保 守 党 重 要 成 员 会 议
英国保守党(Conservative Party,Great Britain) 英国两大政党之一。前身为1679年成立的托利
党,1833年改为保守党。1912年国家统一党与之合 并,称保守统一党,简称保守党。
起源 国王的顾问、助手(国王行政的助手)
形成 历史上第一任内阁首相,责任内阁制逐
成为英国历史上第一任内阁首相,主持内阁 会议,协调各部门的工作,沃波尔连续担任 首相21年,责任内阁制逐渐形成
赞同。集体负责,共同进退。 ◆ 女王伊丽莎白二世如果反对,布朗首相会不会为此改 变策略,为什么?
不会。首相掌握行政大权,不对国王负责。 ◆ 如果议会中大多数都极力反对,结果又会如何?
议会可以通过对政府的不信任案,要求内阁下台; 内阁要么下台,要么宣布解散议会,重新选举。
明朝废除丞相,皇帝君临天下,直接处理国家大事,设殿阁 大学士辅政,后逐渐演变为内阁,成为与六部并行的国家行政机 关,内阁的最高长官称“首辅”。
作用:新兴工业资产阶级获得了更多席位, 确保了资产阶级民主政体稳定和资本主义 经济迅速发展。
英国的首相、责任内阁与英王、议会 之间是什么关系?
内阁与首相 共进退
The present Sovereign: Queen Elizabeth II since 1952
3.Prince Charles is the heir to the throne.
Prince William Arthur Philip Louis Windsor and Prince William
❖ And later they widened it to include representatives of counties, cities and towns.
❖ Representatives of communities
❖ The Commons quickly gained in political strength and in return they wanted an increasing say(发言权)in what the king was doing.
❖ Israel and Britain are the only two countries
without written constitutions.
❖ 英国宪法不是一个具体的法律文本,但实际上其大部分内容 还是以成文法的形式出现的,包括由议会通过的法例、法院 的判例和国际公约等等。除此之外,英国宪法的法律渊源还 包括英国议会惯例和国王特权。
The Royal Family
The Power of the Queen
1. Gives effects to all laws as the head of the executive branch of the government
用工形式多样化 改革 管理方法制度化
说明:在当代中国走向WTO的世界竞争过程中,必须以人力资本去弥补资金资本 和自然资本的不足,实现以人力资本为依托的新的中国经济的生长点。
• 职位分类制的特征
• 第一,职位分类是以“事”为中心的分类体系。 • 第二,职位划分系统规范,有一套严格的程序。 • 第三,职位分类注重人员的专业知识和技能,亦强
调资格条件。 • 第四,官和职相重合。 • 第五,实行严格的功绩制。 • 第六,分类方式先横后纵。
• 第七,职位分类比较适合民主平等观念浓厚的 国家。
三、马克思·韦伯的人力资源开发与管理思想 1、概况:德国的马克思·韦伯——组织理论之父
理性的法定权力 传统的权力 超凡的权力
(2)在管理中应建立以等级为原则的行政指挥体系,实 行理性管理
说明:人力资本在走向国际化和全球化的过程中,必须以人力资本的知识 创新和价值创新去弥补资金资本和自然资本的差异,实现社会总资本的价 值增值。
1、是国家政治制度与政治体制的重要组成部分 2、是影响人力资源构成和素质的根本因素。 3、关系到社会的稳定的国家政权的稳固。
于选拔优秀人才; ■ 强调年资, 加剧了官员的保守性,并易形成官本位倾向; ■ 以官阶定待遇,按劳分配与同工同酬的原则难以贯彻。
英国政治制度国会君主上议院下议院内阁国会议员宗教领袖世袭贵族终身贵族保守党工党自由民主党徽标ParliamentSovereignthe House of Lordsthe House of monsthe CabinetMPs (Members of Parliament) religious leadershereditary peerslife peersthe Conservative Partythe Labor Partythe Liberal Democratic Party Emblem⏹The British GovernmentConstitutional monarchy (君主立宪制)•The Monarch reigns but doesn't rule.•The rights of the Monarchy, as formality and historical legacy, are strictly restricted by a set of laws•Power:the Crown (non-democratic) →aristocratic Lords → the House of mons (with a powerful Prime Minister)• A process of democracy:political party →extension of the universal franchise →thedevelopment of local government and devolutionThe Constitution• a set of rules and conventions•No Written constitution•Multiple documents:Statute law (成文法);mon laws;ConventionsAncient documentsEuropean Union lawThe European Convention on Human Rights•Characteristics:Constitutional MonarchyParliamentary sovereignty (parliamentary authority unlimited)Representative democracyThe rule of law (people are subject to law, not to the will of governorsThe MonarchyThe King/Queen (ceremonial duties; signing papers) •Legislative:Summon, or dissolve ParliamentGive Royal Assent to bills•JudicialPardon赦免Personal Immunity豁免 (not the Crown)•ExecutiveConfer peerages and knighthoodsAppoint important government positions (government, military, Church) on the advice of the PM•Foreign affairsListens to PM and others’ reports•Cultural: national unity, morality and continuity of history Symbolic functions: “Britishness” of BritainCeremoniesParliament•The supreme legislative body•Three parts: the Crown, the House of Lords, the House of mons •FunctionsLaw-making (create, abolish, amend)Vote the taxationDetermine revenue and expenditure of governmentExamine government policies and administrationDebate major political issues of the day•Each parliament fives years (one session a year )(October or November)•Prime Minister’s Questions (Every Wednesday) (首相质询)•the State Opening of Parliament (议会开幕)The “Queen’s Speech” by the Government to ParliemantHouse of Lords (the Upper House)•Lords Spiritual (神职贵族):religious leaders (archbishop 大主教 and bishop 主教)•Lords Temporal (世俗贵族):hereditary peers and life peers•Law Lords•Nobel titles: duke (公), marquis(侯), earl/count(伯), viscount(子), baron(男)•Lord Chancellor (the most important official in the legal system of England and Wales. He is also the speaker of the Houseof Lords and an important member of the UK government )大法官,上议院议长•Power much reduced:a place of discussion and debatedelay the passage of bills approved by the mons up to a yearthe highest court of appealHouse of mons (the Lower House)•650 seats (England 523, Scotland 72, Wales 38, Northern Ireland 17)•MPs: elected by people of their constituencies ( 选区) in a general election (大选)•Prime Minister (leader of the party with the majority of seats) and the Cabinet•The Leader of the Opposition (the head of the largest defeated party) and the Shadow Cabinet•The government (Party) and the Opposition (Party)What do MPs do•Questions time (government ministers)•From a motion to a bill to an Act (3 readings)on a topic, proposal or motion);from motion to a bill (first reading),to amended and improved version of the bill (2nd reading)Improve the wordingThird readingGoes to Upper HouseGoes to MonarchAn act of Parliament (law)Government•Unitary government (单一制)Three tiers of governments–Central government(Local government)–County government (shires)–District government (cities, boroughs自治市, towns) Central Government•His (or Her) Majesty’s Government•Prime Minister: tremendous powerpresiding over the CabinetAllocating functions among ministersmeeting with the QueenRepresenting the UK at major international events •Ministers•Cabinet:the major decision-making body; 20 Ministers•Collective responsibility (集体负责制)•Civil servants (politically neutral)(500,000) (cannot be candidates for Parliament or support any party) •Whitehall and No. 10 Downing StreetLocal Government•Counties councils (53)•District councils (369)•Locally elected but controlled by laws and policies established by the central governmentDevolution责权下放•Since the late 1990s•The powers of the central government over local affairs↓devolve tothe Scottish and Welsh local legislatures• A Scottish parliament (129 Ms) (1997)• A Wales assembly (60 Ms) (1997)•Northern Ireland assembly (108 Ms) (1998)Political parties• 1. The Liberal Democratic Party (middle)—(Whigs辉格党 1679)—the Liberal Party 1815—the Liberal Party+the SocialDemocratic Party=the Liberal Democratic Party 1988 • 2. The Conservative Party (right)--1688, Tories→the Conservative Party 1815-- supports private enterprise and minimal state regulation-- accepts the mixed economy (private ownership ofbusinesses with some government control.-- believe in a governing class with a natural right andspecial privileges• 3. The Labor party (Left, middle and lower middle classes)-- 1900, unionists, liberals, socialists--believes in socialism (class cooperation) to promote munal growth--demands economic equality--supports nationalization of big enterprises-- believes in the supervision of industry by the government/ distribution of wealth/ equal opportunity foreveryoneEmblem and Colour:•the Conservatives: a blue torch•Labour: a red rose•the Liberal Democrats: a yellow bird.A two-party system of government (since 1945)•Conservative Party:supporter:from the richer sections of societylandowners and business people.People living in the south of England and rural areas 1951-64; 1970-74; 1979-97; May 11, 2010 up to now(David Cameron )(Theresa May13/7/2016)•Labour:Supporters:working class peoplemiddle class people who believe in socialist ideals.People who live in the north of England and in urban areas 1945-51; 1964-70; 1974-79; 1997-2010(Tony Blair 1997-2007, Gordon Brown)Elections•650 constituencies (2010)•One MP each constituency•British citizen, citizens of other monwealth countries and the Republic of Ireland living in UK; 18 or over•Candidate of the party; independent candidate•Ballot (秘密投票)•The simple majority system (vs absolute majority)简单多数原则•Hung Parliament 悬浮议会 1974/2010(no one party has an overall majority) (a minority or coalition government联合政府)•PMs after World War II(see photos from left to right, top to bottom)Tony BlairJohn MajorMargaret ThatcherJames CallaghanEdward HeathHarold WilsonSir Alec Douglas-HomeHarold MacmillanSir Anthony EdenClement AttleeSir Winston ChurchillNeville ChamberlainJudiciary System of UKWords and Expressionsmon law 普通法,习惯法,判例法Precedent 先例Statute law 成文法Criminal law 刑法Civil law 民法Criminal court 刑事法院Civil court 民事法院The Crown Court 巡回刑事法庭The County Court 郡法院The High Court 高等法院Tribunal 特别法庭Magistrates’ court 执事法院Magistrate 执事官,治安官Offence (具体的)罪行Summary offences 简易判决罪Indictable-only offences 可起诉的罪行The suspect 犯罪嫌疑人The defendant/accused/offender 被告The plaintiff/accuser/原告Charge 指控Convict 定罪Prosecute 公诉Appeal 上诉Appeal court 上诉法庭The Crown Prosecution Service (the CPS) 皇家公诉机关Jury 陪审团 juror 陪审员Verdict 判决Sentence 判刑Acquit 宣告无罪Plaint 控诉Solicitor 小律师,事务律师,初级律师,诉讼律师,沙律师Barrister 大律师,辩护律师,高级律师,出庭律师,巴律师Plead 辩护Legal redress 法律救济The Appellate mittee of the House of Lords 上诉委员会The Lord Chancellor 大法官The adversarial system 对抗制Parliament⏹In the United Kingdom, the institution responsible for makinglaws, discussing major issues affecting the country and raising taxes is called________. The three parts of Parliament, the ______ (i.e. king or queen), the House of ______ and the House of_______, meet together only on special occasions. Although the agreement of all three is required for laws to be passed, that of the king or queen is now given without_______.⏹Although the king or queen remains ______ of the kingdom, theresponsibility of the sovereign in policy-making andadministration has been gradually ______ over the past 3-4centuries and government of the country is now in the hands ofa ______, presided over by a ___________. Since the 19th century,the Government has been the political _______with the mostmembers in the House of ______, and the leader of that party has been the ___________.The Judicial System•Separate Legal Systems:England and WalesScotland and Northern Ireland•The supreme executive body of the law:The House of LordsThe Lord ChancellorThe Department for Constitutional Affairs and the Home Office (内政部)No Ministry of Justice (司法部)The Rule of Law•Everyone is bound by the law•All persons are equal before the law•The officials and institutions of the state↓maintainLaw and order•Legal redress for everyone with plaints•The law and legal processes and personnel: independent from political interference•Sources of Lawmon Law System:•The principle of “precedence” (先例):The court will follow the precedents in previous legal cases.•There should be as much certainty in the law as possible. •The creation of new precedents: the House of Lords mon Law•Statute Law: formal written laws passed by the Parliament •European Union Law: since 1973. economic and social matters. (EU law over British domestic law)The Court System•Criminal law: the rules for citizens and acts punishable by the state (theft, murder)•Civil law: the relationships and transactions between private parties, individuals, organizations, or panies (disputes such as pensation for loss or damage)•Administrative law: a special sort of civil law concerning theinteractions of citizens with the state➢Criminal Courtsmagistrates’ Courts →the Crown CourtMinor criminal offences Serous offencessummary offences indictable-only offences(theft, vandalism ) ( rape, murder)magistrates a judge and a jury of 12 (JPs Justices of the Peace)→the Court of Appeals for the Criminal Division →the House of Lords➢Civil Courts:County Courts→High Court90% civil cases more plicated civil cases1 judge, no jury 1-3 judges, no jury→the Court of Appeals for the Civil Division → The House of LordsIn Scotland⏹Criminal Courts:District Court → Sheriff’s Courtslay Justices of the Peace the Sheriff or with a jury of 15→ the Court of Justiciary⏹Civil Court:Sheriff’s Courts → The higher Court of Session → the House of LordsThe House of Lords:The Appellate mittee of the House of Lords:appeals from the courts in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and in civil cases from ScotlandOther Courts:Tribunals(特别法庭): informal and cheap (disputes between private citizens or/and public authorities) e.g. sex discrimination; unfair dismissal from work, etc.Judicial ProceedingsPut six activities into the most logical order:Prosecute 公诉convict 定罪Sentence 判刑mit 犯罪arrest 逮捕charge 指控The Legal Process⏹ArrestA person may be arrested and held for questioning at a policestation on suspicion of mitting an offence for a maximum of 24 hours without charge, unless a senior police officer thinks more time is needed in the investigation of a serious offence.The accused normally has a right to be represented by asolicitor.⏹ChargeWhen the police are satisfied they have enough evidence, the suspect is charged with the offence. For serious offences, the suspect will be held on remand in prison before trial. For less serious offences, the suspect will be allowed home on bail. For minor offences, the accused may be released with a policecaution.⏹CPSThe Crown Prosecution Service was established in 1986 to ensure uniformity over decisions to prosecute. Roughly 2,000solicitors and barristers operate the CPS and it is theirdecision whether the police have enough evidence to have abetter than even chance of securing a conviction.⏹Magistrates CourtAll cases begin in a magistrates court, and most of them are tried here. However, magistrates are limited in the sentences they can hand down (maximum: 6 months), and more seriousoffences are sent up to crown court. Defendants may also choose to have trial by jury; these cases are also referred to Crown Court.⏹Crown CourtThis is above a magistrates court and is presided over by the judge. His or her job is to direct the twelve members of thejury so they understand the elements that make up the offence.After hearing all the evidence, it is then up to the jury to decide whether the defendant is guilty. The judge then hands down the sentence.The Adversarial System• A lawyer represents the prosecution and the other represents the accused•Both sides call for witnesses in support of their case in order to establish the defendant’s innocence or guilt • A person is innocent until proven guilty•No truth, only evidence before the judge and the juryLay people – Basic principle of involvement of lay people as magistrates or as jurors⏹MagistratesLay people play a major part in the administration of justice through the 28,000 lay magistrates. People who are respected and responsible members of their local munity are selected to serve as magistrates, known in the past as Justices of the Peace, in county courts within the area in which they live. They are not paid for the work and they are not professionally trained in the legal system but they do undergo some part-time training.⏹The JuryThis is the other way that the public is involved in the process of justice and all criminal trials in the Crown Courts and the Old Bailey (High Court) are held before a judge and jury.The jury•All criminal trials in the Crown Courts and the High Court are held before a judge and jury• A group of ordinary citizens (12, 15 in Scotland): drawn froma cross-section of the public and selected at random•Decide whether an accused person is guilty or innocent•Cannot ask questions in court; to listen impartially to the evidence from all sides• A unanimous agreement of guilty or not guilty.•Very rare in civil casesSolicitor and Barrister•Solicitor:The general legal work:paperworkrepresenting the client in certain civil proceedings •Barrister:Have the right to plead cases in court:Give specialized legal adviceAct as advocates in the courtsJudges•Basic principle of judicial independence•The Lord Chancellor: the head of judiciary (appointed by the Prime Minister), appointing magistrates•Judges appointed by the Queen on the advice of the Prime Minister.•Not subject to ministerial direction or control.•Not allowed to take part in politics formally•Irremovable once appointed•Very high salariesMajor Crimes•(attempted) Murder (UK)/Homicide (US)故意杀人•Manslaughter过失杀人•(attempted) Rape强奸•Theft盗窃•Burglary入室行窃•Armed Robbery持械抢劫•Arson纵火•Blackmail勒索•Kidnapping绑架•Hijacking劫持•Criminal Damage损害罪•Cruelty to children/ Children Abuse虐待儿童•Handling Stolen Property销赃罪•Shoplifting入店行窃•Drunken Driving醉酒驾车•Fraud诈骗•Forgery伪造•Drug Trafficking贩毒Some Important Punishments in the English Speaking Countries •Imprisonment 监禁Usually fixed term e.g. 6 years---‘life’ for murder but this is often as 8 years ‘with good behaviour’.•Probation假释The convicted person is not in jail but has to report to a police station every week and has a probation officer who monitors his/her behaviour.•Fine罚款According to different degree of the offence there will be different sums of money to be paid as a punishment. Fines imposed in previous cases are often made examples to provide standards for future cases.•Suspended Sentence缓刑The person is sentenced e.g. to 2 years imprisonment but because of some mitigating circumstances e.g. they mitted the crime under provocation---there is a period of time e.g. 5 years during which if they are convicted of another crime, the original sentence will also e into force and be added to the new sentence.•munity Service社区服务For less serious crimes---often involving young people (juvenile delinquents)---they are sentenced to a period e.g. 1 year during which they must spend a certain number of hours per week working in the munity e.g. decorating old people’s homes, coaching underprivileged children in sports.Maximum prison sentences for serious crimesOffence Max. PenaltyMurder Life imprisonment Rape 7 years Theft 3 years Burglary 3 years Blackmail 5 yearsArson 5 years –Criminal damage to property 2 years –Causing death by dangerous driving 5 years Armed robbery 5 yearsMost English-speaking nations do not have the death penalty though someUSA states do --- and use it quite regularly。
第一章 英国政治制度
保守党:丘吉尔、撒切尔夫人、卡梅伦(今天) 自由党:劳合·乔治 工党:布莱尔、布朗
英国女王伊 丹麦女王玛 荷兰女王贝 挪威国王哈 丽莎白二世 格丽特二世 娅特丽克丝 拉尔五世
欧洲:英国、挪威、瑞典、丹麦、荷兰、比利时、卢森堡、 西班牙、安道尔、摩纳哥、列支敦士登 亚洲:日本、柬埔寨、泰国、马来西亚、尼泊尔 非洲:毛里求斯 美洲:加拿大、巴哈马、安提瓜和巴布达、巴巴多斯、 伯利兹、圣克里斯多福与尼维斯、圣卢西亚、 大洋洲:澳大利亚、新西兰、巴布亚新几内亚、图瓦卢、所罗 门群岛
1787年美国宪法原文对照: “No title of nobility shall be granted by the United States;and no person holding any office of profit or trust under them,shall, without the consentof the Congress,accept of any present, emolument, office, or title, of any kind whatever, from any king, prince,or foreign state” (译文:合众国不得颁发任何贵族爵位;凡是在合众国政府担任有俸给或有 责任之职务者,未经国会许可,不得接受任何国王、王子或外国的任何礼物、 薪酬、职务或爵位) 材料题没有引用“不得接受任何国王、王子或外国的任何礼物、薪酬、职 务或爵位”这句话,“不授予贵族爵位”是在否定贵族政治与君主制,而不 是体现人人平等。
1、爆发 1775年来克星顿的枪声,标志独立战争开始 2、建军 1775年第二界大陆会议,组建大陆军。 3、建国 1776年《独立宣言》发布,标志美利坚合纵 国诞生 4、转折 1777年美军取得萨拉托加大捷,战争出现 转折 5、胜利 1781年在约克镇接受英军的投降
Main functions of the Parliament
1.To pass law
2.To provide revenues by voting for taxation
3.To examine government policy and administration
4.To debate on the major issues of the day
A general Election must be held every five years and is often held at more frequent intervals
下议院(英语:House of Commons,一译平 民院或庶民院),是英国国会的下院。英国国 会由三大部份组成,它们分别是君主、作为上 院的上议院,以及下议院,当中又以下议院最 具影响力。下议院是一个透过民主选举产生的 机构,内面共有651名成员,称为国会议员,常 用的英文简写则是“MP”(Members of Parliament)。下院议员是经由‘得票最多者 当选投票制’选出,国会每届不可长于5年,每 5年之内就要宣布解散,而国会解散之时,也就 是下院议员任期的终结。每一位下院议员都是 由一个选区的选民选出,议员当选后,也就在 议会代表该选区。
光荣革命之前,国王有一个最高的咨询机构---枢密院,由国王指定的贵 族担任枢密大臣。光荣革命后,威廉三世经常召集几位重要的枢密大臣 在一个小密室中商讨国家大事,英文密室一词便逐渐用以指称内阁。内 阁逐渐取代枢密院,成为国王直辖的最高的行政机关。汉诺威王朝时期, 乔治一世以外国人的身份入主英国,因其对英国的情况不是很了解, (有人说是因为他不懂英语,无法在内阁会议上同阁员们讨论问题、交 换意见,其实这是以讹传讹。因为当时英国内阁会议和欧洲宫廷通用的 语言是法语)。因此,乔治一世不愿参加内阁会议,甚至把出席内阁会 议当成了负担。久而久之,国王不出席内阁会议便成了惯例。在这种情 况下,便需要有一个人来主持内阁会议。1721年下院多数党领袖沃波尔 任财政大臣,经常主持内阁会议,居内阁大臣之首,成了实际上的首相, 开创了多数党领袖任首相并组建内阁的先例。这样,议会的行政权大增, 内阁要对议会负责,定期向议会报告工作,并逐渐形成这样的惯例:一旦 内阁受到下院的反对,首相就要辞职向议会谢罪,或解散下院提前大选, 由新选出的下院决定内阁的去留。18世纪中叶,责任内阁制形成并得以 完善,议会取得了对行政权力的监督控制权,国王统而不治,只是最高 权力的象征。君主立宪制的英国成为典型的资产阶级代议制国家
• 英国政党政治法律地位及其与政权的关系. • 英国为资产阶级君主立宪制国家,实行两党制.18世 纪,辉格党和托利党轮流执政,已形成两党制的雏形. 工业革命后,保守党和自由党轮流执政,两党从议会 内的组织逐步扩展为全国性、群众性组织,并通过议 会改革,提高了下院的地位,在此基础上确立了两党 制. • 20世纪初,保守党首创影子内阁,后形成惯例,使 两党制更加完备.1924年以后,由工党与保守党轮流执 政.两党制保证了两大资产阶级政党在国家政治体制中 长期占据统治地位,分享管理国家的权力.除保守党和 工党外,英国还有社会民主党、自由党、共产党等政 党,在议会中席位很少,除偶尔参加联合内阁外,一 般都不可能单独组织政府.
9、第3届工党政府垮台后,工党内部发生了长时间的思想斗 争,以H.盖茨克尔为代表的右翼要求修改党章中有关生产、 分配和交换手段公有的条文,放弃国有化政策,左翼则主张 实行更具有社会主义性质的社会经济政策。H.威尔逊领导的 第4届工党政府和威尔逊与J.卡拉汉领导的第5届工党政府采 纳了混合经济的概念;所奉行的国内政策同保守党的国内政 策的区别已越来越小。第5届工党政府垮台后,党内主张国有 化的左派与主张混合经济的温和派之间的斗争尖锐化。
全国大表大会: 最高权力机关 选区组织
以地方议员选区为单位 地方级组织(基层组织):
新工党(NewLabour)的组织再造计划是在企图淡化工会的角色、 提升个人党员权利以及强化党魁的领导权力,透过党内投票制 度的改变,使工党转型为大众政党;另则是结构上的重组,推 动“执政伙伴计划”。增加了四个部门:联合政策委员会、全 国政策论坛、政策委员会级地方与行政区政策论坛,取消年会 决定所有党内决策的方针,改由论坛谈论的模式来增加各项政 策的成熟度。
白金汉宫 Buckingham Palace
(1)虚位元首:国王是国家统一和民族团结的象征;国 斗争和社会矛盾的工具 (2)真正的国家权力掌握在议会和内阁手中
首相:卡梅伦(保守党)2010年5月11日就任英国新首相,成为保守党领袖、 内阁首相、议会多数党领袖,是英国近200年来英国最年轻的首相,集党、 政、军大权于一身。
英国国旗的演变the Union Flag(Jack)
Jack是海军用语,指悬挂 在舰首的旗帜,英国军舰 舰首都悬挂国旗,因而得 名。
行政权 内阁
多 数 党
负 责
权力中心,立法权 议会
统而不治 君主 任 命
Monarchy君主体制 Parliament议会 Government政府 Cabinet内阁 General Election大
议会是现代资本主义政体中最重要的组成部分之一,也是资本主义民主制度的主 要体现。英国是世界上第一个建立议会制的国家。
上院 Red Chamber (红厅) 上院的议员不是选举产生的,由王室后裔、世袭贵族,离任首相组成,共669名议 员,无任期限制
• 1689年,议会通过《权利法案》,标志着 英国君主立宪政体的初步确立。《权利法案》 在立法、税收、军队等方面对国王的权利明确 地作了一些限制,使王权有所约束;同时,它 也把议会的自由、议会的权利用法律文件固定 下来。
21、没有人陪你走一辈子,所以你要 适应孤 独,没 有人会是坚强 。 23、要改变命运,首先改变自己。
24、勇气很有理由被当作人类德性之 首,因 为这种 德性保 证了所 有其余 的德性 。--温 斯顿. 丘吉尔 。 25、梯子的梯阶从来不是用来搁脚的 ,它只 是让人 们的脚 放上一 段时间 ,以便 让别一 只脚能 够再往 上登。
❖ 知识就是财富 ❖ 丰富你的人生
71、既然我已经踏上这条道路,那么,任何东西都不应妨碍我沿着这条路走下去。——康德 72、家庭成为快乐的种子在外也不致成为障碍物但在旅行之际却是夜间的伴侣。——西塞罗 73、坚持意志伟大的事业需要始终不渝的精神。——伏尔泰 74、路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。——屈原 75、内外相应,言行相称。——韩非
阅读下列表格的内容 材料二: 1870-1913年主要资本主义国家在世界工业中的比重(%)
表中四国经济发生了怎样的变化?分析变化的主要原因 。
阅读下图:《1850──1990年美国经济实力在资本主义世界经济中的比例变化曲线图》, 回答问题: (1)19世纪60年代─20世纪初,美国在资本主义世界经济中所占比重持续上升,请分 析原因。 (至少答出2点) (2)1929年美国经济在资本主义世界经济中所占比重下降,原因何在?美国政府采取 了什么对策? (3)图示中美国经济在世界经济 比重中达到顶点是在什么时期? 随着经济实力的膨胀,这一时期美国推行了什么对外政策? (4)美国经济发展的历程对你有何启示? 《1850──1990年美国经济实力在资本主义世界经济中的比例变化曲线图》,回答问题: 答案(1)南北战争废除了黑人奴隶制度,为资本主义的迅速发展开辟了道路;第二次 工业革命的影响。 (2)1929──1933年经济危机的严重打击;罗斯福新政,国家干预经济。(如答罗斯 福新政的具体措施)。 (3)20世纪五十年代(或20世纪五六十年代);冷战政策或美苏争霸。 (4)国家统一,社会稳定是经济发展的基础;国家应根据实际情况调整经济政策;国 家要加强对经济的宏观调控等。(言之有理即可)
1.俄国农奴制改革(1861年) 3.中国戊戌变法(1898年)
2.日本明治维新(1868年) 4.美国罗斯福新政(1933年)
二、按结果划分: (1)成功改革:1、2、4、6.
(5)材料四反映的是哪一历史事件? 背景?措施?意义?性质? (6)美国崛起给我们有什么启示.