

汽车专业英语(北京邮电大学出版社)Unit1 ppt

汽车专业英语(北京邮电大学出版社)Unit1 ppt
Directions: Listen to the dialogue, fill in the missing information, and practice with your partner. A:Hello! Welcome to Blue Sky Automobile Company. Can I help you? B:I want to buy a car. Could you introduce some new model? A:OK, I‟d like to show you the new model, 2008 Buick Lacrosse. B:Oh, it looks nice.
Part One Listening Section
4. Which color is popular with Honda buyers? A. Red B. White C. Black D. Silver 5. When will the salesman get the paperwork ready for the customer? A. After a day. B. Right now. C. After a week. D. Not mentioned.
Part One Listening Section
1. Which kind of car does the customer like? A. Honda B. Toyota C. Buick D. Ford 2. How many different colors does the new model have? A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four 3. Which color looks elegant and fashionable? A. Red B. White C. Black D. Silver


energy from nutrients into ATP, and then release waste products.
第一步,称光反应,水分子裂解 (被氧化),释放氧气,并形成ATP和 NADPH(还原型烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸磷酸)。
光合作用只发生在含有叶绿素的绿色植物细胞、藻类、某些原生生 物和细菌之中。
总体来说,这是一个将光能转化成化学能的过程,其能量以分子 键形式贮存。
但是细胞呼吸作用是高度放能,释放能量的过程,而光合作用需 要能量, 并且是高度吸能的过程。
在光合作用的光反应中,当捕光分子回到基态时,额外的激发能 被转移到其它分子中并且以化学能的形式贮存。
•All photosynthetic organisms contain various classes of
chlorophylls and one or more carotenoid pigments that also contribute to photosynthesis.
captured by biological molecules to do constructive work.
The pigment chlorophyll in plant cells absorbs photons within a particular absorption spectrum—a statement of the amount of light absorbed by chlorophyll at different wavelengths.

茶艺专业英语教学课件Unit 6 Yellow Tea

茶艺专业英语教学课件Unit 6 Yellow Tea

Unit 6 Part 2 Vocabulary study
Complete the following sentences based on the given Chinese.
(1) Huoshan yellow bud tea is produced in the hinterland (腹地) of Dabie Mountain in Huoshan, Anhui province, and considered as number one tea throughout the local history.
Unit 6 Part 2 Vocabulary study
Fill in the blanks with the words learned above. Change their forms if necessary.
(1) Scientists analyzed the polyphenols in green tea to see how they affect the body once digested.
(5) Although there is a long history in these regions of producing green tea, it’s speculated that yellow tea only began to be recognized in the early Qing Dynasty.
(9) The unique(独特的) quality of tea comes from essential oils that leach flavour and caffeine into a cup of hot water.


appropriateness. Failure to follow the instructions may result in a loss of marks.
Sample 1
The Good Habit Nowadays, more and more young people think that it is better that using
Write a composition of about 200 words. You are to write in three parts. In the first part, state specifically what your opinion is. In the second part, support your opinion with appropriate
details. In the last part, bring what you have written to a natural
conclusion or a summary. You should supply an appropriate title for your composition. Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and
5-6分。结构基本符合,但语言过于简单,语法错误多,内 容模糊不清,题目不正确,字数少于170。
举例不可信。举例应该真实可信,比如亲身经 历、朋友体验或者名人轶事等。 文章结尾太简单。
Sample 3:Saving Money is a Good Habit


应用型研究论文系指以实际应用为目的的论文,主要探讨已有的知识、理论、原 理、方法、结论等如何在实践中加以应用,其中包括对应用可能性和应用新途径的探索。 英语专业是一个实践性很强的专业,以掌握语言技能、语言知识和语言基础理论为主 要学习内容,因此,英语专业的学生应以撰写应用型毕业论文为主。其重点是运用所 学知识和理论提出和解决实践中的实际问题,做出有应用价值的结论。例如,可以研 究听、说、读、写、译等各种语言技巧,也可以研究词汇、语法、修辞、文体和教学 法等方面的课题,还可以研究第二语言习得、跨文化交际等方面的实际问题,从而为 英语语言的教与学提供一定的参考或借鉴。
例如,若能写一篇运用自己收集的实例来证明“语用学=语义-语义学” 这一国外研究成果的论文,就有可能成为一篇较好的论证型论文。再如,若 能写一篇完全依据自己对某文学文本的理解来阐释某文学作品(如《哈利·波 特)的主题的论文,就有可能成为一篇有一定新意和价值的论证型论对尽管 这一主题别人也曾有过论述;再如可以对外语教学领域的新理论(自主学习、 游戏学习)进行实例验证也是一种非常好的论证思路。
测试报告是根据预设目标,采取一定的方法,按照一定的步骤,对测试对 象(subjects)进行测试并对测试结果进行归纳、总结和分析的一种报告性论文 形式。例如,可以用“高考”英语测试题作测试工具(instrument) 对测试对象 作综合英语水平的测试并做出报告,也可以用自行研制的测试题对特定学生 进行单项语事技能、听、说、读、写、译)或交际能力的测试并做出报告。
• 前言(introduction) • 文献综述(literature review) • 调研(测试)方法(instruments) • 数据分析(figures and their analysis) • 结论(结语)(conclusion)

《专业英语》课件(2)-The Operational Amplifier

《专业英语》课件(2)-The Operational Amplifier
授课教师: 授课教师:吴玲
二、缩略词多 缩略词或缩写词经常大量出现在科技文章中, 缩略词或缩写词经常大量出现在科技文章中,掌 握一些常见的缩略词对阅读外文资料是十分必要的。 握一些常见的缩略词对阅读外文资料是十分必要的。 除去一些常用的缩略词外, 除去一些常用的缩略词外,有时某一篇论文的作者 还会将仅在该文中使用的术语转换为缩略词。 还会将仅在该文中使用的术语转换为缩略词。 AC(alternate current)交流电路 交流电路 IC(integrated circuit)集成电路 集成电路 Eq.(equation)等式 等式 Fig.(figure) 图
授课教师: 授课教师:吴玲
三、组合词和派生词多 大量使用复合词和派生词也是科技文章的一个特点。 大量使用复合词和派生词也是科技文章的一个特点。 随着技术发展的需要, 随着技术发展的需要,经常会组合或派生出一些新的词 汇,而有些词汇可能无法在字典中查到。 而有些词汇可能无法在字典中查到。 1. 组合词 例如: open-loop 开环 例如:feedback 反馈 forward-gain 前向增益 bandwidth 带宽 2. 派生词,一般组成为:前缀+词根 后缀=新词 派生词,一般组成为:前缀 词根+后缀 新词 词根 后缀 例如: 例如:conduct 传导
授课教师: 授课教师:吴玲
(2) with + 抽象 抽象n.=adv. with care =carefully with accuracy=accurately with precision=precisely with ease = easefully with efficiency = efficiently with skill = skillfully with difficulty=difficultly e.g: This experiment should be done with care. 这个实验应该仔细地做。 这个实验应该仔细地做。

交通运输专业英语课件(Vehicle Fuel Economy)

交通运输专业英语课件(Vehicle Fuel Economy)

Fuel consumption is substantially related to the type of vehicle, its power unit and drive line, its mechanical condition, the use to which it is put and how it is driven. 燃油消耗实际上与汽车类型、动力装置和传 动系统、机械状况、用途和驾驶方法有关。
Axles on bogies should be correctly aligned because tyres running at slip angles have a high rolling resistance and therefore are a source of increased fuel consumption. 因为轮胎以滑移角旋转时滚动阻力高,这样 会增加燃油的消耗,所以应该正确地调整转 向轴。
In the tests, at 40mph the fuel consumption was 10.5mpg, at 50mph this fell by 2.6mpg to 7.9mpg and at 60mpg a further reduction of 1.5mpg was experienced, making a 3.75mpg difference between 40mph and 60mph. 在试验中,以40英里/小时,燃油消耗为10.5 英里/加仑;以50英里/小时,该数字小了2.6 英里/加仑,下降为7.9英里/加仑;以60英里/ 小时,则进一步降低1.5英里/加仑的差值。从 40英里/小时到60英里/小时,产生了3.75英里 /加仑的差值。
The following activities should be avoided by careful route planning, scheduling and prior thought about the cost consequences. 通过认真的线路规划、日程安排和成本结果 的预先考虑,下列的行为应该避免。

英语课件模板PPT (8)

英语课件模板PPT (8)

请输入内容请输入文字内容请输入内容请输 入文字内容请输入内容请输入文字内容请输 入内容请输入文字内容请输入内容请输入文 字内容请输入内容请输入文字
请输入内容请输入文字内容请输入内容请输 入文字内容请输入内容请输入文字内容请输 入内容请输入文字内容请输入内容请输入文 字内容请输入内容请输入文字
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
点击添加文字内容,内容简要详尽,言简意赅叙述内容概要。点击添加文字内容,内容简要详 尽,言简意赅叙述内容概要。点击添加文字内容,内容简要详尽,言简意赅叙述内容概要。点 击添加文字内容,内容简要详尽,言简意赅叙述内容概要。
06 •在此处添加文字 •在此处添加文字
04 •在此处添加文字 •在此处添加文字
20XX 在此添加文字
11 •在此处添加文字 •在此处添加文字
10 •在此处添加文字 •在此处添加文字
06 •在此处添加文字 •在此处添加文字
05 •在此处添加文字 •在此处添加文字
03 •在此处添加文字 •在此处添加文字
文字内容需概括精炼,建议与标题相关并符合整体语言风格,语 言描述尽量简洁生动。文字内容需概括精炼,建议与标题相关并 符合整体语言风格,语言描述尽量简洁生动。文字内容需概括精 炼,建议与标题相关并符合整体语言风格,语言描述尽量简洁生 动。

英语专业介绍 PPT课件

英语专业介绍 PPT课件
外国语学院的毕业生以其扎实的外语基础、较强的综 合应用能力及敬业精神深受用人单位的欢迎。很多用 人单位与我院签订了用人合作协议,毕业生的实际就 业率连年居学校首位。就业主要分布在江苏、福建、 广东、深圳及山东等沿海地区的外资企业、事业、学 校等单位。
毕业生就业前景良好,就业范围广泛。 主要就要去想为国家机关外交外事部门、 外经贸部门、新闻出版单位、高校等。 还有想当一部分学生选择继续学习深造, 深造方向包括英语语言文学专业的硕士 研究生,以及相关专业硕士研究生,如 国际经济、法律、新闻、历史、中文等 专业。
言学习理论和教育学、心理学。 4.课程研究 善于发现和掌握教育教学规律,善于反思性总
结,增加创新能力。 5.具备英语教学技术能力 重新设计课程,制作课件,开发教学技能,使16
第一方面是考英语专业 或者跨专业考研
另一方面,考国外大学 的研究生,预备在国外 读研究生初步定为国外 留学的目标是欧洲或者 澳大利亚
Ⅰ.基本技能 :一个英文翻译员最基本的还是能牢固的把
1.了解我国有关的方针、政策、法规; 2.掌握语言学、文学及相关人文和科技方面的
基础知识; 3.具有扎实的英语语言基础和较熟练的听、说、
读、写、译的能力; 4.了解我国国情和英语国家的社会和文化; 5.具有第二外国语的一定的实际应用能力; 6.掌握文献检索、资料查询的基本方法,具有



❖ Scientific disciplines represent abstract bodies of knowledge(科 学学科代表知识体)
❖ Technology is the physical application of scientific knowledge to
the production of new products to improve human survival, comfort(n. 安慰;舒适;使人舒服的事ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ;给予援助或安慰的人或事
English Curse of Chemistry
Huiming L1in
4、《化学与应用化学专业英语》 (王辛宜,华东理工大学出版社)
Why must we study the course? The content of the course
❖ ) pace(n. 一步;长度单位;步幅,步调;快步
vt. 踱步,走来走去;步测;调整步调;训练马溜蹄 vi. 踱;溜蹄 prep.
蒙…恩准,怀着对…的敬意), to have a major impact on human
what is chemistry and why is it important
➢ Why is it important chemistry plays a pivotal role in the natural sciences. It provides the essential basic knowledge for applied sciences, such as astronomy, materials sciences, chemical engineering, agriculture, medical sciences and pharmacology.



可担任大专院校英语教师、辅 导员; 中小学和幼儿教育英语 教师、班主任、管理人员,幼 儿园英语教师和管理人员,培 训机构英语教师、管理人员; 教育行政部门管理干部,外贸 行业口笔译等从业人员;旅游 等服务行业导游与翻译。
语、高级英语、英语听力、英语口语、英语语音、英语 语法、英语写作、英美文学、英语国家概况、翻译理论 和实践、英语语言学概论、第二外语、教育学、心理学、 计算机应用基础等。主要实践性教学环节包括军事训练、 学年论文、专业见习、专业实习、社会实践调查、毕业 论文、师范技能训练等。培养规格、基本学制和学位类 别:本科、四年、文学学士。
展,适应经济社会发展,具有创 艺术、法律和其它相关领域的人 新闻、旅游、高级宾馆酒店等部
新精神和实践能力,具备熟练的 文和社会科学知识,接受系统、 门,承担商务管理、商务翻译、
英语翻译技能、厚实的英语语言 科学的英语听、说、读、写、译 外贸洽谈、经贸文秘、英语编辑、
文学专业知识和其他相关专业知 等方面的基本技能训练,掌握英 英语记者、驻外商务代理、涉外
Thank you!
本专业学生要求能够以英语专业 可从事英语翻译,外企人力资源
知识为中介工具,具有英语语言文 管理,国内涉外机构文秘,外企
学基本理论、基础知识、较强的 行政管理人员,中外合作机构和
语言表达能力、写作表达能力、 外资机构等涉外企事业单位的秘
协调管理能力,掌握现代化文字 书、公关、宣传、策划及有关的
信息处理的基本技能,能在机关、 管理工作;学校、政府部门、涉外
社会各方面需要的中高级应用型 理工作岗位的要求,能胜任口头 文员、外向型企业管理员。留学、
和书面英语交流的高级文员工作, 考研、国外就业或从事英语教学,



The purpose of this study is to explore a new method…
The paper attempts to analyze … in terms of …
The study is aimed at finding out the similarities …
I have read and have abided by the statement of ethical standards for manuscripts submitted to Neuroscience.
kind regards. Your sincerely, 通讯作者
(2) Dear Dr. 主编name: We submit our manuscript entitled " 文章title" to 杂志名for publication. 接着简单介绍你文章的主要创新点和意义,不易 过多,但要突出新意和关键点。 All authors have seen the manuscript and approved to submit to your journal. Thank you very much for your attention and consideration.
Title Author name and affiliation Abstract Key words Text body Acknowledgements (可省) References Appendix (根据需要) Reshume (视刊物而定) 3
1. 引言/概述 2. 背景分析 3. 材料和实验 4. 实验结果 5. 讨论 6. 结论/总结


1.Backgruond and Research Status 2.Purpose and significance 3.Framework of the Paper
没有明确的价值取向和人生目标,实 现自我 人生价 值就无 从谈起 。人生 价值就 是人生 目标, 就是人 生责任 。每承 担一次 责任
The time and some resources are limited,such as unavailable vebsite and foreign literature about Dove advertising language and Speech Act Theory.
没有明确的价值取向和人生目标,实 现自我 人生价 值就无 从谈起 。人生 价值就 是人生 目标, 就是人 生责任 。每承 担一次 责任
Language Functions of Dove Advertising Language
没有明确的价值取向和人生目标,实 现自我 人生价 值就无 从谈起 。人生 价值就 是人生 目标, 就是人 生责任 。每承 担一次 责任
Pragmatic Rhetoric
没有明确的价值取向和人生目标,实 现自我 人生价 值就无 从谈起 。人生 价值就 是人生 目标, 就是人 生责任 。每承 担一次 责任
Analysis of Dove Advertising Language Based on Speech
Act Theory Conclusion
没有明确的价值取向和人生目标,实 现自我 人生价 值就无 从谈起 。人生 价值就 是人生 目标, 就是人 生责任 。每承 担一次 责任


性原则 词根:interoperable 彼此协作的;能共同操作的;
isolator /'aisəleitə/
n. [电子] 隔离器;隔音装置;绝缘体
—— vibration isolator 隔振器
—— optical isolator 光完频整版隔ppt离课件器
Words and Expressions
n. [物] 衰减;变薄;稀释
—— attenuation coefficient 衰减系数
—— noise attenuation 噪完声整版衰pp减t课件
Words and Expressions
avalanche /'ævəlɑːnʃ/
n. 雪崩 vt. 雪崩 vi. 崩塌 —— avalanche photodiode 雪崩光电二极管 —— avalanche breakdown 雪崩击穿
adj. 模式的;情态的;形式的 n. 莫代尔(一种新型纤维素纤维) —— modal dispersion 模间色散 —— modal logic 模态逻辑
adj. 稳健的,温和的;适度的,中等的;有节制的
vi. 变缓和,变弱
—— develop simultaneously 并举
Words and Expressions single-mode 单模 multi-mode 多模
step-index fiber
阶跃折射率光纤(SIF) —— step-index monomode fiber 阶跃折射率单模光纤 —— step-Index multimode fiber 阶跃折射率多模光纤


jury arward announced
Four characteristics of Anglo-American legal proceedings
NO.1 The judge not actively evidence inquiry or by authority. The task of investigation and evidence to control, Anglo-American law system distinguishes between the two sides, the judge were asked to selfrestraint in the process of investigation, neutral to remain objective.
英美法系实行当事人主义,庭审采用对抗制(adversary sys-tern),即原告、被告双方地位平等,权利相同,控、 辩双方就有争议的问题提出证据以支持本方的主张,申辩事 实并进行辩论,法官负责主持庭审,不主动调查证据。
The jury selected
Opening statemen t
Famous Simpson case, for example, at the beginning of the trial, prosecutors occupies considerable advantage, their hand is quite sufficient evidence. Simpson's "dream team", however, with the ingenious method has carried on the back. This case is very important to a witness is at that time the police to investigate, in cross-examination, Simpson's lawyer, the police to see if there is racial discrimination, after get negative answer they played a police of a speech in public, frequently appear in the word "nigger". Although whether police have racial discrimination preference relations with o.j. Simpson is not large, the lawyers, however, by showing that the police lie on this issue to the jury, points out that the police is not credible, he can lie on whether or not they have racial discrimination, employment may lie in crime sce第n8e页/共14页
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Eight Steps to Developing an Effective Outline
• There is no single best way to prepare a scientific manuscript, except as determined by the individual writer and the circumstances. You should know your own style of writing best. Whatever you decide to do, you should follow at least these steps before beginning to write your manuscript.
4. Define the principal findings and results
• Your central message sentence probably encapsulates the most important findings. There may be others that you feel ought to be included. List these in note form. Don't worry about the order or about how many you put down.
5. Describe the conclusions and implications
• Make brief notes on each of the implications that arise from your study. • What are the principal conclusions of your findings? • What is new in your work and why does it matter? • What are the limitations and the implications of your results? • Are there any changes in practice, approaches or techniques that you would
• This exercise is meant to focus your thinking on the central issues. It is not going to form the published abstract.
• So, if you really can't squeeze your key message into one sentence don't worry. Try to do it in two.
7. Identify the references that pertain to each key point
8. Develop the introduction
• Before beginning on the introduction, read through the notes you have made so far in your outline. Read them through and see whether there is a coherent and cohesive story and a unifying theme that runs through the outline.
1. 有机化学、药理学、生物化学及分 子生物学,硕士研究生
2. 论文写作与阅读(不含听说) 3. 学位课,考试 4. 16学时,五次课,一次考试
1. 讲授
1. Outline 2. Central message 3. First draft 4. Title, abstract 5. Introduction 6. Results and discussion 7. Methods and material 8. Table, figure, option, etc 9. Reference
6. Organize and group related ideas together
• List each key point separately. • Key points can be arranged chronologically, by order of importance or by
• Prepare a central message sentence (20-25 words). • If you were asked to summarize your paper in one sentence, what
would you say? • Everything in the manuscript will be written to support this central
2. 练习与讨论
Eight Steps to Developing aLeabharlann Effective Outline
• Preparing an outline is the most important step in the process of producing a manuscript for publication in a journal. The outline bears roughly the same relation to the final manuscript as an architectural blueprint does to a finished house.
• Remember, at this stage, you are only constructing an outline. You are not writing; you just need to put down some notes to guide your thinking.
1. Develop a central message of the manuscript
2. Define the materials and methods
• Briefly state the population in which you worked,
• the sampling method you employed,
• the materials you used, and most importantly,
Focusing on your Central Message
• Don't rush this part of your planning. – It is worth spending time getting it right. – Once you have mastered these exercises you will feel more confident about the whole writing process that follows.
some other pattern. • The organizing scheme should be clear and well structured. You can use a
cluster map, an issue tree, numbering, or some other organizational structure. • Identify the important details, describe the principal findings, and provide your analysis and conclusions that contribute to each key point.
• Remember, we are all busy and we need to absorb your message quickly and clearly.
Focusing on your Central Message
Try these exercises:
1. Write down the three central points of your paper. 2. Summarize your paper in one sentence. 3. Describe your work to a colleague in one minute. These might sound easy,
• If you can't do that then you need to take a careful look at the reasons.
• Talk to your colleagues and see if between you it is possible to highlight the central message of your work.
but try them and you'll find out they aren't!
Focusing on your Central Message
Several hints:
• A common problem with summarizing your work is that there are usually several major findings.
Focusing on your Central Message
• This is one of the most important parts of writing your paper, and one that is often overlooked.