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In today's market economy, enterprises as the basic unit of social and economic activities, time will be faced with various risks. Risk is the risk that may occur, any one of the normal operation of the enterprise are facing financial problems, in the process of financial management, are likely to suffer economic losses caused by financial risk because of poor management, along with the rapid development of market economy, enterprise financial risk control is an important research topic in the financial field,

The enterprise financial risk, because business financing environment of enterprises brings the inevitable uncertainties of business risk and financial risk to the enterprise, therefore, financial management is the core work of an enterprise management. Therefore, we should fully understand the importance of financial risk control in the management of the company, and actively play an important role in financial risk control, financial management can make better service for the development of the company. This article from the financial risk theory, based on expounding the Huayi Company financial risk control on the content, the meaning and the significance of analysis of factors related to the various types of indicators of risk prevention and control measures, fully elaborated the Huayi Brothers of financial risk, put forward related measures of good Huayi financial risk control.

Keywords Financial management Risk control Financial risk prevention measures


摘要............................................................ VII Abstract............................................................ I 一、绪论. (1)

(一)研究背景 (1)

(二)研究目的与意义 (1)

1.研究目的 (1)

2.研究意义 (2)

(三)国内外研究现状 (2)

1.国外研究现状 (2)

(三)研究内容与方法 (3)

1.研究内容 (3)

2.研究方法 (4)

二、财务风险控制的相关理论 (5)

(一)财务风险的基础理论 (5)

1.财务风险的含义 (5)

2.财务风险的基本类型 (5)

3.财务风险的特点 (6)

(二)财务风险控制的理论概述 (7)

1.财务风险控制的概念 (7)

2.财务风险控制的意义 (7)

3.财务风险控制的内容 (7)

(三)上市公司财务风险控制研究的理论基础 (8)

1.委托代理理论 (8)

2.法人治理结构理论 (8)

3.有限理性理论 (9)

三、华谊兄弟传媒股份有限公司财务风险控制现状 (11)

(一)华谊兄弟传媒股份有限公司概况 (11)

1.公司简介 (11)

2.业务种类及规模介绍 (11)

3.华谊兄弟传媒股份有限公司组织结构 (13)

(二)华谊兄弟财务风险控制现状 (13)

1.华谊兄弟财务风险识别与衡量存在不确定性 (13)

2.华谊兄弟财务风险评估机制不健全 (14)

3.华谊兄弟财务风险控制决策体系不完善 (15)

四、华谊兄弟改善财务风险控制已采取的方案 (17)

(一)规范华谊兄弟财务识别与衡量内部控制制度 (17)

1.建立完善的识别与衡量内部控制制度 (17)

2.建立财务风险识别体系 (17)

3.加强董事会对经营者的识别与衡量督导 (18)

(二)健全华谊兄弟财务风险评估系统 (18)

1.财务风险评估系统的定义 (18)

2.健全财务风险评估考核制度 (18)
