
1. 产品概述无线充电器是一种创新的充电设备,它通过无线电波传输能量,实现对手机、平板电脑等电子设备的充电功能。
2. 产品特点- 无线充电:无须连接充电线,仅将手机等设备放置在充电垫上即可实现充电。
- 高效能量传输:采用先进的无线充电技术,能够快速、稳定地为设备充电。
- 安全可靠:内置多重保护机制,如过流保护、过热保护,确保使用安全。
- 兼容性强:适用于大多数支持无线充电功能的手机和平板电脑。
3. 使用方法步骤一:将无线充电器插入电源插座,确保充电器工作正常。
4. 注意事项- 仅支持具备无线充电功能的设备,如若不确定,请确认设备的充电说明或咨询客服。
- 使用时请保持充电器和充电设备之间的接触良好,以确保充电效果。
- 避免过度受热,不要将充电器暴露在高温环境下使用。
- 请勿将液体或金属物品放置在充电器上,以免造成设备损坏或发生危险情况。
- 请妥善保管充电器,避免受到撞击或摔落,以免影响使用效果或造成损坏。
5. 维护保养- 定期清洁充电器表面,可使用柔软的布沾湿水进行擦拭。
- 如发现充电器有异常情况或工作异常,请立即停止使用并联系售后服务。
- 请勿私自拆卸充电器,以免损坏产品和导致安全事故。

无线充电器使用说明关键信息项:1、无线充电器型号:____________________________2、适用设备类型:____________________________3、输入电压:____________________________4、输出功率:____________________________5、充电接口类型:____________________________6、工作温度范围:____________________________7、产品尺寸:____________________________8、产品重量:____________________________11 产品概述本无线充电器是一款专为方便快捷充电而设计的设备,能够为支持无线充电功能的电子设备提供稳定、高效的充电服务。
111 产品特点具有高效能的充电转换效率,能够在短时间内为设备补充电量。
112 适用设备适用于各类支持无线充电标准的智能手机、平板电脑、智能手表等电子设备。
12 充电准备在使用无线充电器之前,请确保您的设备支持无线充电功能,并将设备的无线充电功能开启。
121 连接电源将无线充电器的充电线插入符合规格的电源适配器(如 5V/2A、9V/167A 等),然后将电源适配器插入电源插座。
122 放置设备将需要充电的设备正面朝上,平稳放置在无线充电器的充电区域中心位置。
13 充电过程当设备正确放置在无线充电器上时,充电器上的指示灯会亮起,表示开始充电。
131 正常充电指示灯常亮,表示设备正在正常充电。
132 充电完成指示灯熄灭或变为绿色,表示设备已充电完成。
133 异常情况若指示灯闪烁或呈现其他异常状态,可能表示充电出现问题,如设备位置不正确、有异物干扰、充电器或设备过热等。

工作湿度:10% ~80%(没有水气凝结) Operating humidity:10% ~80% (No steam condensation)
存储温度:-20℃ ~70℃ Storage temperature:-20℃ ~70℃
3、 发射端线圈参数 Transmitting terminal coil’s parameter 3.1 线圈参数 The parameter of coil 3.2 发射端线圈尺寸 Transmitting terminal coil’s size 3.3 发射端 PCBA 外形 Transmitting terminal PCBA appearance
3.1 线圈参数 The parameter of coil
测试项目 Test item
参数特征 Parameter characteristic 24.0
建议误差值 Suggest error value
MAX 最大
3.2 发射端线圈尺寸 Transmitting terminal coil’s size
7、物料清单 BOM 7.1 接收端清单 Receiving end inventory
8、气候条件规格 Weather conditions standard 8.1 条件 Condition
8.2 跌落测试 Drop testing
1、 无线充电器发射端描述 Wireless charger transmitting terminal description

一、产品清单1.无线充电移动电源:一台2.电源适配器:一台B双线Micro、I4接口转诺基亚接口:一条4.说明书:一本5.保修卡、合格证二、无线充电发射器操作步骤1.打开包装取出主机,然后将AC110-240v,5v1.5a的适配器(电源)的USB 端口,插入MIRCO5P数据线,再将MIRCO5P端口插入主机,然后把电源插入市电,此时红灯亮起标准设备已经在正常工作状态。

二、安全注意事项1. 请勿在充电器处于湿润环境或接触水的状态下使用,以免发生电流短路、触电等事故。
2. 充电器只能用于充电目的,禁止用于其它用途。
3. 若发现充电器外壳损坏、线缆断裂或线体外露,请立即停止使用,并联系售后服务中心进行维修或更换。
4. 请勿使用非原装配套线材,以免发生充电不稳定、过流等现象。
5. 请勿让充电器与金属物体或其他磁性物品接触,以免影响充电效果,导致无法正常充电。
6. 长时间不使用时,请将充电器断开电源,以避免长时间待机消耗电能。
三、使用步骤1. 将无线充电器连接到一个稳定的电源,并确保电源正常工作。
2. 将充电设备(如手机)放置在充电器中心位置,确保充电设备与充电器接触良好。
3. 当充电设备与充电器连接成功后,充电器会自动识别设备类型,并开始进行充电。
4. 充电完成后,可以将充电设备从充电器上取下,即可停止充电。
五、维护保养1. 请使用干净柔软的布清洁充电器表面,不要使用化学溶剂清洁。

【产品特点】:1. 无线充电技术:采用最新的无线充电技术,实现设备充电与充电底座之间的无线传输,省去了繁琐的线缆连接操作,用户只需将设备放在充电底座上即可享受充电服务。
2. 高效充电:通过先进的充电技术,保证了充电效率的最大化,提供稳定、快速的充电体验,有效缩短了充电时间。
3. 多设备充电:支持同时给多个设备充电,一次性满足用户多个设备的充电需求,极大地提高了充电效率。
4. 安全保护:内部配备多重安全保护机制,如过流保护、过热保护等,确保充电过程中设备和用户的安全。
【使用步骤】:1. 无线充电器的准备:确保无线充电器处于正常工作状态,插入电源适配器并接通电源。
2. 设备充电准备:确保您的设备支持无线充电功能。
3. 设备放置:将需要充电的设备放置在无线充电底座上。
4. 充电检测:当设备与无线充电底座连接成功后,充电底座上的指示灯会亮起,表示设备正在进行充电。
5. 充电完成:当设备达到充电要求时,无线充电器会自动停止提供充电服务。
【注意事项】:1. 使用过程中,请确保充电底座和设备表面干燥、清洁,以免影响充电效果。
2. 请勿将金属物品放置在充电底座上,以免影响充电器的正常工作。
3. 请勿将充电器放置在过热的环境中,以免影响充电器正常工作和寿命。
4. 建议使用原装的无线充电适配器,以确保充电器的兼容性和稳定性。
5. 请勿将无线充电器拆解或进行非正常维修,以免造成设备损坏或安全隐患。
Philips 无线充电器手册说明书

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Thank you for purchasing and using this product!In order to bring you a better ex erience, read this manual and also lease refer to your mobile hone or your electronic product manualPlease read this o eration instruction carefully and kee it ro erly before using this roduct.Product Specifications Product Name Automatic Car Mount Wireless Charger ModelCTEZ59 Size ::s 118x83x67)mmNet Weight 叮37gIn utSV::: 2A / 9V::: 2AOut ut10W Max) 妇irgl心ction氏沺m=6-8)m mA lication Model Com atible with iPhone, Samsung, LG,Moto etc.Automatic car mount wireless charger x1, Package IncludesMiao-USS中arging cable xl,Airvent dp xl,Suction cu holder x1, M anual book x 1 The arameters above are denved from the laboratory of ANDOBIL, The actual arameter would be different Because of roducts and other factorsProduct Overviewp ,uc otg r A 乡o心g ps 勺InstructionsHow to use the air vent clip1. Unsc面the fixed nut and choose thea;, vent c1;p, set the ball ;n the fixed nut . Fasten the nut ;nto the spher;cal,:1 top and ush the nut fordbly ;nto theround hole at the back of the veh;cle bracket.2. Rotate dod切ise to tighten the nut.then如s able toad丿ust the angle of the automatic car mount劝闭ess cha勺er.3. Fix the automabc car mount wireless charger on the suitable lace of outlet The"'a"'two gears ,n the cli , left or nght can be selected, 几IS recommended that the如ck wind回choose one·I ",thin choose two· 江4. p为the Micro-tJS charg四a,b团叩the区哼,呴寸忒e.Pull down the LED bracket and the area of height adjustment appears.Cust可沺"'can adjust the height of the LED bracket acco吐ng to the sizes of their mobile hones.5 Put the mc心le hone in the bracket to trigger switch The arm kx:k automat四lly cla飞themob l e如e,anda北m乖alf,,starts the wireless charging. At the same tim�the LED bracket lights u . 什there is no res ond with the arm lock ta the u er haW of the hone6. After use, short ress any on the邓de edg e, the arm lock如政hes automa归ly.You can take out your hone from the mount easily as shown in the icture.How to use the suction cup holder''t. Unscrew the fixed nut and choose thesuction cup心氓The,e has a connectk>n ball on the di , m ake tho ball go th心gh the fixed nut ay attention that the screw thread must be toward to the groove. Push the connection ball mto the groove2. Adjust the angle to suit for your line of sight, then rotate clockwise to tighten the fixed nut com letelyse 抓u w『and You g re p he m w da ss a lah g 什一e w ”th 5dan Id to Cle ho ss 3the gla 』4. Budde the mobile hone mount to tre long ole, and rotate the adjusting knob to fix the mobile phone base twist the s in button at the long bar to draw or ull the long rod buckle the base of long ole and lock the buckle of fasten the sucke『勹t 立尸-』沁\二I 、『尸t ''"f 卢�k 穸S.Plug归M;oo-USB中匆屯志叩妇区1nterface.Pulldc,,,ntheLED如et 印the area of h e,ghtadjustment芩rs.Cu叩mers can ad」ust the he;ght of the LED bracket a coord;ng to the sizes of如r moblle phones6. Put the mobile hone in the bracket to 四ge『switch.The arrn杠k automatia,lly dampsthemobilep比杠氓rdau.,,认starts the wireless cha屯ing.At the same bme, t he LED bracket lights u . �there is no 『es ond with the arm lock, ta the u er half of the hone7 After use, s hort r,ss any on the s,de edg�the arm lock st,e灿己au缸m妇V You can扫ke out your hone f『om the mount easily as shown in the 如"'The LED bracket corl'esponds to the phone modelLED BRACKET SCALEPHONE MODEL47"iPhone 8s o ·iPhone X / GALAXY SB / GALAXY S9 5 5" 旧8plus/ GALAXY S8+ / GALAXY S9+ 6 3" Note BThe LED light display status of wireless charger CHARGING STATUS LED LIGHT DISPLAY STATUS Power onThe red indicator light is bright for 3 seconds and then goes out. Standby The indicator light goes out.Cha『gingThe blue lig b h r ti , breathes to be bright d d a a r r k k fo un r t 1 il s, cy g h i t n fo g a r [[1s t , h b e r t ig im h et ) until Mobile hone full W t s h e h e co e b n n l d u t s h e e a n p g d h h o t t h n ;e e , n ;a , g lw f o u e a ll s y o s o f -u o e tn lect fo r r ;c 2;t 0 y, of electricity Abnormal FODThe red lig 1 ht flashes 10 times:d fe o t r e e c ;g t;n on o )bjectt li h g e h1t s for s, extinguishes fo『1s and n goes outBuilt-in battery withW so h u e n n d w u i ll in g ro o m n p t t he ch a h r o g n ing , th a e nd be th e elow voltagemotor will not start.,&, Notes1. Please install the car holder in the good cond巾on before drivingnavigation and do not o erate and ad」ust the bracket during driving2. The automatic car mount sup ort 4-6 5 inches of mainstream model mobile phone, wireless charging will need to mobile hone have the function.3. The mobile phone c ase with metal on the back will lead to the failure of w,rele艾啦ing funct i on and the ossib,hty of damage to the vehicle su port. Please check ca响lly before use.4. Please turn on car vent cond巾on fan)when m hot day or long time use, it'll hel you to cool down the wireless car cha『ger and s eed up charging s eed5. Low ower, lease turn off the screen and charge your hone for 10minutes Then o en you『map,it can avoid lose power very quickly6. Not toys for fun, lease keep it away from children7. If you choose the suction c驴holder,flease clean u the sulface before using to ensure its a sorption i the cu holder is not used for a long t,me.8. If you choose the suction cup holder, please do not stick the bracket to the dashboard or windshield for a long time,ft°u can reinstall the bracket before using it for the next time. A er take off the car holder, lease use lastic wra to rotect the suction cu holde「9. If you choose the suction cu holder, please do not affix to curved surfaces, lush fabrics, or bu�r SU『faces.Do not install the car mount on a lace that will mf uence the o eration of airbag and driving10. We do not recommend to a�ly the suction cu on leather, wallor filmed glass surfaces as t e suction cu is designed with strong viscosity and attraction�Q CER oHS 三Warranty CardCustomer Name Phone Number Product Name: Date of Purchase: Address: Notes Email: su ***************SI旧凶归l砬obit Tatu ""YYCo, Ltd.Andobil is the trademark registe呡I in U5 and othe『countries.All rights 『eserved.MADE IN CHINABDate20180806FCC StatementAutomatic Car Mount Wireless ChargerUser ManualThis device complies with part 15 and part 18 of the FCC Rules. Operation is Subject To the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this devicemustaccept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Changes or modifications not explicitly approved by the partyresponsible for compliance could void the user's authority tooperate this equipment.Note: this equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 and part 18 of the FCC Rules.These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, usesand canradiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particularinstallation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference toradio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged totry to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:--- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna--- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.--- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.--- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Theequipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. During the operation of device a distance of 15 cm surrounding the device and 20 cm above the top surface of the device must be respected.VMPI0009AThis device complies with Part 18 of the FCC Rules. This equipmentgenerates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning theequipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:- Increase the separation between the equipment and any other radio device.- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.。

第二部分:产品规格1. 适用设备:本充电器适用于具有无线充电功能的电子设备,如智能手机、平板电脑等。
2. 输入电压:AC 100-240V,50/60Hz3. 输出电压:DC 5V/2A4. 充电效率:≥70%5. 工作温度:0°C - 45°C第三部分:产品组成1. 无线充电器主体2. 电源适配器3. 充电线缆第四部分:使用方法1. 将无线充电器主体连接到电源适配器上,并将适配器插入电源插座。
2. 将无线充电器主体放置在平坦的表面上,确保接收区域与充电设备的背部对齐。
3. 将支持无线充电的设备放置在无线充电器主体上。
4. 在设备充电完成后,将设备从充电器主体上取下。
第五部分:注意事项1. 请勿在潮湿或高温环境下使用本产品。
2. 请勿将金属物品放置在无线充电器主体上以避免干扰充电效果。
3. 请勿将充电器主体置于易燃物品附近。
4. 本产品仅适用于支持无线充电的设备,请勿将非兼容设备放置在充电器上。
5. 如充电器主体出现异常情况,如发热、冒烟等,请立即停止使用并与售后服务部门联系。
第六部分:常见问题解答1. 为什么我的设备无法充电?答:请确保设备支持无线充电功能,并将设备正确放置在充电器主体上。
2. 充电速度变慢了怎么办?答:充电速度受到多种因素影响,包括设备充电状态、电源质量等。
3. 如何保养充电器主体?答:请定期清洁充电器主体,可使用干净的软布轻轻擦拭。
XM Newyea 5W 单线圈 (TX) NT1005X01 无线充充电器说明书

APPROVAL SHEET (承 认书)FORWIRELESS CHARGER(无线充)MODEL NO. (型号)NT1005X01◆ Company Add : The 11#Floor,Hesheng Building,No.8,Jinshan Road,simingDistrict,Xiamen,China◆ Tel :(86-592)6882776 ◆ Fax: (86-592)6882986◆ Website: CONTENTS1.Apply Scope(适用范围) (4)2.Environment Protection Laws(环保法规) (4)3.According with Safety and EMC Criterion(符合的安全及电磁兼容标准) (4)4.Safety and EMC Approval(已认可的安全及电磁兼容标准) (4)5.Electrical Characteristic (电气特性) (4)6.Input Characteristics(输入特性) (5)6.1Rated Input Voltage(额定输入电压) (5)6.2Input Voltage Range (输入电压范围) (5)6.3Input Frequency (输入频率) (5)6.4Steady DC Current(DC输入电流) (5)6.5Standby(待机功耗) (5)6.6Efficiency(效率) (5)7.Output Characteristics(输出特性) (5)7.1Rated Output Voltage(输出额定电压) (5)7.2Output Voltage(输出电压范围) (5)7.3Rated Output Current(额定输出电流) (6)7.4Protection (保护) (6)7.4.1Over temperature Protection (过温保护) (6)7.4.2Short Circuit Protection(短路保护) (6)8.Reliability Items (信赖性项目) (6)8.1Aging Test (老化测试) (6)9.Mechanical Requirement (机械要求) (6)9.1Dimension(尺寸) (6)9.2USB Plug Type(USB接口类型) (6)9.3Insert-extract Test (插拔实验) (6)10.Environmental Performances(环境性能) (7)10.1Operating temperature range(工作温度范围) (7)10.2Stored temperature range(存储温度范围) (7)1. Apply Scope (适用范围)This specification shall be applied to Wireless charger 5V,1A.Sensing distance of less than 10mm 本规格适用于5V/1A 无线充电器。
无线充电器使用说明书 2023

无线充电器使用说明书 2023一、产品概述本款无线充电器是一款高效、便捷的充电设备,采用无线充电技术,能够为各类兼容设备充电,为用户提供便利、高效的充电体验。
二、产品特点1. 无线快速充电:采用最新的无线充电技术,能够在没有任何电缆连接的情况下,为设备提供快速而稳定的充电。
2. 安全稳定:具备过充、过流、过温保护功能,确保使用过程中的安全性和稳定性。
3. 宽兼容性:适用于各类兼容设备,如智能手机、平板电脑、蓝牙耳机等,满足用户多种充电需求。
三、产品规格1. 输入电压:AC 100-240V,50/60Hz2. 输出电压:DC 5V-2A/9V-1.67A3. 额定功率:10W/15W4. 无线充电距离:≤8mm5. 充电效率:≥75%6. 外观尺寸:84mm × 84mm × 12mm7. 重量:约100克四、使用步骤1. 将充电器连接至电源插座,确保输入电压与电源匹配。
2. 将无线充电器放置在充电桌面或其他平坦的表面上,确保无线充电器与充电设备之间没有障碍物。
3. 打开充电设备的无线充电功能,将设备放置在无线充电器上,确保设备与无线充电器对齐。
4. 正确放置后,无线充电器指示灯将亮起,并开始为充电设备供电。
5. 充电完成后,将设备从无线充电器上取下即可。
充电器使用注意事项:1. 请勿将充电器放置在火源附近,以免发生火灾或其他危险。
2. 请勿将充电器浸泡在水中或受潮,以免损坏设备或导致触电。
3. 请勿使用非原装充电器或充电线,以免影响充电效果或引发设备故障。
4. 请勿将充电器拆解、修理或改装,以免损坏设备或引发安全隐患。
五、常见问题解决1. 充电器指示灯不亮:- 检查充电器是否连接电源插座,并确保电源插座正常供电;- 检查充电器与充电设备之间是否接触良好。
2. 充电器无法正常充电:- 检查充电设备是否兼容无线充电技术;- 确保充电设备与无线充电器之间没有障碍物;- 尝试更换充电设备的位置和角度。

Controls To use the wireless charger, the power mode must be in ACCESSORY or ON.Charge any devices compatible with Qi wireless charging on the area indicated bythe mark as follows:1.To turn the system on and off, press andhold the (power) button.u When the system is activated, the greenindicator light comes on.2.Place the device you want to charge on thecharging area.u The system will automatically startcharging the device, and the amberindicator light will come on.u Make sure that the device is compatiblewith the system, and placed with thechargeable side in the center of thecharging area.3.When charging is completed, the greenindicator light will come on.u Depending on the device, the amberindicator light will stay on.■Wireless Charger1Wireless ChargerRF Radiation Exposure Statement:This equipment complies with FCC RF Radiationexposure limits set forth for an uncontrolledenvironment. This device and its antenna must not beco-located or operating in conjunction with any otherantenna or transmitter.In order to use safely:•Remove any metal objects from the charge padbefore charging a device.•Do not open the charger case.•Do not use the charger if it malfunctions. Contactyour dealer.If the charger interferes with radio communications,attempt to correct the interference:•Press and hold the switch on the charger for a fewseconds to turn off the charger.appears on the audio/information screen whenthe device is being charged by the wireless charger.Green IndicatorAmber IndicatorCharging Area (Power) ButtonControls■When charging does not startPerform one of the solutions in the following table.IndicatorCauseSolutionGreen & Amber Blinking simulta-neouslyThere is an obstacle(s) between the charging area and the device.Remove the obstacle(s).The device is not within the charging area.Reset the device to the center of the charging area where is located.The temperature of the wireless charger pad increases.Temporary suspend charging the device. Wait for temperature to drop and attempt to charge the device again.Amber Blinking The wireless charger is faulty.Contact a dealer for repairs.1Wireless ChargerThis system consumes a lot of power. Do not use the system for a long time when the engine is not running. This may weaken the battery, making it difficult to start the engine.When using the wireless charger, check the user’s manual that came with the compatible device you want to charge.3CAUTIONMetal objects between the charge pad and the device to be charged will get hot and can burn you.•Always remove foreign objects from the charge pad before charging the device.•Be sure the surface is clear of dust and other debris before charging.•Do not spill liquids (i. e. water, drinks,etc.) on the charger and the device.•Do not use oil, grease, alcohol, benzine or thinner for cleaning the charge pad.•Do not cover the system with towels,clothing, or other objects while charging etc.•Avoid spraying aerosols which may come in contact with the charge pad surface.Controls 1Wireless ChargerThe wireless charger can support up to 15W, but the charging rate varies based on the device and other conditions.NOTICEDo not place any magnetic recording media or precision machines within the charging area while charging.The data on your cards such as credit cards can be lost because of the magnetic effect. Also precision machines such as watches may malfunction.“Qi” and marks are the registered trademarks owned by Wireless Power Consortium (WPC).In the following cases, charging may stop or not start:•The device is already fully charged.•The temperature of the device is extremely highwhile charging.•You are at a place that emits strongelectromagnetic waves or noises such as TV station, electric power plant, or gas station.•The device has a cover, case or accessories which are not compatible with wireless charging.Controls1Wireless ChargerA device may not charge if the size or shape of its chargeable side is not appropriate for use with the charging area.Not all devices are compatible with the system.During the charging phase, it is normal for the charging area and device to heat up.Charging may be briefly interrupted when:•All the doors or the tailgate are closed- to avoid interference with the proper functioning of the keyless access system.•The position of the device is altered.Do not charge more than one device at a time on a charging area.If the device becomes too hot and its battery protection function activates, it may charge extremely slowly or no longer charge. Thetemperature at which the battery protection function activates depends on the device.。
无线充电器 说明书

Wireless ChargerProduct Name: Wireless ChargerInput: DC 5V/3A, 9V/2A, 12V/1.5AOutput Power: 5W/7.5W/10W/15WPort: USB-CPacking ListMagSafe Chargerx1 User manual x1Tips:1.lt is recommended to use PD or OC3.0 adapter. 20W2.Do not disassemble this product at will.3.Do not use this product in a high temperature, humid environment, pleasestay away from fire and water.4.When using the USB-C power adapter please make sure that the cableis fully inserted into the power adapter before plugging the adapter into the power outlet.5.When using this product, please do not place metal foreign objects(such as keys coins batteries or jewelry)no it otherwise in will cause abnormal charging or hotness.FCC InformationThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and 2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation.This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in particular installation. If this equipment does causeharmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:--Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.--Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.--Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.--Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.Radiation Exposure StatementThis device complies with FCC RF radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment. This transmitter must not beco-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. During the operation of device a distance of 15 cm surrounding the device and 20 cm above the top surface of the device must be respected.。


二、产品特点1. 无线充电技术:本产品采用电磁感应技术,将电源输出转化为无线能量传输,实现设备的无线充电功能。
2. 安全保护功能:充电时,本产品具备短路保护、过流保护、过压保护等多重安全保护机制。
3. 快速充电:本产品支持快速充电技术,能够为兼容的设备提供更加高效的充电体验。
4. 宽容性强:本产品兼容大部分支持无线充电功能的设备,无论是智能手机、平板电脑还是其他便携式设备,都可以通过本产品实现无线充电。
5. 便携轻巧:本产品体积小巧、重量轻,便于携带。
三、使用方法1. 准备工作:将无线充电器连接电源,确保充电器电源开关处于打开状态。
2. 设备放置:将需要充电的设备放置在无线充电器上,确保设备与充电器的感应区域保持贴合。
3. 开始充电:当设备与无线充电器连接成功后,充电指示灯将亮起,并开始为设备充电。
4. 充电完成:设备充电完成后,断开设备与无线充电器的连接即可。
四、注意事项1. 请使用原装无线充电器,以保证充电效果和充电安全。
2. 在使用过程中,避免水和其它液体接触无线充电器,以免损坏产品。
3. 长时间不使用无线充电器时,请将充电器拔出电源插座,以免造成不必要的能源浪费。

Micro USB数据线×1
适用范围: iPhone4/iPhone4S
电源适配器输入: 220V AC, 50-60Hz, 0.5A 无线接收外壳输出: 5V DC, 500mA
GSN54UWDP 商品说明书

Serie 6, Congelatore a libero posizionamento, 176 x 70 cm, Bianco GSN54UWDP Congelatore NoFrost con FreshSense: risparmia extra - protegge i vostri alimenti congelati mantenendo una temperatura di congelamento costante.• Luce a LED: il contenuto del frigorifero sotto i riflettori.• VarioZone: più flessibilità nel freezer grazie a ripiani e cassetti removibili• NoFrost: per non sbrinare mai più• BigBox cassetto: molto spazio per le confezioni grandi di alimenti congelati.• SuperCongelamento automatico: Protegge gli alimenti surgelati dallo scongelamento.Dati tecniciClasse di efficienza energetica: ........................................................D Consumo medio annuale di energia in chilowattora per anno(kWh/a): ....................................................................212 kWh/annum Somma del volume degli scomparti congelati: ............................328 l Emissioni di rumore aereo: ......................................38 dB(A) re 1 pW Classe di emissioni di rumore aereo: ................................................C Display temperatura del congelatore: .....................................digitale Illuminazione: ...................................................................................sìCategoria prodotto: ..........................................................congelatore Da incasso / a libera installazione: .....................A libera installazione Porta pannellabile: ...........................................................Non incluso Sistema No Frost: .........................................Frigorifero e congelatore Altezza del prodotto: ............................................................1760 mm Larghezza: ..............................................................................700 mm Profondità del prodotto: ........................................................780 mm Dimensioni del prodotto imballato: ..................1830 x 880 x 760 mm Peso netto: ..............................................................................83.9 kg Peso lordo: ..............................................................................91.8 kg Potenza: ....................................................................................120 W Corrente: .....................................................................................10 A Frequenza: .................................................................................50 Hz Lunghezza del cavo di alimentazione elettrica: .....................230.0 cm Cerniera porta: .....................................................Reversibile a destra Colore/materiale dell'apparecchio: ..........................................Bianco Segnalazione guasti / Malfunzionamenti: ................visual and audible Bloccaggio porte: ............................................................................no Numero di cassetti/cestelli: .. (4)Vani congelatore con sportello: 0Codice EAN: (4242005196227)Marca: .......................................................................................Bosch Nome prodotto / codice commerciale: ...........................GSN54UWDP Categoria prodotto: ..........................................................congelatore Accessori inclusi: ....2 x Accumulatore di freddo, 1 x Vaschetta per il ghiaccioSerie 6, Congelatore a libero posizionamento, 176 x 70 cm, BiancoGSN54UWDPCongelatore NoFrost con FreshSense: risparmia extra - protegge i vostri alimenti congelati mantenendo una temperatura di congelamento costante.Prestazioni e consumoDesign- Porta bianco, laterali bianco- Maniglia verticale- Illuminazione interna a LEDComfort e sicurezza- NoFrost - mai più scongelamento!- Touchcontrol-elettronica - Temperatura visualizzata attraverso display- Allarme acustico e ottico in caso di aumento della temperatura- Sistema multiplo di allarme con funzione memoryAlert e segnale acustico "porta aperta"- FreshSense-con sensori per il controllo delle temperature- Interruttore superfreezer: Manual/automatic activiation- Apertura porta facilitata con sistema di depressurizzazioneVano congelatore- Multi Airflow-System per un raffreddamento ottimale e uniforme- Vaschetta per cubetti di ghiaccio- varioZone-pannelli in vetro rimovibile per lo spazio extra!- 4 cassetti trasparenti, di cui 1 Big BoxDimensioni apparecchio- Dimensioni: A 176 x L 70 x P 78 cmInformazioni tecniche- Cerniere a destra, invertibili- Piedini anteriori regolabili in altezza, rotelle posteriori- Porta angolo di apertura di 90 °- Potenza: 120 W- 220 - 240 VAccessori- 2 x Accumulatore di freddoOpzioni specifiche del Paese- ¹In base ai risultati della prova standard di 24 ore, concernante il consumo effettivo dipendente dell' utilizzazione / posizione del dispositivo.- Per ottenere il consumo energetico dichiarato è necessario l'utilizzo dei distanziatori installati sul prodotto. In funzione di ciò, la profondità del prodotto aumenta di circa 3,5 cm. Il prodotto utilizzato senza distanziatori mantiene tutte le sue funzionalità ma ha un consumo energetico leggermente superiore.ACCESSORI SUPPLEMENTARISicurezza ambienteComfort e sicurezzaSistema freschezza - Classe di efficienza energetica: D- Contenuto utile totale: 328 l- Capacità utile del vano congelatore: 328 l- Capacità di congelamento (kg/24h): 19.7- Consumo annuale di energia (kWh): 212- Classe climatica: SN-T- SuperCongelamento- Rumorosità: 38 db- Tempo di conservazione in caso di disfunzione : 13 hSerie 6, Congelatore a libero posizionamento, 176 x 70 cm, Bianco GSN54UWDP。
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4 指示灯区域
Wireless charger operation manual The diagram of installation
First of all, thanks sincerely for buying this product 1) For your safely, please read this manual carefully 2 ) Please make sure that write down the selling date and shop’s name on the warranty, and put it away with before using this product .
2) charge for all QI compliant product .
pad ,Packing box, AC adapter(Selective).
Accessories/compinents name: USB cable, Wireless charging
Working frequency:110-205 KHz;
with high temperature; as not break;
5) Do not charge in places where the sun shine directly or 6) Do not use this product in places that are easy to fall , so
1) Please connect the product to the AC adapter or on, enters the standby status;
The third wireless charger’s charging method
insert the USB to the computer socket ,red light is
make a clear explanation on what you do should obey:
1 2 2 1 3 2 3 3
The first: To protect people from harm and property loss, we A. Warning! There ate concerning the possibilities of death
other wiring layout;
10) Do not surpass the rated value when using the plug and
pad and the charging machine ;
9) Do not lay anything between the non-connection charging
The fourth: product features Product model:
red light is on again, enters the standby status.
Products applicable: all wireless charging equipment Charging type: one-on-one charge corresponding area; accorded with QI standard;
charging status;
indicating area (without direction),green light is on, enters the 3) When the charging equipment complete, can be taken away;
2) Please lay the charge device directly on this product label
precise machine too close to the protect ; 8) Do not decompose and remold ;
7) Do not lay the magnetic card , magnetic record media and
and severe wound : People who use heart-birth-maker should
1) Do not put it into water or any other liquid , Do not make it
The second :Product advantages
Charging methods: induction model;
Conversion efficiency:≧70 %;
Launch distance:4 to 6 mm;
The input voltage:DC:5V-1.5A;
manual, keep them properly.
Charging area
Product description
B. Attention! It may led to hewet;
influence on heart- birth-maker's work.
2 电源连接处
A)警告!有可能造成严重受伤甚至伤亡。使用植入式 医疗装置(例如使用心脏起搏器)的人在使用本产品 之前应咨询您的医生;由于该产品有可能影响到植入 式医疗设备工作,请保持在本产品50厘米之外的地方 安装您的设备。 B)注意!有可能导致发热、火灾和触电。 1) 不 要 把 产 品 放 入 水 中 或 其 他 液 体 , 避 免 产 品 进 水; 2)不要用湿手触碰交流适配器,保证适配器的安全 完整; 3)不要让灰尘堆积在本产品和AC适配器上; 4)不要在温度-20℃—40℃之外的地方使用本产品;
4) in the process of charging can be free to pick up, answer the phone , freeing discharge or charge;
3) efficiency can reach more than 70% ,less heat;
Standard version: WPC-1.1;
Main functions: wireless charging transmitter;
2) Do not pull the AC adapter out with wet hands, ensure the 3) Do not let the dust or other things accumulate on the 4) Do not use the product outside the temperature-20 ℃ to 40 ℃; product and the AC adapter; safety and integrity of the adapter;
12) Do not use travel converter .
adapter off the plug when it's not used .
make sure you connect the AC adapter fully and take the AC
11) Do not make any breakage on the AC adapter , please
your heart-birth-maker, the electromagnetic wave have
leave it at a distance of 50cm from the place where you install
consult your doctor before you use this product ; And please
13) Please teach your children , the let them use 1) the product is of high sensitivity , intelligent recognition, standby mode of the product; put a charge; After charging, automatically enter
5)不要在阳光直射和高温的地方使用; 6)不要在容易滑落的地方使用该产品,以免摔坏; 7)不要在离磁卡、磁记录媒体和精密的仪器太近的 地方充电; 8)不可分解和改造本产品; 9)不在无线充电发射板和正在充电的手机之间放任 何物品; 10)当在使用插头和其他连接线时,不超过额定 值; 11)使用时请确认您完全正确的连接好AC适配 器;以免AC适配器造成任何损坏,当停止使用时 请从插头上拔掉AC适配器; 12)不要使用旅行转换器; 13)请教会您的小孩子们方可让他们使用。 第二:产品优势 1)本产品灵敏度高,智能识别,放上即充;充电完 毕,本产品自动进入待机状态; 2)适合所有符合Q1标准的产品充电; 3)效率高达70%以上,发热量极低; 4)充电过程中可以自由拿起,接听电话,即放即充;
第三:无线充电的充电方法: 1)将本产品接入AC适配器或者用USB插入电脑插 口,红灯亮,进入待机状态; 2)需充电设备直接放在本产品表示的充电指示区 域,蓝灯常亮,进入充电状态; 3)需充电设备充电完成,红灯常亮,拿走即可。 第四:产品特点 产品型号: 主要功能:无线充电发射器; 标准版本:WPC—1.1; 产品适用:所有符合Q1标准的无线充电设备; 充电类型:对应区域一对一充电; 输入电压:DC:5V/1.5A 发射距离:4-6mm; 转换效率:≥70%; 充电方式:感应模式; 工作频率:110-205KHz; 配件/组件名称:USB电缆,无线充电发射板, 包装盒,交流适配器(可选择)。
首先,真诚地感谢您购买我们的产品 1)为了您的安全,在使用本产品之前请仔细阅读该 手册。 2 )请确保在保修卡上写下销售日期、销售商店的名 字,把它放在操作手册一起,并且妥善保管它们。