广域网链路加速-Citrix SD-WAN技术建议书

文档密级(内部公开)H3C S D-W A N解决方案技术建议书(A D W A N控制器)新华三技术有限公司2017年6月广域网解决方案王明2022年4月24日新华三集团机密,未经许可不得扩散第1页共1页文档密级(内部公开)目录第1章综述 (1)第2章 H3C ADWAN系统架构说明 (1)2.1 H3C ADWAN方案架构 (1)2.2 H3C ADWAN控制器架构 (2)第3章某行核心骨干网控制器部署方案 (5)3.1 系统部署 (5)3.1.1 控制器部署模式设计 (5)3.1.2 控制器配置 (6)3.2 本期某行核心骨干网SDN解决方案 (6)3.2.1 整体方案思路 (6)3.2.2 应用定义策略 (7)3.2.3 方案部署步骤 (8)3.3 某行核心骨干网演进规划 (10)第4章方案优势以及特点 (11)4.1 适用于大型广域网络 (11)4.2 高效的流量转发机制(Segment Routing) (11)4.2.1 Segment Routing控制平面 (12)4.2.2 Segment Routing控制平面 (12)4.2.3 Segment Routing技术优势 (14)4.3 南向控制机制 (15)4.4 应用流量可视化 (15)4.5 精细化应用定义模式 (16)4.6 系统管理 (16)第5章运维效益 (18)5.1 运维效率优化 (18)5.2 运维服务增值 (19)第6章产品介绍 (19)6.1 控制器产品介绍 (19)第1章综述随着SDN技术的不断演进和完善,对行业的所带来的颠覆性也越来越被接受。

SD-WAN的兴起主要受到以下因素的推动:1. 云计算和云服务的普及。
2. 移动办公的增加。
3. 网络安全风险的增加。
第二步:SD-WAN解决方案模板的概述SD-WAN解决方案模板是一种标准化的架构,用于部署和管理SD-WAN 网络。
下面是一个典型的SD-WAN解决方案模板的概述:1. 网络拓扑设计:详细描述了SD-WAN网络的拓扑结构和组件布局。
2. 设备选型与部署:列出了适用于SD-WAN网络的硬件和软件设备,并给出了它们的功能和性能特点。
3. 流量管理与优化:介绍了SD-WAN网络的流量管理策略,包括负载均衡、链路聚合、应用优化等。

Bluecoat广域网应用加速整体解决方案支票影像系统应用加速技术方案建议书目录前言 (3)一、需求分析 (4)二、方案目标 (5)三、技术方案建议 (6)期加速效果 (6)3.1 方案建议一 (7)3.2 方案建议二 (9)3.3 方案三分期部署 (11)四、方案配置清单 (12)五、Blue Coat广域网加速技术 (13)BlueCoat网络安全设计 (13)Bluecoat 抗DDOS攻击和Port Scanning (13)SGOS 操作系统 (13)全局网络管理 (14)问题的根源 (16)协议低效 (16)内容重复传输 (16)无关流量占用带宽 (17)MACH5加速技术 (17)带宽管理 (17)协议优化 (18)字节缓存 (18)对象缓存 (18)压缩18Blue Coat MACH5加速优势 (19)五种技术协同工作 (19)安全控制功能 (20)有机的统一整体 (20)基于业务流程的带宽管理和QoS (21)2 / 21第2 页,共21页前言本文是神州数码对深圳农村商业银行支票影像系统网络优化和加速解决方案建议。
3 / 21第3 页,共21页一、需求分析××××目前准备使用支票影像系统,该系统主要提供数据类型是数据中心和营业网点之间支票影像文件JPG图片交付数据及一些其它数据业务。

H3C SD-WAN 解决方案 技术建议书
(A DWA N 控 制器)
2020 年 5 月 6 日
2017 年 6 月
广域网解决方案 王明
第 1页 共 1 页Fra bibliotek文档密级(内部公开)
第 1 章 综述 ............................................................................................................................ 1 第 2 章 H3C ADWAN 系统架构说明 ................................................................................... 1
3.1.1 控制器部署模式设计 ...................................................................................... 5 3.1.2 控制器配置 ..................................................................................................... 6 3.2 本期某行核心骨干网 SDN 解决方案 ...................................................................... 6 3.2.1 整体方案思路 .................................................................................................. 6 3.2.2 应用定义策略 .................................................................................................. 7 3.2.3 方案部署步骤 .................................................................................................. 8 3.3 某行核心骨干网演进规划 ...................................................................................... 10 第 4 章 方案优势以及特点 .................................................................................................. 11 4.1 适用于大型广域网络 .............................................................................................. 11 4.2 高效的流量转发机制( Segment Routing) .......................................................... 11 4.2.1 Segment Routing控制平面 ........................................................................... 12 4.2.2 Segment Routing控制平面 ........................................................................... 12 4.2.3 Segment Routing技术优势 ........................................................................... 14 4.3 南向控制机制 .......................................................................................................... 15 4.4 应用流量可视化 ...................................................................................................... 15 4.5 精细化应用定义模式 .............................................................................................. 16 4.6 系统管理 .................................................................................................................. 16 第 5 章 运维效益 .................................................................................................................. 18 5.1 运维效率优化 .......................................................................................................... 18 5.2 运维服务增值 .......................................................................................................... 19 第 6 章 产品介绍 .................................................................................................................. 19 6.1 控制器产品介绍 ...................................................................................................... 19

XX公司广域网组网技术建议书(省内专线接入+VPN备份)目录第1章需求分析 (3)1.1 项目背景 (3)1.2 网络现状 (3)1.3 存在问题 (3)1.4 建设目标 (3)第2章网络建设原则 (4)第3章总体建设方案 (4)3.1 设备选型 (4)3.2 网络总体方案 (5)第4章需求实现 (5)4.1 专线接入 (5)4.2 VPN备份 (5)4.2.1 总部及分支VPN备份 (6)4.2.2 移动人员VPN接入 (6)4.3 产品配置 (6)第5章总体方案优势 (7)第6章产品简介 (8)第1章需求分析1.1 项目背景XX公司是广东省内一家主营电子制造的中小型企业。
1.2 网络现状XX公司目前仅在公司总部和三个分公司分别建立了局域网。
1.3 存在问题目前,XX公司的整体网络存在的主要问题是现有网络功能单一,无法满足日益增长的业务需求。
1.4 建设目标在保证原有网络拓朴结构基本不变的前提下,以最小的投资实现如下功能:●租用专线,实现总部与各分公司的互联。

大幅度提高关键业务系统的响应速度深信服广域网加速产品提供了基于应用层的优化技术,对于广泛使用的应用程序,如Web应用程序、文件共享、电子邮件、OA、ERP、CRM、Lotus Notes、数据库等,都提供了相应的应用协议优化技术,大幅提升了应用程序在广域网中应用效率。
光联 SD-WAN 产品使用手册说明书

光联SD-WAN产品使用手册1.产品定位和特点1.1产品定位Agile Controller-Campus是针对SD-WAN解决方案场景的管理控制系统,对企业互联业务实现全流程管理,提供了专线业务的自动化部署、智能选路策略配置、VAS业务管理,企业分支连接公有云,以及即插即用、可视化运维等能力。
通过Agile Controller-Campus可以实现在多租户网络中独立开展业务开通配置、日常运维等工作。
1.2产品特点简单∙网络部署简单:可实现端到端网络业务自动化部署,支持全系列CPE设备(customer premise equipment)即插即用,设备快速上线,无技术门槛。
∙管理按需扩展:Agile Controller-Campus支持多租户,企业网络既可自运维,也可交由MSP代维,企业可根据自身能力和业务需求,自由选择网络管理模式。
开放∙第三方O层对接:Agile Controller-Campus提供完整的面向SD-WAN业务模型的北向API,可方便快捷的与第三方协同器进行对接,快速的集成进客户的业务系统。
∙uCPE广泛生态构筑:uCPE作为按需提供VAS服务的平台,覆盖业界主流VAS 功能,包括安全、语音、广域加速、DHCP、DNS、IPAM、文件共享等。

Support GuideYour New Service Request Process: Technical SupportReference Guide forCisco SD-WAN ProductsMarch 2019ContentsIntroduction (3)Registration for a User ID (4)Opening a Support Case by Phone (7)Support Numbers (7)Defining the Severity of a Support Case (8)Opening a Support Case by Email (9)Opening a Support Case by Web (10)Check Entitlement (11)Describe Problem (12)Review & Submit (15)Save as Draft (15)Managing Your Support Case (16)IntroductionThis document describes the procedure for obtaining Technical Support through your newly adopted case management system through the Cisco® Technical Assistance Center (TAC). This document covers the user ID registration process, how to contact technical support, as well as how to manage your support case online.We want you to know that this is only a change in the process through which you receive technical support. We at Cisco are committed to delivering the same high level of quality service that you are accustomed to receiving.The Cisco TAC will allow you to:●Open support cases by phone, web, or email 24 hours a day, 365 days a year●Download software updates (maintenance and minor releases) for your covered software●Access Cisco’s online support, including database of product and service information, support casetracking, and a robust set of tools that help facilitate knowledge transfer to your staff and help answerquestions more quicklyRegistration for a User IDTo contact Cisco Technical Support for questions or issues with your Cisco SD-WAN products, you first need to register for a user ID. If you already have a user ID, go to step 5, as you do not need to reregister.1. Navigate to and click “Create an account.”2. Fill out the information on the Registration form.3. Upon clicking “Submit” you will receive an email sent from Cisco. From the link provided in this email, you willbe directed to the Registration confirmation page. This step is to verify, confirm, and activate your registration.Note: This step in the registration process for a user ID is critical.You will need to select “Associate your user ID” to update your Cisco Account Profile.4. You will be directed to the Cisco Account Profile. Click the “Add Access” button, then select the “TAC andRMA case creation, Software Download, support tools, and entitled content on ” radio button on the pop-up screen, and then click “Go” to manage your Service Contract online.5. Enter your Service contract number(s) as provided in the Welcome to Cisco Services letter or contact yourCisco authorized partner or distributor for your contract number(s). Partners can access their new contract numbers in Cisco Commerce Workspace-Renewals (CCW-R). If you have multiple service contract numbers, separate them by commas. If you don’t know your service contract number, you can enter the serial number of any product covered by your service contract.If you have any problems with this web registration process, you may send an email to Cisco at web-**************. If you are located in North America, you may call 1-800-553-2447 for assistance to reach Cisco’s TAC support organization. For the rest of the world, it is recommended you consult the worldwide toll-free number list at /en/US/support/tsd_cisco_worldwide_contacts.html, and one of the support agents will assist you in completing the registration process.Service Access Management ToolThe Service Access Management Tool is an application that enables Partners or Customer Administrators to determine which of their service contract numbers are present in user profiles. It is ideal fororganizations that want to manage and associate multiple profiles.By using the Service Access Management Tool, Cisco partners and customers can manage access to the services provided by their contracts (e.g., TAC support, hardware replacement). This management can be done either using Bill to ID or contract number. To manage access by Bill to ID, the Bill to ID must be in an individual's profile and selected (enabled) for support access. This will ensure that all the contracts under the Bill to ID can be utilized for service. To manage access by contract number, a contract number must be in an individual's profile in order for that individual to be able to obtain service. Access the Service Access Management Tool, training, and related content for more information.Opening a Support Case by PhoneSupport Numbers1-800-553-2447 U.S.For worldwide support numbers, refer to Cisco worldwide contacts:/en/US/partner/support/tsd_cisco_worldwide_contacts.htmlWhen you want to report a case, make sure you have the following information available:● user ID that has been associated to the service contract●Service contract number●Business effect (case severity)Cisco entitles customers by contract number and ID. You must know your user name and have the contract number of the product when you are calling for support.Once the agent has all the appropriate information he/she will open a case, provide you with a case tracking number and route your case to a support engineer. They will contact you to provide technical assistance.Defining the Severity of a Support CaseSeverity 1 and 2 Support Cases must be opened by phone.Severity 3 and 4 Support Cases should be opened online or by email, but may be opened by phone.●Severity 1 (S1) – shall mean reported Error(s) in Covered Software that causes all or substantially all of asystem to be functionally inoperative severely affecting delivery to Customers and requiring immediatecorrective action, regardless of time of day or day of the week.◦Product and/or covered software are in operable for 100% of Customers◦Loss of service>0.5% of Customers●Severity 2 (S2) – shall mean reported Error(s) in covered products causing the loss of one or more majorfunctions of the system, causing perceptible degradation or interruption of services delivery to Customers or seriously affecting Customer’s ability to operate, administer, or maintain their system and requiringimmediate attention. Urgency is less than Severity 1 situation because of a lesser immediate or impending effect on system performance, Customer’s operation and revenue.◦Management system failure◦No backup is available●Severity 3 (S3) – shall mean reported Error(s) in covered products disabling specific noncritical functions ofthe system that do not significantly affect delivery services to Customers. The lost or degraded functionality impairs Customer’s ability to operate, administer, or maintain the system, but does not significantly affect services delivery to Customers.◦System functionality or performance is reduced◦System is working on backup◦Loss of service <0.5 % of Subscribers●Severity 4 (S4) – shall mean reported Error(s) in covered products which is an irritant only and has nosignificant effect on the functionality or operation of the system and requests for informational supportassistance, including product information requests and configuration assistance.◦Conditions that do not significantly impair the function of the system◦Documentation◦System enhancement/functionality requestOpening a Support Case by EmailOpen new support cases by email using the Cisco support email address:*************. If you are opening a new support case, include the product type as the subject line of your email; for example, “Cisco SD-WAN.” This will help the agent processing the incoming email to determine the correct support case queue to route your support request.Include the following information in your email:●Company name●Contact name●Contact phone number● User ID●Contact email address●Contract number●Product type (e.g. Cisco SD-WAN, Cisco vEdge, Cisco vBond Orchestrator, etc.)●Business effect (support case severity – as defined above)●Brief problem description●Equipment location (e.g., address)●Alternate contact name●Alternate contact phone numberProviding this information will help expedite the processing of the support case through the Cisco TAC agent.Once the agent has processed the email, he/she will open a support case and you will receive a support case number by email. A support engineer will contact you shortly regarding your support case.Opening a Support Case by WebThe online support case management tool, called Support Case Manager (SCM), allows users to open a support case, assign a severity (level 3 or 4), receive information through the web or email, maintain and track support cases online, and upload files.SCM allows you to create Cisco TAC support cases for issues covered under the terms of your Cisco support contract(s). At this time, SCM can assist you only with products currently covered by a Cisco service contract. If you would like assistance with a product that is not covered by a contract or is covered under warranty, contact the Cisco TAC by phone.Before you use SCM, you must be logged in with your user ID and password, and your ID must contain all of your appropriate Cisco support contracts in order for you to access the services covered by those contracts. You can use the Cisco Profile Manager to associate all of your Cisco service contracts to your profile.Note: If you have a Service Access Management Administrator, you can ask them to make sure that all of your service contracts are associated with your user ID. If you are unsure of your contract number(s), your Cisco Partner, Reseller, or Service Account Manager can provide you with a complete list of your service contracts.The main steps for opening a support case using SCM include:1. Check Entitlement – verify the product is covered by a service contract2. Describe the Problem – enter details about the product3. Submit Your Support Case – confirm information and edit accordinglyYou can access the online support case tool using this link:/caseYou will be required to log in with your ID and Password. Please make sure that you have your service contract number available with your ID.To open a new support case, click on Open New Case and then follow the instructions below.Check EntitlementIdentify the type of support case.Complete these steps in order to open a support case:1. Choose one of the Request Type options:•Diagnose and Fix•Request RMA•Ask a Question2. For hardware products enter the Product Serial Number and click on “Search.” For software products enterthe Service Contract number or product description to search for the product requiring support. If you have a Smart Account you can enter your Product Subscription Number.Note: At any time during the process, you can click the Save draft and exit link in order to save a draft of your support case. See the Save a Draft section in this document for the steps required to delete or continue submitting a saved support case.Describe ProblemIdentify the severity of the problem, loss of service (if applicable), case details and whether you would like the engineer to contact you. In addition, you can review and change your contact information.1231. Choose the severity from the Severity options. The Severity is automatically populated based on the type ofsupport case:•Diagnose and Fix = Severity 3 – Network Impaired•Request RMA = Severity 3 – Network Impaired•Answer my Question = Severity 4 – Normal Response TimeIf you need to open a severity 1 or 2 network-down emergency support case, please call the Technical Assistance Center (TAC) nearest you.2. Check the box if users are experiencing a loss of service for more than 15 seconds.3. Enter a Case Title and Description.Keep these guidelines in mind when describing your problem:•Include a meaningful case title that states the problem accurately. A meaningful title permits assignment of the case to the appropriate technical resources.•Describe the problem and symptoms (only one per support case).•Include a history of the problem and any troubleshooting steps you completed.•Describe your network topology.•Include any recent changes to your network or data center environment.•Include output from the show tech command (if applicable) and all other relevant output.•Include software versions and types of equipment.456744. Click on “Select a Technology” and select the Technology from the pop up menu.•For Cisco SD-WAN products choose one of the following technology and sub-technology categories: o Software Defined Wide Area Networking (SDWAN) PnP Portal – Serial number missingo Software Defined Wide Area Networking (SDWAN) SDWAN Cloud Infrao Software Defined Wide Area Networking (SDWAN) SDWAN Security (ZBF, IPS, IDS, AMP, URL Filtering)o Software Defined Wide Area Networking (SDWAN) Serial file SDWAN Licenseo Software Defined Wide Area Networking (SDWAN) cEdge (ASR/ISR)o Software Defined Wide Area Networking (SDWAN) vAnalyticso Software Defined Wide Area Networking (SDWAN) vBond - ZTP, Control Connectionso Software Defined Wide Area Networking (SDWAN) vEdge (100, 1000, 2000, 5000)o Software Defined Wide Area Networking (SDWAN) vManage - Templates, Deep Packet Inspection (DPI)o Software Defined Wide Area Networking (SDWAN) vSmart - Overlay Management Protocol (OMP), Policy5. Select the Problem Area.6. Review your contact information in the Contact Preference section. Your contact information is automaticallyprovided based on the username you used to log in to the tool.7. Click Review to review your case before you submit.Review & SubmitReview your information and submit your support case.1. Review the summary of your support case. If you need to update a section, click the Edit link.2. Click Submit in order to submit your support case.Your support case number will appear at the top of the page.Save as DraftDuring your process to open a support case, you can click the Save Draft and Exit link located at the bottom of the page in order to complete the process at a later time. When you click the Save Draft and Exit link, all information you entered is saved, and you are redirected to your open support cases page. Each saved draft has an expiration date, after which it will be automatically deleted.To continue submitting a saved draft, click the title of the support case.To delete a saved draft, click the checkbox located next to the support case, and click the Delete button.Managing Your Support CaseAfter you have created your support case, you can view the status, update the notes, upload files, turn automatic updates on or off, and request case closure.Navigate to /c/en/us/support/index.html and then select “View Open Cases” from the “My Support” menu.Or you may go directly to: /caseOn your Support Case Manager home page, you can filter your support cases.Here are the available options:•Open Cases•Draft Cases•Closed Cases•Advanced FilterIf you click Show Advanced Filter link, additional fields appear.Select an option from the Filter menu, and enter additional information in the remaining fields in order to further filter your support cases. Here are the Advanced Filter menu options:•Statuso Newo Customer Pendingo Cisco Pendingo Bug/Defect Requiredo Closure Pendingo Customer Requested Closureo Customer Updatedo Release Pendingo Restoration of Serviceo Service Order Pending•Severityo Severity 1o Severity 2o Severity 3o Severity 4•Linked Bugs•RMAs•Contract Number•PICA ID•Serial Number•Node Name•From DatePrinted in USA 03/19。

核心资源 – 覆盖全球的骨干网
• 中国区拥有46个物理POP节点,支 持CU/CT/CM的优化互联网接入;
• 海外17个物理pop节点。; • 云pop节点数百个;
深信服SD-WAN接入设备提供物理及虚拟化两种形态, 可以部署在私有云和公有云节点,将客户的内网无缝 连接到各种公有云私有云。
OBC AI Cloud 总部
• 大中型企业与机构针对全球各类公私有云应用的 接入与加速
• 利用现有互联网出口,快速简易部署,加速部署 在全球任何站点的的云应用(Saas服务,如阿里 邮箱,Office365,Salesforce),解决访问云 应用遭遇的过慢网速问题
应用发布 – 全球应用访问加速
OBC 云终端 AES 256 加密
FastIPTM 链路
Ethernet 物理层
OBC 云 FastIPTM 连接与加速
OBC 云终端 AES 256 加密
FastIPTM 链路
IP 网络层 Link 数据链路层
FASTIP实现了TCP/UPD层的L2/L3 Overlay,同 时在这个协议层完成了OTT SLA,基于无保证的 internet上实现0丢包与带宽保证。具体技术实现了 融合多路冗余去重,上帝视角线路调度,动态 FEC补偿等等技术。
OBC AI Cloud 运营商MPLS网
• 大中型企业全球组网
总部 私有云
• 降低成本:相比专线方案TCO降低80% • 高质量:接近专线质量 • 快速交付:一周开通业务 • 易于管理:统一配置管理,快速故障排查

目录1 概述 (1)2 FEC优化 (2)2.1 FEC优化概述 (2)2.2 FEC优化技术原理 (3)2.3 FEC技术使用场景及部署方案 (5)3 多路包复制 (8)3.1 多路包复制概述 (8)3.2 多路包复制技术原理 (8)3.3 多路包复制使用场景及部署方案 (9)4 逐包负载分担 (10)4.1 逐包负载分担概述 (10)4.2 逐包负载分担技术原理 (10)4.3 逐包负载分担使用场景及部署方案 (11)1 概述传统的企业网络分支间互联,一般会租用运营商的MPLS专线或者Internet网络。
华为SD-WAN广域网优化技术白皮书2 FEC优化2.1 FEC优化概述企业中有很多应用对延迟非常敏感,这主要是一些即时通信类的应用,比如语音通话、视频会议。
以RTP为例,RTP需要确定性的时延,对网络的Jitter容忍度小,一般机顶盒Jitter Buffer为60ms,达到85ms时体验下降。
H3C SD-WAN解决方案技术建议书v0607

文档密级(内部公开)H3C S D-W A N解决方案技术建议书(A D W A N控制器)新华三技术有限公司2017年6月广域网解决方案王明2022年4月25日新华三集团机密,未经许可不得扩散第1页共1页文档密级(内部公开)目录第1章综述 (1)第2章 H3C ADWAN系统架构说明 (1)2.1 H3C ADWAN方案架构 (1)2.2 H3C ADWAN控制器架构 (2)第3章某行核心骨干网控制器部署方案 (5)3.1 系统部署 (5)3.1.1 控制器部署模式设计 (5)3.1.2 控制器配置 (6)3.2 本期某行核心骨干网SDN解决方案 (6)3.2.1 整体方案思路 (6)3.2.2 应用定义策略 (7)3.2.3 方案部署步骤 (8)3.3 某行核心骨干网演进规划 (10)第4章方案优势以及特点 (11)4.1 适用于大型广域网络 (11)4.2 高效的流量转发机制(Segment Routing) (11)4.2.1 Segment Routing控制平面 (12)4.2.2 Segment Routing控制平面 (12)4.2.3 Segment Routing技术优势 (14)4.3 南向控制机制 (15)4.4 应用流量可视化 (15)4.5 精细化应用定义模式 (16)4.6 系统管理 (16)第5章运维效益 (18)5.1 运维效率优化 (18)5.2 运维服务增值 (19)第6章产品介绍 (19)6.1 控制器产品介绍 (19)第1章综述随着SDN技术的不断演进和完善,对行业的所带来的颠覆性也越来越被接受。

SD-WAN(Software-Defined Wide Area Network)是一种基于软件定义的广域网技术,它可以通过智能的网络流量管理和优化,提供更高效、更灵活、更安全的网络连接。
相比传统的WAN网络,SD-WAN具有以下几个突出的优势:1. 智能负载均衡,SD-WAN可以根据网络流量的实时情况,智能地调整数据传输路径,实现负载均衡,提高网络的利用率和性能。
2. 弹性连接,SD-WAN可以集成多种网络连接,包括MPLS、互联网、4G/5G 等,实现网络连接的弹性部署,提高网络的可靠性和稳定性。
3. 灵活管理,SD-WAN提供了集中化的网络管理平台,可以实现对网络的统一管理和监控,简化网络运维工作,降低成本。
4. 安全保障,SD-WAN通过加密、隧道技术等手段,保障数据的安全传输,同时可以实现对网络流量的细粒度控制,提高网络的安全性。
1. 网络评估与规划,在实施SD-WAN之前,需要对现有网络进行全面的评估,包括带宽利用率、网络拓扑、应用流量特征等方面的分析,以便制定合理的SD-WAN实施方案。
2. 设备选型与部署,根据网络评估的结果,选择合适的SD-WAN设备和服务提供商,进行设备的采购和部署工作,确保设备的兼容性和稳定性。
3. 网络集成与迁移,在部署SD-WAN设备后,需要进行网络集成和迁移工作,包括网络配置的调整、应用迁移的规划等,确保新旧网络的平稳过渡。
4. 网络优化与监控,SD-WAN部署完成后,需要进行网络优化和监控工作,对网络流量进行实时分析,及时调整网络策略,保障网络的高效运行。

灵活办公解决方案建议书NoticeThe information in this publication is subject to change without notice.THIS PUBLICATION IS PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR NON-INFRINGEMENT. CITRIX SYSTEMS, INC. (“CITRIX”), SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR TECHNICAL OR EDITORIAL ERRORS OR OMISSIONS CONTAINED HEREIN, NOR FOR DIRECT, INCIDENTAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR ANY OTHER DAMAGES RESULTING FROM THE FURNISHING, PERFORMANCE, OR USE OF THIS PUBLICATION, EVEN IF CITRIX HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES IN ADVANCE.This publication contains information protected by copyright. Except for internal distribution, no part of this publication may be photocopied or reproduced in any form without prior written consent from Citrix.The exclusive warranty for Citrix products, if any, is stated in the product documentation accompanying such products. Citrix does not warrant products other than its own.Product names mentioned herein may be trademarks and/or registered trademarks of their respective companies.Copyright © 2014 Citrix Systems, Inc., 851 West Cypress Creek Road, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309-2011 U.S.A. All rights reserved.修订记录目录1现状与需求分析 (1)1.1现状分析 (1)1.2应用需求与实现目标 (1)1.3方案最终收益 (2)2思杰方案总体概述 (4)2.1思杰交付架构介绍 (4)2.2思杰交付技术介绍 (5)思杰应用虚拟化(XenApp) (5)思杰桌面虚拟化(XenDesktop) (6)思杰服务器虚拟化(XenServer) (7)思杰移动设备管理(XenMobile) (7)思杰安全接入网关与负载均衡设备(NetScaler) (8)3架构详细设计 (9)3.1总体逻辑架构设计 (9)数据中心逻辑结构设计 (10)终端用户接入逻辑设计 (10)3.2总体技术架构设计 (12)数据中心技术架构设计 (13)终端用户技术架构设计 (14)3.3总体软硬件关系设计 (16)硬件设备组成结构和软件结构关系设计 (17)软件组成设计 (18)物理设备连接设计 (19)3.4方案整体网络架构设计 (20)3.5用户访问流程设计 (22)客户端设备的支持 (22)方案最终收益 (27)方案技术考量 (27)4软硬件配置资源需求清单 (29)4.1100用户共享桌面配置清单.................................................错误!未定义书签。

二、网络层技术在SD-WAN中的应用1、动态路径选择(Dynamic Path Selection,DPS)DPS是SD-WAN中的核心技术之一,它主要用于根据实时的网络状况,选择最佳的传输路径。
2、分段虚拟局域网(Segmented Virtual LAN,SVLAN)SVLAN是SD-WAN中的一项关键技术,通过在网络层实现虚拟局域网的隔离和切换,提供更好的网络性能和安全性。

中国邮政储蓄银行广域网链路数据压缩设备技术规范书点对点应答中国邮政储蓄银行二○一五年十一月目录1.概述 (3)2.项目概况 (7)2.1供货范围 (7)2.2报价要求 (8)2.3双方责任 (9)3.技术要求 (10)4.设备要求 (15)5.供货要求 (16)6.供货时间 (19)7.项目管理 (19)8.技术文档 (20)9.技术服务 (21)10人员培训 (26)11.其他 (27)1.概述1.1本文件是中国邮政储蓄银行股份有限公司(以下简称“甲方”)广域网链路数据压缩设备技术规范书,主要内容包括工程介绍、设备技术要求和供货要求。
思杰SD-WAN与微软合作 简化网络部署

1.OK Labs与思杰合作推出Nirvana涅磐手机,提升智能电话到更高水平 [J],
2.思杰与惠普合作推动服务器虚拟化 [J],
3.联想与思杰合作为中国客户共推虚拟化解决方案 [J],
4.飞思卡尔参与微软的Windows嵌入式合作伙伴计划 [J],
5.思杰任命亚太区高级总监推进渠道联盟及合作伙伴战略 [J],

WHITE PAPERSD-WAN Enables a Multi-cloud FreewayExecutive SummaryThe COVID-19 pandemic only accelerated the already rapid pace of digital innovation at organizations in every industry.1 This velocity of change is enabled by cloud-based services and solutions, which facilitate quick rollouts, scalable infrastructure, and minimal capital expenditure. The result is that the vast majority of enterprises—and an increasing number of small and midsize businesses—now operate hybrid clouds and even across multiple clouds.A multi-cloud architecture enables organizations to deploy a reliableand technically appropriate infrastructure for each service, but it brings complications as well. It expands the attack surface and makes security management more challenging. It also complicates the task of connecting users to all the services they need to access, and of integrating applications and workflows that need to interact with each other.In the words of one observer, “Clouds were born to be complex because applications were able to break away from the confines of the racked physical servers, storage, and networking devices. Once unleashed, new ways to manage, ensure, and secure applications would be required.”2 And yet the complexity of multi-cloud architectures makes finding these new ways difficult. Complexity Brings Inefficiency “Multi-cloud computing lowers the risk of cloud provider lock-in, and can provide service resiliency and migration opportunities, in addition to the core cloud benefits of agility, scalability, and elasticity.”3For example, each of the three largest public clouds in North America—Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP)—has its own networking constructs, management consoles, and security and networking tools. They are essentially incompatible with each other, and this complicates the task of administering a multi-cloud architecture.For network architects, connecting each public cloud with headquarters, branch offices, and the corporate data center is challenging. Configuring the correct routes and setting up and maintaining virtual private networks (VPNs) can be a waste of time if one works within each provider’s console. This is because it’s a largely manual process—and even automation across the various clouds is different. These increase operational complexity and security risks.SD-WAN Addresses ComplexitySoftware-defined wide-area networking (SD-WAN) technology was originally developed to provide highly available WAN connections to branch locations, delivering superior performance and cost effectiveness compared with traditional WAN. But it can also play a key role with cloud connectivity. SD-WAN gateways can steer applications over policy-definedlinks and automatically set up Internet Protocol security (IPsec) tunnels to and across cloud service providers—all from a centralized console.The big three cloud providers have taken steps to make it easier to support SD-WAN gateways. AWS has introduced Transit Gateway Connect designed to connect AWS VPCs in each region to a transit VPC with an SD-WAN gateway that aggregates connections from on-premises locations. GCP has launched its Network Connectivity Center with more robust options for connecting Google Cloud VPC virtual private clouds with branches and data center networks. And Microsoft has built features into its virtual WAN to integrate with SD-WAN gateways and extend connectivity to Azure virtual networks from branch offices and remote sites.This means that SD-WAN technology can be used as a cloud overlay network to connect branch offices to cloud services, virtual networks within a single public cloud, and even across multiple clouds with one another. Its ability to prioritize traffic by application enables the most critical traffic to receive priority, and its ability to steer traffic over multiple routes for the best performance makes it ideal as a multi-cloud overlay. Access and security policies are centralized, and administrators have full visibility into application traffic, performance, and security.2Copyright © 2021 Fortinet, Inc. All rights reserved. Fortinet ®, FortiGate ®, FortiCare ® and FortiGuard ®, and certain other marks are registered trademarks of Fortinet, Inc., and other Fortinet names herein may also be registered and/or common law trademarks of Fortinet. All other product or company names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Performance and other metrics contained herein were attained in internal lab tests under ideal conditions, and actual performance and other results may vary. Network variables, different network environments and other conditions may affect performance results. Nothing herein represents any binding commitment by Fortinet, and Fortinet disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, except to the extent Fortinet enters a binding written contract, signed by Fortinet’s General Counsel, with a purchaser that expressly warrants that the identified product will perform according to certain expressly-identified performance metrics and, in such event, only the specific performance metrics expressly identified in such binding written contract shall be binding on Fortinet. For absolute clarity, any such warranty will be limited to performance in the same ideal conditions as in Fortinet’s internal lab tests. Fortinet disclaims in full any covenants, representations, and guarantees pursuant hereto, whether express or implied. Fortinet reserves the right to change, modify, transfer, or otherwise revise this publication without notice, and the most current version of the publication shall be applicable.August 28, 2021 12:57 PM1238653-0-0-EN Public Cloud as TransitwayWhile most public cloud use cases focus on applications and workloads, cloudproviders have built out high-speed network backbones, and customers cantake advantage of this infrastructure to simplify cloud connectivity, boostperformance, ensure security, and improve agility. SD-WAN technology makesthe cloud provider network backbone more efficient for organizations to deliverthe best application experience.For instance, if a company had a business requirement for a high-performance,low-latency connection between two branches in different parts of the country,the network team could leverage a cloud provider’s backbone as the transport. Inthis use case, secure SD-WAN in each branch and in the public cloud can be usedto set up IPsec tunnels that will traverse the cloud provider’s backbone.SD-WAN as Information Freeway The idea of deploying SD-WAN in branch locations to enable public cloud access is well understood. As organizations embrace a fuller multi-cloud strategy—deliberately or by default—they can extend their SD-WAN investment to supporthybrid cloud and multi-cloud deployments, enabling highly secure and efficientnetwork traffic across an enterprise.These flexible and rapid “freeways” route traffic efficiently and securely between users and different clouds, between different services in a single cloud, and between multiple public and private clouds. Ideally this would all be centrallymanaged and monitored. Unlike physical freeways, constructing and maintaining them does not cause major disruption. Once the IPsec tunnels are set up, secure SD-WAN technology automatically prioritizes traffic and ensures that each packet is sent over the most efficient route.SD-WAN as Part of a Security FabricAll of these connections of course must be monitored and secured. SD-WAN can integrate into a security fabric, whichdelivers security capabilities across a variety of domains, including wired and wireless networks, endpoints, web applications, the cloud, and more. A security fabric can analyze logs and events from all these security products to correlate alarms and alerts and provide greater context into incidents. A fabric can also orchestrate a response to threats across domains.Networking for the FutureSD-WAN technology provides an extensive menu of options to network architects for connecting an organization’s people with all its digital resources. In a multi-cloud world, it can provide the necessary links across the infrastructure to enable secure network traffic with high performance for users.“Multi-cloud is not the same as hybrid cloud, in which public and private clouds are integrated. Multi-cloud simplymeans that organizations havethe flexibility to select the bestcloud provider for each of theirvarious infrastructure andapplication needs.”41 “How COVID-19 has pushed companies over the technology tipping point—and transformed business forever ,” McKinsey, October 5, 2020.2 Emil Sayegh, “Is Further Abstraction The Answer To Cloud Complexities?” Forbes, May 3, 2021.3 Rani Osnat, “Mitigating the Risks of Multi-Cloud Environments ,” Network Computing, July 27, 2021.4“What to Look for in a Secure SD-WAN Solution for Multi-Cloud Environments ,” Fortinet, July 10, 2020.。
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1 思杰公司与广域网优化 (3)
2 广域网需求分析 (4)
3 思杰广域网优化解决方案 (6)
3.1广域网优化设计原则 (6)
3.2 NetScaler SD-WAN解决方案 (7)
3.2.1 NetScaler SD-WAN解决方案概述 (7)
3.2.2 NetScaler SD-WAN技术实现 (8)
3.2.3 NetScaler SD-WAN客户端 (10)
3.3 NetScaler SD-WAN解决方案优势 (12)
4 思杰公司NetScaler SD-WAN加速效果 (13)
4.1 传输时间比较 (13)
4.2 SHAREPOINT下载速率比较 (13)
4.3 FTP传输速率比较 (14)
4.4 广域网吞吐量比较 (15)
5 NetScaler SD-WAN产品简介 (17)
6 设备配置清单 (19)
1 思杰公司与广域网优化
思杰(Citrix)公司在了解到中国邮政储蓄银行应用的性能问题之后,建议采用NetScaler SD-WAN广域网优化设备提高应用系统在广域网上的传输效率以及视频会议系统的速度,从而提高效率。
思杰NetScaler SD-WAN产品将提供完整的广域网优化解决方案,包括软件和硬件的整体解决方案,为您提供更高效的广域网连接,提升邮件系统、B/S架构,C/S架构等应用在广域网上传输效率。
2 广域网需求分析
1. 广域网链路的距离长,路由跳数过多,无法预测网络的状况,中间的路
2. 网络的时延过大,用户数据下载、数据的提交、文档的共享所花费时间
3. 网络的丢包过多,数据包经过互联网的时间过长、网络的品质过差,将
4. 城市间广域网链路租用费用昂贵,无法使用太高的速率连接。
5. 由于协议的限制,数据、图片数量过多,下载、上传时无法达到最大的