华农-2019 级大学英语 I(A级)期末考试题型及分值-以此为准
A级考试题型详解高等学校英语应用能力考试(Practical English Test for Colleges简称pretco)是经教育部批准,依据《高职高专英语教程教学基本要求》(简称《基本要求》),对成人高等学校、普通高等专科学校和高等职业技术学校学生进行英语水平测试的全国性考试。
•题型分布听力理解共分三部分,Section A共有五组对话,要求考生就对话内容提出的问题进行冋答;Section B是两组会话,共5题,要求考生就对话内容提出的问题进行回答;Section C是简单短文,130词左右,测试考生理解短文的能力,要求考生根据所提问题,按要求进行简单的文字叙述,共5题。
Section A 读一遍,Section B 和Section C 读两遍。
华南农业大学期末考试试卷A华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A)————————————————————————————————作者:————————————————————————————————日期:华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A卷)2006学年第一学期考试科目:数据库原理与方法考试类型:(闭卷)考试时间:120 分钟学号姓名年级专业2004 题号一二三四五六七总分得分评阅人________________________________________________________________ _____________ Instructions to candidates:1. This paper consists of 7 questions.2. Answer all questions on the answer sheets.3. Hand in the answer sheets, and this paper can be taken away.Question 1: (20 marks) Define the following terms. Each term is worth 2 marks.a. DBMSb. Metadatac. Entity-relationship data modeld. Candidate Keye. DDL and DMLf. ACIDg. Deadlockh. Concurrency schedulei. Timestampj. LogQuestion 2: (21 marks) Consider a factory managementdatabase including the following data objects:●factory: Each factory has a name, a location, and a factory director name. Afactory has workshops and depositories.●workshop: Each workshop has a unique id, a wor kshop director, a locationand a telephone number. Accessories and products are manufactured in theworkshops.●depository:Each depository has a unique id, a depository director and atelephone number. Accessories and products are stored in the depository.●accessory: Each accessory has a unique id, a weight and a price.●product: Each product has a unique id and a price.●worker: Each worker has a unique id, a name, an age, a type of work.Start_date indicates the date of starting to work in a workshop, andemployee_length indicates the length of working in a workshop;The system requirements are:● A factory has more than one workshop and more than one depository.● A workshop has more than one workers and each worker only works forone workshop.● A works hop can make various accessories and products. The number ofaccessories and the number of products manufactured in each workshop isrecorded respectively.● A depositor stores various accessories and products. The number ofaccessories and the number of products stored in each depositor is recordedrespectively.●Each accessory can be manufactured by more than one workshop. Similarly,each product also can be manufactured by more than one workshop.● A product can be made by various accessories and a kind of accessory canbe used to make various products. The number of accessories each productis made by should be recorded.a. Draw an E-R diagram design for this database. [7 marks]b. Represent this database design as a set of relation schemas. Select a primary key for each relation (this can be indicated by underlining the selected attributes) and indicate foreign key for each relation as follows:product_accessory (product_id, accessory_id, accessory_numbers)-- FK product_id reference product-- FK accessory_id reference accessory[14 marks] Question 3(15 marks) Consider a teaching database including student number(S#), course number(C#), grade(G), teacher number(TN), department of teacher(D). The database has the following information:●student number and course number represent student and course respectively.●for each course a student enrolls, he receives a grade.●each course can only be taught by one teacher, but a teacher can teach multiplecourses.●each teacher only can work for one department.a. Define the set of non trivial functional dependencies. [6 marks]b. Suppose all the five attributes form a relation R, indicate in which normal form the relation is.[3 marks]c. Give a lossless, dependency-preserving decomposition in to 3NF of schema R. [6 marks] Question 4 :(12 marks) Consider the following relational schema:Employee (empno, name, office, age)Books (isbn, title, authors, publisher)Loan (empno, isbn, year)Write the following queries in relational algebra. All queries carry equal marks.a. Find the empno of employees who have borrowed a book published by McGraw-Hill.b. Find the name and age of employees who have borrowed a book published by McGraw-Hill.c. Find the name and office of employees who have borrowed a book published by McGraw-Hill since 2000.d. Assume each employee only can borrow one book. Find the empno of employees who have not borrowed a book published by McGraw-Hill.Question 5: (16 marks) Consider the following schema of a sales database: market(mno, street, city)item(ino, iname, color)sales(mno, ino, price)The market relation provides a list of markets with market number(mno), street and city where the market lies. The mno is unique for each market. The item relation provides a list of items with item number(ino), item name(iname) and the color. The ino is unique for each item. The sales relation lists for the price of each item in each market. The key of this relation is mno and ino.Write the following queries in SQL. All queries carry equal marks.a. Find the average price of the item with ino ‘abc2164’which is sold in Guangzhou and color is red.b. Find the mnos of the markets which hold the items ’pc100’ and ‘jk375’.c. Find the inos, inames, and colors of the items which are sold in market ‘rs225’but not in market ’az507’.d. Find the ino, the highest price and the lowest price of each item whose highestprice is greater than its lowest price by 100.Question 6: (8 marks) Let R = (A, B, C), and let r1 and r2 both be relations on schema R, give an expression in SQL that is equivalent to each of the following queries.a. r 1 ∪ r 2b. r 1 ∩ r 2c. r 1 - r 2d. ∏AB (r 1) ∏BC (r 2)Question 7: (8 marks) Figure 1 indicates the log of serial transactions. A is recorded when time is T c and the system failure occurs when time is T f . When the system recovers from the crash, the undo and redo operations should be applied.T cT fcheck point system failureT 1T 2T 3T 4Figure 1: the log of serial transactionsa. Construct the undo-list and redo-list.b. Explain the difference of undo and redo operation.华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A卷-Answer Sheets)2006学年第一学期考试科目:数据库原理与方法考试类型:(闭卷)考试时间:120 分钟学号姓名年级专业2004 题号一二三四五六七总分得分评阅人Question 1:a. DBMSb. Metadatac. Entity-relationship data modeld.Candidate Keye. DDL and DMLf. ACIDg. Deadlockh.Concurrency schedulei. Timestampj. Log。
大学英语I(课程2019)1-10章节考试测试答案大学英语I 》第01章在线测试剩余时间:56:45答题须知:1、本卷满分20分。
2 、答完题后,请一定要单击下面的“交卷”按钮交卷,否则无法记录本试卷的成绩。
3 、在交卷之前,不要刷新本网页,否则你的答题结果将会被清空。
第一题、单项选择题(每题1分,5道题共5分)1 、OurEnglishteacheradvisesustolook ___ourtestpaperbeforewehanditin.B A 、after B 、overC 、onD 、into2 、Ourhouseisaboutamilefromtherailwaystationandtherearenotma nyhouses ___.AA 、inbetweenB 、farapartC 、amongthemD 、fromeachother3 、—Howareyou,Mary? —___Helen. BA 、Howareyou?B 、I ’mfine.ThankyouC 、Howdoyoudo?D 、Nicetoseeyou4 、—Howareyougettingalongwithyourstudy? —___. AA 、Fine.Whataboutyou?B 、Idon ’tknow.C 、Quiteright.D 、It ’stoohardforme.5 、—Hello,I ’mJohnSmith.—Hello,mynameisCharlesMiller,but___. A*B*cVA 、callmyCharlesB 、callmeatCharlesC 、callmeCharlesD 、callCharles《大学英语 I 》第02章在线测试《大学英语I 》第02章在线测试剩余时间:53:02答题须知:1、本卷满分20分。
2 、答完题后,请一定要单击下面的“交卷”按钮交卷,否则无法记录本试卷的成绩。
规律:控制不同性状的非等位基因分布在非同源染色体上,在减数分裂形成配子时非同源染 色体之间发生随机组合,因而这些非等位基因可以自由组合。(2.5 分)
3. 测量矮脚鸡和芦花鸡以及它们杂种的体重,得到下列的平均体重和表型方差(见下表), 请计算体重的广义和狭义遗传率。
矮脚鸡 芦花鸡 F1 F2 B1B B2B
华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A 卷)(标准答案)
2007 学年第一学期 考试科目: 遗传学
考试类型:(闭卷) 姓名
考试时间: 120 分钟 年级专业
一、名词解释(每个 2 分,共 20 分) 测交 是指被测验的个体与隐性纯合体间的杂交(1.5 分)。根据测交子代所表现的表型种 类和比例,可以确定被测验个体的基因型(0.5 分)。
四、简答题(每题 5 分,共 30 分)
1. 写出下列专业术语的英文名称
(1)等位基因; (2)染色体组; (3)连锁;
(4)遗传; heredity;
(5)表型 phenotype
2. 分离规律及自由组合规律的遗传实质是什么? 答:分离规律:控制相对性状的一对等位基因位于同源染色体上,在减数分裂形成配子时两 条同源染色体被分配到不同的细胞中,其上的等位基因也随之发生分离。(2.5 分)自由组合
平均(斤) 方差
art I I..J i st eni11g C.01n p r c l1e11s10[20 minut e s] Directions: This part is to test your lis砌ing ability. It consfats of 4 sections.Section 1-\Directions: T h is section is to test you1书ability to understand s加rt dialogues. The re are 5 recorded dialogues in it. After each di啦gue,t加re is a recorded question. Both the dialogues·andquestions wil l be spok勿i only once. When you hear a question, you s加uld decide on thecon·ect answ研介01n t加4clwices marked AJ, BJ, CJ and DJ given in your test p a per.Then you s加uld mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single linethrough the center.Example: You will he吓You而U read: A) New York City. CJ An air trip.BJ An evening party. DJ The man's job.肝om t加dialogue we learn that the man is to take a flight to New York. Therefore, C) An air trip is the co灯ect answer. You sho讥d mark CJ on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the cen阮.Now the test will begin.1.A) Prepare the docurnen区B)Book a room for the meeting.2.A) He is going to a party.B)He is making a plan.3.A) The job is interesting.B)The enviromnent is friendly.4.A) The labour cost has risen.B)The income tax has gone up.5.A) Lowering the product price.B)Conducting a market sUIVey.Section B[A][B]伺[D]C)沁k all the managers to attend the meeting.D)Make several copies of the meeting agendaC)He likes to go to the cinema.D)He can't attend the lecture.C)The salary is attractive.D)The colleagues are nice.C)The management cost is on the rise.D)The raw material is in short SUJ:>ply.C)Making a promotion plan.D)Improving the product design.Directions: This section is to test your ability to understand short conversations. There are 2 recorded conversations in it. After each conversation, there are some recorded questions. Both theconversations and questions will be spoken two times: When you hear a question, youshould decide on加correct answer from the 4 choices marked AJ, BJ, CJ and DJ given inyour比st paper. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet witha single line through the center. Now listen to the conversations.C o n ver s ation 16.A) He is away on business.B)He is having a meeting.7.A) His flight has been cancelled.B)He has to meet his lawyer.C)He is visiting a client.D)He is on sick leave.C)He was iltjtrred in an accident.D)He is suffering from a fever.8.A) HoldiJ.1g a telephone meetiI1g instead.B)Having it at the s扣ne time next Monday.C m we r sa t io n 29.A) Book a taxi.B)Reser v e a room.10.A) I廿s p邸spmt number.B)His friend's ad由ess.S e ctio C)AE,ldng their assistants to attend it.D)Putting it off until next month.C)Order breal<fast for him.D)Keep things for his friend.C)His room number and email address.D)His friend's name and phone number.Directions: In this section you will hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed in the比st paper, but with some words or phrases missing. The passage will be re呱two times. Youare requi1攻ed to put the missing words or phrases on the Answer Sheet in order of thenumbered blanks according to what you hear. Now the passage will begin.We are now about to close th�marketing conference. We owe thanks to every member of staff who made the conference a 11 . We would like to thank all of the speakers who have made 12 and impressive speeches. Our thanks also go to every one of you for your contriputions and your appreciation. The energy and the enthusiasm surrounding this conference have been 13 . And now we'll go back··t o our business and put'those 14 into action. It's time to get back to start working on the ne}..1: phase. All customers are out there waiting for us to 15 .Section DD irections: This section is to test your ability to comprehend short passages. You will hear a recordedpassage. After that you will加ar five questions. Both the passage and the questions will beread two _times. When you胧ar a question, you should complete t加answer to it with aword or a short phrase (in no more than 3 words). The questions and incomplete answersare printed in your test paper. You should write your answers on the Answer Sheet correspondingly. Now listen to t如passage.16.,¥hat should you think carefully about before renting a car?The you need.17.How can you get a best deal and save money when renting a car?B y offered by different cru·rental companies.18.V.'hy are you advised to have the car rental company's phone number?In case you need to19.W血should you remember to do if you are returning the car to an airpo兀?Remember to to check in to yo田flight.20.Why should you fill the gas ta nk before rett1rning the car?To save you extra fuel andPart II S tructure 日0minut e s] Direct ions: Tliis part is to test your ability to constr uct gramm atic咄y correc t senten ces. It con s is ts of2 sectio ns.Sect i o11 ADirecti ons: In this section, tliere are 10 incom plete senten ces. You are requir ed to comple te e a c h_ 9ne by decidin g on the nwst approp忧ate word or words frorrl the 4 choices marked A), BJ, CJ andDJ. T I砌you should 1narlc the correspo nding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single linethrou gh the cente r.21.we are able to under乱tand your career object ives, the more likely we are able to help youachieve them.A)More B)The best C)The better D) Much22.You will not be able to improve your work you are aware of your shortcomings.A)if.. B)unless C) when _ D)since23.The training course to introduce you to the security check at the Airport.A)designs B)be designed C)designed·D)is designed24.other words, if employees feel part of the community, they will care more about it s devel-opment.A)In B)For C)On D)With25.We will provide you识th a training program proposal best !fleets your needs.A)who,,. B)what .C)that D)when26.Nearly every career book advises j ob-seekers to send thank-you letters afterA)interviewed B)being interviewed C)be·interviewed D)to be interviewed27.Before each meeting we will decide on the issue and you will be invited to express寸ewsand suggestions via the website.A)discussed B)to be discussed C)to discuss D)discussing28.The person resume best fits the needs of the employer w诅get a call for an interview.A)whose B)which C)that D)who29.we are living in the big data era, we are able to·collect and analyze as much patient in-formation as possible.A)Even though B)As if C)In that D)Now that30.It has been quite some time since we you at your office in Beijing.A)visit B)visited·C) have visited D)had visited Section BDirections: There are 5 incomplele stat叩ents here. You should fill in each blank with the prop窃扣rm 。
2019-2020学年第1学期19级大学英语 I 期末考试说明2019.12
![2019-2020学年第1学期19级大学英语 I 期末考试说明2019.12](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1177d14aa58da0116c1749ed.png)
2019-2020学年第1学期19级大学英语期末考试相关说明(2019级)2019.12一、注意事项:1. 本次期末考试19级教研室有以下考试科目:1)普本的大学英语I(包括口语考试);2)软件学院的学生考的是大学英语四级I。
口语考试采用单人监考打分的模式(具体操作及时间安排与上学期类似,于学期最后一周课堂考试)2. 请老师提醒学生在填涂答题卡时的注意事项(每次期末考试总有一部分考生因为未涂或者涂错学号等原因被判零分而不得不参加补考,具体要求请参照本文后附件一及群文件中李老师上传的涂卡说明视频)以及英语考试时需带齐的东西(相关证件,2B铅笔,橡皮擦,圆珠笔/钢笔,听力考试要带接收器,耳机及备用电池等)。
二、各科考查范围,题型及其分值:1.大学英语I:(课本上的考试范围:读写和视听说教材第1册第1、2、3、4、单元的Text A或Lesson A)Part I Listening comprehension单选(1’×30=30’)(考题来源:课外10’课本20’)提示:本次听力考试全部为客观选择题,请认真涂卡,并且所有听力材料只放一遍录音。
Part II Vocabulary and Grammar 单选(1’×10=10’)(考题来源:课本)Part III Reading Comprehension 单选(2’×15=30’) (考题来源:课外)阅读理解部分共3篇文章。
Part IV Sentence Translation ( 3’×5=15’)(考题来源:课本)包括英译汉和汉译英,共5题,即5个句子,每题3分。
Part V Writing ( 15’) 写作话题范围:与读写第1册第1、2、3、4单元主题相关。
华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A卷)2008学年第一学期考试科目:管理学基础考试类型:(闭卷)考试时间:120 分钟学号姓名年级专业[Pay attention: please write your answers in the answer sheet][注意:请把答案填写在答题纸上]I.True/False(1 point per statement, total 10 points)1.The four processes of management are completely independent and should be treated as separate activities. 2.Scientific management theorists believed there was "one best way" for a job to be done.3.Development of alternatives is the step between identification of decision criteria and allocation of weights to criteria.4.Individuals who prefer the team role of explorer-promoter are patient and usually have the control skills to ensure that the ideas are followed through in detail.5.If an individual is low in the authority hierarchy, he/she is also not close to the power core.6.Mintzberg found that managers—regardless of the type of organization or the level in the organization—perform similar roles.7.The norming stage of team development is one of intragroup conflict.8.In order to fulfill the grand strategy, managers will seek to position their units so that they can gain a relative advantage over their competition.9.According to Herzberg, working conditions and salary are examples of hygiene factors.10.The method of monitoring, comparing and correcting is what we called controlling process.II.Choose the only one correct answer for each question (2 point per question, total 40 points)1. Which of the following is not one of the six elements of structure?a) work specializationb) chain of commandc) span of controld) technology2. If a college cuts the cost by using mostly part-time teachers and at the same time fails to adequately educate its students, it can be said to be doing the wrong things well. In other words, the college is_____:a) efficient and effectiveb) efficient but not effectivec) effective but not efficientd) neither efficient nor effective3. _____ is the term used to describe the hypotheses of the scientific management theorists and the general administrative theorists.a)Contingency approachb)Human resourcesc)Human relationsd)Classical approach4. Michael Porter proposed that management must select a(n) _____ ,which will give its unit a distinct advantage by capitalizing on the strengths of the organization and the industry it is in.a)growth opportunityb)competitive strategyc)organizational chartd)vision5. An office supply firm that has three departments based upon retail, wholesale, and governmental customers is using which of the following types of departmentalization?a) functionalb) productc) customerd) geographic6. Mary Parker Follet was a social philosopher who taught that organizations should be based on _____ rather than _____.a)individualism; group ethicb)ethics; profitsc)efficiency; profitsd)group ethic; individualism7. Which of the following is not a result of work that has become too specialized?a)fatigueb)low productivityc)poor qualityd)lower turnover8. Creative College is opening a satellite(卫星)campus to accommodate working adults. Creative College is pursuing a(n) _____ strategy.a)acquisitionb)retrenchmentc)growthd)combination9. The management theory jungle was developed by_____.a)Maslowb)Herzbergc)Ouchid)Koontz10. Jim has the ability to "dock"(扣去) paychecks of employees who arrive at work past 9:05 AM. What kind of power does Jim possess?a)coercive powerb)legitimate powerc)expert powerd)referent power11. Linda has spent the day trying to determine what the role of their company. Goals were then developed based on their vision of the company's mission. Linda spent her day on the _____ process.a) planningb) organizingc) leadingd) controlling12. Which of the following is a hidden aspect of organizational behavior?a)strategiesb)technologyc)group normsd)formal authority13. Deborah's work team does its own hiring and scheduling and is even responsible for evaluating each other's performance. Deborah is part of a _____ team.a)self-managedb)virtualc)problem-solvingd)cross-functional14. Harry's Company apparently has overgrown its market. It can no longer compete successfully due to its size and formalization. Thus it is reducing its size in order to once again become competitive. This is known as which of the following strategies?a)growthb)stabilityc)retrenchmentd)combination15. Who developed Theory X and Theory Y?a)McGregorb)Maslowc)McClellandd)Herzberg16. Jill has been teaching for 18 years. Each day she arrives at work smiling and ready to teach another room full of students. She loves her job. This describes which of the following?a)job satisfactionb)job involvementc)organizational developmentd)organizational commitment17. When we describe people in terms such as quiet, introvert, aggressive or loyal, we are addressing _____.a)attitudesb)behaviorsc)needs and wantsd)personality traits18. A structure that is high in specialization, formalization, and centralization is a(n) _____.a)strategic organizationb)mechanistic organizationc)organic organizationd)matrix organization19. The managers who work most closely with the operatives are known as_____.a)top managementb)middle managementc)first-line managersd)operative managers20. Maslow's hierarchy of needs proposes that an individual begins by satisfying _____ needs.a)self-actualizationb)esteemc)physiologicald)safetyⅢNotion explanation. (4 points each notion, total 20 points)1.MBO2.Hawthorne effect3.Boundaryless organization4.Social loafing5.BenchmarkingIV Medium-length answer. (10 points each question, total 20 points)1.What are differences between functional and divisional structures? Give an example for these two types ofbureaucratic structure.2.What are Mintzberg’s managerial roles? Cite examples of activities managers you know would do whenperforming these roles.V Reading comprehension. (Choose the only one correct answer for each question. 2 point per question, total 10 points)Nike is the number one sports brand in the World. The market for sports shoes and garments(服装) is very competitive. Phil Knight (Founder and CEO) is often quoted as saying that ‘Business is war without b ullets.’The war is especially intense(激烈) in today’s economic declination. Over the past years, Nike has gained its success partly from the competency at research and development, as is evidenced by its evolving and innovative product range. However, the income of the business is still heavily dependent upon its share of the footwear market. Nike has no factories. It does not tie up cash in buildings and manufacturing workers. They then manufacture wherever they can produce high quality product at the lowest possible price. Interestingly, consumers that wear Nike product do not always buy it to participate in sport. Some would argue that in youth culture especially, Nike is a fashion(时尚) brand. Nike actively sponsors(赞助) activities such as the World Cup (soccer) and The Olympics to gain reputation in emerging markets such as China.1. Nike heavily depends upon the footwear market to make profit would be classified as which of the following?a) weaknessb) strengthc) threatd) opportunity2. The fact that the market for sports shoes and garments is very competitive would be which of the following?a) weaknessb) strengthc) threatd) opportunity3. Nike continues to bring evolving and innovative product range would be classified as which of the following?a) weaknessb) strengthc) threatd) opportunity4. Nike is a fashion brand among youngsters would be classified as which of the following?a) weaknessb) strengthc) threatd) opportunity5. The economic declination is a_____ factor for Nike.a) positiveb) neutralc) negatived) normal华南农业大学期末考试答题纸(A卷)2008学年第一学期考试科目:管理学基础考试类型:(闭卷)考试时间:120 分钟学号姓名年级专业II.Choose the only one correct answer for each question (2 points each question, total 40 points). Notion explanation. (4 points each notion, total 20 points)6.MBOManagement by objectives (2 points)Four elements: jointly determined objectives; explicit time period; specific objectives; periodically review (0.5 each)7.Hawthorne effectSocial norms or standards are the key determinants of individual behavior in a group. (4 points)8.Boundaryless organizationAn organization that is not defined or limited by boundaries or categories imposed by traditional structures; attempt to eliminate vertical, horizontal, and inter-organizational barriers. (4 points)9.Social loafingThe tendency of an individual in a group to decrease his or her effort because responsibility and individual achievement cannot be measured. (4 points)10.BenchmarkingSearching for best practices among competitors and noncompetitors. (4 points)IV Medium-length answer. (10 points each question, total 20 points)3.What are differences between functional and divisional structures? Give an example for these two types ofbureaucratic structure.Functional structure refers to an organization in which similar and related occupational specialties are grouped together. (1 point)The strength lies in the advantages that accrue from work specialization. Results in economies of scale, minimizes duplication, satisfy employees etc. (2 points)but people tend to lose sight of the best interests of the organization as a whole; no one function is totally responsible for the results. (2 points)A company divides its department into accounting, hr, producing, marketing employed the functional structure. (2 point)Divisional structure is made up of self-contained units. (1 point)It focuses on results, frees the headquarters staff from being concerned with operating details; but the major disadvantage lies in the duplication of activities and resources. (2 points)Companies like GE and PepsiCo have the divisional structure. (1 point)4.What are Mintzberg’s managerial roles? Cite examples of activities managers you know would do whenperforming these roles.Interpersonal—roles consist of being the figurehead for the organization, assuming the leadership role, and acting as a liaison for the organization. Examples (3 points)Informational—roles consist of being a monitor of current information which is then dispersed to employees needing that information; also involves being the spokesperson for the organization. Examples (3 points) Decisional—roles consist of being an entrepreneur for the organization, handling disturbances, allocating resources, and negotiating. Examples (4 points)V Reading comprehension. (Choose the only one correct answer for each question. 2 point per question,1. FTFFT FTTTTddcdc dbbcbH.FTTTF FTFTTAcbabcd3. FTFTF TFFFTccbcc dcbdc aadbc dacacdba5.TTFFF TFFTTDABDC CACAD C1.What is the difference between line authority and staff authority?Line authority entitles a manager to direct the work of an employee. Staff authority functions to support, assist, advise, and generally reduce some of the informational burdens of those with line authority.pare and contrast authority and power.●Authority comes from the position, not the person.●Power is the ability of an individual to influence decisions, which may not be reflected in their levelof authority. French and Raven suggested five bases of power: reward, coercive, legitimate, referent, and expert.●Authority is a two dimensional concept while the power is a three-dimensional one. One shouldmove up in the hierarchy to gain higher authority, but in order to be more powerful, managers could move up or move inward to have closer relationship with those people representing the power core.3.set an example to clarify each of five types of departmentalization that are available. Departmentalization types examples (departments in certain organization)Functional marketing, HR, R&D, financing etc.Product food, clothes, home appliances, etc.Customer personal clients, government, VIP etc.Geographic Great China, North America, EUProcess validation, registration, payment, etc.4.What is a matrix structure? What is its primary strength? What are its major disadvantages?●Matrix structure—an organization in which specialists from functional departments are assigned towork on one or more projects led by a project manager.●Primary strength—can facilitate coordination of a multiple set of complex and interdependentprojects, while still retaining the economies that result from keeping functional specialists groupedtogether.●Major disadvantages—creates confusion and has a propensity to sponsor power struggles.pare functional and divisional structure.Both are bureaucratic design of organizations.●Functional structure groups similar or related occupational specialties together. While divisionalstructure is self-contained, composed of autonomous units or divisions, with managers having fully responsibility for a product or service.●Advantages of functional structure accrue from work specialization. 1. putting like specialtiestogether results in economies of scale, minimizes duplication of personnel and equipment; 2. itmakes employees comfortable and satisfied since they have same interests.Chief advantage of divisional structure is that it focuses on results, also it frees the headquarters staff from operating details so that they can focus on long-term strategic planning.●Weaknesses of functional structure: organizational interests might be lost in pursuit of functionalgoals; no one function is totally responsible for results; members become insulated and have littleunderstanding about peers in other functions.The major disadvantage of divisional structure is the duplication of activities and resources.。
《 大学英语 I 》课程考试-A卷期末考试试题及参考答案
![《 大学英语 I 》课程考试-A卷期末考试试题及参考答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6de5d8fab52acfc788ebc918.png)
红河学院成人高等学历教育2021学年暑假2021级各专业(高起本)《大学英语I》课程期末考试试卷卷别: A卷考试单位:国际语言文化学院考试日期:年月日Part I Vocabulary and Grammar (每小题2分,共30分) Directions:In this section there are 20 incomplete sentences, each followed by four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that BEST completes the sentence. Then write it on the Answer Sheet.1. September 10th is ______ in China.A. Teacher’s DayB. Teachers’DayC. Teacher DayD. Teachers Day2. Can you tell me ______ you were born, Betty?A. whoB. whatC. whenD. that3. I want ______ these books to the classroom. Can you help me?A. takeB. tookC. takingD. to take4. Tom is a doctor. He works in a city hospital, ______ he?A. doesB. doesn’tC. didD. didn’t’t5. My mother ______ our room already. It is very clean.A. has cleanedB. had cleanedC. is cleaningD. will clean6. In winter the day is ______ than it is in summer.A. shortB. shorterC. shortestD. the shortest7. ---Hi! What are you doing?---We ______ about a football match.A. talkedB. talksC. will talkD. are talking8. We ______ a farm if it doesn't rain tomorrow.A. visitB. visitedC. will visitD. have visited9. There’s something wrong with his ______, so he can’t hear clearly.A. earsB. mouthC. noseD. eyes 10. After breakfast Bob read the newspaper, ______ his grandma listened to him carefully.A. soB. orC. andD. but11. Mum, I’m thirsty. Would you please pass ______ a glass of juice?A. herB. meC. himD. us12. ---Do you like the red car ______ is made in Tianjin?---Sure, it looks terrific.A. whereB. whoC. whichD. when13. The new road is much ______ than before. Six cars can pass it at the same time.A. largerB. widerC. fartherD. rougher14. Our teacher wants us to be ______ when we talk with the foreigners.A. comfortableB. unusualC. gratefulD. confident15. As water is very important for us, we should stop people from ______ the rivers.A. pollutingB. usingC. fillingD. crossingPart II Blank Filling (每小题2分,共20分)Directions:Fill the blanks according to the dialogue.Dialogue 1Lu: Hello, nice to 16 you. My name is Lu Yang.Jim: How do you do, Mr. Lu? I’m Jim Black. Please 17 me Jim.Lu: 18 to our college, Jim.Jim: Thank you. ____19____ is my name card.Lu: Thanks. So you are here for the teaching program?Jim: Yes, I am.Lu: I am 20 we can work together for the program.Jim: So am I.Dialogue 2Lizzy: Hello. May I introduce myself? My name is Lizzy. I’m 21 South Africa.Wu: Oh, hello, Lizzy. 22 to know you. I’m Wu Yong. I’m the monitor of the class.Lizzy: Glad to meet you, Wu. I’m 23 to have you as my classmate.Wu: Thank you. We are going to 24 a meeting this afternoon.Lizzy: Shall we go together?Wu: Sure. I’ll come to 25 you in the classroom.Part III Reading Comprehension. (每小题2分,共30分)Directions: Read the following text then choose the best answer for the questions.( 阅读下边的文章,然后就所给的问题选出最佳答案)Passage APeople often greet each other with "Hello" or "Hi". Other forms of greeting are "Good morning", "Good afternoon", or "Good evening" according to different times of the day. When meeting foreign friends for the first time, we do not ask them questions about their private life. So we may talk about the weather, sports or show our concern about their children.In introductions, we usually introduce a man to a woman, and the young to the old. The titles of Miss, Mrs., Mr., Professor, or Doctor, etc. can be used with the surname. Newly introduced people will shake hands and greet each other with "How do you do?" or "I'm glad to meet you."26. When people meet for the first time, they usually greet each other with ________.A. How are you?B. How do you do?C. Nice to see you again.D. Good morning!27. People usually greet each other with all of the following except ________.A. Good morning!B. I'm glad to meet you!C. How are you?D. Good night!28. We usually reply to How do you do? With ________.A. Hello!B. How are you?C) How do you do? D. I'm fine, thank you.29. When we meet American friends for the first time, we usually do not ask them questions like ______.A. How are you?B. What do you think of the city?C. Do you like the weather here?D. Are you married?30. When people meet for the first time, they usually ________ besides saying "How do you do?".A. shake handsB. shake headsC. kiss each otherD. smile at each otherPassage BIn 1918, after four years of war, which had left millions of people dead, the people alive began to look for a better and happier world. The cinema supplied an answer. For little money, people could forget their unhappy lives and dream of better ones. In the years between 1918 and 1939, going to the cinema became the most popular family free-time activity.Hollywood, in America, made more films than any other film center in the world. The warm climate and long hours of sunlight meant that film-making was easy and quite cheap. This was also a rich part of America and there were many businessmen who wanted to make money from the film industry. At first short cowboy (牛仔) films were popular because they added excitement and adventure to people’s lives. Later comedy films were made so that people could laugh and forget their troubles.Charlie Chaplin was probably the most liked of all comedy actors.31. The reason why people began to look for a better and happier life is that___________.A. millions of people had died in the warB. many people were still aliveC. they wanted to forget the war and their sufferingsD. they want to enjoy life before another war started32. Cinema became the most popular in people’s free time because____________.A. it was cheapB. it was safeC. it could make people happyD. both A and C33. Which, according to the writer, is true?A. Hollywood made films than some film centers in the world.B. Many businessmen came to Hollywood in order to make films.C. Hollywood was not the biggest producer of films in the world.D. No other film centers make more films than Hollywood did.34. Hollywood became a film center because ____________.A. film-making there was cheap and easyB. it enjoyed long hours of sunlightC. it was a rich part of AmericaD. many businessmen went there35. A “comedy” is something that is____________.A. funnyB. excitingC. full of dangerD. sadPassage CRuan Xiong qiu yu (阮雄秋余) was born in Vietnam(越南). He left when he was 21years old. Ruan Xiong qiu yu has been in America for almost two years. There is still much he does not understand about the America.Once Ruan Xiong qiu yu was in a grocery store, he saw an old man and old woman. They wanted a box of cereal(麦片). The box was on a high shelf. The old woman couldn’t reach it. Ruan Xiong qiu yu saw a stepladder. He got on the ladder and got the box.. He handed it to the elderly couple. They thanked him. Where are your children? Asked Ruan Xiong qiu yu. Why don’t they help you buy food?“Our children have their own lives,” said the man and the woman. “We like to be free to do as we like.” Ruan Xiong qiu yu doesn’t think it is right. In his country, children help their parents. Ruan Xiong qiu yu gave the elderly couple his phone number. He told them to call him if they needed help. One night, theyasked Ruan Xiong qiu yu to dinner, but they never asked him for help.One day, Ruan Xiong qiu yu was walking with a Vietnamese friend. The two were going to a film. Ruan Xiong qiu yu wanted to go to a restaurant first. Ruan Xiong qiu yu took his friend’s hand. He pulled him toward the restaurant. People on the street stared at Ruan Xiong qiu yu. In Vietnam, friends often hold hands. Ruan Xiong qiu yu found out that people in America are not used to men holding hands.Ruan Xiong qiu yu is going through a process through known as resocialization(重新与社会准则保持一致). Socialization is the process through which a person learns to live in a society. Every one goes through this process. Ruan Xiong qiu yu went through it when he lived in Vietnam. But the Vietnamese way of life is much different from the America way of life . When Ruan Xiong qiu yu came to America, he had to learn a new way of life. He had to learn how to live in a new society.Ruan Xiong qiu yu has learned a lot about American life in two years. He still has a lot to learn. The process of re-socialization can take many years.36. The main idea of the passage is that one should_____A.ignore cultural differencesB.learn to live in a new countryC.travel all over the world.D.learn act on one’s own37. According to the passage, Ruan Xiong qiu yu thought the old couple should ______.A.ask their children for helpB.encourage each other and help each otherC.rely on themselvesD.live a quiet and comfortable life38. The passage tells us that it is necessary for______ to learn to live in a new society.A.people who have a hard lifeB.everyone who comes to a new environmentns who have not learned a foreign language and lack practical experience.D.those who have a smooth life in their own country.39. It seemed that people felt surprised when they saw what Ruan Xiong qiu yu and hisfriend ________.A.were VietnameseB.were immigrantsC.were holding handsD.were quarreling40. It is hard to _______when one comes to a new country.A.learn as many foreign language as possibleB.get used to the local weather and climateC.greet foreignersD.avoid culture shock and get used to the new life.Part IV Translation (每小题2分,共20分)Section ADirections: Translate the following sentences into Chinese.把下列的句子翻译成汉语.41. David and his president show their Chinese friends around London.42. Do the Chinese students and their English teacher help each other?43. Welcome to Chinese Culture Club, You can learn Chinese Painting and Beijing Opera here.44. What do you want to do after graduation?45. Our teacher is very strict, we can learn a lot from him.Section BDirections: Translate the following sentences into English.把下列的句子翻译成英语.46.我是一名语文教师。
19级大学英语试题及答案一、阅读理解(共20分,每题4分)1. According to the passage, what is the main reason for the popularity of online shopping?A. ConvenienceB. Lower pricesC. Faster deliveryD. Better customer serviceAnswer: A2. What does the author suggest about the future of traditional retail stores?A. They will disappear completely.B. They will merge with online stores.C. They will continue to exist but in a different form.D. They will become more popular than online stores.Answer: C3. What is the author's opinion about the impact of technology on jobs?A. Technology will create more jobs than it destroys.B. Technology will lead to massive unemployment.C. Technology will have a negative impact on job quality.D. Technology will have a positive impact on job quality.Answer: A4. What is the main purpose of the passage?A. To discuss the benefits of online shopping.B. To analyze the impact of technology on the job market.C. To explore the future of traditional retail stores.D. To examine the relationship between technology and employment.Answer: D5. What is the author's view on the role of government in addressing the issue of job displacement?A. The government should provide financial support to displaced workers.B. The government should invest in education and training programs.C. The government should regulate the use of technology in the workplace.D. The government should encourage the growth of traditional industries.Answer: B二、词汇与语法(共30分,每题3分)6. The company has recently ________ a new policy to improve employee satisfaction.A. implementedB. performedC. demonstratedD. observedAnswer: A7. Despite the heavy rain, they managed to ________ the project on time.A. accomplishB. achieveC. reachD. obtainAnswer: A8. The professor's lecture was so ________ that it put me to sleep.A. boringB. excitingC. interestingD. thrillingAnswer: A9. She has a ________ memory and can remember every detail of the event.A. photographicB. visualC. auditoryD. olfactoryAnswer: A10. The company is expected to ________ a new product line next year.A. launchB. releaseC. publishD. distributeAnswer: A11. The government has taken measures to ________ the spread of the virus.A. preventB. protectC. controlD. avoidAnswer: C12. The new law aims to ________ the rights of minority groups.A. secureB. ensureC. guaranteeD. maintainAnswer: C13. The team's success can be ________ to their hard work and dedication.A. attributedB. assignedC. relatedD. connectedAnswer: A14. The company has decided to ________ its operations in the overseas market.A. expandB. contractC. reduceD. eliminateAnswer: A15. The teacher asked the students to ________ their essays before submitting them.A. reviseB. editC. correctD. amendAnswer: A三、完形填空(共20分,每题2分)16. The correct word to fill in the blank is "innovative."A. innovativeB. traditionalC. conservativeD. radicalAnswer: A17. The word that best completes the sentence is "beneficial."A. beneficialB. harmfulC. neutralD. negativeAnswer: A18. The appropriate word to fill in the blank is "significant."A. significantB. minorC. trivialD. irrelevantAnswer: A19. The word that fits the context is "efficient."A. efficientB. ineffectiveC. ineffectiveD. inadequateAnswer: A20. The correct word to fill in the blank is "strategy."A. strategyB. planC. policyD. approachAnswer: A21. The word that best completes the sentence is "enhance."A. enhanceB. reduceC. diminishD. minimizeAnswer: A22. The appropriate word to fill in the blank is "complex."A. complexB. simpleC. straightforwardD. easyAnswer: A23. The word that fits the context is "variety."A. varietyB. assortmentC. collectionD. rangeAnswer: A24. The correct word to fill in the blank is "essential."A. essentialB. necessaryC. vitalD. crucialAnswer: A25. The word that best completes the sentence is "impact."A. impactB. effectC. influenceD. consequenceAnswer: A四、翻译(共15分,每题5分)26. 随着科技的发展,远程工作变得越来越普遍。
华南农业大学期末考试-试卷( A 卷)
![华南农业大学期末考试-试卷( A 卷)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/a951b625852458fb770b56f5.png)
华南农业大学期末考试试卷( A 卷)2006学年第二学期考试科目:计算机网络(选修)考试时间:120 分钟学号姓名年级专业一、选择题(1分* 30 = 30分)1、一座大楼内的一个计算机网络系统,属于()A、VPNB、LANC、MAND、W AN2、不同的交换方式具有不同的性能。
A、线路交换B、报文交换C、分组交换D、信元交换3、通信系统必须具备的三个基本要素是()A、终端、电缆、计算机B、信号发生器、通信线路、信号接收设备C、信源、通信媒体、信宿D、终端、通信设施、接收设备4、OSI/RM 的三个主要概念是。
A、体系结构、模型、交换B、子网、分层、元语C、服务、接口、协议D、W AN、MAN、LAN5、随着电信和信息技术的发展,国际上出现了所谓“三网融合”的趋势,下列不属于三网之一的是( )。
A、数据B、硬件C、软件D、上述所有10、什么是R S - 2 3 2 ?A、一个标准的串行接口B、一个高速的串行接口C、一个ISDN接口D、一个ATM交换机11、采用串行线路连接到网络时,如果希望能够支持动态分配IP地址,那么数据链路协议应该采用( )协议。
华南农业大学期末考试试卷(A 卷)2019学年第 学期 考试科目: 考试类型:(闭卷)考试 考试时间: 分钟学号姓名 年级专业 拟卷人:题号一二三四五总分得分评阅人一、单项选择题(本大题共16小题,每小题1分,共16分)1.袁可嘉的《母亲》中的诗句“书名人名如残叶掠空而去”,意思是 ( )A. 见到母亲,高兴得把书本撕烂扔向空中B. 见到母亲,高兴得把以前认识的人全忘了C. 与母爱相比,我在学校学到的那点知识太微不足道了D. 与母亲相比,所有名人名著都是秋风中的残叶2.英国作家查尔斯·兰姆一生没有妻室儿女,却在《梦中的孩子》中津津乐道地描写他与子女的天伦之乐,反映了()A. 兰姆精神错乱B. 兰姆充满人情味而又莫名孤独的悲哀C. 作者厌倦了现实生活D. 作者还想娶妻生子3. 深受鲁迅思想的影响,被誉为“30年代的文学洛神”的现代女作家是A 冰心B 萧红C 丁玲D 张爱玲4.艾兴多尔夫是19世纪后期()的杰出代表A. 浪漫派B. 湖畔派C. 自然主义D. 现实主义5. 元曲作家中被称为“曲状元”的是()A . 关汉卿B . 张养浩C . 马致远D . 雎景臣6.张爱玲说“世界上的好人比真人多”说明()A 、一个社会事实。
B 、没有一个十全十美的世界。
C 、好人少,虚伪的人多,是一句反话。
D 、在庸常的生活中,人遗失了真实的自我。
7.《渔父》属于哪一种体裁?A .赋 B.骈文 C.楚辞体 D.散文8.汪莘《沁园春·忆黄山》体现的是一种()。
A .壮志豪情B .思古幽情C .隐逸闲情D .怀乡悲情9. “任何人对他都变得不复存在,连笼子里那对他至关重要的钟表发出的响声也充耳不闻”得分(《饥饿艺术家》)表现了艺术家对艺术( )的态度A. 无所谓B. 恐惧C. 痛苦D. 忘我10. 与伯夷显然不属于同一类型的人物是:A.叔齐 B.颜回 C.贾谊 D.盗跖11.对下列语句中加点词的解释, 错误的一项是 ( )A. 浩浩乎!平沙无垠,夐不见人。
华南农业大学外国语学院双学位考试试卷(A卷)2011年考试科目:《英语》考试类型:(闭卷)考试时间:120分钟学号姓名年级专业题号I II III IV V VI 总分得分评阅人Part I Listening Comprehension (30 points) (20 minutes)Directions: In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on Answer Sheet Two.Section A Conversations (1*10=10 points)Directions:In this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.Questions 4 to 7 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the conversation.Section B Passages (1*10=10 points)Directions: In this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 11 to 13 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage.Questions 14 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage.Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now, listen to the passage.Section C Spot Dictation (1*10=10 points)Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three times. When the passage is read for the first time, you should listen carefully for its general idea. When the passage is read for the second time, you are required to fill in the missing information with the exact words you have just heard . Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written.Part II Listen and Translate (2*10=20 points) (25 Minutes) Directions: In this part of the test, you will hear 2 passages. After you have heard each paragraph, interpret it into Chinese or English. Y ou may take notes while you are listening.Y ou will hear each paragraph TWICE. Write down your translation on the answer sheet. Y ou will have TEN minutes to translate for each paragraph. Write your answer on ANSWER SHEET ONE.Section A: E-C:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________Section B: C-E_____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________Part III Structure and Vocabulary (10 points) (10 minutes) Section A (1*0.5=5 points)Directions: There are 10 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet Two. Section B (1*5=5 points)Directions:Complete the following 5 sentences by filling in the blanks using the correct form of the word given at the end of each sentences.Part IV Cloze (10 points) (10 minutes)Directions: Decide which of the choices given below would best complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the best choice for each blank on your answer sheet.Part V Reading Comprehension(1*15=15 points)(25 minutes) Directions: In this section there are three passages followed by questions, each with four suggested answers marked with A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer.Passage OneQuestion 56to 60 are based on the following passagePassage TwoQuestion 61to 65 are based on the following passagePassage ThreeQuestions 66 to 70 are based on the following passage:Part VI Writing ( 15 points ) (30 minutes)Write on the ANSWER SHEET a composition of about 200 words on the following topic:装订线华南农业大学外国语学院双学位试卷答题纸I(A卷)2011年考试科目:《英语》考试类型:(闭卷)考试时间:120分钟学号姓名年级专业题号I II III IV V VI 总分得分评阅人Part I Listening Comprehension (30 points)得分Section C Spot Dictation (1*10=10 points)21. ___________________________________________________________________22. ___________________________________________________________________23. ___________________________________________________________________24. ___________________________________________________________________25. ___________________________________________________________________26. ___________________________________________________________________27. ___________________________________________________________________28. ___________________________________________________________________29. ___________________________________________________________________30. ___________________________________________________________________装订线Part II Listen and Translate (2*10=20 points)Section A: E-C:______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ __________Section B: C-E______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________装订线Part III Structure and VocabularySection B (1*5=5 points)41._____________ 42.________________ 43._______________44._____________ 45._____________Part VI Writing (15 points)得分____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________得分。
2023-2024学年第一学期期末试卷1、一Which T—shirt do you like best?一.They are both out of fashion and expensive.A.None B.Neither C.Any D.Both2、It is broadcast on TV that the 88th Academy Award Ceremony was held in Dolby Theatreseats an audience of approximately 4, 000.A.where B.whoseC.which D.when3、—What do you think of the movie last night?—When I got there it _______, so I only watched the end.A.finished B.had finishedC.was finishing D.has finished4、The disaster-stricken village was inaccessible ___________ by helicopter, and the stormadded to the rescuers’ difficulty.A.instead of B.other than C.rather than D.regardless of5、After receiving the Oscar for Best Supporting Actress, Anne Benedict went on all thepeople who had helped in her career.A.to thank B.thankingC.having thanked D.to have thanked6、--- To be a promising student is not an easy job. It takes time.--- I can’t agree more. _______. There is no short cu t.A.All roads lead to Rome B.Slow but sure wins the raceC.Practice makes perfect D.Rome was not built in a dayA.prove B.implyC.demand D.predict8、---May I help you?You seem to be having some trouble.----____________,thanks. I think I can manage.A.No problem B.It's all rightC.ok D.No way9、With the development of science, more new technology ______ to the fields of IT.A.has introduced B.is being introducedC.is introduced D.was introduced10、Running is often tiring and a lot of hard work, but nothing ________ the feeling you get after finishing a long workout around the track.A.breaks B.blocksC.bonds D.beats第二部分阅读理解(满分20分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
英语a级考试题及答案2019年英语A级考试题及答案2019年一、听力理解(共20分)1. What did the woman say about the weather?A. It was sunny.B. It was rainy.C. It was cloudy.Answer: B2. When does the train leave?A. At 6:00 am.B. At 6:30 am.C. At 7:00 am.Answer: C3. What is the man's opinion about the new restaurant?A. The food is delicious.B. The service is slow.C. The prices are too high.Answer: A二、阅读理解(共30分)Passage 1The article discusses the benefits of cycling to work. It mentions that cycling can improve physical health and mental well-being. It also states that cycling is an environmentally friendly mode of transportation.4. What is the main topic of the passage?A. The disadvantages of cycling.B. The benefits of cycling to work.C. The environmental impact of cars.Answer: B5. According to the passage, what are two benefits of cycling?A. Improved physical health and reduced traffic congestion.B. Increased mental well-being and reduced pollution.C. Lower transportation costs and improved air quality. Answer: BPassage 2The passage describes the process of making traditional Chinese tea. It explains the steps involved, from selectingthe leaves to brewing the tea.6. What is the purpose of the passage?A. To advertise a new brand of tea.B. To describe the process of making tea.C. To compare different types of tea.Answer: B7. How many steps are mentioned in the process of making tea?A. Three.B. Five.C. Seven.Answer: B三、词汇与语法(共20分)8. The teacher asked the students to ________ the new wordsin their vocabulary lists.A. look upB. look forC. look afterAnswer: A9. She ________ the room when I entered.A. was cleaningB. cleanedC. has cleanedAnswer: A10. The book is ________ interesting ________ I can hardly put it down.A. so; thatB. such; thatC. too; toAnswer: A四、翻译(共15分)11. 请将以下句子翻译成英文:这本书非常有趣,以至于我几乎不想放下它。
精心整理大学英语(一)行政班级分级班级姓名学号I II III IV V总分( 请将答案写在答题卡上)得分Part ⅠListening Comprehension (15%) 听力题(共15题, 每题 1 分, 共 15 分)Directions: This part is to test your listening ability. It consists of3sections.Section ADirections:There are 5 recorded questions in it. After each question, there is a pause. The question will be spoken only once.1. A. A testing system. B. A monitor system.C. A measuring system.D. A control system.2. A. Car prices. B. Car services.C. The company’s business.D. The company’s culture.3. A. It ’s easy to do. B. It ’ s challenging.C. He can get a high pay.D. He did the same job before.4. A. She ’ll meet a friend. B. She ’ ll take a flight.C. She ’ll attend an interview at 5:00.D. She ’ ll see a doctor before 5:00.5.A. She will report the complaint to the manager.B.The manager refused to talk to the man.C.The manager was on a business trip.D.She will deal with the complaint.Section BDirections:There are 2 recorded dialogues in it. After each dialogue,there are some recorded questions.Both the conversations and questions will be spoken two times.Conversation 16. A. Breakfast. B. Dinner.C. A 5 dollar gift card.D. Bus service to the airport.7. A. His member card. B. His driving license.C. His credit card.D. His passport.8. A. The telephone is out of order.B.The line is busy.C.He is at a meeting.D.He won ’t be back until next Monday.9. A. It has been canceled. B. It will arrive on time.C. It has been delayed.D. It will arrive ahead of schedule.10.A. Make an appointment with her. B.Talk with her about a new order.C. Send her an email about the shipment.D. Call her back when receiving the shipment.Section CDirections: You will hear a short passage. The passage is printedin the test paper, but with some words or phrases missing. Thepassage will be read two times.Growing up can be hard 11 where crime is common. That isthe situation Marco Antonio Aguilar 12 when he started at Garfield High School in Los Angeles, California. The boy hated 13.He says he had the 14 , often missed classes and even got intoflights. 15 the teachers that I receiving, knowing that they did care about me, the school did really help me, Aguilar recalls.得分Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure (20%) 选择题和填空题(共 20 题, 每题 1 分, 共 20 分)Directions:This part is to test your ability to construct grammatically correct sentences. It consists of 2 sections.Section ADirections:In this section, there are 10 incomplete sentences. You are required to complete each one by deciding on the most appropriate word or words from the 4 choices.16.I often ______ the cooking for my family, but recently Ihave been too busy to do it.A. will doB. doC. am doingD. had done17. Planning so far ahead _____ no sense -- so many things willhave changed b y next year.A. madeB. is makingC. makesD. has made18. It was strange _______ she left without saying a word.A. thatB. whatC. whyD. how19. I have two hobbies. One is fishing, ____ is cooking.A.anotherB. the otherC. elseD. other20. The man told me that by the end of the week he _______ awayfrom his hometown for 20 years.A. has beenB. will have beenC. is to beD. would have been21. No sooner _______ than they began to work.A. they had arrivedB. they would arriveC. had they arrivedD. would they arrive22.The American Red Cross is one of the volunteer organizations_______ purpose is to help the sick and the needy.A. itsB. thatC. whoD. whose23.It is the general manager who makes the _______decisionsin business.A. beginningB. finishingC. firstD. final24. The manager showed the new employee _______to find the supplies.A. whatB. whereC. thatD. which25. Nothing can prevent him _____ learning Chinese painting.A. fromB. byC. outD. inSection BDirections: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You shouldfill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in thebrackets.26.I like Chinese food very much. It is ________ ( difference/different) from America.27. Miller is a(n) ______(/dishonest/honest)person, and we don ’t trust him.28. I am _______(interest/interested)in this movie. I want towatch it again.29.Don ’t open the window, and keep it ______(close/closed) please.30.Tom had just attended his son ’s _______ (graduation/graduate) in Harvard University.31.I feel like _______ (go/going) to Europe for a visit nextsummer vacation.32._______ (Personal/Personally), I think he is a very nice partner,though you may not agree.33.Please show me the photos _______ (take/taken) in Tibet.34. It is easy _______ (say/to say) things, but it ’s hard to do them.35.Many people find telephone interviews______(difficult/more difficult) than face-to-face interviews.得分Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (35%) 阅读理解题(共 20 题, 36-45 每题 2 分 46-60 每题 1 分,共 35 分)Directions: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5tasks for you to fulfill. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the task as you are instructed.Task 1Hank Viscardi was born without legs. He had not legs butstumps (残肢 ) that could be fitted with a kind of special boots. People stared at him with cruel interest. Children laughed at himand called him“Ape Man”(猿人) because his arms practically dragged on the ground.Hank went to school like other boys. His grades were good andhe needed only eight years to finish his schooling instead of theusual twelve. After graduating from school, he worked his way though college. He swept floors, waited on table, or worked in oneof the college offices. During all this busy life, he had been movingaround on his stumps. But one day the doctor told him even thestumps were not going to last much longer. He would soon haveto use a wheelchair.Hank felt himself get cold all over. However, the doctor saidthere was a chance that he could be fitted with artificial legs ( Finally a leg maker was found and the day came when stood up before the mirror. For the first time he saw himself as he has always wanted to be - a full five feet eight inches tall. By this time he was already 26 years old.假肢 ). HankHank had to learn to use his new legs. Again and again he marched the length of the room, and marched back again. Therewere times when he fell down on the floor, but he pulled himselfup and went back to the endless marching. He went out on thestreet. He climbed stairs and learned to dance. He built a boatand learned to sail it.When World War II came, he talked the Red Crossing into giving him a job. He took the regular training. He marched anddrilled along with the other soldiers. Few knew that he was legless.This was the true story of Hank Viscardi, a man without legs.36. Children laughed at Hank and called him“Ape Man ”because _______.A. he didn’t talk to themB. he kept away from themC. his arms touched the ground when he movedD. he couldn’ t use his arms37.It can be inferred from the story five feet eight inches tall is________.A.an average height for a fully grown personB.too tall for an average personC.too short for an average personD.None of the above38.The sentence “ he talked the Red Cross into giving him a job ” implies that the Red Cross _______.39.When Hank marched and drilled along with the other soldiers,he ____.A.did everything the other soldiers didB. did most of the things the other soldiers didC. did some of the things the other soldiers didD. took some special training40.The writer suggests that Hank Viscardi _________.A.had no friendsB.never saw himself as different from othersC.was very shyD.was too proud to accept help from othersTask 2In the United States, when a person becomes rich, he wants people to know it. And even if he does not become very rich, hewants people to think that he is. That is what“keeping up with the Joneses” is about. It is the story of someone who tried to lookas rich as his neighbors.The expression was first used in 1913 by a young Americancalled Arthur Momand. He told this story about himself. He beganearning $125 a week at the age of 23. That was a lot of money inthose days. He got married and moved with his wife to a very wealthy neighborhood outside New York City. When he saw thatrich people rode horses, Momand went horse-riding everyday. When he saw that rich people had servants, Momand and his wifealso hired a servant and gave big parties for their new neighbors.It was like a race, but one could never finish this race becauseone was always trying to keep up. The race ended for Momandand his wife when they could no longer pay for their new way oflife. They moved back to an apartment in New York City.Momand looked around him and noticed that many people dothings just to keep up with rich lifestyle of their neighbors. Hesaw the funny side of it and started to write a series of short stories. He called it “Keeping up with the Joneses ” because “ Jones” is a very common name in the Untie States. Keep up“with the Joneses ” came to mean keeping up with the rich lifestyle of the people around you. Momand’s series appeared indifferent newspapers across the country for over 28 years.People never seem to get tried of keeping up with the Joneses.And there are “Joneses ” in every city of the world. But one must get tired of trying to keep up with the Joneses because nomatter what one does, Mr. Jones always seems to be ahead.41.Some people want to keep up with the Joneses because they_____.A.want to be as rich as their neighborsB.want others to know or to think that they are richC.don ’ t want others to know they are richD.want to be happy42.It can be inferred from the story that rich people like to _____.A.live outside New York CityB.live in New York CityC. live in apartmentsD. have many neighbors43. The underlined word“ neighborhood” in Para.2means________.A. a person who lives near anotherB. people living in an areaC. an area near the place referred toD. an area in another town or city44. Arthur Momand used the name“Jones” in his series ofshort stories because“Jones” is __________.A. an important nameB. a popular name in the United StatesC. his neighbor’s nameD. not a good name45. According to the writer, it is _____ to keep up with theJoneses.A.correctB.interestingC.impossibleD.goodTask 3Directions: The following is a passage. After reading it, you arerequired to complete the outline below it. You should write youranswers (in no more than 3 words)briefly.Freezing can keep food fresh and safe to eat. Freezing lowers).The the food temperature below zero degree Celsius( 摄氏 simplestway to prepare fruits is to cut them up and place them in a containerinside the freezer, in some cases it is better to permit the fruit tofreeze before putting it in the container. This will keepit from sticking to the container. This is called the “ dry pack ”method. The second way is the“ wet pack” method . The fruit is prepared along with some of its liquid or juice. You can add somesugar to fruits that are naturally juicy. The sugar sweetens thefruit and brings out its natural juice. Once foods have been unfrozen, they should not be frozen again. There is a danger offood poisoning if food is frozen more than once.Approaches to food preservationTask 4Advantages of freezing: 1. keep food46 to eat Directions: The following is a list of airport terms. After reading it,2. lower the food temperatureyou are required to find the Chinese equivalents in the table below.A— k nowledge workB —overall job growth rateC—corporate strategyD —outsourceE —cloud computingF— construction of senior communitiesG—assisted–living facilitiesH —by some countsI — clean–energy projectsJ — capping carbon emissionK —Earth shipL — Heating controlExample: (K)地球之船(L) 暖气控制51. () 限制碳排放52. ()清洁能源项目53. () 在某种意义上54. ()生活辅助设施55. () 老年社区建设56. ()云集计算57. () 服务外包58. ()企业发展战略59. () 总的工作增长率60. ()知识型工作得分Part Ⅳ Translation (15%) 翻译题(共 5 题, 每题 3 分 , 共 15 分)Directions: Translate the following sentences into Chinese.61.He cuts through a forest to get to school.62.Science has brought about many changes in our lives.63. The members agree to modify the policy of recruiting newmembers.64.Most of the big cities in the world suffer from traffic jam.lions of people in Africa every year struggle for food.得分Part Ⅴ Writing (15%) 写作题(共 1 题, 每题 15 分,共15 分)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing.You are required to write a letter according to the instructions given in Chinese below.假设你是李浩,昨天下午你的朋友李铭来北京出差,并来看望你。
a级考试真题和答案一、单项选择题(每题1分,共20分)1. 以下哪个选项是A级考试的全称?A. 大学英语四级考试B. 大学英语六级考试C. 大学英语A级考试D. 大学英语B级考试答案:C2. A级考试的总分是多少?A. 100分B. 120分C. 150分D. 200分答案:C3. A级考试的听力部分占总分的百分比是多少?A. 20%B. 30%C. 40%D. 50%答案:B4. A级考试的阅读部分占总分的百分比是多少?A. 20%B. 30%C. 40%D. 50%答案:C5. A级考试的写作部分占总分的百分比是多少?A. 20%B. 30%C. 40%D. 50%答案:A6. A级考试的翻译部分占总分的百分比是多少?A. 20%B. 30%C. 40%D. 50%答案:B7. A级考试的词汇量要求是多少?A. 2000词B. 3000词C. 4000词D. 5000词答案:B8. A级考试的语法要求包括哪些?A. 基本语法B. 高级语法C. 专业语法D. 所有语法答案:A9. A级考试的听力材料主要来源于哪里?A. 广播B. 电视C. 电影D. 网络答案:A10. A级考试的阅读材料主要来源于哪里?A. 报纸B. 杂志C. 小说D. 学术论文答案:B11. A级考试的写作部分主要考察哪些能力?A. 描述能力B. 论证能力C. 叙事能力D. 所有能力答案:D12. A级考试的翻译部分主要考察哪些能力?A. 英译汉B. 汉译英C. 双向翻译D. 所有翻译答案:C13. A级考试的口语部分主要考察哪些能力?A. 发音B. 流利度C. 准确性D. 所有能力答案:D14. A级考试的词汇题主要考察哪些方面?A. 词义辨析B. 词形变化C. 词义搭配D. 所有词汇答案:D15. A级考试的语法题主要考察哪些方面?A. 时态B. 语态C. 语气D. 所有语法答案:D16. A级考试的阅读理解题主要考察哪些方面?A. 细节理解B. 推理判断C. 主旨大意D. 所有阅读答案:D17. A级考试的写作题主要考察哪些方面?A. 议论文B. 说明文C. 记叙文D. 所有文体答案:D18. A级考试的翻译题主要考察哪些方面?A. 直译B. 意译C. 直译和意译D. 所有翻译答案:C19. A级考试的口语题主要考察哪些方面?A. 个人陈述B. 双人对话C. 小组讨论D. 所有口语答案:D20. A级考试的评分标准主要依据哪些因素?A. 准确性B. 流利度C. 逻辑性D. 所有因素答案:D二、完形填空题(每题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
华中农业大学本科课程考试期末考试答案及评分标准Band 1考试课程:大学英语(2009级B班)学年学期:2009-2010-1试卷类型:A 考试时间:2010-01-20Part I Writing (总分15分)说明:作文题采用总体评分(Global Scoring )方法。
1.阅卷标准共分五等:2分,5 分,8 分,11 分及14分。
Part ⅡSkimming and Scanning (总分10分,每小题1分)Q1-7 B C D A B D DQ8 to successQ9 free from outside distractionQ10 physical and mental well-beingPart III Listening Comprehension (总分35分)Section A (总分15分,每小题1分)11-25 A C B C B B D D C A D B C B DSection B (总分10分,每小题1分)26-35 D A B C B A A C B ASection C (总分10分)36. atmosphere 37. human 38. destruction 39.surface40. significant 41. expected 42. coastal 43. events44. Clearly, global climate change is becoming a great threat to our environment.45. Some call it “the last best chance” for an agreement to fight climate change.46. Delegates hoped to set new targets to reduce greenhouse gases.36-43 每个单词答对给0.5分,拼写错误(包括单复数)不得分。
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I.Writing (15 分)
II Listening (25 分,每题1分)按照四级题型。
若有课本内容,其来自《视听说》本学期所学单元(1,3,7单元)的Further Listening部分。
(1)Section A: 新闻3篇,共7题。
(2)Section B: 长对话2个。
(3)Section C: 短文3篇。
III Reading (40 分)
1)Banked Cloze:15选10型填空阅读(10 分,每空1分)
Direction: 共10题。
A的课文文章某段或合段, 不出自课后习题或《综合训练册》。
2)Locating信息匹配题(10 分,每题1分,)
Direction: 共10题。
3)In-depth reading (20 分,每题2分) Direction: 2篇,每篇5个含有ABCD选项的问题,共10题。
+ 课外1篇,课内的范围来自于《综合训练册》Units
IV. English-to-Chinese Translation (10分)
写单元text A的课文某段落或合段。
V.Chinese-to-English Translation (10分)
学读写单元text A的课后练习& 《综合训练册》相应