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一、Colonial America 殖民时期

1、New England : Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and

Conn ecticut.

2、Doctri nes of Purita nism 清教

American Puritanism stressed predestination (命运神定),original sin (原罪), total depravity (彻底的堕落),and limited atonement (_________________ 有限的赎罪)from God '


3、Writing style : fresh, simple and direct and with a touch of nobility ;the

rhetoric is pla in and hon est.

4、Life_style __ :hard_work,_thrift,_piety,_and_sobriety. _______

5、Main writer: ① Thomas Pai ne 托马斯•潘恩

work : Com mon Sense (1776)《常识》

American Crisis (1776-1783)《美国危机》

The Rights of Man 《人权》

The Age of Reason 《理性时代》

②Benjamin Fran kli n (本杰明•富兰克林)

Poor Richard's Almanac 《穷查理历书》


Richard Steele>

③Thomas Jefferson 托马斯•杰弗逊

Declarati on of In depe ndence (1776)《独立宣言》

二、American Romanticism (early period)浪漫主义前期

1、C haracteristics :

① A rebellio n aga inst the objectivity of rati on alism.


②Feeli ngs, in tuiti ons and emoti ons were more importa nt for roma ntics tha n reas on

and com mon sen se.


③An emphasis on in dividualism; placi ng the in dividual aga inst the group, aga inst



④Stress on the close relati on ship betwee n man and n ature.


⑤Fascination with the wild, the irregular, the indefinite, the remote, the mysterious, and the stra nge


⑥Cherish ing a strong in terest in the past, especially the medieval. 对过去有强烈的兴趣,特别是中世纪。

2、Features : New experienee in the American Romanticism. A deep in flue nee from the America

n Purita ni sm. The new ness" of the America ns as a n ati on.

3、writers and works:

①Henry Wadsworth Lon gfellow

A Psalm of Life (1838)

The_Sketch_Book_(1819-1820)_ “The_Lege


“ Rip Van Win kle "

(The cog nomen of Crane was not in applicable to his pers on …..)

Bracebridge Hall (1822) 《布雷斯布里奇田庄》

Tales of a Traveller (1824) 《旅客谈》

③James_Fennimore_Cooper __ 詹姆斯•费尼莫尔•库柏

Leather-stock in g Tales

The Pion eer

The Prairie

The Spy

三、New England Transcendentalism (新英格兰超验主义)

1、Over-soul_ (超灵)~was_ an_all-pervading _________ p ower_goodness,_omnipresent and omnipotent.(_简答)_

In dividualism in dividual was the most importa nt

a fresh view of n ature symbolic of the Spirit or God.

2、writers and works:

① Ralph Waldo Emerson 艾默生


<节选:Standing on the bare ground, —my head bathed by the blithe air and uplifted into space, —all mean egotism vani shes. I become a tran spare nt eyeball; I amnothing; I see all; the currents of the Universal Being circulate through me; I am part or

parcel of God.>

The American Scholar (1837) Divinity School Address (1838) Self-Reliance (1841) Represe ntative Men (1850) The Tran sce nden talist







Voices of the Night (1839)

The Song of Hiawatha (1855)

The Courtship of Miles Sta ndish (1858) Tales of a Wayside Inn (1863)

②Wash in gton Irving 华盛顿•欧文《夜吟》




;Father of the America n short story>





