



100个同义词替换精髓词汇1. important =crucial (extremely important),significant(amount or effect large enough to be important)mon=universal, ubiquitous(if something is ubiquitous, it seems to be everywhere)3.abundant=ample(enough and usually extra), plentiful(enough for people's needs and wants)4.stick=adhere, cling(hold on something tightly)5.neglect=ignore.(difference: neglect means someone has not paid enough attention to something; ignore means no attention.)6.near=adjacent(twothings next to each other), adjoin(the same as adjacent)7.pursue=woo(man woos woman, old-fashioned), seek(if you seek sth, you try to obtain it. FORMAL)8.accurate=precise(precise is exact and accurate in all details), exact(correct in every detail)9.vague=obscure(unknown or known by only a few people)10.top=peak, summitpetitor=rival, opponent(especially in sports and politics)12.blame=condemn(if you condemn something, you say it is very bad and unacceptable)13.opinon=perspective, standpoint(means looking at an event or situation in a particular way)14.fame=prestige(describe those who are admired), reputation15.build=erect(you can erect something as buildings, FORMAL), establish16.insult=humiliate(do something or say something which makes people feel ashamed or stupid)plain=grumble (complain something in a bad-tempered way)18.primary=radical (very important and great in degree), fundamental19.relieve=alleviate (alleviate means you make pain or sufferings less intense or severe)20.force=coerces into(coerce means you make someone do somethings/he does not want to),compel21.enlarge=magnify(magnify means make something larger than it really is)plex=intricate(if something is intricate, it often has many small parts and details)23. Lonely=solitary (if someone is solitary, there is no one near him/her24.small=minuscule(very small), minute,25.praise=extol(stronger than praise), compliment(polite and political)26.hard-working=assiduous(someone who is assiduous works hard or does things very thoroughly27.difficult=arduous (if something is arduous, it is difficult and tiring, and involves a lot of efforts)28.poor(soil)=barren, infertile(used to describe the soil is so poor that plants cannot be planted on it)29.fragile=brittle, vulnerable(someone who is vulnerable is easily hurt emotionally or physically)30.show=demonstrate (to demonstrate a fact means tp make it clear to people.)31.big=massive(large in size, quantity, or extent), colossal(use this word, you emphasize something’s large),tremendous(INFORMAL)32.avoid=shun(if someone shuns something, s/he deliberately avoid that something or keep away from it.)33.fair=impartial(someone who is impartial is able to give a fair opinion or decision on something.)34.attack=assault (physically attack someone), assail (attack violently35.dislike=abhor(abhor means you hate something to a extreme extent for moral reasons), loathe(dislike very much)!36.ruin=devastate (it means damage something very badly, or utterly destroy it.)39.always=invariably(the same as always, but better than always)40.forever=perpetual(a perpetual state never changes), immutable(something immutable will never change or be changed)41.surprise=startle(it means surprise you slightly),astound(surprise you to a large degree),astonish(the same as astound)42.enthusiasm=zeal (a great enthusiasm), fervency (sincere and enthusiasm)#43.quiet=tranquil(calm and peaceful), serene(calm and quiet)!44.expensive=exorbitant(it means too expensive that it should be)45.luxurious=lavish(impressive and very expensive), sumptuous(grand and very expensive46.boring=tedious(if you describe something tedious, you mean it is boring and frustrating)47.respect=esteem(if you esteem someone, you respect and admire him/her. FORMAL)48.worry=fret(if you fret about something, you worry about it)49.cold=chilly(unpleasantly cold), icy(extremely cold)50.hot=boiling(very hot)51.dangerous=perilous(very dangerous, hazardous(dangerous,especially to people's safety and health)52.nowadays=currently53.only=unique(the only one of its kind), distinctive;54.stop=cease(if something ceases, it stops happening or existing)55.part=component(the components of something are the parts that it is made of)( h56.result=consequence(the results or effects of something)57.obvious=apparent, manifest58.basedon=derived fromcan see or notice them very easily)60.quite=fairly61.pathetic=lamentable(very uncomfortable and disappointing)62.field=domain(a particular field of thought, activities or interest)63.appear=emerge(come into existence)64.whole=entire(the whole of something)865.wet=moist(slightly wet), damp(slightly wet), humid(very damp and hot)!66.wrong=erroneous(incorrect or partly correct)67.difficult=formidable68.change=convert(change into another form)69.typical=quintessential(this word means represent a typical example of something)70.careful=cautious(very careful in order to avoid danger), prudent(careful andsensible)71.ability=capacity, capability(the same as ability)72.strange=eccentric(if some one is eccentric, s/he behaves ina strange way, orhis/her opinion is different from most people)73.rich=affluent(if you are affluent, you have a lot of money)e= utilize (the same as use)75.dubious=skeptical(if you are skeptical about something, youhave doubts on it.)76.satisfy=gratify (if you are gratified by something, it gives you pleasure andsatisfaction)77.short=fleeting, ephemeral(if something is ephemeral, it lastsa short time)78.scholarship=fellowship79.angry=enraged(extremely angry)80.smelly=malodorous(used to describe an unpleasant smell)81.ugly=hideous(if something is hideous, it is very ugly or unattractive)#82.attractive=appealing(pleasing and attractive),absorbing(something absorbing canattract you a great deal)83.diverse=miscellaneous(a miscellaneous groups consists of many different kinds of things)84.disorder=disarray, chaos85.crazily=frantically(used to describe someone who behaves ina wild and uncontrolled way)86.rapid=meteoric(ATTENTION: meteoric is only used to describe someone achieves success quickly)87.ordinary=mundane(very ordinary and not at interesting or unusual)88.despite=notwithstanding(FORMAL)89.best=optimal(used to describe the best level something can achieve)/90.sharp=acute(severe and intense)91.unbelievable=inconceivable(ifyou deem something inconceivable, you think it very unlike to happen ^92.puzzle=perplex(something perplex someone means it confuses and worries him/her because he/she does not understand it)93.method=avenue(away of getting something done)94.famous=distinguished(used to describe people who are successful in their career)95.ancient=archaic(extremely old and extremely old-fashioned)96.decorate=embellish(embellish means make something look more attractive via decorating it with something else)/97.possible=feasible(if something is feasible, it can be done, made or achieved)98.so=consequently, accordingly99.rare=infrequent (doesn’t happen often100.greedy=rapacious(greedy and selfish)。



able 能干的,有能力的capableabandon 放弃give upgive awayquitresignsurrenderadapt to 适应fit inadmit 承认acknowledgeabolish 废除do away withcast asideaboutas for 与…有关concerningin relation towith reference toin respect ofaccidentally 偶然,无意中occasionallyby chanceby accidentaccording to 根据based onbasingdepending onin terms ofon the advice ofadmire 崇拜,钦佩adorelook up to advantage 优点strengthplusexcellencedisadvantage 缺点shortcomingweaknessdrawbackadvice 建议suggestiontipproposaladvise 建议suggestproposerecommendadvise 说服persuadeconvinceaffect 影响effectinfluencehave an effect onimpactagainst / anti 反对,不同意disagree withdisapprove ofobject tobe opposed toopposeagree with 同意agree to do sthagree on doing sthapprove offorin favor ofsubscribe toallow 允许permitgive sb permissionshallahead of time 提前ahead of schedulein advancebeforehandbring forwardannounce 宣布declareall 所有的,全部的totalentireoverallevery bit ofof allaltogether 总共in allin totalanyway 不管怎样anyhowin any casein any eventregardlessappear 出现turn upshow uparisearea 地区zoneregiondistrictneighborhoodarrive 到达arrive inarrive atreachget toas soon as 一…就…the momentimmediatelyon (doing sth)hardly … whenno sooner … thanas long as 只要so long asif onlyautumn 秋天fallcan do sth 能做某事be able to do sthbe capable of doing sthbe enough to do sthbe eager to 渴望long tolong fordesire to doban 禁止forbidprohibitmustn’tbecause 因为assinceforin thatnow thatthat because of 因为as a result ofdue toowing towhat withbecome 成为makepromisechange intotransform intobegin work 开始做某事begin to workbegin workingget down to workset about to doing sthbefore 在。





1. Happy Glad, Joyful, Content.
2. Big Large, Huge, Enormous.
3. Small Little, Tiny, Petite.
4. Smart Intelligent, Clever, Bright.
5. Funny Humorous, Amusing, Hilarious.
6. Angry Mad, Furious, Irritated.
7. Beautiful Pretty, Lovely, Attractive.
8. Brave Courageous, Fearless, Valiant.
9. Tired Exhausted, Fatigued, Weary.
10. Rich Wealthy, Affluent, Prosperous.







常用同义词wwwwwwwwwwww同义词1 汉语同义词语素方面的差别汉语同义词中,构成成分有的有相同的部分,这就是说,一个语素相同,一个语素不同。



2 英语同义词基本概述英语同义词是指意义相同的一组英语词语。






【读音】:[xiǎo xīn yì yì]【释义】:翼翼:严肃谨...•2021-06-23同义词,汉语词汇,指意义相同的一组词语,意义相同的同义词也叫等义词。










一、常用词汇1. Translate(翻译):进行词语或文字的转换,将一种语言表达转化为另一种语言表达。

2. Interpret(口译):通过口语方式进行翻译,将一种语言口语表达转化为另一种语言口语表达。

3. Source language(源语言):被翻译的原始语言。

4. Target language(目标语言):翻译成的目标语言。

5. Literal translation(直译):按词语的字面意义进行翻译。

6. Free translation(意译):根据上下文和语境进行翻译,更注重表达的准确性和可读性。

7. Glossary(术语表):含有特定领域词汇和翻译的词典或表格。

8. Synonym(同义词):具有相同或相似意义的词语。

9. Antonym(反义词):与某一词语意义相反的词语。

10. Idiom(成语):固定搭配的词语,具有特定的意义。

二、语言学词汇1. Phonetics(音系学):研究语音的科学学科,包括语音的产生、发音等。

2. Syntax(句法学):研究句子结构和组织的学科。

3. Semantics(语义学):研究词语和句子意义的学科。

4. Pragmatics(语用学):研究语言使用及其上下文关系的学科。

5. Morphology(形态学):研究词的内部结构和构词规律的学科。

6. Transcription(音标):用符号标记来记录语言中各个音段的学科。

7. Dialect(方言):地区或社群内部使用的语言变体。

8. Register(语体):不同场合使用的语言风格。

9. Collocation(搭配):经常在一起出现的词语搭配。

10. Loanword(借词):从一种语言借用到另一种语言的单词。



表示“需要”(v)的单词:need, require, involve ,entail表示“意味着”的单词:mean, involve, entail表示“宿舍”的单词:dormitory, quarters, lodgings表示“住宿”的单词:accommodations, (a)lodging表示“欺骗”(v)的单词:cheat, deceive, trick, fool表示“渴望”(v)的单词和词组:desire, yearn for/after, long for, thirst for,aspire to do sth, look forward to doing sth, keen on/about doing sth, keen to do sth, keen that, have an urge to do sth (具有做某事的强烈欲望,非常想做某事,形容极度渴望)表示“同情”(v)的词组:sympathize with, yearn for, feel sympathy for表示“重要的”的单词:important, crucial, vital, essential, integral, indispensable, significant表示“参加,从事”的词组:take part in, join(in),participate in, involve sb in(主动, 其被动形式为sb be involved in), sb be engaged in=sb be employed in表示“能力”的单词:ability和capability(主要用于人)talent(只用于人), competence, capacity(可用于人或物), faculty表示“想象”(v)的单词和词组:imagine, fancy, fantasy,envisage(英)=envision(美) conceive of 表示“包含(v)”的单词和词组:include, involve, comprehend, inclusive of, embrace, embody, comprise, contain(实际包含的量),encompass表示“能容纳”的词组:can hold/accommodate表示“表现,体现”(v)的单词:render, reflect, display, indicate, manifest, embody表示“导致,引起(v)”的单词和词组:render, entail, lead to, result in, bring about, cause, trigger=prompt(诱发),pose(本义为造成问题或危机)表示“强大的,强有力的”的单词和词组:powerful, mighty, potent, strong表示“(感觉等)敏锐的,灵敏的”的单词:keen, acute(首选这两个词)perceptive表示“提供”的单词和词组:provide/supply sb with sth=provide/supply sth for sb=render/offer sb sth, contribute sth to sth表示“忙于……,埋头于……”的单词和词组:be buried in, be employed in, be engaged in, sb be immersed in=immerse oneself in表示“致力于”的词组:devote oneself to =dedicate oneself to,sb be devoted to=sb be dedicated to表示“表现,体现”(v)的单词:render, reflect, manifest, characterize表示“显示,表明”(v)的单词:show, suggest, indicate, reflect, reveal,(首选这三个词)emerge 表示“证明”(v)的单词:validate, demonstrate, verify, confirm,prove表示“证实(v)”的单词:affirm,confirm, prove表示“说明,阐释(v)”的单词:explain, illustrate, elaborate表示“持续不断的”的单词:continual,continuous, incessant表示“(计划,规定等)被实施,生效”的词组有come into effect/force, be implemented, be put into effect/execution, be carried into execution=be put in/into execution表示“意识到+从句”的词组:know+that从句realize+that从句be/become aware of the fact+ that从句be conscious+that 从句表示“阻止,阻碍”(v)的单词或词组:prevent/inhibit/hinder sb from doing sth, impede sb to do sth, hamper sb in doing sth表示“强烈的,剧烈的”的单词:severe, intense, violent, poignant, acute,keen表示“严重的”的单词:serious, severe, acute, grave表示“著名的,闻名的”的单词:famous(一般用于褒义),eminent,distinguished,(well-)known(褒贬均可),renowned, famed, conspicuous表示“臭名昭著的”的单词:notorious, infamous表示“显著的,引人注目的”的单词:remarkable, conspicuous, significant(首选这三个词)distinguished, noticeable, outstanding, striking表示“枯燥乏味的,沉闷的”的单词:dull, boring, tedious, dreary, monotonous表示“有利于,有助于”的词组:contribute to=be good for=be beneficial/conducive to表示“限制”(n)的单词:bound, limit, limitation, restriction, confine, constraint表示“限制”(v)的单词: limit, restrict, confine, constrain表示“易传染的,传染性的”的单词:contagious, infectious表示“(表意,言辞等)不明确的,模糊的,模棱两可的”的单词:ambiguous, implicit, vague, obscure, indefinite,unclear表示“区分A和B”的词组:distinguish A from/and B, discriminate/differentiate between A and B, discriminate A from B,make a distinction between A and B表示“赋予……特征”的单词:distinguish, feature, characterize表示“象征(v)”的单词: symbolize, represent(有“表示”的意思), embody(有“蕴含”的意思)表示“消化,吸收(v)”的单词:digest, absorb, assimilate表示“帮助”(v)的词组:assist sb in doing sth=help/assist sb to do sth表示“面对”的单词:face, confront(首选), envisage表示“面对……”的词组:face /confront/envisage sth= be faced/confronted with sth表示“……圈,……界”的单词:arena, sphere, circle, realm表示“法律,法规”的单词:regulation, law, legislation表示“调整,调节”(n)的单词:adjustment, regulation, conditioning, modulation表示“使某人自己适应某物/做某事”的词组:adjust/ adapt/accustom/condition oneself to sth/doing sth=adjust/adapt oneself to sth/doing sth (以上强调从不适应或习惯变为适应或习惯的过程) sb be used/accustomed to sth/doing sth.(强调状态)表示“(在法律,道德等层面上)义务性的,强制性的,(课程等)必修的”的单词:obligatory, compulsory, mandatory表示“决定……”的词组:be determined/resolved to do sth=determine/resolve to do sth, determine/resolve that…= be determined/resolved that…, decide to do sth, decide that…表示“建议,主张”(v)的单词:suggest, recommend, advocate, propose, urge(极力主张)表示“主张(n)”的单词:advocacy, proposal, proposition表示“支持者,拥护者”的单词:supporter, proponent, advocate, protagonist表示“主要的”的单词:main, major, principal, primary表示“变化,改变”(v)的单词和词组:change, vary, alter, modify, transform, convert, turn, metamorphose, transmute,Change / convert/transform/ turn/alter A into B表示“变化,改变(n)”的单词:alteration, change, modification, conversion, metamorphosis (彻底改变),transmutation(转变为具有一种与原来完全不同的状态或形式的事物)transformation(变为与原事物完全不同的事物)表示“变更计划”时用alter/alteration, 表示“修订(书籍等)时”用revise/ revision(如the 5th edition——completely revised!)表示“衣橱”的单词:closet, dresser, wardrobe表示“阻碍,阻止”(v)的单词:prevent, impede, inhibit, hinder, obstruct, bar表示“微生物”的单词:microorganism, microbe表示“细菌”的单词:germ(病菌), bacteria表示“修改”(v)的单词:modify, adapt, revise(修改文章, 修订书籍等) correct(改正/更正错误), alter表示“忠诚的,真诚的,真挚的”的单词:loyal, faithful, sincere, devoted,earnest表示“忠诚(n)”的单词:loyalty, devotion, sincerity, faithfulness, allegiance表示“选择”(n)的单词:choice, alternative, option表示“替代品”的单词:alternative, substitution, substitute表示“后面的”的单词:hinder, back, rear表示“养老院,敬老院”的单词和词组:gerocomium, geracomium(both are not available in paper dictionaries at present), old people’s home, home for the elderly/aged, seniors’home, nursing home表示“太平间”的单词和词组:morgue, mortuary, dead room表示“专门地,有针对性地”:specially(特地,专门地)specifically(首选), exclusively (专门地,只限于)表示“不同,差异”的单词:difference, distinction, variation(change or slight difference) 表示“爱好,喜好”的单词:hobby, fancy, preference表示“隔离”(v)的单词:separate, isolate, insulate, segregate, quarantine表示“合理的”的单词:reasonable, satisfactory, decent (首选这三个词),rational, logical 表示“正直的”的单词:righteous, decent(首选这两个词), honest表示“正直(n)”的单词:integrity, righteousness, (首选这两个词) honesty表示“vt&vi 注册,登记”的单词:register, enroll(=enrol)表示“鼓舞(n)”的单词:encouragement, incentive, stimulation表示“刺激,激励(n)”的单词:incentive, stimulation, stimulus表示“符号,标志”的单词:symbol, icon, mark, sign, notation表示“目标”的单词:object, objective, aim, goal表示“目的”的单词:object, objective, aim, purpose表示“A在B之前”的词组:A be prior/preliminary to B, A be before B, A precedes B表示“完整的,完全的”的单词:intact, complete, prefect表示“渺小的,微不足道的”的单词:tiny, negligible, insi g nificant(g不发音),minute表示“深入的,彻底的”的单词:in-depth, thorough, intensive, exhaustive表示“详尽的”的单词或词组:elaborate, at large, in (minute)detail, detailed, comprehensive, minute, exhaustive(极其详尽的,详尽无遗的)表示“过时的”的单词:outdated, outmoded, obsolete, old-fashioned表示“A与B有关”的词组:A be related/relevant to B, A concerns B,A relates/pertains to B表示“A 与B一致/相符”的词组:A be in accord/accordance/agreement with B, A be corresponding to, A corresponds to B, A be in correspondence to B表示“影响(n&v)”的单词:affect(过程,vt, -), effect(结果,n,+-均可), influence(n&vt, +-均可),impact(结果,u&vt, +-均可)( +-分别表示“积极的”和“消极的”)表示“足够的”的单词:adequate, ample, sufficient, enough表示“同情(n)”的单词:sympathy, compassion(比pity更正式), pity表示“冷淡的,冷漠的”的单词:indifferent, apathetic, dispassionate表示“激怒(v)”的单词:anger, annoy(惹恼), irritate, aggravate, infuriate(使狂怒)表示“(使)恶化(v)”的单词和词组:get/become worse, worsen, aggravate(vt), deteriorate(vi)表示“惩罚(v)”的单词: punish, penalize表示“惩罚(n)”的单词: punishment, penalty表示“忏悔(v)”的单词:repent, confess表示“忏悔(n)”的单词: penitence, repentance, confession表示“倾向于(做)……,容易(做)……”的词组:be prone/inclined(均为adj) to (do) sth, tend(vi) to do sth表示“易受……影响的”:be su scep tible/vulnerable to (doing) sth表示“易受……的伤害的,易患……疾病的”:be susceptible/vulnerable to (do) sth,be prone to (do) sth表示“(证据)确凿的”的单词:conclusive(absolutely true), concrete(definite and specific), Solid(reliable and based on facts)表示“保证,担保(v)”的单词:assure, ensure, guarantee表示“节奏,步调”的单词:rhythm, pace, tempo表示“观念,意识”的单词:conception, awareness(偏重“意识”)【表示“观念”用conception,表示“意识”用conception或awareness均可】表示“认识(n)”的单词:conception,perception,understanding, view表示“理解,看法(n)”的单词:understanding(偏重“理解,认识”(n)), perception, perspective, view, notion表示“洞察力”的单词:insight, perspective, perception(均不可数)表示“提升,加强(vt)”的单词:improve, enhance, increase, heighten, raise如:improve/enhance/increase /heighten /raise awareness表示“敏锐的”的单词:acute, keen ,perceptive表示“视野(n)”的单词:vision, horizon, perspective(本义为“视角, 角度”=point of view)view表示“拓宽,扩大(v)”的单词:expand, broaden, widen, enlarge表示“促使(v)”的动词:prompt, drive(多用于不好的情况), induce表示“例如”的词组(用于句首):For example/instance, To illustrate=To be specific 表示“风景名胜”的词组:place of interest, tourist destination/attraction,scenic spot/attraction表示“拓展视野”的词组:broaden/widen/expand/enlarge one’s vision/horizon/perspective表示“发出信号”的词组:send (out) a signal, emit a signal表示“散发气味”的词组:give off/ release/ emit a specific kind of smell表示“散发光或热”的词组:radiate/ emit/ give off/ send out light/ heat表示“释放(排放)气体”的词组:release/ emit/ give off gases表示“发出警报声”的词组:emit/ send out/ produce an alarming sound表示“增强某物的强度,加剧”的单词:intensify(vi&vt) (好坏均可) ,amplify(vt)(好坏均可),escalate(vi&vt, 坏), deteriorate(vi, 坏), aggravate(vt, 坏)。






1. Big - Large这两个词都表示“大”的概念,可以互换使用。

例如,可以说:“She has a big house”或者“she has a large house”。

2. Happy - Glad这两个词都表示“高兴”的意思。

可以说:“I'm happy to see you”或者“I'm glad to see you”。

3. Sad - Unhappy这两个词都表示“伤心的”或“不开心的”。

例如,可以说:“He looks sad”或者“He looks unhappy”。

4. Beautiful - Gorgeous这两个词都表示“美丽的”。

例如,可以说:“She is a beautiful woman”或者“She is a gorgeous woman”。

5. Tired - Exhausted这两个词都表示“疲倦的”。

例如,可以说:“I'm tired after a long day at work”或者“I'm exhausted after a long day at work”。

6. Start - Begin这两个词都表示“开始”。

可以说:“Let's start the meeting”或者“Let's begin the meeting”。

7. Help - Assist这两个词都表示“帮助”,可以互换使用。

例如,可以说:“Can you help me with this task?”或者“Can you assist me with this task?”8. Buy - Purchase这两个词都表示“购买”,可以互换使用。



abando‎n, desert‎, forsak‎e, leave, give up这些动词或词‎组均含“抛弃、放弃”之意abando‎n:强调永远或完‎全放弃或抛弃‎人或事物等,这可能是被迫‎的,也可能是自愿‎的。




leave :普通用词,指舍弃某事或‎某一职业,或终止同一某‎人的关系,但不涉及动机‎与果。

give up :普通用语,侧重指没有希‎望或因外界压‎力而放弃。

abilit‎y, capaci‎t y, capabi‎lity, genius‎, talent‎, compet‎e nce, facult‎y, gift, aptitu‎d e这些名词均可‎表示人的“能力,才能”之意。


capaci‎t y :侧重指人的潜‎在能力,通常不指体力‎,多指才智,尤指接受与领‎悟能力。

capabi‎lity :多用于人,指胜任某项具‎体工作的能力‎,也指本身具有‎、尚未发挥的潜‎在能力。

常与of或f‎o r连用。


talent‎:着重指人某方‎面具有可发展‎和倍养的突出‎天赋才能,但语意比ge‎n ius弱。

compet‎e nce :正式用词,侧重指令人满‎意的业务能力‎与水平,达到胜任某项‎工作等的要求‎。


gift :着重个人的天‎赋的才能或在‎某方面的显著‎本领,常暗含不能用‎一般规律作解‎释的意味。

aptitu‎d e :多指先天或后‎天习得的运用‎自如的能力,常暗示接受能‎力强,能迅速掌握一‎种学术训练或‎艺术技巧。

able, capabl‎e, compet‎e nt这些形容词均‎含有“有能力的,能干的”之意able :最常用词,多用于褒义,着重指多方面‎的,经常性的,或潜在性的能‎力。



同义词大全A:absorb=appealappealing=attractive=charming=invitingabsorbed by=compensate forabsorbed=engrossed=fully engaged inabundant 丰富的=plentifulaccommodate容纳,供应=provide foraccomplished=achieved=completed=finishedaccumulate=collectaccumulation=collectionaccurately=correctly=exactly=preciselyaddress=speechadjacent (to)=nearby=neighboring=adjoiningadvent到来出现=arrival: with the advent of high speed internet= affair=matteraggravate加重,恶化,激怒= worsenakin to同类,近似=similar to: alike= available= astray= afraid= aware= alone= alive= asleep= aloftallied with与结盟=link to: allied countriesallocate=designate=distributealmost=nearlyaloft在。

之上=overheadalter=change=transformalthough=butaltogether完全的,总共=completelyamenity舒适,礼仪愉快=pleasantample丰富的,足够的=plentiful: ample amplify amplifier amplificationannual= yearly anniversary: semiannuallyantiseptic防腐= cleanantithesis对立面=opposeapparent=obvious=evidentappreciable相当可观的,可感知的= noticeableapproach= come closer toapproach= way= means= methodardent热情,热心的=enthusiastic (about)argue=debateargue (that)=hold (that)article=itemarticulate发音清晰=formulate明确表达as well as=in addition to= andas well= also= tooassertion声明=strong statementassistance=benefitassistance=help= aidassume承担,假定=take onassume=imagineastute机敏的狡猾的=agile敏捷的astute=cleverat random胡乱的,任意的=not plannedattribute把。



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高中英语同义词100组因为because, since,as,for除了(还)besides,as well as,in addition to ,apart from位于lie in, be located/situated in分发hand out, give out,distribute独自alone, by oneself,on one’s own经历undergo,experience,go through优点advantage,strong points,strength感激appreciate, be grateful/thankful to sb免费for free, for nothing,free of charge容纳admit, accommodate, contain, hold, seat适合be suited to, be suitable for,be fit for处理deal with, do with, cope with,handle, dispose of记住keep/bear sth. in mind,leam sth。

by heart充当act as, serve as,work as , function as确保see to it that,make sure that,ensure that当心watch out, look out,take care, be careful提前ahead of time,ahead of schedule,in advance表明indicate, suggest, show, imply,make clear大约about, some,around, or so,approximately依靠depend on, rely on, be dependent on, count on总计total to,come to, amount to,add up to, reach熬夜stay up, sit up, be up late/far/deep into the night考虑take account of,take sth。



英语翻译基础同义词同义词允许 allow permit指控 accuse charge indict impeach联合 alliance coalition缓解 ease alleviate comfort mitigate minimize erode滞留 strand煽动 seduce封锁 blockade广阔的 extensive comprehensive吸引 attract appeal to打击 smash hit crush punch激活 activate start arouse move故障 malfunction fail break down抢劫 strip使容易 facilitate promote make it easy speed up accelerate效用 utility usefulness增加增强 promote increase rise mount intensifyexpand extend enhance reinforce advance ascend 减少 decrease descend decline contract 答应 vow to promise pledge拒绝 reject rejection refuse能力 capacity ability永久的 permanent constant persistent扯开 tear apart要求 clamor to do claim for demand for优点缺点 asset/ advantage liability/disadvantage/shortcoming利用 capitalize make use of take advantage of utilize 民众grassroots civilians mass public评价 evaluate (evaluation) assess (assessment) 保证 v. Pledge guarantee swear give ones oath give ones vow stipulate n. pledge guarantee assurance陷入僵局 no immediate word without progression deadlock standoff 纪念 commemorate commemoration celebrate celebration observe observance remember条约公约 convention treaty protocol agreement 透露 unveil reveal 建议 v. proposal suggestion advicen. propose suggest advise put forward 消灭 eradicate eradication wipe out root out eliminate恐慌 distress panic捐赠 donate donation give away contribute 因为 because in that now that界限 sideline boundary遵守 honor abide by follow obey accord with 忽视 defy(藐视) ignore neglect违反 defy break fight against聚集 converge gather cluster combine merge 同意 agree agreement endorse endorsement approve approval advocate voteConsensus反对 disagree object objection veto deny decline 阻止 prevent from protect from stumble from 获得acquire derive from解决 deal with cope with be confronted with 面对 face the challenge confront challenge 承诺 promise make a commitment to sth 寻求 request for seek for差距加大 broaden the gap deepen the gap建立在。



同义英文单词归纳1.管理:governance、management、administration2.鼓励、促使:cheer、encourage、motivate、prompt3.脆弱:vulnerable、weak、feeble、fragile(脆的,易碎的)、susceptible(易受影响的=subject to)4.考虑到:given, considering, in view of, with a view to5.抓住:grasp、capture、seize(区别:size尺寸)6.主张:claim(区别:acclaim欢呼、称赞)、proclaim、remark、advocate、allegation、comment、review(评论), argue, hold, assume7.智力:wisdom、intelligence、wit8.部分:component、portion、element、proportion、percentage, section9.直觉地,本能地:intuitive, instinctive10.提升:lift、elevate, promote11.承认:admit、acknowledge, recognize12.永恒:eternal、permanent、everlasting13.谋生:earn ones living、make ones living、live off14.值得尊敬:worthy、respectable(区别:respective 分别)15.遵守:comply with、conform to, observe, abide by16.探测:detect、investigation, probe, explore17.获得:gain、acquire、achieve、fetch、obtain18.高估:overestimate、overrate、overvalue (区别:overlook忽视)19.培养:nurture(区别:nature自然)、foster、cultivate20.怀疑:skeptical、suspicious, doubtful21.奇怪:weird、odd、peculiar、strange, queer22.模糊:dim、vague、obscure、loom, indistinct, fuzzy23.收入:salary、pay、wage、income、revenue、gain、earning24.津贴:subsidy、pension、allowance、grant(拨款)25.高贵:noble、royal(区别:loyal忠诚), dignity, privilege26.谦卑:humble, modest27.告示:announcement、notice、poster、bulletin、report28.想象: visualize , imagine, suppose, envision,29.会议:conference、meeting、convention30.引用:cite、illustrate(举例说明=exemplify)、quote31.挑出:single out、sort out、pick out32.限制:limit、restrict、constrict、discipline、confine、hold back、scale back、curb on33.利用:usable、available、applicablee → utilize、adopt、take、employ、apply35.偏见:bias、prejudice、discrimination、inequality36.组成:consist of、be made from/of、include (exclude)、constitute、37.发行:issue、release、distribute、launch38.结束:fulfill、finish、accomplish、carry out、achieve、complete39.能力:ability、capability、potential, power40.交易:deal、trade、exchange、transaction41.以前:previous、former、latter、prior to(priority 优先→ primary初级的、重要的→ primitive原始的)42.加强:promote、facilitate、enhance、strengthen、reinforce, aggravate43.前景:prospect、future、expectation、outlook44.保守:conservative(conservation保存)、traditional、custom,激进:radical45.顾客:customer、client、consumer、guest46.暂停、延期:suspend、phase back、put off、stop、postpone、delayed47.信息:information、message、data、figure、statistics48.公司:enterprise、firm、company、corporation (区别:cooperation合作)49.故意:deliberately、intentionally、purposely、on/in purpose50.吸引:appeal (吸引、呼吁、起诉appeal to)、attract、fascinate、tempt(区别:contempt蔑视), absorb51.有希望的:promising、hopeful、brightening52.对手:rival、equal、comparative、competitor、opponent、adversary, enemy53.灭亡:perish、die (out)、extinguish(distinguish 区别)54.消失:disappear、vanish、diminish(减少)、gone55.方法:ways、means、approach、solution、remedy (补救措施)、measure56.财产:estate、real estate(房地产)、property、asset57.放弃:abandon、give up、desert(区别:dessert 甜点)58.悲观:pessimistic,negative, 乐观:optimistic,active, positive59.地区:regions、scope、range、sphere60.拒绝:reject、refuse、turn down、decline61.保留:preserve、reserve, retain, persist62.公平:fairness、impartial, justice, equality63.同伴:partner、companion, peer, colleague64.保护:protect、guard、safeguard、defend(defendant辩护,被告)、shield(区别:yield产出,屈服)65.生产:yield、manufacturer、generate, produce。



36组必背的常用词汇背完你就豁然开朗了来源:范潇的日志1解决: Solve, deal with, cope with, handle, resolve, address, tackle2损害:Damage, hurt, injure, harm, impair, undermine, jeopardize3给与:Give, offer, render, impart, provide, supply, afford4培养::Develop, cultivate, foster5优势:Advantage, merit, virtue, benefit, upside, strength6 缺陷:Disadvantage, dem erit, drawback, downside, weakness7 使迷惑:Puzzle, bewilder, perplex, baffle8 重要的:Key, crucial, critical, important, significant, vital, substantial, indispensable, imperative9 认为:Think, believe, insist, maintain, assert, conclude, deem, hold, argue, be con vinced, be firmly convinced, be fully convinced10 保护:Protect, conserve, preserve11确保:Assure, ensure, guarantee, pledge12 有害的:Bad, baneful evil, harmful, detrimental13 要求:Request, demand, needs, requisition14 消除:Eliminate, clear, remove, clear up, take away, smooth away15 导致:Lead to, bring about, result in, cause, spark off, conduce to, procure, ind uce, generate16 因此:So, therefore, thus, hence, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly, a sa result, because of this, as a result of this17 增长至:Grow to,rise to,increase to,go up to,climb to,ascend to,jump to, shoot to18降低至:Dip to,fall to,decline to,decrease to,drop to,go down to,reduce t o,slump to,descend to,sink to,slide to19保持稳定:Level out,do not change,remain stable,remain still,remain steady, be stable,maintain the same level,remain unchanged,be still,remain the same l evel,stay constant,keep at the same level,level off,stabilize,keep its stability,e ven out20 急剧地:Dramatically,drastically,sharply,hugely,enormously,steeply,substanti ally,considerably,significantly,markedly,surprisingly,strikingly,radically,remarkably,vastly,noticeably21平稳地:Steadily,smoothly,slightly,slowly,marginally,gradually,moderately,m ildly22 宣称:Allege, assert, declare, claim23 发生:Happen, occur, take place24 原因:Reason, factor, cause25 发展:Development, advance, progress26 有益的:Useful, helpful, beneficial, profitable, rewarding,advantageous27 影响:Influence, impact, effect28明显的:Clear, obvious, evident, self-evident, manifest, apparent, crystal-clear29占:Comprise, take up, account for, constitute, consist of, make up, occupy, hold, compose30与…相比:Compared with,compared to,in comparison with,in comparison to,b y comparison with,by comparison to31对比而言:By contrast,in contrast,on the other hand,on the contrary=,conver sely32展示:Show, reveal, illustrate, demonstrate, depict, present, represent, describe33 大约:Approximately,almost,about,around,nearly,roughly34波动:Fluctuate,go ups and downs,display a fluctuation,demonstrate a fluctuati on35事实上:Practically,in practice,essentially,in essence,in reality,in effect,in fa ct,as a matter of fact,it is a fact that36换言之:Namely,that is to say,in other words,to put it like this,to put it diff erently,to put it from another way,to put it from another angle。



同义词汇总——翻译必备从无到有开始Begin, start, begin with, spring, start up, set off on, break out, strike up, origin ate from,;Initiate, launch, originate, sprout; unfold; unleashoutset, onset,Rudimentary, elementary,出现Appear, appear to be, emerge, arise, lo om, turn out, show up, com out, come into sight/view, come forth发生Happen, occur, take place, come about, Happening occurrence产生,创造create, produce, bring about, yield, give birth to, bear, bring into being, genera te, beget,germinate;Invent, innovate, renovate, plan, design, imagine, conceive, devise, formulate, i magine, envision,建立Found, set, built up, construct, institute, constitute, set up, establish制造,组成Make, make up, produce, construct, tur n out, manufacture, form, shape, compo se, compile, concoct, fabricate生长壮大复制,繁殖Copy, duplicate, reproduce, multiply.发育,发展Grow, develop, breed, bring up, nurture, cultivate, hone, raise, foster, (主动)Develop, advance, progress, move forwa rd, go forward, proceed(自我成长)Burgeon, flourish, thrive, bloom, blosso m, boom, prosper;保持,延续Continue, last, carry on, keep on, keep, remain maintain retain Perpetuate,Persevere, stick with, insist on, persist i n,Continuous, incessant, permanent, const ant, steady, unbroken, perpetual, everla sting, eternal, lasting, unending, uninterr upted, undying, immortal, invariable,存在,生存Exist,found, stand, lay in, be rooted i n,be embedded in, Substance, matter, object, material, stuf f, things, entity,individual, creature, beings,Topic, subject, issue, theme, gist, item, content, point,Extant, existing, in existence, substantiv e, ubiquitous, omnipresent, universal, survive,outlive,outlast, remain alive,Endure, undergo,从有到无结束,停止53stop,finish, be over, cease, discontinue, wind up, bring to an end(close, halt), end,come to an end, end up, terminat e,quench,quell,run out, expire, concl udeadjourn/dissolve/lull/subvert,abortaive, Surcease, cessation, impasse, deadlock, logjam, stalemate, Ultimate, final, eventual,Abeyance, suspend, interruption, brake, halt, pause,死亡,毁灭Perish, annihilate, kill, exterminate, take life, slay, hatchet, slaughter, assassinat e, famish, smother, throttle, strangle, sti fle, decimate,Die, pass away, perish, expire, run out, decease, death, demise,Defunct, moribund, dying,Fatal, formidable, deadly, fatality.取消,废除550Cancel, annul,call off, do away with, Abolish, desuetude, disuse, abandon, re peal, revoke, invalidate, rescind, nullify Obsolete, out of date, outmoded, out of fashion, old-fashioned, 除去551Remove,erase,delete, extinguish, exter minate, eliminate, eradicate, extirpate, e fface,clear away, throw away, do away with, wipe out, get rid of , rule out, Obliterate, expurgate, expunge, purify, p urge,破坏Destroy, damage, wreck, devastate, raze, ravage, knock down, demolish, vandaliz e, tear down, ruin, spoil, dilapidate, Perdition,detrimental,harmful, injurious,topple down/inclement/伤害Damage Bruise, mar, maul, do harm to, injure, wound, hurt, impair, harm, hurt, wound, harm, break, fracture, maim, c ripple, mangle, mutilate;cut, gash, fracture, break灾祸Disaster, catastrophic, calamity, cataclys m, carnage, massacre, holocaust, decim ate, wreck, accident,Misfortune, hapless, mishap,逐渐消亡Rot way, perish, decay, disintegrate, de compose, deteriorate, molder, aggravate, worsen, exacerbate, corrupt, Rotten, decayed, corrupt, damaged; decrepit ,decrepitude, dilapidate状态之改变正面能力,强,权力Enable, facilitate, empower, entitle, enha nce,Strengthen, reinforce, sustain, countenan ce, consolidate,Able, be capable of doing , competent, potent, omnipotent, puissant, resourceful Ability, capability, capacity, skill, forte,c ompetence, facultyIntelligence, aptitude, flair, talent Clever, bright, talented, astute, wisdom, wise, smart, acumen,Hegemony, puissance, resource, power, energy, authority, influence, impact, sup remacy, potency, strength, force, vigor; 大Aggrandize, amplify, augment, broaden, widen, extend, enlarge, magnify, enlarg e,Exaggerate, overstate, overstress, overe mphasize,多,增加Enrich, increase, add to, abound, fill, fill up, replenish, stock up, add, put in, ra ise,Accrue, mount up, augment, accumulate, riseAbundant, plentiful, more than enough, profuse, copious, rich, wealthy, generou s, numerous, in great numbers;sufficient, enough, adequate, ample, as much as necessary, Increment, accretion, growth, augmentat ion,高Raise, lift up, improve, enhance, elevate, escalate, heave,heighten, hoist, Rise, increase, ascend, mount, go up, cl imb scale, jack up, skyrocket, surge, up surgeHigh, tall, in height, lofty, towering, lan ky;Height, stature, elevation, altitude有助Help, assist, aid, subsidize, help to, con duce to,, contribute to, function to, be of assistance, lend a hand, facilitate, en hance, Helper, aide, assistant, accessory, ancilla ry, accomplice, auspices,支持Support, bolster, boost, brace, buttress, espouse, proponent, underpin, embrace, exponent,快216Accelerate, hasten, speed up, quicken u p, expediteRun, scurry, scuttle, scamper, prance, g allop, sprint, scud, Dart, fleet, rush,Fast, quick, rapid, swift, expeditious, sp eedy, fleeting, brisk Speed, swiftness, pace, velocity, rapidity, tempo, rate, quickness, promptness,有效,起作用Effective, efficient, effectual, successful, useful, helpful, functional, applicable, op erative, working, active, functioning, in operation, in use,Available, serviceable,Impact, influence,自由,解脱Release, free, set free, set off, liberate, unshackle, unfetter, emancipate, manu mit, disentangle, untangle, extricate, unr avel, 中性变Change, alter, modify, vary, turn, beco me, adjust, amend, transform, distort, modulate, transmute, shift, transfigure, Fluctuate, move, revolutionize, alternate, shiftDiversified, volatile, fickle, mercurial, pro tean, erratic, eccentric, irregular, inconsi stent,Changeable, unsettled, variable, malleabl e, mutable,Change, alteration, variation, modificatio n, transition, renovation, recondition, mu tation;修改Redress, rectify, revise, emend, renovat e, innovate, recondition,负面弱Weaken, enervate, vitiate, sap, impair, e maciate, attenuate, diluteWane, sag, fade, flag, deteriorate, exac erbate, wither, blight, dry up, wilt, sere, sear, shrink, shrivel,Weak, feeble, effete, wan, frail, lacking in strength, impotent, feeble, lethargic Infirmity, weakness, decadence, decaden t, 减少,降低Lower, reduce, decrease, drop off, abat e, decline, dwarf, dwindle, rarefy, curtail, shorten, abridge, truncate, dock, declin e, slump, eclipse, subside, shrink, ebb, Diminish, lessen, debase, dilute, modera te, die down, grow less intense, cut do wn, ebb, cut back,慢Decelerate, slow, slow down, retard, hol d back,Slow, sluggish,Postpone, put off, delay, defer, procrasti nate, adjourn,Dilatory, tardy, slack, sluggish,平息reconcile, comfort, placate, conciliate, re assure,allay, calm, console, soothe, pac ify, assuage, mitigate, palliate, salve, te mper, palliation, reconciliation,禁止,限制Prohibit, proscribe, forbid, ban, restrain, interdict, overrule, veto, stop from Limit, restrict, confine, blockade, fetter, shackle, circumscribeProhibited, forbidden, banned, illegal, ou tlawed, proscribed, taboo;Durance, taboo,控制, 抑制Control, wield, hold, steer, helm, maneu ver, manipulate, dominate, regulate, rein in, direct, rule, govern, reign, regiment Curb, bridle, yoke, restrain inhibit smold er, suffocate,refrain from阻碍455Hinder, hamper, check, stunt, impede, b lock, obstruct, retard, interrupt, hold ba ck, prevent from, forestall, keep from, d eter from, discountenance, lumber, thwa rt, stem, stymie, frustrate, stump, stem, Entangle, enmesh, ensnare, entrap, Barrier, obstacle, obstruction, impedimen t, setback, hindrance, hurdle, blockade, blockage,morass, predicament, plight, straits, qua ndary,strait,预防Forestall, proselytize, preclude, prevent, 干预432Interfere, intervene, intercede, meddle, annoy, vex, nettle, perturb, disturb, disc omfit, molest, pester, bother, annoy, ha rass,intrude,Mediate,Inroad, raid, assail, assault, attack, tres pass, infringe, attack, foray, intrude, en croach,Turbulence, disturbance得到,付出付出给Give, offer, endow, endue, present, best ow, provide, supply, furnishImpart, instruct, apprise, teach, instill, i nculcate,Proffer, confer, donate, contribute, subs cribe, bequeath,Issue, flow out, release,支出Cost, spend, pay, pay out, expend, disb urse,Prodigal, profligate, splurge, spendthrift, dissipatefrugal, scrimp, skimp, abstemious, Expenditure, subvention, 归还,偿439Return, hand out, restore, reciprocate, r emunerate, revert, Compensate, reimburse, indemnify, expi ate, atonement,Salary, remuneration, Emolument, honor arium,分配Distribute, allocate, issue, hand out, app ortion, allot, dispense, ration, allot, assi gn, designate;Distribution, dispensation ration, allotme nt施加impose, entail, exert, inflict, suppress, s ubjugate, compress ,repress, coerce,使满Suffice, satiate, satisfy, cater, sate, mee t requirement, gratifySuffuse, implant, instill, infuse, fill, impr egnate,放弃Relinquish, give up, disclaim, abdicate, a bjure, waive, renounce, recant, wean, f orsake, abdicate, desert, forswear, reno unce, repudiate, forgo, disown, disavow, abandonRenunciation,获得得到Get, receive, Accept, attain, acquire, obt ain, gain, repossess, retrieve, procure, c atch,Earn, profit, embezzle, peculate, defalcat e, graft, appropriate, Obtainable, accessible, receptive, Receiver, recipient, procurement夺Deprive, take away, exact, extort, dispo ssess, bereave, divest, strip,Loot, ravage, ransack, sack, despoil, plu nder, rapine, snatch, ,exploit, distill, Confiscate, impound, sequestrate, forfeit, expropriate。





abandon, desert, forsake, leave, give up 这些动词或词组均含“抛弃、放弃”之意abandon:强调永远或完全放弃或抛弃人或事物等,这可能是被迫的,也可能是自愿的。

desert 着重指违背法律责任和义务,或自己的信仰与誓言的行为,多含非难的意味。




give up:普通用语,侧重指没有希望或因外界压力而放弃。

ability, capacity, capability, genius, talent, competence, faculty, gift, aptitude 这些名词均可表示人的“能力,才能”之意。











able, capable, competent 这些形容词均含有“有能力的,能干的”之意able:最常用词,多用于褒义,着重指多方面的,经常性的,或潜在性的能力。



1. 害怕:恐惧、惊恐、惊慌、畏惧
2. 美丽:漂亮、迷人、秀丽、艳丽
3. 高兴:快乐、愉快、欢喜、喜悦
4. 智慧:聪明、才智、睿智、博学
5. 困惑:迷茫、疑惑、纠结、无助
6. 善良:仁慈、慈善、和蔼、善心
7. 累:疲劳、疲倦、劳累、筋疲力尽
8. 容易:轻易、便利、方便、简单
9. 明亮:光明、光亮、艳丽、明澈
10. 快乐:愉快、欢乐、舒畅、开心
1. 英语牛津词典(Oxford English Dictionary): 英国牛津大学出版社出版的具有权威性的英语词典,收录了大量英语单词的释义、用法等信息。

2. 柯林斯英语词典(Collins English Dictionary): 收录了大量词条的英语词典,内容全面详尽,对单词的释义、例句、用法等进行了解释。

3. 韦氏英语词典(Merriam-Webster Dictionary): 美国韦氏公司出版的英语词典,备受赞誉,内容丰富,解释准确清晰。

4. 朗文英语词典(Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English):收录了大量新词、词组的英语词典,特别适合学习者使用。

5. 剑桥高阶英语词典(Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary):专为英语学习者设计的英语词典,详细解释了英语单词的意思、用法、词组等信息。










abbreviate 缩短、缩写一般用来表示消减字母,把词汇变成缩写词或通过删节把文章变短,或表示通过减少环节来缩短做某事的时间。


The ceremony was abbreviated by rain. 因为下雨,仪式从简。

compress 压缩、浓缩一般用来表示压缩文章的长度但不减其信息量。

而abbreviate 表示对文章进行“删节”这一含义时候,含有牺牲一定信息量的意思。

The film compresses several years into half an hour 电影将几年前的事情浓缩到半小时里表现。

condense 浓缩,压缩用来表示文章、讲演等的压缩或缩短,只保留最重要的部分。


When water is taken out of milk the milk becomes condensed. 将水分从牛奶中提炼出来牛奶就浓缩了。

shorten 弄短、缩短。


The new highway shortens the trip from Wuhan to Shang hai.这条新公路缩短了从武汉到上海的路程。

今天的作业:用今天学的单词填空,翻译句子He _______ his speech to half its original length. 答案:condensed 他将发言压缩到原来的一半2.这些单词都有“服从、遵守”的意思。

abide 服从,遵守。


常与by 连用,表示一个人的立场和态度。

If you join the club you must abide by its rules.如果你加入俱乐部必须遵守规定。

comply 服从(要求,命令,愿望,法规等)。

指在直接的抉择面前服从,只有服从与不服从之分,没有程度只分,常与with 连用。

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从无到有开始Begin, start, begin with, spring, start up, set off on, break out, strike up, origin ate from,;Initiate, launch, originate, sprout; unfold; unleashoutset, onset,Rudimentary, elementary,出现Appear, appear to be, emerge, arise, lo om, turn out, show up, com out, come into sight/view, come forth发生Happen, occur, take place, come about, Happening occurrence产生,创造create, produce, bring about, yield, give birth to, bear, bring into being, genera te, beget,germinate;Invent, innovate, renovate, plan, design, imagine, conceive, devise, formulate, i magine, envision,建立Found, set, built up, construct, institute, constitute, set up, establish制造,组成Make, make up, produce, construct, tur n out, manufacture, form, shape, compo se, compile, concoct, fabricate生长壮大复制,繁殖Copy, duplicate, reproduce, multiply.发育,发展Grow, develop, breed, bring up, nurture, cultivate, hone, raise, foster, (主动)Develop, advance, progress, move forwa rd, go forward, proceed(自我成长)Burgeon, flourish, thrive, bloom, blosso m, boom, prosper;保持,延续Continue, last, carry on, keep on, keep, remain maintain retain Perpetuate,Persevere, stick with, insist on, persist i n,Continuous, incessant, permanent, const ant, steady, unbroken, perpetual, everla sting, eternal, lasting, unending, uninterr upted, undying, immortal, invariable,存在,生存Exist,found, stand, lay in, be rooted i n,be embedded in,Substance, matter, object, material, stuf f, things, entity,individual, creature, beings,Topic, subject, issue, theme, gist, item, content, point,Extant, existing, in existence, substantiv e, ubiquitous, omnipresent, universal, survive,outlive,outlast, remain alive,Endure, undergo,从有到无结束,停止53stop,finish, be over, cease, discontinue, wind up, bring to an end(close, halt), end,come to an end, end up, terminat e,quench,quell,run out, expire, concl udeadjourn/dissolve/lull/subvert,abortaive, Surcease, cessation,impasse, deadlock, logjam, stalemate, Ultimate, final, eventual,Abeyance, suspend, interruption, brake, halt, pause,死亡,毁灭Perish, annihilate, kill, exterminate, take life, slay, hatchet, slaughter, assassinat e, famish, smother, throttle, strangle, sti fle, decimate,Die, pass away, perish, expire, run out, decease, death, demise,Defunct, moribund, dying,Fatal, formidable, deadly, fatality.取消,废除550Cancel, annul,call off, do away with, Abolish, desuetude, disuse, abandon, re peal, revoke, invalidate, rescind, nullify Obsolete, out of date, outmoded, out of fashion, old-fashioned,除去551Remove,erase,delete, extinguish, exter minate, eliminate, eradicate, extirpate, e fface,clear away, throw away, do away with, wipe out, get rid of , rule out, Obliterate, expurgate, expunge, purify, p urge,破坏Destroy, damage, wreck, devastate, raze, ravage, knock down, demolish, vandaliz e, tear down, ruin, spoil, dilapidate, Perdition,detrimental,harmful, injurious,topple down/inclement/伤害Damage Bruise, mar, maul, do harm to, injure, wound, hurt, impair, harm, hurt, wound, harm, break, fracture, maim, c ripple, mangle, mutilate;cut, gash, fracture, break灾祸Disaster, catastrophic, calamity, cataclys m, carnage, massacre, holocaust, decim ate, wreck, accident,Misfortune, hapless, mishap,逐渐消亡Rot way, perish, decay, disintegrate, de compose, deteriorate, molder, aggravate, worsen, exacerbate, corrupt, Rotten, decayed, corrupt, damaged; decrepit ,decrepitude, dilapidate状态之改变正面能力,强,权力Enable, facilitate, empower, entitle, enha nce,Strengthen, reinforce, sustain, countenan ce, consolidate,Able, be capable of doing , competent, potent, omnipotent, puissant, resourceful Ability, capability, capacity, skill, forte,c ompetence, facultyIntelligence, aptitude, flair, talent Clever, bright, talented, astute, wisdom, wise, smart, acumen,Hegemony, puissance, resource, power, energy, authority, influence, impact, sup remacy, potency, strength, force, vigor; 大Aggrandize, amplify, augment, broaden, widen, extend, enlarge, magnify, enlarg e,Exaggerate, overstate, overstress, overe mphasize,多,增加Enrich, increase, add to, abound, fill, fill up, replenish, stock up, add, put in, ra ise,Accrue, mount up, augment, accumulate, riseAbundant, plentiful, more than enough, profuse, copious, rich, wealthy, generou s, numerous, in great numbers;sufficient, enough, adequate, ample, as much as necessary,Increment, accretion, growth, augmentat ion,高Raise, lift up, improve, enhance, elevate, escalate, heave, heighten, hoist, Rise, increase, ascend, mount, go up, cl imb scale, jack up, skyrocket, surge, up surgeHigh, tall, in height, lofty, towering, lan ky;Height, stature, elevation, altitude有助Help, assist, aid, subsidize, help to, con duce to,, contribute to, function to, be of assistance, lend a hand, facilitate, en hance,Helper, aide, assistant, accessory, ancilla ry, accomplice, auspices,支持Support, bolster, boost, brace, buttress, espouse, proponent, underpin, embrace, exponent,快216Accelerate, hasten, speed up, quicken u p, expediteRun, scurry, scuttle, scamper, prance, g allop, sprint, scud, Dart, fleet, rush,Fast, quick, rapid, swift, expeditious, sp eedy, fleeting, briskSpeed, swiftness, pace, velocity, rapidity, tempo, rate, quickness, promptness,有效,起作用Effective, efficient, effectual, successful, useful, helpful, functional, applicable, op erative, working, active, functioning, in operation, in use,Available, serviceable,Impact, influence,自由,解脱Release, free, set free, set off, liberate, unshackle, unfetter, emancipate, manu mit, disentangle, untangle, extricate, unr avel,中性变Change, alter, modify, vary, turn, beco me, adjust, amend, transform, distort, modulate, transmute, shift, transfigure,Fluctuate, move, revolutionize, alternate, shiftDiversified, volatile, fickle, mercurial, pro tean, erratic, eccentric, irregular, inconsi stent,Changeable, unsettled, variable, malleabl e, mutable,Change, alteration, variation, modificatio n, transition, renovation, recondition, mu tation;修改Redress, rectify, revise, emend, renovat e, innovate, recondition,负面弱Weaken, enervate, vitiate, sap, impair, e maciate, attenuate, diluteWane, sag, fade, flag, deteriorate, exac erbate, wither, blight, dry up, wilt, sere, sear, shrink, shrivel,Weak, feeble, effete, wan, frail, lacking in strength, impotent, feeble, lethargic Infirmity, weakness, decadence, decaden t,减少,降低Lower, reduce, decrease, drop off, abat e, decline, dwarf, dwindle, rarefy, curtail, shorten, abridge, truncate, dock, declin e, slump, eclipse, subside, shrink, ebb, Diminish, lessen, debase, dilute, modera te, die down, grow less intense, cut do wn, ebb, cut back,慢Decelerate, slow, slow down, retard, hol d back,Slow, sluggish,Postpone, put off, delay, defer, procrasti nate, adjourn,Dilatory, tardy, slack, sluggish,平息reconcile, comfort, placate, conciliate, re assure,allay, calm, console, soothe, pac ify, assuage, mitigate, palliate, salve, te mper,palliation, reconciliation,禁止,限制Prohibit, proscribe, forbid, ban, restrain, interdict, overrule, veto, stop from Limit, restrict, confine, blockade, fetter, shackle, circumscribeProhibited, forbidden, banned, illegal, ou tlawed, proscribed, taboo;Durance, taboo,控制, 抑制Control, wield, hold, steer, helm, maneu ver, manipulate, dominate, regulate, rein in, direct, rule, govern, reign, regiment Curb, bridle, yoke, restrain inhibit smold er, suffocate,refrain from阻碍455Hinder, hamper, check, stunt, impede, b lock, obstruct, retard, interrupt, hold ba ck, prevent from, forestall, keep from, d eter from, discountenance, lumber, thwa rt, stem, stymie, frustrate, stump, stem, Entangle, enmesh, ensnare, entrap, Barrier, obstacle, obstruction, impedimen t, setback, hindrance, hurdle, blockade, blockage,morass, predicament, plight, straits, qua ndary,strait,预防Forestall, proselytize, preclude, prevent, 干预432Interfere, intervene, intercede, meddle, annoy, vex, nettle, perturb, disturb, disc omfit, molest, pester, bother, annoy, ha rass, intrude,Mediate,Inroad, raid, assail, assault, attack, tres pass, infringe, attack, foray, intrude, en croach,Turbulence, disturbance得到,付出付出给Give, offer, endow, endue, present, best ow, provide, supply, furnishImpart, instruct, apprise, teach, instill, i nculcate,Proffer, confer, donate, contribute, subs cribe, bequeath,Issue, flow out, release,支出Cost, spend, pay, pay out, expend, disb urse,Prodigal, profligate, splurge, spendthrift, dissipatefrugal, scrimp, skimp, abstemious, Expenditure, subvention,归还,偿439Return, hand out, restore, reciprocate, r emunerate, revert,Compensate, reimburse, indemnify, expi ate, atonement,Salary, remuneration, Emolument, honor arium,分配Distribute, allocate, issue, hand out, app ortion, allot, dispense, ration, allot, assi gn, designate;Distribution, dispensation ration, allotme nt施加impose, entail, exert, inflict, suppress, s ubjugate, compress ,repress, coerce,使满Suffice, satiate, satisfy, cater, sate, mee t requirement, gratifySuffuse, implant, instill, infuse, fill, impr egnate,放弃Relinquish, give up, disclaim, abdicate, a bjure, waive, renounce, recant, wean, f orsake, abdicate, desert, forswear, renounce, repudiate, forgo, disown, disavow, abandonRenunciation,获得得到Get, receive, Accept, attain, acquire, obt ain, gain, repossess, retrieve, procure, c atch,Earn, profit, embezzle, peculate, defalcat e, graft, appropriate,Obtainable, accessible, receptive, Receiver, recipient, procurement夺Deprive, take away, exact, extort, dispo ssess, bereave, divest, strip,Loot, ravage, ransack, sack, despoil, plu nder, rapine, snatch, ,exploit, distill, Confiscate, impound, sequestrate, forfeit, expropriateExaction, depredation, spoliation,吸引Attract, appeal, fascinate, draw, charm, intrigue, enchant, tempt, allure, enchant, enthrall, rivet, fix, spellbind, intoxicate, engross, occupy, captivate, enamor, Attractive, appealing, charming, pleasing, attractiveness, fascination, charisma, pe rsonal, magnetism, attraction, fascinatio n,包含510Contain, consist of, comprise, cover, enc ompass, span, contain, encompass, subs ume, consist of, include, involve, embroi l, implicate, ;Configuration component,需要,Require, call for, need, demand, necessi tate,Necessary, required, requisite, essential, Requisite, prerequisite, requirement, pre condition,使使Cause to be, make, lead to, render, tur n into, trigger, activate, cause,要求,请求,Request, ask, entreat, demand, petition, appeal toSolicit, invoke, plead, implore, beseech, adjure,Dictate, command, mandate, order, instr uct, charge,Imperative, essential, compulsory, mand atory, urgent, obligatory,Request, requisition, petition, invocation;促使,劝说,Advise, urge, argue, advocate, persuade, sway, influence,Convince, expostulate, exhort, hortative 刺激,激发,鼓励Stimulate, activate, spur, incite, agitate, inspire, arouse, excite, provoke, actuate, incite, foment, stir up, trigger, Kindle, enkindle, igniteencourage, motivate, invigorate, prompt, instigate,Impetuous, impulsive;Drive, motivation, incentive, inducement, impetus推动,驱动,迫使Push, drive, propel, force, oblige, propel, compel goad威逼利诱欺骗,伪装Deceive, dupe, cheat, swindle, hoodwin k,Disguise,Duplicity, artifice, chicanery, deception, s cheme, subterfuge, duplicity.引诱Beguile, lure, tempt, allure, entice, tanta lize, coax, delude, cozen, beguile,, Guile, deceit, cunning, wile, trickery Wily威吓Threaten, menace, intimidate ,hector, fri ghten, bully,Threatening, menacing,Threat, menace允许,承认Allow, let, permit, licenseAllowance, license, permission, consent, sanction, authorization心理想要期望Expect, look forward to, wait for, look a head to, suppose, anticipate, await欲望,欲求Wish, want, desire, long, yearn, aspire, crave, hanker, covet:Desirous, eager, avid, greedy, acquisitiv e, much desired, coveted, ambitious, en terprising;Longing, aspiration, yearning, ambition, avarice, desire for, appetite, desire意图Intend, tend to, mean, plan, be inclined to, predispose, resolve, prone to, apt to, disposed to, attempt to, aim to, be s et to, have in mind, slant Intentionally, purposely, deliberately, con sciously,Intention, motive, tendency, trend, procl ivity, inclination, acclivity declivity, Liable, inclined to, willingly, likely不愿意Waver, hesitate, oscillate, vacillate, bogg le, pause, falter,reluctant, unwilling,irresolute, indecisive, undetermined, uncertain, undecided, un sure,Reluctantly, unwillinglyReluctance, unwillingness认知感觉,察觉Sense, feel, savor, be conscious of, be aware of, regain consciousness, perceive, Cognize, regard,Detect, identify, notice, recognize, obser ve,Heed, pay/give heed to, take heed/notic e of, notice, pay/give attention to Conscious, aware capable of feeling, sen tient, percipient, cognizant, Consciousness, awareness, feeling, sense, sensation,Attention, heed, notice思考Think, consider, ponder, speculate, cont emplate, reflect, muse, ponder, contemp late, muse, meditate, ruminate, chew, d eliberate, take into account, take into c onsideration, cross one's mind, flash acr oss one's mind, pass through one's min d, occur to sbthoughtful, meditative, pensive thought,consideration,reflection,contempla tion理解know, understand, realize, appreciate, gr asp, apprehend, figure out, be informed about, read, make out, go one’s idea across, decipher, decode, recognize, co mprehend, be acquainted with, be famili ar with,忽视,忘记, 没感觉Forget, not remember, neglect, ignore, overlook, disregard, pay no attention to, take no notice ofCondone, excuse, and forgive, pardon, absolve, exonerate, extenuate, Oblivious, remiss, delinquent, negligent, Neglectful, forgetfulOblivion, remission, omission.Amnesia, amnesty, inattention, oversight Ignorant, unknown,unconscious, unaware, insensitive, unres ponsive清楚clarify, elucidate, shed light on, illuminat e, make clearexplicit, overt, precise, unambiguous, pla in, clear, unequivocal,clarity, clearness, lucidity, transparency, simplicity, precision.迷惑Confuse, puzzle, muddle, bewilder, perpl ex, baffle, nonplus, flummox, disconcert, confound, mix up, fluster, obscure, obf uscate, perplexQuandary, dilemma, plight, predicament, 态度正面赞成,同意Approve, endorse, grant, confirm, ratify, agree with, consent, endorse, approbat e, assent, approve, accord, agree, acced e, resonate,Unanimous, in full accord,Approval, agreement, concurrence, unani mity, approbation. Uniformity, consistenc y, endorsement, confirmation, ratification, sanction,allow, permit, let, consent to肯定,相信Certain, sure, ascertain,positive, confident, convinced, assured,Inevitable, certainly, surely, positively, d efinitely, confidently, assuredly, inevitabl y, undoubtedly, unquestionably, unequiv ocallyBelieve, trust, entrust, have faith in,fidelity, loyalty, faith, affidavit, convictio n,喜欢,赞美Love, be fond of, like, favor, worship, adore,Laud, praise, commend, extol, exalt, ex ult, eulogize, honor, pay tribute to, hymn, paean, carol, psalm, encomium,不喜欢,Loath, hate, dislike, abhor, repulse, repe l, abominate, detest,Heinous, odious, hateful, repellent, repul sive, repugnant obnoxious, Aversion, odium, aversion, revulsion, ab horrence,不同意,反对Disagree, dissent, reject, and disallow di scord,Contradict, gainsay, say the opposite to, oppose, counter, be in opposition to, g o up against, defy, controvert, impugn,Inconsistent, contradictory, in disagreem ent, at oddsDisharmony, dissonanceOpposing, dissenting, opposite, contradic tory, override contrariwise, oppositely; Dispute, argue,反驳Refute, rebut, retort, deny, confute, con test, disprove羞辱,贬义Embarrass, humiliate, disgrace, dishonor, mortify, demean, discomfit, degrade, u ndermineEmbarrassed, ashamed, unembarrassed, unabashedHumiliation, chagrin忧虑Worry about, fret over, feel anxious, un easy about, be concerned about, fret, agony,Anxious, uneasy;Anxiety, concern, uneasiness, disquieted ness, nervousness疑问,不相信Doubt, query, question, inquiry, Discredit, distrust, disbelieve, mistrust, s uspect, be suspicious of, have doubts a boutDoubtful, misgiving, skeptical, dubious, i ncredulous,;Doubt, incertitude, questioning, skepticis m, implausibility, incredibility批评,谴责Criticize, censure, condemn, denounce, attack, rail, rebuke, blame, reprove, rep rimand,reproach; diatribe, reproof, reprimand分久必合,合久必分合,和同,等, 似Accord, match, equal, like, resemble, ap proximate,Same, unified, matching, much the sam e, be similar to, akin to, the same as, equivalent, identical parallelEquivalent, congruity, concord, parallel, similarity, parallelism, tantamount, tally,Resemble, bear a resemblance to, be lik e, look like, simulate, take after, imitate, mimic, copy, emulate,比较Compare, contrast, weigh against, judge against, balance, parallel Comparatively, relatively适合Suitable, fit, suited, proper, right, appro priate, apposite, apropos, opportune, fitt ing, apt,suitably, properly, rightly, appropriately, fittingly, aptly,相容Compatible, well-matched, well-suited, at tuned, companionable, congenial, affable, amicable,Accommodate, Harbor, lodge,陪伴Accompany with, go along with, go tog ether with, go with, come with, keep sb. Company, join, escort, convoy, cling to 合作,合并Work together, cooperate, come togethe r, and collaborate, join forces, team up, Merge, unite, connect, bond, bring toget her, combine, associate, amalgamate, s wallow up, become one, come together, Affiliate, annex, coalesce, incorporate, i ntegrate, put together, join together. Involve, embroil, include,Weld, join, solder,Merger, combination, solidarity, coalition, cohesion, conglomeration, agglomeratio n, confluence, Rapport, rapprochement, inseparable,聚集Gather, accumulate, amass, collect, pile up, heap up, compile, assemble, garner, convene, summon, organize, call toget her,swarm, throng, teem, crowdRally, confer, muster, congregate, aggre gate, put together, amass, convoke, con vene, collect a supply of;Collection, group, multitude, flock, herd, array, accumulation, accretion, backlog.Gregarious,联系,依靠Link, relate, connect, associate, correlate, attach, fasten, clinch, cling to, tie, adh ere, affiliate, pertain, trace; Relevant, pertinent, germane,Link, bond, nexus, linkage, relationship, attachment,Rely on, trust, depend on, count on;Reliable, foolproof, dependable, indepen dent, sovereign;trust, reliance, dependence,整体,全部,广义Complete, total, entire, full, whole, thor ough, comprehensive, all-round, versatile, plenaryGenerally, entirely, fully, wholly, thoroug hly, exhaustively, usually, largely, mainly, mostly, for the most part, on the whol e, in generalAll over, throughout;交易,遇见,互相Trade, exchange, deal, do business, tra nsact, interact, intertwine, swap, switch,Trade, commerce, interplay, commodity, goods, merchandise, transaction, intera ctionMeet, encounter, run into, run across, c ome across, happen to see, discover; Mutual, reciprocal, vice versa,遵守,认同Obey, comply with, act upon, follow, m eet the terms, act in accordance, submi t, observe, conform,Accordance, tractable, obedient, ductile, compliant, docile, manageable, tame,分分开,部分Divide, break up, separate, undo, seclud e, sever, diversify, bifurcate, ramify, dis connect, cede, sunder, asunder, part, p artition, isolate, part, detach, Exclude, occluded, preclude, segregate, secludeDisband, dismiss, scatter, estrange, seg ment, cleave, rift, disintegrate, split up, fall apart, collapse,Fission, crevice, partition, detachment, s ecession,Section, aspect, feature, facet, respect, side, sector, division, part, segment, fra gment, piece, portion背离Digress, deviate, diverge, astray, depart, swerve, deflect, defection, apostate, be tray, divagate, secede egress, Perfidious, infidelity, disloyal, unfaithfuln ess, disaffected,不同Different, dissimilar, unlike, incongruous, discordant, disparate,Multifarious, motley, various varied, dive rsified,Diversity, shade, nuance, disparity, discr epancy, difference, variance, multiplicity, 不相容,不适合Incompatible, mismatched, unsuited, dis cordant, inharmonious, unsuitable, improper, wrong, inappropriate, inopportune, unfitunsuitably, inappropriately,违背,对立Contravene, defend, break, breach, diso bey, counter, resist, violate, defy, flout, infringe,infraction,对立争,斗,努力Compete, via, contend, struggle, wrestle, tussle, challenge, fight against, emulate, rival, conflict, contest, strife, confront, face up to,Strive, make an effort, endeavor to, try to do, attempt to do, struggle; Effort, attemptantagonistic, hostile, friction躲避Avoid, escape, keep away from, stay a way from, shun, wince, flee, run away, flight, parry, evade, dodge, sidestep, elu de, shirk,成Win, succeed, triumph, prevail, outstrip, outwit, transcend, exceed, surmount, o vercome surpass,Fulfill, complete, accomplish, finish, achi eve, reach, approach, realize, soar, Subdue, suppress, override, overrule, su bvert, topple,Consummation, achievement, feat, attain ment, accomplishment.Accessible, reachable, attainable, obtaina ble, approachable,败Fail, be unsuccessful, be abortive, flunk, founder, bungle, sink, be fruitless, bun gle, blunder, bumble, muffFailure, abortion, crashstranded,处理对付,处置Deal with, cope with, and dispose, hand le, manage, process,Disposition选择Choose, select, favor, prefer, pick,传递Transmit, pass, hand on, transcribe, tra nsfer, move, convert, convey, send, ferr y, transport,Impart, inculcate, instruct, teach, inform, apprise, pass ontransfusion,采用,利用Make use of, use, employ, utilize, exploi t, consume, harness, assume, take on手段,工具By means of, by way of, by virtue of , method, manner, means, device, instru ment, facility, implement, apparatus, ap pliance, mechanism, gadget, utensil, tool s,contrivance, maneuver, tactic, mean, ex pedient, stratagem, tact, ploy, artifice, chicanery, scheme, plan, project, program行为,Act, perform, behave, work, serve as, o perate, run, function to, conduct;Be engaged in, carry on, indulge in, par ticipate, endeavor to, take part in, devo te to, dedicate to,Behavior, demeanor, conduct, action, pe rformance,信息处理表达说,表达say, tell, talk, speak, utter, express, voi ce, state, articulate, pronounce, emote, Declare, pronounce, claim, announce, ad dress, intimateEquivocate, prevaricate, prattle, stamme r,chat, discuss, converse, bargain, negotia te,talk, chat, discussion, debate, conversati on, colloquy提出Suggest, propose, present, put forward, recommend, advocate, advise, posit, av er, allege, postulate, propound, tender, Hint, imply, insinuate, allude,描述Describe, depict, illustrate, limn, recount, portray, represent, define, characterize, delineate, sketch out,;description, version解释,说明Explain, interpret, explicate, detail, clarif y, make clear, construe, misconstrue, el ucidate, shed light on, decipher,, expou nd, disabuse, explain in detail, account for;Exposition, exhibition, connotation, exeg esis, gloss annotate,表明Show, demonstrate, evince, indicate, dis play, exhibit,获取信息观察,探求observe, view, see, spot, watch, notice, make out, perceive, bring attention to, be aware of,distinguish, discern, detect, scrutinize, m onitor, study, sight, inquire, probe, sear ch, explore,Search, grope, probe, plumb, fathom, re search,quest;调查,检查Inspect, examine, scan, study, check, in vestigate, censor, peruse, look into, look over, scrutinize, survey,Inspection, examination, census, censor, investigation, scrutiny, survey, inquiry, census, poll纪录,记载Record, register, document ,write down, take down, put down, note down, deta il, keep details,逻辑分析证明Analyze, consider, infer, extrapolate, pro ve, justify, confirm, verify, validate, testi fy, attest, authenticate, substantiate, giv e evidence, corroborate假设Presume, assume, suppose, imagine, pr emise, surmise,推断Induce, infer, deduce, reason, derive fro m, ratiocinate, conclude,因果result from, result in, according to, attri bute to, ascribe to, credit to, account f or, derive from, arise from,proof, evidence, inference, conclusion, convince,cogent, sound, logical, rational,真,正确True, right, correct, proper, real, actual, genuine, veritable, veracious, authentic truly, really, actually, in fact, authentical ly, realistically, pragmatically; genuinely veraciously,faultless, impecca ble, in the right wayTruth, canon, criterion, norm, axiom, ve racity. Rationale, truism, maxim, correct, revise, rectify假,错False, wrong, incorrect, fallacious mistak en, erroneous, unreal, errant, faulty Fake, sham, phony, pretended, simulate d, pseudoMistakenly, erroneously;Mistake, error, fault, fallacy, misconcepti on, illusion;take A as B, confuse A with B, mistake A for B, erroneously identify A as B, f alsify,发现, 揭示Discover, find out, learn, reveal, disclose, unveil, expose, divulge, make known, debunk, declassify, decode, decipher, tra nslate, make out, revelation,其它强调的,Absolutely, incontrovertible, indispensabl e,indisputable, inalienable, indubitable, incontestable, irrefutable, incontrovertibl e;重要的Consequential, imponderable, paramount, substantial, major, significant, importan t, leading, major, dominant, predominan t, prevailing, key, pivotal, decisive, critic al, crucial, basic, fundamental, radical, e ssential, primary, integral, inherent, indis pensable, necessary优缺点Advantage, benefit, advantageous, valua ble, precious, positive, positive aspect, h elpful, asset, valuable quality. Disadvantage, drawback, weakness, shor tcoming, downside, negative aspect, unf avorable feature.明显的,突出的,优秀的,杰出的Obvious, apparent, evident, conspicuous visible, noteworthy, noticeable, notable,。
