



08级重医临床(儿科方向)内儿科试题(A卷)姓名:班级:得分:一选择题:(45分)1、生理性黄疸的特点是:A.生后24小时内出现 B.生后2-3天出现 C.生后3天达高峰D.生后2周达高峰 E.退而复现2、最常见的新生儿溶血症是:A.ABO溶血症 B.Rh溶血 C.G-6PD缺陷症 D.地中海贫血E.丙酮酸激酶缺陷症3、患儿,男,6天23小时。





本例最可能的诊断:A.缺氧缺血性脑病 B.颅内出血 C.化脓性脑膜炎D.胆红素脑病 E.中毒性脑病4、关于母乳性黄疸的描述正确的是:A.生理性黄疸的特殊表现 B.生后2周内自然消退 C.排他性诊断D.可在生后24小时出现 E.可能引起脑损伤5、新生儿胆红素代谢的特点是:A.红细胞破坏多,胆红素生成多 B.酸中毒促进胆红素转运C.肠肝循环利于胆红素排泄 D.肝功能不成熟,胆红素生成不足E.血红素氧化酶活性不足,不利于胆红素生成6、新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病的主要病因是:A. 肺部病变引起呼吸衰竭B. 心脏病变引起缺氧C. 围产期窒D. 严重贫血E. 严重失血7、HIE的严重程度的判断依据:A. 头颅CTB. 临床表现C. 脑电图D. 血清CPK-BBE. Apgar评分8、足月儿缺氧缺血性脑损伤多见于:A. 基底神经节B. 矢状旁区C. 脑室周围白质区D. 脑干E. 丘脑9、呼吸道感染病毒与哮喘发病最为相关的是A、巨细胞病毒B、呼吸道合胞病毒C、腺病毒D、流感病毒E、鼻病毒10、下面那一种方法能快速而方便的扩张支气管平滑肌A、静脉用肾上腺皮质激素B、静脉用氨茶碱C、吸入溴化异丙托品D、吸入沙丁胺醇气雾剂或雾化溶液受体激动剂E、口服211. 婴幼儿呼吸类型是A胸式呼吸 B腹式呼吸 C胸腹式呼吸D胸膈式呼吸 E主动呼吸12.毛细支气管炎最常见的病原是A. 腺病毒B. 柯萨奇病毒C. 呼吸道合胞病毒D. 流感病毒E. 副流感病毒13.引起脓胸最常见的病原菌为A. 肺炎链球菌B. 金黄色葡萄球菌C. 肺炎支原体D. 溶血性链球菌E. 大肠杆菌14. 小儿营养性缺铁性贫血最主要的病因是:A. 先天储铁不足B. 生长发育快C. 生后铁摄入不足D. 铁的丢失E. 铁吸收障碍15.关于缺铁性贫血的治疗下列哪项正确?A.首选注射铁剂治疗B.口服二价铁吸收好C.口服三价铁吸收好D.和铁剂同服牛奶有利于铁剂的溶解吸收E.血红蛋白正常后即可停用铁剂16.营养性缺铁性贫血铁剂治疗需用药至:A.临床症状好转B.血清铁恢复正常C.血红蛋白和红细胞恢复正常D. 血红蛋白和红细胞恢复正常后再用6-8周E.网织红细胞正常后再用2月17.除新生儿外,重度贫血的血红蛋白值为:A.<120g/LB.120~90g/LC.90~60g/LD.60~30g/LE.<30g/L18.小儿出生后主要的造血器官是:A.肝脏B.脾脏C.淋巴结D.骨髓E.胸腺19.大多数小儿房间隔卵圆孔解剖关闭的时间是A 2月B 5-7月C 1岁D 2岁E 5 岁20.可出现周围血管征的先天性心脏病是A 房间隔缺损B 肺动脉狭窄C 室间隔缺损D 法洛四联症E 动脉导管未闭21. 左向右分流型先天性心脏病最常见的并发症是A 脑血栓B 脑脓肿C 缺氧发作D 感染性心内膜炎E 肺炎22. X线检查示左心室、右心室增大,肺野充血,肺动脉段突出的先天性心脏病最可能是A 房间隔缺损B 室间隔缺损C 动脉导管未闭D 肺动脉狭窄E 法乐氏四联症23. 心脏胚胎发育的关键时期是A 2~5周B 2~8周C 8~12周D 3~6周E 4~12周24.法洛四联症最重要的病理改变是A 房间隔缺损B右室流出道狭窄C 室间隔缺损D 右心室肥厚E 主动脉骑跨25. 唯一能通过胎盘的免疫球蛋白是A. IgAB. IgDC. IgED. IgGE. IgM26. 婴儿出生后发育最早的免疫球蛋白是A. IgAB. IgDC. IgED. IgGE. IgM27.原发性免疫缺陷病发生严重持久感染的部位最常见于A.泌尿道感染B.皮肤感染C.呼吸道感染D.消化道感染E.全身感染28.儿童最常见的原发性免疫缺陷病是A.X连锁无丙种球蛋白血症(XLA,Bruton 病)B. 选择性IgA缺乏症C. 补体缺陷D. 严重联合免疫缺陷病(SCID)E. 胸腺发育不全(DiGeorge综合征)29、肺炎患儿住所的室内温度、相对湿度一般采用何者为宜A、15~18℃,40%B、18~20℃,60%C、20~22℃,50%D、22~24℃,70%E、24~26℃,80%30、学龄前儿童正常尿量为:A. 200毫升B. 300毫升C. 400毫升D. 600-800毫升E. 1000毫升31、急性肾炎补体恢复时间为:A. 6-8周B. 8-12周C. 6月D. 1年E. 2-3周32、急性肾炎并发症多发生在:A. 起病1-2周B. 起病2-3周C. 起病1-2月D. 起病2-3月E. 起病3-4月33、肾病治疗首选:A. 激素B. 肝素C. 中药D. 降压药E. 环磷酰胺34、激素治疗肾病的中程疗法时间为:A. 8-12周B. 4-6月C. 9-12月D. 1年E. 3-5年35、肾病综合征最常见的并发症是:A.低血容量性休克 B.感染C.心源性休克 D.血栓形成E.电解质紊乱36、下列哪项不符合特发性生长激素缺乏症A.身材矮小B.影响肝脏糖原、脂肪分解C.中枢神经系统发育正常D.骨化中心发育正常E.抑制钙磷在骨质中的合成代谢37、哪种激素是下丘脑分泌的A、促甲状腺素释放激素TRHB、生长激素GHC、三碘甲腺原氨酸T3D、促肾上腺皮质激素ACTHE、促黄体激素LH38、在身材矮小的儿童中,哪种情况下其骨龄发育是正常的A、生长激素缺乏症B、甲状腺功能减低症C、体质性青春期延迟D、家族性矮身材E 软骨发育不良39、小儿肺炎使用抗生素的原则是A、广谱、早期、联合、足量B、早期、联合、足量、足疗程C、药物敏感抗生素、适量、联合D、口服、适量、足疗程、早期E、药物敏感抗生素、早期、适量40、患儿女,2岁,肺炎,近3个小时出现烦躁、气促、发绀。









最可能的诊断是A、法洛四联症B、肺动脉瓣狭窄C、室间隔缺损D、房间隔缺损E、动脉导管未闭正确答案:C3.确诊新生儿败血症最有意义的检查是A、血C-反应蛋白B、分泌物涂片革兰染色C、血常规D、血培养E、免疫功能测定正确答案:D4."每100keal热量的混合膳食产生的内生水是A、16ml "B、10mlC、12mlD、14mlE、8ml正确答案:C5.男,9岁。





最可能的诊断是A、室间隔缺损B、动脉导管未闭C、法洛四联症D、房间隔缺损E、肺动脉瓣狭窄正确答案:A7."乙型肝炎疫苗预防免疫接种的计划是A、2个月、3个月、4个月接种B、8个月接种C、3个月、4个月、5个月接种D、出生时接种E、出生时、1个月、6个月接种正确答案:E8."3个月婴儿的标准头围是A、40cmB、36cmC、42cmD、38cmE、44cm正确答案:A9."正常2岁小儿的头围大约是A、44cmB、50cm "C、48cmD、52cmE、46cm正确答案:C10.男,10个月。



Type Ⅰ: Single choice ( 1 point for each, total 40 points).1.What is the most possible diagnosis for visible jaundice(黄疸)appearing within 24 hours postnatal?A.neonatal pneumonia B.neonatal hemolytic disease C.neonatal sepsis D.congenital biliary atresia(胆道闭锁)E.breast milk jaundice2.What are the most common pathogens of neonatal sepsis(败血症)in current China?A.group B streptococcus (B群链球菌),staphylococcus epidermidis (表皮葡萄球菌)B.staphylococcus (葡萄球菌),colon bacillus (大肠杆菌)C.staphylococcus epidermidis (表皮葡萄球菌),Klebsiella pneumonia (克雷伯杆菌) D.Pseudomonas aeruginosa (绿脓杆菌),Acinetobacter (不动杆菌) E.Bacteroides fragilis (脆弱类杆菌),Clostridium agni (产气莢膜杆菌) 3.What is the fundamental element in pathogenesis of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE)?A.hemodynamic change of brain(脑血流改变)B.hypoxia(缺氧)C.injuries caused by oxygen free radical(氧自由基损伤)D.dysfunction of calcium channel(钙通道功能异常)E.toxicity of excitory neurotransmitters(兴奋性氨基酸中毒)4.What kind of antibiotics should be used to treat Mycoplasma pneumonia (支原体肺炎)?A.Penicillin; B.Clindamycin(克林霉素); C.Vancomycin(万古霉素); D.Macrolides(大环内酯类); E.Cephalosporin(头孢菌素类)5.What is the most common pathogen of bronchiolitis (毛细支气管炎)? A.Mycoplasma pneumoniae(肺炎支原体);B.Staphycoccal aureus(金黄色葡萄球菌);C.RSV(呼吸道合胞病毒);D.Adenovirus(腺病毒);E.Parainfluenza(副流感病毒)6.What kind of pneumonia is prone to be complicated empyema(脓胸)? A.Mycoplasma pneumonia(肺炎支原体);B.Staphycoccal aureus pneumonia(金黄色葡萄球菌);C.Bronchiolitis;D.Adenovirus pneumonia;E.Chlamydial pneumonia(肺炎衣原体).7.The most common bacteria result in bronchopneumonia is:A.Mycoplasma pneumoniae(肺炎支原体);B.Staphycoccal aurus(金黄色葡萄球菌);C.Haemphilus influenzae (流感嗜血杆菌);D.Chlamydial(衣原体);E.Streptococcus pneumoniae (肺炎链球菌)8.Atypical Pneumonia should be diagnosed by:A.Blood gas analysis B.Complete blood cell C.Chest X-ray D.Blood culture E.Sputum test.9.Point out the most reliable duration of antibiotic therapy from following choices to treat bacterial meningitis effectively for a patient suffering from bacterial meningitis without a definite pathogen:A.1 week;B.10~14 days;C.2~3 weeks;D.3~4 weeks;E.4~6 weeks.10.Status epilepticus(惊厥持续状态)is defined as a seizure or repeated seizures without a return to normal in between them that lasts more than:A.30 minutes B.20minutes C.15minutes D.10minutes E.5minutes11.The most common cause of acute convulsion in childhood is:A.CNS infection: Meningitis(脑膜炎)or encephalitis(脑炎)B.Febrile convulsions(热性惊厥)C.Head trauma D.CNS malformations(畸形)E.Brain tumors 12.Which one is the first choice for seizure control:A.Intravenously administered of diazepam(安定)B.Rectal administered of Phenobarbital(苯巴比妥)C.Muscle administered of diazepamD.Intravenously administered of PhenobarbitalE.Muscle administered of Phenobarbital13.The normal pattern of hemoglobin in children beyond 2 years old is:A.HbA 30%, HbF 60-70%, HbA2 2-3%B.HbA 97%, HbF 1%, HbA2 2%C.HbA 5-10%, HbF 90%, HbA2 0.5%D.HbA 95%, HbF 1%, HbA2 5%E.HbA 30%, HbF 60%, HbA2 10%14.The most common and important cause for childhood IDA(缺铁性贫血)is: A.Poor iron stores B.Overdevelop C.Poor dietary iron intake D.Iron loss D.Chronic bleeding15.About iron therapy, which one of the following is right:A.Infusion iron is the first choice when IDA occurs.B.Oral ferrous salts(亚铁盐)is the best choice for most patients.C.Oral iron should be taken right after the meals.D.Administrating iron with milk together favors the absorption of iron.E.Iron therapy should be stopped when the hemoglobin is above the normal value. 16.Evidence of a recent streptococci(链球菌)infection is:A.SR↑B.C3↓C.BUN↑D.Alb↑E.ASO↑17.The most common congenital heart disease in children is:A.ASD B.VSD C.PDA D.TOFE.PS(肺动脉狭窄)18.When is the optimal time for treatment of growth hormone deficiency(生长激素缺乏症)?A.as early as possible B.4-5 years C.5-6 years D.7-8 years E.puberty19.What is the worst prognosis(预后)for congenital hypothyroidism, if the patient doesn’t treat early?A.low metabolism B.mental retardation(智力低下)C.growth retardation(生长迟滞)D.unusual body features(异常体态)E.delaying in development(发育延迟)20.In terms of prevalence, primary immunodeficiencies(原发性免疫缺陷症)which may present insufficient antibody production accounts for ______ of the total. A.80% B.60% C.50% D.30% E.10% 21.The embryonic period(胚胎期)ends and the fetal period begins at gestational age: A.5 weeks B.9weeks C.12weeks D.16weeks E.20weeks22.The age of peak of height velocity (PHV) for most children is:A.9-11 years old for boys, 8-10 years old for girlsB.11-13 years old for boys, 11-13 years old for girlsC.11-13 years old for boys, 9-11 years old for girlsD.14-16 years old for boys, 12-14 years old for girlsE.9-11 years old for boys, 11-13 years old for girls23.The number of primary teeth(乳牙)that generally erupt(萌出)in children by 3 years of age is:A.4 B.8 C.12 D.16 E.20 24.Which of the following is not an expected finding in an 8-month-old?A.Palm grasp B.Shy with strangersC.Sit without support D.Babbling “mama”E.Indicates wants25.Transferring object for hand to hand is an expected finding at what age?A.3 months B.5 months C.7 monthsD.9 months E.11 months26. Which of the following is not an expected milestone during two to four months of age?A.Posterior fontanel(后囟)closesB.Transfers objects from one hand to the otherC.Decrease in head lag when pulled to sitD.Follows objects 180 degreesE.Smiles to others responsively27.Based on an infants caloric requirements, how many calories per day does a 8-month-old who weights 10 kg require?A.950kcal B.1200kcal C.1100kcalD.800kcal E.850kcal28.A 10-week-old child weight 5kg is being fed commercial infant formula(市售婴儿配方奶). The mother is concerned she is underfeeding her baby. You tell her that, to satisfy both his fluid and caloric requirements, the daily intake ought to be at least: (formulas contain 500cal/100g)A.450ml B.550ml C.650ml D.750ml E.850ml 29.The typical changes of Cerebrospinal Fluid(脑脊液)in children with TBM (结核性脑膜炎)include(s):A.Cells: 50-500cells/mm3, Mononuclear cell predominance. Glucose and Chloridate low, high protein level normal;B.Cells:50-500cells/mm3, Mononuclear cell predominance. Glucose and Chloridate low; high protein level with 1-3g/L;C.Cells: 50-500cells/mm3, Mononuclear cell predominance. Glucose and Chloridate low, high protein normal;D.Cells: 20-200cells/mm3, Mononuclear cell predominance. Glucose and Chloridate low, high protein level with 1-3g/L;E.Cells: 5000-10000cells/mm3, Mononuclear cell predominance. Glucose andChloridate low, high protein level with 1-3g/L.30.The course of persisting diarrhea in children is:A.within 1 week B.1-2 weeks C.2-4 weeks D.more than 2 weeks but less than 2 months E.more than 2 months 31.Which one is correct for hypertonic dehydration(高渗性脱水)?A.Serum sodium>110 mmol/L B.Serum sodium>120 mmol/L C.Serum sodium>130 mmol/L D.Serum sodium>140 mmol/L E.Serum sodium>150 mmol/L32.With regard to the volume of water loss in body weight, which one is CORRECT in children with modrate of dehydration?A.10~40ml/kg B.50ml/kg C.60~80 ml/kg D.50~100ml/kg. E.100~120ml/kg.33.Which of the following is the fundamental pathological change of measles? A.Aschoff body. B.multinucleated giant cell(多核巨细胞)C.Nissl's body D.granulomaE.cytomegalic inclusion(巨细胞包涵体)34.Which of the following statement about mumps(腮腺炎)is false: A.parotid(腮腺)gets swelling bilaterally in 70% of casesB.the swollen parotid is red, painful, swollen and tenderC.it is a infection disease of respiratory tract.D.the infection sources are patients and persons with inapparent infection(隐匿性感染)E.submaxillary salivary(颌下腺)gland can be involved without parotid swelling 35.For the following measures to prevent rabies(狂犬病)after bitten by a wild dog, which one is wrong?A.catch and kill the wild dogB.suture and wrap the wound immediatelyC.administration of Human Rabies ImmunoglobulinD.administration of rabies vaccineE.washing wound with a 20% soap solution thoroughly36.All the following statements are true about toxic Bacillary Dysentery(细菌性痢疾)except:A.the age of peak incidence is 2~7 years oldB.its pathogen is different from other types of Bacillary DysenteryC.the season of peak incidence is in summerD.it onsets abruptly and progresses rapidlyE.there maybe no diarrhea when septic shock occurs37.The main pathogenesis of toxic bacillary dysentery is:A.sever dehydration B.microcirculation disturbance(微循环障碍)C.disturbance of acid-base balance D.electrolyte disturbances E.heart failure38.The key step to septic shock is:A.Corticosteroids(皮质激素)B.Vasoactive agents(血管活性剂)C.Initial fluid resuscitation D.Cardiants(强心剂)E.Heparin39.Which of the following about infantile hepatitis syndrome is wrong?A.CMV is the main pathogenB.fat-soluble avitaminosis(维生素缺乏症)can be occurredC.hereditary and genetic metabolic disorders are the most common causes of infantile hepatitis syndromeD.biliary atresia(胆道闭锁)is common cause of infantile hepatitis syndrome E.the main route infants get HBV infection is mother-to-child transmission. 40.With regard to the assessment of the severity of dehydration in children, which one is not the important evidence?A.urinary output(尿量)B.serum sodium C.fontanel(前囟)D.skin pinch(皮肤弹性)E.peripheral circulationType Ⅱ: True or false ( 1 point for each, total 10 points).1.The characteristics of neonatal bilirubin(胆红素)metabolism are over-production of bilirubin, insufficient transportation of bilirubin, immaturity of liver function, andenhanced enterohepatic circulation. ()2.The most basic pathophysiology of bronchopneumonia is hypercapnia(高碳酸血症). ()3.Lumbar punctur e(腰穿)s hould be performed in every child suspected with bacterial meningitis(脑膜炎).()4.Iron deficiency(缺铁)results in decreased synthesis of RBC and Hb, which lead to the equal decreased RBC and Hb, microcytic/hypochromic anemia.(小细胞低色素贫血)()5.If a APSGN patient get hypertention, higher than 150/120 mmHg, we can diagnosis Hypertensive encephalopathy(高血压脑病). ( ) 6.On physical assessment, the Weight for age and length for age represent growth level. ( ) 7.Solid food should be introduced between 2 and 3 months. ( ) 8.The host factor related to Toxic Bacillary Dysentery(中毒性菌痢)is hypoimmunity(免疫低下). ( ) 9.Pathogenesis of rabies is not related to viremia(病毒血症). ( ) 10.The rash of Hand-foot-mouth disease (手足口病) mainly appears on the trunk.( ) Type Ⅲ: Fill in blanks ( 0.5 point for each, total 10 points).1.The pathophysiology of bronchopneumonia including ___________________,__________________和____________________。



2008级临床医学七年制儿科专业考试考试时间: 180分钟题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 评卷人得分一.请选择一个最佳答案(1-30题,每小题1分,共30分):1.下列哪项与母乳抗感染作用无关( )A.分泌型IgA抗体 B.特异性抗体 C.乳铁蛋白 D.双歧因子E.乳白蛋白2.4:3:2溶液的组成成分是10%葡萄糖:生理盐水:1.4%碳酸氢钠( )A.4份:3份:2份 B.4份:2份:3份 C.3份:4份:2份D.2份:3份:4份 E.2份:4份:3份3.新生儿败血症最常见的并发症是( )A.肺炎 B.胸膜炎 C.化脓性脑膜炎 D.骨髓炎 E.肝脓肿4.维生素D缺乏性佝偻病的主要病因是( )A.日光照射不足 B.单纯母乳喂养 C.生长过快 D.疾病影响E.药物影响5.诊断结核性脑膜炎的可靠依据是( )A.发热、呕吐、盗汗 B.PPD试验(+++)至(++++)C.脑脊液常规、生化的典型改变 D.脑膜刺激征E.脑脊液涂片找到抗酸杆菌6.一2.5岁患儿,自幼青紫,有蹲踞现象,胸片示肺血少,最可能的诊断 是( )A.室间隔缺损 B.肺动脉狭窄 C.法洛四联症 D.动脉导管未闭 E.右位心7.麻疹最常见的的并发症是( )A.肺炎 B.喉炎 C.中耳炎 D.脑炎 E.结核播散或活动8.高渗性脱水时血清钠离子浓度( )A.小于130mmol/L B.130-150mmol/L C.小于150mmol/LD.大于150mmol/L E.大于170mmol/L9.新生儿Apgar评分与下列哪项无关( )A.心率 B.呼吸 C.胎龄 D.肌张力 E.对刺激的反应10.我国将围生(产)期定为( )A.自妊娠20周后到生后7足天 B.自妊娠28周后到生后7足天 C.自妊娠20周后到生后14足天 D.自妊娠28周后到生后14足天 E.自妊娠28周后到生后28足天11.小儿前囟闭合的时间约在( )A.3-4个月 B.4-6个月 C.6-12个月 D.1-1.5岁 E.2岁 12.小儿结核性脑膜炎早期的临床表现( )A.前囟门饱满 B.性格改变 C.惊厥 D.脑膜刺激征E.颅内压增高13.营养不良的患儿最早出现的症状是( )A.体重不增或减轻 B.智力发育迟缓 C.肌张力低下D.皮下脂肪减少 E.智力低下14.小儿缺铁性贫血给予铁剂治疗时最好同时口服( ) A.维生素C B.维生素D C.维生素B D.维生素AE.复合维生素B15.头围和胸围相等的年龄:( )A.1岁 B.2岁 C.3岁 D.4岁 E.5岁16.佝偻病后遗症期,主要表现是:( )A.血磷下降,血钙正常 B.睡眠不安及多汗C.X线长骨骼端呈毛刷状改变 D.骨骼畸形 E.肌肉韧带松驰 17.生理性贫血的主要原因是( )A.红细胞生成素减少 B.先天储铁不足 C.铁摄入量不足D.RNA合成减少 E.DNA合成不足18.原发性肾病综合征最常见的并发症为( )A.感染 B.休克 C.血栓形成 D.电解质紊乱 E.营养不良 19.婴儿腹泻重型与轻型的主要区别点是( )A.发热、呕吐 B.每日大便超过10次 C.有水、电解质紊乱 D.大便含粘液、腥臭 E.镜检有大量脂肪滴120.差异性青紫可发生于下述哪种情况下( )A.肺动脉狭窄 B.法洛四联症 C.房缺合并肺动脉高压D.室缺合并肺动脉高压 E.动脉导管未闭合并肺动脉高压21.小儿代谢性酸中毒首选的药物是( )A.乳酸钠溶液 B.林格液 C.碳酸氢钠溶液 D.2:1液 22.化脑并发硬脑膜下积液除外( )A.体温持续不退或复升 B.持续性颅高压C.颅骨透照试验阳性 D.“落日征”23.高热惊厥的特点除外( )A.多见于6个月—3岁小儿 B.发生于体温骤升时C.惊厥停止仍昏睡 D.曾有高热惊厥史24.母乳中钙磷比例是( )A.1:2 B.2:1 C.1:4 D.4:1 25.羊奶喂养儿最容易发生的疾病是( )A.缺铁性贫血 B.佝偻病 C.巨幼红细胞性贫血 D.营养不良 26.乳牙出齐的年龄是( )A.生后4-6个月 B.8个月-1岁 C.1-1.5岁 D.2-2.5岁 27.血钠低于130mmol/L,属于( )A.低渗性脱水 B.等渗性脱水 C.高渗性脱水 D.以上都不是 28.新生儿寒冷损伤综合征最关键的治疗措施是( ) A.保温、复温 B.合理喂养 C.预防感染 D.密切观察病情 29.VitD的主要来源途径是( )A.植物食物中摄取 B.皮肤合成C.动物食物提供 D.以上都是30.正常足月新生儿开始喂母乳的时间是( )A.生后2小时 B.生后1.5小时 C.生后1小时 D.生后半小时 二.请选择出所有的正确答案(31-40题,每小题1.5分,共15分) 31.肺炎并发心衰的主要表现是( )A.呼吸困难,发绀突然加重 B.心率增快C.腹胀如鼓 D.肝脏呈进行性增大 32.尿路刺激征是指( )A.尿频 B.尿急 C.尿痛 D.腰痛 33.急性肾炎患儿合理的饮食是( )A.高蛋白饮食 B.高热量C.多维生素饮食 D.低盐或无盐饮食 34.原发综合征是指( )A.肺部原发感染病灶 B.淋巴管炎C.淋巴结炎 D.消瘦、盗汗 35.法洛四联症是指( )A.肺A狭窄 B.室间隔缺损 C.主A骑跨 D.右心室肥大 36.早产儿的说法是( )A.胎龄﹤37周 B.出生时体重﹤2500gC.出生时身长﹥47cm D.皮肤红润,皮下脂肪丰满 37.2岁小儿的生长发育应达到的指标是( )A.头围48cm B.乳牙14个 C.体重12kg D.身长85cm 38.儿科病史与成人不同的项目是( )A.出生史、生长发育史 B.过敏史C.喂养史 D.预防接种史39.正确服用铁剂的方法是( )A.选二价铁、两餐间服B.加服VitC,禁与牛奶、茶同服C.向患儿和家长解释出现药物的一般反应不必停药D.面色红润,Hb恢复正常后即可停药40.对于生理性黄疸正确的描述是( )A.生后2-3天出现黄疸B.足月儿血清胆红素≤221umol/L(早产儿<257μmol/L)C.7-14天消失(早产儿3-4周)D.除轻度黄疸外一切情况正常三.名词解释: (每题2分,共10分)1.原始反射:22.extramedullary hemopoiesis: 3.生理性腹泻4.过期产儿:5.Eisenmenger's syndrome:四.简答题:(每题5分,共25分) 1.维生素D缺乏性佝偻病的临床表现:2.结核菌素试验的临床意义:3.小儿原发性肾病综合征的诊断标准以及临床特点:4.川崎病的诊断标准:5.Please discuss in brief the clinical characters of the neonatal pathologic jaundice:3五.病例分析:(共20分)病史摘要:男婴,10个月,近10天来发热,(T 38℃左右),多哭闹,易激惹,睡眠不安,食欲不振,偶吐。



小儿外科学习题一、小儿外科学总论1.哪一项不是小儿消化道畸形的临床表现特点:A.症状出现早,发展快B.以肠梗阻的症状和体征为主C.多以急腹症就诊,因此腹痛是其最主要的症状D.呕吐是其较有特征性的症状E.在描述呕吐症状时,要注意呕吐物的颜色、呕吐动作表现、呕吐与腹部形状、呕吐与排便2.小儿软组织感染强应性反应中最主要的临床表现:A.局部红肿不明显B.全身中毒反应明显C.早期脓肿形成D.炎症反应不明显E.皮肤早期坏死3.新生儿皮下坏疽多发生在什么季节:A. 冬季B.春季C.夏季D. 秋季E.一年四季4.祖国医学中早已有对“脐风”的描述,“脐风”是指哪种小儿外科疾病:A.脐炎B.分娩后新生儿脐残端出血C.破伤风D.脐茸E.脐膨出5.关于新生儿体温调节的描述哪一项是错误的:A.新生儿体温调节中枢发育不成熟B.新生儿体表面积相对较大,体温易丧失C.汗腺功能不成熟,通过出汗调节体温功能差D.新生儿代谢率高,容易发热E.环境温度容易影响体温的升降6.学龄期儿童颌下淋巴结炎,可引起颌部广泛水肿、疼痛,用感染的变异性来解释,恰当的解释是:A.正应性反应B.强应性反应C.弱应性反应D.无能性反应E.变态性反应7.从学科分类上理解,小儿外科是:A.一级学科B.二级学科C.三级学科D.四级学科E.五级学科8.以下哪一项不是儿童骨折特点:A.青枝骨折B.骨膜下骨折C.骨骺分离D.粉碎性骨折9.以下消化道畸形发病率最高的是:A.美克耳憩室B.肠狭窄C.肠重复畸形D.肠旋转不良10.甲胎蛋白高可以帮助什么肿瘤的诊断:A.良性畸胎瘤C.血管瘤D.肌肉瘤E.淋巴肉瘤11.尿3甲氧基4羟基杏仁酸(VMA)是什么肿瘤的瘤标:A.神经纤维瘤B.神经节细胞瘤C.神经母细胞瘤D.肾母细胞瘤E.淋巴肉瘤12.恶性肿瘤应采取什么治疗措施:A.手术B.化疗C.放疗D.生物E.综合治疗13.国内常作为小儿肿瘤初步筛选并作为手术前后的随诊检查是:A.超声无创性检查B.CTC.MRID.MRAE.X片14.恶性肿瘤中有退化趋向的肿瘤是:A.肾母细胞瘤B.神经母细胞瘤C.恶性畸胎瘤D.横纹肌肉瘤E.肝母细胞瘤15.恶性肿瘤中有退化趋向的肿瘤是:A.肾母细胞瘤C.恶性畸胎瘤D.横纹肌肉瘤E.肝母细胞瘤16.生后数年内可自行消退的血管瘤是:A.蔓状血管瘤B.杨梅状血管瘤C.葡萄酒色斑D.静脉曲张E.海绵状血管畸形17.多数血管瘤的诊断主要依据是:A.临床表现B.彩超C.肿瘤穿刺D.CTE.血管造影18.对于小儿血管瘤以下描述不正确的是A.属先天性错构瘤B.小儿最常见的良性肿瘤C.男性多于女性D.病理类型多种多样E.治疗方法繁多,预后差别大19. 囊状淋巴管瘤伴出血时与血管瘤鉴别主要依据为:A.B超B.外观形态C.穿刺有淡黄液体D.穿刺为不凝血E.CT标准答案1.C2.B3.A4.C5.D6.B7.C8.D9.A 10.B11.C 12.E 13.A 14.B 15.B 16.B 17.A 18.C 19.D二、烧伤整形外科1.先天性唇腭裂发生的部位多见于:A.上唇左侧B.上唇右侧C.上唇双侧D.上唇正中E.下唇正中2.先天性唇腭裂中以哪一种类型发生率最高:A.单纯唇裂B.单纯腭裂C.唇裂伴腭裂D.唇裂伴口角裂E.唇裂伴鼻裂3.目前的研究发现先天性唇腭裂的发生中,有家族背景的所占比例大约为:A.75%左右B.50%左右C.28%左右D.15%左右E.8%左右4.先天性腭裂的发病机制是:A.两侧腭窦未能与前腭和鼻中隔接触融合B.上颌间窦质组织发育不良C.中鼻窦间窦质组织发育不良D.中鼻窦与侧鼻窦融合障碍E.舌的机械阻碍作用5.目前公认的先天性唇腭裂发病原因的主要学说是:A.遗传学说B.感染中毒学说C.营养学说D.环境相关学说E.多基因与环境多因素综合作用的阈值学说6.一名小儿的上唇左侧唇红裂开,右侧唇红至鼻底裂开,正确的诊断应为:A.双侧唇裂B.双侧一度唇裂C.双侧二度唇裂D.双侧三度唇裂E.双侧混合性唇裂7.目前流行的单侧唇裂整复术术式是:A.三角瓣法B.矩形瓣法C.保留前唇全长法D.Millard式旋转推进法E.“z”形瓣法标准答案1.A2.C3.C4.A5.E6.E7.D三、胸心外科1.先天性漏斗胸的病因和以下哪项无关:A.肋软骨过度发育B.膈中心腱过短C.先天性后鼻夹肥厚D.缺钙E.以上都无关系2.先天性漏斗胸对生理的影响主要是:A.生长发育B.消化系统C.呼吸循环系统D.神经系统E.运动系统3.Nuss手术的适合年龄是:A.新生儿B.婴幼儿C.学龄前D.学龄以上儿童E.都适合4.评价漏斗胸严重程度最重要的指标是:A.肺功能B.心功能C.运动耐受性D.漏斗指数E.以上都不是5.先天性膈疝最主要的病理特点是:A.肺发育不良B.肺受压C.消化道畸形及功能障碍D.膈肌裂孔E.血流动力学改变6.危重型膈疝在新生儿科或产科既应做好哪“三管”准备?A.气管插管、胃管、肛管B.气管插管、胃管、静脉插管C.胃管、肛管、静脉插管D.气管插管、胃管、动脉插管E.气管插管、动脉插管、静脉插管7.法乐氏四联症姑息性手术的主要目的:A.降低右室负荷B.减少心内分流C.增加肺循环血量D.改善体循环E.改善心功能8.室间隔缺损哪些不宜手术治疗:A.年龄大于5岁B.缺损直径大于主动脉直径C.合并动脉导管未闭D.器质性肺动脉高压E.合并脑发育不全9.先心病介入治疗的优点:B.损伤小;康复较快C.没有明显禁忌症D.能治疗心内复杂畸形E.无治疗并发症F.以上都是10.TOF根治性手术的禁忌证有哪些?B.左心发育不良,舒张末期容积<25/m2体表面积C.周围肺血管发育不良,M率<1.5D.肺动脉闭锁且周围肺动脉发育不良E.顽固性心衰,内科治疗无效F.以上都是11. 先心病亚急诊手术是针对:发作频繁A.阵发性缺O2B.顽固性心衰C.肺炎难以控制D.以上都是E.以上不全是12.先心病术后常见并发症有:A.心律失常B.低心排综合征C.肺部并发症D.出血E.以上都是。



Type Ⅰ: Single choice (1 point for each, total 40 points).1.What is the most serious and common complication(并发症)of neonatal sepsis (新生儿败血症)?A.purulent meningitis(化脓性脑膜炎)B.pneumonia C.osteoarthritis(骨关节炎)D.infection of urinary tract E.abscess(脓肿)2.What is the most common couple of pathogen of neonatal sepsis in current China? A.group B streptococcus (B群链球菌),staphylococcus epidermidis (表皮葡萄球菌)B.staphylococcus (葡萄球菌),colon bacillus (大肠杆菌)C.staphylococcus epidermidis (表皮葡萄球菌),Klebsiella pneumonia (克雷伯杆菌) D.Pseudomonas aeruginosa (绿脓杆菌),Acinetobacter (不动杆菌) E.Bacteroides fragilis (脆弱类杆菌),Clostridium agni (产气莢膜杆菌) 3.Which proof is the most valuable for diagnosis of hypoxic-ischemic encephalo- pathy (HIE)?A.clinical manifestation B.cranial ultrasound C.cranial CT scan D.cranial MRI E.serum CPK-BB4.What is the most common pathogen in neonatal TORCH infection? A.Toxoplasma(弓形体)B.Herpesvirus(单纯疱疹病毒)C.Syphilis(梅毒)D.Cytomegalovirus(巨细胞病毒)E.Rubella virus(风疹病毒)5.The most basic pathophysiology of bronchopneumonia is:A.Hypoxia(低氧血症); B.Hypercapnia (高碳酸血症); C.Sepsis (败血症); D.Toxinemia(毒血症); E.Acidosis(酸中毒)6.Point out the most common group of pathogens to induce bacterial meningitis in children.A.Neissria meningitides(脑膜炎双球菌), Streptoccus pneumoniae(肺炎链球菌), Group B streptococci;B.Neissria meningitides, Streptoccus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae(流感嗜血杆菌);C.Neissria meningitides, Staphlococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae; D.Staphlococcus aureus (金黄色葡萄球菌), Streptoccus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae;E.Neissria meningitides, Streptoccus pneumoniae, Staphlococcus aureus. 7.Which one is the most common complication of bacterial meningitis: A.Ventriculitis(脑室管膜炎)B.Hydrocephalus(脑积水)C.Subdural effusion(硬膜下积液)D.DeafnessE.Epilepsy(癫痫)8.In the following diseases, which one will usually not result in mirocytic/hypo- chromic anemia (小细胞低色素贫血).A.Iron deficiency anemia B.Thalassemia (地中海贫血)C.Ankylostomiasis (钩虫病)D.Chronic blood loss E.Vitamin B12 deficiency9.According to morphologic classification, mirocytic/hypochromic anemia is: A.MCV 85fl, MCH 30, MCHC 33% B.MCV 96fl, MCH 33, MCHC 35% C.MCV 70fl, MCH 25, MCHC 33% D.MCV 70fl, MCH 25, MCHC 30% E.MCV 80fl, MCH 30, MCHC 33%10.Which one is the most probable etiology of acute glomerulonephritis in children:A.Group B, α-hemolytic streptococci(B组α溶血性链球菌)B.Group A, β-hemolytic Staphylococcus(A组β溶血性葡萄球菌)C.Group A, β-hemolytic streptococci(A组β溶血性链球菌)D.Escherichia coli(大肠埃希氏菌)E.Swine influenza(猪流感病毒)11.The treatment rule of nephritic syndrome(肾炎综合征)is:A.use steroids(激素)B.use diuresis(利尿剂)C.use antibiotics D.hemodialysis(血液透析)E.symptomatic treatment12.What is the definition of mass proteinuria(蛋白尿)in nephrotic syndrome(肾病综合征)in children:A.Proteinuria ≥10mg/kg/24h B.Proteinuria ≥20mg/kg/24h C.Proteinuria ≥30mg/kg/24h D.Proteinuria ≥50mg/kg/24h E.Proteinuria ≥100mg/kg/24h13.Most common complication of nephrotic syndrome in children is:A.Acute renal failure B.Hyperemia(循环充血)C.Hypertensive encephalopathy(高血压脑病)D.Thrombosis(血栓形成)E.Infection14.Critical time of embryotic cardiac development(胚胎心脏发育)in ________ of gestation:A.1~2 weeks B.2-4 months C.8~12 weeks D.2~8 weeks E.2~8 months15.Differential cyanosis(差异性青紫)is outstanding feature of:A.ASD B.VSD C.PDA D.TOF E.PS 16.Changes of pulmonary(肺循环)and systemic circulatory(体循环)flow(血流)in VSD are:A.both increased B.both insufficiencyC.Pulmonary insufficiency, systemic increasedD.both normal E.Pulmonary increased, systemic insufficiency 17.The most important pathological change and factor associating with pathophysio- logy and clinical manifestation in TOF is:A.ASD B.VSD C.aorta overriding(主动脉骑跨)D.Right ventricular hypertrophy(肥厚)E.pulmonary stenosis (肺动脉狭窄)18.About congenital hypothyrodism, what is the irreversible impairment(不可逆性损伤)?A.low metabolism B.growth retardation(生长迟滞)C.mental retardation(智力低下)D.unusual body features(异常体态)E.delaying in development(发育延迟)19.For diagnosis growth hormone deficiency(生长激素缺乏症), what test is necessary for final diagnosis?A.randomizing growth hormone testB.exercise test(运动试验)C.sleep testD.one drug provocative test(单药刺激试验)E.two drugs provocative test(双药刺激试验)20.Presentation may imply primary immunodeficiency(s) is:A.Recurrent infection B.Failure to thrive(发育障碍)C.Autoimmunity(自身免疫疾病)D.Positive family history E.Malignance(恶性肿瘤)21.The embryonic period(胚胎期)ends and the fetal period begins at gestational age: A.5 weeks B.9 weeks C.12 weeks D.16 weeks E.20 weeks 22.The age of peak of height velocity (PHV) for most children is:A.9-11 years old for boys, 8-10 years old for girlsB.11-13 years old for boys, 11-13 years old for girlsC.11-13 years old for boys, 9-11 years old for girlsD.14-16 years old for boys, 12-14 years old for girlsE.9-11 years old for boys, 11-13 years old for girls23. The number of primary teeth (乳牙)that generally erupt(萌出)in children by 3 years of age is:A.4 B.8 C.12 D.16 E.20 24. Which of the following is not an expected finding in an 18-month-old?A.Uses scissors(剪刀)B.Scribbles on paperC.Pulls self to stand D.Understands “no”E.Indicates wants25. Pincer grip is an expected finding at what age?A.3 months B.6 months C.9 monthsD.14 months E.12 months26. Which of the following is not an expected milestone during two to four months of age?A.Posterior fontanel(后囟)closesB.Transfers objects from one hand to the otherC.Decrease in head lag when pulled to sitD.Follows objects 180 degreesE.Smiles to others responsively27. Correct sequence for attainment of gross motor milestones is:A.head control, rolling over, pulls to stand, sits without supportB.head control, rolling over, sitting up, pulls to standC.rolls over, sits without support, head control, pulls to standD.sits without support, lifting head, pulls to stand, walks alongE.pulls to stand, walks along table, sits without support, head control28.Based on an infants caloric requirements, how many calories per day does a8-month-old who weights 10 kg require?A.950kcal B.1200kcal C.1100kcal D.800kcal E.850kcal 29.Besides swelling of parotids(腮腺), which manifestation below is most commonly found in mumps(腮腺炎)?A.pancreatitis(胰腺炎)B.carditis(心脏炎)C.pneumonia D.meningoencephalitis(脑膜脑炎)E.hepatitis 30.Which of the following statement is false:A.Both mumps patient with apparent parotitis and the subclinical patient are of the transmission sources of mumpsB.Most mumps parotitis are bilateral, other than one side parotid involvement C.Pain, swelling, tenderness and redness over the glands are characteristics of mumps D.Some patients have the submandibular gland inflammationE.Epididymitis is associated with orchitis in most cases31.The most common complication of measles is:A.otitis media B. pneumonia C.laryngitis D.exacerbation of tuberculosis E.cutaneous infection32.Which of the following is the most sever complication of Hand-foot-mouth disease (手足口病)?A.secondary cutaneous bacterial infections(皮肤继发细菌感染)B.cervical lymph adenitis C.encephalitisD.actue bacterial sepsis E.arthritis33.The most reliable evidence for the diagnosis of Tuberculosis Meningitis(结核性脑膜炎,TBM)is:A.Mental status changes B.Positive result of PPD C.Headache and vomiting D.Convulsion and coma E.Detected mycobacterium tuberculosis in CSF34.The most commonly impaired cranial nerve in TBM is:A.Facial nerve B.Oculomotor nerver (动眼神经) C.Abducens nerve (外展神经) D.Trochlear nerve (滑车神经) E.Auditory nerve (听神经)35.The most reliable evidence for Tuberculosis Meningitis(TBM)diagnosis is: A.mental status changes B.positive result of PPDC.headache and vomiting D.detected mycobacterium tuberculosis in CSF E.convulsion and coma36.The characteristics in Excitive stage of Rabies(狂犬病)is:A.numbness at the site of bite B.convulsion and coma C.aggressiveness(攻击性)D.numbness(感觉麻木)of whole body E.hydrophobia(恐水症)37.All the following statements about Toxic Bacillary Dysentery(中毒性菌痢)are true except:A.The age of peak incidence is 2~7 years oldB.Its pathogen is different from other types of Bacillary DysenteryC.The season of peak incidence is in summerD.It onsets abruptly and progresses rapidlyE.There maybe no Diarrhea when septic shock occurs38.The key step to treat septic shock(感染性休克)is:A.Corticosteroids(皮质激素)B.Vasoactive agents(血管活性剂)C.Initial fluid resuscitation D.Cardiants(强心剂)E.Heparin39.Which of the following about infantile hepatitis syndrome is wrong?A.CMV is the main pathogen.B.Fat-soluble avitaminosis(维生素缺乏症)can be occurred.C.Hereditary and genetic metabolic disorders are the most common causes of infantile hepatitis syndrome.D.Biliary atresia(胆道闭锁)is common cause of infantile hepatitis syndrome. E.The main route infants get HBV infection is mother-to-child transmission. 40.The course of the anti-tuberculous theray in children with TBM is:A.3~6months B.6~9 months C.9~12months D.12~15months E.18~24monthsType Ⅱ: True or false ( 1 point for each, total 10 points).1.Adenovirus(腺病毒)is the most common pathogen of bronchiolitis. ( ) 2.Children with iron deficiency anemia(缺铁性贫血)may have decreased attention span(注意力)a nd alertness(反应性), problem with learning ability. These problems are due to the anemia caused hypoxia in brain. ( ) 3.APSGN(急性链感后肾炎)in children is a kind of immune associated disease, so it is a self-limited disease. ( ) 4.The most common of cyanotic congenital heart disease(青紫型先心病)after one-year-old is TOF. ( ) 5.For treatment of congenital hypothyroidism, when symptoms improve, we may stop thyroxine(甲状腺素). ( ) 6.The development delayed for a child aged 5 months will be suggested by being unable to lift his head steadily. ( )7.Macronutrients include protein, fat and carbohydrate. ( ) 8.Pathogenesis of rabies is related to viremia。



青海卫生职业技术学院护理专业《儿科护理学》试卷(C卷)学号 姓名 班级1.小儿体格发育的两个高峰期是A .青春期、学龄期B .学龄期、学龄前期C .青春期、幼儿期D .青春期、婴儿期E .学龄期、新生儿期 2.小儿语言发育三个阶段的顺序是A .发音、理解、表达B .理解、表达、发音C .表达、理解、发音D .听觉、发音、理解E .模仿、表达、理解 3.判断急性肾小球肾炎患儿能够恢复上学的主要指标是A .水肿消退,肉眼血尿消失B .水肿消退,尿常规转为正常C .水肿消退,血压正常D .血沉、补体恢复正常E .水肿消退,尿蛋白正常 4.正常小儿前囟闭合最晚的年龄是A .10个月B .1岁半C .1岁8个月D .2岁半E .3岁5.不属于1岁以内婴儿计划免疫的是A .脊髓灰质炎疫苗B .肺炎链球菌疫苗C .麻疹疫苗D .百日咳疫苗E .乙肝疫苗6.对1~2个月婴儿以下哪项不宜作为辅食A .鲜果汁B .青菜汁C .米汤D .代乳粉E .蛋黄 7.维生素D 缺乏性手足搐搦症发生惊厥是由于血清中A .钾离子浓度降低B .钠离子浓度降低C .氯离子浓度降低D .钙离子浓度降低E .磷离子浓度降低 8.新生儿开始排便的时间常为生后A .24小时B .36小时C .48小时D .60小时E .72小时9.中性温度是指:A .肛温B .腋温C .皮温D .环境温度E .口温 10.新生儿硬肿症复温的要求是。

A .迅速复温B .4~8h 内体温恢复正常C .6~12h 内体温恢复正常D .12~24h 内体温恢复正常E .24~48h 内体温恢复正常 11.新生儿颅内出血不适宜的措施是。

A .保持安静,尽量避免惊扰B .早期使用甘露醇以降低颅内压C .烦躁不安、惊厥时可用镇静剂D .可使用维生素K 1以控制出血E .神经细胞营养药 12.在生长发育过程中,正常小儿应在几岁乳牙出齐A .1岁B .1岁半C .2岁半D .3岁E .3岁半13.早产儿的特点有:A .头发分条清楚B .足底纹理少C .皮肤毳毛少D .乳腺有结节E .指甲达到指尖 14.生理性黄疸多于:A .生后第2~3天出现,约2周左右消退B .生后第4~10天出现,约2周左右消退C .生后第24小时内出现,3天内进行性加重D .生后第4~7天出现,约10天左右消退E .生后7天出现,进行性加重15.婴儿腹泻,对其应采取的护理措施,以下哪项护理措施错误A .详细记录出入水量B .加强臀部护理C .腹胀时应注意有无低钾血症D .急性腹泻早期应使用止泻剂E .呕吐频繁者应禁食补液 16.下列哪项是与急性肾炎发病有关的细菌A .金黄色葡萄球菌B .大肠杆菌C .链球菌D .肺炎双球菌E .流感嗜血杆菌17.ORS 液的张力为A .1/5张B .1/4张C .1/3张D .1/2张E .2/3张 18.小儿肺炎最主要的发病机制是A .缺氧B .二氧化碳潴留C .毒血症D .酸中毒E .水钠潴留 19.下列哪些是佝偻病活动初期的主要表现A .方颅B .肋骨串珠C .出牙延迟D .肌张力低下E .易激惹、多汗 20.法洛四联症不应出现的症状是A .蹲踞B .贫血C .突然晕厥D .杵状指(趾)E .活动耐力下降21.一健康男孩,体重10.5kg ,身长80cm ,出牙12枚,前囟已闭,胸围大于头围,其月龄最可能是 A .9个月 B .12个月 C .18个月 D .24个月 E .20个月22.新生儿,生后半小时。



儿科学试卷及答案一、试卷一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 以下哪项不属于儿童生长发育的一般规律?A. 生长发育的连续性和阶段性B. 生长发育的不平衡性C. 生长发育的个体差异性D. 生长发育的定向性E. 生长发育的周期性2. 儿童体重增长最快的时期是:A. 新生儿期B. 婴儿期C. 幼儿期D. 学龄前期E. 学龄期3. 儿童身高增长最快的时期是:A. 新生儿期B. 婴儿期C. 幼儿期D. 学龄前期E. 青春期4. 儿童智力发展的高峰期是:A. 新生儿期B. 婴儿期C. 幼儿期D. 学龄前期E. 青春期5. 儿童心理发展的关键期是:A. 新生儿期B. 婴儿期C. 幼儿期D. 学龄前期E. 学龄期二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)6. 儿童生长发育的四个阶段分别是:新生儿期、婴儿期、______、学龄期。

7. 儿童智力发展的三个关键期分别是:0-3岁、______、12-15岁。

8. 儿童身高增长的两个高峰期分别是:婴儿期、______。

9. 儿童体重增长的两个高峰期分别是:新生儿期、______。

10. 儿童心理发展的四个阶段分别是:信任-不信任阶段、自主-羞愧阶段、______、自我同一性阶段。

三、判断题(每题2分,共20分)11. 儿童生长发育的规律是连续性和阶段性。

()12. 儿童生长发育的不平衡性表现为身高和体重的增长速度不一致。

()13. 儿童生长发育的个体差异性表现在体格、智力、性格等方面。

()14. 儿童智力发展的高峰期在青春期。

()15. 儿童心理发展的关键期在学龄期。

()四、问答题(每题10分,共30分)16. 简述儿童生长发育的一般规律。

17. 简述儿童智力发展的关键期及其重要性。

18. 简述儿童身高和体重增长的特点。

二、答案一、选择题1. E2. B3. E4. E5. C二、填空题6. 幼儿期7. 4-7岁8. 青春期9. 婴儿期10. 主动-内疚阶段三、判断题11. √12. ×13. √14. ×15. ×四、问答题16. 儿童生长发育的一般规律包括:连续性和阶段性、不平衡性、个体差异性、定向性。

















2 •呼吸暂停系指呼吸停止时间达15-20秒,或虽不到15秒,但伴有心率减慢(〈100次/分),并出现紫纽及四肢肌张力卜•降。






二、单选题1. E2. D3. B4. D5. E6. E7. A8. D9. A 10. C三、简答题1.母乳喂养的禁忌证。






4 •咽•结合膜热的表现.咽■结合膜热多发春夏季,可流行。






(2) IDE: SF decrease, FEP increase
(3) IDA: SF decrease, FEP increase, SI decrease, TIBC increase, TS diminished, hypochromic microcytic anemia.
(1) Physical growth: W 8 Kg, L 70 cm
severe hypervolemia, hypertension encephalopathy^ acute renal failure
Febrile seizure
energy, macronutrients^ micronutrients^ other dietary dements
8X4X9 NhomakorabeaX
Type HI: Fill in blanks (0.5 point for each, total 10 points)*
poor iron store, poor dietary iron intake, overdevelop, iron absorption disorder, iron loss



重庆医科大学2013—2014学年第一学期《中医学》考试试卷考试方式:闭 卷 考试时间:120分钟试卷适用年级及专业:2010级七年制 (临床医学、儿科方向)2010级五年制 (临床医学、儿科方向)一、名词解释(每题2分,共10分) 1.六淫:2.异病同治:3.畏寒:4.藏象:5.得气:二、填空题(每空1分,共30分)1.我国现存最早的医学理论著作是______ _______。

2.阴阳偏盛(胜)的治疗原则是______ ____,阴阳偏衰的治疗原则是_____ _____。

3.面色青的主病为___ ____、___ ____、_____ ____及____ ____。


5.望诊中病人出现目光乏神,精神倦怠,动作迟缓,气短懒言,反应迟钝,面色少华,属于望神中的______ 。


7.用阴阳学说来说明人体的病理变化,阴盛(胜)则__ ___、阳盛(胜)则___ ___、阴虚则_____ ___、阳虚则_____ __。

8.中医学理论体系的主要特点是_____ ____、______ ____、____ ______。




12.发热有时间性,如潮汐之有定时,一般在午后或入夜为甚,称为____ __。


14.久病精气衰竭的病人,突然精神好转,食欲大增,颧红如妆,语言不休,此属___ __。



17.凡以消食药为主组成,具有消食健脾、除痞化积等作用,以治疗_ _的方剂,称为消导剂。



儿科学试题(含答案)一、单选题(共100题,每题1分,共100分)1.脑膜炎双球菌可致A、坏死性皮疹B、丘疹C、猩红热样皮疹D、淤点淤斑E、斑疹正确答案:D2.营养性巨幼红细胞性贫血的骨髓象最有特征性的改变是()A、原红及早幼红细胞增高B、各期红细胞巨幼变C、骨髓造血细胞显著增生D、网织红细胞增高E.各期白细胞巨幼变正确答案:B3.急性肾炎重症病例多在起病1 ~ 2周内出现()A、多尿B、严重循环充血C、低钾血症D、休克E、多饮正确答案:B4.新生儿期应给子预防接种的疫苗是A、卡介苗,乙肝疫苗B、百日咳、白喉.破伤风三联疫苗C、脊髓灰质炎疫苗D、流脑度苗麻疹疫苗正确答案:A5.早发型新生儿败血症的常见致病菌( )A、GBSB、葡萄球菌C、肺炎链球菌D、李斯特菌E、大肠杆菌正确答案:E6.双亲之一肥胖者,后代肥胖发生率是A、10%~ 14%B、70%~ 80%C、30% ~ 40%D、51%~ 60%E、40%~ 50%正确答案:E7.多关节肿痛,并发虹膜睫状体炎A、急性肾炎B、风湿热C、幼年特发性关节炎D、感染性心内膜炎E、过敏性紫癜正确答案:C8.诊断小儿贫血血红蛋白数值下列正确的是()A、5~11岁<120g/LB、1~4个月 < 120g/LC、新生儿< 135g/LD、6个月至5岁< 130g/LE、4~6个月 < 90g/L正确答案:A9.肾小球疾病发病机制是()A、免疫介导型炎症病变B、感染性炎性病变C、炎性介质介导型D、非免疫非感染性病变E、免疫复合物介导型正确答案:A10.下列不是先天愚型的临床表现的是A、智力障碍B、心率慢,心音低钝C、体格发育延迟D、特殊面容E、肌张力低下正确答案:B11.百白破混合疫苗接种的时间是A、8个月B、3个月C、2个月D、4岁E、新生儿正确答案:B12.阿托品中毒可用的解救药物为()A、注射新斯的明B、注射解磷定C、0.5%活性炭D、注射安乃近E、注射安定正确答案:A13.足月儿,男,9天,出现呼吸急促、口唇发绀、吸气性凹陷1 天。



儿科学考试题库绪论与小儿生长发育容易:1普通:2.3.45较难:6.7.81.婴儿体重4kg,前囟1.5cm×1.5cm,后囟0.2cm,能微笑,头不能竖立,最可能的月龄是(C)A.生后7天D.生后34个月2.牙16只,会用勺子吃饭,会说2~3个字构成的句子,最可能的年龄是(B)A.1岁B.2岁D.4岁E.5岁3.健康儿,能大笑,开始能发出“爸爸”、“妈妈”之复音,脊柱出现第二个生理弯曲,对“再见”还不懂,其年龄可能是(C)A.3-4个月B.5-6个月月4.正常10个月小儿,下列哪项属不正常(D)A.体重8.5kgB.身长73cmD.头围48cmE.能推车走几步5.正常婴儿,体重7.2kg,能独坐一会儿,能用手摇玩具,能辨认熟人和陌生人,最可能的年龄是(C)A.4个月B.5个月6.女孩,5岁,出现下列那种情况不属于行为问题(D)A.屏气发作B.遗尿症C.儿童擦腿综合症D.学习障碍E.吮拇指癖7.关于4个月婴儿,下列说法哪项不妥(A)A.啼哭应考虑系看见陌生人所致C.尚未出牙E.能抬头与挺胸8.小儿体检时摄腕部X线照片,示腕部骨化中心有钩骨、头状骨、三角骨,该小儿最可能的年龄属(B)A.婴儿期B.幼儿期小儿营养及营养性疾病容易:普通:较难:困难:个月的健康小儿,体重6.5kg,每日需要多少8%的糖牛奶和水分(C)8%糖奶(m) 另给水分(m)500BcDE 60070080080010.4个月人工喂养儿,平时多汗,易惊夜啼,突然双眼直视,反复四肢抽动数次,抽后EBD.D.D先.B静继高颅.C、合B.肺天D脉发.D血B透腹动2:3:1胞、体.性动输压光呋痛脉112%B病内胆脉入肺.B脑检D导塞用.毒有道压高结激加病查发管米乳治闭肺感减张核素B强热未酸(.疗锁炎染轻速葡中维肌营B闭钠C量.B灶.长萄生尿注心D养.结.维输程糖素维)力肌,核生白适疗补A生衰注性缺蛋素当法充素竭右脑乏白D补热D60旋口膜充量糖服炎万维酐EIUC生.、铁大素4:3:2便情况D 收住院进一C.步百确白诊破混合制剂BB.、新DB口.E、2:6;1生房D并..唇儿间脑D类B发B呈.湿脊.隔白B婴化营能B樱.肺D、B 液缺.蛋腺儿、B血养脓苯红补独甲支、损白病低轻性丙色充泼走气D静毒.血度酮缺尼管静点大脑自D糖低尿铁葡龙肺脉.量膜B发禁髓、症渗性萄冲注炎维性食外测性糖贫击射生低造母血脱酸血疗葡素C血乳糖水钙C法萄、.糖新糖13生酸号儿钙染肺色炎体D、B.D精黄.BB艾神疸.B听E D脑森.BD萎到肺新抗.婴D能白曼B埃靡、D B生杂血胸儿.、D爬质格可,呼先、无减儿音部痉素烦B台中重综营病、吸天镇特少颅处X挛躁应阶度B合线养毒腺道性静内、激殊能症不低B用征摄不病出合D肾止、支触素治安、渗滲片毒血良腺胞上痉到部气疗查性肺病症腺震分管方血脱炎毒颤皮敏肺法常水肺质感炎规炎增型生症BDB左B.D皮高、左心DBDB肤渗左.心房D性、糖右.有性心血增150~180ml/ks输质原心出脱房从大注柔累房B血水缺增D.白和积心扩DB停点损重大.、蛋,症导大新用一处度呼白激管生D 进般维高吸、素C毛术儿入2生.渗道肺级口依适细胎右素性合炎以服当赖支心粪胞脱D支下苯限及气型吸病水原巴制管钙入毒体比水炎综剂肺妥入合炎量症DD、左.D肾左B心B.BD.强小心.病曾房婴左B管房的毒B.、经、.儿心身酸、性肾松肺有左B痉室长中左脑.静25mg,部.结PTH心挛扩D营毒膜脉核体.BD室症大、新.养炎正血感征6中增分生隔C性常栓染出B结度大儿日.C混形现红适核低肺顿成合较当HbF细渗性透服性晚限性胞脑明贫(2)制脱体膜血水积炎病入增E量.7大分HbA2(%)D、100~120mlkgBB.BD.D.新.D金.6.无个B非生低D黄B.菌、D.月镇钙典儿.色中B性D喘肾B、能静血D暂.型B度葡、.脑坐憋D胸先、上独症剂高时分.贫低萄膜D高、部天B坐地D保腺治胰.性血、.B支球炎红呼X性新中.证危疗岛线呼重钙身菌杆细吸肾生海象呼素摄度吸长肺菌困胞上儿贫血吸片低增炎感难数腺症低血道渗快于染的皮血性畅症正质减脱糖通常增少水,生比吸症血氧红蛋白减少明显B.急DD.DB性.B.9B房组合新胃D个..D测血B间β胞改生B.肠月.B极.定隔尿支B病.溶为儿D 炎用、能室腕重D尿、.B血缺气氨毒羊轻、独先B1/3蛋部间度低常、苯损肺奶管基性适度生走D 天白Ⅹ隔贫血B.以规丙张喂炎酸当、理链窒新D线性血同缺镁收氨.养2/3性用检生息球体摄甲损化缩酸腹脱儿查片菌重状张类期浓泻肝水不感,10mlk腺为固度炎药增染.功主醇5或能制减C减剂.轻7~8低C.测症个血月清苯丙氨酸EDB..10致生C.-D病后休12D.D肺新性15.克D个B测.动BD生大天.D尿月风.定D.右脉BD原儿肠、ⅤtD粘心详动B D血B.心狭.发缺、埃等.血多病细脉新酪淋制窄房型氧以希张1/2合电病痰糖,体导生氨剂巴BD风高肺缺舒菌并解毒液检.大格管D儿酸治细张胸湿心结于血肠感质性细查量检未值低疗胞部活衰,10ml/kg核上性期炎染腹菌查闭血转X跃脑为、泻培线E糖化.病主下养摄头CC实降腔。



重庆2024年07版小学英语第4单元真题考试时间:90分钟(总分:110)A卷考试人:_________题号一二三四五总分得分一、综合题(共计100题)1、填空题:_____ (deciduous) trees lose their leaves in winter.2、听力题:The sun is ______ (setting) in the evening.3、What do you call a young dolphin?A. CalfB. KitC. PupD. Cub4、听力题:I enjoy _____ (fishing/hunting) in the summer.5、填空题:The snow is _______ (白色的).6、听力题:The chemical symbol for aluminum is ______.7、What is the name of the planet we live on?A. MarsB. EarthC. VenusD. Jupiter答案: B8、填空题:My favorite character is __________ (超级英雄) because he is very brave.9、填空题:The __________ (历史的印记) is indelible.A mixture that can be separated by physical methods is called a ______.11、听力题:Birds lay ______ to have baby birds.12、What do you call the act of giving someone something for free?A. GiftingB. DonatingC. SharingD. Offering答案: B13、What is the capital of Japan?A. TokyoB. KyotoC. OsakaD. Hiroshima答案: A14、听力题:The bunny hops through the _____ tall grass.15、填空题:During winter, it sometimes ________ (下雪). I like to make ________ (雪人) with my friends.16、ssance began in Italy in the __________ (14世纪). 填空题:The Rena17、填空题:The rabbit's ______ (嗅觉) is very strong.18、填空题:My pet hamster is very ______ (有趣) to watch.19、听力题:They are __________ to the store.20、填空题:My mom is a fantastic __________ (厨师).21、填空题:Grass is a common type of ______ found in many parks.(草是许多公园中常见的植物类型。

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Type Ⅰ: Single choice ( 1 point for each, total 40 points).1.The embryonic period(胚胎期)ends and the fetal period begins at gestational age: A.5 weeks B.9weeks C.12weeks D.16weeks E.20weeks 2.The age of peak of height velocity (PHV) for most children is:A.9-11 years old for boys, 8-10 years old for girlsB.11-13 years old for boys, 11-13 years old for girlsC.11-13 years old for boys, 9-11 years old for girlsD.14-16 years old for boys, 12-14 years old for girlsE.9-11 years old for boys, 11-13 years old for girls3.The number of primary teeth(乳牙)that generally erupt in children by 3 years of age is:A.4 B.8 C.12 D.16 E.20 4.Which of the following is not an expected finding in an 8-month-old?A.Palm grasp B.Shy with strangers C.Sit without support D.Babbling “mama”E.Indicates wants5.Transferring object for hand to hand is an expected finding at what age?A.3 months B.5 months C.7 monthsD.9 months E.11 months6.Which of the following is not an expected milestone during two to four months of age?A.Posterior fontanel(后囟)closesB.Transfers objects from one hand to the otherC.Decrease in head lag when pulled to sitD.Follows objects 180 degreesE.Smiles to others responsively7.The recommended daily dietary allowance of vitamin A in infancy is:A.50ugRE(160IU) B.100 ugRE C.200 ugRE D.400 ugRE E.1000 ugRE8.By 4 to 6 months, the first food introduced to formula fed infant is:A.Iron-fortified infant cereal B.Formula milk C.Egg D.Fresh cow’s m ilk E.Cow’s milk fortified with Vit A, D 9.The most common complication of measles is:A.otitis media B.pneumonia C.laryngitis D.exacerbation of tuberculosis E.cutaneous infection10.All the following statements about Toxic Bacillary Dysentery are true except: A.The age of peak incidence is 2~7 years oldB.Its pathogen is different from other types of Bacillary DysenteryC.The season of peak incidence is in summerD.It onsets abruptly and progresses rapidlyE.There maybe no Diarrhea when septic shock occurs11.The key step to treat septic shock is:A.Corticosteroids B.Vasoactive agents C.Initial fluid resuscitation D.Cardiants E.Heparin12.Which one of the following is the most common complication of varicella? A.secondary cutaneous bacterial infections B.cervical lymph adenitis C.encephalitis D.actue bacterial sepsis E.arthritis 13.The most reliable evidence for Tuberculosis Meningitis(TBM)diagnosis is:A.Mental status changes B.Positive result of PPD C.Headache and vomiting D.Convulsion and coma E.Detected mycobacterium tuberculosis in CSF14.The most commonly impaired cranial nerve in TBM is:A.Facial nerve B.Oculomotor nerver (动眼神经) C.Abducens nerve(外展神经) D.Trochlear nerve (滑车神经) E.Auditory nerve(听神经)15.The course of the antituberculous theray in children with TBM is:A.3~6months B.6~9 months C.9~12months D.12~15months E.18~24months16.The most common cause of infantile hepatitis syndrome in China is:A.CMV B.HBV C.Metabolic diseases D.Bacterium E.Congenital Biliary malformation17.Besides swelling of parotids, which manifestation below is most commonly found in mumps?A.pancreatitis B.carditis C.pneumonia D.meningoencephalitis E.hepatitis18.Which of the following statement is false:A.Both mumps patient with apparent parotitis and the subclinical patient are of the transmission sources of mumpsB.Most mumps parotitis are bilateral, other than one side parotid involvement C.Pain, swelling, tenderness and redness over the glands are characteristics of mumps D.Some patients have the submandibular gland inflammationE.Epididymitis is associated with orchitis in most cases19.The characteristics in Excitement stage of Rabies is:A.numbness at the site of bite B.convulsion and coma C.aggressiveness D.numbness of whole body E.hydrophobia(恐水)20.Which of the following about infantile hepatitis syndrome is wrong?A.CMV is the main pathogenB.Fat-soluble avitaminosis can be occurredC.Hereditary and genetic metabolic disorders are the most common causes of infantile hepatitis syndromeD.Biliary atresia is common cause of infantile hepatitis syndromeE.The main route infants get HBV infection is mother-to-child transmission. 21.What is the most common pathogen of bronchiolitis (毛细支气管炎)? A.Mycoplasma pneumoniae B.RSV C.Staphlococcus aureus D.Adenovirus E.Parainfluenza22.Which combination is pathogenic bacteria of neonatal septicemia in China currently:A.GBS and Staphylococcus epidermidis(表皮葡菌)B.staphylococci and E coliC.Staphylococcus epidermidisand and Klebsiella(克雷伯杆菌) D.Pseudomonas aeruginosa(绿脓杆菌)、不动杆菌E.Bacteroides fragilis (脆弱类杆菌)、产气莢膜杆菌23.The most common complication of neonatal septicemia is:A.purulent meningitis (化脑)B.pneumoniaC.ostarthritis (骨关节炎)D.urinary tract infectionE.abscess (脓肿)24.For diagnosis of Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) of newborn, which is the best valuable?A.clinical manifestation B.cranial ultrasound C.brain CT scan D.cranial MRI E.serum CPK-BB25.Which is the most common pathogen in neonatal TORCH infections:A.Toxoplasma B.Herpesvirus C.Syphilis D.Cytomegalovirus E.Rubella virus26.What is the definition of mass proteinuria in Nephrotic syndrome in children?A.Proteinuria≥10mg/kg/24h B.Proteinuria≥20mg/kg/24h C.Proteinuria≥30mg/kg/24h D.Proteinuria≥50mg/kg/24h E.Proteinuria≥100mg/kg/24h27.What is the commonest cause of congenital hypothyroidism(甲状腺功能减低症)?A.Dysgenesis (发育不全)B.Dyshormonogenesis(激素合成障碍)C.Central hypothyroidism D.Thyroxine resistanceE.Drug induced28.When is the optimal time for thyroxine replacement therapy?A.Within 3weeks after birth B.Within 1 month after birthC.Within 2 month after birth D.Within 3 month after birth E.Within 4 month after birth29.Which one can better help us to distinguish congenital hypothyroidism from congenital mega colon (先天性巨结肠):A.severe constipation (便秘) B.abdominal distension (腹胀)C.umbilical hernia(脐疝)D.eating problemE.thyroid function and X-ray30.Which one can better help us distinguish the growth hormone deficiency from that constitutional delayed puberty and growth in clinic?A.growth slower than peer (同龄人) B.growth velocity over than 5cm/year C.delayed puberty D.normal body ratioE.Bone age delayed 1-2 year31.The commonest sign indicates primary immunodeficiency (原发性免疫缺陷病) is:A.Family history B.Failure to thrive (生长迟缓) C.Recurrent infection (反复感染) D.Autoimmune (自身免疫)E.Allergy (过敏)32. In which of the following primary immunodeficiency disease, BCG (卡介苗) is prohibited:A.X linked agammaglobulnemia (X连锁无丙种球蛋白血症)B.X linked severe combined immunodeficiency (X连锁重症联合免疫缺陷) C.Chronic granulomatous disease (慢性肉芽肿病)D.Complement deficiencies (补体缺陷)E.Common variable immunodeficiency (普通变异免疫缺陷)33.Which is the most important medicine in Nephrotic syndrome treatment?A.Steroids B.Furosemide (速尿) C.Albumin D.Cyclophosphamide (环磷酰胺) E.IVIG 34.Point out the most common group of pathogens that induce bacterial meningitis in children.A.Neissria meningitides(奈瑟脑膜炎双球菌), Streptoccus pneumoniae(肺炎链球菌), Group B streptococci(链球菌);B.Neissria meningitides, Streptoccus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae(流感嗜血杆菌);C.Neissria meningitides, Staphlococcus aureus (金黄色葡萄球菌), Haemophilus influenzae;D.Staphlococcus aureus, Streptoccus pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae; E.Neissria meningitides, Streptoccus pneumoniae, Staphlococcus aureus.35.The most common pathology type of Nephrotic syndrome in children is:A.Mesangial (肾小球膜) Proliferative NephritisB.Diffused Mesangial ProliferationC.Minimal change Nephritis (MCN)D.None minimal change NSE.Focal Segmental Glomerulo-Sclerosis (FSGS) (局灶性节段性肾小球硬化)36.For a patient suffering from bacterial meningitis without a definite pathogen , which is the most reliable duration of antibiotic therapy in the following choices:A.1 week B.10~14 days C.2~3 weeks D.3~4 weeks E.4~6 weeks.37.The most basic pathophysiology of bronchopneumonia is:A.Sepsis (败血症)B.Hypercapnia (高碳酸血症)C.Hypoxia(低氧血症)D.Toxinemia (毒血症)E.Acidosis (酸中毒)38.Pneumonia of which the manifestation is not typical should be diagnosed by:A.Gas analysis B.Chest X-ray C.Complete blood cell D.Blood culture E.Sputum test39.A boy, 6-years-old, 20kg, heart examination:3/6 systonic murmur in 2~3 rib left along breastbone, P2 strengthen, and fixed splitting (固定分裂), the most possible diagnosis is ?A.ASD B.VSD C.PDA D.TOF E.PS 40.Squatting(蹲踞现象)is a very important feature ofA.ASD B.VSD C.PDA D.TOF E.PSType Ⅱ: True or false ( 1 point for each, total 10 points).1.On physical assessment, the Weight for age and length for age represent growth level. ( ) 2.Solid food should be introduced between 2 and 3 months. ( ) 3.The rashes of Varicella mainly appear on the extremities(四肢). ( ) 4.Meningeal Irritation occurs in the stage 2 of tuberculous meningitis. ( ) 5.Pathogenesis of rabies is related to viremia(病毒血症). ( ) 6.Diagnosis of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy(HIE) could not be done until imaging assessment available. ( ) 7. APSGN(急性链感后肾炎)in children is a kind of immune associated disease, so it is a self-limited disease. ( ) 8.The most common of cyanotic congenital heart disease(青紫型先心病)after one-year-old is TOF. ( ) 9.For treatment of congenital hypothyroidism, when symptoms improve, we may stop thyroxine(甲状腺素). ( ) 10.Once being diagnosed, patients with CGD(慢性肉芽肿病)should initiate IVIG replacement therapy. ( ) Type Ⅲ: Fill in blanks ( 0.5 point for each, total 10 points).1.The period for infant is .2.Macro-nutrients include , ,and . 3.The common ways to cause Tuberculous meningitis in children areand . 4.According to clinical manifestations, Toxic Bacillary Dysentery can be typed as , and .5.in sialaden(唾液腺) involved by mumps virus flows back into bloodstream, therefore its level is elevated in blood and urine in mumps patient. 6.What are the typical clinic features of congenital hypothyroidism inchildren: , , ,.7.Typical manifestations of severe nephritic syndrome include, and .8.Complications of CHD of left to right shunt include pneumonia, ,, .Type Ⅳ: Questions and answers (13 points).1.Please describe the clinical manifestations of Exanthem stage of typical measles. (5 points)2.What is differential cyanosis(差异性青紫)? (4 points)3.Risk factors for recurrent febrile seizures(热性惊厥复发的危险因素)(4 points)Type Ⅴ: Case discussion (27 points)1.A pediatrician is asked to see Charlie, aged 18 months, because his mother is concerned that he is not walking. Her other children walked before they were a yearold. Assessment of his fine motor skills and vision shows that he scribbles with a pencil. He is able to build a tower of there bricks. He has a vocabulary of around 20 words and clearly understands simple commands. He is able to feed himself with a spoon and tries to undress himself. (10 points)1) Apart from his gross motor skills, is his development within normal limits?2) List the three most likely reasons why he is not walking?3)What’s your suggestion?2.A 1-year-old girl (her weight is 11kg) is brought into the clinic in 15th,Nov.2009. She presents with a history of passing 10-15 water stools and vomiting at least four times in the last 48 hours. The vomit is stomach contents which is not projectile. No mucus and blood are found in her stools. She gets a low fever and mild cough. Her mother tells you that her urine decreases and seems very thirsty to drink. Examination: she has a clear mind but appears to be restless and irritable, her eyes depress and she has a dry buccal mucosa. The skin returns slowly in pinch but no mottled poor capillary is observed. There is no specific finding about her heart and lung in auscultation.Her serum sodium is 138mmol/L. (5 scores)a)What is the most likely diagnosis?b)And give two differential diagnoses of it?c)Please assess the severity of dehydration and the type of dehydration of thischildd) Which examination should be performed to confirm your diagnosis?3.Tod, age four months, is sent at home by his general practitioner because of two days of rapid, laboured breathing and poor feeding. He was born at 27 weeks’ gestation, birth weight 979g and was discharged home at three months of age. On examination he was a fever of 37.4 C and a respiratory rate of 60 breaths/min. His chest is hyperinflated with marked intercoatal recession. On auscultation there are generalized fine crackles and wheezes. ( 6 points )(1)What is the most likely diagnosis? (1.5 points)(2)List important points to diagnosis? (3 points)(3)On arrival at the Accident and Emergency department(急诊室)his oxygen saturation shows 88%. What is the initial management? (1.5 points)4.Boy with 8mo, gradual pale for 2 moths. No bleeding noted. G3P2,big one of the twin, born at 30 weeks, birth weight 1.8kg. breast feeding after birth, no other food added. PE: T370C,P120次/分,R40次/分,W7.0kg; look pale. No jaundice, liver: 3cm below the costal margin ,spleen:0.5cm below costal margin。
