chapter 4 phonology

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Rule 3: deletion rule(省略规则) A sound is to be deleted although it is orthographically represented. eg.(1) signature, designation, paradigmatic • (2) sign, design, paradigm deleted • In the second group, /g/ is _______.
• 音位有时还可能有free variants
当同一个音位的两个或两个以上的音位变体 不区别意义,并且永远不会出现在相同的位 置上,那么它们被称为处于互补分布。 [p]/[pʰ]是两个不同的音子,即音位/p/的变化 形式。[p]只出现在[s]之后,而[pʰ]只出现在其 他位置。 /p/→[p]/[s]͟ [pʰ]剩余位置 注:——是/p/出现的位置
phonetics and phonology
Phonetics General (concerned with speech sounds as such without reference to their function in a particular language). Descriptive Classificatory Particular (having a particular language or languages in view) Functional (concerned with the working or functioning of speech sounds in a language or languages) Functional phonetics p137
如果两个音素出现在一个相同的语言环境中, 并不区别意义,即用一个音素替换另一个音 素不产生一个新词,仅仅产生同一个词的不 同读音,那么这两个音素处于自由变异。 cup:cup的末尾辅音可能不发生除阻,成为 一个听不见的音。这种情况下,同一个词发 成两个不同的音:[kʰʌpʰ]和[kʰʌp˺] either:美音[i:ðə]英音[aiðə]
最小对立对(Minimal pair)指的是两个语音群 (通常是单词)中的语音除了一个音不同, 且不同的音处在相同的位置上,其余的成 分完全相同,因此这两个语音群形成最小 对立对。如tip和dip形成最小对立对,其中 /-ip/完全相同,只有第一个音不同。构成最 小对立对的还有/pig/和/dig/;/pen/和 /ben/;/robe/和/rote/等,但是/tip/和/pit/, /mop//opt/不构成最小对立对。
语音相似原则: 语音相似指的是,两个或几个音发音特点上有相似之处。例如, 上面所举的英语中的[p]和[ph]两个音素,都是不带声双唇 塞音,不同的只有一点,前者是“不送气”音,后者“送气”音。 所以这两个音相似。
值得注意的是,互补的音素如果语音差别明显,一般不能合并 为一个音位。例如,汉语普通话的[t]和[ŋ]的位置是互补的, [t]只出现在声母的位置上(即音节的开头),[ŋ]只出现在 韵尾(即音节的末尾),但是,由于它们发音特点相差太大,不 能合并为一个音位。
– Phonetic similarity – They are in complementary distribution, namely they never occur in the same context. For example, [p] occurs after [s], while [ph] occurs in other places.
一般来说,区分特征指的都是二分特征,可 以分出两种情况:有该特征的和没有该特征 的。 爆破音、塞擦音、流音、鼻音、滑音、双唇 音、唇齿音、齿音、齿龈音、腭音、软腭音、 喉音等。
• 一般从发音的角度,采用二分法来对某个语言区别特征。例如汉语普 通话的/p/描写为“+有阻,+唇,+塞,-送气”。 • 雅克布逊的观点,人类语言中各种音位对立区别特征有12对 (1) 元音性/非元音性 Vocalic/ non-vocalic (2) 辅音性/非辅音性 Consonantal/non-consonantal (3) 鼻音性/口音性(鼻化/非鼻化)Nasal/oral (nasalized/nonnasalized) • (4) 集聚性/分散性 Compact/diffuse (5) 突发性/延续性 Discontinuous/continuant (6) 粗糙性/柔润性 Strident/mellow (7) 急刹的/非急刹的 Checked/unchecked (8) 浊音性/清音性 Voiced/voiceless (9) 紧音性/松音性 Tense/lax (10) 沉钝性/尖锐性 Grave / acute (11) 降音性/平音性 Flat / plain (12) 升音性/平音性 Sharp / plain
Some rules of phonology
Rule 1 sequential rules (序列规则): the rules governing the combination of sounds in a particular language
like, love, look, right, rough, root a vowel. • /l/ and /r/ must be followed by _________. • spring, street, screw, splendid, squeal, student • If three consonants should cluster together, the combination should obey the following three rules: /s/ • The first phoneme must be ______. /p, t/ or /k/ • The second phoneme must be __________. /l, r, w/or /j/ • The third phoneme must be _____________.
phoneme theory音位理论 phonological rules 音系规则 suprasegmental features超音段特征 phonology theory音系学理论
phoneme theory
• 1.mimimal pairs • 2.phones, phoneme & allophones • 3.distinctiveห้องสมุดไป่ตู้features
如果最小对立对中的两个音位出现在同一位 置并且能够区别意义,那么这两个音位就构 成了音位对立。 区别特征是和音系有关的,即能够区别音位 的发音特征。如在英语中,辅音的[±浊] 能够区别不同的音位,而[±送气]只能区 别同一个音位的不同变体。所以,在英语中, [±浊]是区别特征,而[±送气]则不是 区别特征。
Rule 2: assimilation rule (同化规则) The pronunciation of a phone may be assimilated to another by copying a feature of a sequential phoneme, thus making the two phones more similar. Regressive assimilation: the following sound influencing the proceeding sound Progressive assimilation: the proceeding sound influencing the following sound, eg.cap and can; sin and sink, at and map
音素是语音学研究的单位。人类在说语言时 所发出的一切音都是音素(phone),有些音素 具有语义区别性价值,有些音素没有。 音位具有区别性价值,音位是抽象的,是一 组语音特征的集合,它不是一个具体的音。 一 个音位会在不同的语音环境中实现为具体的音。 如音位/p/在语境中可实现为具体的送气和不送 气音等 按照惯例,音素用[ ]表示,音位用/ /表示。
Suprasegmental Features (超音段特征)
• Distinctive features can also be found over phonemic segments, this is what we will consider SUPRASEGMENTAL FATURES. They are those aspects of speech that involve more than single sound segments • The principal suprasegmantal features are syllable, stress, tone, and intonation
Allophones (音位变体)
• [p=, ph] are two different phones and are variants of the phoneme /p/. Such variants of a phoneme are called allophones of the same phoneme. • 音素是音位的音位变体 • 成为同一个phoneme 的allophones 的条件
Shape/structure of syllable
e.g. bed, dead, fed, head, led, red, said, wed, thread, wed A syllable is divided into onset, rhyme and/or coda. A syllable must have a nucleus or peak, which is often the task of a vowel. Syllables are represented by symbols like CVC. A syllable has no coda is known as open syllable while a syllable with coda is known as closed syllable.
– Emphasize sth in a sentence apart from partof-speech stress convention
• Tones are pitch variations, which are caused by the differing rates of vibration of the vocal cords. They function to distinguish meanings, such as Chinese level (阴平),the second rise (阳平),the third fall-rise (上声), and the fourth fall (去 声), in 妈,麻,马,骂. • English is not a tone language.
Rule 2: assimilation rule Assimilation may result in nasalization (e.g. can), dentalization (e.g.ninth), velarization (e.g. sink), devoicing (e.g. has to), etc.
Some syllables have an onset and no coda.
• Types: word stress, sentence stress. • Function:
– distinguish lexical meaning
• converse distinguishment • Compound distinguishment (including –ing form)