
以下是一些“depend”的常见用法:1、动词原形:depend示例:The success of the project depends on your cooperation.翻译:项目的成功取决于你的合作。
2、第三人称单数形式:depends示例:It depends on the circumstances.翻译:这取决于具体情况。
3、现在分词:depending示例:You can choose depending on your preferences.翻译:你可以根据你的喜好来选择。
4、过去式:depended示例:The success of the project depended on his support.翻译:项目的成功依赖于他的支持。
5、过去分词:depended示例:The decision was based on what depended.翻译:这个决定取决于当时的情况。
6、介词短语:depending on/upon示例:The decision depends on the circumstances.翻译:这个决定取决于具体情况。
7、从句:depend (that) + 从句示例:I depend that you will be on time.翻译:我保证你会准时到。
8、搭配词:depend a lot/much on、depend less on、depend little on、depend entirely on、depend to some extent on、depend to some extent upon、depend in a measure on、depend in a way on、depend in large measure on、depend in no small part on等。

depend知识点总结一、depend的词性和词义depend这个词的词性是动词,它有两个主要的词义:1. 表示依赖,依存,意为“依靠,依赖”,例如:- We depend on each other for support. (我们互相依赖,相互支持)- I depend on my car to get to work. (我依赖我的汽车上班)2. 表示取决于,意为“取决于,取决于”,例如:- The success of the project will depend on the support of the team. (项目的成功将取决于团队的支持)- Whether the event will be held depends on the weather. (活动是否举行取决于天气)二、depend的用法depend这个词的用法比较灵活,主要有以下几种:1. 作为及物动词,后接宾语,表示依赖某人或某事物,常用于depend on,例如:- Children depend on their parents for love and guidance. (孩子们依赖父母的爱和指导)- The success of this program depends on the cooperation of all the team members. (该项目的成功取决于所有团队成员的合作)2. 作为不及物动词,后接介词on,表示取决于某事物,常用于it depends on,例如:- Whether we go on vacation next month depends on our budget. (我们下个月是否去度假取决于我们的预算)- It depends on whether he can get a visa. (这取决于他是否能拿到签证)3. 作为连系动词,后面接形容词或名词,常用于depend+on+名词/形容词,例如:- The success of the plan depends on careful preparation. (计划的成功取决于仔细的准备)- We must depend on ourselves to solve this problem. (我们必须依靠自己来解决这个问题)三、depend的相关短语和扩展depend除了常见的depend on之外,还有一些相关的短语和扩展用法,例如:1. depend upon:与depend on意思相同,多用于正式场合,语气更强,例如:- Success depends upon hard work and determination. (成功取决于努力和决心)- The outcome of the negotiations depends upon the willingness of both sides to compromise. (谈判的结果取决于双方愿意妥协的程度)2. depend on(或upon)+sb/sth doing sth:依赖某人或某事物做某事,例如:- We depend on you to lead us in the right direction. (我们依赖你带领我们走向正确的方向)- The success of the project depends upon everyone completing their tasks on time. (项目的成功取决于每个人按时完成自己的任务)3. 不定式结构:depend后面还可以接动词不定式结构,表示依赖某个动作的完成,例如:- The final decision will depend on the board to review all the information. (最终决定将取决于董事会审查所有信息)- Whether the plan can be implemented depends on finding a suitable location. (计划能否实施取决于找到一个合适的地点)4. 用法扩展:depend还可以用于一些固定搭配中,如dependable(可信赖的),dependency(依赖,依存),dependent(依赖他人的),例如:- You are a dependable friend. (你是一个可信赖的朋友)- He has a financial dependency on his parents. (他在经济上依赖父母)四、depend的常见错误用法1. depend from:这是一个常见的错误用法,正确的是depend on(upon),表示依靠,依赖某人或某事物。

depend用法及固定搭配1. “Depend on yourself! 就像鸟儿依靠自己的翅膀飞翔一样,你得依靠你自己呀!比如,你想要取得好成绩,那可不得完全依赖自己的努力嘛!”2. “We all depend on our friends sometimes. 这不就像船在海上航行依赖灯塔指引一样嘛!当我们遇到困难时,往往会依赖朋友们的帮助呀,对吧?比如说找不到东西时,会依赖朋友一起帮忙找。
”3. “Depend upon it, hard work always pays off! 这就好比播种后等待收获,只要努力就肯定有回报呀!想想看,那些通过艰苦奋斗取得成功的人,不就是很好的例子嘛,像运动员们依赖日复一日的训练变得强大。
”4. “She depends too much on her parents. 哎呀,就好像一直躲在伞下不经历风雨,总是过度依赖父母怎么能真正长大呢?比如什么事都要父母来帮忙决定。
”5. “Don't always depend on others! 就像自己的路要自己走一样,总依赖别人可不行呀!你看,自己的梦想还得靠自己努力去实现呢,而不是依赖别人来帮你完成。
”6. “They depend on the weather for their trip. 这不就跟农民种地要看老天爷脸色似的嘛!他们的旅行计划得依赖天气情况呀,要是下雨可能计划就得变了。
”7. “You should depend on your judgment. 这就好比相信自己的眼睛能看清事物,要相信自己的判断呀!比如说在做选择时,要依赖自己的思考和判断来决定。
”8. “Depend on love to keep a relationship going. 就像汽车需要燃料才能跑一样,一段关系得依赖爱才能持续呀!要是没有爱,关系怎么能长久呢,你说对吧?比如情侣之间依赖彼此的爱。
”9. “We depend on the Internet for a lot of information. 哎呀,这就跟人需要呼吸空气一样自然,我们不就依赖网络获取大量信息嘛!像查找资料时就会依赖网络呀。

depend用法及搭配"depend" 是一個動詞,主要有以下幾種用法及常見的搭配:1. 作為連系動詞- 例如:I depend on my friends for support.(我依賴我的朋友們的支持。
)2. 作為不及物動詞,表示依賴或取決於某事物- 例如:Success depends on hard work.(成功依賴於辛勤工作。
)- 例如:The outcome depends on the weather.(結果取決於天氣。
)3. 作為及物動詞,表示依賴某人或某事物- 例如:I depend on my parents for financial support.(我依賴我的父母們提供經濟支持。
)- 例如:The team depends on him to lead them to victory.(團隊依賴他帶領他們取得勝利。
)4. 搭配 depend on/upon,表示依賴、依靠- 例如:She depends on her husband for emotional support.(她依賴她的丈夫提供情感支持。
)5. 搭配 depend on/upon,表示取決於、視乎- 例如:The success of the project depends on the cooperation ofall team members.(項目的成功取決於所有團隊成員的合作。
)6. 搭配 depend on/upon,表示信賴、相信- 例如:I depend on my best friend for advice.(我相信我的好朋友的建議。

depend的用法与搭配"Depend" 是一个动词,表示依赖、依靠或取决于某事物。
它可以与多种搭配和用法结合,以下是一些常见的用法和搭配:1. Depend on/upon: 表示依赖或依靠某事物或某人。
• I depend on my morning coffee to wake me up. (我依赖早晨的咖啡来唤醒我。
)• The success of the project depends upon everyone's cooperation. (项目的成功取决于每个人的合作。
)2. Depend on/upon: 表示取决于某种情况或条件。
•W hether we go for a picnic or not depends on the weather. (我们是否去野餐取决于天气。
)• The outcome of the game depends upon the team's performance. (比赛结果取决于球队的表现。
)3. Depend on/upon: 表示信赖或指望某人。
• I know I can depend on you to help me in times of need. (我知道在需要的时候可以依靠你帮助我。
)• The team depends upon their coach for guidance and support. (团队依赖他们的教练来提供指导和支持。
)4. Depend on/upon: 表示相信或依赖某个事实或信息。
•T he accuracy of the report depends on the data provided. (报告的准确性取决于提供的数据。
)• We can't make a decision until we have all the necessary information; it depends on that. (在获得所有必要的信息之前,我们无法做出决定;它取决于那个。

vi. 依赖; 依靠; 信赖; 决定于;
[其他] 第三人称单数:depends
例句:The cooking time needed depends on the size of the potato
1.depend on 取决于;依赖;依靠
2.depend upon 依赖;取决于
3.depend on yourself 依靠自己
1.The pitch depends on the frequency .
2.The tone depends on the type of exposed rock .
3.It would depend on your life today .
4.It all depends what you want me to do .
5.Well, i must depend on providence .

二、depend搭配名词短语1. Depend on/uponDepend on/upon是depend最常用的搭配之一。
例如:- The growth of plants depends on sunlight and water.(植物的生长依赖于阳光和水。
)- Our success depends upon the support of our customers.(我们的成功取决于客户的支持。
)2. Depend on/upon someone/something for这个短语是指依赖某人或某事做某事。
例如:- I depend on my assistant for help with scheduling my appointments.(我需要我的助手帮我安排约会。
)- She depends on her friends for emotional support during difficult times.(在困难时期,她依赖朋友们给予情感上的支持。
)3. Depend on/upon oneself/myself/yourself etc.这里表示只能依靠自己。
例如:- You need to depend on yourself to achieve your goals.(你需要依靠自己达到你的目标。
)- She taught her children to depend on themselves and be independent.(她教给她的孩子们要靠自己并独立)三、depend搭配形容词1. Dependable/reliable/trustworthy这些形容词描述一个人或事物可靠,值得信赖。

depend的用法1. depend作为不及物动词,常与介词on 或upon连用,后接名词或代词。
如:The people's lives depend on their crops.You should not listen to rumor (谣言)。
You can depend on me.2. depend 作“依靠”解,其后接“名词(代词)+ for sth.”。
如:All living things depend on the sun for their growth.3. depend作“相信”解,后接动名词或动名词复合结构。
如:Susan can depend on their arriving here safely.4. depend作“指望”解,后接“sb. + 不定式”。
如:You can't depend on your enemy to help you.5. depend 作“看……(情况)”解,后接从句。
如:It just depends on how my wife deals with the problem.6. depend 作“信赖;相信”解,后接不定式的被动结构作定语。
如: Jane isa person to be depended upon.7. depend 在口语中意为“看情况”,可以有That depends, It depends, It all depends等几种说法。
如:—Are you going?—It all depends.8. depend on (upon) it 意为“请相信;没问题”,用于句首或句末。
如: Do depend on it, and we shall succeed in time.9. depend on 后接表示“是否”的从句时,只用whether, 不用if。
如: It depends on whether you want to do it or not.。

依赖用法及搭配一、“dependent”用法解析1. dependent作为形容词时,表示“依赖的,依靠的”,用来形容人或物对某一特定情况或对象的依赖程度。
2. dependent作为名词时,表示“受赡养者,家眷”,即指与他人或其他事物有一定关系并依赖他人赡养的人。
3. dependent的用法最常见的是作为形容词,常用于表示人或物对某一对象的依赖程度,例如:He is financially dependent on his parents.(他在经济上依赖他的父母)二、“dependent”词语搭配1. dependent on表示“依赖于,取决于”,用于表示一个人或物对于某一对象的依赖程度。
例句:The growth of the economy is dependent on the stability of the political situation.(经济增长取决于政治局势的稳定)2. dependent upon与dependent on具有相同的用法和含义,表示“依赖于”。
例句:The success of the project is dependent upon everyone's cooperation.(项目的成功依赖于每个人的合作)3. dependent relationship表示“依赖关系”,用来描述两个或多个人或物之间存在相互依赖的关系。
例句:The two countries have a dependent relationship in terms of trade and economic cooperation.(这两个国家在贸易和经济合作方面存在着相互依赖的关系)4. financially dependent表示“经济上的依赖”,常用来形容一个人或群体在经济上对他人的依赖程度。
例句:Many college students are financially dependent on their parents.(许多大学生在经济上依赖他们的父母)5. emotionally dependent表示“情感上的依赖”,用来形容一个人在情感上对他人的依赖程度。

depend的用法3:It all depends或That depends表示这很难说得看情况。
depend的用法4:在口语中,作为开场白或结束语的depend upon〔on〕it意思是无须怀疑我敢说,可以看成是省略了you may 〔can〕...depend的常用短语:depend on〔upon〕(v.+prep.)1、依赖,依靠rely on; count on; get help or support from; get money or food and clothing fromdepend on〔upon〕sb/sthdepend on〔upon〕sb/sth for sthdepend on〔upon〕sb to-v2、相信; 信赖have no doubt; be quite sure; trust; be sure ofdepend on〔upon〕sb/sth/v-ingdepend on〔upon〕sb to-v3、随而定be influenced or determined by,(no pass) vary according todepend on〔upon〕sth/wh-clausedepend的用法例句:1. Remember, happiness doesnt depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely upon what you think.--Dale Carnegie请记住,幸福不在于你是谁或者你拥有什么,而仅仅取决于你的心态!2. Whether such properties are a good deal will depend on individual situations.这样的地产是否可获得大笔收益还要视具体情形而定。

2021届高考英语核心词汇辨析与解析(二十四)1. depend /dɪ'pend/a.缺席的;心不在焉的拓展depend on sb.for sth. 指望/依赖某人得到某物depend on/upon it that ... 相信/指望……That depends./It all depends.视情况而定。
dependent a.依赖/靠的;从属的(反independent)例句I know we can depend on her to deal/dealing with the tough situation.我知道我们可以依赖她来应对这种棘手的形势。
Don't worry. You can depend on/upon it that he'll turn up on time. He always keeps his promises. 别担心,你可以相信他会准时出现的,他总是信守诺言。
串记Don’t depend on others. But it’s not absolute. That depends. Sometimes to a certain degree you can depend upon your parents and true friends on condition that you are independent.不要依赖别人。
2. depress /dɪ'pres/压/按;使沮丧/消沉;使萧条拓展depressing a. 让人压抑/郁闷的; 使人沮丧的depressed a. 沮丧的; 萧条的; 压低的depression n. 沮丧,消沉,抑郁;萧条例句Trade was depressed by the rise in oil prices.石油价格上涨使贸易不景气。

二、depends的基本用法1. depends with/on/upon sb./sth.:表示某人或某事对另一个人或事物产生影响或取决于其发展。
例如,- Whether I can attend the wedding depends on my work schedule.- Your success in this project depends heavily on your team's cooperation.2. it depends (on):表达情况因特定因素而变化,无法给出明确答案。
例如,- Will you be free tonight? - It depends on how long the meeting runs.3. depend + 名词/名词短语:表示对某物有需求,依赖其作为前提条件。
例如,- The success of the new business venture largely depends on sufficient funding.- The effectiveness of the treatment will depend on the patient's adherence to the prescribed medication.4. depend + 现在分词/过去分词:表示某物的存在或发生取决于其他因素。

一、"depend"的基本用法1. 作为不及物动词:当"depend"作为一个不及物动词时,它后面通常跟上介词"on"或"in"。
例如:- People depend on technology for communication.(人们依赖科技进行交流。
)- Success depends on hard work and determination.(成功取决于努力和决心。
)2. 作为及物动词:当"depend"作为一个及物动词时,它可以直接跟名词或代词,而不需要加任何介词。
例如:- The company depends heavily on its employees.(这家公司严重依赖于其员工。
)- She always depends on her brother for financial support.(她总是依赖她弟弟给予经济支持。
)二、"depend"常见的固定搭配1. depend on/upon (依赖于)这是最常见的固定搭配之一,表示某事物取决于另外一件事情或某个人。
例如:- Our success depends on the weather conditions.(我们的成功取决于天气状况。
)- Children often depend on their parents for emotional support.(孩子们常常依赖父母提供情感支持。
)2. depend heavily (严重依赖)这个表达常用来形容一种强烈的依赖关系,表示某事物或某人对其它事情或其它人有很大程度的依赖。

以下是“depend”的一些常见用法:1. 动词形式:Depending on (取决于、依…而定)It depends on the weather. (要看天气而定。
)2. 动词+ing形式:I am depending on you to finish this project. (我指望你来完成这个项目。
)3. 动词+ed形式:These results depend on factors that are beyond our control. (这些结果取决于我们无法控制的诸多因素。
)4. 固定搭配:depend on (依靠、依赖)It depends (视情况而定)5. 后接从句:I can't go out tonight; I have to finish my project. It all depends on whether I finish it or not. (今晚我不能出去,我得完成我的项目。
)6. 短语:depend upon (依靠、依赖)It depends upon the circumstances. (这要看情况而定。
)7. 反义词:independent (独立的)self-reliant (自立的)8. 近义词:rely (依赖)rest (依赖)bank on (依赖)9. 词组:safety-depended (安全相关的)life-dependent (生命相关的)10. 形容词:dependent (依赖的)11. 副词:dependably (可靠地、可信赖地)12. 名词:dependency (依赖、附属)13. 短语:independence from (与…独立)14. 短语:dependency on (依赖于…)15. 短语:dependency ratio (抚养比、抚养率)16. 短语:dependency Walker (依赖查看器)17. 短语:dependency injection (依赖注入)18. 短语:dependency graph (依赖图)19. 短语:dependency parsing (依存关系分析)20. 短语:dependency resolver (依赖解析器)。

depend用法及例句1.depend on [upon]+某人或某物2. depend on [upon]+某人或某物+不定式或动名词3. depend on [upon]+从句4. 口语中说 It (all) depends. /That depends. 意为“那要看情况” 扩展资料1.depend on [upon]+某人或某物Wheth er we’ll go camping depends on the weather. 我们是否去野营要看天气。
I haven’t got a car, so I have to depend on the buses. 我没有汽车,所以我得乘公共汽车。
有时可在某人或某物后用介词 for。
如:We depend on the radio for news. 我们靠收音机听新闻。
Children depend on their parents for food and clothing. 儿童的衣食靠父母。
2. depend on [upon]+某人或某物+不定式或动名词I’m depending on you to do the work. 我指望你做这工作。
You can never depend on him [his] arriving on time. 你决不能指望他能准时到达。
You can’t depend on the train arriving on time. 千万不要认为火车能正点到达。
3. depend on [upon]+从句Our success depends on whether everyone works hard ornot. 我们的`成功取决于每个人是否努力。
The amount you pay depends on where you live. 你付多少钱要看你住什么地方。
在 It (all) depends on [upon]+从句中,介词 on, upon 有时可省略(主要见于口语中)。

depend是什么意思_depend的知识depend通常用作动词,那么你depend做动词都表达哪些意思吗?接下来店铺为大家带来depend的英语意思解释和英语例句,欢迎大家一起学习!depend作动词的意思依赖;依靠;信赖;决定于depend的英语音标英 [di?pend] 美 [d??p?nd]depend的时态现在分词: depending过去式: depended过去分词: dependeddepend的英语例句1. Remember, happiness doesn't depend upon who you are or what you have; it depends solely upon what you think.--Dale Carnegie请记住,幸福不在于你是谁或者你拥有什么,而仅仅取决于你的心态!2. Whether such properties are a good deal will depend on individual situations.这样的地产是否可获得大笔收益还要视具体情形而定。
3. They depend on the goodwill of visitors to pick up rubbish.他们相信游客会自觉捡起垃圾。
4. The Oxfam shops depend on regular supplies of saleable items.乐施商店靠出售一些人们定期捐赠的适销物品维持经营。
5. Self-discipline, willingness, enthusiasm, that's what you must depend on.自律、自愿与热情,这是你所必须依仗的。
6. Many farmers have to depend on subsidies to make a living wage.许多农民的基本生活工资要靠补贴来维持。

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depend做动词有依赖;依靠;取决于等意思,那么你知道depend 的过去式是什么吗?下面为大家整理了depend的过去式和用法例句,供大家参考学习!
过去式: depended
过去分词: depended
现在分词: depending
depend的用法3:It all depends或That depends表示“这很难说”“得看情况”。
depend的用法4:在口语中,作为开场白或结束语的depend upon〔on〕it意思是“无须怀疑”“我敢说”,可以看成是省略了you
1. I depended on his companionship and on his judgment.
2. He depended a great deal on his wife for support.
3. His humour depended on contempt for others.
4. Their price depended almost entirely on their scarcity.
5. He depended on his writing for his income.
6. Communities on the island depended on whaling for their livelihood.
7. A lantern depended from the ceiling.
8. He is a man to be depended upon.
9. They depended on animal husbandry for their livelihood.
10. It's about to be cut loose from the state on which it has so long depended.
11. He could be depended on to take a moderate position on most of the key issues.
12. The family depended on his ability to wangle a few dollars occasionally . With this money, they would eat well and dress well for a while , making a pretence of affluence.
一家人全靠他在外面讹个钱,诈个财, 吃点好的,穿点好的, 装门面.
13. His life name depended on how he acted during this first battle.
14. First we thought he depended upon shaking the bear off.
15. Now everything depended on our playing our hand cooly and deliberately.