


Ne W o d a d w r s n Ex e so n pr s i ns i Ch n s n o Eng ih iee it l s
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Abs r c : ih h g n r l t a t W t t e e e a En ls ta l to t e re a a u d ln g ih r nsa in h o is s g i e i e, t i p p r fe s e h s a e o fr n w i sg t n o r nsa in f e n i h i t ta l to o n w wo d a d x r s ins n r s n e p e so i Ch n s b a o tn t e “ a W rt - i e e y d p i g h Re d- ie Tr nsa e a l t mo e ’ a d “ a t dl ’ n Ad p -Bo o —Cr a e p r a h’ a v c td y r w e t a p o c ’ d o a e b LI N Ke a a d n n n DI NG
和“ 模仿 一借用 一创新” 理论来研 究汉语新词语的英译 问题 , 新华新词语词典》 辞书研 究》 对《 及《 新
词新 义专 栏 中部 分新词 的翻 译提 出商榷 意 见 。 关键词 : 实用英语翻 译 ; 汉语 新词语 ; 华新 词语 词典 新
G e e a gih Tr n l t n Th o is A w p o c o Tr n lto f n r lEn l a sa i e re : s o Ne Ap r a h t a sai n o

实 用 翻 译 理 论 的最 新发 展






名山大川famous mountains and great rivers名胜古迹scenic spots and historical sites湖光山色landscape of lakes and hills青山绿水green hills and clear waters奇松怪石strangely-shaped pines and grotesque rock formations平等互利equality and mutual benefit扬长避短play up strengths and avoid weaknesses反腐倡廉fight corruption and build a clean government简政放权streamline administration and institute decentralization集思广益draw on collective wisdom and absorb all useful ideas国泰民安the country flourish and the people live in peace and harmony政通人和the government functions well and people cooperate well国计民生national welfare and the people’s livelihood辞旧迎新bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new徇私舞弊bend the law for personal gain and engage in fraud流连忘返linger on with no thought of leaving for home国际局势复杂多变the complex and volatile international situation开拓进取blaze new trails and forge ahead求同存异seek common ground while shelving differences(二)语意重复这种四字结构前后两个词语的语意是一样的,如果前后两个词语都翻译就构成语意重复了,广袤无垠的中华大地the boundless expanse of the Chinese territory高瞻远瞩的决策a visionary/far-sighted decision贯彻落实重大决策carry out/ implement a series of major policy decisions层峦叠嶂peaks rising one after another优胜劣汰survival of the fittest延年益寿prolong one’s life灵丹妙药panacea / miraculous cure长治久安a long period of stability求真务实pragmatic审时度势size up the trend of events招商引资attract investment誉满全球举世闻名world-renowned功在当代,利在千秋in the interest of the current and future generations继往开来,承前启后(continue the past and open up the future ) break new ground for the future 路遥知马力,日久见人心Time will tell.吃的苦中苦,方知甜中甜no sweet without sweat车到山前必有路,船到桥头自然直in the end things mend /there’s always a way out急功近利eager for instant success and quick profits大黑扫黄crack down on gangland and pornography德高望重of high ability and integrity互利互补mutually complementary and beneficial互谅互让mutual understanding and accommodation遵纪守法observe the relevant code of conduct and the law(三)目的关系减员增效downsize (and cut payroll) to improve efficiency (for efficiency)退耕还林return cultivated land to forest or pastures集资办学raise money to set up new schools结党营私form cliques for private gain扭亏为盈turn a loss-making enterprise into a profitable one(四)途径方式寓教于乐teach through lively activities因材施教teach students according to their aptitude按劳分配distribution according to performance以商养文support /sponsor cultural activities with the profits from doing business(五)偏正词组廉洁奉公honestly perform one’s official duties环境绿化environmental greening超前消费premature consumption; Over-consume; excessive consumption以强凌弱the strong domineering over the weak以人为本people foremost; People-oriented(六)动宾关系优势互补complement each other’s advantages自主经营,自负盈亏make one’s own management decisions, take full responsibility for one’s own profits and losses(七)条件关系不进则退no progress simply means regression.(八)省略意象瞻前顾后overcautious and indecisive源远流长have a long history呕心沥血spare no efforts画龙点睛bring out the crucial point花天酒地go on the loose汗马功劳exploits闻名遐迩famous独具匠心original中流砥柱mainstay, chief cornerstone鱼米之乡a land of milk and honey世外桃源a haven of peace浩如烟海的文化典籍numerous volumes of literature附:汉语新难词时代飞速发展,汉语新难词不断涌现,翻译时颇难下笔,还有一些政策性很强的词句,翻译时颇费斟酌。



踏访pay a personal visit; visit the actual site抬举flatter塔楼tower抬杠argue for the sake of arguing; bicker太空垃圾space trash; space junk太空时代the Age of Aquarius太空梭space shuttle太空行走space walks太空站space station台联All-China Federation of Taiwan Compatriots态貌posture; bearing太平洋舰队(美) Pacific Fleet跆拳道tae kwon do台湾当局the Taiwan authorities台湾是中国神圣领土不可分割的一部分Taiwan is an inalienable part of the inviolable territory ofChina.台湾同胞Taiwan compatriots台湾、香港、澳门保持原有的资本主义制度和生活方式长期不变Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macaowill retain the current capitalist system and way of life for a long time to come.太阳浴sun bath; insolation“太阳神”号探测器Helios probe台柱子mainstay;pillar backbone太空飞行员Taikonaut台湾海峡the Taiwan Straits太阳能电池板solar cell plate太阳能汽车solar car摊薄每股收益diluted earning per share摊点stall; booth; vendor's stand贪多嚼不烂bite off more than one can chew炭疽anthrax探明储量verified deposits; verified reserves摊牌put/lay one's card on the table摊派apportion(expenses,work,ect.)谈判的筹码bargain chip摊平头handle a matter in a rigid and uniform way探亲假home leave探亲外交family-visit diplomacy; relative-visiting diplomacy摊市vending fair贪污腐化corruption and degeneration弹性工资flexible pay弹性就业flexible employment弹性外交elastic diplomacy弹性预算discretionary budget探月车lunikhod唐老鸭Donald Duck糖衣炮弹sugar-coated bullets唐装traditional Chinese garments (clothing); Tang suit弹性汇率flexible exchange rate逃避银行债务evasion of repayment of bank loans套瓷cotton up to套购 1. illegally buy up-illegally purchase state-controlled commodity for resale 2. fraudulentlypurchase韬光养晦hide one's capacities and bide one's time(中国日报)套话empty conventional talk套换fraudulently purchase or exchange逃汇evade the state control of foreign exchange套汇illegally obtain foreign exchange讨价还价wheel and deal套近乎cotton up to someone; curry favor with someone套利arbitrage逃票to sneak through without a ticket逃票者ticket evader套期保值hedge逃生装置escape system套书serial books逃税tax evasion陶冶情操cultivate one's taste (temperament)讨债公司debt-collection company套餐set meal逃逸塔escape tower特别提款权special drawing rights (SDR; SDRs) ; paper gold特别行政区special administrative region特技演员stunt man; stand-in特快专递express mail service特困exceptional poverty; special difficulty特困地区destitute areas特困行业和企业industries and enterprises in dire straits特洛伊木马Trojan horse特聘specially invite( or engage)特色电话机feature phone特事特办handle special cases with special methods特写镜头close-up(shot)特型演员typecast actor特许税franchise tax特制的purpose-made特种兵special forces特种债券special bondST股;特别处理股Special TreatmentPT股;特别转让股Particular Transfer特警regimental police替补队员(in sports ) replacement team members; second-string members; reserves; spare player;potential replacement提成deduct提调promote or transfer( a cadre)梯队echelon体改委commission for economic restructuring提干promote cadre提高城乡居民生活水平upgrade the living standards of both urban and rural residents提高农产品收购价格the government's increase in its procurement prices (for farm products)提高社会参与度to enhance (encourage) mass participation提价price hike踢皮球kick the ball提请submit something to替身演员stunt man/woman; stand-in; double body(中国日报)题外话digression; mention in passing体育彩票sports lotteries体制创新institutional innovation替罪羊scapegoat天赋人权natural rights天机nature's mystery; secret添加剂additive天时、地利、人和favorable climatic, geographical and humanconditions; favorable objective and subjective factors for success填鸭式教学cramming method of teaching天有不测风云Anything unexpected may happen. a bolt from the blue; out of the blue天价whopping price跳槽job-hopping跳槽者job-hopper挑大梁shoulder a big beam调幅amplitude modulation(AM)“跳进黄河洗不清” "Even if one jumped into the Yellow River, one can not wash oneself clean--there's nothing one can do to clear one's name. "调酒器cocktail shaker(A shaken cocktail is made by putting the desired ingredients, typically fruitjuices, syrups, liqueurs and ice cubes, in the cocktail shaker.)调酒师bartender调侃1.joke, tease; 2. chitchat, empty talk跳梁小丑contemptible scoundrel跳棋Chinese chequers; Chinese draughts; halma条条框框red tape; silly(or outdated) rules and regulations跳蚤市场flea market调整和优化产业结构re-adjust and optimize the industrial structure调节收入readjust income distribution(中国日报)替班司机relief driver提倡社会主义政治文明、物质文明、精神文明的协调发展promote coordinated development of socialist political,materialist and spiritual civilization提倡晚婚晚育encourage late marriage and late childbirth铁饭碗iron rice bowl铁哥们faithful pal; buddies; sworn friend铁腕人物strongman; iron-handed person贴息贷款soft loan贴现公司discount house贴现率discount market铁血宰相iron-and-blood prime minister提高党内事物透明度to increase transparency in Party affairs提高抗风险能力increase vigilance against risks提高科技创新能力improve scientific and technological ability for innovation提高全民文化素质improve the quality of the population提高系统集成能力improve systems integration提供巨大商机present huge business opportunities停产整业suspend operation in order to consolidate庭审try(or hear)a case in court停薪留职retain one's position with one's salary suspended; obtain an indefinite leave of absencefrom one's work unit停业closing days; stop doing business庭院经济courtyard economy厅长head of a department (under a provincial government)停水suspension of water supplies庭院护理用品yard-care products庭长chief judge提示音warning tone体制性障碍systematic obstacles统保all risk insurance统编compile for universal use同步卫星geostationary satellite通才versatile person统筹安排comprehensive arrangement统筹城乡发展balance urban and rural development统筹兼顾make overall plans and take all factors into consideration; overall planning and all-roundconsideration统筹兼顾make overall plans and take all factors into consideration; overall planning and all-roundconsideration通存通兑the banking procedure where deposits and withdrawals are processed at any branchbank同等学力have the same educational level (as the regular graduate or student of certain academicqualification)同等学力申请硕士学位统考general examination for applicants with education backgroundequivalent to college graduates for master's degree通兑circulate or exchange统分结合的双层经营体制the system of unified management combined with independentmanagement通关be cleared by the customs通货混合,鸡尾酒式货币currency cocktail通货回笼withdrawal of currency in circulation通货紧缩deflation (of currency)通货升值currency revaluation同类产品like product通票through ticket通商口岸trading ports同声传译simultaneous interpretation统收统支unified collection and allocation of funds by the state同乡会an association of fellow provincials or townsmen通信光缆communications optical cable同业拆借inter-bank borrowing统一的多民族国家 a unified multi-ethnic country统一的会计制度a unified accounting system统一市场single market统一税"flat tax, consolidated tax"统一战线united front通用分组无线业务General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)通用汽车公司General Motors Corporation (GM)统战部United Front Department of the Party Central Committee筒子楼tube-shaped apartment通胀预期inflation expectations投标bid for; tender for头寸紧credit crunch; fund shortage头寸松credit ease偷渡者stowaway偷工减料use inferior materials and turn out sub-standed products透过现象看本质see through the appearance to perceive the essence头号种子选手No.1 seed (player); top seed投机取巧opportunism投机商号bucket shop透明度transparency投入产出invest and produce; throw in and turn out投入少、效益高、见效快的科技成果advances in science and technology require less input, yieldgreater economic results and promise quick returns头市morning market投手pitcher偷税漏税tax evasion偷税、骗税、逃税、抗税"tax evasion, tax fraud, and refusal to pay taxes "投诉sue; accuse投诉中心complaint center透心凉bitterly disappointed投资多元化the diversification of investment投资风险investment risk投资环境investment environment投资信心investor confidence投资需求demand for investment投资制约机制investment control mechanism投资主体the investment subject偷拍sneak shot (This was a sneak shot I had the camera down by my side.)头皮屑dandruff投资热investment fever投资热点popular investment spot投资主体和产权多元化investment from various sources and diversified ownership 土地承包期land contract period土地复垦制度the system of land rehabilitation土地沙化desertification of land; desert encroachment土地市场秩序the order of the land market土地使用权land-use right土地酸化acidification形象小姐/先生image representative of a product or a brand行政审批制度administrative approval system行政手段administrative measure行政诉讼administrative proceedings兴边富民vitalize border areas and enrich the people living there性别比例失衡gender imbalance星级饭店star grade hotel刑事超审限案件long-standing criminal case刑讯逼供extort confessions by torture行政法规administrative regulation行政审批制度the system of administrative examinations and approval行政问责制度executive accountability system行政许可administrative licensing信息化带动工业化,工业化促进信息化use IT to propel industrialization, which will, in turn,stimulate IT application信息化战争IT-based warfare新兴事物newly sprouted things信用额度line of credit (You don't need to get authorization if your expenses are in line with thecredit given by the issuing bank.)信用卡诈骗犯credit card fraud小水电small hydroelectric power plant; small hydropower station小意思small token of one's appreciation; small token of kindly feelings; a mere trifle休假take a holiday; to be on holiday; to be on leave休闲阅读light reading修正案amendment蓄洪工程flood storage project虚开增值税发票write false value added tax invoices许可证制度license granting mechanisms畜牧业animal husbandry虚拟存款window-dressing deposits虚拟人visual human虚拟市场virtual market虚拟网virtual net虚拟银行virtual bank蓄势而发accumulate strength for a take-off虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后Modesty helps one go forward, whereas conceit makes one lagbehind.宣布宵禁declare a curfew; place(some area)under curfew悬而未决的问题outstanding question宣告破产declare bankruptcy宣告无效declaration of avoidance选举程序electoral procedure选举权和被选举权the right to vote and the right to be elected选举人票electoral vote选举人制electoral system选美beauty contest悬崖勒马wake up to the danger at last moment虚报盈利inflate profits学而优则仕(a Confucian slogan for education) a good scholar can become an official; hewhoexcels in study can follow an official career学分credit; academic credit学分制academic credit system削减战略核武器会谈strategic arms reduction talks (START)削减战略核武器会谈strategic arms reduction talks(START)学科带头人pace-setter in scientific research; academic leader学历教育education with record of formal schooling学前教育preschool education学生处students’ affairs division学生减负alleviate the burden on students学时credit hours学术报告academic report学术讲座academic forum学位制academic degree system学年academic year学生处students' affairs office学生月票student monthly ticket虚假帐务deceptive accounting巡堤查险inspect the dykes and look for hidden danger寻根文学literature about searching for one's roots巡航导弹cruise missile寻呼台paging centers寻呼小姐operators who work with paging centers循环经济和清洁生产recycling industries and clean production循环赛round robin巡回报告touring report巡回大使roving ambassador巡回医疗medical tour巡回展览exhibition tour巡回招聘milk round汛期flood season熏青鱼,转移注意力的话,证券说明书,证券销售书 a red herring 徇私枉法bend the law for personal gain徇私舞弊bend the law for personal gain and engage in fraud循序渐进step by step巡诊travel around and give medical treatment虚拟现实virtual reality销售网络distribution network (To enter the US market, we need a company with an extensivedistribution network.)学术超男superman-scholar (This tag refers to people who have great knowledge and share it withothers through TV shows or the Internet. Professor Yi Zhongtian is a good example of asuperman-scholar. In the West, such people are known as "public intellectuals", or "pundits".)(邮票)小型张stamp sheetlet先到先得first come first served谢亚龙下课Sack Xie Yalong学杂费school sundry fees宣誓仪式oath-taking ceremony小额贷款公司small-credit company消费型国家nation of spenders形象大使promotion ambassador详细计划road map血汗工厂sweatshop相亲航班cupid flight, matchmaking flight型男stylish man性贿赂sexual bribes相思虫病毒Romance bug, Lovelorn worm先天免疫natural immunity选美大赛beauty pageant学术造假academic cheating血库blood bank小众歌手niche singer(中国日报)信用扩张credit expansion闲置地产vacant property小产权房houses with limited property rights新富neo-wealthy现场招聘on-site recruiting幸福感指数happiness index性别比sex ratio炫富flaunt wealth学历造假fabricate academic credentials星级饭店star-rated hotel新闻采访权rights in newsgathering性早熟sexual prematurity新兴产业emerging industry相约自杀suicide pact现金补贴cash subsidy闲置土地idle land性侵犯sexual assault小丑护理clown care限购property-purchasing limitations学术评价体系academic appraisal system小额贷款公司micro-credit company享乐主义广告hedonistic advertising新能源示范城new-energy model city限时供水water rationing校园招聘会on-campus job fair咸潮入侵saltwater intrusion销售代理商sales agent性奴sex slave孝道filial piety休假式治疗vacation-style treatment; holiday-style medical treatment; vacation-style therapy; "therapeutic" leave信任赤字trust deficit小微企业small and micro businesses性别失衡sexual imbalance(中国日报)题外话digression; mention in passing体育彩票sports lotteries体制创新institutional innovation替罪羊scapegoat天赋人权natural rights天机nature's mystery; secret添加剂additive天时、地利、人和favorable climatic, geographical and humanconditions; favorable objective and subjective factors for success填鸭式教学cramming method of teaching天有不测风云Anything unexpected may happen. a bolt from the blue; out of the blue天价whopping price跳槽job-hopping跳槽者job-hopper挑大梁shoulder a big beam调幅amplitude modulation(AM)“跳进黄河洗不清” "Even if one jumped into the Yellow River, one can not wash oneself clean--there's nothing one can do to clear one's name. "调酒器cocktail shaker(A shaken cocktail is made by putting the desired ingredients, typically fruitjuices, syrups, liqueurs and ice cubes, in the cocktail shaker.)调酒师bartender调侃1.joke, tease; 2. chitchat, empty talk跳梁小丑contemptible scoundrel跳棋Chinese chequers; Chinese draughts; halma条条框框red tape; silly(or outdated) rules and regulations跳蚤市场flea market调整和优化产业结构re-adjust and optimize the industrial structure调节收入readjust income distribution(中国日报)替班司机relief driver提倡社会主义政治文明、物质文明、精神文明的协调发展promote coordinated development of socialist political,materialist and spiritual civilization提倡晚婚晚育encourage late marriage and late childbirth铁饭碗iron rice bowl铁哥们faithful pal; buddies; sworn friend铁腕人物strongman; iron-handed person贴息贷款soft loan贴现公司discount house贴现率discount market铁血宰相iron-and-blood prime minister提高党内事物透明度to increase transparency in Party affairs提高抗风险能力increase vigilance against risks提高科技创新能力improve scientific and technological ability for innovation提高全民文化素质improve the quality of the population提高系统集成能力improve systems integration提供巨大商机present huge business opportunities停产整业suspend operation in order to consolidate庭审try(or hear)a case in court停薪留职retain one's position with one's salary suspended; obtain an indefinite leave of absencefrom one's work unit停业closing days; stop doing business庭院经济courtyard economy厅长head of a department (under a provincial government)停水suspension of water supplies庭院护理用品yard-care products庭长chief judge提示音warning tone体制性障碍systematic obstacles统保all risk insurance统编compile for universal use同步卫星geostationary satellite通才versatile person统筹安排comprehensive arrangement统筹城乡发展balance urban and rural development统筹兼顾make overall plans and take all factors into consideration; overall planning and all-roundconsideration统筹兼顾make overall plans and take all factors into consideration; overall planning and all-roundconsideration通存通兑the banking procedure where deposits and withdrawals are processed at any branchbank同等学力have the same educational level (as the regular graduate or student of certain academicqualification)同等学力申请硕士学位统考general examination for applicants with education backgroundequivalent to college graduates for master's degree通兑circulate or exchange统分结合的双层经营体制the system of unified management combined with independentmanagement通关be cleared by the customs通货混合,鸡尾酒式货币currency cocktail通货回笼withdrawal of currency in circulation通货紧缩deflation (of currency)通货升值currency revaluation同类产品like product通票through ticket通商口岸trading ports同声传译simultaneous interpretation统收统支unified collection and allocation of funds by the state同乡会an association of fellow provincials or townsmen通信光缆communications optical cable同业拆借inter-bank borrowing统一的多民族国家 a unified multi-ethnic country统一的会计制度a unified accounting system统一市场single market统一税"flat tax, consolidated tax"统一战线united front通用分组无线业务General Packet Radio Service (GPRS)通用汽车公司General Motors Corporation (GM)统战部United Front Department of the Party Central Committee筒子楼tube-shaped apartment通胀预期inflation expectations投标bid for; tender for头寸紧credit crunch; fund shortage头寸松credit ease偷渡者stowaway偷工减料use inferior materials and turn out sub-standed products透过现象看本质see through the appearance to perceive the essence头号种子选手No.1 seed (player); top seed投机取巧opportunism投机商号bucket shop透明度transparency投入产出invest and produce; throw in and turn out投入少、效益高、见效快的科技成果advances in science and technology require less input, yieldgreater economic results and promise quick returns头市morning market投手pitcher偷税漏税tax evasion偷税、骗税、逃税、抗税"tax evasion, tax fraud, and refusal to pay taxes "投诉sue; accuse投诉中心complaint center透心凉bitterly disappointed投资多元化the diversification of investment投资风险investment risk投资环境investment environment投资信心investor confidence投资需求demand for investment投资制约机制investment control mechanism投资主体the investment subject偷拍sneak shot (This was a sneak shot I had the camera down by my side.)头皮屑dandruff投资热investment fever投资热点popular investment spot投资主体和产权多元化investment from various sources and diversified ownership 土地承包期land contract period土地复垦制度the system of land rehabilitation土地沙化desertification of land; desert encroachment土地市场秩序the order of the land market土地使用权land-use right土地酸化acidification。



丝 路 视 野翻译是将一种语言转换为另一种语言的过程,在转化过程中保持原有思想和意义不变。

































面对 汉 语新 词 的不 断 出现 ,译者 有 责任及 时地 把 它们翻译 出来 以帮助外 国读者 全面 了解 中国 的最新
情 况。 文章指 出了影响新 词英译 的一些 问题 ,并探 讨 了新 词 的英译原 则和方 法 ,以期对解 决 汉语 新
词 英译 中的 问题 有 一定 帮 助 。 关键 词 :汉语 新 词 ;问题 ;翻译 策 略
形式的词语 ,也包括增加 了新义项的词语 ”( 邢福 义, 2 0 0 7 ) 。 不过 , 本文所讨论的新词还增加了时间 方 面 的限定 ,即:新 词主 要是 指 中国改革 开放 以来 , 当代汉语 新创 的词 语 , 从 其他 民族语 言借 人 的词语 ,
从 本 民族语 言 的方 言 词 、行业 语和 领域 性 词汇 中借 人 的词 语 ,产 生 了新 义 和新 用 法 的 旧词语 或 短 语 等 。_ l I 总之 ,改 革开 放 以来 出现 的形 式和 意 义上 有

题在所难免” 。张健 、 刘宓庆、 杨全红等学者分别论 述 了 目前 汉语 新 词英 译 中存 在 的 问题 ,归 纳起 来 ,
有 以下几种 :

汉语新词 的概念及特 点
1 . 译者 跨文 化意识 缺 失 译者对汉语 词汇及其英译 的文化意义 把握不准 ,
关于新 词 ,语 言学 界 虽有 种种说 法 ,我 们 比较 赞 同邢福 义 先生 的观 点 :“ 新词 ,既包括 采用 新语 表
收 稿 日期 :2 0 1 3 - 0 9 . 1 0
译者 一 味采用 归化法 ,丝毫不 考虑再 现原 词 中 所包 含 的丰 富 、生动 的形象 。这种情 况在 最新 出版
的 汉英词典》( 第三版)中表现尤为突出,比如把 “ 煲 电话粥 ” 简 单归 化为 “ c h a t f o r a l o n g t i me o n



B:傍名牌(bang4 ming2 pai2)imitated brandsSome businesses name their products or retail outlets similarly to well-known brands to attract customers, misleading them in thinking the copycat is selling the real thing. It is also a phenomenon of the shanzhai culture.波鞋 (bo1 xie2)sneakersThe expression literally means ball shoes, as 波 is Cantonese slang for ball. The expression is very popular in Hong Kong and has come into use on the Chinese mainland.白菜价 (bai2 cai4 jia4)dirt cheapIn China, if someone says that a product is being sold at the "cabbage price", he means it is as cheap as dirt. Cabbage is usually regarded as one of the cheapest vegetables in the market.白领炮灰团(bai2 ling3 pao4 hui1 tuan2)white-collar cannon fodderThe term refers to office workers who struggle for a better life by sacrificing their free time and jeopardizing health through often working overtime to keep their jobs.败犬女(bai4 quan3 nv3)loser dogDerived from the Japanese word "make inu", this phrase means literallya "loser dog" and is used to describe women who have passed the age of30 and remain unmarried.崩溃 (beng1 kui4)breakdownA colloquial expression that is used by young people frequently these days to mean you can not hold on to emotional stress or heavy work any more.玻璃屋 (bo1 li wu1)glass roomIt refers to transparency in corporate governance, especially with regard to executive compensation.败家女(bai4 jia1 nǚ)shopaholic womanA woman who is so addicted to shopping that she is living on the brink of bankruptcy. The phrase is coined from a Chinese term which means a prodigal son or daughter.百搭简历 (bai3 da1 jian3 li4)all-fitting resumeIt is a kind of resume that job seekers prepare in such an ambiguous way that it apparently meets the requirements of many kinds of job.爆场 (bao4 chang3)Raise the roofMore often than not, promotions that offer deep discounts forwell-established brands will attract a huge crowd that raises the roof.不折腾 (bu4 zhe1 ten2)don't stir up turmoilThe term is colloquial and widely used to discourage someone from getting restless due to illness, worry or from just messing around. But when it was quoted by Chinese President Hu Jintao in his recent report, it referred to acts that would disturb society's normal life. So, "don't stir up (political or social) turmoil" reflects people's desire for peace and harmony.保质期 (bao3zhi4qi1)shelf life or best-before dateShanghai health authorities have employed a team of volunteer food inspectors to check whether food or medicines are sold after the expiry dates or for other quality problems as part of nationwide efforts to ensure safe food and drugs.80后 (ba1shi2hou4)80's generationThe word refers to those who were born in 1980s. They are considered to be a self-centered generation who care more about themselves compared with older generations. They are also more willing to try new things, heavily influenced by the Internet and more open to foreign cultures.保鲜膜 (bao3xian1mo2)cling filmChina's health authority recently conducted a spot check on cling film wrapping after receiving reports that a chemical linked to cancer is in the widely used product.保持共产党员先进性 (bao3chi2 gong4chan3dang3yuan2 xian1jin4xing4) keep the Party in the vanguardThe Chinese Communist Party has launched an educational program to ensure its members retain good Party traditions and keep pace with the times in order to lead the nation to successfully build a well-off society.版主(斑竹) (ban1zhu2)BBS moderatorThis term is frequently used among netizens. The Chinese term in the brackets is actually a rib tickler applied here mainly because it shares a similar pronunciation to the official term. Originally, it is the name of the Mottled Bamboo.包机 (bao1ji1)charter flightThe flights are specially arranged for travelers. Both sides across the Taiwan Strait have designed six carriers to make 36 roundtrip charter flights for the upcoming Spring Festival, which falls on January 29.八卦 (ba1gua4)gossip, gossipyOriginally the name of an eight-side diagram derived from the famous Chinese classic "1 Ching"(Book of Changes), it is now often used to describe gossip or gossipy people. Some believe this term first came into use in Hong Kong where the "ying-yang" diagram was frequently used to cover the crucial points of nude models on gossip or porn magazine covers.八角茴香 (ba1jiao3 hui2xiang1)star aniseStar anise is a traditional Chinese herbal medicine or flavoring, which is also known as eight-cornered fennel. Recently there is a buying spree for star anise in some parts of China as media reported that it is an important ingredient of Roche's Tamiflu, a medicine believed to be able to prevent bird flu.爆料 (bao4liao4)tip off, blow the whistleMany news media nowadays rely heavily on tip-offs from their stringers or street tipsters to scoop some exclusive news. They usually offer the tipsters a handsome reward in cash. Seeing this trend, some laid-off workers and migrants have turned tipping into a business to eke out a living.蹦迪 (beng4di2)disco dancingDancing discos in nightclubs or bars is a popular entertainment among young people who want to get some exercise and find a way of catharsis. But many nightclubs are often involved in complaints by nearby residents for the noise created by them, such as loud music and blaring car horns.本命年 (ben3ming4nian2)year of fateIn ancient China, people believed that a person's fate was a determined at birth, so the zodiac year of one's birth would be one's "year of fate." To fend off the default "bad luck" in such a year, people tend to wear red underwear, read waistbands and red bracelets. According to the Chinese lunar calendar, this year is the "year of fate" for people who were born in the Year of the Dog.不感冒 (bu4gan3mao4)uninterested, peevedHaving no flu (bu ganmao)? That's good. But don't take the Chinese term verbatim. In colloquial conservations, this term means that one is uninterested in or even peeved by something others said or did. So don't talk about Tamiflu when there's no flu threat in sight.播客 (bo1ke4)podcasterThe word, a hybrid of "Ipod" and "broadcast," refers to those who combine a group of technologies to distribute audio and video files over the Internet. Readers may receive podcasts of this buzzword column online or download them to an MP3 player from .暴利税 (bao4li4shui4)windfall profit taxChina has started levying tax on outrageous profits oil businesses reap in the hope that it can make up for the losses these monopolies cause to disadvantaged groups and public welfare services.爆棚 (bao4peng2)packed; a box-office hitThe word is believed to have made its way into Mandarin from Hong Kong via the Guangdong dialect. Bao literally means burst and peng, a shed or shack.背包游 (bei1bao1you2)backpacker tourAboout 3.9 million tourists are expected to flock to Shanghai during the Labor Day holiday this year. The backpacker trend is also on the rise.白骨精(bai2gu3jing1)office eliteThis is the name of a siren in the famous Chinese novel "Journey to the West." But, today it is also used as a new title for white-collar office workers who excel in their career. Instead of the"White-Bone Demon," the three Chinese characters in this term refers to white-collar, backbone and elite, respectively, in its new usage.布波族(bu4bo1zu2)/波波族(bo1bo1zu2)bo-bosThe word is a shorthand for Bourgeois-Bohemians, which refers to the young who have the hybrid characteristics of the 1960s hippies and 1980s yuppies. They are well-educated and barely bound by tradition, prefer fashionableclothes and modern appliances, but are always moving their home between cities and the countryside to avoid a stereotyped life.败家子(bai4jia1zi3)black sheepThe Chinese term has a narrower meaning than the English one. The Chinese term only refers to a member of a family who is undesirable.飙车 (biao1che1)drag racingLiving a better life than before, some Chinese youngsters are infatuated with drag racing. Recently the Chinese media reported that some people drove their Coach Builder Cars at a dangerous speed racing around Beijing's ring roads. The police have arrested two youngsters in their 20s this year for driving at nearly 150kilometers an hour in downtown streets.八荣八耻 (ba1rong2ba1chi3)Eight Do's and Don't'sChinese President Hu Jintao recently called on the whole nation and particularly young people to adopt the "socialist concept of honor and disgrace," also known as "Eight Do's and Don't's." The list reads: "Love, do not harm the motherland; Serve, don't disserve the people; Uphold science; don't be ignorant and unenlightened; Work hard; don't be lazy and hate work; Be united and help each other; don't gain benefits at the expense of others; Be honest and trustworthy, not profit-mongering at the expense of your values; Be disciplined and law-abiding instead of unruly and lawless; Respect plain living and hard struggle, do not wallow in luxuries and pleasures."避风头(bi4feng1tou2)dodge the brunt, lie lowThe Chinese term translates literally "to dodge the brunt of the wind." One way to stay out of the trouble and avoid being caught is to avoid the hot track and lie low.帮帮忙(bang1bang1mang2)come on, give me a breakThe colloquial expression serves as a mild request for help in Mandarin,but in Shanghai dialect, it is an admonition before arguing against a remark someone has made.别苗头 (bie2miao2tou2)vie, compete for favorThe phrase comes from Shanghai dialect and is translated into mandarin phonetically. It's an informal way of saying competition and usually indicates some sly moves on both sides.编外 (bian1wai3)outside the staff establishmentUnder the planned economy, the government assigned to every work unit in China an authorized staff establishment or manning scale. Some still do. But often such work units or government departments need to hire people outside the fixed establishment and such employees usually are denied some privileges or perks for their counterparts who are within the staff establishment.边缘人 (bian1yuan2ren2)marginal manIt refers a person who lives in the marginal area of a social sector or a profession. It can also be used for a person who straddles two cultures in society.霸王条款(ba4wang2tiao2kuan3)big-brother term, despot termThe terms in a commercial contract brainworked to ensure one party's absolute advantage over the other party, usually the client, in transaction are called "bawang tiaokuan" or "terms of the overlord."百搭(bai3da1)all-matching, joker, Jack of all tradesIf a piece of clothing or accessory goes easily with other clothing of any color or style or an electronics part or device is compatible with all other parts or devices needed for a complete set it is an all-matching case. The phrase also means "joker" in a card game that can be used to trump or substitute any other cards.奔奔族(ben1ben1zu2)rushing clanIt refers to those people between 20-30 years old born into a common family who are highly dependent on the Internet for social life but highly independent in thinking, highly pressed by financial burdens but highly likely to become a "card slave" or "house slave".摆噱头(bai3xue4tou2)sales stunt, publicity stuntThis term is frequently used by people to describe the publicity tricks that a business uses to promote a product that more often than not will turn out to be expensive trash.变脸 (bianlian)face-lift, change the lookThe term means cosmetic surgery. It also refers to the complete renovation of certain places or buildings. Shanghai's Wujiang Road, which is famous for its snack vendors, will receive a face-lift and become a fashion street in the near future.不灵光(bulingguang)no goodThe frequently used expression has a wide range of meanings from a gadget being at fault, a plan bearing no fruit, to a fad losing popularity.白眼狼(baiyanlang)ungrateful soulThe phrase literally translates as a "whiteeyed wolf," but it actually means an ungrateful person. Chinese tend to deem both "white eye" (eyes with too much white) and "wolf" as derogatory terms.抱抱团(bao4bao4tuan2)free huggersSome people offer free hugs for strangers in streets of big Chinese cities, such as Shanghai and Beijing. They hold signs saying "Care from strangers" and "No to cold shoulders" in Chinese and the words of "Free hugs" in English. The huggers say "free hugs will bring people closer."百搭药 (bai3da1yao4)panaceaMany people take antibiotics whenever they get a fever, cough, or slight headache, as if antibiotics cure all. The state has recently banned doctors from indiscriminately prescribing antibiotics for their patients.搏票 (bo2piao4)ticket struggleTrain tickets are becoming harder to get these days, as millions of college students and migrant workers head home for the Spring Festival next month. So, obtaining a train ticket has been turned into a tough struggle. People have to brave the chilly wind and line up outside ticket offices all night long, which still won't guarantee them a home-bound ticket.帮倒忙 (bang1dao4mang2)disservice, a bad turnThe Chinese term, which can be translated literally as "a reverse of help," actually means an act intended to help that turns out badly.保送生 (bao3song4sheng1)direct admission studentAccording to a direct admission program in China, a small number of high school graduates can be enrolled by colleges and universities without having to sit the entrance examinations. Such students are usually selected for their high grades and good conduct.玻璃悬崖 (bo1li2 xuan2ya2)glass cliffChinese are now quick to introduce new English terms. This glass cliff is one example. It means a senior job or important project, particularly one given to a woman, with a high risk of failure.标题党 (biao1ti2dang3)sensational headline writersSensational headline writers always produce headings that can hardly be substantiated by the following text. As the headlines usually attract readers' attention before they read the stories, now headline writers are even being hired by some malicious programmers to seduce netizens to click on files containing viruses.摆乌龙 (bai3wu1long2)go wrong, botch upThis term usually refers to an own goal in a soccer game, but it is now used frequently to mean something goes wrong or someone botches up a seemingly good plan.榜单 (bang3dan1)top listIt is a list of top players in terms of their fame, popularity, income, authority or skills.毕婚族 (bi4hun1zu2)marry-upon-graduationThe new expression refers to those young people who marry immediately after graduating from college. However, they need more time and experience to get weaned off the pampering of their parents.博出位 (bo2chu1wei4)steal the spotlight, draw attentionIt refers to sometimes a despicable way of seeking attention from others or the public.本草纲木 (ben3cao3 gang1mu4)dumb and annoyingIt is an expression popular with youngsters when they call a person stupid, noisy, and dull. The expression, borrowed from the title of an ancient Chinese medicine encyclopedia, Compendium of Materia Medica, plays on the four Chinese characters 笨 (stupid), 吵 (noisy), 戆 (simple-minded), and 木 (unresponsive), which sound similar to the title.崩盘 (beng1pan2)market crash, business collapseThis term is often used to mean the stock market crash. But it may also be used to mean any kind of business collapse or even the breakup of a relationship.爆发 (bao4fa1)sudden metamorphosis, sudden eruption in formThe Chinese term translates literally "burst," "outburst" or "eruption." But it is often used to describe a sudden improvement in a person or team's performance.傍大款(bang4da4kuan3)live off a moneybagsIt is used frequently in daily talk in a derogative way to describe the phenomenon of a woman trying her best to marry or live off a rich man.棒杀(bang4sha1)crucify, ruthlessly repudiateThe Chinese term means literally to bludgeon someone to death. In everyday conservation, it is often used to mean criticizing someone harshly.博客圈(bo2ke4quan1)blogosphereBlogosphere refers to a special community culture resulting from the close interconnecting between weblogs and frequent interacting and communication among bloggers.半糖夫妻(ban4tang2fu1qi1)weekend coupleThis term translates literally "half-sugar husband and wife." It refers to couples who live separately five work days of a week and only spend the weekend together to keep their relationship fresh and exciting.白纸男 (bai2zhi3nan2)virgin manThis term, which translates literally as "white-paper man," refers to those men who have never dated a girlfriend or never had any love experience before. Chinese tend to use the term "white paper" to mean anything that has never been tapped or violated.贝多芬 (bei4duo1fen1)back-baring ladyThis phrase is quite popular among college students who use it to referto those young women who wear fashionable clothes that bare as much of their back as possible. This Chinese term is actually a translation of the name of Ludwig van Beethoven, but the first character of the term sounds like "back," the second means "more" and the last "fragrance."不粘锅(bu4zhan1guo1)diner-outThe Chinese phrase, which literally means Teflon cooking utensils, is now often used to describe those young people who always eat out and stay away from their kitchens. It's because either they are too busy with their job or don't bother to do the cooking.半唐蕃(ban4tang2fan1)half-ChineseThis a Cantonese term that refers to people, behavior, manners, language and culture that are half-Chinese and half-foreign.便当 (bian4dang1)bentouThe term is a translation of the Japanese word for the takeaway boxed lunch. On the Chinese mainland, people usually call it "hefan," meaning "boxed meal" or lunch box, while in Taiwan, a growing number of people now use the term "bentou."病房 (bing4fang2)defective houseThe Chinese term means literally wards in a hospital. Now, the "sickroom" is also used to refer to a house or an apartment with quality defects.巴嫂 (ba1sao3)re-employed woman bus conductorAuthorities in Guangdong Province have initiated a re-employment program to recruit women in their 50s who were earlier laid off by their employers to work as bus conductors. The Chinese word 巴 (ba) means bus while 嫂(sao) is a term of endearment for a married woman.搏上位 (bo2shang4wei4)strive for bigger successIt refers to an attempt to gain a higher position, bigger fame or success by resorting sometimes to unconventional or indecent means.抱抱衫 (bao4bao4shan1)hug shirtA high-tech garment that can simulate the experience of being hugged by a loved one. Featuring a comfortable mix of smart textiles, cotton and micro-fiber, the shirt was named one of the best inventions by Time Magazine last year.拜金妆(bai4jin1zhuang1)golden-tone make-upIt refers to one of the make-up styles that features golden colors. The expression plays on the Chinese words 拜金, which originally was used in a derogative sense to mean "gold worshipping."博客话剧(bo2ke4hua4ju4)blog dramaTaking its script and cast members from blog communities, this byproduct of the Internet era is performed on stage with video clips shown on blogs.白奴 (bai2nu2)white-collar slaveMore white-collar workers in big cities such as Shanghai, Beijing and New York have become slaves to the house, car, luxuries or even ambitions far beyond their station. They live under great pressures and work as hard as "white slaves," as the Chinese term is literally translated.傍名牌 (bang4ming2pai2)imitation brand nameThis term refers to a type of unfair competition in the market where small companies name their products with names close to famous brand names to mislead the customers. Governments are cracking down on this free riding on established brands.白开水女生 (bai2kai1shui3nu3sheng1)plain water girlThis term refers to young women who are shy and introverted, particularlyin front of strangers. People think them as boring and uninteresting just like plain water.白食党 (bai2shi2dang3)freebie hunterThis group of people are usually freebie hunters in supermarkets where they can try different foods or dishes but never really intend to buy the product.拔草 (ba2cao3)satisfy the desireWhen one has an itch for something, Chinese tend to say he or she has grass growing in their heart. So, once the grass is removed or uprooted from the heart, one's desire, particularly for the purchase of something, is satisfied. This Chinese term means literally to weed or remove grass.BMWbig-mouthed womenThis term refers to female office workers who are always gossiping about colleagues' private lives, such as dress tastes, and always making waves in the office.彼得潘症候群 (bi3de2pan4zheng1hou2qun2)Peter Pan SyndromeDescribes people who are just like Peter Pan, the character created by Scottish novelist and playwright J. M. Barrie (18601937). They are adults who refuse to grow up. Similar to kidults.八点女王(ba1dian3nu3wang2)prime-hour soap starAn actress who helps ensure high ratings for prime hour TV soap operas.不雅照(bu4ya3zhao4)indecent photoAny picture that is sexually explicit or involves a wardrobe malfunction. It is used as an understatement for steamy pictures after the sex picture scandal in Hong Kong.不过电(bu2guo4dian4)dumbheadedThe expression is often used these days to refer to a person who is slow in responding to a hint dropped by others.百元周 (bai3 yuan2 zhou1)100-yuan weekSome white-collar workers in Shanghai have started to change their bourgeoisie lifestyle for a more thrifty one in face of the ongoing financial crisis. Some put online posters among popular BBS communities to call on people to control their expenditure within 100 yuan from Monday to Friday, including costs on food, traffic, entertainment, shopping and sport activities.膀爷 (bang3 ye2)topless manThe word literally means "shoulder grandpa"in Chinese. It refers to men who like to walk on the street topless during summer. Having long been criticized in the media and by the public, the phenomenon almost disappeared from Beijing streets during the Olympics but has not gone completely.博客圈 (bo2 ke4 quan1)blogosphereIt refers to the communities or social networks that comprise all blogs and their interconnection.百恼汇 (bai3 nao3 hui4)middle-age crisisThe term has a similar pronunciation to "Buynow," the name of a computer market, in Chinese. Meaning "a host of worries" it is now used to describe the lifestyle crisis facing many middle-aged people.博斗 (bo2 dou4)blog bickeringThe term is a homonym of the Chinese word "fight," but it conjoins two Chinese characters that can mean "blog" and "fight," respectively. So, the phrase refers to Netizens tilting at each other on their blogs.白托 (bai2 tuo1)daytime care serviceThe term refers to a government project aiming to improve community care for senior citizens. The community center will serve the elderly lunches and dinners and organize some recreational activities for them during the day.白色污染 (bai2se4wu1ran3)white pollutionThis term refers to pollution caused by litter of used plastic bags, polystyrene cups, food containers and paper.便利贴女孩 (bian4li4tie1 nu3hai2)post-it girlIt refers to those kind-hearted, usually plain-looking young women at a workplace who are always ready to help others and then almost immediately forgotten after the help. They are like the post-it notes people use and then throw away.Bo播报 (Bo bo1bao4)multimedia newspaperThe term refers to a new form of electronic "newspaper," which combines text, photos, graphics, audio and video. One can also search background data and cross reference with this news platform.白客 (bai2ke4)online security guardThe phrase, which literally means "white clan" in Chinese, is the opposite of "black clan" or hacker. It refers to professionals who fight hackers in order to protect people's information security in the online world. It's not unusual that some of the online security guards are former hackers.便当男 (bian4 dang1 nan2)bento box manSince the global economic recession, some Japanese young men have weaned themselves off money-making dreams and adopted a thrifty lifestyle, cooking their own meals and bringing lunch boxes to the office to cut downon living costs. This type of men has become hugely popular with women seeking their Mr Right these days.被时代 (bei4 shi2 dai4)"by" eraIt refers to the current era in which people find many official statistics are watered down and do not reflect the truth. For one example, some universities' graduation employment rates are manipulated to look higher than reality. In another, many people find their income growth lagging far behind some official figures. In this sense, some graduates would say they are the victims of fake statistics and some workers would claim their income has been "increased" by bloated figures.必剩客(bi4 sheng4 ke4)doomed singleThe expression which has a similar pronunciation with "Pizza Hut" in Chinese, is used to describe those who are above the normal marriage age but still single and need to keep struggling to find their other half. This group more often than not put so much time into work that they have little chance to meet potential partners. So they are considered to be people who are doomed to be single.白菜价 (bai2 cai4 jia4)low priceThe Chinese term literally means "cabbage price." Cabbage is one of the cheapest vegetables in China so "cabbage price" means a very low price.薄食代 (bao2 shi2 dai4)eat-less eraThe Chinese term literally means an era in which people eat less and stay fit. It refers to the current trend where people increasingly distance themselves from oily food.杯具 (bei1 ju4)tragedyThe word, literally meaning cups in Chinese, is a homophone of the word "tragedy" in Chinese and is widely spreading among Netizens as an exaggerated and humorous expression. The word 餐具, literally meaning tableware, is another choice.病毒营销 (bing4 du2 ying2 xiao1)viral marketingViral marketing and viral advertising refer to using social networks such as the Internet to increase brand awareness or product sales through self-replicating viral processes, analogous to the spread of computer viruses.被当爸 (bei2 dang1 ba4)forced to be someone's fatherThe term became popular when an obscure model said she had a child with actor Jude Law, confirmed by a DNA test. Law was then "forced to be someone's father" because the model deliberately did not use contraceptives.比婚女 (bi3 hun1 nu3)marriage comparison womanThe term refers to women who appear zealous in comparing the size of their diamond rings, how luxurious their wedding was, as well as their houses and vehicles after they get married.驳样 (bo2 yang4)copyThe term, "copy" in its literal meaning, usually refers to grassroots tailors' mimicking of certain designer clothes or shoes. Such behavior offers an alternative for fashion-goers to stay trendy without burning a hole in their pockets buying genuine brands.比基尼考 (bi3 ji2 ni2 kao3)bikini test takersThe term literally means taking a test in a bikini. Yet it actually means taking a test after only briefly reviewing the course - the knowledge memorized is like a bikini that can only cover a small part of the mass. The term is in contrast to "nuke test takers" who go into tests completely unprepared.被高速 (bei4 gao1 su4)involuntary high-speed train passengerThe Wuhan-Guangzhou high-speed railway has recently been put into operation and several slower trains along the route have been cancelled. Passengers who are forced to take the costlier new trains describe themselves as "being forced to ride highspeed trains."不胜韩魔咒 (bu4 sheng4 han2 mo2 zhou4)no-win jinx against South KoreaAfter a 32-year losing streak against South Korea's men's soccer team,。



空军(kong1jun1)believer in housing price dropThis term, meaning literally “airforce,” is now used to describe people who insist that housing prices will drop. They have waited for years but finding prices keep rising to new highs. The word “air” in Chine se may also mean “empty” or “nothingness.”城市依赖症(cheng3shi4 yi1lai4zheng4)city addictionThis term refers to people who refuse to live outside cities because they are used to the colorful and convenient life. They would rather live in cities with no jobs than live in suburban areas with good opportunities.后群体(hou4qun2ti3)post-x generationNow many people like to label “post-80” to those born in the 1980s and accuse them of being too indulgent in material pleasures. “Post-70” and “post-60” and post-whatever are also popular in daily conversation and media reports. But it’s hard to say that all people in onegeneration have the same characteristics.文化低保(wen2hua4 di1bao3)cultural access initiativeThis Chinese term combines the word “culture” a nd “minimum assurance” as from the minimum social security system to mean providing disadvantaged groups of people with the basic access to cultural activities. For instance, a county government promises each year to bring at least one art performance, six movies and one new book per person to villagers living in remote mountainous areas.洋腐败(yang2 fu3bai4)foreign corruptionThis term refers to the practice of taking all kinds of bribes from foreign companies. With more and more overseas companies moving into this country, the crime continues to rise. Now, the state legislature has been urged to introduce laws to fight this fraud.孔雀女(kong3que4nv3)peacock womanThis term refers to women who grow up in a wealthy family in big cities and never worry about money. Their family takes good care of them and never lets them do any housework. However, when they fall in love with a “phoenix men,”which refers to a hard-working man from rural areas, they will have many conflicts because of their different habits and attitudes towards money.秒杀(miao3sha1)speed killThe word is always used i n online games when the “boss” or opponent is so strong that he or she kills the player within seconds.免费素食主义者(mian3fei4 su4shi2zhu3yi4zhe3) FreeganThis term, a portmanteau of “free” and “vegan,” refers to people who employ alternative strategies for living based on limited participation in the conventional economy and minimal consumption of resources.October 22Date:2007-10-22疲劳驾驶(pi2lao2 jia4shi3)drowsy drivingThe National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the United States found that 37 percent of drivers admitted to falling asleep at the wheel at least once in their life.赶场子(gan3chang3zi)function venue hopping, whirlwind partyingAs a spinoff of modern urban life, many people have to go to frequent parties and functions during their spare time and while officially on holiday.婚庆公司(hun1qing4 gong1si1)wedding services companyIn recent years, businesses offering wedding services have cashed in on young couples pursuing an expensive marriage ceremony, but many of them are accused of lacking original ideas.套牌车(tao4pai2che1)fake plate vehiclesIt has been a big headache for police to track down drivers who flee after a road accident or a crime as their plate is a duplicate of another legitimate car's.雅贼(ya3zei2)art thief, book thiefThis term refers to thieves who only steal things with artistic values, such as books, pictures and other cultural relics.亚偷情(ya4tou1qing2)semi-affairThis term refers to married people who have a close opposite-sex friend and their relationship is a kind of "affair without intimacy." They enjoy the subtle feelings, but avoid betraying their families.指付通(zhi3fu4tong1)fingerprint payment terminalThis is a newly developed payment method in Shanghaiwhich allows shoppers to pay for their purchases by pressing fingerprints on a terminal. More than 1,000 retailers have adopted the terminals, which are attached to a bank's network.食膏族(shi2gao1zu2)tonic loversAs the colder autumn months proceed, many Shanghai people like to take various herbal tonics, especially those made according to traditional Chinese medicine.维他命电影(wei2ta1ming4dian4ying3)vitamin movieAudience will have some fun from such movies, which may even teach them some simple but useful tips or principles of life. But don’t expect these movies to shock audiences’ nerves by staging grand scenes. instead they leave audiences feeling relaxed and happy.凑份子(cou4fen4zi0)whip-roundChinese people have the tradition of pooling funds orcollecting money from a group of people to pay for a public project or buy a joint present for someone.弃车族(qi4che1zu2)car-sparing clanIt is reported that many private car owners living near subway lines in Beijing have opted to use public transport for daily commutes, so saving their cars for longer trips.金九银十(jin1jiu3yin2shi2)peak sales seasonThe Chinese term literally means “Golden September” and “Silver October,” the two months that usually see brisk sales of cars, houses or other major consumer products in China.打新族(da3xin1zu2)new-stock investorsDue to the hefty profit potential, newly listed securities have become a hit choice for Chinese investors over the past few months.巴嫂(ba1sao3)re-employed woman bus conductorAuthorities in Guangdong Province have initiated a re-employment program to recruit women in their 50s who were earlier laid off by their employers to work as bus conductors. The Chinese word 巴(ba) means bus while 嫂(sao) is a term of endearment for a married woman.凤凰男(feng4huang2nan2)phoenix manThis term refers to men who grew up in remote rural areas but have moved to big cities thanks to their efforts and their family’s support. They hope to marry city girls but often encounter problems resulting from their different living habits and family backgrounds.试离婚(shi4li2hun1)trial divorceSome young couples live separately to calm down when their marriage hits a rough patch. It is called “trialdivorce” which offers couples time to reconsider their marriage and avoid divorcing under impulse.October 8Date:2007-10-08裸体PC (luo3ti3 PC)naked PCEuropean think-tank the Globalization Institute has made a submission to the European Commission proposing that all PCs and laptops should be sold without an operating system to foster competition and bring down prices, saying the current practice "imposes an extra cost on virtually every EU business."零电邮日(ling2dian4you2ri4)zero e-mail FridaysSome professionals are fighting back against overwhelming e-mails by declaring e-mail-free Fridays - or by deleting their entire in-box. About 150 engineers at chip maker Intel will kick off the campaign. E-mail isn't forbidden, but everyone is encouraged to phone or meet face-to-face. The goal is to foster more direct,free-flowing communication and better exchange of ideas, Intel principal engineer Nathan Zeldes says in a company blog post.鲶鱼效应(nian3yu2 xiao4ying4)catfish effectThis term derives from the practice of a Norwegian fisherman who put catfish into his catch of sardine to keep the latter living longer for a better price. Now, the term means to introduce new competitors to stimulate the whole group. It complies with the modern operational mechanism of HR management.刺青后悔症(ci4qing1 hou4hui3zheng4)tattoo regretThis term refers to a feeling of remorse for having tattoos. According to a study in the United States, about 50 percent of respondents who have tattoos said they suffered from "tattoo regret." In other words, they wish they had opted against getting a tattoo.网络达人(wang3luo4 da2ren2)Net advisorThe term refers to warm-hearted people who give advice to others on the Internet. They cover all kinds of topics, ranging from marriage to home decoration. They are not necessarily professional consultants, but their personal experiences do help others.社交网络服务(she4jiao1 wang3luo4 fu2wu4)social networking service (SNS)This is a kind of social software designed to set up online social networks connecting people of all different types of interests. For instance, Facebook is a popular social networking service.富裕病(fu4yu4bing4)affluenzaThis is a portmanteau word by combining the two words "affluence" and "influenza." It refers to a special form of materialism in which people suffer from an epidemic of stress, overwork, waste and indebtedness as they pursue more goods.搏上位(bo2shang4wei4)strive for bigger successIt refers to an attempt to gain a higher position, bigger fame or success by resorting sometimes to unconventional or indecent means.喝油车(he1you2che1)Chelsea tractorThose gas-guzzling sports utility vehicles are referred to in the United Kingdom as a Chelsea tractor. These urban behemoths have become a status symbol for the middle class in the Western world. The term is a rendering from the English buzzword.穷人跑(qiong2ren2pao3)cheap roadsterSome auto makers in China produce low-priced sportscars for middle-income people. The price for such cars ranges from 100,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan, compared to those exceeding one million yuan targeting high-end income earners.喝油车(he1you2che1)Chelsea tractorThose gas-guzzling sports utility vehicles are referred to in the United Kingdom as a Chelsea tractor. These urban behemoths have become a status symbol for the middle class in the Western world. The term is a rendering from the English buzzword.穷人跑(qiong2ren2pao3)cheap roadsterSome auto makers in China produce low-priced sports cars for middle-income people. The price for such carsranges from 100,000 yuan to 300,000 yuan, compared to those exceeding one million yuan targeting high-end income earners.试药族(shi4yao4zu2)drug-test subjectIt is reported that a growing number of college students in the country have participated in the clinical trial of new medications to earn more money, some of whom do it to support their living.陪拼族(pei2pin1zu2)shopping companionThe flip side of love is that the boyfriend or husband of young women who are in the mood to shop has to keep her company all the way round, and might well drop before her shopping drags to a lengthy end.高疯贝(gao1feng1bei4)crazy gamesThe Chinese term sounds like 高分贝, which means "high decibel." It actually refers to highly exciting rides like roller coasters.一口价(yi1kou3jia4)no-bargain priceA seller who is sure of a deal whatsoever the price, or is unwilling to accept a bargain because the marked price is the seller's bottom line, will call it yikoujia in colloquial Chinese. Yikou indicates no room for bargaining.知音体(zhi1yin1ti3)“zhiyin” style“zhiyin”(Confidant) refers to a well-known Chinesetabloid magazine which always publishes sensational, agitating and moving love stories. Since many people are addicted to reading them, some authors or editors use a "zhiyin"style headline on some stories to attract more readers.贵族乞丐(gui4zu2qi3gai4)rich beggarIt refers to those professional beggars who reportedly are rich enough to own a car and keep a mistress.痛快吧(tong4kuai4ba1)pressure-venting shopThis term refers to shops where a customer pays for venting his or her tension, anger or frustration by violently punching or smashing goods.。



上海翻译Shanghai Journal o f Translator s 2007No .2[收稿日期]2006209226[作者简介]金其斌(1975-),男,深圳职业技术学院外国语学院讲师,硕士,研究方向:英汉语对比与翻译、现代英语及双语词典研究。

“拉力赛”、“托老所”、“拉动”等汉语新词的英译———从借用的角度谈《新华新词语词典》的翻译金其斌 (深圳职业技术学院外国语学院,广东深圳518055)[摘要]本文从借用的角度,就增加译文可读性、为汉英词典中的新词提供对应词、反映译入语语言的最新变化三个方面,对《新华新词语词典》中部分新词的英译提出商榷意见。


[关键词]新词语;翻译;借用;《新华新词语词典》[中图分类号]H 315.9[文献标识码]A[文章编号]167229358(2007)022******* 与坊间同类汉语新词词典相比,商务印书馆2003年推出的《新华新词语词典》(下文简称《词典》)具有两个鲜明特色:贯彻描写主义注重实录的原则,充分发挥了该词典编写组在前言中提出的“当代汉语观察站”的作用;所有词目提供英译,为读者提供便利。













廉政建设(clean government building)、权钱交易(trade power frommoney)、村民自治(villagers’ autonomy)、小康社会(a well-off society)、和谐社会(harmonious society)、八荣八耻(the“eight honor and eight shame”outlook)等。


竞争上岗(compete for a post)、小金库(a private coffer)、扶贫(poverty a1leviation)、转轨(transfer to a different track)、下海(go into business)、假日经济(holiday economy)、(the project of developing rural retail network)、朝阳产业(sunrise industry)、三农工作(work related to agriculture,rural areas andfarmers)、形象工程(vanity project)等。


火炬计划(Torch Program)、中国硅谷(China’s“Si1icon Valley”)、神舟飞船(“Shenzhou”Spaceship)。



한국어 뜻 나 나이 바퀴벌래 무엇 원치 않다 좋다 알아보지 못하겠다 만나다 큰형님 견해 돈 많은 놈 의견을 말하다 지지하다 충성스럽지 못하다 카드게임 대단하다 입장이 곤란하다 싫어하다 카페등의 운영자 보기 좋다 많은사람을 모으다. 흥분하다 기절하다 대접하다 특별히 매우 체면을 살려주다 초보 그렇게 아내 이렇게 매우 좋다 반대 놀래다 속이다 많은 모기에게 물리다
Байду номын сангаас
신조어, 은어 본래뜻 偶(ou) 我 年轮(nianlun) 岁数 小强 (xiaoqiang) 蟑螂 虾米(xiami), 什么 神马(shenma) 表 (biao) 不要 强 (qiang) 好 晕(yun) 看不懂 聚会(juhui) 见面 兄台(xiongtai) 大哥 愚见(yujian) 看法 VIP 有钱佬 拍砖(paizhuan) 提意见 顶 (ding) 支持 外遇(waiyu) 不忠 杀人(sharen) 纸牌游戏 牛b (niu b) 厉害 汗 (han) 尴尬 吐 (tu) 不喜欢 老班 (laoban) 班主任 养眼 (yangyan) 好看 FB 聚众 HIGH 兴奋 FT 晕倒 反腐败(fanfubai) 请客 巨(ju) 特别 粉 (fen) 很 给力 (给力) 给面子 菜鸟 (cainiao) 新手 酿紫 (niangzi) 那样子 领导,LD(lingdao) 老婆 酱紫 (jiangzi) 这样子 灰常 (huichang) 非常 稀饭 (xifan) 喜欢 拍 (pai) 反对 寒 (han) 吃凉 偏点 (piandian) 骗人 新蚊 连啵 (xinwenlianb 被无数蚊子咬了 o)



有氧搏击操 (you2 yang3 bo2 ji1 cao1)kickboxingIt is a type of fitness exercise popular in urban areas that combines boxing, karate, tae-kwondo and dance with strong, upbeat music.隐性失业 (yin3 xing4 shi1 ye4)recessive unemployment, sub-unemploymentIt is the phenomenon when workers are underpaid, given unpaid vacation and welfare packages are trimmed because of the economic downturn. It also refers to showbiz artists whose income suffers when their appearances in well-paying commercials are cut due to the crisis.银色浪潮 (yin2 se4 lang4 chao2)silver tideThe term is a metaphor of a social phenomenon as the aging population is expanding rapidly in Shanghai and other big cities around China.有毒资产 (you3 du2 zi1 chan3)toxic assetsIt refers to various asset categories hard hit by the financial crisis, such as subprime mortgages. Use of "toxic" became widespread as any person, bank or organization holding subprime mortgages or related assets became financially debilitated.衣架子 (yi1 jia4 zi)clothes horseThe expression literally means mannequins or clothes racks. Now, it is often used to describe a man or woman who has a model-like figure that fits perfectly into fashionable clothes available on the market.E点通 (E dian3 tong1)electronic information guideIt refers to electronic machines now being installed in major hotels in Shanghai. Touch their screens and you will find out all kinds of cultural and tourism information to help you discover the city's commercial attributes.狱霸 (yu4 ba4)prison bullyThe phrase has appeared frequently in Chinese press headlines following the mysterious death of a 24-year-old man in police custody in Yunnan Province. Investigations show he was beaten to death by inmates who claimed he died in an accident while playing blindman's bluff.音频毒品 (yin1 pin2 du2 pin3)I-DoserThe term refers to audio clips spreading over the Internet that are said to arouse a sense of illusion as if taking drugs. Some people find it enjoyable while others consider it noisy and nerve-racking. Experts say that feelings vary with listeners' own experiences.语音钓鱼 (yv3 yin1 dia4o yu2)vishingThis is a portmanteau by blending "voice" and "phishing" and means an attempt to fool a person into submitting personal, financial or password data either by sending an email that includes a scammer-controlled phone number, or by spoofing an automated phone call from a financial institution using VoIP.月光门牌 (yue4 guang1 men2 pai2)moonlight doorplateShanghai has recently installed some new doorplates for local houses. These new plates absorb light during the day and become illuminated at night for about 12 hours.云娱乐 (yun2 yu2 le4)cloud entertainmentBased on the idea of "cloud computing," an Internet-based use of computer technology, the term refers to home entertainment such as Web-infused television environments in which customized services and programs are prepared on Web servers and delivered to consumer electronic devices, saving users a lot of money on in-home entertainment systems. Cloud here means the Internet.易服 (yi4 fu2)cross-dressThis term is used to describe people who dress like a member of the opposite sex. Actually, transvestism is not new to the Chinese. Back in the Northern Wei Dynasty (AD 386-534) a young woman named Hua Mulan disguised herself as a man to join the army to spare her elderly father of military service.悠客 (you1 ke4)no-hurry touristThose who take their time and don't mind how long they linger at each tourist site or destination.影子艺人 (ying3 zi yi4 ren2)showbiz doppelgangerThis refers to an ordinary person whose facial features resemble a famous artist, allowing him to earn an income from masquerading as the star at low-end parties and gatherings to entertain the audience or guests.阴阳公告(yīn yáng gōng gào)yin-yang bulletinsIn Chinese, yin and yang are used to describe the negative and positive energy in nature. The term may also mean opposing qualities of a phenomenon. So, yin-yang bulletins refer to contradictory statements made by persons or organizations.亚熟男 (ya4 shu2 nan2)semi-mature manMen who look mature but are actually a few steps away from being psychologically grown-up.郁闷(yu4men4)angry and frustratedThis term is a favorite among young people these days and they frequently use it whenever they feel "pissed off."医托 (yi1tuo1)hospital scalper, hospital stoolieThe city police crack down on scalpers selling registration numbers at major hospitals as well as touts who lure people from major hospitals to small, lesser-known and even unlicensed facilities.亚健康 (ya4jian4kang1)semi-healthSemi-health conditions are half way between good health and ill health. Such conditions, including headache, insomnia, stiff shoulders and chronic constipation, are often diagnosed as symptoms of illness, but they are deemed by TCM doctors as warning signs of health deterioration or harbingers of ill health.月光族 (yue4guang1zu2)moonliteThis concocted Chinese term is the moniker for people who always spend all their salaries or earnings before the end of the month. The first Chinese character in the term means "month" or "moon," and the second "leaving nothing behind" or "light."有价无市 (you3jia4wu2shi4)having a price but no salesThis Chinese term actually describes a situation where a product has a fictitious or prohibitively high price but no sales. For instance, many apartments and houses in the city's property market today are so expensive that few could afford or intend to buy them. The term is a little bit satirical.饮水机(yin3shui3ji1)water dispenserLocal authorities are conducting inspections of water dispensers used in offices and other public places in response to media reports that many such machines have serious quality problems that could create health risks.压岁钱 (ya1sui4qian2)red packet, lucky moneyIn ancient china, people tended to put some copper coins wrapped in red paper beside the pillows of their children on the Lunar New Year's Eve to drive away a devil called "sui." It has evolved into today's red packet or lucky money that parents and older relatives give to children during the Lunar New Year to wish them good luck.晕 (yun1)faintOriginally, the Chinese word means faint or dizzy. But now people tend to utter the word whenever they hear or see something unordinary, confusing, funny or just meaningless.油价联动机制 (you2jia4 lian2dong4 ji1zhi4)fuel-related fare adjustmentAt a public hearing held last week on the effects of rising gasoline prices on the city's taxi fleet, it became clear some adjustment was needed to take the burden off cabbies suffering from an earnings squeeze. Taxi fares may also change according to the oil prices in the market.迎峰度夏(ying2feng1du4xia4)gear up for summer power consumption peakShanghai will launch a campaign to fight against power shortage in summer, because the city's demands for power will reach 20.5 million kilowatts this summer, growing 10.2 percent from a year earlier.硬伤(ying4shang1)inherent problem, glaring mistakeIt means an unsolved inherent drawback that undermines an organization, a system, a relationship or a person's integrity. It also refers to those glaring blunders that should be avoided in an artwork, such as misquoted words in a film.养眼(yang3yan3)eye-candyThis term is an expression used to describe something or someone that is very pleasant to the eyes, including a movie or computer game with incredible graphics and visual effects or a young woman with a very pretty face and attractive figure.哑巴亏(ya3ba1kui1)take it on the chinThe Chinese term, "a dumb man's loss," refers to someone who suffers losses or grievances but is forced to keep it quiet, or stay "speechless," because of existing circumstances.医闹(yi1nao4)medical dispute profiteerSome people nose around for medical disputes and encourage the patient to file a lawsuit against the hospital. They hire more people to pretend to be the relatives of the patient during the legal procedure and claim part of the damage awarded.原生态艺术家(yuan2sheng1tai4 yi4shu4jia1)indigenous artisteThis term refers to those rural artists or rather farmers whose performances are rooted in their daily life, without any artificial polish or professional background. Through generations, they have retained the most indigenous elements.晕菜(yun1cai4)stupefiedThe colloquial word is used when someone feels at a total loss in an unexpected situation which is beyond his or her comprehension.一肩挑(yi1jian1tiao1)multi-taskerThe term in Chinese is often used to describe a person who, just like a multi-function device, plays at least two different roles in his or her daily work and life. For example, an able mother can work both as a housekeeper and an office lady, so that her children can live happily. It also refers to some Chinese officials, who act as both the administrative head and the Party chief of a unit.一刀切 (yi1dao1qie1)across-the-board rulingIt refers to a rule or decision made by a government or a company that allows no exception when being enforced in order to achieve good effectiveness or to avoid unfairness.夜店(ye4dian4)nightclubThe Chinese term derived from Taiwanese parlance. The term literally means"night shop."月抛型 (yue4pao1xing2)monthly dumperThis refers to people who change their dating partners frequently. It borrows its meaning from contact lenses that are tossed after one month's use.玉米虫 (yu4mi3chong2)cybersquatterThe term, which means "corn worm" in Chinese, refers to cybersquatters who register, traffick in or use a domain name that's the same as or similar to a famous trademark, company or individuals' names. They then offer to sell the domain names at an inflated price.硬骨头 (ying4gu3tou2)tough job, tough guyThis term "hard bone" refers to a tough job that is hard to complete. It can also be used to describe people who are tough, hard to beat and unwilling to surrender.一条龙服务(yi1tiao2long2 fu2wu4)all-in-one service package, turnkey serviceThe expression refers to the services a business offers a client or customer, featuring "start-to-finish" arrangements.一招鲜 (yi4zhao1xian1)trump cardThis Chinese term refers to any unique skills, products or ways of doing thing that can bring you success wherever you go.摇新族 (yao2xin1zu2)IPO chaserProfit-minded stock investors who chase only lucrative initial public offering while shunning listed shares offerings. This is a special condition in China because share prices always rise on the debut trading day.印客(yin4ke4)inkerIt is a form of business which can make anyone an "author." People can gather their personal articles and consign the "inker"company to turn them into a book, with pictures they select and pages they design. Such books are not for sale, but to keep as a memento.月嫂(yue4sao3)maternity matronChinese women traditionally are confined indoors for a month after delivering a baby on the grounds that they are particularly susceptible to various gynecological diseases in this period. During the maternity month, maids, usually married women already having their own kids, are hired to take care of the newborn and the mother.饮酒代驾 (yin3jiu3 dai4jia4)drivers for drunksDuring the weeklong holiday, some companies have begun to offer the "You Drink, We Drive" service to help revelers avoid driving while drunk. However, China still lacks relevant rules to regulate such services.阴影 (yin1ying3)shadowIt is used these days when someone says he or she is still reeling from the negative influence from a certain event that made him unhappy or unsuccessful.一把手 (yi1ba3shou3)chief leader, first chairThe Chinese term means the first in a pecking order. Due to the stunning pension fund scandal that hit the city last year, the Shanghai municipal government has urged closer supervision of all chief leaders in government departments, institutions and state-run enterprises.银发产业 (yin2fa1 chan3ye4)silver industryWith a quickly ageing population in big cities like Shanghai, the business that focuses on products and services for seniors is becoming a booming economic sector.一哥/一姐 (yi1ge1/yi1jie3)top gunTop gun is the most famous and influential person in a sector, especially in the entertainment industry, such as movies, music or variety shows. The Chinese means the first brother or the first sister.玉米虫(yu4mi3chong2)domain investorThis term, literally "corn worm," refers to people who earn money by registering valuable Internet domains. A netizen reportedly sold to the search engine giant for more than US$1 million. The pronunciation of "corn" is similar to "domain" in Chinese.夜店(ye4dian4)night entertainment venueIt refers to the discotheques, karaoke bars, cafes and video arcades that operate from evening to early the next morning. In some special contexts, it can also refer to illegal sex service shops.毅行(yi4xing2)stamina walkThe Chinese term "yixing" refers to a popular outdoor sport in Shanghai, in which people walk a long distance non-stop to exercise and make friends at the same time. The Chinese term derives from the saying of Confucius that a noble man has to cultivate a strong mind.乙醚 (yi3mi2)Yi's fanThe Chinese term literally means "ether," but here it refers to the fans of a Chinese literature professor Yi Zhongtian, whose modern interpretation of a classical novel, The Three Kingdoms, is quite popular among many readers. The Chinese term sounds like "Yi's fan."银保 (yin2bao3)BancassuranceBancassurance is the term used to describe the sale of insurance productsin a bank. The word is a combination of "banque or bank" and "assurance" signifying that both banking and insurance is provided by the same corporate entity. In China, more and more banks begin to sell policies on behalf of insurers, and in return give banks certain fees for the service.一枪头 (yi4qiang1tou2)one-shot kill, do it in one goIt is a Shanghai dialect that means you succeed at one try, just like a one-shot kill.养眼(yang3yan3)visually attractive, eye candyThe colloquial expression means anything or any person that is visually attractive or pleasing to look at.游学生(you2xue2sheng1)audit studentThe term refers to those students who want to update skills and stay current in their field without seeking academic credit for courses. It may also refer to unregistered students who want to take courses for free. Some of the latter are from poor families who cannot afford the tuition; others are high school graduates who have failed college entrance examinations.丫客(ya1ke4)grassroots artistIt refers to people or "grassroots artists" who have a special interest in art, especially music. They usually have their own Web pages or blogs on to show off their talent and communicate with their peers.孕味摄影(yun4wei4she4ying3)pregnancy photographyThis term refers to stylish photos of pregnant women. It's a play on the words in Chinese as the first two characters of this term sound similar to a common Chinese phrase meaning "lasting appeal," but the first character now means "pregnancy."运动电玩 (yun4dong4dian4wan2)exergamingThis term refers to an activity that blends video games with workouts. Some researchers have found that exergaming more than doubled players' energy expenditure compared with sedentary gaming, and suggested that it "might be considered for obesity prevention and treatment."亚腐败(ya4fu3bai4)sub-corruption, gray-area corruptionIt refers to the kind of corruption, especially some hidden forms of bribery, that is not specified in criminal law but is still punishable. Typical examples are government officials taking expensive artworks as gifts or using and actually possessing cars "lent" to them by their "personal friends." 御宅族 (yu4zhai2zu2)otakuOtaku is a Japanese term used to refer to a variety of geek, fanboy or fangirl, particularly one obsessed with such hobbies as manga. When applied to a person, it can have either positive or negative connotations depending on the situation and the person using the term.鸭子舰队 (ya1zi jian4dui4)drifting rubber ducksThis term refers to hundreds of thousands of Chinese-made rubber ducks which dropped into the water after a sea accident in 1992. After 15 years of floating on the sea, many of these rubber bath toys have washed up on the shores of North America and Europe. One division is expected to invade Britain's shores next year. Their prices have skyrocketed.引爆点 (yin3bao4dian3)tipping pointIn sociology, the tipping point is the moment when something rare in society becomes commonplace. The term was introduced into daily life by Malcolm Gladwell's 2000 bestselling book "The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference." It now also refers to a certain point in any process beyond which the momentum picks up dramatically.御姐(yu4 jie3)mature and domineering womanIt refers to women 22 to 35 years old who look mature and act domineering.The expression is believed to have been coined from the Japanese game Chanbara Beauty.幽客 (you1ke4)UFO fansThis term refers to people who believe in the existence of UFO and are addicted to studying this phenomenon.雅贼 (ya3zei2)art thief, book thiefThis term refers to thieves who only steal things with artistic values, such as books, pictures and other cultural relics.亚偷情 (ya4tou1qing2)semi-affairThis term refers to married people who have a close opposite-sex friend and their relationship is a kind of "affair without intimacy." They enjoy the subtle feelings, but avoid betraying their families.一口价 (yi1kou3jia4)no-bargain priceA seller who is sure of a deal whatsoever the price, or is unwilling to accept a bargain because the marked price is the seller's bottom line, will call it yikoujia in colloquial Chinese. Yikou indicates no room for bargaining.月老 (yue4lao3)moonlite-NEETThe expression is coined by mixing moonlite, or yueguangzu, meaning youngsters who always spend all their earnings by payday, and NEET, or kenlaozu, meaning youths who live off their parents. This clan will turn to their parents after spending all of their earnings. In Chinese, the expression originally means the god who helps bring a couple to wedlock.亚婚姻(ya4hun1yin1)sub-marriageThis term refers to couples who have lost their passion and interest incommunicating with each other due to various reasons but still maintain their marriage status.有型(you3xing2)in styleThe expression is often used these days to refer to any action or lifestyle that is admired by trendy young people as cool. But sometimes this can go too far, as in the recent shopping mall massacre in the United States where the gunman had left a note saying he wanted to "move out in style."烟熏妆(yan1xun1zhuang1)smokey-eye make-upThis term refers to a make-up style featuring dark eye-shadow seems to have spilled over from showbiz to everyday life, from mature women to young girls, and from women to some men.一根筋 (yi4gen1jin1)one-track mindThis term describes people who talk and think about one subject all the time. They can hardly listen to others' opinion and tend to be stubborn and inflexible.月球探测器(yue4qiu2tan4ce4qi4)moon probeAll the cameras on China's first lunar probe that was recently launched will be activated later this month and are expected to photograph every inch of the moon surface by mid-January next year.洋腐败 (yang2 fu3bai4)foreign corruptionThis term refers to the practice of taking all kinds of bribes from foreign companies. With more and more overseas companies moving into this country, the crime continues to rise. Now, the state legislature has been urged to introduce laws to fight this fraud.艳照门 (yan4zhao4men2)racy-photogate, nude photo scandalThe scandal broke out after a series of sex photographs of several HongKong stars were released online. The pictures, purportedly showed Edison Chen partially nude with several Hong Kong starlets in bed, have so far sparked arrests and a media frenzy in the country.油菜 (you2cai4)talentedThe term, widely used among Internet users, is similar in pronunciation to "have talents," or 有才 in Chinese. Internet users use this term to express their surprise when someone does, or says, something very smart.堰塞湖 (yan1sai4hu2)quake lakeA lake formed when a river is blocked by rocks from landslides following an earthquake.YAWN族 (yawn zu2)YAWN clanThe initials stand for young and wealthy but normal, a label given to sensible young people who refrain from overspending or driving a car for environmental reasons.野猫罢工 (ye3mao1ba4gong1)wildcat strikeJargon in the human resources sector that refers to an unauthorized work stoppage while a labor contract is still in effect.御姐(yu4jie3)tough womanOriginated from Japanese cartoons to describe dominant females of strong character.牙膏贴(ya2gao1tie1)toothpaste postingsRefers to online postings which have an attractive start to a story but are updated at an extremely slow speed, just like squeezing toothpaste out of a tube.永久性脑残(yong3jiu3xing4nao3can4)PhD (permanent head damage)Widely used in Chinese online BBS communities to tease someone who has done something considered out of line and crazy.雅阁女(ya3ge4nu3)Accord ladyA woman who drives a Honda Accord and looks down upon anyone who drives a cheaper car. It first appeared on the Internet to describe someone who worships wealth.易登机(yi4deng1ji1)easy boarding serviceEasy boarding is a service for passengers who pay for the privilege of speedier security checks and priority boarding. China's top aviation administration recently banned this service for security reasons.眼吧 (yan3 ba1)eye-health barThis is a kind of optometry clinic where a computer-manipulated environment claimed to be beneficial for eye health is created to help ease eye stress and disorders.婴儿舱 (ying1 er2 cang1)baby hatchIt is a kind of incubator-like hatch into which mothers drop the babies they can't take care of. The facility, in use in Germany, Italy and mostly recently in Japan, is designed to protect abandoned babies.以房养老 (yi3 fang2 yang3 lao3)house-for-pension schemeThis term refers to a new scheme to increase the income of senior citizens in the city. People who are 65 or older are qualified to sell their home to the city's Housing Fund, but they can continue to live in it by paying a market-level rent to the fund. Although different from the reverse mortgage scheme, it also allows seniors to access the equity in their home.语言暴力 (yu3 yan2 bao4 li4)verbal violenceAmong all types of violence, verbal violence is the most common. Now the term is used to mean slogans, remarks and language used in online discussions that are full of violent and abusive words or expletives.云计算 (yun2 ji4 suan4)cloud computingIt is a distributed computing technology, an improvement on Distributed Computing, Parallel Computing and Grid Computing as well as commercial realization of scientific computing concepts. Many famous IT companies such as IBM, Yahoo and Google promote services and products through this technology.油老虎 (you2lao3hu3)gas guzzler"Oil tiger," as this term translates literally, refers to cars that get very poor gas mileage. Many Chinese nouveau riche favor "oil tigers" to show off their wealth.颜文字(yan2wen2zi4)smiley character, emoticonIn online communication, more and more Chinese tend to use characters resembling facial or emotional expressions. Many have already been created in writing and in the so-called "textspeak."鸭子(ya1zi1)light travelerThe word "duck" is used here for those tourists who travel light and tend to join a tour group organized by travel agencies. They are like ducks herded around by the guide.硬柿子(ying4shi4zi)tough guyMost people like to eat "soft persimmons" and few fancy "hard persimmons," as this Chinese phrase means literally. But according to a recent popular drama called "I Want to Become a Hard Persimmon," the soft persimmon is the name of any pushover and the hard persimmon refers to a tough guy.压洲(ya1zhou1)pressure continentThis phrase's pronunciation is similar to "Asia " in Chinese, but it means a continent of pressure. It is now used as a nickname for modern Asia as it has undergone great pressures from the faster pace of life, deeper shortage of raw materials and higher risk of pollution.隐婚族 (yin3hun1zu2)fake singlesUnder the pressure of work, some people, especially women between 25 and 35, choose to hide from fellow workers or deny the fact that they are already married as they fear that their married status may bring inconvenience at work and hamper their promotion.养牛族 (yang3niu2zu2)jeans loverIn Chinese, jeans can be translated literally as cattle boy's pants. So, jeans collectors are now called yangniuzu or cattle breeders. To get a unique color and style, they seldom wash their jeans and try to wear their pants as long as possible. In their words, they use their body to raise a special pair of jeans.野鹅族 (ye3'e2zu2)wild goose clanTo ensure their children learn "real" English, many parents in South Korea bring their children to English-speaking countries to study. Usually, the mother lives with and takes care of the child during the overseas study trip, the father stays behind earning money to support the family. They get together only during vacations.以房养房 (yi3fang2 yang3fang2)rent-for-mortgage schemeSome people lease out their spare apartment and use the revenue to defray their monthly mortgage for another property.油条 (you2tiao2)flirtatious boyThe phrase, which means fried bread stick in Chinese, is popular among young people, especially those born after 1990, to refer to men who are always flirting with different women.洋漂族 (yang2piao1zu2)foreign drifterAs China keeps opening its doors wider to the outside world, more foreigners come to invest, work, study or travel in China. But some wander from one city to another for different jobs and to experience different cultures, and they are called "foreign drifters."硬盘人 (ying4 pan2 ren2)out-of-townerThe Chinese expression used in online chat rooms refers to those who come from outside a certain city. It literally means a "hard disc person," as the initials for the pinyin of 外地, meaning out-of-town in English, is WD, the same as the initials for Western Digital, a brand of hard disc.樱花泡菜粉 (ying1 hua1 pao4 cai4 fen2)Japan-Korea fanCherry blossoms represent the culture of Japan and pickles for Korea. The Chinese word combining these two is not a cuisine but refers to teenagers who are fans of Japanese and Korean dramas, music and pop idols.眼缘 (yan3 yuan2)first-sight attractionIf an object or person, usually of the opposite sex, attracts you at first sight, then you and the focus of attention are believed to have 眼缘.野鸡大学 (ye3 ji1 da4 xue2)diploma millDiploma mill, or bogus university, refers to colleges which issue diplomas to every student regardless of their study track record or exam scores. Their diplomas are not recognized by some employers or formal universities.养狼计划 (yang3 lang2 ji4 hua4)rival-fostering projectA project, literally meaning "wolf raising," proposed by China's table tennis authorities was meant to cultivate more competitive players in foreign countries to challenge China's long-held monopoly over the sport. The project includes policies to encourage more talented Chinese to play on behalf of foreign countries while inviting more overseas players to。



中南民族大学硕士学位论文关联-顺应模式下的汉语新词翻译姓名:汤蕾申请学位级别:硕士专业:外国语言学及应用语言学指导教师:许菊2011-05摘 要语言是人类交际的基本工具之一,而词汇是语言中最活跃的部分。





本研究通过对源自报纸、杂志及网络上的汉语新词英译文本的语料进行分析,旨在回答下列四个问题:(i) 关联—顺应模式下如何描述汉语新词的翻译过程。

(ii) 在此模式下如何选择指导汉语新词翻译的标准。

(iii) 在此模式下如何选择指导新词翻译的具体策略。

(iv) 如何构建汉语新词翻译的关联—顺应模式。










新 闻 报 道 中 ,有 很 多 词 汇都 属 于 此 类 , 比 如 : 笔 记 本 ”原 来 的 意 思 是 纸 质 学 习 用 “
so h W) 等 ,这 些 是 来 自 英 语 ; 香 槟 ” “ (h m an ) “ 厨 ” ( e , 前 卫 派 ” ca p ge , 大 c f“ h)
“ 大 山 ” c e eft来 自北 京 话 ,“ 侃 (hw t ) h a 发 烧 友 ” f ) 自广 东话 。 (n来 a 从 外 来语 言 中借 用 和创 造 。 着 中 国 随
对 外 开 放 的 逐 步 深 入 ,一 些 国外 的 理 念 、
m n) 体 现 在 经 济 的 快 速 发 展 上 . “ et。 如 经
对 外 新 闻 报 道 中 汉 语 新 词 新 意 的 来

品 , 在 用 来 指 代 电 脑 ( po ) 病 毒 ” 现 1 t ,“ a p 现 在 可 以指 电脑 病 毒 。
从 内地 方 言 中推 广 。中 国 不 同 地 区 的 人 们 有 不 同 的 方 言 , 然 中 国现 行 推 广 普 虽
第一个难点 。
中国 特 色 词语 在 英 语 中没 有 对 等 词 。
们 向着 更 深 刻 、 宽 泛 的方 向 发 展 。透 视 、 更 分析 、 究甚 至记者的独到见解 、 追 建议 , 成 了稿 子 的 阅读 点 , 而重 选 题 、 深 刻 、 优 意 文
的 园地 , 然 以 简 陋 的 面 貌 出 现 在 读 者 面 虽
( v n — ad ) 来 自 法 语 ;“华 尔 兹 ” a a t g re
( a z ,“ 电 战 ” bi) 自德 语 ;卡 拉 wl) 闪 t (lz来 t “





安居工程 housing project for low-income urban residents信息化 information-based; informationization智力密集型 concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive外资企业 overseas-funded enterprises下岗职工 laid-off workers分流 reposition of redundant personnel三角债 chain debts素质教育 education for all-round development豆腐渣工程 jerry-built projects社会治安情况 law-and-order situation民族国家 nation state“台独” "independence of Taiwan"台湾当局 Taiwan authorities台湾同胞 Taiwan compatriots西部大开发 Development of the West Regions可持续性发展 sustainable development风险投资 risk investment通货紧缩 deflation扩大内需 to expand domestic demand计算机辅助教学 computer-assisted instruction ( CAI )网络空间 cyberspace虚拟现实 virtual reality网民 netizen ( net citizen )电脑犯罪 computer crime电子商务 the e-business网上购物 shopping online应试教育 exam-oriented education学生减负 to reduce study load。


a h r n e t e s cait o d h e p e s e o rt caos i d e c o t o il a ,t e p o l ’ m c ai d ttrhp, e h sr d ci
t e c mm u it p ry la e s i a d Max s — L iim a d h o n s a t e d r hp n rim enns n

1 ・ 太 原科技 8
20 第 3期 02年
6月 2 6日 出版
● 决 策 参 考
浅谈 汉语 新词 新语 的理解 和翻译
中国 金进出口 西公司 李 艳 冶 山 )
摘 要 力 图在 翻 译 理 论 和 实务 基 础 上 , 汉 语 与 英 语 两 种 不 同 文 化 的 角 度 出 发 , 改 革 开 放 以 来 社 会 、 从 以 经
语 。尽 管 汉 译 英 的 工 作 在 上 述 诸 方 面 已 取 得 了 丰 硕 的 成 果 , 也 积 累 了 丰 富 的 经 验 , 是 仍 需 不 断 地 从 各 个 角 度 对 汉 泽 英 但 的 内在 规 律 进 行 深 入 的 探 讨 研 究 , 终 达 到 翻 译 的 目 的 。 最

oe hn r c l 。但 是 , 于 那 些 地 域 性 强 , 间性 强 , n —C iap ni e i p” 对 时
专 业 性 强 , 外 读 者 不 太 熟 悉 , 诠 释 不 能 达 到 预 期 效 果 的 数 国 非
时代 在不断地 发展 , 语言在 不断地发 展 , 知识 在不断地 更
也 就是说 , 让译文 读者获得 原文 的信息 , 力求 使外 国人上全面















二、顺应理论顺应理论由维索尔伦(Verschueren)在1985年提出,在国际语用学研讨会上, 他明确提出了语用学是关于语言的一种综观的观点。


















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●克隆 ●假唱 ●传销 ●白皮书 ●抽脂术 ●露脐装 ●珍珠奶茶 clone lip-sync multi-level marketing white paper liposuction midriff-baring shirt/half shirt tapioca milk tea
●N(nuclear)型 核工厂 N-plant 禁止使用核武器 N-bans ●防-(anti-,-proof,counter-,-resistant) 防毒软件 anti-virus software ●-less型 无人售票车 conductorless bus
●脑体倒挂 an abnormal phenomenon that the income of mental labor is lower than that of manual labor ●老少边穷(老革命根据地、少数民族地区、 边远地区和穷困地区) old revolutionary bases,minority nationality regions,frontier regions and povertystriken regions
●金饭碗 a golden rice bowl (a secured and well-paid job) ●“三讲”教育(讲学习、讲政治、讲正气) three talks (to stress the oretical study,political awareness and good conduct)
●矮子 calling him aizi-dwarf-and dog’s head (Time,Dec,9,1996) ●痞子 pizi (riffraff) ●北大 Beida (Peking University) ●“大字报“ dazibao (poli ●人口老龄化 restructuring transparency knock-out products graying
●大款 ●大腕 ●招来停 ●暴发户 ●逼良为娼 tycoon big shot flag down/stop minibus jumped-up people white slave/slavery
新词翻译之 汉译英
A后天创造 ●“国内品” ●“舶来品” B旧词新意
●完全等义 ●准等义 ●部分等义 D解释性释义
●认清来源,区别对待 ●注意指称意义、联想意义及感情色彩 ●信、达、雅、顺 ●胆大心细、灵活处理
●网络购物 ●一国两制 ●子弹头列车 ●盗版DVD online shopping one country,two systems bullet train pirated DVD

林克难“看、译、写”理论、丁衡祁 “ABC”(模仿、借用、创新)模式 ●花心 play the field/lady killer ●劈腿 two-time ●快餐 MRE(meals ready to eat) ●白条 IOU notes ●小广告 street spam ●回头率 head-turning
●网吧 network bar ●知识密集型 knowledge-intensive (由“劳动力密集型”译为labor-intensive、 “技术密集型”译为technology-intensive 推得)
●元 ●阴 ●阳 ●风水 ●武术 ●饺子 ●姓名等 yuan yin yang fengshui wushu jiaozi