
《商务统计学》题集一、选择题(每题2分,共10分)1.下列哪项不属于商务统计学的应用范围?A. 市场调查B. 质量控制C. 财务分析D. 天气预测2.在统计学中,总体是指什么?A. 研究的全部对象B. 研究中的一部分对象C. 某个具体的样本D. 某一特定数据3.下列哪种抽样方法是随机抽样?A. 方便抽样B. 系统抽样C. 配额抽样D. 判断抽样4.如果一组数据的均值是20,中位数是22,那么这组数据的分布可能是?A. 正偏态B. 负偏态C. 对称分布D. 无法确定5.在回归分析中,解释变量和被解释变量分别是什么?A. 因变量和自变量B. 自变量和因变量C. 都是自变量D. 都是因变量二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1.在统计学中,用来衡量数据分布集中趋势的指标有______、______和______。
( )2.在正态分布中,均值、中位数和众数三者相等。
( )3.标准差是衡量数据波动大小的一个重要指标,标准差越大,说明数据的波动越大。
( )4.在假设检验中,如果P值大于显著性水平α,则我们有足够的证据拒绝原假设。
( )5.相关系数r的取值范围是[-1, 1],r=1表示完全正相关,r=-1表示完全负相关。
( )6.如果一组数据的偏度系数大于0,则说明这组数据是正偏态分布。
( )7.在抽样调查中,样本容量越大,抽样误差就越小。
( )8.统计推断是通过样本数据来推断总体的特征。
( )9.移动平均法是一种常用的时间序列预测方法。

商务经济统计试题及答案一、单项选择题1. 商务统计中,用于描述数据集中趋势的指标是:A. 方差B. 标准差C. 平均数D. 众数答案:C2. 在商务经济统计中,下列哪项不是统计量?A. 均值B. 标准差C. 样本容量D. 极差答案:C3. 以下哪项不是时间序列分析的类型?A. 季节性分析B. 趋势分析C. 相关性分析D. 循环分析答案:C二、多项选择题1. 商务统计中,以下哪些因素会影响数据的变异性?A. 数据的分布形态B. 数据的集中趋势C. 数据的离散程度D. 数据的样本大小答案:A、C2. 在进行商务经济预测时,常用的统计方法包括:A. 回归分析B. 指数平滑法C. 移动平均法D. 季节性调整答案:A、B、C三、简答题1. 简述商务统计中的指数平滑法的基本原理。
2. 描述商务统计中相关系数的计算方法及其意义。
其计算公式为:\[ r = \frac{\sum (X_i - \bar{X})(Y_i -\bar{Y})}{\sqrt{\sum (X_i - \bar{X})^2 \sum (Y_i -\bar{Y})^2}} \] 其中,\( X_i \) 和 \( Y_i \) 分别是两个变量的观测值,\( \bar{X} \) 和 \( \bar{Y} \) 是它们的平均值。
四、计算题1. 假设有一组商务数据,其平均值为100,标准差为15。
答案:Z分数的计算公式为:\[ Z = \frac{(X - \mu)}{\sigma} \]其中,\( X \) 是测量结果,\( \mu \) 是平均值,\( \sigma \) 是标准差。

复习题一、单项选择题1.下列数据属于名义尺度(nominal scale)的是()A.性别B) 年龄C)体重D)年级2.下列数据属于名义尺度(nominal scale)数据的是()。
A.性别 B. 年龄 C. 体重 D. 年级3.下列数据属于区间尺度(order scale)数据的是()。
A.气温 B. 产量 C. 体重 D.年级4.针对z-分数(z-score),下列说法不正确的是()。
A. 若z-分数小于0,则变量值小于平均数B. 若z-分数大于0,则变量值大于平均数C. 若z-分数等于0,则变量值等于平均数D. 若z-分数等于0,则变量值等于05.下列选项中,不属于变异指标(measure of variability)的是()A) 平均数B) 极差C) 标准差D) 变异系数6.下列几种分布中,属于离散型随机变量(discrete random variable)的分布的是()。
A. 二项分布B. 泊松分布C.D. 超几何分布7.下列几种常见的分布中,属于连续型随机变量(continuous random variable)的分布的是()。
A. 二项分布B. 泊松分布C. 指数分布D. 超几何分布8.一个特定研究中感兴趣的对象的全体称为()A) 样本(sample) B) 参数(a parameter)C) 统计量(statistic)D) 总体(population)9. 下列不属于描述统计(descriptive statistics)常用形式的是()A) 绘制图形B) 绘制表格C) 计算平均数D) 区间估计10. 下列属于统计推断(statistical inference)内容的是()A) 绘制图形B) 绘制表格C) 计算平均数D) 区间估计11. 下列图形中,不能用于分类数据(categorical data)的是()A)条形图B) 茎叶图C) 柱状图D) 饼状图12. 商务数据的相对频数( relative frequency)之和为()A)1 B) 2 C) 0 D)不确定13. 若偏度=-0.85,则该组数据的分布形态为()A)适度左偏B) 适度右偏C) 对称D) 无法确定14. 若偏度=0.85,则该组数据的分布形态为()A.适度左偏B.适度右偏C.对称D.无法确定15.当总体服从正态分布时,样本均值x 的抽样分布(sampling distribution)服从于( )。

商务统计试题及答案### 商务统计试题及答案#### 一、选择题1. 统计数据收集的方法不包括以下哪项?- A. 观察法- B. 实验法- C. 调查法- D. 假设法答案:D2. 以下哪项不是描述性统计分析的内容?- A. 数据的分类- B. 数据的汇总- C. 数据的推断- D. 数据的图表展示答案:C3. 在统计学中,中位数是指:- A. 数据集中出现次数最多的数值- B. 数据集的算术平均值- C. 将数据集从小到大排列后位于中间位置的数值 - D. 所有数据的和除以数据的个数答案:C#### 二、简答题1. 解释什么是标准差,并简述其在商务统计中的重要性。
2. 描述相关系数的概念及其在商务分析中的应用。
#### 三、计算题1. 给定以下数据集:10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 请计算平均值、中位数和标准差。
- 平均值 = (10 + 12 + 15 + 20 + 25) / 5 = 18- 中位数 = 15(数据集从小到大排列后位于中间位置的数值)- 标准差= √[(Σ(xi - 平均值)²) / n] = √[(10 - 18)² + (12 - 18)² + ... + (25 - 18)²] / 5 ≈ 5.392. 假设某公司连续5个月的销售额分别为:30万、35万、40万、45万和50万。
- 平均销售额 = (30 + 35 + 40 + 45 + 50) / 5 = 40万- 销售额的增长趋势可以通过计算每月销售额的增长率来分析,例如,从第一个月到第二个月的增长率为 (35 - 30) / 30 * 100% = 16.67%。

A、9 组B、10 组C、11 组D、12 组9、从0-1分布总体屮进行不放回抽样,样本屮具有1值的个体数服从()。
A、0B、1C、-1D、0.5)o15、变量x 和y 的相关系数的符号,取决于()。
A 、正态分布B 、x 分布C 、t 分布D 、均匀分布2 18、抽样分布是指( )oA 、抽取样本的总体分布B 、样本自身的分布C 、样本统计量的分布D 、抽样观测变量的分布 估计量是一个( )。

商务经济统计试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 商务经济统计的主要研究对象是什么?A. 社会经济现象B. 社会文化现象C. 自然现象D. 政治现象答案:A2. 下列哪项不是统计数据的来源?A. 人口普查B. 社会调查C. 历史记录D. 个人猜测答案:D3. 在商务经济统计中,下列哪项是描述性统计分析的内容?A. 预测未来趋势B. 描述数据特征C. 制定政策D. 进行假设检验答案:B4. 统计学中的“参数”是指什么?A. 样本数据B. 总体数据C. 样本容量D. 总体数量答案:B5. 以下哪个概念不是概率论的基本概念?A. 随机事件B. 概率C. 总体D. 样本答案:C6. 商务经济统计中,平均数通常用来衡量数据的什么?A. 集中趋势B. 离散程度C. 偏态分布D. 正态分布答案:A7. 在统计学中,标准差是用来衡量什么的?A. 集中趋势B. 离散程度C. 平均值D. 偏态分布答案:B8. 下列哪项是统计学中用于描述数据分布形状的指标?A. 平均数B. 标准差C. 众数D. 方差答案:C9. 在商务经济统计中,相关系数的取值范围是多少?A. -1到1B. 0到1C. 1到10D. -10到10答案:A10. 以下哪种图表最适合展示时间序列数据?A. 条形图B. 饼图C. 折线图D. 散点图答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 商务经济统计中常用的数据收集方法包括哪些?A. 问卷调查B. 观察法C. 实验法D. 抽样调查答案:ABD2. 下列哪些是描述数据集中趋势的统计量?A. 平均数B. 中位数C. 众数D. 方差答案:ABC3. 在商务经济统计中,下列哪些因素会影响数据的代表性?A. 样本容量B. 抽样方法C. 样本误差D. 总体大小答案:AB4. 统计学中,下列哪些方法可以用来检验假设?A. t检验B. 卡方检验C. 回归分析D. 方差分析答案:ABD5. 在商务经济统计中,下列哪些图表可以用来展示数据的分布?A. 条形图B. 直方图C. 箱线图D. 散点图答案:ABC三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述商务经济统计在企业决策中的作用。
商务统计 期末试题和答案 B

一、单项选择题(共15题,每小题2 分,共30分)1. 统计学的两大基本内容是:A) 统计资料的收集和分析 B) 理论统计和运用统计 C )统计预测和决策 D 描述统计和推断统计 2. 五位部门经理的年收入如右表:要描述五位部门经理的年收入的一般水平, 用___来测度这一集中趋势比较合适。
A )众数B )中位数C )平均数D )极差 3. 若随机事件A 与B 满足条件P(AB)=P(A)P(B),则A) A 与B 相互独立 B) A 与B 不独立 C )A 与B 相互排斥 D ) A 与B 相关 4. 某汽车交易市场共发生了150项交易,将销售记录按付款方式及汽车类型加以区分如下:)。
A )0.95 B )0.5 C )0.8 D )0.255. 当总体的大小为N ,方差为σ2,采用有放回的简单随机抽样,样本量为N ,其样本均值的标准误差为 ( )A )nN n N 21σ•-- B )nσ C )nN n N σ•--1 D )nNn N σ•-6. 某班学生的平均成绩是80分,标准差是10分。
如果已知该班学生的考试分数为对称分布,可以判断成绩在70~90分之间的学生大约占( ) A) 95% B) 89% C) 68% D) 99%7. 所有可能实验结果的集合被称为一个( ):A )样本空间B )事件C )实验D )概率8. 用抽样的方法对一大批寄售的零部件的次品进行检查。
如果某次寄售的零部件包含10%的次品, 那么这次寄售的零部件被拒收的概率大约是多少?A) 7% B) 8% C) 9% D) 10% 9. 某快餐店想要估计每位顾客午餐的平均花费,在为期3周的时间里选取49名顾客组成了一个简单随机样本。
假定总体标准差为15元,则样本均值的抽样标准误差为: A) 2.14 B) 5.66 C) 7.28 D) 15 10. 关于假设检验的两类错误,下列说法不正确的有A )第一类错误被称为弃真错误.B )第一类错误被称为纳伪错误.C )第二类错误是原假设不正确,但却被接受的错误.D )第一类错误是原假设正确,但却被拒绝的错误.11. 假设检验中,00:μμ≥H ,01:μμ<H ,N 为大样本,统计量Z=x μσ-,05.0=α,拒绝域为:A) Z<-1.96 B) Z>1.96 C) Z>1.65 D) Z<-1.65 12. 关于F 分布的说法,哪个是正确的?A) F 0.05,10,20 = 1/F 0.95,10,20 B) F 0.05,10,20 = 1/F 0.05,20,10 C) F 0.95,10,20 = 1/F 0.95,20,10 D) F 0.95,10,20 = 1/F 0.05,20,1013. 采取随机抽样抽取1000人,其中有450人支持候选人A ,那么支持候选人A 的置信度为95%的置信区间为:A) (1.645,1.96). B) (0.40,0.50). C) (0.45,0.55). D) (0.419,0.481). 14. 在方差分析中,检验统计量F 是( )。

商务统计试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 商务统计中,数据的收集方法不包括以下哪一项?A. 观察法B. 实验法C. 调查法D. 推算法答案:D2. 在统计学中,总体是指:A. 研究对象的全体B. 研究对象的一部分C. 研究对象的个体D. 研究对象的样本答案:A3. 下列哪个选项不是描述数据集中趋势的统计量?A. 平均数B. 中位数C. 方差D. 众数答案:C4. 在商务统计中,相关系数的取值范围是:A. -1到1之间B. 0到1之间C. 1到10之间D. 任何实数答案:A5. 以下哪种图表最适合展示时间序列数据的变化趋势?A. 条形图B. 饼图C. 折线图D. 散点图答案:C6. 假设检验的目的是:A. 确定总体参数B. 估计总体参数C. 验证样本数据D. 验证总体参数答案:D7. 在回归分析中,自变量和因变量之间的关系是:A. 正相关B. 负相关C. 无关D. 线性关系答案:D8. 下列哪个选项不是统计分析中常见的数据类型?A. 定类数据B. 定序数据C. 定距数据D. 定性数据答案:D9. 标准差是衡量数据离散程度的统计量,其计算公式为:A. 平均数的平方B. 平均数的平方根C. 方差的平方根D. 方差的倒数答案:C10. 以下哪个统计量用于衡量数据的偏态?A. 均值B. 方差C. 偏度D. 峰度答案:C二、多项选择题(每题3分,共15分)1. 下列哪些是商务统计中常用的数据收集方法?A. 观察法B. 实验法C. 调查法D. 推算法答案:ABC2. 在商务统计中,描述数据集中趋势的统计量包括:A. 平均数B. 中位数C. 方差D. 众数答案:ABD3. 以下哪些是描述数据离散程度的统计量?A. 标准差B. 方差C. 偏度D. 峰度答案:AB4. 在统计学中,总体参数和样本统计量的区别在于:A. 总体参数是固定的B. 样本统计量是估计值C. 总体参数是估计值D. 样本统计量是固定的答案:AB5. 下列哪些是商务统计中常见的数据类型?A. 定类数据B. 定序数据C. 定距数据D. 定性数据答案:ABC三、判断题(每题2分,共10分)1. 商务统计中,数据收集的方法只有调查法和观察法。

商务统计学您的姓名: [填空题] *_________________________________专业: [填空题] *_________________________________学号: [填空题] *_________________________________下列属于统计基本指标的是()。
[单选题] *人均粮食产量人口出生率人口数和粮食产量(正确答案)人均消费水平答案解析:无当我们研究某地区人口状况时,每人的文化程度、年龄、性别等方面均不同,这体现了()。
[单选题] *总体的大量性总体的差异性(正确答案)总体的同质性总体的社会性答案解析:无对连续大量生产的某种小件产品进行产品质量检查,最恰当的调查方法是()。
[单选题] *全面调查抽样调查(正确答案)重点调查典型调查答案解析:无在工业生产设备普查中,调查单位是()。
[单选题] *每个工业企业每台设备工业企业的每台设备每一台工业生产设备(正确答案)答案解析:无下列按品质标志分组的是()。
[单选题] *在校学生按性别分组(正确答案)职工按工资水平分组企业按职工人数规模分组人口按年龄分组答案解析:无总量指标按其反映的内容不同,可分为()。
[单选题] *总体总量和总体标志总量(正确答案)总体单位总量和标志单位总量总体指标和综合指标价值总量和实物总量答案解析:无某厂某年职工劳动生产率为20000元,是历史最高水平的1.2倍。
[单选题] *比例相对数计划完成相对数强度相对数动态相对数(正确答案)答案解析:无用有名数来表现相对指标的,主要是()。
[单选题] *结构相对指标结构相对指标强度相对指标(正确答案)比较相对指标答案解析:无品合格率指标是()。
[单选题] *比例相对指标结构相对指标(正确答案)比较相对指标强度相对指标答案解析:无如果变量x和变量y之间的相关系数为-1,这说明两个变量之间是()。
[单选题] *低度相关关系完全相关关系(正确答案)高度相关关系完全不相关答案解析:无标准差系数抽象了() [单选题] *总体指标数值大小的影响总体单位数多少的影响各组单位数占总体单位总数比重的影响平均水平高低的影响(正确答案)答案解析:无某班四名学生数学考试成绩分别为65分、71分、80分和87分,这四个数字是()。

9、抽样极限误差总是大于抽样平均误差。( )
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商务统计 期末试题和答案A

一、单项选择题(共15题,每小题2 分,共30分)1.所有可能的实验结果的集合被称为()A)概率 B)事件 C)实验 D)样本空间2.测度随机变量分布中心最常用的指标是( )A)算术平均数 B)中位数 C)众数 D)调和平均数3.变量X与Y的相关系数的符号取决于( )A)变量X的标准差 B)变最Y的标准差C)变量X和Y两标准差的乘积 D)变量X和Y的协方差4.有一个样本容量为10的样本,其均值为1300小时,方差为8175.56。
若按放回抽样计算,则样本均值的标准误是( )A)28.35小时 B)28.59小时 C)29.61小时 D)30.02小时5.如果原假设为H0:A≥B,备则假设为H1:A<B,则进行假设检验时应采用( )A)右侧检验 B)左侧检验 C)双侧检验 D)上侧检验6.在方差分析中,各次试验观测应( )A)相互关联 B)互不相关 C)计量逐步精确 D)方法逐步改进7.若总体服从正态分布,那么样本量 ( ) , 样本均值的抽样分布服从正态分布.A)足够大时 B)足够小时 C)无论大与小 D)无法判断8. 中心极限定理表明,若容量为N 的样本来自非正态总体,则样本均值的抽样分布为( )A) 正态分布 B) 只有当N<30时,为正态分布C) 只有当N≥30时,为正态分布 D) 非正态分布9. 以下是一个长途电话运营商对美国国内长途电话持续时间的报告。
持续时间(分钟) 相对频数0 小于 5 0.375 小于 10 0.2210小于 15 0.1515小于20 0.1020小于25 0.0725小于30 0.0730 或更多0.02参照上面的统计表,如果抽样样本为100个长途电话,那么持续时间少于5分钟或至少30分钟或更长时间的电话数是A) 35. B) 37. C) 39. D) 40.10.某共同基金的年回报率服从均值为14%,标准差为18%的正态分布,求明年该基金赔钱的概率是多少?A) 0.7823 B) 0.2177 C)0.1587 D)011. 卫生部门检查某潮湿的食品卫生,根据细菌污染情况由0-100评分(0表示无污染),现抽取36个样本单元进行检查,得样本的平均分值为10,标准差为3,则估计该超市的平均分值95%的置信区间近似为()A) 7~13 B) 8~12 C)9~11 D)9.5~10.512. 假设检验中,H0:,μμ≥H1:,μμ<N为大样本,统计量Z=0xμσ-,0.05,α=拒绝域为:A) Z<-1.96 B) Z>1.96 C)Z>1.65 D)Z<-1.6513. 某大型企业要提出一项改革措施,为了估计该城市中赞成该项改革的人数的比例,要求边际误差不超过0.03,置信水平为95%,应抽取的样本量为()A) 1065 B) 1066 C)1067 D)106814. 某汽车生产商想要了解广告费用 (X) 对销售量 (Y) 的影响,收集了过去12年的有关数据。

CHAPTER 1—DATA AND STATISTICSMULTIPLE CHOICE1. In a questionnaire, respondents are asked to mark their gender as male or female. Gender is an exampleof thea. ordinal scaleb. nominal scalec. ratio scaled. interval scaleANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics2. The nominal scale of measurement has the properties of thea. ordinal scaleb. only interval scalec. ratio scaled. None of these alternatives is correct.ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics3. The scale of measurement that is used to rank order the observation for a variable is called thea. ratio scaleb. ordinal scalec. nominal scaled. interval scaleANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics4. Some hotels ask their guests to rate the hotel's services as excellent, very good, good, and poor. This is anexample of thea. ordinal scaleb. ratio scalec. nominal scaled. interval scaleANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics5. The ordinal scale of measurement has the properties of thea. ratio scaleb. interval scalec. nominal scaled. ratio and interval scalesANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics6. The ratio scale of measurement has the properties ofa. only the ordinal scaleb. only the nominal scalec. the rank scaled. the interval scaleANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics7. Temperature is an example of a variable that usesa. the ratio scaleb. the interval scalec. the ordinal scaled. either the ratio or the ordinal scaleANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics8. The interval scale of measurement has the properties of thea. ratio and nominal scalesb. ratio and ordinal scalesc. ratio scaled. None of these alternatives is correct.ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics9. Arithmetic operations are inappropriate fora. the ratio scaleb. the interval scalec. both the ratio and interval scalesd. the nominal scaleANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics10. Income is an example of a variable that uses thea. ratio scaleb. interval scalec. nominal scaled. ordinal scaleANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics11. Data obtained from a nominal scalea. must be alphabeticb. can be either numeric or nonnumericc. must be numericd. must rank order the dataANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics12. The scale of measurement that has an inherent zero value defined is thea. ratio scaleb. nominal scalec. ordinal scaled. interval scaleANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics13. Arithmetic operations are appropriate fora. only the ratio scaleb. only the interval scalec. the nominal scaled. None of these alternatives is correct.ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics14. Quantitative data refers to data obtained with a(n)a. ordinal scaleb. nominal scalec. either interval or ratio scaled. only interval scaleANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics15. Dataa. are always be numericb. are always nonnumericc. are the raw material of statisticsd. None of these alternatives is correct.ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics16. The entities on which data are collected area. elementsb. populationsc. samplesd. None of these alternatives is correct.ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics17. The set of measurements collected for a particular element is (are) calleda. variablesb. observationsc. samplesd. None of these alternatives is correct.ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics18. A characteristic of interest for the elements is called a(n)a. sampleb. data setc. variabled. None of these alternatives is correct.ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics19. All the data collected in a particular study are referred to as thea. inferenceb. variablec. data setd. None of these alternatives is correct.ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics20. Another name for "observations" isa. viewsb. variablesc. casesd. None of these alternatives is correct.ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics21. Quantitative dataa. are always nonnumericb. may be either numeric or nonnumericc. are always numericd. None of these alternatives is correct.ANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics22. In a questionnaire, respondents are asked to mark their gender as male or female. Gender is an exampleof aa. qualitative variableb. quantitative variablec. qualitative or quantitative variable, depending on how the respondents answered thequestiond. None of these alternatives is correct.ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics23. The number of cases will always be the same as the number ofa. variablesb. elementsc. data setsd. dataANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics24. Qualitative dataa. must be numericb. must be nonnumericc. cannot be numericd. may be either numeric or nonnumericANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics25. Qualitative dataa. indicate either how much or how manyb. cannot be numericc. are labels used to identify attributes of elementsd. must be nonnumericANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics26. Ordinary arithmetic operations are meaningfula. only with qualitative datab. only with quantitative datac. either with quantitative or qualitative datad. None of these alternatives is correct.ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics27. Social security numbers consist of numeric values. Therefore, social security is an example ofa. a quantitative variableb. either a quantitative or a qualitative variablec. an exchange variabled. a qualitative variableANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics28. Temperature is an example ofa. a qualitative variableb. a quantitative variablec. either a quantitative or qualitative variabled. neither a quantitative nor qualitative variableANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics29. For ease of data entry into a university database, 1 denotes that the student is an undergraduate and 2indicates that the student is a graduate student. In this case data area. qualitativeb. quantitativec. either qualitative or quantitatived. neither qualitative nor quantitativeANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics30. Arithmetic operations are inappropriate fora. qualitative datab. quantitative datac. both qualitative and quantitative datad. large data setsANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics31. Income is an example ofa. qualitative datab. either qualitative or quantitative datac. dollar datad. quantitative dataANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics32. Data collected at the same, or approximately the same, point in time area. time series datab. approximate time series datac. crossectional datad. approximate dataANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics33. Data collected over several time periods area. time series datab. time controlled datac. crossectional datad. time crossectional dataANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics34. Statistical studies in which researchers do not control variables of interest area. experimental studiesb. uncontrolled experimental studiesc. not of any valued. observational studiesANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics35. Statistical studies in which researchers control variables of interest area. experimental studiesb. control observational studiesc. non-experimental studiesd. observational studiesANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics36. The summaries of data, which may be tabular, graphical, or numerical, are referred to asa. inferential statisticsb. descriptive statisticsc. statistical inferenced. report generationANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics37. Statistical inferencea. refers to the process of drawing inferences about the sample based on the characteristics ofthe populationb. is the same as descriptive statisticsc. is the process of drawing inferences about the population based on the information takenfrom the sampled. is the same as a censusANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics38. The collection of all elements of interest in a particular study isa. the populationb. the samplingc. statistical inferenced. descriptive statisticsANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics39. A portion of the population selected to represent the population is calleda. statistical inferenceb. descriptive statisticsc. a censusd. a sampleANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Statistical Inference40. In a sample of 800 students in a university, 240, or 30%, are Business majors. The 30% is an example ofa. a sampleb. a populationc. statistical inferenced. descriptive statisticsANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics41.In a sample of 400 students in a university, 80, or 20%, are Business majors. Based on the aboveinformation, the school's paper reported that "20% of all the students at the university are Business majors." This report is an example ofa. a sampleb. a populationc. statistical inferenced. descriptive statisticsANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics42. Five hundred residents of a city are polled to obtain information on voting intentions in an upcoming cityelection. The five hundred residents in this study is an example of a(n)a. censusb. samplec. observationd. populationANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics43. A statistics professor asked students in a class their ages. On the basis of this information, the professorstates that the average age of all the students in the university is 24 years. This is an example ofa. a censusb. descriptive statisticsc. an experimentd. statistical inferenceANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Statistical Inference44. The owner of a factory regularly requests a graphical summary of all employees' salaries. The graphicalsummary of salaries is an example ofa. a sampleb. descriptive statisticsc. statistical inferenced. an experimentANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics45. The Department of Transportation of a city has noted that on the average there are 17 accidents per day.The average number of accidents is an example ofa. descriptive statisticsb. statistical inferencec. a sampled. a populationANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Statistical Inference46. The process of analyzing sample data in order to draw conclusions about the characteristics of apopulation is calleda. descriptive statisticsb. statistical inferencec. data analysisd. data summarizationANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics47. In a post office, the mailboxes are numbered from 1 to 4,500. These numbers representa. qualitative datab. quantitative datac. either qualitative or quantitative datad. since the numbers are sequential, the data is quantitativeANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics48. The average age in a sample of 190 students at City College is 22. As a result of this sample, it can beconcluded that the average age of all the students at City Collegea. must be more than 22, since the population is always larger than the sampleb. must be less than 22, since the sample is only a part of the populationc. could not be 22d. could be larger, smaller, or equal to 22ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics49.Since a sample is a subset of the population, the sample meana. is always smaller than the mean of the populationb. is always larger than the mean of the populationc. must be equal to the mean of the populationd. can be larger, smaller, or equal to the mean of the populationANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics50. The scale of measurement that is simply a label for the purpose of identifying the attribute of an elementis thea. ratio scaleb. nominal scalec. ordinal scaled. interval scaleANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics51. In a data set, the number of elements will always be the same as the number ofa. independent variablesb. observationsc. data pointsd. dependent variablesANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics52. Which of the following is not a scale of measurement?a. nominalb. ordinalc. intervald. primalANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics53. Which of the following is a scale of measurement?a. ratiob. primalc. divisionald. remedialANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics54. Which scale of measurement can be either numeric or nonnumeric?a. nominalb. ratioc. intervald. None of these alternatives is correct.ANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics55. Which of the following variables use the ratio scale of measurement?a. social security numberb. temperaturec. genderd. incomeANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics56. The weight of a candy bar in ounces is an example ofa. qualitative datab. either qualitative or quantitative datac. weight datad. quantitative dataANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics57. The height of a building, measured in feet, is an example ofa. qualitative datab. either qualitative or quantitative datac. feet datad. quantitative dataANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics58. An interviewer has made an error in recording the data. This type of error is known asa. an experimental errorb. a data acquisition errorc. a non-experimental errord. a conglomerate errorANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics59. Census refers toa. an experimental study to collect data on the entire populationb. an experimental study to collect data on a samplec. a survey to collect data on a sampled. a survey to collect data on the entire populationANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics60. In experimental studies, the variable of interesta. is not controlledb. is controlledc. must be numericald. cannot be numericalANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics61. In observational studies, the variable of interesta. is not controlledb. is controlledc. must be numericald. cannot be numericalANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics62. How many scales of measurement exist?a. 1b. 2c. 3d. 4ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics63. Which of the following can be classified as quantitative data?a. interval and ordinalb. ratio and ordinalc. nominal and ordinald. interval and ratioANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics64. The sample sizea. can be larger than the population sizeb. is always smaller than the population sizec. can be larger or smaller than the population sized. is always equal to the size of the populationANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics65. A population isa. the same as a sampleb. the selection of a random samplec. the collection of all items of interest in a particular studyd. always the same size as the sampleANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics66. In a random sample of 200 items, 5 items were defective. An estimate of the percentage of defectiveitems in the population isa. 5.0%b. 2.5%c. 200d. 10.0%ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics67. On a street, the houses are numbered from 300 to 450. The house numbers are examples ofa. qualitative datab. quantitative datac. both quantitative and qualitative datad. neither quantitative nor qualitative dataANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics68. A survey to collect data on the entire population isa. a censusb. a samplec. a populationd. an inferenceANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics69. In Excel, a worksheet that displays the data for the problem and shows the results of the analysis isa. a formula worksheetb. a value worksheetc. an absolute worksheetd. a descriptive worksheetANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics70. In Excel, a worksheet that displays the formulas used to create the results is aa. results worksheetb. formula worksheetc. value worksheetd. sample worksheetANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive StatisticsNARRBEGIN: Exhibit 1-1Exhibit 1-1In a recent study based upon an inspection of 200 homes in Daisy City, 80 were found to violate one or more city codes.NARREND71. Refer to Exhibit 1-1. The city manager released a statement that 40% of Daisy City's 2,000 homes are inviolation of city codes. The manager's statement is an example ofa. a censusb. an experimentc. descriptive statisticsd. statistical inferenceANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive StatisticsNAR: Exhibit 1-172. Refer to Exhibit 1-1. The Daisy City study described above is an example of the use of aa. censusb. samplec. probabilityd. populationANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive StatisticsNAR: Exhibit 1-173. Refer to Exhibit 1-1. The manager's statement that 40% of Daisy City's 2,000 homes are in violation ofcity codes isa. an exactly correct statementb. only an approximation, since it is based upon sample informationc. obviously wrong, since it is based upon a study of only 200 homesd. None of these alternatives is correct.ANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive StatisticsNAR: Exhibit 1-1NARRBEGIN: Exhibit 1-2Exhibit 1-2In a sample of 1,600 registered voters, 912, or 57%, approve of the way the President is doing his job.NARREND74. Refer to Exhibit 1-2. The 57% approval is an example ofa. a sampleb. descriptive statisticsc. statistical inferenced. a populationANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive StatisticsNAR: Exhibit 1-275. Refer to Exhibit 1-2. A political pollster states: "Fifty-seven percent of all voters approve of thePresident." This statement is an example ofa. a sampleb. descriptive statisticsc. statistical inferenced. a populationANS: C PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive StatisticsNAR: Exhibit 1-2NARRBEGIN: Exhibit 1-3Exhibit 1-3Part of the data bank of a corporation is shown below.EmployeeNumber Gender DepartmentYears ofExperienceEmployee Rank(1 - 10)YearlySalary23450 Male Accounting 15 10 $ 52,443.00 34568 Female IT 24 7 $111,239.00 23123 Female Personnel 20 4 $ 84,473.00 23007 Male Finance 9 1 $ 47,519.00NARREND76. Refer to Exhibit 1-3. Employee Number is an example of ________ data.a. nominalb. ordinalc. intervald. ratioANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive StatisticsNAR: Exhibit 1-377. Refer to Exhibit 1-3. Gender is an example of ________ data.a. nominalb. ordinalc. intervald. ratioANS: A PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive StatisticsNAR: Exhibit 1-378. Refer to Exhibit 1-3. Years of Experience is an example of ________ data.a. nominalb. ordinalc. intervald. ratioANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive StatisticsNAR: Exhibit 1-379. Refer to Exhibit 1-3. Employee Rank is an example of ________ data.a. nominalb. ordinalc. intervald. ratioANS: B PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive StatisticsNAR: Exhibit 1-380. Refer to Exhibit 1-3. Yearly Salary is an example of ________ data.a. nominalb. ordinalc. intervald. ratioANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive StatisticsNAR: Exhibit 1-3NARRBEGIN: Exhibit 1-4Exhibit 1-4In many universities, students evaluate their professors by means of answering a questionnaire. Assumea questionnaire is distributed to a class of 45 students. Students are asked to answer the following:1. Sex2. Race (Black, White, Other)3. Age4. Number of hours completed5. Grade point average6. My instructor is a very effective teacher1 2 3 4 5strongly agree moderately agree neutral moderately disagree strongly disagree NARREND81. Refer to Exhibit 1-4. How many elements are in the above data set?a. 5b. 6c. 3d. 45ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive StatisticsNAR: Exhibit 1-482. Refer to Exhibit 1-4. How many variables are in this data set?a. 3b. 4c. 5d. 6ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive StatisticsNAR: Exhibit 1-483. Refer to Exhibit 4-1. How many observations are in this data set?a. 5b. 6c. 3d. 45ANS: D PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive StatisticsNAR: Exhibit 1-4PROBLEM1. After graduation ceremonies at a university, six graduates were asked whether they were in favor of(identified by 1) or against (identified by 0) abortion. Some information about these graduates is shown below.Graduate Sex Age Abortion Issue Class RankMarissa F 24 1 1Jason M 22 1 2Wendy F 41 0 3Edward M 38 0 20Jennifer F 25 1 4Tim M 19 0 8a. How many elements are in the data set?b. How many variables are in the data set?c. How many observations are in the data set?d. Which of the above variables (Sex, Age, Abortion Issue, Class rank) are qualitative and whichare quantitative variables?e. Are arithmetic operations appropriate for the variable "abortion issue"?ANS:a. 6b. 4c. 6d. Sex: qualitativeAge: quantitativeAbortion Issue: qualitativeClass Rank: qualitativee. NoPTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics2. A recent issue of Fortune Magazine reported that the following companies had the lowest sales peremployee among the Fortune 500 companies.Sales per Employee (In $1,000s) Sales RankCompanySeagate Technology 42.20 285SSMC 42.19 414Russel 41.99 480Maxxam 40.88 485Dibrell Brothers 22.56 470a. How many elements are in the above data set?b. How many variables are in the above data set?c. How many observations are in the above data set?d. Name the variables and indicate whether they are qualitative or quantitative.ANS:a. 5b. 2c. 5d. Sales per employee: quantitative; Sales rank: qualitativePTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics3. The following shows the temperatures (high, low) and weather conditions in a given Sunday for someselected world cities. For the weather conditions, the following notations are used: c = clear; cl = cloudy;sh = showers; pc = partly cloudy.City Hi Lo ConditionAcapulco 99 77 pcBangkok 92 78 pcMexico City 77 57 shMontreal 72 56 pcParis 77 58 cRome 88 68 clToronto 78 61 ca. How many elements are in this data set?b. How many variables are in this data set?c. How many observations are in this data set?d. Name the variables and indicate whether they are qualitative or quantitative.e. For which variables are arithmetic operations appropriate and for which are they notappropriate?ANS:a. 7b. 3c. 7d. Hi: quantitative, Lo: quantitative, Condition: qualitativee. Hi: appropriate, Lo: appropriate, Condition: not appropriatePTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics4. The following data shows the yearly income distribution of a sample of 200 employees at MNM, Inc.Yearly Income (In $1,000s)Number of Employees20 - 24 225 - 29 4830 - 34 6035 - 39 8040 - 44 10a. What percentage of employees has yearly incomes of $35,000 or more?b. Is the figure (percentage) that you computed in Part a an example of statistical inference? If no,what kind of statistics does it represent?c. Based on this sample, the president of the company said that "45% of all our employees' yearlyincomes are $35,000 or more." The president's statement represents what kind of statistics?d. With the statement made in Part c, can we be assured that more than 45% of all employees'yearly incomes are at least $35,000? Explain.e. What percentage of employees of the sample has yearly incomes of $29,000 or less?f. How many variables are presented in the above data set?g. The above data set represents the results of how many observations?ANS:a. 45%b. No, it is descriptive statistics.c. statistical inferenced. No, this is simply an inference and approximation based on the sample information.e. 25%f. 2g. 200PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics5. A recent issue of a national magazine reported that in a national public opinion survey conducted among2,000 individuals, 56% were in favor of gun control, 40% opposed gun control, and 4% had no opinion on the subject.a. What is the sample in this survey?b. Based on the sample, what percentage of the population would you think is in favor of gun control?c. Based on the sample, what percentage of the population would you think have no opinion on thesubject?ANS:a. The 2000 individuals who were approachedb. 56%c. 4%PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics6. The following table shows the starting salaries of a sample of recent business graduates.Income (In $1,000s) Number of Graduates15 - 19 4020 - 24 6025 - 29 8030 - 34 1835 - 39 2a. What percentage of graduates in the sample had starting salaries of at least $30,000?b. Of the graduates in the sample, what percentage had starting salaries of less than $25,000?c. Based on this sample, what percentage of all business graduates do you estimate to have startingsalaries of at least $20,000?ANS:a. 10%b. 50%c. 80%PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics7. Michael, Inc., a manufacturer of electric guitars, is a small firm with 50 employees. The table belowshows the hourly wage distribution of the employees.Hourly Wages (In Dollars) Number of Employees10 - 13 814 - 17 1218 - 21 2022 - 25 10a. How many employees receive hourly wages of at least $18?b. What percentage of the employees has hourly wages of at least $18?c. What percentage of the employees has hourly wages of less than $14?ANS:a. 30b. 60%c. 16%PTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics8. The following information regarding the top eight Fortune 500 companies was presented in an issue ofFortune Magazine.Sales $ Millions SalesRankProfits$ MillionsProfitsRankCompanyGeneral Motors 161,315 1 2,956 30 Ford Motor 144,416 2 22,071 2 Wal-Mart Stores 139,208 3 4,430 14 Exxon 100,697 4 6,370 5 General Electric 100,469 5 9,269 3 Int'l Business Machines 81,667 6 6,328 6 Citigroup 76,431 7 5,807 8 Philip Morris 57,813 8 5,372 9 Boeing 56,154 9 1,120 82 AT&T 53,588 10 6,398 4a. How many elements are in the above data set?b. How many variables are in this data set?c. How many observations are in this data set?d. Which variables are qualitative and which are quantitative variables?e. What measurement scale is used for each variable?ANS:a. 10b. 4c. 10d. Sales and Profits are quantitativeSales Rank, and Profits Rank are qualitativee. Sales: ratioSales Rank: ordinalProfits: ratioProfits Rank: ordinalPTS: 1 TOP: Descriptive Statistics9. The following information regarding a sample of seven students is provided.Student Identificationnumber Grade PointAverageClassification Gender Rank inClassAdam 1234 2.89 Senior Male 15 Brandon 8978 2.01 Junior Male 25 Jason 6578 3.97 Freshman Male 3 Marissa 2345 3.98 Sophomore Female 2 Michelle 8901 2.67 Senior Female 18 Wendy 7789 4.00 Senior Female 1 Webster 6780 3.77 Freshman Male 4a. How many elements are in the above data set?b. How many variables are in this data set?c. How many observations are in this data set?d. Which variables are qualitative and which are quantitative variables?e. What measurement scale is used for each variable?。

商务统计试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 商务统计的主要目的是:A. 收集数据B. 分析数据C. 做出决策D. 预测未来2. 下列哪项不是描述性统计的内容?A. 均值B. 方差C. 相关性D. 抽样3. 正态分布的特点是:A. 所有数据都集中在中间B. 大部分数据分布在两端C. 数据分布是对称的D. 数据分布是不规则的4. 在商务统计中,相关系数的取值范围是:A. -1 到 1B. 0 到 1C. -∞ 到+∞D. 1 到 105. 以下哪个是假设检验的步骤?A. 确定显著性水平B. 收集数据C. 计算样本均值D. 所有选项都是二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)6. 简述商务统计中的抽样误差和非抽样误差的区别。
7. 解释什么是置信区间,并举例说明其在商务决策中的应用。
8. 描述回归分析在商务决策中的作用。
三、计算题(每题25分,共50分)9. 假设你是一家零售公司的分析师,你收集了以下数据,显示了过去10天的日销售额(单位:千元):120, 130, 110, 140, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200。
请计算:- 均值- 中位数- 方差- 标准差10. 假设你正在分析两个变量X和Y之间的关系,收集到以下数据点(X, Y):(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 5), (4, 7), (5, 9)。
请计算:- 线性回归方程- 相关系数- 预测当X=6时的Y值答案一、选择题1. C. 做出决策2. D. 抽样3. C. 数据分布是对称的4. A. -1 到 15. D. 所有选项都是二、简答题6. 抽样误差是由于从总体中抽取的样本不能完全代表总体而产生的误差。
7. 置信区间是指在一定置信水平下,总体参数可能取值的范围。
8. 回归分析可以帮助预测一个变量(因变量)如何依赖于一个或多个其他变量(自变量)。

《商务统计》试题5------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------一、判断题(每题1分,共10分)1.应用切比雪夫定理估计与平均数的距离在z个标准差之内的数据项所占比例时,z的取值可以是任意正数( )。
2.条形图和直方图都可以用于描述分类数据的频数分布、相对频数分布或百分比频数分布( )。
3.在样本容量一定的情况下,为了确保更高的置信度,置信区间的宽度必须变大( )。
4.事件A与其补A c是互斥的( )。
5.无论是单侧检验还是双侧检验,如果p值≤α,则拒绝原假设H0( )。
6.对于简单随机样本,样本均值x̅的数学期望、标准差受到样本容量n的影响 ( )。
7.在联列表中,两个变量必须都是分类变量或者都是数值型变量( )。
8.当分类数据用数值表示时,可以进行有意义的算术运算( )。
9.在满足一定条件时,可以用正态分布近似计算二项分布 ( )。
10.方差分析仅能用于实验性研究得到的数据而不能用于观测性研究得到的数据( )。
以下假设合适的是( )。
A. H0:μ≥22 H a:μ<22B.H0:μ≤22 H a:μ>22C.H0:μ>22 H a:μ≤22D.H0:μ<22 H a:μ≥222.以下关于众数的说法错误的是( )。
A.众数是数据集中出现频率最高的数据值B.众数仅适用于数值型数据C.众数是一种位置度量指标D.众数有可能存在两个或更多3.以下关于事件的概率说法错误的是( )。

《商务统计》试题选登一、单项选择题下列各题A)、B) C)、D)四个选项中,只有一个选项是正确的。
若按放回抽样计算,则样本均值的标准误是A)28.35 小时B)28.59 小时C)29.61 小时D)30.02 小时9.在关于总体参数的假设检验中,原假设必须是一个A)精确假设B)非精确假设C)复合假设D)备择假设10.如果原假设为H0:eze0,备则假设为乩.。
0,则进行假设检验时应采用A)侧检验B)左侧检验0双侧检验D)上侧检验11.在方差分析中,各次试验观测应A)相互关联B)互不相关C)计量逐步精确D)方法逐步改进12.相关关系是变量之间一种A)线性函数依存关系B)确定性的数量依存关系C)非线性函数依存关系D)非确定性的数量依存关系13.对于回归模型刀=九+8信+邛]=1,2,…,口),为了进行统计推断,通常假定'、u2、…、u n的数学期望J 。
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13、两变量之间线性相关程度越弱,则相关系数( )
C. 该学校某学生的入学成绩D. 该学校在校人数
E. 该学校学生就业率
2、重点调查的特点是( )
A. 重点单位的数目占总体单位总数很少
B. 主要目的是要了解调查对象的基本情况
C. 重点单位的标志值总量占总体标志总量的绝大比重
D. 用来推算总体的指标值
E. 选取有典型代表意义的单位
3、对于连续型变量,一般情况下( )
A. 第二手资料B. 已分组资料C. 原始资料D. 数列资料
3、一个等距数列末组为开口组,已知其下限为400,相邻组组距为50,则该组的组中值为( )
A. 450B. 425C. 350D. 325
4、某地农业总产值在工农业总产值中的比重由2000年的43%下降到2007年的31%,这两个指标 ()。
6、是非标志的标准差是( )
A. B. C.
D. E.
7、设p为价格,q为销售量,则总指数 的意义是( )
A. 综合反映多种商品的销售量的变动程度
B. 综合反映商品价格和销售量的变动程度
C. 综合反映商品销售额的变动程度
D. 反映商品销售量变动对销售额变动的影响程度
E. 综合反映多种商品价格的变动程度
2、填报单位是调查项目的承担者,调查单位则是负责向上报告调查内容的单位。( )
3、通常对森林资源量的调查是经常性调查。( )
4、简单分组就是指对研究现象按一个标志进行的分组。 ( )
5、对于离散型变量数列,只能编制单项数列,不能编制组距数列。( )
6、总量指标按其反映的内容不同可分为总体单位总量和总体标志总量,按其反映的时间状况不同可分为时期指标和时点指标。 ( )
7、位置平均数有中位数、众数和次数。( )
8、因素分析法的依据是指标体系。( )
9、抽样极限误差总是大于抽样平均误差。( )
10、抽样调查可以不遵循随机原则。( )
11、在其他条件不变的情况下,判定系数越大,估计标准误差就越大;反之,估计标准误差就越小。( )
12、编制时间数列的基本原则是保证数列中各项观察值具有可比性。( )
A. 商品销售利润B.商品销售成本C.商品销售量D.商品价格
A. 集中趋势B. 离中趋势C. 长期趋势D. 基本趋势
8、在抽样调查中( )
A. 全及总体是唯一确定的B. 样本是唯一确定的
E. 样本指标是随机变量
9、时间数列的速度指标具体包括( )
A. 发展速度B. 平均发展速度C. 增长速度
D. 增长量E. 平均增长速度
10、对某地区的电视机的销售量进行分析,适宜采用的模型是( )
A. 不变B. 无法判断C.缩小1/100D.扩大10倍
8、比较两个单位的数据资料,甲的标准差小于乙的标准差,则( )
9、根据指数研究的范围不同,可以把他分为( )
得 分
1、以企业为单位来研究企业规模大小时,统计出企业的职工人数属于总体单位总量。 ( )
A. 直线模型B.指数模型C.修正指数曲线
2006 年
15、移动平均的平均项数越大,则它( )
1、以某大学的学生为总体,则统计指标有( )
A. 该学校的学生男女生比例B. 该学校学生的平均年龄
13、如果历年的环比发展速度相同,则其环比增长速度也相同。( )
14、季节变动的发生周期较循环变动的发生周期要长。( )
15、数量性是统计研究对象最基本的特点。( )
1、下列属于品质标志的是( ).
A. 工人年龄B. 工人性别C. 工人体重D. 工人工资
2、统计调查的基本目的就是要取得真实可靠的( )。
10、质量指标指数的同度量因素一般是( )
11、某厂连续生产,在一天中每隔2个小时取出一份产品进行检验,这种检验是( )
12、假定10亿人口的大国和100万人口的小国的居民年龄变异程度相同。现在各自用重复抽样方法抽取本国人口的1%计算平均年龄,则平均年龄的抽样平均误差( )。
C. 不能编制组距式数列D.不能编制单项式数列
E. 既能编制单项式数列,又能编制组距式数列
4、下列指标中属于强度相对指标的是( )
A. 人口密度B. 人均国民生产总值C. 人口出生率
D. 人口自然增长率E. 男女性别比例
5、属于位置平均数的种类有( )
A. 算术平均数B. 调和平均数C. 几何平均数D. 众数E. 中位数