




1. canteen can’t

2. washroom music room

3. shirt skirt


rainy windy

5. shoes shorts


cheap sneakers

7. carrots horses 8.

10:15 10:50


() 1. A. Yes, it is. B. It’s on the first


() 2. A. It’s yellow. B. It’s 5:00.

() 3. A. It’s sunny and warm. B. It’s cheap.

() 4. A. Not much. B. It’s 5 yuan. () 5. A. There are 50. B. They’re

50 yuan.


( ) What about this pair?

( ) Yes. I want a pair of boots for my daughter.

( ) Can I help you?

( ) OK. We’ll take them.

( ) They’re thirty-seven yuan.

( ) OK! How much are they?

( ) Yes, Mom. They’re pretty.

( ) Do you like them, Amy?








2.( )A.eleven B.thirteen C.fifteen


3.( )A.cloudy B.socks C.sunny


4.( )A.lunch B.dinner C.breakfast D. carrot

5.()A.gym https://www.360docs.net/doc/491286472.html,

room C.washroom D.boot

6.( )A.shoes B.pants C.socks


7.( )A.red B.colourful C.green D.



八、连词成句,并用正确规范的形式抄写。注意大小写。(4%) 1.

colour what it is ? 2. math it ’ ti me for .

3. t oday it ’ warm .

4. ducks are they ?


十、阅读对话,判断句子正误。对的打勾,错的打叉。(10%) Amy: Hello! This is Amy.

Mike: Hi, Amy. This is Mike. It ’s warm today. We are at a farm. Amy: Really? What ’s on the farm?

Mike: There are many carrots and potatoes. I like cucumbers. They

are fresh. I don ’t like onions. They are smelly.

Amy: Are there any animals on the farm?

Mike: Yes, there are. There are sheep, goats, lambs and cows. Amy: How many cows are there?

Mike: There are one hundred cows. Guess what? I can milk the cows here.

Amy: That ’s great! I have to stay (待在) at home and watch TV. It ’s rainy in New York.

1. It ’s warm today. Amy is at a farm. ( )

2. Mike likes

onions. ( )

3.There are 100 cows on the farm. ( )

4. Mike can milk the cows on the farm. ( )

5. It’s windy in New York. Amy can watch TV. ( )



1. Can I wear my new shirt today? No, you can’t. It’s cold.

2. Where is the washroom? It’s on the first floor.

3. Can I help you? Yes. I want a skirt for my


4. What’s the weather like in Beijing? It’s windy.

5. Where are my shoes? Look! They’re under

your bed.

6. How much is this colourful dress? It’s only 20 yuan. Oh, it’s very cheap.

7. Are they carrots? Yes, they are.

8. What time is it? It’s 10:50. It’s time for lunch.


1. Can I help you? Yes. I want a pair of sneakers.

What about this pair? Oh, yeah. I like them. How much are


Ninety-nine yuan. Oh, that’s expensive.

2. How much is your jacket? Oh, it’s cheap. It’s only 25 yuan.

3. Can I help you? Yes. I want three carrots. How much are they? They are two yuan. OK. I’ll take them.

4. Oh, your farm is so big. How many cows do you have?

I have one hundred. Wow!

5. Are they horses? Yes, they are.

How many horses are there? There are fifteen horses.


1. It’s 6:20. It’s time to get up.

2. What time is it? It’s 11:05.

Oh, it’s time to eat lunch. Let’s go to the canteen.

3. It’s time for music.

Oh, really?What time is it now? It’s 2:15.

Oh, yes. Let’s go to the music room.

4. Zhang Peng! It’s 3:00 now. Let’s go to the playground. OK. It’s time for P.E. Let’s play football.

5. What time is it? It’s 4:15.

Oh, school is over now. Let’s go home.


1. Where is the art room?

2. What colour is the T-shirt?

3.What’s the weather like today?

4.What are you doing?

5.How much are these jeans?


Can I help you? Yes. I want a pair of boots for my daughter. What about this pair? Do you like them, Amy?

Yes, Mom. They’re pretty.

OK! How much are they? They’re thirty-seven Yuan. OK. We’ll take them.


2017-2018学年人教版四年级英语上册期末试卷 听力部分(40分) 一、听录音,选出听到的单词或短语,将其序号填入题前括号内。(听两遍,共10题,每小题1分,计10分) ( ) 1. A. either B. eye C. elephant ( ) 2. A. help B. hungry C. but ( ) 3. A. like B. monkey C. panda ( ) 4. A. many B. much C . make ( ) 5. A. fourteen B. fifteen C. thirteen ( ) 6. A. swim B. skate C. jump ( ) 7. A. very B. umbrella C. yeah ( ) 8. A. red B. robot C. orange ( ) 9. A. she B. he C. they ( ) 10. A. anything else B. a snack bar C. a cup of tea 二、听录音,用数字给下列图片标上序号。 (听两遍,共8题,每小题1分,计8分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) . . . ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,判断。相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”。(听两遍,共6题,每小题1分,计6分) 1. 2. 3. ( ) ( ) ( ) 4. 5. 6. ¥15

()()() 四、听录音,选择正确的答句。(听三遍,共5题,每小题2分,计10分) ( ) 1. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, I am. ( ) 2. A. Well done. B. How nice! C. Here you are. ( ) 3. A. Fourteen. B. It’s fourteen . C. Fourteen yuan. ( ) 4. A. No, I can’t. B. No, she can’t. C.No, he can’t. ( ) 5. A. No, I don’t. B. No, thanks. C. Ten, please. 五、听录音,填入所缺单词。(听三遍,共6空,每空1分,计6分) 1. A: Look at_______ doll. B: __________ eyes are _________. 2. A: What would you like? B: I’d like some__________. A: Anything__________? B: A cup of___________. 笔试部分(60分) 六、找出不是同一类的单词。(共8题,每小题1分,计8分) ( ) 1. A. twenty B. monkey C. thirty ( ) 2. A. fridge B. table C. cute ( ) 3. A. juice B.cake C.hamburger ( ) 4. A. skate B. sofa C. swim ( ) 5. A. apple B. bird C. orange ( ) 6. A. door B. sticker C. bed ( ) 7. A. doll B. basketball C. football ( ) 8. A. she B. he C. my 七、单项选择。(共10题,每小题1分,计10分) ( ) 1.--- Look at these_______ . ---They are sweet. A .tiger B. apples C. horses ( ) 2. --- Do you have_______ toy animals? ---No, I don’t. A. some B. any C . a ( ) 3. --- I’m hungry. ---I’d like some _____ . A. rice B. juice C. milk ( ) 4. Mike and Yang Ling are _______ the snack bar. A. on B. under C. at ( ) 5. He can’t play basketball _______. A. either B. too C. to ( ) 6. --- Do you like ______? ---_______, I do. A. cats; No B. cat; No C. cats; Yes ( ) 7. --- ______ is the cake? ---Ten yuan. A. How many B. How much C.How old ( ) 8. Your ears______ big and your hair______ long. A. is;is B. are; are C. are; is ( ) 9. ---Tina, Here are some pies.They are ______ you. ---Thank you, Bobby.


209-2020学年第一学期期末试卷 四年级 英语 时间:60分钟 满分:100分 一、看图片,写单词。(12分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 二、选出不同类的单词。(10分) ( )https://www.360docs.net/doc/491286472.html, B. fridge C.noodles ( )2. A. bag B. desk C.chalk ( )3. A. living room B. bedroom C. bed ( )4. A. cat B. kitchen C. pig ( )5. A. spoon B. kite C. knife 三、单项选择。(12分) ( )1. Let me clean the chair. A. teachers B.teacher ’s C. teachers ’ ( )2. I lost my schoolbag. A. Thanks B.Sorry C. Excuse me ( )3. How many pears the tree? A. in B. on C.at ( )4. My family six people. A. have B. is C. has ( )5. -My brother has a good friend. -A boy girl? -A boy. A.and B. or C. but ( )6. I ’d like fish. A.the B. a C.some 四、读句子,选单词。(10分) A. Where B. Who C. How D. What E. How many ( )1.- are you? -I'm fine, thank you. ( )2.- is Mike? - He's in the bathroom. ( )3.- are they? -They are my parents, my brother, my sister and me.


南宁市四年级英语期末测试卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、听力题 (共7题;共9分) 1. (2分) (2019二上·龙华期中) 2. (1分)选出与你所听到的内容相符的图片 A . B . 3. (2分) (2020五下·北京期末) 听录音,选出你所听到的单词() A . camera B . carrot C . carry 4. (1分) (2018一下·上海期中) 根据录音,判断图片是否正确 5. (1分) (2020六上·北京期末) 听录音,找出与句子相关的信息() A . order B . line C . number 6. (1分) (2019六下·东莞期末) 听到句子,选择你所听到的选项() A . hurt B . hurts C . hers 7. (1分) (2020五上·诸暨期末) There are two photos ________ (on/above) the desk.

二、单选题 (共20题;共20分) 8. (1分) They are my ________(父母亲). They are both(都)teachers. A . grandparents B . parents C . people 9. (1分) (2020六上·北京期中) —Please finish your homework on time, Jim. —_______. A . I don't like do it B . That's great C . I will. 10. (1分) I hope you'll have a good time at the party. A . enjoy yourself B . study well C . hurry up 11. (1分)你想知道这个男孩是谁,你应该这样问 A . Who is he ? B . Who's this boy? 12. (1分)—what's wrong with you? —I have a ________. A . fever B . running nose C . flu 13. (1分)当你饿了,你要和妈妈怎么说:_______ A . I'm thirsty. B . I'm hungry. 14. (1分)—How old are you? —______________. A . I'm very well. B . I'm ten.


精选教育类文档,希望能帮助到大家,祝心想事成,万事如意! 知识就是力量@_@ 人教版四年级英语上册期末试题及答案 题 号 听力部分笔试部分 一二三四五六七八一二三四五六七八 得 分 听力部分(40分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分) ()1、A、bathroom B、bedroom C、blackboard ()2、A、chicken B、chopsticks C、classroom

()3、A、dinner B、doctor C、driver ()4、A、farmer B、fridge C、friendly ()5、A、hair B、hat C、his ()6、A、light B、little C、lost ()7、A、noodles B、notebook C、nurse ()8、A、parents B、people C、puppy ()9、A、sofa B、soup C、spoon ()10、A、ready B、really C、right 二、听录音,根据录音内容排序。(5分) ()Go to the living room. Watch TV. ()Is she in the study? No,she isn’t. ()I have a new pen. It’s very nice. ()Are they on the table? Yes, they are. ()I’m in the bedroom. 小学四年级英语第2 页(共6页) 三、听录音,找出你没听到的一项,并把序号填在括号内。(5分) ()1、A、Chinese book B、English book C、Story book ()2、A、window B、light C、blackboard


期末测试卷 时间:60分钟满分:100分 听力部分(30分) 一、听录音,选择你所听到的单词。(5分) () 1. A. rainy B. windy C. sunny () 2. A. sheep B. cat C. horse () 3. A. tomato B. onion C. potato () 4. A. hundred B. twelve C. thirty () 5. A. cold B. hot C. cool 二、听录音,给下列图片排序。(5分) () () () () () 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。(5分) () 1. A. Is it cold? B. Is it cool? () 2. A. This is the teacher's desk. B. This is the teachers' office. () 3. A. Is it cloudy today? B. Is it rainy today? () 4. A. My dress is new. B. My dress is old. () 5. A. It's too cheap. B. It's too expensive. 四、听录音,根据你所听到的句子选择正确的答语。(5分) () 1. A. Yes, you can. B. Yes, you are. () 2. A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, I am. () 3. A. It's warm. B. It's white. () 4. A. Twenty-six. B. Fifty yuan. () 5. A. They are in the classroom. B. It's on the first floor. 五、听录音,判断下列图片与所听内容是(√)否(×)相符。(10分)


2013-2014学年度第一学期 小学四年级英语期末测试卷 听力部分(40分) 一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词,在括号里划“√”。(8分) 二、听录音,根据所听顺序给下面图片标号。(10分) ()()()()() ()()()()() 三、听录音,根据对话的内容,勾你听到的食物,在空格里打“√”。(10分) 四、听一个问句和两个答语,选出正确的答语,把答案写在括号里。(12分) 1、( ) 2、( ) 3、( ) 4、( ) 5、( ) 6、( ) 笔试部分(60分) 一、根据图片写单词。(12分) 二、给下列单词归类,把不同类的单词找出来,把序号在前面的括号里。(8分) ( ) 1、A、light B、floor C、wall D、classroom ( ) 2、A、toy B、English C、math D、Chinese ( ) 3、A、quiet B、glasses C、friendly D、strong ( ) 4、A、cook B、driver C、baby D、farmer ( ) 5、A、noodles B、rice C、juice D、fish

( ) 6、A、fork B、soup C、knife D、chopsticks ( ) 7、A、fridge B、sofa C、bed D、study ( ) 8、A、chicken B、living room C、bathroom D、kitchen 三、选择正确答案将其序号填入括号内。(10分) A . me B. my C. we A. people B. peoples C. puppy A. like B. have C. likes A .long B. strong C. short ( )5. He has _____ hair, big eyes and small ears. A. white B. big C. long A. What B. What C Where A. any B. you C. some A. What B. Where C. Who A. at B. is C. are A. to B. on C. for 四、根据A栏的问题,在B栏中找出相应的答句,把字母编号填在括号里。(5 分) ( )1. What’s in your schoolbag? A. His name is John. ( )2. Can I have some rice , please? B. I have 15. ( )3. How many hats do you have? C. Sure. Here you are. ( )4. What’s his name? D. It’s under the chair. ( )5. Where is the ball? E. Three books and two erasers. 五、按要求改写下列句子。(20分) 2、This is my uncle.(改为一般疑问句,并做肯定回答) (我想要一些面条、牛肉和蔬菜。)


小学四年级英语上册期末测试题 一、从下列每组单词中选出一个不同类的单词。 ( ) 1. A. door B. doctor C. farmer ( ) 2. A. knife B. noodles C. fork ( ) 3. A. bedroom B. schoolbag C. bathroom ( ) 4. A. Chinese B. chopsticks C. English ( ) 5. A. strong B. quiet C. soup 二、从下列每组单词中选出划线部分发音与其他两个不同的一项。 ( ) 1. A. cake B. dad C. name ( ) 2. A. like B. kite C. big ( ) 3. A. duck B. use C. cute ( ) 4. A. nose B. box C. home ( ) 5. A. she B. we C. red 三、给下列图片选择对应的单词。将单词序号填在图片下面的括号里。 1.( ) 2 .( ) 3.( ) 4.( ) 5.( ) 6.( ) 7.( ) 8.( ) 9.( ) 10.( ) A. kitchen B. spoon C. classroom D. floor E. candy F. vegetables G. computer H. picture I. doctor J. shoes 四、单项选择。 ( ) 1. --- _____________ --- Some books and a pencil box. A. Where is it? B. What’s this? C. What’s in it? ( ) 2. My friend ______ short. She ______ long hair.


四年级上册英语试卷及答案 目录 四年级上册英语试卷 (1) 四年级上册英语试卷答案 (6) Ⅰ听力部分 (6) Ⅱ笔试部分 (6) 四年级上册英语试卷 (时间90分钟,卷面5分,总分100分) Ⅰ听力部分(30分) 一、听录音找出你听到的单词,将序号填在前面的括号内。(5分) ( )1. A. bedroom B. living room C. kitchen D. study ( )2. A. phone B. bed C. bathroom D. table ( )3. A. sofa B. fridge C. desk D. chair ( )4. A. blackboard B. wall C. shelf D. fan ( ) 5. A. Make the bed B. Sit on the sofa C. Set the table D. Watch TV 二、选出与你所听到的单词同类的一个选项。(5分) ( )1. A. rice B. chair C. bed

( )2. A. window B. study C. pen ( )3. A. music B. egg C. milk ( )4. A. notebook B. wall C. father ( )5. A. bus B. driver C. chair 三、听录音,判断对错,对的填“T”,错的填“F”。(10分) ()Go to the living room. Watch TV. ()Is she in the study? No, she isn’t. ()I have a new pen. It’s very nice. ()Are they on the table? Yes, they are. ()I’m in the bedroom. 四、仔细听,找出你听到的句子并排顺序( 10分) A、Thank you . B、Use the spoon. C、I like bread and milk . D、Let’s go to school . E、Sweep the floor. 1、() 2、() 3、() 4、() 5、() Ⅱ笔试部分(70分) 一、写出26个英文字母的大小写形式。(15分)


姓名: ____________ 班别: _____________ 分数: __________ (答题时间40分钟,满分100分) 一、 听录音,选出与录音内容相符合的一项,并将其英文大写字母编号 填在题前的括号里。(每小题1分,共10份) .40 C.50 二、 听录音,判断图片是否与录音内容相符,相符的在相应的括号内打““”, 不相符的打“X”。(每小题2分,共20份) 四 、听 录 曰, 根 据 你 三、听录音,用阿拉伯数字标出顺序。(每题2分,共10分) 所听到的问题,选择最合适的答句,并将其英文大写字母编号填在题前的括 号内,每个问题将读两遍。(每小题1分,共10份) 's a teacher. A *■ ■ ? - -? ■jJl -^23,- 8 ■TiT?^7' J 点穆_诅应谕计 需 h T

()2.A. Yes,it is. B.Two pencils. C. It ' s a bag. ()3.A. It ' s my ruler. B」have 2. C. It ' s blue. ()4.A. Yes,I do. B. I ' d like some beef. C.Yes,I can. ()5.A. It ' s near the door. B. Yes,it is. C」can 12. 五、听录音,填上所缺单词,使句子意思合理、完整,每空只填一词,每组对话将读两遍。(每空1分,共10分) 1. A:Look! I have a new B: It ' s very nice. 2. A:How many ________ ? B: I can see thirty. 3. A:What colour is your ? _________ B: It ' s yellow. 4. My father is a . ________ 5. Chen Lin is my frie nd,she likes . ______________ 6. Welcome to my _______ J! ______ ' s nice. 7. I like my ________ __________ ' s big. 8. Where are my keys? They ' re on the _________ . _________ 9. The computer is n ear the _______ . ___________ 10. Open the _______ ,please. 六、听录音,在相关内容的框格里打“,每题读两遍。(每空1分,共10 分)


人教版四年级英语上册期末试卷及 答案 听力部分(30 分) 一、选出你所听到句子的最佳答语(10 分,每题 2 分) ( ) 1 A It ' s snowy B. Put on your coat. ( ) 2 A It ' s a carrot . B It ' s for you. ( ) 3. A It ' s fourteen B It ' s fifteen. ( ) 4 A I ' m from Singapore B I 'm a student. ( ) 5 A Over there B What ' s in it? 二.听问句,选答语(10 分,每题 2 分) ( )1 、.A.Yes, I do. B. I ' m number seven. ( )2 、A. It ' s twenty. B. It 's 8:20. ( )3 、A. It ' s snowy. B .Thank you. ( ) 4 、A.I ' m in Class Five. B. Good idea. ( ) 5 、A.It 's a watermelon. B.I ' m from China. 三.根据所听到内容为下列句子排序.(10 分,每小题2分) ( )A.Sure,Here you are. ( )B.Certainly. ( )C.Thank you.May I try them on? ( )D.Mum,Ilike those shoes. ( )E.Can I have a look at those shoes,please? 笔试部分(70 分) 一.圈出下列字母相对应的大(小)写字母。(5分每题1分) 1. P(b d p) 2.R(t r f) 3.T(l o t) 4.s(W S M) 5.G(q s g) 6.k(N E K) 7.m(M A D) 8.H(b h x) 9.v(P J V) 10.X(x t u) 二、根据汉语补全单词。(5 分)


四年级英语期末测试卷 听力部分(30分) 一、 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(10分) ( )1. A. welcome B. come C. home ( )2. A. see B. bee C. tree ( )3. A. homework B. some C. fun ( )4. A. about B. boat C. coat ( )5. A. flower B. how C. now ( )6. A. party B. pie C. park ( )7. A. school B. soon C. cool ( )8. A. pear B. dear C. ear ( )9. A. sunny B. today C.Sunday ( )10. A. match B. each C. watch 二、 听录音,给下列图片排列顺序。(6分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 三、听录音,选出正确的答句。(5分) ( )1. A. We like Chinese. B. We have seven. C. We have Chinese and PE. ( )2. A. Ten. B. At ten to ten. C. It ’s ten to ten. ( )3. A. They ’re Helen. B. It ’s Helen ’s. C. They ’re Helen ’s. ( )4. A. I can see a kite. B. I can fly kites. C. I like spring. ( )5. A. She has a fever. B. I have a coat. C. He has a cold. 四、听录音,将对话补充完整。(9分) 1. A: _______is so ________. Can I have some ________ ________ ? B: OK. Here you are. How are you now ? A: Not so good. I ’m________. B: I ’m sorry to ________ that.


四年级英语期末练习题 一、读单词划线部分,发音一致打√ ,不一致的打× 。 ()1. A. little B.uncle ()2. A. born B. work ()3. A. turn B. sir ()4. A. scarf B. card ()5. A. home B. box 二、读一读,选出不同类的单词。 () 1. A. cheap B. expensive C. scarf () 2. A. pants B. jacket C. nice () 3. A. cow B. sheep C. potato () 4. A. tomato B. apple C. banana () 5. A. sun B. cloudy C. snowy () 6. A. get up B. go to bed C. breakfast () 7. A. skirt B. dress C. pretty () 8. A. library B. playground C. school () 9. A. go home B. lunch C. dinner () 10.A. sunny B. sunglasses C. gloves 三、单项选择。 () 1. The gloves are 98 yuan. They’re _______. A. cheap B. expensive C. small () 2. How many cows are there? __________. A. 100 yuan. B. Twenty C. It’s 10 o’clock.

()3. It’s 10 o’clock. It’s time _______ go to school. A. for B. to C. of () 4. What’s the weather like _____ Beijing? It’s ______ now. A. in; windy B. on; windy C. in; wind () 5. It’s hot. So I ____________. A. take off my sweater B. put on my sweater C. put on my gloves () 6. I like ________ white shorts. _______ nice. A. this; It’s B. those; They’re C. those; It’s () 7. ________ clothes are these? They’re my _________. A. Who; father’s B. Whose; father’s C. Whose; father () 8. ________ the teacher’s office? It’s _____ the second floor. A. Where’s; in B. Where’s; on C. Where; on () 9. We can read books in the ________. A. library B. art room C. music room () 10. Are they hens? No, __________. ________ ducks. A. they aren’t; They are B. it isn’t; It’s C. they are; They are 四、读一读,选择正确的答语。 () 1. Is that the computer room?A. Yes. () 2. Can I help you?B. They are green and white.


人教版四年级上册英语期末试卷及答案 听力部分 一. Listen and circle. (听录音圈出你所听到的单词。) 1、window wall 2、notebook maths book 3、strong fat 4、Chinese book English book 5、friendly thin 6、long hair short hair 7、floor really 8、clean the desks open the door 9、cute lost 10、 a yellow bag blue shoes 二. Listen and number. ( 听录音,按顺序给图片排序。) ) 三. Listen and choose.(听录音选择句子。) ( )1、A. My bag is under the chair. B. My bag is blue. ( )2、A. We have a new room. B. I have a new pen. ( )3、A . What’s in your box B. What colour is it ( )4、A. Are they on the table B. Where are the keys ( )5、A. My father is a teacher. B. My uncle is a driver. 四. Listen, tick or cross. (听录音,在听到的图片下打“√”。) 五.Listen and choose.给听到的问题选择合适的答语。

~ ( )1. A. My family has six people. B. Yes, it is. ( )2. A. She’s in the kitchen. B. No, it isn’t. ( )3. A. Yes, they are. B. Yes, I am. ( )4. A. It’s blue and white. B. I like rice. 六、Listen and number. ( 听录音,给下列句子排序。) ( )Yes, it is. He’s a football player. ( )Is this your uncle, Sarah ( )What’s your aunt’s job ( )She is a nurse. ( )Is this your baby brother " ( )No, it’s me. 七. Listen and judge. (听录音,判断下列句子与所给内容是否相符,相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”。) ( )(1) This is my new computer. ( )(2) How many people are there in your family ( )(3) Would you like some vegetables ( )(4)Is she in the living room ( )(5) My mother is a cook. 笔试部分 一. 读一读,选一选。 [ A. Open the door. B. Turn on the light. C. Clean the blackboard. D. Clean the window. E. Put up the picture. 二.找出不同类的单词。 ( )1. A red B. doctor C. yellow


.精品文档. 四年级英语期末测试卷及答案 小学四年级英语期末测试卷 班别:姓名:学号:成绩: —、听录首,选择你所听到的单词,并将其编号写在提前的括号里。(10分) ()1、A. washr B. what . walkan ()2、A. sendB. eleven . seven. ()3、A. breadB. sweater. weather ()4、A. sheepB.eep. heap ()5、A. theseB. thse. they 二、听录音,将下列各图按照录音所读重新排序,把其编号写在下面括号里。(10分) 三、听录音,把句子补充完整,每空一词。(10分) 1. It ' s . It ' s tie hinese lass. 2. A: hat is it? B: It ' s . 3. It ' s tday. fly a kite. 4. A: Hw uh the apples? B: five yuan. 5. I an see three and five n the far. 四、选出适合的答句,将其编号写在括号里。(10分)新课标第一网

()1、A. yes, it ' s nt. B. N, it is. . yes, it .精品文档. is. ()2、A. It ' s red.B. It ' s three ' Ik. . It ' s Id. ()3、A. They ' re blue.B. It ' s pretty.. It ' s yellw and white. ()4、A. They 're thirty yuan.B. It 's thirty yuan.. They' re great. ()5、N, they are.B. N, they aren ' t. . yes, they aren t 五、听录音,写服装及价钱。 y friend ' s lthes Nae lthes Prie hn Lily T Bb 笔试部分 六、根据句子内容填空。(10分) 1、Is _____ yur garden? N, it _________ . 2、hat ______ i s it? It ' s seven _________________ . 3、_______ _________________________ s unny tday, yu wear yur T-shirt.


四年级上册英语期末考试、根据汉语意思补全单词。(10分) 二、连词成句。(10分) 1. girl the in who is a dress? red 2. the blue a shirt in boy Sally's friend. Is 3. a shop assistant. is he 4. time is it go to bed. to 5. usually my I clean bedroom. 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1. Would you like ______ (swim) with me? 2. _____ (have) you got a new shirt? 3. Sun day is the _____ (one) day of the week. 4. Tim ____ (play) football with his friends after school. 5. Sometimes we _____ (play) chess. 6. I n eed a pair of _____ (sock). 7. Everything in the room ____ (be) clean. 8. I want to go _____ (shop). 9. The cook is very _____ (frie nd). 10. --- Are you ____ (move) in now? --- No, I am not. 四、选择最佳答案填空。(20分) ()1. What are they _________ now? A. do B. doing C. does D. did ( )2. I am ______ on the computer now. A. play ing B. play C. plays D. played ( )3. Jenny ______ h er hair now. A. wash B. washes C. is washing D. washi ng ( )4. My father _______ the phone now. A. is talki ng on B. am talki ng C. talki ng on D. talks on ( )5. They _____ TV now. A. is watch ing B. am watch ing C. are watch ing D. watches ( )6. He likes ______ to the shops _____ Saturday morni ng. A. goes; on B. to go; in C. goes; in D. to go; on ()7. Look at Danny. He _______ w ith a ball.


人教版四年级英语上册期末测 试题 (时间:40分钟共:100☆(含卷面10☆) 一、选出不同类的单词,将序号写在相应的括号里。 ()1.A. door B. long C. light ()2.A. wall B. window C. boy ()3.A. board B. black C. blue ()4.A. strong B. head C. thin ()5.A. near B. on C. no 二、选出划线部分发音不同的单词。 ()1. A. like B. kite C. six ()2. A. rice B. pig C. big ()3. A. cake B. face C. cat ()4. A. name B. dad C. bag ()5. A. nose B. dog C. box 三、选择。 ()1.What colour is your schoolbag?It’s______. A.black and white B. three C. many books ()2.Where is the picture?_____________

A.Yes,it is. B.G reen. C. It’s on the wall. ()3. _________? Her name is Amy. A.What’s his name B. What’s her name C. What’s your name ()4. Here it is.__________. A.OK B. Thank you C.I lost my schoolbag ()5.What’s in your schoolbag? _____________. A.many books B. two toys C. Many toys ()6.W hat’s ___ the classroom? A board. A.on B.in C. under ()7. Let me help you.____________ A.Yes, it is. B. Let’s go and see. C. Thanks. ()8.Is he Wu Yifan? ___________ A.Yes. You are right. B. He’s tall. C. Good. ()9.Who is he?____________. A.She is my mom B. Her name is Amy C. Mike ()10. He _____ glasses. A.is B. has C. are 四、读一读,根据图片判断对T错F。 ()1.Let me clean the teacher’s desk. ()2. It’s an English book. ()3. I lost my pencil.
