高一英语《21世纪中学生英文报 第27期》课件
高一英语《21世纪中学生英文报 第35期》课件

2. Why do students pile up books in a library?
It is also a way for them to protect their personal space.
Reading and answering
3. Are preferences for personal space the same everywhere in the world?
IV. Difficult sentences
1. It’s all about personal space, which
means not only an imaginary space around the body, but one around all the senses..
这完全是个人空间问题,它不仅指身体周围想 象的空间,而且指周围的各种感觉。 Not only…but (also) 关联词组;不仅…而且 她不仅喜欢唱歌而且喜欢跳舞。 She is fond not only of singing but also of dancing.
VI. Language study
下列句子包含什么从句? 1. But have you ever wondered why those things make you uncomfortable? why 引导一个宾语从句 2. It’s all about personal space, which means not only an imaginary space around the body, but one around all the senses. which 引导 一个非限制性定语从句 3.This is probably why a man on a packed bus shouting into his mobile phone or… why 引导一个表语从句

2. on the / their way to school3. lose weight4. are full of people returning from work5. tired of watching TV6. keep fit / healthy听力训练(二)1-5 ABBAA 6-10 CACAC 11. full 12. repaired13. storm 14. fell off 15. north-west听说测试(二)Part A 略Part B 略(见听说材料)Part C信息点:1. I was the girl who ran slowest in the PE class.2. A few years ago, I was walking with a group of friends in a running race.3. A lady wearing a T-shirt with the word “Survivor” caught my eye.4. The lady ran slowly, but determined.5. At that moment, I decided that in the next race, I’d be running along with the lady.6. A year later, I was again at the race, and this time, I stood with the runners.7. When the race started, the other runners passed by me.8. Then, I remembered the brave woman.9. I ran as fast as I could until I finally crossed that finish line.10. I had finished my first race.第2-4版Book 3 Unit 2 综合能力评估试题参考答案1-5 CDBBC 6-10 DDADC 11-15 GADBF16-20 BACDB 21-25 ADDBA 26-30 BCDAB31-35 ABCCD 36. found 37. dangerous38. containing 39. with 40. which41. it 42. is 43. importance44. to eat 45. farmers应用文写作One possible version:Dear Simon,Glad to hear from you. I’d like to recommend Zhonghua Weidao t o you, a Chinese restaurant near the subway on Hexie Road.The restaurant serves good traditional Chinese food including dumplings, noodles and various dishes. The prices are very reasonable and that’s probably why it’s popular with young people. Moreover, there is karaoke every evening from 8:00 pm to 11:00 pm. It’s a relaxed and informal restaurant and there are always lots of customers. Besides, the service is very nice, fast and helpful.Wish you a happy time.Yours,Li Hua概要写作One possible version:In many parts of the world, lots of fruits and vegetables are rejected by supermarkets because of their “ugly”looks. (要点1) As a result, they always go to waste. (要点2) Some volunteers and supermarkets manage to make use of such “ugly”food to help reduce food waste. (要点3) You can also help by accepting “ugly”fruits and vegetables yourself and getting others to consider the problem. (要点4)GUIDED WRITINGOne possible version:New bookstore opens, all books 30% offEager to buy your favourite books at a low price? Now here's your chance.To show our gratitude to book lovers, we will sell all books here at a 30% discount during the opening of the bookstore. There is a complete range of books in our bookstore, from military to science and technology, from home and abroad. In a word, you can buy any book you want here. Moreover, you can read in the reading section of our bookstore for free.Why not pay us a visit? We won't let you down.听说测试(二)听说材料Part A 略Part BW: How’s your review going?M: Not so good. I think I can remember most of the grammar, but remembering vocabulary’s a bit harder, for me anyway.W: Yes, there are a lot of words to remember.M: What about you?W: For me, it is probably the opposite — I find the grammar hard to get my head around, but the vocabulary is a lot easier. I tested myself at home this morning and it was OK.(1) 学生问:How do you manage to remember all thewords?录音答:Well, when I get home from class, Irecord all the new words I’ve learned onto my phone. And then I like to go for a run and I listen to them when I’m running. And I make up these sentences with the words and say them to myself. (2) 学生问:Do you remember what the words mean?录音答:Most of the time. If I forget, I check inmy notebook when I get home from my run. And sometimes I write them down. I think the most important thing is to keep repeating them. But my sister Jenny remembers new words in a different way. She uses vocabulary cards.(3) 学生问:How does that work?录音答:She has these small cards and writes eachnew word on a card with a picture or an example. It works really well. You know, you have to be quite organized to have a card system because you have to write all those cards and keep them with you wherever you go.(1) 录音问:What is hard for Mark?学生答:Remembering vocabulary.(2) 录音问:What did Maria do this morning at home?学生答:She tested herself.(3) 录音问:What does Maria do when she is running?学生答:She listens to the record.(4) 录音问:What is the most important thing to remember new words for Maria?学生答:To keep repeating them.(5) 录音问:What do Jenny’s word cards have besides new words?学生答:Pictures or examples.Part CA “Weak” LadyI never thought I would be a “runner”. I was the girl who ran slowest in the PE class. A few years ago, I was walking with a group of friends in a running race. It was a 5 km race designed to raise money for the fight against diseases. Then a lady caught my eye. She must have been close to seventy years old, wearing a T-shirt with the word “Survivor”. She was one of the weakest-looking women I’ve ever seen. But, she was running. And she passed by me and my group of friends. She ran slowly, but determined. Right at that moment, I decided that in the next race, I’d be running along with her.A year later, I was again at the race, and this time, I stood with the runners. When the race started, the other runners passed by me. I ran forward. I wondered if I would be able to do it. But then, I remembered the brave woman. I ran as fast as I could until I finally crossed that finish line. I had just finished my first race. I never felt stronger than at that moment.参考答案Part A 略Part B 略(见听说材料)Part C信息点:1. I was the girl who ran slowest in the PE class.2. A few years ago, I was walking with a group of friends in a running race.3. A lady wearing a T-shirt with the word “Survivor” caught my eye.4. The lady ran slowly, but determined.5. At that moment, I decided that in the next race, I’d be running along with the lady.6. A year later, I was again at the race, and this time, I stood with the runners.7. When the race started, the other runners passed by me.8. Then, I remembered the brave woman.9. I ran as fast as I could until I finally crossed that finish line.10. I had finished my first race.听力训练(二)(Text 1)M: Maria, I was just wondering if you want to go out tonight.W: Well, I was thinking of reading a book at home. What exactly have you got in mind?M: I thought we could go to play ping-pong at the sports club.W: I played tennis with my friend Lily this afternoon. I don’t feel like doing any sports tonight. M: Oh, there is a concert in town. How about that? I can come and pick you up in my car.W: Sounds great. What time will it start?M: At 8:30 pm and it’ll end at 10:30 pm.W: Good. So when will you come and pick me up?M: About half an hour before the concert starts.W: Deal.(Text 2)M: I’ve finally finished my reports. So is th ere anything good on TV?W: Let me see. There’s “Priceless” on at 8 pm.M: No, I don’t really like quiz shows.W: Oh, it’s a game show.M: Is there a good chat show on?W: I’m afraid not. There’s football on at ...M: No way. What about a film?W: There’s a couple. There’s one called “Until Tomorrow”. It’s an adventure film and it doesn’t start until 11 pm.M: That’s much too late.W: Or there’s one called “Let Him Go”. That starts at 9 pm.M: That sounds better. Is it a comedy?W: I don’t think so. “When Ivan Banks wakes up one morning, he’s not in his own bed or even on his own planet ...”.M: Sounds like a sci-fi story. Better than the football?W: OK, I’ll make a deal. You let me watch the first half of the game after dinner, then we turn over and watch the film together.M: And who makes dinner?W: You do.(Text 3)I’m a photographer. I’m here to tell you a bit about myself. At university, I wanted to learn photography, but my parents wouldn’t let me do. I loved history but my marks weren’t very goo d, and I was fond of geography too, so that was what I did in the end. I actually think it made me a better photographer. On my degree course, in my final year, we could do what we wanted and the topics people chose were really interesting. I chose street markets for mine but my friends did theirs on the growth of public transport networks or the city’s green area s. After graduation, I went to the USA. I wanted to work as a photographer, so I sent pictures to news organizations. In fact, it was a magazine that noticed my pictures, and I worked for it for a year. Anyway, I came back to Britain and published my photos in a small book. I felt it was time I explored my own country. I’d done a lot of driving in the USA and I wanted a change from the car, so I went by motorbike instead. I love train travel, but a motorbike enabled me to get to more remote areas.(Text 4)M: Have you entered the design competition at school? I heard that the first prize is a trip to a fashion show. What did you win last year?W: Oh, the first prize was £50 to spend on clothes. This year’s prize is much better, but I haven’t entered the competition yet.M: Why not? You’re brilliant. What about those T-shirts you sold online last summer? They were amazing. All the girls at school loved them. My sister bought three!W: I know. I want to try to design something for this year. But I haven’t got any ideas! I spent yesterday looking at fashion magazines and websites, trying to think of something. And I spent last weekend looking at the best fashion stores in town. I just couldn’t think of anything.M: Are you looking at women’s clothes?W: Yeah. I’d like to design an evening dress, or something like that.M: Why don’t you do something different? How about designing something for men?W: Such as?M: I don’t know ... jackets maybe, or how about shirts?W: Hmm ... The latter seems much better.(Text 5)On Monday 12th, we sailed 300 km. We took the nets in the early morning and they were nearly full. There were 300 kilograms of fish. We checked and repaired the nets. We put the fish in the fridge. The weatherman said there would be a storm the next day.On Tuesday 13th, it started raining at about 11 am. The wind became strong, and then the storm started. It became difficult to control the boat. We were all inside. The storm got really strong in the afternoon. We had to cut the nets because there was a serious risk of the boat sinking. Some food fell off the boat and it was impossible to get it back.On Wednesday 14th, we checked our position at 6:30 am. During the night, the boat moved 190 km north-west in the storm. At 5 pm, we sailed back to the coast. We bought new nets and more food. Tomorrow we’ll go west to look for more fish.Key: ABBAA CACAC11. full 12. repaired 13. storm 14. fell off 15. north-west部分解析阅读理解第一节A篇主题语境:人与社会——历史、社会与文化本文是记叙文。


Detailed Reading
Dying at their desks, workers seek way out
Detailed Reading
1. What’s special about the sudden death of the 36-year-old Zhang Bin? His sudden death has put karoshi, or death from overwork, under the spotlight. The young man’s case is representative, because he is just one of thousands of young Chinese dying of karoshi every year.
New words and expressions
inadequate [in5Adikwit] adj. 不充分的 fragmented [frA^5mentid] adj. 成碎片的, 支离破碎的,碎片化的 compensation [kCmpen5seiFEn] n. 补偿,赔 偿 enforce [in5fC:s] vt. 执行 law-enforcement agencies 执法机构 corporate [5kC:pErit] adj. 企业的,法人的 fatal [5feitl] adj. 致命的,毁灭性的 cerebrovascular [7seribrEu5AskjuiE] adj. 脑血管的 intake [5inteik] n. 摄入量 stick to sth. 坚持某事 9

reminiscent 4. The crisis is in some ways __________ of recent debt problems
in the U.S. inevitably 5. His wrong doing 6. And the shoes are so strange, so _____________. vulgar 7. This is a story about science, and obviously sex. But it‘s also a
Click the pictures and watch the video.
Reading Comprehension
Skimming Work
Read the passage twice and answer the following questions : 1. Who is Mo Yan? He is the first Chinese national to win the Nobel Prize in Literature.
4. Do all the people like Mo Yan`s works?
No. Some people think his works are vulgar and dark and lack a sincere sympathy and respect for human beings and life.
高一英语《21世纪中学生英文报 第28期》课件

Learn the meanings of the following phrases with the help of your dictionary.
1.Kelly did let go of one chance. 松开,放开
2.There isn’t enough room for us, let alone any guests. 更不用说
never cry. D. She let me ride sleds (雪橇) down
the big hill behind her house.
II. Reading
Why did the author think tears are necessary?
Because real boys should show emotions. Cry when you’re sad, and smile when you’re happy.
Part 1 (para1 ) Introducing the topic Part 2 (paras2---5) Kelly’s _e_x_p_e_r_i_en__ce_s_ of making a successful career. Part 3 (para6) The __w_a_y___ Kelly stayed strong these years.
II. Reading
When did the author lose control and burst into tears?
As the priest (牧师) began talking about his grandma, he couldn’t contain his sadness anymore.
高一英语《21世纪中学生英文报 第27期》课件

IV. Difficult sentence
1.Only 29 countries’ Gini coefficient is higher than China’s, among which 27 are from Latin America and Africa and two are from Asia 只有29个国家的基尼系数比中国高,其中有27个 国家来自拉丁美洲和非洲,两个来自亚洲。 among which 非限制性定语从句;介词提前 那里坐着几个老人,其中有一个80多岁了。 There sat some old people, one of whom was over 80 years old. 他住在一个小房子里,它的窗子朝大海开。 He lives in a small room, of which the window faces the sea.
IV. Appreciating sentence
2. We will not only make the „pie‟ of social wealth bigger, but also distribute it well 我们不仅要把财富的蛋糕做大,而且要分配好。
Further discussion
What should we do to distribute the “pie” of social wealth better?
for Senior 1
Animal savior (P3)
12-13学年第27期总第507期I. PFra biblioteke-reading
1.Do you like dogs?
2.Do you like to keep a dog as a pet? 3.Where do you adopt a dog?

21世纪英语报课件The 21st century English newspaper courseware is an essential tool for English language learners. It provides a wide range of materials, including news articles, feature stories, and opinion pieces, that can help students improve their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. The courseware also offers interactive exercises and activities that engage students and make learning English more enjoyable and effective.One of the key benefits of the 21st century English newspaper courseware is that it exposes students toauthentic English language usage. By reading real news articles and opinion pieces, students can learn how English is used in a variety of contexts and for different purposes. This exposure to authentic language can help students develop a more natural and fluent speaking and writing style.Moreover, the courseware provides opportunities forstudents to engage with current events and global issues.By reading news articles and opinion pieces, students can expand their knowledge of the world around them and develop a deeper understanding of important issues. This not only helps students improve their language skills but also broadens their horizons and encourages critical thinking.In addition, the interactive exercises and activitiesin the courseware offer students the opportunity topractice and apply their language skills in a meaningful way. For example, students may be asked to summarize a news article, write a response to an opinion piece, or engage in a discussion about a current event. These activities notonly reinforce language skills but also help students develop their critical thinking and communication abilities.Furthermore, the 21st century English newspaper courseware can be a valuable resource for teachers. It provides a wealth of materials that can be used to supplement and enhance classroom instruction. Teachers can use the courseware to create lesson plans, designactivities, and assess students' language proficiency. Thecourseware can also serve as a source of inspiration and ideas for teachers looking to incorporate current eventsand authentic materials into their English language instruction.Overall, the 21st century English newspaper courseware offers a wide range of benefits for English languagelearners and teachers. It provides authentic language materials, opportunities for engagement with current events, and interactive exercises that can help students improve their language skills and develop a deeper understanding of the world around them. Additionally, it can be a valuable resource for teachers looking to enhance their instruction and engage students in meaningful language learning activities.。
高一英语《21世纪中学生英文报 第36-37期》课件

Practice to learn
Study the sentences and make new ones:
1. Doner’s first foreign language was Hebrew, which he decided to learn at the age of 13 because he loved Israeli hip-hop. Doner的第 一门外语是希伯来语,因为他喜欢以色列的 街舞,所以在13岁时,决定学习希伯来语。 其中which he decided to learn at the age of 13 because he loved Israeli hip-hop作定语,修 饰前面的语言Hebrew。
don’t like people who don’t take their jobs seriously.
2. Edwards started his experiments as early as the 1950s. Edwards开始了他的实验早在上世纪50年代。 as...as 意为"和……一样",表示同级的比较。
1. Timothy Doner is ____________ years old. 2. Doner is a student at the Dalton New York City School in ________________.
3. Doner’s first foreign language was Hebrew . _________
this the movie which you were talking about just now?
高一《21世纪中学生英文报 第10期》课件、看

Warming up Discussion 1.What i s the word for
“呵欠” in English?
2. Whendo you yawn ?
3. Whydo you yawn? 4.Whenyou see or
hear someone else yawn, do you yawn too?
Because yawning i s contagious. .
2. What does “catch a yawn ” mean?
I t means when you see others yawn, you are affected and want to yawn too.
3. Whyi s yawning more than a sign of sleepiness or boredom? Yawning also indicates empathy.
3. Howdo you usually do your homework?
4. Doyou like to do your homework in class or at home?
Comprehension Scanning
1. What i s the report about? The new method of doing homework.
6 . I f the students don’t agree on an answer, what would they do?
Further thinking
Would you like to do your homework in this “Flipped classroom” method? Why ?

听说训练第28期原文及参考答案PART A:Reading Aloud 模仿朗读To Lisa Cherkasky, every detail makes a big difference.?坨| She is looking for justthe righ(t) position for this topping ?坭on a Salmon Sandwich. Finally?坭, everything seems ?坭picture perfect?坨. | Cherkasky is a food stylis(t). | Her job is to make food?坭 look tasty. ?坨| Today?坭, Cherkasky is styling bread from the Gold ?坭Crust Baking Company?坨.PART B: Role Play 角色扮演录像原文:W: Wow! They look very delicious, don’t they? M: Of course. To be honest, I have been very h ungry when working just now. This morning I didn’t have breakfast. So I prepare this good supper. W: I am sorry to hear that. But why, Bill? Did you get up late so that you didn’t have time ? You should know breakfast is the most important meal of the day. M: You know I have a very busy schedule every day and have no time to have breakfast.1. Please get ready to ask three questions according to the following Chinese tips.Q1: Where do you have lunch? A1: For lunch I often have some fast food in the company to save time. You know, time in the day is very valuable for me. Q2: What do you usually have for supper? A2: Supper is my main meal in a day, so I usually have steak, pork chop and fried chicken for supper at about six o’clock. Q3: Do you have lunch and supper on time every day?A3: It all depends on my time whether I have lunch on time or not. But for supper, I have it at six o’clock on time every day, because I think it is a reward I deserve for my hard work.2. Please get ready to answer five questions in English.Q1: What did the man have for breakfast this morning? A1: He had nothing for breakfast. Q2: Why does the man not have breakfast? A2: Because he is very busy and has no time to have breakfast. Q3: What does the woman think of breakfast? A3: She thinks breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Q4: What does the man usually have for supper? A4: He usually has steak, pork chop and fried chicken for supper. Q5: Why does the man eat supper on time every day? A5: Because he thinks having supper is a reward he deserves for his hard work.PART C: Retelling 故事复述录音内容:Joe loved eating hamburgers. Every weekend, Joe and his friend Daniel would go to the McDonalds.He liked hamburgers so much that during the week he couldn’t stop thinking about them. One night, he dreamed about hamburgers. In his dream there appearedmany hamburgers. They looked very delicious. So Joe took two enormous hamburgers, and ate them in one bite. Suddenly he felt sick, for he had eaten too much and too quickly. His stomach was hurting. Joe looked at himself in the mirror.There was such a big stomach that he shouted loud. This woke Joe up with a start and he ran to the mirror to check his stomach. It had all been a dream. The next day, Joe and Daniel went for hamburgers as usual. Just as they were entering the restaurant, Joe stopped and said that he didn’t want a hamburger that day. He said to Daniel if they kept on eating hamburgers frequently, they would get fat or sick. So Joe suggested changing the hamburger for a salad. They should eat salads more often, and that way their diet would be healthier. Daniel agreed with him.That was how the boys realized they should eat much more vegetables for a healthy diet.Summary:Joe liked hamburgers so much that during the week, he couldn’t stop thinking about them. One night, he had a dream. In the dream he ate two hamburgers in one bite so that he felt sick and his stomach became very big. This dream influenced Joe. The next day, in the restaurant he didn’t order humbuggers as usual, but ordered salads. Joe thought they shouldn’t eat hamburgers often, but should eat more vegetables for a healthy diet.第28期A版测试题参考答案1-5 CDBCB 6-10 ACBAB 11-15 DADBC16-25 (One possible version)16. have dreamt 17. which 18. different 19. a 20. Seated 21. if 22. his23. as 24. Luckily 25. in26-30 BBCCC 31-35 BDCBC36-40 DDBBA 41-45 DACCA46-50 EDFCB基础写作 (One possible version)The blue whale, about 30 meters in length and 170 tons or more in weight, is the largest animal that human beings have ever known. It has four subspecies, which can be mostly found in the North Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean and Indian Ocean. Between the late 19th century and the middle of 20th century, blue whales were hunted and killed so largely that they almost died out. To protect blue whales, laws were made by different countries of the world in 1966 and people are forbidden to hunt and kill them. A report in 2013 shows that at present, there are only about 25,000 blue whales left in the world.读写任务 (One possible version)The passage tells us that it is common for us to escape responsibility for what we did wrong. It points out that taking the blame is very helpful to make friends or gain success.Indeed, when making mistakes, we always find excuses for ourselves and rarely have the courage to face them. In my opinion, we should face our faults bravely.Once, a boy got an axe as a present from his father. He liked it and tried it by cutting his father’s tree. His father was very sad about his tree, saying anyone who did this would be punished. Finally, the boy told him the truth. His father forgave him because he thought his son was honest, facing his own mistake. The boy is George Washington, the first American president!I think we should learn from George Washington. Firstly, be honest and never tell lies. Secondly, face our faults bravely instead of blaming others. Lastly, regard faults or failures as opportunities to improve ourselves, because failure is just a stepping-stone to success.听力练习28第一节1-5 BBACA6-10 BCBCB11-15 CCBAB第二节16-20 (One possible version)16. My Family 17. got married18. Younger brother19. 16 years old 20. two听力练习(28)听力原文第一节Conversation 1M: Is that Jenny over there talking to Tom? W: Yes. She came back from London yesterday for Christmas. M: How long will she stay in New York? W: For about ten days. Then she’ll go to Paris for a trip. M: Will she go back to London? W: Sure. She loves her job there.Conversation 2W: Is tha t you, Mark? I almost didn’t recognize you. M: Yeah. I’ve put on 20 pounds in the past half a year. Now I’m 160 pounds. W: Why did you put on so much weight? M: You know, Alice is really a good cook. She makes nice food every day. W: Well, that was why you married her in the first place.Conversation 3W: Look at Mrs Brown. What’s wrong? M: Her son Jim has just fallen down some steps. He was running and missed a step. W: I’m so sorry to hear that. Is it serious? M: I guess so. Look at her. She must be looking for some help. W: Maybe she needs someone to take them to the hospital. Mr Brown works in the center of the city. I don’t think he can get back in time. Can you drive? M: Yes. W: Then let’s go and ask if we can give them a hand.Conversation 4M: Hi, Jenny. What a surprise to see you here! Aren’t you traveling in Beijing with Mike now? W: Sorry, I’m not Jenny. I’m her sister Anna. M: Gosh! You two really look like each other. Are you twins? W: Yes. She is ten minutes older than me. M: It must be int eresting to have a twin sister. W: Well, not so interesting. We’ve to share almost everything. So are you a friend of Jenny? M: We’r e in the same class. Your sister didn’t talk much about her family, so I didn’t know she has a twin sister. Are you seeing off someone here? W: Actually I’m taking a flight to New Zealand withmy parents. We like traveling. What about you? M: I came with a friend. She’s going to London for her summer holiday.Conversation 5M: Lucy, I heard you’re looking for a job. Why do you no longer want to work for your uncle? W: He no longer wanted to work and has sold his shop. M: Why did he no longer want to work? He was making money, wasn’t he? W: Yes, he was. But he wanted to spend more time with his family. You know, he’s almost sixty years old now. M: So what kind of job are you looking for now? I remember you once said you wanted to teach in a kindergarten. W: Not now. I want to work in a company. M: What can you do? W: I can be a secretary. M: I’ve some good news for you. My manager is looking for a secretary. I can ask him to arrange a job interview for you. W: That’s great! Thanks, Mark.Conversation 6M: What a beautiful day today! W: Yes. It has been raining a lot recently. I’m so glad it finally turned fine. M: Me, too. How about taking a walk in the park? We can go to our favorite Chinese restaurant after the walk. W: Haven’t you heard that therestaurant was closed yesterday? M: What a shock! So what will they do with it? W: I heard a Chinese man wants to buy it and open a school there. Aren’t you interested in learning Chinese? You can go and learn there. M: That sounds like a good idea. So where shall we eat this noon? W: There is a French restaurant nearby. How about going there? M: I had supper with a friend there last week. And I didn’t want to go back there again. W: Then how about some Italian food? M: Sounds like a good idea. 第二节Now let me intr oduce my family to you. My name is Susan. I’m 20 years old now. My mother, whose name is Linda, comes from New York. She met my father, David, in Chicago in 1988. Two years later, they got married and three years later I was born.I have one younger brother and one younger sister. My brother, Mike, is two years younger than me and my sister Ann is two years younger than him. My grandparents on my mother’s side both come from Australia, but when they married they movedto New York and they still live there. On my father’s side my grandparents, Tom and Mary, come from Spain. My father has two sisters, Anna and Tina, and my mother has one brother, who has a daughter called Alice. I used to spend a lot of time with my cousin Alice, but I don’t see her so much th ese days. She now lives with her family in Los Angeles. That’s all. Thank you.。

Module 5 Simon Wakefield’s Yunnan diary教学设计Teaching steps:Step 1. Warming upShow some pictures from the newspaper to ask Ss to say what are the pictures about to recall what information is included in the newspaper.Step 2 Is that true ?Give Ss ten statements to let them tell whether they are true or false. If false, how to correct them.1. The reason why Yuefu poems usually don’t have a specific author is that the poets are all from the poorest families.2. Robo –journalism software is capable of writing news stories, which means technology can take away what professional journalists do.3.A supertaster, who has more taste buds on his tongue , tend to have difficulty handling spicy food while non tasters enjoy spicy food more.4. Gutian holds a special place in the history of the Communist Party of China in that Mao Zedong ever presided over a historic conference here.5. Morning coffee is so important to Americans that they would rather go to work with the flu than go without their morning coffee.6. The hot online phrase“ Me time ”means you are in need of time spent alone without being disturbed.7.Increasing numbers of young Brits choose to go vegan to fight against the problems with obesity.8. “Serve the country with the utmost loyalty” involves the story of Zhu Geliang.9. For Swedish actress Alicia Vikander, language is the first barrier to overcome before stepping into Hollywood.10. when our brains are low on glucose, we are likely to lose self-control and start acting aggressively.Step 3 Beautiful expressionsList 8 sentences beautifully written in the newspaper to let Ss appreciate and translate them into beautiful Chinese. 1. Classic, accessible, Hanfu shows off the charm of traditional Chinese culture and lights up my days.2. They understand how much pressure you are under at school with the classes and homework you need to do, so they might agree to let you put your piano lesson on hold for a while.3. They are likely to tag themselves with different labels –Buddhist youth, foodie, or face judger—just so they feel belong to a certain group. They also tend to fit themselves into existing descriptions—astrology, for example--- simply because they are not capable of working out their personality on their own.4. Just the smell of coffee is enough to wake you up. No wonder people count on it to make them feel refreshed.5. If one does not make good use of his youth, in vain will he pass his old age in Ruth.6. This is probably why the campaign “Hold Mom’hand”immediately struck a chord with the public .7. After the event, I realized how necessary it is to raise students’ awareness of the less privileged. I feel that ourwork was very meaningful and will be rewarding in the long term.8. In the face of continued threats, his courage failed himStep 4 listening and speakingAsk Ss to listen the passage ---trying to feel at home for twice and answer four questions related to the passage. Then discuss something similar to the author and practice speaking.Questions :1.How does the author feel when moving to France?2.What are the difficulties the author has to deal with in a foreign environment?3. How does the author feel in the market? What does the author like about the Saturday market?4. What is the attitude toward her future life?Critical thinking :Have you ever moved to an unfamiliar place or environment for example a new school or even a new class? Have you ever had the similar feelings to the author’s? If you have , how did you cope with these things?Step 5 :Topic writingAsk ss to choose one of the following topics to voice theiropinion about it.1. Do you have any hobbies? Many of us exercise, do volunteer work, or learn interesting skills in our spare time. Our of everything, what do you enjoy doing the most in your free time?2. Can you recall when it is the last time you held your parents’hands? How did you feel? Can you imagine what would happen if you offer to hold their hands or do something nice in the coming weekend?3. what has been the highlight of your high school years so far?4. Even you are under academic pressure, you still want to keep one of your favorite hobby, such as playing balls, playing the piano or painting. If your parents ask you to put it on hold until you graduate from senior high, what would you do?Step six : HomeworkWrite a short message about the topic based on activity 5 Strength the language skills with the consolidation listed on the paper.学情分析高二10班是我校的文科实验班,共有学生28人,学生基础好,能力强,特别是口头表达能力比较突出。

Stay, or give up?
Global Reading Opinion Clash Debate Time
Global Reading
Why do so many young people keep struggling in big cities, according to Cao Kefan? Why is he criticized by many people?
Words & Expressions
approximately postgraduate
adv. 大约 adj. 研究生的
take over domestic
接管 adj. 国内的
n. 优点,长处
Speaking Time
What do you think Chinese universities should do to attract more students?
international student
Australian Education International 澳大利亚国际教育司
associate dean the University of Sydney sophistication
副院长 悉尼大学 n. 复杂,尖端
Speaking Time
Lead–in Activity
Warm-up Questions
Do you know anyone who is studying abroad? What is his/her major? What do you think one can learn in a foreign country?

The Power of Perseverance: A Journey toSuccessIn the journey of life, perseverance is often the key to unlocking success. It is the driving force that propels us forward in the face of challenges and difficulties. The story of Thomas Edison, the inventor of the light bulb, is a testament to the power of perseverance. Despite facing numerous failures and setbacks, he never gave up on his quest to create a practical and efficient light source. His story inspires us to persevere in our own pursuits, reminding us that success is often a matter of persistence and dedication.Perseverance is not merely about stubbornly sticking to one's goals regardless of obstacles. It is about learning from failures, adapting to changes, and constantly improving oneself. It is about maintaining a positive mindset in the face of adversity and staying focused on the end goal. It is about converting setbacks into stepping stones towards success.In the realm of academics, perseverance is equally crucial. It is the engine that drives students to excel intheir studies, to overcome challenges, and to achieve their academic goals. It is the invisible force that separates those who succeed from those who fail.However, perseverance does not come easily. It requires discipline, dedication, and a strong willpower. It requires the ability to stay motivated and focused, even when faced with difficulties and setbacks. It requires the courage to persist despite failure and the resilience to bounce back stronger each time.As students, we must cultivate the habit of perseverance. We must learn to persevere in our studies, in our extracurricular activities, and in our personal goals. We must learn to embrace failure as an opportunity for growth and improvement, not as a roadblock to success. We must learn to stay focused on our goals, regardless of the distractions and temptations that may come our way.Moreover, we must also learn to support and encourage each other in our pursuits. We must create a community that values perseverance and celebrates success. We must share our challenges, our failures, and our successes with eachother, learning from each other's experiences and growing together.In conclusion, perseverance is the key to unlocking success. It is the invisible force that propels us forward in the face of challenges and difficulties. It is the engine of progress and the foundation of achievement. As students, we must cultivate the habit of perseverance, learning to stay motivated, focused, and resilient in the pursuit of our goals. By doing so, we will embark on a journey that leads to success and fulfillment.**毅力之力:成功之旅**在人生的旅途中,毅力常常是开启成功的关键。
21世纪英语报 高一版课件

IV. Vocabulary
21st Century
3. “No matter what information you need, you can ____ Wikipedia.” Which of the following can’t be used to fill the blank? A. look up B. look it up on C. refer to D. consult 4. “However, the mood at Wikipedia is upbeat.” “Upbeat” means _______. A. beaten B. upset C. positive D. broken down
21st Century
for Senior 1
10-11学年度第26期总第426期 10-11学年度第26期总第426期
I have wonderful children (P6)
I. Comprehension
21st Century
1. There are _____ members in the family. A. two B. three C. four D. uncertain 2. The mother lived a _______ life. A. happy B. lonely C. hard D. satisfactory 3. Her children prepared ______ to make their mother happy on her birthday. A. much allowance B. thoughtful gifts C. toothless grin D. wrapped food 4. After that birthday, the mother might ________. A. give them gifts as a reward B. love them for ever C. change her lifestyle D. smile every day

Task7 Discuss, interview and free talk
Within groups of four students, suppose you are a deputy, a reporter, a mayor and a student, discuss the current situation and put forward (提出) your suggestions on controlling and fighting against smog.
A. earn money to support their study. B. do a scientific gain grades. C. inform people of the dangers of
pollution and how to fight against smog. D. advertise for wearing masks,
We take threats of this kind very seriously.
ⅲ.in addition to: besides除了…之外还
In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty until midnight.
D. It is easy to produce a brochure because students copied information from many scientific articles.
3. Why did the students produce this 18page brochure?

⼀、语⾔知识及运⽤第⼀节完形填空 Last year was the first year when I taught the fifth grade. Recently, I've been by a "graduated" student for the first time. I was really surprised when he walked into my home. He hasn't physically changed much since my class last year and if I had had to guess who would come to visit me first, I wouldn't have thought of him. Carlos was a student who had a hard time sitting in the beginning of last year. He would often to go to the bathroom, and he'd talk or look like he was falling asleep because of little sleep. He often needed in doing anything that other students could do well on their own. I found out that the reason for his behavior in my classroom was that he had been nightmares (噩梦) about his border-crossing experience. He was that the immigration office would take him or his parents to prison or back to their trying to leam a(n) language, which he had never touched before. When he was in my class, onc thing that stood out was that he had a(n) time speaking English. But when he walked in my room yesterday, all of that was missing. In walked a calm, boy who spoke and understood English far better than when he left me in June. He even to speak to my class in the sixth grade in English. He told me he remembered doing sign language and the video I made to help him his English. His visit a lot to me not only because he has made great progress, but also because it reminded me what it means to be a teacher — to have a lasting influence on . l. A. treated B. recognized C. visited D. invited 2. A. leaving B. attending C. teaching D. organizing 3. A. fast B. beautifully C. still D. actively 4. A. promise B. ask C. continue D. plan 5. A. notice B. help C. time D. work 6. A. suffering B. making C. receiving D. destroying 7. A. angry B. sorry C. afraid D. disappointed 8. A. boss B. school C. street D. country 9. A. interesting B. new C. easy D. useless 10. A. unforgettable B. enjoyable C. difficult D. funny 11. A. hard-working B. naughty C. rich D. confident 12.A. pretendedB. offeredC. refusedD. feared 13. A. improve B. copy C. examine D.find 14. A. threw B. pulled C. took D. meant15. A. audience B. parents C. students D. speakers。
高一英语《21世纪中学生英文报 第26期》课件

III. Vocabulary
▪ [Serving lots of food is] the Chinese way of showing respect to guests and displaying generosity (慷慨).
▪ display: something shown to the public
▪ feed: give food to
III. Vocabulary
▪ Gong Tao is worried about the decreasing awareness of food waste on his campus in recent years.
▪ decreasing: becoming less or smaller ▪ campus: a field on which the buildings of a
III. Vocabulary
Read the sentences below and try to figure out the meanings of the underlined words.
▪ Each year, Chinese people throw away the equivalent (相等的量) of about 50 million tons of grain, an amount which could feed 200 million people.
hands in water for half an hour
Hale Waihona Puke before 10.__st_a_rt_in_g___.
_ of the test

21世纪报英语高一27期答案1.() [单选题] *A.B.C.D.(正确答案)答案解析:D2. () [单选题] *A.B.C.(正确答案)D.3. () [单选题] *A.B.(正确答案)C.D.4. () [单选题] *A.(正确答案)C.D.5. () [单选题] *A.B.C.(正确答案)D.6. () [单选题] *A.B.C.D.(正确答案)7. () [单选题] *A.(正确答案)B.C.D.8. () [单选题] *A.B.(正确答案)D.9. () [单选题] *A.B.C.D.(正确答案)10. () [单选题] *A.B.(正确答案)C.D.11. () [单选题] *A.(正确答案)B.C.D.12. () [单选题] *A.B.C.(正确答案)13. () [单选题] *A.B.C.D.(正确答案)14. () [单选题] *A.(正确答案)B.C.D.15. () [单选题] *A.B.(正确答案)C.D.16. () [单选题] *A.(正确答案)B.C.D.F.G.17. () [单选题] *A.B.C.D.E.(正确答案)F.G.18.() [单选题] *A.B.C.D.(正确答案)E.F.G.19. () [单选题] *A.B.D.E.F.(正确答案)G.20. () [单选题] *A.B.C.D.E.F.G.(正确答案)21.() [单选题] *A.B.C.D.(正确答案)22.() [单选题] *A.B.(正确答案)C.23. () [单选题] *A.B.(正确答案)C.D.24. () [单选题] *A.(正确答案)B.C.D.25. () [单选题] *A.B.C.(正确答案)D.26. () [单选题] *A.(正确答案)B.C.D.27. () [单选题] *A.B.C.(正确答案)D.28. () [单选题] *A.B.C.(正确答案)D.36 [填空题]_________________________________(答案:countries) 37. [填空题]_________________________________(答案:earlier) 38. [填空题]_________________________________(答案:that) 39. [填空题]_________________________________(答案:is called) 40. [填空题]_________________________________(答案:a)41. [填空题]_________________________________(答案:talking)42. [填空题]_________________________________(答案:largely) 45. [填空题]_________________________________(答案:with) 43. [填空题]_________________________________(答案:to use) 44. [填空题]_________________________________(答案:natural)35. () [单选题] *A.(正确答案)B.C.D.[单选题] *以下忽略A.(正确答案)B.C.D.32.() [单选题] *A.B.(正确答案)C.D.34. () [单选题] *A.B.C.(正确答案)D.。
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5. What does her nonprofit organization refer to?
Misfit Animal Rescue.
6.What else has Halie succeeded in doing?
The city commission has agreed with several of her points and passed a resolution supporting her proposal.
4. What was the Gini coefficient in China during 2003 -2012?
0.47-0.49 was found by the NBS, and 0.61 was found by the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics.
4. What has Halie actually done?
She has sent letters to seven local governments, She has formed a nonprofit organization, She has helped rescue and find new homes for some 60 dogs and dozens of cats.
4.Have you ever helped a street dog?
II. Skimming
1.Who is Halie Weber?
Halie Weber is a student in Florida.
2. What is Halie Weber trying to do?
She is trying to helping homeless animals. 3. Why did she decide to help homeless animals? Because she found they were being killed.
IV. Difficult sentence
1.Only 29 countries’ Gini coefficient is higher than China’s, among which 27 are from Latin America and Africa and two are from Asia 只有29个国家的基尼系数比中国高,其中有27个 国家来自拉丁美洲和非洲,两个来自亚洲。 among which 非限制性定语从句;介词提前 那里坐着几个老人,其中有一个80多岁了。 There sat some old people, one of whom was over 80 years old. 他住在一个小房子里,它的窗子朝大海开。 He lives in a small room, of which the window faces the sea.
It means that China has a larger income gap than most developing countries and most developed countries.
III. Language study
1.Hanging out in retail stores selling sports brands is the favorite hobby of Zhang Jiayi. 逛卖体育品牌的零售店是张佳逸最大的爱好。 Hang out 意味 闲逛; 此处-ing形式作主语 如:Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。 Selling sports brands 为-ing 形式作定语 相当于 which sell sports brands. 又如这就是那个昨天帮助我的人。 This is the man who was helping me yesterday.
3. Is there anyone you know who doesn‟t go shopping?
I. Pre-reading
4. What kind of life do rich people live? 5. What kind of life do poor people live? 6. Is there a big gap between the rich and the poor now?
IV. Language study
1.There, they learned that the one left behind would be euthanized the next day – along with at least a dozen more. 那里,他们了解到被留下的狗第二天将被安乐 死,一起还有至少十几只狗。 left behind 动词 -ed 分词作定语,相当 which was left behind. 我不想做一个被当成孩子一样的人。 I don‟t want to be a man treated as a child. = I don‟t want to be a man who is treated as a child.
2. What did Zhang Jiayi sense ?
He sensed the growing rich-poor gap in
China .II.Biblioteka Answering questions
3. What is a Gini coefficient ?
A Gini coefficient is a measure of wealth inequality used internationally, which measures income distribution on a scale of 0 to 1.
4. He stayed with his grandparents in a small, poor county about 78 kilometers from Xi‟an, where there are no shopping malls. 他在离西安78公里一个贫困小县和祖父母住在一 起,那里没有购物中心。 Where引导表地点的非限制性定语从句 又如: He went back to the small town, where he was born and raised. 比较:He went back to the small town, which he liked very much.
III. Reading
Answer these questions after reading the article.
1. What did Halie learn when she went to adopt a dog? She learned that any dogs left behind would be euthanized. 2. What did Halie mean when she said “We are somebody”? She meant “we are the people that need to do something”. 3.What does “to do something” mean? It means “to do something to save the animals”.
for Senior 1
How to slice a pie (P2)
I. Pre-reading
1.Do you often go shopping on the weekend? 2.How much pocket money do you spend in a month?
2. Almost everyone, including Zhang Jiayi, can sense the growing rich-poor gap (差距) in China. 几乎每个人,包括张佳逸在内,都能感觉到中国 正在增加的贫富差距。 including:此处是分词介词。如 In包括一个小孩,车里有五个人。 There are five people in the car, including a child. = There are five people in the car, one child included.
What should we do to distribute the “pie” of social wealth better?
for Senior 1
Animal savior (P3)
I. Pre-reading
1.Do you like dogs?
2.Do you like to keep a dog as a pet? 3.Where do you adopt a dog?
2.We ended up taking both, but we were just shocked that so many animals were being killed . 我们最后带走了两只狗,但我们很吃惊那么多动 物正在被处死。 end up doing 结果是;最后是;以…告终 end up with / in 后接名词 如果你这样做事,最后会一事无成。 If you keep going like this, you will end up doing nothing. 你要是继续行窃终归要进监狱. If you continue to steal you'll end up in prison
3. 下面句中动词-ed 分词作什么成分? 1) the NBS released China‟s 2003-2012 Gini coefficient , based on the income index of 400,000 households in both urban and rural areas. -ed 分词作定语,相当 which is based on 2) The Gini coefficient is a measure of wealth inequality used internationally. It measures income distribution on a scale of 0 to 1. -ed 分词作定语,相当which is used 3) The official figure is close to the 0.47 given by the World Bank. -ed 分词作定语,相当 which is given