



目录Байду номын сангаас
目录 第1篇 社会背景中的环境科学 2 我们能够同时拯救蓝蟹和渔民吗?3 第1章 环境交叉关系 4 环境科学的领域 5 环境问题的相互关联性 5 环境特写:传统资源的利用与冲突:印度国家公园Keoladeo的管理——科学与政策 6 生态系统方法 7 区域环境问题 8
环境科学——交叉关系学科(第10 版)
01 作者介绍
03 前言
02 内容简介 04 目录
《环境科学——交叉关系学科(第10版)》是2009年4月1日清华大学出版社出版的图书,作者是恩格,史密 斯,博凯里。
厄尔顿·D恩格,是密歇根州德尔塔学院的生物学荣誉退休教授。他在密歇根大学获得学士学位和硕士学位。 恩格教授执教30多年,曾经讲授过生物学、动物学、环境科学等课程。他积极从事教学与课程开发,分别开设了 河流生态学、植物鉴定等课程。他还参与了环境法规和环境技术培训方面课程的开发。恩格教授积极主张教学方 法的多元化。他发现,向学生展示丰富的经历,可以激发学生的学习兴趣。除了课本作业、讲座、实验室活动外, 他的课堂活动还包括论文、学生进行主题陈述、对有争议的问题进行辩论、现场实习、学生自定项目,以及讨论 当地当时发生的事件。阐述课程内容时,课本是非常有用的,尤其是当课本含有精确的、启发性的绘图和栩栩如 生的案例时。讲座可以帮助学生了解讲授主题并建立,而实验室活动可以提供重要的动手机会。恩格教授曾经作 为富尔布赖特交换教师,到澳大利亚和苏格兰授课,并获得教学优秀奖和德尔塔学院颁发的学术成就奖。他还作 为志愿者参与了哥斯达黎加、维尔京群岛、西澳大利亚的地球观察研究项目。2002年,他作为“人民对人民”代 表团的成员前往南非,研究南非资源管理问题与挑战。他访问过新西兰、新几内亚、斐济、波多黎各自由邦、墨 西哥、加拿大、摩洛哥、欧洲许多国家以及美国大部分地区。在访问期间。他花费大量的时间。参观考察了珊瑚 礁、海岸线、红树林沼泽、高山冻土地带、草原、热带雨林、沙漠、温带森林、针叶林、落叶林,以及其他许多 特殊的生态系统。这些丰富的经历.有助于恩格教授从更广阔的视野观察环境问题。恩格教授已婚,有两个已成 年的儿子。他喜欢多种户外运动,例如,划船、滑雪、远足、打猎、钓鱼、野营、园艺等。其他兴趣包括阅读大 量的期刊杂志、养蜂、在教会唱诗班唱歌、整理花园等。






第十二章生物多样性问题Biodiversity is a broad term used to describe the diversity of genes, species,and ecosystems in a region. Extinction is the death of a species, the elimination of all the individuals of a particular kind。

Biodiversity is lost when all the individuals of a particular kind die off———————that is, when a species becomes extinct. Extinction is a natural and common event in the long history of biological evolution。

However, as we will see later in this section, extinction --—-— and the resulting loss of biodiversity———-is also a major consequence of human domination of the Earth.生物多样性是一个广泛的术语,被用于描述一个区域中基因、物种和生态系统的多样性。





































CHAPTER ONE Environmental Interrelationships环境交叉关系Environmental issue and it’s solutions环境问题,它的解决方案Environmental science is an interdisciplinary field. 环境科学是一个跨学科领域。

Because environmental disharmonies occur as a result of the interaction between humans and the natural world, we must include both when seeking solutions to environmental problems. 由于环境的不和谐发生所造成的人与人之间的互动和自然世界,我们必须既包括在寻求解决环境问题。

It is important to have a historical perspective, appreciate economic and political realities, recognize the role of different social experiences and ethical backgrounds ,and integrate these with the science that describes the natural world and how we affect it. 重要的是有一个历史的角度来看,升值的经济和政治现实,承认的作用不同的社会经验和道德的背景,并把这些与科学,描述自然世界,以及我们如何影响到它。

Purpose of this CourseEnvironmental science is intended as a text for a one-semester, introductory course for students with a wide variety of career goals. 环境科学的目的是为文字,以一学期,介绍性课程,为学生在各种各样的职业目标。






















2.环境科学的基本知识2.1 环境与生态系统环境是指人类居住、生活和发展的自然界和社会环境总和。


2.2 环境问题与环境污染环境问题是指环境中存在的负面变化,如空气污染、水污染、土地沙漠化等。


2.3 环境保护与可持续发展环境保护是指通过各种措施和政策,保护自然环境免受破坏和污染,保障人类生存和发展的活动。


2.4 环境科学中的应用技术在环境科学中,应用技术起着重要的作用。


3.环境科学的概念3.1 环境质量环境质量是指环境中各项指标的状况和水平。


3.2 可持续发展可持续发展是指在满足现世需求的前提下,不破坏自然资源和环境的发展方式。


3.3 环境意识环境意识是指人们对环境问题和保护环境的认知和态度,包括环境知识、环境价值观和环境行为。











三、环境管理任务1.转变环境观念2.调整环境行为3.控制“环境—社会系统”中的物质流4.创建人与自然和谐的生存方式,建设人类环境文明第二节环境管理的主体与对象一、政府1.作为环境管理主体的政府2.作为环境管理对象的政府二、企业1.作为管理主体的企业2.作为环境管理对象的企业三、公众1.作为环境管理主体的公众2.作为环境管理对象的公众第三节环境管理学的形成于发展一、环境管理学的形成1、把环境问题作为一个技术问题,以治理污染为主要管理手段的阶段:20世纪50年代末~~70年代末2.把环境问题作为经济问题,以经济刺激为主要管手段的阶段:20世纪70年代末~~ 90年代初3.把环境问题作为一个社会发展问题,以协调经济发展与环境保护关系为主要管理手段的阶段:1987年,联合国环境与发展委员会出版《我们共同的未来》;1992年,又通过了《里约宣言》4.把解决环境问题作为人类文明演替推动力的新阶段二、环境管理学的概念和特点1.环境管理学:为环境管理提供理论、方法和技术的一门科学。




第7章种群原理Population PrinciplesA population can be defined as a group of individuals of the same species inhabiting an area。

Some important ways in which populations differ include natality (birthrate),mortality (death rate),sex ratio, age distribution, growth rates, density, and spatial distribution。

In human populations, natality is usually described in terms of the birthrate,the number of individuals born per l000individuals per year。

In human population studies, mortality is usually discussed in terms of the death rate, the number of people who die per 1000 individuals per year.The population growth rate is the birthrate minus the death rate.The sex ratio refers to the relative numbers of males and females.The age distribution, the number of individuals of each age in the population,greatly influences the population growth rate。






一、环境科学基础理论知识点1. 环境科学概论:介绍了环境科学的概念、范畴、研究对象、研究方法等内容。

2. 环境问题与可持续发展:涉及环境问题的定义、分类、特征,以及可持续发展的基本概念和原则。

3. 环境生态学:介绍了生态学的基本概念、研究对象、研究方法,以及生态系统的结构和功能等内容。

4. 环境化学:重点介绍了环境中的污染物种类、来源、传输和转化等内容,以及环境监测与分析的基本方法。

5. 环境监测与评价:包括环境监测的目的、方法、技术和管理等内容,以及环境评价的理论体系和方法。

6. 环境管理与规划:介绍了环境管理的原则、方法和工具,以及环境规划的基本概念和实施步骤。

7. 环境工程学:涉及环境工程学的基本概念、原理和应用,包括水污染控制、大气污染控制、固体废物处理等内容。

8. 环境法与政策:介绍了环境法律体系、环境法规和政策的制定与实施等内容。

二、环境科学研究方法与技术知识点1. 统计学:环境科学研究中常用的统计分析方法,包括描述统计、推断统计和多元统计等内容。

2. 数据采集与处理:介绍了环境数据的采集、整理和处理方法,包括现场观测、实验设计和数据分析等内容。

3. 模型与模拟:涉及环境模型的建立、参数估计和模拟分析等内容,以及模型的应用和评估方法。

4. GIS与遥感技术:包括地理信息系统(GIS)和遥感技术在环境科学研究中的应用方法和技巧。

5. 环境风险评估与管理:介绍了环境风险评估的基本理论、方法和应用,以及环境风险管理的策略和实施步骤。

6. 环境模拟与优化设计:包括环境模拟软件的应用、优化设计方法和技术,以及环境系统的模型构建与分析等内容。



(完整版)环境科学记忆口诀一、环境科学基础知识1. 环境科学:关注人类与环境之间的相互作用和影响的跨学科综合科学。


2. 生物物种:地球上各种生物的总称。


3. 生态系统:由生物和与其相互作用的非生物因素所组成的养育和生存的系统。


4. 资源:能够满足人类需要的自然物质和能量。


5. 污染:环境中有害物质的输入,对生态系统和人类健康造成损害。


二、环境污染与控制6. 废水:产业、农业和日常生活中的废水,可能含有有害物质。


7. 大气污染:工业和交通排放物引起的空气污染,如烟尘、二氧化硫和氮氧化物。


8. 土壤污染:由农药、化肥和工业废弃物等物质引起的土壤污染。


9. 噪音污染:高分贝噪音对健康和环境造成的干扰。


10. 固体废弃物:工业和日常生活中产生的废弃物,如塑料、纸张和金属。


11. 环境保护:采取各种措施减少污染、保护自然资源和生物多样性。


三、环境可持续发展12. 可持续发展:满足当代人的需求,而不危害未来世代满足自身需求的能力。


13. 可再生能源:永不枯竭且能持续利用的能源,如太阳能和风能。


14. 碳排放:排放到大气中的二氧化碳,是气候变化的主要原因之一。






















环境学总论原生环境primary environment次生环境secondary environment生态示范区ecological demonstrate area环境地质学environmental geology环境地球化学environmental geo-chemistry 环境土壤学environmental soil science环境微生物学environmental microbiology环境危机environmental crisis环境保护environmental protection环境预测environmental forecasting环境自净environmental self-purification环境效应environmental effect环境容量environmental capacity环境演化evolution of environment环境舒适度environmental comfort环境背景值(本底值)environmental background value环境保护产业(环保产业)environmental production industry 环境壁垒(绿色壁垒)environmental barrier 绿色革命green revolution可持续发展sustainable development第三类环境问题(社会环境问题)the third environmental problem悬浮物suspended solids一次污染物primary pollutant二次污染物secondary pollutant全球性污染global pollution排污收费pollution charge 可再生资源renewable resources不可再生资源non-renewable resources自然保护区natural reserve area防护林protection forest公害public nuisance矿山公害mining nuisance工业废水industrial wastewater矿山废水mining drainage生活饮用水domestic potable water草原退化grassland degeneration沙漠化desertification人口压力population pressure人口净增率rate of population全球环境监测系统global environment monitoring system GEMS中国环境保护工作方针Chinese policy for environment protection“三同时”原则principle of “the three at the same time”二噁英公害dioxin nuisance马斯河谷烟雾事件disaster in Meuse Valley 多诺拉烟雾事件disaster in Donora伦敦烟雾事件disaster in London水俣病事件minamata disease incident骨痛病事件itai-itai disaster incident洛杉矶光化学烟雾事件Los Angeles photochemical smog episode四日市哮喘事件Yokkaichi asthma episode米糠油事件Yusho disease incident环境地学水圈hydrosphere水循环water circulation地表水surface water水位water level下渗(入渗)sinking蒸发evaporation最高水位highest water level 最低水位lowest water level 平均水位average water level 警戒水位warning water level 流速flow velocity流量discharge洪水期flood season枯水期low-water season冲刷washout 含水层aquifer 隔水层(不透水层)aquiclude 透水层permeable stratum层间水interlayer water承压水(有压层间水)confined water 或自流水artesian water 孔隙水void water岩溶水(喀斯特水)karst water径流runoff flow地表径流land runoff地下水groundwater流域保护water basin protection淡水fresh water咸水saltwater降水precipitation沉淀降水量amount of precipitation降水强度intensity of precipitation水环境容量carrying capacity of water environment水土流失(土壤侵蚀)soil and water loss点源污染point source pollution面源污染non-point source pollution扩散diffusion涡流eddy current涡流扩散eddy diffusion富营养化废水eutrophic waste-water污水sewage漫灌flood irritation水底沉积物(底质或底泥)benthal deposit 总固体total solids 悬浮固体suspended solids总溶解固体total dissolved solids河流复氧常数constant of river reoxygenation 湖泊酸化lake acidification富营养化eutrophication富营养湖eutrophic lake中营养湖mesotrophic lake贫营养湖oligotrophic lake水库reservoir海洋处置sea disposal海底采样sea floor sample赤潮(红潮)red tide海水淡化desalination of seawater海底沉积物sea bottom sediment海洋倾倒ocean dumping水质water quality水资源综合利用water resource integrated utilization水土保持soil and water conservation 河道整治channel improvement水污染毒性生物评价biological assessment of water pollutiontoxicity水利工程hydro-engineering水体自净self-purification of water body水环境保护功能区(水质功能区)functional district of water environment土地处理系统land treatment system土地沙漠化land desertification土壤肥力soil fertility土壤酸碱度soil acidity and alkalinity土壤污染防治prevention and treatment of soil pollution土壤盐渍化(土壤盐碱化)soil salination土壤酸化soil acidification母质(土壤母质或成土母质)parent material 土壤剖面soil profile腐殖质化humification淋溶作用leaching土壤改良soil improvement土壤粒级soil separate土壤质地soil texture缓冲作用buffering/buffer action缓冲剂buffering agent/buffer缓冲容量buffer capacity盐基饱和度base saturation percentage灌溉irrigation富里酸fuvic acid胡敏素humin土壤团聚体soil aggregate土壤退化(土壤贫瘠化)soil degeneration 土壤地带性soil zonality污水灌溉wastewater irrigation臭氧层ozone layer降水precipitation降水量rainfall降水强度p recipitation intensity大气环境容量atmospheric environmental capacity 事后评价afterwards assessment烟尘消除elimination of smoke and dust温室效应greenhouse effect大气扩散atmospheric diffusion烟羽(烟流或羽流)plume逆温inversion环境生物学生境habitat耐受极限limits of tolerance最小因子定律law of minimum生物检测bioassay环境胁迫environmental stress生物多样性bio-diversity生态位niche生命周期life cycle生态型ecotype自养生物autotrophy异养生物heterotroph指数增长exponential growth互利共生mutualism偏利共生commensalisms寄生parasitism衍生物derivative杀虫剂insecticide杀菌剂fungicide除草剂herbicide杀鼠剂rodenticide防腐剂preservative无残留农药non-persistent pesticide植物性农药phytopesticide污水灌溉sewage irrigation世界自然历史遗产保护地world natural and historical heritage site储量stock过度捕获over-hunting; over-fishing猎(渔)期open season农业残渣agricultural dregs赤潮red tide藻花algae bloom/水花water bloom原生污染物primary pollutant次生污染物secondary pollutant急性毒性实验acute toxicity test 慢性毒性实验chronic toxicity test预备实验screening test; range-finding test; preliminary test 稀释dilution归宿fate生物积累bioaccumulation生物浓缩bioconcentration生物放大biomagnification生物降解biological degradation; biodegradation生物营养物质biotic nutrient多污生物带polysaprobic zone中污生物带mesosaprobic zone寡污生物带oligosaprobic zone敏感种sensitive species; intolerant organism 耐污种tolerantspecies生物滤池biological filter净化塘/氧化塘/生物塘purification pond生物膜biomembrane; biological film轮作crop rotation间作intercropping套种interplanting基塘模式farm land and fish pond model防护林带shelter belt沼气marsh gas农家肥farm manure堆肥piled manure城市热岛效应urban heat island effect城市生态规划urban ecological planning环境激素endocrine disrupting chemicals; endocrine disruptors边缘效应edge effect生态恢复ecological restoration恢复生态学restoration ecological环境化学甲基汞methyl mercury镉米cadmium rice农药残留pesticide residue有机氯农药organochlorine pesticide有机磷农药organophosphorous pesticide 氨基甲酸酯杀虫剂carbamate insecticide 拟除虫菊酯杀虫剂pyrethroid insecticide 植物生长调节剂growth regulator化学致癌物chemical carcinogen表面活性剂surfactant多氯联苯类polychlorinated biphenyls;PCBs 多环芳烃类polyaromtic hydrocarbon; PAH 催化(催化作用)catalysis 臭氧化ozonization光化学氧化剂photochemical oxidant过氧乙酰硝酸酯peroxyacetyl nitrate;PAN 干沉降dry deposition湿沉降wet deposition光化学烟雾photochemical smog大气光化学atmospheric photochemistry降水化学precipitation chemistry气溶胶化学aerosol chemistry悬浮颗粒物suspended particulate总悬浮颗粒物total suspended particulates(TSP)飘尘(可吸入颗粒物或可吸入尘)airborne particle降尘(落尘)dustfall;falling dust气溶胶aerosol水质water quality盐度salinity氧化还原电位oxidation-reduction potential;redox potential 溶解氧dissolved oxygen化学需氧量chemical oxygen demand生化需氧量biochemical oxygen demand总有机碳total organic carbon溶解度solubility聚集aggregation絮凝flocculation凝聚coagulation离子交换ion exchange萃取extraction缓冲溶液buffer solution氧平衡模式(氧垂曲线)oxygen balance model吸收剂(吸附剂)absorbent活性炭active carbon氧化剂oxidant还原剂reductant胶团micelle胶体溶液colloidal solution脱硫剂desulfurization agent电渗析electrodialysis萃取剂extracting agent过滤filter絮凝剂flocculant;flocculating agent无机絮凝剂inorganic flocculant有机高分子絮凝剂organic polymer flocculant 中和法neutralization 反渗透膜reverse osmosis membrane硅胶silica gel蒸汽蒸馏steam distillation超滤膜ultrafilter membrane灵敏度sensitivity准确度accuracy精密度precision可靠性reliability检测限detection limit相对误差relative error绝对误差absolute error偶然误差accidental error平均偏差mean deviation采样误差sampling error标准溶液standard solution标准物质standard substance允许误差allowable error允许浓度allowable concentration微量分析microanalysis痕量分析trace analysis现场分析in-situ analysis仪器分析instrumental analysis水质分析water quality analysis比色分析colorimetric analysis沉降分析sedimentation analysis自动分析automatic analysis原子吸收分光光度法atomic absorption spectrophotometry 原子吸收分光光度计atomic absorption spectrophotometer 原子荧光光谱法atomic fluorescence spectrometry原子荧光光谱仪atomic fluorescence spectrometer电化学分析法electrochemical method高效液相色谱法high performance liquid chromatography 高效液相色谱仪high performance liquid chromatograph 气相色谱分析gas chromatography气相色谱仪gas chromatograph采样器sampler大气采样器air sampler底泥采样器sediment samplerpH计pH meter湿度计hygrometer固定大气污染源stationary sources of air pollution移动大气污染源mobile sources of air pollution固定式水污染源stationary sources of water pollution移动式水污染源mobile sources of water pollution污染负荷pollution load污染源调查survey of pollution sources无污染工艺pollution-free technology无污染装置pollution-free installation污染物总量控制total amount control of pollution水质参数water quality parameter水温water temperature色度color index透明度transparency混浊度turbidity硬度hardness感官污染指标sensuous pollution index毒理学污染指标physical pollution index化学污染指标chemical pollution index细菌学污染指标bacteriological pollution index毒理学污染指标toxicological pollution index 城市污水municipal sewage生活污水domestic sewage工业废水industrial wastewater常规分析指标index of routine analysis环境监测environmental monitoring过程监测course monitoring污染物排放标准pollution discharge standard 总量排放标准total amount of pollution discharge standard优先监测priority monitoring环境优先污染物environmental priority pollutant总固体total solids可吸入微粒(可吸入尘和飘尘)inhale particles 浊度计turbidimeter实验室质量控制laboratory quality control空白实验值blank value平行样duplicate samples再现性(重现性)reproducibility重复性repeatability回收率recovery rate检出限detection limit冷原子吸收法cold-vapor atomic absorption method紫外吸收光谱法ultraviolet absorption spectrophotometry 重量分析gravimetric analysis内标法internal marker method定性分析qualitative analysis定量分析quantitive analysis试样前处理pre-treatment均值mean value标准差standard error方差variation回归分析regression analysis相关分析correlation analysis相关系数correlation coefficient系统误差systematic error随机误差random error有效数字valid figure农药残留分析pesticide residue analysis排污收费effluent charge室内空气污染indoor air pollution水体自净self-purification of water body水土保持soil and water conservation水土流失soil erosion土壤修复soil-remediation生物修复bioremediation光降解photodegradation温室气体greenhouse gases总量收费total quantity charge超临界流体supercritical fluid土壤采样soil pollution环境物理学光辐射(光)visible radiation 红外线infrared ray紫外线ultraviolet ray灭菌灯bactericidal lamp 光污染light pollution噪声污染noise pollution 混响reverberation听力损失hearing loss绝对湿度absolute humidity相对湿度relative humidity饱和度saturation ratio冷凝condensation露点温度dew point temperature热辐射thermal radiation比热specific heat空气调节air conditioning通风ventilation环境工程学环境污染综合防治integrated prevention and control of pollution环境功能区划environmental function zoning 稀释比dilution ratio迁移transfer紊流扩散turbulent diffusion氧亏(亏氧量)oxygen deficit复氧reaeration溶解氧下垂曲线dissolved-oxygen sag curve 饱和溶解氧saturated dissolved无污染燃料pollution-free fuel燃烧combustion空气-燃料比air-to-fuel ratio烟气分析analysis of flue gas煤的综合利用comprehensive utilization of coal 脱硫desulfurization除尘效率particle collection efficiency分割粒径cut diameter for particles压力损失(压力降)pressure drop机械除尘器mechanical collector重力沉降室gravity settling chamber惯性除尘器inertial dust separator旋风除尘器cyclone collector回流式旋风除尘器reverse-flow cyclone collector直流旋风除尘器straight-through cyclone collector多管旋风除尘器multiple cyclone collector过滤除尘器filter袋式除尘器bag house滤料filtration media气布比air-to-cloth ratio机械振动清灰袋式除尘器bag house with shake cleaning逆气流清灰袋式除尘器bag house with reverse-flow cleaning 脉冲喷吹清灰袋式除尘器bag house with pulse-jet cleaning静电除尘electrostatic precipitator (ESP) 电晕放电corona discharge驱进速度drift velocity集尘极collecting electrode板间距distance between collecting electrodes 电极清灰removal of collected particle from electrodes宽间距静电除尘器wide space electrostatic precipitator高压脉冲静电除尘器pulse charging electrostatic precipitator 湿式静电除尘器wet electrostatic precipitator 双区静电除尘器(两段式电除尘器)two-stage electrostatic precipitator 湿式除尘器wet collector of particulates重力喷雾洗涤器gravitational spray scrubber 旋风洗涤器centrifugal scrubber中心喷雾旋风洗涤器]cyclone spray scrubber 泡沫洗涤塔foam tower scrubber填料床洗涤器packed bed scrubber文丘里洗涤器venturi scrubber双膜理论two-film theory气膜控制gas film control液膜控制liquid film control穿透曲线break through curve催化剂catalyst催化剂中毒poisoning of catalyst 烟气脱硫flue gas desulfurization (FGD)湿法脱硫wet process of FGD石灰-石灰石法脱硫desulfurization by lime and limestone氨吸收法脱硫ammonia process of FGD干法脱硫dry process FGD吸收法控制氮氧化物control of NO x by absorption水吸收法脱氮control of NO x by absorption process with water酸吸收法脱氮control of NO x by absorption process with acid 碱吸收法脱氮control of NO x by absorption process with alkali吸附法控制氮氧化物control of NO x by adsorption分子筛吸附法脱氮control of NO x by adsorption process with molecular sieve硅胶吸附法脱氮control of NO x by adsorption process with silica gel气体生物净化biotreatment of gaseous pollutant生物过滤器biofilter汽车尾气污染pollution of automobile exhaust gal生物脱臭biotreatment of odor集气罩capture hood烟囱有效排放高度effective height of emission清洁生产cleaner production矿山废水mining drainage电镀废水electroplating wastewater给水处理厂water treatment plant污水处理厂wastewater treatment给水(污水)处理构筑物water (sewage)treatment structure污水集水井swage joining well废水调节池wastewater flow equalization basin格栅grill筛网grid screen沉砂池grit settling tank曝气沉砂池aeration grit settling tank平流式沉砂池horizontal grit settling tank立式圆形沉砂池vertical circular grit settling tank圆形周边运动沉砂池circular perimeter flow grit settling tank 重力排砂grit discharge by gravity水力提升排砂grit discharge with hydraulic elevator水力旋流器hydraulic cyclone沉淀池settling tank重力沉淀池gravity settling tank 浓缩式沉淀池thickening settling tank斜板(斜管)沉淀池sloping plank(pipe)settling tank辐流式沉淀池radial settling tank平流式沉淀池horizontal settling tank竖流式沉淀池vertical settling tank悬浮污泥澄清池suspended sludge clarifier脉冲澄清池pulse clarifier水力循环澄清池hydraulic circulating clarifier竖流折板絮凝池vertical table flap flocculating tank机械搅拌絮凝池mechanical mixing flocculating tank 颗粒自由沉降particle free sediment 絮凝沉降flocculation sedimentation 拥挤沉降hindered sedimentation气浮池floatation basin加压溶气气浮法pressure dissolved-airfloatation微电解法micro electroanalysis过滤池filter重力过滤法gravity filtration process 压力过滤法pressure filtration process 真空过滤法vacuum filtration process 快滤池rapid filtration慢滤池slow filtration接触滤池contact filter双向滤池bidirectional filter双层滤料滤池double layer filter无阀滤池non-valve filter虹吸滤池siphon filter压力滤池pressure filterV型滤池aquazur V-filter砂滤sand filtration 微滤机microstrainer滤池冲洗强度backwashing intensity of filter 滤层filter material layer滤料承托层holding layer for filter material 斜板隔油沉淀池oil trap with slope plank冷却塔cooling tower湿式氧化法wet oxidation process反应池reaction basin叶轮搅拌器turbine mixer膜分离法membrane separation method半渗透膜semi-permeable membrane电渗析electrodialysis反渗透reverse osmosis离子交换膜ion exchange membrane萃取extraction汽提stripping吹脱法blow-off method臭氧氧化法ozonation臭氧发生器ozonator磁分离法magnetic isolation method光催化氧化optical catalysis oxidation软化水处理softening water treatment石灰-纯碱软化法lime-sodium carbonate softening method 废水好氧/厌氧处理biological aerobic/anaerobic treatment of wastewater微生物内源代谢microorganism intrinsic metabolism微生物合成代谢microorganism synthetic metabolism基质分解代谢substrate degradation metabolism活性污泥法activated sludge process回流污泥return sludge剩余污泥surplus sludge初次沉淀池primary sedimentation basin 曝气池aeration推流式曝气池plug-flow aeration basin完全混合曝气池completely mixed aeration basin二次沉淀池secondary sedimentation basin污泥沉降比sludge settling ratio污泥容积指数sludge velum index污泥负荷volume loading 普通活性污泥法conventional activated sludge process分段曝气法step aeration method延时曝气法extended aeration method加速曝气法accelerant aeration method深井曝气法deep well aeration method纯氧曝气法oxygen aeration method 鼓风曝气装置blast aerator 扩散曝气设备diffusion aerator 射流曝气设备efflux aerator 机械曝气装置mechanical aerator 表面曝气装置surface aerator 曝气时间aeration time污泥龄sludge age活性污泥培养activated sludge culture活性污泥驯化domestication of activated sludge粉末炭活性炭法powdered carbon activated sludge process 污泥膨胀sludge bulking生物滤池biological filter高负荷生物滤池high-loading biological filter 水力负荷hydraulic loading有机负荷organic loading塔式生物滤池tower biological filer生物转盘biological rotating disc生物流化床biological fluidized bed活性生物滤池activated biofilter化粪池septic tank污水硝化脱氮处理nitrogen removal from wastewater by nitrification污水反硝化脱氮处理nitrogen removal from wastewater by denitrification污水硝化—反硝化脱氮处理nitrogen removal from wastewater by nitridenitrification土地处理系统land treatment system 氧化塘oxidation pond 好氧塘aerobic pond兼性塘facultative pond厌氧塘anaerobic pond曝气氧化塘aerated oxidation pondICEAS intermittent cyclic extended aeration system间歇循环延时曝气活性污泥法DAT-IAT工艺demand aeration tank intermittent aeration tank system(需氧池-间歇池)A1/O工艺anoxic/ oxicA2/O工艺anaerobic oxicPhostrip工艺phostriop processBardenpho工艺Bardenpho process Phoredox工艺Phoredox processUCT工艺university of cape townVIP工艺Virginia initiative plant厌氧生物滤池(AF)anaerobic filter厌氧接触法anaerobic contact process厌氧生物转盘anaerobic biological rotating disc两相厌氧消化two-phase anaerobic digest序批式间歇反应器series batch reactor氧化沟oxidation ditch上流式厌氧污泥床upflow anaerobic sludgeblanketMSBR modified sequencing batch reactor消毒disinfection灭菌sterilization加氯机chlorinator氯化消毒chlorization disinfection漂白粉消毒disinfection by bleaching powder 紫外线消毒disinfection with ultraviolet rays 加氯消毒disinfection by chlorine 液氯liquified chlorine gas需氯量chlorine demand余氯chlorine residual游离性余氯free chlorine residual化合性余氯combined chlorine residual折点加氯chlorination breakpoint过氧化氢消毒disinfection by hydrogen peroxide除味taste removal除臭odor removal脱色decoloration生污泥undigested sludge熟污泥digested sludge污泥处置disposal of sludge污泥综合利用comprehensive utilization of sludge真空过滤法vacuum flotation process污泥浓缩sludge thickening污泥消化sludge digestion污泥脱水sludge dewatering污泥干化sludge drying污泥焚烧sludge incineration真空过滤机脱水dewatering by vacuum filter 板框压滤机脱水dewatering by plate frame press filter辊轧式脱水机脱水dewatering by roll press 带式压滤机脱水dewatering by belt press filter离心式脱水机脱水dewatering by centrifuge 中温消化处理middle temperature digestive treatment高温消化处理high temperature digestive treatment污泥堆肥发酵处理sludge composting and fermentation 污泥浓缩池sludge thickener污泥消化池sludge digestion tank污泥产气率gas production rate of sludge污泥干化场sludge drying bed固体废物solid wastes城市生活垃圾municipal solid wastes城市生活垃圾堆放处置法dumping of municipal solid wastes 城市生活垃圾卫生填埋法sanitary landfilling of municipal solid wastes城市生活垃圾焚烧法incineration of municipal solid wastes城市生活垃圾分类sorting of municipal solid wastes城市生活垃圾收集collection of municipal solid wastes垃圾收费refuse taxing废电池used battery有毒有害工业固体废物toxic industrial wastes医疗废物health care wastes堆肥composting填埋场landfill渗滤液leachate treatment焚烧炉incineration furnaces助燃空气系统air injection system余热利用heat utilization焚烧灰渣ash水泥固化技术cement solidification石灰固化lime solidification沥青固化技术asphalt solidification固体废物预处理preliminary treatment of solid wastes破碎crushing of solid wastes筛分screening of solid wastes风力分选wind separation放射性固体废物radioactive solid waste声级计sound level meter消声室anechoic room; anechoic chamber; dead room混响室reverberation room隔声sound insulation吸声muffler环境医学环境卫生学environmental hygiene 环境毒理学environmental toxicology 口蹄疫foot-and-mouth disease流行病学epidemiology地方病endemic disease氟斑牙dental fluorosis职业病occupational disease慢性毒性chronic toxicity急性毒性acute toxicity致癌物carcinogen变异variation病原体pathogen抗体antibody抗原antigen突变mutation病毒virus蓄积器官storage organ致突变作用mutagenesis致畸作用teratogenesis致癌作用carcinogensis摄入量intake dose吸收量absorbed dose卫生标准health standard最高容许浓度maximum permissibleconcentration致死量lethal dose半致死浓度median lethal concentration(LD50)剂量-反应关系dose-response relationship恶臭offensive odor协同作用synergism拮抗作用antagonism因果关系cause-effect relationship相关关系correlation阈限值threshold limit value(TLV)高危人群population at high risk易感人群susceptible population环境管理学环境管理学environmental management science环境伦理学environmental ethics环境质量管理management of environmental quality环境适宜度environmental suitability环境区划environmental zoning环境预测environmental forecasting环境质量评价environmental quality evaluation环境影响评价environmental impact assessment环境规划environmental planning环境决策分析environmental decision analysis 总量控制total discharge control of pollutant 浓度控制concentration control 排污收费effluent charge排污申报登记declaration and registration of pollutant discharge排污许可证permit for pollutant discharge生物安全biosafety环境监察environmental supervision and management环境宣传教育environmental propaganda and education环境意识environmental consciousness 环境质量报告书report on environmental quality环境影响评价报告书report on environmental impact assessment公众意见听证会public hearing循环经济cyclic economy预防为主、防治结合、综合治理原则principle of giving priority to pollution prevention, combining prevention and control, and integrated control全面现划、合理布局原则principle of overall planning and rational layout谁污染谁治理polluter-treats综合利用、化害为利原则principle of comprehensive utilization and turning harm into good谁开发谁保护explorer-protects协调发展原则principle of coordinated development国家环境保护模范城市national environmental protection model city全国生态示范区national ecological demonstration area环境信息environmental information环境管理信息系统information system for environmental management环境专家系统environmental expert system 环境监测environment monitoring环境标志environmental label 清洁生产cleaner production环境审计environmental audit产品生命周期life cycle of product环境法学环境法学science of environmental law环境保护法environmental protection law公害法public nuisance law环境行政法规administrative regulations of environment环境部门规章departmental rules of environment污染物排放标准pollutant discharge standard “三同时”制度three simultaneity system排污审报登记制度declaration and registration system of pollution discharge排污许可证制度permit system of pollutant discharge排污收费制度system of effluent限期治理制度system of eliminating and controlling environmental pollution within a prescribed time现场检查制度system of on-site inspection环境污染事故报告制度system of environmental pollution accident reporting 《中华人民共和国环境保护法》Environmental Protection Law of the People’s Republic of China《中华人民共和国水污染防治法》law of the People’s Republic of China on prevention and control of water pollution 《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》law of the People’s Republic of China on prevention and control of atmospheric pollution《中华人民共和国环境噪声污染防治法》law of the People’s Republic of China on prevention and control of pollution from environmental noise《中华人民共和国固体废物污染环境法》law of the People’s Republic of China on prevention and control of environmental pollution by solid waste《中华人民共和国海洋环境保护法》marine environment protection law of the People’s Republic of China《全国生态环境建设规划》national eco-environmental construction plan《全国生态环境保护纲要》national compendium on eco-environmental protection 地表水环境质量标准environmental quality standard for surface water地下水质量标准quality standard for ground water农业灌溉水质标准standard for irrigation water quality污水综合排放标准integrated wastewater discharge standard 大气污染物综合排放标准integrated emission standard of air pollutants环境经济学循环经济模式circular economy type牧童经济the shepherd economy3R原则the rules of 3R(reducing, reusing, recycling)生态经济学eco-economics共有资源common resources外部经济性external economics外部不经济性external diseconomics外部成本external cost边际效用marginal utility边际收益marginal benefit粗放经营extensive management 集约经营intensive management自然资本natural capital公平equity代际补偿compensation between generations 绿色国民帐户green national account可持续发展sustainable development公共物品public goods环境保护贸易政策trade policy for environmental protection绿色壁垒green tariff barrier国民生产总值gross national production(GNP) 国民生产净值net national production(NNP)国民收入national income环境污染弹性系数environmental pollution elasticity回收率reuse rate物质平衡material balance物料衡算material balance counting影子价格shadow price现行价格present price贴现discount机会成本opportunity cost运行费用operation cost城市气化率urban population ratio of used gas 城市绿化覆盖率urban green cover ratio环境效益environmental benefit成本效益分析cost and benefit analysis环境费用environmental cost排污权交易marketable pollution permits生态足迹the ecological footprint环境税environmental tax资源资产assets of resource资源产权property right of resource最低安全标准minimum standard of security 代际公平equality between generation末端控制terminal control 公地的悲剧tragedy of the public pasture中间产品intermediate product最终产品final product直接污染物产生/排放系数direct pollutantgeneration/discharge coefficient累积污染物产生/排放系数cumulate pollutant generation/discharge coefficient排污收费charge from discharge pollutant污染者负担原则polluter pay principle资源税resource tax人口出生率population birth rate人口死亡率population mortality rate人口自然增长率population nature growth rate人口计划生育率population planning fertility rate平均寿命average life人口年龄金字塔population age pyramid人口老化population aging人口过剩over-population人口爆炸population explosion计划生育family planning人口统计population statistics人口普查population census环境教育环境教育目标objectives of environmental education多学科环境教育课程模式multi-disciplinary model of environmental education 跨学科环境教育模式inter-disciplinary model of environmental education中学环境教育大纲environmental education standard for secondary school环境教育活动的设计design of environmental education activity野外环境教育基地environmental education field base公众参与public participation环境意识environmental awareness中国中小学绿色教育行动environmental educators initiative of china。







第一节环境(surroundings, circumstance, environment)是相对于一定中心事物而言的,与某一中心事物相关的周围事物就称为这一中心事物的环境。





环境科学(environmental science)所研究的环境(environment),是以人类为主体的外部世界,即人类赖以生存和发展的各种因素的综合体。







环境科学交叉关系学科——3、4章重点句和关键词语Chapter 3 风险和成本:制定决策的要素Most decisions in life involve an analysis of two factors: risk and cost.Most environmental decisions involve finding a balance between the perceived cost of enduring the risk and the economic cost of eliminating the conditions that pose the risk.Risk is the probability that a condition or action will lead to an injury, damage, or loss.When we consider any activity or situation that poses a risk, we generally think about three factors: the probability of a bad outcome, the consequences of a bad outcome, and the cost of dealing with a bad outcome. Probability is a mathematical statement about how likely it is that something will happen.Environmental risk assessment is the use of facts and assumptions to estimate the probability of harm to human health or the environment that may result from particular management decisions.An environmental risk assessment process provides environmental decision makers with an orderly, clearly stated,and consistent way to deal with scientific issues when evaluating whether a risk exists, the magnitude of the risk, and the consequences of the negative outcome of accepting the risk.Calculating the risk to humans of a particular activity, chemical, technology, or policy is difficult and several tools are used to help clarify the risk.To estimate the risks associated with new technologies or policies for which there is no established history, models must be used.In other situations, the impact of a new policy initiative may be modeled using computer simulations.Risk assessment is also being used to help set regulatory priorities and support regulatory action. Those chemicals, technologies, or situations that have the highest potential to cause damage to health or the environment receive attention first, while those perceived as having minor impacts receive less immediate attention.Risk management is a decision-making process that involves weighing policy alternatives and selecting the most appropriate regulatory action by integrating the results of risk assessment with engineering data and with social, economic, and political concerns. The purpose of risk management is to reduce the probability or magnitude of a negative outcome.A risk management plan includes:1. Evaluating the scientific information regarding various kinds of risks 2. Deciding how much risk is acceptable 3. Deciding which risks should be given the highest priority 4.Deciding where the greatest benefit would be realized by spending limited funds 5.Deciding how the plan will be enforced and monitored People often overestimate the frequency seriousness of dramatic, sensational well-publicized causes of death and underestimate the risks from more familiar causes that claim lives one by one.One of the most profound dilemmas facing decision makers and public health scientists is how to address the discrepancy between the scientific and public perceptions of environmental risks.Indoor air pollution, in its various forms, receives relatively little attention compared with outdoor sources and yet probably accounts for as much, if not more, poor health. Hazardous wastedumps,on the other hand,which are difficult to associate with any measurable ill health, attract much attention and resources.In many respects, environmental problems are primarily economic problems.Natural resources are usually categorized as either renewable or nonrenewable. Renewable resources can be formed or regenerated by natural processes.Soil, vegetation, animals, air, and water are renewable primarily because they naturally undergo processes that repair, regenerate, or cleanse them when their quality or quantity is reduced.Overuse of renewable resources can result in their irreversible degradation. Nonrenewable resources are not replaced by natural processes, or the rate of replacement is so slow as to be ineffective.Scarcity exists whenever the demand for anything exceeds its supply. For any good or service, there is a constantly shifting relationship between supply, demand, and price. The price of a product or service reflects the strength of the demand for and the availability of the commodity. When demand exceeds supply, the price rises.The increase in price results in a chain of economic events. Price increases cause people to seek alternatives or decide not to use a product or service, which results in a lower quantity demanded. Similarly, food production depends heavily on petroleum for the energy to plant, harvest,and transportfood crops.When the supply of a commodity exceeds the demand, producers must lower their prices to get rid of the product, and eventually, some of the producers go out of business.We assign value to natural resources based on ourperception of their relative scarcity.We are willing to pay for goods or services we value highly and are unwilling to pay for things we think there is plenty of.If a natural resource has always been rare, it is expensive.Even renewable resources can be overexploited. If the overexploitation is severe and prolonged, the resource itself may be destroyed.Air pollution, water pollution, plant and animal extinctions, depletion of a resource, and loss of scenic quality are all examples of the environmental costs of resource exploitation.Often environmental costs are difficult to assess, since they are not easily converted to monetary values. In addition, since they may not be recognized immediately, environmental costs are often deferred costs, which must be paid at a later date.Many of the important environmental problems facing the world today arise because modern production techniques and consumption patterns transfer waste disposal, pollution, and health costs to society. Probably most environmental costs have both deferred and external aspects.Environmental costs also may include lost opportunities or values because the resource could not be used for another purpose.A primary environmental cost is pollution. Pollution is any addition of matter or energy that degrades the environment for humans and other organisms.When the human population was small and people lived in a simple manner,the wastes produced were biological and so dilute that they usually did not constitute a pollution problem.Human-initiated pollution became a problem when human populations became soconcentrated that their waste materials could not be broken down as fast as they were produced.Pollution-control include pollution costs and pollution -prevention costs.Because resources are limited and there are competing uses for most resources, it is essential that a process be used to help decide the most oppropriate use of a scarce resource.Although environmental issues must be considered at some point during project evaluation, efforts to do so are hampered by the difficulty of assigning specific value to environmental resources.Debates over how to count benefits and costs for future generations, inanimate objects such as rivers, and nonhumans, such as endangered species, are also common.For most natural scientists, current crises such as biodiversity loss, climate change, and many other environmental problems are symptoms of an imbalance between the socioeconomic system and the natural world.Economists have stated that when everybody shares ownership of a resource, there is a strong tendency to overexploit and misuse that resource.There are no problems on the commons as long as the number of animals is small in relation to the size of the pasture. From the point of view of each herder, however, the optimal strategy is to enlarge his or her herd as much as possible: If my animals do not eat the grass, someone else's will. Thus, the size of each herd grows, and the density of stock increases until the commons becomes overgrazed. The result is that everyone eventually loses as the animals die of starvation.The ecosphere is one big commons stocked with air, water,and irreplaceable mineral resources ----- a “people's pasture”, to be used in common, but it is a pasture with very real limits. Each nation attempts to extract as much from the commons as possible without regard to other countries.One clear modern example of this problem involves the overharvest of marine organisms.Finally, common ownership of land resources, such as parks and streets, is the source of other environmental problems.The tragedy of the commons also operates on an individual level. Most people are aware of air pollution, but they continue to drive their automobiles.The traditional way of dealing with environmental issues is to develop regulations that prohibit certain kinds of behavior.This is often called a "command-and-control" approach.It has been very effective at reducing air and water pollution, protecting endangered species, and requiring that environmental concerns be addressed by environmental impact statements. However, there are also tools that use economic incentives to encourage environmental stewardship.A subsidy is a gift from government to individuals or private enterprise to encourage actions considered important to the public interest. Subsidies may include consumer rebates for purchases of environmentally friendly goods,loans for businesses planning to implement environmental products, and other monetary incentives designed to reduce the costs of improving environmental performance.Several kinds of market-based instruments are currently in use: Information programs provide consumerswith information about the environmental consequences of purchasing decisions.Tradable emissions permits give companies the right to emitspecified quantities of pollutants. Companies that emit less than the specified amounts can sell their permits to other firms or "bank" them for future use. Emission fees and taxes provide incentives for environmental improvement by making environmentally damaging activity or products more expensive.Deposit-refund programs place a surcharge on the price of a product, which is refunded when the used product is returned for reuse or recycling. Deposit- refund schemes have been widely used to encourage recycling.Performance bonds are fees that are collected to ensure that proper care is taken to protect environmental resources.Life cycle analysis is the process of assessing the environmental effects associated with the production, use, reuse, and disposal of a product over its entire useful life.Extended product responsibility is the concept that the producer of a product is responsible for all the negative effects involved in its production, including the ultimate disposal of the product when its useful life is over."sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."This definition reflects the dual societal objectives of economic development with environmental stewardship.lf sustainable development is to become feasible,it will be necessary to transform our approach to economic policy. Historically, rapid exploitation of resources has provided only short-term economic growth, and the environmental consequences in some cases have been incurable.Sustainable development is a worthy goal,but many changes are needed for the concept to be viable. One of theseinvolves the transfer of modern, environmentally sound technology to developing nations. As previously mentioned, the Earth's "natural capital", on which humankind depends for food, security, medicines, and machines, includes both nonrenewable resources such as minerals, oil, and mountains and renewable resources such as soil, sunlight, and biological diversity.Many countries in the developing world have resources that they wish to develop in order to improve the economic conditions of their inhabitants. T o pay for development projects, many economically poor nations are forced to borrow money from banks in the developed world.The debt they have incurred is a perverse incentive to overexploit their re sources.Debt-for-nature exchanges are an innovative mechanism for addressing the debt issue while encouraging investment in conservation and sustainable development.Summary:Risk is the probability that a condition or action will lead to an injury, damage, or loss.Risk assessment is the use of facts and assumptions to estimate the probability of harm to human health or the environment that may result from exposures to pollutants,toxic agents, or management decisions. While it is difficult to calculate risks, risk assessment is used in risk management,which analyzes factors in decision making.To a large degree, environmental problems can be viewed as economic problems thatrevolve around decisions about how to use resources. Many environmental costs are deferred (paid at a later date) or external (paid by someone other than the entity that causes the problem).Cost-benefit analysis is concerned with whether a policy generates more social benefits than social costs. Criticism of cost-benefit analysis is based on the question of whether everything has an economic value.There is a strong tendency to overexploit and misuse resources that are shared by all.Economic policies and concepts, such as supply and demand, and subsidies, play important roles in environmental decision making.The balance between the amount of a good or service available for purchase and the demand for that commodity determines the price.A newer school of economic thought is referred to as sustainable development.Sustainable development has been defined as actions that address the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet meet their own needs.One such approach is the debt-for-nature exchange. This program, which involves transferring loan payments for land that is later turned into parks and wildlife preserves, is gaining popularity.Key Terms: biodegradable,可生物降解的, cost-benefit analysis 成本-效益分析,deferred costs延期成本,demand需求, economics经济学, environmental costs环境成本, extended product responsibility延长产品责任制, life cycle analysis生命周期分析, natural resource s自然资源, nonrenewable resources不可再生资源, pollution污染, pollution costs污染成本, pollution-prevention costs预防污染成本, price价格, probability概率, renewable resources可再生资源, resources资源, risk assessment风险评估, risk management风险管理, sustainable development可持续发展.Review Questions:4. What concerns are associated with sustainable development?11. Give examples of renewable and nonrenewable resources.12. Why are environmental costs often deferred costs?Chapter 4 交叉关系科学原理:物质、能量和环境Science is a process used to solve problems or develop an understanding of nature that involves testing possible answers.The scientific method is a way of gaining information (facts) about the world by forming possible solutions to questions, followed by rigorous testing to determine if the proposed solutions are valid.Scientific inquiry often begins with an observation that an event has occurred. An observation occurs when we use our senses (smell, sight, hearing, taste, touch) or an extension of our senses (microscope, tape recorder, X-ray machine,thermometer) to record an event.Observations often lead one to ask questions about the observations. Why did this event happen? Will it happen again in the same circumstances? Is it related to something else?Some questions may be simple speculation,but others may inspire you to further investigation.Knowing what others have already done saves one time. This process usually involves reading appropriate science publications, exploring information on the Internet, orcontacting fellow scientists interesteed in the same field of study.A hypothesis is a statement that provides a possible answer to a question or an explanation for an observation that can be tested.The test of a hypothesis can take several forms. It may simplyinvolve the collection of pertinent information that already exists from a variety of sources.In other cases, a hypothesis may be tested by simply making additional observations.Another common method for testing a hypothesis involves devising an experiment. An experiment is a recreatippon of an event or occurrence in a way that enables a scientist to support or disprove a hypothesis.This can be difficult because a particular event may involve a great many separate happenings called variables. The best experimental design is a controlled experiment in which two groups differ in only one way.The concept of reproducibility is important to the scientific method.If a hypothesis is supported by many experiments and by different investigators, it is considered reliable.A theory is a widely accepted, plausible generalization about fundamental concepts in science that explains why things happen.An example ofa scientific theory is the kinetic molecular theory,which states that all matter is made up of tiny, moving particles.A scientific law is a uniform or constant fact of nature that describes what happens in nature. An example of a scientific law is the law of conservation of mass, which states that matter is not gained or lost during a chemical reaction. While laws describe what happens and theories describe why things happen, in a way, laws and theories are similar. They have both been examined repeatedly and are regarded as excellent predictors of how nature behaves.Science is a powerful tool for developing an understandingof the natural world.It is important to differentiate between the scientific data collected and the opinions scientists have about what the data mean. Scientists form and state opinions that may not always be supported,by fact, just as other people do. Equally reputable scientists commonly state opinions that are in direct contradiction. This is especially true in environmental science, where predictions about the future must be based on inadequate or fragmentary data. The issue of climate change (covered in chapter 17) is an example of this.It is important to recognize that some scientific knowledge can be used to support both valid and invalid conclusions.It is often easy to jump to conclusions or confuse fact with hypothesis, particularly when we generalize .Matter is anything that takes up space and has mass.The kinetic molecular theory is a central theory that describes the structure and activity of matter.This theory states that all matter is made up of tiny objects that are in constant motion.Atoms are fundamental subunits of matter. They in turn are made up of protons,neutrons, and electrons.There are 92 kinds of atoms found in nature. Each kind forms a specific type of matter known as an element.Atoms bond to one another chemically to form stable units called molecules. In stillother cases,atoms or molecules may gain or lose electrons and thus become electrically charged particles called ions.When two or more atoms or ions are bonded chemically, a new kind of matter called a compound is formed.Many other kinds of matter are mixtures, variable combinations of atoms, ions, or molecules.An acid is any compound that releases hydrogen ions (protons) in a solution.A base is the opposite of an acid in that it accepts hydrogen ions in solution. Many common bases release hydroxide ions (OH-).The concentration of an acid or base solution is given by a number called its pH. The pH scale is a measure of hydrogen ion concentration.organic matter consists of molecules that contain carbon atoms that are usually bonded to form chains or rings.Consequently, organic molecules can be very large,Many different kinds of organic compounds exist. Inorganic compounds generally consist of small molecules and combinations of ions, and relatively few kinds exist.Chemical bonds are attractive forces between atoms resulting from the interaction of their electrons. Each chemical bond contains a certain amount ofenergy. When chemical bonds are broken or formed, a chemical reaction occurs.During chemical reactions, the amount of energy within the chemical bonds changes. A common example of an exothermic reaction is the burning of natural gas.Even energy-yielding reactions usually need an input of energy to get the reaction started. This initial input of energy is called activation energy.In certain cases, the amount of activation energy required to start the reaction can be reduced by the use of a catalyst.A catalyst is a substance that alters the rate of a reaction, but the catalyst itself is not consumed or altered in the process.Catalysts are used in catalytic converters,which are attached to automobile exhaust systems. The purpose of thecatalytic converter is to bring about more complete burning of the fuel, thus resulting in less air pollution.The chemical reactions that occur in living things are regulated by protein molecules called enzymes tha function to reduce the activation energy needed to start the reactions.Photosynthesis is the process plants use to convert inorganic material into organic matter, with the assistance of light energy.Respiration involves the use of atmospheric oxygen to break down large,organic molecules (sugars, fats, and proteins) into smaller, inorganic molecules(carbon dioxide and water). This process releases energy the organisms can use.Energy and matter are inseparable. It is difficult to describe one without the other. Energy is the ability to do work.The energy contained by moving objects is called kinetic energy. Potential energy is the energy matter has because of its position.Depending on the amount of energy present, matter can occur in three common states: solid, liquid, or gas.The first law of thermodynamics states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be changed from one form into another.When converting energy from one form to another, some of the useful energy is lost. This is the second law of thermodynamics.Within the universe, energy is being converted from one form to another continuously. Stars are converting,nuclear energy into heat and light. Animals are converting the chemical potential energy found in food into kinetic energy that allows them to move. Plants are converting sunlight energy into the chemical bond energy of sugar molecules. In each of these cases,some energy is produced that is not able to do useful work. This is generally in the form of heat lost to the surroundings.The heat produced when energy conversions occur is dissipated throughout the universe. This is a common experience. All machines and living things that manipulate energy release heat. It is also true that organized matter tends to become more disordered unless an external source of energy is available to maintain the ordered arrangement.It is important to understand that some forms of energy are more useful to us than others. Some forms, such as electrical energy, are of high quality because they can be easily used to perform a variety of useful actions. Other forms,such as the heat in the water of the ocean, are of low quality because we are not able to use them for useful purposes.The reason the heat of the ocean is of little value is related to the small temperature difference between two sources of heat. When two objects differ in temperature, heat will flow from the warmer to the cooler object. The greater the temperature difference, the more useful the work that can be done.It is important to understand that energy that is of low quality from our point of view may still have significance to the world in which we live.In accordance with the second law of thermodynamics, all organisms,including humans, are in the process of converting high-quality energy into low-quality energy.An unfortunate consequence of energy conversion is pollution.If each individual on Earth used less energy,there would be less waste heat and other forms of pollution that result from energy conversion.Summary:Science is a method of gathering and organizing information. It involves observation, asking questions, exploring alternative sources of information, hypothesis formation, the testing of hypotheses, and publication of the results for others to evaluate.The fundamental unit of matter is the atom, which is made up of protons and neutrons in the nucleus surrounded by a cloud of moving electrons.Molecules are units made of a combination of two or more atoms bonded to one another.When chemical bonds are broken or formed, a chemical reaction occurs, and the amount of energy within the chemical bonds is changed. Chemical reactions require activation energy to get the reaction started.Matter can occur in three states: solid, liquid, and gas. These three differ in the amount of energy the molecular units contain and the distance between the units.The first law of thermodynamics states that the amount of energy in the universe is constant, that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. The second law of thermodynamics states hat when energy is converted from one form to another, some of the useful energy is lost. Some forms of energy are more useful than others.Key Terms:acid酸activation energy 活化能atom 原子base碱catalyst 催化剂chemical bond 化学键combustion 燃烧compound 化合物controlled experimenti 对照实验electron 电子element 元素energy 能量enzyme 酶experiment 实验first law of thermodynamics 热力学第一定律hypothesis 假说ion离子kinetic molecular theory 分子运动理论law of conservation of mass 质量守恒定律matter物质mixture 混合物molecule 分子neutron 中子nucleus 原子核observation 观察photosynthesis 光合作用proton 质子reproducibility 重现性respiration 呼吸作用science 科学scientific law 科学定律scientific method 科学方法second law of thermodynamics 热力学第二定律theory 理论variable 变量Review Questions:4. What is the scientific method, and what processes does it involve?5. How are the second law of thermodynamics and pollution related?8. State the first and second laws of thermodynamics.9. How do solids, liquids, and gases differ from one another at the molecular level?。



际 商务英语等级考试和高级国际贸易业务员的资格证书;参加由微软公司举
手”,并拿 到了Microsoft Office Specialist Expert的证书……大学生活在段
竞赛中获得二等奖;在 2008年美国大学生数学建模竞赛中获得一等奖;在
“隔行如隔山”; 科学家也要与伦理道德问题做斗争; 科学中正常的争论或辩论是科学文明进 步的表现;
6 认识到物质已固、液和气态 存在,其存在形态取决于分子 动能的大小;
7 认识到能量既不能产生,也 不能消失,但是,能量可以由 一种形式转化为另一种形式, 有的能量转化为用途较少的形 式;
8 了解能量具有不同的品质。
复验证、可证伪、自身没有矛盾。 科学是运用范畴、定理、定律等思维形式反映现实世界各种现 象的本质和规律的知识体系,是社会意识形态之一。科学是人 类智慧结晶的分门别类的学问。科学就是讲求证据,逻辑严密 的人类认知。
会长,并 带领着他们团队先后在国内、国际的数学建模大赛中取得了优异的















><7、环境科学的分科:①环境地学—{环境地质学;环境地球化学;环境地理学;环境海洋学;环境土壤学;污染气象学} ②环境生物学③环境化学④环境物理学⑤环境医学⑥环境法学⑦环境经济学⑧环境管理学⑨环境工程学><8、人类的环境观:①天命论——天定胜人②地理环境决定论③征服论——人定胜天④协调论——人地归一9、环境伦理:是伦理学一个分支,研究环境责任的道德基础。






一、地球和地理环境1. 地球结构和地貌:地球由地壳、地幔和地核组成。


2. 大气层和气候:大气层分为对流层、平流层、跳跃层和温度层等。


二、能源和资源1. 能源类型:包括化石能源(石油、煤炭、天然气)、可再生能源(太阳能、风能、水能等)和核能。

2. 资源利用与保护:合理利用资源,减少浪费和污染,推动循环经济和可持续发展。

三、水资源与水环境1. 水的循环:包括蒸发、降水、地下水和河流。


2. 水污染与治理:水污染主要来源于工业废水、农业面源污染和城市生活污水等,需要采取措施减少与治理。

四、大气污染与大气环境1. 空气组成与污染物:空气由氮氧化物、二氧化硫、颗粒物等组成。


2. 大气污染治理:采取减排和治理措施,如加强工业尾气处理、推广清洁能源和改善交通运输等。

五、生物多样性与生态平衡1. 物种多样性和生态位:生物多样性指地球上各种生物的种类和系统的多样性。


2. 基因污染和生物入侵:基因污染指外源基因对生物群体中的基因组产生不良影响。


3. 生态平衡的重要性:各种生物之间相互依存、相互制约,维持生态系统的平衡和稳定。

六、环境保护与可持续发展1. 环境问题与挑战:全球变暖、水资源短缺、土地退化等环境问题需要国际合作和共同努力解决。

2. 可持续发展原则:平衡发展经济、社会和环境,以满足现有需求且不损害未来世代的能力。

3. 环境保护行动和政策:制定环境法律法规、加强环境监测和评估、推动环境教育和公众参与。






1. 自然资源与环境自然资源是指地球上存在的、供人类利用的各种自然物质和能量,如水资源、森林资源、矿产资源等。



2. 生态系统与生物多样性生态系统由生物群落和非生物因素组成,是生物与环境之间相互作用的综合体。



3. 气候变化与全球变暖气候变化指长期气候模式的变化,包括全球变暖、极端天气事件增加等。



4. 可持续发展可持续发展是指满足当前需求而不损害后代满足其需求的发展。


5. 环境政策与法律法规各国都制定了环境政策和法律法规来保护环境。



6. 环境污染与控制环境污染包括水污染、空气污染、土壤污染等。






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第五章环境和生物间的相互作用Interactions: Environments and Organisms The science of ecology is the study of the ways organisms interact with each other, and with their nonliving surroundings.Ecology deals with the ways in which or ganisms are adapted to their surroundings,how they make use of these surroundings, and how an area is altered by the presence and activities of organisms.All organisms are dependent on other organisms in some way.Everything that affects an organism during its lifetime is collectively known as its environment.Abiotic factors can be organized into several broad categories: energy, nonliving matter, and processes that involve the interactions of nonliving matter and energy.All organisms require a source of energy to maintain themselves. The ultimate source of energy for almost all organisms is the sun.All forms of life require atoms of elements such as carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus, and molecules such as water to construct and maintain themselves. Organisms constantly obtain these materials from their environment. The atoms become part of an organism's body structure for a short time period, and eventually all of them are returned to the environment through respiration, excretion, or death and decay.The structure and location of the space organisms inhabit is also an important abiotic aspect of their environment.Important ecological processes involve interactions of matter and energy.The climate (average weather patterns over a number of years) of an area involves energy in the form of solar radiation interacting with the matter that makes up the Earth.The biotic factors of an organism's environment include all forms of life with which it interacts.Although organisms interact with their surroundings in many ways, certain factors may be critical to a particular species' success. A shortage or absence of this factor restricts the success of the species; thus, it is known as a limiting factor.The limiting factor for many species of fishes is the amount of dissolved oxygen in the water.The environment influences the organism, and organisms affect the environment.The habitat of an organism is the space that the organism inhabits, the place where it lives (its address).The niche of an organism is the functional role it has in its surroundings(its profession).Genes are distinct pieces of DNA that determine the characteristics an individual displays.A population is considered to be all the organisms of the same kind found within a specific geographic region.A species is a population of all the organtisms potentially capable of reproducingnaturally among themselves and having offspring that also reproduce.The process that leads to this close fit between the characteristics organisms display and the demands of their environment is known as natural selection.natural selection is the mechanism that causes evolution to occur.When we look at the effects of natural selection over time, we can see considerable change in the characteristics of a species and kinds of species present. Some changes take thousands or millions of years to occur. Others, such as resistance to pesticides, can occur in a few years.Scientists have continuously shown that this theory of natural selection can explain the development of most aspects of the structure, function, and behavior of organisms. It is the central idea that helps explain how species adapt to their surroundings. When we discuss environmental problems, it is helpful to understand that species change and that as the environment is changed, either naturally or by human action, some species will adapt to the new conditions while others will not.The environment in which organisms exist does not remain constant over long time periods. Those species that lack the genetic resources to cope with a changing environment go extinct. Extinction is the loss of an entire species and is a common feature of the evolution of organisms.Natural selection is constantly at work shaping organisms to fit a changing environment.It is clear that humans have had a significant impact on the extinction of many kinds of species.Wherever humans have modified the environment for their purposes (farming, forestry, cities, hunting, and introducing exotic organisms), species are typically displaced from the area.If large areas are modified, entire species may be displaced. Ultimately, humans are also subject to evolution and the possibility of extinction as well.Coevolution is the concept that two or more species of organisms can reciprocally influence the evolutionary direction of the other. In other words, organisms affect the evolution of other organisms.Since all organisms are influenced by other organisms, this is a common pattern.Ecologists look at organisms and how they interact with their surroundings.One common kind of interaction called predation occurs when one organism, known as a predator, kills and eats another, known as the prey.A second type of interaction between species is competition, in which two organisms strive to obtain the same limited resource.Symbiosis is a close, long-lasting, physical relationship between two different species. There are three different categories of symbiotic relationships: parasitism, commensalism, and mutualism.If we examine our activities, we can see that we have complicated interactions with other organisms.Predator----Humans throughout the world use animals as food.Herbivore----Humans rely on many kinds of plants as their primary source of food.Scavenger----Scavenging involves finding and consuming animals that are already dead.Commensalism-----Humans find themselves on both sides of commensal relationships.Parasitism----Although humans do not live in or on other living things, we do engage in relationships that are parasitic in nature.Mutualism----Humans have many mutualistic relationships with plants and animals.Competition----Humans are in competition with all other organisms on Earth. As we convert land and aquatic resources to our uses, we deprive other organisms of what they need to survive.A community is an assemblage of all the interacting populations of different species of organisms in an area.An ecosystem is a defined space in which interactions take place between a community, with all its complex interrelationships, and the physical environment.While it is easy to see that the physical environment places limitations on the kinds of organisms that can live in an area, it is also important to recognize that organisms impact their physical surroundings.Every system has parts that are related to one another in specific ways.Producers are organisms that are able to use sources of energy to make complex, organic molecules from the simple inorganic substances in their environment.Primary consumers, also known as herbivores, are animals that eat producers (plants or phytoplankton) as a source of food.Secondary consumers or carnivores are animals that eat other animals.Decomposers are organisms that use nonliving organic matter as a source of energy and raw materials to build their bodies.Whenever an organism sheds a part of itself, excretes waste products, or dies, it provides a source of food for decomposers.Since decomposers carry on respiration, they are extremely important in recycling matter by converting organic matter to inorganic material.Many small animals, fungi, and bacteria fill this niche.A keystone species is one that has a critical role to play in the maintenance of specific ecosystems.Some species have pivotal roles, and their elimination or severe reduction can significantly alter ecosystems.The energy stored in the molecules of producers is transferred to other organisms when the producers are eaten.Each step in the flow of energy through an ecosystem is known as a trophic level. Producers (plants, algae, phytoplankton) constitute the first trophic level, and herbivores constitute the second trophic level. Carnivores that eat herbivores are the thir,trophic level, and carnivores that eat other ". carnivores are the fourth trophic level.As energy flows through an ecosystem, it passes through several levels known as trophic levels. Each trophic level contains a certain amount of energy. Each time energy flows to another trophic level, approximately 90 percent of the useful energy islost, usually as heat to the surroundings. Therefore, in most ecosystems, higher trophic levels contain less energy and fewer organisms.The passage of energy from one trophic level to the next as a result of one organism consuming another is known as a food chain.When several food chains overlap and intersect, they make up a food web.All matter is made up of atoms. These atoms are cycled between the living and nonliving portions of an ecosystem. The activities involved in the cycling of atoms include biological, geological, and chemical processes. Therefore, these nutrient cycles are often called biogeochemical cycles.All living things are composed of organic molecules that contain atoms of the element carbon. The carbon cycle includes the processes and pathways involved in capturing inorganic carbon-containing molecules, converting them into organic molecules that are used by organisms, and the ultimate release of inorganic carbon molecules back to the abiotic environment.Fossil fuels (coal, oil, and natural gas) are part of the carbon cycle as well.At one time, these materials were organic molecules in the bodies of living organisms.The organisms were buried and the organic compounds in their bodies were modified by geologic forces. Thus, the carbon atoms present in fossil fuels were removed temporarily from the active,short-term carbon cycle. When we burn fossil fuels, the carbon reenters the active carbon cycle. Another very important nutrient cycle, the nitrogen cycle,involves the cycling of nitrogen atoms between the abiotic and biotic components and among the organisms in an ecosystem.Because atmospheric nitrogen is not usable by plants, nitrogen-containing compounds are often in short supply and the availability of nitrogen is often a factor that limits the growth of plants. The primary way in which plants obtain nitrogen compounds they can use is with the help of bacteria that live in the soil. Bacteria, called nitrogen-fixing bacteria, are able to convert the nitrogen gas (N2) that enters the soil into ammonia that plants can use.Bacteria and other types of decay organisms are involved in the nitrogen cycle also. Dead organisms and their waste products contain molecules, such as proteins, urea, and uric acid, that contain nitrogen. Decomposers break down these nitrogen-containing organic molecules, releasing ammonia, which can be used directly by many kinds of plants. Still other kinds of soil bacteria called nitrifying bacteria are able to convert ammonia to nitrite, which can be converted to nitrate. Plants can use nitrate as a source of nitrogen for synthesis of nitrogen-containing organic molecules.Finally, bacteria known as denitrifying bacteria are, under conditions where oxygen is absent, able to convert nitrite to nitrogen gas (N2), which is ultimately released into the atmosphere. These nitrogen atoms can reenter the cycle with the aid of nitrogen-fixing bacteria.The phosphorus cycle differs from the carbon and nitrogen cycles in one important respect. Phosphorus is not present in the atmosphere as a gas. The ultimate source of phosphorus atoms is rock. In nature, new phosphorus compoundsare released by the erosion of rock and become dissolved in water. Plants use the dissolved phosphorus compounds to construct the molecules they need. Animals obtain the phosphorus they need when they consume plants or other animals. When an organism dies or excretes waste products, decomposer organisms recycle the phosphorus compounds back into the soil.Phosphorus compounds that are dissolved in water are ultimately precipitated as deposits. Geologic processes elevate these deposits and expose them to erosion, thus making these deposits available to organisms.Two activities have caused significant changes in the carbon cycle: burning fossil fuels and converting forests to agricultural land.One consequence of these actions is that the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has been increasing steadily since humans began to use fossil fuels extensively. It has become clear that increasing carbon dioxide is causing changes in the climate of the world, and many nations are seeking to reduce energy use and prevent deforestation.The burning of fossil fuels has also altered the nitrogen cycle.When fossil fuels are burned, the oxygen and nitrogen in the air are heated to high temperatures and a variety of nitrogen-containing compounds are produced.If too much nitrogen or phosphorus is applied as fertilizer or if they are applied at the wrong time, much of this fertilizer is carried into aquatic ecosystems.The presence of large amounts of these nutrients in either freshwater or saltwater results in increased rates of growth of bacteria, algae,and aquatic plnts. Increases in the number of these organisms can have many different effects. Many algae are toxic, and when their numbers increase significantly,fish are killed and incidents of human poisoning occur. An increase in the number of plants and algae in aquatic ecosystems also can lead to low oxygen concentrations in the water. When these organisms die, decomposers use oxygen from the water as they break down the dead organic matter. This lowers the oxygen concentrations and many organisms die.Everything that affects an organism during its lifetime is collectively known as its environment. The environment of an organism can be divided into biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living) components.The space an organism occupies is known as its habitat, and the role it plays in its environment is known as its niche.I The niche of a species is the result of natural selection directing the adaptation of the species to a specific set of environmental conditions.Organisms interact with one another in a variety of ways.A community is the biotic portion of an ecosystem that is a set of interacting populations of organisms. Those organisms and their abiotic environment constitute an ecosystem.About 90 percent of the energy is lost as it passes from one trophic level to the next. This means that the amount of biomass at higher trophic levels is usually much less than that at lower trophic levels.The flow of atoms through an ecosystem involves all the organisms in thecommunity. The carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycles are examples of how these materials are cycled in ecosystems.Key Terms :abiotic factors非生物因子biogeochemical cycles 生物地球化学循环biomass 生物量biotic factors 生物因子carbon cycle 碳循环community 群落competition 竞争consumer 消费者decomposer 分解者ecology 生态学ecosystem 生态系统environment 环境evolution 进化extinction 灭绝food chain 食物链food web 食物网genes 基因habitat 生境limiting factor 限制性因素natural selection 自然选择niche 小生境nitrogen cycle 氮循环population 种群primary consumer 初级消费者range of tolerance 耐受范围secondary consumer 次级消费者species物种trophic level 营养级Review Questions:1. Define environment.3. How is natural selection related to the concept of niche?5. How is an ecosystem different from a community?8. What are some different trophic levels in an ecosystem?9. Describe the carbon cycle, the nitrogen cycle, and the phosphorus cycle.第六章生态系统及群落的种类Kinds of Ecosystems and Communities Ecosystems are dynamic, changing units.The concept that communities proceed through a series of recognizable, predictable changes in structure over time is called succession. The relatively stable, long-lasting community that is the result of succession is called a climax community.Primary succession is a successional progression that begins with a total lack of organisms and bare mineral surfaces or water.Secondary succession is much more commonly observed and generally proceeds more rapidly, because it begins with the destruction or disturbance of an existing ecosystem. Fire, flood, windstorm, or human activity can destroy or disturb a community of organisms.The general trend in succession is toward increasing complexity and more efficient use of matter and energy compared to the successional communities that preceded them.The principal concepts of land succession can be applied to aquatic ecosystems. Except for the oceans, most aquatic ecosystems are considered temporary. Certainly, some are going to be around for thousands of years, but eventually they will disappear and be replaced by terrestrial ecosystems as a result of normal successional processes. All aquatic ecosystems receive a continuous input of soil particles and organic matter from surrounding land, which results in the gradual filling in of shallow bodies of water such as ponds and lakes.The same processes and activities drive both primary and secondary succession. The major difference is that secondary succession occurs when an existing community is destroyed but much of the soil and some of the organisms remain. A forest fire, a flood, or the conversion of a natural ecosystem to agriculture may be the cause.As settlers removed the original forests or grasslands and converted the land to farming, the original "climax" community was destroyed. Eventually, as poor farming practices destroyed the soil, many farms were abandoned and the land was allowed to return to its "original" condition.Biomes are terrestrial climax communities with wide geographic distribution.The distribution of terrestrial ecosystems is primarily related to precipitation and temperature.A lack of water is the primary factor that determines that an area will be a desert. Deserts are areas that generally average less than 25 centimeters(10 inches) of precipitation per year.Since the rate of evaporation is high, plant growth and flowering usually coincide with the periods when moisture is available. Deserts are also likely to be windy. We often think of deserts as hot, dry wastelands devoid of life. However, many deserts are quite cool during a major part of the year.Another misconception about deserts is that few species of organisms live in the desert. There are many species, but they typically have low numbers of individuals.The desert has many kinds of animals. However, they are often overlooked because their populations are low, numerous species are of small size, and many are inactive during the hot part of the day. They also aren't seen in large, conspicuous groups.Grasslands, also known as prairies or steppes, are widely distributed over temperate parts of the world. As with deserts, the major factor that contributes to the establishment of a grassland is the amount of available moisture. Grasslands generally receive between 25 and 75 centimeters (10 to 30 inches) of precipitation per year.Most of the moist grasslands of the world have been converted to agriculture , since the rich, deep soil that developed as a result of the activities of centuries of soil building is useful for growing cultivated grasses such as corn (maize) and wheat. The drier grasslands have been converted to the raising of domesticated grazers such as cattle, sheep, and goats. Therefore, little undisturbed grassland is left, and those fragments that remain need to be preserved as refuges for the grassland species that once occupied huge portions of the globe.Tropical parts of Africa, South America, and Australia have extensive grasslands spotted with occasional trees or patches of trees. This kind of a biome is often called a savanna. Although savannas receive 50 to 150 centimeters (20 to 60 inches) of rain per year, the rain is not distributed evenly throughout the year. Typically, a period of heavy rainfall is followed by a prolonged drought. This results in a very seasonally structured ecosystem. The plants and animals time to their reproductive activities to coincide with the rainy period, when limiting factors are least confining. The predominant plants are grasses, but many drought-resistant, flat-topped, thorny trees are common.The Mediterranean shrublands are located near an ocean and have wet, cool winters and hot, dry summers. Rainfall is 40 to 100 centimeters (15 to 40 inches) per year. As the name implies, this biome is typical of the Mediterranean coast and isalso found in coastal southern California, the southern tip of Africa, a portion of the west coast of Chile, and southern Australia. The vegetation is dominated by woody shrubs that are adapted to withstand the ot, dry summer.Another biome that is heavily influenced by seasonal rainfall is known as the tropical dry forest.Tropical rainforests are located near the equator in Central and South America, Africa, Southeast Asia, and some islands in the Caribbean Sea and Pacific Ocean. The temperature is normally warm and relatively constant. There is no frost, and it rains nearly every day. Most areas receive in excess of 200 centimeters (80 inches) of rain per year. Some receive 500 cennmeters (200 inches) or more. Because of the warm temperatures and abundant rainfall, most plants grow very rapidly; however, soils are usually poor in nutrients because water tends to carry away any nutrients not immediately taken up by plants.Tropical rainforests are under intense pressure from logging and agriculture.Many of the countries where tropical rainforests are present are poor and seek to obtain jobs and money by exploiting this resource.Forests in temperate areas of the world that have a winter-summer change of seasons typically have trees that lose their leaves during the winter and replace them the following spring. This kind of forest is called a temperate deciduous forest and is typical of the eastern half of the United States, parts of south central and south- eastern Canada, southern Africa, and many areas of Europe and Asia. These areas generally receive 75 to 100 centimeters (30 to 60 inches) of relatively evenly distributed precipitation per year.In contrast to tropical rainforests, where individuals of a tree species are scattered throughout the forest, temperate deciduous forests generally have many fewer species, and many forests may consist of two or three dominant tree species.These forests are home to a great variety of insects, many of which use the leaves and wood of trees as food.Throughout the southern half of Canada, parts of northern Europe, and much of Russia, there is an evergreen coniferous forest known as the taiga, northern coniferous forest, or boreal forest. The climate is one of short, cool summers and long winters with abundant snowfall. The winters are extremely harsh and can last as long as six months. Typically, the soil freezes during the winter. Precipitation ranges between 25 and 100 centimeters (10 to 40 inches) per year. However, the climate is typically humid because there is a great deal of snowmelt in the spring and generally low temperatures reduce evaporation. The landscape is typically dotted with lakes, ponds, and bogs.North of the taiga is the tundra, a biome that lacks trees and has a permanently frozen subsurface soil. This frozen soil layer is known as permafrost. Because of the permanently frozen soil and extremely cold, windy climate (up to 10 months of winter), no trees can live in the area.Because of the very short growing season, damage to this kind of ecosystem is slow to heal, so the land must be handled with great care.Terrestrial biomes are determined by the amount and kind of precipitation and by temperatures. Other factors, such as soil type and wind, also play a part. Aquatic ecosystems also are shaped by key environmental factors. Several important factors are the ability of the sun's rays to penetrate the water, the depth ofthe water, the nature of the bottom substrate, the water temperature, and the amount of dissolved salts.An important determiner of the nature of aquatic ecosystems is the amount of salt dissolved in the water.Those that have little dissolved salt are called freshwater ecosystems, and those that have a high salt content are called marine ecosystems.Coral reef ecosystems are produced by coral animals that build up-shaped external skeletons around themselves.Because they require warm water, coral ecosystems are found only near the equator Coral ecosystems also require shallow, clear water since the algae must have ample sunlight to carry on photosynthesis.Coral reefs are considered one of the most productive ecosystems on Earth.Mangrove swamp ecosystems occupy a region near the shore. The dominant organisms are special kinds of trees that are able to tolerate the high salt content of the ocean.The trapping of sediment and the continual extension of mangroves into shallow areas result in the development of a terrestrial ecosystem in what was once shallow ocean.An estuary is a special category of aquatic ecosystem that consists of shallow, partially enclosed areas where freshwater enters the ocean.Estuaries are particularly productive ecosystems because of the large amounts of nutrients introduced into the basin from the rivers that run into them. This is further enhanced by the fact that the shallow water allows light to penetrate to most of the water in the basin.Estuaries are especially important as nursery sites for fish and crustaceans such as flounder and shrimp.Freshwater ecosystems differ from marine ecosystems in several ways. The amount of salt present is much less, the temperature of the water can change greatly, the water is in the process of moving to the ocean, oxygen can often be in short supply, and the organisms that inhabit freshwater systems are different.Freshwater ecosystems can be divided into two categories: those in which the water is relatively stationary, such as lakes, ponds, and reservoirs, and those in which the water is running downhill, such as streams and rivers.Large lakes have many of the same characteristics as the ocean.Farming and construction expose soil and release nutrients, as do other human activities such as depositing sewage into streams and lakes. Deep, clear, cold, nutrient-poor lakes are low in productivity and are called oligotrophic lakes. Shallow, murky, warm, nutrient-rich lakes are called eutrophic lakes.The dissolved oxygen content of the water is important since the quantity of oxygen determines the kinds of organisms that can inhabit the lake.When organic molecules enter water, they are broken down by bacteria andfungi. These decomposer organisms use oxygen from the water as they perform respiration. The amount of oxygen used by decomposers to break down a specific amount of organic matter is called the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).Just as estuaries are a bridge between freshwater and marine ecosystems, swamps and marshes are a transition between aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems.Many swamps and marshes are successional states that eventually become totally terrestrial communities.summary:Ecosystems change as one kind of organism replaces another in a process called succession.Ultimately, a relatively stable stage is reached, called the climax community.Major regional terrestrial climax communities are called biomes.The primary determiners of the kinds of biomes that develop are the amount and yearly distribution of rainfall and the yearly temperature cycle.Aquatic ecosystems can be divided into marine (saltwater) and freshwater ecosystems.Coral reefs are tropical marine ecosystems dominated by coral animals. Mangrove swamps are tropical marine shoreline ecosystems dominated by trees. Estuaries occur where freshwater streams and rivers enter the ocean. They are usually shallow, very productive areas. Many marine organisms use estuaries for reproduction.KeyTerms:biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) 生化需氧量biome 生物群系climax community 顶级群落coral reef ecosystem 珊瑚礁生态系统desert 沙漠estuary 河口eutrophic lake 富营养湖freshwater ecosystem 淡水生态系统grassland 草地mangrove swamp ecosystem 红树林沼泽生态系统marine ecosystem 海洋生态系统marsh 草本沼泽plankton 浮游生物phytoplankton 浮游植物zooplankton 浮游动物primary succession 原生演替secondary succession 次生演替swamp 木本沼泽tropical rainforest 热带雨林Review Questions:1.Describe the process of succession. How does primary succession differ from secondary succession?4. What two primary factors determine the kind of terrestrial biome that will develop in an area?6. What areas of the ocean are the most productive?9. List three differences between freshwater and marine ecosystems.10. What is an estuary?Why are estuaries important?。
