
新世纪大学英语(第二版)综合教程3课后习题答案完整版UNIT6Listen and RespondTask One Focusing on the Main IdeasChoose the best answer to complete each of the following statements according to the information contained in the listening passage.1) According to the speaker, happiness ________.A) is not easily obtained by poor peopleB) is what movie stars are most eager to obtainC) does not naturally follow wealth or successD) necessarily results from wealth or success2) According to the speaker, happiness lies in the following EXCEPT ________.A) wealth obtained through honest effortB) wealth obtained by winning lotteriesC) your contribution to others’ happinessD) your successful work3) Instead of being an end, happiness is a(n) ________.A) beginningB) processC) unattainable goalD) business of the community4) The passage is mainly about ________.A) the secret to happinessB) the definition of happinessC) the misunderstanding of happinessD) the relationship between happiness and wealthTask Two Zooming In on the DetailsListen to the recording again and fill in the blanks according to what you have heard.1) The world is full of very rich people who are as miserable as if they were living in hell .2) If you obtain wealth through luck or dishonest means , you will not be happy with it. You will think you are a mean person.3) Long-term happiness is based on honesty , and productive work, contribution, and self-esteem.4) If your happiness depends on external circumstances , you will always feel unfulfilled because there will always be something missing .Read and ExploreTask One Discovering the Main Ideas1 Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text A.1) Why did the author bring the news story about T ed Turner to Morrie? Because he wondered how Morrie would r eact to Ted Turner’s failure in―snatching up the CBS network‖. At the same time he wanted to know if T ed Turner would still lament his failure if he were stricken down by the same terminal disease as Morrie was suffering from.2) What problem did Morrie think Ted Turner actually had?His problem was a typical one that Americans all have: Americans tend to value the wrong things.3) Who paid a visit to Morrie the night before? And how did he feel about it?A local acappela group came to visit him. He showed an intense interest in their musical performance and felt excited.4) What did material things mean to Morrie?They held little or no significance to him, especially at a time when he knew his days were numbered. He seemed to know the expression ―You can’t take it with you‖ a long time ago.5) According to Morrie, what are Americans brainwashed into believing? What do they expect from material things?They are brainwashed into believing that it is good to own things. Actually, they are hungry for gentleness, tenderness or for a sense of comradeship and, therefore, they desperately seek after material things as substitutes.6) Does the author think that Morrie was rich? Why or why not?Morrie was far from better off in material things, but he was wealthy in spiritual ways. For years, Morrie hadn’t bought anything new —except medical equipment. And his bank account was rapidly depleting. But he was rich in love, friendship, caring and he derived plenty of satisfaction and gratification from teaching, communication, and such simple pleasures as singing, laughing, and dancing.7) What did Morrie suggest that we should do to find a meaningful life?He advised us to devote ourselves to loving others, to our community around us, and to creating something that gives us purpose and meaning. In other words, if we want to find a meaningful life, we should be ourselves and never show off either for people at the top or for people at the bottom. Instead, we should be kind and candid and ready to offer others what we have to give.2 Text A can be divided into four parts, with the paragraph number(s) of each part provided as follows. Write down the main idea of each part.Part Paragraph(s) Main IdeaOne 1–3 The author brought Ted Turner’s news story to Morrie f or his opinion.Two 4–9 Morrie explained that Ted Turner’s problem was caused by the endlessly repeated stress on the significance of material things.Three 10–14 In order to get happiness, people are trying to substitute material things for love or tenderness, and they fail to distinguish what they want from what they really need in life.Four 15–30 The way to get satisfaction is to offer with an open heart to others what you have to give: devote yourself to loving others, devote yourself to your community around you, and devote yourself to creating something that gives you purpose and meaning.Task Two Reading Between the LinesRead the following sentences carefully and discuss in pairs what the author intends to say by the italicised parts.1) The night before, he had been entertained by a local acappella group that had come to the house to perform, and he relayed the story excitedly, as if the Ink Spots themselves had dropped by for a visit. (Para.5)What Morrie really cared about was spiritual gratification. Even the performance of the local acappella group, whose performance was by no means professional, could give him as much excitement and gratification as the famous Ink Spots would have.2) He would listen to opera sometimes at night, closing his eyes, riding along with the magnificent voices as they dipped and soared. (Para. 5)Sometimes at night he would indulge himself in listening toopera, feeling intoxicated and gratified. Though he was not rich in material things and was suffering from an incurable disease, he spent each day happily.3) The average person is so fogged up by all this, he has no perspective on what?s really important anymore. (Para. 8) As the average person has been brainwashed into believing that material things alone could bring happiness, he or she has lost the ability to think about and decide what is really important in life.4) And then they wanted to tell you about it. …Guess what I got? Guess what I got?? (Para. 9)The repetition of ―Guess what I got?‖ shows the speaker’s uncontrollable excitement and gratification at gobbling up something new.5) Only an open heart will allow you to float equally between everyone. (Para. 23)If you want to be accepted equally and respectably by people both at the top and at the bottom, you must be open-hearted instead of showing off your social status. In other words, you must be yourself, feel free in expressing your real thoughts, opinions, and feelings, be candid and ready to offer others what you have to give.Checking Your VocabularyWord Detective1 Put down the right word from Text B in the space provided according to the given definition. The first letter of each word is already given.Example:i ncredibly: extremely; in a way that is hard to believe1) d iminish: cause to become or seem smaller2) t emporary: lasting only for a limited time3) i nform: give information or knowledge to4) t ruthful: (of a person) who habitually tells the truth5) r ewarding: (of an experience or action) worth doing or having6) s cale: a set of numbers or standards for measuring or comparing7) c ultivate: improve or develop (esp. the mind, a feeling, etc.) by careful attention, training, or study2 Fill in each blank with a word or phrase from Text B. Both the explanation and the number of the paragraph in which the targetword or phrase appears are given in brackets. Be sure to use the proper form.Example:He suddenly became wealthy, which changed his whole mode of life.(a way of behaving, living, operating, etc.: Para. 2)1) Sometimes you may fail even though you’ve tried hard —it’s a fact of life . (sth. that exists and that cannot easily be changed: Para. 1)2) My shoes wear out easily since I like jogging at dusk every day.(be reduced to a useless state by long use: Para. 2)3) He never speaks to me other than to ask for something.(except: Para. 6)4) I’m not sure what her job is, but it has something to do with marketing. (have some connection with: Para. 7)5) The famous actor keeps fit by working out for an hour every day. (exercise to improve physical fitness: Para. 7)6) The salary they’re offering is very attractive , but I stilldon’t want the job. (causing interest or pleasure: Para. 7)7) At school Trudy always e xcelled in languages but didn’t do we ll enough in mathematics.(be the best or better than: Para. 7)8) He has found contentment at last —he now feels he’s the happiest man on earth.(a feeling of happiness or satisfaction: Para. 9)Checking Your Comprehension1 Answer the following questions with the information contained in Text B.1) How do we feel when we get something we really want?We feel happy, but only for a short time. Over time, we get bored with the thing we’ve got.2) What is the difference between material happiness and spiritual happiness? Material happiness is derived from our purchasing power while spiritual happiness means something else altogether, like good friends, a loving spouse, well-raised children, a home built on love, a clear conscience, a worthy goal and a satisfying job. Such things bring us contentment that lasts and has meaning.3) What is the philosophy of the author’s friend?His philosophy is: No matter how much money you make, you always want more. So, one should break free from this cycle and find time to do what he wants.4) What are the ―scales‖ by which we can measure wealth according to the author?The author lists seven ―scales‖ by which we can measure wealth: friends, health, strength, family, knowledge, skill and character.5) What is special about those different types of wealth thatis not measured in dollars?They are not taxed.6) What can bring you lasting and meaningful happiness?They are good friends, a loving spouse, well-raised children, a home built on love, a clear conscience, a worthy goal and a job you truly enjoy. All these things can bring us lasting and meaningful happiness.7) How can we find lasting happiness?Take a look at the world around you and think about what it is that you enjoy and what makes you truly happy.2 Read the following sentences carefully and discuss in pairs what the author intends to say in the following sentences.1) Excellence has its own rewards. (Para. 7)If you excel in the skill you practice daily, you will get a sense of achievement and pride, which will bring you lasting happiness.2) Presumably, knowledge is the one thing you might be able to take with you to Heaven. (Para. 8)If money or anything else has brought you some happiness in life, you have to give it up when you die. But it is not true of knowledge, because the contentment and happiness that knowledge brings might be with you forever even when you die.3) These things are often quite beyond the simple-minded teenagers, but as you mature these things become more important. (Para. 9)We only appreciate such things when we are older, and not as thoughtless teenagers.4) Think about what it is that you enjoy and what makes you truly happy. (Para.10)Try to find out what really makes your life enjoyable andmeaningful. Then you will understand what is most important in life and what is meant by happiness.5) Man does not live by bread alone. (Para. 10)Material happiness is not the only happiness we need. We should have spiritual happiness as well.Enhance Your Language AwarenessWords in ActionWorking with Words and Expressions1 In the boxes below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete the following sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.Text A envious extravagant interpret purchase snatch soar substitute trivial Text B attractive cultivate inform scale spiritual temporary1) —I regret to inform you that there’s nothing we can do to help you.— But I think you should have told us earlier.2) How envious I am that he can attain wha tever he desires while I can’t.3) She’s not beautiful, but I find her very attractive because she seems so full of life and fun.4) He snatched the photos from my hand before I had a chance to look at them.5) I prefer to take a bus rather than drive to work since the price of petrol is soaring .6) It’s difficult for us to interpret these statistics without knowing how they were obtained.7) Smith wasn’t at his best; therefore, he was substituted in the second half of the match.8) Our friendship is strictly spiritual ; we never seek materialbenefits from each other.9) All details concerning the event are to be taken into consideration and nothing will be regarded as trivial .10) The doctors came to the conc lusion that the patient’s blindnes s was temporary and he’d be able to see again after some treatment.11) I want a thermometer that has two scales marked on it, one in Fahrenheit (华氏温度)and the other in Centigrade.12) The teachers in the training center are making great efforts to cultivate in their students the habit of speaking English.13) She wanted to buy those two expensive dresses, but I said it would be too extravagant to buy both of them.14) My parents offered me an amount of money adequate to purchase an apartment, but I’ve decid ed to buy one myself.2 In the boxes below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.Text A cross off cry over drop by look down on on the contrary show off Text B fact of life have a clear conscience havea great deal to do with other than wear out work out1) — You always look fit. How do you manage it?— I work out in the gym two hours every day.2) You didn’t do anything wrong. You should have a clear conscience .3) We missed the last bus; so there was no choice other than to walk home.4) Whether you accept it or not, we must all die some day: it’s just a fact of life .5) —Didn’t you find the film exciting?—On the contrary , I nearly fell asleep half way through it!6) I still cried over his misfortune and prayed for him even though he’d hurt me so deeply.7) The old lady lives alone; some of her nephews drop by to see her occasionally.8) Las t night Robin didn’t walk but drove to the pub in order to show off his new car.9) No one should be looked down on because of his origin, appearance or education.10) She wrote down all the things she planned to do and crossed them off one by one after she did them.11) His old radio finally wore out and it was beyond repair. The poor old man had to go without it.12) Naturally, people do not like being kept in the dark about anything that hasa great deal to do with themselves.Increasing Your Word Power1 Find the preposition from Column B that best matches each adjective in Column A, paying attention to the be+adj.+prep. collocation. Some of the prepositions can be used more than once. Column A Column B1) be fearful of a. for2) be free from/of b. from3) be honest with c. in4) be hungry for d. of5) be intent on/upon e. on6) be keen on f. to7) be overwhelmed with g. upon8) be remindful of h. with9) be rich in10) be envious ofNow fill in each blank in the following sentences with a proper collocat ion you?ve just formed. The verb “be” has already been filled in for you.1) I’m so envious of you getting an extra day’s holiday!2) He was so intent upon/on his work that he didn’t notice the night had fallen.3) The country is quite rich in oil but rather short of water.4) My roommates want to have a party for my birthday, but I’m not keen on the idea.5) After two years of hard work, the family was finally free from/of debts.6) Being fearful of running into that mad man, Emily didn’t take her usual way to the company.7) To be honest with you, I don’t like his casual style of speaking. It was not appropriate for the occasion.8) After reading the advertisement, she immediately logged on to the e-store to order the product she had been hungry for .9) He has kept the broken typewriter on his desk for years, because it is remindful of the days when he was striving to have his first novel published.10) When I started my office job, I was completely overwhelmed with the paperwork: filling in forms, writing emails, minutes (会议记录) and reports for the department. What a load!2 The suffixes -ee, -eer, -ese and -ess are used to form nouns. Study the box below and form words by adding -ee, -eer, -ese and -ess to the words given.-eesomeone who is being treated in a particular way e.g.payee 收款人,领款人someone who is in a particular state or who is doing something e.g. absentee 缺席者escapee 逃跑者,逃犯-eersomeone who does or makes a particular thing e.g.auctioneer 拍卖商,拍卖人-esethe people or language of a particular country or place e.g.Chinese 中国人;汉语Viennese 维也纳(市)的;维也纳(市)的人-ess a female e.g.lioness 母狮子Now do the following exercise according to the example given below. Consult a dictionary if necessary.Example:employ →employee 雇员1) act →actress 女演员2) mountain →m ountaineer 登山运动员3) profit →profiteer 牟取暴利者,投机商人4) refuge →refugee 避难者,难民5) Vietnam →Vietnamese 越南人;越南语6) train →trainee 受训者,实习生7) address →addressee 收件人,收信人Now complete each of the following sentences with a proper word you have just formed, using the plural form where necessary.1) No one at the office could figure out the addressee of the letter, because of the illegible (难以辨认的) handwriting.2) The mountaineer had a leg broken while climbing a cliff and was hospitalized for a month.3) To their greatest amazement, the best film award went toa film featuring (由…主演) an unknown actress .4) In the field work (实习), the trainees will learn skills that are most valued in our company, such as teamwork and communication skills.。

Unit 6Active Reading (1)51overheard 2take…for granted 3wakened 4crept5 clutched 6trim 7beloved61 fragrant 2shepherd 3queer 4 tiptoed 5briskly 6 steady7 1a 2a 3a 4a 5b81 It suggests that his mother is less sentimental and more practical than his father.2 He had been slow in getting up in the morning, meaning that his father had to call him multiple times. Perhaps he had been a little selfish.3 A dagger is sharp and moves quickly, so perhaps the thought was very surprisingand shocking. Also, silver is valuable, and the thought was a very good one.4He was laughing because he knew that his father would be surprised and delighted.He was anticipating his father’s reaction.5It suggests that he always had to work very hard. He had to get up early every morning, even on Christmas Day.6Christmas had been an opportunity for him to show his father he loved him. He believes that love is the real meaning of Christmas.Active Reading (2)3 1d 2a 3b 4c 5b 6d41 justification 2youngsters 3calendar 4charm 5undergoing6dazzling 7feast 8preaches 9good51 a 2a 3b 4b 5a 6a61b 2a 3a 4b 5b 6a 7b 8b81 The world seems small as we can communicate with each other very easily, and people living in it are connected and depend on each other.2To get a feel for something means to have or develop a good knowledge or understanding of something. So, we have to use it to understand it more deeply.3They are not physically blind but follow Western culture without thinking. The blindness here is moral and intellectual rather than physical.4Alarm bells are used to alert people to danger. Scholars and students are not really ringing bells; they are trying to draw people’s attention to the problem.5They just try to ignore something.91 Yes, I think we must take care to preserve our own custom and not become too international.2 No, with modern communication it is inevitable that the world’s cultures are going to mix more and more. We eat hamburgers and Americans love Beijing roast duck.3 No, I think we will all want to preserve our own identity. We can be citizens of the world and at the same time Australian, French or Chinese etc.Language in use11 Be it at Christmas or on any other occasion, people like to spend some quality time with their families.2 Be it in good ways or bad, the world has changed in recent years.3 Be it with a feast or a humble meal, people celebrate festivals in the same way around the world.4 Be they good or naughty, children are blessings.5 Be they scholars or ordinary people, they cannot stop the world from getting smaller.21 That Christmas has become a global festival is not surprising.2 That scholars have expressed concern about the influence of Christmas may be justified.3 That we enjoy an occasion to relax today is no different from our ancestors’enjoying breaks.4 That most of the world follows the Gregorian calendar is the reason we celebrate Christmas.5 That decadence is not the sole preserve of the West is something we need to remember.6 That Jesus was born in the East is something we should not forget.31 Now that his children had grown up and gone, what was the magic of Christmas?2 Now that he knew his father loved him, he promised to get up early and help him with the milking.3 Now that Rob had done the milking, his father considered going back to bed.4 Now that it’s Christmas, everyone seems in a trance.5 Now that Christmas has become a global festival, the Chinese want to relax during those few days as well.6 Now that most of the world follows the Gregorian calendar, the Chinese areinfluenced by its festivals.41 humble beginnings 2granted permission 3undergone…changes4have… charm 5 lose…charm 6humble meal 7worked like a charm Translation6 1908年,安娜·贾维斯在西弗吉尼亚州的格拉夫顿市为自己的母亲举行了一个追思会,这是人们第一次庆祝母亲节这个现代美国节日。
新标准大学英语_综合教程3_课后答案unit 6

Unit6Active reading (1)Last man down: the fireman’s storyLanguage points1 Last man down: the fireman’s story (Title)The expression last man down, similar to last man standing, refers to the survivor or winner. The lastman down from the tower before it collapsed would be one of the bravest.2 There were about two dozen of us by the bank of elevators ... (Para 2)A bank of elevators means a set of lifts.3 Some had their turnout coats off, or tied around their waists. (Para 2) Turnout coats are the uniform firefighters wear when they turn out for a fire.4 Others were raring to go. (Para 2)The expression raring to go is an old form of rearing up, and means being eager to go like a horse.5 All of us were taking a beat to catch our breaths, and our bearings, figure out what the hell wasgoing on. (Para 2)To take a beat means to rest for a moment.A bearing is an exact compass reading measured in degrees. To take your bearings is to find where youare. Here it means both physically and mentally.6 We’d been at this thing, hard, for almost an hour, some a little bit less, and we were nowhere closeto done. (Para 2)To be at this thing is a slang expression which means to work on this mission. The expression nowhere close to done means someone is far from completing their work.7 Of course, we had no idea what there was left to do, but we hadn’t made a dent. (Para 2)A dent is a mark on a piece of metal as when you bump your car. To make a dent in something is to havean effect on it (imagine beating a piece of hard steel and not making any mark on it). To make a dent heremeans to achieve something. The firefighters had hardly begun their work.8 As if we could see clear through the ceiling tiles for an easy answer. (Para 3)Looking up for the source of the noise was only useful if you could see through the floors above, but itstill remained an instinctive reaction.9 The building was shaking like in an earthquake, like an amusement park thrill ride gone berserk …(Para 3)The word berserk was originally about ancient Viking warriors who worshipped a bear god (ber). Theywould go into a terrible rage or madness when fighting. It now means utterly and dangerously crazy.10 The way it coursed right through me. (Para 3)To course means to run or flow somewhere quickly. The noise and vibration have a strong physical effecton the writer.11 I thought about my wife and my kids, but only fleetingly and not in any kind of life-flashing-beforemy-eyes sort of way. (Para 4)Life flashing before my eyes is a claim made by someone who has near-death experiences, as in anaccident, of seeing a slow motion version of the most important events in their lives. Researchers say itmay be the reaction of the brain to trauma.Streets full of heroes Unit 619912 Or, “We’ll all meet at the big one.” (Para 4)After any fire, the fighters use the expression the big one to minimize that fire and suggest there willalways be a bigger one coming. It is a brave act of understatement.13 I never knew how it started, or when I’d picked up on it myself, but it was part of our shorthand. (Para 4)To pick up on it means to learn it and start using it. It is a slang expression. Shorthand is a system of writing used for taking down fast speech. It uses symbols for common wordsand can only be understood by people who learn it. Firemen have their own spoken shorthand (as do mostprofessions). To an outsider, the big one would not mean much, but as the writer explains it was rich inmeaning to him and his colleagues.14 I fumbled for some fix on the situation, thinking maybe if I understood what was happening I couldsteel myself against it. (Para 5)Some fix is a slang term which means a way of understanding.To steel oneself against something means to prepare oneself to do something unpleasant.15 A battalion commander for the New York Fire Department, he was on the sceneof the disaster … (Para 6)The Fire Department is divided up into battalions of up to 200 consisting of a number of companies ofabout 30 firefighters.Reading and understanding3 Choose the best summary of the extract.2 In this dramatic personal account, firefighter Richard Picciotto recalls what he was doing and thinking,just before the north tower of the World Trade Center collapsed on 11 September 2001.4 Answer the questions.1 Where was Richard Picciotto at 9:59 am on 11 September 2001?He was on the 35th floor of the north tower of the World Trade Center.2 Who was with him?About two dozen firefighters.3 What was everybody trying to do?They were resting and trying to work out what was going on.4 How long had they been in the building?Nearly an hour.5 What did they do when the noise started?They stood still.6 What was happening to the building?It was falling down.7 What did Picciotto start thinking about when he heard the noise?He started thinking about his family, job and the bagels in the kitchen.Unit 6 Streets full of heroes2008 Did Picciotto have the impression things were happening quickly or slowly? To him, it seems things were happening slowly while in truth they weren’t.9 How did Picciotto get out of the tower?He climbed through the rubble and led his men to safety.10 How many firefighters lost their lives?Altogether 343 firefighters.11 Why did Picciotto write Last Man Down?He wrote it as a tribute to his colleagues.Dealing with unfamiliar words5 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 to make a fire stop burning (extinguish)2 the total number of people who have been killed or hurt (toll)3 an extremely difficult or frightening situation (nightmare)4 a very sad event that causes people to suffer or die (tragedy)5 as much as possible (utmost)6 impressive actions that prove someone is very brave (heroism)7 happening in a confused way and without any order or organization (chaotic)6 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 5.For a firefighter arriving on the scene of a fire the first few minutes are usually the most (1) chaotic.He has to (2) extinguish the fire, he also needs to find out if human lives are in danger. When people aretrapped inside a building he must act swiftly to prevent (3) tragedy, or, –in the (4) nightmare scenario – tokeep the death (5) toll to a minimum. Actions like these require the (6) utmost degree of (7) heroism.7 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.1 He’s a very honest, fair and well-behaved sort of person. (decent)2 I’d like to express my thanks for everything you’ve done for me. (gratitude)3 There was a group of cows standing in the corner of the field. (herd)4 There have been very big increases in food prices over the last few months. (massive)5 All the people should leave the building immediately when the alarm sounds. (evacuate)6 She has displayed all the qualities needed for being a leader in her job. (leadership)8 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 If you are raring to go, are you eager to (a) leave, or (b) start an activity?2 If you get your bearings, do you (a) lose your way, or (b) find out where you are?3 If you are nowhere close to done, do you (a) still have a lot more work to do to finish the job, or (b) stillfeel strong and ready to work?4 If you haven’t made a dent in something, have you (a) made good progress, or (b) hardly begun the job?5 Is a racket (a) a loud and unpleasant noise, or (b) a low musical sound?Streets full of heroes Unit 62016 If something goes berserk, is it (a) quiet and well-behaved, or (b) out of control?7 Does whatever the hell it was suggest that the writer (a) knew exactly whatthe noise was, or (b) didn’tknow what the noise was?8 If something is part of the shorthand, can you (a) easily understand it, or(b) not understand it?9 If you are fumbling for a fix, are you (a) trying to understand something, or (b) trying to stay where you are?Active reading (2)Language points1 “Suddenly,” she wrote in her syndicated column, “I saw on the sidewalka figure of a man.” (Para 1)A syndicated column is a regular newspaper article sold to newspapers all around the country.2 “I felt certain that somewhere along the line she would stub her toe,” said Perkins, thinking ofWashington’s fishbowl atmosphere. (Para 3)To stub her toe means to do damage to herself or get hurt.In a fishbowl atmosphere, everyone can see what is happening in the fishbowl. The sentence means Perkins was sure sooner or later she would get into trouble and be criticized.3 I don’t know how she did it. What to lay it to? (Para 3)The expression what to lay it to means “how can one explain it?”.4 … “that a crippled man, victim of a cruel affliction, was able for more than ten years to ride thestorms of peace and war at the summit of the US …” (Para 3)A man in a wheelchair with a terrible disease could lead his country well both during the Great Depressionand World War.5 “Most people who have played second violin all their lives never have an opportunity to play firstviolin,” remarked Perkins. (Para 4)People who play second violin are those who do not lead or give solos and who are always of lesserimportance. To play first violin means to be the leader and take the initiative.6 “Now, if you want to know what I think about Mrs Roosevelt, she istuh-riffic! …” (Para 5)The word tuh-riffic means terrific. It is pronounced with a strong regional accent.7 On a trip to India ... introduced to the Indian Parliament by Pandit Nehru as “a representative ofresurgent humanity”. (Para 6)The expression resurgent humanity refers to recovering from the horrors of thefirst half of the 20thcentury. A representative of resurgent humanity refers to an example of the most admirable and progressivetype of person.Reading and understanding2 Choose the best way to complete the sentences.1 Eleanor Roosevelt became a volunteer (c) .(a) when she met her husband(b) when her husband became President of the US(c) as a young woman(d) when she saw a homeless man in the street2 When she became the wife of the president (c) .(a) she gave up her job(b) she began to write for a newspaper(c) she reinvented the role of First Lady(d) she found it difficult to reconcile family life and public affairsStreets full of heroes Unit 62073 When she held her first press conference (a) .(a) she didn’t allow men to atte nd(b) she pushed her husband in on a wheelchair(c) she made speeches(d) her involvement in politics shocked people4 While Roosevelt was president, Eleanor (c) .(a) stayed a full-time wife and mother(b) made a lot of people angry(c) defended the rights of women and Afro-Americans(d) became the host of a television programme5 After her husband died she (c) .(a) retired from public life(b) became the only female delegate to the United Nations(c) helped implement the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(d) started writing for a newspaper6 In the last years of her life she (b) .(a) went to live in India(b) continued to promote the rights of women(c) was given a new task by President Kennedy(d) gave up her interest in politicsDealing with unfamiliar words3 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 someone who is chosen to represent a group of other people at a meeting (delegate)2 to believe that something is the cause of someone or something else (ascribe)3 a newspaper or television reporter, especially one who deals with a particular subject or area(correspondent)4 a very high level of skill or ability (genius)5 to control someone or something, often in a negative way, because you have more power or influence(dominate)6 used about a feeling or thought you do not realize you have (unconscious)7 to watch something in order to check that it works in the way that it should (oversee)4 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.Eleanor Roosevelt showed her (1) genius for getting the support of other (2) delegates in the UNAssembly. She was a great speaker who knew how to (3) oversee important meetings without being seento (4) dominate them. She was also a talented (5) correspondent and she wrote a daily column for manyyears. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s success as president was (6) ascribed by many to her support and wonderfulcharacter. She became involved in politics because of her sense of right and wrong and an (7) unconsciousneed to help people.Unit 6 Streets full of heroes2085 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.1 He has been unable to use his legs since birth. (crippled)2 We need to call a meeting for world leaders about this issue. (summit)3 The first thing I read in the newspaper is the regular section about the arts. (column)4 Our class visit to the United Nations was a wonderful experience. (marvelous)5 It’s import ant to try to influence politicians about the need to improve transport facilities in our area.(lobby)6 How many millions of people live in the very poor areas of Mumbai? (slums)6 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 In a fishbowl atmosphere, are you (a) likely, or (b) unlikely to see what everyone is doing?2 Is a mishap a (a) positive, or (b) negative experience?3 If you have a humane attitude, are you (a) kind and caring, or (b) cruel and uncaring?4 If you win over someone to your cause, do you (a) defeat them, or (b) persuade them to join you?5 Does an affliction make your life (a) easy, or (b) difficult?6 If you ride the storm, do you (a) survive it, or (b) fall victim to it?7 Is a superlative performance (a) very good, or (b) just good?8 If a politician has a throng of admirers, are there (a) many people, or (b)a few who like them?9 If you are on a par with someone, are you in (a) the same position, or (b) different positions?Language in useword formation: gender-inclusive language1 Look at the sentences from the passages and answer the questions.Last man down: The fireman’s storyWe were firefighters, mostly, and we were in various stages of exhaustion.Streets full of heroes Unit 6211Please join Life magazine as we honor the power and humanity of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt by inductingher into the Hall of Heroes.1 What meaning do fireman and firefighter share?Someone whose job is to fight fires.2 What extra meaning is included in the word fireman?The person is male.3 Does the word heroes refer to men, women, or both?Both.2 Replace the underlined words with gender-inclusive language.1 Miss Read was the headmistress at school, and I was very fond of her. (headteacher)2 Mother Teresa and Eleanor Roosevelt are two great heroines of our time. (heroes)3 There were a lot of policemen standing at the entrance to the factory. (police officers)4 More than three hundred firemen died in the fire. (firefighters)5 We’ll ask one of our salesgirls to come and help you. (salespersons) Why is it that …?3 Rewrite the sentences using Why is it that ...?1 I don’t know why we haven’t been able to solve the problem of slums in this town.Why is it that we haven’t been able to solve the problem of slums in this town?2 I don’t know why we are not able to organize fair elections in this part of the world.Why is it that in this part of the world we are not able to organize fair elections?3 I don’t know why they never employ qualified people in this hotel.Why is it that in this hotel they never employ qualified people?4 I don’t know why the system of welfare is still not working properly in this country.Why is it that in this country the system of welfare is still not working properly?5 I don’t know why you always find such an easy answer to all the questionsI ask.Why is it that you always find such an easy answer to all the questions I ask?adj. + though it + be4 Rewrite the sentences using adj. + though it + be.1 My time in the United States was short, but it was interesting.My time in the United States, short though it was, was interesting.2 The scenes of destruction were terrible, but not surprising.The scenes of destruction, terrible though they were, were not surprising.3 The rescue operation cost a lot of money, but it was successful.The rescue operation, costly though it was, was successful.Unit 6 Streets full of heroes2124 The lesson he gave was extremely interesting, but it was soon forgotten. The lesson he gave, interesting though it was, was soon forgotten.5 Mother Teresa may have been old, but she was extremely active.Mother Teresa, old though she may have been, was extremely active.6 His actions may have been unconscious, but they have had very serious consequences.His actions, unconscious though they may have been, have had very serious consequences.collocations5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of suitable expressions from the collocation box. Sometimesmore than one collocation is possible.1 My grandfather died suddenly after a massive heart attack.2 There was a column of smoke in the sky for days after 9/11.3 Eleanor Roosevelt wrote a daily / newspaper column for nearly 30 years.4 The stress began to take a toll on their marriage.5 The final death toll might be much higher than the police at first thought.6 How many newspaper columns have been written about the heroes of the last century?7 Do you have to pay a toll to drive on the motorway?8 Your idea was brilliant – a stroke of genius!9 My hero is my English teacher. He has a genius for helping us understand Shakespeare.10 When she died she left a massive amount of money to charity.6 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.1 I thought how we firemen were always saying to each other, “I’ll see you at the big one.” Or, “We’ll allmeet at the big one.” I never knew how it started, or when I’d picked up on it myself, but it was part ofour shorthand. Meaning, no matter how big this fire is, there’ll be another one bigger, somewhere downthe road. We’ll make it through this one, and we’ll make it through that one, too. I always said it, at bigfires, and I always heard it back, and here I was, thinking I would never say or hear these words again,because there would never be another fire as big as this. This was the big one we had all talked about,all our lives, and if I hadn’t known this before – just before these chilling moments – this sick, blacknoise now confirmed it. (这段话由许多短句构成,要注意短句间语气的连接。

大学体验英语三(综合教程)Unit 6 Travel Around the WorldListen and Talk Lead inI often find myself trying to explain the attraction traveling 1) me. Traveling, according to many people, is often 2) and even, at least sometimes, dangerous. But one benefit of traveling is that it creates a perfect atmosphere for the 3) , an environment that can lead to better understanding and enlightenment. Many wonderful people and places lie 4) . The fact that there are obstacles as well only makes the journey 5) . My life and my memories will be enriched after encountering these people and places. That's a pretty big benefit!Of course I could also enrich my life without traveling very far at all, but there is something about foreign lands that provides 6) . I think most non-travelers are simply too distracted by things such as work, home, and friends to devote 7) to observation of life. I'm more observant when I'm on the road and therefore, more alive. I talk to more people and listen to them carefully.I keenly notice everything about my strange new environment. I see a lot of humor that can compensate for the misery of 8) .Key: 1. holds for 2. uncomfortable 3. observation of life 4. on the road ahead5. more rewarding6. an additional fascination7. their full attention8. moving about Passage A: The Woman Taxi Driver In Cairo2. Answer the following questions with the information from the passage.1) How did the author feel upon her first arrival in Cairo?She felt quite at a loss and a little helpless, as there was nobody to meet her at the airport, and she was facing a completely new world.2) Why did Nagat take two jobs at the same time?Because her husband died 10 years ago so she had to work hard to support her two children and parents.3) What was Nagat's working style?She is self-confident and works independently and effectively.4) Why is Nagat a "true exception" in Cairo?Because Nagat seems to be the only female taxi driver there. What is more, she insists on relying on herself and shouldering the heavy family burden alone.5) What is your impression of Nagat?Open3. Choose the best answer to each question with the information from the passage.1. The author followed Nagat, a woman taxi driver out of the airport because ________.A) Nagat was the only female taxi driver thereB) Nagat forced her to do soC) she instinctively felt she should trust NagatD) she had no other choice but to go with Nagat2. The author enjoyed Nagat's company for all the following reasons except that ________.A) she had a very good sense of directionsB) she was always punctualC) she was able to understand human natureD) she asked for low fares3. It can be inferred from the passage that ________.A) it was difficult for the author to hire a taxi in CairoB) it was unusual for a woman to work as a taxi driver in CairoC) Nagat often got offers of help from her male colleaguesD) Nagat also worked as an office secretary4. In the author's eyes, Nagat was ________.A) capable and independentB) more like a man than a womanC) competitive and aggressiveD) attractive and appealing5. In the passage, the author tries to tell us ________.A) her impression of Islamic architectureB) her impression of CairoC) her appreciation of the dignity of a womanD) her friendship with a woman taxi driverAnwser: 1.C, 2.D, 3.B, 4.A, 5.C4.Fill in each of the blanks with an appropriate word.Arriving alone in a new city late at night can be a difficult e____and even more so if it is in a foreign country with a foreign c___. Here the writer, herself a woman, remembers her luck in meeting Nagat, one of the few w___taxi drivers in Cairo. During her s___in the city, Nagat became her driver and guide taking her to visit many of the i___sights such as mosques, museums and the p___Along the way the writer was deeply i___by Nagat’s friendliness, determination, effectiveness and i___Anwser: 1.experience 2.culture 3.women 4.stay 5.impressive6.pyramids7.impressed8.independence5. Study the meanings of the prefixes listed in the table, and then fill in each blank in the sentences that follow with the word given in brackets by adding an appropriate prefix to it.Prefix Meaning Examplecounter- opposing, corresponding counteract, counterpartinter- between, among interconnected, interrelated, internationalout- outside beyond, more than outskirts outlive, outgrowover- too much overcook, overactunder- too little underpay, underestimate1.An country does not have modern industries and usually has a low standard of living. (developed)2.The southern city soon became as waves of people rushed to it from all parts of the country. (populated)3.He managed to his fear of the darkness when he walked in the deserted street late at night. (grow)4.Energy, population and environment are issues in rural development in Southeast Asia. (related)5. Virtually every character in the movie has a real life . (part)Anwser: 1.underdeveloped 2.overpopulated 3.outgrow 4.interrelated 5.counterpart6. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary. approach core counterpart economy efficient exception invite relief punctually vague1. The mayor is scheduled to meet his American ___ during his 7-day visit to San Francisco.2. Mr. Wilson is quite satisfied with his new secretary because she's much more ___ than the former one.3. I felt great ____ when I heard I had passed the examination.4. The regulations are so ____ that they lead to misinterpretation.5. Chinese and mathematics have always been the ____ subjects in primary and secondary schools in China.6. You are expected to get to the interview ____ or a few minutes early.7. Getting tired of her partner's all-talk-no-action ___ , she decided to take the action all by herself.8. For the purpose of ____ , Mary decided to take lunch box to work every day.9. You could not be exempted from the punishment because there can be no ____ to the rule.10. Strife at home would ____ dangers from abroad.Anwser: 1. counterpart 2. efficient 3. relief 4. vague 5. core6. punctually7. approach8. economy9. exception 10. invite7. Complete the following sentences with phrases or expressions from the passage. Make changes where necessary.1. We hope the special loan from the bank will ___ our company ____ the crisis.2. It is believed that the car the police found at the parking lot of the airport terminal ___ the gunman.3. He founded the company five years ago and has been managing the business ___ .4. The five candidates will speak ___ to introduce themselves to the voters.5. At the wedding party, guests ___ with cocktails in hand, talking and laughing.Anwser: 1. pull … through 2. belongs to 3. ever since 4. in turn 5. milled about8. Translate the following sentences into English.1. 他悲叹一声,对我们说他年轻时也曾风光一时。

Unfamiliar Words
account for change hands come to terms with perspective sell out slip
3 change hands
(a) to try something different
(b) to get a new owner or be taken over by someone
4 slip a (a) a piece of paper (b) a mistake
Unfamiliar Words
account for change hands come to terms with perspective sell out slip
5. come to terms with b (a) to arrive in a new place (b) to learn to accept and deal with an unpleasant situation
5 We’ve __a_c_c_o_u_n_t_e_d__fo_r__ most people, but two children are still missing.
6 Some people think the millionaire is a hero, but other people think he _h_a_s__so_l_d_o_u__t _ his principles in order to make a lot of money.
Unfamiliar Words
account for change hands come to terms with perspective sell out slip

新世纪大学英语综合教程3第六单元课后习题答案新世纪大学英语综合教程3第六单元课后习题答案及汉语翻译Unit 61)― I regret to inform you that there’s nothing we can do to help you.― But I think you should have told us earlier.2) How envious I am that he can attain whatever he desires while I can’t.3) She’s not beau tiful, but I find her very attractive because she seems so full of life and fun.4) He snatched the photos from my hand before I had a chance to look at them.5)I prefer to take a bus rather than drive to work since the price of petrol is soaring .6) It’s difficult for us to nterpret these statistics without knowing how they were obtained.7) Smith wasn’t at his best; therefore, he was substi tuted in the second half of the match.8) Our friendship is strictly spiritual; we never seek material benefits from each other.9) All details concerning the event are to be taken into consideration and nothing will be regarded as trivial .10) The doctors came to the conclusion that the patient’s blindness was temporary and he’d be able to see again after some treatment.11) I want a thermometer that has two scales marked on it, one in Fahrenheit (华氏温度)and the other in Centigrade.12) The teachers in the training center are making great efforts to cultivate in their students the habit of speaking English.13) She wanted to buy those two expensive dresses, but I said it would be too extravagant to buy both of them.14) My parents offered me an amount of money adequate to purchase an apartment, but I’ve decided to buy one myself.短语1.― You always look fit. How do you manage it?― I work out in the gym two hours every day.2) You didn’t do anything wrong. You should have a clear conscience .3) We missed the last bus; so there was no choice other than to walk home.4) Whether you accept it or not, we must all die some day: it’s just a fact of life .5) ―Didn’t you find the film exciting?―On the contr ary, I nearly fell asleep half way through it!6) I still cried over his misfortune and prayed for him even though he’d hurt me sodeeply.7) The old lady lives alone; some of her nephews drop by to see her occasionally.8)Last night Robin didn’t walk but drove to the pub in order to show off his new car.9) No one should be looked down on because of his origin, appearance or感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。

Unit Six HappinessEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▆ Working with Words and Expressions1.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete thefollowing sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.▆ Answers:1)inform2)envious3)attractive4)snatched5)is soaring6)interpret7)was substituted8)spiritual9)trivial10)temporary11)scales12)cultivate13)extravagant14)purchase2.In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do youunderstand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.▆ Answers:1)work out2)have a clear conscience3)other than4)fact of life5)On the contrary6)cried over7)drop by8)show off9)looked down on10)crossed, off11)wore out12)has a great deal to do with▆Increasing Your Word Power1.Find the preposition from Column B that best matches each adjective in Column A,paying attention to the“be+adj.+prep.〞 collocation. Some of the prepositions can be used more than once.▆ Answers:1)of2)from/of3)with4)for5)on/upon6)on7)with8)of9)in10) ofNow fill in each blank in the following sentences with a proper collocation you’ve just formed. The verb “be〞 has already been filled in for you.▆ Answers:1)envious of2)intent upon/on3)rich in4)keen on5)free from/of6)fearful of7)honest with8)hungry for9)remindful of10) overwhelmed with2.The suffixes -ee, -eer, -ese and -ess are used to form nouns. Study the box below and formwords by adding -ee, -eer, -ese and -ess to the words given.▆ Answers:1)actress2)mountaineer3)profiteer4)refugee5)Vietnamese6)trainee7)addresseeNow complete each of the following sentences with a proper word you have just formed,using the plural form where necessary.▆ Answers:1)addressee2)mountaineer3)actress4)trainees5)Vietnamese6)refugees7)profiteerGrammar in Context1.Now combine each pair of sentences into one by using one of the three phrases mentionedabove.▆ Answers for reference:1)Judging from her accent, she is either Russian or Polish.2)Either he could not come here or he did not want to.3)I neither knew nor cared about what happened to him.4) I cannot find out what the weather will be like tomorrow because there is neither TV norradio in the house.5)She can both speak and write Spanish.6)The results of the research are both impressive and alarming.2. Now translate the following sentences into English, using expressions of comparison.▆ Answers for reference:1)If only I could do half as well as you (have done)!2)The press has published twice as many books as it did last year.3)Sending gifts to your kids is not the same as giving them your companionship.4)Since the construction of the subways was completed, the population of the suburbs hasgrown twice as large as that of the city proper.5)An increase in income is far/much less important than a harmonious relationship amongfamily members, friends and neighbors.ClozeComplete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letter of each is given.▆ Answers:1)terminally2)purchasing3)other than4)ever5)held/had6)was taken with7)fact of life8)substitute9)tenderness10)crossed off11)devoting12)railing against13)cultivate14)filled withTranslation1.Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and expressions given inbrackets.▆ Answers for reference:1)We should be honest with ourselves and never become fogged up by greed and cry overwhat we have failed to obtain.2)It is a fact of life that happiness brought about by material things such as property andmoney is temporary.3)For thousands of years philosophers have taken pains to interpret the meaning of happinessfrom their own perspectives.4)If you substitute material things for love or a hug, you will not get happiness, becausespiritual happiness has little to do with material wealth.5)After he learned that he was terminally ill, he informed his family that he had nothing / noproperty to leave them other than the house he was living in.6)They were worn out after a long day’s work in the fields. So seeing the sun dip below thehorizon, they couldn’t wait to go back home.2.Translate the following paragraph into English, using the words and expressions in thebox below.▆ Answers for reference:Nowadays, the media and commercials repeat over and over again the significance of the material side of life, so that we have been all brainwashed into believing that happiness can be purchased. We show off to people around us a new piece of property, and take pains to keep enriching our bank accounts. We are hungry for love, trying to substitute material things for love, gentleness and tenderness. However, we have never experienced maximum happiness. We are always envious of those who have more money and power. As a matter of fact, we have put our values in the wrong things and failed to tell/distinguish material happiness from spiritual happiness. Money is incredibly important, but other than it, we should also have good friends, a harmonious family, a strong body and a worthy goal. It is these things that (will) bring us lasting happiness.Theme-Related WritingDo either one of the following two tasks after class.1.Write an essay entitled “Man Does Not Live by Bread Alone〞. You can refer to the following outline:1) Material things are important for man’s existence.2) Man also seeks spiritual satisfaction.3) Your conclusion.2. When we talk about happiness, we usually refer to a specific moment when we feel that weare very happy. Write a short passage about one of your happiest experiences at college.▆ Sample Essay One:Man Does Not Live by Bread AloneNo one would doubt the truth that man’s existence relies essentially on material things. We need them to get fed, clothed and sheltered. Once we are living near the breadline, we’ll feel frustrated and miserable. However, our contentment does not merely lie in material things. This is especially the case in modern times.The fast-developing economy has noticeably improved our lives and fulfilled most of our material needs. Then there comes the need of spiritual satisfaction, which is derived from good health, close friends, a loving spouse, well-raised children, a home built on love, a clear conscience, a worthy goal and an enjoyable job. While material things may lose their charm over time, spiritual satisfaction will bring us lasting happiness.Therefore, to live a happy life, we should focus more on those things that meet our spiritual demands. After all, when our need for bread is met, happiness will not come unless we feel spiritually satisfied. (156 words)▆Sample Essay Two:I Really Made ItI will never forget the awful feeling in my first Oral English class at college. I tried hard to listen to every word the teacher spoke, but what she was saying made no sense to me. Bitterly, I admitted that I was so poor at listening and speaking in English.I wept several times, cursing my middle school for failing to provide adequate listening and speaking practice. But finally I calmed down because the familiar words rang in my ears: There must be a way out. I had a rather solid foundation of English vocabulary and grammar. What was left for me to do was to increase my listening input and speaking output. I made it a rule that every morning I would do reading aloud by the campus lake for 40 minutes, and every evening I would stay in the language lab, listening to English for at least an hour.Then at the end of the second year came my happiest moment: I got the Scholarship for Academic Excellence. When the president granted me the award, I grinned from ear to ear, realizing with pleasure that happiness is gained through hard work. (197 words)。

Unit 3> Famous Brand Names Lead-inAnswer: 43621 5Passage AThink About It:1. What is a bathtub battleship referred to as in this passage?Answer: A bathtub battleship is a toy battleship made of Ivory Soap that children play with in a bathtub.2. Why is Ivory Soap so popular among Americans?Answer: It is pure and it floats.3. How did Proctor & Gamble succeed in promoting Ivory Soap?Answer: It took advantage of a successful nationwide advertising campaign.Read and think(二)、Ivory Soap1、About the brand name:Answer: The brand name was lifted from “out of ivory palaces”, a phrase found in the Bible.2、About the company:Answer: * In 1837, two immigrants named William Proctor and James Gamble founded the company.* For decades Proctor & Gamble produced candles and soap.* It took more than twenty years for sales to top one million dollars.3、Does the author generally encourage students to join clubs and societies? Why? Answer: 1) The quality of the product: safe, mild, and pure. And it floats.2) The profitability of the product:* Ivory Soap has earned billions of dollars for the company.* Annual sales of the products under the Proctor & Gamble umbrella, including Ivory Soap exceed thirty billion dollars.3) The popularity of the product:* When it comes to washing out the mouth of naughty children nothing beats Ivory Soap.* At least half a dozen generations of Americans have gotten themselves clean with Ivory.* So many hands, faces, and baby bottoms have been washed with Ivory that their numbers beat the imagination.* Generations of little boys have converted bars of Ivory Soap into bathtub battleships.(三)、Answer: 1. the introduction of its floating soap,an enormous new factory in a place called Ivorydale, Annual sales,billions of dollars,2. safe, mild, and pure,solid and spotless,American institution,Washington Monument, respected,Congress,American history(四)、Answer: advertising, brand, promoted, proved, popular, expression, global, immigrantsRead and complete(五)、1. France has already pledged billions of dollars in aid next year. Answer: France has already pledged billions of dollars in aid next year.法国已经保证明年提供数十亿美元的援助。

综合B3U6小测答案Part I Reading Comprehension ( 25 minutes )Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with several blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Nights are 1__ in hospitals, but all through the night the young Marine sat there in the dimly-lit ward, holding the old man’s hand and 2__ words of hope and strength. 3__, the nurse suggested that the Marine rest for a while. He refused.Whenever the nurse came into the ward, the Marine was there, but he 4__ her and the night noises of the hospital — the clanking of an oxygen tank, the laughter of night-staff members exchanging greetings, the cries and moans and snores of other 5__. Now and then she heard him say a few 6__ words. The dying man said nothing, only held 7__ to his son all through the night.It was nearly dawn when the patient died. The Marine released the now 8 __ hand he had been 9__ and went to tell the nurse. While she did what she had to do, he smoked a cigarette — his first 10__ he got to the hospital.A) offering B) doctors C) holding D) patients E) speaking F) took no notice of G) Occasionally H) since I) happy J) tightly K) Unexpectedly L) gentle M) long N) lifeless O) depressed正确答案:1-10 MAGFD LJNCHSection BDirections: There are several passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice.Passage OneQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.We see neighbors practically every day — in the morning before we rush to work and in the evening when we return. But have you ever thought it over why neighbors are so important to our lives?11Neighbors can help bring out our social best. After all, neighbors deserve to be treated with respect and friendliness like everyone else.Neighbors can be helpful too. They can help look after our houses when we are away on holiday. If you are new to the neighborhood, they can advise you on how things operate, where to go and so on.Hence, if you have a good relationship with your neighbors, it is easier to solve problems like who should keep the passageways clean, or who should do repairs on retaining walls (挡土墙) or fences.Of course, you have good and bad neighbors.The good neighbors help one another. A good neighbor may spend their own money buying young trees and planting them to beautify the neighborhood for everyone, or may help to dig a communal garden bed for roses.Good neighbors give each other food occasionally. It’s not what and how often you give, it’s the thought that counts.Then you have the bad neighbors.I know of a neighbor who trimmed the branches of his tree, letting them fall and damage another neighbor’s fence and nearby plants.matter even when the victimized neighbor complained12. The bad neighbor also had a fierce dog and does not bother to put it on a leash13. This dog has frightened some older ladies living close by.Then there are neighbors who are a little bit too “nosy”. They invade your privacy too often by focusing on their binoculars on your homes or asking too many questions about your activities14.If you have problems with your neighbors, you’d better discuss these with them openly. You might be living with them for years and it is in both your interests to solve these problems amicably (友善地)15.You can get a restraining order to stop a neighbor from harassing you or your property.Taking legal action to solve a problem with a neighbor should be the last choice. If you have to take this action, then it might be better to move to another neighborhood.11. Which one of the following can be the most proper title for this passage?A) Good Neighbors Make Life EasyB) Neighbors: Helpers of LifeC) Good and Bad NeighborsD) How to Deal With Neighbors?正确答案:A12. A good neighbor will behave in all the following ways EXCEPT ______.A) being glad to help one anotherB) giving a hand to new neighborsC) keeping quiet about mattersD) being considerate to others正确答案:C13. Which statement is true about bad neighbors?A) They trim the branches too frequently.B) They keep the fierce pets at large.C) They frighten old ladies for fun.D) They keep quiet about any matter.正确答案:B keep … at large(囚犯)在逃;逍遥法外14. What does the word “nosy” (P ara.11) mean?A) Be sensitive to smells.B) Be keen on finding secrets out.C) Be interested in others’ business.D) Be good at making sounds.正确答案:C15. How does the author advise you to solve the problems with your neighbors?A) Warn your neighbors before action.B) Talk about the trouble frankly.C) Post a restraining order on your neighbor’s door.D) Go to the lawsuit directly.正确答案:BPassage TwoWhen you consciously keep thinking of something, your unconscious mind will somehow spontaneously push that idea or issue back to the surface even when you are doing something else, because your unconscious mind accepts, stores, and plays back everything that the conscious mind fo cuses on. The unconscious mind is like a “yes” person, agreeing, accepting and reminding.Hence, your unconscious mind can respond positively or negatively, depending on how you have consciously conditioned it — by constantly thinking about something.If you keep thinking negatively of someone, you will constantly say negative things about that person when you are chatting away with another friend.If you keep telling yourself that it is very difficult to study English or that your English lecture is boring, then that thought will always crop up uninvited when you are chatting with someone or doing something else.That is how the unconscious mind works. That is why successful athletes who consciously, continuously and consistently focus on superior performance actually perform well because they are driven by their unconscious mind.18It’s important to understand that whatever you consciously focus on, your unconscious mind will accept it. You need to think positively so that your unconscious mind will respond likewise.19If you find yourself in a negative mood, discontinue that mood. Perhaps look at yourself through a mirror and see how “ugly” your face is when you are in a bitter mood. If you have a coin, flip i t over. Say to yourself: “There are two sides of me, the good and the bad. Now I seem to be bad, so let’s focus on the good.”You must not hold a negative thought too long, or it will come back again and get more rooted in your system. Once you are in a negative system, it would take much more reprogramming to uproot the bad “trees” in your mind. You could have a full-grown negative “forest” in your mind — and that could take ages to uproot. So place it with a positive thought. Affirm consciously, continuously and consistently your new positive image. Focus on the new trait visually and see yourself succeeding in it.20Review your behavior. Do you moan and groan too often? Do you talk like a loser? Are you small-minded, selfish and unforgiving?It’s time you consciously conditioned your unconscious mind to work in a positive manner.1616. What is the best title for this passage?A) Train Your Unconscious MindB) Conscious Mind and Unconscious MindC) Uproot Negative ThoughtsD) How the Unconscious Mind Works正确答案:A17. How does the author support the idea that “one’s unconscious mind can respond positively or negatively”?A) By providing examples. 4 ifB) By giving reasons.C) By stating people’s opinions.D) By accounting his personal experiences.正确答案:A18. Para. 5 is mainly discussing ______.A) how good performance affects one’s unconscious mindB) how a positive unconscious mind developsC) how a person’s unconscious mind works positivelyD) how people condition their unconscious mind19. When conditioning your unconscious mind, it is very important to understand that _______.A) we should avoid aiming too highB) our unconscious mind should agree with our true potentialC) we are always better than what we think we areD) our unconscious mind will accept whatever we consciously focus on正确答案:D20. What can we infer from the sentence “You could have a full-grown negative ‘forest’ in your mind — and that could take ages to uproot” (Para. 9)?A) Negative thoughts are potential obstacles to our further development.B) It takes consistent effort to get rid of negative thoughts.C) Negative thoughts are a part of learning in our lives.D) There are always many negative thoughts in our minds.正确答案:BPart II Vocabulary and Structure ( 11 minutes )Directions: There are a number of incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.21. The saying “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” warns against working to ___.A. excessB. excuseC. exactD. exercise正确答案:A in (或to) excess过度;过量;过分She insisted that he did not drink to excess.22. Various scandals reportedly related to Mr. Carson really ___ from his voters’ favor of him in the state governor election (州长选举).A. substituteB. sustainC. subtract减去;扣除D. survive正确答案:C23. After months of drought in the region, the dry land became ___, empty of all green life.A. bearB. beerC. bairD. bare正确答案:D 光秃秃的;(房间、柜子等)空的24. As energy resources are becoming increasingly ___ , people try every means to cut down on energy consumption.A. bareB. scarce缺乏的,罕见的D. dense正确答案:B25. Pooling their funds, the three men founded their ____-stock company.A. jointB. joinC. youngD. youth正确答案:A joint-stock 合资、合股26. What you kept talking about is sheer____. It doesn’t make any sense to us.A. sensefulB. no senseC. senseD. nonsense正确答案:D sheer (a.) nonsense无稽之谈sheer bravado纯属逞能sheer joy无比喜悦27. The marvelous bedside stories Mark’s mother told turned him into a man full of ____ and dreams.A. fans 狂热爱好者B. fancies 设想;想像力;爱好;怪想C. fantasia 幻想曲,即兴作品D. fantast 幻想家,梦想家正确答案:B28. SARS, an ___ disease that makes the patient feel difficult to breathe, was out of the doctor’s hands at first.A. acute [医]急性的B. accuse v. 指责,谴责;指控C. academicD. accidental 意外的,偶然(发生)的正确答案:A29. If one pays no or little attention to fire control, he is liable to fall ___ to a fire disaster at any moment.A. victimB. victorC. witnessD. actor正确答案:A fall victim to成为…的牺牲品Many streams have fallen victim to the recent drought. 许多河流都受到了近期干旱的影响。


新世纪大学英语综合教程3课后答案Unit6新世纪大学英语综合教程3课后答案Unit6Electronic Teaching PortfolioBook ThreeUnit Six: HappinessPart I Get StartedSection A Discussion▇Sit in groups of threes or fours and discuss the following questions.1. Are you happy with your college life? Why or why not?2. What was the happiest moment in your life as far as you can remember?3. Can money alone bring happiness? Why or why not?▇ Answers for reference:1. I feel happy with my college life. Away from my parents, I’m learning to live independently and I enjoy a lot of freedom that I have never experienced before. My life at college is easy and carefree. The teachers are professional and my classmates are friendly and helpful. I have access to lots of modern facilities and I can take part in many interesting activities. So I regard college life as the most enjoyable period in my life.2I’m not feeling so happy, because I’m not used to the heavy work load and I feel lonely, homesick or bored with school life that has lasted for over ten years.2. (Open.)3. Yes. Because I think money is just like a magic wand (魔杖) that can change everything in the world today. It can bring you all you want, including happiness. No. We cannot deny the factthat money is important. It can help keep us free from want and ensure a happy life. But happiness is based on both material and spiritual welfare. The sense of achievement and self-fulfillment sometimes brings us even greater satisfaction. Money does contribute to material welfare. Yet, material welfare alone cannot bring us happiness.Section B Quotes▇Study the following quotes about happiness. Which quote(s) do you like best? Why?⊙Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.—— Aristotle Interpretation:This quotation reveals the important role of happiness3in human life. It is human nature to seek and enjoy happiness. Otherwise, human existence would be aimless and meaningless.AristotleAbout Aristotle:Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC): a student of Plato and a famous ancient Greek philosopher. During his life, he wrote numerous books on logic (逻辑学), natural science, ethics (伦理学), politics, and rhetoric (修辞学), etc. His works include Physics, On the Soul (《论灵魂》), Posterior Analytics (《后分析篇》), History of Animals (《动物志》), Politics, Rhetoric, Poetics (《诗学》), etc. Aristotle is considered to be one of the greatest thinkers of Europe and his works are still widely quoted today.⊙We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it.—— George Bernard Shaw Interpretation:Shaw reminds us that we have two identities both asproducer and as consumer. We should produce wealth 4first and then enjoy it. It is also true of happiness.George Bernard ShawAbout George Bernard Shaw:George Bernard Shaw (1856-1950): an Irish writer famous especially for his plays, which criticize society and the moral values of the time. His best known works include the historical plays Caesar and Cleopatra (《恺撒和克娄巴特拉》) and St Joan (《圣女贞德》), and the comedy Pygmalion (《皮格马利翁》), which was later turned into the popular musical show My Fair Lady (《窈窕淑女》).⊙Happiness lies not in the mere possession of money;it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort.—— Franklin D. Roosevelt Interpretation:According to Roosevelt, money alone does not mean happiness. True happiness comes when one has succeeded in doing something or when one has done something that has not been done before. The sense of achievement and job satisfaction will bring you immense happiness.5。
新标准大学英语_综合教程3_课后答案unit 6

Unit6Active reading (1)Last man down: the fireman’s storyLanguage points1 Last man down: the fireman’s story (Title)The expression last man down, similar to last man standing, refers to the survivor or winner. The lastman down from the tower before it collapsed would be one of the bravest.2 There were about two dozen of us by the bank of elevators ... (Para 2)A bank of elevators means a set of lifts.3 Some had their turnout coats off, or tied around their waists. (Para 2) Turnout coats are the uniform firefighters wear when they turn out for a fire.4 Others were raring to go. (Para 2)The expression raring to go is an old form of rearing up, and means being eager to go like a horse.5 All of us were taking a beat to catch our breaths, and our bearings, figure out what the hell wasgoing on. (Para 2)To take a beat means to rest for a moment.A bearing is an exact compass reading measured in degrees. To take your bearings is to find where youare. Here it means both physically and mentally.6 We’d been at this thing, hard, for almost an hour, some a little bit less, and we were nowhere closeto done. (Para 2)To be at this thing is a slang expression which means to work on this mission. The expression nowhere close to done means someone is far from completing their work.7 Of course, we had no idea what there was left to do, but we hadn’t made a dent. (Para 2)A dent is a mark on a piece of metal as when you bump your car. To make a dent in something is to havean effect on it (imagine beating a piece of hard steel and not making any mark on it). To make a dent heremeans to achieve something. The firefighters had hardly begun their work.8 As if we could see clear through the ceiling tiles for an easy answer. (Para 3)Looking up for the source of the noise was only useful if you could see through the floors above, but itstill remained an instinctive reaction.9 The building was shaking like in an earthquake, like an amusement park thrill ride gone berserk …(Para 3)The word berserk was originally about ancient Viking warriors who worshipped a bear god (ber). Theywould go into a terrible rage or madness when fighting. It now means utterly and dangerously crazy.10 The way it coursed right through me. (Para 3)To course means to run or flow somewhere quickly. The noise and vibration have a strong physical effecton the writer.11 I thought about my wife and my kids, but only fleetingly and not in any kind of life-flashing-beforemy-eyes sort of way. (Para 4)Life flashing before my eyes is a claim made by someone who has near-death experiences, as in anaccident, of seeing a slow motion version of the most important events in their lives. Researchers say itmay be the reaction of the brain to trauma.Streets full of heroes Unit 619912 Or, “We’ll all meet at the big one.” (Para 4)After any fire, the fighters use the expression the big one to minimize that fire and suggest there willalways be a bigger one coming. It is a brave act of understatement.13 I never knew how it started, or when I’d picked up on it myself, but it was part of our shorthand. (Para 4)To pick up on it means to learn it and start using it. It is a slang expression. Shorthand is a system of writing used for taking down fast speech. It uses symbols for common wordsand can only be understood by people who learn it. Firemen have their own spoken shorthand (as do mostprofessions). To an outsider, the big one would not mean much, but as the writer explains it was rich inmeaning to him and his colleagues.14 I fumbled for some fix on the situation, thinking maybe if I understood what was happening I couldsteel myself against it. (Para 5)Some fix is a slang term which means a way of understanding.To steel oneself against something means to prepare oneself to do something unpleasant.15 A battalion commander for the New York Fire Department, he was on the sceneof the disaster … (Para 6)The Fire Department is divided up into battalions of up to 200 consisting of a number of companies ofabout 30 firefighters.Reading and understanding3 Choose the best summary of the extract.2 In this dramatic personal account, firefighter Richard Picciotto recalls what he was doing and thinking,just before the north tower of the World Trade Center collapsed on 11 September 2001.4 Answer the questions.1 Where was Richard Picciotto at 9:59 am on 11 September 2001?He was on the 35th floor of the north tower of the World Trade Center.2 Who was with him?About two dozen firefighters.3 What was everybody trying to do?They were resting and trying to work out what was going on.4 How long had they been in the building?Nearly an hour.5 What did they do when the noise started?They stood still.6 What was happening to the building?It was falling down.7 What did Picciotto start thinking about when he heard the noise?He started thinking about his family, job and the bagels in the kitchen.Unit 6 Streets full of heroes2008 Did Picciotto have the impression things were happening quickly or slowly? To him, it seems things were happening slowly while in truth they weren’t.9 How did Picciotto get out of the tower?He climbed through the rubble and led his men to safety.10 How many firefighters lost their lives?Altogether 343 firefighters.11 Why did Picciotto write Last Man Down?He wrote it as a tribute to his colleagues.Dealing with unfamiliar words5 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 to make a fire stop burning (extinguish)2 the total number of people who have been killed or hurt (toll)3 an extremely difficult or frightening situation (nightmare)4 a very sad event that causes people to suffer or die (tragedy)5 as much as possible (utmost)6 impressive actions that prove someone is very brave (heroism)7 happening in a confused way and without any order or organization (chaotic)6 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 5.For a firefighter arriving on the scene of a fire the first few minutes are usually the most (1) chaotic.He has to (2) extinguish the fire, he also needs to find out if human lives are in danger. When people aretrapped inside a building he must act swiftly to prevent (3) tragedy, or, –in the (4) nightmare scenario – tokeep the death (5) toll to a minimum. Actions like these require the (6) utmost degree of (7) heroism.7 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.1 He’s a very honest, fair and well-behaved sort of person. (decent)2 I’d like to express my thanks for everything you’ve done for me. (gratitude)3 There was a group of cows standing in the corner of the field. (herd)4 There have been very big increases in food prices over the last few months. (massive)5 All the people should leave the building immediately when the alarm sounds. (evacuate)6 She has displayed all the qualities needed for being a leader in her job. (leadership)8 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 If you are raring to go, are you eager to (a) leave, or (b) start an activity?2 If you get your bearings, do you (a) lose your way, or (b) find out where you are?3 If you are nowhere close to done, do you (a) still have a lot more work to do to finish the job, or (b) stillfeel strong and ready to work?4 If you haven’t made a dent in something, have you (a) made good progress, or (b) hardly begun the job?5 Is a racket (a) a loud and unpleasant noise, or (b) a low musical sound?Streets full of heroes Unit 62016 If something goes berserk, is it (a) quiet and well-behaved, or (b) out of control?7 Does whatever the hell it was suggest that the writer (a) knew exactly whatthe noise was, or (b) didn’tknow what the noise was?8 If something is part of the shorthand, can you (a) easily understand it, or(b) not understand it?9 If you are fumbling for a fix, are you (a) trying to understand something, or (b) trying to stay where you are?Active reading (2)Language points1 “Suddenly,” she wrote in her syndicated column, “I saw on the sidewalka figure of a man.” (Para 1)A syndicated column is a regular newspaper article sold to newspapers all around the country.2 “I felt certain that somewhere along the line she would stub her toe,” said Perkins, thinking ofWashington’s fishbowl atmosphere. (Para 3)To stub her toe means to do damage to herself or get hurt.In a fishbowl atmosphere, everyone can see what is happening in the fishbowl. The sentence means Perkins was sure sooner or later she would get into trouble and be criticized.3 I don’t know how she did it. What to lay it to? (Para 3)The expression what to lay it to means “how can one explain it?”.4 … “that a crippled man, victim of a cruel affliction, was able for more than ten years to ride thestorms of peace and war at the summit of the US …” (Para 3)A man in a wheelchair with a terrible disease could lead his country well both during the Great Depressionand World War.5 “Most people who have played second violin all their lives never have an opportunity to play firstviolin,” remarked Perkins. (Para 4)People who play second violin are those who do not lead or give solos and who are always of lesserimportance. To play first violin means to be the leader and take the initiative.6 “Now, if you want to know what I think about Mrs Roosevelt, she istuh-riffic! …” (Para 5)The word tuh-riffic means terrific. It is pronounced with a strong regional accent.7 On a trip to India ... introduced to the Indian Parliament by Pandit Nehru as “a representative ofresurgent humanity”. (Para 6)The expression resurgent humanity refers to recovering from the horrors of thefirst half of the 20thcentury. A representative of resurgent humanity refers to an example of the most admirable and progressivetype of person.Reading and understanding2 Choose the best way to complete the sentences.1 Eleanor Roosevelt became a volunteer (c) .(a) when she met her husband(b) when her husband became President of the US(c) as a young woman(d) when she saw a homeless man in the street2 When she became the wife of the president (c) .(a) she gave up her job(b) she began to write for a newspaper(c) she reinvented the role of First Lady(d) she found it difficult to reconcile family life and public affairsStreets full of heroes Unit 62073 When she held her first press conference (a) .(a) she didn’t allow men to atte nd(b) she pushed her husband in on a wheelchair(c) she made speeches(d) her involvement in politics shocked people4 While Roosevelt was president, Eleanor (c) .(a) stayed a full-time wife and mother(b) made a lot of people angry(c) defended the rights of women and Afro-Americans(d) became the host of a television programme5 After her husband died she (c) .(a) retired from public life(b) became the only female delegate to the United Nations(c) helped implement the Universal Declaration of Human Rights(d) started writing for a newspaper6 In the last years of her life she (b) .(a) went to live in India(b) continued to promote the rights of women(c) was given a new task by President Kennedy(d) gave up her interest in politicsDealing with unfamiliar words3 Match the words in the box with their definitions.1 someone who is chosen to represent a group of other people at a meeting (delegate)2 to believe that something is the cause of someone or something else (ascribe)3 a newspaper or television reporter, especially one who deals with a particular subject or area(correspondent)4 a very high level of skill or ability (genius)5 to control someone or something, often in a negative way, because you have more power or influence(dominate)6 used about a feeling or thought you do not realize you have (unconscious)7 to watch something in order to check that it works in the way that it should (oversee)4 Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.Eleanor Roosevelt showed her (1) genius for getting the support of other (2) delegates in the UNAssembly. She was a great speaker who knew how to (3) oversee important meetings without being seento (4) dominate them. She was also a talented (5) correspondent and she wrote a daily column for manyyears. Franklin D. Roosevelt’s success as president was (6) ascribed by many to her support and wonderfulcharacter. She became involved in politics because of her sense of right and wrong and an (7) unconsciousneed to help people.Unit 6 Streets full of heroes2085 Replace the underlined words with the correct form of the words in the box.1 He has been unable to use his legs since birth. (crippled)2 We need to call a meeting for world leaders about this issue. (summit)3 The first thing I read in the newspaper is the regular section about the arts. (column)4 Our class visit to the United Nations was a wonderful experience. (marvelous)5 It’s import ant to try to influence politicians about the need to improve transport facilities in our area.(lobby)6 How many millions of people live in the very poor areas of Mumbai? (slums)6 Answer the questions about the words and expressions.1 In a fishbowl atmosphere, are you (a) likely, or (b) unlikely to see what everyone is doing?2 Is a mishap a (a) positive, or (b) negative experience?3 If you have a humane attitude, are you (a) kind and caring, or (b) cruel and uncaring?4 If you win over someone to your cause, do you (a) defeat them, or (b) persuade them to join you?5 Does an affliction make your life (a) easy, or (b) difficult?6 If you ride the storm, do you (a) survive it, or (b) fall victim to it?7 Is a superlative performance (a) very good, or (b) just good?8 If a politician has a throng of admirers, are there (a) many people, or (b)a few who like them?9 If you are on a par with someone, are you in (a) the same position, or (b) different positions?Language in useword formation: gender-inclusive language1 Look at the sentences from the passages and answer the questions.Last man down: The fireman’s storyWe were firefighters, mostly, and we were in various stages of exhaustion.Streets full of heroes Unit 6211Please join Life magazine as we honor the power and humanity of Anna Eleanor Roosevelt by inductingher into the Hall of Heroes.1 What meaning do fireman and firefighter share?Someone whose job is to fight fires.2 What extra meaning is included in the word fireman?The person is male.3 Does the word heroes refer to men, women, or both?Both.2 Replace the underlined words with gender-inclusive language.1 Miss Read was the headmistress at school, and I was very fond of her. (headteacher)2 Mother Teresa and Eleanor Roosevelt are two great heroines of our time. (heroes)3 There were a lot of policemen standing at the entrance to the factory. (police officers)4 More than three hundred firemen died in the fire. (firefighters)5 We’ll ask one of our salesgirls to come and help you. (salespersons) Why is it that …?3 Rewrite the sentences using Why is it that ...?1 I don’t know why we haven’t been able to solve the problem of slums in this town.Why is it that we haven’t been able to solve the problem of slums in this town?2 I don’t know why we are not able to organize fair elections in this part of the world.Why is it that in this part of the world we are not able to organize fair elections?3 I don’t know why they never employ qualified people in this hotel.Why is it that in this hotel they never employ qualified people?4 I don’t know why the system of welfare is still not working properly in this country.Why is it that in this country the system of welfare is still not working properly?5 I don’t know why you always find such an easy answer to all the questionsI ask.Why is it that you always find such an easy answer to all the questions I ask?adj. + though it + be4 Rewrite the sentences using adj. + though it + be.1 My time in the United States was short, but it was interesting.My time in the United States, short though it was, was interesting.2 The scenes of destruction were terrible, but not surprising.The scenes of destruction, terrible though they were, were not surprising.3 The rescue operation cost a lot of money, but it was successful.The rescue operation, costly though it was, was successful.Unit 6 Streets full of heroes2124 The lesson he gave was extremely interesting, but it was soon forgotten. The lesson he gave, interesting though it was, was soon forgotten.5 Mother Teresa may have been old, but she was extremely active.Mother Teresa, old though she may have been, was extremely active.6 His actions may have been unconscious, but they have had very serious consequences.His actions, unconscious though they may have been, have had very serious consequences.collocations5 Complete the sentences with the correct form of suitable expressions from the collocation box. Sometimesmore than one collocation is possible.1 My grandfather died suddenly after a massive heart attack.2 There was a column of smoke in the sky for days after 9/11.3 Eleanor Roosevelt wrote a daily / newspaper column for nearly 30 years.4 The stress began to take a toll on their marriage.5 The final death toll might be much higher than the police at first thought.6 How many newspaper columns have been written about the heroes of the last century?7 Do you have to pay a toll to drive on the motorway?8 Your idea was brilliant – a stroke of genius!9 My hero is my English teacher. He has a genius for helping us understand Shakespeare.10 When she died she left a massive amount of money to charity.6 Translate the paragraphs into Chinese.1 I thought how we firemen were always saying to each other, “I’ll see you at the big one.” Or, “We’ll allmeet at the big one.” I never knew how it started, or when I’d picked up on it myself, but it was part ofour shorthand. Meaning, no matter how big this fire is, there’ll be another one bigger, somewhere downthe road. We’ll make it through this one, and we’ll make it through that one, too. I always said it, at bigfires, and I always heard it back, and here I was, thinking I would never say or hear these words again,because there would never be another fire as big as this. This was the big one we had all talked about,all our lives, and if I hadn’t known this before – just before these chilling moments – this sick, blacknoise now confirmed it. (这段话由许多短句构成,要注意短句间语气的连接。
新标准大学英语综合教程3课文翻译和课后习题答案 Unit 6

4 I thought about my wife and my kids, but only fleetingly and not in any kind of life-flashing-before-my-eyes sort of way. So does he look back over his whole life in a single second?
They minimize the fire which has just happened and imagine the ultimate fire. The expression is one common to firefighters, so they know what they are referring to.
words in Activity 5. 7. Replace the underlined words with the correct form of
the words in the box. 8. Answer the questions about the words and expressions.
human lives are in danger. When people are trapped
inside a building he must act swiftly to prevent (3)__tr_a_g_e_d_y_, or, – in the (4) _n_ig_h_t_m_a_r_e_ scenario – to keep the death (5) __t_o_ll__ to a minimum. Actions like

下⾯是⼩编分享的.第3册Unit 6 的课后答案,希望能对⼤家有所帮助! Unit 6 The Human Touch Text A Content Questions(P.172) 1.They found their tastes in art, chicory salad and bishop sleeves so much in tune that they set up a joint studio. 2.Johnsy would be able to recover from pneumonia if she wanted to live. 3.She wanted to paint the Bay of Naples some day. 4.She could see a bare yard, and an old ivy vine climbing half way up the brick wall. 5.Because she thought that she would die when the last leaf fell. 6.No. Because in the text the author mentions that Behrman was a failure in art. For forty years he had been always about to paint a masterpiece, without ever actually starting one. 7.He was upset that Johnsy should have such a silly idea. 8.Because they were afraid that Johnsy would die if the leaves on it were all gone. 9.She saw the last leaf on the vine. 10.It rekindled her will to live. And she realized that it was a sin to want to die. 11.He caught pneumonia because he painted the last leaf on a rainy and cold night in the yard and was wet through. 12.Yes, he finished his masterpiece eventually. It was his fine painting of the last leaf, the painting that saved Johnsy. Text Organization (P.173) 1. (P.173) 1).She made up her mind to die when the last leaf fell. 2).She decided not to give up her life. 3).Behrman, a kind neighbor, who was aware of Johnsy's state of mind, risked death to paint the last leaf and save her. 4).Because it was so perfect the girls both mistook it for the real thing. 2. (P.173) ScenesParagraphsCharactersEvents 1Paras 1-2Sue, JohnsySue's roommate Johnsy caught pneumonia. 2Paras 3-8the doctor, SueThe doctor told Sue that Johnsy needed a strong will to live on. 3Paras 9-17Johnsy, SueJohnsy decided that she would die when the 1 last ivy leaf fell. 4Paras 18-2.1Behrman, SueSue told Behrman about Johnsy's fancy. 5Paras 22-33Sue, JohnsyAs Johnsy was encouraged by the last leaf that wouldn't give in to the weather, her will to live returned. 6Paras 34-37the doctor, Sue ■The doctor told Sue that Johnsy would re?cover, but Behrman caught pneumonia him?self and his case was hopeless. 7Paras 38-39Sue, JohnsySue told Johnsy that Behrman had performed a kind deed without any thought of self. Language Sense Enhancement (P.174) I. 1)curling 2) looking the part 3)masterpiece 4) to excess 5)For the rest 6) smelling strongly of 7)fancy 8) light and fragile 9)slight hold up on the world10) streaming Language Focus (P.176) Vocabulary(P.176) 1. 1) masterpieces 2) fragile 3) fancy 4) nonsense 5) cling to 6)endure 7) acute 8) whistle 9) mock 10) subtracted 11) Sin 12) flutter/fluttering 2.(P.177) 1) gave in/gave up2) figure out 3) sized up 4) wiped out 5) pulling up 6) wear away 7) sit up8) hear of / about 3.(P. 178) 1) Illnesses usually stand out in childhood memories. 2)According to the bulletin, Albright College now offers a joint bachelor's degree program in environmental studies together with Duke University. 3)The new government is less oppressive, but violence still stalks the country. 4)There is scarcely any surface water in the desert. 5)The demand for change in the election law is so persistent that both houses have promised to consider it. 4.(P. 178—179) 1) It was dreary lying in the tent with nothing to read, so we built a camp fire. Soon the smell of steaks, bread and coffee mingled with that of fresh grass and earth. Other campers seemed to be doing the same. Here and there people were eating, drinking or dancing to their hearts' content, if not to excess. What a merry night! 2)Miss Florence, our music teacher, called to us to stop singing. I didn't realize why until Sally told me in a whisper: " You are not in tune with the group!" 3)The angry wife poured a bucket of water over her drunken husband, who was immedi?ately wet through and stumbled backward: " You can't do without drinks? I won't hear of any excuses. You certainly don't need it to turn loose your tongue!" II.Words with Multiple Meanings (P. 179—180) 1.He went to Paris on business last month. 2.The train to Brussels goes at 2:25p.m. 3.As soon as they arrived at the meadow, the shepherd let the sheep go. 3.As soon as they arrived at the meadow, the shepherd let the sheep go. 4.We went exploring together in the mountains. / We will go exploring together in the mountains. 5.Let's go and have a drink in the bar. 6.The store is going to close up soon. 7.South Koreans went crazy when their soccer players beat the Spanish team in the quarter?finals. 8.When Mother came out of the house, she found her children gone. age (P. 180) 1.a little white wooden house 2.long, curly red hair 2.a large old round table 3.a cheap Indian restaurant 4.a huge cool chocolate ice-cream 5.rapid technological advance 6.a handsome young Chinese American Comprehensive Exercises I. Cloze (P. 181) (A)1. in tune2.Scarcely3. in a whisper4.cling to5. merry6.sat up 7. nonsense8.fancy 9. sin10.masterpiece (B)1. mission2.involve3. jail4.not5. collect6.deliver 7. beautiful8.vocation 9. need10.small II. Translation (P. 182) 1. (P. 182) 1).The red house stands out against the old trees that reach high up to the sky. 2).The salary in/for my new job is great, but for the rest, I’m not satisfied. 3).The waters of the two streams mingle near our village. 4).We should not mock at other people’s religious beliefs. 5).The curtains of the room are not quite in tune with the style of the furniture. 2. (P. 182) Here and there we see young artists who stand out from other people. They may be in worn out jeans all the year round, or walk barefoot / in bare feet even in winter, or drink to excess, or cling to the fancy of creating a masterpiece without actually doing any creative work. In fact, many of them act like this just to look the part, or to be "in tune with" other artists. They have forgotten that only through persistent effort can one achieve success.【全新版⼤学英语综合教程3Unit6课后答案】。

Unit 6Part I Pre-Reading TaskScript for the recording:In the song you are about to listen to we hear what the singer is thinking as he writes his diary. Like many people who keep a diary, he treats it like a friend to whom he can pour out his inmost feelings. From the confidences he entrusts to his diary we learn of what he thinks of the way most people live. He thinks they spend their days in a rush, so much so that they have no time for him. As he says:So many people by the score.Rushing around so senselessly.They don't notice there's people like me.Perhaps he's right, perhaps people are too much in a rush to spare enough time for one another. Though one suspects they may have other reasons for not sparing the singer time. He sounds alto-gether self-centred, looking at the world only from his own narrow point of view. We hear this at the end of the song, when he passes lightly over an H-bomb explosion as something of no concern to him as nobody he knew was involved. Given his outlook, it is probably just as well he has his diary as a friend, as others might find it a bit hard to put up with him.Dear DiaryThe Moody BluesDear diary, what a day it's been.Dear diary, it's teen just like a dream.Woke up late. Wasn't where I should have been.For goodness sake what's happening to me.Write lightly, yours truly, dear diary.It was cold outside my door.So many people by the score.Rushing around so senselessly.They don't notice there's people like me.Write lightly, yours truly, dear diary.They don't know what they're playing.They've no way or knowing what the game is.Still they carry on doing what they can.Outside me, yours truly, dear diary.It's over. Will tomorrow be the same?I know that they're really not to blame.If they weren't so blind then surely they'd see.There's a muck better way for them to be. Inside me, yours truly, dear diary.Somebody exploded an H-bomb today. But it wasn't anyone I knew.Part II Text AText Organization1.2. 1) The motorcar causes more traffic problems than it promises to solve.2)The aircraft creates a high demand for time-consuming journeys that we never dreamed of.3)The washing machine, contrary to our expectations, multiplies the hours spent on washing andironing.4)Instead of making our lives easier, technology goes so far as to cram extra work into ourleisure time.5)Technology produces the new burden of dealing with faxes, e-mails and voicemails.6)Technology eats further into our time by forcing us to handle software glitches on computersand filling our heads with useless information from the Internet.VocabularyI. 1. 1) a ppliance3) multiply5) prosperity7) aircraft 2) comparative 4) oblige6) in reality 8) volunteers9) a handful of10) distribution11) famine12) large quantities of/a large quantity of13) widespread14) streamline15) provoke2.1) take back2) cling to3) stand out/stood out 4) set aside5) set about6) switch off7) amount to8) poured in3.1) The unemployment rate is forecast to be below average next year, which at the moment is4 percent.2)There seems to be some confusion over who is actually giving the talk as both men arespeaking to the audience.3)Efforts to enter the building and find the baby girl proved futile as rescuers were driven outby the heat and flames.4)The board was urged to divert some of its attention from controlling production and getmore involved with demand issues.5)Losing just one or two items of expensive clothing can really eat heavily into your profitswhen you are selling suits at £900 and dresses at £2,000.4. 1) After two days' discussion, industry leaders who took part in the forum concluded mat themost common reason for a company to 'go international' was insufficient growth in thedomestic market, mostly due to a shortage of financial back-up from the local government.2)There is an abundance of evidence showing that in the eleventh and twelfth centuries, inalmost every corner of Europe the area under the plough was expanding, villages werespringing up. new lands were being colonized, and the frontiers of Europe were beingpressed forwards and outwards.3)Has the ever-increasing pace of modern living gotten you down? Has the quest for moremoney and more excitement become a burden in your life? Surveys show that today a lotof Americans feel weary of being knocked backwards and sideways just because they arealways on the go /seem forever on the go. In their crazy search for fulfillment, they'vegotten themselves into situations in which they are not able to cope.II. Confusable Words1.1) nervousness2)tension3) stress, stress/tension4)tension2.1) honorary2)Honorable3) honorable4) honorary5) honorable6) honoraryIII. Usage1)Dealing with the extinction crisis is no simple matter. Is it sensible, we may ask , to spendlarge sums of money to save some species — be it an elephant or an orchid — in a nation in which a large proportion of the population is living below the poverty line?2)This new technology could be used anywhere large numbers of people need to be quicklyscreened — at airports, train stations, bus terminals or border crossings. However, experts suspect, there is also the risk that people will learn to fool the machine the same way they try to fool polygraph (测谎器) readings by controlling their breath or taking drugs to relax them-selves.3)With a high percentage of marriages ending in divorce, often due to financial difficulties, youwould say that money is a big factor in making a good marriage. But, believe it or not, it isn't money that ensures you a happy marriage; it is your philosophy of life that does.4)Not all the risks on the Internet are sexual, you know. Sites promoting violence are just a clickaway, and may include instructions for making bombs and other destructive devices.■Structure1. 1) Philosophical essays and translations apart. Mr. Sinclair's early literary production also coveredpoetry and short stories.2)Interest in computer science apart. Michael has an enduring love of the arts, especially musicand painting.3)Handsome reward apart, the work can be thoroughly enjoyable and rewarding in its own right.4)Good looks apart, there is a quality about her that makes her stand out from all the other girlsin the class.2. 1) What I am convinced of is that the world's population will grow to an unforeseen extent.2)The service that we can provide for our customers is what we really care about and our staffmake every effort to maintain as high standards as possible.3)He may have traveled all over the world, yet what most often emerges in his dreams are notthe mountains he has climbed nor the oceans he has crossed, but the narrow, winding lanes he used to pass through and the rivers he used to catch frogs in as a child.4)The billionaire said in a recent TV interview that money is not like eggs he could hatch chick-ens from. Money is just something he would hold onto for a little while and pass on to someone who needs it more than he does.Comprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze(A)1. switch off 3. on the go 5. cope7. widespread 9. pouring in 11. fraction (B) l)to 3) in 5) where 7) among 9) That 11) sticking 13) once/when 15) the17) all / what2. obliged 4. stress 6. shortage8. large quantity of 10. a handful of 12. futile2) else's4) because 6) how8) everything / all / what 10) schedule / allot 12) where/ what 14) doesn't 16) in/under 18) effectivelyPart III TextBComprehension Check1. c2. a3. b4. b5. d6. cTranslation(见课文译文)Language Practice1. browse2. endurance3. forth4. suspended5. zone6. no wonder7. signify8. under (tremendous) pressure9. run the risk of10. opt11. characterize12. volume13. buzz14. parallel15. confess16. on the wing17. waterproof18. thrilled19. haste20. captioned■Part IV Theme-Related Language Learning TasksModel PaperMaking the Most of TimeTime is peculiar. At first sight it would seem that one second must last as long as another, no more, no less. Yet, in terms of our experience nothing could be further from the truth. Often time seems to fly past; before we know it the end of the week has arrived again. Is there any way to slow it down? There is a character in Kurt Vonnegut's Catch 22 who tries to make his life seem longer by doing boring and repetitive things, in the belief that this will make time go slower. Unfortunately, he was quite wrong.The way to slow time down is to do many new and interesting things. Repeat the same old pattern week after week and time flies past. Take a break from routine, go on holiday to somewhere completely new or take up a fresh task, and the days begin to pass more slowly. So, if you want to feel as if time is not passing you by, break up your routine and do something new.(178 words)。

大学体验英语-综合教程3 Unit6Passage A The Woman Taxi Driver In CairoRead and think 31~5 1~5 CDBAC CDBAC Read and complete 61.counterpart 2.efficient 3.relief 4.vague 5.core 6.punctually 7.approach 8.economy 9.exception 10.invite Read and complete 71.pull pull……through 2.belongs to 3.ever since 4.in turn led about Read and translate 81.He breathed a sigh of sorrow and told us that he had seen a better day when he was young. 2.He was very responsible and that ’s why he was chosen to take control of the project. 3.Wherever you go, be it for business or pleasure, it is always a good idea to know as much information as possible of the place. 4.We should be careful. The same situation may be about to repeat inself. 5.Actually, the quality of the air in the house has a lot to do with the health of children, and the health of adults for that matter. Passage B A Russian ExperienceRead and think 121~5 BBADC Read and complete 131.stretches 2.intense 3.beloved 4.ability 5.positive 6.converting 7.manner 8.toast 9.absorbed 10. be sheltered Read and complete 141. in fine form 2. thanks to 3. give way to 4. is made up of 5. what makes …tick Read and translate151. Why is it that people spend so much time and energy in traveking? 2. No wonder traveling by air is a popular choice for travelers. It is very safe and quick. 3. Most Most of of of the the the students students students in in in my my my college college college have have have enrolled enrolled enrolled in in in the the the course course course of of of web web web design design design so so so that that that the the computer centre is filled with people day and night. 4. It is my dream that my friends are all over the world. Thanks to the Internet, I can realize my dream finally. 5. What the Internet means to him includes free information online, convenient communication with friends, and attractive games. 6.。

Unit 6Part I Listening TaskListening PracticeScript for the recording:Commentator: Two years ago, Nancy McPhee had to explain to her young son that not only were there homeless people but there were children who also suffered the same situation. Boundless with energy and bright with passion, Stephen McPhee is now seven years old and has donated hundreds of backpacks stuffed with essentials and toys to needy children in Calgary. As his mother recalls:Nancy: When he came up with the idea, he called them 'pack packs' and said, 'I want to have toys, crayons, candy and all those things for them!' We put together 15 backpacks and delivered them with Stephen to Calgary's homeless shelter. I didn't think any more of it until the middle of last year when Stephen asked, 'Mom, are there still kids on the street' I told him there were, and he said, 'I have to make bigger back packs.' "Commentator: With Stephen’s mind set on 150 packs, Nancy wondered out loud whether the goal was setting up her son for disappointment.Nancy: He looked at me and said, 'Mommy, you have to dream out loud.'Commentator: ‘You have to dream out loud’ has become a phrase that the McPhees, communities and local businesses have rallied around. To everyone's surprise but Stephen's, 265 backpacks were delivered last Christmas.Nancy: He's so right. I think one of the things I like most is that I hear storiesof someone's daughter or son ask what they can do as well. There's nothing more exciting than teaching kids to give.Commentato r: Stephen’s biggest and long-term goal is to get homeless children a house. Instead of expressing doubt, Nancy now happily dreams out loud with her son. After Listening1.toys, crayons, candy2.hundreds of backpacks; house3.give4.other childrenPart II Reading TaskComprehensionPossible answers to content questions1.They found their tastes in art, chicory salad and bishop sleeves so much in tunethat they set up a joint studio.2.Johnsy would be able to recover from pneumonia if she wanted to live.3.She wanted to paint the Bay of Naples some day.4.She could see a bare yard, and an old ivy vine climbing half way up the brickwall.5.Because she thought that she would die when the last leaf fell.6.No. Because in the text the author mentions that Behrman was a failure in art.For forty years he had been always about to paint a masterpiece, without ever actually starting one.7.He was upset that Johnsy should have such a silly idea.8.Because they were afraid that Johnsy would die if the leaves on it were all gone.9.She saw the last leaf on the vine.10.It rekindled her will to live. And she realized that it was a sin to want todie.11.He caught pneumonia because he painted the last leaf on a rainy and cold nightin the yard and was wet through.12.Yes, he finished his masterpiece eventually. It was his fine painting of thelast leaf, the painting that saved Johnsy.Text Organization1.1)She made up her mind to die when the last leaf fell.2)She decided not to give up her life.3)Behrman, a kind neighbor, who was aware of Johnsy's state of mind, risked deathto paint the last leaf and save her.4)Because it was so perfect the girls both mistook it for the real thing.2.Language Sense Enhancement1.1) curling2) looking the part3) masterpiece4) to excess5) For the rest6) smelling strongly of 7) fancy8) light and fragile 9) slight hold upon the world10) streamingVocabularyI. 1.1) masterpieces2) fragile3) fancy4) nonsense5) cling to6) endure7) acute8) whistle9) mock10) subtracted11) Sin12) flutter/fluttering2.1) gave in/gave up2) figure out3) sized up4) wiped out5) pulling up6) wear away7) sit up8) hear of/ about3.1)Illnesses usually stand out in childhood memories.2)According to the bulletin, Albright College now offers a joint bachelor's degreeprogram in environmental studies together with Duke University.3)The new government is less oppressive, but violence still stalks the country.4)There is scarcely any surface water in the desert.5)The demand for change in the election law is so persistent that both houses havepromised to consider it.4.1)It was dreary lying in the tent with nothing to read, so we built a campfire.Soon the smell of steaks, bread and coffee mingled with that of fresh grass and earth. Other campers seemed to be doing the same. Here and there people were eating, drinking, or dancing to their hearts' content, if not to excess. Whata merry night!2)Miss Florence, our music teacher, called to us to stop singing. I didn't realizewhy until Sally told me in a whisper: "You are not in tune with the group!"3) The angry wife poured a bucket of water over her drunken husband, who stumbledbackward, completely wet through."You can't do without drink” she yelled. “I won't hear of any excuses and don’t you dare think you can turn loose your tongue on me!"II. Words with Multiple Meanings1.He went to Paris on business last month.2.The train to Brussels goes at 2:25 .3.As soon as they arrived at the meadow, the shepherd let the sheep go.4.We went exploring together in the mountains. / We will go exploring togetherin the mountains.5.Let's go and have a drink in the bar.6.The store is going to close up soon.7.South Koreans went crazy when their soccer players beat the Spanish team in thequarter-finals.8.When the mother came out of the house, she found her children gone.III. Usage1. a little white wooden house2.long, curly red hair3. a large old round table4. a cheap Indian restaurant5. a huge cool chocolate ice-cream6.rapid technological advance7. a handsome young Chinese AmericanComprehensive ExercisesI. Cloze1.1) in tune2) Scarcely3) in a whisper4) cling to5) merry6) sat up7) nonsense8) fancy9) sin10) masterpiece2.1) mission2) involve3) jail4) not5) collect6) deliver7) beautiful8) vacation9) need10) smallII. Translation1.1)The red house stands out against the old trees that reach high up to the sky.2)The salary in/for my new job is great, but for the rest, I’m not satisfied.3)The waters of the two streams mingle near our village.4)We should not mock at other people's religious beliefs.5)The curtains of the room are not quite in tune with the style of the furniture.2.Here and there we see young artists who stand out from other people. They may be in worn out jeans all the year round, or walk barefoot/in bare feet even in winter, or drink to excess, or cling to the fancy of creating a masterpiece without actually doing any creative work. In fact, many of them act like this just to look the part, or to be in tune with other artists. They have forgotten that only through persistent effort can one achieve success.Part III Home Reading TaskComprehension Check1. b2. c3. b4. c5. d6. aTranslation(参见Appendix III)Language Practice1.1) f2) c3) a4) g5) b6) e7) h8) d2.1) conscious2) outline3) enables4) moans5) started off6) cut …short7) serial8) toughen9) Military10) pulled out11) collapsed12) encouragementPart IV Comprehensive Language PracticeModel noteDear Professor Brown,My father has written to say that my cousin is seriously ill with pneumonia. According to her doctor, she has only one chance in ten. At such a distressing time I long to be by her bedside and do what I can to comfort and console her. May I ask for leave for a day or two I’ll be obliged to you if my application is granted. Yours,Helen Jenkins。

1.The company will spend $6 million on sales strategies as well as the development of newproducts.2.We all agreed on our basic aims, but when we got down to specific items it became morecomplicated.3.Nowadays consumers demand not only the high quality of the products but also theirafter-sale services.4.The movie star was caught in the act of shoplifting but was released after paying a fine to thesupermarket5.The soldiers pretended to run away and the enemies, in pursuing them ,were finally trapped6.As a consequence of her hospital experience, Shelly decided to become a nurse.7.The village was isolated from the outside for three days because of the flood8.After the second world war ,millions of people were left homeless; so the government decidedto give priority to housing9.In many shops, shopping bags are provided for the customers convenience10.With a tearful love story and two famous stars, the movie has all the elements for a success1.The theories of relativity have made fundamental change in our views of the universe.2.That is our ultimate proposal, and no other change will be considered.3.The forest fire was found to have been sparked by a cigarette end.4.The speaker had apparently n oticed that his topic wasn’t popular with the audience,so hequickly ended his speech.5.I’ve no patience with people who are always complaining of their misfortune.6.I have never imagined that I would be the object of such curiosity.7.The police asked him to describe the accident in every detail.8.The doctors tried to convince her that sh e didn’t need to feel depressed about her health.9.The quality guarantee and good after-sale services will certainly meet with positive responsesfrom the consumers.10.The story of Harry Potter stirs the imagination of children throughout the world.1.Being the son of a professor does not (qualify)him for the scholarship consideration.2.The police suspect that it was john who(had committted)the murder3.So far,the new manager has given little(hint)that he won’t be any different form the former one4.Form all the indications,it is safe to(assume)that the prices of cars will go down by large margins5.Some of his instructions are outdated and others are too(vague)to be understood6.The local dialect sounds a little(peculiar)to the people from the north7.The failure of the movie hastened her decision to (retreat)from the glamorous screen and spend more time with her family8.The woman’s headache(puzzled)the doctor;he couldn’t find the cause9.The state has laws that protect consumer against fraud or (misleading)sales practicesHe tried to explain the complicated theory to me, but i got even more(confused)by the technical terms in his explanation。
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综合B3U6小测答案Part I Reading Comprehension ( 25 minutes )Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with several blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.Nights are 1__ in hospitals, but all through the night the young Marine sat there in the dimly-lit ward, holding the old man’s hand and 2__ words of hope and strength. 3__, the nurse suggested that the Marine rest for a while. He refused.Whenever the nurse came into the ward, the Marine was there, but he 4__ her and the night noises of the hospital — the clanking of an oxygen tank, the laughter of night-staff members exchanging greetings, the cries and moans and snores of other 5__. Now and then she heard him say a few 6__ words. The dying man said nothing, only held 7__ to his son all through the night.It was nearly dawn when the patient died. The Marine released the now 8 __ hand he had been 9__ and went to tell the nurse. While she did what she had to do, he smoked a cigarette — his first 10__ he got to the hospital.A) offering B) doctors C) holding D) patients E) speaking F) took no notice of G) Occasionally H) since I) happy J) tightly K) Unexpectedly L) gentle M) long N) lifeless O) depressed正确答案:1-10 MAGFD LJNCHSection BDirections: There are several passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice.Passage OneQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.We see neighbors practically every day — in the morning before we rush to work and in the evening when we return. But have you ever thought it over why neighbors are so important to our lives?11Neighbors can help bring out our social best. After all, neighbors deserve to be treated with respect and friendliness like everyone else.Neighbors can be helpful too. They can help look after our houses when we are away on holiday. If you are new to the neighborhood, they can advise you on how things operate, where to go and so on.Hence, if you have a good relationship with your neighbors, it is easier to solve problems like who should keep the passageways clean, or who should do repairs on retaining walls (挡土墙) or fences.Of course, you have good and bad neighbors.The good neighbors help one another. A good neighbor may spend their own money buying young trees and planting them to beautify the neighborhood for everyone, or may help to dig a communal garden bed for roses.Good neighbors give each other food occasionally. It’s not what and how often you give, it’s the thought that counts.Then you have the bad neighbors.I know of a neighbor who trimmed the branches of his tree, letting them fall and damage another neighbor’s fence and nearby plants.matter even when the victimized neighbor complained12. The bad neighbor also had a fierce dog and does not bother to put it on a leash13. This dog has frightened some older ladies living close by.Then there are neighbors who are a little bit too “nosy”. They invade your privacy too often by focusing on their binoculars on your homes or asking too many questions about your activities14.If you have problems with your neighbors, you’d better discuss these with them openly. You might be living with them for years and it is in both your interests to solve these problems amicably (友善地)15.You can get a restraining order to stop a neighbor from harassing you or your property.Taking legal action to solve a problem with a neighbor should be the last choice. If you have to take this action, then it might be better to move to another neighborhood.11. Which one of the following can be the most proper title for this passage?A) Good Neighbors Make Life EasyB) Neighbors: Helpers of LifeC) Good and Bad NeighborsD) How to Deal With Neighbors?正确答案:A12. A good neighbor will behave in all the following ways EXCEPT ______.A) being glad to help one anotherB) giving a hand to new neighborsC) keeping quiet about mattersD) being considerate to others正确答案:C13. Which statement is true about bad neighbors?A) They trim the branches too frequently.B) They keep the fierce pets at large.C) They frighten old ladies for fun.D) They keep quiet about any matter.正确答案:B keep … at large(囚犯)在逃;逍遥法外14. What does the word “nosy” (P ara.11) mean?A) Be sensitive to smells.B) Be keen on finding secrets out.C) Be interested in others’ business.D) Be good at making sounds.正确答案:C15. How does the author advise you to solve the problems with your neighbors?A) Warn your neighbors before action.B) Talk about the trouble frankly.C) Post a restraining order on your neighbor’s door.D) Go to the lawsuit directly.正确答案:BPassage TwoWhen you consciously keep thinking of something, your unconscious mind will somehow spontaneously push that idea or issue back to the surface even when you are doing something else, because your unconscious mind accepts, stores, and plays back everything that the conscious mind fo cuses on. The unconscious mind is like a “yes” person, agreeing, accepting and reminding.Hence, your unconscious mind can respond positively or negatively, depending on how you have consciously conditioned it — by constantly thinking about something.If you keep thinking negatively of someone, you will constantly say negative things about that person when you are chatting away with another friend.If you keep telling yourself that it is very difficult to study English or that your English lecture is boring, then that thought will always crop up uninvited when you are chatting with someone or doing something else.That is how the unconscious mind works. That is why successful athletes who consciously, continuously and consistently focus on superior performance actually perform well because they are driven by their unconscious mind.18It’s important to understand that whatever you consciously focus on, your unconscious mind will accept it. You need to think positively so that your unconscious mind will respond likewise.19If you find yourself in a negative mood, discontinue that mood. Perhaps look at yourself through a mirror and see how “ugly” your face is when you are in a bitter mood. If you have a coin, flip i t over. Say to yourself: “There are two sides of me, the good and the bad. Now I seem to be bad, so let’s focus on the good.”You must not hold a negative thought too long, or it will come back again and get more rooted in your system. Once you are in a negative system, it would take much more reprogramming to uproot the bad “trees” in your mind. You could have a full-grown negative “forest” in your mind — and that could take ages to uproot. So place it with a positive thought. Affirm consciously, continuously and consistently your new positive image. Focus on the new trait visually and see yourself succeeding in it.20Review your behavior. Do you moan and groan too often? Do you talk like a loser? Are you small-minded, selfish and unforgiving?It’s time you consciously conditioned your unconscious mind to work in a positive manner.1616. What is the best title for this passage?A) Train Your Unconscious MindB) Conscious Mind and Unconscious MindC) Uproot Negative ThoughtsD) How the Unconscious Mind Works正确答案:A17. How does the author support the idea that “one’s unconscious mind can respond positively or negatively”?A) By providing examples. 4 ifB) By giving reasons.C) By stating people’s opinions.D) By accounting his personal experiences.正确答案:A18. Para. 5 is mainly discussing ______.A) how good performance affects one’s unconscious mindB) how a positive unconscious mind developsC) how a person’s unconscious mind works positivelyD) how people condition their unconscious mind19. When conditioning your unconscious mind, it is very important to understand that _______.A) we should avoid aiming too highB) our unconscious mind should agree with our true potentialC) we are always better than what we think we areD) our unconscious mind will accept whatever we consciously focus on正确答案:D20. What can we infer from the sentence “You could have a full-grown negative ‘forest’ in your mind — and that could take ages to uproot” (Para. 9)?A) Negative thoughts are potential obstacles to our further development.B) It takes consistent effort to get rid of negative thoughts.C) Negative thoughts are a part of learning in our lives.D) There are always many negative thoughts in our minds.正确答案:BPart II Vocabulary and Structure ( 11 minutes )Directions: There are a number of incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence.21. The saying “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” warns against working to ___.A. excessB. excuseC. exactD. exercise正确答案:A in (或to) excess过度;过量;过分She insisted that he did not drink to excess.22. Various scandals reportedly related to Mr. Carson really ___ from his voters’ favor of him in the state governor election (州长选举).A. substituteB. sustainC. subtract减去;扣除D. survive正确答案:C23. After months of drought in the region, the dry land became ___, empty of all green life.A. bearB. beerC. bairD. bare正确答案:D 光秃秃的;(房间、柜子等)空的24. As energy resources are becoming increasingly ___ , people try every means to cut down on energy consumption.A. bareB. scarce缺乏的,罕见的D. dense正确答案:B25. Pooling their funds, the three men founded their ____-stock company.A. jointB. joinC. youngD. youth正确答案:A joint-stock 合资、合股26. What you kept talking about is sheer____. It doesn’t make any sense to us.A. sensefulB. no senseC. senseD. nonsense正确答案:D sheer (a.) nonsense无稽之谈sheer bravado纯属逞能sheer joy无比喜悦27. The marvelous bedside stories Mark’s mother told turned him into a man full of ____ and dreams.A. fans 狂热爱好者B. fancies 设想;想像力;爱好;怪想C. fantasia 幻想曲,即兴作品D. fantast 幻想家,梦想家正确答案:B28. SARS, an ___ disease that makes the patient feel difficult to breathe, was out of the doctor’s hands at first.A. acute [医]急性的B. accuse v. 指责,谴责;指控C. academicD. accidental 意外的,偶然(发生)的正确答案:A29. If one pays no or little attention to fire control, he is liable to fall ___ to a fire disaster at any moment.A. victimB. victorC. witnessD. actor正确答案:A fall victim to成为…的牺牲品Many streams have fallen victim to the recent drought. 许多河流都受到了近期干旱的影响。