尽职调查报告 英文




人力资源合规尽职调查报告英文回答:Human Resources Compliance Due Diligence Report.Introduction:Human Resources (HR) compliance is a critical aspect of any organization's operations. It ensures adherence to all applicable employment laws and regulations, protecting the organization from legal liabilities and reputational damage. Due diligence investigations are crucial for evaluating a potential merger, acquisition, or investment to identifyany HR compliance risks.Scope of Review:The scope of an HR compliance due diligenceinvestigation typically includes:Comprehensive review of employment policies and procedures.Analysis of compliance with labor and employment laws, including wages and hours, discrimination, and harassment.Employee benefits and compensation practices.Health and safety compliance.Dispute resolution mechanisms.Methodology:The due diligence investigation process involves:Document Review: Reviewing relevant HR documents, policies, handbooks, and contracts.Interviews: Conducting interviews with key HR personnel and employees to gather information about HR practices and compliance.Site Visits: Visiting the organization's premises to observe HR operations and facilities.Data Analysis: Analyzing data from HR systems and payroll records to assess compliance.Expert Input: Consulting with legal counsel and industry experts to interpret applicable laws and regulations.Findings:The findings of an HR compliance due diligence investigation may include:Compliance with Employment Laws: Assessment of the organization's compliance with applicable laws and regulations, identifying any potential violations or areas for improvement.Employee Policies and Practices: Review of employeepolicies and practices, evaluating their consistency with legal requirements and best practices.HR Operations: Assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of HR operations, including recruiting, onboarding, performance management, and compensation.Employee Relations: Evaluation of employee relations, including employee satisfaction, morale, and grievance handling mechanisms.Recommendations:Based on the findings, the due diligence report typically provides recommendations to enhance HR compliance and mitigate risks. These recommendations may include:Revising or updating employment policies and procedures.Enhancing training and education programs.Implementing additional compliance measures.Hiring or consulting with legal and HR experts.Conclusion:HR compliance due diligence investigations areessential for organizations to assess and manage HR compliance risks. By identifying potential violations, evaluating HR operations, and providing recommendations for improvement, these investigations help organizations protect themselves from legal liabilities, maintain a positive workplace culture, and enhance their reputation.中文回答:人力资源合规尽职调查报告。



第1篇一、引言随着我国市场经济的发展,企业并购、投资等商业活动日益增多,尽职调查(Due Diligence)成为确保交易顺利进行、降低风险的重要手段。






三、财务分析(一)财务报表分析1. 资产负债表分析(1)资产结构分析根据目标公司20XX年至20XX年的资产负债表,我们可以看到以下特点:- 流动资产占比逐年上升,说明公司短期偿债能力较强;- 非流动资产占比相对稳定,主要集中于固定资产和无形资产,说明公司具有一定的长期发展潜力;- 负债结构中,流动负债占比逐年下降,长期负债占比逐年上升,说明公司负债风险可控。

(2)负债结构分析目标公司负债结构如下:- 流动负债:主要包括短期借款、应付账款等,占比逐年下降,说明公司短期偿债压力较小;- 长期负债:主要包括长期借款、长期应付款等,占比逐年上升,说明公司长期资金需求较大。

2. 利润表分析(1)营业收入分析目标公司营业收入逐年增长,说明公司主营业务发展良好,市场竞争力较强。



3. 现金流量表分析(1)经营活动现金流量分析目标公司经营活动现金流量逐年增加,说明公司经营活动产生的现金流入足以覆盖现金流出,具有较强的盈利能力和偿债能力。


Legal Due Diligence Report(法律尽职调查报告)

Legal Due Diligence Report(法律尽职调查报告)

[ ] CO., LTDProposed RTO and Financing on Over the Counter Bulletin BoardLegal Due Diligence Report[ ](the “Company”).the Company’s offshore holding company with an OTCBB shell company and financing (the “Project”).This Legal Due Diligence Report (this “Report”) is presented on the following bases:1. The information contained in this Report is primarily based on:(i) information and documentation supplied by the Company in response to the informationsought in the due diligence questionnaire and our further requests for supplemental information and documentation;(ii) discussions with the directors, management and staff of the Company;(iii) a search of the public records of the Company available for inspection at relevant PRC authorities in charge of administration for industry and commerce1;2. In reviewing the documentation supplied to, or obtained by, us we have assumed that:(i) all copies made from original documents are true and complete and that such originaldocuments are authentic and complete;(ii) all documents supplied to, or obtained by, us as originals are authentic and complete;(iii) all signatures appearing on documents supplied to, or obtained by, us as originals or copies of originals are genuine;(iv) the Company has the requisite corporate power to enter into all contractual arrangements to which it is a party and to perform its obligations thereunder;(v) all contractual documents have been duly authorised, executed and delivered by the parties thereto and constitute legally enforceable obligations of the parties under the laws of relevant jurisdictions;(vi) the Company has not passed a voluntary winding up resolution and that no petition has been presented to or order made by any court for the winding up or administration of the Company and that no receiver has been appointed in relation to the Company or any of its assets or revenue;(vii)the Company has drawn to our attention all matters relevant to our information requests.3. This Report is subject to the following qualifications:(i) we have not attempted independently to verify the authenticity and completeness of anyoriginal documents by contacting third parties;(ii)this Report does not of itself constitute a verification exercise;1 Such public records were provided to us by the Company.(iii) we are qualified to practice law only in the People’s Republic of China and we express no opinion as to any other laws;(iv) we have not investigated and have not attempted to comment on the commercial, financial ,technical or accounting implications of documents which have been supplied to, or obtained by, us or make any assessment of the current financial condition of the Company;(v) we have not investigated and make no comment on the adequacy of the Company’s insurance cover;(vi) this Report is by its nature a factual analysis and a legal review of the information supplied to us and should not be regarded as, or relied upon as being, a comprehensive or formal legal opinion concerning any matter referred to in it;(vii) we accept no responsibility whatsoever to update this Report for events or circumstances occurring after the date of this Report and cannot accept responsibility for information supplied to us by, or obtained by us from, third parties which may have become out of date at the date of this Report;(viii) this Report is not to be construed as advice on whether or not to proceed with the Project.Instead, regard should be had to a variety of other factors, commercial, financial, technical, accounting and otherwise, which come or should come, to the notice of the addressees of this Report by means other than legal due diligence;(ix) there can be no assurance that the information supplied to, or obtained by, us is complete or accurate in all respects or that there is no material information in relation to the Company of which we have not been made aware.The addressees of this Report should be aware that circumstances such as laws which are applicable in an insolvency, receivership, administration or creditors rights generally may affect the enforceability, performance or validity of agreements summarised in this Report.This Report makes fair disclosure of the legal matters which are referred to in it. However, we accept no responsibility whatsoever for any inaccuracy or incompleteness in this Report to the extent that any inaccuracy or incompleteness of the information and/or documentation on which we report would not be apparent from a careful and thorough appraisal of such information and documentation as it has been supplied to, or obtained by, us and reviewed and after appropriate enquiry arising therefrom.This Report is limited to the effect of the laws of the People’s Republic of China as they, and the facts bearing upon this Report, existed on the date of this Report. We expressly disclaim any obligation or undertaking to update or modify this Report as a consequence of any future changes in such laws or in any facts bearing upon this Report. Additionally, we have not investigated, and we do not express or imply any view or opinion on, or in respect of, the laws of any country other than the PRC, and we have assumed that no such other laws would affect the contents contained in this Report.This Report is addressed solely to you for your benefit and for the purpose of the Placing and Project. It should not be shown, communicated or disclosed to any other person nor relied upon by any other person or for any other purpose. It must not be quoted or referred to in any public document or filed with any person without our prior express written consent.Yours faithfullyCONTENTS1.Corporate matters 72.Licenses, approvals and regulation 123.Banking arrangements and borrowings 164.Contracts 185.Real Property 196.Directors, senior executives and other employees 207.Intellectual property 218.Litigation 229.Insurances 2310.Environmental 2411.Prize and Honour 25DefinitionsThe following definitions are used in this Report:In this Report, the phrase “we are informed” means we are informed by directors, management and staff of the Company, either verbally or in writing.References to Sections and Paragraphs are to sections and paragraphs of this Report.Executive summarySubject to those contents specified in the text of this Report, we hereby summarise our findings of the Company in the following aspects.Corporate mattersThe Company is properly set up and is complying with requirements under PRC law and its own constitution. According to the Articles of Association, the corporate governance of the Company, such as Shareholders’ Meeting and the Board of Directors, is in good standing.Banking arrangements and borrowingsBanking agreements are signed on ordinary commercial terms and the formalities are standard. The interests of the Company can be protected in accordance with the agreements. We are informed that the Company is not aware of any breach of such banking agreements. ContractsWe have reviewed the model contracts provided by the Company and found no non-compliance with laws and regulations of the PRC, and terms and conditions of such contracts are in usual form, and we found no unusual or adverse terms.Real PropertyThe certificates show that the real properties of the Company are duly registered.Intellectual propertyWe are informed that the Company has no ownership of registered intellectual property.LitigationWe are informed that the Company is not aware of any other litigations, prosecutions, disputes or other proceedings (whether current, pending or threatened) to which the Company is or may become a party. InsuranceWe are informed that the Company has vehicle traffic compulsive insurance for its vehicles. EnvironmentalWe are informed that the Company is not aware of any investigations, prosecutions, disputes, claims or other proceedings in respect of environmental protection, nor the Company has been punished or can foresee any punishment to be made by any environmental administration authorities of the PRC.1.Corporate matters1.1 Summary corporate details of the Company*Details of shareholding1.2Corporate history of the Company since 2000After our review of documents filed with [] State Administration of Industry and Commerce, we find corporate history of the company as follows:1)Establishment of [] Zhonglv Eco-technology Enterprise Stock Co., Ltdxx Development Co.,Ltd, [], [] Co.,Ltd, cc Technology Development Co., Ltd and [] Meiste Business & Trade Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “five shareholders”)applied to Xian Municipal Government for the examination and approval of Establishment of [] Zhonglv Eco-technology Enterprise Stock Co., Ltd on August 15,2000; With such approval, the five shareholders then applied to Xian Administration for Industry and Commerce (the “Local AIC”) for the establishment of [] Zhonglv Eco-technology Enterprise Stock Co., Ltd on 8 March 2001. The registered capital was RMB38,000,000. [] Jia He Certified Public Accountings LTD issued the capital verification report (document number: []) on 2 July 2001, certifying that as of 2 July 2001, [] Co., Ltd had received five shareholders’contributions.The shareholding structure was as follows:2)The change of the Company’s name in 2005In July 2005, the Company applied to change the name of the Company from [] Zhonglv Eco-technology Enterprise Stock Co., Ltd to [] Co., Ltd2. The Company had completed the alteration registration with the Local AIC.3)The share transfer of the Company in 20 January, 2006Shareholders’ Meeting of the Company approved the share transfer as of December 2005.And the Company had completed the alteration registration with the Local AIC in 20 January, 2006.After this share transfer, the shareholder’s contribution list was as follows:4)Share purchase of [] in 2006In May, 2006, the company purchased 50.2% shares of [] Co., Ltd, and on the same day, [] Co., Ltd altered its name into [] Co. Ltd (hereinafter referred to as “[]”); In June, 2006, the company purchased 21.05% shares of [] from [] Surea (Group) Co. Ltd,11.15% shares of [] from [] Qin Mei Food Co., Ltd, 8.75% shares of [] from []After this share transfer, the shareholding structure of the [] was as follows:5)The increase of the registered capital of the Company and share transfer of the Company in2006In 12 September 2006, the Company applied to increase the registered capital of the Company. The registered capital of the Company was increased from RMB[] to RMB[]. [] Xin Bei Fang Limited Account Firm issued the Capital Verification Report (document number: []), certifying that as of 6 September 2006, the Company had received the newly increased capital R[], and the total registered capital of the Company was RMB[].Simultaneously, [] Hede Venture Capital Management Co., Ltd subscribed 20,080,000 shares of the Company and became the shareholder of the Company, Li Yao subscribed 7,120,000 shares of the Company and became the shareholder of the Company, [] subscribed 6,010,000 shares of the Company by execution of first refusal right on the basis of ratio of shareholding, [] subscribed 5,928,000 shares of the Company by execution of first refusal right on the basis of ratio of shareholding, [] subscribed [] shares of the Company by execution of first refusal right on the basis of ratio of shareholding, Wang Jianjun subscribed 1,800,000 shares of company by execution of first refusal right on the basis of ratio of shareholding, Dong Sheng subscribed []shares of company by execution of first refusal right on the basis of ratio of shareholding, Cui Yuan subscribed [] shares of company by execution of first refusal right on the basis of ratio of shareholding and Liu Yagang subscribed 1,200,000 shares of company by execution of first refusal right on the basis of ratio of shareholding. Shareholders’ meeting approved this capital increase as of 18 August 2006.The Company had completed the alteration registration with the Local AIC.After this capital increase and share transfer, the shareholdstructurer’s contribution list of the Company was as follows:6)The share transfer of company in January, 2007In 12 January 2007, The Company applied to Local AIC for alteration registration with respect to shareholders and shareholding structure. This alteration registration had been completed.After this share transfer, the shareholders’ contribution list of the Company was as follows:7)The share transfer of company in September, 2007In 10 January, 2007, [] (“[]”),a company duly and legally incorporated in Vanuatu, and shareholders of the Company entered into share purchase agreement to the effect that [] purchased 22.818% shares of company from [] Hede Venture Capital Management Co.,Ltd,17.918% shares of company from [], 17.664% shares of company from [], 9.923% shares ofcompany from [], 9.567% shares of company from [] Ruicheng Business & Trade Co., Ltd,5.455% shares of company from [], 5.455% shares of company from [], 4.292% shares ofcompany from [], 3.636% shares of company from [] and 2.272% shares of company from [] Shareholders’Meeting approved this share transfer. In 3 September 2007, MOFCOM issued its approval (Shaang Zi Pi (2007) No.1175) as of this domestic enterprise merged by foreign investor, and then issued to the Company of Certificate of Approval for Establishment of Enterprises with Foreign Investment.After this share transfer, the shareholding structure of the Company was as follows:1.3Existence of the CompanyWe confirm in relation to the Company that:a)our search of its public records3 on file and available for inspection at []Administration for Industry and Commerce shows that it is a company dulyincorporated under the laws of the PRC and it is still in existence;b)our search of its public records4 on file and available for inspection at []Administration for Industry and Commerce reveals (1) no order or resolution for itswinding up; (2) no notice of appointment of a liquidator, administrator, receiver,administrative receiver, manager or other encumbrancer in respect of it, its businessor assets; and (3) no notice that it has entered into any voluntary arrangement orcomposition for the benefit of its creditors.1.4Registered Capital of the CompanyWe are informed that:a)there are no options, warrants or other rights to purchase, agreements or otherobligations to issue, or other rights to convert any obligations into equity stake orother securities or any interest in securities which are outstanding in respect of theCompany; andb)there are no contractual pre-emptive rights or rights of first refusal or rights of co-sale which relate to the equity stake of the Company.1.5Preferred StockNot applicable to the Company.1.6Options/WarrantsNot applicable to the Company.1.7Convertible debt or other securitiesNot applicable to the Company.3 Such records were provided by the Company.4 Such records were provided by the Company.2.Licenses, approvals and regulation2.1Existing licenses etc.The Company has the following licenses, permissions, authorizations, permits, registrations,consents and approvals in relation to its business, products and services:(i)Business License:See 1.1.(ii)Organization Code Certificate of the PRCSerial Number:Valid Period:Registration Number:(iii)Tax Registration CertificateState Taxation:Date of Issuance: 15 October 2007Local Taxation:Date of Issuance: 5 December 2007(iv)Certificate of Foreign Exchange RegistrationSerial Number:Date of Issuance:(v)Food Hygiene Permit CertificateCertificate No: [] Shi Wei Shi Zheng Zi (2007)No. 610100--0509Valid Term: Till 11 October 2011Issued by: Health Bureau of [] City(vi)Certificate for High and New Technology EnterpriseCertificate No:Issued by: Science & Technology Bureau of [] CityValid Term: Two Years from 26 December 2006(vii) Certificate for Qualification of Foreign Trade EnterpriseForeign Trade Enterprise Code:Registration No:Registration Date: 20 October 2006(viii) Registration Certificate of Declaration For Inspection & Quarantine On One’s Own Behalf And For One’s Own InterestsRegistration Number:Date Of Issuance: 10 November 2006Issued By: [] Department of Entry-Exist Inspection & Quarantine(ix)Membership Certificate of Commodity Bar Code SystemSerial Number:Manufacturer Identification Code:Date of Issuance: 25 October 2007Valid Term: Two years(x)Kosher CertificateDate of Issuance: December 09, 2007Product Scope: Kiwi Juice Concentrate; Pear Juice ConcentrateExpiration Date: September 30, 20082.2Existing licenses etc. for [] Modern Organic Agriculture Co., Ltd(i)Business License:Registration Number:Date of Issuance:Registered Capital:Registered Address:Legal Representative: [](ii)Organization Code Certificate of the PRCSerial Number:Valid Period: 28 June 2006 to 28 June 2010Registration Number:(iii)Tax Registration CertificateState Taxation:Issuing Date: 27 September 2006Local Taxation:Issuing Date: 29 September 2006(iv)Food Hygiene Permit CertificateCertificate No:Valid Term: From 28 July 2006 To 27 July 2010Issued by: [] Health Bureau(v)Foreign Trade Enterprise RegistrationForeign Trade Enterprise Code:Registration No:Registration Date: 22 August 2006(vi)Registration Certificate of Declaration For Inspection & Quarantine On One’s Own Behalf And For One’s Own InterestsRegistration Number:Date Of Issuance: 10 November 2006Issued By: [] Department of Entry-Exist Inspection and Quarantine (vii)Membership Certificate of Commodity Bar Code SystemSerial Number:Manufacturer Identification Code:Date of Issuance: 14 December 2006Valid Term: Two years(viii)Certificate Of Food Safety Management SystemRegistration Number: 4004H10386ROMProduct Scope: Kiwi Puree And Puree ConcentrateValid Until: 30 December 20072.3Existing Licenses of [] Branch of the Company(i)Business LicenseRegistration number:Date of Issuance: 16 September 2006Registered Address: Sanxu Village, Sanqu Town, [] County(ii)Organization Code Certificate of the PRCSerial Number:Valid Period: 27 September 2006 to 27 September 2010Registration Number: Zu Dai Guan 610423-000426(iii)Tax Registration CertificateState Taxation:Issuing Date: 11October 2006Local Taxation:Issuing Date: 21 November 2006(iv)Food Hygiene Permit CertificateCertificate No:Date of Issuance: 17 August 2006Issued by: Health Bureau of [] County(v)Certificate of Food Safety Management SystemRegistration No:Product Scope: The Production and Process of Clear Apple and PearJuices’ ConcentrateValid Until: 8 February 20102.4Existing Licenses of [] Branch of [](i)Business LicenseRegistration number:Date of Issuance: 26 May 2003Registered Address: Mazhao Town, [] County, [] City(ii)Organization Code Certificate of the PRCSerial Number:Valid Period: 19 October 2006 to 19 October 2010Registration Number: Zu Dai Guan 610124-001924-1(iii)Tax Registration CertificateState Taxation:Issuing Date: 16 November 2006Local Taxation: 1Issuing Date: 16 November 2006(iv)Food Hygiene Permit CertificateCertificate No:Date of Issuance: January 8, 2008Expiration date: January 8, 2009Issued by:(v)National Industry Product Manufacture PermitCertificate Number:Product Name: Drink (Fruit (Vegetable) Juice & Fruit (Vegetable) JuiceDrink, Milk contained Drink & Vegetable Protein Drink) Issuance date: August 21, 2007Expiration Date:Issued By: General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspectionand Quarantine2.5BreachesWe are informed that the Company is not aware of any breach of, or non-compliance with, the terms of its licenses, approvals etc or of any notices of failure to remedy any such breach or non-compliance or of any circumstances which would or might give rise to any claims in relation thereto.2.6InvestigationsWe are informed that the Company is not aware of any actual or threatened inspections or investigations or any alleged violations concerning its licenses, approvals etc or otherwise.3.Banking arrangements and borrowings3.1 Loan agreements and banking facilitiesThe terms and conditions of the following agreements are within industry standards.The following circular is within standard arrangement.RMB [] million Loan Agreement ;RMB [] million Trade Finance Line Agreement ;Mortgage AgreementCircular of Establishment of Special Account for Fiduciary Export Rebate (the “Special Account”)Code of RMB []million Loan Agreement: Jian Shaan Kai Loan [2007] No.038Lender: []Borrower: the CompanyTerm: August 10, 2007 to June 7, 2008Amount: RMB 10 millionPurpose: working capitalAnnual Interest rate: 7.542%Code of RMB [] million Trade Finance Agreement: []Lender: China Construction Bank, [] Hi-tech Development Zone BranchBorrower: the CompanyTerm: []Maximum Amount Provided by the Lender: []Form of Loan: Trade Finance Loan with a Maximum AmountThe Mortgage AgreementCode of Mortgage Agreement: []Mortgagee: []Mortgagor: the CompanyForm of Mortgage: Mortgage for a Maximum amountMaximum amount under provided by the Mortgagor: RMB26millionTerm: []Mortgaged Assets:(a): the land use right of the Company. The land use right certificate is [], anduncompleted construction work on the piece of land.(b):Imported production line from Italy. The Import Certificate for the production lineis [].Circular of Establishment of Special Account for Fiduciary Export RebateIssued By: []Date of Issuance: []Beneficiary: []Content: Without Beneficiary’s Authority, this Special Account Shall Be Subject to No Alteration As of Date of Issuance.3.2 Charges and other securityWe are informed that except for the agreements mentioned in the above 3.1, there are no outstanding securities outstanding provided by the Company.3.3 Loans by the CompanyNone.3.4 Early repayment or breachW e are informed that no notice requiring repayment of any borrowings of theCompany has been served and that there has been no breach of any covenant contained in any charge, debenture or guarantee, loan agreement, facility letter or similardocument..4.Contracts4.1 Sales` ContractWe have examined model sales contract of the company and we do not find any special terms and conditions that may cause the Company to afford special obligations or be liable for any special responsibilities. We are of the opinion that the said models are in ordinary terms and conditions and are in compliance of the PRC laws and regulations.4.2 Purchase ContractWe are informed that [] and local farmers have entered into many kiwi fruit purchase agreements. Based on our examination of model kiwi purchase agreement, we have not found any special terms and conditions that may cause the Company to afford special obligations or be liable for any special responsibilities. We are of the opinion that the said models are in ordinary terms and conditions and are in compliance of the PRC laws and regulations.5.Real Property5.1.The Company has the following Rights on real property rights:(i)State Owned Land Use Right CertificateCertificate Number: []Issuing Authority: J[]User’s Name: the CompanyDate of Issuance: 9 April 2007Location: Dangjiaqiao Village, Sanqu Town, [] CountyPurpose ofLand Use Right: industrial usageExpiry Date: 27 December 2056Acreage: 34476.04 square metersType of Use Right: grantedMortgage on the land use right: see above 3.1(ii)State Owned Land Use Right CertificateCertificate Number: []Issuing Authority: []User’s Name: []Date of Issuance: 15 November 2007Expiration Date: 14 November 2048Acreage: 34335.05 square metersType of Use Right: granted5.2.The Company has entered into the following building lease contract:Building Lease Contract executed with [] on 1 July 2007, whereby cc leased a building (area: 300.24 m2) to the Company for office usage with a valid period from 1 July 2007 to 30 June 2008.The yearly rent is RMB126100.8.The location is: []6.Directors, senior executives and other employees6.1.Directors of the Company56.2.Senior Executives of the Company6.3.Standard employee documentationWe have been provided with a copy of a sample of the Company’s standard terms and conditions of employment. We do not find anything contained in these standard terms and conditions being in violation of any PRC laws or regulations.6.4.Trade UnionWe are informed that there is no Trade Union or entities of the like nature in the Company.5 Such information is based on a summary provided to us by the Company.7.Intellectual propertyThe Company and its subsidiaries have the following intellectual property:7.1Notice for Acceptance of Registration ApplicationApplication No: []Co-applicant: the CompanyApplication Date: 4 November 2005Issued by Trademark Office, State Administration for Industry and Commerce Date of Issuance: 17 February 20067.2Notice for Acceptance of Registration ApplicationApplication No: 5000010Co-applicant: the CompanyApplication Date: 14 November 2005Issued by Trademark Office, State Administration for Industry and Commerce Date of Issuance: 3 March 20068.LitigationWe are informed that the Company is not aware of any litigation, prosecution, dispute or proceeding (whether current, pending or threatened) to which the Company is or may become a party.9.InsurancesThe Company has effected vehicle compulsive insurances for its seven motor vehicles. We have reviewed the insurance policy, and we are of the opinion that such policy is a standard contract.10.EnvironmentalEnvironment Monitoring ReportSerials Number: []Date of Issuance: 8 September 2007Conducted by: [] Environment Monitoring StationWe are informed that the Company is not aware of any investigations, prosecutions, disputes, claims or other proceedings in respect of environmental protection, nor the Company has been punished or can foresee any punishment to be made by any environmental administration authorities of the PRC.11.Prize and Honour11.1Certificate Of 2005- 2006 Excellent Leadership Enterprise Of National Food Industry Date of Issuance: November, 2006Issued By: China Food Industry AssociationIssued To: The Company11.2Certificate Of Excellent Leadership Enterprise Of [] Agriculture Industry Management Valid Term: 1 December 2006 to 1 December 2008Issued By: [] Agriculture BurearIssued To: []11.3Certificate Of Observance Of Contractual Obligations And Good CreditDate of Issuance: 9 January 2007Valid Term: One YearIssued By: [] SAICIssued To: The Company11.4Certificate Of Membership Of China Chamber Of Commerce For Import & Export OfFoodstuffs, Native Produce & Animal By-ProductsSerial Number: []Date of Issuance: 14 August 2007Issued By: China Chamber Of Commerce For Import & Export OfFoodstuffs, Native Produce & Animal By-Products Issued To: The Company。



DUE DILIGENCE DOCUMENTS CHECKLIST尽职调查文件清单In order for the and to conduct the due diligence review regarding a proposed transaction between and , we will need to receive certain information and documentation from with respect to the business, assets and operations of following entities:为便于和就有关与的交易进行尽职调查,请提供下列企业关于业务、资产和经营方面的信息和文件:[][][](Each a “Company” and collectively the “Companies”)(单独或合称为“公司”)If the Company has any sub-entity with independent legal person status (“Subsidiary”), the Subsidiary should be regarded as another “Company” and should separately provide answers and all relevant documents in relation to the items indicated in this Documents Checklist.若公司有任何具有独立法人地位的下属机构(“子公司”),该子公司应视为另一个“公司”并另行按本文件清单所列事项提供答复及所有有关文件。

To expedite the due diligence process, we have compiled the following outline which lists the documentation and information that we will need to review (set forth in no particular order).为了加快尽职调查的进程,我们准备了下列提纲列明所需要审阅的文件和信息(排序不分先后)。



尽职调查的英文翻译尽职调查1.due diligence investigation(尽职调查)285 尽职调查(due diligence investigation)又称谨慎性调查,一般是指投资人在与目标企业达成初步合作意向后,...2.due deligence(尽职调查)119 尽职调查(due deligence)是风险投资在做出投资决策之前必不可少的一项功课,对于风险投资来说,每一个尽职调查,动辄花费数十万的律师费,加上时间、机会成本,其效率和精准性极为重要。

笔者在此总结诸多的案例的实战经验,认为以下几个原则,在做尽职调查列表时极为重要:3.due inlipe(尽职调查)84 尽职调查(due inlipe),又称细节调查、核查。


从原则上讲,承销商在企业公司上市中的作用,除了帮助企业做很多具体细致的工作外,证券...4.fulfills duty the investiigaion(尽职调查)65 返程投资(The back journey invests)...............(604)...尽职调查(fulfills duty the investiigaion)............(604)...股权转让(Stock Transfer) (604)财务尽职调查1.financial due-diligence(财务尽职调查)116 财务尽职调查(financial due-diligence)2.financial dul diligence(财务尽职调查)41 财务尽职调查(financial dul diligence),是指财务调查人员根据委托方的并购目标和委托范围,...尽职调查程序1.duty station(尽职调查程序)127 开具免除增值税的发票due diligence procedure...尽职调查程序duty station...任职地即尽职调查1.due diligence, dd(即尽职调查)49 接下来他们就要做详尽的调查,即尽职调查(due diligence, dd),包括业务、人员、...税务尽职调查1.tax due diligence(税务尽职调查)42 ? Tax compliances 税务申报...? tax due diligence 税务尽职调查。



尽职调查报告在当今的商业社会中,尽职调查(Due Diligence)扮演了至关重要的角色,对于商业决策的有效性和风险控制起到了不可或缺的作用。



























企业尽职调查报告(精选5篇)企业尽职篇1一、尽职调查报告主要作用尽职调查(Due Diligence Investigation)又称谨慎性调查,一般是指投资人在与目标企业达成初步合作意向后,经协商一致,投资人对目标企业一切与本次投资有关的事项进行现场调查、资料分析的一系列活动。













汽车销售尽职调查报告范文英文回答:Executive Summary.The purpose of this due diligence report is to provide an overview of the automotive sales industry, with a particular focus on the company under consideration for acquisition. The report includes an analysis of theindustry's key trends, competitive landscape, and financial performance.Industry Overview.The automotive sales industry is a global industry that is driven by consumer demand for vehicles. The industry is heavily influenced by economic conditions, consumer preferences, and technological advancements. In recent years, the industry has been impacted by the rise of electric vehicles (EVs) and the increasing popularity ofride-sharing services.Competitive Landscape.The automotive sales industry is highly competitive, with a number of large, well-established players. The major players in the industry include General Motors, Ford Motor Company, Toyota, Volkswagen, and Hyundai. These companies compete on a number of factors, including price, quality, fuel efficiency, and features.Financial Performance.The financial performance of the automotive sales industry has been mixed in recent years. The industry has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to a decline in sales. However, the industry is expected to recover in the coming years as economic conditions improve.Target Company Analysis.The target company is a leading provider of automotivesales and services. The company has a strong track record of financial performance and a loyal customer base. The company is well-positioned to benefit from the growing demand for EVs and the increasing popularity of ride-sharing services.Due Diligence Findings.The due diligence findings indicate that the target company is a financially sound and well-managed business. The company has a strong management team and a solid financial foundation. The company is also well-positioned to benefit from the growing demand for EVs and the increasing popularity of ride-sharing services.Conclusion.The due diligence report concludes that the target company is a sound investment. The company has a strong track record of financial performance and a loyal customer base. The company is also well-positioned to benefit from the growing demand for EVs and the increasing popularity ofride-sharing services.中文回答:执行摘要。



工作报告之尽职调查报告英文尽职调查报告英文【篇一:尽职调查报告(共3篇)】篇一:尽职调查中英文并购尽职调查清单(1)法定注册登记情况(registration)(2)股权结构(ownership structure)(3)下属公司(subsidiaries and branches)(4)重大的收购及出售资产事件(key events of purchasing and selling assets)(5)经营范围(business scope)2.企业人力资源(human resources)(1)管理架构(部门及人员)[management structure (departments and staffing)](2)董事及高级管理人员的简历(resume of directors of the board and members of the upper management team)3.市场营销及客户资源(marketing, sales and customer resources)(1)产品及服务(products and services)(2)重要商业合同(important business contracts)(3)市场结构(market structure)4.企业资源及生产流程管理(enterprise resources and production management)(1)加工厂(factory and plant)(2)生产设备及使用效率(equipments and production capacity)(3)研究及开发(research and development)(4)采购渠道(purchasing channels)(5)供应商(suppliers)5.公司主营业务的行业分析(industry analysis)(1)行业现状及发展前景(current situation and anticipation ofindustry development trend)6.公司财务情况(financial status)(1)最近三年的资产负债表分析(three years balance sheet if available)(2)外币资产及负债(capital and debts in foreign currency)(3)历年财务报表的审计师及审计意见(auditors opinion on the financial reports of the past years)(4)最近三年的财务预算及执行情况(financial budgets and performing status of the last three years if available)(5)固定资产(fixed assets)(6)无形资产(专利、商标、其他知识产权)(intangible assets,e.g. patent, logo and other intellectual property rights)7.利润预测(profitability forecast)(1)未来两年的利润预测(profit forecast of the next two years) 8.公司债权和债务(creditors rights and liability)1)债权(creditor s rights)(1)债权基本情况明细(details of rights)(2)债权有无担保及担保情况(collateral/guarantee status on the rights)(3)债权期限(duration of the creditor s rights)(4)债权是否提起诉讼(legal actions pursued)2)债务(debts and liabilities)(1)债务基本情况明细(details of the liability)(2)债务有无担保及担保情况(collateral/guarantee status on the liabilities)(3)债务抵押、质押情况(mortgage and pledge)(4)债务期限(duration of the liabilities)(5)债务是否提起诉讼(legal actions pursued)9.公司的不动产、重要动产及无形资产(properties, valuable assets and intangible assets)(1)土地权属(land property)(2)房产权属(house property)(3)车辆清单(automobiles)(4)专利权及专有技术(patents and self-developed technologies)(5)以上资产抵押担保情况(mortgage and collateral status on the above listed assets)10.公司涉诉事件(lawsuits)11.股东出资情况(1)各股东出资情况(2)各股东与股份公司的关系及关联交易(1)公司股东、董事及主要管理者是否有违规情况(violations by any of the shareholders, directors and executives if there s any)13.企业经营面临的主要问题(business obstacles and operational difficulties)(1)困难或积极因素(obstacles difficulties and the negative impacts or positive if there s any)(2)应对措施(solutions)篇二:尽职调查报告(格式模板)尽职调查报告尽职调查范围与宗旨在本报告中,除非根据上下文应另做解释,否则下列简称和术语具有以下含义(为方便阅读,下列简称和术语按其第一个字拼音字母的先后顺序排列):本报告所使用的简称、定义、目录以及各部分的标题仅供查阅方便之用;除非根据上下文应另做解释,所有关于参见某部分的提示均指本报告中的某一部分。



会计师事务所尽职调查报告范文English Answer:Due Diligence Investigation Report.Client: [Client Name]Target: [Target Company]Purpose: To provide an independent assessment of the target company's financial position and operations in support of a potential acquisition.Scope:The scope of the due diligence investigation included a review of the following areas:Financial statements and supporting documentation.Business operations and management.Legal and regulatory compliance.Environmental and safety matters.Intellectual property.Human resources.Methodology:The due diligence investigation was conducted in accordance with generally accepted due diligence procedures. The following methodologies were employed:Document review.Interviews with management and key personnel.Site visits.Analysis of financial and operational data.Findings:The due diligence investigation revealed the following findings:The target company's financial statements are fairly presented and in accordance with applicable accounting principles.The target company's business operations are sound and there are no major operational risks.The target company is in compliance with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements.The target company has a clean environmental record and no material safety concerns.The target company owns all necessary intellectual property and there are no significant intellectual propertydisputes.The target company has a stable and experienced workforce.Conclusions:Based on the findings of the due diligence investigation, we believe that the target company is a viable acquisition target. The company's financial position and operations are sound, and there are no material risks that would prevent a successful acquisition.Recommendations:We recommend that the client proceed with the acquisition of the target company. We believe that the acquisition would be a good strategic fit for the client and would provide significant growth opportunities.Disclaimer:This due diligence investigation report is based on the information available to us at the time of the investigation. We have exercised due care and diligence in conducting the investigation, but we do not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the information provided.Chinese Answer:尽职调查报告。











培 训







业 务 培
4、测量; 5、人员沟通;




五Leabharlann 10、理论验证;11、第三方考证;


业 务 培
料审查、现场考察、分析、论 证、研判现场等,对客户及其








尽职调查报告英文Due Diligence ReportIntroductionIn today's fast-paced and complex business world, conducting due diligence is crucial for making informed decisions. This report aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of the due diligence process, its importance, and the key factors to consider when conducting due diligence.What is Due Diligence?Due diligence refers to the process of conducting a thorough investigation and analysis of a company or an individual before entering into a business transaction or investment. It involves gathering and evaluating all relevant information to assess the risks, opportunities, and potential outcomes associated with the transaction.Importance of Due Diligence1. Risk Mitigation: Due diligence helps identify potential risks and red flags that may impact the success of a transaction. By uncovering any hidden liabilities, legal issues, or financial irregularities, due diligence allows parties to make informed decisions and mitigate potential risks.2. Financial Assessment: Conducting due diligence provides a comprehensive understanding of a company's financial health, including its assets, liabilities, revenue streams, and profitability. This information is vital for assessing the company's value and determining its financial viability.3. Legal Compliance: Due diligence ensures that the target company complies with all applicable laws and regulations. This includes assessing its licenses, permits, contracts, and any ongoing litigation or regulatory issues. Failure to identify legal non-compliance can result in severe financial and reputational consequences.4. Strategic Fit: Due diligence allows the acquirer to evaluate the strategic fit of the target company. This includes assessing its market position, competitive advantage, product portfolio, and customer base. Understanding the strategic fit helps determine whether the transaction aligns with the acquirer's long-term goals and objectives.Key Factors in Due Diligence1. Financial Analysis: This involves reviewing the target company's financial statements, tax returns, cash flow statements, and other relevant financial documents. It is essential to assess the company's financial stability, profitability, and growth potential.2. Legal and Regulatory Compliance: Evaluating the target company's legal and regulatory compliance involves reviewing contracts, permits, licenses, and any ongoing litigation. It is crucial to identify any potential legal risks or non-compliance issues.3. Operational Assessment: This includes analyzing the target company's operations, supply chain, production processes, and quality control systems. Understanding the efficiency and effectiveness of operations helps assess thecompany's ability to meet customer demands and maintain profitability.4. Market Analysis: Conducting a market analysis involves evaluating the target company's industry, market size, competition, and growth potential. This information helps assess the company's market position and potential for future success.ConclusionIn conclusion, due diligence is a critical process that should not be overlooked when entering into a business transaction or investment. It helps mitigate risks, assess financial viability, ensure legal compliance, and evaluate strategic fit. By conducting a thorough due diligence process, businesses can make informed decisions and increase the likelihood of successful outcomes.。



尽职调查报告律师尽职调查报告一、尽职调查范围与宗旨有关××公司的律师尽职调查,是由本所根据aa股份有限公司( "aa" )的委托,基于aa和××的股东于××年××月××日签订的《股权转让意向书》第××条和第××条的安排,在本所尽职调查律师提交给××公司的尽职调查清单中所列问题的基础上进行的。








How to Write a Due Diligence Report for Investment PurposesThe Most Popular Drafting Model for Memos and DD ReportIn the United States’ legal education or practices, IRAC structure is the most used writing process for each and every legal document. It is efficient, and very easily to be grasped.I------issueR-----rules and cases, backgroundA-----analysisC----conclusionWe can compare this structure with our Chinese’s classical writing methods: qi(起), cheng(承), zhuan(转), and he(合).The Investment ModelAn international investor wishes to put some capital money into a domestic company, we call it a target company, and after the target company earns enough profits, for instance, the company can make an IPO in China securities market, then the investor may withdraw it investment, plus the premium interests or profits from the company, by transferring the shares it has in the target company. It should be noted that in this process, the investor shall deal with the shareholders of the target company. At current China financial market, probably all the shareholders wish to go to the public market to attract more investment, so dealing with these shareholders is not a major problem. The major problem is how to avoid the legal and the financial risks in the investment. What if the investment has some legal obstacles that prohibit it from withdrawal? This is the key issue and the most important concern in the DD Report.DefinitionA due diligence report, also called DD Report, is a widely used legal documen t in today’s legal practice. Especially in international investment activities, DD Report can help the investor to make the right decision for its investment strategies.What is a DD Report? We can define the legal document as the key and basic informatio n about a target company’s finance and management. The information can show the risks or the benefits for the investments. Before taking any actions, a rational investor, of course including all the experienced ones, generally will retain a law firm or an accounting firm to do the report.We can compare a DD Report with your personal diary. I write all the activities I did in one day into my diary, and for most of times, I only give a short summary of the most important things I had in this day. For instance, I do not write what I eat in a common day in my diary, but I will describe one dish in detail if I attend my friend’s marriage ceremony, if this dish impressed me so well. I mean whether it is very delicious, or it is very badly tasted. The reason is s imple, it gives me some unusual experience, pleasant or unpleasant.A DD Report shows us what we read and examined in the documents coming from the target company. We write what we saw in these documents and report them to our clients, just as we write what we experience in one day for our diary. Of course, since the documents are so big and we generally have to make most summaries for our writings. Occasionally, we just translate some of the key documents from Chinese into English and put them into our report.Because I am a legal practitioner, I will explain the DD Report from a legal point of view. As a result, the DD Report for my client must show the most important investment risks.Steps to Do the DD ReportGenerally, if we wish to have a complete DD Report, the following four steps have to be followed. And a moderate DD Report usually will take us two to three weeks to finish.Step One: Collect All the Information from the Target CompanyAt this step, we shall produce a Documentation Request List and ask the relevant legal documents from the company. I give you such an example as an attachment one. Let us go through the list very quickly, I am sure that after you have finished reading of this list, you can get a rough impression on a target compa ny’s structure, and management system.Step Two: Review the Documents and Produce a Question ListAt this stage, we shall carefully read word by word, number by number, date by date, figure by figure, every of the delivered documents from the company, and ask questions in detail about the legality and clearness for them.For example, if we see somewhere in one document is unclear because of the printing process, and then we shall request another clear copy of this document. The other example, if we miss one page of a contract, then we shall ask for the missing one from the company. Another example, if one certificate needs to be annually registered, and it is not for the past year, then we should ask when the certificate will be registered or examined this year.Kindly remind the company to deliver the missing documents in a reasonable time. This process is very time-consuming. We shall keep alert on every suspicious point in the documents.Step Three: Onsite Interview with the Officers of the CompanyIf the documents are complete and very sound, I mean, they can answer every question or solve the legal issues for the investment, this step can be deleted, or can be conducted through a telephone call. Although this doing can save much time for us, I personally and strongly recommend doing such an onsite interview. Not only may we promote or just establish better connections with the company as a future potential client for other deals, but we can personally see the whole process of the production or the management of the company. And we can get arough impression on the fixed or other assets listed on the delivered documents.Finally, we may also experience some local business culture, or just have a new taste of local foods.Step Fou r: Draft and Produce the DD ReportUsually the first three steps will take us about one or one and a half week to finish, for a complex project, it may cost a month, or months. After we have finished the preparation process----I call the first three steps together----we can begin to draft and produce the report.Although different law firms have different formats for different projects, the following table of contents summarizes the basic structure of the DD Report for a typical international investment.Table of ContentsI. INTRODUCTORY REMARKS (4)1Background (4)2Scope of Review (4)3Source of Information (4)II.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY (7)1Overview (7)2Legal Form (7)3 The IPO Plan (7)4 Loans and Guarantees (8)5 Environmental Compliance (8)6 Employment (9)7 Intellectual Property Rights (9)III. REVIEW AND ANALYSIS (10)1Corporate Status (10)1.1Legal Form (10)1.2Company History (13)1.3Registered Capital and Shareholding Structure (14)1.4Articles of Association and Promoters Agreement (15)1.5Corporate Governance (15)2Shareholders and Affiliates (19)2.1Shareholders (19)2.2The Group (19)2.3Other Shareholders (23)3Material Contracts (25)3.1Overview (25)3.2Supplier Contracts (26)3.3Sales Contracts (29)3.4Connected Party Transactions (32)3.5Loans Contracts and Guarantees (33)3.6Other Material Contracts (34)4Real Property (34)4.1Land Use Right (34)4.2Buildings (36)4.3Mortgage Status (38)5Business Assets (38)5.1Production Equipment (38)5.2Vehicles (39)5.3Other Fixed Assets (39)6Intellectual Property Rights (39)6.1Trademarks (39)6.2Technology (40)7Human Resources and Employment (40)7.1Employees (40)7.2Labour Contract (41)7.3Social Contribution (42)7.4Trade Union (43)8Environmental Protection (43)8.1Pollutant Discharge Permit (44)8.2Waste Water Treatment Plan (44)9Litigation (46)Just as I said in the beginning of this lecture, we can divide the DD Report into four parts, see the table of contents, Part I is the issue and rule part, Part II give a short version of the DD Report, a summary or conclusion of all the key legal issues, Part III is the analysis part, giving the report in detail.Problems needed to be NoticedResearch online or on other resources Please be noted that during the drafting process, we shall conduct the relevant legal research on the legality of one document or practice of the target company. Take one example, is it legal that the company does not need special waste water permit for its discharge of the waste water?It is true that for a joint venture company, the foreign investor shall at least owns a 25% of the shares of the company?Opinion v. Fact Avoid to give your personal opinion unless you have to do so in the DD Report, this would help you not to get trouble on professional issues. Try your best to write the report asa fact-finding process. Do n’t not use such terms as “We think, I opine, or I am of opinion that…”We are advised that If something missed in the documents, and it is important for the report, for instance, there may be some confidential information that the company does not wish to disclose to you, then you use “we are advised by Mr…..” or just say that this is a private or confidential information.Charts and Tables Charts and tables can describe the documents very directly and figuratively, so make sure that you use them as possible as you can. Especially for the same kind of information, for example, for all the sales contracts, or for all fixed assets, the use of tables can save you a lot of time.Key Terms’ Summary For important contracts, especially sales or purchase contracts, and loan agreement, certainly including the AOA---articles of incorporation, we need to summarize the key terms of them in the report. One may wonder which terms are the key terms.We need to read these documents very carefully, theoretically to say, all the terms that may bring the legal risk to the investor are such key terms. I give you one example here.Summary of an AOAA brief summary of the major clauses of the AOA and its amendments is as follows:1.Operational Term – [] has an indefinite operational term.2.Establishment Mode – []was established by way of promotion. The promoters subscribe to all of theshares that should be issued by the company. Upon approval of the relevant governmental authorities, the company may be changed to be a company established by way of stock floatation.3.Shares of the Company – All shares to be issued by [] shall be registered common shares. The sharesof the same class shall have the same rights and benefits.4.Shareholders’ Meeting–The shareholders’ me eting is the highest authority of the company. Theshareholders’ meetings include annual meetings and interim meetings. The annual meetings shall be convened once a year and shall be convened within 6 months after the last fiscal year. The shareholders’ meeting shall exercise the following functions:(1)Determining the company’s operational guidelines and investment plans;(2)Electing and changing the directors and deciding the matters relating to their remuneration;(3)Electing and changing the supervisors assumed by representatives of the shareholders anddeciding the matters relating to their remuneration;(4)Deliberating and approving reports of the board of directors;(5)Deliberating and approving reports of the board of supervisors;(6)Deliberating and approving annual financial budget plans and final account plans of thecompany;(7)Deliberating and approving the company’s profit distribution plans and loss recovery plans;(8)Making resolutions about the increase or reduction of the company’s registered capital;(9)Making resolutions about the issuance of corporate bonds;(10)Adopting resolutions about the merger, split-up, dissolution and liquidation of the company;(11)Amending the articles of association of the company;(12)Other matters that should be decided by the shareholders’ me eting pursuant to laws andregulations.5.Board of Directors – The company shall set up the board of directors, which shall be responsible forthe shareholders’ meeting. The board of directors shall be composed of 9 directors, including a chairman and a vice-chairman. The initial board composition shall be recommended by the promoters.The candidates for the later board shall be nominated by the previous board and elected and dismissed by the shareholders’ meeting. The chairman and vice-chairman shall be elected and dismissed by a majority of all the board members. The chairman of the board shall be the legal representative of the company. The directors shall serve a term of 3 years and may be re-appointed. The board of directors shall exercise the following functions:(1)Convening the shareholders’ meetings and reporting thereto;(2)Implementing resolutions of the shareholders’ meetings;(3)Determining the operational plans and investment plans of the company;(4)Working out the company’s annual financial budget p lans and final account plans;(5)Working out the company’s profit distribution plans and loss recovery plans;(6)Working out the company’s plans on the increase or reduction of registered capital and theissuance of corporate bonds and other securities, as well as listing plans;(7)Working out the company’s plans on significant purchase, purchase of the company’s shares ormerger, split-up or dissolution;(8)Deciding on the establishment of the company’s internal management departments;(9)Employing or dismissing the comp any’s general manager, and, according to the nomination ofthe general manger, employing or dismissing the company’s deputy general manager(s),financial controller and chief accountant, and deciding on their remuneration and punishment;(10)Employing or dismissing the secretary of the board of directors of the company;(11)Working out the company’s basic management system;(12)Working out amendments to the articles of association of the company;(13)Listening to work report of the general manager of the company and supervise his work;(14)Appointing directors and other senior management personnel which shall be dispatched by thecompany to enterprises to which the company is the controlling shareholder or a shareholder, orto the branches of the company;(15)According to the needs of the company, the board of directors may authorize the chairman ofthe board to exercise part of the powers of the board of directors during its close period;(16)Other functions as specified in the articles of association, laws and regulations and as authorizedby the shareholders’ meeting.6.General Manager – The general manager shall be responsible for the daily operation of the companyand be responsible for the board of directors. The general manager shall serve a term of 3 years and may be re-appointed. The general manager shall have the following scope of authorities:(1)Taking charge of the management and operations of the company, organizing theimplementation of the resolutions of the board of directors;(2)Organizing the execution of the company’s annu al operational plans and investment plans;(3)Drafting plans on the establishment of the company’s internal management departments;(4)Drafting the company’s basic management system;(5)Formulating the company’s concrete bylaws;(6)Proposing to hire or dismiss the com pany’s vice manager(s) and person in charge of finance;(7)Drafting the rules of the company on employment salaries, benefits, rewards and punishments,and deciding on the employment and dismissal of employees of the company;(8)Recommending to the shareholders’meeting and the board of directors the professionaladvisors to be engaged by the company;(9)Proposing to convene the interim meetings of the board of directors;(10)Other powers authorized by the board of directors.7.Board of Supervisors – The company shall set up a board of supervisors, which shall be composed of5 supervisors. 2 supervisors shall be representatives of the employees of the company. Thesupervisors shall serve a term of 3 years and may be re-appointed. The board of supervisors shall exercise the following functions:(1)To check the financial affairs of the company;(2)To supervise the acts of the directors, managers and other senior management personnel that arein violation of the laws, regulations or the articles of association when executing theirduty-related acts;(3)To demand any director, manager or other senior management personnel to make corrections ifhis act has injured the interests of the company, and if necessary, to report such act to theshareholders’ meeting or the relevant governmen tal authority in charge;(4)To propose to call interim shareholders’ meetings;(5)To present on the meetings of the board of directors;(6)Other duties as set out in the articles of association or authorized by the shareholders’ meeting.8.Profit Distribution –After payment of income tax, the profits of the company shall be distributed inthe following sequence:(1)To cover losses carried over from previous years;(2)To allocate 10% as statutory common reserve;(3)To allocate 5-10% as statutory welfare reserve;(4)To allocate discretionary welfare reserve according to the resolutions of the shareholders’meeting;(5)To distribute to the shareholdersList of All Delivered Documents Be sure to make such a list as an important attachment, and let the investor know that which kind of documents you have read and examined for the report, and they may request some of the documents from you if necessary.I also bring to you a formal DD Report, each of you can take a look at it, and then give it back to me after class.ATTACHMENT ONEA Shortened DD Report for ReferenceS T R I C T L Y P R I V A T E&C O N F I D E N T I A L[ date ]Legal Due Diligence ReportO N[ ] Co., Ltd.Glossary of Terms and AbbreviationsT erm DefinitionABC: Agricultural Bank of ChinaAOA: Articles of association of SihaiBOC: Bank of ChinaREPORT ON LEGAL DUE DILIGENCEI.INTRODUCTORY REMARKS1.BackgroundThis legal due diligence is conducted by [ ] in view of the proposed investment from [ ] in [ ] Co., Ltd. (hereinafter “[]”)by equity investment and loan. [] is a company validly incorporated and existing under the laws of the PRC.We have been requested to conduct a legal due diligence on [] in light of the above transaction, and this report summaries the results of the legal due diligence.2.Scope of ReviewThe scope of our review in the legal due diligence is set out in our proposal dated [ ]. The scope of this Report covers the following aspects:●General corporate status and company history●Shareholding structure and general information about the shareholders●Material contracts (including sales contracts, supply contracts, other long-term contracts)●Status of land use rights and real property●Title and ownership of business assets and existence of encumbrances●Intellectual property rights●Employment issues including pension and other social contributions●Legal environmental compliance (i.e. whether the Company has required licenses)●Any outstanding litigations or legal proceedings3.Sources of InformationThis report is prepared on basis of the following sources of information:DocumentsA complete list of the documents provided to us is enumerated in Appendix 1. Copies of the documentsmay be provided upon request. [] did provide us with copies of most documents requested.The major documents we requested but not provided by [] are as follows:●employment contracts between [] and its management personnel;●guarantee contracts between [ ] and ABC;●documents and governmental approvals relating to the waste water treatment plant of [], except forthe filing certificate and turn-key contract.To undertake our review and examination of the documents, we assume without further inquiry that 1) the copies of the documents submitted to us conform to the original versions of the documents; 2) no further amendments to such documents have been undertaken, unless otherwise provided; and 3) the signatures, chops and seals on all documents bearing signatures, chops or seals are genuine and were legally made.Interviews with the ManagementWe visited [] on [] 200[] and had interviews with the following management personnel of [] during our field work and followed by a number of telephone conversations with [ ], the controlling shareholder and Chairman of the Board, and Mr. [ ], Executive Deputy General Manager.The general impression we received from the management in the course of conducting the interviews was that they were keen to assist and forthcoming in relation to the information required.II.Executive Summary1.Overview[] is a joint stock company incorporated on [], but its history may be traced back to [] established in 1996.It has a registered capital of RMB [] million. It engages in business of production and sale of [].[] is a major-held subsidiary of [] Group, with Mr. [] being the ultimate controlling shareholder. Despite being a member of the [] Group, Sihai does not have many connected transactions. In fact, [] has a rather simple corporate structure with no subsidiaries or branches.On the basis of the legal due diligence, [] is a fairly well-organised and functioning company. It has obtained the necessary licenses and approvals required to carry out its business. It is to a large extent compliant with legal requirements in its operation. The company’s long-term plan to achieve IPO has contributed to the high level of compliance.Despite the overall legal compliance of [], we have identified a number of legal issues and risks in the due diligence. A summary of the major legal issues is as follows:2.Legal Form[] is organised as a joint stock company, which has higher thresholds for incorporation than those for a limited liability company according to the PRC Company Law. Any foreign invested joint stock company requires the approval from the Ministry of Commerce (“MOFCOM”). Accordingly, if [] participate in [], it will become a foreign invested joint stock company, so the approval from MOFCOM will be required. Generally it takes at least 2-3 months to obtain the MOFCOM approval.3.The IPO PlanSince its official formation in [], it has been the intention for [] to list its shares in a stock exchange.Such intention has played an important role in shaping the company through out its history. At present [] has successfully passed the “guidance period”required by CSRC and has engaged financial and legal advisors working on the IPO. It has a timetable for the listing within [].Such time schedule is of direct relevance to the transaction as the entry of [] must be completed before [] submits its IPO application. This will have direct impacts upon the negotiation process between the parties.If [] is unable to partic ipate as planned, a post-IPO entry would be much more uncertain and complex because the legal requirements and procedures for foreign investment into a listed Chinese company are far more complicated. Naturally the IPO would also affect the price for [] to invest in the company.If []conducts the IPO, the shares subscribed by [] before the IPO will be subject to a lock-up period of one year.4.Loans and GuaranteesBased on our investigation, [] is a heavily indebted company. It has outstanding loans from a number of banks (main banks are ABC and BOC) with a total amount of RMB []. All loans will mature in [ ] so that [] has to refinance such loans.The bank loans of []are secured by mortgages over assets and properties as well as guarantees from its shareholder [] Group and Mr. [ ]. In fact all the land use rights, buildings and a large part of the production equipment of [] are mortgaged to banks. The management were hesitant to disclose details as to guarantees provided by Mr. [ ] personally.The bank loan conditions appear to be on a standard commercial basis. Almost all the loan contracts contain a clause that any restructuring or joint venture requires prior bank approval.Accordingly [] shall obtain consent from its lending banks for the foreseen transaction.Some contracts of [] with the key customers also contain similar clause.5.Environmental ComplianceAs we are not environmental specialists we do not conduct environment inspections but only requested [] to provide us environmental related documents and records.[] generates waste water and waste gas during its production process, but it does not appear to fully comply with the environmental requirements. It does not hold a Pollutant Discharge Permit, nor does it pay discharge fees to the environmental authority.[] has constructed a waste water treatment plant, which is still under inspection and final acceptance.6.Employment[] has a total of [] employees as of [ ]. It has individual employment contracts with the employees, terms and conditions of which basically comply with PRC law. [] does not have any confidentiality or non-compete agreement with any of the employees, nor does the employment contracts contain such clauses.It is noteworthy that [] only pays pension funds for its employees, but fails to pay the other legally required social contributions, including medical insurance, unemployment insurance and worker’s injury insurance. Failure to pay social contributions for its employees is not in compliance with the requirements of the Chinese labour law and may be subject to penalties by labour and social contribution authorities.Nor does [] pay housing fund for its employees – its argument being that it has built and sold apartments to majority employees and the rest receives a monthly housing allowance.According to law, however, the housing arrangement does not justify the failure of [] to pay housing fund for its employees.7.Intellectual Property Rights[] has not registered any patents. It has two registered trademarks, both of which were transferred to it from its parent [] Group. The trademark registrations are valid until [] and [] respectively.One of the trademarks is no longer used by [] in its operation. Under Chinese trademark law, if a registered trademark has not been in use for three consecutive years, it may be revoked or cancelled by the Trademark Office. The other trademark is very similar to the one used by the [] Group. But there is no trademark license between the two companies.III.Review and Analysis1.Corporate Status1.1Legal Form1.1.1Business LicenseWe received a copy of the Business License of [], which contains the following information:The Business License appears to be in the normal order and evidences that [] is validly established and duly existing under PRC law.1.1.2Operation-related Licenses(A)Sanitary License(B)High-tech Enterprise Certificate and High-tech Product Certificate(C)ISO 9001:20001.1.3Other Corporate RegistrationsIn addition we received a copy of the following registration certificates of []:●Organisation code certificate●State tax registration certificate●Local tax registration certificate●Customs self-declaration registration certificateThe above registrations are required for a PRC company to conduct its business. We have reviewed these corporate registrations and confirm that they appear to be valid and in normal order. English translations of these certificates are attached hereto as Schedule HistoryShareholder Share ratio[] Group[]Mr. []1.3Registered Capital and Shareholding Structure1.3.1Registered Capital1.3.2Shareholding StructureThe shareholding structure of [] is set out in the following chart:Shareholder SharesBefore CapitalIncreasePercentageBefore CapitalIncreaseSharesafter CapitalIncreasePercentageafter CapitalIncreaseT otal 99,000,000 100% 100% 1.4Articles of Association and Promoters Agreement1.4.1Articles of Association。


▪ Needs assistance of an Accountant ▪ 需要会计师的协助 ▪ Income Statement ▪ 收入报表
Due Diligence 尽职调查
▪ Balance Sheet Assets ▪ 资产负债表资产 ▪ Balance Sheet Liabilities and Taxes ▪ 资产负债表负债和税额 ▪ Balance Sheet Equity ▪ 资产负债表股东收益
of line? ▪ 一些收入或成本类别是否有不合理的地方?
Due Diligence 尽职调查
▪ Balance Sheet Assets: ▪ 资产负债表资产:
▪ Fixed assets valued correctly? Depreciation? ▪ 固定资产估价是否正确?折旧? ▪ Accounts Receivable accurate? Current? ▪ 应收账款是否准确?及时?
▪ 传统上,集中在法律和财务方面 ▪ Attorneys, accountants, and consultants
generally perform this isolated task. ▪ 通常由律师,会计师和顾问执行这个独立
Due Diligence 尽职调查
Due Diligence 尽职调查
For each potential target, do a company profile so good comparisons can be made. 为每一个潜在目标公司做一个公司档案,能更 有效地进行比较。








尽职调查,也叫审慎调查,译自英文“Due Diligenc e”,其原意是“适当的或者应有的勤勉”。





律师的尽职调查的意义:首先在于防范风险,而防范风险首先在于发现风险,判断风险的性质、程度以及对并购活动的影响和后果 ;其次,在于使收购方掌握目标公司的主体资格、资产权属、债权债务等重大事项的法律状态,对可能涉及法律上的情况了然于胸 ;再次,还可以了解哪些情况可能会对收购方带来责任、负担,以及是否可能予以消除和解决,从而避免收购方在缺少充分信息的情况下,或者在没有理清法律关系的情况下作出不适当的决策。

公司签合同时 尽职调查说明

公司签合同时 尽职调查说明

公司签合同时尽职调查说明英文回答:Due Diligence Provisions in Corporate Contracts.Due diligence provisions are clauses in contracts that require one party to provide the other party with certain information or access to certain documents before the contract is executed. The purpose of these provisions is to allow the parties to evaluate the other party's financial health, legal compliance, and other relevant factors before entering into the contract.Due diligence provisions typically specify the following:The scope of the due diligence investigation,including the types of information that must be provided.The time frame for conducting the investigation.The party responsible for conducting the investigation.The format and method of providing the information.The consequences of failing to provide the required information.Due diligence provisions are important because theyallow the parties to mitigate the risks associated with entering into a contract with an unknown or untrustworthy party. By conducting a thorough due diligence investigation, the parties can identify any potential problems or redflags that could affect the performance of the contract.中文回答:公司合同中的尽职调查条款。








尽职调查,也叫审慎调查,译自英文“Due Diligence”,其原意是“适当的或应.的勤勉”。






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Due Diligence Report
In today's fast-paced and ever-changing business landscape, conducting due diligence has become an essential step for any organization or individual looking to make informed decisions. Whether it is before entering into a partnership, acquiring a company, or investing in a new venture, a comprehensive due diligence report helps mitigate risks and provides a solid foundation for decision-making. In this report, we will explore the importance of due diligence and its various aspects without delving into political matters. Financial Due Diligence
One of the primary aspects of due diligence is financial analysis. Investors and organizations need to thoroughly examine the financial statements, including balance sheets, income statements, and cash flow statements, to gain a clear understanding of the target company's financial health. By scrutinizing these documents, potential risks and opportunities can be identified, ensuring that all financial aspects are in order before proceeding with any business transaction. Legal Due Diligence
Another crucial aspect of due diligence is legal analysis. This involves examining contracts, agreements, licenses, and permits to ensure compliance with laws and regulations. Legal due diligence aims to identify any potential legal issues, such as pending lawsuits, regulatory violations, or intellectual property infringements.
By conducting a thorough legal review, organizations can avoid costly legal battles and protect their reputation.
Operational Due Diligence
Operational due diligence focuses on evaluating the target company's operational capabilities and efficiency. It involves analyzing the company's organizational structure, production processes, supply chain management, and overall operational performance. This assessment helps identify any operational weaknesses or inefficiencies that may impact the success of the proposed business transaction. By addressing these issues beforehand, organizations can make informed decisions and implement necessary improvements.
Market Due Diligence
Market due diligence involves analyzing the target company's market position, competitive landscape, and growth potential. This assessment aims to understand the industry dynamics, customer preferences, and market trends that may affect the success of the investment or partnership. By conducting market due diligence, organizations can identify growth opportunities, assess market risks, and develop strategies to stay ahead of the competition. Environmental and Social Due Diligence
In recent years, environmental and social due diligence has gained prominence. It involves assessing the target company's environmental impact, sustainability practices, and social responsibility initiatives. This evaluation ensures that the organization aligns with environmental regulations, ethical practices, and
community expectations. By conducting thorough environmental and social due diligence, organizations can mitigate reputational risks and contribute to a sustainable future.
In conclusion, conducting a comprehensive due diligence report is crucial for making informed business decisions. Financial, legal, operational, market, environmental, and social aspects should all be carefully examined to mitigate risks and maximize opportunities. By investing time and resources into due diligence, organizations can protect their interests, enhance their reputation, and pave the way for successful business transactions. Remember, due diligence is not a one-time task but an ongoing process that should be integrated into the decision-making framework of any responsible organization.。
