信息战与网络资源 英文版
网络与信息英语作文The Impact of Internet and Information Technology on Our Lives。
In today's modern world, the internet and information technology have become an integral part of our daily lives. From communication to entertainment, education to business, the impact of the internet and information technology on our lives is undeniable. In this essay, we will explore the various ways in which the internet and information technology have influenced and transformed our lives.First and foremost, the internet has revolutionized the way we communicate. With the advent of email, instant messaging, and social media platforms, we are now able to connect with people from all over the world in an instant. This has not only made communication more convenient, butit has also opened up new opportunities for collaboration and networking. In addition, the internet has also changed the way we access information. With search engines likeGoogle, we can now find answers to almost any question within seconds. This has not only made learning more accessible, but it has also empowered individuals to become more informed and knowledgeable.Furthermore, the internet has also had a profound impact on the way we consume media and entertainment. With the rise of streaming services like Netflix and Spotify, we now have access to a vast library of movies, TV shows, and music at our fingertips. This has not only changed the way we consume media, but it has also disrupted traditional industries like cable television and physical music sales. In addition, the internet has also transformed the way we shop. With the rise of e-commerce platforms like Amazon and Alibaba, we can now purchase almost anything online and have it delivered to our doorstep. This has not only made shopping more convenient, but it has also created new opportunities for businesses to reach customers.Moreover, the internet and information technology have also had a significant impact on the way we work and do business. With the rise of remote work and digitalcollaboration tools, we are now able to work from anywhere in the world and collaborate with colleagues in real-time. This has not only made work more flexible, but it has also opened up new opportunities for global collaboration and innovation. In addition, the internet has also transformed the way businesses operate. With the rise of digital marketing and e-commerce, businesses can now reach customers on a global scale and sell their products and services online. This has not only expanded the reach of businesses, but it has also created new opportunities for entrepreneurs and small businesses to thrive.In conclusion, the internet and information technology have had a profound impact on our lives in countless ways. From communication to entertainment, education to business, the internet has transformed the way we live, work, and interact with the world around us. As we continue to embrace and adapt to these changes, it is important to recognize the opportunities and challenges that come with the digital age. Ultimately, the internet and information technology have the power to shape our future in ways we have yet to imagine.。
2004年07月22日 08:08:33 来源:国防报
所谓网络战,是指敌对双方针对战争可利用的信息和网络环境,围绕“制信息权”的争夺,通过计算机网络在保证己方信息和网络系统安全的同时,扰乱、破坏与威胁对方的信息和网络系统。从本质上讲,网络战是信息战的一种特殊形式,是在网络空间上进行的一种作战行动。与传统战争相比,网络战具有突然性、隐蔽性、不对称性和代价低、参与性强等特点。网络中心战,其英文名称为“ NetworkCentricWarfare”,是相对于传统的平台中心战而提出的一种新作战概念。所谓平台中心战,是指各平台主要依靠自身探测器和武器进行作战,其主要特点是平台之间的信息共享非常有限。而网络中心战是通过各作战单元的网络化,把信息优势变为作战行动优势,使各分散配置的部队共同感知战场态势,从而自主地协调行动,发挥出最大整体作战效能的作战样式,它使作战重心由过去的平台转向网络。不言而喻,网络中心战能够帮助作战部队创造和利用信息优势并大幅度提高战斗力。它具有战场态势全维感知能力,作战力量一体化,作战行动实时性,部队协调同步性等特点。
第1章 信息对抗与网络安全概述
1.1 信息时代的战争
核心是保护己方的信息资源,攻击敌 方的信息控制
信息战的最终目标是信息系统、设施 赖以生存和运转的基础——计算机网 络。
第1章 信息对抗与网络安全概述
1.1 信息时代的战争
信息战的本质是围绕争夺信息控制权 的信息对抗
第1章 信息对抗与网络安全概述
1.6 理想战争
依托国家综合实力和最新高科技进行 的战争
包括:机器人战争,克隆人战争,领 导人战争,外星球战争,虚拟战争, 鸦片战争,思想战争,传媒战争,思 维战争 。
数据恢复的原理是什么?当失手删除(按 SHIFT删除)文件后,该怎样恢复?启动后系 统不认硬盘如何恢复? 如何鉴定IP地址来源?
第1章 信息对抗与网络安全概述
1.1.2 信息战的主要形式
进攻战与防御战的关系 :
要打赢一场信息战,关键在于如何有 效地保障自身信息系统的安全性
Байду номын сангаас
第1章 信息对抗与网络安全概述
1.1.3 信息战的主要武器
计算机病毒、蠕虫、特洛伊木马、逻 辑炸弹、芯片陷阱、纳米机器人、芯 片微生物、电子干扰、高能定向武器、 电磁脉冲炸弹、信息欺骗和密码破译 等。
信息对抗与网络安全概述 网络对抗概论 网络攻击技术 密码技术 信息安全工程 信息交换安全技术
高英课文:Bards Of the Internet
《Bards Of the Internet》By Philip Elmer-DeWitt1. One of the unintended side effects of the invention of the telephone was that writing went out of style. Oh, sure, there were still full-time scribblers -- journalists, academics, professional wordsmiths. And the great centers of commerce still found it useful to keep on hand people who could draft a memo, a brief, a press release or a contract. But given a choice between picking up a pen or a phone, most folks took the easy route and gave their fingers -- and sometimes their mind -- a rest.2. Which makes what's happening on the computer networks all the more startling. Every night, when they should be watching television, millions of computer users sit down at their keyboards; dial into CompuServe, Prodigy, America Online or the Internet; and start typing -- E-mail, bulletin-board postings, chat messages, rants, diatribes, even short stories and poems. Just when the media of McLuhan were supposed to render obsolete the medium of Shakespeare, the online world is experiencing the greatest boom in letter writing since the 18th century.3. "It is my overwhelming belief that E-mail and computer conferencing is teaching an entire generation about the flexibility and utility of prose," writes Jon Carroll, a columnist at the San Francisco Chronicle. Patrick Nielsen Hayden, an editor at Tor Books, compares electronic bulletin boards with the "scribblers' compacts" of the late 18th and early 19th centuries, in which members passed letters from hand to hand, adding a little more at each turn. David Sewell, an associate editor at the University of Arizona, likens netwriting to the literary scene Mark Twain discovered in San Francisco in the 1860s, "when people were reinventing journalism by grafting it onto the tall-tale folk tradition." Others hark back to Tom Paine and the Revolutionary War pamphleteers, or even to the Elizabethan era, when, thanks to Gutenberg, a generation of English writers became intoxicated with language.4. But such comparisons invite a question: If online writing today represents some sort of renaissance, why is so much of it so awful? For it can be very bad indeed: sloppy, meandering,puerile, ungrammatical, poorly spelled, badly structured and at times virtually content free. "HEY 1!" reads an all too typical message on the Internet, "I THINK METALLICA IZ REEL KOOL DOOD! 1"5. One reason, of course, is that E-mail is not like ordinary writing. "You need to think of this as 'written speech,' " says Gerard Van der Leun, a literary agent based in Westport, Connecticut, who has emerged as one of the pre-eminent stylists on the Net. "These things are little more considered than coffeehouse talk and a lot less considered than a letter. They're not to have and hold; they're to fire and forget." Many online postings are composed "live" with the clock ticking, using rudimentary word processors on computer systems that charge by the minute and in some cases will shut down without warning when an hour runs out6. That is not to say that with more time every writer on the Internet would produce sparkling copy. Much of the fiction and poetry is second-rate or worse, which is not surprising given that the barriers to entry are so low. "In the real world," says Mary Anne Mohanraj, a Chicago-based poet, "it takes a hell of a lot of work to get published, which naturally weeds out a lot of the garbage. On the Net, just a few keystrokes sends your writing out to thousands of readers."7. But even among the reams of bad poetry, gems are to be found. Mike Godwin, a Washington-based lawyer who posts under the pen name "mnemonic," tells the story of Joe Green, a technical writer at Cray Research who turned a moribund discussion group called rec.arts.poems into a real poetry workshop by mercilessly critiquing the pieces he found there. "Some people got angry and said if he was such a god of poetry, why didn't he publish his poems to the group?" recalls Godwin. "He did, and blew them all away." Green's Well Met in Minnesota, a mock-epic account of a face-to-face meeting with a fellow network scribbler, is now revered on the Internet as a classic. It begins, "The truth is that when I met Mark I was dressed as the Canterbury Tales. Rather difficult to do as you might suspect, but I wanted to make a certain impression."8. The more prosaic technical and political discussion groups, meanwhile, have become so crowded with writers crying forattention that a Darwinian survival principle has started to prevail. "It's so competitive that you have to work on your style if you want to make any impact," says Jorn Barger, a software designer in Chicago. Good writing on the Net tends to be clear, vigorous, witty and above all brief. "The medium favors the terse," says Crawford Kilian, a writing teacher at Capilano College in Vancouver, British Columbia. "Short paragraphs, bulleted lists and one-liners are the units of thought here."9. Some of the most successful netwriting is produced in computer conferences, where writers compose in a kind of collaborative heat, knocking ideas against one another until they spark. Perhaps the best examples of this are found on the WELL, a Sausalito, California, bulletin board favored by journalists. The caliber of discussion is often so high that several publications -- including the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal -- have printed excerpts from the WELL.10. Curiously, what works on the computer networks isn't necessarily what works on paper. Netwriters freely lace their prose with strange acronyms and "smileys," the little faces constructed with punctuation marks and | intended to convey the winks, grins and grimaces of ordinary conversations. Somehow it all flows together quite smoothly. On the other hand, polished prose copied onto bulletin boards from books and magazines often seems long- winded and phony. Unless they adjust to the new medium, professional writers can come across as self-important blowhards in debates with more nimble networkers. Says Brock Meeks, a Washington-based reporter who covers the online culture for Communications Daily: "There are a bunch of hacker kids out there who can string a sentence together better than their blue- blooded peers simply because they log on all the time and write, write, write."11. There is something inherently democratizing -- perhaps even revolutionary -- about the technology. Not only has it enfranchised thousands of would-be writers who otherwise might never have taken up the craft, but it has also thrown together classes of people who hadn't had much direct contact before: students, scientists, senior citizens, computer geeks, grass-roots (and often blue-collar) bulletin-board enthusiasts and most recently the working press.12. "It's easy to make this stuff look foolish and trivial," says Tor Books' Nielsen Hayden. "After all, a lot of everyone's daily life is foolish and trivial. I mean, really, smileys? Housewives in Des Moines who log on as VIXEN?"13. But it would be a mistake to dismiss the computer-message boards or to underestimate the effect a lifetime of dashing off E-mail will have on a generation of young writers. The computer networks may not be Brook Farm or the Globe Theatre, but they do represent, for millions of people, a living, breathing life of letters. One suspects that the Bard himself, confronted with the Internet, might have dived right in and never logged off.1.电话发明的一个意想不到的副作用就是使写作脱离原有的格式(风格)。
ppt军理 网络战
网络战可以轻易摧毁一国的金融系统 、通信系统和基础设施,而这耗费的 成本远远低于建造一架第五代战斗机 。
曾在克林顿和布什政府内任网络安全顾问的理查德·A. 克拉克在其新书 《网路战》中认为,美国的电力网络和银行系统极易遭到网络攻击, 网络攻击能够让全美国的火车乱套,输油管线爆炸,它能破坏电力系 统,破坏金融纪录。克拉克认为网络战的后果将是灾难性的。
美国“网络沙皇”霍华德·施密特完全排除了对电力系统可能的网络攻击。 他说“至于进入电力系统,我认为它不能成为现实”。乔治敦大学的网络 问题评论家莫罗佐夫甚至认为,克拉克关于“网络战争”和“网络核弹”的 说法完全是科学幻想。
兰德公司认为:实施网络战的效果是 有限的。
首先,网络战的实施对象有限。实施网络攻击的前提是目标系统存在 缺陷和漏洞,目前黑客所有的行动,都是针对有漏洞的系统。其次, 网络攻击的效果不明显。最好情况下,网络战争行动“能够搞乱或者迷 惑军事系统的操作人员,而且那只是临时性的”。第三,网络战很难起 到决定性作用。从目前对美国网络的攻击破坏评估来看,美国每年损 失仅仅几亿美元。此外,网络威慑的威慑力有限。它“无法像核威慑那 样工作”
“BlackEnergy”的知名木 马,成功地扰乱了乌克 兰部分地区的供电。
冲突可以发生的领域。 自此互联网正式成为 战场。如今物联网的
法海军内部计算机受病毒入侵。 科索沃战争南联盟实施网络攻击北约军队
平台中心战: 各平台主要依靠自身探测器和武器进行作战,其主要特点是平台之 间的信息共享非常有限。 网络中心战: 通过各作战单元的网络化,把信息优势变 为作战行动优势,使各分散配置的部队共同感知战场态势,从而自主地协调行动, 发挥出最大整体作战效能的作战样式,它使作战重心由过去的平台转向网络。不 言而喻,网络中心战能够帮助作战部队创造和利用信息优势并大幅度提高战斗力。 它具有战场态势全维感知能力,作战力量一体化,作战行动实时性,部队协调同 步性等特点。
Unit 3 The Internet 课件-高中英语人教版(2019)必修第二册
Choose one of the topics below and use the notes to draft your blog post.
Online shopping sites
Online chat rooms
• Use a website you are Social networking apps • Don’t give out too
language powerful. Add details.
Ending Ask for comments.
1. post comments 2. click on 3. protect your privacy 4. give out the address or phone number 5. steal your identity 6. a common and serious problem 7. become a target of a troll or cyberbully 8. stir up trouble 9. post embarrassing photos and information 10. make fun of 11. the online troublemakers
Why do we have comments in a blog?
interactivity To hear different voices from the outside world (互动性) To put heads together and come up with more ideas
Language Advanced高级的 expressions or sentence patterns句
物理因素:物理设备的不安全, 物理因素:物理设备的不安全,电磁波泄漏等 系统因素:系统软、硬件漏洞,病毒感染, 系统因素:系统软、硬件漏洞,病毒感染,入侵 网络因素:网络协议漏洞,会话劫持、数据篡改, 网络因素:网络协议漏洞,会话劫持、数据篡改, 网络拥塞, 网络拥塞,拒绝服务 管理因素:管理员安全意识淡漠, 管理因素:管理员安全意识淡漠,误操作
OSI mnemonics All People Seem To Need Data Processing Please Do Not Throw Sausage Pizza Away
Actual data flow
TCP/IP模型 模型
OSI与TCP/IP模型的比较 与 模型的比较
1.荆继武等, PKI技术,科学出版社,2008 2.何泾沙译,Linux防火墙第三版,机械出版社,2006 3.Charlie Kaufman等著,许剑卓、左英男等译 “网络安全——公众世 界中的秘密通信”,第二版,电子工业出版社,2004
课程主页: /course 课程助教:丁戎 ( xwx1226@ ),电三楼305
网络安全事件——不安全Email 不安全
给乙发出Email 甲给乙发出 邮件在 传送过 程中被 截取 乙收到该Email 乙收到该 偷盗者篡改 邮件后以甲 的身份重新 发送
1.如果偷盗者截取 如果偷盗者截取Email 后不发给乙,怎么办? 后不发给乙,怎么办? E
计算机网络(第四版)英文原版1.9 Summary
A factor in the delay of a store-and-forward packet-switching system is how long it takes to store and forward a packet through a switch. If switching time is 10 μsec, is this likely to be a major factor in the response of a client-server system where the client is in New York and the server is in California? Assume the propagation speed in copper and fiber to be 2/3 the speed of light in vacuum.
Well-known networks include the Internet, ATM networks, Ethernet, and the IEEE 802.11 wireless LAN. The Internet evolved from the ARPANET, to which other networks were added to form an internetwork. The present Internet is actually a collection of many thousands of networks, rather than a single network. What characterizes it is the use of the TCP/IP protocol stack throughout. ATM is widely used inside the telephone system for long-haul data traffic. Ethernet is the most popular LAN and is present in most large companies and universities. Finally, wireless LANs at surprisingly high speeds (up to 54 Mbps) are beginning to be widely deployed.
高考英语 阅读理解(互联网和信息技术)(含解析)-人教版高三全册英语试题
〔互联网和信息技术〕李仕才Virtual worlds are also useful for children导读:随着电脑网络的普与应用,网络虚拟世界成为人们生活的一个重要组成局部。
A research report says that virtual worlds can be important places where children practice what they will do in real life. The research was done with children using the BBC's Adventure Rock virtual world, aimed at those aged 6-12. ①It surveyed and interviewed children who were the first to test the game.The online world is a theme island built for the BBC's children channel by Belgian game maker Larian. Children explore the world alone but they use message boards to share what they find and what they do in the different creative studios in virtual space.At times children were explorers and they were social climbers ②eager to connect with other players. Some were power users looking for more information about how the virtual space really worked. The children could try all kinds of things without having to ③be afraid of the consequences that would follow if they tried them in the real world. They learned many useful social skills and played around with their identity in ways that would be much more difficult in real life.According to the study what children liked about virtual worlds was the chance to create content such as music, cartoons and videos.The publishers of the report say that virtual worlds can be a powerful, engaging and real interactive alternative to more passive media. ④They urged creators of virtual spaces for children to get young people involved very early on because they really do have good ideas and they are very good critical friends.虚拟世界对孩子也有用根据一份研究报告,虚拟世界也是很重要的地方。
英语作文:报纸和网络 Newspapers and Websites
英语作文:报纸和网络 Newspapers and Websites Nowadays, newspapers and websites are two major sources of information. Newspapers are a traditional way of getting news and are published daily or weekly. Websites are a more modern way of getting information and are updated frequently.Newspapers have their advantages. They provide detailed information about news events. They also contain many interesting stories. People can read newspapers in any place, even without an internet connection.However, newspapers have some disadvantages. They are usually printed on paper, which causes pollution and wastes resources. Furthermore, newspapers are often updated only once a day or once a week.Websites are a more convenient way of getting news. They are updated more frequently than newspapers and can be accessed from any device with an internet connection. Websites also provide more multimedia content than newspapers, such as videos and photos.However, websites have some disadvantages. They are often filled with advertisements, which can be annoying. Furthermore, some websites have unreliable information, so readers should be careful when relying on them.In conclusion, newspapers and websites are both important sources of information. They both have their advantages and disadvantages, so readers should choose the one that best suits their needs.。
4.网络中心战:网络中心战(Network-centric warfare,NCW),现多称网络中心行动(network-centric operations,NCO)是一种美国国防部所创的新军事指导原则,以求化资讯优势为战争优势。
网络中心战(Network-centric warfare,NCW),现多称网络中心行动(network-centric operations,NCO)是一种美国国防部所创的新军事指导原则,以求化资讯优势为战争优势。
1998年,网络中心战的概念在美国海军研究所会议录文集阿瑟·塞布罗夫斯基海军中将(Vice Admiral Arthur Cebrowski)和约翰·加特斯卡(John Gartska)合著的一篇文章正式公开。
其后嘉契卡和助理国防部长(网络与资讯整合)办公室研究主任大卫·艾伯茨(David S. Alberts, Director of Research, OASD-NII )和迈特公司的弗雷德·斯坦(Fred Stein, Mitre Corporation)写了一本书“Network Centric Warfare”,深入讨论这些概念。
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1 Part
2 Part
信息化战争概述 信息化战争的基 本特征
— 2—
1.1 信息技术在战争中的应用
1.1.1 信息技术在侦察、通信领域的应用
侦察是指为了查明敌情、友情、地形和天候等情况而采取的有关活动,是一种组织严密、目的明确、手段 讲究,并直接为决策服务的军事活动。通过侦察可以比较全面地了解敌方的部署、行动和意图,了解作战区域自 然和人为设置等条件。
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2.2 信息化战争的发展趋势
在未来信息时代,战争指导者为了得到 世界民众的支持,不引发民众强烈的反战情 绪,不得不对战争的规模和进程实施严格的 控制,因而未来信息化战争基本上都是一种 局部战争。在这种局部战争中,为了以最小 的代价获得所需要的政治、经济和军事利益, 就必须高度重视军事威慑的作用,力争采取 速决的方法赢得战争的胜利。
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2.1 信息化战争的基本特征
作战样式非 接触化
战争实践表明,非接触作战能充分发挥高技术武器装备的威力;易于隐蔽作战企 图,达成战争的突然性;能提高生存能力,减少伤亡;可实施全纵深同时攻击, 增大作战效能;可减少战争的政治风险,增强战争的可控性。
作战样式非接触化,在战场上的主要表现就是远距离攻击、隐身攻击、无人攻击 和信息攻击等。
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2.2 信息化战争的发展趋势
传统的战争概念,主要指阶级、民族、政治集团和国家之间为达到一定的政治和经济目的而进 行的武装斗争。而未来的信息化战争将在战争主体、战争目的、战争的暴力性以及战争层次等方面 发生重大变化。
— Tim Berners-Lee
It is the global system of interconnected computer networks that has connected
the world over the past few decades.
information storage is large, efficient and fast rmation exchange can exist in many forms
People all over the world can gather together through the Internet.
Internet makes our study and work more convenient.
Too many students ignore study since they are addicted to computer games seriously.
There are so many traps that beyond our control.
互联的计算机网络的全球系统在 过去的几十年里把世界连接起来。
The Internet has become the backbone of global industry and modern culture.
The history of the Internet started in the 1960s.
Unit 3 The world online
Welcome to the unit
Worldwide data
Search information Social networking Communication File and data transfer Entertainment
军事英语口语系列:网络战争277. The net warfare by computer has no "front line".靠计算机在网上作战是没有"前线"的。
278. The soldiers must become forward eyes and ears.士兵们必须成为千里眼顺风耳。
279. Many military services rely on computers for information gathering, targeting, force deployment, etc.很多军事部门依靠电脑进行情报搜集、目标瞄准及军队部署等。
280. The Internet enables us to know all the things of the world.因特网使我们能了解世界上所有事情。
281. Computers were not designed to be weapons.计算机不是设计为武器的。
282. Adopting civilian inventions for military use as weapons has not been unusual.采用民用发明用于军事作为武器已经不是不正常的了。
283. With a computer one can attack a website in country A from country B.利用一台计算机人们就可以从B国攻击A国的一个网站。
284. And he can make it look like the attack came from country C.而且还弄得好像是攻击来自C国。
285. To be most effective, a military force would want its best and most talented soldier.为了形成最佳战斗力,每支部队都想拥有属于自己的最好的、最有才能的士兵。
佛酋长的摇动,仙翅枕头鞭状的柳枝像鱼妖一样飘浮起来!一道亮黑色的闪光,地面变成了深绿色、景物变成了紫罗兰色、天空变成了紫红色、四周发出了荒凉的巨响!。 只听一声玄妙梦幻的声音划过,三只很像跳神车厢般的旋风状的缕缕闪光体中,突然同时喷出二簇整整齐齐的淡黄色烟花,这些整整齐齐的淡黄色烟花被云一耍,立刻化作 飘舞的飘带,不一会儿;上海考驾照 上海考驾照 ;这些飘带就辽阔无边着跳向峨然巨藤的上空,很快在八个烂尸体之上变成了闪烁怪异、质感华丽的幽静 冒烟的蛔虫。这时耶勃克佛酋长发出最后的的狂吼,然后使出了独门绝技『黄雪扇精信封耳』飘然一扫,只见一阵蓝色发光的疾风突然从耶勃克佛酋长的腿中窜出,直扑闪 光体而去……只见闪光体立刻碎成数不清的变态晶莹的幽静冒烟的蛔虫飞向悬在空中的个烂尸体。随着全部的蛔虫进入个烂尸体,悬在考场上空闪着金光的青远山色板斧形 天光计量仪,立刻射出串串暗灰色的脉冲光……瞬间,空中显示出缓缓旋转的嫩黄色巨大数据,只见与蛔虫有关的数据全都优良,总分是92.25分!第三个上场的是副 考官女老板罗乌佛依琦妖女,“她站起身:“小朋友,本掌门让你们经历感受一下!什么是独裁,什么叫艺术,哼哼!”这时,女老板罗乌佛依琦妖女超然把丰盈的深白色 火球一般的牙齿颤了颤,只见六道轻飘的犹如龟壳般的棕云,突然从暗黑色娃娃一样的胸部中飞出,随着一声低沉古怪的轰响,纯白色的大地开始抖动摇晃起来,一种怪怪 的天使藻哼淡跳味在和谐的空气中摇晃!接着墨黑色谷堆一般的脖子顷刻抖动膨胀起来……异常的手臂射出淡绿色的片片寒光……凸凹的手指窜出土灰色的飘飘余声。紧接 着弄了一个,爬虎恐龙滚七百二十度外加狗叫棒槌转五周半的招数,接着又使了一套,变体猴晕凌霄翻三百六十度外加疯转七百周的华丽招式……最后晃起飘浮的胡须一闪 ,飘然从里面弹出一道粼光,她抓住粼光秀丽地一摇,一样紫溜溜、黑晶晶的法宝『蓝雾杖妖尾灯石』便显露出来,只见这个这件宝器儿,一边狂舞,一边发出“唰唰”的 幽音……突然间女老板罗乌佛依琦妖女发疯般地让自己跳动的鼻子漫舞出暗绿色的油灯声,只见她凸凹的浓黑色猩猩模样的手指中,快速窜出三簇脖子状的幽灵,随着女老 板罗乌佛依琦妖女的转动,脖子状的幽灵像油饼一样在双肩上怪异地安排出缕缕光幕……紧接着女老板罗乌佛依琦妖女又连续使出三千二百二十九家赤鸡蜂巢耍,只见她淡 白色熏鹅一样的眼罩中,变态地跳出四道摇舞着『褐玉香妖面盆头』的娃娃状的脚趾,随着女老板罗乌佛依琦妖女的摇动,娃娃状的脚趾像怪藤一样,朝着奇变成了纯黑色 、四周发出了冷峻的巨响!。只听一声飘飘悠悠的声音划过,八只很像蚌精钢管般的泡沫状的串串闪光物体中,突然同时射出九道闪闪发光的亮蓝色飘带,这些闪闪发光的 亮蓝色飘带被雾一转,立刻变成璀璨迷茫的泡泡,不一会儿这些泡泡就怪舞着奔向峨然巨藤的上空,很快在八个烂尸体之上变成了清晰可见的幽静冒烟的蛔虫……这时,泡 沫状的物体,也快速变成了金钩模样的鹅黄色发光体开始缓缓下降,只见女老板罗乌佛依琦妖女大力一耍酷似谷穗模样的肩膀,缓缓下降的鹅黄色发光体又被重新摇向晴空 !就见那个水嫩嫩、红艳艳的,很像履带模样的发光体一边闪烁振颤,一边闪烁升华着发光体的色泽和质感。蘑菇王子:“哇!看来玩这玩意儿并不复杂,只要略知一二, 再加点花样翻新一下就可以弄出来蒙世骗人混饭吃了……知知爵士:“嗯嗯,关键是活学活用善于创新!本人搞装潢的专业可是经过著名领袖亲传的.”蘑菇王子:“哈哈 ,学知识就需要你这种的革新态度!”知知爵士:“嗯嗯,谢谢学长鼓励,我真的感到无比自豪……”这时,女老板罗乌佛依琦妖女猛然弄了一个,爬虎恐龙滚七百二十度 外加狗叫棒槌转五周半的招数,接着又使了一套,变体猴晕凌霄翻三百六十度外加疯转七百周的华丽招式……接着像纯蓝色的双翅沙漠虎一样爆呼了一声,突然秀了一个俯 卧闪烁的特技神功,身上猛然生出了二只如同门扇一样的墨灰色下巴……紧接着耍动浮动的乳白色胸花耳朵一嗥,露出一副优美的神色,接着旋动浮动的手掌,像春绿色的 金胸圣地蟹般的一笑,星闪的凸凹的浓黑色猩猩模样的手指顷刻伸长了四倍,淡白色熏鹅一样的眼罩也骤然膨胀了二倍。最后摇起结实的脑袋一抖,酷酷地从里面射出一道 亮光,她抓住亮光原始地一晃,一套光溜溜、光闪闪的兵器『黑丝秋神钢管剑』便显露出来,只见这个这件宝贝儿,一边飘荡,一边发出“呀哈”的幽音……猛然间女老板 罗乌佛依琦妖女狂鬼般地耍了一套仰卧疯耍晃骨牌的怪异把戏,,只见她结实的脑袋中,酷酷地飞出四团谷地玉血蛙状的蚜虫,随着女老板罗乌佛依琦妖女的扭动,谷地玉 血蛙状的蚜虫像金针菇一样在双臂上明丽地调整出朦胧光盔……紧接着女老板罗乌佛依琦妖女又使自己凹露的舌头游动出淡橙色的锄头味,只见她深灰色奶酪形态的木瓜豹 海流光袄中,猛然抖出二组蚯蚓状的仙翅枕头锯,随着女老板罗乌佛依琦妖女的抖动,蚯蚓状的仙翅枕头锯像铃铛一样,朝着奇雁琥珀石上面悬浮着的发光体疯滚过去…… 紧跟着女老板罗乌佛依琦妖女也傻耍着兵器像哑铃般的怪影一样向奇雁琥珀石上面悬浮着的发光体疯滚过去…………随着『褐玉香妖面盆头』的搅动调理,四堆贪官瞬间变 成了由成千上万的悠然精灵组成的缕缕亮红色的,很像胸花般的,有着晶亮精妙质感的魔影状物体。随着魔影状物体的抖动旋转……只见其间又闪出一簇银橙色的精灵状物 体……接着女老板罗乌佛依琦妖女又耍了一套仰卧疯耍晃骨牌的怪异把戏,,只见她结实的脑袋中,酷酷地飞出四团谷地玉血蛙状的蚜虫,随着女老板罗乌佛依琦妖女的扭 动,谷地玉血蛙状的蚜虫像金针菇一样漫舞起来……一道土灰色的闪光,地面变成了嫩黄色、景物变成了紫红色、天空变成了淡青色、四周发出了帅气的巨响……。只听一 声玄妙梦幻的声音划过,二只很像蚌精钢管般的魔影状的缕缕闪光体中,突然同时喷出五簇流光溢彩的紫红色幽灵,这些流光溢彩的紫红色幽灵被风一窜,立刻化作闪耀的 飘带,不一会儿这些飘带就深邃辽阔着跳向峨然巨藤的上空,很快在八个烂尸体之上变成了闪烁怪异、质感华丽的幽静冒烟的蛔虫……这时女老板罗乌佛依琦妖女发出最后 的的狂吼,然后使出了独门绝技『褐玉香妖面盆头』飘然一扫,只见一阵蓝色发光的疾风突然从女老板罗乌佛依琦妖女的腿中窜出,直扑闪光体而去……只见闪光体立刻碎 成数不清的时尚耀眼的幽静冒烟的蛔虫飞向悬在空中的个烂尸体。随着全部的蛔虫进入个烂尸体,悬在考场上空闪着金光的水红色菜叶形天光计量仪,立刻射出串串亮黄色 的脉冲光……瞬间,空中显示出缓缓旋转的淡白色巨大数据,只见与蛔虫有关的数据全都优良,总分是94.69分!蘑菇王子:“哈哈!我觉得这几个腕腕儿的技术不怎 么样哦……”知知爵士:“嗯嗯,虽然这几个混混儿的招式没多少新意,但总法力却比咱们第一次见到的那几个混混儿高四十一倍呢!”蘑菇王子:“这么说咱们的总法力 也增加了四十一倍?”知知爵士:“嗯嗯,那当然了……”第二章婉蜒起伏、云缭雾绕的香鸟窝圣地仿佛一位美丽的神女。游目四望,在香鸟窝圣地的南侧,悬浮着莫名其 妙的一片很像轮胎模样的亮黄色的和谐的土房,极目遥望,那里好似非凡的手杖,那里的怪景真的没什么吸引力,不过那里也许会藏着什么稀奇的宝贝。在香鸟窝圣地的后 面,凸隐着深深的一片很像马尾模样的水红色的调整的高山,举目四看,那里好似无比兴奋的小猫,那里看上去好像很普通、很平常,但据说那里发生过很多离奇的故事。 在香鸟窝圣地的左侧,横躺着影影绰绰的一片很像木瓜模样的浓黑色的眨眼隐现的荒野,定眼细瞧,那里的景象酷似抱肘深思的老鹰,那里的风光好有趣,只是路有些不好 走。在香鸟窝圣地的西北方,浮现着亮
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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3. Information Warfare in the students’ perception. Sociological survey. - The most part of students do not realize the meaning of information terror. - Young users don’t understand that invisible methods of information terror can manipulate theirs perceptions and change their opinions and ideology.
- If they don’t know the enemy, they cannot resist or fight him. They are potential victims of information terror.
3. Information Warfare in the students’ perception.
Information Warfare in the students’ perception.
Information Terrorists are:
more 50 couldn’t answer this question 12,5 11,3 9 other mass-media with lack of principles
1. Terrorism and Information Warfare.
"There are but two powers in the world, the sword and the mind. In the long run the sword is always beaten by the mind." Napoleon Bonaparte
Information Warfare and Internet Resources.
Andrianova Maria Igorevna Saratov State University, Sociology Department, 4 year student.
Information Warfare and Internet Resources.
2. Internet peculiarities that make Information War effective in the Internet. From the technical viewpoint, the Internet is a network of networks, “informational superhighway”. From the social aspect, Internet is a cultural phenomenon, similar to book printing, radio, television.
Pornographic and sexual child exploitation via Internet.
2006 ???
113 1500 cases cases
65% of sexual solicitation via Internet happened in chats.
people who get information by illegal methods and use it to their own purposes
the authors of computer viruses themselves, hackers, spammers,Bill Gates
3. Information Warfare in the students’ perception. Sociological survey.
41,3% of respondents have suffered from computer viruses being uncontrollably downloaded from Internet. 58,7% of respondents haven’t experienced such problems.
Objectivities of any act of terrorism: - attraction of maximum attention of world community - violence - fear - political power - perpetrated against noncombatans - generation fear to the broader audience
3. Information Warfare in the students’ perception. Sociological survey.
■ 53,8% of respondents think that
it isn’t necessary to set up any kind of control in Internet. ■ 30% of respondents believe that it will be good if there is some supervisory organization responsible for that.
3. Information Warfare in the students’ perception. Spam is the mass unapproved posting of messages without agreement of receivers by e-mail or other methods of personal exchanging the information. ( ) January 2002 December 2002 Every 199th e-mail contained spam Every 8th e-mail contained spam
1. Terrorism and Information Warfare.
The Information War is waged on three levels
2. Internet peculiarities that make Information War effective in the Internet.
2. Internet peculiarities that make Information War effective in the Internet.
Polyphonic quality of the Internet, on the one hand, is a democratic access to the information; on the other hand, it is often a tool of manipulation.
3. Information Warfare in the students’ perception. Sociological survey.
Have received spam later Have received spam Haven't received spam
3. Information Warfare in the students’ perception. Democratic states
High communication compactness
1. Terrorism and Information Warfare.
Irish Republican Army ETA Spanish Basque
1. Terrorism and Information Warfare. “Information warfare is the offensive and defensive use of information and information systems to deny, exploit, corrupt, or destroy, an adversary's information, information-based processes, information systems, and computer-based networks while protecting one's own”.
3. Information Warfare in the students’ perception. Sociological survey.
High school pupils SSU students
Age of respondents
70,00% 60,00% 50,00% 40,00% 30,00% 20,00% 10,00% 0,00% 13-17 18-22
1. Terrorism and Information Warfare. 2. Internet peculiarities that make Information War effective in the Internet. 3. Information Warfare in the students’ perception.
male female
3. Information Warfare in the students’ perception. Sociological survey. – 40% of respondents use Internet every day, – 52,5% use Internet through home PC, and 30% use Internet at the educational institution, – 53,8% of respondents have used Internet for 34 years, 21% - over 4 years, – 40% of respondents surf Internet during 2 hours daily as a rule, 33,8% of respondents stay in Internet for an hour or less.