

Chap6_2_WLAN_2 Wireless Networks and Security 无线网络与安全 教学课件

Chap6_2_WLAN_2 Wireless Networks and Security 无线网络与安全 教学课件

First, the use of the Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) and 802.1x enforces user authentication and mutual authentication.
Second, Message Integrity Code (MIC) detects modifications of bits during transmission.
The checksum is a non-cryptographic value. Some known attacks, such as side-channel
attacks, can compromise the data’s integrity.
Chap 6.2- Dr. Du
MAC Address Spoofing
Standard (AES) for new WLAN implementations.
Chap 6.2- Dr. Du
IEEE 802.11 Standards
802.11i - The 802.11i specification consists of three main
pieces organized into two layers. On the lower level are:
The standards address performance and security concerns within the wireless realm, including
802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g, and later: 802.1x, 802.11i.


The dangers of online games
Now we are in the Internet era. First , we must admit that Internet makes our life more convenient.
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As we have not found, we will grow old.
Addicting to online games is a waste of time.
Addicting to online games is a waste of energy.
People spend so much time playing the computer games at the cost of their health .
• There are so many enticement (诱惑 ) that beyond our control!
Addicting to online games is a waste of money.
• People who spent more time on the game.
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Wireless security - 无线安全技术

Wireless security - 无线安全技术

Wireless LAN SecurityToday and TomorrowBySangram GayalandDr. S. A. Vetha ManickamCenter for Information and Network SecurityPune UniversityTable of Contents1. Introduction (3)2. Wireless LANs (3)2.1 Types of Wireless LANS (3)Stack (4)2.2 Protocol2.3 The 802.11 Physical Layer (5)2.4 802.11 MAC layer (5)3. Security Features of Wireless LANs (6)3.1 Authentication (7)3.2 Association (7)3.3 Encryption and Decryption-The WEP Protocol (8)4. Known Attacks on WEP (10)Type of Attacks (10)Decryption Dictionaries (11)Message Modification (12)Message Injection (13)Authentication Spoofing (13)Message Decryption (14)Man in the Middle Attack (16)Tools available for attacking WLANs (16)Summary of 802.11 vulnerabilities (17)5. Countermeasures (17)5.1 Fake Access points or Honey Pots (18)5.2 Wireless Network Auditing (18)6. Future of Wireless LAN Security (18)6.1 Advanced encryption Standard (AES) (18)6.1 Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) (18)6.2 802.1X and Extensible Authentication Protocol (19)References (20)1.IntroductionWireless LANs are a boon for organizations that don't have time to setup wired LANs, make networked temporary offices a reality and remove the wire work that goes on in setting LANs. They are reported to reduce setting up costs by 15%. But, with these benefits come the security concerns.One doesn't need to have physical access to your wires to get into your LANs now. Any attacker, even though sitting in your parking lot, or in your neighboring building, can make a mockery of the security mechanisms of your WLAN.If you don't care about security, then go ahead; buy those WLAN cards/ Access Points. But, if you do, watch out for the developments on the security front of 802.11.As this report and many such others tell, contrary to 802.11's claims, WLANs have very little security. An attacker can listen to you, take control of your laptops/desktops and forge him to be you. He can cancel your orders, make changes into your databases, or empty your credit cards.So, what is the remedy?Don't trust anybody!!!Think like an attacker and take proper countermeasures. Have dynamic system administrators. Those attackers won't be lucky every time! The key is, be informed!2.W ireless LANsWireless LANs (WLANs) are quickly gaining popularity due to their ease of installation and higher employee mobility. Together with PDAs and other mobility devices, they go on to improve the quality of life.2.1Types of Wireless LANSThe part of success behind the popularity of WLANs is due to the availability of the 802.11 standard from IEEE. The standard specifies operation of WLANs in three ways:•Infrastructure Mode: Every WLAN workstation (WS) communicates to any machine through an access point (AP). The machine can be in the same WLAN or connected to the outside world through the AP.•Ad Hoc Network Mode: Every WS talks to another WS directly.•Mixed Network Mode: Every WS can work in the above two modes simultaneously.This is also called the Extended Basic Service Set (EBSS)Fig2.1: Types of WLAN2.2Protocol StackThe protocol stack for WLANs was designed such that existing applications can use them with minor modifications. The top three layers of the stack are same as the other networks.Application LayerTransport LayerNetwork Layer802.11 MAC/Data-link Layer802.11 Physical Layer2.3 The 802.11 Physical LayerThe 802.11 physical layers modulate the data and send it over the air. Three popular standards have emerged since the inception of WLANs, 802.11a, 802.11b, and 802.11g. The comparison between the above standards are given in the following table.Parameter 802.11a 802.11b 802.11gSpeed54 Mbps11Mbps54MbpsFrequency Band 5 GHz 2.4 GHz 2.4 GHz Modulation OFDM DSSS OFDM Distance(Indoor) 18 mts 30 mts 30 mts Distance(Outdoor) 30 mts 120 mts 120 mts No. of simultaneous networks 12 3 3 Availability Came after 802.11b available Widely available in the market To hit the market by mid2002Comments No interference ; less distance due to high frequencies Interference from RF sources like cordless phonesInterference, backwardscompatible with 802.11bTable 2.1 Comparison between 802.11 a, b, g2.4 802.11 MAC layerThe MAC / datalink layer of 802.11(IEEE std., 1) specifies the following features: 1. CRC checksum 2. Fragmentation 3. Auto-Roaming 4. Authentication and Association 5. WEP (Wired Equivalent Security) ProtocolThe data-link layer level encryption was intended to perform Wired Equivalent Security, but attackers have proven all these claims false and hollow. In the subsequent sections, we shall consider the loopholes in WEP.3.Security Features of Wireless LANsA message traveling by air can be intercepted without physical access to the wiring of an organization. Any person, sitting in the vicinity of a WLAN with a transceiver with a capability to listen/talk, can pose a threat. Unfortunately, the same hardware that is used for WLAN communication can be employed for such attacks. To make the WLANs reliable the following security goals were considered:•Confidentiality•Data Integrity•Access ControlThe following security measures are a part of the 802.11 IEEE protocol:•Authentication•Association•EncryptionThe need of a client to be mobile brought in the separation of authentication and association processes. Since a client frequently changes AP boundaries, he can be authenticated to various AP at a given point, yet remains associated to his chosen one. Before a client gets associated to other, he must be first authenticated.Fig 3.1: Authentication & Association3.1Authentication802.11 specify two authentication mechanisms:1 Open system authentication2 Shared key authentication•Open system authenticationA client needs an SSID for successful Association. Any new client that comes in an EBSS area is provided with an SSID. This is equivalent to no security.Fig 3.2: Open System Authentication•Shared system authenticationThe client cannot authenticate himself if he doesn't have the WEP shared secret key. WEP protocol is used for encryption.Fig 3.3: Shared key authentication3.2AssociationAn SSID is used to differentiate two networks logically. To successfully associate to a WS, one must have the SSID of the other WS. This was not intended to be a security feature, and in fact SSID is sent in open in the beacon frame of the AP.3.3Encryption and Decryption-The WEP ProtocolThe WLAN administrator has an option (if the administrator decides to send the packets unencrypted) to make all the communication over the air encrypted, i.e. every frame that is below the Ethernet Header is encrypted using the WEP protocol. The WEP protocol has three components:• A shared secret key, k (40bit /104 bit): The fact that the secret key is shared helps reduce the load on AP, while simultaneously assuming that whoever is given the secret key is a trusted person. This shared key is never sent over the air.802.11 doesn't discuss the deployment of this key onto Work Stations. It has to be installed manually at each WS/AP. Most APs can handle up to four shared secret keys.•Initialization vector, IV (24 bit): IV is a per-packet number that is sent in clear over the air. This number is most effective if generated randomly, because it is used as one of the inputs to the RC4 algorithm. 802.11 don’t specify generation of IV. Infact, many cards generate IVs in linear fashion, i.e., 1,2,3…•RC4 algorithm, RC4 (IV, k): This algorithm is used to generate a key stream K, length equal to that of the message to be transmitted by the data-link layer. It takes the IV and k as inputs.Fig 3.4: Encryption & Decryption on WEP•EncryptionAn IV is chosen on a per-packet basis and is sent along with the Ethernet header.P = <M,c(M)>K = RC4(IV,k)C = P⊕KwhereM : Message to be sent; contains all layers upto the network layer P : PlaintextC : Cipher text transmitted over the air•DecryptionThe IV is extracted from the header and is used to find the K.P'=C⊕K = <M',(c(M))'>It is checked ifc(M')=(c(M))' and the plaintext, P' is accepted.4.K nown Attacks on WEPWEP is considered to be very vulnerable to attackers. Any attacker sitting in the parking lot of a building can attack the building's WLAN security. This is unlike the wired case whereby the attacker needs a physical access to the wires. The following known attacks have been employed on WEP.Type of AttacksThe following known attacks are known to be effective:•Passive Attacks1 Dictionary based attacks2 Cracking the WEP key•Active attacks1 Authentication Spoofing2 Message Injection3 Message Modification4 Message Decryption5 Man in the Middle AttackAs with other networks, the active attacks are riskier but provide greater powers to the attacker.Passive Attacks Active attacksNo risk involved RiskierNo need to be the part of networks, because the WLAN cards support monitor mode, whereby one can listen to the communication without being a part of the network The attacker has to first get into the network, before doing damagesThe attacker can only listen to whatever is going on. He can not fiddle with the network The attacker can interrupt, hijack and control the network at his willTable 4.1. Passive vs. Active attacksDecryption DictionariesThe attacker passively sniffs every packet of the victim. He keeps storing the ciphertext along with the corresponding IV. Whenever the same IV repeats, he has two ciphertexts for the corresponding IV. As shown in the figure he has C31,0 and C31,1 for K 31C31,1⊕ C31,0 = P31,1⊕ P31,0Using classical techniques it is possible to find a and b from a ⊕ b. Thus the attacker can get the knowledge of P31,0 ,P31,1 and K31 provided he has patience and resources to do it.IV Ciphertext1IV0 C0,.... ....IV31 C0,31.... ....IVN C0,NTable 4.2. A Decryption Dictionary3.3 Cracking the WEP key (The working of Airsnort)This passive attack is used to find the secret key, k. The attack is based on the premise that some weak IVs exist (Fluhrer et. al., 2 ), i.e. they reveal information of a byte x of k. The following facts/assumptions are used:•The first byte of plaintext is known, it happens to be 0xAA for ARP and IP packets. We thus know the first byte K1 of the key stream K.•K1 is enough to find the byte x of k.•All the bytes of k prior to x have been deciphered correctly.•The probability of finding byte x of k correctly is more than 0.05.We illustrate here, with an example, the working of the attack:1. We take a packet and keep its IV.2. There can be two cases (Function classify of crack.c of Airsnort, 5)•If it is not a weak IV we dump it.•If it is a weak IV, we find that it helps us in finding 6th byte of k3. We calculate the value of 6th byte (Function key Guess of it RC4.c of Airsnort, 5).We find out that this weak IV w.r.t 6th byte of k calculates k6 to 0x67. We keep this Value of k6 in a table (because the calculated value 0x67 may be wrong).4Such a table keeps filling. After sufficient entries, we find that the calculated value0x67 of k6 is correct because it occurred the maximum times.5 After finding all the bytes of k, we make a try on all the packets, used above, bydecrypting them and checking whether indeed, CRC(M) is consistent for all ofthem.(This step is same as the decryption method described earlier)Fig 4.1: Working of AirsnortValue Value Value Value Value Value ByteNo. ofk.... .... .... .... .... .... ....6 0x67 0xab 0x37 0x67 0x67 0x20.... .… .... .... .... .... ....Table 4.3. Working of AirsnortThe actual number of packets needed to crack the WEP key was not checked by us ,but reports say that it can be done in a matter of a few hours for 40-bit secret key and a matter of days for 104-bit secret key.Message ModificationThis active attack is used to change a particular part of the message M that is known to the attacker, along with its position in the packet. This field can be an email ID, HTML form.Fig 4.2: Message ModificationThe attacker doesn't need to have the knowledge of key stream K or the secret key k for the attack. The attack is based on the fact that CRC(M) is an unkeyed function of MMessage InjectionThe attack assumes that the attacker has a pair of K, IV. This pair can be reused over and over again without arousing suspicions, because there is no mechanism to check continuous repetition of IVs. Again the fact that CRC (M) is an unkeyed function of M.Fig 4.3: Message InjectionAuthentication SpoofingThis attack is another form of Message Injection. By sniffing the shared key authentication process, the attacker knows a pair of Plaintext (Random Challenge) and Cipher text (Challenge Response) and the corresponding IV. Thus he knows the required <IV, K> pair. This pair can be used for authentication purposes.Fig 4.4: Authentication Spoofing Message DecryptionThere are two methods of decrypting the message by active attacks.1. IP Redirection2. Reaction Attack• IP RedirectionThis attack is an extension to message modification. The attacker modifies the destination IP in the IP header of the packet. By doing this, the attacker sends a packet from WEP encrypted zone to No WEP Zone , where he holds a machine .Fig 4.5: IP RedirectionTo do this he has to make changes in the IP Header Checksum. In most cases the initial IP Checksum is not known although the attacker is assumed to have the initial destination IP address. So the attacker keeps sending packets with various values of checksum till he gets the packet across to his machine in No WEP Zone.We did a simulation of this attack. The number of packets required, as a function of initial and final destination IPs, before getting a hit is open for interpretation.•Reaction AttackThis attack only works for TCP Packets.If TCP checksum is valid w.r.t. to the checksum, an ack is sent, otherwise the packet is dropped silently. This attack is based on the receiver’s willingness to decrypt arbitrary cipher text and feed them to another component of the system that leaks a tiny bit of information about it's inputs. The attack is rightly called reaction attack as it works by monitoring the recipient’s reaction to our forgeries.Fig 4.6: Reaction AttackWe have coded a simulation that verifies the property of TCP checksum that if bits P i and P i+16 are complements of each other then putting complemented values into each, P i and P i+16 doesn't affect the TCP checksum. Thus, the attack works in following fashion:1. Take complements of C i and C i+16.2. Make appropriate changes in the CRC checksum (this is not to be confused with the IP or TCP checksums) of message, CRC (M), and send the packet to the recipient.3. There are two cases:1.ACK received: P i and P i+16} were complements of each other.2. No ACK: P i and P i+16 were same.We didn’t test the actual effectiveness of this attack.Man in the Middle AttackThis is a standard attack employed on all sorts of networks. In WLANs, the attack works in the following fashion:Fig 4.7: Man in the MiddleSteps in Man in Middle attack:1.The attacker sets up a fake AP near to existing AP using a WS to masquerade networklogons.2.The user connects, in error, to the fake AP, and enters username and password.3.The intruder collects data and informs user of incorrect password, then sleeps for fiveminutes, and successfully logs on to the real AP.Tools available for attacking WLANsThese are few of the tools that are available for attacking the WLANs:1. Airsnort (Linux) - cracks the WEP key.2. WEPCrack (Linux) - cracks the WEP key.3. NetStumbler (Windows) - finds the network parameters like, SSID, Channels, MACAddresses, Type of Encryption used, Vendor of the card, tells the default secret key of the vendor can be used with a GPS for locating APs.4. Kismet (Linux) - a WLAN sniffer5. Thc-Wardrive (Linux) - for war driving6. dsniff (Linux) - counterpart of NetStumbler7. dstumbler (FreeBSD) - counterpart of NetStumblerSummary of 802.11 vulnerabilitiesThe following 802.11 vulnerabilities come out on the basis of the known attacks •SSID is required for associating a WS to an AP, and it is in the beacon frame. So, anyone can get it easily.•IV size is very small.•Many vendors increase the IVs in a linear fashion(0,1,2,3..)•An IV that has occurred before is bound to occur after 2^{24} times, and infact after 5000 packets due to birthday paradox. This infact make the dictionary attack possible, because this translates to keeping a data of 2^{24}* 1500 = 16 GB.•The strength of stream ciphers is based on the fact that a same seed never repeats, while the contrary has been described in the above point.•Despite knowing that a secret key should be changed frequently, no known mechanisms have come for good key management.•Only four secret keys are generally used in a network simultaneously, that too, most people don't change them from the default key provided by the vendor.•CRC(M) is an unkeyed function of M, message.•In the next chapter, we have recommended ACLs, but even MAC address spoofing can fool them.5.CountermeasuresIf there are vulnerabilities, then there are their countermeasures also, which cannot overcome them fully but can protect to a great extent.Here are few countermeasures, which can help a lot in retaining security of WLAN.!Do not trust WLAN and work under the coverage of a VPN (Virtual Private Networks).!Maintain a good key management system, which changes the key before the sufficient no of packets required for cracking the key are transmitted.!Increasing the bit length of IV and secret key is also a partial solution.!Use of strong algorithm like AES!Making the checksum of the message a keyed function, using algorithms like HMAC: keyed Hashing.!Configuring AP for allowing only few MAC addresses, which are there in his Access Control Lists (ACLs).!Define the ACL depending upon Signal strength.!One must take care of the physical security also. You should take care that no unauthorized person gets access of your laptop or any Work Station, which is in the network because he can just copy the secret key.!Enable RADIUS or Kerberos authentication for workstation to Access Point.!Enable IPSec or Application level encryption for secure data communications5.1Fake Access points or Honey Pots.Honey pots are devices placed on the periphery of a network for luring attackers to compromise them. By making attackers send their energy and resources on honey pots, effectively the real network is protected. Wireless honeypots consist of devices that transmit fake beacon frames. These devices emulate hundreds of fake access points, this results that the attacker is confused and tries to connect to any one of the fake access points. The attacker activity can be logged and studied. This also protects the network from attackers by hiding the network behind a mask.5.2Wireless Network AuditingWireless network auditing is an important part of WLAN security policy. The network needs to be regularly audited for rouge hardware. In this method the network is scanned and mapped for all access points and WLAN nodes. Then this is compared with previous network map. Commonly available network mapping tools like netstumbler and wavelan-tool can be used to do this.Specialized tools such as Airsnort can be used for WEP cracking and auditing the network for weak keys, key reuse and WEP security settings. These methods include the same tests as those carried out by hackers for breaking into the network.6.Future of Wireless LAN Security6.1Advanced encryption Standard (AES)Advanced Encryption Standard is gaining acceptance as appropriate replacement for RC4 algorithm in WEP. AES uses the Rijandale Algorithm and supports the following key lengths "128 bit"192 bit"256 bitAES is considered to be un-crackable by most Cryptographers. NIST has chosen AES for Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS). In order to improve wireless LAN security the 802.11i is considering inclusion of AES in WEPv2.6.1Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP)The temporal key integrity protocol (TKIP), initially referred to as WEP2, is an interim solution that fixes the key reuse problem of WEP, that is, periodically using the same key to encrypt data. The TKIP process begins with a 128-bit "temporal key" shared among clients and access points. TKIP combines the temporal key with the client's MAC address and then adds a relatively large 16-octet initialization vector to produce the key that will encrypt the data. This procedure ensures that each station uses different key streams to encrypt the data. TKIP also prevents the passive snooping attack by hashing the IV.TKIP uses RC4 to perform the encryption, which is the same as WEP. A major difference from WEP, however, is that TKIP changes temporal keys every 10,000 packets. This provides a dynamic distribution method that significantly enhances the security of the network.An advantage of using TKIP is that companies having existing WEP-based access points and radio NICs can upgrade to TKIP through relatively simple firmware patches. In addition, WEP-only equipment will still interoperate with TKIP-enabled devices using WEP. TKIP is a temporary solution, and most experts believe that stronger encryption is still needed6.2802.1X and Extensible Authentication ProtocolCombined with an authentication protocol, such as EAP-TLS, LEAP, or EAP-TTLS, IEEE 802.1X provides port-based access control and mutual authentication between clients and access points via an authentication server. The use of digital certificates makes this process very effective. 802.1X also provides a method for distributing encryption keys dynamically to wireless LAN devices, which solves the key reuse problem found in the current version of 802.11.Initial 802.1X communications begins with an unauthenticated supplicant (i.e., client device) attempting to connect with an authenticator (i.e., 802.11 access point). The access point responds by enabling a port for passing only EAP packets from the client to an authentication server located on the wired side of the access point. The access point blocks all other traffic, such as HTTP, DHCP, and POP3 packets, until the access point can verify the client's identity using an authentication server (e.g., RADIUS). Once authenticated, the access point opens the client's port for other types of traffic.7.ConclusionWireless LAN security has a long way to go. Current Implementation of WEP has proved to be flawed. Further initiatives to come up with a standard that is robust and provides adequate security are urgently needed. The 802.1x and EAP are just mid points in a long journey. Till new security standard for WLAN comes up third party and proprietary methods need to be implemented.8.References1.L.M.S.C. OF THE IEEE COMPUTER SOCIETY. Wireless LAN Medium Access Control(MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications, ANSI/IEEE std. 802.11, 1999 edition.2.Fluhrer, Mantin, Shamir. Weakness in the key-scheduling algorithm of RC4.3.Stubblefield, Ioannidis, Rubin. Using the Fluhrer, Mantin and Shamir attack to breakWEP.4.Borisov, Goldberg, Wagner. Intercepting Mobile communications: The Insecurity of802.11 - Draft.5.About the AuthorsDr. S. A. Vetha Manickam, Head of TechnologyS. A. Vetha Manickam holds a PhD degree in Scientific Computing and Numerical Analysis from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay. He has a Masters in Applied Mathematics from Anna University, Chennai, where his dissertation was in "Object Oriented Methodologies". He was a Fellow of National Board for Higher Mathematics (NBHM), Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), India during the doctoral and post doctoral degree. Dr. Manickam has extensive experience in implementing e Security for organizations and defining the Information Risk Management Policies. He has been doing secure code auditing for many banking applications. He has also been involved in development of cryptographic algorithms and PKI products for authentication, confidentiality, integrity and Digital Signature. He is also involved in cryptanalysis for mobile and Wireless LAN encryption algorithms. He has spearheaded development teams in iKey integration, desktop security development, vulnerability scanner development and incorporation of Digital Signature for the Enterprise solutions.Sangram S. Gayal, Information Security ConsultantSangram S. Gayal is Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Telecommunications from Government College of Engineering, Aurangabad. He currently is an Information Security Consultant with Network Security Solutions India Ltd. and Associate researcher at Center for Information and Network Security, University of Pune. He currently is researching on wireless LAN vulnerabilities and countermeasures.21。

Chap4_1_WSN_Intro_Routing Wireless Networks and Security 无线网络与安全 教学课件

Chap4_1_WSN_Intro_Routing Wireless Networks and Security 无线网络与安全 教学课件
However, key differences exist
▪ Energy constraint in sensor networks ▪ Traffic models and characteristics ▪ Other issues like coverage, fault-tolerance, etc.
D Src
Chap. 4.1 - Dr. Du
Link A-M lossy A reinforces B B reinforces C … D need not A (–) reinforces M M (–) reinforces D
Loop Elimination
networking to it.
Chap. 4.1 - Dr. Du
However …
Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks are both multihop wireless architectures
▪ Thereby shares several technical issues and challenges ▪ Solutions in one domain often applicable to others.
Chap. 4.1 - Dr. Du
AdHoc and Sensors …
Ad Hoc network lacking killer applications
▪ Difficult to force co-operation among HUMAN users ▪ Mobility/connectivity unreliable for a business model ▪ Difficult to bootstrap – critical mass required



For devices that use fast biometric authentication like fingerprint scanning or facial recognition instead of a code, the best setting is "30 seconds" or “immediately.”Next, use a strong and unique password on your online accounts. Since you probably have dozens of accounts, a password manager is an easier way to keep the information secure. And finally, set up two-factor authentication for every account that allows you to. It’s a second secure measure that can even protect you if you’ve shared your password with hackers in a phishing attack. If you’ve ever needed to type in a code sent to your mobile phone, you’ve used two-factor authentication before.However, it's best practice to avoid SMS and use authenticator apps instead, as they are more secure than text message verification codes.



Wi-Fi 网络安全存储:Wi-Fi Protected Access WPA是为了改善WEP的不足,在802.11i协议
之前的一种临时解决方案。 WPA的数据加密采用TKIP协议,认证有两种模
型,一种是使用802.1x协议进行认证,一种是 称为预先共享密钥(PSK)模式。
在成对密钥体系中,利用伪随机函数,根据主密钥、申 请者与认证者的MAC地址以及两个作为四次密钥交换 握手的随机nonce值,来展开PMK。
KCK:Key Confirmation Key,用于完整性校验 KEK:Key Encryption Key,用于加密消息
为用户的数据提 供坚固的数据保 护,包括数据加 密和数据完整性 校验。
用户和服务器之 间相互认证。
能够生成派生密 钥,能够根据主 密钥派生出动态 密钥,用于数据 加密。
WPA的认证模型有两种,一种是使用802.1x协 议进行认证,另一种是PSK(Pre-shared key )模型。
如果系统有认证服务器,则采用802.1x协议进 行认证,适用于企业版认证;否则,使用PSK 模型,适用于个人版认证。

无线网络安全技术讲义(PPT 60页)

无线网络安全技术讲义(PPT 60页)
Th, Sh, R, Q, Tz, P, O, S, N, M, L 索菲·纳芙(Sophie Neveu)
Page 20
历史最为悠久 涉及多个学科 社会意义重大 挑战智力极限
Page 21
数学是科学中的皇后,而数论是数学 中的皇后。
Page 22
Paቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱe 8
信息要方便、快捷! 不能像某国帝都二环早高峰 不能像某国春运时的火车站
Page 9
信息安全包含什么内容 ?
Page 10
Page 11
Page 12
历史最为悠久 涉及多个学科 社会意义重大 挑战智力极限
Page 13
Page 19
谜底:Baphomet(历史上圣殿骑士团曾被教庭指控膜拜一尊石头雕成的异 教神像) A, Baphomet -〉B-P-V-M-Th (希伯来语拼音)-〉Sh-V-P-Y-A (Sophia 智慧)-〉玛利亚·抹大拉
电影的女主人公的名字: B, G, D, H, V, Z, Ch, T, Y, K,
Page 30
Length:8 Count:9017123 Length:9 Count:7174259 Length:6 Count:5840499 Length:10 Count:5705824 Length:7 Count:5509937 Length:11 Count:2266449 Length:12 Count:858513 Length:13 Count:405979 Length:14 Count:326208 Length:5 Count:201232


– Overview – 类型和值定义 – 简单类型 – 构造类型
• Basic Encoding Rules (BER)
– Overview – Type-Length-Value/Identifier-Length-Content – 编码示例
• 其他编码方式
– Distinguished Encoding Rules (DER)
– MAC的计算
• M=MAC(Mx, Sequence || D)
7Pa/g8e/:210303 8/7/2020
TSP (6)
• 控制信息
– 如何防止攻击者恶意切断连接 – 需要有一种机制使得Alice能告诉Bob(或反之),她已完成数据
传送 – 两种方法
• 传送长度为0的记录 • 增加类型字段
7Pa/g8e/:29003 8/7/2020
TSP (2)
• 握手阶段(Handshake)
7Pa/g8e/:210003 8/7/2020
TSP (3)
• 制作一组密钥
– 原则上,使用同一个密钥来完成不同类型的加密操作被认为是 糟糕的思想
TSP – 完整图示
7Pa/g8e/:210503 8/7/2020
TSP – 小结
• 实际上,TSP已经包含了SSL绝大多数的核心功能
– 握手 – 密钥交换 – 双向鉴别 – 保密传输
• 遗漏的部分
– 不完整,不包括具体实现细节

chap13 Wireless LAN Technology 无线网络通信 英文课件

chap13 Wireless LAN Technology  无线网络通信 英文课件
Doesn’t penetrate walls
More easily secured against eavesdropping Less interference between different rooms
Drawbacks of Infrared Medium
Indoor environments experience infrared background radiation
Sunlight and indoor lighting Ambient radiation appears as noise in an
infrared receiver Transmitters of higher power required
Limited by concerns of eye safety and excessive power consumption
Station typically mounted ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้n ceiling Base station acts as a multiport repeater
Ceiling transmitter broadcasts signal received by IR transceivers
IR transceivers transmit with directional beam aimed at ceiling base unit
Wireless LAN Requirements
Throughput Number of nodes Connection to backbone LAN Service area Battery power consumption Transmission robustness and security Collocated network operation License-free operation Handoff/roaming Dynamic configuration



• There have been a number of proposals for the incorporation of a secret key into an existing hash algorithm
• The approach that has received the most support is HMAC
• To use and handle keys in a simple way
HMAC Design Objectives
• To use, without modifications, available hash functions --- in particular, hash functions that perform well in software, and for which code is freely and widely available
• SHA was developed by NIST and published as a federal information processing standard (FIPS 180) in 1993
• Was revised in 1995 as SHA-1 and published as FIPS 180-1
• We assume that only the sender and receiver share a key, so only the genuine sender would be able to encrypt a message successfully The receiver assumes that no alterations have been made and that sequencing is proper if the message includes an error detection code and a sequence number If the message includes a timestamp, the receiver assumes that the message has not been delayed beyond that normally expected for network transit



Maintain Network Security
Recently, the news that U.S attack on Chinese Internet is exposed. In the era of rapid development of network, we must take measures to protect our security of privacy and property effectively. we need to distinguish right from lots of websites. Furthermore, it is inevitable that some secure anti-virus soft wares can be installed.
最近的新闻都揭示了美国对中国网络的攻击。在网络飞速 发展的时代,我们必须要采取有效的措施来保护我们的隐 私和财产安全。我们需要在众多的网站之间明辨是非,此 外,安装一些安全的杀毒软件是必须的。
Hardware Security
Software Security
网络安全是指网络系统的硬件、软件及其系统中的数 据受到保护,不因偶然Inf的or或ma者tio恶n意Se的c原uri因ty 而遭受到破 坏、更改、泄露,系统连续可靠正常地运行,网络服 务不中断。
网络安全包含网络设备安全、网络信息安 全、网络软件安全。
Influencing factors
•Network Topology factors
•Netw网or络k S结e构cu因rity素threats



网络安全英语ppt 网络安全英语PPT:Slide 1:Title: Introduction to Network Security Introduction:- What is network security?- Why is network security important?- Common threats and vulnerabilities Slide 2:Title: Types of Network Security Measures 1. Firewalls:- Definition and purpose- How do firewalls work?- Types of firewallsSlide 3:2. Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS):- Definition and purpose- How do IDS work?- Types of IDSSlide 4:3. Virtual Private Networks (VPNs):- Definition and purpose- How do VPNs work?- Benefits of using VPNsSlide 5:4. Encryption:- Definition and purpose- How does encryption work?- Examples of encryption algorithmsSlide 6:5. Access Control:- Definition and purpose- Types of access control mechanisms- Best practices for access controlSlide 7:6. Authentication:- Definition and purpose- Types of authentication methods- Multi-factor authenticationSlide 8:Title: Best Practices for Network Security1. Regularly update software and firmware2. Use strong, unique passwords3. Enable two-factor authentication4. Implement regular data backups5. Monitor network trafficSlide 9:Title: Conclusion- Importance of network security- Key network security measures- Best practices to enhance network securitySlide 10:References:- Cite any sources and references used in the presentation Note: This PPT provides a basic outline for a presentation on network security in English. You may add more slides or modify the content according to your specific needs.。



第六页,编辑于星期五:九点 五十二分。
Breach of Security Levels of Impact
• The loss could be expected to have a severe or catastrophic adverse effect on organizational operations, organizational assets, or individuals
• Security mechanisms typically involve more than a particular algorithm or protocol
• Security is essentially a battle of wits between a perpetrator and the designer
• Assures that systems work promptly and service is not denied to authorized users
第四页,编辑于星期五:九点 五十二分。
CIA Triad
第五页,编辑于星期五:九点 五十二分。
Possible additional concepts:
patient and expose the hospital to massive liability
A Web site that offers a forum to registered users to discuss some specific topic
would be assigned a moderate level of integrity
A moderate availability requirement is a public Web
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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• Defines a framework for the provision of authentication services by the X.500 directory to its users
• The directory may serve as a repository of public-key certificates
• The standard does not dictate the use of a specific algorithm but ’s certificate
• User certificates generated by a CA have the following characteristics:
Differences between versions 4 and 5
Environmental shortcomings
• Encryption system dependence • Internet protocol dependence • Message byte ordering • Ticket lifetime • Authentication forwarding
Kerberos version 4
• A basic third-party authentication scheme
• Authentication Server (AS)
• Users initially negotiate with AS to identify self • AS provides a non-corruptible authentication credential (ticket granting ticket TGT)
• Because certificates are unforgeable, they can be placed in a directory without the need for the directory to make special efforts to protect them
• Each Kerberos principal is identified by its principal name
A service or user name
An instance name
A realm name
Principal name
Principal names consist of three parts
Key Distribution
• For two parties A and B, there are the following options:
2 3 4
• A key can be selected by A and physically delivered to B
• A third party can select the key and physically deliver it to A and B • If A and B have previously and recently used a key, one party could transmit the new key to the other, using the old key to encrypt the new key • If A and B each have an encrypted connection to a third party C, C could deliver a key on the encrypted links to A and B
• • • The distribution of public keys The use of public-key encryption to distribute secret keys Consists of a public key plus a user ID of the key owner, with the whole block signed by a trusted third party Typically, the third party is a certificate authority (CA) that is trusted by the user community, such as a government agency or a financial institution A user can present his or her public key to the authority in a secure manner and obtain a certificate The user can then publish the certificate Anyone needing this user’s public key can obtain the certificate and verify that it is valid by way of the attached trusted signature
• Defines alternative authentication protocols based on the use of public-key certificates
• Was initially issued in 1988 • Based on the use of public-key cryptography and digital signatures
• Any user with access to the public key of the CA can verify the user public key that was certified • No party other than the certification authority can modify the certificate without this being detected
Technical deficiencies
• Double encryption
• PCBC encryption
• Session keys • Password attacks
• Interrealm authentication
Key distribution using asymmetric encryption
Kerberos Realms
• Kerberos realm
• • A set of managed nodes that share the same Kerberos database The Kerberos database resides on the Kerberos master computer system, which should be kept in a physically secure room A read-only copy of the Kerberos database might also reside on other Kerberos computer systems All changes to the database must be made on the master computer system Changing or accessing the contents of a Kerberos database requires the Kerberos master password
• Frequent key changes are usually desirable to limit the amount of data compromised if an attacker learns the key • Key distribution technique
• The means of delivering a key to two parties that wish to exchange data, without allowing others to see the key
• Public-key certificate

• • •
X.509 Certificates
• ITU-T recommendation X.509 is part of the X.500 series of recommendations that define a directory service
• Key distribution and user authentication service developed at MIT • Provides a centralized authentication server whose function is to authenticate users to servers and servers to users • Relies exclusively on symmetric encryption, making no use of public-key encryption
Two versions are in use
• Version 4 implementations still exist, although this version is being phased out • Version 5 corrects some of the security deficiencies of version 4 and has been issued as a proposed Internet Standard (RFC 4120)
• One of the major roles of public-key encryption is to address the problem of key distribution