UNIT 1 Chinese Culture 中国文化P1UNIT 2 Chinese Craftware 中国工艺UNIT 3 Chinese Festivals 中国节庆UNIT 4 A Tour of Landscape 山川游UNIT 5 A Tour of Waterscape 湖泊游UNIT 6 A Tour of Ancient Remains 古迹旅游UNIT 7 A Tour of Ancient Towns 古镇游UNIT 8 A Tour of Towers and Pavilions 楼阁游UNIT 9 A Tour of Temples 寺庙游UNIT 10 A Tour of Former Residences 故居游UNIT 11 A Tour of Memorials 纪念馆游UNIT 12 A Tour of Theme Parks 主题公园游UNIT 13 City Tours 城市游UNIT 14 Ethnic Tours 民族旅游UNIT 15 Travel Abroad 国外旅游WORDS AND PROPER NAMESUnit1 Chinese Culture 中国文化civilization n. 文明Great Wall 长城relic n. 遗迹、废墟Grand Canal 大运河compass n. 罗盘、指南针Dujiangyan Irrigation Project 都江堰水利工程heritage n. 遗产、继承权Terra-cotta Warriors and Horses 兵马俑Taoism n. 道教;道家学说Longmen Grottos 龙门石窟Buddhism 佛教Leshan Giant Buddha 乐山大佛Confucianism n.孔子学说、儒学Ji uzhigou Valley 九寨沟calligraphy n. 书法Mt. Lushan 庐山revere v. 敬畏、崇敬pagoda n. 宝塔antiquity n. 古代的遗物fascinating adj. 迷人的、醉人的Listening 1 An Old CivilizationChina, one of the four oldest civilizations in the world, has a (1)_______ history ......... 1.recorded 2. printing 3. 2,000 4. symbols 5.Confucianism 6. areas7. relics 8. art 9. fascinating 10. foreignWORDS AND PROPER NAMESdiversity n. 差异性philosophy n.哲学、哲学体系Christian adj. 基督教的sericulture n. 养蚕pluralism n. 多样性dominant adj. 占优势的、支配的worship v. 崇拜、尊敬division n. 分开、分裂transient adj. 短暂的、瞬时的Mongol 蒙古族人Manchu 满族人unification n. 统一;一致legacy n. 遗产outlive v. 比---长命,比---耐久tremendous adj. 极大的、巨大的asset n. 资产,有用的东西keenly adv. 敏锐的Listening 2 Mt. Taishan 泰山1. Chinese culture is a complete system,including its own philosophy, literature and paintings______________, medicine, technology and science as well as language and festivals......1. arts2. agriculture; 5,000 years3. pluralism4. roof; unification5. legacies; assetWORDS AND PROPER NAMESfeudal adj. 封建制度的ConfuciusTemple 孔庙acclaim v. 欢呼、称赞Qufu 曲阜regardless adj.不管、不顾Kong Qiu 孔丘archery n.箭术Most Holy and Foremost Perfect Teacher“大成至圣先师”humanitarian n.人道主义者、人文主义者The Analects of Confucius 《论语》orthodox adj. 正统的、传统的Bible 《圣经》benevolent adj.慈善的Saint Kong 孔圣人(A=Miss Wang Jing, a guide; B=John)Miss Wang Jing and John are traveling to the Confucius temple by coach. They are talking about the life story of Confucius, especially about his career as a teacher.A: Now we are on the way to the Confucius Temple in Qufu. We‟ll arrive there 20 minutes later. It is a fascinating cultural tour to Confucius‟s hometown. I believe you‟ll certainly learn a lot to the Chinese culture. ..........(T) Or (F)1. _________ The Confucius Temple is located in Qufu, Shanxi Province.2. _________ Kong Qiu was acclaimed as Saint Kong and highly respected by the emperors in feudal society.3. _________ Confucius was a teacher, but he only accepted the wealthy students.4. _________ Confucius was also a philosopher, and he mainly taught politics and philosophy.5. _________ Today‟s quality-education is based on the concept of all-round development education advocated by Confucius.1. F2. T3. F4. F5. TLadies and Gentlemen!Welcome to Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan! ........Part IV Tourism and Travel2. The basic geographic element of a travel includes___________.A. traveler-generating regionB. the transit route regionC. the destinationD. All of the above3. Which region represents the generating market and provides the “push” to stimulate and motivate travel?A. the destinationB. the origin regionC. the residenceD. the workplace4.Destination is important because it represents _________.A. the attractionsB. the facilitiesC. the imageD. the pull factor1. D2. D3. B4. D东岳泰山(1532米),位于山东泰安市。
4.1 Vocabulary
B Complete the instructions for using the Learning Resource Centre with words or phrases from box a.
4.1 Vocabulary B Complete the instructions for using the Learning
4.1 Vocabulary C Study the abbreviations in box b and box c.
3 What does each abbreviation mean?
4 Read Career update and Tourism Abbreviations
on the opposite page. Check your ideas. 5 How do you say each of the abbreviations?
/eis/ /'æntɔ: (r)/
/'bætəu/ /'i:tuə/ /'naitə/ /'vistə/
Vocabulary bank
Understanding abbreviations and acronyms
An abbreviation is a shorter version of something. For example, PC /pi:si:/
quality assurance
T&T tourism and travel
TIC/P tourism information centre/point
VAT value added tax
4.1 Vocabulary D Study the acronyms in box d.
旅游情境英语 Unit 4 Sightseeing at the Destination
Unit 4 Sightseeing at the Destination
10. You’ll almost have to pay a little extra for the ___ of exchanging one currency for another.
Task 2 Brainstorming Work in groups. Discuss with your classmates about the important points for sightseeing at the destination based on Task 1. ➢Local tour guide; ➢Coach driver; ➢Restaurants; ➢Transportation; ➢Shopping; ➢Entertainment; ➢Free activities; ➢Emergencies.
3. The tour leader should communicate with local guide and try to meet the group members’ ___ demands.
Unit 4 Sightseeing at the Destination
4. The ___ tours or additional activities not included in the original plan should be based on the will of tourists.
Unit 4 Sightseeing at the Destination
8. The tour leader is supposed to ___ some advice to the tourists about what to shop and how to shop.
旅游英语unit 4 Tour of Ancient Towns
Reading One
How to Guide the Tourists in the Scenic Spot
When the tour group arrives at the destination, visiting the scenic spot becomes the key point of the tour. The local guide should have a good preparation and arrangement, be patient and warmhearted to keep the visiting safe and smooth, let the tourists know about the character, the background, the status and the history of the scenic spot, and get ready to answer the questions that the tourists are interested in.
(4)导游要密切关注游客的动向。(keep an eye on) The tour guide should keep an eye on the movements of the tourists.
(5)我希望大家在这里玩得开心。(have a good time) I hope you’ll have a good time here.
Focus on the Topic
Pair work: Discuss the following questions with your partner. 1. As a local guide, what details should you notice before visiting? 2. Do you know any ancient towns in China? Can you list them? 3. Where does Pingyao Ancient City lie? What's your general
Unit 4三峡旅游英语
兵书宝剑峡:兵书宝剑峡位于长江北岸, 因峭壁上有一叠层次分明的岩石,看似一堆厚 书,还有一根上粗下尖的石柱指向江中,酷似 一把宝剑,故得名。传说这里是诸葛亮存放兵 书和宝剑的地方。经过考古学家的实地考证, 所谓“兵书”,实为距今二千多年的古代悬棺, 各长 170 厘米,均由四大块木板组成,其一棺 两套,三棺重叠,外漆彩绘纹装饰,棺木中出 现的雕刻等均为我国考古史所罕见。它下面的 “宝剑”,只不过是一块崩落的绝壁上的突出 的岩块。
Translation: 滩险流急的西陵峡
西陵峡西起湖北秭归的香溪河口,东至湖北宜昌市的 南津关,全长66公里,这是三峡中最长的一个峡。西陵峡 又分为东西两个峡段,中间为长越31公里的庙南宽谷所分 隔,闻名中外的长江三峡工程就在这里横空出世,西段包 括兵书宝剑峡,牛肝马肺峡和崆岭峡,东段包括灯影峡和 黄猫峡。 西陵峡曾以滩多水急而著称。著名的新滩和崆岭滩均 在西陵峡内。历史上,许多船只在这里葬身洪涛。解放后, 经过多年的整治,航道已经得到了治理,尤其是葛州坝水 电工程的完工,结束了“三峡千古不夜航”的历史。今日 轮船行驶在峡里风平浪静,碧波荡漾,一切显得舒坦而又 轻逸。
滩多水急的西陵峡,遍布着许多令人神往的游 览胜地。光是那神奇莫测的石灰岩溶洞,镶珠嵌玉 般点缀在两岸幽深险峻的峭壁上,就足以叫万千游 人观赏不尽!其中较大而又著名的有石龙洞、黄颡 洞和三游洞等。洞洞景色各异,处处别有洞天,是 考察人文、地理的绝好场所。 三峡工程蓄水139米水位之后,著名景点兵书宝 剑峡和牛肝马肺峡的一些象形物钟乳石已全部沉入 江中,明清古镇小庄村也被拆成一片瓦砾而永沉江 底,似乎要抹掉三峡人心中美好的记忆。长江冲出 西陵峡东口的南津关,便是湖北的宜昌市,过宜昌 市就进入了汉江平原和楚文化的发祥地。
型的白色圆顶,而兴建这两座清真寺的主要目的,是为了维 持整座泰姬陵建筑的平衡效果,以达到对称之美。 据说,泰姬陵最美丽的时候,是朗月当空的夜晚,因为白色 的大理石陵寝,在月光映照下会发出淡淡的紫色,清雅出尘, 美得彷似下凡的仙女。然而,一年之中良机的日子不多,能 否欣赏得到,就要看你自己的运气。不过,泰姬陵在一早一 晚,也同样迷人。 由于泰姬陵在早中晚所呈现出的景色各不同,因此成为了世 界上惟一一个早中晚游览票价不一样的景点,对于印度本国 游人而言,白天仅20卢比,而早上7时前或下午17时后却都 升至110卢比。另外,您千万要记住,不要在星期五前往, 因为那天只为当地穆斯林开放。
白厅区的地标 国会大厦与大笨钟
Section II Dialogue A Visit to Egypt
impression [ɪm'preʃ(ə)n] n. 印象;效果,影响;压痕,印记;感想 impression on 对…的印象
first impression 第一印象
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ泰姬陵随着季节、时间的变化而变化。黎明
时分,泰姬陵呈现出粉红色,似绽放的花朵; 中午,泰姬陵呈白色,光芒耀眼;傍晚,泰 姬陵呈灰白色,色泽柔和似珍珠。在圆月退 去、星斗闪烁天气里,泰姬陵可呈现出白色、 虎珀色、灰色、金黄色。在阴云密布的天气 里,泰姬陵似冬季空中漂浮的薄雾中的海市 蜃楼忽隐忽现。
括英国政府首脑办公室,尤其是沿着白厅和唐宁街道, 有著名的建筑如:威斯敏斯特教堂和白金汉宫。
白厅(WhiteHall )
旅游英语Unit 4 B
the people's democratic dictatorship led by the Communist Party of China. The organs through which the people exercise the state power are the National People's Congress and the local congresses at different levels. The National People's Congress is the legislative body which enacts all the important laws in China and supervises their execution. The State Council is the executive body of the highest
in the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, are well
protected by the law.
II. Text 7 In the light of the Constitution, China is a socialist state under
islands scattering around. Taiwan province is the largest island of
China, followed by Hainan Province and Chongming Island in Shanghai.
II. Text 4 Topographically speaking, China is high on the relief map in the
旅游英语电子课件Unit 4Transportation
Lesson 84
Look and Learn Dialogue Reading Learn More New Words and Phrases
Unit 4
Lesson 84
Step 2: There was more than one flight for him to choose. He chose the flight of Egyptair.
Business Class Boarding Pass
Lesson 84
Unit 4
Look and Learn Dialogue Reading Learn More New Words and Phrases
Economy Class Boarding Pass
Lesson 84
Unit 4
Look and Learn Dialogue Reading Learn More New Words and Phrases
Unit 4
Lesson 84
赵平准备乘飞机从美国洛杉矶飞往加拿大多伦多,中途在芝 加哥转机。他正在洛杉矶机场办理换登机牌、托运行李、过 安检等一系列登机手续。 Agent: It’ll go straight through. Here is your boarding pass—your flight leaves from gate 15A and it’ll begin boarding at 12:45. The departure time is 13:30. Your seat number is 32D. Have a nice flight!
How many countires have you been to?
Can you find the following countries on a map? • Vietnam • Laos • Myanmar (Burma) • India • Bhutan • Sikkim • Nepal • Afghanistan
Exercises: 1. Listening Practice
• MICE Tourism in Asia • Scan the code on page 24 to receive audio context.
• Listen to it for three times. For the first time, only listen. Try to catch as much information as you can. For the second time, make a break between each sentence. Write down as much of the text as you can hear. For the third time, read the text before you listen again. (The transcript is attached in the Appendix V.) Then close the book and listen, checking your answers.
• semi-arid steppes • barren desert • rugged terrain • rain forest • insulate • southward • civilization • hamper • tortuous
Dialogue 2
• 1. Where does the man want to go? When and how? Beijing. 20th. By train
• 2. What ticket does the man want to buy? soft sleeper on express No.54 • 3. What will the train leave? at 9:45 am • 4. How much is the ticket? 684 yuan
• Could you change my flight date from London to Tokyo?
Model Dialogue A
(Jenny and Tony are booking at the train station) Tony: We want to take a train to New York next Friday. Ticket agent (A): Regular or express train? Tony: How much time would we save if we took the express? A: About one hour. The next express train arrives in New York at 3:15. Tony: And how much more do we have to pay for the express? A: First class is 24 dollars more, and second class is 15 dollars more. Tony (to Jenny): What do you think? Jenny: As long as we can arrive one hour earlier, I don't mind paying a little extra. Tony: OK. (to A) Then give me two second-class tickets on the express, please.
旅游商务英语 unit4 why people travel
Motivation of Traveling
• Some tourists go to see battlefields or religious shrines [ʃraɪn] 圣地,神庙.
• Tourists’ descriptions of travel sites generally yield [jiːld]引出,产生 words such as fascinating迷人的, interesting, stimulating振奋人心的, exciting, adventurous惊险的, entertaining [ˌentəˈteɪnɪŋ]娱乐的, fun, new experience, different, education and broadening.
Ethnic Tourism民俗旅游
• This is a form of tourism that may be thought of as appealing to a curious, people-oriented 以人为本,具有人文情怀的 tourist.
• To illustrate, a person whose family origin is in another part of the country may wish to visit distant relatives, research his family tree家 谱, and visit his birthplace or the land of his forefathers祖先.
• Notable examples of cultural tourism are visits to museum, attendance at musical or dramatic戏剧的 performances, and participation in scientific or archaeological [ˌɑːkɪəˈlɒdʒɪkəl]考古的 programs.
conference n.会议; 讨论 The conference may help to focus attention on the economy. 此次会议可能有助于将关注焦点放在经 济上。 He went even further in his speech to the conference. 他在大会发言中作了 更进一步的阐述。
Check Your Understanding : Exercise 1 Give a brief answer to each of the following questions according to Passage A. What is Mike Hunter's nationality? Canadian. Why did Mike come to Beijing? To attend an international medical conference. Where will Mike fly tomorrow? London. How long before the plane takes off should Mike check in? At least one hour before the flight time.
Teaching Aims
文对话语句,病能救课文内容进行问答。 2. 读译写:要求学生能读懂有关旅游信息 方面的英语文章,并能回答相关的阅读理 解练习。 3.写: 1. A. 鼓励学生用学过的单词、词组以书面 的形式表达自己乘飞机观光旅游的经历。 2. B. 了解旅游广告的基本写作格式。
a car came round a corner on the opposite side. 突然,对面的街角处拐过一辆汽车。 What's the opposite of white? 与白色相对的颜色是什么? 10. in order 按次序的,井然有序 Someone comes in every day to check all is in order. 每天都有人来检 查是否一切都井然有序。 It was her job to keep the room in order. 保持房间整洁是她的工作。
Background Information
Every country has its own peculiar dining customs. The Chinese feel that the first rule of being a courteous guest is to be modest. When a person is invited to dinner, he will decline first because he is afraid it will give the host and hostess a lot of trouble preparing for it. As the host keeps on inviting him, he’ll then accept it. Usually the guest will bring some gifts to the host, such as fruit, flowers and wine. The host will immediately protest his doing so by saying, “You shouldn’t have bought the gifts. You are too polite and generous!” When the dinner is ready, the guests are invited to sit down first. They sit in the chairs that are facing the south, which are considered to be honored seats. After everybody is seated, the host asks the guests to start eating first because they will not eat before the host says so. When the dinner is over, the host and hostess will ask the guests to watch TV, drink tea, and sometimes to join a card game or Mahjong game. After some time, the guests will leave, and it is customary for the host to see the guests off.
朗文旅游英语中级教材 Unit 4 Tour Operators
教材:朗文旅游英语(中级) 教材:朗文旅游英语(中级) 学生水平: 学生水平:旅游英语专业 大学二年级 课时:50分钟 课时:50分钟 授课人: 授课人:张琳瑜
Lesson 2
Warm-up: Vocabulary 1. Key words’ explanations Group A: charter flight & scheduled flight Group B: guesthouse, inn, lodge, villa Group C: ancillary service 2. Fill in the table
A. At the airport, the tour operator should keep their clients fully and regularly updated and provide refreshments depending on the length of the delay. If there is not a tour operator representative at the air port, one from the airline should be made available and clients informed at check-in who to see. B. Hotel service is the responsibility of the hotel. C. Hotel advertised as “a stone’s throw from the beach” —— the tour operator is responsible for the accuracy of its brochures. D. In reference to shops, brochure should state something like “lively resort”. E. Roadworks next to the hotel must be notified before departure and, if severe, the client given the option to change hotels or cancel at no charge. F. A seven-day holiday counts as a room being available to the client over seven nights, if this was the case the client does not have a case.
《旅游英语》复习题带答案Unit Four
Unit FourListening scripts:Shandong is situated in the east coast of china and the lower reaches of the Yellow River. Shandong province covers an area of 157 100 square kilometers and its population is 95.791 million in 2010. It has a monsoon climate of temperate zone.Shandong has the best transportation system in China. It has the greatest length of expressway of all the provinces in China, accounting for one-tenth of China’s total. Shandong has over 60 000 kilometers of expressways, and more than 98 percent of Shandong’s villages are linked by the highways.Shandong is rich in tourist resources. It’s famous for the magnificent natural scenery and splendid cultural as well, among which “one mountain , one river and one sage” enjoys a reputation at home and abroad. “One mountain” refers to Mount Tai which is the symbol of Chinese nations. “One river” means the yellow river, which is the mother river of china. “One sage” refers to Confucius, who is regarded as the greatest philosopher of China. Shandong also attracts tourists with the springs of Jinan, the sea of Qingdao, the immortals of Yantai and the island of Weihai. Part 1 Let’s Listen!Real-time Exercises 1Ⅰ. Fill in the table according to what you’ve learnt from the passage.General Situation of Shandong ProvincePosition It is situated in the east coast of china and thelower reaches of the Yellow River.Area 157 100 square kilometersPopulation 95.791 million in 2010Climate monsoon climate of temperate zoneFamous tourist attractions Mt. Tai、the yellow river、the springs of Jinan、the sea of Qingdao、the immortals of Yantai andthe island of Weihai.Ⅱ. Give a brief introduction to Shandong Province according to what you’ve learnt.Located in the east of china and the lower reaches of the yellow River, Shandong covers an area of 157,100 square kilometers inhabited by 95.791 million people in2010. It is typical of a monsoon climate of temperate zone. The province boasts the best expressway. Shandong is rich in tourist resources. It’s famou s for the magnificent natural scenery and splendid cultural as well, among which “one mountain, one river and one sage” enjoys a reputation at home and abroad. Part 2 Let’s Learn!Real-time Exercises 2I. Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage.1. F2.F3.F4.T5.TII. Answer the following questions according to what you’ve learnt.Answers:1. If the special demand is in the contract, the local travel service should arrange it in advance, and the local guide should call to reconfirm it. If the demand is raised after the tourists’ arriving, the guide ought to contact the restaurant and try to meet the demand.2. The local guide should try his best to contact the restaurant and change the food if the demand is put forward three hours before dining. However, the guide shouldn’t accept it if the demand is raised just before the meal. But the guide should tell the tourists the reason for not accepting the demand in the second situation. If the tourists persist in it, the guide can advice them to order dishes by themselves.3. If the healthy tourist wants to dine in the room, the guide should also try to satisfy him, but the tourist has to pay the service charge.4. The local guide ought to recommend those licensed restaurants with good reputation to the tourist. What’ more, the guide should make a reservation in advance and arrange transfer service.5. The local guide should tell the tourists that restaurants have fixed business hours and they have to pay service charge if the dinner surpasses the business hours. The guide can meet their demand if the tourists agree to pay the service charge.Part 3 Let’s Speak!Real-time Exercises 3I. Role-play.II. Simulated Acting.Reference answer:Spicy Diced Chicken with Peanuts, also known as Kung Pao Chicken, is One of the most famous Chinese dishes and a perennial foreigner favorite. This dish first became popular in Sichuan and its legendary origin is a good example of the willingness of Chinese chefs to improvise. Allegedly, the dish is named after Ding Baozhen who is a late official in Qing Dynasty. He was born in Guizhou and served as head of Shandong province and later as governor of Sichuan province. His title was a palatial guardian. The name "Kung Pao" chicken is derived from this title. The dish exists in both traditional Sichuan and Westernized versions; the latter is more popular in the United States and Canada.Part 4 Let’s Read!Real-time Exercises 4.1I. Match the mountain in Column A with their reputation in Column B.Mount Heng in Shanxi ----- the Second Greatest Mountain under HeavenMount Tai in Shandong ----- Natural Museum of History and ArtMount Putuo in Zhejiang ----- the Fairy City of Buddhist KingdomMount Jiuhua in Anhui ----- Buddhist Paradise on the SeaII. Answer the following questions according to what you’ve learnt.1. Mount Tai in Shandong province, Mount Hua in Shaanxi province, Mount Heng in Hunan province, Mount Heng in Shanxi province and Mount Song in Henan province are known asChina’s Five Sacred Mountains. Mount Tai is admired for its grandeur, and innumerable inscriptions have been left there. Mount Huashan is renowned for its precariousness and difficulty of access. Mount Heng was always the place where Taoist activities were done in history, which created a rich Taoist culture. Mount Heng is famous for its unique feature of incorporating into itself ancientry, beauty, serenity of seclusion, risk and wonder to form a magnificent scenic sport for sightseeing. Mount Song is famous for the ancient monastery Shaolin Temple and the martial arts left by Bodhidharma.2. The Four Buddhist Mountains refer to Mount Wutai, Mount Emei, Mount Putuo, Mount Jiuhua. Mount Wutai in Shanxi province is believed to be the sacred place where Manjusri lived and preached, and it tops the other three Buddhist Mountains in China. Mount Emei in Sichuan province is the sacred place where Samantabhadra preached. Mount Putuo in Zhejiang province is the sacred place where Avalokitesvara (Guanyin or Goddess of Mercy) lived. It is believed that Ksitigarbha is enshrined on Mount Jiuhua.3. Mount Huang is considered the most beautiful mountain in China. It is famous for the four wonders, i.e., the queer pines, the grotesque rocks, the sea of clouds and the hot springs.Real-time Exercises 4.2Ⅰ. Choose the best answer for each item according to the passage.1. C2.C3.C4.B5.AⅡ. Complete the English words according to the passage.1. Five Sacred Mountains2. natural scenery manmade sights3. inscriptions and steles4. scenic areasPart 5 Let’s Improve!Real-time Exercises 5Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks with the proper words given below. Change their forms if necessary.1.universally2.importance3.representatives4.tenderness5.founderⅡ. Answer the following questions according to the passage.Answers:1. Chinese cuisine is acclaimed as “Kingdom of Cuisine”.2. Being the framework of Chinese cooking, Yin Yang was brought into Chinese cooking.3. Chinese cooking attaches much more importance to the color, fragrance, taste and shape.4. The four distinct regional cuisines in China are Sichuan cuisine, Shandong cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine and Guangdong cuisine. The distinct characteristics of Sichuan cuisine are hot, sour, tongue-numbing,fish-flavored and a rich variety of flavors. The most famous dishes are Kung Pao Chinken, Yu-Shiang Shredded Pork and Mapo Tofu. Shandong cuisine is well-known for its light seasoning, freshness, tenderness and delicacy. The noted dishes are Braised Yellow River Carp in Sour Sauce, Stewed Sea Cucumber with Spring Onion and Dezhou Braised Chicken. Jiangsu cuisine which is known for its light seasoning and delicacy, the representative dishes of Jiangsu cuisine are Sweet and Sour Boneless Fried Fish, Huaiyang Large Meatball and Beggar’s Chicken. The main features of Guangdong Cuisine are freshment, tenderness, smooth texture, and light seasoning. The typical dishes are Dragon and Tiger Locked in Battle, Duck Web in Oyster Sauce, Roast Suckling Pig.Ⅲ. Oral Presentation.Reference answer:Sichuan Cuisine is one of the most famous Chinese cuisines in the world. Characterized by its spicy and pungent flavors, Sichuan cuisine, with a myriad of tastes, emphasizes the use of chili. Pepper and prickly ash are always in accompaniment, producing the typical exciting tastes. Garlic, ginger and fermented soybean are also used in the cooking process. Wild vegetables and meats are often chosen as ingredients, while frying, frying without oil, pickling and braising are used as basic cooking techniques.Jiangsu Cuisine is popular in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River. Using fish and crustaceans as the main ingredients, it stresses their freshness. Its carving techniques are delicate, of which the melon carving technique is especially well known. Cooking techniques consist of stewing, braising, roasting, and simmering. The flavor of Jiangsu Cuisine is light, fresh and sweet and its presentation is delicately elegant.Guangdong cuisine, tasting clean, light, crisp and fresh, is familiar to Westerners, usually has fowl and other meats that produce its unique dishes. The basic cooking techniques include roasting, stir-frying, sautéing, deep-frying, braising, stewing and steaming. Guangdong chefs also pay much attention to the artistic presentation of their dishes.Shandong cuisine, clean, pure and not greasy, is characterized by its emphasis on aroma, freshness, crispness and tenderness. Shallots and garlic are frequently used as seasonings so Shandong dishes taste pungent. Soups are given much emphasis in Shandong cuisine. Thin soups are clear and fresh while creamy soups are thick and taste strong. Jinan chefs are adept at deep-frying, grilling, pan-frying and stir-frying while Jiaodong chefs are famous for cooking seafood with a fresh and light taste.Part 6 Let’s Practice!Self-checkI. Complete the following passage according to what you’ve learnt.1.attention2.demand3.raise4.belief5.reasons6.forward7.accept8.contradiction9.explain 10.roomII. Complete the following dialogue according to what you’ve learnt.1. would you please give us some recommendations?2. Peking Roast Duck is the most famous dish here.3. special condiments4. fruit tree wood5. When serving,6. 120 thin pieces7. tender meat8. royal chefs.9. make a reservation10. call the restaurant11. the sweet soybean paste12. a sheet of pancakeIII. Translate the following items into English or Chinese1.Fairy City of Buddhist Kingdom2.give some recommendations3.No mountains are worth seeing after a trip to the five sacred mountains, and none of the sacredmountains are worth seeing after a trip to mount huangshan.4.four distinct regional cuisines5.cooking techniques6.据史料记载,中国历史上曾经有72个皇帝在泰山禅礼祭,无数的文人墨客在次留下了珍贵的碑刻。
Vocabulary bank
Understanding abbreviations and acronyms
Unit 4 Careers in Tourism and Hospitality
Skills focus
Reading • identifying topic development within
a paragraph • using the Internet effectively • evaluating Internet search results
We pronounce the vowel letters in abbreviations in this way:
We normally pronounce the vowel letters in acronyms in this way:
/eis/ /'æntɔ: (r)/
/'bætəu/ /'i:tuə/ /'naitə/ /'vistə/
Vocabulary bank
Understanding abbreviations and acronyms
An abbreviation is a shorter version of something. For example, PC /pi:si:/
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The Text and Its Recording
Listening 1 Mt. Lushan
Listening 1 Mt. Lushan KEYS
Located in the northern part of Jiangxi Province, Mt. Lushan faces the Yangtze River to the north and borders on the (1) _______ with the largest fresh water lake in China, Poyang Lake. The mountain consists of (2) _______peaks, the tallest being Dahanyang, rising to the height of (2) _________meters above sea level. Altogether there are 474 scenic spots in (4)_________scenic areas. The beauty of Lushan Mountain is attributed to its exotic peaks and mysterious caves, cascading waterfalls and gurgling springs, ancient temples and stele forest, and buildings that seem to be suspended in (5) _____With this fantastic blend of mountains, sky, water and cragged cliffs it is one of the China’s best (6) _______resorts. Mt. Lushan’s beauty has been admired for centuries. About (7) _____years ago, Li Bai, a master poet of Tang Dynasty, portrayed Mt. Lushan (8) ________ paying homage to the magnificent scenery he saw and enjoyed. He used this area asinspiration for many of his over (9) ______ poems. In 1996, it was endorsed as a world cultural heritage site.
Listening 2 Mt. Taishan
II Situational Dialogue
Mt. Emei
III Class Presentation
Mt. Qingcheng
IV Tourism And Travel
New Tourism
Mt. Siguniang
Mt. Huangshan
Welcome Speech
VI Additional Materials The Five Holy Mountains
Six Parts
2 Listening Tasks 6 Mounts
Mt. Lushan and Mt. Taishan
2. Mt. Taishan, its peak at an elevation of 1585 __________ meters, looking majestic in their sheer masses, is regarded as the highest __________ of all the five holy mountains in China.
1. Study the Words and Proper Names 2. Listen To The Passage about Mt. Lushan 3. Study the Language Tips Shown in This Text 4. Fill in the Blanks of The Passages
1. Study the Words and Proper Names 2. Listen To The Passage about Mt. Lushan 3. Study the Language Tips Shown in This Text 4. Fill in the Blanks of The Passages
English for
Tourism and Travel
A Tour of Landscape
Part I Lecture Time Assigned
Listening 1 Mt. Lushan
I Listening Activities
The Text and Its Recording
Listening 2 Mt. Taishan
Listening 2 Mt. Taishan KEYS
1. Located at the north __________ part of Shangdong Province and lying across Ji’nan and Tai’an Cities, Mt Taishan is the birthplace __________ of Chinese culture and the most magnificent mountain under heaven.