gre issue写作模板

gre issue写作模板GRE Issue写作模板可以帮助考生快速构建文章结构,以下是一个常用的模板:一、开头段(Introduction)重述题目:用简洁的语言重述题目,并指出自己的立场。
例如:The issue of _____(主题)has been widely debated. In this essay, I will argue that ____(自己的立场).提出背景:介绍与主题相关的背景信息,为下文的论述打下基础。
例如:Recently, there has been increasing concern about ____(主题)due to ____(相关背景).二、主体段1(Body Paragraph 1)提出分论点1:说明支持自己立场的第一个原因或论据。
例如:Firstly, ____(分论点1).举例或解释:用具体的例子或解释来支持分论点。
例如:For instance, ____(具体例子或解释).三、主体段2(Body Paragraph 2)提出分论点2:说明支持自己立场的第二个原因或论据。
例如:Secondly, ____(分论点2).举例或解释:用具体的例子或解释来支持分论点。
例如:To illustrate this point, ____(具体例子或解释).四、主体段3(Body Paragraph 3)承认对方观点:承认与自己立场相反的观点,并简要说明其合理性。
例如:It is true that some people argue that ____(对方观点). However, this view is not entirely convincing.反驳对方观点:用具体的例子或解释来反驳对方观点,并强调自己立场的正确性。
例如:For example, ____(反驳的例子或解释). Therefore,my argument stands.五、结尾段(Conclusion)重申立场:重申自己的立场,并总结上文论述。

Inthis argument ,the author concludes/recommends that ….To support this conclusion/recommendation,the author points out/cites … .In addition/On the basis of this,the author also cites that … .This argument suffers from several critical/logical flaws,which render it unconvincing as it stands. /PE(paragraph ending):…,the author cannotexpect us to take seriously the claim/convince me that …contribute to … /ruling out such/other possibilities/explanations/accounting for …,the author cannot justifiably conclude that …/ justify the claim/convince me that …/make any sound recommendation to …… before I can accept theauthor’s final conclusion that …(接Perhaps …)If so,this fact/Either scenario/Any of these scenarios,if ture, would significantly/seriously undermine/weaken (the arguer’s contention /conclusion that) …(1)A threshold problem with the argument invloves the statistical reliability ofthe survey because the size of the sample is too small to be sufficient.Also,the sample might be unrepresentative of … as a whole.Without a sufficiently representative sample,the author cannot draw any conclusion whatsoever on the basis of the study. (小样本、代表性)(2) …are rarely sufficient to establisha general conclusion. From the survey quotedinthis argument,we findnosignof suchprocedures for randomsamplingsand have good reasons to doubt if the sample is representative enough to reflect the general situation as a whole.Besides,…provides no information about what percentage of … responded to the surveys.The lower the percentage,the less reliable the results of the surveys/study ’s conclusion. (随机性、代表性)结尾总结用author’s conclusion depends,I would need more information about the size/randomness of the study ’s sample.The author provides no information concerning/omits to inform us about A,B,C and D.It is impossible to conclude without comparing the two groups subjects.For example, ….Without evidence of the study ’s methodological (and statistical) reliability, the author cannot rely on the study to draw any firm conclusion.(1)A is not necessarily due to B.Perhaps ….Since the argument fails to account for this alternative explanation for …,the author cannot …(2)The author unfairly attributes A to B/assumes that A were attributable tocking evidence to confirm this assumption,it is entirely possible that ….Or,perhaps ….After all,the autho r provides no evidence that ….PE.(1)A does not necessarily indicate that B.Perhaps …., ….PE.(2)The argument relies/depends on the (unsubstantiated) assumption that …/ Based on the fact that A the author infers that B.However,/Yet this is not necessarily the case.Perhaps ….If so,this fact would significantly undermine …(3)The fact that … lends no/little credible/scant support to …(4)A probleminvolves the definitionof ….The author fails todefine this critical term.If … is defined as … ,then … .In short, without a clear definition of … it is impossible to assess the strength of the argument.The arguer uses previous experience to illustrate that now …,ignoring t he factor of time which perhaps can change everything including … .Eg:The economic situation becomes worse;The worsening economic situationOne problemwhy I disagree with the argument is that it is unwarranted toinfer from the success of B that A will also succeed by following the same format. Perhaps … .In short,lacking evidence that conditions on the … are relevantly similar,the author cannot convince me on the basis of A’s experience that the action would be effective in B. Eg:economic situation,regionThe argument suffers from “either-or ” reasoning.Based on t he fact that … ,the author unfairly concludes that … .However,the author overlooks the possibility …Another problemwiththe argument is that it overlooks other factors that /the possibility that A is not the only factor affectingB.For instance,perhaps entirely possible that …does in fact serve to ….PE.……/ItisThe author appreciates sb’s strong commitment to sth to some extent. However,we know the fact that to make a commitment is one thing,to achieve it is far more difficult.There is no indication that they might fulfill their promise.结尾: In sum,the argument is unconvincing as it stands/not well supported.To bolster it,the author must provide clear evidence that …The author must also show that ….To better assess/evaluate the argument we would need figures …/more information about ….We should also need to know …。

下面cnfla小编为您收集整理了GRE满分写作开头段模板,希望对您有帮助GRE写作开头段模板一In this analysis, the arguer claims that P University should offer employment to the spouse of each new faculty member that they hire. To substantiate the conclusion, the arguer cites the example of B College where professors prefer to have their spouse employed in the same geographical area. In addition, the arguer assumes that this offer of possible job for their spouse on the campus, no matter whether it will be accepted, is the only factor that new professors consider in deciding whether to accept a university position. This argument is unconvincing for several critical flaws.GRE写作开头段模板二In this argument, the arguer advocates that the C Corporation should hire DF, a family owned local company that offers varied menu of fish and poultry, instead of GT Company, the present supplier of food in C’s employee cafeteria. The recommendation is based on the observation that the GT is expensive, that its prices have kept rising, that it does not servespecial diets, and that three employees complained about it. Meanwhile, the arguer assumes D to be a better choice for C because a sample lunch of this company that the arguer happened to taste was delicious. This argument is problematic for two reasons.GRE写作开头段模板三The conclusion in this argument is that F College can expect to increase enrollment by promising to find jobs for students after graduation. In support of this prediction, the arguer claims that college-bound students are increasingly concerned about job prospects after graduation. Moreover, the arguer assumes that this attempt has three benefits: (1) to enable F to compete with more famous schools; (2) to encourage students to start career preparation early; (3) to encourage students to complete their coursework. This argument is fraught with vague, oversimplified and unwarranted assumptions.GRE写作开头段模板四In this argument, the arguer concludes that sending the mechanics of GAA to a two-week QCS on proper maintenance procedures will automatically lead to improved maintenance and to greater customer satisfaction along with greater profits for the airline. To support the conclusion, the arguer points out that the performance of the maintenance crews in the automobile racing industry improved markedly after their crews had attended the seminar. In addition, the arguer reasons that since the maintenance crews of the automobile racing industry and the mechanics of GAA perform many of the same functions, the airlines will gain similar benefits from the training program. This argument suffers from several critical fallacies.GRE写作开头段模板五In this argument, the arguer recommends that C should advise its citizens to install both air conditioners and fans for cooling in order to reduce the cost of electricity. T o justify this claim, the arguer provides the evidence that many citizens of C suffer from the rising costs of electricity. In addition, he cites the result of a recent study that using fans alone costs more than using air conditioners alone, and that using both fans and air conditioners costs less than either using fans or air conditioners alone. A careful examination of this argument would reveal how groundless the conclusion is.。

对于Agree/Disagree题型,简单模板可以包含三个段落,但是可以增加:首段:Paraphrase the prompt + Thesis Statement中段1:Topic Sentence + Explanation + Example(s)中段2:Topic Sentence + Explanation + Example(s)中段3:1 - 3 Sentence Counterargument + Topic Sentence + Explanation + Example(s)反驳段: Topic Sentence + Explanation + Example(s) / Acknowledge Counterargument + Refute Counterargument结尾:Summarize the argument + Final Thoughts / Reiterate your thesis下面是详细版的GRE作文模板,它包含了更多的段落。
这些段落通常按以下顺序呈现:1. 首段 First Paragraph作文的第一段必须引出你的主题和中心论点。
模板:The first paragraph of your essay should introduce your topic and your central argument. You can start by posing a question or a problem, and then refer to the prompt and state your thesis or position. The first paragraph should have a simple logic that allows the reader to understand your point of view, while introducing the logical sequence in an effective way. At the end of this paragraph it is advisable to state your position on the issue. For an agree/disagree question, you should directly state your opinion after this paragraph.例子:Climate change is a topic of great concern for scientists and policymakers. Some argue that global warming is caused by human activity, while others contend that it is a natural phenomenon. In my opinion, the evidence for human-caused climate change is overwhelming. In this essay, I will present the reasons why I believe that humans are responsible for global warming.2. 第二段 Second Paragraph从你的首段开始,你必须让读者知道,为什么你的论点或立场是正确的。

一.开头intheargument,the(主题对象)recommendsthat(对结论做论述,基本上可以抄原文,用另外一种方式表达即可).tosupportthisrecommendationtheargumentpointoutt hat(说明文章用了什么论据去证明观点了,同上抄袭即可)howeverthisargumentislogicallyflawedinseveralcriticalrespects(说明这篇文章逻辑上是有缺陷的).二.攻击论据1.调查结果没有证据申明tobeginwith,theargumentdependsontheassumptionthat(阐述说出了一个没有根据的申明,并说出文中的原因)—ratherthanforsomeotherreasons.yetitisentirelypossib lethat(说明这种猜测可能的原因)orsomeotherfactor.withoutrulingoutallotherreason swhy(重述这个申明)(说出反方向的结论).2.提到了样本,但是数据不具有代表性(数据不够)Firstly,theauthorprovidesnoevidencethatthesurveyiss tatisticallyreliable.perhapsthesurvey’ssampleisnotsufficientinsizeorrepresentativeofthequ alityof(说明对象的数量和质量不够)Forthatmatter,thissurveyisnotstrongenoughtoestab lishcausationbetween(在这里列出原因和结果,做比较)however,theotherreasonsofthesurveywhich(叙述其他原因下的情况).asaresult,withouttheevidencethatthesurveyisstat isticallyreliabletheauthorcannotjustifiablydrawanyconclusionbyrelyingonthissurvey.3.猜测,但是没有证据thirdly,theargumentassumesthat(阐述文中的猜测)however,theletterprovidesnoevidencetosubstantiat ethisassumption.infact,thelettersuggeststhatthismig htbethecase.byadmittingthat,theletterimpliesthat说明影响他们happy的因素还有其他的方面,不光是研究中所列举三.攻击论证过程1.时间上的错误类比tobeginwith,(陈述某个数据)maynotareliabledateofthatratewouldbenow(和现在相比较是不可信的).perhapsthe(反例),Forthatmatter,perhaps(说出反例的情况下会导致何种结果).inshort,withoutrulingoutotherpossiblereasonsfor (假设说出针对反例应该怎么做)thememo’sauthorcannotconvincemeonthebasisof(说出应该有的结论)2.错误的因果关系3.两个事实错误的类比evenif(让步,即使某个条件成立)theargumentunfairlyassumesthat(说明错误的类比的情况).itisentirelypossiblethatthe(比较对象)owndifferentsituations.perhaps(具体说出反例)withoutaccountingforsuchdifferencesbetweenthetwo placesisueliable.4.错误的推论evenif(让步,即使某个条件成立)theargumentreliedonthefutureassumptionthat(说出要让步的是事实).yettheonlyevidencetheargumentoffertosubstantiat ethisassumption(说出文中的根据).perhaps(说出有可能出现的其他情况导致这个事实)ifso,(说出不一样的结果,与上面事实相矛盾).or(其他的情况)inshort,withoutmore informationabout(对上面的可能情况总结)wereestablisheditisimpossibletoassess(回到上面的结论).四.结论的攻击说明结论不完美,可以有其他的方法Finally,theargumentfailstoconsider(有更好的办法实现目标).perhapsby(办法一),orby(办法二),(对目标进行展望)inshort,withoutweighingthesuggestionagainstalter natives,itisunconvincingthat(说明提供的方案不好).赢利Finally,evenifthefamiliessupporttobuildthenewseafoo drestaurant,therestaurantwouldnotnecessarilybeprofitableasaresult. profitabilityisafunctionofbothrevenueandexpense.thu s,itisquitepossiblethattherestaurant’scostsofobtaininghigh-qualityandhealthyseafoodorofn ewpromotingrestaurantmightrenderitunprofitabledespi teitspopularity.withoutweighingrevenueagainstexpens estheargument’sconclusionisprematureatbest.同时叙述两个错误的论据thememoalsomakestwohastyassumptionsabout(说明两个猜想相关的内容).onesuchassumptionisthat(第一个猜想的情况说明).itisentirelypossiblethat(反例).anotherassumptionisthat(另外一个错误的猜想)commonsenseinformsmethat(反例)Furthermore,thedifferenceinthetwofirms’overallplacementtimelastyeardoesnotnecessarilyindic atethatdelanywouldbethebetterchoicetoservexyz’slaid-offemployees.theseemployeesmighthaveparticula rskillsorneedsthatarenotrepresentativeofthetwofirm’sclientsingeneral.besides,oneyear’splacementstatisticshardlysufficienttodrawanyfirmco nclusions.五.结尾段insum,theargumentseemslogical,butisbasedonnothingmo rethanpurespeculationandperhapswishfulthinking,yetlackofsomew arrantedinvestigation.tostrengthit,theauthorneedsto evaluateallpossiblealternativesandprovidedetailandc omprehensiveevidencebeforejumpingtotheconclusiontha t(文中的结论)以上就是天道留学小编为大家分享的gre写作模板,希望对您gre写作有所帮助,天道留学专家提醒大家复习gre 作文时,不可完全依赖gre写作模板,模板会禁锢我们的思想,影响我们的gre写作,合理利用,希望对您gre作文有所帮助。

承认+递进+转折二. 新GRE作文常用句式开头:a) In this statement, the speaker asserts that…(作者的结论是什么) b)I agree with the speaker insofar as.。
.(某种程度上同意作者的观点)c) Whereas,in my perspective,…is unilateral(作者的观点片面在什么地方)第二段:a)Admittedly,第三段:a) However,第四段:a)Furthermore,结尾:a) In summary, from what has been discussed above, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that…(重述观点)以上就是新GRE作文模板及GRE作文常用句型的介绍,以后考生们进行新GRE作文issue写作就再也不用担心文章的结构了,顺利的剖析题目,与新GRE写作模板再加上独特的观点,即可将高分顺利那些。
1Argument1.1)In this argument the speaker concludes that2) To justify this contusion the speaker cites a recent survey of 3) The speaker also points out that4)This argument is unpersuasive for several reasons。
1)First, the survey must be shown to be reliable before I can accept any contusions based upon it。

2015年新GRE写作十大句型模板1When the demand for something is greater than its supply, producers and suppliers will sense the possibility of making a profit – the excess of revenues over expenses is the profit.2015年新GRE写作十大句型模板2As the case illustrates, competition takes four general forms: pure competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition,and oligopoly(少数制造商对市场的控制). 2015年新GRE写作十大句型模板3The classic example of pure competition occurs with a commodity, like wheat or corn, that has so many producers that no one of them can control its selling price.2015年新GRE写作十大句型模板4A monopoly occurs when one company alone offers a particular food or service and therefore controls the market and price for it.2015年新GRE写作十大句型模板5Private restaurants serve gourmet food for $70 per person; incentives boosted agricultural production 25 percent and industrial output 80 percent in just three years; farmers are encouraged to raise as much as they can on their own plots, and some become almost rich in the process.(注意本句中分号的使用) 要想获得新GRE满分作文,仅靠以上几个新GRE写作优秀句型是不够的,需要我们从根本上提高写作水平。

Argument 题目要求考生针对给定的一个观点写一篇文章,表明自己对该观点的支持或反对;Issue题目要求考生阐述自己的观点,写一篇文章来支持或反对一个广泛的话题。
二、以下是一些通用的GRE作文模板,供考生参考:1. Issue论文模板第一段:引言:(1)阐述问题:明确问题并表明自己的立场;(2)主张观点:阐述并说明自己的观点。
2. Argument论文模板第一段:介绍论据(1)阐述论据的背景和环境(2)对论据进行分析评估(3)表态自己对论据而言的看法第二段:具体阐述论据的缺陷(1)列举论据的明显缺点或假设偏差;(2)指出假设偏差造成的问题。

第二段:论证段1(Argument 1)(约200字)在这个段落中,展示第一个论证的信息,并进一步支持自己的立场。
第四段:论证段2(Argument 2)(约200字)在这个段落中,展示第二个论证的信息,并进一步支持自己的立场。
第五段:论证段3(Argument 3)(约200字)在这个段落中,展示第三个论证的信息,并进一步支持自己的立场。

GRE写作满分范文1The following appeared as a letter to the editor of a local newspaper."Five years ago, we residents of Morganton voted to keep the publicly owned piece of land known as Scott Woods in a natural, undeveloped state. Our thinking was that, if no shopping centers or houses were built there, Scott Woods would continue to benefit our community as a natural parkland. But now that our town planning committee wants to purchase the land and build a school there, we should reconsider this issue. If the land becomes a school site, no shopping centers or houses can be built there, and substantial acreage英亩数,面积would probably be devoted to athletic fields. There would be no better use of land in our community than this, since a large majority of our children participate in sports, and Scott Woods would continue to benefit our community as natural parkland."This letter to the editor begins by stating the reasons the residents of Morganton voted to keep Scott Woods in an undeveloped state. The letter states that the entire community could benefit from an undeveloped parkland. The residents of the town wanted to ensure that no shopping centers or houses would be built there. This, in turn, would provide everyone in the community with a valuable resource, a natural park.The letter then continues by addressing the issue of building a school on the land. The author reasons that this would alsobenefit the entire community as a natural parkland since much of the land would be devoted to athletic fields. The author of the letter comes to the conclusion that building a school on the land would be the best thing for everyone in the community.This letter is a one-sided argument about the best use of the land known as Scott Woods. The author may be a parent whose child would benefit from a new school, a teacher who thinks a school would boost the community, or just a resident of Morganton. Regardless of who the author is, there are many aspects of this plan that he or she has overlooked or chosen to ignore.Using a piece of land to build a school is not the same thing as using it for a natural parkland. While all the members of the community could potentially benefit from a parkland, only a percentage of the population would realistically benefit from a new school. The author fails to recognize people like the senior citizens of the community. What interest do they have in a new school? It only means higher taxes for them to pay. They will likely never to and utilize the school for anything. On the other hand, anyone can go to a park and enjoy the natural beauty and peacefulness. The use of the land for a school would destroy the benefit of a park for everyone. In turn, it would supply a school only to groups of people in exactly the right age range, not too young or too old, to reap the benefits.Another point the author stresses is that the use of the land for things like athletic fields somehow rationalizes the destruction of the park. What about children who don't play sports? Without the school, they could enjoy the land for anything. A playing field is a playing field. Children are not going to go out there unless they are into sports. There are manychildren in schools who are not interested in or are not able to play sports. This is yet another group who will be left out of the grand benefits of a school that the author talks about.The author's conclusion that "there would be no better use of land in our community than this...""is easily arguable. The destruction of Scott Woods for the purpose of building a school would not only affect the ambience of Morganton, it would affect who would and would not be able to utilize the space. If the residents as a whole voted to keep Scott Woods in an undeveloped state, this argument will not sway their decision. The use of the land for a school will probably benefit even less people than a shopping center would. The whole purpose of the vote was to keep the land as an asset for everyone. The only way to do this is to keep it in an undeveloped state. Using the land for a school does not accomplish this.Comments:This outstanding response begins somewhat hesitantly; the opening paragraphs summarize but do not immediately engage the argument. However, the subsequent paragraphs target the central flaws in the argument and analyze them in almost microscopic detail.The writer's main rebuttal points out that "using a piece of land to build a school is not the same thing as using it for natural parkland." Several subpoints develop this critique, offering perceptive reasons to counter the argument's unsubstantiated assumptions. This is linked to a related discussion that pointedly exposes another piece of faulty reasoning: that using land for athletic fields "rationalizes the destruction of the park."The extensively developed and organically organized analysis continues into a final paragraph that takes issue with theargument's conclusion that "there would be no better use of land in our community than this."Diction and syntax are varied and sophisticated, and the writer is fully in control of the standard conventions. While there may be stronger papers that merit a score of 6, this response demonstrates insightful analysis, cogent development, and mastery of writing. It clearly earns a 6.GRE写作满分范文2The following appeared as a letter to the editor of a local newspaper."Five years ago, we residents of Morganton voted to keep the publicly owned piece of land known as Scott Woods in a natural, undeveloped state. Our thinking was that, if no shopping centers or houses were built there, Scott Woods would continue to benefit our community as a natural parkland. But now that our town planning committee wants to purchase the land and build a school there, we should reconsider this issue. If the land becomes a school site, no shopping centers or houses can be built there, and substantial acreage would probably be devoted to athletic fields. There would be no better use of land in our community than this, since a large majority of our children participate in sports, and Scott Woods would continue to benefit our community as natural parkland."The author's argument is weak. Though he believes Scott Woods benefits the community as an undeveloped park, he also thinks a school should be built on it. Obviously the author is not aware of the development that comes with building a school besides the facilities devoted to learning or sports. He does not realize that parking lots will take up a substantial area of property, especially if the school proposed is a high school. We are notgiven this information, nor the size of the student body that will be attending, nor the population of the city itself, so it is unclear whether the damage will be great or marginal. For a better argument, the author should consider questions like what sort of natural resources are present on the land that will not remain once the school is built? Are there endangered species whose homes will be lost? And what about digging up the land for water lines? It is doubtful whether the integrity of Scott Woods as natural parkland can be maintained once the land has been developed. It is true that a school would probably not cause as much damage as a shopping center or housing development, but the author must consider whether the costs incurred in losing the park-like aspects of the property are worth developing it, when there could be another, more suitable site. He should also consider how the city will pay for the property, whether taxes will be raised to compensate for the expense or whether a shopping center will be built somewhere else to raise funds. He has not given any strong reasons for the idea of building a school, including what kind of land the property is, whether it is swampland that will have to be drained or an arid, scrubby lot that will need extensive maintenance to keep u p t h e a t h l e t i c g r e e n s . T h e a u t h o r s h o u l d a l s o c o n s i d e r t h e o p p o s i t i o n , s u c h a s t h e p e o p l e w i t h o u t c h i l d r e n w h o h a v e n o i n t e r e s t i n m o r e a t h l e t i c f i e l d s . H e m u s t d o a b e t t e r j o b o f p r e s e n t i n g h i s c a s e , a d d r e s s i n g e a c h p o i n t n a m e d a b o v e , f o r i f t h e l a n d i s a s m u c h a p o p u l a r c o m m u n i t y r e s o u r c e a s h e i m p l i e s , h e w i l l f a c e a t o u g h t i m e g a i n i n g a l l i e s t o c h a n g e a p a r k t o a s c h o o l . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b ds f i d = " 9 6 " > C o m m e n t s : / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 9 7 " > A f t e r d e s c r i b i n g t h e a r g u m e n t a s " w e a k , " t h i s s t r o n g r e s p o n s e g o e s s t r a i g h t t o t h e h e a r t o f t h e m a t t e r : b u i l d i n g a s c h o o l i s n o t ( a s t h e a r g u m e n t s e e m s t o a s s u m e ) i n n o c u o u s ; r a t h e r , i t i n v o l v e s s u b s t a n t i a l d e v e l o p m e n t . T h e e s s a y i d e n t i f i e s s e v e r a l r e a s o n s t o s u p p o r t t h i s c r i t i q u e . T h e w r i t e r t h e n p o i n t s t o t h e i m p o r t a n t q u e s t i o n s t h a t m u s t b e a n s w e r e d b e f o r e a c c e p t i n g t h e p r o p o s a l . T h e s e a d d r e s s / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 9 8 " > - - t h e c o s t s v e r s u s t h e b e n e f i t s o f d e v e l o p i n g S c o t t W o o d s / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 9 9 " > - - t h e i m p a c t o f d e v e l o p m e n t o n S c o t t W o o d s / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 0 0 " > - - t h e p o s s i b i l i t y o f " a n o t h e r , m o r e s u i t a b l e s i t e " / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 0 1 " > T h e ge n e r a l l y t h o u g h tf u l a n a l y s i s n o t e s s t i l l m o r ef l a w s i n t h e a rg u m e n t : / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 0 2 " > - - wh e t h e r t h e s c h o o li s n e c e s s a r y / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = "1 0 3 " > - - w h e t h e r t h e s e l e c t e d s i t e i s a p p r o p ri a t e / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 0 4 " > - - w h e t h e r s o m e g r o u p s m i g h t o p p o s e t h e p l a n / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; " b d s f i d = " 1 0 5 " >A l t h o u g h d e t a i l e d a n d c o m p r e h e n s i v e , t h e w r i t e r ' s c r i t i q u e i s n e i t h e r a s f u l l y d e v e l o p e d n o r a s t i g h t l y o r g a n i z e d a s r e q u i r e d f o r a 6 e s s a y . T h e r e s p o n s e e x h i b i t s g o o d c o n t r o l o f l a n g u a g e , a l t h o u g h t h e r e i s s o m e a w k w a r d p h r a s i n g ( e . g . , " . ? ? r a i n i n g a l l i e s t o c h a n g e a p a r k t o a s c h o o l " ) . O v e r a l l , t h i s e s s a y w a r r a n t s a s c o r e o f 5 b e c a u s e i t i s w e l l d e v e l o p e d , c l e a r l y o r g a n i z e d , a n d s h o w s f a c i l i t y w i t h l a n g u a g e . / p > p s t y l e = " t e x t - i n d e n t : 2 e m ; t e x t - a l i g n : l e f t ; "b d s f i d = " 1 0 6 " >。

1.保证:assurance/guarantee一.作文重点题目➢社会与自然:Society should make efforts to save endangered species only if the potential extinction of those species is the result of human activities.社会应该努力拯救濒危物种,只要这些物种的灭绝是人类活动的结果。
The speaker claims that society should make efforts to save endangered species only caused by human activities. I agree with the speaker insofar as saving endangered species is the responsibility of human beings. After all, human beings are the ruler of nature. But, in my perspective, merely focusing on saving those endangered species only caused by human activities is unilateral.1.The variety of plant and animal is important to practical utilization.1)Discovering the order of evolution;2)Valuable gene pool and raw material drug: traditional Chinese medicine.3)Technological imitation from the specious: sonar as a result of imitating dolphin.2.Human should do so even from a moral position.1)Plant and animal is the most important components of nature. When all ...die out, the daywill come soon.2)Human beings as the ruler of nature should take the responsibility to help other species.Let alone those endangered species because of human activities.3)Men have the responsibility to rescue: pollution, environments destroy, catching andkilling excessively causing the plant and animal to die out much faster. For example: tiger and whale;3.However, some kinds of1)"Survival of fittest": some animals do have their lethal shortages and would decline evenwithout humans, saving those species which are biological elimination is against the nature and of no help.2)When we save a kind of animal, we may do harm to another kind. Thus the proper way isthat human should try their best to keep the balance of nature as it is rather than change the nature as humans' purpose. Human and Nature should perform their own functions respectively.3)Instead of saving, the restrictions on human ourselves are more important: pollution,environmental destroy, catching and killing excessively.4)The extinction of species is the warning of the deterioration of the environment whichwould early or late threaten human beings.Conclusion:No matter from the position of practical utilization or morality, human both should ... However, it should be noticed that... Therefore, we should find out the real reason of dying out. Furthermore, we should pay more➢教育目的:Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study that will prepare them for lucrative careers.教育机构应该积极鼓励学生选择那些为将来高收入工作铺路的研究领域。

请阅读以下内容:篇章一:GRE简介GRE(全称Graduate Record Examination)是一项标准化考试,旨在评估毕业生在数学、写作和阅读方面的能力。

3、提纲里都要包含些什么?对ISSUE来说,读第一遍题目时把关键词提出来,接着将核心话题列出来,根据这个话题开始一条一条列出你要写的东西;ARGU 来说,因为题目比较长,所以读题的时间就要比前者长。
【参考文档】GRE写作模板参考-实用word文档 (1页)

【参考文档】GRE写作模板参考-实用word文档本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==GRE写作模板参考在这里为大家介绍几个万能GRE写作模板,如果对于写作比较没有思路的考试,可以尝试使用这种模板,加深一下对于GRE作文结构的掌控。
1)教育类1. For instance, applicants with Computer Science degrees would not only be qualified for jobs in high-tech companies, they would also be well prepared for any job with computer skills as a prerequisite.2. A good education is supposed to include everything from languages to mathematics to science, etc.3. A well-rounded education leads to well-balanced people, which in turn leads to a tolerant, knowledgeable society.4. There are a great many children thinking the main purpose of education should be to afford them pleasure and enjoyment.2) 人的性格1. If you weep for the missing sunset, you would miss all the shining stars.3) 成功事业1. Jackie Chan once told that when he was still a teenager, he and his partners were required to practice more than 12 hours a day; and it was said Jet Li was sent to be an apprentice when he was hardly four years old.2. Bill Gates, as we know, dropping out from university when he found the possibility of earning money in a new massive market - personal computer market. As a result, he succeeded.。

GRE满分作文开头模板模板一In summary, the conclusion reached in this argument is in valid and misleading. To make the argument more convincing, the arguer would have to prove that college-bound students are most concerned about the promise of jobs after graduation and the F College can keep its promise in the end. Moreover, I would suspend my judgment about the credibility of the recommendation until the arguer can provide concrete evidence that promising students jobs can actually encourage them to work harder in their study. Otherwise, the arguer is simply begging the question throughout the argument.模板二To conclude, the argument is not persuasive as it stands. Before we accept the conclusion, the arguer must present more facts that GT has indeed to meet the requirements of C Corporation. To solidify the argument, the arguer would have to produce more evidence concerning the foods and service of D and how they can better meet the needs of C’s employees.模板三As it stands, the argument is not well reasoned. To make it logically acceptable, the arguer would have to demonstrate that an offer of employment to the spouse is the only condition that new professors consider on accepting P’s offer. Additionally, the————来源网络搜集整理,仅供个人学习查参考arguer must provide evidence to rule out other possible causes of the low staff morale at the university.模板四To sum up, the conclusion lacks credibility because the evidence cited in the analysis does not lend strong support to what the arguer maintains. To strengthen the argument the arguer would have to provide more evidence concerning the percentage of the affected families and their geographical distribution. To better evaluate the argument, we would need more information regarding the electric expense relevant to the actual amount of time for cooling among, respectively, the three groups of households and the amount of electricity used for other purposes in all three groups of families under survey.模板五In conclusion, the arguer fails to establish a causal relationship between sending Get-Away’s mechanics to the Quality-Care Seminar and improved maintenance, greater customer satisfaction and greater profits for the airline. To strengthen the argument, the argument, the arguer would have to provide evidence that automobile maintenance and airplane maintenance are similar in every aspect. To better evaluate the argument, we would need more information about the relationship between improved maintenance and greater customer satisfaction along with greater profits.。

1 调查The survey that the argument cites is potentially problematic in three respects.Firstly,the author does not provide complete information concerning……in illustrating that …The author only informs us that …,but we care more about is that…..which is no t provided by the author.However,some other substantial information are needed for us to access the soundness of the argument.There exists the possibility that the conclusion would vary greatly when other conditions varied.For lack of detailed information about……we can hardly evaluate……Secondly,the sample of the survey cited in the argument is too small because the author provides only N samples of the general population.The limited sample is insufficient to draw any general conclusion about……Without addi tional samples from diverse geographic locations,I cannot accept the author’s generalization about……Thirdly,we should also notice that the respondents studied in the survey may not represent the general group of ……It is entir ely possible that people incl ined to ……were more likely to respond to the survey and more willing to express their own opinions than other people.Other people who did not respond may hold a totally different position toward the issue studied,and the author should include those people in the study to present a more convincing result.Without knowing whether the sample studied was representative of the overall population ,it is impossible to confidently apply the results to that population.2 错误因果①没有因果关系,是其他因素所导致The author unfairly ass umes that it is ……that resulted in ……But we can find no concrete evidence to substantiate the inevitable relationship betwe en…and ….The author overlooks other factors that might have contributed to ……..Perhaps,……..Pe r haps,……..Since the author has failed to consider and rule out these possibilities,the assertion that …cannot be taken seriously.②同时发生不为因果The author unfairly assumes that it is ….that resulted in …….. The assumption is based on the mere fact that the two events occurred during the same period.However,we all know that merely a coincidence of two events could not sufficiently demonstrate a causal relationship between them. The author overlooks other factors that might have contributed to ……..Perhaps,……..Pe r haps,……..Since the author has failed to consider and rule out these possibilities,the assertion that …cannot be taken seriously.③前后发生不为因果The author unfairly assumes that it is ….that resulted in ……..The assumption is based on the mere fact that ….occurred after…. The author overlooks other f actors that might have contributed to ……..Perhaps,……..Pe r haps,……..Since the author has failed to consider and rule out these possibilities,the assertion that …cannot be taken seriously.3 错误类比①认为适合A也适合BIn the argument the author recommends A to carry out same(policies,actions,solutions)on…as B,but the analogy between them might be unsubstantiated.The author fails to illustrate that A and B are similar enough at every aspect and are indeed comparable.While it is true that A and B share some common ground on ……,there are still some obvious differences between them.Many differences may exist between A and B,thus there may be the possibility that the(policies,actions,solutions)proved to be effective for A might not have the same effectiveness for B.In short ,without accounting for possible differences between…and…,the director cannot convince me that this recommendation for…is sound.②错误对比AB,A不一定比B好The author hastily implies that A is superior to B in …….,but the comparison between A and B is incomplete.Th e author only compares……However,there may be other factors which would bring about totally different result for the comparison.Without any further consideration about these factors,the author could not convince us that A is better than B in certain aspect merely based on an incomplete comparison.③过去不能推未来In the argument the author suggests that we can solve current problems or achieve current goals through methods which have successfully solved the same kind of problems in the past.There is a hidden assumption assumed by the author that all conditions and factors upon which the effectiveness of the method depend have remained unchanged during the past N years.However,many conditions and factors could have varied greatly.Thus,the method proved to be effective in the past might not have the same effectiveness in current days /in the future.Without taking into account all these constantly changing factors,the author could not convince us that the proposed solution could be used to solve current problems successfully.④没考虑其他变量The author unfairly assumes that it is ….that resulted in ….The causal relationship is convincing only if the author could demonstrate that all other factors that mightaffect ….remained unchanged during the same period.(The speaker must also assure me that the study was performed in a controlled environment where all factors possibly affecting ….remained unchanged. )The author overlooks other factors that might have contributed to ……..Perhaps,……..Pe r haps,……..Since the author has failed t o consider and rule out these possibilities,the assertion that …cannot be taken seriously.⑤偷换概念错误地用A来证明BIn illustrating the assumption that….the author commits a fallacy of hasty generalization:The author cites A to prove B,however,A is not a good indication ofB.Obviously,there are basic differences between A and B,thus A could not be properly used to illustrate B.The author ought to make careful and clear differentiation between A and B before we could evaluate it.4 解决办法①解决办法不够有力The author assumes that the proposed actions are both sufficient and necessary for achieving certain goal.However,to solve the problem successfully,many other fundamental requirements must be fulfilled.Furthermore ,many other available methods besides the author’s proposa l could also be used to achieve the same purpose.Before the author make a careful and thorough comparison between the effectiveness of his own proposal and other possible methods,the author’s proposal shou ld not be hastily carried out.②没有考虑解决方法所带来的坏处In claiming that … the author needs to do more comprehensive research on both positive and negative effects of the proposal.Although the proposal could be adopted to solve the problem to a certain degree,carrying out the proposal may actually bring about more harmful effects ignored by the author..Perhaps,…Perhaps…..Before the author make a careful and thorough research on the effects of the proposal,the author’s proposal shou ld not be hastily carried out.③二者选一,没有考虑其他解决办法The author simply assumes that the situation would be either A or B,while the two…are not necessarily mutually exclusive.Many other solutions could be more justifiable.For instance ,….Before ruling out all the possibilities above,the author could not convince us that there are only those two possible solutions/choices for us to accept.5开头In this argument,the speaker concludes that …To justify this conclusion the speaker cites a recent survey of …citizens/students suggesting that …The author also concludesthat …..This argument depends on several unsubstantiated assumptions and is therefore unpersuasive as it stands.6结尾In conclusion, the argument unfairly assumes that ......To streng then the argument ,the author must provide clear evidence that.......The author must also provide clear evidence that...In order to evaluate the argument,we should need more information about (I)would also need to know……对样本调查的要求To better evaluate the realiza bility of the study upon which the author’s conclusion depends,I would need more information about the size and makeup of the study’s sample. 7引证段落The major problem with this argument is that…Another point worth considering is that…Before I come to my conclusion,it is necessary to point out another flaw appeared in the argument.8 利润问题Even if the author’s prop osal could be carried out effectively,we still could not hastily assume that …will necessarily earn a substantial profit,as the author predicted.To evaluate the profitability of …we should consider the function of both revenue andexpense.However,the author does not provide any single piece of information about the possible cost of carrying out the author’s proposal.If the cost of carrying out the proposal exceeds projected revenue,it would be profitless.So,without more information about the costs,it is imp ossible to assess whether carrying out the author’s proposal will be profitable.开头:①……②When it comes to …,there are always a host of different opinions held by different individuals from different areas.③Dose/Have….?④Admittedly,most people would cons ider that……⑤However,…中间段:①It’s true that the speaker’s assertion that…②Beyond this concession,however,I still cannot totally agree on this statement because it seems to recommend that…③Finally,and perhaps the most importantly…结尾:①In some,ev en though…,yet…②Actually…③延伸To sum up,I concede the speaker’s claim that…Nonetheless,it overrates the weightiness of…举例子:Examples are all around us.History are filled with the examples of…产生影响:It will exert remarkable influence on…常用句:Explosive development of science and technology has been made during the past one hundred years or so.。

GRE写作开头结尾各段落实用模板句式开头段落模板句式:1. 引出话题:- In recent years, 【话题】 has become an increasingly controversial issue. - Nowadays, 【话题】 is a matter of great concern for many people.2. 提出观点:- It is widely believed that 【观点】.- There is a growing consensus that 【观点】.3. 引用相关数据或事实:- According to a recent survey, 【数据】.- It is estimated that 【数据】.4. 反驳或对比不同观点:- However, there are those who argue that 【反方观点】.- Despite the widespread belief that 【观点】, there are some who disagree.结尾段落模板句式:1. 总结观点:- In conclusion, 【观点】.- To sum up, 【观点】.2. 强调重要性:- It is crucial that we 【行动】 in order to 【结果】.- Therefore, it is essential that we 【行动】 in order to 【结果】.3. 呼吁行动:- It is high time that we 【行动】.- It is imperative that we 【行动】.4. 展望未来:- With 【观点】 in mind, we can look forward to a brighter future.- By 【行动】, we can make a positive impact and create a better future.。
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GRE作文常用模板(1) GRE作文常用模板(1) 发布时间:2006-05-13*****每篇必用的经典词******
必然类:necessarily ensure warrant guarantee causal
明显类:conspicously obviously clearly apparently
怀疑类:doubtly unconvincing unacceptable unwarranted unfounded
可能类:possible probably likely
There is a good chance that...
It is more likely that...
It is equally possible that...
因果类:result in result from therefore as a result
转折类:even though however otherwize
其他类:As we all know....
A great deal of emprical evidence shows that....
It dosen’t follow that...
The fact tells very little about ....
Another assumption short of legitimacy is that....
1.A gruondless survey/study
The validity of the survy is open to doubt.
The survey lacks representativeness...
There is no specific information about the survy...
Without knowing how the survey was done,how it represents the public opnion
Who conducted the survy?who responded?how the pool was conducted?
The opinon lacks representativenss of overall attitudes based on which we can make any general judgement about the conclusion....
In absence of specific information about the survey,it’s impossible for us to evaluate the argument.
The arguer commits a fallacy of oversimplification.
There are several major factors contribute to the XXX other than YYY ,such as/for instance ZZZ, all of which are ignored by the arguer.
As we know ,XXX depends on many factors ,such as ZZZ, which are unknown from the argument.
The arguer fails to establish a causal relationship between XXX and YYY .
For example ,YYY may also help explain XXX.
Factors such as AA and BB both have some bearing on XXX.
Actually,the recommendation that YYYY as the only way to XXX most likellly turn out to be ineffective and somewhat misleading.
GRE作文常用模板(1) 相关内容:。