
英国文学史上-The Renaissance

The Renaissance PeriodReference: 1) 16th century, Thomas More, “sheep devoured men”羊吃人的时代2) At the beginning of the 16th century, absolute monarchy was formed in England. King Henry VIII broke off with the Pope, dissolved all the monasteries修道院and abbeys大修道院in the country, confiscated没收their lands and proclaimed himself head of the Church of England.3) The absolute monarchy in England reached its summit during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I.4) Beginning of the 16th century, Thomas More, a outstanding humanist杰出的人文主义者, wrote Utopia in which he gave a profound and truthful picture of the people’s suffering and put forward his ideal of a future happy society.5) In the 1st half of the 16th century, there appeared lyrical poems抒情诗by Thomas Wyatt怀亚特. Wyatt was the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature. In the 2nd half of the 16th century lyrical poetry became widespread in England. Famous lyrical and epic poets of the time were Philip Sidney菲利普•锡德尼, Thomas Campion托马斯•坎皮恩and Edmund Spenser埃德蒙•斯宾塞(<The Faerie Queene>仙后)6) Various types of novels were developed in the 16th century. John Lyly约翰•黎里and Thomas Lodge托马斯•洛奇were authors of novels dealing with the court life and gallantry.(宫廷生活和侠士风流)John Lyly→Euphues: The Antatomy of Wit艳词(首创euphuism绮丽体这一修辞手段) Thomas Deloney托马斯•德洛尼&Thomas Nashe托马斯•纳什→developed the realistic tendencies发展了小说中的现实主义风格(devoted to the everyday life of craftsmen, merchants and other representatives of the lower classes)7) Drama→the greatest of the pioneers of English drama was Christopher Marlowe克里斯托弗•马洛. He made blank verse the principle vehicle of expression in drama.(把无韵诗作为英语戏剧主要表达方式His work→The Jew of Malta; The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus)8) A period of drama and poetry. The Elizabethan drama is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance.9) Three historical events of the Renaissance—rebirth or revival:①new discoveries in geography and astrology(占星术)②the religious reformation and economic expansion③rediscovery of ancient Roman and Greek cultureDefinition of important literary terms:Renaissance:the activity, spirit, or time of the great revival of art, literature, and learning in Europe beginning in the 14th century and extending to the 17th century, marking the transition from the medieval to the modern world.William Shakespeare 1564~1616 P61Works: Stage1→1590 The Second Part of King Henry VIThe Third Part of King Henry VI1591 The First Part of King Henry VI1592 The Life and Death of King Richard IIIThe Comedy of Errors1593 Titus Andronicus泰特斯•安德鲁尼克斯(复仇悲剧)The Taming of the Shrew训悍记1594 The Two Gentlemen of Verona维罗纳两绅士Lover’s Labour Lost爱的徒劳Romeo and Juliet1595 The Life and Death of King Richard IIA Midsummer Night’s Dream 仲夏夜之梦1596 The Life and Death og King JohnThe Merchant of Venice维纳斯商人1597 The First Part of King Henry IVThe Second Part of King Henry IV1598 Much Ado About Nothing无事生非The Merry Wives of Windsor温莎的风流娘儿们The Life of King Henry V1599 The Life and Death of Julius Caesar尤里乌斯•凯撒As You Like It 皆大欢喜(Figure: Rosalind)1600 Twelfth Night, or What You Will第十二夜Stage2→1601 The Tragedy of Hamlet, Price of Denmark(复仇悲剧)√1602 Troilus and Cressida 特罗伊斯与克瑞西达(黑暗喜剧)All’s Well That Ends Well 终成眷属(黑暗喜剧)1603 Measure for Measure 一报还一报(黑暗喜剧)Othello, the Moore of Venice 奥赛罗(Figure: Desdemona)1605 King Lear李尔王(Figure: Cordelia)The Tragedy of Macbeth 麦克白1606 Antony and Cleopatra 安东尼和克利奥佩特拉1607 The Tragedy of Coriolanus 克利奥拉鲁斯Timon of Athens 雅典的泰门1608 Pericles, Prince of Tyre 佩里克里斯Stage3→(均为传奇剧)1609 Cymbeline, King of Britain 辛白林1610 The Winter’s Tale 冬天的故事The Tempest 暴风雨The Life and Death of Henry VIII( Comedy:—Tragedy:—)Four Comedies: <As You Like It>皆大欢喜<Twelfth Night>第十二夜<A Midsummer Night‟S Dream>仲夏夜之梦<Merchant Of Venice>威尼斯商人Four Tragedies:<Hamlet>哈姆莱特<Othello>奥赛罗<King Lear>李尔王<Macbeth>麦克白Shakespeare Sonnet: 154 <The Sonnets> (ababcdcdefefgg) 18(shall I compare thee)、29(when in disgrace)、106(when in the chronicle of wasted time)Shakespeare’s 2 narrative poems: Venus and Adonis维纳斯与阿多尼斯Lucrece露克里丝受辱记Figures and things mentioned: <In Hamlet> Horatio (Hamlet’s friend)霍拉旭Elsinore Castle埃利塞纳城堡Claudius (Hamlet’s uncle)克劳迪斯Gertrude (Hamlet’s mother)乔特鲁德Rosencrantz(Hamlet’s friend)罗森克兰茨Guildenstern(Hamlet’s friend)吉尔登斯坦Ophelia(Hamlet’s girlfriend)奥菲利亚Polonius (girlfriend’s father)波洛琉斯Laertes(girlfriend’s brother)雷欧提斯<In The Merchant of Venice>Bassanio 巴萨尼奥Antonio(Bassanio’s Friend)安东尼奥Portia鲍西娅Shylock (the wealthy Jew)Jessica(Shylock’s daughter, who ran off with Bassanio’s friend Lorenzo罗兰佐)Gratiano (Bassanio’s friend, fell in love with Portia’s waiting-woman Nerissa尼莉莎) Definition of important literary terms:1)Renaissance: Renaissance marks the transition from the medieval to the modern world. Itfirst started in Italy in the 14th century and gradually spread all over Europe. The word“Renaissance” means rebirth or revival. In essence, it is a historical period in which theEuropean humanist thinkers and scholars made attempts to get rid of those old feudalist ideas in medieval Europe and introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, and to lift the restriction in all areas placed by the Roman Catholic Churchauthorities. Two features of renaissance: It is a thirsting curiosity for the classical literature.People learned to admire the Greek and Latin works as models of literary form. It is the keen interest in the activities of humanity.2)Sonnet: 14-line lyric poem, usually written in rhymed iambic pentameter.The rhymescheme in the Italian form as typified in the sonnets of Petrarch(彼得拉克)is abbaabbacdecde. The Petrarchian sonnet has two divisions: the first is of eight lines (the octave), and the second is of six lines (the sestet). The rhyme scheme of the English, or Shakespearean sonnet is abab cdcd efef gg. The change of rhyme in the English sonnet is coincidental(一致) with a change of theme in the poem.3)Spenserian Stanza: Spenser invented a new verse form for his poem. The verse form hasbeen called "Spenserian Stanza" since his day. Each stanza has nine lines, each of the first eight lines is in iambic pentameter form, and the ninth line is an iambic hexameter(六步抑扬格) line. The rhythm scheme is abab bcbc c.4) Humanism: it refers to the main literary trend and is the keynote of English Renaissance.Humanists took interest in human life and human activities and gave expression to the new feeling of admiration for human beauty, human achievement. They think that man has a potential for culture which distinguishes him from lower orders of beings, and which he should strive constantly to fulfill.FrancisBacon弗兰西斯•培根1561~1626 P103(哲学家、散文家;在论述探究知识的著作中提出了“知识就是力量”这一著名论断;近代唯物主义哲学的奠基人和近代实验科学的先驱。


Part I the Anglo-Saxon Period(449-1066)Social background:The Teutonic tribes of Angles, Saxons and Jutes who conquered the British settled in the island and became the ancestors of the English dwelt. The language spoken by these tribes is generally called Anglo- Saxon or Saxon.Main trend of literature: The literature of this period falls naturally into two divisions—pagan and Christian.The former represents the poetry which the Anglo –Saxons probably brought with them in the form of oral sagas-the crude material out of which literature was slowly developed on English soil.The latter represents the writers developed under teaching of the monks.Special forms of literature:Epic(史诗)—An epic is a long narrative poem, on a grand scale, about the deeds of warriors and heroes.Master work:The Song of Beowulf .The Song of Beowulf is England's first national epic and its hero Beowulf ---one of the national heroes of the English people. The whole epic consisting of 3182 lines is to be divided into two parts with an interpolation between the two, describing the deeds of the Teutonic hero Beowulf.My understanding:It is the beginning of the English literature.Part ⅡThe Anglo-Norman Period(1066-1350)Social background:In the year 1066,at the battle of Hastings, the Normans headed by William, Duke of Normandy, defeated the Anglo-Saxon.The Normans were originally a hardy race of sea rovers inhabiting Scandinavia. In the tenth century they conquered a part of northern France, which is still called Normandy, and rapidly adopted French civilization and the French language. Their conquest of Anglo-Saxon England under William, duke of Normandy, began with the battle of Hastings in 1066.Main trend of literature: English literature is a combination of French and Saxon elements. The literature which Normandy brought to England is remarkable for its bright , romantic tales of love and adventure, in marked contrast with the strength and somberness of Anglo-Saxon poetry.Special forms of literature: Romance —Sir Gawain and the Green KnightPopular Ballads—Ballads are anonymous narrative songs that have been preserved by oral transmission.(Robin Hood and Allin -a-Dale)Major writer: Geoffrey Chaucer(1340?-1400) —―father of English poetry‖Master work:Chaucer‗s masterpiece is The Canterbury Tales,one of the most famous works in all literature. In this great work,Chaucer created a strikingly brilliant and picturesque panorama of his time and his country. In this poem Chaucer‘s realism, trenchant irony a nd freedom of views reached such a high level of power that it had no equal in all the English literature up to the 16th century.Style and language feature:His work is permeated with buoyant free-thinking,so characteristic of the age of Renaissance whose immediate forerunner Chaucer thus becomes. He believes in the right of man to earthly happiness. He is anxious to see man freed from superstitions and a blind belief in fate. He is always keen to praise man's energy,adroitness,intellect,quick wit and the love for life.My understanding:The English literature come into being.Part III The Renaissance(the 16th century)Social background: The 16th century in England was a period of the breaking up of feudal relations and the establishing of the foundations of capitalism. Manufactories were developing and the wool trade was rapidly growing in bulk. The enclosure of commons drove thousands of peasants off their lands and many of them settled in towns. It was a time when, according to Thomas More, ―sheep devoured men.‖Main trend of literature:Together with the development of bourgeois relationships and formation of the English national state this period is marked by a flourishing of national culture known as the Renaissance.Special forms of literature: sonnet, drama, lyrical poetry and various types of novel.Major writer and master works and their style and language features: At the beginning of the 16th century the outstanding humanist Thomas More(1478-1535) wrote his Utopia(1516)in which he gave a profound and truthful picture of the people's sufferings and put forward his ideal of a future happy society .In the first half of the 16th century there appeared lyrical poems by Thomas Wyatt (1503?-1542),Henry Howard, Earl of surrey(1517-1547) and others who initiated new poetical forms, borrowing freely from English popular songs and Italian and French poetry. Thus Wyatt was the first to introduce the sonnet into English literature.In the second half of the 16th century lyrical poetry became widespread in England. Among the outstanding lyrical and epic poets of the time were Philip Sidney (1554-1586), Thomas Campion (1567-1680), and Edmund Spenser (1552-1599). The latter was the author of the greatest epic poem of the time The Fairy Queen.John Lyly (1553?-1606) and Thomas Loge (1558?-1625) were authors of novels dealing with court life and gallantry. Realistic tendencies developed in Thomas Deloney‘s (1543-1607) and Thomas Nashe‘s (1567-1602) novels, devoted to the everyday life of craftsmen, merchants and other representatives of the lower classes.The greatest of the pioneers of English drama was Christopher Marlowe (1564-1593) who reformed that genre in England and perfected the language and verse of dramatic works. It was Marlowe who made blank verse the principal vehicle of expression in drama. Robert Greene(1560?-1592)was a outstanding dramatist whose play George Green, the Pinner of Wakefield was highly appreciated.The great English scientist and philosopher Francis Bacon (1561-1626) whose s famous Literary work is the Essays. Francis Bacon's works may be divided into three classes: the philosophical, the literary,and the professional works. The principal and best known of the philosophical works are: the Advncement of Learning,(学术的推进)publshed in English in 1605; the Novum Organum新工具,published in Latin in 1620; and the De Augmentis,published in Latin in 1623. Of Bacon's litera works,the most important are the Essays.T he greatest humanist writer of this period —William Shakespeare(1564-1616).William Shakespeare is the greatest of all English authors. He belongs to those rare geniuses of mankind who have become landmarks in the history of world culture. The works of William Shakespeare are a great landmark in the history of world literature for he was one of the first founders of realism,a master hand at realistic portrayal of human characters and relations.No wonder that Shakespeare's works were so fondly cherished by the greatest minds of mankind,and among them by Karl Marx,who regarded Aeschylus and Shakespeare as "the two greatest dramatic geniuses the world has ever known.‖ It is well known in what high esteem Shakespeare was held by such giants of world literature as Milton,Goethe,Stendhal,and Pushkin.Works of Shakespeare.During the twenty-two years of his literary work he produced 38 plays,2 narrative poems and 154 sonnets. His literary work may be divided into three major periods: the first period from 1590 to 1600,the second from 1601 to 1608,and the third from 1609 to 1612.The first period:1590 The Second Part of King Henry VThe Third Part of King Henry V1591 The First Part of King Henry V1592 The Life and Death of King Richard IIIThe Comedy of Errors《错误的喜剧》1593 Titus AndronicusThe Taming of the Shrew(驯悍记)1594 The Two Gentlemen of Verona(维洛那二绅士)Love's Labor‘s Lost(爱的徒劳)Romeo and Juliet(罗密欧与朱丽叶)1595 The Life and Death of Richαrd IIA Midsummer Night's Dream(仲夏夜之梦)1596 The Life and Death of King JohnThe Merchant of Venice(威尼斯商人)1597 The First Part of King Henry IVThe Second Part of King Henry IV1598 Much Ado About Nothing(无事烦恼)The Merry Wives of Windsor(温莎的风流娘儿们)The Life of King Henry V1599 The Life and Death of Julius CaesarAs You Like It(皆大欢喜)1600 Twelfth Night, or, What You Will(第十二夜)The second period:1601 Hamlet,Prince of Denmark (哈姆莱特)1602 Troilus and CressidaAll's Well That Ends Well. (终成眷属)1604 Measure for Measure(一报还一报)Othello,the Mooe of Venice(奥赛罗)1605 King Lear(李尔王)The Tragedy of Macbeth(麦克白)1606 Antony and Cleopatra1607 The Tragedy of CriolanusTimon of Athens1608 Pericles,Prince of TyreThe third period:1609 Cymbeline, King of Britain (辛白林)1610 The Winter's Tale(冬天的故事)1612 The Tempest(暴风雨)The Life of King Henry VIIIShakespeare had also written poems: Venus an Adonis(1592),Lucrece (1592-1593),and Sonnets (1593-1598). Among these works, Hamlet is considered to be the summit of Shakespeare‘s art. The whole tragedy is permeated with the spirit of Shakespeare‘s own time. Hamlet is the profoundest expression of Shakespeare's humanism and his criticism of contemporary life.My understanding: It is a flourishing time of English literature.Part IV The 17th Century :The period of revolution and restorationSocial background: The 17th century was one of the most tempestuous periods in English history. It was a period when absolute monarchy impeded the further development of capitalism in England and the bourgeoisie could no longer bear the sway of landed nobility. The contradictions between the feudal system and the bourgeoisie had reached its peak and resulted in a revolutionary outburst.Main trend of literature: In this period in literature also the Puritan Age was one of confusion,due to the breaking up of old ideals. The Puritans believed in simplicity of life. They disapproved of the sonnets and the love poetry written in the previous period. The Bible became now the one book of the people. The Puritan influence in general tended to suppress literary art.Special forms of literature:In this period in the absence of any fixed standard of literary criticism there was nothing to prevent the exaggeration of the "metaphysical" poets,who are the literary parallels to religious sects like the Anabaptists(浸礼教徒). Poetry took new and startling forms in Donne and Herbert,and prose became as somber as Burton's Anatomy of Melancholy.Major writer and master works and their style and language features:John Donne (1572?-1631) is a more thoroughly characteristic figure of the early seventeenth century. His religious poems and his magnificent sermons reached astounding heights of subtlety and intensity. The searchings of soul andthe horrified fascination with which he contemplated the processes of dissolution and the awful event of death are rendered with amazing intellectual ingenuity and imaginative power. His prose style, involuted and ornate, cumulative and Ciceronian, is one of the more glorious monuments to the spirit of the early seventeenth century.John Milton (1608-1774) is a great English poet. John Milton was the child of the Renassance, inherited all its culture, and the most profoundly educated man of his age. His greatest work Paradise Lost presents the author‘s views in an allegoric(比喻的,寓言的) religious form. The basic idea in this poem is: the exposure of reactionary forces of his time and passionate appeal for freedom. The poem is on the biblical legend of imaginary progenitors of the human race—Adam and Eve, and involves God and his eternal adversary, Satan. His another poem is Paradise Regained. John Bunyan (1628-1688) is a great prose writer. His most important work is The Pilgrim’s Progress, written in the old-fashioned, medieval form of allegory and dream.My understanding: It is a time of revolution and restoration.Part V The 18th Century:The Age of English Enlightenment in EnglandSocial background: After the tempestuous events of the 17th century, England entered a period of a comparatively peaceful development.Main trend of literature: With the advent of the 18th century,in England,as in other European countries,there sprang into life a public movement known as the Enlightenment(启蒙运动)The Enlightenment on the whole,was an expression of struggle of the then progressive class of bourgeoisie against feudalism. The enlighteners fought against class inequality,stagnation,prejudices and other survivals of feudalism. They attempted to place all branches of science at the service of mankind by connecting them with the actual deeds and requirements of the people.And the new literature current—that of Sentimentalism appeared. Sentimentalism in literature is ―emotion run wild,‖ with emphasis on feeling rather on events and circumstances which produced the feeling.Another conspicuous trend in the English literature of the later half of the 18th century was the so-called pre-romanticism. It originated among the conservative groups of men of letters as a reaction against Enlightenment and found its most manifest expression in the "Gothic novel",the term arising from the fact that the greater part of such romances were devoted to the medieval times.Special forms of literature: Neo-classicism (poetry and prose), realistic novel and the gothic novel.Major writer and master works and their style and language features:Enlighteners fell into two groups — the moderate group and the radical group. Moderate enlighteners supported the principles of the existing social order and considered that partial reforms would be sufficient. In this group may be included chiefly Alexander Pope(1688-1744), Joseph Addison(1672-1719) and Richard Steele(1672-1729), Daniel Defoe (1660-1731) and Samuel Richardson(1689-1761). They tried to work out a standard of moral conduct, which could be more suitable to the existing social conditions. Radical enlighteners struggled for more resolute democratization in the management of the government, and defended the interests of the exploited masses, the peasants and the working people in the cities. The representative writers of this group are Jonathan Swift(1667-1745), Henry Fielding(1707-1754), Tobias George Smollet(1721-1771), Oliver Goldsmith(1730-1774) and Richard Brinsley Sheridan(1751-1816). They stressed the discrepancy between what they called "the proper, moral standards"and the bourgeois-aristocratic society of their age.Alexander Pope (1688-1744)①An Essay on Criticism (1711)②The Rape of the Lock (1712-14)③Essay on Man (1733-34)④The Dunciad (1728)2. Joseph Addison (1672-1719) and Richard Steele (1672-1729)①The Tatler②The SpectatorDaniel Defoe (1660-1731)①Robinson Crusoe1719②Captain Singleton—a novel of adventure, 1720③Moll Flanders—written in the form of autobiography, 1722④Colonel Jacque—a novel of adventure, 1722三、Jonathan Swift (1667-1745) The Battle of the Books (1704), and A Tale of a Tub (1704). The former is a satirical dialogue on the comparative merits of ancient and modern writers. It mainly attacks on pedantry in literary world of the time. The latter is a prose satire written in the form of a parable and a sharp attack on the disputes among the different sects of the Christian religion.Among the pamphlets he wrote about Ireland, the best-known pieces are The Drapier' s Letters and A Modest Proposal Swift‘s tragic live affairs were recorded in his poem Cadenus and Vanessa and Journal to Stella. Before his death, Swift published a poem On the Death of Dr. Swift.Henry Fielding (1707-1754)①Joseph Andrews1742②Jonathan Wild the Great1743.③The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling 1749④Amelia 1751William Blake (1757-1827)①Songs of Innocence1789②Songs of Experience1794③The Marriage of Heaven and HellRobert Burns (1759-1796)Most of Burns‘s poems are lyrics on love and friendship. They have a great charm of simplicity. His best-known lyrics are A Red, Red Rose, and Auld Lang Syne.③Burns wrote some poems to express his hatred for the oppression of the ruling class and his love for freedom. A best-known poem of this kind is A Man's A Man for That.④Burns wrote some patriotic poems, in which he expresses his deep love for his motherland; such as My Heart's inthe Highlands.⑤Burns wrote some verse-tales which he based on old Scottish legends. In these poems, he sings of the heroic spirit of the Scottish people in their struggle against their oppressors. The best example of these poems is John Barleycorn.⑥Burns wrote a number of poems on the theme of revolution, such as The Tree of Liberty and A Revolutionary Lyric.⑦Burns also achieve success in the field of satire. E.g. The Toadeater.⑧Poems like The Jolly Beggars are characterized by humor and lightheartedness.Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816)①The Rivals②The School for ScandalFeaturesSheridan‘s dramatic techniques are largely conventional; th ey are exploited to the best advantage. His plots are well organized; his characters, either major or minor, all sharply drawn; and his manipulation of such devices as disguise, mistaken identity and dramatic irony is masterly. Witty dialogues and neat and decent language also make a characteristic of his plays.My understanding: The age of English Enlightenment in England。

现代主义文学流派的代表作家有詹姆斯·乔伊斯、弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫、D · H ·劳伦斯、汤姆斯·斯特恩和艾略特等。

The Middle AgesThe Anglo-Saxon Period (449~1066)Reference: 1) The literature of early period falls naturally into two divisions, Pagan and Christian.(异教徒文学和基督徒文学) Pagan represents the poetry which the Anglo-Saxons probably brought with them in the form of oral sagas (口头诗歌), the crude material out of which literature was slowly developed on English soil; Christian represents the writings developed under the teaching of the monks.(僧侣)2) Among the early Anglo-Saxon poets we may mention Caedmon(开德蒙the first important religious poet in English literature) who lived in the latter half of the 7th century and wrote a poetic paraphrase of the Bible; Cynewulf(琴涅武甫), the author of poems on religious subjects.Beowulf:the national epic of the Anglo-Saxons, represents the spirit of paganArtistic features: 1) Using alliteration押头韵(Definition of alliteration: a rhetorical device, meaning some words in a sentence begin with the same consonant sound)2) Using metaphor and understatement (Definition of understatement: expressing something in a controlled way. Understatement is a typical way for Englishmen to express their ideas. 保守的陈述)Things and Figures mentioned: Beowulf (the Teutonic hero) Hrothgar (the King of the Danes)Heorot 鹿厅Grendel (the half-human monster)Beacon (Beowulf墓上所建) Scyld 赛亚德Definitions of important literary terms:1.1)Epic (heroic poetry): An epic is a long oral narrative poem that operates on a grand scale and deals with legendary or historical events of national or universal significance. Most epics deal with the exploits(功勋)of a single individual and also interlace(交织、交错)the main narrative with myths, legends, folk tales and past events; there is a composite(复合的)effect, the entire culture of a country cohering in the overall experience of the poem. Epic poems are not merely entertaining stories of legendary or historical heroes; they summarize and express the nature or ideals of an entire nation at a significant or crucial period of its history. 史诗是长篇口头叙事诗,内容广泛,通常以重要传说或者重大历史事件为题材。

英国⽂学选读上选择题(附答案)12. Generally, the Renaissance refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries, its essence is_______.A. scienceB. philosophyC. artsD. humanism13. _______ frequently applied conceits in his poems.A. Edmund SpenserB. John DonneC. William BlakeD. Thomas Gray14. _______ is known as “the poet’s poet”.A. William ShakespeareB. Christopher MarloweC. Edmund SpenserD. John Donne15. Romance,which uses narrative verse or prose to tell stories of____ adventures or other heroic deeds,is a popular literary form in the medieval period.A. ChristianB. knightlyC. pilgrimsD. primitive16. ________ and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English humanism.A. Edmund Spenser, Christopher MarloweB. Thomas More, Christopher MarloweC. John Donne, Edmund SpenserD. John Milton, Thomas More17. Among the following plays which is not written by Christopher Marlowe?A. Dr. FaustusB. The Jew of MaltaC. TamburlaineD. The School for Scandal18. Shakespeare’s greatest tragedies are _______.A. Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and MacbethB. Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Romeo andJuliet C. Hamlet, Coriolanus, King Lear and Macbeth D. Hamlet, Julius caesar, Othello and Macbeth19. The sentence “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?” is the line of one of Shakespeare’s ________.A. comediesB. tragediesC. historiesD. sonnets20. “So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, / So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.” (Shakespeare, Sonnets 18)What does “this” refer to?A. LoverB. TimeC. SummerD. Poetry21. Which of the following statements best illustrates the theme of Shakespeare’s Sonnet 18?A. The speaker eulogizes the power of NatureB. The speaker satirizes human vanityC. The speaker praises the power of artistic creationD. The speaker meditates on man’s salvation22. “Bassani Antonio,I am married to a wife Which is as dear to me as life itself;But life itself,my wife,and all the world,Are not with me esteem’d above thy life;I would lose all,ay,sacrifice them all,Here to the devil,to deliver you. Portia:Your wife would give you little thanks for that,ff she were by to hear you make the offer.” The above is a quotation taken from Shakespeare’s comedy The Merchant of Venice. The quoted part can be regarded as a good example to illustrateA. dramatic ironyB. personificationC. allegoryD. symbolism23. “The Fairy Queen” is the masterpiece written by____.A. John MiltonB. Geoffrey ChaucerC. Edmund SpenserD. Alexander Pope24. Which of the following work did Bacon NOT write?A. Advancement of LearningB. Novum OrganumC. De AugmentisD. Areopagitica25. The greatest of pioneers of English drama in Renaissance is _______, one of whose drama is “Doctor Faustus”.A. William ShakespeareB. Christopher MarloweC. Oscar WildeD. R. Brinsley Sheridan26. “Euphues” was written by ________, the style of the novel was called “Euphuism”.A. John BunyanB. John LylyC. John Donne27. The most famous dramatist in the 18th century is ______, who is famous for “The School for Scandal”.A. Oliver GoldsmithB. Thomas GrayC. R. Brinsley SheridanD. G.eorge Bernard Shaw28. The most distinguished literary figure of the 17th century was ______, who was a c ritic, poet, and playwright.A. Oliver GoldsmithB. John DrydenC. John MiltonD. T. G. Coleridge29. The representative of the “Metaphysical” poetry i s ______, whose poems are famous for his use of fantastic metaphors and extravagant hyperboles.A. John DonneB. John MiltonC. William BlakeD. Robert Burns30. Which of the following has / have associations with John Donne’s poetry?A. reason and sentimentB. conceits and witsC. the euphuismD. writing in the rhymed couplet31. _____ is the successful religious allegory in the English language.A. The Pilgrim’s ProgressB. The Canterbury TalesC. Paradise LostD. Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded32. The 18th century England is known as the ______ in the history.A. RenaissanceB. ClassicismC. EnlightenmentD. Romanticism33. Of all the eighteenth-century novelists, who was the first to set out, both in theory and practice, to write specially a “comic epic讽刺史诗in prose”, the first to give the modern novel its structure and style?A. Thomas GrayB. Richard Brinsley SheridanD. Henry Fielding34. Henry Fielding has been regarded by some as “_______________”, for his contributi on to the establishment of the form of the modern novel.A. Best writer of the English novelB. The father of English novelC. The most gifted writer of the English novelD. conventional writer of English novel35. Among the pioneers of the 18th century novelists were Daniel Defoe, Samuel Richardson, Henry fielding and _______.A. Laurence SterneB. John DrydenC. Charles DickensD. Alexander Pope36. John Milton’s masterpiece—Paradise Lost was written in the poetic style of _____.A. rhymed stanzasB. blank verseC. alliterationD. sonnets37. Of all the 18th century novelists Henry Fielding was the first to set out____,both in theory and practice,to write specifically a “ ______ in prose,” the first to give the modern novel its structure and style. (Refer to 19)A. tragic epicB. comic epicC. romanceD. lyric epic38. Besides Sheridan, another great playwright in the 18th century is ______.A. Oliver GoldsmithB. Thomas GrayC. T. G. SmolletD. Laurence Sterne39. She Stoops to Conquer was written by _____.A. Oliver GoldsmithB. R. Brinsley SheridanC. John DrydenD. George Bernard Shaw40. The middle of the 18th century was predominated by a newly rising literary form, that is the modern English ______, which gives a realistic presentation of life of the common English people.A. proseB. short storyC. novelD. tragicomedy41. The Houyhnhnms depicted by Jonathan Swift in Gulliver’s Travels are _____.A. horses that are endowed with reasonB. pigmies that are endowed with admirable qualitiesC. giants that are superior in wisdomD. hairy,wild,low and despicable creatures,who resemble human beings not only in appearance but also in some other ways42. The unquenchable⽆法消除的spirit of Robinson Crusoe struggling to maintain a substantial existence ona lonely island reflects ____.A. man’s desire to return to natureB. the author’s criticism of the colo nization XC. the ideal of the rising bourgeoisie XD. the aristocrats’ disillusionment of the harsh social reality43. Gothic novels are mostly stories of_____, which take place in some haunted or dilapidated Middle Age castles.A. love and marriageB. sea adventuresC. mystery and horrorD. saints and martyrs44. “The father of English novel” is __________.A. Henry FieldingB. Daniel DefoeC. Jonathan SwiftD. John Donne。

Chapter 7. The Eighteenth Century[The Age of Reason (1688——1798)]I. Historical backgroundAfter the Glorious Revolution, Whig and Tory were established. The former one represented the interests of the moneyed class, while the latter one represented the royalists.England fought many wars with France, Spain, etc. In those wars England rose as a victor making it the strongest country in navy and economy and considerably stretching its occupied land oversees extending from the west of Canada to the east of India.II. The special features of the cultural life at the timea. Political writings: the rise of the political parties led to the appearance of pamphlet wars of political writings attracting many writers to work for either of the parties or both alternatively.b. The rise of newspapers and magazines: the reason for the rise: ·Both parties had their respective ones to express their opinions. ·The rise of the middle class demanded entertainment and education and they need to express their views too.c. Coffeehouses:where people gathered to exchange ideas and thus they help to determine the literary trend of the timed. The new morality:·The emphasis on reason·The development of tolerance of different opinions in politics and religione. The influence of science and technology:·Principia Mathematica in 1687 by Newton (1642——1727) ·The new epistemology of John Locke (1632——1704)f. French influence——Augustanism——neoclassicism stressing to learn from the classicals*What is classicism?The characteristics in Greek and Roman classical works. They are clarity, logic, form, proportion, balance with each other, parallelism, restraint.III. The characteristics of neoclassicism1.Reason rather than emotion and form rather than content were emphasized.2.Most of the writings at the time were didactic and satirical.3.The closed couplet was the only possible verse form for serious work for elegance, correctness, appropriateness and restraint were preferred.4.It is exclusively a “town”poetry, catering to the interests of the“society”in great cities. The humbler aspect of life are neglected and it showed in most part no love of nature, landscape, or country things and peoplecking romantic elements and being hostile to medieval literature6.An age of prose, especially the latter part the centuryIV. Representative authors of the time1. Daniel Defoe2. Jonathan Swift3. Joseph Addison4. Alexander Pope5. Samuel Johnson6. Henry Fieldding7. Thomas Gray8. Thobias George Smollet9. Richard Brinsley Sheridan10. Robert Burns11. William Blake1.Daniel Defoe(1661—1731)a pioneer novelist of England and also a prolific writer of books and pamphlets on a great variety of subjects.1)his life story:a.from a dissenter’s family: Presbyterian butcherb.having a questionable character in politics, but strong belief in religious freedom2)his literary achievements:·fiction:Robinson , Crusoe , Moll Flanders·contribution to journalism & regulating English trade methods and principles3) characteristics of his fiction:a.Robinson Crusoe:(1)based on real experience of a Scottish sailor but combinedwith his own imagination, it is still a fictional work.(2)using the picaresque frame with a story in the shape of a journal and having strong sense of journalistic truth; containing serious wisdom of life(3)The importance of the hero:i. typical of the rising English bourgeois class, practical and diligent with a restless curiosity to know more about the world and a desire to prove individual power in the face of social and natural challengesIi. a real hero of middle class different from the hero of knights orepic hero(4)moral teaching: sing praise of labour, presenting it as the source of human pride and happiness as well as a means to change man’s living conditions from desperation to prosperity(5)limitations:i. praise colonization overseas through the relationship with Friday ii. his attitude to woman is open to criticismiii. Praise slaveryb. Moll Flanders:(1) its story(2)the significance, one is for the first a woman being the protagonist; artistically more mature than Robinson: better structure and better plot; so it is written in an autobiographical form called a memoir2. Jonathan Swift(1667-1745)a churchman and also a university graduate who viewed human society with contempt and has been called a cynic and even a misanthrope.1)his life story:His father died before he was born, and he had to accept the aid of his relatives and finished his study at Dublin University.2)his literary achievements:a.satirical essays:The Battle of Books(1696-1698), A Tale of the Tub(1696-1698)b.Writings in pamphlets:The Draiper’s Letters, A Modest Proposac.fiction:Gulliver’s Travel(1726)3)characteristics of his pamphlets:·Gulliver’s Travela. criticizing the oppression and exploitation of the Irish people by the absentee landlords and the English government.b. using bitter satire·The battle of Booksa debate happening 18th century. Some people modern people ·The Tale of the Tuba satire on various religious sects: Catholic, Anglican and dissenters’churches: changes done by different churches to the Christian doctrines·The Draiper’s Lettersrevealing the corruption and license, debased·A Modest Proposala satire on the English government’s heavy exploitation4)A Modest Proposala.It is a bitter satire on the policy of the English government towards the Irish people.b.Swift in this article suggested to the Irish people that the best way to end their misery was to produce children and sell them at market as a delicious dish for the rich.3. Joseph Addison(1672-1719)and Richard Steele(1672-1729)1) their life stories: they were born in the same year, attended the same school and later studied at the same university.they had the same political trend——whig2) their literary achievements:Joseph Addison & Richard Steele·Joseph Addisonstarted the periodical essays that were the most characteristic genre of 18thcentury literature.·Richard Steelecontribution to the periodicals:The Tatler, The Spectator, The Guardian3)characteristics of their periodical essays:a.Methods:d, indirect, was admirably adapted to their purpose.2. were full of wit, humor, and satire.b. Themes:dealt with1)light topics-fashions, head-dresses, practical jokes,2)polite conversations, discussed art, philosophy, drama, and poetry, and sought in so doing not only to interest the general reader in such subjects, but also to guide and develop their tastes.3) deeper topics such immoralityOne other characteristic: draw some images of some typical middle class people:C. Style: simple language familiar to the middle men; graceful, poised, well balanced, familiar words and expressions to the readers,4)Aims of their writing:a.to educate the newly risen middle class.b.to bridge the gap between the small circle of London elegance and wit,and the large, serious, rather Puritan middle class.5)two selected pieces written by Addisona. The Royal Exchangeb. Sir Roger at Church4.Alexander Pope(1688-1744)1) his life story:·he was self-educated.·he worked hard against poor health and unfavorable conditions and gained a profound knowledge of both the classics and the craft of writing.2)his literary achievements:·An Essay on Criticism, The Rape of the Lock, An Essay on Man ·Contribution to poetry in heroic couplets3)characteristics of his poems:a. succeeded Chaucer and Dryden in bringing metrical form to its perfection.b. contained a great number of quotable lines that have passed into everyday speech as popular sayings, such as :“To err is human, to forgive divine”, and “For fools rush in where angels fear to tread.”c. limitation: Pope is never profound in thought, so the poems lack original ideas5.Samuel Johnson(1709-1784)the greatest English man of letters between Pope and Wordsworth. 1) his life story:·he was born in a book seller’s family.·he was conservative in his world outlook and was against any kind of reform or innovation.·he upheld tradition and authority. Uphold conventions authority2)his literary achievements:·A Dictionary of the English Language·Contribution to a periodical, The Rambler,·Known for essay; his Preface to his edition of Shakespeare and The Lives of the Poets3)characteristics of his writing:Emphasizing the specification of language6. Henry Fielding(1707-1754)playwright, novelist and district law magistrate, came from an aristocratic background1) his life story:·was born to an upper-class family·began writing plays while at university and took it as his profession after leaving school.2)his literary achievements:novels:The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews,The History of Tom Jones3)characteristics of his novels:a. The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrew( 1) its story and significance(2)in his preface to this novel Fielding proudly announced that he had created a new genre called comic epics in prose and discussed its characteristic feature.(3)the novel turned from a novel of seduction into one of the first exemplars of the great English panoramic tradition, which was to reach new heights later in Thackeray and Dickens.b. The History of Tom Jones(1) its story(2) Its significance:a. the understanding of allegory in the storyb. to Fielding, the countryside represents the basic goodness of human race, whereas the city stands for evil and sin.Tobias George SmollettA general introductionTobias George Smollett (19 March 1721 –17 September 1771) was a Scottish poet and author.He was best known for his picaresque novels, such as·The Adventures of Roderick Random (1748),·The Adventures of Peregrine Pickle (1751), which influenced later novelists such as Charles Dickens.·His last novel, the best novel is The Expedition of Humphry Clinker(1771), published in the year of his death.7. Thomas Gray(1716-1771)one of the representative poets at the time1) his life story:was born in London and educated at Eton and Cambridge, where he, after a grand tour on the continent, spent the rest of his life.2)characteristics of his poems:·more natural and spontaneous in thought·emphasizing emotions and sentiments3)The Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard8. Richard Brinsley Sheridan (1751-1816)1) his life story:was born in Dublin, of Irish origin, and was educated at Harrow.2)his literary achievements:drama: The Rivals, A Trip to Sarborough, The School for Scandal3)The School for Scandala. its story and significanceb. it is written in the tradition of Comedy of Manners, and exposes the immorality, hypocrisy, money-hunting, and scandal-mongering of the idle classes in 18th century England.9. Robert Burns(1759-1796)1) his life story:was born in Scotland in a poor peasant family and educated himself through selfstudy.2)his literary achievements:poems and songs3)characteristics of his poems and songsa.written in the Scottish dialect and in the tradition of Scottish folk songs.b.besides love lyrics, most of his poems and songs are about patriotic and political themes.10. William Blake (1757-1827)a poet as well as an engraver.1)his life story:was born in a hosier’s family in London and drew pictures and engraved to illustrate his works and the works of others.2)his literary achievements:·poems:Poetical Sketches, Songs of Innocence,Songs of Experience, Prophetic Books·broke with the neo-classical tradition both in form and in content3)characteristics of his poemsa. Songs of Innocence(1) expressed the poet’s delight in life,even in the face of sorrow and suffering.(2)the world is seen through the eyes of a child’s imagination which can be attained by adults if they cast away the follies and deceits of the hostile world and seek a visionary world through their imagination.b. Songs of Experience(1) the atmosphere is no longer sunny but sad and gloomy, and evil is found everywhere in this world.(2) through the loss of imagination, man has become a slave to the falsehood and hypocrisy of religion and society, and thus has lost the Heaven of Innocence and gained the Hell of Experience.c. the contradiction of these two poem collections。

英国文学(上)Exercises:1. After the fall of the Roman Empire and the withdrawal of Roman troops from Albion , the aboriginal _Cletic____ population of the larger part of the island was soon conquered and almost totally exterminated by the Teutonic tribes of ___Angles_ , __Saxons__ , and __Jutes___ who came from the continent and settled in the island , naming its central part __Anglio___ , or England.2. For nearly __400__ years prior to the coming of the English , British had been a Roman province . In__410_, the Rome withdrew their legions from Britain to protect herself against swarms of Teutonic invaders.3. The literature of early period falls naturally into two divisions, __pagan_and __Christian__.4.__The song of Beowulf__ can be justly termed England‘s national epic and its hero _Beowulf___—one of the national heroes of the English people.5. The Song of Beowulf reflects events which took place on the _European Continent___ approximately at the beginning of the _6th___ century , when the forefathers of the Jutes lived in the southern part of the __ Scandinavian peninsula __ and maintained close relations with kindred tribes ,e.g. with the __Danes__who lived on the other side of the straits.6. Among the early Anglo-Saxon poets we may mention _Caedmon___ who lived in the half of the ___7th_ century and who wrote a poetic Paraphrase of the Bible.7. __Caedmon__ is the first know religious poet of Engla nd . He is known as the father of English song.8. The didactic poem The Christ was produced by __Cynewulf__ .9. The most important work of __a__ is the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles , which is regarded as the best monument of the old English prose.a. Alfred the Greatb. Caedmonc. Cynewulfd. Venerable Bede10. Who is the monster half-human who had mingled thirty warriors in The Song of Beowulf?ca. Hrothgatb. Heorotc. Grendeld. Beowulf11. ___b_ is the first important religious poet in English literature.a. Gynewulfb. Caedmonc. Shakespeared. Adam Bede12. The epic , The Song of Beowulf ,represents the spirit of _d__.a. Monksb. romanticistsc. sentimentalistsd. pagan13. Define the literary terms listed below. 1). Alliteration 2). Epic14. Please give brief description of The Song of Beowulf.Exercise:1.In the year __1066__, at the battle of _ Hasting___, the ___Normans_ headed by William Duke of Normandy, defeated the Anglo-Saxons.2. The literature with Normans brought to England is remarkable for its bright, __romantic__ tales of ___love_ and adventures, in marked contrast with the __strength__ and __somberness__ of Anglo-Saxon poetry.3. English literature of Anglo-Norman period is also a combination of __French__ and _Saxon___ elements.4. Defines the literary terms listed below.(1) Anglo-Norman Romance (2) Middle EnglishExercise:1. In the 14th century, the two most important writers are __William Langland__ and Chaucer.2. In the 15th century, there is only one important prose writer whose name is __Sir Thomas Malory__ . He wrote an important work called Morte d’Arthur.3. Geoffrey Chaucer ,the ―__father of English poetry__‖ and one of the greatest narrative poets of England, was born in London in about the year 1340.4. Chaucer‘s masterpiece is _The Canterbury Tales__,one of the most works in all literature.5.The _general prologue__ provides a frame work for the tales in The Canterbury Tales, and it comprises a group of vivid pictures of various medieval figures.6. Chaucer created in The Canterbury Tales a strikingly brilliant and picturesque panorama of _his time and his country___.7. The Canterbury Tales opens with a general “prologue”where we are told of a company of pilgrims that gathered at __Tabard__ Inn in Southwark ,a suburb of London.8. Chaucer believes in the right of man to __earthly__ happiness.9.The name of the ―jolly innkeeper‖ in The Canterbury Tales is __Harry Bailey__,who proposes that each pilgrim of the __30__ should tell two tales on the way to Canterbury and two more on the way back.10.The pilgrims in The Canterbury Tales are on their way to the shrine of __St. Thomas Becket‘s __ at a place named Canterbury.11.Despite the enormous plan , The Canterbury Tales in fact contains a general ―prologue‖ and only _24__ tale , of which two are left unfinished.12.In contradistinction to the __alliterative__ verse of Anglo-Saxon poetry , Chaucer chose the metrical from which laid the foundation of the English __T onico-syllabic___ verse.13. Who is the ― father of English poetry ‖ and one of the greatest narrative poets of English?bA . Christopher Marlow B. Geoffrey ChaucerC. W. ShakespeareD. Alfred the Great14. When he died, Chaucer was buried in _a___ the Poet‘s Corner.A.Westminster Abbey B. NormandyC. CanterburyD. Southwark15. Chaucer‘s earliest work of any le ngth is his __c__ a translation of the French ―Roman de la Rose‖, which was a love allegory enjoying widespread popularity in the 13th and 14thcenturies throughout Europe.A. Troilus and CriseydeB. A Red Red RoseC. Romance of the RoseD. Piers the Plowman16. Chaucer composes a long narrative poem named __b___ based on Boccaccio‘s poem ―Filostrato‖.A. The Legend of Good WomenB. Troilus and CriseydeC. Sir Gawain and the Green KnightD. Beowulf17. In his literary development, Chaucer was influenced by three literatures. Which one is not true?dA. French literatureB. Italian literatureC. English literatureD. German literature18. There are various kinds of ballads _historical___, __legendary__, __fantanstical__, __lyrical__ and ___homorous__.19. In the numerous __border ballads__, the age-long strugglebetween the Scots and the English is reflected.20. Bishop __Thomas Perry__ was among the first to take a literary interest in ballads.21. Robin Hood, a __Saxon__ by birth, was an outlaw, a robber but he robbed only the rich and never molested the poor and needy.22. The first mention of Robin Hood in literature is in Langland‘s ___Piers the Plowman__.23. Define the literary terms listed below. (1) Ballad (2) Heroiccouplet24. Comment on Geoffrey Chaucer and his The Canterbury Tales. Exercise:1. The 16th century in England was a period of the breaking up of __feudal __ relation and the establishing of the foundations of __capitalism__.2. Because the wool trade was rapidly growing in bulk , it was s time when , according to Thomas More , ―__shape devoured man__ ‖.3. __King Henry the VIII__ broke off with the Pope , dissolved all the monasteries and Abbeys in the country , confiscated their lands proclaimed himself head of __Church of England__.4. Absolute monarchy in England reached its summit during the reign of __Queen Elizabeth I__.5. Together with the development of bourgeois relationships andformation of the English national state this period is marked by a Flourishing of national culture known as the __Renaissance__.6.__Thomas More_wrote his _Utopia__in which he gave a profound and truthful picture of people‘s sufferings and put forwards his ideal of a future happy society.7._Thomas Wyatt__was the first to introduce the Italian sonnet into English literature.8. Edmund Spenser was the author of the greatest epic poem of _The Faire Queene___.9. Define the literary terms listed below. (1)renaissance (2)Spenserian StanzaExercise:1.Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and __Macbeth___ are generally reg arded as Shakespea re‘s four great tragedies.2. During the 22 years of his literary work, Shakespeare produced __37__ plays, __2__ narrative poems and __154___ sonnets.3. The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus is one of ___Christopher Marlowe__‘s best pl ays.4. __Edmund Spenser__ is often referred to as ― the poet‘s poet‖.5. ―Shall I compare thee to a summer‘s day‖ is one of _Shakespeare‘s___ best known sonnets.6. In the __Elizabethan__ Period, William Shakespeare is thegreatest writer of England.7. Define the literary terms listed below: Dramatic Irony8. Comment on William Shakespeare and The Merchant of Venice.9. Comment on William Shakespeare and Hamlet.Exercises:1.Pope described Francis Bacon as ― the _wisest__, _brightest__,__meanest_ of man kind‖.2. Ba con‘s works may be divided into three classes, the _philosophy__, the __professional_, the _literary__ works.3. The final edition of Bacon‘s essays contains __58_ essays.4. The 17th century was a period when _absolute monarchy__ impeded the further development of capitalism in England and the _bourgeoisie__ could no longer bear the sway of __landed nobility_.5. The government of James I was a __despotism_ based on the theory of the divine right of kings.6. There were religious division and confusion and a long bitter struggle between the people‘s Parliament and theThrone--- __Puritans_ fighting against the _Cavaliers__ who helped the king.7. England became a commonwealth under the leadership of __Oliver Cromwell_.8. After _Oliver Cromwell__‘s d eath, monarchy as again restored (1660). It was called the period of the Restoration____.9. The Glorious Revolution in _1688__ meant three things the supremacy of _Parliament__, the beginning of _modern England__, and the final triumph of the principle of _political liberty__.10. The Puritans believed in __simplicity_ of life.11. The Revolution Period is also called _the Puritan Age__, because the English Revolution was carried out under a religious cloak.12. Define the literary term – Blank verse.13. The first thing to strike the reader is Donne‘s extraordinary _frankness__ and penetrating _realism__. The next is the _cynicism__ which marks certain of the lighter poems and which represents a conscious reaction from the extreme __idealism__ of woman encouraged by the Petrarchan tradition.14. Donne entered the church in 1615, where he rose rapidly to be Dean of _St Paul‘s Cathedral__, and the most famous preacher of his time.15. Milton‘s father was a __Puritan_, but not so harsh as most of the _Puritans__ of his day.16. Milton opposed the __Monarchic_ party and gave all his energies to the writing of __pamphlets_ dedicated to the people‘s liberties.17. Paradise Lost tells how __Satan_ rebelled against God and how _Adam__ and __Eve_ were driven out of Eden.18. Paradise Lost presents the author‘s view in an_allegorical__, _religious__ form.19. The poem Paradise Lost consists of _12__ books.20. Paradise Lost is based on the __Bibelical__ legend of the imaginary progenitors of the human race --- __Adam_ and __Eve_ , and involves God and his eternal adversary _Santan__ in its plot.21. In Revolution period __John Milton__ towers over his age as William Shakespeare towers over the Elizabethan Age and as Chaucer over the Medieval period.22. During the civil war and the commonwealth, there were two leadersin England, Cromwell, the man of action, and _John Milton__ the man of thought.23. In 1637Milton wrote the finest pastoral elegy in English, ―__Lycidas_‖to memorize the tragic death of a Cam bridge friend.24. Milton wrote his masterpiece __Paradise Lost_ during his blindness.25. Comment on John Milton and his Paradise Lost.Exercise:1. Milton and Bunyan represented the extreme of English life in the 17th century. One gave us the only epic since _Beowulf___, the other gave us the only great _allegry___.2. Bunyan‘s most important work is _Pilgrim‘s Progess___, writtenin the old-fashioned medieval form of __allegory__ and ___dream_.3. In The Pilgrim‘s Progress, the story begins with a man called __Christian__setting out with a book in his hand and a great load on his back from the city of __Destuction__.4. Christian has two objects,--- to get rid of his __bureden__, which holds the sins and fears of his life, and to make his way tothe __Celestial City_.5. John Bunyan gives a vivid and satirical description of __Vanity Fair__ which is the symbol of London at the time of Restoration.6. The literature of the middle and later periods of the 17th century cultimated in the poetry of _John Milton___, in the prose writing of __John Bunyan__, and also in the plays and literary criticism of ___John Dryden_.Exercise:1. No sooner were the people in control of the government than they divided into hostile parties: the liberal _Whigs___, and the conservative __Tories__.2. Another feature of the 18th century was the rapid development of __social life__.3. The Enlighteners believed in the power of reason and therefore the 18th century is also called ―the age of _Reason___‖.4. The Enlightenment on the whole was an expression of struggle ofthe progressive class of _bourgeoisie__ against __feudalism__.5. The enlighteners repudiate the false religious doctrines about the __viciousness__ of human nature, and prove that man is born ___kind_ and __honest__, and if he becomes depraved, it is only due to the influence of _corrupted__ social environment.6. It is simply for convenience that we study 18th century writings in three main divisions: the reign of so-called __neo-classicism__, the revival of __romatic_poetry, and the beginnings of the ___modern novel__.7. The essays and stories of Addison and Steele devoted not only to social problems, but also to __private_ life_ and __adventures__.8. Pope was a man of extraordinary __wit__ and extensive __learning__, and his contemporaries considered him as the highest __authority__ in matters of literary art.9. The image of an enterprising Englishman of the 18th century was created by Daniel Defoe in his famous novel__Robinson Crusoe__.10. ___Alexander Pope_ is the leading figure of neo-classicism in the early period of the 18th century.11. Robinson Crusoe is largely an _adventure__ story, rather than the study of __human character__ which Defoe probably intended it to be.12. In The Shortest Way with the Dissenters, in a vein of grim _humor__ which recalls Swift‘s Modest Proposal Defoe advocatedhanging all dissenting ministers, and sending all member of the free churches into exile.13. The full name of Robinson Crusoe is __The Life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe__.14. The story of Robinson Crusoe itself is real enough to have come straight from a sailor‘s __logbook__.15. Robinson named __Friday__ to the saved savage.16. Define the literary term, Picaresque Novels.Exercise:1.The 18th century in English literature is an age of __Prose___.2.Swift is born of English parents in ___Dublin Ireland___.3.Swift was the most remarkable __satirist__ in the 18th centurywho criticized the new bourgeois-aristocratic society of his age with out mercy.4. Jonathan Swift‘s masterpiece is __Gulliver‘s Travels__.5. Gulliver‘s adventures begins with __Liliputians__, who are sosmall that Gulliver is a giant among them.6. The country in Gulliver‘s Travels is __Houyhnhnms__, wherehorses are the real people and human beings , __Yahoos___ are their filthy servants.7. In the country of __Brobdingnag __, Gulliver is but pygmy.8. Gulliver‘s third voyage is occupied with a visit to the flying islandof __Laputa__.9. A Modest Proposal is made to __English__ government to relievethe poverty of _Irish___ people.10. The Tale of a Tub is a satire on the various __churches__ of the day.Exercise:1.Henry Fielding is the greatest novelist of the __18th__ century.2.Fielding‘s fir st novel , _Joseph Andrews___ was inspir ed by thesuccess of Richardson‘s novel Pamela.3. Fielding‘s later novels are ___Jonathon Wild___, the story of arogue , which suggests Defoe‘s narrati ve ; __The History of _Tom Jones_, a Foundling_(1749) his best work; and__Amelia____ (1751) , the story of a good wife in contrast with an unworthy husband.4.In his works Fielding strongly criticizes __social relations__ in theContemporary England.5. Fielding hates that hypocrisy which tries to conceal itself under Amask of __morality__.6. The lack of __spirituality__ of the age finds the most ample expression in his page.7.To read Milton‘s __Il Penseroso__ and Gray‘s is to see thebeginning and the perfection of that ―literature of melancholy‖which largely Occupied English poets for more than a century.8. The author of the famous Elegy is the most scholarly andwell-balanced of all the early __romantic__ poets.9. Oliver Goldsmith was one of the most __versatile__ of author andmade distinguished contributions in several literary forms.10. Goldsmith was born in __Ireland__ , the son of an __Anglican__clergyman whose geniality he inherited and whose improvidence he imitated.11. As ___essayest_ ,Goldsmith is among the best of the century.12. As a __poet__ he makes the riming couples as natural and simple as his prose.13. The Deserted Village is a (n )__idylice__ story of the family of aclergy-man after they have lost their money and are living in poverty.14. Goldsmith‘s two comedies , The Good-natured Man and She Stoopsto Conquer met with opposition because the fashion wasthen for __sentimental__ comedy.15. The two plays by Sheridan and _Goldsmith___ are the only plays ofthe 18th century that have been kept alive upon the modem stage.16. Richard Brinsley Sheridan was, like Goldsmith ,a (n) _Irish__man.17. His famous comedy , _The Rivals__ , was written in histwenty-four year.18. Sheridan‘s famous comedy _The School of Scadal___, written in1777, is considered his masterpiece.19. Define the literary term, comedy of humors.20. Of all the romantic poets of the 18th century ,Blake is the mostindependent and the most _original___.21. For greater part of his life Blake was the poet of inspiration alone ,following no man‘ s __lead__ , obeying no voice but that which be heard in his own mystic __soul__.22. Beyond learning to __read__ and __write__, he received no education.23. His only formal education was in __art__.24. At 14, Blake apprenticed for seven years to a well-known __engraver__ , James Basire.25. After three years at Felpham ,Blake moved back to London , determined to follow his ―__Divine Vision___‖ though it meant a life of isolation , misunderstanding , and poverty.26. The underlying theme in Songs of Innocence is the all-pervading presence of divine and __sympathy__ , even in troubleand sorrow. 27.In 1790 Blake engraved his principal prose , ___The Marriage of Heaven and Hell_ , in which, with vigorous satire and telling apologue , he takes up his Revolutionary position.28. The__Songs of Experienc__ (1794) are in marked contrast with the Songs of Innocence.29. The brightness of the earlier work gives place to a sense of _gloom___ and mystery , and of the power of __evil__.30. In Jerusalem we have expounded Blake ?s theory of __Imagination__ .31. The greatest of __Scottish__ poets is Robert Burns.32. In 1786. when he was 27 years old ,Burns resolved to abandon the struggle and seek position in the far-off island of __Jamaica__.33.Burns wrote some __patriotic__ poems , in which he expressed his deep l ove for his motherlan d ,such as ―My Heart’s in the Highlands‖. 34. Burns‘ poetry bone of the bone and flesh of the flesh of the __Scottish__ common people.。

Chapter 4 The 15th century (1400 –1550) 一.Historical background1. The Hundred Years’War (1337 –1453)Henry VI--a puppetFrench heroine Joan of ArcIn 1453, all English territory in France was lost to the French only Calais to English king2. The War of the Roses (1455 –1485)a series of civil wars fought between the two great families, both of which claimed the right to the English throne. All noble families were involved in it.The House of Lancaster-red roseThe House of York - white roseResult:Henry Tudor (VII) married Elizabeth of the House of York -brought compromise between the two familiesand established a highly consolidated rule.3. The discovery of America and the new sea routes1)Christopher Columbus, 1492, landed in America2)Vascoda Gama, 1497, round the tip of Africa and reached India3)John Cabot and his son Sebastian, 1498, provided the basis for the English claim to North America4. Reformation of the churchHenry VIII took decisive measure to break away from the Church of Rome.1534---He passed the Act of Supremacy: as the supreme head on earth, thus the Anglican Church was founded二.Ballads1.The basic characteristics of ballads1)The beginning is often abrupt: without any introduction of the characters and the background of the tale2)There are strong dramatic elements: single episode, climax, intensity and immediacy3)The story is often told through dialogue and action4)The theme is often tragic, though there are a umber of comic ballads 5)The ballad meter is used: four-line stanzasodd numbered lines with 4 feet eacheven numbered lines with 3 feet each2.Subject matter of the balladsEnglish ballads: the Robin Hood balladswar ballad, bloodshed ballad, superstition ballad, domestic affairs, outlawry, love, sea, and border ballad.3.Collections of balladsBishop Thomas Percy,Reliques of Ancient English PoetryProfessor F. J. Child, English and Scottish Ballads三.Literature in the 15th century1. Popular BalladsReview the definition and the main feature of ballads2. Sir Thomas Malory (1405 –1471)1)The Death of Arthur: complied together the stories of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table2)contribution to the development of English prose3)left a legacy to later writers that many of them used as subject matter in their writing3. Early English playsancient Greece and Rome, drama was a form of entertainmentroman catholic church prohibited it9th and 10th century allowed only for religious services14th century developed into 2 kindsMystery plays -are chiefly based on stories form the BibleMiracle plays -are on the lives of Christian saints Homework: What are the basic characteristics of ballads?。

威廉莎士比亚英国文学史上最伟大的戏剧家威廉莎士比亚——英国文学史上最伟大的戏剧家威廉莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)被公认为英国文学史上最伟大的戏剧家之一。
二、威廉莎士比亚作品的特点威廉莎士比亚的作品具有多个显著特点,其中最突出的特点包括以下几点:1. 语言优美:威廉莎士比亚的作品中充满了丰富多样的诗歌,他的词句通常简洁精练,音韵和谐,充满力量。
2. 角色形象丰满:威廉莎士比亚的作品涉及了各种社会阶层的人物形象,并通过他们的行动和对话展示了这些人物的多面性和复杂性。
3. 情节曲折:威廉莎士比亚的戏剧作品情节错综复杂,充满了戏剧性和悬念,引人入胜。
4. 人性的探索:威廉莎士比亚通过他的作品探索了人类的复杂心理和道德观念,使得他的作品在不同的时代都能产生共鸣。

Byronic heroA proud, mysterious, rebellious, gloomy figure of noble origin, with fiery passions and unbending will, expresses Byron’s own ideal of freedom. He rises against tyranny and injustice, but he’s merely a lone fighter striving for personal freedo m.SonnetA sonnet is a 14-line lyric poem with a single theme. Sonnets vary but are usually written in iambic pentameter, following one of two traditional patterns: the Petrarchan or Italian sonnet and the Shakespearean or English sonnet. A sonnet generally expresses a single theme or idea.OdeA complex and often lengthy lyric poem, written in a dignified formal style on some lofty or serious subject. Odes are often written for a special occasion,to honor a person o a season or to commemorate an event.Lake PoetsThe Lake Poets all lived in the Lake District of England at the turn of the nineteenth century. As a group, they followed no single "school" of thought or literary practice then known, although their works were uniformly disparaged by the Edinburgh Review. They are considered part of the Romantic MovementMetaphysical poets is a term coined by the poet and critic Samuel Johnson to describe a loose group of British lyric poets of the 17th century, whose work was characterized by the inventive use of conceits, and by speculation about topics such as love or religion. John Donne is the most important representative.拜伦式英雄是指拜伦诗中的贵族出身的骄傲,神秘,反叛的角色。

1.sonnet cycle: A sonnet cycle is a group of sonnets, arranged to address a particular person or theme, and designed to be read both as a collection of fully-realized individual poems and as a single poetic work comprising all the individual sonnets. 【The Amoretti by Edmund Spensor2. Characteristics of Petrarchan sonnet: The Italian sonnet is divided into two sections by two different groups of rhyming sounds. The first 8 lines is called the octave with rhymes:a b b a a b b aThe remaining 6 lines is calledthe sestet and can have either two or three rhyming sounds, arranged in a variety of ways. The change from one rhyme group to another signifies the change in subject matter.The octave often introduces the theme or problem while the sestet gives solutions.【The SONNET 75 by Edmund Spensor is a typical Petrarchan sonnet.3. Characteristics of Elizabethan (Shakespearean) sonnet: The Shakespearean sonnet is made up of 14 lines with three quatrains and a couplet, and the typical rhyming scheme is a-b-a-b, c-d-c-d, e-f-e-f, g-g. 【Sonnet 29 and 734. Pastoral: In literature, the adjective 'pastoral' refers to rural subjects and aspects of life in the countryside among shepherds and other farm workers that are often romanticized and depicted in a highly unrealistic manner. Indeed, the pastoral life is sometimes depicted as being far closer to the Golden age than the rest of human life 【The Passionate Shepherd to His Love5. Scansion is the act of determining and (usually) graphically representing the metrical character of a line of verse. There are many methods and symbols in scansion of poems.6. The Great Chain of Being : The Great Chain of Being is a classical Christian and Western Medieval concept detailing a strict, hierarchical structure of all matter and life It composed of a great number of hierarchical links, from the most basic and foundational elements up through the very highest perfection. The level descends from God to Angelic Beings to Humanity Animals to Plants and finally to Minerals7. Allegory is a figurative mode of representation conveying meaning other than the literal. Allegory communicates its message by means of symbolic figures, actions or symbolic representation. 【The Faerie Queen8 Ptolemic cosmology: In the Ptolemaic system, each planet is moved by a system of two or more spheres: one called its deferent, the others, its epicycles. And the Ptolemaic order of spheres from Earth outward is: Moon Mercury Venus Sun Mars Jupiter Saturn Fixed Stars and Sphere of Prime Mover9. Humanism10. The Reformation: It was led by Martin Luther,John Calvin and other early Protestants. The efforts of the self-described "reformers", who objected to ("protested") the doctrines, rituals and ecclesiastical structure of the Catholic Church, led to the creation of new national Protestant churches.The Reformation opposed the false doctrines and ecclesiastic malpractice of Catholics—especially the teaching and the sale of indulgences or the abuses thereof, and simony, the selling and buying of clerical offices. 【Faerie Queen 11. Courtly love was a medieval European conception of nobly and chivalrouslyexpressing love and ad miration. Generally, courtly love was secret and between members of the nobility. The lover was prompted by an ecstactic impulse to submit himself to the sovereignity of a lady , who, as a consequence of her beauty, virtue, rank and, very often married status, was unapproachable and sexually unattainable.12. Carpe diem: It is popularly translated as "seize the day". In carpe diem poetry, the speaker puts emphasis on the fact that life is short and the time is fleeting., 【”To the virgins, to make much of time”13. Cavalier poets : English poets of the early seventeenth century are crudely classified by the division into Cavaliers and metaphysical poets, Cavalier poets came from the classes that supported King Charles I during the English Civil War. 【 Robert Herrick14. persona (per-SO-na): In literature, the persona is the narrator, or the storyteller, of a literary work created by the author. It could be a character in the work, or a fabricated onlooker, relaying the sequence of events in a narrative. 【Shakespeare’s sonnet 7315 The biographical fallacy is a term used in literature criticism to critique the view that works of literature can be interpreted as reflections of the life of their authors.T he term was introduced by exponents of the New Criticism who wished to emphasise that artworks should be interpreted and assessed as constructed artefacts rather than expressions of the emotions of specific individuals.16.Anaphora: the repetition of the same word or group of words at the beginning of several consecutive sentences or verses to emphasize an image ora concept.17. Anadiplosis is a rhetorical figure of speech that means to "double back" and repeat a word or phrase that appears at the end of sentence or clause at the beginning of the next sentence or clause.18. Chiasmus is a figure of speech based on inverted parallelism. It is a rhetorical figure in which two clauses are related to each another through a reversal of terms in order to make a larger point.19 Antithesis :it is figure of speech involving the bringing out of a contrast in the ideas by an obvious contrast in the words, clauses, or sentences, within a parallel grammatical structure,20. Metonymy is the substitution of one word for another with which it isassociated. This allows a reader to recognize similarities or common features among terms. It may provide a more common meaning to a word.21. Metaphor: a type of figurative language in which a statement is made that says that one thing is something else but, literally, it is not. Metaphor is a great contributor to poetry when the reader understands a likeness between two essentially different things.22. Oxymoron: Oxymorons (or oxymora) are literary figures of speech usually composed of a pair of neighbouring contradictory words (often within a sentence). Oxymorons can be used for dramatic effect,23. Simile: The use of language that does not mean exactly what it says, which makes a comparison between two otherwise unalike objects or ideas by connecting them with the words "like" or "as."。



英国文学简史General introduction of English literature1。
1) Old English Literature (449-1066)古英语时期文学——The Song of Beowulf 《贝奥武甫》2) Medieval English Literature (1066-15th century)中世纪英语时期文学—-Geoffrey Chaucer (1340_1400)杰弗里·乔叟代表作:French influence:Romance of the Rose《玫瑰传奇》The Book Of Duchess《公爵夫人之书》Italian influence:The Legend of Good Women《良妇传说》The House of Fame《声誉之堂》The Parliament of Fowls《百鸟议会》Troilus and Criseyde 《特罗勒斯与克莱西》Maturity:The Canterbury Tales《坎特伯雷故事集》2.Renaissance English literature (late 15th century ~early 17th century)文艺复兴-—-———-Thomas More 托马斯。
莫尔Utopia 乌托邦(1516)-——he gave a profound and truthful picture ofthe people’s sufferings and put forward hisideal of a future happy society.-—Francis Bacon 弗朗西斯·培根(1561——1626)The philosophical——-The Advancement of Learning《学术的推进》The literature —---—Essays《随笔》The professional works——-—--Thomas Wyatt托马斯怀亚特(1503-—1542)The first to introduce the sonnet into English literature(引入十四行诗的第一人)Lyrical poetry---—-—Edmund Spenser 埃德蒙斯宾塞(1552--1599)Poet's poet 诗人中的诗人The Faerie Queene 《仙后》(the greatest epic poem 史诗)The Shepheardes Calendar《牧人月历》——William Shakespeare 威廉·莎士比亚(1564-—1616)The most popular and the most wildly respected writer in all English literature四大悲剧:HamletOthelloKing LearMacbeth四大喜剧:A Midsummer Night’s DreamThe merchant of VeniceAs you like itTwelfth Night-—Christopher Marlowe 克里斯托弗·马洛The greatest of the pioneers of English dramaThe one who first made blank verse the principal instrument of English dramaEnglish Literature of the Revolution and Restoration Period (1640-1688)资产阶级革命与王朝复辟时期的文学--———-—John Donne约翰多恩(a metaphysical poet 玄学诗人)代表作:”the flea"(跳骚)—love poem“Song”(歌)“A Valediction: Forbidden Morning”(别离辞:节哀)“Death be not proud”(死神,你莫骄傲)死亡时永恒的,不要害怕死亡,人死后可以超生,到天堂“The Canonization"(封圣)-—John Milton约翰·弥尔顿(puritan)Paradise Lost《失乐园》Paradise Regained《复乐园》Samson Agonistes《力士参孙》On his blindnessOn His Deceased Wife《悼念我的亡妻》-—John Bunyan 约翰·班扬The Pilgrim’s Progress《天路历程》—-—is written in theold-fashioned, medieval form of allegory and dream.4。

中世纪文学Middle Age 5世纪-1485杰弗里。
乔叟(Geoffrey Chaucer)受但丁Dante 比特拉克Petrach 薄伽丘Boccaccio的影响《公爵大人书》the book of Duchess《百鸟议会》the Parliament of Fowls《声誉之堂》the house of fame《特洛勒斯与克利希得》Troilus and Criseyde《坎特伯雷故事》the Canterbury tales作家安葬在威斯敏特教堂Westminster Abbey 后被称为诗人角the poet’s corner文艺复兴时期文学(15世纪后期-17世纪初)the literature of Renaissance: rebirth 威廉莎士比亚William Shakespeare(1564-1616)戏剧家,诗人喜剧,编年史剧,悲剧,传奇剧最著名的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》(Romeo and juliet)《威尼斯伤人》(The Merchant of venice)《亨利四世》(Henry iv)《第十二夜》(Twelfth Night)《哈姆雷特》(Hamlet)《奥赛罗》(Othello)《李尔王》(King Lear)《麦克白》(Macbeth)《冬天的故事》(Winter’s Tale)《暴风雨》(the Tempest)传奇剧T他还创作了154首14行诗和2首长诗“他不属于一个时代,他属于永远”初期喜剧:错误的喜剧Comedy of errors驯悍记Taming of the shrew爱的徒劳love’s Labor’s lost弗兰西斯。
培根Francis Bacon 1561-1626与莎士比亚同时代,《学术的推进》Advancement of learning 1605 总结了前人的一切只是,并进行归类。
《新工具》New Instrument 阐述归纳法拉丁文著作《新大西岛》New Atlantis《乌托邦》Utopia《论述文集》Essays《论婚姻与单身》《论读书》17世纪文学革命与复辟时期的文学约翰。

该作主要讲述了主人公鲁滨逊•克鲁索(Robinson Crusoe)出生于一个中产阶级家庭,一生志在遨游四海。

The 4th period (1609-12)
Cymbeline 辛白林 [传奇] The Winter’s Tale 冬天的故事 [传奇] The Tempest 暴风雨 [传奇] Henry VIII 亨利八世 [史]
Widely regarded as the greatest writer in English Literature wrote 37 plays about 154 sonnets started out as an actor Ben Johnson wrote He was not of an age, but for all time!
The 2nd period (1595-1600)
Richard II 理查二世 [史] A Mid-Summer Night’s Dream 仲夏夜之梦 [喜] King John 约翰王 [史] The Merchant of Venice 威尼斯商人 [喜] Henry IV 亨利四世 [史] Much Ado About Nothing 无事生非 [喜] Henry V 亨利五世 [史] The Merry Wives of Windsor 温莎的风流娘们 [喜] Julius Caesar 裘里斯· 凯撒 [悲] As You Like It 皆大欢喜 [喜] Twelfth Night 第十二夜 [喜]
Jonathan Swift( 1667-1745) Irish satirist best known for Gulliver's Travels. A Tale of a Tub 《一只桶的故事》 The battle of the Books 《书籍之战》 The Drapier‘s Letter 《布商来信》 A Modest Proposal 《一个温和的建议》 Gulliver‗s Travels 《格列佛游记》 Lilliput小人国 Brobdingnag 大人国 Laputa Houyhnhnnms His language is simple, clear and vigorous ―proper words in proper places, makes the rue definition of a stye‖ There are no ornaments in his writing, but it comes home to the reader Clear and simple dictionVs Augustan ornaments Simple syntax Economy of language