• 12月25日:圣诞节 • 对于为了躲避冬季酷寒而习惯蜗居家中庆祝圣诞 的北半球游客,在白雪皑皑的冬季,圣诞老人赶 着驯鹿,拉着装满玩具和礼物的雪橇挨家挨户给 孩子们送礼物的画面,已经先入为主地成为大多 数人脑海中经典的圣诞景象。你可曾想到,地处 地球另一端的澳大利亚,人们却在拥抱着烈日炎 炎、热情似火的“仲夏圣诞节”。 (澳大利亚是南 半球的国家之一。十二月底,正当中国在寒风呼 啸中欢度圣诞节时,澳大利亚正是热不可耐的仲 夏时节。)
大堡礁(英文:Great Barrier Reef),是世界最大最长的珊瑚礁 群,位于南半球,它纵贯于澳洲的 东北沿海,北从托雷斯海峡,南到 南回归线以南,绵延伸展共有2011 公里,最宽处161公里。有2900个 大小珊瑚礁岛,自然景观非常特殊。 大堡礁的南端离海岸最远有241公 里,北端较靠近,最近处离海岸仅 16公里。在落潮时,部分的珊瑚礁 露出水面形成珊瑚岛。在礁群与海 岸之间是一条极方便的交通海路。
• 2月14日:情人节 • 悉尼中国春节之后,紧接着就是西方的情 人节,悉尼无疑是享受情人节的梦幻天堂。 设想一下,在黄昏时刻,从悉尼港登上豪 华的双体帆船,体验黄昏鸡尾酒会巡游。 你们可以在环形码头下船,步行几步来到 悉尼歌剧院,观赏美妙的演出,然后在中 场休息时举杯同饮一樽美酒,共享悉尼港 的缤纷夜景。
• •
国花 金合欢(Golden wattle, 拉丁语 学名:Acacia pycnantha)
• 1. 悉尼鱼市的鲜活海鲜 2. 墨尔本维多利亚女王市 场的精致蘑菇大餐 3. 布里斯班河边的牛肉烹 饪表演
4. 北领地沙滩夜市的鳄鱼 肉
• 5. 南澳巴罗莎山谷的 农家菜
6. 西澳玛格丽特河的 蟹贝佳肴 7. 塔斯曼尼亚的特 产大会
The intonation of Australian English is relatively gentle, with little fluctuation. The stress of a sentence is usually placed on the content word, especially verbs
Differences with American
Compared to American English, Australian English has a closer pronunciation and vocabulary to British English, but there are differences in some expressions. For example, in American English, "cut" is commonly used to describe people or things, while in Australian English, "sweet" is often used.
Short Vowels
Vowels in Australian English are often pronounced shorter than those in Standard English. For example, the "a" in the word "cat" sounds closer to "æ" in Australian English, while Standard English sounds closer to "a".
The intonation of Australian English is relatively gentle, with little fluctuation. The stress of a sentence is usually placed on the content word, especially verbs
Differences with American
Compared to American English, Australian English has a closer pronunciation and vocabulary to British English, but there are differences in some expressions. For example, in American English, "cut" is commonly used to describe people or things, while in Australian English, "sweet" is often used.
Short Vowels
Vowels in Australian English are often pronounced shorter than those in Standard English. For example, the "a" in the word "cat" sounds closer to "æ" in Australian English, while Standard English sounds closer to "a".
Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre
濛雨 李知
• MCEC - Australia's most versatile convention and exhibition facility
• '6 Star Green Star' environmentally rated convention centre in the world
Institutional Design and Highly Commended Sustainable Project • 2010 National Architecture Awards - Public Architecture Award • 2010 Australian Event Awards - Best Achievement in Catering • 2009 BPN Sustainability Award • 2009 SmartCompany Web Award • 2009 IMAX Green Supplier Gold Award • 2009 AIME Best Environmental Supplier Award • 2008 Meeting&Events Industry National AwardsBanqueting&Careting
The design: one of the most impressive architectural and environmental buildings in Australia.
Convention hall
Melbourne Exhibition & Convention Centre
濛雨 李知
• MCEC - Australia's most versatile convention and exhibition facility
• '6 Star Green Star' environmentally rated convention centre in the world
Institutional Design and Highly Commended Sustainable Project • 2010 National Architecture Awards - Public Architecture Award • 2010 Australian Event Awards - Best Achievement in Catering • 2009 BPN Sustainability Award • 2009 SmartCompany Web Award • 2009 IMAX Green Supplier Gold Award • 2009 AIME Best Environmental Supplier Award • 2008 Meeting&Events Industry National AwardsBanqueting&Careting
The design: one of the most impressive architectural and environmental buildings in Australia.
Convention hall
中央美术学院是教育部 直属的唯一一所高等美术学 校,于1950年4月由国立北 平艺术专科学校与华北大学 三部美术系合并成立,由毛 泽东为学院题名。学院现设 有造型学院、中国画学院、 设计学院、建筑学院、人文 学院、城市设计学院六个专 业学院,并设有继续教育学 院和附属中等美术学校。学 院以其高度的历史责任感, 思考中国美术发展的全局, 把握和引领中国美术教育的 教学实践和学术建构,引导 中国美术教育的进程,成为 中国美术院校的代表。
哈佛大学是美国最 早的私立大学之一, 是以培养研究生和 从事科学研究为主 的综合性大学,哈 佛大学是全美第一 所大学,美国独立 战争以来大量的革 命先驱都出自于哈 佛的门下。哈佛大 学被誉为美国政府 的思想库。这里先 后诞生了八位美国 总统,40位诺贝尔 奖得主和30位普利 策奖得主。这里也 培养了缔造了微软、 IBM、Facebook等 一个个niversity of Cambridge)位于英 格兰的剑桥镇,是英国 也是全世界最顶尖的大 学之一。英国许多著名 的科学家、作家、政治 家都来自于这所大学。 剑桥大学也是诞生最多 诺贝尔奖得主的高等学 府,88名诺贝尔奖获得 者曾经在此执教或学习, 70多人是剑桥大学的学 生。剑桥大学和牛津大 学(University of Oxford)齐名为英国的 两所最优秀的大学,被 合称为“Oxbridge”剑 桥大学还是英国的名校 联盟“罗素集团” (Russell Group of Universities)和欧洲的 大学联盟科英布拉集团 (Coimbra Group)的 成员。
湖南大学是历史悠久、 声誉斐然的著名大学, 现为教育部直属全国 重点大学,国家“211 工程”、“985工程” 重点建设高校。学校 起源于中国古代四大 书院之一、创建于公 元976年的岳麓书院。 历经宋、元、明、清 等时势变迁,始终保 持着文化教育的连续 性,历时千年、弦歌 不绝。1903年书院改 制为湖南高等学堂, 1926年正式定名湖南 大学。先后经湖南高 等学堂、省立湖南大 学、国立湖南大学、 湖南大学、中南土木 建筑学院等时期,沧 桑砺洗、春华秋实。 深刻反映了中国教育 制度的变迁,成为中 国高等教育发展史的 一个缩影。被誉为 “千年学府,百年名 校”。
澳大利亚英文介绍 (课堂PPT)
The University of Sydney
The University of Melbourne
Kangaroo Dromaius novaehollandia Koala Myrmccobius fasciatus Cygnus atratus Giant pandas
Sydney Opera House
Jorn Utzon
Australia is a modern country of immigrants, a strong proponent of the Administration and grass dwelling, protecting the environment, so here are each of a city as beautiful as the Garden. The 17,336,000 existing population, the United Kingdom and other European countries the immigrant population accounted for about 95% of the total, the official language is English. Christian residents accounted for 98%, a small number of people believe in Judaism, Islam and Buddhism. 澳大利亚是个现代化的移民国家,政府当局大力提倡栽花种草、保护环境,所以 这里的每一座城市都像花园一样美丽。该国现有人口1733.6万,英国和其他欧洲 国家的移民后裔约占总人口的95%,官方语言为英语。居民中信奉基督教的占 98%,少数人信奉犹太教,伊斯兰教和佛教。
The University of Sydney
The University of Melbourne
Kangaroo Dromaius novaehollandia Koala Myrmccobius fasciatus Cygnus atratus Giant pandas
Sydney Opera House
Jorn Utzon
Australia is a modern country of immigrants, a strong proponent of the Administration and grass dwelling, protecting the environment, so here are each of a city as beautiful as the Garden. The 17,336,000 existing population, the United Kingdom and other European countries the immigrant population accounted for about 95% of the total, the official language is English. Christian residents accounted for 98%, a small number of people believe in Judaism, Islam and Buddhism. 澳大利亚是个现代化的移民国家,政府当局大力提倡栽花种草、保护环境,所以 这里的每一座城市都像花园一样美丽。该国现有人口1733.6万,英国和其他欧洲 国家的移民后裔约占总人口的95%,官方语言为英语。居民中信奉基督教的占 98%,少数人信奉犹太教,伊斯兰教和佛教。
European Settlement
First permanent colony The group found the Botany Bay is an unsuitable choice, so they moved north to Sydney on January 26, 1788, a date now celebrated as Australia day. Here, Phillip established Britain’s first permanent colony. New colonies: Hobart in Tasmania (1804) Brisbane at Moreton Bay (1824) Albany in Western Australia (1826)
3、Australia is widely known as "the Dry Continent" due to its low rainfall.The aridity of Australia stems from its proximity to the equator.
4、The hot and dry conditions of Australia bring about recurring droughts across the country. The 1895 to 1903 drought is considered Australi's worst draught in terms of severity and scale.
➢Darwin: the capital of the Northern Territory; the only large city in northern Australia
European Settlement
First permanent colony The group found the Botany Bay is an unsuitable choice, so they moved north to Sydney on January 26, 1788, a date now celebrated as Australia day. Here, Phillip established Britain’s first permanent colony. New colonies: Hobart in Tasmania (1804) Brisbane at Moreton Bay (1824) Albany in Western Australia (1826)
3、Australia is widely known as "the Dry Continent" due to its low rainfall.The aridity of Australia stems from its proximity to the equator.
4、The hot and dry conditions of Australia bring about recurring droughts across the country. The 1895 to 1903 drought is considered Australi's worst draught in terms of severity and scale.
➢Darwin: the capital of the Northern Territory; the only large city in northern Australia
四. Melbourne Olympic Games
Melbourne was the host city of 16th Olympic Games in 1956 .
Some famous spots in Melbourne
1. Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne (墨尔本皇家植物园)
ranksห้องสมุดไป่ตู้19th all over the world .
一 . Melbourne
Melbourne is the second largest city in Australia ,and it is the capital of the state of Victoria (维多利亚). As they found a mount of gold there , it has an alias(别名) the alias is new gold mountain .
2. Royal Melbourne Exhibition Building(墨尔本皇家展览馆) (1)It finished in one year ,1880 . (2)There hold the World Exhibition or Exposition between 1880—1881 .
3. The penguin island The penguin island have 17 kinds of penguin, more than 10000 .
4. The University of Melbourne It started at 1853 ,it ranks(排) 1st in Australia ,
会馆、潮州会馆、福建会馆、南番顺会馆(南 海、番禺、顺德),有些ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้馆的牌匾刻于清咸 丰年间,这些距今已有百年的老会馆,颇具历 史价值,古今风物并存,让墨尔本唐人街别具 一格
-有轨电车 有轨电车(Tram)是墨尔本的特色之 是墨尔本的特色之 有轨电车 一,墨尔本是澳大利亚唯一拥有有轨 电车的城市。 电车的城市。
墨尔本的友好城市(姐妹城市) 墨尔本的友好城市(姐妹城市)包括 ■中国天津,1980年成为友好城市 中国天津, 年成为友好城市 ■日本大阪 ■俄罗斯圣彼得堡 ■美国波士顿 ■意大利米兰 ■希腊塞萨洛尼基(希腊第二大城市) 希腊塞萨洛尼基(希腊第二大城市)
墨尔本皇家植物园 (Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne) 墨尔本皇家展览馆 (Royal Melbourne Exhibition Building ) 库克船长的小屋
电车餐厅( 电车餐厅(Colonial Tramcar Restaurant) )
高等院校 墨尔本大学 The University of Melbourne 莫纳什大学 Monash University 墨尔本皇家理工大学 RMIT University 斯威本科技大学 Swinburne University of Technology 拉筹伯大学 La Trobe University 维多利亚科技大学 Victoria University of Technology 迪肯大学 Deakin University
墨 尔 本 大 学
墨尔本大学是具有教学和研究优良传统的大学, 墨尔本大学是具有教学和研究优良传统的大学, 2006年世界排名 ,墨尔本大学在人权法、电子 年世界排名22,墨尔本大学在人权法、 年世界排名 通讯和医学研究方面占据领先地位。 通讯和医学研究方面占据领先地位。这所建立于 1853年的大学的毕业生在政治、文化、学术和经 年的大学的毕业生在政治、 年的大学的毕业生在政治 文化、 济领域均有杰出表现。 济领域均有杰出表现。2006年被时代世界大学排 年被时代世界大学排 行榜列为澳大利亚毕业生雇佣价值最高的大学。 行榜列为澳大利亚毕业生雇佣价值最高的大学。 【大学特色】 大学特色】 墨尔本最老的大学,成立于1853年。入学和 墨尔本最老的大学,成立于 年 毕业的门槛都很高,属于典型的难进难出的大学, 毕业的门槛都很高,属于典型的难进难出的大学, 学术水平和科研水平长期居于权威水准。 学术水平和科研水平长期居于权威水准。毕业生 的就业率极高,深受雇主欢迎。 的就业率极高,深受雇主欢迎。
经济商业学院 一个系部,2名诺贝尔奖教授、7名澳大利亚社会科学院院士;以最广泛的课程 设置、最高质量的商科教育、最优秀的师资和最出色的毕业生闻名遐迩;毕业生 就业率和起薪点远高于国内平均水平。会计专业毕业生为四大会计师事务所抢聘; 保险精算研究教学中心排名澳洲前三;科研力量雄厚,教学支持和学习辅导有口 皆碑。商学院连续三年被评为亚太地区名列前茅的商学院。
墨尔本大学继承了欧洲学院制学府的传统,在校园内设置了十三所住宿学院(residential college,一种传统的
大学住宿模式,学生在教学区上课但是生活在各自的学院区内,各学院拥有自己的院徽、传统以及社团活动)、奥 蒙德学院〔Ormond College〕、三圣学院〔Trinity College〕、大学学院〔University College〕、珍妮特· 克拉克学 院〔Janet Clarke Hall〕、女王学院(Queen's College)等十余家附属学院。各院散落校园北部,多为维多利亚时 期的新哥特建筑风格。
墨大工程学院 实力雄厚,学科众多。工程学院有13个研究中心,涉及超宽带信息网络、环境 水利、地理信息系统与模型、空间数据基础设施与土地管理、
1862年建立,澳洲第一所医学院,国内国际知名;澳洲生化研究的领头羊,澳 洲医学研究的前沿和中心。两名诺贝尔奖教授加盟,倾情致力于项目研究。
墨尔本大学,本科学生可以选择各种课程,包括 六种 “ 新生代 ”学位课程。这六种新学位课程既注重 深度(面向至少主修一门学科的学生),又兼顾广 度(面向那些在所学课程中至少要选择 25%的其他 学科课程的学生)。墨尔本大学本科学位为学生的 学习打下广泛基础并赋予其工作技能,使其能够很 快进入职业状态,同时也为学生们今后的研究生课 程学习做好准备。 “ 新生代 ” 学位:文科、生物医药、商业、环境、 音乐、理科。 连修学位:农业、影视、口腔健康、舞蹈、传媒 与通讯、理疗、牙科学、医学/外科学、制药、戏剧 艺术、音乐表演、兽医学、美术、验光、工程。
英语版 澳大利亚介绍 英语国家社会与文化PPT课件
1. Australian National University 澳洲国立大学——about Jackie Chan 2. The University of Sydney 悉尼大学———mathematics method
for stopping gambling
Group of eight 澳洲八大名校
3. The University of Melbourne 墨尔本大学——the best couple 4. Monash University 莫纳什大学——Newton's apple tree
Group of eight 澳洲八大名校
5. The University of Adelaide 阿德莱德大学—— birthplace of the Olympic torch
Gold Coast
Holiday Paradise
Surfers Paradise
Ashcombe Maze
5Hale Waihona Puke A country riding on the sheep's back
Australia is the largest wool producer in the world.
6. The University of New South Wales 新南威尔士大学——RoboCup 机器人世界杯
Group of eight 澳洲八大名校
7. The University of Queensland 昆士兰大学——save female
8. The University of Western Australia 西澳大学——Confucius Institute
for stopping gambling
Group of eight 澳洲八大名校
3. The University of Melbourne 墨尔本大学——the best couple 4. Monash University 莫纳什大学——Newton's apple tree
Group of eight 澳洲八大名校
5. The University of Adelaide 阿德莱德大学—— birthplace of the Olympic torch
Gold Coast
Holiday Paradise
Surfers Paradise
Ashcombe Maze
5Hale Waihona Puke A country riding on the sheep's back
Australia is the largest wool producer in the world.
6. The University of New South Wales 新南威尔士大学——RoboCup 机器人世界杯
Group of eight 澳洲八大名校
7. The University of Queensland 昆士兰大学——save female
8. The University of Western Australia 西澳大学——Confucius Institute
【精品】Australia 澳大利亚介绍英文PPT课件
emu Unusual animals in Austraplatypus
Attractive places in Australia
Beautiful beaches The Great Barrier Reef
Uluru /Ayers Rock Undersea world
History of Australia
Australia’s Aboriginal people were thought to have arrived here by boat from South East Asia during the last Ice Age, at least 50,000 years ago.
A number of European explorers sailed the coast of Australia, then known as New Holland, in the 17th century. However it wasn’t until 1770 that Captain James Cook chartered the east coast and claimed it for Britain.
Population: 21,700,000 (March 2009) Population growth rate: 0.87% Ethnic groups: Caucasian92%, Asian 7%, aboriginal and other 1% (2001) Languages: English 79.1%, Chinese 2.1%, Italian 1.9%, other 11.1%, unspecified 5.8% (2009)
2 3
Cultural and Life
The State Library of Victoria
Princess Theatre
Francis Ormond College
4 Par
A developed city with convenient transport.
Southern Cross Station
Tram Network
Melbourne is a developed city, public transport is very convenient, with trains, trams and buses, it is also a numerous port city. At the same time, Melbourne is home to the world's largest tram network.
Modern skyscrapers
Modern skyscrapers are set back from the street in order to preserve Victorian buildings on Collins Street.
Modern skyscrapers
Carlton Gardens in autumn
Melbourne,the of the named “the
successful integration and the most nature,was suitable
cities”for living of Population Action International for many years.
墨尔本 Melbourne
• It is located on the large natural bay called Port Phillip.
• Melbourne is an international cultural centre with festivals, drama, comedy, music, art, architecture, literature, film and television. • It was the second city to be named a UNESCO City of Literature.
Arts and entertainment
• • • • • • • • • The city of festivals : Adelaide Festival of Arts Fringe Festival Adelaide Cabaret Festival Adelaide Film Festival Adelaide Festival of Ideas Adelaide Writers' Week WOMADelaide Hayley Lever
Where is the wine
• It is an important district for wine producing in the South Australia which is the main producer for Australia • Many famous producing areas : • Barossa Valley • McLaren Vale • Coonawarra • Clare Valley
• Three daily newspapers serve Melbourne: • the Herald Sun • The Age • The Australian .
21、没有人陪你走一辈子,所以你要 适应孤 独,没 有人会 帮你一 辈子, 所以你 要奋斗 一生。 22、当眼泪流尽的时候,留下的应该 是坚强 。 23、要改变命运,首先改变自己。
24、勇气很有理由被当作人类德性之 首,因 为这种 德性保 证了所 有其余 的德性 。--温 斯顿. 丘吉尔 。 25、梯子的梯阶从来不是用来搁脚的 ,它只 是让人 们的脚 放上一 段时间 ,以便 让别一 只脚能 够再往 上登。
66、节制使快乐增加并使享受加也 是耽误 了。——裴斯 泰洛齐 68、决定一个人的一生,以及整个命运 的,只 是一瞬 之间。 ——歌 德 69、懒人无法享受休息之乐。——拉布 克 70、浪费时间是一桩大罪过。——卢梭
名于世的度假胜地。在岛西南面的萨摩兰海 滩,栖息着许多世界上最小的、身高大约30 厘米的神仙小企鹅,故当地人亦称之为“企 鹅岛”。
Royal Melbourne Exhibition Building--墨尔本皇家展览馆
Sports event
Australian Open Tennis Championship
• Australian open is the one of the four grand slam tennis, is also a grand slam the first appearance of a year, in the last two weeks of January each year in Melbourne. • 澳大利亚网球公开赛是国际网球四大满贯 赛事之一,也是大满贯赛事中每年最先登 场的,于每年一月的最后两个星期在墨尔 本举行。
• Crown casino is not only the • 皇冠赌场不仅是澳大 most luxurious Australian's 利亚最豪华最大的赌 largest casino, and the 场,也是南半球最大 southern hemisphere's largest 的赌场皇冠赌场是唯 casino crown casino is the 一的可与拉斯维加斯 only can be comparable to 赌场相媲美的赌场, those of Las Vegas casino 内有350张赌桌、 gambling, there were 350 2500部老虎机,提供 gaming tables and 2500 slot 24小时娱乐,每天入 machines, and provide 24场者达25000人次。每 hour entertainment, admission 天平均输掉246万澳元。 is 25000 visitors a day. Lost an average of 2.46 million Australian dollars every day.
Royal Melbourne Exhibition Building--墨尔本皇家展览馆
Sports event
Australian Open Tennis Championship
• Australian open is the one of the four grand slam tennis, is also a grand slam the first appearance of a year, in the last two weeks of January each year in Melbourne. • 澳大利亚网球公开赛是国际网球四大满贯 赛事之一,也是大满贯赛事中每年最先登 场的,于每年一月的最后两个星期在墨尔 本举行。
• Crown casino is not only the • 皇冠赌场不仅是澳大 most luxurious Australian's 利亚最豪华最大的赌 largest casino, and the 场,也是南半球最大 southern hemisphere's largest 的赌场皇冠赌场是唯 casino crown casino is the 一的可与拉斯维加斯 only can be comparable to 赌场相媲美的赌场, those of Las Vegas casino 内有350张赌桌、 gambling, there were 350 2500部老虎机,提供 gaming tables and 2500 slot 24小时娱乐,每天入 machines, and provide 24场者达25000人次。每 hour entertainment, admission 天平均输掉246万澳元。 is 25000 visitors a day. Lost an average of 2.46 million Australian dollars every day.
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The traffic
The train
• Melbourne is the main public transport in the train .Two main railway station in Melbourne. Melbourne central station is Melbourne landmark buildings. • 墨尔本的主要公共交通工具是市内火车。 墨尔本市内有两个主要火车站。而且墨尔 本中央火车站是墨尔本的标志性建筑物。
名于世的度假胜地。在岛西南面的萨摩兰海 滩,栖息着许多世界上最小的、身高大约30 厘米的神仙小企鹅,故当地人亦称之为“企 鹅岛”。
Royal Melbourne Exhibition Building--墨尔本皇家展览馆
Sports event
Australian Open Tennis Championship
Old Melbourne Gaol--墨尔本旧监狱
• Old prison is located in downtown Melbourne Russell street, built in 1861-1864, the prison became famous, because once imprisoned and executed Australian household teh former great thieves, kelly 。 • 墨尔本的旧监狱位于市中心罗素街,建筑风格独特, 恍如一座庄严肃穆的古城堡,建造于1861-1864年, 曾经是高度设防的监狱,1929年关闭,在第二次世 界大战期间,曾为关押战犯而短暂开放过,现在变成 了旅游景点。这个监狱之所以有名,是因为曾经关押 和处决过澳大利亚昔日家喻户晓的绿林大贼耐德凯利 (Ned Kelly)。
The Twelve Apostles--十ock along the great ocean road is located in the Australian state of Victoria. By the ten million year - old limestone, sandstone and fossil weathered and gradually formed the sea 12 DuanBi rock. Because of the amount and form resembles the twelve disciples of Jesus, so have a good name is "the twelve stone" 十二使徒岩位于澳大利亚维多利亚州的大洋路边上,由 千万年历史的石灰石、沙岩和化石经海水风化而逐渐形 成的12个断壁岩石。因为其数量和形态酷似耶稣的十二 门徒,因此得美名“十二门徒石”
Phillip Island--企鹅岛(菲力浦岛)
• Melbourne is one of the most attractive tourist project on Philip island to visit the penguins, it has become one of the attractions of foreign tourists to visit Melbourne will, • 墨尔本最吸引人的观光项目之一就是在菲力 浦岛上参观企鹅,它已成为国外游客访问墨 where you can see the world's 尔本必去的景点之一,在那里可以看到世界 smallest penguin. 上最小的企鹅。菲利普岛是以神仙小企鹅闻
Formula one motor racing
• Formula one motor racing on the city take turns in 17 countries every year, every year the first RACES of the game is in Melbourne, usually in March every year. Formula one motor racing on the city take turns in 17 countries every year, every year the first RACES of the game is in Melbourne, usually in March every year. • 世界一级方程式锦标赛,简称F1 ,是当今世界最 高水平的赛车比赛,与奥运会、世界杯足球赛并 称为“世界三大体育盛事”。 F1每年在17个国家 的城市轮流举行,每年第一个分站的比赛就在墨 尔本,一般在每年的三月份。
• Melbourne has the world's largest tram network, is also the only city with a tram all Australia. • 墨尔本拥有全球最大的有轨电车网络,也是全澳 大利亚唯一有有轨电车的城市。有轨电车是采用 电力驱动并在轨道上行驶的轻型小编组轨道交通 车辆。有轨电车是一种公共交通工具,亦称路面 电车或简称电车,由于电车以电力推动关系,车 辆不会排放废气,因而是一种无污染的环保交通 工具
• Australian open is the one of the four grand slam tennis, is also a grand slam the first appearance of a year, in the last two weeks of January each year in Melbourne. • 澳大利亚网球公开赛是国际网球四大满贯 赛事之一,也是大满贯赛事中每年最先登 场的,于每年一月的最后两个星期在墨尔 本举行。
墨尔本是澳大利亚的第二大城市,简称墨城, 是繁华的国际大都市之一。墨尔本是维多利
墨尔本这个名称, •Melbourne this name, remember the 是记念英国首相威 兰姆—第二代墨 British prime minister, William lamb - 廉· the second generation of Melbourne 尔本子爵。在澳大 利亚联邦初立的 viscount. At the beginning of the Australian federal state from 1901 to 1901年至1927年, 墨尔本是澳大利亚 1927, Melbourne is the capital of Australia. With the growing prosperity 的首都。随着悉尼 in Sydney, Sydney residents are 的日益繁荣,悉尼 keen to become the capital of 市民十分希望悉尼 Australia in Sydney. The Australian 成为澳大利亚的首 government decided between 都。澳大利亚政府 Sydney and Melbourne to build a 后来决定,在悉尼 new city of Canberra, as a new 和墨尔本之间建造 capital. In 1927, the Australian capital 一个新的城市堪培 Canberra. 拉,作为新首都。 1927年,澳大利亚 迁都堪培拉。
Crown casino
Melbourne Shuffle 墨尔本鬼步舞
The Melbourne Shuffle (also known as Rocking ) is a rave and club dance that originated in the late 1980s in the underground rave music scene in Melbourne, Australia. The basic movements in the dance are a fast heel-and-toe action with a style suitable for various types of electronic music. Some variants incorporate arm movements.People who dance the shuffle are often referred to as rockers, due in part to the popularity of shuffling to rock music in the early 90's.
Colonial Tramcar Restaurant
• The Colonial Tramcar Restaurant is a service provided by the company, the trolley is converted into a Restaurant, the passengers ate and see. Melbourne Is the world's first and only senior restaurant in a streetcar. Melbourne tram restaurant is called romantic travel program, it is because the whole process is dynamic, eating in a marching streetcar browsing street to play and to complete the project. • 电车餐厅是墨尔本电车公司提供的一个服务,电车被改装成餐 厅,乘客边吃边看,电车餐厅是墨尔本电车公司提供的一个服 务,电车被改装成餐厅,乘客边吃边看,墨尔本电车餐厅是全 球第一家,也是唯一开设在有轨电车上的高级餐厅。墨尔本的 电车餐厅之所以被称为浪漫的旅游节目,那是因为整个过程是 动态的,这在行进中的有轨电车上享用美食而完成的浏览街景 的游玩项目。