
BCGCaseinterview面试经历,凭记忆写BCG Case interview面试经历,凭记忆写二面:周六上午二面,流程大致如此,提前一刻钟到,然后给你一份材料,里面有一些具体的project的介绍,有今天要面试你的两个面试官的介绍,我的两个面试官都很强啊,呵呵,一个是老外,Chris英国人,剑桥的本、硕,哈佛的MBA,还有一个是南大的`Xu jj,毕业后作过很多事情,好像还负责过Pepsi的西南市场营销,MIT的MBA。
我先见的Chris,非常非常的nice,呵呵,case是一个美国No.1的supermarket,近年来由于增加了一个young competitor,所以市场份额有所下降,大概就是找原因。
于是,分析阿分析,终于找到竞争因素在于shelf space和product placement,然后给了一个chart,让从economics point 算一些shelf space和利润之间的关系,这个case感觉还不错,最起码木有出现什么尴尬局面,呵呵。
然后见的Lin Xu,其实也是一个很kind的jj,但问题问的就要challenging多了,呵呵,比如你提出一个什么idea,她会说ok, tell me how to do。
Case是关于一个insurance company的profits在下降,问有何建议?其实case 本身是挺普通的,关键是她的问题都比较尖锐,而且给很短的时间让你思考,泛泛的回答在她那里基本通不过。

OverviewActively listen to the caseYour client is a U.S. defense contractor that manufactures the Mohawk Light Fighter Jet for the British Royal Air Force. The company has produced the $20 million fighter jet for the past 12 years. The British government has decided to put the contract out to bid, however, and to win the program, the client's purchasing agents have estimated, the company will need to cut its costs by 5 percent. It has asked BCG to help it reduce costs.ClarifyEstablish understanding of the caseLet me first clarify the question. The client manufactures a $20 million jet and, because of competitive forces, has to reduce its cost by 5 percent. Is BCG's role also to verify the purchasing department's estimate?No, you can assume that the purchasing estimate is correct. BCG's role is to find the cost savings to meet that estimate.Could I take a few minutes to think about the case?Sure, please do so.ApproachSet up the frameworkFirst, I would like to understand the cost structure of the jet to see what we should look at first. Next, I would like to look at major factors driving the costs we are targeting. Finally, I would like to explore potential ideas to reduce cost. That sounds like a very logical approach. Let's proceed.EvaluateEvaluate the case using the frameworkBecause the time for the interview is limited, I think we should try to identify those areas most responsible for the cost of the jet.Time is limited on real projects as well, so I think that would be a good idea! Yo u have the following cost information for the jet. How would you interpret it?The major cost driver for the jet appears to be purchased materials. Within manufacturing, direct labor is a fairly large component of cost, as are program management and corporate overhead within overhead. I think we would want to concentrate most on materials, however, since that's where most of the costs can be found.That sounds like a good place to start. Where would you look within materials?I see that materials are broken down into purchased subassemblies, components, and raw materials. I understand what raw materials would be, but what would be the difference between components and subassemblies?A subassembly functions on its own. An example is the pilot night vision system. A component is a smaller part, such as a part of the engine.I know that governmental agencies often have very strict guidelines about purchasing that could affect the cost of materials.For the sake of this case, you can assume that the British Ministry of Defense, MOD, allows "commercial off-the-shelf" purchases, which means that the client is free to purchase from whomever it wants, as long as it can ensure that the parts meet MOD quality guidelines.I see that purchased subassemblies comprise more than 70 percent of materials. How many suppliers are there for these subassemblies?There are seven suppliers of major subassemblies that go into the fighter jet.That seems like a relatively small number. Are there more suppliers that are qualified to do this type of work?The manufacture of these parts requires a substantial investment in R&D, engineering, and infrastructure. It would be very costly for new suppliers to make the required investment, particularly if the client is trying to reduce the price it pays to the subassembly manufacturers.Since there are only a few subassembly suppliers, and the investment hurdle would preclude bringing in competing manufacturers, it would be difficult to reduce the price paid. Perhaps we should look elsewhere for savings.But remember, if your client loses the contract, it will lose its customer unless it is teamed with the competing bidder. Even then, if the competitor is underbidding your client, there will be even less room for it to profit.Perhaps it would have an incentive to reduce its costs in order to maintain the contract. Are the majority of its costs in materials as well?How could you find that out?I would want to interview the purchasing and engineering personnel of the different subcontractors in order to understand their cost structures. If we had a better understanding of their economics, our client might be able to reduce cost across the board, allowing it to compete more effectively for the contract without killing everyone's margins.Let's say that purchased materials average approximately 70 percent of the price paid to most of the manufacturers.If the cost of subassemblies represents 40 percent of the jet cost and 70 percent of that is purchased materials, total purchased materials would be approximately 28 percent of the jet cost subassemblies. Purchases of raw materials and components represent another 15 percent, for a total of around 43 percent of the cost of the jet. If our client could reduce the cost of raw materials by 20 percent, it could reduce the cost of the jet by more than 8 percent, more than enough to offset the 5 percent reduction it would need to win the contract.That sounds reasonable, but 20 percent is a very lofty goal. How would you go about doing that?First, I would look at the number of suppliers. Are there a large number of suppliers to the subassembly manufacturers?The client estimates that there are approximately 125 suppliers of raw materials and components among the manufacturers of the subassemblies and itself.Well, that sounds like a large number of suppliers. Of course, they could be providing very specialized materials to the subassembly manufacturers. Are these suppliers providing customized or more commodity products?About 80 percent of these products are commodities, such as sheet metal and wire harnesses. Even some of the electronics, such as printed wire boards and circuitry, are fairly generic.That sounds promising, but I would need to know whether these commodities are interchangeable, so that our client could concentrate spending with fewer suppliers. Are there many commonalities among the parts used by the different subassembly manufacturers? We could talk to their engineers and look at the designs and bills of material to determine how much overlap there is.Let's say that you did this and discovered that approximately 30 percent of the cost of raw materials is from similar materials used across the subassembly manufacturers.It seems safe to assume that the client would need more commonality to be successful in concentrating its purchasing and reducing costs. Do the engineers believe that the percentage of overlap could be increased if the designs were modified?They believe they could increase that percentage substantially, particularly with basic materials such as screws and sheet metal, but also in other more customized areas.That's great news, but we would still need to know whether the subcontractors are using the same suppliers. We could analyze the number of suppliers for each of the areas of overlap.Good suggestion. Although there are some common suppliers, the analysis indicates that the subassembly manufacturers tend to use different suppliers. RecommendSummarize and make recommendationsOur client needs to reduce costs by 5 percent. The largest area of opportunity appears to be in purchased materials, the majority of which comprise subassemblies manufactured by seven subcontractors. By looking at its purchases in total, the client can target approximately 40 percent of costs. To achieve the 5 percent cost reduction, it would need to reduce costs by 15 to 20 percent. It could try to do that by increasing commonality in the design of the subassemblies and components and by shifting volume to a smaller number of suppliers.Considering that the majority of the raw materials and components are purchased commodities, do you think the 15-20 percent cost reduction is achievable?Well, I know that raw materials and components typically have lower margins than more customized products. I suspect it may be challenging to hit the client's savings target by focusing only on these purchases. But since raw materials and components represent about 40 percent of costs and there is an opportunity to concentrate purchasing, I think we should start here.Where else could you look for savings?If I look back at the cost data on the jet, direct labor is another large cost component. As a contingency, we could look into that area as well. I've read that other companies use outsourcing to lower their manufacturing costs, perhaps our client could do the same.For example, it might want to increase its use of purchased subassemblies and reduce the amount of direct manufacturing it does. Of course this would work only if it could drive direct labor costs below the offsetting cost of these subassemblies. The client will be working closely with the subassembly suppliers to implement its purchasing initiative. This may give it an opportunity to explore the suppliers' capabilities at the same time.That's an interesting suggestion. How would you recommend the company pursue both of the initiatives you have discussed?I would look first to combine purchases across the subassembly suppliers with our client's purchases. I suspect that the client and the subassembly suppliers will need to share a great deal of information, including engineering drawings and specifications, with potential suppliers of the raw materials and components.The Internet could prove to be a very effective medium for forming a single "virtual" purchasing department to consolidate both the flow of information and purchase orders across the companies. Our client might also want to use a bidding system for those materials that are true commodities.Next, I would turn to the engineering departments and form cross-company teams to look for areas to increase commonality of design. At the same time, those teams could explore opportunities to use more purchased subassemblies and decrease the client's direct labor costs.That sounds great, and is very similar to a project we did. I would caution you, however, to examine the upfront costs involved in your recommendations, both for the redesign and for the implementation of the purchasing system, before going ahead.。



1. "如果你是公司的首席执行官,如何评估公司的竞争力?"这是一个常见的问题,面试官希望了解申请者的商业洞察力和战略思维能力。
2. "某公司正在面临市场份额下滑的问题,你该如何帮助他们?"这个问题旨在考察申请者的问题解决能力和创新思维。
3. "有一艘船正在河中漂流,你被要求设计一种方法将它拖回岸边,你会如何解决这个问题?"这是一个经典的情景题,用来考察申请者的创造力和问题解决能力。
4. "你如何对待团队冲突?"这个问题旨在了解申请者的团队合作和解决冲突的能力。

OverviewYour client is GenCo, a large, international, diversified company with a health care division that produces a wide variety of medical instruments and related services. Five years ago, it expanded into the health care software industry by purchasing MedCount, which markets administrative systems to large U.S. hospitals. These systems are designed primarily for back-office functions; they are not designed for managing patients or providing other physician and technical support. Since it was purchased, the software division has failed to deliver the growth needed to justify the multiple GenCo paid for it. GenCo feels it has already squeezed margins as much as possible, and now is looking for new sales opportunities. MedCount turned to BCG to help identify potential ways to increase revenues. How would you approach this problem?ClarifyEstablish understanding of the caseFirst, let me make sure I understand the problem. The parent company produces medical devices and services, but before the acquisition was not involved in health care software. The company it purchased, MedCount, sells only administrative systems software to large hospitals. It is now looking for opportunities to increase revenues.That is correct.Could I take a moment to jot down a few thoughts?Sure, that would be fine.ApproachSet up the frameworkI would suggest using the following framework:∙First, I'd want to understand the market size and growth rates for MedCount's market and related software markets.∙Next, I would like to explore the competition and their market shares.∙Third, I would like to examine customer requirements and then, given those external conditions, look at the division's capabilities to understandhow well prepared it is to meet the needs of the marketplace.That sounds fine. So what do you want to know about the market?EvaluateEvaluate the case using the frameworkWell, the first hurdle would be to identify the markets the company would be interested in. Besides administration systems, what other types of medical software systems do large hospitals purchase?There are many software systems, but for the sake of time, the team focused on three primary markets: administration systems, patient administration, and physician support systems.What do those systems do?Patient administration includes systems like admissions and tracking. Physician support systems are more specialized, for individual physician procedures.I would like to know how large each market is and how fast each is growing. I would use secondary sources such as press releases, analyst reports, and published market studies, to obtain this information.Great! That is what we did during the market study. Our information revealed the following market sizes and growth rates.From a size and growth perspective, physician support systems looks like a very attractive market. I'd like to know a little about the customers themselves. The client is currently targeting large hospitals. Approximately what percentage of the market do they represent?We were unable to get an exact breakdown, but we know that these hospitals make up the vast majority of the total medical software market.That would make sense, since the more sophisticated procedures at a hospital might necessitate more advanced software solutions. I know that there have been a lot of changes in the industry as a result of managed care. I don't know muchabout the industry, so I would want to look at market studies and press clippings to get a better sense of the hospital market in general and any technology or software trends more specifically.Okay. Let's say that you did that and were presented with this summary of market trends:∙Consolidation in the industry, with three to four large hospital networks dominating 45 percent of the market∙Cost controls instituted, particularly as these large hospital networks acquire smaller hospitals (centralization of functions being a key cost issue) ∙Many hospitals seeking to consolidate their vendor base∙With regard to technology, many hospitals upgrading their older systemsIf hospitals are consolidating vendors, perhaps our client has an advantage in being part of a larger medical company. Maybe the client could also gain some advantages by expanding into other software segments. Are the people responsible for purchasing software at the hospital the same for all three segments?Like all things, it differs by hospital, but the larger hospital networks, have tried to consolidate their purchasing not only within but also across hospitals.Is the decision maker for medical software the same as for medical instrumentation and devices?In some cases, the head of purchasing influences both decisions, but the person who makes the final choice is different. Software decisions are usually made by the hospital IT function, and those for instrumentation by the medical staff.I think I have a pretty good understanding of the market for now. Let's look at competition next. We could identify all the competitors and build up the market shares using a combination of public data and estimates.Well, let's assume that you don't have an infinite amount of time to look at all the competitors. You can only look at the top five competitors in each market. You are given the following data:Administration Systems Sales ($M) Growth (%)MedCount 700 4%HCS Software Systems 100 7%Morningside Software 80 3%Admin Systems Solutions 70 2%HTI Software 50 15%Patient Administration Sales ($M) Growth (%)HTI 300 5%Registration Software Solutions 240 4%Signup Software 60 3%HCS Software Systems 30 16%Patient Software 20 -1% Physician Support Sales ($M) Growth (%)HCS Software Systems 150 16%Physician Support Systems 100 11%Medical Technology Inc 25 18%HTI 20 32%MedSys 5 15%Very interesting. The first thing I would note from the data is that the market concentrations are very different. In administrative systems, the top five competitors control 66 percent of the market and in patient administration, they control 65 percent. But in the physician support market, they control only 25 percent.I would want to know what gross margins look like in each of these markets as well. I might turn to analyst reports and look at competitors' financial statements to deduce whether they are making money in each market.Gross margins vary, of course, but the analyst reports have margins of 25 to 30 percent for administrative systems and for patient administration. For physician support, the margins tend to be higher, more like 45 to 50 percent.I see that two competitors, HTI and HCS Software Systems, have very large revenue growth in all three sectors, although they each dominate one. I would want to look at their financials, annual reports, and press releases to find out a bit more about their strategy in each of these areas.You'd find that they recently entered these noncore markets. Why might they have done that?Perhaps, like our client, each had a strong position in its own segment, HTI in patient administration and HCS Software Systems in physician support. Maybe they too decided to branch out into the other segments to find additional growth. That is a very good hypothesis. Let's say there is evidence in the sources you consult that supports your assertion.Well, if that were true, these two companies could be a threat not only in the other two segments, but also in our client's segment, administrative systems. It looks as if the client is slowly losing market share in its segment, since it is growing more slowly than its market.Good observation.The market and competitor trends could also suggest that the client may want to enter these other markets. In particular, the physician support market looks attractive, given it has high growth and lack of a dominant competitor. The higher gross margins may provide attractive returns on the necessary investment in software development.However, the patient administration market may also be attractive. Although it is more concentrated and offers lower margins than physician support, the client may be able to enter this segment with a smaller up-front investment. Given the trend toward upgrading existing computer systems, it may be important for MedCount to have a product offering in each of the three market segments. That should not be too difficult, since the company is already in the software industry.Perhaps, but you should think a little more closely about these types of software. Are all software systems alike?Well, let me think about that for a moment. I suspect patient administration would have relatively low entry barriers. From your earlier description, these systems appear to be pretty basic, dealing primarily with admissions and patient tracking. However, the entry barriers in physician support might be higher, since these systems are more complex and there are probably multiple systems for the various physician procedures. I guess it would be harder to get into those types of systems.That would make sense.Since the company might want to go into only some of the segments, I would want to know how important it is to have products in all three segments. Do we know if the competitors are marketing their products as a bundle?How might you find that out?Since it would be difficult to talk to a competitor directly, I would probably target a competitor's customer, particularly one that just converted from our client's software.Let's say you get an interview with a customer that recently switched to HTI. You discover that the competitor was offering it a better pricing deal and service for software products in all three segments.How were MedCount's software and service perceived in relation to those of competitors?The customer thought that its administrative systems were adequate, "the old standby," but not stellar.Were there any other key reasons it switched from MedCount's system?When it decided to upgrade its systems, it tried to contact MedCount, but could never get a representative to describe its options.Interesting. How did HTI perform?The HTI representative had heard that the company was considering switching software vendors and provided a sales representative to pitch HTI's administrative product the next day.It definitely sounds as if there was a problem with the sales function and that customer relations need to be improved, particularly for the larger hospital chains. There also seems to be an advantage from both a marketing and sales perspective in having multiple software products. I would want to confirm those views by doing further interviews.Let's say further interviews support those assumptions.Since we have already looked at the external conditions, I would like to move on to the client itself. I'd like to know more about its marketing and selling organization as well as its software development skills.So far, we know that our client offers administrative software and that there may be a problem with sales and marketing. Could you tell me a little about the marketing department?The marketing department is organized regionally. Teams are assigned to hospitals within each state or geographic region, such as New England.That could explain some of the problems with MedCount's marketing and sales. If hospital purchasing is centralized, the marketing organization may be outdated. Does the company have any teams dedicated to the four or five biggest hospital networks?No, there are no dedicated teams. They talked about doing that for a while, but it conflicted with the regional structure it had in place.With regard to software, does the company feel it has any strengths or weaknesses?It feels that their administrative product is very strong ("best of breed") and is the dominant technology. Also, the product is modular in design, which allows for easier upgrades. Although the company has never branched out into other market segments, the software developers believe that certain modules could be used to build the foundation for other administrative software programs. The company feels customer support is also an area in which it excels.RecommendSummarize and make recommendationsLet's start with our client's market. The client dominates the administrative software market, which is fairly large but growing slowly, and the company appears to be slowly losing market share. Patient administration is also growing relatively slowly.Both markets are relatively concentrated and appear to offer lower margins than physician support. The physician support market is large and less concentrated, and could potentially provide higher margins, but would require a larger investment. The hospital market itself is becoming more concentrated and is pushing to consolidate vendors. The purchasing agent is often the same for the three types of software.Looking at our client's competitors, two, HTI and HCS Software Systems, appear to be particularly threatening. Each has a dominant position in one segment and is branching out into other areas. They appear to be marketing their products and services as a bundle and are using service as a key point of differentiation.The client offers only one type of system and appears to have some weaknesses in its marketing organization, particularly in marketing to the larger hospital networks, which offer the most promising market opportunities.How would you recommend proceeding?The first priority should be to fix the marketing organization, particularly for the large hospital networks. MedCount will have trouble expanding into new markets if it can't defend its current position and shore up its existing customer relationships. There should be a team dedicated to each of the major chains. Theclient should also look at improving customer tracking so that it is clear when its customers are going to upgrade. There should also be clear contacts so that the customer can easily keep in touch with MedCount.Next, I would recommend that the client explore entering the other market segments by leveraging its dominant position in administrative systems. At first glance, patient administration does not appear to be very attractive, with slow growth, low margins, and large, dominant competitors. There appears to be some advantage, however, in having products across the product range. I would recommend that we interview some of MedCount's existing customers to better understand their needs and future IT requirements. If the customer base is interested in one software provider for both back-office administration and patient administration functions, this segment looks promising.If the client does decide to enter this market, it should look at the lowest-cost method of entry, either developing a product internally or acquiring a competitor. The modular design of its existing administrative software suggests internal development of the patient administration product may be the way to go, but we would need a more thorough comparison of the internal development and acquisition options, including both cost and time to market. I think that physician support offers our client an exciting growth opportunity, given its high margins, high growth, and fragmented competition. I would definitely think about an acquisition strategy, since the client may lack the technical capabilities to enter this specialized market. I would recommend going for one of the larger companies, as that would give the client a stronger position. Smaller companies would probably not offer an important enough position in the market. More research would be needed, however, for us to better understand the intricacies of the market and each potential acquisition.。

第1篇一、个人背景与职业规划1. 请简要介绍您的个人背景,包括教育背景、实习经历、项目经历等。
2. 您为什么选择咨询行业?在咨询行业,您最感兴趣的方向是什么?3. 您认为自己在哪些方面具备优势,可以胜任咨询工作?4. 您在职业规划方面有哪些目标?如何实现这些目标?二、案例分析1. 案例背景:某知名快消品公司近期销售额下滑,市场份额下降,请您分析原因并提出解决方案。
- 分析:市场环境、竞争对手、产品策略、渠道策略、营销策略等方面。
- 解决方案:针对问题提出具体措施,如产品创新、渠道拓展、营销活动等。
2. 案例背景:某互联网公司希望通过并购拓展业务,请您分析以下目标公司的优劣势,并给出并购建议。
- 分析:目标公司的业务模式、盈利能力、团队实力、技术优势、市场前景等。
- 建议:并购方案、整合策略、风险控制等。
3. 案例背景:某传统制造企业希望进行数字化转型,请您分析企业面临的挑战,并提出转型策略。
- 分析:企业现状、行业趋势、竞争对手、技术瓶颈、人才储备等。
- 策略:数字化转型路径、关键项目、实施步骤、风险控制等。
三、商业案例1. 案例背景:某电商平台希望通过增加用户粘性,提高用户活跃度,请您提出解决方案。
- 分析:用户需求、竞争对手、平台特点、运营策略等。
- 解决方案:产品创新、运营活动、营销策略等。
2. 案例背景:某房地产企业面临销售困境,请您分析原因并提出解决方案。
- 分析:市场环境、产品定位、销售策略、客户需求等。
- 解决方案:产品调整、价格策略、营销活动、渠道拓展等。
四、逻辑思维与解决问题1. 请用三个步骤解决以下问题:如何提高公司内部沟通效率?2. 请用三个步骤解决以下问题:如何提高员工满意度?3. 请用三个步骤解决以下问题:如何降低企业运营成本?五、团队协作与沟通1. 请描述一次您在团队项目中遇到的冲突,以及您是如何解决这个冲突的。
2. 请描述一次您在团队项目中遇到的困难,以及您是如何克服这个困难的。

著名咨询公司近年面试案例Recent Cases分享来源: 管咨的日志Below are sample questions that have been asked by top-tier consulting firms during the p ast two recruiting seasons. (The Firms that qualified the two criteria, top 50 Companies & has office in china, which are Mckinsey, BCG, Bain, Monitor, Deloitte, Mercer(managem ent, Olive, HR), A.T. Kearney, Accenture, IBM Consulting,Roland Berger, McKinsey1st Round:1)We are back in the 80s, and Daewoo wants to enter the Italian market. They approach yo u and say that they want to sell 100,000 cars after one year. What do you tell them?2)A steel producing company wants to cut costs. It currently operates 2 large mills at 75% capacity and four small ones at 100% capacity. It is experiencing profitability issues. Wha t action would you recommend it takes?3)Our client is a retail brokerage. W e have seen our customer base decline over the past 18 months. Why this happening is and what can we do about it?4)The client owns mines that produce high and low grade ore and processes it into an alloy that is then sold as an additive to strengthen steel (sold directly to steel manufacturers).A new foreign competitor has shown up in the market and the company is losing profits.A general manager of one of the processing plants asks what he should do to maintain profits.5)The past few years a Health Insurance Company has been growing at a rate of about 1 5% a year. This past year it only grew by 1%. Costs are rising 12% each year. What is the problem and what should the company do?6)Company X is a chemical manufacturer.They make a product that is very similar to Company Y’s product.Company X and Y are direct competitors in many geographic markets, but each also has unique areas in which the sales forces do not face direct competition.Company X buys Company Y.How do you integrate the sales forces?7)Y ou are working for a Brazilian soda manufacturer that is experiencing declining profits o ver the last two years. Why is this occurring? [competition from generics] What is the siz e of the market for canned cola? What are the company's options for improving profitabili ty? What are the possible effects of a change in the cola's price?8)Our client is a mid-Western HMO. They have 300 doctors and 300,000 subscribers. They handle mostly checkups and routine visits. The HMO outsources specific cases to local s pecialists. Over the last two years the HMO has seen their profits decrease. They've called us in to find out why. 2nd Round1)A European iron mining company bought a piece of land in Australia with a high contentof iron. Should they proceed with extraction of the ore or not? / 2)A PC manufacturer wants to add a new line of pocket PCs. Should they do it? What do you tell the CEO?3)A health and fitness center, a chain of gyms, like Bally's is considering building more ten nis courts. The cost of the land development is 2.5 million for 10 tennis courts per gym.Determine if the gym would break even if they charged an additional fee of $7 per gam e.4)Our client is Burger King. Their growth has been slower than expected. They want to kn ow why? And estimate for me the size of the hamburger market.5)Tell me the annual revenues of a company you're following?6)The law has recently changed. Consumers can now switch cell companies and keep their phone numbers. What are the effects of this legislation? What is the cost of this legislatio n? And can you recommend any options for the cell phone companies?7)A healthcare company that sells to individuals and small businesses has seen growth in th e last 5 years, but this last year there has been a decline. What is going on? What sort o f incentive system do we have and what kind can we create? (There were a number of g raphs and charts that the student had to review8)Y ou and your colleagues are McKinsey partners trying to decide which nonprofit to help. Your goals are doubling their revenue and improving their management. Each participant h as information the others don't have. Which one should you pick? [what criteria to use, et c.9)Our client is a travel agency in NYC which employs 25 people. They have seen their co mmissions cut from 10% to 8%. They are wondering what strategy they should adopt to i ncrease their profits, and what else they should do to remain profitable and grow their bu siness? 10)"First, I would say that globally, the cases had a bit of a different felt to them than man y I had worked on.All three were business cases, however, in two of the three, there was less opportunity tostructure the cases cases———the questioners asked specific questions about data that they presented to me a bit at a timetime——usually in graphic format.In two out of my three cases, there were multiple graphs and charts that built on one an other.Conclusions drawn from the first graph were applied to graphs presented later in the same interview.Also, when I analyzed the data, I was usually given a ratio or series of ratios that I need ed to calculate.At the beginning of each graph/data series, the interviewer would explain the significance of each of the ratios I was to calculate.When I finished calculating them, he asked me to explain what the results meant. To be honest, the ratios may have been quite common, but they were new to me."3rd Round (Nov. 2003)1)Assuming zero costs. What are the first three industries that will appear in outer space? 1)It's October 2001, with the current gloomy economy. One of the most affected industries i s the luxury industry: People tend to postpone buying luxury goods, and even if they hav e the money, after what happened it is not the right time for them to buy something whi ch is unnecessary. A client approaches our firm and asks us to increase his sales. What d o we tell him?BCG1st Round (Nov. 2004):1)Our client is a mid-sized manufacturer of industrial batteries for the aerospace and defense industry.For example, the company's batteries can be found in various military missiles as well as in the Hubble Space Telescope.Over the last few years, the defense and aerospace industries have been flat or declining, so the client is looking for high-growth industries that might be able to make use of its b attery technology.After a review of possible industries, the client wants us to look at whether they can ente r the market to provide batteries for implantable cardiac defibrillators.Estimate the size of the market for implantable cardiac defibrillators, and then tell me ho w you might go about helping the client decide whether or not this is a good market to enter.2)Our clients are a consortium of 10 commercial real estate companies (2-3 big companies, 4-5 mid-sized companies, and 1-2 small companies) that collectively own 350-400 building s in downtown areas of cities all over the country. Together, they spend $1 billion/year o n all of the non-sexy aspects of owning commercial real estate: cleaning and general main tenance, plumbing and electrical repair, etc. They have come together to explore the possi bility of setting up a "buying pool" to realize cost reduction by achieving economies of scale in purchasing products and contracting for services to conduct this general maintenanc e. This "buying pool" will cost $40 million (one-time fixed cost) to set up and will cost $10 million/year to maintain. Is this a good idea? What kind of information do you need to know to help your clients decide if this is a good idea?3)The client is a four-year music university in Boston that specializes in classical music for pre-professional students. The university is under performing in three key areas when co mpared to its biggest competitor. The areas are: applications per seat, high-quality applicati ons, and accepted applicants that enroll. The mission of the university is to increase the n umber of high-quality students.4)The industry is the Yellow Pages. What is the business? What do they do for money? W hat is their profit?5)A small agrichemical company wants to triple its revenue by 2005. What are some of its options, and how would you evaluate those options?6)A Vietnamese manufacturer of cooking oil wants to improve its revenue. How would you figure out how big the domestic market is [not a back of envelope calculation; assume y week———— whom would you talk to?]?ou had a week7)Constantly breaking down. The government is fighting over how to fix and fund it. The t rain drivers’ union says it will go on strike unless the government guarantees that there w ill be no layoffs. What steps would you take to "fix" the problem?8)How would you increase recruitment and retention in the military?(9)BCG gave me a lot of data to sift through to determine which demographic of cell phone users it should target to increase revenues.2nd Round(Nov 2004):1)A cleaning product supply company's profits and revenues have been falling, but market s hare has remained the same. What's going on? (Charts and graphs given)2)Our client owns 120 hotels. He has left the management of the properties to a manageme nt company. Since 2001 they haven't broken even though occupancy rates averaged 80 per cent. - Charts given3)A music company is bringing out a CD for a new artist. How would you market and pri ce, knowing that you'd like to charge a premium for the cd?Final Round (Nov. 2002)1)Y ou are consulting to the manufacturer of airplane engines——> > regional and low cost main engines: for wide body planes and narrow body planes ——airlines, which are growing, use the narrow body planes). The client is considering enteri ng the airplane leasing market, because one of its competitors (GE) is already there, and t he client hypothesizes that GE's presence in leasing helps its engine sales. What do you t ell him?2)Last year, lawsuits cost corporations $200 billion compared with $70 billion in 1990. How would you advise a roundtable of CEOs to attack tort reform?3)The U.S. Post Office lost millions last year. How would you advise the new CEO to turn the Post Office around?4)We have been hired by a Mexican company that has a dominant position in all of its ma rkets but one: ketchup. Although its ketchup sales have been increasing, its market share i s stagnant (10%) and its profit margin remains below that of its competitors. What do yo u think might be happening? What would you suggest the client do in order to increase market share and profits?A small pharmaceutical research company is about to start clinical trials for a new and pr omising molecule. The trial process has three phases, with different associated costs and p robabilities of success: Costs (million) Pr. Success- Phase 1 $10 .40- Phase 2 $5 .2- Phase 3 $80 .105If the process is successful and the new drug is introduced in the market, it would genera te total income flows of $300 million.+ Draw a graph showing the income stream for the next ten years (assume that full adop tion is reached in year 7)+ The pharmaceutical company is looking for a buyer. How much should it ask for? Booz1st Round1)Our client is a magazine publisher. They are considering a new pricing program where th e price for subscriptions would increase every year. Evaluate how such a decision would i mpact their business. Would you advise they do it?Bain1st Round (Nov. 2003)1)isher of children’s fiction in the industry. SpublisherOur client is Apple Publishing, the largest publeven years ago the CEO became concerned that childhood literacy rates were low and dec ided to make a difference.He entered the telemetry textbook market. He thinks they are the best now, but hasn’t be en rewarded. Seven years later he has 70 million dollars in sales and 20 million dollars in losses. They are less than 5% of the market, but the CEO wants to stay in the market, how can he do it?2)Our client produces 2-inch wrenches. They sell to Home Depot and also to auto-mechanic s directly. If you were a store manager at Home Depot, how many varieties of wrenches would you display to sell and at what price points? How are the Home Depot wrench bu yers different from the auto mechanics? If you wanted to provide discounts to the auto m echanics, which of them would you target and why? What information would you want fr om them first?3)University town has a population of 40,000 students. Currently there are nine restaurants. You're client is thinking about opening up the tenth. Is this a good idea and should she o pen up a fast food or a specialty restaurant?4)A major airline is thinking about going head to head with the discount airlines by offerin g "cheap" fares. Does this make sense? Estimate the size of the European "discount" airli ne market.5)Your client sells coffee on the five Japanese Bullet trains (high speed trains). Estimate the size of the market. How would you advise them to increase sales?6)Our client, a private equity firm, is considering an investment in a manufacturer of digital inkjet printers (printing large billboards). The manufacturer wants to enter the screen prin ting market (printing signs and point-of purchase posters, e.g. for supermarket sales). How big is the screen printing market? Which particular segment is the most attractive?7)Estimate the market size of printers in Hong Kong. A U.S.-based PC manufacturer now w ants to get into the printer market. Assess the opportunity.8)We have been hired by a global wealth management company that has 2 divisions: asset management and private banking. Our asset management profits have been decreasing, and our private banking profits have been increasing. We need to help our client determine s trategy to increase all his profits.9)We have been hired by the Board of a company that is loosing money. The Board has a sked us to determine whether any of this loss can be attributed to the Leer jet that the m anagement team uses.10)We have been hired by a company that has just finished making the Millennium Eye, a l arge Ferris wheel that will be placed in the middle of London. Our client wants to know how big the market is and how much we should charge per ticket.A.T. Kearney1st Round (Oct. 2003)1) The CFO of a top 3 retailer wants you to evaluate the viability of developing exclusive contracts with distributors. The three questions you should address are:1. Pro's and Con's of pursuing exclusive contracts2. Identify the categories that should be explored for exclusive contracts3. How would you operationalize these contracts?2) Case setup (facts offered by interviewer):Your client is a U.S. based oil refinery. The refinery has a single location and is a small to medium-sized refinery. Your client, although profitable, believes it is lagging behind th e competition and could improve. Y ou are brought in as part of a joint consultant-client t eam that will review overall operations and make recommendations on ways to improve th e bottom line. Y ou have been assigned to work with the maintenance division. The maint enance department’s primary objective is to prevent equipment failure and to repair equip ment when it does fail.Understanding of its organization is important.It consists of three primary areas: nine assets areas, one central maintenance area and one group of contractors. The first two areas are employees of the client, the third an extern al source of labor. An asset is a physical area of the plant that contains various pieces of equipment (pumps, heat exchangers, etc.). There are nine assets. Each asset has a Mainte nance Supervisor who is responsible for all maintenance to be performed in his/her asset. Working for the Maintenance Supervisor in each asset is, on average, eleven “craftsmen”. The craftsmen are the actual workers that perform the maintenance. The craftsmen are uni onized and divide into twelve different craft designations (e.g. electricians, pipefitters, weld ers, etc.). Each craft designation has a defined set of skills they are qualified to perform. They are not allowed to perform skills outside of their defined craft, or help in the perfor mance of activities involving skills beyond their craft. Collectively the twelve different cra fts can perform any maintenance job that might arise at the refinery. The maintenance sup ervisor and his/her assigned craftsmen are “hardwired” to their asset. That is, they work o nly on equipment in their given asset.Central maintenance is a centralized pool of Maintenance Supervisors and Craftsmen, who are dispatched to support the different assets during times of high workload. They are e mployees of your client and fit the description contained in the above Asset explanation. The only difference is that they may work in any of the different assets as determined by workload. There are a total of 11 Maintenance Supervisors and 100 Craftsmen that comp rise Central Maintenance Contractors are a group of outside Supervisors and Craftsmen wh o support your client during times of high workload. They also are capable of performing any maintenance job that may arise, but differ from your client’s Craftsmen in that they divide the collective skills required into five designations rather than twelve. Thus, the cra ftsmen of the contractor are capable of performing a broader set of skills. They, like your client’s craftsmen, don’t perform skills outside of their defined craft but do allow differe nt craft designations to help each other. There are an average of 7 contractor Maintenance Supervisors and 140 contractor Craftsmen at the refinery on any given day. Question:What opportunities exist to increase profits?What recommendations can you make to capture savings related to the identified opportuni ties?What is the cost savings associated with your recommendations?Suggested solutions:The first question involves identifying opportunities to improve profits. The candidate must start with either revenues or costs. Although one could make the argument that maintena nce supports revenue by maximizing the operating time of the refinery equipment, mainten ance should be seen to be a support function. Thus, it is more appropriate to focus on co sts and cost reduction. The following questions will help the candidate gain insight into c ost reduction opportunities.How does the maintenance department track its costs?If the candidate phrases the question about material or overhead costs, the interviewer wo uld inform the candidate that detailed reviewed showed no major opportunities. The candid ate would be steered toward labor costs and given the following tables regarding maintena nce labor costs for the past year. To support understanding of the following tables, Turnar ound work is long term preventive maintenance (e.g. complete rebuilding of a boiler) that may be performed once every few years. All other work (short term emergency repairs, small scale preventive maintenance, other routine work, etc.) fits into the category of Dail y work。

BCG矩阵是波士顿咨询公司(Boston Consulting Group)在上世纪70年代提出的一种经典的战略管理工具,用来评估企业产品组合的竞争地位和发展前景。

• Q(应聘者):Well, before I can advise the CEO I need some more information about the situation. First of all, I'm not sure I understand what a "discount retailer" is! • A(考官):A discount retailer sells a large variety of consumer goods at discounted prices, generally carrying everything from housewares and appliances to clothing. Kmart, Woolworth, and WalMart are prime examples in the U.S. • Q(应聘者): 在我向他提出建议之前,我必须对情况作进一步 的了解。首先,我不太明白什么是“折扣零售店”。 • A(考官): “折扣零售店” 以折扣价格销售各种各样的商品, 包括家庭用具、服装等等,象美国的沃尔玛超市就是这样的例子。
• Your client is the largest discount retailer in Canada, with 500 stores spread throughout the country. Let‘s call it “CanadaCo.” For several years running, Canada Co has surpassed the second largest Canadian retailer (300 stores) in both relative market share and profitability. • CanadaCo是加拿大最大的折扣零售集团,拥有遍及全 国的500家连锁店。经过几年的运营,它在市场占有率 及盈利方面都已远远超过了拥有300家连锁店的第二大 零售公司。它是本公司的客户之一。
波士顿 2022 咨询面试题(求职面试回答资料)

波士顿2022 咨询面试题第1题:Case: We have a client who operates a national distribution network and produces different types of products for the home-home building, home improvements, etc. This client is trying to decide if it should go into doors, specifically wooden doors for homes. Tell us what you think the market size for wooden doors would be. Is it big enough to be attractive? Let’s talk through the logic of how you would evaluate whether or not our client should enter this market. Take your time before answering. According to one BCG interviewer, this is how the company prefers to start the firstround interviews. Begin this question by doing a 10-to 15-minute “estimation exercise,” which consists of questions such as:–How many doors are there in the United States?–What’s the market for wood doors in the United States?After asking questions like these, you should be able to come up with a number-say, 500 million doors. You should even have a notepad and pen on you so that you can jot down ideas and keep track of your thoughts. For the next 20 to 25 minutes, you should talk about the issues that the company might be thinking about before entering the market, by asking questions such as:–What is the competition like in the market?–How will the manufacture of wooden doors affect the company’s labor costs?Interviewees should always remember that “there are several ways of approaching the problem, and during the interview what the interviewers are most interested in is your logic flow, the types of questions you ask, and how you structure the questions. Asking questions that are wrong is tantamount to not asking them at all.” One recent interviewee notes, “BCG is looking for people who will think carefully before answering; this is very important in the case interview. Don’t say the first thing that comes to your mind, even if you’re certain about it. If you’re trying to choose between appearing to be slow and appearing to be a cocky idiot, choose the former.”第2题:Case: Your client is the largest discount retailer in Canada, with 500 stores spread throughout the country. Let’s call it “CanadaCo.” For several years running, CanadaCo has surpassed the second largest Canadian retailer (300 stores) in both relative market share and profitability. The largest discount retailer in the United States, “USCo,” however, has just bought out CanadaCo’s competition and is planning toconvert all 300 stores into USCo stores. The CEO of CanadaCo is quite perturbed by this turn of events, and asks you the following questions: “Should I be worried? How should I react?” How would you advise the CEO?This case interview is from BCG’s web site. Essentially, BCG is looking for you to ask many good questions of the interviewer: What is a discount retailer? Is the Canadian market comparable to the US market? Are USCo’s strengths transferable to Canada? What geographic markets do anadaCo’s competitor stores serve? Do the stores sell the same products? What is each company’s cost structure? And so forth, in a give and take with the interviewer. “They key is not getting the ‘right’ answer, but showing you can think in a structured fashion,” says an insider.第3题:General: Walk me through the operations of a typical Starbucks. How might they increase their profitability?An entire campus of applicants once received this question, insiders tell us.第4题:Guesstimate: How many pay phones are there in Manhattan?This guesstimate can be calculated in numerous ways, including estimating the number of Manhattan street corners and assuming one telephone per one or two intersections. Another method would be to estimate the number of blocks in Manhattan and assume one telephone per block. Don’t forget pay phones inside buildings! (You’d probably receive this question in conjunction with a case on, say, a new phone company that was thinking of entering the pay phone market.)第5题:General: Do you think BCG should get out of Asia?By confidently answering “yes” to this seeming piece of small talk, you’ll have just contradicted an important piece of BCG’s 21st century strategy. If you answer this way, better be able to back it up!第6题:General: What have you found your most challenging class in school? Remember: stress your leadership skills, analytical skills, and quantitative skills. This is your chance to prove you have them. Give an example of something you did well in a quantitative class.第7题:General: I see you’ve been to law school. So what makes you want to consider a consulting career at BCG?Not a trick question! Your interviewer probably has plenty of colleagues who are lawyers – they just want you to make a case for switching to consulting, and BCG in particular.。


咨询公司研究资料The interviewAt BCG, “The hiring process is considered very warm and friendly. We try and make everyone know that they have a fair shot and that we respect them, regardless of interview performance. We try to establish the human connection very early on,”a source says. This is also a way to gauge how well a candidate could handle one-on-one interactions with sen ior-level clients: “The ability to work closely with senior client executive s from very early in your career is one of the key factors BCG is lookin g for in its recruits,”says an insider. At the same time, a source stresse s, “doing well on cases is fundamental. You can be the nicest person in the world, but we won’t lower the bar if you can’t perform well durin g the case interviews.”“The case will make or break your interview,”another insider warns. An insider describes a “standard set of case intervi ews, two in the first round and three in the second. Each interview lasts 45 minutes and is usually based on a case that the interviewer has partici pated in.”Another says to expect “four to six case interviews.”What to expect in a BCG interviewThe personal discussion is our way of getting to know you. There is no fixed format or agenda, but interviewers often focus the discussion o n an experience or a period of your life. There is very little that can be done to prepare, so relax and use the time to help us get to know you b etter.The case interview makes up the greater part of the interview time. The best preparation is to familiarize yourself with types of analysis you may employ and practice generating sound, defensible hypotheses. To help you, we've assembled several resources as well as some tips to prepare f or the case interview.Prepare for problemsA focus on real-world applications is the norm for BCG. Says one m anager: “I don’t do rainteasers. Finding out how many golf balls you c an fit in a 747 doesn’t give me a great read on a person’s skills.”B e advised, however, that BCG does provide brain teaser examples on the case prep section of its web site –so it’s wise to come prepared for t he golf balls, just in case. In most instances, however, “Over a period of 30-40 minutes the interviewee needs to develop a proposed solution to t he problem, by engaging in a dialogue with the interviewer. The case inte rview gives you a taste of what it would actually be a consultant at BC G and the kinds of work that we do.”“Most people get a charge out of these –they like being able to solve problems,”says a manager. BC G advises interviewees to “interact with the interviewer,”noting that the case “should be a dialogue, not a monologue.”Or as an insider puts it, “Be sensitive to when your interviewer is open to questions,”which lets you “give the person the opportunity to appear knowledgeable.”And don’t forget the other types of questions you might face –including the big one: “Why consulting?”Beyond that, a management source says, “we’re looking for people who can make change happen, with a focus on getting things done.”This means interviewers place a premium on “b eing able to articulate stories of how you’ve driven change in team situa tions.”波士顿顾咨询公司(The Boston Consulting Group, BCG)是一个全球战略和通用治理的咨询机构,成立于1963年,现拥有职员3720人,在世界要紧都市设有48个办事处。
BCG Case Interview

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