在simulink 环境下,对提出的定时比较控制方法和并联型APF抑制谐波效果进行了仿真实验。
1 有源电力滤波器(APF)有源电力滤波器一般可分为:并联型APF、串联型APF和串并联混合型APF,其一般由检测回路,控制回路和主电路构成,理论上讲,有源滤波器可以对任意谐波电流进行补偿,并联有源滤波器其与系统相并联,可等效为一受控电流源,通过适当控制APF可产生与负载谐波大小相等、方向相反的谐波电流,从而将电源侧电流补偿为正弦波[1]。
2 并联有源滤波器2.1 谐波电流检测原理及仿真模型设立谐波电流检测利用ip、iq运算方式,该方法用一锁相环和一正、余弦发生电路得到与电源电压同相位的正弦信号sin wt和对应的余弦信号-cos wt,这两个信号与ia、ib、ic一起计算出有功分量电流ip和iq无功分量电流,经低通滤波器LPF滤波得出ip、iq的直流分量ip、iq对应于三相电流中的基波正序分量,再经过2/3 变换,得到三相电流基波正序分量[2]。
负载电流发生模块source,三项/两项变换模块C32,运算模块C,两项/三项变换模块C23以及低通滤波器构成了其主要的仿真模型[3],其中各模块所需元件可在simulink模块库中找到,比如交流电源,电压、电流测量模块,RLC 串联电路,电感元件,三相桥式整流器。
图1 ip、iq运算方式检测谐波电流的整体仿真模型2.2 三项并联型有源电力滤波器仿真图2 三项并联型有源电力滤波器仿真2.3 仿真结果谐波检测电路采用基于瞬时无功功率理论的ip、iq检测法的工作原理,使用MATLAB中SIMULIINK仿真模块。
2013R年 3 月 1 日至2013 年 6 月12 日共15 周指导教师签字系主任签字院长签字摘要随着电力电子技术的发展及电力电子装置的普遍应用,在电力系统中产生了大量的电力谐波,已引起世界各国的广泛关注。
关键词:并联型有源电力滤波器;谐波检测;三角波控制;直流侧电压控制;ABSTRACTAs the rapid development of power electronics and the common use of the power electronic devices, there are more and more harmonic emerges in power system. All over the world, people become concerning about the power quality issue. Active Power Filter (APF) , as one effective method to correct the power harmonic, can dynamically trace and compensate any harmonic which is varying in frequency and amplitude, while network impedence has no effect on the compensation performance. Therefore, APF becomes an important trend to restrain power harmonic.Firstly, this article introduces the basic principle and structure of shunt APF, then studies a real time detecting method of harmonic voltage for three-phase circuit based on the instantaneous reactive power theory. Then discuss the control scheme of the PWM converter and the DC side voltage is discussed.Secondly,through the researches which have been carried out for shunt active power filter, the selection of the main circuit switching components are discussed detailedly. These parameters have great influences on the steady and dynamic compensation characteristics of shunt APF.Based on the former chapters, chapter 4 completes the modeling and simulation of the three-phase shunt APF using Matlab/Simulink.Key words: shunt APF; harmonic detect method; triangular wave control; DC side voltage control;目录摘要................................................................... ABSTRACT (II)目录 (III)第一章绪论 01.1选题目的及意义 01.1.1电力系统谐波 01.1.2谐波的治理策略 (1)1.2 有源电力滤波器研究现状及发展趋势 (2)1.2.1有源电力滤波器的国内外研究现状 (2)1.2.2有源电力滤波器的发展趋势 (3)1.3本文所做的工作 (4)第二章并联型有源电力滤波器 (5)2.1 有源电力滤波器 (5)2.2有源滤波器的工作原理 (8)2.3主电路结构及其相关参数设计 (9)2.3.1主电路工作原理 (9)2.3.2开关器件的选择 (11)2.3.3主电路容量 (11)2.3.4开关频率与死区时间 (11)2.3.5直流侧储能电容稳定电压 (12)2.3.6储能电容C (12)2.3.7交流侧电感L (12)2.4 本章小结 (13)第三章有源滤波器的谐波电流检测技术 (14)3.1常用的谐波电流检测技术 (14)3.2基于瞬时无功功率理论的ip -iq谐波电流检测法 (15)3.3 PWM控制方式的研究 (18)3.3.1 定时瞬时值比较PWM控制方式 (18)3.3.2 三角波比较PWM控制方式 (19)3.3.3 滞环瞬时值比较方式 (19)3.4本章小结 (20)第四章三相串联型有源电力滤波器的建模与仿真 (21)4.1 Matlab/Simulink仿真软件及其工具箱简介 (21)4.2系统仿真模型的构建 (22)4.3 有源电力滤波器仿真模型设计 (23)4.3.1 谐波源建模 (23)4.3.2 并联型有源电力滤波器建模 (23)4.4 仿真实验及结果分析 (27)4.5 本章小结 (32)第五章总结与展望 (33)5.1论文总结 (33)5.2下一步工作展望 (33)致谢 (34)参考文献 (35)第一章绪论1.1选题目的及意义随着科学技术与现代化建设的发展,电能在现代社会工业生产和日常生活中成为了不可缺少的重要能源之一。
SECTION 88 P473 期末课程设计率和品质因数
1、特征频率是使得系统频响表达式简介的特殊频率点,对二阶滤波 器而言,特征频率使得分母中实部为0; 2、品质因数Q定义为特征频率处增益的模除以中频增益的模;
用Q和特征频率f 0 表达截止频率f c
MATLAB计算公式K = sqrt(4*Q*Q-2+sqrt(4-16*Q*Q+32*Q*Q*Q*Q))/(2*Q);
基于Multisim的有源滤波器 设计与仿真
1、无源滤波器是只用无源器件组成的滤波器,如电阻、电容等; 2、适合大电压和电流以及超高频率;价格便宜,电路相对简单; 3、实现级联困难,受负载影响大。
1、有源滤波器含有源器件,必须额外供电才能工作; 2、引入负反馈和放大环节,轻松实现较为复杂的滤波器,适合小信号和中低频 率段; 3、轻松实现级联,能够有效隔离负载对滤波器的影响。
1、二阶低通滤波器有三个关键参数 中频增益,特征频率f0以及品质因数Q ; 2、先确定电容,再确定电阻; 3、满足约束。
滤波器设计2-电阻电容的计算与约 束
周昊 王毅(北京交通大学电气工程学院,北京市 100044)Zhou Hao Wang Yi(School of Electrical Engineering of Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing 100044)电力有源滤波器(APF)控制方法研究及Matlab仿真Simulation and Study of the Voltage Control Method for Active Power FilterAbstract: The paper introduced the active power filter based on the i p , i q arithmatic of the instantaneous reactive power theory and proposed the PI control method on the DC side. Based on the theory analyse, it used the Simpowersystems module in the Matlab to build the model and simulate the APF system. ItÕs proved that the DC side voltage through that method is stable, and the compensation result is good.Key words: APF Matlab DC Voltage Control Instantaneous Reactive Power Theory【摘 要】通过瞬时无功功率理论的ip、iq算法设计了电力有源滤波器,提出直流侧电压的PI控制。
matlab中three-phase pi section line数学模型 -回复
matlab中three-phase pi section line数学模型-回复Matlab中的Three-Phase Pi Section Line数学模型在电力系统中,Three-Phase Pi Section Line是一种常见的传输线配置,用于将三相电源连接到负载。
在Matlab中,我们可以使用电路分析工具箱构建和模拟Three-Phase Pi Section Line的数学模型。
首先,我们需要定义Three-Phase Pi Section Line的参数。
假设我们有一个Three-Phase Pi Section Line,其电源电压为V_in、负载电压为V_out,电源电流为I_in,负载电流为I_out。
接下来,我们需要建立Three-Phase Pi Section Line的数学模型。
可以使用"ckt"函数来创建电路对象,语法为:ckt_obj = ckt('name');在这个函数中,'name'是电路对象的名称,可以根据个人喜好进行命名。
以下是创建电感和电容元件的示例代码:R = resistor(0); 创建一个电阻元件,将其电阻设置为0,用于表示线路的虚部L = inductor(Z*1i); 创建一个电感元件,将其电感设置为ZC = capacitor(C); 创建一个电容元件,其容值设置为C然后,我们需要将这些电感和电容元件连接到电路对象中。
基于MATLAB的有源三相滤波器的设计东北大学本科毕业设计(论文)毕业设计(论文)任务书毕业设计(论文)任务书基于MATLAB 的三相滤波器的设计摘要电能作为现代社会的重要能源之一,广泛应用于工农业生产、人民生活、国防科技等各个领域。
目前,随着电力电子技术的飞速发展,采用有源电力滤波器动态抑制谐波成为重要的发展方向,它能克服传统LC 滤波器的缺陷。
有源电力滤波器是一种新型谐波、无功补偿装置,和传统的LC 滤波器相比,有源电力滤波器可以对谐波、无功以及负序电流实现实时、准确的补偿。
深入研究了基于瞬时无功功率理论的p q -法、基于瞬时无功功率理论下的改进型谐波电流检测的p q i i -法,对并联型有源电力滤波器的三角波载波控制、电流滞环跟踪控制等电流控制策略进行了研究,并对传统的电流滞环跟踪控制进行了改进,同时引入直流侧电压反馈控制环节,以保证有源电力滤波器具有良好的补偿跟随特性,通过理论分析比较了各自的特点。
本文还利用MATLAB/SIMULINK 进行有源三相滤波器的仿真,仿真结果表明,有源电力滤波器能够对谐波电流起到了较好的补偿作用,具有较好的动态补偿特性。
关键词: 有源三相滤波器、谐波电流、瞬时无功功率理论、MATLAB目录毕业设计(论文)任务书 (I)摘要 (II)MATLAB-based three-phase filter design .................. 错误!未定义书签。
Abstract ................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
年 月 日
摘 要
Keywords:MATLAB; three-phase rectifier;parameter adjustment; Simulink simulation; analysis.
摘 要I
1 绪论1
1.1 问题的提出1
1.2 研究现状1
1.3 设计的容2
This paper designed using MATLAB simulation of the three-phase rectifier circuit, rectifier circuit is to convert alternating current to DC electrical energy, is widely used in its speed, excitation DC motor generator regulation, electrolysis, electroplating and other fields. In this paper, based on the principle of three-phase rectifier circuit, three-phase load with different simulation of different control angle of full controlled rectifier circuit, and did some analysis.
三相三线制并联有源电力滤波器仿真分析摘要:本文介绍了有源电力滤波器基本原理、基于瞬时无功功率理论的ip -iq谐波电流检测方法,依据该谐波检测方法构建了三相三线制并联有源电力滤波器,进行了MATLAB仿真实验,仿真结果验证了该滤波装置谐波检测的准确性及装置的良好谐波治理性能。
被动治理谐波的措施:1.采用无源滤波器PPF(Passive Power Filter,PPF,PF)或称为LC滤波器。
2.采用有源电力滤波器APF(Active Power Filter)。
有源电力滤波器APF(Active Power Filter)是一种用于动态抑制谐波的新型电力电子装置,它以有对于大小和频率都变化的谐波进行补偿[4、5]。
1.有源电力滤波器基本原理有源电力滤波器(Active Power Filter,APF)是一类重要的电力电子在电力系统中应用的装置,能对频率和幅值都变化的谐波进行动态跟踪补偿,且补偿特性不受系统阻抗的影响。
三相可控整流电流的MATLAB仿真目录绪论 (1)第一章三项半波可控整流电路 (3)1.1 电路结构 (3)2.2 工作原理 (3)1.3 基本数量关系 (5)第二章三项桥式全控整流电路 (5)2.1 电路结构 (5)2.2 工作原理 (6)2.3 基本数量关系 (8)第三章三项半波可控整流电路仿真 (9)3.1建立仿真模型 (9)3.2 参数设置 (10)3.3 仿真结果 (11)3.4 小结 (13)第四章三项桥式全控整流电路仿真 (15)4.1建立仿真模型 (15)4.2 参数设置 (16)4.3 仿真结果 (17)4.4 小结 (21)结语 (23)参考文献 (24)绪论整流电路是出现最早的电力电子电路,将交流电变为直流电,电路形式多种多样。
一.Matlab 仿真1.仿真图 Continuouspowerguiv +-Voltage Measurement4Series RLC Branch Scope Pulse Generator2PulseGenerator1PulseGenerator g ma k Detailed Thyristor2gm a k Detailed Thyristor1g m a k Detailed Thyristori +-Current Measurement3i +-Current Measurement2i +-Current Measurement1i +-Current Measurement v +-CAC v +-BCB v +-ABA图1.1 三相半波整流电路仿真图2.参数设置。
选择算法为ode23tb,stop time设为0.1。
下面是一个简单的基于matlab的有源滤波器设计示例:1. 系统模型首先,我们需要建立电力系统的模型。
Vin是有源滤波器的输入电压,Vout是输出电压,R是有源滤波器中的电阻,G 是电容的导纳,s是Laplace算子。
2. 控制器设计有源滤波器的控制器通常使用PI控制器和H∞控制器。
PI控制器的传递函数为:Kp + Ki/s其中,Kp是比例增益,Ki是积分增益。
3. 滤波器设计有源滤波器的设计通常是在仿真中进行的。
以下是有源滤波器的设计步骤:- 设置系统参数为了方便起见,我们首先设置了一些系统参数。
以下是参数列表:- 电网电压:400V- 电阻:0.01Ω- 电容:200μF- 电感:10mH- 负载电阻:10Ω- 有源滤波器输入电压:20V- 积分时间常数:0.001s- 比例增益:0.5在simulink中,我们使用Signal Builder模块来产生模拟信号,如下图所示:- 建立系统模型我们使用simulink模块建立电力系统模型,如下图所示:通过调整控制器的比例增益和积分增益,我们可以使滤波器输出的电压与需补偿的谐波相位相同,如下图所示:最终输出的谐波滤波器电压与需补偿的谐波电压相消,进一步将系统中的谐波降到可接受的水平,如下图所示:通过这个例子,我们可以看到使用simulink进行有源滤波器设计的基本步骤。
APPLICATION OF A SHUNT ACTIVE POWER FILTER TO COMPENSATE MULTIPLE NON-LINEAR LOADSTABLE OF CONTENTS:1.ABSTRACT2.INTRODUCTION3.SHUNT ACTIVE POWER FILTER OPERATION3.1 Series Inductance3.2 Direct Control of the Grid Current3.3 Ramp time Current Control4. A SHUNT ACTIVE POWER FILTER WITH HARMONIC VOLTAGESOURCING LOADS4.1 Compensation for Harmonic Voltage Sources4.2 Series Inductance XL5. A THREE-PHASE SHUNT ACTIVE POWER FILTER WITH MULTIPLENON-LINEAR LOADS5.1 Mixed-Type Harmonic Sources And Unbalanced loads5.2 DC Bus6. CONCLUSION7. REFERENCESABSTRACTIn this paper, the implementation of a shunt active power filter with a small series reactor for a three-phase system is presented. The system consists of multiple non-linear loads, which are a combination of harmonic current sources and harmonic voltage sources, with significant unbalanced components. The filter consists of a three-phase current-controlled voltage source inverter (CC-VSI) with a filter inductance at the ac output and a dc-bus capacitor. The CC-VSI is operated to directly control the ac grid current to be sinusoidal and in phase with the grid voltage. The switching is controlled using ramptime current control, which is based on the concept of zero average current error. The simulation results indicate that the filter along with the series reactor is able to handle predominantly the harmonic voltage sources, as well as the unbalance, so that the grid currents are sinusoidal, in phase with the grid voltages and symmetrical.2. INTRODUCTIONNon-linear loads, especially power electronic loads, create harmonic currents and voltages in the power systems. For many years, various active power filters (APF) have been developed to suppress the harmonics, as well as compensate for reactive power, so that the utility grid will supply sinusoidal voltage and current with unity power factor.Conventionally, the shunt type APF acts to eliminate the reactive power and harmonic currents produced by non-linear loads from the grid current by injecting compensating currents intended to result in sinusoidal grid current with unity power factor. This filter has been proven to be effective in compensating harmonic current sources, but it cannot properly compensate for harmonic voltage sources. Many electronic appliances, such as switched mode power supplies and electronic ballasts, are harmonic voltage sources. A voltage sourcing series active power filter is suitable for controlling harmonic voltage sources, but it cannot properly compensate for harmonic current sources.In many cases, non-linear loads consist of combinations of harmonic voltage sources and harmonic current sources, and may contain significant load unbalance (ex. single phase loads on a three phase system). To compensate for these mixed non-linear loads, a combined system of a shunt APF and a series APF can be effective .In this paper, a combination of a grid current forcing shunt APF with a series reactor installed at the Point of Common Coupling (PCC) is investigated to handle the harmonic and unbalance problems from mixed loads ( Figure 1).Figure 1. Active Power Filter configuration3. SHUNT ACTIVE POWER FILTER OPERATIONThe three-phase shunt active power filter is a three-phase current controlled “voltage source inverter” (CC-VSI) with a mid-point earthed, split capacitor in the dc bus and inductors in the ac output .Conventionally, a shunt APF is controlled in such a way as to inject harmonic and reactive compensation currents based on calculated reference currents. The injected currents are meant to “cancel” the harmonic and reactive currents drawn by the non-linear loads. However, the reference or desired current to be injected must be determined by extensive calculations with inherent delays, errors and slow transient response.3.1 Series InductanceA key component of this system is the added series inductance XL(see Figure 2), which is comparable in size to the effective grid impedance, ZS. Without this inductance (or a series active filter), load harmonic voltage sources would produce harmonic currents through the grid impedance, which could not be compensated by a shunt APF. Currents from the APF do not significantly change the harmonic voltage at the loads. Therefore, there are still harmonic voltages across the grid impedance, which continue to produce harmonic currents..3.2 Direct Control of the Grid CurrentIn this scheme (see Figure 1), the CC-VSI is operated to directly control the ac grid current rather than it’s own current. The grid current is sensed and directly controlled to follow symmetrical sinusoidal reference signals in phase with the grid voltage. Hence, by putting the current sensors on the grid side, the grid current is forced to behave as a sinusoidal current source and the grid appears as a high-impedance circuit for harmonics. By forcing the grid current to be sinusoidal, the APF automatically provides the harmonic, reactive, negative and zero sequence currents for the load, following the basic current summation rule:igrid = iAPF + i loadThe sinusoidal grid current reference signal is given by:iref = k vgrid-1where vgrid-1 is the fundamental component of the grid voltage, and k is obtained from an outer control loop regulating the CC-VSI dc-bus voltage.Figure 2. Circuit equivalent for harmonics3.3 Ramp time Current ControlThe performance and the effectiveness of the filter are enhanced by the use of the ramp time current control technique to control the CC-VSI. The principle operation of ramp time current control is based on the concept of zero average current error (ZACE). In this application, the current error signal is the difference between the actual grid current and the desired/reference grid current waveform.4. A SHUNT ACTIVE POWER FILTER WITH HARMONIC VOLTAGE SOURCING LOADS4.1 Compensation for Harmonic Voltage SourcesTo show a compensation for harmonic voltage sources, a simulation was conducted using circuit constants from the literature based on a three-phase ac system with a grid voltage of 400V-50Hz, a 60kW diode rectifier load with dc filter capacitor, a filter inductance (Linv) of 0.45mH (5.3%), ZS of 1.8%, and XL of 1.8%, without a high frequency filter. The circuit equivalent from the harmonic point of view is shown in Figure 2.The three-phase shunt APF successfully forces sinusoidal current from the grid, as shown in Figure 3(a) and 3(b). In doing this, the APF compensates the harmonic voltages because the load harmonic voltage in Figure 3(c) appears across XL in Figure 3(d). These same harmonic voltages appear in the inverter voltage in Figure 3(e) and across the inverter inductance in Figure 3(f). Thus, the load harmonic voltages do not appear across ZS and load harmonic currents are not created through this grid impedance. Also, assuming the grid voltage harmonics are negligible, the ac grid voltage at the PCC will be sinusoidal.Figure 4 shows that when XL is reduced to 0.5%, the filter cannot suppress the harmonics properly, so that the grid currents are still distorted and contain significant amount of harmonics. The load harmonic voltage cannot be removed completely by the harmonic voltage on XL, because the inverter cannot produce sufficient harmonic voltage to compensate load harmonic voltage. Then, harmonic voltages still occur across grid impedance. As a result, the inverter loses its controllability; and the compensation by the active filter cannot be accomplished.4.2 Series Inductance XLThere are several ways to determine the size of XL. It is suggested that the minimum value of XL is 6%. The XL is used for a different purpose and not related to harmonic voltage type loads.The practical choice of XL is that it should be as small as possible to minimize cost. Furthermore, if the APF can directly force the grid current to be sinusoidal, the voltage at the PCC will have similar characteristics to the grid (except very small fundamental voltage drop and very small phase shift). In order to make the loads operate in the similar operating point to which they were connected directly to the grid, then the size of XL should be chosen close to ZS XS in per-unit value (usually the resistance of the grid impedance is very small compared to its inductance).From the above simulation, it is proven that with the XL = 1.8%, the compensation is successful. The value of XL could be lower than 1.8% provided that minimum di/dt of Linv exceeds the maximum di/dt permitted by the inductance XL. Otherwise, the value of Linv has to be reduced. However, decreasing the Linv will increase the high switching frequency ripple in the ac grid currents.Fig.3 Simulation results for XL=1.8% a)I grid b)I grid spectrumFigure 3. Simulation results for XL = 1.8%; (c) spectrum of V load harmonics, (d) V on XL, (e) V output CC-VSI, (f) V on filter inductance, (g) V at PCC5. A THREE-PHASE SHUNT ACTIVE POWER FILTER WITH MULTIPLE NON-LINEAR LOADSBy directly controlling the grid current, a three-phase shunt APF can be provided for all non-linear loads at the PCC instead of compensating each load individually. The system is simpler and more efficient because only one current sensor for each phase is located in the grid side.Figure 4. Simulation results for XL = 0.5% ; (a) Igrid, (b) Igrid spectrumFigure 4. Simulation results for XL = 0.5%; (c) spectrum of V load harmonics,(d) V on XL, (e) V output CC-VSI, (f) V on filter inductance, (g) V at PCCFrom the preceding explanation, the shunt APF with a series reactor can compensate the harmonic voltage sources in the loads. This filter combination can also succeed for harmonic current sources. In this case, the reactor will function to limit the slope of the falling and rising edges of the load current . For mixed loads, it is practical to provide a series reactor for total loads. The reactor is installed at the PCC and integrated with the APF. The size can be chosen for the possible maximum power of harmonic voltage sources.A three-phase shunt APF has been proven for balanced loads. However, the system may contain significant amounts of load unbalance as in commercial buildings with non-linear single- phase computer type loads. Such loads produce large negative sequence and harmonic currents. Hence, the filter has to inject the inverse of the negative sequence current to balance the unbalanced loads. The shunt APF discussed previously has the ability to balance the asymmetrical current. This is because the CC-VSI is operated to directly control the ac grid current to follow a three-phase balanced sinusoidal reference signal without measuring and determining the negative sequence component. Once the grid currents are able to follow the reference signal, the inverter creates the inverse of the negative sequence currents automatically. At the PCC, all three currents are potentially accessible to be directly controlled by the CC-VSI.5.1 Mixed-Type Harmonic Sources And Unbalanced loadsFigures 6 and 7 show results with several non-linear loads to demonstrate the validity of the filter. In Figure 6, the shunt active power filter combined with the series reactor is able to successfully compensate the total mixed loads that produce harmonic and unbalanced currents. The grid currents become sinusoidal and in phase with the grid voltage. The magnitude is determined by the active power required by the system.Furthermore, the grid currents are symmetrical in magnitude and phase. These currents are balanced because the CC-VSI is able to generate three different currents for each phase. For each phase, the current controller is able to force the average current error, which is the difference between the reference signal and the actual current to be zero. Then, the individual phase current can follow its reference signal closely. From Figure 7, it is obvious that phase B of the inverter current is not the same as other two phases, since the single-phase load is connected between phase A and C. Hence, the inverter not only generates harmonics to eliminate the load harmonics but also provide balancing to create the symmetrical grid currents.Fig.5 3-Ph. Load currents Fig.6 3-Ph. Currents after compensationFigure 7. Three-phase output currents of the CC-VSI5.2 DC BusFigure 8 shows the simulation results of the dynamic condition of the dc-bus voltage. It can be seen that the dc-capacitor voltage is decreased when the load is increased. This is because the active power demanded by the load is higher than that supplied from the grid. The dc-bus has to provide the active power to fulfill the power balance.Figure 8. Dynamic state of dc-bus when the load is changing; upper graph: load and grid currents - phase A; lower graph: dc-bus voltageOnce the transient interval is finished, the dc-bus voltage is recovered and remains at the reference voltage – 800V (by using a PI controller), and the magnitude of the grid active currents is fixed at a designated value. At this time, the total active power demanded by the load is supplied from the grid, because the active power filter only supplies the reactive power.This same process will occur when the load is decreased. In this case, the dc-capacitor voltage will increase in a transient state. Hence, the dc bus capacitor must be sized not only to minimize the ripple but also to provide maximum expected power unbalance until the PI loop again achieves steady state. The above result shows that the amplitude of the grid currents is regulated directly by controlling the dc bus voltage, and the calculation process of the grid current amplitude can be eliminated. Figure 8 also shows that the dc-bus contains a ripple voltage at the second harmonic frequency since the system has a single-phase diode rectifier load.6. CONCLUSIONThis paper proposes the implementation of a three-phase active power filter together with a decoupling reactor in series with the load operated to directly control the ac grid current to be sinusoidal and in phase with the grid voltage. From the simulation results, this system provides unity power factor operation of non-linear loads with harmonic current sources, harmonic voltage sources, reactive, and unbalanced components.7.REFERENCES1.Power Electronics , P.C.Sen , 2000n.dwork theory and filter design, Vasudev K Atre, 1998 n.d, Wiley Eastern3.M.El-Habrouk, M.K Darwish and P.Mehta , “ Active Power Filter : A Review” ,IEEE Proc. Electric Power Appl. , Sept 20004. B.Singh, K.Al-Haddad and A.Chandra, “ A Review of Active Filter for PowerQuality Improvements” , IEEE T rans. On Industrial Electronics, Feb. 1999。
三相四线并联型有源电力滤波器的仿真及研究——毕业设计 精品
摘 要随着电力电子装置大量的应用到生产生活当中,它们使电能的转换应用变得更加容易,但同时也给电力系统带来了严重的谐波污染。
目前,并联有源电力滤波器(shunt active power filter ,SAPF)已成为无功和谐波动态补偿的有效手段之一。
在三相四线制电力系统中除了无功和谐波需要治理,负载不平衡问题也变得日益突出,因此,本文研究与设计适用于三相四线制下的SAPF 来解决这些问题。
针对三相四线制SAPF 谐波电流检测问题,本文详细的推导基于瞬时无功理论的q p i i -算法,论证它无需改进即可直接应用到三相四线制系统里;选择了滞环比较法作为补偿电流的控制策略;采用了三桥臂变流器作为SAPF 的主电路。
文章的最后,利用 MATLAB/Simulink 软件,搭建了仿真平台,对主电路出线电感参数和软启动方案进行单独仿真分析,证明电感值参数选择的合理和软启动方案可行。
对 SAPF 和所要补偿的系统进行了整体仿真,结果证明在所选参数下,能够对平衡和不平衡非线性负载所带来的谐波有很好的动态补偿效果,对不平衡负载有很好的平衡作用;进而也说明检测方法正确,控制策略得当。
关键词 谐波动态补偿;并联有源电力滤波器;三相四线制;q p i i -算法 MATLAB/SimulinkAbstractWith extensive application of power electronic devices in production and life,they make power energy conversion and application easily, but also lead to the serious harmonic pollution in the power system. At present, the shunt active power filter (SAPF) has been an effective way to dynamically compensate reactive power and harmonic. In addition to these problems, the load unbalance is more and more serious in three-phase four-wire system, therefore, SAPF applied to three-phase four-wire system is researched and designed to solve these problems in this paper.For the harmonic current detection of SAPF in three-phase four-wire system, the q p i i -algorithm based on the instantaneous reactive theory is detailedly derived, and this algorithm is demonstrated it could be directly applied to three-phase and four-wire system without being improved. Hysteresis-band comparison method is chosen as compensation current control strategy. The three-leg converter which has clear division is adopted as the main circuit.At the end of the paper, the simulation platform is built by use of MATLAB/Simulink software. The output inductance parameter and soft-start scheme are simulated respectively. The results prove that output inductance parameter is reasonable and the soft-start scheme is feasible. Then, the integrated simulation for SAPF and compensation system is carried out. Finally, simulation results show that SAPF has a good compensation characteristic for the harmonic produced by the balance and unbalance nonlinear loads, and balances three-phase loads in three-phase and four-wire system. At the same time, simulation results show that harmonic detection method is correct and the control strategy is proper.Keywords :harmonic dynamic compension ; shunt active power filter ;three-phase four-wire system ;q p i i -algorithm ;MATLAB/Simulink第一章 绪论 (5)1.1 谐波概述及其危害 (5)1.2 谐波抑制强 (6)1.2.1 无源电力滤波器 (6)1.2.2有源电力滤波器 (6)1.2.3 混合型有源电力滤波器 (8)1.3 有源电力滤波器的发展和应用 (9)1.3.1 有源电力滤波器的发展 (9)1.3.2 有源电力滤波器的应用 (9)1.4 本文的研究的意义和内容设置及主要任务 (10)第二章 三相电路谐波及无功电流的检测 (11)2.1 基于瞬时无功功率理论的电流检测方法 (11)2.1.1 瞬时无功理论原始定义及发展 (11)2. 1. 2 瞬时无功功率理论 (11)2. 1. 3 坐标变换 (16)2.2 三相四线制系统中基于瞬时无功功率理论的检测方法 (17)2.2.1 q p - 法检测电流 (17)2.2.2 q d i i -指令运算方法 (17)2.3 谐波分量的处理 (18)2.3.1 对基波零序分量的处理 (18)2.3.2 对基波负序分量和高次谐波分量的处理 (19)2.4 q p -运算方式和q p i i -运算方式的优缺点 (19)第三章 并联型三相四线制补偿电流发生电路方案选择 (20)3.1 三相四线制系统APF 主电路形式和结构选择设计 (20)3.1.1 四相变流器结构形式 (21)3.1.2 三相变流器结构 (21)3. 2 三相四线并联型有源电力滤波器主电路的参数选择 (22)3. 2. 1主电路容量的确定 (22)3. 2. 2 系统开关频率 (22)3. 2. 3电容总电压的选择 (23)3. 2. 4 电容选择准则和参数选择 (24)3. 2. 5 交流进线电感选择准则和参数选择 (25)3.3 电流跟踪控制电路 (26)3.3.1 三角波比较方式 (26)3.3.2 三角波比较方式 (27)第四章仿真 (28)4.1三相四线制不平衡负载的谐波源设计 (28)4.2 谐波电流检测环节的设计 (30)4. 2. 1低通滤波器构成原理 (31)4.2.2 检测 (33)4.3 PWM信号发生模块的建立 (35)4.4 仿真模型的整体结构 (37)4.5 本章小结 (37)第六章结论及展望 (38)6.1本文的主要研究成果及完成的主要工作 (38)致谢 (39)参考文献 (40)第一章绪论从上世纪20至30年代,人们已经注意到了由静止汞弧变流器弓I起的电网电压和电流的畸变问题。
基于MATLAB的有源电力滤波器仿真王周杰,常鲜戎,苏仁斌(华北电力大学 电力系统保护与动态安全监控教育部重点实验室,河北省保定市 071003)摘 要:随着电力电子装置和非线性负载的广泛应用,电网中注入了大量的有害谐波,严重影响了电能质量。
关键词:有源电力滤波器;APF;谐波治理;MATLAB 0 引言电网谐波从电能使用的开始就己经存在。
本文主要研究三相四线制并联电压型有源电力滤波器,利用MATLAB/SIMU- LINK下的SimPowerSystems电力系统仿真工具箱搭建三相四线制并联电压型有源电力滤波器系统,仿真验证其补偿无功、谐波、不对称电流的功能。
1 APF的工作原理有源电力滤波器系统主要由两大部分组成,即指令电流检测电路和补偿电流发生电路。
题目: 三相有源电力滤波器的仿真电路
a补偿后输入电压与输入电流波形 b非线性负载输入电压与输入电
7.9 指导老师就课程设计内容、设计要求、进度安排、评分标准等做具体介
7.10 开始查阅资料,完成方案的初步设计
7.11 由指导老师审核系统结构图,学生修改、完善
7.12 撰写课程设计说明书
7.13 上交课程设计说明书,并进行答辩
文献标 志码 : A 文章编号 : 1 0 0 3— 6 9 5 4 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 0 1 — 0 0 8 4— 0 3
0 引 言
自2 O世纪 7 O年 代 以来 , 由 于 电力 电子 技 术及
工具箱 、 滤 波 器设 计 工 具 箱 、 通 信 工 具 箱 等 。S i m u — l i n k是基 于 Ma t l a b的框 图设 计环 境 , 可 以用 来 对各 种动态 系统 进行建 模 、 分 析和仿 真 , 而且 S i m u l i n k还 提供 了丰 富的功 能块 以及 不 同 的专业 模 块 集合 。
因此 , 这里 拟采用 利用 M a t l a b对 有 源 电力 滤 波器 进
半导体技术 的飞速发展, 使得各种 电力 电子装置在
电力系统 、 工业 、 交通 及家庭 中得 到 了越来越 广泛 的
应用, 然而, 由谐波所造成 的危害也越来越严重了。 由于谐波的存在 , 不仅会使得电能在生产、 传输和利 用过程中的效率降低 , 而且还会导致 电气设备 的使
s y s t e m m o d e l o f a c t i v e p o w e r i f l t e r( A P F )i s e s t a b l i s h e d i n Ma t l a b s i m u l a t i o n e n v i r o n m e n t a n d t h e s i m u l a t i o n i s c a r r i e d o u t
图 4 两相 /三相转换模型
3 PWM 信号控制主电路仿真模型
有源电力滤波器的主电路由逆变器组成,主要 用于在特定 PWM 脉冲的控制下补偿交流电网存在 的谐波电流[8]。PWM 信号产生及控制变流器的仿 真模型如图 5 所示,该模型的输入电流为 ipwm,它是 谐波电流与逆变器输出电流的差值,通过滞环比较 来控制逆变器开关器件的通断 陈庆国,赵春明. 三相四线制并联型电力有源滤波器 的算法 和 参 数 仿 真[J]. 电 机 与 控 制 学 报,2009,13
根据有源滤波器系统结构的组成,搭建了基于 Matlab - Simulink 仿真环境下的系统模型,并对各个
( 1) : 20 - 24. 作者简介:
高勇( 1978) ,男,主要从事电力调度自动化及电力信息
( 收稿日期: 2012 - 08 - 22)
[1] 黄志强,王军. 双旋风筒煤粉浓缩型燃烧器特性试验
( 上接第 86 页)
采用相电压为 220 V,频率为 50 Hz 的三相对称 系统能够完成滤波任务。
系统。为了使有源电力滤波器在工作时有一个较好 的补偿效果和较快的反应速度,变流器直流侧的电 压要超过其线电压的 2 倍以上[9],这里控制直流侧 的电压选择为 750 V。
选定的电容值为 2 000 μF,输出电感值为 2 mH。
[1] 张永刚,陈海啸. 谐波危害及治理探讨[J]. 技术与市 场,2012,19( 3) : 73.
第 36 卷第 1 期 2013 年 2 月
四川电力技术 Sichuan Electric Power Technology
在这里,有源电力滤波器(Active Power Filter,APF)作为一种有效的技术,可以改善电网质量,并实现无声的运行。
首先,设计太阳能汇流箱(Sunshine Junctor Box,SJB)电路和负载;其次,编写程序来模拟负载次数,并实现有源电力滤波器的控制策略;然后,应用现有的后处理技术及其参数,检查电力滤波元件在电网中的频率响应,从而实现目标,解决系统中的不安定问题;最后,通过模拟和实验,分析有源电力滤波器的控制效果,从而使电网质量更加稳定。
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能力拓展训练任务书学生姓名:专业班级:电气指导教师:胡红明工作单位:自动化学院题目: 三相有源电力滤波器的仿真电路初始条件:VS1-VS3为标准三相正旋电压源,相电压有效值为220V。
要求完成的主要任务:(1)设计出主电路拓扑结构和控制系统原理图;(2)采用MATLAB搭建系统仿真电路,对仿真结果进行分析:a补偿后输入电压与输入电流波形 b非线性负载输入电压与输入电流波形c三相APF输入电压与输入电流波形时间安排:2012年7月9日至2012年7月13日,历时一周,具体进度安排见下表参考文献:[1]洪乃刚.《电力电子和电力拖动控制系统的MATLAB仿真》.北京:机械工业出版社,2006指导教师签名:年月日目录摘要 (1)1 有源滤波器介绍 (2)1.1有源滤波器基本原理 (2)1.2有源滤波器的优点 (2)1.3有源电力滤波器的分类 (3)1.4有源滤波器的关键技术 (4)2有源电力滤波器的控制策略 (4)2.1滞环比较控制 (4)2.2三角波比较方式 (5)3有源电力滤波器的主电路设计 (6)3.1直流侧电容量的选择 (6)3.2直流侧电压的选择 (8)4 MATLAB仿真 (11)4.1仿真模型图 (11)4.2仿真结果图 (12)参考资料 (15)摘要有源电力滤波器是当前对电网中谐波污染补偿或抵消的有效手段, 文中对有源电力滤波系统的工作原理进行了理论研究和分析。
关键词:有源电力滤波器谐波仿真三相有源电力滤波器的仿真电路1 有源滤波器介绍1.1 有源滤波器基本原理有源电力滤波器是一种用于动态抑制谐波、补偿无功的新型电力电子装置,它能对大小和频率都变化的谐波以及变化的无功进行补偿,其应用可克服IC滤波器等传统的谐波抑制和无功补偿方法的缺点。
1.2 有源滤波器的优点有源滤波器(Active Power Filter,APF)的基本原理是从补偿对象中分离出谐波电流,由补偿装置产生一个与该谐波电流大小相等而极性相反的补偿电流,从而使电网电流只含基波分量。
1.3 有源电力滤波器的分类从不同的观点看,有源电力滤波器具有不同的分类标准,如图1-2所示,分别介绍如下:(1)根据主电路的储能元件不同,可以分为电压型有源电力滤波器和电流型有源电力滤波器两种。
图1-2有源电力滤波器的分类示意图1.4 有源滤波器的关键技术有源电力滤波器APF(active power filter)可应用于电力系统谐波、无功电流的补偿,并联型有源电力滤波器的基本原理是使变流器产生实时跟踪指令电流的补偿电流*c i ,从而使主电流s i 中不含谐波和无功成分。
2 有源电力滤波器的控制策略2.1滞环比较控制滞环控制法是目前使用很广泛的一种闭环电流控制方法。
图2.1 滞环比较控制方法如图 2.2是以一相电路为例,采用滞环比较控制方式的原理。
2.2 三角波比较方式三角波比较方式的原理如图2.3所示,将指令信号ic与实际补偿信号i*的差值△ic通过比例调节器作为调制波,三角波为载波,比较后得到工IGBT开通时间.图2.3三角波比较方式原理图这种控制方式与滞环比较控制具有如下特点:(1)硬件较为复杂;(2)跟随误差较大;(3)含有与三角波载波相同频率的谐波;(4)放大器的增益有限;(5)器件的开关频率固定,且等于三角波载(6)电流响应比瞬时值比较方式的慢。
3 有源电力滤波器的主电路设计3.1直流侧电容量的选择为了保证有源电力滤波器正常工作,直流侧电压作为补偿器的直流电源必须保持恒定。
直流侧电压的波动主要来自于APF 补偿电流中的谐波及无功电流造成的能量脉动、开关损耗以及交流侧滤波电感储能引起的能量脉动,其中尤其以谐波电流造成的能量脉动所引起的直流侧电压波动最为明显。
设直流侧电压Udc 的最大允许波动电压为△Udcmax定义电压波动率为:dcdc U U max ∆=λ (3一1) 则直流母线电压最大值和最小值为:dc dc U U )1(max λ+= (3一2)dc dc U U )1(min λ-= (3一3)对于非线性负载来说,其谐波和无功电流所产生的瞬时功率不为零,但一个周期的平均值为零。
有源电力滤波器、电源及负载之间的能量交换如图4.1所示:图3.1有源滤波器、负载和电源之间的能量交换为了简化分析,特作以下假设:(1)考虑能量平衡关系时,不考虑滤波电感中的储能;(2)稳态时,直流侧电压波动幅值与直流侧电压值相比非常小;(3)APF 自身损耗忽略不计。
设有源电力滤波器交流侧的瞬时功率为Pc(t):)()()()()()()(t i t u t i t u t i t u t P cc cc cb cb ca ca c ++= (3一4)上式中,uc(t)、ic(t)分别为有源电力滤波器交流侧的三相电压、电流瞬时值。
直流侧电容的瞬时功率为Pdc(t):dt t d C t u t i t u t P dc u dc dc dc dc )()()()()(⨯== (3一5)上式中,udc(t)、idc(t)分别为直流侧电压、电流瞬时值。
忽略谐波补偿器的开关损耗,则有)()(t P t P dc c = (3一6) 将式带入上式:)()()(t P dt t d C t u c u dc dc =⨯ (3一7)由上式两边积分得:⎰⎰⎰⎰+++++≥∆≥∆≥--=T t t c dc T t t dc c dc T t t dc c dc T t t dc c dc dc dtt P U dt U t P U t u t P U dt t u t P T t u t u )()1(1)(1)()(1)()()()(1C 2max max max λλ (4一8) 上式右边的积分项就是有源电力滤波器的补偿容量。
假设有源电力滤波器的 补偿容量Sc ,则由式可得:dc2min U )1(λλ+=T S C c (3一9) 因此,确定了装置的补偿容量和允许的直流侧电压波动之后,就可根据式(3一9)确定电容的容量。
3.2 直流侧电压的选择用理想开关代替实际开关器件,忽略系统的阻抗,可得并联型APF 等值电路, 如图4.2所示。
图3.2并联型APF 等值电路假定e 为系统电压,直流侧电容电压为Udc ,其中电压都以系统中性点o 为参考点,则图3.2中三相电路瞬时值方程为:)R /L )R /L )R /L cb c cc c cc b b cb a ca a ca e i u dt di e u dt di e i u dt di +-=+-=+-=((( (3-10) 引入开关函数Sa 、Sb 、Sc ,定义为:)通(上桥臂关断,下桥臂导断上桥臂导通,下桥臂关c b a S S k k ,,k 01=== (3-11)相应APF 交流侧相电压为: 000000N dc c N cN c N dc b N bN b N dc a N aN a u U S u u u u U S u u u u U S u u u +=+=+=+=+=+= (3-12) 不计零轴分量,则有:00=++=++c b a c b a i i i e e e (3-13) 由式(4-10)、(4-11)、(4-12)得:)(30c b a dc N S S S U u ++-= (3-14) 把(4-14)带入式(4-12),则APF 交流侧相电压:3/)2(3/)2(3/)2(dc b a c c dc a c b b dc c b a a U S S S u U S S S u U S S S u --=--=--= (3-15) 将(4-15)代入(4-10),忽略APF 交流侧电阻影响,得:cdc b a c cc b dc a c b cb adc c b a ca e U S S S dt di e U S S S dt di e U S S S dt di ---=---=---=3/)2(/L 3/)2(/L 3/)2(/L (3-16) APF 主电路开关器件的开通与关断,是由采样时刻的指令电流Ic*与实际补偿电流ic 作差得到的△Ic 。