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A. heavy
B. smooth
C. flexible
D. complex
Biblioteka Baidu
take it easy / take things easy 放松,别着急,悠着点 (心理上don’t worry, relax) Just take it easy and tell us what happened.
The witnesses gave two completely contradictory accounts.
→self-contradictory adj. 自相矛盾的 →contradiction n. (c, u)矛盾(的说法/观点)
I pointed out a contradiction in his statement. in contradiction to… 互相矛盾
We appreciate your flexibility in dealing with this matter. →inflexible adj. 不可改变的;顽固的;不可弯曲的
• Mothers holding jobs outside the home should have _____ schedules to make it easier to care for their children.
I’m interested in concrete objects instead of abstract ideas. →specific instructions/examples/orders
contradictory adj. 相互矛盾的;抵触的
We are faced with two apparently contradictory statements.
emotion n. (c, u)情感;情绪;感情 Love,hatred and grief are emotions. She was shaking with emotion. →emotional adj. 令人激动的;易动感情的 →emotionally adv. →feeling n. (u) (pl)感情 read a poem with feeling hurt one’s feelings (u, 常sing)感觉,知觉 (c)看法 a feeling of security/guilt/relief have mixed feelings about…
flexible adj. ①(人/计划等)灵活的,可变通 We can be flexible about your starting date. ②(物)易弯曲的,有弹性的 Rubber is a flexible material. →flexibly adj. →flexibility n. (u)灵活性;弹性;柔性
R & B = rhythms and blues
convey vt. ①传达,表达(想法、感受) express 传递,传播(信息等)
convey sth (to sb) convey one’s feelings/ideas convey that/what/how… Words can’t convey my feelings. Words can’t convey how happy I am. Eyes can convey a lot of information. His music conveys a sense of optimism. Please convey my best wishes/regards to her.
Your behavior is in contradiction to your stated principles.
→contradict vt. 反驳;与…相矛盾 The witness contradicted the driver’s statement.
His story contradicts the facts.
②(formal)传送,输送,运送 transport convey sth from…to…
Your luggage will be conveyed by car from the airport to your hotel. →conveyance n. (c)运输工具 (u)运输,传递 →conveyor/conveyer n. (c)运送者,运输装置 conveyor belt 传送带
concrete adj. 具体的;有真凭实据的;混凝土的 He gave me a concrete explanation. take concrete measures to do sth concrete proposals He had no concrete evidence. a concrete floor n. (c)混凝土 →abstract adj.
Unit 2 Poems
Words & Expressions
tick vt. 给…打勾号 = (AmE) check Tick the correct box for each question. vi. (钟表)发出滴答声 The minutes ticked away as I waited. n. (c)勾号(√) Put a tick here. (sing)(钟表等发出的)滴答声; (口语)一瞬间,一刹那 I’ll be with you in a tick. Please wait a tick.
rhyme n. (u)韵;押韵 (c)押韵词 Shakespeare sometimes wrote in rhyme. I can’t find a rhyme for “orange”. (c)押韵诗,儿歌 = nursery rhymes vi. vt. (使)押韵 rhyme (sth) with sth “House” rhymes with “mouse”. You can’t rhyme “box” with “back”. →rhythm n. (c, u)节奏,节律,律动