普特英语听力 免费学习英语
1.国外英语学习教学网页如果你想访问更多的网页,可通过搜索引擎来进行查寻,如:雅虎(yahoo),你可以键入象:"tesl", "esl", "tefl", "efl", "english learning",“english study", "distance learning"等单词和短语进行搜索,你会找到你想要的英语学习和教学信息和资料。
i)国外现英语学习网站1) 流行的英语学习网站(1) bbc english(2) learn english british council(3) englishclub(4) english-zone(5) english page(6) esl cafe(7) english baby(8) parlo(9) adam rado's english learning fun site(10) english practice2) / dave esl咖啡屋,英语学习好网址。
3) /tesl.html kristna pfaff 语言和言语学习和教学4) http://www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/esl.html英语网站链接5) /eflweb/ eflweb 主页6) .au/因特网上esl7) 丰富实用的英语学习和教学的网页.8) /resources.html英语学习资源9 )英语教学10) /online/英语在线课程11) 英语在线学习12) /wicked.htm wicked stuff英语语言学习13) 世界英语语言资源中心14) comenius 免费网上学校15) /claire/internet-esl.html claire bradin 个人网页16) steve schackne 英语教师资源网页17) /lm/ michael a. riccioli交互性和非交互性英语练习网页18) /party/partscr1.htm randall学生英语测试网页20) /在中国的老外讨论英语教学21) /在线课程22) /儿童英语23) mark est 世界24) elt projects25) /index.html for teachers26) /index.html abc teach27) /cnnsf/home.html learning resources2 .英语听力1) http://www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/links/search.cgi?query=listening2) / randall esl 听力室3) voa ftp3 .英语考试3.1 toefl 托福1) /toefl.htm toefl 练习2) /~larsonan3) /review.html3.2 gre1) gre 考试3.3 ielts 雅思1)/english/education/exams/new.htm中国雅思考试2) /雅思4 .英语在线字典1) /剑桥在线字典2) mreeiam-webster 在线字典3) http://www.linguistics.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/ccsd/ collins-cobuild 学生字典5 .英语语法1) /english/grammar/英语语法在线2) http://www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/quizzes/grammar.html英语语法测试6. 语言与背景知识1) /虚拟参考资料信息台2) /contracts/lrc/kc/decade90.html美国历史文化背景3)/kthanks.html关于感恩节4) /英国教育文化5) /intercultural.html文化与语言学习7. 英语图书馆1) /网上公共图书馆2) /shakespeare/ shakespeare 作品3) /encartahome.asp encarta 百科全书4) /encyclopedia知识探索百科5) /经典名著文库8. 英语学习游戏1) http://www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/links/esl/games/英语学习游戏2) /index.html9. 故事1) /故事之旅11. 期刊和杂志1) /www/sokolik/ tesl 电子杂志2) /staff/visitors/kenji/referenc.htm elt和语言学3) /英语学习者的报纸4) /newsroom cnn 新闻5) 卫报英语教师资料10. 电影和电视剧1)/剧本网站2) 电影数据库3)/ hollywood11. 英语歌词1) http://www.lyrics.ch/12. 交英语笔友1) /课堂笔友交换2) /笔友3) http://www.wfi.fr/volterre/keypals.html笔友连接13. 英语学习软件1) /软件库2) esl 资源14. 出国学习1)/到美国学习。
普特英语听力必备资料普特听力文章:吸烟的害处你知道吗?People give all kinds of reasons for why they started smoking, but none ofthem are good — not even supposedly altruistic ones.While some claim that you’re actually saving our overburdened healthcaresystem money in the long run by smoking because it reduces life expectancy, it’snowhere near a watertight argument.First of all, you’re certainly not doing your family and friends a favor bydeliberately lowering your life expectancy. In fact, your family will have toabsorb the losses incurred when you miss work due to smoking-related illnesses.Second, there is a lot of debate over the best way to measure the economic costsof smoking.Every study is based on different assumptions, and uses different data andmethods. For example, should you measure the cost of smoking by looking at thecost of treating major illnesses like lung cancer and heart disease, or shouldyou also measure the cost of less serious illnesses Should you take intoaccount the fact that people who live longer also pay more taxes and insurancepremiums Should you look at the overall cost to the healthcare system, or atthe cost per individualAnyway, regardless of how you calculate them, the economic costs of smokingare incons equential when compared to smoking’s real price: the misery caused bythe deaths of over 400,000 people each year and the illnesses of severalmillion.【参考译文】人们总是为开始抽烟找各种理由,但是没有一种是好的,没有所谓的利他理由。
【整理】BBC 西方国家担心伊朗研制核武器_普特英语听力
agency also says it's concerned that extensive changes have taken place in
world. He denies any wrong doing. Earlier a Slovenian man, believed to be
associated with Mr. Tan, surrendered to the Italian Police.
recent weeks at the Parchin military site. The IAEA suspects explosive tests
relevant to nuclear weapons may have taken place there in the past, a charge
Iran denies.
Police in Singapore said that the suspect, alleged to be the central figure at
an International football match-fixing ring, is helping them with their
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国内外英语类学 习网站 的比较研究
陈 吴 凯 浙 江 海 洋 学 院 外 国语 学 院 ,浙 江舟 山
摘 要 随着I n t e r n e t 的迅 猛 发展和 广 泛应 用,各 大英 语 学习 网站冉 冉升起 。对 大学生 而言 ,网络 成 了不可 或缺 的 第二 课 堂 。本文 旨在 对 国内 外英语 学习类 网站进 行 比较 ,并 举例 常 用英 语 学 习类 网站 进行 分析和 研 完 ,帮助 大 学生 快速 地找 到适 合 自己的学 习平 台。并 以此 给 予英 语 学 习类 网站 建设 的建 议及 意 见。 关键 词 英语 学习 网站 ;网络 资源 ;大 学生
大学生 更好 地利 用 好网络 资源 ,更 轻松 地找 到满 足 自己需 求 、又符 合 自己水平 的信 息 , 提高 学 习效率 ,提 高 网络利 用率 及学 习 自主
1 . 1沪 江英语 I 碉
在百 度输 入 “ 英语 学 习网站 ” ,能找 到 约5 , 4 6 0 , 0 0 0 个搜 索 结 果 。浩 如烟 海 的 网络 信 息 ,给了 我们 极大 的选 择余 地 的同时 ,也 会让 学 习者 不 由 自主 地随 着屏 幕的链 接转 来 转 去 ,耗 费大量 的精 力 ,消磨 大量 的时 间 , 无 所适 从 。怎样 有效 利用 好 网络资 源 自主学 好英 语 ?怎 样 找 到适 合 自己 的英 语 学 习 网 站 ?怎 样将 英语 学 习与娱 乐合 _ 二 为一 ,从而 增 加英 语学 习 的乐趣 ?是 众 多学 生心 中的疑 问 。本人 作为英 语专 业大 三 的学 生 ,立足 自 己近 来对 英语 学 习类 网站 的运 用 及 了解 ,对 国 内外英语 类学 习 网站进 行 比较 ,并 举例 常 用 英语学 习类 网站 进行 分析和 研 究 ,帮助 广
学习英语好网站 文档
最酷英语学习网站1. BBC English2. Learn English British Council3. Englishclub4. English-Zone5. English Page6. ESL Cafe7. English Baby8. / Dave ESL 咖啡屋,英语学习好网址。
9. /tesl.html Kristna Pfaff 语言和言语学习和教学10. http://www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/ESL.html英语网站链接11. /eflweb/ EFLWEB 主页12. .au/因特网上ESL13. /丰富实用的英语学习和教学的网页.14. /resources.html英语学习资源15. 英语教学16. /online/英语在线课程17. /英语在线学习18. /wicked.htm Wicked Stuff 英语语言学习19. /世界英语语言资源中心20. / Comenius 免费网上学校21. /claire/internet-esl.html Claire Bradin 个人网页22. / Steve Schackne 英语教师资源网页23. /lm/ Michael A. Riccioli交互性和非交互性英语练习网页24. /party/partscr1.htm Randall学生英语测试网页25. / PartyLand ESL26. /在中国的老外讨论英语教学27. /在线课程28. /儿童英语29. / Mark EST 世界30. / ELT Projects31. /index.html for teachers32. /index.html ABC teach33. /cnnsf/home.html learning resources英语听力资源34. http://www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/links/search.cgi?query=Listening35. / Randall ESL 听力室36. VOA FTP英语考试37. TOEFL 托福38. /toefl.htm TOEFL 练习39. /~larsonan40. /review.html41. / GRE 考试42. /english/education/exams/new.htm 中国雅思考试43. /雅思英语在线字典44. /剑桥在线字典45. Mreeiam-Webster 在线字典46. http://www.linguistics.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/ccsd/Collins-Cobuild 学生字典47. 21世纪大学英语教学网英语语法48. /english/grammar/英语语法在线49. http://www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/quizzes/grammar.html英语语法测试语言与背景知识50. /虚拟参考资料信息台51. /contracts/lrc/kc/decade90.html美国历史文化背景52. /kthanks.html关于感恩节53. /英国教育文化54. /intercultural.html文化与语言学习英语图书馆55. /网上公共图书馆56. /Shakespeare/ Shakespeare 作品57. /encartahome.sap Encarta 百科全书58. /encyclopedia知识探索百科59. /经典名著文库英语学习游戏60. http://www.aitech.ac.jp/~iteslj/links/ESL/Games/英语学习游戏61. /index.html故事62. /故事之旅期刊和杂志63. /www/sokolik/ TESL 电子杂志64. /staff/visitors/kenji/referenc.htm ELT和语言学65. /英语学习者的报纸66. /newsroom CNN 新闻67. /卫报英语教师资料电影和电视剧、笔友英语学习网站大全1、中国外交部网站。
英语学习网站课外英语学习类(1)外语学习网( )特点: 师大本校的外语学习网。
(2) 旺旺英语学习网( )特点:综合性英语学习网站。
(3)我爱英语网()特点: 综合性英语网站, 提供大量的有声读物.(4) 大耳朵英语( )特点:综合性网站,提供历届奥运会主题歌,中英对照名著,在线视听资料,英文歌曲欣赏,经典英文电影精讲等。
(2)在线英语听力室( )特点: 听力网站,提供大量的VOA听力素材和品牌课程学习。
(3) VOA Special English --- 英语学习频道()特点:Special English 每日学习资料可免费下载,还可以用收音机收听,坚持收听可帮你快速提高听力水平。
(2)英语四级考试网( )特点:及时发布四六级相关信息,提供大量的历年真题、模拟试卷和考试指导,使用方便快捷。
(3)上海新东方学校( )特点:发布新东方有关雅思、托福、口译等各种考试培训信息,新东方名师提供做题技巧指导。
(4) 英文写作网()特点:提供佳文共赏、翻译点津、实用英语以及有关英语写作和语法的学习指导,是练习英文写作的好帮手。
互动论坛类(1) 沪江论坛( )特点:网上BBS互动论坛(2) 雅信达英语互动网()特点:网上BBS互动论坛电子词典类(1)海词在线词典( )特点:快速查询中英文单词、例句等。
(2)爱词霸( )特色:提供在线快速翻译,音乐随身听等。
(3) 洪恩在线双向词典(/pub/newdict/html/dict.htm)特色:输入英文或中文,可以查询相关常用词义,词根,词缀,词性,特殊形式,详细解释与例句,同义词,反义词,相关短语, 成语,以及成语的拼音、解释、出处、例句等。
普特英语听力 为什么要接吻
People kiss for the simple reason that it feels good. Our lips are full of sensitive nerve endings, which activate sensory areas in the brain. Kissing boosts the levels of neurotransmitter substances such as dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. Dopamine triggers craving and desire, serotonin elevates a person’s mood, and oxytocin is involved in forming emotional attachments.Besides humans, the only animals that scientists have ever seen kissing are our closest ape relatives, chimpanzees, and bonobos, and even then it is a rare ourrence. So scientist think there must be a better explanation for it.Some scientists have theorized that kissing might help us assess a partner’s immune system. When people kiss, they e close enough to sample the scent of each other’s bodies. And that scent may contain clues to immune system patibility.Parents with plementary immune systems have children with a stronger ability to resist disease. Children that are better at resisting disease are more likely to survive to have their own children. Evolution will favor those who choose partners with patible immune systems over those whodon’t, even if they don’t even know that they are doing it.Exchanging saliva may provide other chemical clues to geic patibility too. So, kissing really is all about chemistry!人们接吻的原因很简单,就是它会让你感觉良好。
普特英语听力训练计划学习IntroductionListening is an essential part of language learning. In the context of learning Putonghua (Mandarin Chinese), good listening skills are crucial for improving speaking and comprehension abilities. This training plan is designed to help learners of Putonghua improve their listening skills through a structured and focused approach.ObjectivesThe primary objectives of this training plan are as follows:1. To improve listening comprehension in Putonghua2. To develop the ability to understand different accents and speech patterns3. To build vocabulary and familiarity with common phrases and expressions4. To enhance the ability to understand spoken Putonghua in various contextsTraining Plan1. Set Goals: Before starting the training, it is important for learners to set specific, achievable goals for their listening skills. These goals could be related to understanding different accents, improving comprehension of fast-paced speech, or increasing vocabulary.2. Daily Listening Practice: Learners should incorporate daily listening practice into their routine. This can include listening to audio materials such as podcasts, news broadcasts, or language learning materials. The key is to make listening practice a regular and consistent part of the learning process.3. Variety of Listening Materials: It is important to expose oneself to a variety of listening materials. This could include listening to different accents, different speakers, and different types of spoken discourse (e.g., formal speeches, casual conversations, interviews). This helps learners become familiar with the diverse ways in which Putonghua is spoken.4. Active Listening: While listening to audio materials, learners should actively engage with the content. This could include taking notes, summarizing what was heard, or reflecting on the main points of the conversation. Active listening helps improve comprehension and retention of the material.5. Vocabulary Building: Listening provides an excellent opportunity to build vocabulary. Learners should make note of new words and expressions they encounter during listening practice and make an effort to incorporate them into their own speech and writing.6. Accent Training: As Putonghua has a wide range of accents and regional variations, learners should actively seek out listening materials that feature different accents. This helps in developing an ear for understanding different ways in which Putonghua is spoken.7. Feedback and Evaluation: It is important for learners to receive feedback on their listening skills. This could be through self-assessment, peer evaluation, or working with a language tutor. Feedback helps in identifying areas for improvement and making necessary adjustments to the listening practice.8. Set Milestones: It is helpful to set milestones for progress in listening skills. This could be related to understanding a certain percentage of spoken material, being able to follow a conversation without difficulty, or being able to understand specific dialects or accents.9. Practice Speaking: Listening and speaking go hand in hand. Learners should take advantage of the listening practice to also practice speaking. This could involve repeating phrases, imitating accents, or engaging in conversational practice based on what was heard.10. Monitor Progress: Finally, it is important to monitor progress regularly. This could be done through regular assessments, tracking vocabulary growth, or recording improvements in understanding different accents and speech patterns.ConclusionThis listening training plan provides a structured approach to help learners improve their listening skills in Putonghua. By incorporating regular practice, exposure to diverse material, active engagement, and feedback, learners can make significant improvements in their listening comprehension. Good listening skills are essential for effective communication and language proficiency, and this plan aims to help learners achieve those skills in Putonghua.。
英语听⼒频道为⼤家整理的普特英语听⼒:Cellular Phones,供⼤家学习参考:)Cellular phones, Voice Over IP phones, Internet phones. Wow, so many choices that now provide you with opportunities to learn languages while you're on the go (Mobile Learning). In the past, students were either limited to learning languages in a classroom environment or from their computers; however with the development of different phone services, students can surf the Internet, download music or audio, or even language-learning modules, or content, that they can view or hear from their cell phones. This is all part of distance education.If by chance all of these services haven't reached you yet, you can do simple things with a conversational partner or teacher to make the most of your situation and the cellphone you have. Here are two ideas:Plan a regular conversation with a friend in English, two or three times a week. Think of a topic of conversation beforehand (e.g., free time activities, shopping, family, entertainment, etc.) and speak with this person for 10 to 15 minutes. If you plan the basic topic in advance, you and your partner will have time to consider the language structures, vocabulary, and expression you can use.Next, send a picture to a friend and have him or her describe in your next conversation. For instance, if you have been talking on eating out, send a picture of your favorite restaurant and be prepared to describe it in your next conversation.The cellular learning craze has only just begun, and more and more innovative learning ideas are certainly just around the corner.。
点击网页中左边“BROWSE TOPICS”下面的“News”选项。
选择自己有兴趣的新闻链接,点开“Listen Now”左边的红色小喇叭图标,然后反复听该新闻的广播。
建议:点击网页中左边选项中的“Video and Audio”,再选择视频短片。
3、记忆单词我要模考网词汇练习:/Users/Use ...&type=languages特点:在线词汇练习,不枯燥,效率高,在答案页面上还可以听单词发音。
5、翻译Google中译英:/tran ...&tl=zh-CN#zh-CN|en|Google英译中:/tran ...=en&tl=zh-CN#en|zh-CN|特点:方便,实用。
以下的习网站上都有许多免费的mp3和视频,你可以自己选择一下:1 英语听力资源汇总/subject/data/enlisten.htm2./doc/enlisten/511_1016.htm(英语听力mp3下载)3./tl/(英语听力特区)4./(普特英语听力)5./(爱鸽英语)6./sort.php?sortid=8(真题网)7./(我爱英语网)8./(清剑精品资料)9.大学英语四级考试听力MP3 100篇/doc/enlisten/511_1017.htm再另附两个名人演讲网址:1./yy/html/20050327_007.asp2./top100speechesall.html(美国历史上著名的100个演讲MP3及原文)在这里,你不仅能够看到原文,还可以亲耳听听马丁路德金的I have a dream的演讲,那可是真是震撼人心!。
⽆忧考英语听⼒频道为⼤家整理的普特英语听⼒:⽗母引导健康饮⾷,供⼤家学习参考:) Parents Model Healthy EatingIt should come as no surprise that the more stressed parents are at work, the greater the burden on their family. It’s also probably not a surprise that this dynamic can negatively affect a family’s nutrition. After all, the more time parents spend working, the less time and energy they have to plan and prepare healthful meals.Until recently, most studies have focused on the role of working mothers. Now, a study that looks at the family as a whole, and at the role of fathers in particular, adds a new wrinkle to the relationship between work stress and family nutrition. Moms’ work related stress is still a central factor in how well families eat because they typically do most of the food shopping and cooking. But dad’s work related stress has a large impact, too. The study found that when mom or dad experience high levels of work related stress, their families are eating one-and-a-half fewer family meals per week, and the parents themselves report eating fewer fruits and vegetables, more fast food, and are less likely to eat breakfast regularly.It’s worth noting that the study looked mainly at low income families who belonged to ethnic or minority groups, so the findings don’t necessarily apply directly to other types of families. But the implications are wide ranging.When it comes to family nutrition, the researchers say, the entire family, not just moms, plays a role even kids. Teaching kids, especially teenagers, to help with grocery shopping and to cook actual meals, instead of just popping a frozen pizza in the microwave, could be an important piece of the puzzle in helping families improve their eating habits.。
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But change is needed, according to the committee's chairman, Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut.
"We must act quickly to prevent a Postal Service collapse, and enact a bold plan to secure its future. The U.S. Postal Service is not an 18th Century relic. It is a great 21st Century national asset. But times are changing rapidly now, and so too must the Postal Service if it is to survive."
二、Republican Debates, Obama Jobs Speech Highlight Busy Month in US Politics
普特英语cet4听力练习34期P assage 111A Washing platesB Cleaning tablesC Shining shoesD S w eeping the floor12A He must work si x days a w eekB He should never be late for workC He must study hard in his spare timeD He should not bring his friends to the restaurant13A To pay him for his workB To let him have 03 meals a day in the restaurantC To give his friends free drinksD To allow him to have more free time14A Because the boy w as not a full-time w orkerB Because the boy had made some mistakesC Because he thought the boy had failed to meet his requirementD Because he thought it was hi s son w ho should pay him听力文本及答案解析:[hide]My parents ran a small restaurant. The restaurant was open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. And my first job, when I w as si x years old, was shining shoes for customers. My duties increased as I grew older. By age ten, I w as cleaning tables and washing plates. My father made it clear that I had to meet certain standards. I had to be on time, hard-working, and polite to the customers. I was never paid for any work I did. One day , I made a mistake of telling dad I thought he should give me l0 pounds a w eek. He said " OK, then ho w about you paying me for the three meals a day when you eat here and for the times you bring in your friends for free drink s? " He figured I ow ed him about 40 pounds a week. This taught me quite a lot.question11 CWhat w as the speaker's job before he was 10 years old?What w as one of the requirements laid dow n by the boy's father?13 AWhat did the boy ask his father to do one day?14 DWhy did the boy 's father refuse to pay him?普特英语cet4听力练习35期Passage OneQuestions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you have just heard.26.A.Listening to adults' advice.B.Asking adults many questions.C.Learning from mistake.D.Doing w hat adults do.27.A.Teach students the right way of thinking.B.P oint out students' mistake and correct them.C.Give students correct ans wers and let them w ork out on their o wn.D.Ask students w ork out the right ans wer first and explain to them later.28.A.Tell students to learn from others.B.Teach students more know ledge from books.C.Set good examples for students.D.P oint out students' mistake whenever found.Passage TwoQuestions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you have just heard.A.They w ill find out w hat its people like.B.They w ill know how to live in another way.C.They w ill know the country and its people better.D.They w ill like its inhabitants and their language.30.A.It is second-hand information and uselessB.It is gathered from other source rather than from its inhabitants.C.It is from the arguments about the country.D.It is different from w hat one had before the travel.31.A.Differences between people will gradually disappear.B.The tourism industry w ill become flourishing.C.The w orld w ill become more ahd more interesting.D.P eople in different coutries will keep their own customs.Passage ThreeQuestions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.32.A.Because the fibers of his muscles are very thick.B.Because he has more muscles .C.Because his muscles are made of more stringy fibers.D.Because he number of his muscles w as fi x ed during hi s childhood.33.A. More muscles than average people.B.A strong heart.C.Strength,fitness and endurance.D.A strong heart.34.A.With an increase in the amount of blood.B.With more muscles.C.With vigorous trial.D.With routine exerci s e.35.A.The source of strength.B.Body building.C.Strong heart.D.Strength,fitness and endurance.[hide]rg%js8参考答案:Passage One26.D 27.C 28.APassage Two29.C 30.D 31.APassage Three32.A 33.C 34.D 35.As3$$s 听力原文:Passage OneLet children learn to judge their own work.A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time:if corrected too much,he will stop talking.He notices a thousand times a day the difference betweenthe language he uses and the language those around him used.Bit b y bit,he makes the necessary changes tomake his language like other people’s.In the same way,children learni ng to do all the other things they learn to do withou t being taught ―to walk,run,climb,whistle,ride a bicycle ―compare their own performances with those of more skilled people,and slowly make the needed changes.But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes and correct them for himself.We do it all for him.We act as if he thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed ou t to him,or correct it unless he was made to.Let him work ou t,with the help of other children if he wants it,what this word says,what the answers are to that problem,whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not.If it is a matter of right answers,as it may be in mathematics or science,give him the answer book.Let him correct his own papers.Why should we teachers waste time on such routine work?Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he can’t find the way to get the rig ht answer.Let the child ren learn what all educated persons must someday learn,how to measure their own u nderstanding,how to know what they know or do not know.Questions 26 to 28 are based on the passage you hav e just heard.26. What is the best way for children to learn things?27. What should teachers d o when teaching mathematics?28. According to the speaker,what should the teachers in school do?Passage T woEvery country tends to accept its own way of life as being the normal one and to praise or criticize others as they are similar to or different from it. Unfortu nately,our picture of the people and the way of life of other countries is often a distorted one.Here is a great argument in favor of foreign travel and learning foreign languages.It is only b y traveling in,or living in a country and getting to know its inhabitants and their language th at one can find ou t what a country and its people are really like.How different the knowledge one gains this way frequently turns ou t to be from the second-hand information gathered from other sources!How often we find that the foreig ners whom we thought to be such different people from ourselves are not very different at all! Differences between peoples do of course exist and,one hopes, will always continue to d o so.The world will be a dull place indeed when all the different nationalities behave exactly alike.Some people might say that we are rapidly approaching this state of affairs.With the much greater rapidity and ease of travel,there might seem to be some truth in this at least as far as Eu rope is concerned. However this may be,at least the greater ease of travel today has revealed to more people than ever before that the Englishman or Frenchman orGerman is not some different kind of animal from themselves.Questions 29 to 31 are based on the passage you hav e just heard.29. What will people know by traveling in a foreign country and learning its language?30. What d oes the speaker think of the knowledge gained by traveling in a foreign country?31. What is the result of the great ease of travel in Europe today?Passage T hreeA world-champion b ody builder has no more muscles than does a 90-pound weakling.So what makes him so strong? What other qualities d oes he need?Muscles are made of thousands of stringy fibers―a number that is fixed during child hood―which contract when d oing work. Streng th does not depend on the number of fibers bu t on the fu nction of their thickness and how many of them contract simultaneously.Exercise actually damages the muscles.During the recovery stage, the muscle fibers increase in size.Exercise also trains more muscle fibers to work at one time.If a muscle is weak or untrained, for example,only abou t 10 percent of its fibers will contract,whereas up to 90 percent of the fibers in a weight lifter’s bulky biceps will contract.Aside fromstreng th,two other ingredients go into making an athlete: fitness and endurance.Fitness is related to the condition of the heart. During exercises,there is an increase in the amount of blood returning tothe heart from the muscles.A typical volu me for a ru nner at rest is ab out 5 quarts a minu tes,compared with 30 quarts during a vig orous trial.]This greater volume means more work for the heart―a muscular balloonthat expands and contracts to take in blood and squeeze it out.Like any other muscle,the heart enlarges and gets stronger with rou tine exercise.Endurance, or the length of time muscles can work,depends in part on how much fuel―in this case sugar―the muscles can store.A muscle that is continually exercised until it is exhausted of sugar tends to store more when]it refuels at the next meal.And more sugar can translate into greater endurance the next time the muscle is pu t to the test.Questions 32 to 35 are based on the passage you hav e just heard.32. Why is a world-champion b ody builder very strong?33. What d oes an athlete need according to the passage?34. How does the heart enlarge and get stronger?35. What d oes the passage mainly discuss?。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出选项,并标在试卷的相对应位置。
1.What does the woman think of tomatoes?A.They are not tasty.B.They are really good.C.She doesn’t like them.2.Where is the man now?A.In New York.B.In Boston.C.In Washington.3.What are the two speakers talking about?A.A book.B.A film.C.A record.4.What can we learn about the woman?A.She wants to make fun of the man.B.She doesn’t know how to scan pictures.C.She is curious about how to use the computer.5.What happened to the man?A.He fell on the ground.B.His car’s windscreen was broken.C.He was hit by a stone.第二节(共15小题)听下面5段对话或独白。
6.What was the matter with the woman?A.She was angry with the man.B.She quarreled with Jack.C.She hated doing homework.7.What do we know about Jack?A.He cleaned up the bedroom.B.He understood the woman.C.He made the room in a mess.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。
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What’s So Special About A Sharp Knife?
Everyone knows that a sharp knife cuts better than a dull one, but do you know why, exactly?
The purpose of the cutting edge of a knife is to concentrate the force that’s being applied at the handle.
When you push down on the handle of a knife you exert a force. The force on the handle and the edge are the same, but the areas in which the force is concentrated are quite different.
At the handle your hand’s force is spread over a wide area, but on the cut ting edge it is concentrated in a very small area, so therefore the pressure on the edge is much greater.
You can easily see how this works with a piece of modeling clay, a nail with a wide head, and a nail with a small head. First hold the nail with the wide head by its shaft and push it head-first into the ball of clay. Then do the same with the small-headed nail.
The small-headed nail goes into the clay much more easily than the wide-headed nail. Since the head of the small nail has less surface area than the big one, the force of your push is concentrated in a smaller area, exerts more pressure on the clay, and so the nail goes in more easily. The same principal causes pointed high-heeled shoes to sink into a soft surface more easily than flat shoes.
By applying this principal to the knife you can see that with a keener edge there’s a greater concentration of the pressure on the edge, so it takes much less force to make the knife cut.