the process of devising structures and allocating resources to enact the strategy a company has chosen战略执行:设计过程中结构和资源配置一个公司制定的战略选择

3. Discuss the role of the HRM function in strategy formulation讨论人力资源管理职能的作用在战略制定

①Aministrative linkage: the HRM function’s attention is focused on day-to-day activities Aministrative联系:人力资源管理功能的注意力集中在日常活动

②one-way linkage: the firm’s strategic business planning function develops the strategic p lan and then informs the HRM function of the plan interaction单向联系:公司的业务战略规划功能发展战略计划,然后通知人力资源计划的功能互动

③two-way linkage: the strategic planning function and the HRM function are interdependent in two-way linkage ,which allows for consideration of human resource issues during the strategy formulation process.双向联系:战略规划功能以及人力资源管理功能是相互依赖在双向联动,可以考虑人力资源战略制定过程中出现的问题。

④integrative linkage:HRM function are right built into the strategy formulation and implementation process es一体化联系:人力资源管理功能是正确的建成的策略的制定和实施过程

4. Describe the linkages between HRM and strategy formulation描述人力资源管理和战略制定之间的联系

①Aministrative linkage: the HRM function’s attention is focused on day-to-day activities and the company’s strategy business planning function exists without any input from the HRM department Aministrative联系:人力资源管理功能的注意力集中在日常活动和公司战略业务规划功能存在没有任何的输入人力资源管理部门

②one-way linkage: the firm’s strategic business pl anning function develops the strategic plan and then informs the HRM function of the plan interaction②单向联系:公司的业务战略规划功能发展战略计划,然后通知人力资源计划的功能互动

③two-way linkage: it allows for consideration of human resource issues during the strategy formulation process双向联系的:它允许考虑人力资源战略制定过程中出现的问题

④integrative linkage: it is dynamic and multifaceted, based on continuing rather than sequential interaction.一体化联系:它是动态的、多方面的,建立在持续性而不是顺序的相互作用。


2. Understand the importance of job analysis in strategic and human resources management 工作的重要性认识不足,分析在战略管理及人力资源管理

the importance of job analysis to HR managers: every human resource management program requires some type of information that is gleaned from job analysis: selection ,performance appraisal, training and developments, job evaluation, career planning , work redesign, and human resource planning.工作分析的重要性,人力资源经理:每个人力资源管理项目需要某种类型的信息:选用来源于工作分析、绩效考核、培训和发展、工作绩效、事业规划、工作重新设计、人力资源规划。

the importance of job analysis to line managers: 工作分析的重要性一线管理:

①managers must ha ve detailed information about all the jobs in their work group to understand the work-flow process.管理者必须有详细的信息。在他们的工作小组的工作了解工作流程的过程。

②managers need to understand the job requirements to make intelligent hiring decisions管理人员需要通过了解职位的要求来做出明智的雇佣决策

③a manager is responsible for ensuring that each individual is performing satisfactorily经理负责确保每一个个人表演非常令人满
