
雅思写作评分标准对照表雅思写作评分标准对照表:Task Response(任务完成度):8-9分:在题目范围内,全面地回答问题,切题角度新颖,表达遣词用字精准,结论合理,能清晰地表达自己的观点和想法。
Coherence and Cohesion(连贯性和衔接性):8-9分:在段落、句子和表述上使用了非常自然、高效的连接词汇,整篇文章结构清晰合理,流畅性非常高,令人印象深刻。
Lexical Resource(词汇运用):8-9分:用词丰富且准确,能够运用大量高难度的词汇,且在使用上非常自然流利,表达的深度、广度均能与话题相关内容相适应。
Grammatical Range and Accuracy(语法运用):8-9分:在语法的使用上准确无误,能够灵活运用各种语法结构,表现出高级别的语法能力。

雅思写作评分标准细则及标准雅思写作评分标准细则及标准(General Training Task 2)雅思写作部分共有两部分,分别是Academic和General Training。
本文主要介绍General Training部分的写作评分标准和细则。
任务类型General Training Task 2要求考生根据给定的话题写一篇短文,要求考生进行表述或者进行论证,并给出自己的观点。
题型可以是以下几种:1. 利弊分析型:要求考生讨论一个事物、行为或问题的利弊,并给出自己的观点。
2. 论证型:要求考生从某个观点出发,支持或反驳某一观点。
3. 论证型(看两种观点):提供两种相对抵触的观点,要求考生从其中选择一种并支持自己的观点。
评分标准细则根据官方发布的评分标准,General Training Task 2的评分标准主要包括以下四个维度:1. 任务完成度(Task Achievement):评估考生对于题目的理解和回答的全面性和准确性。
2. 逻辑组织(Coherence and Cohesion):评估考生是否能够合理组织文章结构,并使用适当的逻辑连接词使得文章流畅、连贯。
第1页/共5页3. 语言运用(Lexical Resource):评估考生对于词汇的掌握程度以及对词汇的恰当运用。
4. 语法准确度(Grammatical Range and Accuracy):评估考生对于语法结构的掌握和准确运用。
下面是每个维度的详细评分标准及分数范围:任务完成度(Task Achievement):9分:全面有效地回应了题目,清晰明确地给出了自己的观点,并给出了详尽的支持论据。
【精品文档】雅思写作8分句型:让步状语从句的升华版-范文模板 (1页)

【精品文档】雅思写作8分句型:让步状语从句的升华版-范文模板本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除!== 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 雅思写作8分句型:让步状语从句的升华版在雅思写作考试中,让步状语从句的使用能起到非常明显的强调突出作用,想要拿到雅思写作8分就必须得掌握一些像是让步状语从句这样的复杂句式。
在雅思8分的写作句式中,想要用到让步状语从句,就应该首先掌握一些基本的结构,如 Seemingly , XXXXX 。
Nonetheless , a closer look reveals / presents a different picture -------- XXXXXXXX 。
+ 为什么表面上看起来, xxxxx . 但是,事实上, xxxxxxxx雅思写作要拿到8分还是需要大家对基本的句式结构都有一个真正的掌握,也就是要用到各种的修饰成分 Admittedly ,, xxxxxx . Nonetheless ,overall , xxxxxx .诚然, XXXXXX 。
但是, xxxxxxx .From an economic standpoint , seemingly , a nuclear power plantis a huge drain on national economy .Nonetheless , a closer look reveals a different picture , thatis to say , a nuclear power station acts as a catalyst for economic betterment .Rather speaking , this important infrastructure generates a wealth of job opportunities . What is more , by producing a huge amount of electricity , this facility can earn an enormous amount of domestic revenue as well as foreign currency .在大公司工作好。

想拿高分并不是语法准确就可以了,在语法结构上还要多样,这样不仅能吸引考官的眼光、也让他们更加了解你的语言掌控能力!想提高的童鞋都来看看哦~~Band score 8.0 – range of grammarThis lesson looks at the idea of range of grammar. If you are aiming for a high band score, it is not simply enough not to make mistakes, you also need to show that you can use a number of different grammatical constructions. First of all, I talk you through some principles and then I give you some practical suggestions on what sort of grammar can help and, just as importantly, how to use it.Test yourself firstBefore you read on. You might want to ask yourself these questions:往下看之前先想三个问题:••Am I going to impress more with longer sentences? 我是要写长句子来让人印象深刻吗?•Do I have a strategy for when I use simpler grammar and more complex grammar? 我有没有策略:什么时候用简单语法什么时候用复杂的语法结构?•When and why do I use complex grammar like relative and conditional clauses? 什么时候要用复杂的语法结构,比如从句和条件句,为什么呢?An essay should combine simple with complex grammarThis is the starting point. A well-written essay should be relatively easy to read. This means that you need to combine the simple with the complex. Where you have straightforward to say, you should not try and show off your grammar by making it seem complex –indeed, that’s a very common mistake.首先,一篇好文章应该是读起来相对容易的。

雅思写作高分从句需要用到的句型第一篇:雅思写作高分从句需要用到的句型雅思写作高分从句需要用到的句型一、宾语从句下面例句中,第一句大家都会写;第二句后是介词后的宾语从句,会写的考生不多,要重点学习Many people believe that we have developed into a throw-away society。
Traditionally, the approach is to punish criminals by placing them in prison to pay for what they have done(what 引导宾语从句,作为介词for 的宾语)二、状语从句状语从句花样很多,只要求大家复习两种:if 引导的条件状语从句,和while 引导的让步状语从句ifIf a student wants to learn about job-specific information, they don’t need to sit in a classroom to get it当然很多学生可能会问到,if 引导的虚拟语气很难掌握,其实如果并不想冲刺7分或7.5分的同学都可以不用掌握,即使需要拿到这样的分数,用虚拟的情况都比较少,所以考生可不必在此花费大太的功夫WhileWhile the economic development has made our life more comfortable, it has also polarized the society in the distribution of wealthWhile traditional buildings might look mice from the outside, they are often not very user-friendly三、定语从句复习三种就可以1、who 引导,修饰“人”Those who….……的人……Students who…… ……的学生……Children who…… ……的孩子……Those who feel that sports stars’ salaries are justified might argue that the number of professionals with real talent are very few。

雅思写作标准雅思写作标准雅思写作标准1雅思写作6分的评分标准完成任务情况:根据写作任务要求作文;学术类:进行了概括,信息选择合理;普通培训类:写信目的基本清晰,语气可能有不够一贯之处;呈现并说明核心信息,但细节可能不够相关,不适合或不准确连贯与衔接:信息和观点组织连贯;文章有延续性;衔接手段使用有效,但是句子内部和句子之间的衔接可能有误或过于机械; 指代关系可能不能总是清晰、合理地使用词汇资源:使用适当范围的词汇;试图使用较不常见词汇,但有一些不准确;语法结构的范围和准确性:在拼写和构词法上有错误,但这些错误不至于影响交际;能使用简单和复杂句子结构;语法和标点出现一些错误,尽管这些错误很少导致交流障碍。
雅思写作评分标准雅思写作9分评分标准:完成任务情况:完全满足任务的所有要求;连贯与衔接:对于题目的回应清晰而完整;不露痕迹地使用衔接手段;分段得体;词汇资源:词汇使用广泛、自然而老到;极少出现小错误如“笔误”语法结构的范围和准确性:语法结构的使用广泛、准确而灵活;极少出现小错误如“笔误”雅思写作8分评分标准:完成任务情况:充分涵盖题目的所有要求;连贯与衔接:清晰而又得体地呈现并说明核心信息信息和观点的安排有序而富逻辑性; 衔接性的各个方面安排得体; 分段充分、适当词汇资源:能流畅、灵活地使用多样词汇来准确表达思想;能巧妙使用较不常见单词和习语,尽管偶尔有词汇选择和搭配上的不准确; 拼写和构词法错误极少。
语法结构的范围和准确性:灵活使用多种结构; 大部分语句无误;极偶尔情况下出现错误或不准确雅思写作7分评分标准:完成任务情况:涵盖题目要求;学术类:清晰概括主要趋势,差别或阶段;普通培训类:清晰表达写作目的,语气一贯、得体; 清晰呈现并说明核心信息,但可以进行更加充分的扩展连贯与衔接:信息和观点组织有逻辑性;文章从头至尾有延续性; 衔接手段使用合理,虽然可能有一些使用过少或过多词汇资源:词汇使用丰富、有一定的准确性和灵活性; 能使用较不常见词汇,对语体和搭配有所了解;语法结构的范围和准确性:在词汇的选择、拼写和构词法上偶尔有错误使用多种复杂结构; 多数语句无误;语法和标点掌握较好,但可能会犯一些错误;雅思写作5分评分标准:完成任务情况:基本上回应题目要求;格式可能有时不准确;学术类:机械描述细节,缺少清晰概括;可能缺少数据支持;培训类:提出写信目的,有时不清晰;语气可能多变,有时不得体; 呈现核心信息,但涵盖不完整;可能有过于注重细节的倾向; 信息有一定组织但缺少总体延续性;连贯与衔接:衔接手段不充分,不准确,或过度使用; 缺少指代和替换,显得重复过多;词汇资源:使用有限词汇量,但只是在最低层面上满足题目;语法结构的范围和准确性:拼写和构词法上可能出现明显错误,造成读者的某些阅读困难; 只能使用基本句子结构;试图使用复杂句,但复杂句的使用准确性不如简单句; 语法错误较多,标点有误用;错误造成读者的某些阅读困难完成任务情况:试图回应题目要求,但没有涵盖所有主要信息;格式不得体; (普通培训类)没有能够清晰解释写信目的;语气不得体;连贯与衔接:混淆核心信息和细节;有的部分不清晰,不相关,重复或不准确; 提供信息和观点,但安排不连贯,也没有清晰的连续性; 使用一些基本的衔接手段,但可能不准确或重复词汇资源:只使用基本词汇,可能重复,可能使用不得体; 构词法和拼写掌握有限; 错误导致读者理解困难;语法结构的范围和准确性:只使用有限的句子结构,从句很少见;有的结构准确但错误较多,标点经常错误;雅思写作3分评分标准:完成任务情况:没有能够回应题目,可能完全误解题目;连贯与衔接:观点有限,可能大部分都是不相关或是重复; 没有逻辑性地组织观点; 衔接手段的使用非常有限,不能表明观点之间的逻辑关系;词汇资源:只使用非常有限的单词和表达,对于构词法和拼写的掌握很有限; 错误严重干扰信息的传递;语法结构的范围和准确性:试图写出句子但语法和标点错误非常多,扭曲了意思雅思写作2分评分标准:完成任务情况:回答几乎和任务要求无关连贯与衔接:对组织结构的掌握极少词汇资源:词汇使用极其有限;基本没有掌握构词法和拼写语法结构的范围和准确性:除了背诵的短语以外无法使用句子雅思写作1分评分标准:完成任务情况:回答完全和任务要求无关连贯与衔接:无法交流任何信息词汇资源:只能使用一些零散单词语法结构的范围和准确性:完全无法使用句子缺席考试; 交白卷;完全抄袭背诵好的范文雅思写作标准2Task1(20分钟,150字)G类:书信类题目,投诉信,请求信,建议信,邀请信等A类:图表题,曲线图,柱状图等,也有流程图和示意图等Task2(40分钟,250字)A类与G类相同,考生可能需要对某个观点发表支持或反驳意见,或者讨论针锋相对的一组观点,或者解释某种问题出现的原因并提出相应的解决办法。

雅思写作8分技巧分享8分标准:语言上面的要求和7分的差不多,但是重点在idea 上,一定要能用很新颖的例子来论证别人想不到的观点。
雅思考试写作范文:遵守社会法律规范Task:Society is based on rules and laws. It could not function if individuals were free to do whatever they wanted. To what extent do you agree or disagree?思路解析:应该遵守:法律和法规是社会有序运行的前提,它们规范了人们的行为和思想,让人们的活动能限制在一个安全的,合法的范围。
参考范文:Nowadays, there is an assertion that the freedom of citizens should be limited; otherwise it might harm the social laws and justice system, thus making our society unstable. Personally, this view is psychologically right, while it overlooks the importance of fighting against the unfair laws freely.Firstly, there is no doubt that obeying social rules and laws is the fundamental obligation for all individuals, for the reason that they serve as a key function of ensuring our society running on theright track. Obviously, these regulations define the borders between the right and the wrong, the social ethics and day-to-day conduct standards, all of which can instruct and regulate citizens to act and think in a lawful, polite and safe way. Otherwise, the ignorance of these regulations, or so-called “an absolute freedom”, will trap our society into chaos and even malfunction. For example, if the traffic laws were disrespected, it is expected that all streets and highways will be full of congestions and car crashes caused by wrongdoings in driving like blind over speed or overtaking. Similarly, if the criminal law were absent, then there will be no concern of punishments for committing crimes. Consequently, illegal activities including thefts, robberies, arson, rapes, vandalism and murders will be overwhelming, which will not only place the poverties and lives of the public in the danger, but also destroy today’s civilization in a long term.However, there is always a justification that people should be allowed to freely question and topple those unfair laws that are the barriers of democracy development. In history, the typical example is the slavery law in America that defined African-Americans as second-class citizens and deprived their rights of public education, health care and vote. If this evil law were just followed, instead of being eradicated through the pursuit of human freedom, we nowcan predict clearly that current the community of America would be still full of inequity, discrimination, and massive social disorder caused by conflicts between the black and white.All in all, I agree that it is very necessary to limit the freedom of the public by confining their behaviors in the bounds of social regulation and laws, which is the pre-condition of social democracy and stability. However, when it comes to unjust laws, the public should have the freedom to eliminate them.(392 words)雅思写作范文:手机影响读写能力Task:Some people believe that the increasing use of the computers and the mobile phones has a negative effect on young people’s reading and writing skill,do you agree or disagree?Sample answer:Some educators have warned that the prevalence of mobile phones and the internet has a negative effect on adolescents’ academic ability. I agree with this view.Firstly, the wide use of “Internet English” is regarded as the culprit of the declining writing skills. One obvious reason is that young adults may make some grammatical mistakes unconsciously。


雅思写作评分标准-中英对照The XXX based on a set of criteria。
For the Task 1 Writing n。
there are two main categories: XXX.X of 9 in this category means that the candidate has XXX of the task。
They have developed their response XXX。
XXX's n。
They have also used a wide range of vocabulary and structureswith full XXX。
Any errors made are rare and only XXX.A score of 8 in this category means that the XXX have presented。
and XXX。
They have also managed alln and XXX。
XXX are error-free。
and they make only very nal errors.Grammatical Range and Accuracy: A score of 9 in this category means that the XXX grammar。
using structures with full XXX.A score of 8 in this category means that the XXX vocabulary and structures。
presenting them well with n。
They have a good command of grammar。
and any errors made are only XXX.Overall。

雅思写作评分标准对照表雅思写作的评分标准,主要根据四个方面进行评定,包括任务响应(Task Response)、连贯性和衔接(Coherence and Cohesion)、词汇和语法(Vocabulary and Grammar)以及发展观点和论证(Ideas, Development, and Support)。
以下是相关标准的详细对照表:任务响应(Task Response):9分:完全符合任务要求,清晰准确地表述自己的观点,并提供具体的例子和论证。
连贯性和衔接(Coherence and Cohesion):9分:文章结构清晰,段落之间的衔接自然流畅,使用了适当的链接词和短语,使文章整体连贯。

雅思写作7分句型分享从句1.名词性从句:主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句和同位语从句A主语从句:That引导(通常用it作形式主语):It’s imperative that the government should be effectively involved in the comprehensive management of both public and private schools.政府有必要有效地参与到公立和私立学校的管理中来。
What引导:What we emphasize is that formal examination is harmful to students creativity.我们强调的是考试对学生的创造力有害。
B表语从句The great contribution of public school is that poor students have easier access to receive education.公立学校的巨大贡献是使贫困学生有了更容易获得教育的途径。
C 宾语从句What引导:They want to imitate what they see.他们想要模仿他们看到的东西。
That引导:Other people hold that eradication of ancient buildings is the natural process of urban development.其他人认为拆除古老建筑是城市发展的自然进程。
D 同位语从句Prejudice against women violates the fundamental principle that all people are created on equal terms.对妇女的偏见违反了人生来都是平等的基本原则。
雅思写作评分标准介绍解读 太傻咨询网

雅思写作的评分标准包括四部分,即Task Response, Coherence and Cohesion,Lexical Resources,Grammatical Range and Accuracy。
雅思官方的评分标准(band 7)如下:TR• addresses all parts of the task;• presents a clear position throughout the response;• presents, extends and supports main ideas, but there may be a tendency to over-generalise and/or supporting ideas may lack focus.CC• logically organizes information and ideas; there is clear progression throughout;• u ses a range of cohesive devices appropriately although there may be some under-/over- use;• presents a clear central topic within each paragraph;LR• uses a sufficient range of vocabulary to allow some flexibility and precision;• uses less commo n lexical items with some awareness of style and collocation;• may produce occasional errors in word choice, spelling and/or word formation.GRA• uses a variety of complex structures;• produces frequent error-free sentences;• has good control of grammar and punctuation but may make a few errors.以上官方雅思写作评分标准我们可以按下文所述理解一下:Task One:TA CC LR GRATask Two:TR CC LR GRA其中:TA(TaskAchievement), 任务完成情况TR(TaskResponse), 任务回应情况CC(Coherence& Cohesion), 连贯与衔接LR(LexicalResource), 词汇资源GRA(GrammaticalRange and Accuracy), 语法的多样性和准确性TA是针对小作文而言的,而TR是针对大作文而言的,指的是写作的审题,文章布局,论证充分性和观点的深度,数据选择与比较等。

Tips: (大小作文都适用)1. 不要老是用see,say等。
尽量用更加详细的词汇描述,例如see可以用perceive, understand,realize,recognize等。
2. 用一些更加看上去就很fancy的词汇吧(但是麻烦一定一定要完完全全理解他们的用意,用错词就得不偿失了)例如:在图形或者表格作文里面可以尝试插入:catalyst,burgeon,foster等。
在辩论作文中加入:conundrum(difficult problem with no easy solution)这样高大上的词汇在conclusion里面3. 接连两段话用一些有新意的词,例如:o Correspondingly, in the same way, similarlyo Consequently, therefore, it follows thato Alternatively, conversely, instead, on the contrary长作文:一般来讲写不擅长的东西总是思路特别窄,想不出,后来写多了发现可以这样构思:A. Introduction里面先用1-2句话来延伸话题和这个事情的起因,再用2句话来描述你要讲B. 花五分钟(不能更多了)来想3-4个ideas,每想一个idea就问问自己为啥这个idea跟我的题目相关,千万!不要!离题了C. 写利与弊的时候可以follow这个逻辑:T-topic sentence,用一句话总结你这段要讲什么E-example,举例子X-explanation,解释例子T-tie back,点题,为什么你的例子和解释和这个考题相关D. 有空的话可以关注健康,教育,财经,政策,动物方面的新闻,好多考题都是最近动向来着(我一般是开车上班的时候会去听新闻)E. 再有空的话,大概可以考虑每个种类的9分背一两篇,给你增加点potentialideas。

6分句子范例:Things should be done to make salaries fairer. Huge amounts of money shall be given to more deserving people. It seems that the only solution is to impose heavy ta某es upon people who earn e某cessively high salaries.7分:文笔流畅,错误极少,有个别闪光点就是7分。
7分句子范例:Bad traffic and increasing pollution are thorny issues challenging every major city in the globe. To combat such problems, government encourages companies to mark up gas price in an effort to decrease car use and cut down waste gas. However it may temporarily alleviate the problem, but is doubtfully the optimal solution.8分论点新颖、别具一格,或者文风极富个性,与众不同。

雅思写作评分标准对照表雅思写作的评分标准对照表如下:评分标准 | 针对特定层次的描述---|---9分 | 完全符合题目要求,能够以流畅、准确、多样的方式表达自己的想法,并能合理、连贯地组织论证。
8分 | 完全符合题目要求,能够以流畅、准确、多样的方式表达自己的想法,并能合理、连贯地组织论证。
7分 | 总体上符合题目要求,能够以清晰、连贯的方式表达自己的想法,并能合理组织论证,但可能有一些组织上的缺失。
6分 | 符合题目要求,能够表达基本想法,并使用一些基本论证。
5分 | 符合题目要求,能够表达基本想法,但语言和结构上有一些明显的错误,影响理解和阅读。
4分 | 符合题目要求,但表达不清楚,组织混乱。
3分 | 没有完全满足题目要求,表达不清楚,组织混乱。
2分 | 没有满足题目要求,几乎无法表达任何想法。
1分 | 未能满足题目要求,无法表达任何内容。
0分 | 未能提供任何可评价的写作,无法判断成绩。
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定语从句Many people believe that we have developed into a throw-away societyWhile there are both benefits and drawbacks to a multicutural society, it is safe to say that the pros outweigh the consTraditionally, the approach has been to punish criminals by repacing them in prisons to pay for what they have done.状语从句If a students wants to learn about job-specific information, they do not need to sit in a classroom to get itMany medications and procedures currently in use would not exist if animal testing was banned. While people traditionally priorities caring, sharing and generosity in life and work, modern people seem to be more self-absorbing and self-concernedWhile the economic development has made our life more comfortable, it has also polarised the society in the distribution of wealth.While traditional buildings might look nice from the outside, they are often not very user-friendly 定语从句Those who feel that sports stars’salaries are justified might argue that the number of professionals with real talent are very few.Students without teachers will surely be lost; but students who simply rely on techers for knowledge are not really learning.Children who enter shcool at an early age are generally more confident and independent than children who stay at home with their parents.Likewise, economies is a fundemental discipline that allows societies to be stable and more forward.The workload that could take months to finish by manual labor could be done flawlessly by robots in minutes.How to handle criminals is a problem all countries and societies faceAdvertisement is an effective tool almost every compant usesIf fuel prices goes up, either people will drive less or fewer people will drive, which makes sense for reducing pollution.Governments should develop and launch a good traffic control system. Which can moniter and facilitate traffic flows on major roads for better and safer road usage, reducing the chances of accidents.主语从句Whether mobile phones bring more harm than good to us has cuased heated debateNow discuss centers on whether mobile phones bring more harm than good to us.Whether universities should provide students with practical skills or academic knowledge is a controversial issue.It is obvious that we are living in an information age.What governments should do is to creat policies to encourage low carbon development.What most companies and workforces need is not robots, but creative people who can contribute ideas.同位语从句I agree with the view that not only governments but every single citizen should do one’s part to fix this problem.The fact that we have different languages demonstrates that we have different cultures.There is no doubt that we are living in a throw-way society.表语从句This means that change is not always a personal option, but an indispensable part of life.This is because it is the rich and powerful people in our society who are albe to impose changes Another reason for this is that old buildings, like native language, form a cultural identity and keep a unique record of a country.ernment should protect animals2.The growing use of computers are causing enormous changes in work.3.There are many people believe its advantages outweigh disvantages4.Raise petrol price will influence the cost of public transport5.University students receive training on job-related skills is necessary6.Some people think that the true function of universities provide knowledge for their students7.Intelligent students should be treated different by their teachers8.International aid providing to the poor countries will cause them to lose dignity9.Newspapers exert such tremendous influence that they can not only bring about major changes to the lives of ordinary people but to the government’s decision.10.The production in USA is higher than Canada11.Although teenagers may be included in family decisions, but they are not ultimately reponsible.12.Despite globalization has brought these problems, it has made our lives colourful13.Advanced technology is much more improtant for developing countries. Because it can help improve social productivity.14.Whether our government or individuals can protect our environment.15.The fact that education is the key to everyone’s success16.According to the pie chart clearly highlights the detailed data in 199617.In general, this policy can not be made due to its damage to human’s health, more factors have to be taken into consideration.18.Which kinds of knowledge and skills should universities provide has been argued for many years.With the global warming, the iceberg are melting, the seas are rising and global catatrophe looms. This is the last call from the nature; everyone in the planet should try one’s best to protect our envrionment.It is not uncomon that different persons entertain themselves in different waysIt is almost impossible for a person to get a decent job without a higher degreeOur experience of the web is still far from perfect.Without the natural talent, continous training would be neither attravtive nor productive, and without the training, the child would not learn how to exploit and develop their talent.We all live and work in an increasingly complex and demanding world, where events and developments can, and do, take place at remarkable speed.Obligation and duty are not just the guiding principles of yesteryear; they have an enduring value which spans the generations.The event reminds me of the remarkable changes that have occured since i graduated, many of them for the better, and of the things that have remained constant, such as the importance of family and friendshipWe all need to get the balance right between action and reflection. With so many distractions, it is easy to forget to pause and take stock of the situationThe world is going to adapt to global warming since we can not turn the clock on climate change.。