Chinese poker introduction-Dou Di Zhu(Fight the landlord)斗地主规则英文介绍
Hi,anyone who wants to learn how to play Chinese Poker. Here I will introduce two most popular poker games in China. One is Dou DI Zhu and the other is called Guan Dan. Let’s start with Dou Di Zhu (In English it means fight with the landlord)IntroductionFight the Landlord (Dou Di Zhu) is a climbing game primarily for three players, but also playable by four. In each hand one player, the "landlord", plays alone and the others form a team. The landlord's aim is to be the first to play out all his cards in valid combinations, and the team wins if any one of them manages to play all their cards before the landlord. The game is said to have originated in Hubei province but is now popular all over China, and is also extensively played on line. Players, Cards and DealThis game uses a 54-card pack including two jokers, red and black. The cards rank from high to low:red joker, black joker, 2, A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3.Suits are irrelevant.As in most Chinese games the cards are not really dealt, but taken from the deck by the players by the counter-clockwise order around the table. There is one way to determine which player is the landlord. Let one card faces the player and then put it into the cards. Then the one who gets this card when dealing will be the landlord.PlayThe landlord plays first, and may play a single card or any legal combination. Each subsequent player in anticlockwise order must either pass (play no card) or beat the previous play by playing a higher combination of the same number of cards and same type. There are just two exceptions to this: a rocket can beat any combination, and a bomb can beat any combination except a higher bomb or rocket - see definitions below. The play continues around the table for as many circuits as necessary until two consecutive players pass. Then the person who played the last card(s) begins again, leading any card or legal combination.In this game, there are thirteen types of combination that can be played:1. Single card - ranking from three (low) up to red joker (high) as explained above2. Pair - two cards of the same rank, from three (low) up to two (high)3. Triplet - three cards of the same rank4. Triplet with an attached card - a triplet with any single card added, for example 6-6-6-8. These rank according to the rank of the triplet - so for example 9-9-9-3 beats 8-8-8-A.5. Triplet with an attached pair - a triplet with a pair added, like a full house in poker, the ranking being determined by the rank of the triplet -for example Q-Q-Q-6-6 beats 10-10-10-K-K.6. Sequence - at least five cards of consecutive rank, from 3 up to ace - for example 8-9-10-J-Q. Twos and jokers cannot be used.7. Sequence of pairs - at least three pairs of consecutive ranks, from 3 up to ace. Twos and jokers cannot be used. For example 10-10-J-J-Q-Q-K-K.8. Sequence of triplets - at least two triplets of consecutive ranks from three up to ace. For example 4-4-4-5-5-5.9. Sequence of triplets with attached cards - an extra card is added to each triplet. For example 7-7-7-8-8-8-3-6. The attached cards must be different from all the triplets and from each other. Although triplets of twos cannot be included, a two or a joker or one of each can be attached, but not both jokers.10. Sequence of triplets with attached pairs - an extra pair is attached to each triplet. Only the triplets have to be in sequence - for example8-8-8-9-9-9-4-4-J-J. The pairs must be different in rank from each other and from all the triplets. Although triplets of twos cannot be included, twos can be attached. Note that attached single cards and attached pairs cannot be mixed - for example 3-3-3-4-4-4-6-7-7 is not valid.11. Bomb - four cards of the same rank. A bomb can beat everything except a rocket, and a higher ranked bomb can beat a lower ranked one.12. Rocket - a pair of jokers. It is the highest combination and beatseverything else, including bombs.13. Quadplex set - t a quad with two single cards of different ranks attached, such as 6-6-6-6-8-9, Twos and jokers can be attached, but you cannot use both jokers in one quadplex set. Quadplex sets are ranked according to the rank of the quad. Note that a quadplex set can only beat a lower quadplex set of the same type, and cannot beat any other type of combination. Also a quadplex set can be beaten by a bomb made of lower ranked cards.Note that passing does not prevent you from playing on a future turn. Example Player A (the landlord) leads 3-3-3-9 to get rid of some low cards, player B passes, player C plays 5-5-5-7, player A plays K-K-K-J and player B plays A-A-A-3. C and A pass, so B can start again with anything. He leads a single 4.Note B could have played his cards on his the first turn, but preferred to pass to give his partner a chance to get rid of some cards. C will now play if possible, so as not to give the landlord (A) a free chance to lead again. Having beaten A's second play, B leads a low card to give C the choice of playing another unwanted card or putting the landlord under pressure by playing a high card.ScoringIf the landlord runs out of cards first he has won. If one of the other two players runs out before the landlord, the landlord loses.Note that since the opponents of the landlord stand to win or lose equally, they form a temporary partnership. When playing against the landlord it is just as profitable to help your partner to run out of cards first as to win yourself. Because of this the partners will usually not beat each other’s cards, and the weaker partner will play to help the stronger partner.。
桌游禁闭岛 规则
禁闭岛(Forbidden Island) 中文规则by zxsoft@BGC游戏人数:2-4胜利条件:一)玩家得到全部4个宝藏二)全部玩家走到愚人机场(Fool’s Landing)三)任一玩家打出一张Helicopter Lift失败条件:达到任意一个即全体失败一)还没有拿到某种宝藏,但这种宝藏对应的两种版块都已沉没。
二)愚人机场(Fool’s Landing)沉没三)有人所在的版图块沉没,但他不能游到相临的版块上。
Fool’s Landing是淹没状态时玩家一样可以打出Helicopter Lift并胜利。
卡牌详解:宝藏牌分为3种:一)财宝牌二)特殊行动牌三)Water Rise!牌一)财宝牌4种财宝每种有5张,站在财宝对应的版块上,打出4张相同的对应财宝牌,即可获得此种类型的财宝。
和Diven一起玩转美语桌游56-矮人金矿?? 纳尼?!CHECK IT OUT!!!
和Diven一起玩转美语桌游-百度百科: 是蓝盔教育旗下独立运营的”美语全能教育“项目,它是由国内知名美语培训师Diven和众多来自各国的外籍教师们联袂开发的一系列专门针对中国人“哑巴英语”,”无能力英语“的高效解决方案。
想要结束“哑巴英语”,“无能力英语”怎么办?快来《和Diven一起玩转美语桌游》里找答案吧!本期桌游主题: 矮人金矿和Diven一起玩转美语桌游56-矮人金矿??纳尼?!CHECK IT OUT!!!英文名: Saboteur设计师:桌游世界发行年份: 2010年地区:大陆分类:线下人数: 3-10人时长: 60分钟以内适合年龄: 8岁以上特征:规划推理机制:手牌控制基本人数规则:桌游开始前先把卡片依照路径(route)卡、行动(action)卡、金块(gold bullion)卡及矮人卡各自分开。
桌游术语最全科普桌上游戏(Table game):泛指在桌子或任何平面上玩的游戏,通常无需激烈运动。
根据BGG网站统计,桌上游戏超过60000种,BGG网站将其分为下列8类:可定制游戏(Customizable Games),抽象游戏(Abstract Games),儿童游戏(Children's Games),家庭游戏(Family Games),聚会游戏(Party Games),策略游戏(Strategy Games),主题游戏(Thematic Games),战争游戏(War Games)。
图版桌游(Board Game):桌上游戏的一类,指将图文符号印在硬纸板上作为记录工具的游戏。
游戏名称:圣彼得堡英文名:Saint Petersburg设计师:Bernd Brunnhofer玩家人数:2—4适合年龄:10+游戏时长:45分钟游戏配件:卢布纸钞张(也就是钱)(1、2 卢布各 14 张, 5、10 卢布各 12 张,20 卢布 8 张) 农民牌31 张(面底皆以绿色为底色。
牌底印有椅子图案)建筑牌28 张(面底皆以蓝色为底色。
牌底印有俄罗斯屋顶图案)贵族牌27 张(面底皆以橙色为底色。
牌底印有人头侧影图案)升级牌30 张(牌底印有绿、蓝、橙三色。
牌面分别是绿色、蓝色及橙色为底色,各10 张。
牌底印有正方形图案)起始玩家牌4 张(牌面分别印有椅子、正方形、人头侧影及俄罗斯屋顶图案)起始玩家标记4 个(漆上金色木制标记。
分别是椅子、正方形、人头侧影及俄罗斯屋顶图案)木制棋子 8 只(红、蓝、黄、绿各 2)游戏图板 1 块(外围印有计分表;上部为放置弃牌、农民牌、建筑牌、贵族牌及交易牌的牌迭位置;弃牌区下方是奖分表;下部分有两行,各 8 个用作放置咭(jī)牌的置牌区)开局:将游戏图板展开放于桌上。
每位玩家获发面值 25 卢布的纸钞后,请将纸钞收好。
每位玩家获发 2 只同色的棋子。
玩家需将其中 1 只放到游戏图板左上角 0 分的位置上。
另 1 只则放在玩家面前的桌上,以标记该玩家的代表颜色。
若玩家数目只有 3 人,多出的 1 张起始玩家牌属最年少的玩家所有。
依据玩家数目,游戏主持拿起农民牌迭,从顶翻开 8 张农民牌(4 人游戏),从左到右逐一放到游戏图板的上行咭牌位置。
A_La_Carte_Rules_ENG 桌游 规则
1Content4 stoves (each consisting of: 1 plate, 4 pedestals, 1 adjusting knob, and 2 plastic rivets)4 pans4 condiment dispenserswith colored lids80 condiments in 4 colors (20 lemon, 20 pepper, 20 paprika, 20 herbs)25 salt crystals20 artfully weird dishes4 delicious crêpes 13 coffee cups for the coffee breaks3 cooking spoons1 coffee tray for the cups4 trays for finished dishes1 trash can2 sinks 9 star tokens1 heating die 1 rule bookRules2At firstPunch all components gently out of the boards. The 4 stoves are con-structed according to the illustra-tion, because every player should have their own Schmiel 2009. The plastic rivets for the adjusting knob are inserted from both sides (turn one rivet by 90 degrees and use pliers to get a firm connection of both rivets). T urn the knob several times until it moves smoothly.Short overviewIn “A la carte” the players try to be chefs cooking several dishes. They have to heat their stoves and must “skill-fully” season their dishes. Finished dishes score stars and/or victory points, burnt or over-seasoned dishes go into the bin and do not score anything. The first chef acquiring 3 stars or the most victory points is the winner.PreparationEach player receives:1 stove (the heating knob has to be on “zero”)- 1 pan (is put on the stove)- 1 coffee cup (randomly drawn) placed face-up- (pink side must be up)1 tray for Finished Dishes - 1 crêpe- Put in the middle of the table:the 20 dishes (sorted by colors, side with recipe- up)the 4 dispensers (each filled with - 15 condimentsof one color plus 5 white salt crystals – use the lid colors as an aid), all superfluous condiments are just spare material a sink- the coffee tray, covered with all remaining cof-- fee cups (green side up)the heating die - the trash can- the 9 cooking stars - Nominate a First Player. The First Player chooses a dish and puts it in his or her pan (side with recipe up). All other players do the same in order. The First Player receives the three cooking spoons and starts the game. Play commences in clockwise order.Course of the gameThe active player always has three regular actions. For these actions he or she may choose between two options:1. Heating of the stove (roll dice)2. Seasoning of the dishHe or she may combine the actions in any order, e.g. three times seasoning, or three times heating, or any combination of heating and seasoning. After each action the player to the left takes one spoon from the active player. When all three actions are used up, it is the next player’s turn. He or she now is the owner of the three spoons.Note: The spoons are used to count the used actions of the active player. So the next player in order is guarding the correct use of the active player’s three actions. Y ou may also use the spoons to beat on the table in an irritat-ing manner to remind the active player to speed up play.Any player may choose to take a coffee break in his or her turn by using one of his or her coffee cups. This does not cost one of the three regular actions (see also point 3, “cof-fee breaks”).1. Heating of the stoveT o finish a dish, the player has to heat his or her stove up to a certain level of heat (exception: dishes served cold). The required heating levels are printed in green on the recipes. As long as the stove is within the scope of the green numbers, the dish is cooked in the correct way. As soon as the player reaches the heating level written in red, the dish is burned.T o heat, the player rolls the heating die. If a number is rolled, the player has to heat up his or her stove for as much levels as the rolled number.Additionally there are three special symbols on the die:a ll players heat up their stove for one level. the player may choose to heat up his or her stove by 1, 2, or 3 levels.the player draws a coffee cup from the tray and places it face-up before him or her. If thedrawing pool is depleted, he steals one cup from another player (it is not allowed to steal cups picturing victory points, though).The stove never can be heated higher than level “7” (any surplus numbers rolled on the die are ignored in this case).2. Seasoning of the dishT o finish a dish, the player has to season it in his or her pan. The required condiments are pictured on the recipe side. The player has to season his or her dish with at least the number of the pictured condiments. He or she may have more condiments than pictured. However, as soon as the player has three or more condiments of the same color in his or her pan, the dish is over-seasoned and unusable. Also 3 salt crystals (white condiment) in a pan over-season a dish.T o season a dish, the player takes the dispenser of an appropriate color and tries to get the condiments into his or her pan. While seasoning, the dispenser has to be placed over the pan in a single movement with its open-ing down and then returned back again. The speed of the movement does not matter. All condiments falling out of the dispenser in this movement, are placed in the pan (even those which missed the pan). It is allowed to pause over the pan for a short moment. The player may shake the dispenser before the movement. It is notExample: Materials for one playerstovepancoffee cupcrêpetray for Finished DishesImage side:Recipe side:Dish breakdownVictory points Illustration Name of dish Required condiments Victory points Burnt, if this heating level is reachedRequired heating level3allowed to shake or tap the dispenser while seasoning. If the seasoning was not successful, a new attempt may be started with another action.3. Coffee breakOnce in his or her turn the player may take a coffee break and use one of his or her coffee cups. The player carries out the appropriate operation and discards the cup to the coffee tray face-up . The coffee break does not cost an action (no spoon is taken). There are the following pos-sibilities:1Victory point (3 times in the game): the player immediately places this token on his or herFinished Dishes tray. This token can not be taken away from this player and it is worth 1 victory point at the end of the game.Exchange stoves (3 times in the game): The player exchanges his or her stove including pan and dish with another player of his or her choice. Both players then continue the play with their new stoves. Burnt or over-seasoned dishes and stoves with crêpes may not be exchanged.3 Spoons (2 times in the game): The active player receives three additional actions. He takes back the three spoons and continues with his or her turn. However, the player is not allowed to use another coffee cup in the remainder of the turn.Re-season (3 times in the game): The active player may season the dish of another player of his or her choice once. It is allowed to use any condiment, even one not on the recipe or a condiment from which two pieces are already in the pan. As usual, a dish is considered as over-seasoned, as soon as three or more pieces of a single color are in the pan. Dishes without any condiments (Breakfast Fidel, Eau pour le café à la Bocuse, Crêpe) may not be seasoned at all.Decrease heating level (2 times in the game): The player may reduce his or her heating level by 1, 2, or 3 levels. This is also allowed, if his or her dish already was burnt (even at level “7”).Specialities1. A dish is finishedA dish is considered finished, if two requirements are met:- the stove has reached the required heating level (range of numbers in green) and- the required number of condiments lies in the pan.The player takes the dish out of the pan and puts it on his or her Finished Dishes tray, illustration side up. At the end of the game the dish scores the victory points printed on the token. The condiments (if any) are put into the sink. The player chooses a new dish. He or she must choose a dish color which he or she did not finish before. If this is not possible, the player may choose any color. The heating knob is reset to zero. Note: taking of a new dish does not require an action.2. The cooking starsIf a player manages to finish a dish per-fectly, he or she receives a star. A dish is considered perfect, when the player man-aged to season it with the exact number of condiments without any salt. Naturally, also the heating level has to be correct, as usual.The player places the star to his or her finished dishes. A player does never receive stars for dishes which are not seasoned at all (Breakfast Fidel, Eau pour le café à la Bocuse, Crêpe).3. A dish is burnt or over-seasonedWhenever a dish was spoiled, it has to be removed from the stove. However, this does happen within the turn of the appropriate player only. So, whenever a dish was over-seasoned by an “attentive” opponent, the dish stays in the pan of the player until it is his or her turn again. The same goes for burnt dishes. The spoiled dish is placed on the trash bin card, the condiments (if any) come into the sink. The player chooses a new dish. He or she must choose a dish color which he or she did not finish before. If this is not possible, the player may choose any color. The heating knob is reset to zero. Again, taking of a new dish does not require an action.4. Refill dispensersA condiment dispenser has to be refilled, as soon as it is empty or ifonly salt crystals remain inside. All condiments of the dispenser’s color are taken from the sink are put back into the dispenser bottle. The number of salt crystals should be 5 again - only if there is not enough left in the sink to refill, it may be less salt.Tray for coffee cupsDrawing poolDiscardExample of finished dishCondimentsHeating levelExample for seasoningcorrectwrong wrongcorrect45. Prepare a crêpeThe active player may decide to put a crêpe into his orher pan instead of a regular dish.Notes: Preparation of a crêpe is a demanding task, soit is not possible to take any coffee breaks as long as acrêpe is inside the pan.Each player may finish (or burn) only one crêpe pergame.The following special rules apply for the prepara-tion of a crêpe:The player places his or her crêpe with its recipeoside up into the pan.This ends the turn of the player immediately.-All remaining spoons go to the next player in-order.All his or her remaining actions in this turn are-lost.As soon as it is the player’s turn again, he or sheowill try to prepare the crêpe.Before the try the player has to roll the heating-die (the first action). The adjusting knob is thenturned up according to the die result. If a coffeecup is rolled, the player takes one cup as usual,but is not allowed to use it.Then the player has up to two attempts to turn-over the crêpe (action 2 and 3). T urning means:the player takes the pan, flicks the crêpe up andtries to catch it again with the pan so that the im-age side of the crêpe is facing up.After each attempt one of three situations will oc-ocur:The crêpe lands with its image side up and is-therefore finished. The heating level does notmatter, as long as the “7” was not reached yet(thus, even “0” is valid!). The player places thecrêpe to his or her other Finished Dishes andchooses a new dish for the pan. The player’sturn ends immediately and the next player’s turnstarts.The turning of the crêpe does not work twice-(the crêpe lands beside the pan or with the recipeside up. The player‘s turn ends and the nextplayer’s turn starts. In his or her next turn, theplayer will heat and then try to turn over thecrêpe again.Heating level “7” was reached, thus the crêpe-is burnt and spoiled. It goes to the trash bin andthe player chooses a new dish for the pan. Theplayer’s turn ends immediately and the nextplayer’s turn starts.End of game“A la carte” ends, when:a player is unable to place a new dish in his or-her pan ora player has finished 5 dishes (crêpes do count-as dishes) ora player has collected 3 stars*.-The players count their victory points. The player withthe most victory points wins. In case of a tie, all tiedplayers win. Placements of the other players are alsocalculated by their victory points.*If a player was able to collect 3 stars, he or she is thesole winner. This player’s victory points do not matter inthis case, but the victory points of the other players areused to calculate their placements.CreditsDesigner: Karl-Heinz SchmielIllustration and Graphic: Christof TischCover Illustration: Jochen EeuwykEditor and additional Layout: Heiko EllerWith the collaboration of: Selami Ileman, Harald Bilz,Oliver Erhardt, Christoph Lipsky, Petra Becker, MichaelKröhnertSpecial thanks to: Family T rieb, the Spielekreis Spielm-ilben, the kids from Kinderhaus Harthof, the participantsof the “Gathering of Friends”Dish overviewElephant Trunk Dressed with Spinach Leaves Kipper with Egg in Spinach CoatRooster in Wine SauceHippo in Burgundy WineBavarian Veal Sausage Sweet-and-SourBavarian Spam Hawaiian-Style Oxtail Au NaturelSour Ends in Cream Sauce Preparation of a crêpeRecipe side(not turned-over)Picture side(turned-over)。
【参考文档】国王游戏规则-word范文模板 (10页)
本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! ==国王游戏规则篇一:国王与天使的游戏规则国王与天使游戏细说为了更进一步活跃我们会议的氛围,现在向大家介绍一个游戏‘国王与天使’,请各位城院职联的小伙伴们都要仔细浏览游戏的规则,因为我们的下次会议开始都会开始这个游戏哦。
1. 道具你只需要拥有一副普通的扑克牌既可完成这个游戏.2. .游戏规则. 根据参加人数来发牌.例如4人游戏情况下需要1张鬼牌,另外三张1~3数字牌.合计四张牌.如果是5个人就是五张牌,一张鬼牌1~4点.以此类推.3.游戏玩法洗牌,然后放在桌面,又或者是洗牌的人拿在手上,让大家各抽一张做为暗牌,大家相互不知道谁抽的是什么牌子.抽中鬼牌的就是国王了.抽到鬼牌的要明牌表示自己是国王.然后可以随意点1~3号.其中1个人或2个人,做任何一件事情.所有人必须服从.因为国王不知道谁手上拿的是什么牌,所以是乱点的,这样非常刺激.201X年8月9日,最新的一起快乐大本营推出了全新的一款互动游戏《请相信我》,和以往的快乐大本营游戏一样,这个游戏特别好玩,现场气氛一度被引爆。
RulesAim of the game• For the villagers: to kill the werewolves.• For the werewolves: To kill the villagers.The Cards :The WerewolvesEach night they eat a villager. During the day they appear as a normal villager in order todisguise their identity.The VillagersEach night one of them is killed by the werewolves. This player is out of the game and cannot participate in any discussions. During the day, the Villagers that have survived the night must discuss amongst each other and decide who they believe is the werewolf out of the remaining players. This player will be killed – hopefully it will be the werewolf!• Simple Villager •He or she has no particular skills; he or she must be particularly intuitive.• Seer •Each night she can look at a card of a player of her choice to find out the real. She must help the villagers without being found out by the werewolves.• Hunter© •If The Hunter gets killed, either by the werewolves at night or by the villagers during the day, has the power to retaliate by killing a player of his choice immediately.• Cupid ©•On the first night, Cupid picks 2 players who he denotes as lovers. Those 2 players will fallmadly in love with each another. If one of the lovers dies, the other, out of sadness, dies immediately. A Werewolf and a villager can also be in love. They therefore play against allothers, werewolves and villagers. If the lovers survive, they win the game. Cupid may selecthimself as one of the 2 lovers.• The witch •She knows how to make up 2 extremely powerful potions: One healing potion, which can revive the player that has been killed by the werewolves. Onepoison potion which when used at night can kill a player. The witch must use each potion only once during the game. She can use her 2 potions on the same night if she wishes. In themorning following the use of her potions there could be 0, 1 or 2 dead. The witch may use herpotion to her advantage and heal herself.• Thief ©•2 extra cards must be added to the game. During the first night the Thief can swap his cardagainst one of the 2 cards (face down) that were left out of the game after all the cards havebeen dealt out. He will play with his new identity for the rest of the game. If both cards arewerewolf cards the thief must pick one up.• Little girl © •During the night when the werewolves are selecting their victim, she is allowed to spy onthem (by peeping). She must try not to get caught peeping by the werewolves, otherwise she will be killed immediately by the werewolves instead of the other victim.• Captain•This card is given to one of the players, in addition to its character card. The captain is elected after having the majority of votes from other players. One cannot refuse the honour to be captain. From this moment on, a vote from the captain counts as two votes. If this player is killed, in his last breathe he chooses his successor.You can pick and mix the cards as you want, introducing more and more characters as your group becomes familiar with the game. The minimum configuration is:2 Werewolves, 1 Seer, 5 Simple Villagers. See the table at the end of the rules for therecommended amount of werewolves per players.• Game rounds •1– Chose a Game master2– The game master deals out 1 character card to each player face down.3–IT’S NIGHT TIME, the game master asks all players to close their eyes, and the village is asleep.- Depending on the characters in play -4– (First round only) The game master calls on the thief. He wakes up (meaning he opens his eyes) and looks discreetly at the 2 cards face down in the middle, and then exchanges his character card if he wishes. The thief goes back to sleep.5 - (First round only) The game master calls on Cupid. He wakes up and selects 2 players (one of whom may be himself). The game master goes around the table and touches discreetly the back of the two lovers. Cupid goes back to sleep.6 -(First round only) The game master calls on the lovers. They wake up recognize each other and go back to sleep.7– (Each rounds) The game master calls on the seer. She wakes up, selects a player she wants to know the identity of. The game master shows her the player’s card that she has selected. The Seer goes back to sleep.8–(Each rounds) The game master calls on the werewolves. They (and only they) raise their heads, open their eyes, recognize each other and select silently a victim. They can eventually decide not to pen their eyes and not to select a victim to reduce the chance of being spied on. If a werewolf is selected as a victim by the other werewolves, hard luck, he dies! If no werewolves open their eyes, they die of hunger and the villagers win. During this round the little girl can spy on the werewolves (by peeping) if she wishes. If she gets caught, she will be killed immediately instead of the selected victim. The werewolves go back to sleep.9 - (Each rounds) The game master calls on the witch.The game master says: “the witch should wake up and I will show her the werewolves’ victim. Will she use her healing or poison potion?”. The game master shows the witch the werewolves’ victi m. The witch doesn’t have to use her power in a specific round. If she uses a potion, she must show the game master her target with her thumb up for healing, or thumb down for poisoning. The game master will reveal to the village the effect of the witch the next morning.10–IT’S DAYTIME, the village wakes up, everyone raise there heads, open their eyes. The game master shows all players which player was killed by the werewolves during the night. This player reveals his/her card, and is eliminated from the game. Whatever his/her character was, he will not be able to communicate with other players under any circumstances.• If the player is the Hunter, he has the right to retaliate by killing another player of his choice instantly.• If the player is on e of the 2 lovers, the other lover commits suicide immediately.11– The players, after much debating and arguing, must select one player that they want to eliminate when they vote.• The villagers will attempt to find out the werewolves by voting for one of them to be eliminated.•The werewolves must bluff and lie, to try to disguise their identity and appear as a villager. •The seer and the little girl must help the villager s while being careful not to reveal their identity to the werewolves and risking being killed in the night.•The lovers must protect one another.In the case of a draw, the cap tain’s vote selects the victim. Otherwise the players vote again (as well as the players that were voted for) to split the tie.12– The player selected by the majority of votes is eliminated. He reveals his character card and will not be able to communicate with other player under any circumstance.13 –IT’S NIGHT TIME, all alive players go back to sleep (all eliminated player can look but do not speak)The round starts again from point Number 7 aboveVICTORY CONDITIONSThe Villagers win, as soon as the last werewolf is eliminated.The werewolves win, as soon as the second last villager dies.。
Hi,anyone who wants to learn how to play Chinese Poker. Here I will introduce two most popular poker games in China. One is Dou DI Zhu and the other is called Guan Dan. Let’s start with Dou Di Zhu (In English it means fight with the landlord) IntroductionFight the Landlord (Dou Di Zhu) is a climbing game primarily for three players, but also playable by four. In each hand one player, the "landlord", plays alone and the others form a team. The landlord's aim is to be the first to play out all his cards in valid combinations, and the team wins if any one of them manages to play all their cards before the landlord. The game is said to have originated in Hubei province but is now popular all over China, and is also extensively played on line. Players, Cards and DealThis game uses a 54-card pack including two jokers, red and black. The cards rank from high to low:red joker, black joker, 2, A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3.Suits are irrelevant.As in most Chinese games the cards are not really dealt, but taken from the deck by the players by the counter-clockwise order around the table.There is one way to determine which player is the landlord. Let one card faces the player and then put it into the cards. Then the one who gets this card when dealing will be the landlord.PlayThe landlord plays first, and may play a single card or any legal combination. Each subsequent player in anticlockwise order must either pass (play no card) or beat the previous play by playing a higher combination of the same number of cards and same type. There are just two exceptions to this: a rocket can beat any combination, and a bomb can beat any combination except a higher bomb or rocket - see definitions below. The play continues around the table for as many circuits as necessary until two consecutive players pass. Then the person who played the last card(s) begins again, leading any card or legal combination.In this game, there are thirteen types of combination that can be played:1. Single card - ranking from three (low) up to red joker (high) as explained above2. Pair - two cards of the same rank, from three (low) up to two (high)3. Triplet - three cards of the same rank4. Triplet with an attached card - a triplet with any single card added, for example 6-6-6-8. These rank according to the rank of the triplet - so for example 9-9-9-3 beats 8-8-8-A.5. Triplet with an attached pair - a triplet with a pair added, like a full house in poker, the ranking being determined by the rank of the triplet -for example Q-Q-Q-6-6 beats 10-10-10-K-K.6. Sequence - at least five cards of consecutive rank, from 3 up to ace - for example 8-9-10-J-Q. Twos and jokers cannot be used.7. Sequence of pairs - at least three pairs of consecutive ranks, from 3 up to ace. Twos and jokers cannot be used. For example 10-10-J-J-Q-Q-K-K.8. Sequence of triplets - at least two triplets of consecutive ranks from three up to ace. For example 4-4-4-5-5-5.9. Sequence of triplets with attached cards - an extra card is added to each triplet. For example 7-7-7-8-8-8-3-6. The attached cards must be different from all the triplets and from each other. Although triplets of twos cannot be included, a two or a joker or one of each can be attached, but not both jokers.10. Sequence of triplets with attached pairs - an extra pair is attached to each triplet. Only the triplets have to be in sequence - for example 8-8-8-9-9-9-4-4-J-J. The pairs must be different in rank from each other and from all the triplets. Although triplets of twos cannot be included, twos can be attached. Note that attached single cards and attached pairs cannot be mixed - for example 3-3-3-4-4-4-6-7-7 is not valid.11. Bomb - four cards of the same rank. A bomb can beateverything except a rocket, and a higher ranked bomb can beata lower ranked one.12. Rocket - a pair of jokers. It is the highest combination and beatseverything else, including bombs.13. Quadplex set - t a quad with two single cards of different ranks attached, such as 6-6-6-6-8-9, Twos and jokers can be attached, but you cannot use both jokers in one quadplex set. Quadplex sets are ranked according to the rank of the quad. Note that a quadplex set can only beat a lower quadplex set of the same type, and cannot beat any other type of combination. Also a quadplex set can be beaten by a bomb made of lower ranked cards.Note that passing does not prevent you from playing on a future turn.Example Player A (the landlord) leads 3-3-3-9 to get rid of some low cards, player B passes, player C plays 5-5-5-7, player A plays K-K-K-J and player B plays A-A-A-3. C and A pass, so B can start again with anything. He leads a single 4.Note B could have played his cards on his the first turn, but preferred to pass to give his partner a chance to get rid of some cards. C will now play if possible, so as not to give the landlord (A) a free chance to lead again. Having beaten A's second play, B leads a low card to give C the choice of playing another unwanted card or putting the landlord under pressure by playing a high card.ScoringIf the landlord runs out of cards first he has won. If one of the other two players runs out before the landlord, the landlord loses.Note that since the opponents of the landlord stand to win or lose equally, they form a temporary partnership. When playing against the landlord it is just as profitable to help your partner to run out of cards first as to win yourself. Because of this the partners will usually not beat each other’s cards, and the weaker partner will play to help the stronger partner.。
RulesAim of the game• For the villagers: to kill the werewolves.• For the werewolves: To kill the villagers.The Cards :The WerewolvesEach night they eat a villager. During the day they appear as a normal villager inorder to disguise their identity.The VillagersEach night one of them is killed by the werewolves. This player is out of the game and cannot participate in any discussions. During the day, the Villagers that have survived the night must discuss amongst each other and decide who they believe is the werewolf out of the remaining players. This player will be killed – hopefullyit will be the werewolf!• Simple Villager •He or she has no particular skills; he or she must be particularly intuitive.• Seer •Each night she can look at a card of a player of her choice to find out the real.She must help the villagers without being found out by the werewolves.• Hunter© •If The Hunter gets killed, either by the werewolves at night or by the villagers during the day, has the power to retaliate by killing a player of his choiceimmediately.•Cupid ©•On the first night, Cupid picks 2 players who he denotes as lovers. Those 2 playerswill fall madly in love with each another. If one of the lovers dies, the other,out of sadness, dies immediately. A Werewolf and a villager can also be in love.They therefore play against all others, werewolves and villagers. If the loverssurvive, they win the game. Cupid may select himself as one of the 2 lovers.• The witch •She knows how to make up 2 extremely powerful potions: One healing potion, which can revive the player that has been killed by the werewolves. One poison potion which when used at night can kill a player. The witchmust use each potion only once during the game. She can use her 2 potions on thesame night if she wishes. In the morning following the use of her potions therecould be 0, 1 or 2 dead. The witch may use her potion to her advantage and healherself.• Thief ©•2 extra cards must be added to the game. During the first night the Thief can swaphis card against one of the 2 cards (face down) that were left out of the game after all the cards have been dealt out. He will play with his new identity for the rest of the game. If both cards are werewolf cards the thief must pick one up.• Little girl © •During the night when the werewolves are selecting their victim, she is allowed to spy on them (by peeping). She must try not to get caught peeping by the werewolves, otherwise she will be killed immediately by the werewolves instead of the othervictim.• Captain•This card is given to one of the players, in addition to its character card. The captain is elected after having the majority of votes from other players. One cannot refuse the honour to be captain. From this moment on, a vote from the captain counts as two votes. If this player is killed, in his last breathe hechooses his successor.You can pick and mix the cards as you want, introducing more and more characters as your group becomes familiar with the game. The minimum configuration is:2 Werewolves, 1 Seer, 5 Simple Villagers. See the table at the end of the rules forthe recommended amount of werewolves per players.• Game rounds •1– Chose a Game master2– The game master deals out 1 character card to each player face down.3–IT’S NIGHT TIME, the game master asks all players to close their eyes, and the village is asleep.- Depending on the characters in play -4– (First round only) The game master calls on the thief. He wakes up (meaninghe opens his eyes) and looks discreetly at the 2 cards face down in the middle, and then exchanges his character card if he wishes. The thief goes back to sleep.5 - (First round only) The game master calls on Cupid. He wakes up and selects 2 players (one of whom may be himself). The game master goes around the table and touches discreetly the back of the two lovers. Cupid goes back to sleep.6 -(First round only) The game master calls on the lovers. They wake up recognize each other and go back to sleep.7– (Each rounds) The game master calls on the seer. She wakes up, selects a player she wants to know the identity of. The game master shows her the player’s card that she has selected. The Seer goes back to sleep.8–(Each rounds) The game master calls on the werewolves. They (and only they) raise their heads, open their eyes, recognize each other and select silently a victim. They can eventually decide not to pen their eyes and not to select a victim to reduce the chance of being spied on. If a werewolf is selected as a victim by the other werewolves, hard luck, he dies! If no werewolves open their eyes, they die of hunger and the villagers win. During this round the little girl can spy on the werewolves (by peeping) if she wishes. If she gets caught, she will be killed immediately instead of the selected victim. The werewolves go back to sleep.9 - (Each rounds) The game master calls on the witch.The game master says: “the witch should wake up and I will show her the werewolves’ victi m. Will she use her healing or poison potion?”. The game master shows the witch the werewolves’ victim. The witch doesn’t have to use her power in a specific round. If she uses a potion, she must show the game master her target with her thumb up for healing, or thumb down for poisoning. The game master will reveal to the village the effect of the witch the next morning.10–IT’S DAYTIME, the village wakes up, everyone raise there heads, open their eyes. The game master shows all players which player was killed by the werewolves during the night. This player reveals his/her card, and is eliminated from the game. Whatever his/her character was, he will not be able to communicate withother players under any circumstances.• If the player is the Hunter, he has the right to retaliate by killing another player of his choice instantly.• If the player is one of the 2 lovers, the other lover commits suicide immediately.11– The players, after much debating and arguing, must select one player that they want to eliminate when they vote.• The villagers will attempt to find out the werewolves by voting for one of them to be eliminated.•The werewolves must bluff and lie, to try to disguise their identity and appear as a villager.•The seer and the little gir l must help the villagers while being careful not to reveal their identity to the werewolves and risking being killed in the night. •The lovers must protect one another.In the case of a draw, the cap tain’s vote selects the victim. Otherwise the players vote again (as well as the players that were voted for) to split the tie.12– The player selected by the majority of votes is eliminated. He reveals his character card and will not be able to communicate with other player under any circumstance.13 –IT’S NIGHT TIME, all alive players go back to sleep (all eliminated player can look but do not speak)The round starts again from point Number 7 aboveVICTORY CONDITIONSThe Villagers win, as soon as the last werewolf is eliminated.The werewolves win, as soon as the second last villager dies.(本资料素材和资料部分来自网络,仅供参考。
玩法六 :抽乌龟座位和抓牌等与玩法一同 出牌:任 意翻出一张牌,抓到者先从其上 家(右侧)抽 牌,以后为乌龟先抽牌,将 抽到的牌放在桌面 上,以这张牌上的任一 字母或二个字母与自 己手中的牌组成单词 或词组,
将组成单词的牌都 出掉;然后由下家再从 其手中抽一张牌, 再将这张牌放在桌面上, 再组成单词出掉,依次重 复,直至一人牌 未出完或规定时间到时 次数最 少者为第一,依次 排列。 另:打牌时不得说中文,每说5句加一次乌 龟。
玩法七:英语牌纸牌游戏规则单人游 戏将 一副牌如图示排列明暗暗暗暗暗暗暗明暗暗 暗暗暗 暗明暗暗暗暗暗明暗暗暗暗明暗暗 暗明暗暗明暗明(明为正面向上,暗为正面 向里)
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每个步骤结束,把放在【季节标识区】的【季节标志】挪到下一个位置上。 每轮的8个步骤被分入一年的四个季节当中,每个季节有一个特殊事件。
! 注意:在只有两个游戏者时,有一个特殊的规则,参见第7页。
a) 投骰子,决定领主策动【国王顾问】的行动次序
在这里,所有的游戏者要一起投掷骰子。如果在这时拥有建筑【雕像】,或 者【小礼拜堂】,或者同时拥有。那么建筑的效果可以由你决定是否被使用。
It’s now Brian’s turn. He could place all his dice on the Hero (#13) space, but that advisor would give him three stones, and he already has one. He cannot play two dice (4,4) on the Treasurer because of Ann’s dice, so he chooses to place two dice (4,5) on the Master Hunter (#9).
Now it’s Ann’s turn again. Since she only has her “1” die left, she places it on the Jester (#1).
! 注意:【+2标志】可以在这里使用,但对一个【国王顾问】只
Cindy also has only a single die left (a “6”), which she can put on the Alchemist (#6).
TranslateBy MuToo CheckBy BoLiang 200ame by Andrea Chiarvesio and Luca Iennaco 2-5 players / Age 10+
In the fantasy realm of Kingsburg, King Tritus has chosen his most trusted and talented governors (that’s you!) to oversee his newly acquired territories, at the very edge of his realm. To be successful, you will need to call upon the help of the King’s trusted advisors. Some of them might not be nice people, but they have skills and resources that could be very helpful to you. You must construct buildings, strengthen your defenses, and train your army to defend your territory from the frightening enemies that mass on the border. After
3x 3x
15个 领主标识: 3 x
3x 3x
60个【资源块】:25 x 20 x 15 x 黄金 木材 石料
85个【建筑标志】:17 x
17 x
17 x
17 x
17 x
3x 3x
25个【敌人】卡片(拉丁数字ⅠⅡⅢⅣⅤ,小数字表示 敌人可能的数量)
国王需要每个领主推行自己的管理,从而加强国王的统治。因此国王会给表现 最差的领主一点援助。一般建造最少【建筑】的领主会获得国王的援助(如果 出现平局,那么是拥有最少【资源】的领主)。得到援助的领主可以在【春季】 额外获得一次投【白色骰子】的机会(注意只是在春季)。
所有可以生产的季节(春季、夏季和秋季)都分为4个步骤: a) 投骰子,决定领主策动【国王顾问】的行动次序 b) 用投出的骰子点数,策动【国王顾问】 c) 从国王顾问那里得到帮助 d) 建造【建筑】、建筑效果生效
这个游戏分为5轮【年】进行。每轮分为相同的8个步骤。每个步骤都显示在【 季节标识区】上。
Example: Ann rolls 1,3,5
Brian 4,4,5
Cindy 2,2,6
(total = 9) (his total is 13) (her total is 10)
在领主获得了国王的援助(投【白色骰子】或者选择【货物】)后,第一个 步骤结束。
David 2,3,5
(total = 10)
如果出现【建筑】和【资源】都是最少的平局,那么他们都会得到国王的援助。 每个领主可以随意选择一个自己需要的资源,但是他们不会获得投白色骰子的 机会。
! 注意:在最开始的那个【春季】,所有的领主都可以随意选取一个
注意:投掷骰子的结果需要保留,它们在策动国王顾问的步骤里 会被使用。
把自己的【领地板】面向上放在面前,【彩色骰子】和【建筑标志】放在旁 边。三个【领主标识】分别放在【雇佣军标识区】、【记分区】和【排序标 识区】的起点【0】的位置。
把敌人卡片放在一起洗牌(拉丁数字为背面),随意选出Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ、 Ⅴ各一张。按照Ⅰ在上Ⅴ在下排序整理好,放在【季节标识区】右边的敌人 卡片区。其他的敌人卡片放回盒子中,它们在这次游戏中不会用到。
在一个季节里,被策动过的【国王顾问】不能再次被策动(自己或者其他游 戏者都策动过的都不可以)。有一个例外,在第5页。
five years, the King will reward the most successful governor with a position among his most trusted advisors!
1块 游戏板
21个六面骰子: 6 x
策动国王顾问的行动是使用骰子的结果来进行的。游戏者必须使用至少一个骰 子来选择策动的国王顾问,条件是骰子的数值必须与国王顾问的数值相等。确 定之后,把需要的骰子放在对应的国王顾问图案上。
David notices that Ann already used her “3” die, so he places his two other dice (2,5) on the Astronomer (#7) space.
b) 用投出的骰子点数,策动【国王顾问】
在这个步骤,游戏者有两个行动可以选择: 1.策动国王顾问 2.Pass
行动的次序根据之前的骰子结果进行,由排序第一位的游戏者来开始选择策动 国王顾问,之后是其他游戏者,当最后一个游戏者行动之后,再重新由第一个 游戏者开始下一轮策动。如果游戏者选择了Pass,那么在这个季节里将无法再 执行策动国王顾问的行动。当所有的游戏者选择了Pass,那么这个步骤结束。
The Turn Order Chart is now arranged: Ann goes first (lowest total), then Cindy (same dice
total as David, but her counter was in a higher position than David’s), and David, with Brian last (highest total).
根据投出骰子的结果,我们来调整在这个季节里,【领主标志】在【排序标 识区】上的位置。排序的规则如下:计算每个游戏者投出的骰子的数字总和 (包括在这个季节里可以被使用的【白色骰子】)。骰子数值总和最小的游 戏者排序在前面,多的依次排在后面。如果出现相等的情况,那么在上一个 季节里谁排在前面,这个季节也排在前面。
在游戏进行五年后(5轮),成为获得【VP=胜利积分】最多的领主。游戏中, 游戏者可以通过策动【国王顾问】、建造有分值的【建筑】来获得积分,也 可以通过赢得与入侵敌人的战斗来获得积分。
Example: in the first year, everyone chooses one good: Ann chooses a wood, Brian a stone, Cindy and David both choose a gold.
This rulebook.
记分区 (numbered 0 to 59)